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Term Paper

Sagar Mehta (Roll 36)
Samarth Shukla (Roll 37)
Soumya Bhattacharya (Roll 38)
Subhra Orhaw (Roll 39)
Tanmoy Mondal (Roll 40)
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, MBA IB, 2012-14
To provide fast, free, reliable and comprehensive information to their users
and connect buyers to sellers.

What does it do:
Justdial is Indias no.1 local search destination. It provides comprehensive
updated information on all the B2B and B2C products & Services. The
company caters to over 57 million unique users spread across 240 cities in
India. This unique local search service is available on Phone, Web, WAP and
SMS. Just Dial services receive approximately 26 million phone calls a year.
Justdial in India employs a 4000 strong work force and has more than
1,35,000 paid advertisers.

Company Timeline:
The humble beginnings and humongous growth story.

Business Model:
It is interesting to see how a company which started as a telephone directory
has reached the point where it was able to take its successful fast, efficient and
innovative and customer centric model to other countries.
The company started in
1996 under the Justdial
The official website was
launched in 2007
Today it is present on
Internet, Messaging &
Mobile Internet and has
an annual reach of 364
Million customers
Many of the Indian countries have been able to move to countries like US &
Middle East but very few have been successful and fewer have been able to
take an innovative & altogether different business model to new customers.
Owing to its unique business model and customer centric approach JustDial
has been able to achieve both of the above.
Its Business model is pro customer where it brings the suppliers or
sellers/resellers to the doorstep of customer rather than asking the consumer
to go all the way to the seller.
Unlike other telephone directory services Just Dial introduced the
revolutionary Review & Feedback service. This provided it to reach the
customer not only at the time of service but even after the service was
provided. Due to Review system, customers felt a belonging to the brand and
became co-creator of the service.

Funding Mechanism of Just Dial :

The company's goal is to create long-term shareholder value by enhancing its
position as a leading local search service. The companys philosophy focuses
on end user experience through feedback, innovation, teamwork and
Small/Medium enterprise
registers with JustDial.com
JustDial.com verifies the
information provided and
puts it up
SME's are offered prime
services, sponsored results
for added fee
Customers ask for
information and suggestions
Customers receive results
with sponsored results
getting priority
Customers buy
products/services from a
sponsored client
JustDial.com recieves a % of
the client sales

While year on year, the number of users of this kind of service is on a rise,
JustDial has managed to keep pole position right from the start, and still
commands leading share of the market.

Armed with this phenomenal success, JustDial is expanding into other
countries as well, replicating its very successful model there. Even though
Yellow pages services are much more widespread outside, JustDial is
confident of its success. JustDial has launched its local search service in North
America, and has plans to expand into Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand,
Singapore and Hong Kong. As for the Current Scenario, the total numbers of
Unique Daily Hits to JustDial.com have generally been on the rise. The trend in
daily hits varies as the number of hits is somewhat seasonal, although the
numbers seem to have stagnated a bit over the last year or so, and are even
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Chart Title
The Revenue Model of JustDial.com

JustDial.com basically earns from clients which invest in their listings to make
them sponsored listings, and from the percentage of sales that happen
through JustDial.com. The Basic Revenue generation steps can be outlined as
Centered in Mumbai, it has over 4000 employees nationwide, with over 700
only in Mumbai.
It serves over 247 cities in India with offices in 8 of them.
It receives over 25k unique visitors daily, with over one Lakh calls.
More than 2.4 Million businesses and vendors have been cataloged by
JustDial.com so far.
It has expanded into North America, with plans for Canada, the USA and
Europe, among other places.
It had revenues in excess of 1.4Crore INR for the Financial year ended 2010.

Justdial believes that Companys development into a leading Indian local
search engine is primarily attributable to the following Competitive strengths:

First Mover Advantage in the Indian Local Search Market

As one of the first companies to offer comprehensive local search services in
India, just dial believe that just dial have a first mover advantage among
consumers seeking information on local businesses. Just dial started offering
Companys local search services in 1996 under the Just Dial brand, and
launched Companys Internet and mobile Internet services in 2007. Justdial
aims to provide fast and free access to Companys large database, which will
attract more search queries, which in turn will attract more paid business
listings. Just dial believe this creates a self-perpetuating growth cycle that
enables us to maintain a leading position in the local search market. Just dial
believe that a large database of local business listings, such as the one just dial
have developed over several years, requires considerable time and effort to
develop, which creates a significant barrier to entry.

Strong Brand Recognition
Just dial have a very strong brand recall in India as evidenced by the more
than 180 million searches of Companys database that just dial conducted in
fiscal 2011 even though historically Companys brand development has been
fuelled primarily through word of mouth by users based on their experience
with Companys service and such users sharing their experiences with others.
Just dial believes that the following key factors, among other things, have
contributed to the strength of Companys brand in India:
Long standing presence in the local search market,
Strength and quality of Companys database,
Fast response to search queries, and
Consistent delivery of quality user experience.

Offer Attractive Value Proposition for SMEs
Just dial believe that most of the business listings in Companys database are
SMEs, which is the segment of businesses where just dial focus most of
Companys attention and marketing efforts. Just dial believe that virtually the
entire approximately 120,200 campaigns just dial conducted as on March 31,
2011, just dial conducted on behalf of paid advertisers, majority being SMEs.
As of June 30, 2011, just dial had compiled a database consisting
of approximately 6.0 million business listings across various cities and towns
in India, as compared to 4.5 million business listings as of March 31, 2010.

Cost-effective platform
Justdial believes that it is a challenge for most SMEs to attract the attention of
the right target consumer and to expand into new markets because of their
limited marketing budgets. Just dial believe Companys service facilitates a
cost-effective mode of consumer targeting for such SMEs, which otherwise
may not be as feasible for them. For example, details of an SME which does not
have a just dial site can be available to potential consumers online when the
SME is listed in Companys database.

Personalized service
Through Companys data collection team canvassing the local markets, just
dial establishes direct relationships with many of these SMEs. Once just dial
identify Companys potential advertisers, Companys marketing executives
meet with these SMEs to explain the ease and benefits of advertising with us
and to convert business listings into paid listings. Companys direct and
personal relationships with SMEs are one of the ways just dial differentiate
Companys selves from international search engines which operate in India
largely on a virtual basis.
Access to relevant users
Listing on Companys search service provides businesses with exposure to
users at a time when the users are making a purchase decision.
Experience and Expertise in Local Indian Markets
Just dial have been in operation in the Indian market for over 15 years, and
Companys senior management team has wide ranging experience in the
search service, advertising and IT industries in India. Just dial believe that
Companys strong knowledge of the Indian market and the experience and
expertise of Companys management and firsthand experience with various
market participants (including SMEs and users) differentiate us from other
generic and local search service providers and enable us to grow in an
industry that has historically been difficult to monetize. Companys
experience, knowledge and infrastructure enable us to establish relationships
with SMEs, which just dial believe are not within the scope and focus of
other generic search engines.

Multiple Platform Service on a Large Scale
Users can access Companys search services and obtain search results through
a number of the most popular types of communication media, i.e. through the
Internet, mobile Internet, voice or SMS. Just dial believe just dial are the only
search services company in India that provides users with the option of
performing searches and obtaining search results through multiple media on
a large scale. Just dial believe that the accessibility of Companys search
services for Companys users is a key attraction for SMEs to become a part of
Companys database and run campaigns as paid advertisers. Just dial have a
large collection of reviews and ratings by users of the businesses listed with
us. Users can submit their reviews of businesses, products and services on
Companys just dial site or through Companys phone service. These reviews
are regularly monitored and uploaded on Companys just dial site for the
benefit of potential users to enhance their search experience and enable them
to make informed choices. As of June 30, 2011 approximately 2.7 million
reviews and ratings just dial published on Companys just dial site. Companys
multiple platform service enables us to provide reviews and ratings received
by us from users on one platform to users across all Companys other
platforms. Companys Tag Companys Friend feature helps users seethe
ratings and reviews from their friends for various business listings, effectively
creating asocial network to share users experience.
Advanced and Scalable Technology Platform:
Companys award-winning technology is the key to effectively integrate the
various media justdial use to provide Companys services to users, Companys
business listing database, Companys paid advertisers and Companys
information retrieval officers, or IROs. Companys technology platform is
designed to enable Companys tele-sales executives and IROs to connect
effectively to potential advertisers and users seeking information. The Red
Hat Enterprise Linux platform just dial use post just dials approximately
servers for Companys various intranet and extranet applications. These
applications can be accessed by thousands of Companys IROs from eight
centers across India on a daily basis. Just dial believe that Companys
technology platform enables us to provide a fast, efficient and user friendly
information service to Companys users. Just dial believe Companys platform
has a high level of reliability, security and scalability and has been designed to
handle high transaction volumes. Just dial have the ability to modulate
Companys technology infrastructure to meet Companys operational
requirements without incurring substantial costs as just dial use virtual
infrastructure wherever possible. Companys technology platform has
interfaces developed such that just dial are able to scale up Companys sales
and service capacity rapidly with relatively minimal additional time required
for employee training. Just dial have designed the various modules of
Companys technology platform to support Companys employees at every
step of their operations thereby creating a technology leveraged service
model which just dial believe improves the efficiency of Companys

Efficient and Profitable Business Model:
Just dial believe that Companys business model is efficient as it promotes
continuity in subscriptions and cash flows. Just dial also believe that this is a
difficult business model for Companys competitors to replicate due to the
challenge of establishing the requisite credibility and relationship with paid
advertisers for them to be willing to agree to such payment terms.

Negligible receivables
Companys paid advertisers make payments in advance of their campaigns in
Companys searches, which just dial believe significantly reduces Companys
credit risk exposure to Companys paid advertisers. In addition, as a result,
just dial had outstanding receivables of only ` 10.99 million from Companys
paid advertisers as of March31, 2011 while Companys consolidated restated
profit after tax was ` 286.2 million from a consolidated total income of `
1,899.1 million in fiscal 2011.
Negligible debt
Just dial have maintained focus on capital efficiency and have grown without
incurring material indebtedness. Just dial have been consistently profitable
despite growing rapidly over the past few years. As of March 31, 2011, just dial
had total debt of only ` 3.16 million, which just dial believe is a competitive
advantage for us and a platform to grow Companys operations without being
constrained by significant reliance on external financing.
To sustain Companys future growth and development, just dial have and will
continue to employ the following strategies:

Enhance Companys Users' Experience
Companys objective is to offer free, fast, relevant, reliable and enhanced
search results to Companys users through various communication media.

Fast response
Just dial intend to continue to invest in technology to make search algorithms
more efficient and adaptable to provide Companys users with faster access to
Companys database.

Quality and presentation of database
Just dial intend to continue to invest in technology to provide Companys users
with more user-friendly access to Companys growing business database,
improve the relevance of Companys search results, as just dial as to capture
and relay other relevant information to Companys users, such as user ratings
and reviews.
Enhanced user experience
Just dial are constantly seeking to combine Companys technology and the
content of Companys database to innovate new products and services to serve
Companys users needs and preferences. Justdial have dedicated content
focusing on popular activities and subjects (such as movies, restaurants and
hotels) and just dial intend to create additional content focusing on certain
sub-categories of general businesses, products and services that just dial
believe will be popular with Companys users. In order to process more
advanced software applications for providing enhanced user experience, and
handling increased user traffic, just dial continuously upgrade the hardware
used by us, and develop new software from time to time.
Broaden and Deepen the Footprint of Companys Service across India
While just dial had approximately 6.0 million listings across various cities and
towns in India as of June 30, 2011, just dial believe that there is significant
opportunity to further deepen Companys presence in Companys 11 largest
cities, increase Companys search services beyond Companys 11 largest cities,
and to increase the proportionate share of paid advertisers listed in
Companys database and to increase user traffic. Among other things, just dial
plan to add new premises and leverage Companys reseller program to
achieve the foregoing. See the section titled Objects of the Issue for details of
the new offices planned by us.

Invest in Further Strengthening Companys Brand
While just dial believe just dial are already one of the most popular digital
brands in India, justdial also believe that investment in brand building
campaign will help us further strengthen Companys brand and lead to greater
search volume from Companys users and greater number of paid advertisers.
Historically, Companys brand development has primarily been fuelled
through word of mouth by users based on their experience with Companys
service and such users sharing their experiences with others. Just dial believe
that the quality of Companys service and Companys consistent focus on
enhancing user experience has contributed to Companys brand development
with relatively low advertising expenditure. Just dial believe that increasing
the awareness of Companys brand and services across India further would
require online and offline (such as television and outdoor advertisements)
direct marketing efforts and brand building strategies. Just dial intend to
bring high quality advertisements on popular national television channels in
India. Just dial signed up Mr. Amitabh Bachchan, a just dial know celebrity, as
Companys brand ambassador for a period of three years from December 28,
2010.While just dial will continue to increase Companys promotional and
marketing activities to help us educate potential users and advertisers on the
benefits and various features of Companys search services, just dial believe
that the quality of Companys user experience and Companys database is the
best means to strengthen Companys brand.

ERRC Model of Just-Dial:

Just dial eliminate traditional system which was there in Information diary
and telephonic service.



Service option

Free service
24X7 service
Just dial also reduce time boundary like pre just dial there was no source
of information which can information immediately and reduce in human
effort because in just dial we do not have to purchase anything for shop we
have to call for information.
Pre just dial reliability in data was not there, at that time data was not that
much reliable as after launch of just dial. Information diary and telephonic
service reach was not there, there was only local player. Service option and
technology also increase by just dial.
Free service and 24*7 service was not there before just dial that is created by
just dial.

Six Path Model:

1. Look across the Industry:
Just dial is connected with other industry like local search industry
and also advertising industry. Advertise business came from SMEs to just dial and
also connected with information technology industry.
2. Look across strategic Group within Industry
Systematic 24x7 free service
3. Look across the chain of Buyers:
Buyers of just dial is mainly local people and businessmen others
buyer is also there like traveler
4. Look across the complementary product and service Offerings
Just dial provide service to his customer in 3 options. Online search which
customer can do from net, offline search which customer can do from his mobile and
SMS based service also are there.
5. across the emotional and functional appeal
According to me just dial work on both appeal emotional and factional process, partly
factional and partly emotional.
6. Look across time
Before just dial online service for information was not there and SMS was not there. So we
can say just have first mover advantage in this business.

Service Channels:
Majority of the business of JustDial comes from telephone. It was the primary
service channel when the company started initially and still is prime area of
Telephone (Text Messaging)
Instead of just providing with the details over the phone, JustDial takes
convenience of the consumer as most important and sends a text message
back to the consumer with the details of the sellers.
Mobile Applications
With time JustDial has taken on the technology as one of its core
competitiveness and utilizes it to the maximum. Today majority of the phones
in developing world are smartphones and for any firm to generate business
through this medium its important to be present as a mobile application.
JustDial had been an early mover and introduced its application on both IOS
and Android platforms
JustDial has taken the most important service channel of todays generation
very seriously and put in very sincere effort to keep the website simple.
The interface of JustDial has taken cue from the worlds biggest search engine
GOOGLE and thus kept its interface very simple.

Segmenting The Market:
Behavioral Segmentation attributes applicable to the company are listed
below with the specific applicable clusters:
Need : Casual/Moderate/Strong
Occasion: Regular/Special
Benefits: Service/Speed/Value
User status: Non-user/potential user/First time user/regular user
Usage rate: Light/medium/High
Readiness: Unaware/informed/intending to buy/aware Demographic
Segmentation Location based segmentation isnt applicable here, since this
service is available and equally accessible to everywhere there is a presence
of the underlying telecomm technology.
Psychographic Segmentation would classify the customers/clients under the
following heads:
Occupation: Student/Housewife/Businessman/Self Employed/Serviceman
Education: Students/Graduates/Undergraduates/Postgraduates
Income: MIG/HIG (LIG are being included because they wouldnt have access
to the underlying technology which is needed to avail of this service.)
Measuring Segments would prove to be very difficult as most users that visit
the website or calling with queries are not required to furnish any details
about themselves. But according to the type of service being consumed, it is
possible to find out how many people of what composition are using the
service (for example, how many people booked air tickets or hotel
reservations would indicate how many of the HIG composition is there)
Accessibility to these segments should be reasonably good, for these segments
have exposure to the Internet and Telephone at either home or office or both.
Differentiation services to suit the individual needs of a specific section of our
customer base can cater to them better. A good example would be Just Dial
Tourism started with the Tamil Nadu government

Behavioral Segmentation attributes applicable to the company are listed
below with the specific applicable clusters:
Need: Casual/Moderate/Strong
Occasion: Regular/Special
Benefits: Service/Speed/Value
User status: Non-user/potential user/First time user/regular user
Usage rate: Light/medium/High
Readiness: Unaware/informed/intending to buy/aware.
Demographic Segmentation Location based segmentation isnt applicable
here, since this service is available and equally accessible to everywhere there
is a presence of the underlying telecomm technology. Psychographic
Segmentation would classify the customers/clients under the following heads:
Occupation: Student/Housewife/Businessman/Self Employed/Serviceman
Education: Students/Graduates/Undergraduates/Postgraduates
Income: MIG/HIG (LIG are being included because they wouldnt have access
to the underlying technology which is needed to avail of this
service.)Measuring Segments would prove to be very difficult as most users
that visit the website or calling with queries are not required to furnish any
details about themselves. But according to the type of service being consumed,
it is possible to find out how many people of what composition are using the
service (for example, how many people booked air tickets or hotel
reservations would indicate how many of the HIG composition is there)
Accessibility to these segments should be reasonably good, for these segments
have exposure to the Internet and Telephone at either home or office or both.
Differentiation services to suit the individual needs of a specific section of our
customer base can cater to them better. A good example would be JustDial
Tourism started with the Tamil Nadu government.
Action ability Catering to specific needs may not always be possible, as the
service being offered is a very broad service, and maintaining several SKUs
would make it impossibly difficult to manage.
The marketing mix of just dial:
The various mediums in Just Dial.coms Marketing Mix are as follows

The firm attempts to generate a positive response in the target market by
blending these four marketing mix variables in an optimal manner.

Product the product is the physical product or service offered to the
consumer. In the case of physical products, it also refers to any services or
conveniences that are part of the offering. Product decisions include aspects
such as function, appearance, packaging, service, warranty, etc. In case of Just
Dial, the product can be referred to as a link or a bridge between the
manufacturers/retailers/sellers and the potential consumers. Just Dial Offers
a variety of services and information related to: Entertainment, Institutes,
Consumer Durables, Travel Assistance, Facilities, Workmen, and Assistance
Pricing decisions should take into account profit margins and the probable
pricing response of competitors. Pricing includes not only the list price, but
also discounts, financing, and other options such as leasing. For a company to
prosper, the pricing should be suitable taking into consideration the
companys objectives and also importantly the worth of the product/service
offered in return. To generate revenue, Just Dial charges
retailers/suppliers/companies a specific amount on a contractual basis for
customer references. This helps them to offer the best service to the
customers and also attain company goals effectively and also helps companies
to sell their products and increase their customer base. Eg- Just Dial Free
Just Dial gets 2 Million calls a day in India, from all over the Place (or
placement) decisions are those associated with channels of distribution that
serve as the means for getting the product to the target customers. The
distribution system performs transactional, logistical, and facilitating
functions. Just Dial currently has its own offices in 11 cities which are in major
metros and Tier II cities including Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad,
Chennai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Coimbatore, Vadodara & Jaipur.

Promotion decisions are related to communicating and selling to potential
consumers. Break Even Analysis is considered while doing promotion at Just
dial. It is useful to know the value of a customer in order to determine
whether additional customers are worth the cost of acquiring them.
Promotion decisions involve advertising, public relations, media types, etc.
and the Communication Channels are Newspapers, Direct Mails, Radio,
Television, Mobile, Posters, Individual Referral, E-Mail, Internet, (company
An essential ingredient to any service provision is the use of appropriate staff
and people. Recruiting the right staff and training them appropriately in the
delivery of their service is essential for competitive advantage. Consumers
make judgments and perceptions of the service based on the employees they
interact with. Staff should have the appropriate interpersonal skills, attitude,
and service knowledge to provide the service that consumers are paying for.
Physical Evidence:
The product offering caters to consumers via internet, telephone and SMS on
mobile phones. Just Dial services are accessible from 45 cities through the
phone. Physical evidence is an essential ingredient of the service mix,
consumers will make perceptions based on their sight of the service provision
which will have an impact on the organizations perceptual plan of the service.
This service also operates out of 8 offices located in all the metros, and headed
out of the Mumbai office.

Service Blueprint for JustDial.com:
A service blueprint is basically a visual map, a way to represent the various
steps involved in the service delivery. It should cover the following:
Process Delivery
Role of Customers and Employee
Visible Elements of the Service

This is the difference between the customer expectations and perceptions of
his expectations. This gap exists because JustDial.com feels that all the
customer needs is information about his query, but what he actually wants,
and is unable to convey owning to the inept interface, is his specific
requirement with that information.
(2) Knowledge Gap:
This exists when we do not know what the customer wants, what he needs and
what he expects all distinctly. Knowledge gap exists with JustDial.com because
there is no direct feedback that is collected after providing the service, and it
disengages the customer once the service is delivered. It needs to engage
customers in an active feedback process, instead of a passive one.
(3) Performance Gap:
This gap arises from inability to comply with customers needs, and generally
occurs in high growth markets with few options for customers. There is little
to no innovation on the service being provided and customization is also an
area that people are interested in, and is not being addressed.
(4) Design and Standard Gap:
This gap arises when the organization has an inherent Design flaw which
makes it in accessible or problematic for the customer. There are no blatant
design flaws with JustDial.com and it seems to be well designed.
(5) *Communication Gap:
This Gap occurs when performance does not match the promise. This gap also
does not exist for JustDial.com as it does deliver all that it promises, that is,

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