Is 6004
Is 6004
Is 6004
Staff Photograph LI MEI ([email protected])
School of Computing
Teaching Assistant
Module Facilitators
Text & Readings
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Created: 15-Aug-2013, Updated: 15-Aug-2013
Aims & Objectives (Learning Outcomes) | Prerequisites (What should I know?) | Te
aching Modes | Schedule | Syllabus | Assessment | Workload | Text & Readings
Module Code IS6004
Semester Semester 1, 2013/2014
Modular Credits 4
Faculty School of Computing (Information Systems)
Timetable Timetable
Module Facilitators Click to view who is teaching the module.
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Aims & Objectives (Learning Outcomes) | Prerequisites (What should I know?) | Te
aching Modes | Schedule | Syllabus | Assessment | Workload | Text & Readings
Aims & Objectives (Learning Outcomes) Top
Ever since the beginning of research into information systems (IS), economics ha
s been recognized as one of the most important reference disciplines. Economics
has made useful contributions to the understanding of IS research and applicatio
ns. Some examples include the theory of information, decision analysis, game the
ory, and econometric methodologies. These help IS researchers to understand the
implementation, adoption, and management of information systems, such as the eco
nomics of standards and network configurations, privacy, and information technol
ogys contribution to firms productivity. The objectives of this course are: 1) to equi
p students with econometrics research methodology knowledge and skills for the a
nalysis of IS/IT phenomena and management at the consumer, household or firm lev
el, and 2) to help students understand emerging IS economics research issues.
Specific learning objectives of this course are as follows:
Understand economic issues and theories associated with decision makers, goals,
choices and relationship between choices and outcomes of IS/IT artifacts
Understand and apply econometric modeling and estimation methods, including line
ar models, non-linear models, discrete choice models, tobit and selection models
, transition and duration data models, count data models, linear panel models, n
on-linear panel models, latent class models, simulation-based methods, time-seri
es econometric models, spatial econometric models, semi-parametric methods and m
odels, etc.
The target audiences of this course are doctorial students who are interested to
pursue an academic research and teaching career.
Prerequisites (What should I know?) Top
BBP6793 Economic Modeling for Management Research or EC5101 Microeconomic Theory
(for economics track IS doctoral students)
Basic knowledge in calculus, linear algebra, matrix algebra, probability, and st
atistics would be very helpful. Familiarity with statistical computing tools and
software such as Stata, SAS, R and Matlab is recommended (but these can be lear
nt during the course as well).
Teaching Modes Top
Teaching modes used will include lectures, student presentations, intensive clas
s discussions, assignments and project-based learning.
Schedule Top
See course schedule document published in Workbin.
Syllabus Top
See course syllabus document published in Workbin.
Assessment Top
The breakdown of course grade in terms of 100% is as follows:
Class Participation: 10% (Individual)
Problem Sets: 25% (Individual)
Research Paper: 35% (Individual)
Final Exam: 30% (Individual)
Workload Top
Text & Readings Top
*If LINC does not return any results, please try alternative searches (e.g title
). Any errors encountered, please report to the lecturer and the library.
Total 4 items
Title and Author Edition/Year ISBN Publisher Type
Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications
Author: Colin Cameron and Pravin Trivedi 1e / 2005 Search LINC/Libr
aries Cambridge University Press Compulsory
Companion Website
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data
Author: Jeffrey Wooldridge 2e / 2010 Search LINC/Libraries MIT Pres
s Compulsory
Microeconometrics Using Stata
Author: Colin Cameron and Pravin Trivedi 2e / 2010 Search LINC/Libr
aries Stata Press References
A Guide to Econometrics
Author: Peter Kennedy 6e / 2008 Search LINC/Libraries Wiley-Blackwell
Aims & Objectives (Learning Outcomes) | Prerequisites (What should I know?) | Te
aching Modes | Schedule | Syllabus | Assessment | Workload | Text & Readings