Roller Hearth Kiln - Ijoe

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A Remote Engineering Solution for Automating a

Roller Hearth Kiln
J uarez Bento da Silva
, Benedito Ren Fischer
,Gustavo Ribeiro Alves
, J oo Bosco da Mota Alves
Southern University of Santa Catarina, Ararangu, SC, Brazil
So Paulo State University UNESP, SP, Brazil
Polytechnic Institute of Porto, School of Engineering, LABORIS, Porto, Portugal
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianpolis, SC, Brazil

AbstractRemote engineering (also known as online
engineering) may be defined as a combination of control
engineering and telematics. In this area, specific activities
require computacional skills in order to develop projects
where electrical devives are monitored and / or controlled,
in an intercative way, through a distributed network (e.g.
Intranet or Internet). In our specific case, we will be dealing
with an industrial plant.
Within the last few years, there has been an increase in the
number of activities related to remote engineering, which
may be connected to the phenomenon of the large extension
experienced by the Internet (e.g. bandwith, number of users,
development tools, etc.). This increase opens new and future
possibilities to the implementation of advance teleworking
(or e-working) positions. In this paper we present the
architecture for a remote application, accessible through the
Internet, able to monitor and control a roller hearth kiln,
used in a ceramics industry for firing materials. The
proposed architecture is based on a micro web server,
whose main function is to monitor and control the firing
process, by reading the data from a series of temperature
sensors and by controlling a series of electronic valves and
servo motors. This solution is also intended to be a low-cost
alternative to other potential solutions. The temperature
readings are obtained through K-type thermopairs and the
gas flow is controlled through electrovalves. As the firing
process should not be stopped before its complete end, the
system is equipped with a safety device for that specific
purpose. For better understanding the system to be
automated and its operation we decided to develop a scale
model (100:1) and experiment on it the devised solution,
based on a Micro Web Server.
Index TermsTempretaure control system, ceramics
industry, roller hearth kiln
Two kiln types are used for firing materials in the
ceramics industry: the tunnel kiln and the roller hearth
kiln. A major difference between these two kiln types is
that the former allows a faster firing cycle with
considerable productivity gains and energy savings [1],
[2]. The use of roller hearth kilns was initially confined to
floor and wall tiles, but since some years ago it has been
extended to all types of table ware (decoration, biscuit
firing, gloss firing, in-glaze), sanitary ware, and even clay
materials for civil construction. This type of kilns usually
works 24 over 24 hours, while also supporting break
periods on the weekends (or longer periods), with quick
setup times, which presents and additional vantage over
tunnel kilns. Depending on the type of insulation and
conveyor rollers used, it accepts temperatures of up to
1250 C, for pottery firing, or up to 1400 C, for porcelain
The roller hearth kiln to be automated, in particular,
measures 145 metres long by 2.4 metres width (see figure
1), and uses natural gas, which has an higher calorific
power than other fuel types and therefore allows a more
uniform firing and hence an higher productivity. The
target kiln contains 35 ramps, where 32 are for firing and
3 for cooling. Each stage is 4 metres long and contains
two thermocouples and two valves or servo motors.

Figure 1. Photo of the roller hearth kiln installed at AngelGres.
Figure 2 presents a simplified view of the roller hearth
kiln operation. A new row of tiles enters the conveyor
stage through the left side and, if there is a blank space
available for firing, it enters inside the firing chamber. If
there is no space then it goes into a waiting stage until
there is one. The materials move inside the chamber by
means of a conveyor belt that rolls by the action of special
ceramic rollers, adapted to work inside the firing chamber.
The hydraulic press that eliminates any empty spaces
within one row of tiles (X-axis) is represented in blue
colour while two sensors (bottom of figure 2) detect any
spaces between two adjacent rows (that move along the X-
axis). The bottom part of figure 2 illustrates the output of
the roller hearth kiln where the finished up products are
taken from. The following stages can also be identified in
figure 2: (1) the entrance point to the kiln; sensors that
control the ceramic materials awaiting to enter the kiln (2)
and those entering the kiln (3); (4) sensors that control the
spacing between two adjacent rows of ceramic materials,
inside the kiln, in terms of an Y-axis; (5) this sensor will
indicate if there is NOT an empty space in the kiln
entrance in this situation the ceramic materials will be
placed in type of buffer (i.e. a waiting stage); (6) this
sensor acts in the opposite way of sensor 5, i.e. if the kiln
entrance is empty then a new row of ceramic materials
will be allowed in that stage; finally, sensor 7 controls the
spacing in terms of an X-axis (see also sensor 4).

Figure 2. A simplified schematic diagramof the kiln.
The firing process, which occurs inside the roller hearth
kiln, is one of the most important in the ceramics overall
production process. The main reason for that importance
is that the quality of the final product depends most from
that process alone, i.e. the mechanical resistance, the
dimensional stability, the resistance to fire and heat, etc.,
depends from the firing process. Some companies choose
to include a drying stage, before starting the firing process
in itself. This procedure aims to reduce the water quantity
(humidity), inside the ceramic materials, until it reaches a
level sufficientely low so that the firing process is done
under the most adequated conditions. The fastest firing
process for ceramic materials is now done in roller hearth
kilns. In this type of kilns, the ceramic materials are
carried inside by a conveyor belt, while a series of burners
(burning natural gas or Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG)
situated along the interior kiln walls produce the heat.
Table I describes the main operations performed inside the
roller hearth kiln, in the ceramic materials, during the
firing process.
Until the present moment, the kiln operation process
done at the company that contacted the authors is
monitored and controlled in a 100% manual fashion, i.e. it
requires the intervention of a given number of human
operators. In this way, the quality of the firing process
depends mostly upon the skills and past experience of the
human operator that is controlling it.
Until 150C Eliminate free water inside the material
150 250C
Eliminate water particles attached to
the material. Decompose some iron
350 650C
Eliminates water particles inside the
400 600C Burn organic substances.
Transform alpha-quartz into beta-
700 800C
Beginning of the fusing of the alkalis
and oxides of iron
800 900C
Decomposition of carbonates.
Oxidation of carbon.
Beginning of the mass fusing with CaO
and FeO with silicate formation.
Up to 1200
Formation of the phase glass-ceramic
with size reduction and porosity.
Source: Navarro et al, 2001 [3]
His/her function is to permanently watch the
temperature readings and, depending on the ceramic
materials that are inside the kiln, control the electrovalves
that burn the natural gas or LPG. When a problem occurs
(e.g. the ceramic materials do not enter the kiln with
exactely the same characteristics, as some depend upon
the raw material used to manufacture them, which
sometimes change over the time) the operator has to
intervene so has to diagnose it and act accordingly. This
sort of intervention thus requires qualified and
experienced operators.
The automation system under development is manly
focused in the temperature monitoring and control
process, inside the kiln. It aims the process efficiency and
cost savings. This requirement will be addressed by the
use of low-cost devices able to implement the required
monitor & control operations. Among the critical
problems associated with the firing process, two are
especially considered in our work: one is concerned to
automating the all process and the other concerns to the
fact that sometimes one (or more) roller(s) that sustain and
drive the conveyor belt break, causing the ceramic
materials to fall into the kiln interior floor until the
moment the human operator detects the problem and stops
the firing process. Until this human action does not occur,
the ceramic materials keep falling into the kiln floor and
hence are lost, adversely affecting the company's
productivity. One of our goals is therefore to install
specific sensors able to automatically detect this sort of
situation and immediately stop the all process, even if the
damaged rollers have to be manually swapped.
We proposed to the ceramics company that contacted us
to develop remote engineering solution for monitoring and
controlling the firing process. This solution relies on the
connecting facilities provided by Ethernet technologies,
associated to Intranet/Internet. We will also use a new
Micro Web Sever (MWS), essentially an upgrade of an
older version developed at our lab [4, 5], which will
connect to the temperature sensors via a 38-channel A/D
converter that will use the SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
to communicate with the MWS. The setpoint of each
temperature sensor is to be defined by a web page hosted
by the MWS, which will also show the temperature
iJOE Volume 4, Issue 3, August 2008 47
readings. The person in charge of the production process
(i.e. the system administrator) will be allowed to change
the system parameters, and to stop or reinitiate the firing
The present system comphreends 35 adjustable
temperature sensors (thermopairs), that control 10 servo
motors and 22 electrovalves. Three other temperature
sensors monitor the temperature at the final kiln stage,
where the ceramic materials undergo a cooling process.
When the process ends, i.e. when the ceramic materials
exit the kiln it is necessary to perform a quality control
check-up in order to assure that: (1) those materials are
within their pre-specified dimensions; (2) there are no
empty spaces inside them (i.e. they are not hollow) or
irregularities in their surfaces; (3) among other quality
control aspects. Parts of the quality control process are
done manually, by an human operator, while others are
done by a machine. The number of employees involved in
the quality control stage could be redirected to other
functions if this process could me made fully automated.
With this mind, the company included in the automation
requirements the quality control process, involving some
sort of specific, dedicated, sensors.
Another specific problem is that sometimes there are
blank rows (i.e. rows without any ceramic materials)
inside the kiln, which adversely affect the firing process,
namely because they create different heat distribution
conditions inside the kiln. To avoid this sort of situations,
the production supervisor has to continuously inspect the
interior of the kiln, by opening small inspection windows
located all along the kiln. When he/she spots an empty
row, he/she has to open some ventilation windows to
reduce the kiln temperature, at that specific location, in
order to avoid over firing the neighboring rows filled with
ceramic materials.
Figure 3 presents a conceptual view of the all system,
where the roller hearth kiln operation is to be monitored
and controlled by one (or more) MWS, which are to be
accessed through an Ethernet-based network (either an
Intranet or the Internet). A different machine is
responsible for recording the process history. The
interface to the control system is to be provided by a
simple web page, following a client/server approach. The
all idea is that the operators may change (or set) the
system fucntional parameters through that simple web
page. The block depicting the control circuitry (fig. 3
top right corner) is responsible for reading the 38
temperature sensors, via a 10-bit, 38-channels A/D
converter. As previously stated, the A/D converter
communicates with the MWS via the SPI port. The MWS,
in its turn, communicates with the client applications via
an Intranet or the Internet. The client may be a simple web
browser (supporting J ava) displaying the temperature
readings and enabling the user to set up the trigger
conditions for activating the electrovalves. The actuators
(that drive the electrovalves) will be controlled through a
dedicated module (labelled as power board in the
control circuitry block) that communicates with the MWS
via an I2C bus.
The client application is basically an HTML page with
some J ava applets embbeded on it. These J ava applets are
responsible for getting the data readings from the MWS
and for passing the new parameters (set up by the user) to
the MWS, which will use them to control the servomotors
and the electrovalves. The interaction between the cleint
and the server is established through a CGI running on the
Figure 3 also illustrates the possibility for acessing the
all process status either through an Intranet installed at the
ceramics company (clients directly accessing the MWS
through the Ethernet) or through the Internet, in which
case the connection is made via the World Wide Web

Figure 3. A conceptual view of the all system.
Figure 4 presents a close view of the temperature
readings (obtained from the thermopairs), which are
concentrated in one panel. Based on these readings and on
an internal (confidential) document that defines the set up
points according to the type of ceramics material that will
undergo the firing process, an human operator sets up
those same points. The bottom-right corner of the figure
illustrates the actuators in more detail.

Figure 4. Temperature sensors.
During the development of the automation process, all
the information contained in those internal (confidential)
documents will be transferred into a database, accessible
(and updatable) from the client software. The automation
of this process will also reduce human errors that
sometime occur, although the main goal is to speed it up,
considering the time that it now takes (as a manual
process). The access to the database is therefore subject to
security considerations due to the type of information
contained on it, i.e. it reflects the company know-how
on the firing process. Notice that this information is
updated according to the input of experienced operators.

Figure 5. General view of the process.
Using MWS to automate the kiln operation process
entails a number of advantages and future possibilities,
some of them having already been described in this paper.
However, and if the client interface is to be accessed
through the Internet (in an open connection), specific
attention should be devoted to security aspects, i.e. on
how to protectd the data, as ceramic companies compete
among themselves in obtaining the best parameters for
controlling the firing process. This also applies to control
commands and firmware updates on the MWS. Regarding
these security aspects, the MWS implements an
authentication procedure while transferring data, based on
the RC4 cryptography algorithm. This is a rather simple
algorithm, yet providing a sufficient security level, that
involves either the addition of 8-bit elements or swapping
variables stored in a state table with 256 bytes. It may
also imply some multiplications. Given its simplicity it is
easily implemented in embedded systems.
A. The hardware architecture
Figure 6 illustrates the control circuitry block (fig. 3
top right corner) in more detail, with the MWS playing a
central role. Due to this reason, we describe the MWS in
detail in the following subsection.
B. The Micro Web Server (MWS)
Figure 7 presents a block diagram of the MWS, built
around a low-cost, low-power Atmel AT90S8515
microcontroller, which supports the TCP/IP protocol. The
microcontroller in itself runs at 8 MHz and contains three
internal memories: (1) static RAM, (2) programmable
Flash memory, and (3) EEPROM. The right part of the
block diagram illustrates the interconnections with the
outside world. A serial I2C EEPROM, with 64 kbytes, is
used for storing the code and the file system of the MWS.
The physical interface with the Ethernet is done through a
RealTek RTL8019AS device, which supports the Ethernet
802.3, full duplex communication mode. The default
interface is done via a 10BaseT (RJ 45) port, although it
also supports an AUI port (optical link). Finally, the MAX
232 is a driver/transceiver for serial, RS-232C,

Figure 6. A block diagramof the control circuitry.

Figure 7. MWS block diagram

Figure 8. A close photo of the MWS
iJOE Volume 4, Issue 3, August 2008 49
The software developed for our MWS includes some
firmware (e.g. I/O functions) and the application code.
The firmware is mainly based on a simple kernel, whose
structure is illustrated by figure 9. The RealTek device
implements the two bottom layers, leaving the remaining
ones for the microcontroller. The layer on the top is
related to the web http application server, while the
remaining ones (network and transport) contain the
TCP/IP stack and the network adapter drivers.

Figure 9. Firmware layers used in the MSW.
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is also handled
within the MWS, which means associating an Ethernet
address to an IP address. An unique Ethernet address is
allocated to each MWS. The IP address may be obtained
in a static or dynamic form. In a static form it is
determined in advance and then stored inside the
microcontroller flash memory. In a dynamic form it uses
the BOOTP protocol, to repeatedly ask for a valid IP
address. The MWS also responds to ICMP (Internet
Control Message Protocol) Echo Requests (normally
associated with the ping command), which allows an
easy way to measure the total RTT (Round Trip Time).
The MWS also supports UDP-type (User Datagram
Protocol) packets, normally used by applications such as
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) and DNS
(Domain Name System ). At the TCP/IP level, our MWS
responds to HTTP GET requests (normally issued by the
web browsers), which are addressed to the TCP80 port.
As any normal web server, our MWS responds to such
requests by sending HTML (HyperText Markup
Language) documents, text, or images. In all cases, the
system kernel handles all the Internet protocols listed
above. One restriction identified so far is the total length
of one Ethernet packet (1400 bytes) for answering an
HTTP GET request, in order to save memory resources.
There are however several HTML coding techniques that
allow working within this restriction, without affecting the
quality of the service, namely HTML frames and multiple
JPEG or GIF images. The MWS functionality is also
easily upgradable, which allows for the integration of
J avaScripts (either into the HTML code or as separate
modules) and J ava applets, or CGI (Common Gateway
Interfaces) routines.
C. Implementing a prototype
In order to verify and validate the proposed solution for
automating the firing process, we developed a scale model
of the roller hearth kiln. The model is 1.45 metres long,
i.e. we followed a 100:1 scale for building it. All the
characteristics of the kiln used at AngleGres were
preserved, while the model also enables us to test new
functionalities like the crash detection mechanism. The
implemented model does not support 38 temperature
sensors but only 4 due to space restrictions. Notice that the
temperature sensors used in our model will be the same as
the ones used in the real kiln, so their size can not be
reduced and hence it would not be possible to install such
a large number of sensors in such a short space. Regarding
the servo motors and considering the stated reasons, we
will just install 4 of them in our model (against 16 used in
the real kiln) to control the gas burners. Figure 10
illustrates the current aspect of our scale model, with a
detail view of the mechanical part.

Figure 10. Roller hearth kiln prototype (scale 100:1).
The proposed automation system demonstrates not only
the feasibility of a monitor&control architecture based on
MWS, but also the possibility to use this low-cost devices
for such a purpose. These devices are thus characterized
by their flexibility and easy adaptation to needs in
automation systems. Another example of their application
for monitoring&controlling parameters in an automation
system has been described in [6], in this case for a scale
model of a silo. Another important advantage of the roller
hearth kiln model is its ability to be accessed and
controlled via a simple web browser, which favours its use
in educational, research, and industrial remote
[1] Handy Manual, Ceramics Industry, output of a Serminar on
Energy Conservation in Ceramic Industry, sponsored by the
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) of
J apan, 1994, Chapter 3, page 11.
[3] Navarro, F.J .L. et al, Depuracin de los gases de combustin en la
industria cermica, 2001.
[4] SILVA, J . B., Monitoramento, aquisio e controle de sinais
eltricos, via Web, utilizando microcontroladores. Florianpolis-
Sc, 110 p, Dissertation (MSc.), 2002.
[5] SILVA, J .B., A utilizao da experimentao remota como
suporte a ambientes colaborativos de aprendizagem. Dissertation
(PhD). UFSC, 2007.
[6] SILVA, J .B., et. al., Remote Experimentation: Integrating
Research, Education, and Industrial Application, 8th IFAC
Symposium on Cost Oriented Automation - Affordable
Automation Systems (COA07), Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba,
February 2007.
Juarez Bento da Silva is a Professor at the Department
of Computer Science of the Southern University of Santa
Catarina - UNISUL. He is also the responsible for the
Remote Experimentation Lab RexLab Southern
University of Santa Catarina. Ararangu, Santa Catarina,
Brasil. (mail: [email protected]).
Benedito Ren Fischer is a Professor at the
Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer
Science of the So Paulo State University UNESP. So
Paulo, Brazil. (mail: [email protected]).
Gustavo R. Alves is a Professor at the Department of
Electrical Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto
- School of Engineering (IPP/ISEP). He is also the
responsible for the LABORIS/ISEP research lab, Rua Dr.
Bernardino de Almeida 431, 4200-072, Porto, Portugal
(mail:[email protected]).
Joo Bosco da Mota Alves is a Professor at the
Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer
Science of the Santa Catarina Federal University UFSC.
He is also the responsible for the Remote Experimentation
Lab RexLab of Federal University of Santa Catarina.
Florianpolis, SC, Brazil. (mail: [email protected])
The authors acknowledge the sponsorship of the European Commission,
EuropeAid, Cooperation Office, Programme Amrica Latina
Formacin Acadmica (ALFA), through Project ALFA-II-465-A.
Manuscript received 1st J uly 2008. Published as submitted by the

iJOE Volume 4, Issue 3, August 2008 51

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