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Betriebsanleitung RM9606 englisch 55-02004 Date Code 01/99

Format: (bxh) 140 x 144 mm
gefalzt und geheftet, mit 2 Heftsen
32 Seiten schwarz bedruckt und
1 Seite (Titelseite) rot/schwarz bedruckt
1 Seite (Rckseite rot/schwarz bedruckt)
Papier: SO 100 wei MM
Vorlage: Linotronik 630 PRN File (Zoomfaktor 0,68)
FRAKO-Nr.: 55-02004
Menge: 1000 Exemplare
Besonderes: Titelseite wie EMR 1100 englisch (Nr.: 55-00026)
jedoch mit Titel:
Reactive Power Control Relay Model RM 9606
Operating Instructions
Seite 2 und 4 ausklappbar
Rckseite wie EMR 1100 englisch
jedoch mit Titel:
Reactive Power Control Relay Model RM 9606
Sales Programme
Frako: 55-02004 / 1/99 / 6235
Made in Germany
Digital display
RM 9606
Reactive Power Control Relay
Power Factor
1 2 3 4 5 6
+ -
LEDs for
inductive or
capacitive mode
LEDs for
stages switched on
LED for alarm
LED for
power feedback
LED for
manual mode
or set mode
LED for power
factor display
(cos phi) and
alarm marker
LED for
harmonic display
and alarm marker
LED for
IQ (reactive current)
IP (active current) and
IS (apparent current)
and alarm marker
Selection for IQ
(reactive current)
Selection button for
automatic or manual
Button to confirm
Selection for harmonic
and for IS
(apparent current)
display, press IP
and IQ buttons
Buttons to switch
capacitor stages off
and on manually (also
to alter preset values
during programming
Selection for IP
(active current)
View of Front Panel
P 1 a b 400V
N / L
2 3 4 5 6 S1 S2
View from below
Contents Page Page
1. Summary of Instructions.............5
2. Functions......................................6
2.1 Automatic Identification of Voltage
and Current Source .......................6
2.2 Automatic c/k Identification of
Connected Capacitor Stages.........6
2.3 Automatic Setting of Switching
Time Delay ....................................7
2.4 Power Feedback............................7
3. Installation and Connection........8
3.1 Installation .....................................8
3.2 Voltage Connection .......................8
3.3 Current Transformer Connection...8
3.4 Additional Remarks .......................9
4. Putting into Operation...............10
4.1 Putting into Operation
for the First Time .........................10
4.2 Putting into Operation Again .......10
5. Programming (Set) ....................11
5.1 Setting of Target Power Factor
(cos phi).......................................16
5.2 Parallel Shift (PS) ........................17
5.3 Limitation(L).................................17
5.4 Switching Time Delay ..................19
5.5 Automatic Stage Current (c/k)
Identification On/Off.....................19
5.6 Response Current (c/k) ...............19
5.7 Switching Sequence....................22
5.8 Number of Contactors Used ........22
5.9 Specifying Fixed Steps................ 22
5.10 ON/OFF Connection Identifi-
cation........................................... 23
5.11 Connection Mode ........................ 23
5.12 Setting Capacitor Discharge
Time ............................................ 23
5.13 Setting Cyclic/Non-Cyclic
Switching Rotation....................... 23
5.14 Number of Switching Processes
until Alarm Functions................... 23
5.15 Cancelling the Switching
Process Counter.......................... 24
5.16 Current Transfer Ratio................. 24
5.17 Primary/Secondary Voltage
Transformer Ration ..................... 24
5.18 Setting 5th Harmonic................... 24
5.19 Setting 7th Harmonic................... 25
5.20 Setting 11th Harmonic................. 25
5.21 Setting 13th Harmonic................. 25
5.22 Harmonic Over-Current Alarm
Signal .......................................... 25
5.23 Suppressing the cos phi Alarm.... 25
5.24 Total kvar Display........................ 25
6. Operation ................................... 26
6.1 Modes of Display......................... 26
6.2 Manual Operation (man) ............. 27
6.3 Alarms ......................................... 28
7. Technical Data........................... 30
8. Trouble Shooting....................... 32
1. Summary of Instructions
On delivery, the control relay is set to
pre-programmed standard values (see
Table 1, pages 12-14).
The reactive power control relay RM
9606 is self-regulating (i.e. it detects and
adjusts to the voltage phase connection,
frequency, and the response current (c/k
ratio) automatically.
Before a reactive power control system
(capacitor bank) can be put into opera-
tion, the target power factor (cos phi rate
1) has to be programmed.
How to programme the control relay:
a) The control relay should be connected
as shown in Fig. 1 (see page 9).
b) Apply voltage to the control relay :"---"
appears on the digital display. The
control relay now identifies the loca-
tion of the current and voltage source.
This process takes at least 2 minutes
and a maximum of 15 minutes. If this
is not the case, see Pos. 8, page 33.
The power factor (cos phi) is dis-
c) Press the "Set" button for 8 seconds.
A "-1-" appears on the digital display
and the "manual" LED flashes.
d) By repressing the "Set" button the tar-
get power factor (cos phi) is displayed.
If necessary, reprogramme to the
nearest higher or lower value by
pressing either the "+" or "-" button
until the required target power factor
(cos phi) is displayed.
If no numbers appear on the display
then the control relay must be
briefly disconnected from the volt-
age source and then the "Set" but-
ton has to be pressed again accord-
ing to c).
e) To confirm the value press the "Set"
button again. A "-2-" will appear on the
f) Now press the "-" button twice until
"End" appears on the display. Store this
value by pressing the "Set" button. The
target power factor (cos phi rate 1) is
then stored safely in a non-volatile mem-
To prevent unintentional reprogramming,
the set mode can only be activated within
the first 5 minutes after the operating
voltage has been applied. If the set mode
has been activated within the first 5
minutes, you have one hour to complete
the programming. In order to obtain the
set mode again after this period of time
the control relay must be briefly dis-
connected from the voltage source.
Table 1 on pages 12-14 lists all 24 pre-
programmed standard values and their
programme ranges. The function of the
pre-programmed standard values is de-
scribed in Section 5.
2. Functions
The reactive power and the active power
portions of the power source are conti-
nuously calculated in the control relay
from the measured voltage and the sig-
nals of the current transformer. If the re-
active power portion exceeds certain
threshold values, which the control relay
has measured at the time of testing
(auto-adaption) or are set as per section
5, a switching action will take place at
the switching outputs.
In the case of inductive reactive current
(inductive reactive power) one or more
control contacts of the reactive power
control relay are closed after an adjust-
able time delay.
This causes the RM 9606 to switch ca-
pacitor steps onto the power source
supply, as and when required, in order to
achieve the programmed target power
factor (cos phi). If the inductive reactive
current portion of the load is reduced, the
excess of reactive current causes the
capacitor steps to be switched off line.
The control relay RM 9606 allows a va-
riety of possible settings to meet the
conditions on site. The relays cyclic op-
eration prolongs the life of all connected
devices by averaging the length of time
that the capacitor stages are switched
2.1 Automatic Identification of Volt-
age and Current Source
When voltage is initially applied to the
control relay, it determines the location of
the current and voltage sources
(automatic phase rotation), i.e. it identi-
fies in which phase and at which phase
angle the current path and the voltage
path are connected. Should the control
relay fail to identify the current and volt-
age source due to power instabilities,
repeat the procedure when the power
has stabilized. It is also possible to pro-
gramme the phasing manually.
Resetting of the control relay and re-
identification of voltage and current
sources is initiated by pressing but-
tons "+", "-" and "Set" simultaneously
for at least 8 secs.
2.2 Automatic c/k Identification of
Connected Capacitor Stages
Having determined the voltage and cur-
rent source identification the RM 9606
automatically calculates the c/k identifi-
cation. During the identification process
all the control contacts of the relay are
individually switched on and off again.
The stage currents ascertained are then
stored. These values determine the
stage sequence. In this way it can also
be determined which switching outputs
are in use.
The processes for the automatic identifi-
cation of voltage and current source
and/or the automatic identification of ca-
pacitor stages are only carried out when
switching on or pressing the combination
of buttons for the first time (see section
The RM 9606 checks stored stage cur-
rents at specific time intervals during
normal operation. If it determines that a
capacitor stage has failed, this stage
(stage without capacitance) will be ig-
nored in future normal operations.
All failed stages are switched on from
time to time in order to re-check their
capacitance. If a capacitor stage is
added later on, or defect fuses are ex-
changed, the RM 9606 itself identifies
this after some time and the stage is then
integrated into the normal operation
again. However, we recommend that if
capacitor stages are added at a later
date, the set-up procedure be repeated
(see section 2.1).
In case of low voltage networks being fed
by several transformers switched in
parallel, the capacitor current is distrib-
uted to all the transformers. If measure-
ments are not carried out via a summa-
tion transformer the current change,
measured by the control relay, is too low
when switching on the capacitor stages,
which can lead to errors during the
automatic stage identification process. In
such situations we recommend that the
stage identification be switched off and
the relevant values be programmed
manually (see sections 5.5 to 5.8).
2.3 Automatic Setting of Switching
Time Delay
In order to keep the wear of the capaci-
tors contactors down to a minimum the
response time of the control relay is
lengthened or shortened automatically
according to the frequency of the change
of the load.
2.4 Power Feedback
The RM 9606 is equipped with a four
quadrant control. This means that even
when active power is fed back onto the
main bus, the control relay ensures com-
pensation for the reactive power which
has been drawn from the mains. In this
case the LED "Regen" lights up. When
power is fed back, no "kinked" character-
istic will result (see sections 6.1 to 6.3).
3. Installation and Connection
The reactive power control relay RM
9606 automatically determines the loca-
tion of the current and voltage sources
(automatic phase rotation). It may be
connected either to two phases
(phase/phase) or to one phase and neu-
tral (phase/neutral).
3.1 Installation
The control relay is inserted through the
front of a panel cut-out of 138 mm x 138
mm and screwed tight by fixing screws
Control relays supplied on their own are
provided with insulated fixing screws.
These can used for installing into switch-
gear cabinets or cubicles for Protective
Class II. Furthermore, a sealing ring is
supplied, which must be used when in-
stalling in switchgear cabinets or cubi-
cles with Enclosure IP 54.
The pre-mounted terminal connections
allow a quick and easy assembly. The
control relay is electrically connected by
multiple terminal plugs supplied with the
3.2 Voltage Connection
The control relay should preferably be
connected to the three-phase system as
shown in Fig.1 (page 9).
The supply voltage of the control relay
should be connected in the same phase
as the contactor voltage.
The control relay is designed for a
mains voltage supply of 230 VAC and
400 VAC (phase/neutral or phase/
For voltages greater or equal to 400
VAC, a control transformer for the
supply of the controller must be used.
It is not allowed to load the switch
contacts above 380 VAC max.
Please observe the additional remarks
in section 3.4.
3.3 Current Transformer Connection
The outputs S1 and S2 of the current
transformer are connected to the termi-
nals S1 and S2 of the control relay. In
order to keep the load of the current
transformer as low as possible the sup-
ply lines should have a cross-section
area of 2.5 sq. mm.
After connection the short-circuiting
bridge must be removed from the cur-
rent transformer.
Fig 1: Circuit Diagram
400 V 230 V N/ L
to load circuit
5 4 3 2 1
S2 S1
(l) (k)
L1 (R)
L2 (S)
L3 (T)
Mains side
AC Mains
Current transformer
.../1A bis .../5A
caseof alarm)
K5 K4
3.4 Additional Remarks
The voltage connection of the control
relay RM 9606 can also be carried out
between phase and phase. In 400 Volt
mains supply the connection is carried
out at "400 Volt" and "N/L"; in 230 Volt
mains supply at "230 Volt" and "N/L" ac-
cordingly. In order to maintain the func-
tion of the undervoltage monitoring it is
absolutely necessary to make sure that
the control voltage of the contactors is in
the same phase as the control relay
The control relay terminals of the supply
voltage and measuring voltage "N/L" and
"230 V / 400 V" must be externally pro-
tected by fuses. During maintenance
work the terminals must be de-energized.
The control voltage for the contactors is
connected to terminal P. In the control
relay this circuit is potential-free.
So as not to overload the control con-
tacts the sum of the holding currents of
all the contactor coils connected may not
exceed a value of 5 A.
A potential-free alarm signal contact is
accessible on the terminals "a" and "b".
The contact closes when either there is
no mains voltage applied to the control
relay or when an alarm is signalled (see
section 6.3).
When there is an alarm signal, the LED
"alarm" lights up and the relevant LED
begins to flash on the control relay.
4. Putting into Operation
After the control relay has been installed
as described in section 3, the relay can
then be put into operation.
4.1 Putting into Operation for the
First Time
When the control relay is put into opera-
tion for the first time it tries to determine
the mode of connection and the size of
the steps.
The display shows "----" and after a dis-
charge time for the capacitors the steps
are switched on and off again one after
the other. This process can take up to 15
If the identification process is not con-
cluded after this time there is probably a
(See section 8, "Trouble Shooting", page
In order that the control relay can de-
termine the mode of connection one
capacitor stage must be switched on.
The control circuit as well as at least
one capacitor stage must be fully
It is also possible to discontinue the
identification process by switching off the
automatic connection and stage current
identifications. This takes place in set
mode and at the same time it is neces-
sary to programme manually the connec-
tion and stage parameter (see section 5).
After identification the actual cos phi ap-
pears on the display and the control re-
lay begins to function.
If the cos phi shown does not coincide
with the real cos phi, the identification
process must be repeated.
This can be done by pressing the but-
tons "+", "-" and "Set" simultaneously for
at least 8 secs.
4.2 Putting into Operation Again
After a mains failure the control relay
immediately starts the normal control
programme again. The data which were
determined whilst being put into opera-
tion for the first time are stored in a non-
volatile memory.
By pressing the buttons "+", "-" and "Set"
simultaneously for at least 8 secs. these
data are erased from the memory and
the control relay again begins to deter-
mine the mode of connection and size of
It is assumed that the automatic connec-
tion and stage current identifications are
switched on (see section 5).
5. Programming (Set)
In order to permit the widest possible use
of the control relay, multiple settings are
available. For simplification, the control
relay is set to standard values when de-
livered from the factory (see Table 1,
page 12).
The user only needs to change the target
power factor (cos phi) or a few values to
suit his special requirements. As a pro-
tection against unintentional repro-
gramming, the set mode (programming
mode) can be invoked five minutes after
the operating voltage is applied. If the
set mode has been activated within the
first five minutes, it remains available for
one hour. In order to reach the set mode
again after this period, it is necessary to
disconnect the control relay from its
source for a short period of time.
The procedure for checking or repro-
gramming the set values is as follows:
Press the "man/Set" button for at least
eight seconds to switch to the set
mode. The display then shows "-1-".
This number corresponds to the first
variable which is displayed or can be
changed in the following sequence
(see Table 1). The actual value ap-
pears in the display when the
"man/Set" button is pressed again.
By pressing the "+" or "-" button the
next higher or next lower setting can
be attained.
Press the "man/Set" button repeat-
edly; the mode numbers appear fol-
lowed by the programmed value (see
Table 1).
If the displayed variable does not have
to be changed, it is possible to pro-
ceed simply by pressing the "man/Set"
button or, if the mode number is dis-
played, by pressing the "+" or "-" but-
If the "+" button is pressed again after
mode number "-24-" appears on the
display, or if the "-" button is pressed
again after mode number "-1-" ap-
pears on the display, then the display
will show "End".
By confirming the display "End" by
pressing the "man/Set" button the
control relay assumes normal opera-
tion; the preset values are then per-
manently stored in a non-volatile
During the "set mode" none of the ca-
pacitor steps are changed and there is
no change to the alarm contact.
The significance of the individual vari-
ables is described as follows.
Table 1 Programming of Values
Mode No.
Description Pre-programmed
standard value
Programme Range
-1- Target Power
Tariff 1
ind 0.92 from cap 0.95 to ind 0.8,
in increments of 0.01 steps
-2- Parallel shift
Tariff 1
- 1.0
(Target cos phi
is lower limit
from -2 to +4
in increments of 0.5 steps
-3- Limitation L
Tariff 1
sation is
from -2 to +2
in increments of 0.5 steps
-4- Switching time
(in secs.)
Tariff 1
45 5 to 500 secs. in 1 sec. Steps or at
high speed in 5 sec. steps *)
-5- Automatic c/k
On On = automatic mode
OFF = manual entry
(when"On", the programme switches
directly to mode number 13)
-6- Manual c/k-
value setting
2.0 from 0.02 to 2.0 in 0.01 steps or at
high speed in 0.05 steps*)
-7- Switching
1:1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1:1... 1:1:2:4:4... 1:2:3:4:4...
1:1:2:2:2... 1:1:2:4:8... 1:2:3:6:6...
1:1:2:2:4... 1:2:2:2:2... 1:2:4:4:4...
1:1:2:3:3... 1:2:3:3:3... 1:2:4:8:8...
*) By pressing the buttons "+" or "-" for some time, the high-speed mode will be activated.
Table 1 Programming of Values
Mode No.
Description Pre-programmed
standard value
Programme Range
-8- Number of contac-
tors used
6 from 1 to 6
-9- Fixed steps 0 0 to 3
0 = no fixed step
1 = Output 1 fixed
2 = Outputs 1 and 2 fixed
3 = Outputs 1 to 3 fixed
-10- Automatic identifi-
cation of voltage
and current
source (ON/OFF)
On On = automatic
OFF = manual
When"On", mode 11 can only be
read and not changed.
-11- Enter or read
mode of connec-
see Table 2
-12- Switching-off time
(discharge time)
in secs.
30 5 to 900 secs. In 1 sec. Steps or
at high speed in steps of 5
-13- Setting cylic/non-
cyclic (in series)
switching rotation
On ON = cyclic switching
OFF = non-cyclic (in series)
-14- Number of
switching opera-
tions until alarm
OFF from OFF to 1000
The value must be set in thou-
sands of switching operations.
-15- Cancelling the
individual switch-
ing operation
0 A number from 1 to 6 must be
set. When exiting the menu the
counter of the corresponding
stage number will be erased.
ALL erases all counters
*) By pressing the buttons "+" or "-" for some time the high-speed mode will be activated.
Table 1: Programming of Values
Mode No.
Description Pre-programmed
standard value
Programme Range
-16- Current trans-
former ratio
1 1 to 6000 in steps of 1 or at high
speed in steps of 5 *)
-17- Primary/Secon-
dary voltage
1 1 to 300 in steps of 1 or at high
speed in steps of 5 *)
-18- 5th Harmonic
U5 in %
5 from 1 to 20 % in 0.1 % steps or
0.5 % steps at high speed *)
-19- 7th Harmonic
U7 in %
4 from 1 to 20 % in 0.1 % steps or
0.5 % steps at high speed *)
-20- 11th Harmonic
U11 in %
3 from 1 to 20 % in 0.1 % steps or
0.5 % steps at high speed *)
-21- 13th Harmonic
U13 in %
2.1 from 1 to 20 % in 0.1 % steps or
0.5 % steps at high speed *)
-22- Switch-off har-
monic over-
1.3 from 1,05 to 3.0 times the nomi-
nal value in 0.05 steps or 0.1 in-
crements at high speed *)
-23- cos phi alarm-
tripping signal
By setting OFF a cos phi alarm
can be suppressed.
-24- Total kvar dis-
Will only be dis-
played when in
By pressing "set" button the total
applied power in kvar will be dis-
*) By pressing the buttons "+" or "-" for some time the high-speed mode will be activated.
Table 2: Connection Mode
Mode CT Location Transformer Con-
S1 S2
Voltage Path
0 L1 l k N and L1
1 L1 k l L1 and L3
2 L1 k l N and L3
3 L1 l k L3 and L2
4 L1 l k N and L2
5 L1 k l L2 and L1
6 L1 k l N and L1
7 L1 l k L1 and L3
8 L1 l k N and L3
9 L1 k l L3 and L2
10 L1 k l N and L2
11 L1 l k L2 and L1
The mode of connection is identical when the current path lies in phase L2 or L3 and
the voltage path is phase shifted in the same direction.
Example of mode of connection "3" :
Current path in phase L2
Transformer connection k l
Voltage path L3 and L1
This is also in case when the transformer connection and the voltage path are in the
reverse order.
5.1 Setting of Target Power Factor
(cos phi)
The desired target cos phi can be set
from cap. 0.9 to ind 0.8 in 0.01 steps.
The mode of operation of this adjustment
can be seen in Figs. 2 and 3.
If the control relay operates within the
band range shown no switching opera-
tions will be activated.
However, if the control relay operates
outside the band range, the RM 9606 will
try to come within the band range with
the minimum of switching
Fig. 2 Control response after setting tar-
get cos phi = 1; L = OFF; PS = 0
Active power
Reactive power
Capacitor stages
switched on
Capacitors stages
switched off
One mark on the scale
corresponds to 0,65 times the
smallest capacitor stage
Fig. 3 Control response after setting tar-
get cos phi = 0.92 ind; L = OFF; PS = 0
Active power
Reactive power
Capacitor stages
switched on
Capacitors stages
switched off
One mark on the scale
corresponds to 0.65 times
the smallest capacitor
In Fig.3 the behaviour of the control relay
during feedback operation can also be
seen. The "kink" in the band (characte-
ristic line) is not reflected in the feedback
operation but is extended at the point of
intersection of the reactive power centre
line (axis) with the feedback operation
By shifting the band into the capacitive
range (see Fig. 5 in section 5.2) the oc-
currence of an inductive reactive power
during the feedback operation can be
virtually avoided.
When a capacitive target cos phi mode is
set, the control band is reflected on the
current side of the feedback side (see
Fig. 8).
5.2 Parallel Shift (PS)
This setting causes a parallel displace-
ment (by the value set) of the characte-
ristic shown above and, specifically, in
the inductive direction in the case of a
positive sign and in the capacitive di-
rection in the case of a negative sign.
The values -2 to +4 can be set in 0.5
steps. The effects are illustrated by the
two examples in Figs. 4 and 5.
Fig. 4 Control response after setting tar-
get cos phi = 1; L = OFF; PS = + 1.0
Active power
Reactive power
Capacitor stages
switched on
Capacitor stages
switched off
One mark on the scale
corresponds to 0.65 times
the smallest capacitor stage
The set target cos phi is therefore the
upper limit of the control band.
Fig. 5 Control response after setting tar-
get cos phi = 0.92 ind; L = OFF; PS = -
Reactive power
-2 -3
Capacitor stages
switched on
Capacitor stages
switched off
One mark on the scale
corresponds to 0.65 times
the smallest capacitor
Active power
The set target cos phi forms the lower
limit of the control band.
5.3 Limitation (L)
This setting gives new possibilities that
could not be attained before due to op-
posing requirements.
The range of values for L are -2 to +2 in
steps of 0.5 and the setting "OFF" and
in the case of a target cos phi setting =
1.0 has the same effect as the parallel
displacement (paragraph 5.2). For a tar-
get cos phi setting other than 1,0 there is
a "kinked" characteristic as shown in
Fig. 6.
The limitation therefore specifies an ab-
solute reactive power limit, below which
the control band does not go.
Fig. 6 Control response after setting tar-
get cos phi = 0.92 ind; L = +1.0
Active power
Reactive power
Capacitor stages
switched on
Capacitor stages
switched off
One mark on the scale
corresponds to 0.65 times
the smallest capacitor stage
This setting has the following effects:
The cos phi set is attained, on the av-
erage, in the "upper" power range.
Over-compensation (capacitive load)
is avoided in the low load range.
An appropriate combination of "parallel
shift" and "limitation" is illustrated in Fig.
Fig. 7 Control response after setting tar-
get cos phi = 0.92; PS = - 1,0; L = +1,0
Reactive power
Capacitor stages
switched on
Capacitor stages
switched off
One mark on the scale
corresponds to 0.65 times
the smallest capacitor stage
Active power
This example illustrates :
In the "upper" power range the set
power factor (cos phi) is specified as
the lower limit value.
Over-compensation is avoided in the
low load range.
This setting is the normal setting on de-
livery from the factory and represents the
best possible control characteristic for
most applications.
The following Figure shows the charac-
teristic of the control band when set for a
capacitive target cos phi.
Fig. 8 Control response after setting tar-
get cos phi = 0.95 cap; L = -1,0; PS = 0
Active power
Reactive power
Capacitor stages
switched on
Capacitor stages
switched off
One mark on the scale
corresponds to 0.65 times the
smallest capacitor stage
5.4 Switching Time Delay
The switching time delay period can be
set between the values of 5 to 500 secs.
in 5 second increments. When a capaci-
tor stage is switched on or off the control
relay waits for the switching time delay
before the switching process takes place.
If more stages are required the switching
time delay is shortened depending on
the number of stages required. For ex-
ample: 2 stages required = switching
time delay /2 (reduced by one-half) or 3
stages required = switching time delay /3
(reduced by one-third.)
In order to keep the wear on the contacts
to a minimum, the switching delay time
should be set to less than 45 secs. in
exceptional cases only. The discharge
period, which ensures that the capacitors
are fully discharged before they are
switched on again, overrides the switch-
ing delay time (see paragraph 5.12).
5.5 Automatic Stage Current (c/k)
Identification On/Off
The RM 9606 has an automatic c/k
identification, i.e. it calculates the appro-
priate response current the first time the
control relay is energized. This proce-
dure is repeated until the amount of ca-
pacitive power for each stage is deter-
mined and the c/k value has been calcu-
lated. The automatic c/k identification
feature can be set to "On" or "Off".
When set to "On" the RM 9606 operates
with the stage currents that the control
relay has automatically calculated and
when set to "Off", the c/k value can be
programmed manually according to
Table 3, on page 21.
5.6 Response Current (c/k)
The control relay RM 9606 calculates a
control characteristic from the cos phi,
the parallel shift and the limitation (in
Figs. 2-8 shown as a dotted line) and
has a tolerance band of 0.65 times the
smallest stage in inductive as well as in
capacitive direction (marked with bold
line). The relay consistently achieves this
control band by switching on and off
systematically. It is assumed that the
connected capacitor stages are suffi-
ciently dimensioned.
The response current corresponds to
half the width of the tolerance band,
within which the reactive current can
change without capacitor stages being
switched on or off.
This is essential to ensure that the sys-
tem does not oscillate. The total width of
the tolerance band is selected in such a
way that it corresponds to approx. 1.3
times the reactive current of the smallest
capacitor stage.
The response current can be set be-
tween 0.02 and 2.0 A in steps of 0.01 A.
The correct setting for a 400 V voltage
system and a current transformer with 5A
secondary current can be taken from
Table 3.
In the case of other voltages or current
transformers for which the primary cur-
rent is not given, the response current
can be calculated from the general for-
Equation 1:
C / K =

U 3 k
U k
c/k = Response current to set in A
Q = Capacitor stage rating in var (not the
U = Mains voltage in V on the primary side
of the current transformer
k = Transformer ratio (primary cur
rent/secondary current)
Table 3: Response Current at mains voltage 400 VAC - 50 Hz
c/k-adjustment for mains voltage 400 VAC, 50 Hz
Current Stage rating of capacitor bank (not total rating) in kvar
A /A 2,5 5 7,5 10 12,5 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 100
30 /5 0,40 0,80 1,20 1,60
40 /5 0,30 0,60 0,90 1,20 1,50
50 /5 0,24 0,48 0,72 0,96 1,20 1,44
60 /5 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00 1,20 1,60
75 /5 0,16 0,32 0,48 0,64 0,80 0,96 1,28 1,60 1,92
100 /5 0,12 0,24 0,36 0,48 0,60 0,72 0,96 1,20 1,44 1,92
150 /5 0,08 0,16 0,24 0,32 0,40 0,48 0,64 0,80 0,96 1,28 1,60 1,92
200 /5 0,06 0,12 0,18 0,24 0,30 0,36 0,48 0,60 0,72 0,96 1,20 1,44
250 /5 0,05 0,10 0,14 0,19 0,24 0,29 0,38 0,48 0,58 0,77 0,96 1,15 1,92
300 /5 0,04 0,08 0,12 0,16 0,20 0,24 0,32 0,40 0,48 0,64 0,80 0,96 1,60
400 /5 0,03 0,06 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,24 0,30 0,36 0,48 0,60 0,72 1,20
500 /5 0,02 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,12 0,14 0,19 0,24 0,29 0,38 0,48 0,58 0,96
600 /5 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12 0,16 0,20 0,24 0,32 0,40 0,48 0,80
750 /5 0,03 0,05 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,19 0,26 0,32 0,38 0,64
1000 /5 0,02 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,10 0,12 0,14 0,19 0,24 0,29 0,48
1500 /5 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,19 0,32
2000 /5 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,10 0,12 0,14 0,24
2500 /5 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12 0,19
3000 /5 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,16
4000 /5 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,12
5000 /5 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,10
6000 /5 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,08
In case the stage sizes, the current transformer or the rated voltage of the capacitor
bank do not coincide with the values in the above table, then the formula on page 20
must be used to calculate the c/k value.
5.7 Switching Sequence
When the automatic c/k identification is
switched on every optional switching se-
quence is possible. Necessary condition:
Every multiple of the smallest stage must
be possible by switching an optional
number of connected stages.
If the automatic c/k identification is
switched off, the switching sequence
(switching programme) can be reset to
the following combinations of capacitor
1:1:1:1:1... 1:1:2:4:4... 1:2:3:4:4...
1:1:2:2:2... 1:1:2:4:8... 1:2:3:6:6...
1:1:2:2:4... 1:2:2:2:2... 1:2:4:4:4...
1:1:2:3:3... 1:2:3:3:3... 1:2:4:8:8...
The smallest capacitor stage is always
"1"; the subsequent stages are either the
same (1:1:1...) or are larger. In the sec-
ond line above a more accurate result
can be achieved with the same number
of switching contactors.
Capacitor steps of the same size are
switched cyclically, i.e. a step which has
just been switched off will only be
switched on again after all the other
steps have been switched on. This
achieves the most even contact switch-
5.8 Number of Contactors Used
When the automatic c/k identification is
switched off, any value between 1 and 6
can be programmed. If, for example,
there are five stages in a capacitor bank,
these stages are connected to the con-
trol outputs "1" to "5" and the number of
the control outputs is programmed to "5".
This prevents the control relay from acti-
vating control outputs which are not con-
The capacitor switching sequence is of
no importance for this setting.
5.9 Specifying Fixed Steps
The control relay RM 9606 allows the
first three control outputs to be treated as
fixed steps. Fixed steps are steps which
are not included in the normal control
cycle but are switched on immediately
after the control relay is switched on and
always remain switched on. The set dis-
charge period is maintained. The target
cos phi setting is ignored.
The following settings are possible:
0 = No fixed steps
1 = Control output "1" is fixed
2 = Control outputs "1" and "2" are fixed
3 = Control outputs "1" to "3" are fixed
The switching sequence does not take
into account the fixed steps.
5.10 ON/OFF Connection Identifica-
The control relay has an automatic con-
nection identification feature (refer to
section 2.1). The following adjustments
are possible:
Connection identification "ON"
Connection identification "OFF"
When "ON" is set the connection recog-
nised by the control relay can be read
under the mode number 11 in accor-
dance with Table 1 (not variable). When
"OFF" is set the connection is manually
programmed according to Table 2.
5.11 Connection Mode
Normally the connection mode should be
set to automatic operation. If however,
the control relay fails to determine the
connection mode after 15 minutes due to
very high load changes or phase imbal-
ances, it should be entered manually in
accordance with Table 2.
5.12 Setting Capacitor Discharge
In order to ensure that after switch-off, a
capacitor step is not switched on again
before the capacitor has been sufficiently
discharged, the switch-off time can be
set. The switch-off time can be set from
between 5 and 900 seconds.
5.13 Setting Cyclic/Non-Cyclic
Switching Rotation
In certain cases, for example when there
are filtered and non-filtered steps within
one system, it is necessary to ensure
that the control relay does not operate
cyclically. For such applications, this
feature can be disconnected. This
ON: Cyclic switching is possible when
there are at least two switching steps of
the same size.
OFF: No cyclic switching; the steps are
switched on in series starting with the
lowest rating. The lower step ratings are
always selected first.
5.14 Number of Switching Processes
until Alarm Functions
In order to help when maintaining the
capacitor bank the RM 9606 has a
counter for each switching process.
Whilst in manual operation the actual
reading on the counter for each stage
can be seen (see paragraph 6.2). By
selecting the maximum number of
switching processes the control relay
itself indicates when maintenance is re-
quired. The stage which has exceeded
the limits is indicated by flashing (about
every 10 secs), on the display (e.g. "St.
4" for the 4th stage). At the same time an
alarm signal is given. To cancel the
signal please see description in para-
graph 5.15.
Before entering the number of switching
processes this number must be divided
by 1000. This means for example, for
100,000 switching processes for one
stage the number 100 has to be entered
before the alarm is triggered.
The fact that an alarm is indicated for a
stage has no influence on the behaviour
of the RM 9606.
5.15 Cancelling the Switching
Process Counter
The switching process counters can be
cancelled individually or jointly.
If Programme Number 15 is selected the
reading "0" appears on the display. Us-
ing the buttons "+" or "-" a stage number
between 1 and 6 or "ALL" can be se-
lected. When exiting this programme
number by using the button "man"/Set"
the last stage number to be shown on the
display will be cancelled. The appear-
ance of "ALL" on the display indicates
that all counters have been cancelled.
If none of the counters are to be can-
celled the display has to be switched
back to "0".
5.16 Current Transformer Ratio
In order to display the active current (IP),
reactive current (IQ) and apparent cur-
rent (IS) as actual values, the ratio be-
tween the primary current and the sec-
ondary current of the current transformer
used must be entered. If the current
transformer ratio is not entered, the
value displayed must be multiplied by the
current transformer ratio.
Values between 1 and 7000 can be en-
tered (e.g. 1000/5A 200).
5.17 Primary/Secondary Voltage
Transformer Ratio
If a voltage transformer is used in a
measuring circuit the primary/secondary
voltage transformer ratio must be en-
tered in order to enable the "missing kvar
rating to target cos phi" to function.
The ratio of the primary/secondary volt-
age should be entered. If there is no
voltage transformer the value "1" must be
entered. Programmable primary/secon-
dary voltage ratios range from 1 to 300.
5.18 Setting 5th Harmonic Threshold
The control relay RM 9606 has a har-
monic monitoring system for the 5th, 7th,
11th and 13th harmonics. If the limiting
value is exceeded, there is an alarm sig-
nal, i.e. the alarm contact closes and the
"Alarm" LED lights up for as long as the
limiting value is exceeded. The
"Harmonic" LED flashes until the alarm is
switched off. The order and the maximum
value of the harmonics which have been
exceeded are displayed by pressing the
"Set" button several times. The "Set"
button must be pressed repeatedly until
the flashing "Harmonic" LED goes out.
5.19 Setting 7th Harmonic Threshold
In this case, the limiting value for the 7th
harmonic is programmed.
5.20 Setting 11th Harmonic Threshold
In this case, the limiting value for the
11th harmonic is programmed.
5.21 Setting 13th Harmonic Threshold
In this case, the limiting value for the
13th harmonic is programmed.
5.22 Harmonic Over-Current Signal
The control relay RM 9606 is able to
determine the ratio between the rms cur-
rent and the fundamental ripple current
(50-60 Hz) in the capacitor. If this ratio is
exceeded by the set value for at least
one minute, due to harmonics and the
resulting amplifications caused by reso-
nances, then the control relay switches
off all the stages that are switched on. At
the same time the alarm goes off. After
about 4 minutes the capacitor stages
required are switched on again.
By pressing the "Set" button the maxi-
mum value appears on the display.
In the case of filtered stages being
used for compensation, set this
threshold to the highest value (hence
5.23 Suppressing the cos phi Alarm
As already mentioned, the control relay
tries to attain the prescribed control
band. If this is not possible, because in-
sufficient capacitor stages are available,
an alarm is indicated after some minutes
(depending on the amount of deviation.
Also an alarm is indicated if there is a
capacitive cos phi outside the control
By selecting "OFF" the alarm indication
can be suppressed.
5.24 Total kvar Display
Provided the current transformer ratio
has been entered, the total kvar will ap-
pear in the display, when the "Set" button
is pressed according to Mode 24.
6. Operation
6.1 Modes of Display
The choice of displays is independent of
the control relay operation and can be
reprogrammed at any time. To the right
of the digital display there are three
LED's indicating which display mode is
active, either "Power Factor (cos phi)",
"Ampere" or "Harmonic".
Five modes of display can be selected by
pressing the appropriate button:
6.1.1 Actual Power Factor (cos phi)
The power factor display (LED "Power
Factor" (cos phi) is on) is the standard
display. It can be activated from another
mode of display by pressing buttons "IQ",
"IP" or "Harm".
The symbols "+" for ind. and "-" for cap.
show whether the power factor is induc-
tive or capacitive. The LED "Regen" indi-
cates that the power is regenerative. Ac-
tive and reactive currents are measured
separately. The fundamental oscillation
portions (50-60 Hz) of both measured
variables are filtered out mathematically
and used to calculate the cos phi. This
ensures accuracy over the entire range
down to a cos phi value of 0. The mini-
mum apparent current for a correct
power factor (cos phi) display is approx.
0.02 A. When the apparent current falls
below 0.02 A for three consecutive
measurements one capacitor step is
switched off and if there is no change in
the measured current, all remaining
steps are switched off and "I=0" appears
on the display.
6.1.2 Reactive Current (IQ)

The display indicates the reactive current
portion in the current transformer circuit.
The "+" or "-"LEDs indicate whether the
current is inductive or capacitive. The
LED "Ampere" lights up.
From this mode of display, the effect of
adding or removing capacitor steps
manually can be monitored.
If the current transformer ratio (k) is pro-
grammed via the set mode the actual
reactive current is displayed; otherwise
the current portion is displayed and has
to be multiplied by the current trans-
former ratio to obtain the actual value.
Press "IQ", "IP" or "Harm" to exit the
6.1.3 Active Current (IP)

This display shows the active current on
the fundamental oscillation in the current
transformer circuit. The LED "Ampere"
lights up.
The current direction is also displayed,
which is helpful during tests. The LED
"Regen" shows that the generative active
power is fed back into the mains.
If the current transformer ratio (k) is pro-
grammed into the relay, the actual active
current is displayed; otherwise the cur-
rent portion is displayed and must be
multiplied by the current transformer ratio
to obtain the actual value. Press buttons
"IQ", "IP" or "Harm" to exit the display.
6.1.4 Apparent Current (IS)


By pressing the "IQ" and "IP" buttons
simultaneously the apparent current of
the fundamental oscillation in the current
transformer circuit is displayed. The LED
"Ampere" lights up.
If the current transformer ratio is pro-
grammed via the set mode, the apparent
current is displayed; otherwise the cur-
rent portion is displayed and must be
multiplied by the current transformer ratio
to obtain the actual value.
Press buttons "IQ", "IP" or "Harm" to exit
the display.
6.1.5 Harmonics
This display shows the 5th, 7th, 11th and
13th harmonics on voltage. The previous
harmonic reading appears on the display
in % and the LED "Harmonic" lights up.
By pressing the "+" or "-" buttons several
times the display either cycles in ascend-
ing or descending order. For example, if
"5. 2.9" appears on the display, this
means that the 5th harmonic is contained
in the voltage to a portion of 2.9% of the
Press the button "Harm" to exit the dis-
6.2 Manual Operation (man)

When the "man/Set" button is pressed
for more than 3 secs. the control relay
switches to manual operation and the
LED "manual" begins to flash. The ca-
pacitor steps can be switched on or off
by pressing the "+" or "-" button. By
pressing the button "+" or "-" the steps to
be switched can be selected. The stage
number (e.g. "1.ON") appears on the
display. After about 12 secs. (do not
press any buttons during this time) this
stage will be switched on. If this stage
was already switched on then "1. OFF"
will appear in the display. After about 12
secs. this stage will be switched off.
Then the display will change to the last
displayed value.
During this "waiting time of 12 secs." the
switching counter of this stage will be
shown. The value is given as factor
0.001 and as far as possible values after
the decimal point will be given. This
means, for example:
"0.350" corresponds to 350 switching
By pressing the "+" button several times
stages 2 - 6 will appear in ascending se-
quence on the display. They can be
switched on/off in the same way. In man-
ual mode the programmed switching off
time (discharge time) is taken into con-
sideration, i.e. when switching on a step
which was previously switched off the
switching-off time is the same as the dis-
charge time. If a stage was identified as
a zero stage (without power) the corre-
sponding numbers would indicate this by
Press "man/Set" button to exit manual
6.3 Alarms
The potential-free alarm contact (a/b)
closes whenever the operating voltage is
not applied. In the case of the correct
operating voltage the contact closes if
there is an alarm. The conditions for an
alarm can be seen in paragraphs 6.3.1 to
The LED "Alarm" lights up for as long as
a state of alarm exists. When an alarm is
signalized, an alarm marker is put into
action (LEDs "power factor", "Ampere"
or Harmonic" will flash or there is an
indication on the display. The alarm
markers remain active after the alarm
until they are acknowledged by pressing
the "Set" button.
After acknowledgement the flashing
alarm marker goes out.
The alarm signals have no influence on
the control behaviour or performance of
the control relay.
6.3.1 cos phi Alarm
If the threshold values set for "switch-on"
and "switch-off" are exceeded and no
further change can take place in the out-
put steps, the alarm signal functions.
(Exception: when the cos phi alarm is
switched off; see mode no. 23, page 14).
By pressing the "Set" button the amount
of capacitive or reactive power missing to
reach the target power factor is flashed
by the display.
Pressing the "Set" button again shows
the actual power factor in the display and
the alarm marker "cos phi"(Power Factor)
no longer flashes.
6.3.2 Harmonic Alarm
When the programmed threshold values
are exceeded the alarm goes off. By
pressing the "Set" button several times
the display shows the order and the
maximum values of the exceeded har-
monics starting with the maximum devia-
tion. The button "Set" must be pressed
repeatedly until the "Harmonic" alarm
marker no longer flashes.
6.3.3 Over-current Alarm
If the ratio between the rms current value
and the fundamental wave current (50-60
Hz) in the capacitor is exceeded by the
programmed factor, the alarm goes off.
By pressing the "Set" button the display
shows the maximum value of the ratio.
By pressing the "Set" button again the
display shows the actual power factor
(cos phi) and the alarm marker "Ampere"
no longer flashes.
Attention: The over-current ratio is
only a computed value and cannot be
applied to systems with filter circuits.
6.3.4 "U=0" Alarm
The voltage applied during automatic
identification is stored by the control re-
lay as rated voltage.
In order to use the control relay again at
230 VAC after it has been in operation at
400 VAC it is necessary to wait until
"U=0" appears on the display. By press-
ing the buttons "+", "-" and "man/Set"
simultaneously for about 5 secs. the new
voltage (in this case 230 VAC) can be
accepted as rated voltage.
6.3.5 C=0 Alarm
If the control relay does not recognise a
capacitor stage during the processes for
the automatic identification and recogni-
tion of connected capacitor stages this is
shown by the "C=0" indicator and an
The attempts to recognize are carried out
inspite of the indication.
6.3.6 "I=0" Signal
If there is an interruption in the current
path for at least 3 secs. the control relay
immediately switches off a capacitor
step. If no change in the current results,
the steps which are still on are then
switched off.
No alarm is triggered off.
7. Technical Data
Mode of Connection:
Phase/Phase connection or Phase/Neu-
tral connection. Current via current
transformer in optional phase (see Fig. 1,
page 9).
Operating Voltage:
Mains Connec-
tion Voltage
Absolute per-
hold values
230 - 400 V 220 to 400 V 198 ... 462 V
Attention: The terminals for 230 V and
400 V are internally bridged.
50 Hz / 60 Hz (48 to 62 Hz).
Consumption of Supply Voltage:
Approx. 9 / 11 VA at 0 / 6 switched-on
control contacts.
Current path:
For current transformer ... / 1 A to ... / 5 A.
Consumption in Current Path:
Max. 1,8 VA at 5 A transformer rated cur-
Control Contacts:
6 potential-free contacts.
Loading Capacity of the Control Con-
Switching voltage
acc. to VDE 0110 Group B 380 VAC
acc. to VDE 0110 Group C 250 VAC
Total switching current 5 A max.
Switching load 1800 VA max
Fault Signal Contacts:
Loading capacity as control contacts.
No-Voltage Trip
(Undervoltage Monitoring):
For a voltage loss of longer than 15 ms
all capacitor stages connected are
switched off. After voltage is restored the
control relay switches the required steps
Zero Current Trip:
For a current loss of longer than 3 secs.
capacitor stages connected are switched
off. After current is restored the control
relay switches the required steps on.
Operating Elements:
Foil keyboard with 4 buttons.
LED Indicators:
12 LEDs
4 1/2 character digital display
Temperature Range:
C to +60
C according to DIN VDE
0660, Part 500, para.
Black synthetic plastic.
Flame-resistant to UL-94, Class VO.
Through the front panel by means of a
Front Panel:
144 x 144 mm (to DIN 43 700)
Panel Cut Out:
138 x 138 mm (to DIN 43 700)
Mounting Depth:
40 mm
approx. 0,9 kg
Mounting Position:
as desired
Plug-in connector blocks
(supplied with the control relay).
Terminals IP 20
Casing IP 54
(when using sealing ring)
to VDE 0160, Protective Class II,
Insulation Group B
(when using insulated fastening screws).
External required.
8. Trouble Shooting
Pos. Faults Possible Causes Necessary Action
1 Control relay does not
function, digital display
remains blank.
There is either no
voltage or the wrong
voltage has been
applied to the control
Check whether the correct operating
voltage is applied to the control relay.
2 "U=0" flashes on the
display for some time.
The operating voltage
applied to the relay is
too low.
Check the operating voltage. If the
voltage is correct press the buttons
"+", "-" and "Set" to recognise this
voltage as rated voltage.
3 Relay does not re-
spond to manual op-
eration, in spite of ha-
End of delay time of
approx. 10 secs. was
not observed.
For example, if "1.ON" appears on
the display wait until the control relay
has switched on the first step.
ving voltage and digital
display is operational.
Relay was not in
manual mode.
"Man" button must be pressed until
the LED "manual" flashes.
4 Step display (LED 1-6)
lights up but capacitor
contactors are not acti-
Control circuit is not
connected properly or
there is no control
Check the control circuit according to
the circuit diagram and check fuses.
There is no neutral on
the contactors.
5 Control relay does not
complete the automatic
identification process.
Unstable power sup-
ply (power factor
Wait for power supply to stabilize and
set c/k factor and mode of connection
6 "C=0" appears on the
display during the
automatic identification
Fault in control circuit
(Contactors do not
switch on.)
Check the control circuit according to
the circuit diagram and check fuses.
process. Capacitor stage fuses
are missing or are
Check whether voltage is applied to
the capacitors after the switching
Current transformer is
mounted on the
wrong place.
Check whether the position of the
current transformer corresponds with
that on the circuit diagram.
7 "I=0" flashes on the
Current transformer
wire is disconnected.
Use ammeter to check current in cur-
rent path (1 min 0,02A).
Pos. Faults Possible Causes Necessary Action
8 Despite inductive load
no steps are switched
on when relay is in
automatic mode.
When programming the
c/k factor of the control
relay, the switching
time delay or discharge
time have been set too
Check programming of control relay and
change if necessary.
In automatic operation
the circuit c/k factor
was not correctly iden-
Check the control according to the cir-
cuit diagram and repeat the automatic
test procedure.
Another current meas-
uring meter (e.g. am-
meter) was connected
in parallel with the con-
trol relays current path.
The current paths of the various meas-
uring instruments must be connected in
9 In automatic mode one
stage is continually
The c/k factor was set
too low.
Correctly set c/k factor according to the
switched on or off
High load change; The
delay time was set too
Set higher delay time.
10 The cos phi display is
less than the target cos
phi, although the con-
Mode of connection
incorrectly pro-
Reset mode of connection.
trol relay has switched
on all stages.
Fault in control circuit. Check whether the capacitor contactors
have been energized.
Fault in capacitor cir-
Check the fuses and contacts of the
capacitor contactors. Measure the cur-
rent of each capacitor stage with a
clamp-on current meter.
System undersized. Press "Set" button and read the missing
power from the display.
Failure in identification
Repeat identification process.
11 Control relay does not
switch off all stages
c/k factor set too high. Set c/k factor according to the table.
during times of low load
or facility shut-down.
Control relay is in man-
ual mode.
Press "Man" button.

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