II B.Tech Life, Language and Culture, Explorations-I

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Tech Life, Language and Culture, Explorations-I

1. Bade Bhai Saab
Page No: 9
Q: 1. What is the age of the narrator?
Ans:-At the beginning of the story the age of the narrator was 11years and he turned to 13years by
the end of the story.
Q: 2. How does he describe his elder brother?
Ans:- He describes his elder brother as a studious person who is always engrossed in books. He is
much responsible towards his brother and cares him a lot. But he was too dominant that he wants to
control him in all aspects. He desires to improve his knowledge by laying strong foundation. He
controls himself by keeping himself away from worldly pleasures like playing games, fairs, cricket
matches and other entertainments. He has great respect towards elders.
Q: 3. Why was his elder brother angry with the narrator? Illustrate with at least three
expressions he uses?
Ans:- The elder brother was angry with the narrator because he always wastes his time either in
playground or entertaining with friends rather than on studies.
The following expressions make it clear:-
1. It is no childs play dear.
2. If you want to waste your life thus, better go home and play Gulli- danda to your hearts content.
3. So you feel you have conquered the world.
4. Dont fly high; you will fall on your face.
5. Are you out of your mind, roaming like vagabond with this hooligans. Etc.
Q: 4. How was the tension between the two brothers resolved?
Ans:- The tension between the two brothers resolved when the younger ones pleaded for forgiveness
and he told that it was his own fault and every word what he said was true. So, he never hates him.
Immediately, the elder brother hugged him. Both of them broke into tears. The hatred situation
turned to warmth and thus the tension between them was resolved.
Page No: 11
Writing Style
Throwing pebbles in the air, flying paper butterflies, this is no childs play, the bouncing of football,
the fervor kabbadi and the pace of volleyball, tiptoe, the sword of Damocles, Amma and Dada and
home remedy are the words and phrases that convey the rural/semi-urban setting of the story. An
urban reader gets confused when he comes across such words at the first glance but as he continues
further he gets absorbed to the nativity of the story.
Page No: 12
Q: 1. Younger brother is at his success. The elder ones wish that he always wants to be admired. He
says that even God cant challenge the truth that he is elder one. He threatens the younger one never
to develop false pride whether he got into his grade or even more ahead.
Q: 2. Yes, the elder brother is a bit jealous of the success of his younger ones. In spite of praising and
feel honored as his brother topped the grade his elder brother simonized him whenever he was found
playing. Q:3. Yes, the emotional bonding between the two brothers is universal. Wherever two
brothers in a family is seen, the elder ones always dominates the younger ones and tries to control
him. On the other side the elder care for the younger.
Q: 4. In spite of enjoying his extracurricular activities, two times in the annual results the narrator
topped his grade but his elder brother flunked. But instead of confronting him, he kept silent. He
never uttered any word against him even when his brother warned him many times. At the end of the
story narrator was surprised to see his new avatar even then narrator humbled himself and he pleaded
for forgiveness. This shows his respect towards his elder brother.
Page No: 13
Vocabulary by Theme
I. i. Speech lecture serious
ii. Scold formal chide
iii. Abate contract cut
iv. Rigid harsh serious.
II. i. angry annoy irritate
ii. by heart study building
iii. Outgoing outflow offspring
iv. harmoniously match action
Page No: 14
Culture Point
Q: 1. Generally, the elder brothers of the family are more responsible than younger ones. They are
often called as next to father. Studious nature of the elder brother is one of the traits observed in the
story. The elder brothers feel that the younger must obey their command and follow their advice
when even not asked for they lay restrictions upon themselves and others too. They make an attempt
to understand the pain and struggle of their family to educate them. They seek for priority and
respect. They also behave in such a manner that they know the world better than others.
Q: 2. At the beginning of the story the younger brother has much respect towards elder one. He never
dared to question him. As the story progress, he found new confidence in him and wanted to question
him by seeing his depressed face, but he didnt do that. He wanted to argue with him but finding him
crying he too cried. He tried not to offend him any time when the elder one stars to lecture, he bore it
with patience when he was in rage the younger one shuddered. At the very sight when the elder
brother was too emotional and nervous he admitted his guilt and showed compassion for him.
Ultimately, he followed his elder brother, Respect for elder brother diminish but rage made way for
compassion, feeling of fear turned to affection.
Page No: 16
Q: 3. Clearing an exam is one thing, attaining knowledge is another. Algebra and geometry will drive
you crazy and God saves you from the British history. The academic knowledge is not enough to
lead the life happily. But even can match their wisdom in worldly matters. Look at our family
members and parents how are they managing. So, we should always be aware of our surroundings.
Q: 4 In no way did the elder admonishing contributed to the narrators good performances. The elder
brother has admonished the younger ones several times but the younger had never cared for his
words. He paid a deaf ear to his words. The narrator is intelligent and so stands first in the class. His
performance is not at all a result of elder brothers admonishment.
Page No: 18
Literary Concept:
Even though the story is in the first person narrative, the author succeeded in highlighting the
characters equally well. The author has depicted very carefully the emotional scenes and the sensitive
issues. The narrative style leaves a positive impression for the reader on the characters. The reader
sympathizes with the characters and understands their emotions. It is the writing style that made all
these. The author dealt the story in a sensitive manner. He succeeded in grabbing the entire attention
of the readers by describing routine activities and general ideas in a lively manner.
Page No: 19
Reading Journal
Q: 1. The elder brother is dull and slow at learning. He lags subject knowledge and so he is unable to
perform well in the examination although he is seen always surrounded with books and doesnt
undergo any recreation and relaxation that made his mind to be blunt. Another reason is that he was
not interested in studies and has developed negative impression for history, geometry and English
which is an obstacle in procuring knowledge.
Page No: 20
Q: 2. The elder is a responsible person. He has great respect for his family and feels the responsibility
for his younger brother. He believes in wisdom rather than education. He has a strong feeling though
one is educated in a high position; it is the worldly knowledge that leads ones life. In his opinion,
pride makes one to fall down. He strongly believes that one should have self control to achieve ones
goal to succeed in ones life.
Page No: 21
(a) Strengths:
Being friendly with all the people. Empathy towards poor and needy. Self confident. ` Helping
nature Positive thinking.
(b) Weaknesses:
Telling lies and hiding makes me to get angry Short temper and very sensitive Doing mischievous
things and getting scolded from parents.
(c) I.
By interacting with my grandparents I came to know that there is a lot of happiness and support
among the family members. In those days and also the younger ones always obeys the elders. There
will be a lot of understanding between the family members. There will be a strong bondage of love
and affection between the family members because in those days they have got joint families. Even
for a small function or occasion everyone attends it and they used to share their feelings and ideas but
now a days. It is not like that no one cares for the other one. All the families are nuclear family. They
are ready to share their parents along with their property. So this has to be changed to get a healthy
In those days most of the people are not educated as now. In that days education is given very less
importance they acquire knowledge by interacting with people. The people who got knowledge have
participated in freedom movement. If we got education and knowledge no one can cheat us and we
need not depend on others. But now there is a drastic change in our educational systems. So this
change is very good. Women also be given great importance, they should also be educated. Then,
there will be no discrimination between men and women and this leads to a healthy society.

2. The Hawk and the Tree

Literary concept: Theme (P.No.35)
1. The cobbler says,..Do you agree with the narrator?
A. Yes, the cobbler was cruel. He was very happy to see his sparrow hawk dead. But of
course, the hawk too is cruel, as it cheerfully ate the live sparrows.
2. What is your reaction ..to another beings death?
A. The crowd has indirectly made this comment through their behaviour. It is a heinous
act to take pleasure at the sufferings of others. The innate sadism of a man made them
insensitive to another beings death. Moreover, they took joy because they havent been in
that crucial situation.
3. Revisit the lines..apathy shown by the characters?
A. The author used the line when he saw the hawk hanging from the dead tree. He felt,
as if the hawk was talking to him through its lifeless eyes. This line signifies the need of
apathy under all circumstances. The characters have no concern for others and hence the same
thing happened to them in the narrators imagination. As we sow, so we reap. We get
whatever we give to others.
4. The refrainmore responsive to those around them?
A. The authors aim is to persuade the readers to do exactly the opposite. He wants the
readers to attain moral values and be sympathetic to others. He sarcastically exploited the
human nature which takes pleasure at others sufferings.
By repeating the words cannot break it, he doesnt convey that it is useless or
unable to do. He wants the reader to get rid of the negative emotions like ego,
jealousy, apathy, insecurity and so on. According to him, we should respond to
others sufferings and pains; and we shouldnt be the reason for others pain.

Culture point : Class and social Attitudes (P.No.37)
1. The author does not..behaviour as well?
A. Yes, he surely does. He hints the readers to introspect themselves, come out with
their short comings and try to overcome them. He makes it clear that every human has his own
faults and one need to check oneself at all the times and should make an attempt to change his
unfavourable behaviour.
2. comment on..authors attitude towards them.
A. All the characters in the story reflect the moral stillness of the society. The jobless
men hang around all day long at cobblers shop. They have no work to do. They cant think on
their own. They lack individuality. Thats why they always tend to imitate the cobbler. The
writer feels that they are so stupid and idiotic who dont get bored of imitating the cobbler.
3. What exactly does the author mean by string?
A. The author symbolizes a wide variety of feelings and emotions as strings. It
symbolizes ego, social irresponsibility, insecurity, jealousy, apathy, sadism and above
all, the result of our deeds.
4. The deeper meaninglife in general?
A. The author brings out the inhuman attitude of the people towards the society. He
opines that the society lacks moral and social responsibilities. People are insensitive
for others sufferings. No one tries to be a better human being but expects others to be
Life goes accordingly with our chosen path. Tragic end of life is a mere result of
our actions. One has to get rid of the strings that tie ones feet and move forward with
a sense of freedom.

Literary concept : Point of view (P.No.40)

By now you are aware that..work on their short comings.
The author describes that everyone has his own short comings. We should identify and try to rectify
them rather than pointing at others mistakes. We should trace out the strings that bind us and try to
release ourselves from them.

Literary concept : Symbolism (P.No.40)

1. What does the string of sparrowsvictim of its ego too?
A. The hawk didnt really return. Everything was his imagination. The hawk too was a
victim of its ego. It cheerfully ate the live sparrows. The narrator indirectly says
that the dreadful death of the hawk is a result of the sufferings of the sparrows.
Feeding on live sparrows resulted in its death.
2. What do you think the string..symbolic of?
A. The hawk symbolizes a merciless individual bound by ego. The sparrows not only symbolize the
actions of an individual, but also weakness, lack of individuality, cowardly nature and the act of
easily falling prey to others.
The string represents the consequences of our actions. The dead tree is a
symbolic representation of this emotionless and merciless society. It reflects
barrenness, unproductiveness, unfruitfulness and uselessness. It represents the
society that remains still, not bothering about the happenings.
3. What do you think is the authors comment.of this story?
A. The author wants to resemble the society through his story. He compares his
characters to the merciless society which stays still without any sensitivity to the
happenings. He comments that the society is the culprit of all the evils and sins.
Irresponsibility and insensitivity remains the root cause for the moral bankruptcy
of the society. Life, too, according to author is a reflection of our deeds. No one
can escape from the past deeds which result in present rewards.

Reading Journal (P.No.43)

1. Would this story hold true.why?
A. The story holds true for a democratic country like India. People, here, are pre occupied with their
own routines neglecting the other things. People have become so egotistic that they dare to do
anything for their own well-being, never considering the morals. They take pleasure at the suffering
of others.
2. Besides ego..insensitive?
A. Being self-centered, always interested in self upcoming, getting green-eyed at the success of others,
having a pre-occupied nature, having completely absorbed in themselves neglecting others, lack of
social responsibilities, lack of moral attitude are the other traits besides ego, that cause people to
become indifferent and insensitive.

-Zaheda Hina
Understanding the text: Main ideas

1. What has the protagonists husband been hiding from her?
A. He has been hiding the nature of his duties and the background of the award he has received.

2. Who opposes her marriage and why?
A. The protagonists brother opposes the marriage. He doubted that a military officer, and
a woman who is against the military rule, wouldnt make a perfect match.

3. Why do the protagonists friends stop interacting with her?
A. They were stifled and didnt trust her. Moreover, they regarded her as a Trojan horse.

4. What is the impact of her friends sudden death on the protagonist?
A. She was so upset and wept for many days.

5. Why do you think she compares her husband and his friends to wolves?
A. Because they are so cruel and have wild thoughts. They seemed fierceful.

6. What is the impact of the revelation on the protagonist?
A. It is hard for her to believe. She couldnt digest the true colour of her husband.

Looking at language: Writing style

Read the following phrases and write the associations/images they create for you.
Darkness had spread itself over the trees[para 1]
It indirectly says that something bad has occurred and it is unavoidable.

All the shreds of lights were over and our shrieks filled all the dark corners [para 3]
Succeeding in ones attempts gives joy and fulfillment. It drives away negativity.

Darkness would swallow up all the fragments of light [para 9]
The misery and misfortune in life have taken away all the cheerful moments.

I stand in the semi-dark arch of the drawing room door[para 26]
The thought process is going on and she is ready to face the situation, whatever the consequences
may be.

Looking at Language: Vocabulary by Theme

Rooted to spot = unable to move
Legs gave way = unable to stand
Retreated within myself = consoled myself, moved away from something
Trance = have no conscious control
Dead foetus = not alive, ended relation

Literary concept: Theme

1. Would you consider To be or Not to Be a political story?
A. It is a story of personal life with a political backdrop. It depicts the role of politics in
a womans family.

2. Does the author. Carried out around them?
A. The author blames everyone in the society that is involved in violating the human rights,
that is ignorant of their rights and that is oppressing those rights. She criticizes the
insensitive human tendency.

3. What do you think is the intent of the author in writing such a story?
A. The author intends to reveal the true colours of the military government and the impact it
has on a normal family. She wanted to put forth the struggle faced by a wife in such a situation.

4. What is the tone the narrator has adopted?
A. The narrator has adopted a tone of depressive yet powerful, gloomy but realistic,
empathetic and suggestive.

Culture point:

1. How does the writer depict the military establishment in the story?
A. The military establishment was considered frightening, terrific, wild, Hippocratic, cruel
and merciless. Major part of her life is associated with its regime and oppression. Military
power was so strong that no one could stand or fight against it. It was like a strong oak tree
rooted deep into earth and rose to the clouds. Its sprawling branches covered the entire
livelihood in the country.

2. Does the absence of names make the story more universal and impactful?
A. Yes, of course. Absence of names makes the story more universal and impactful.
Everyone could identify themselves or their friends or family in the characters and the scenes.
The impact would be more because the plot is not diluted by personalizing the characters.

3. In what terms does she describe the victims of the torture?
A. The victims of the torture are the narrator herself, her friend and her friends wife. The terms
used to describe these victims are unknown soldier, lamenting wife, a genious, brilliant mind
and a noble soul. The victims of the torture were so gentle, noble, good at heart, generous,
ambitious and courageous but were suppressed, oppressed and deceived by the power.

Literary concept
Its not a tale of personal betrayal alone. It includes political and ethical betrayal, too.
She was ashamed of her husbands nature and behavior. She expresses her dissatisfaction
and resentment upon his personal and ethical betrayal. She also includes the government and
authorities for their betrayal of signing on the articles and brushing them aside.

Literary concept: Imagery
She compared the cruelty and wild nature of human beings with that of the wild animals. She
represented the inhuman behavior by comparing them and their actions to the wild life. She says
that they were like snarling wolves and growling wolves, crowding with their bloody jaws.
In her point of view, the men that torture other men and the men who find pleasure in it
are no less than the wild animals.

Reading Journal
1. Read the linesend them
A. The essence of the story is clearly conveyed in the title itself. The narrator is in a
dilemma. She struggles over the decision she has to make: whether to continue with the
sufferings or to oppose and stand against them.
2. Do you think. To its citizens?
A. The author is critical of any form of governance that denies rights to its citizens. She fights
for the rights of a common man.
3. Have you ever authors story?
A. It is a non-governmental organization that works to prevent and end grave abuses of
human rights and to demand justice for these whose rights have been violated.
The reports show that the communities, most affected by human rights abuses are the
real driving force behind the human rights struggle. Their courage, determination and
perseverance have inspired millions to fight for justice.
The narrator in the story has suffered to the extent and hence would lead the
movement with strong and firm determination, and courage until she reaches her determined

I came to know about a girl, Vijaya, who faced a severe and the worst disappointment in
her life, at a tender age. Vijaya was so innocent, natural and cheerful. Her days passed in a happy
manner until she turned 10. Her fate was over turned with the death of her dear father. There was
no means to run the home. She and her mother struggled for a while to get on with the hard
moments. They sought shelter with their relatives but had to face severe humility and hostile
They decided to no longer face them and have started their own earnings. Life went on
for two years. Vijayas mother now got married to a man who has shown his sympathy for her.
Vijaya was happy to have a father again and she started to share everything with him. But the
real trouble came in the form of her father.
He started to behave in an unusual way. She was unable to understand the real sense of
her step father. She thought that he was pampering and taking great care of her. But on one bleak
day, he tried to assault her physically that she was dumb struck at the happening. She was so
horrified at the reality. When she tried to reveal it to her mother, she simply paid a deaf ear to
her. Life became miserable to her.
The mans heinous acts have no end. They went on and on and finally, Vijaya has to
carry the baby of her father. She ran away from the house and sought protection with a women
welfare organization. She got rid of the burden she was haplessly carrying. She didnt stop there.
She wanted to reveal the true nature of her step-father to the society. She filed a case against him
and let others know about all the misery she faced. She burst into tears while explaining it on a
TV show. Many came to her aid and she is now studying. She expressed her wish to become an
advocate so that she could see that justice be done to all.She made a closing sentence on her
interview, All that glitters is not gold. Never trust anyone to the hearts extent. Be cautious and
take wise decisions.

4. The Festival of the Sacred Tooth Relic in Sri Lanka
Page No: 57
Q. 1. What are Stupas? What kinds of Stupas are erected for worshipping?
Ans:- Stupas are places of Buddhist worship. They were raised either by pilgrims or great
personages. They contain Buddhas corporeal relics like his teeth, hair or bones. The kinds of
Stupas are: Sharirik, Vaibhashik, Uddeshik and Votive.
Q. 2. Which Indian king introduced Buddhism to Sri Lanka according to author? Who
carried his message across?
Ans:- King Ashoka, a staunch follower of Buddhism, introduced the cult in Sri Lanka.
His son Mahindra, a Buddhist monk and his daughter Sanghamitra carried Buddhas message to
that country.
Q. 3. Name the term used fo9r learned Buddhist monks.
Ans:- Theras is the term used for learned Buddhist monks.
Q. 4. What relic did the first Chetiya house?
Ans:- The first Buddhist Chetiya Thuparama Dagaba built in Sri Lanka housed
Buddhas collar bone.
Q. 5. Name the tree whose leaf was sent as a gesture of goodwill to Sri Lanka.
Ans:- The branch of the Bodhi Tree beneath which Buddha did his penance was sent to
Sri Lanka by Ashoka as a gesture of his goodwill.
Q. 6. Where was the Tooth Relic hidden by Hemamala?
Ans:- Hemamala, daughter of king Guhashiva was said to have donned the garb of an
ascetic and kept the tooth relic hidden in her coiffure.
Q. 7. Under which kings reign was the left-eye tooth brought to Sri Lanka? Also
mention the year.
Ans:- The left-eye tooth of Buddha was brought to Sri Lanka during the reign of king Siri
Megha Vanna in 371 A.D.
Q. 8. Who is credited with recording the festival of the Tooth Relic in his writings?
Ans:- It was the famous Chinese traveler Fa Hien who recorded the festival of the tooth
relic in his writings.
Q. 9. Describe in your own words what happens after the Tooth Relic is displayed.
Ans:- After the tooth relic was displayed offerings were made to it in Ab hayagiri Vihara.
Rituals such as burning incense and lightening lamps were observed by the pilgrims and monks
for 90 days after which it was taken back to its original place.

Writing Style:
Relic, Thevas, Chetiya, Bodhi, Patra, Palladium, ascetic, Vihara, Padmaraga,
Monk, Laic, caparisoned, Jataka, Missionary.

Page No: 59
Literary Concept: Theme: 1
Buddhism is a cult native to India. But it was not limited to India. Its message and
the cult relics were carried to as far as Sri Lanka by king Asokas son Mahindra and daughter
Sanghamitra. This happened as far back as 350 century B.C. Mahindra and his band of monks
Theras greatly influenced King Devanampriya Tissa and his courtiers and converted them to
Buddhism. Buddhas relics like his collar bone, his Patra and his eye-tooth were preserved there
in Stupas and buildings raised on them. There stupas which later turned into special places of
pilgrimage strengthened the cultured link between India and Sri Lanka. A large number of Indian
Buddhist monks visit Sri Lanka even today. The Bhodi tree transplanted in Sri Lanka during the
Asokas time had been a great pilgrim attraction till today.

Theme 2
The left eye tooth brought to Sri Lanka in 371 A.D .is highly venerated by Buddhist this
relic is preserved in a Vihara just by the kings palace to give of honor. The Vihara is made
brilliant with precious germs. A great Padmaraga was fixed on pole above the Vihara to make
the relic a big draw. It is displayed at an annual festival with it is moved out to Abhaya Vihara
for public gaze. If its arrival is celebrated for 90 days with colorful rituals.
Buddhist Monks are deeply religions. They observe all rituals meticulously. They freely
mingle with the common people during festivals and processions they love festivals connected
with Buddhist rallies. They consider the tooth relic to be auspicious and savior of their land.

Theme 3
According to Fa Hien, ten days before the festival, the king grandly caparisoned a large
elephant on which he mounted a man dressed in royal robes to go round the town, beating a large
drum and describing the life and the virtues of Buddha followed by an announcement to public.
Buddhas tooth would be brought out and taken to Abhayagire-Vihara for worship. Monks or
laics grandly adorn the lanes by-ways and provide abundant store of flowers and incense to be
used and offerings to the Relic. They also burned incense, lighted lamps and performed all the
prescribed services, day and night without ceasing for ninety days.

Theme 4
Generally a friendly relation has existed between India and Sri Lanka. However, the Sri
Lankan civil war and inefficiency of the Indian government in intervening during the civil war
marred this amicable relation. Both the nations have maintained diplomatic ties since Sri Lankas
independence in 1948. A healthy bilateral relation was established by the then Prime Minister of
India- Indira Gandhi and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka- Sirimavo Bandaranaike. An agreement
signed on 29th July, 1987 between the then Prime minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi and the then
President of Sri Lanka, J.R. Jayewardene to address three controversial issues: people of Indian
origin in Sri Lanka, strategic interests, rights of Tamil minority in Sri Lanka. The Rajiv-
Jayewardene Accord, as the agreement is popularly known, led to some unfortunate events. With
the signing of the agreement India got engaged in a war with a separatist organization of Sri
Lanka called, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. A special peace keeping force called the IPKF
was employed to curb the LTTE. Around 1200 Indian soldiers gave their life fighting. Further,
India felt insulted when Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa, demanded for the
withdrawal of the IPKF even before the completion of the mission. Indias sentiments received
the hardest blow when Rajiv Gandhi was killed by the LTTE. The killing was masterminded by
LTTE chief, V. Prabakaran. The incident led to withdrawal of support that Tamil Militants
enjoyed in Tamil Nadu. India acted less actively in issues related to Sri Lankas Tamil Militants.
However, the LTTE was finally crushed by the Sri Lanka with Indias support in 2009.
A free trade agreement was signed between both the nations in 2000. Since then the two
neighbours have witnessed positive growth rate in trade. Further, both the nations being
members of organizations like South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme, SAARC,
South Asian Economic Union and BIMSTEC are making effort to strengthen commercial and
cultural ties.
India has willingly cooperated with Sri Lanka for the latters development in areas of
education, health, etc.

Page No: 62
Q.1Sinhalese reception to Buddhism had always been cordial. The reason is that
Sinhalese and Buddhism have a common origin. The Sinhalese came to Sri Lanka from North
India to settle there. Similarly Buddhism also came from North India. Before the advent of
Buddhism, the aborigines of Sri Lanka had no religion worth the name what all they had was a
form of spirit worship. Buddhism being an enlightened religion found a favorable response not
only from settlers but also from the aboriginals.
The Sinhalese, though Hindus originally, soon imbibed Buddhist ideals and
followed them sincerely. The Sri Lankan kings raised rich Viharas and Stupas on Buddhist relics
and made over rich land endowments to support them. Sri Lankan Buddhism had an independent
growth. It adopted Theravada as no one else did. Huge congregations and conferences were held
by kings and monks to resolve religions differences in an amicable way. It was during the reign
of Raja Simha I a Saivite king. There were conflicts between Buddhism and Sai Vism, but the
later kings soon resolved the differences.
The Sri Lankan kings took several steps to consolidate Buddhism. They raised
magnificent Stupas on Buddhas relics and organized huge functions involving people to
inculcate the Buddhist principles.
Q.2 Fa Hien uses a direct quotation to give a vivid account of the tooth festival. The
quotation asks monks and the laymen to keep the roads smooth and clean and decorate the lanes
with flowers. This mode of narration is quite appropriate as Fa Hien himself was a direct witness
to the announcement. A direct account is always more authentic than an indirect one to
increasing the significance of any event.
The announcement: Listen on the 10
day from now. Buddhas tooth will be taken to
Abhayagiri in a procession. So keep the streets smooth and clean. Decorate them with flowers
and incense. Monks or common men- whoever takes part in the work will earn great virtue.
Q.3The tooth relic always enjoyed a pride of place in Sri Lanka. A Vihara was built just
beside the kings palace in order to preserve it. To bring it closer to people it was taken out on a
caparisoned elephant with much fan fare. Lot of publicity was given to the procession. People
were told that they wont earn merit if they kept the roads clean and beautiful. Five hundred
different bodily forms of Buddha were set up along the road to Abhayagiri. Offerings were made
to the tooth relic during the annual procession. The procession lasted for 90 days. On special
days such as the Poya days, the king washed the tooth three times a day with perfumed water.
Kings and people have come to believe that the tooth relic brought prosperity and safety to the
country. The rituals and grand procession built around the tooth relic were all devised by
different kings at different times to sustain peoples veneration for the relic.

Page No: 63
Literary concept: Travelogue
Fa Hien gives us a photographic account of the various aspects of Sri Lanka
society. First he begins with the description of Stupas which hold a mission to Sri Lankas
architecture. This Sanskrit names Vaibhashik and Uddeshik remind us of their linguistic links
with India. The setting up of images of Buddha in his previous birth along the route to
Abhayagiri indicate Sri Lankas belief in rebirth and avatars. Peoples participation in raising
stupas and procession shows that religious was their life blood. Having a Bhodi Plant in their
country is an indication of their desire to maintain their ethnic links with India. Then ceremonial
reverence compiled with love of pomp and glitter show their popular interest their belief that
tooth relic was savior of their country indicates their concern for the benefit of their native land.
The mingling of kings with the common people shows the republican nature of Sri Lankan
Page No: 65
The acclaimed sources of history are, ancient coins, relics, edicts on metal sheets and
rock, travelogues, paintings, poetic works, still-standing monuments like Taj Mahal and
Pyramids. The sources can be categorized into under grown and over grown ones. Relics, tombs
and ancient habitats like Mohinjodaro and Harappa come under the first category, while rock
edicts monuments and paintings and poetic works come under the latter category.

Page No: 65
Reading Journal
Q: 1Bodh Gaya is in Bihar. It is on the banks of the river Phalguri. It is there that prince
Siddharth did meditation under a peepal tree and attained enlightenment. Emperor Asoka visited
Bodh Gaya and raised the Mahabodhi temple there. With the decline of Buddhism in India the
temple was abandoned. It was Alexander Cunningham who took up renovation work in the late
Now, the Mahabodhi temple is a famous place of Buddhist pilgrimage. The
temple contains the Bodhi tree and the diamond throne called Vajrasana. A huge festival is held
there every year in the month of Vai Shakh. Lakhs of people gather there. In 2002, U.N.O
declared it a world heritage site.
There are other Buddhist temples too, raised by Buddhist countries such as Japan,
China, Mayanmar, Nepal, Tibet, Thailand, Sikkim, Sri Lanka and Bhutan. These temples are
built in their native building styles. The Buddha Statue in the Chinese temple is 200 years old. It
had been brought from China. The Thai temple has a 25 metre bronze statue of Buddha-Chinese
travelers Fa Hien and Zuan Zang are said to have visited Bodha Gaya.

Page No: 66
Q:2JagannathTemple at Puri
Puri, on the east coast of India, in the state of Orissa is a hoary pilgrimage center, enshrining
Jagannath, in a colossal temple. Puri is well connected by rail and road with Calcutta and with
Bhubaneshwar. Bhubaneshwar , Konarak and Puri constitute the Golden triangle of Orissa,
visited in large numbers by pilgrims and tourists.
Puri is the forerunner of the Jagannath cult in Orissa, which saw the flowering of several temples
dedicated to Jagannath all over the state.
Puri is an ancient shrine, enshrining Krishna - Jagannath in the form of a wooden image. Also
enshrined are wooden images of Balabhadra (Balarama) and Subhadra brother and sister of
Krishna respectively. Interestingly, the Rig Veda refers to Purushottama in the form of a
wooden image, prepared from a log of wood floating on the ocean. Puri is also referred to in the
Bhrama purana.
Orissa has Konark as the Surya Kshetra, Puri as the Vishnu kshetra, Bhubaneshwar as the Hara
Kshetra and Jaipur as the Parvati Kshetra.
Legend has it that the original image of Jagannath was found at the foot of a fig tree, in the form
of an Indranila or the Blue Jewel. Its blinding brightness, prompted Dharma to request it to be
hidden in the earth. King Indradyumna, of Malwa intending to discover this image, performed
severe penances, and was instructed by Vishnu to go to the Puri seashore, and look for a floating
log, and fashion an image from its trunk.
The King did discover the log of wood. Vishnu and Vishwakarma appeared in the form of
artistes and prepared images of Krishna, Balarama and Subhadra from the tree. Interestingly, the
wooden images being worshipped are renewed during special occasions. New images have been
installed in 1863, 1893, 1931, 1950, 1969 and 1977.
Puri was a center of Buddhist worship, before it became a center of Vaishnavism again. The
Rath Yatra at Puri has its parallel with the chariot procession of the Buddha's tooth at Dantapuri.
Puri is located on the gentle slope of the Nila hill, adjacent to the sea. A sacred banyan tree is
revered as a manifestation of Vishnu, the ocean - Balarama and a pool- the king Indradyumna.
Pilgrims are required to offere worship first at a Shiva temple, and then at the banyan tree and
then at the shrine to Balarama before proceding to worship Jagannath. Subhadra is to be
worshipped next.
The Temple: The vast temple complex occupies an area of over 400000 square feet, and is
bounded by a 20 feet high fortified wall. This complex contains about 120 temples and shrines.
The shikhara of the Jagannath temple towers to a height of 192 feet.
Structurally the temple has four chambers. The outermost is the Bhogmandir, the next is the
Nata-mandir pillared hall for music and dance, the next is the Jagamohana - or the mandapa
where devotees gather for worship and the last is the sanctum or the Deul enshrining the deities.
History: The temple was originally built by the Kalinga ruler Anantavarman Chodaganga (1078
- 1148 CE). Much of the present structure was built by King Ananga Bhima Deva in the year
1174 CE. It took 14 years to complete and was consecrated in 1198 CE. It is believed that the
image of Jagannath was buried thrice in the Chilka lake for protection from invaders.
Puri represents one of the four peethas established by Sankaracharya, the other four
beingSringeri in south India, Dwarka in Saurashtra, and Badrinath in the Himalayas.
Ramananda of the 14th century - a follower of the Sri Vaishnava religious leader Ramanuja, is
also associated with this temple. Chaitanya of the 15th - 16th centuries popularized the worship
of Jagannath.
Festivals: Elaborate worship services are carried out throughout the day here. There are as many
as 24 festivals each year, the most important one of them being the Rath Yatra or the Chariot
festival in the month June - July. The spectacular chariot festival involves the procession of
three colossal chariots bearing the images of Jagannath, Balarama and Subhadra through the
streets of Puri.
Jagannath's chariot is a 35 feet square, rising to a height of 45 feet, with 16 wheels, 7 feet in
diameter. More than 4000 people drag the chariot. Hundreds of thousands gather from all over
the country to witness this festival. The chariot is dragged to the deity's summer abode where the
deities are worshipped for a week, and then a re-enactment of the chariot festival, where they are
brought back in procession happens. New chariots are made each year.

Page No: 67
Q:3 1. Be a light unto yourself (Appo Deep, Aap Bhava).
2. Neither strain the strings too much nor relax them entirely. In either case the
instrument does not ring.
3. Sangham Saranam Gachami.
4. Desire is the root cause of sorrow.
Page No: 67
Q:4 Travelogues is an eyewitness an account in writing of famous places. The world
has seen famous travelers like Marco Polo, Abdul Razak, Fa Hien and Rahul Sanskrutyayan
going about the world and giving vivid accounts.
But for Abdul Razak who visited the Vijayanagara empire who wouldnt have
known much about the empire. He had given a picturesque account of trade in vijayanagaran.The
city streets and the heaps of diamonds put on sale.
Fa Hien and Zuan Zang the Chinese travelers who visited India during the Mouryan and
Guptha periods gave full details of peoples life in the respective empires.

The accounts give us a peep into the lives of people their modes of living, their mutual-
relationships, their religion, their festivities, their beliefs and ideals, their manners and their
weaknesses. As these accounts contain cultural details of foreigners they naturally attract a wider
attention. People come to know through these accounts, different perceptions of life. They realize
whether their own cultural and religious practices are better or worse than the alien ones. Thus
people come to broad outlook on religious ethics and politics. In course of time the travelogues
help to promote a spirit of positive understanding and tolerance for things different from their

Page No: 68
History of Velankanni
Sometime during the sixteenth century, Our Lady with her infant son appeared to a Hindu
boy carrying milk to a customers home. While he rested under a Banyan tree near a tank (pond),
Our Lady appeared to him and asked for milk for her Son and the boy gave her some. On
reaching the customers home, the boy apologized for his lateness and the reduced amount of
milk by relating the incident that occurred on his way.
On inspection, the man found the milk pot to be full and realized that something
miraculous had happened. That man, also a Hindu, wanting to see the place where the apparition
occurred, accompanied the boy. When they reached the tank, Our Lady appeared once again.
On learning that it was Our Lady who appeared to the boy, the residents of the local
Catholic community became ecstatic. The tank where the apparition took place is called "Matha
Kulam" or Our Ladys tank.
Some years later Our Lady appeared again. This time to a crippled boy who was selling
buttermilk near a public square on the outskirts of the same village of Vailankanni. She asked
him for buttermilk for her infant Son and the boy compiled. Our Lady asked the boy to inform a
certain wealthy Catholic man in the nearby town of Nagapattinam of her appearance. Not
realizing that his crippled leg was miraculously cured by Our Lady, the boy rose up and began
his journey. The man also had a vision the previous night in which Our Lady asked him to build
a chapel for her. Together, the man and the boy returned to the site of the miracle.

This time Our Lady appeared to both. The man erected a thatched chapel for Our Lady at
the site of Her second appearance. This chapel became a holy place of veneration to Our Blesses
mother and She was called henceforth, Mother of Good Health.
A few years later, Our Merciful Mother rescued a few Portuguese merchant sailors from
a violent storm, which wrecked their ship. When the merchants reached the shore of Vailankanni
they were taken by local fisherman to the thatched chapel. To give thanks and pay tribute to Our
Lady, they built a small permanent chapel on their return trip. On subsequent visits they
improved on it. The merchants dedicated the chapel to Our Lady on September 8th to celebrate
the feast of her nativity and to mark the date of their safe landing to Vailankanni.

Historical Data of Vailankanni Shrine
1. The history of Our Lady of Good Health, Vailankanni, dawned in the 16th century
2. In September 1771, Vailankanni which had been a substation of Nagapattinam Parish, was
raised to the status of a Parish.

3. The majestic Shrine facing the East, was renovated twice in 1920 and 1933.

4 His Holiness Pope John the XXIII, raised the Shrine to the status of 'Basilica' on the 3rd
November 1962. The apparitions of Our Lady, the Miraculous statue of Our Lady, the
countless miracles, the magnificent architecture and beauty of the Shrine, were the motives
for this Shrine to become a Basilica.

5. The storeyed extension Basilica was blessed and opened in 1975.

6. In 1985,the little Chapel at Our Lady's Tank, was built a new and blessed.


Understanding the text: Main ideas (P.No.103)
1 Who is Soapy?
A Soapy is a homeless and jobless person who tries to get arrested and stay in jail.

2 Where does he want to go and why?
A He wanted to go to the island where he would stay warm during winter and get food for

3 How does Soapy plan on getting arrested?
A He made attempts to get arrested by damaging public property, by misbehaving, by
petty theft and by not paying money after eating to the hearts content.

4 Is Soapy a gentleman?
A Soapy is a degraded person who has become so lazy, even to earn.

5 How does he feel when he hears the church anthem?
A He suddenly realized his mistake. It brought an immediate and wonderful change in his

6 O.Henry is famous for his ironic or unexpected endings. Why is soapys arrest an
example of
A Until Soapy was a degraded man, he failed in getting arrested. But he was unexpectedly
arrested for no reason, when he transformed into a pure soul.

Looking at the language : Writing style (P.No.103)

1-d 2-c 3-g 4-f 5- 6-b 7-e 8-a

Looking at the language : Vocabulary by theme (P.No.104)

a.degraded b.dacadent c.insolvency d.base e.mire f.ignoble

Literary Concept : Theme (P.No.105)

1 On a symbolic level, what central idea does the story present regarding the homeless?
A It presents them as a burden to the society. They create nothing more than nuisance.
They talk
nothing more than nonsense. They simply lead life without any expectations.

2 Does the story say something about life in a big city?
A Ofcourse, life in a big city is not so easy. When an individual has no intention to meet
goal and to lead an honourable life, life becomes a miserable one.

3 On the universal level, what emotions does Soapy exhibit?
A Soapy has a strong desire to spend his winter in a warm place, where he could get his
food. He has negative emotions for charity because he has to show his gratitude in some
other means. He displays self-respect, courage, deceptive mentality, jealousy, grumbling
nature, receptivity and retrospective nature. He is a man who displays several shades
emotions throughout the story.

4 What do you thonk is the main theme of the story?
A The main theme of the story is that everyone should introspect and lead a life with
goals, ambitions and positive attitude. One shouldnt get defeated by the lifes miserable

Culture point : The homeless and the police (P.No.106)

1 How does O.Henry characterize Soapy, in general?
A Soapy is characterized to be a dud, who does nothing. He has no ambitions as he used to
have, earlier.He tries to depend on others an dpass his life without doing any work.

2 Does this characterizationthis portrayal?
A Americans may or maynot agree with this portrayal. But, it seemed appropriate to me
because any homeless person has negative feelings for the society and tries to get the best
of anything without any effort.

3 How does O.Henry portray the different policemen in the story?
A Many a policeman has been described here. One doesnt believe the truth, one has
wrong interpretation, one simply watches whats going on, one laughs at his condition and
one arrests Soapy for no reason.

4 Do you agree..from your observations?
A Every individual is with a special attitude and so is a cop. He does his duty but it
depends on several associating factors and the orders they receive. Their experience and
interpretations carry them in their own way of behavior.

Literary Concept : Irony (P.No.108)

1 What does Soapy intend to happen throughout the story?
A Soapy intended to happen nothing more than getting a free shelter and food. He made
attempts, which put him down as an individual, in order to get arrested.

2 What does he want to happen at the end of the story?
A He wanted to battle with his desperate fate. He wanted to make a man of himself by
himself out of the confused state. He wanted to conquer the evil and lead an ambitious,

3 What, indeed, does happen at the end of the story?
A Soapy realized his mistake and wanted to overcome it. But he was arrested by a cop
simply for

4 Is this ending unexpected to you?
A Yes, the ending was unexpected. The expected ending was either Soapy fulfilling his
dream by
getting arrested or settling down on the park bench once again. But the author has
reformation in his character and then made an unusual ending.

5 Why is the ending of the story ironic?
A The end is ironic because it didnt happen when it is expected; and happened when it
shouldnt. Soapy was arrested for no reason and that too, after he had realized his

Reading journal (P.No.109)

I dont pity Soapy. He has chosen a life which has no value. All his earlier dreams were
vanished and he has no ambition at all for life. He wanted to depend on others and get
everything for free without any hard work.
I liked the story very much. It was fun to read the attempts made by Soapy but at the end,
when he was arrested, a pity feel arouse in me along with a smile. It was an expected
change in him.

Activity (P.No.110)

Write down the story in simple English in about 200 words

Soapy is a homeless, jobless person. He made a park bench his home. As the winter is
approaching, he needed some warm shelter. After much thinking, he planned to get
arrested by the police and make the jail his winter home where he could get free food also.
He started his attempts to get arrested. In this process, he makes a petty theft,
damages public property, tries to misbehave with a young lady who turns to be a call-girl,
behaves in a disorderly manner in public and eats in a hotel to declare his insolvency later.
But he was unsuccessful in all his attempts. He fails to draw the attention of the
police. His desire to get arrested is not fulfilled.
In a desperate mood, Soapy happens to hear an anthem from an old church.
Suddenly, his soul gets transformation. He recollects his ambitions and clean life and soon
decides to start working. He now wants to place himself in a good position, get an honour
and dignity.
But, he is ironically arrested by a cop because he is loitering with no reason in front
of a church and the magistrate ordered that he would be sent to the island for three months
as a punishment.


After class activity (P.No.112)

I caught sight of a man in my street. He has been wandering all day and all night. But it is
not exactly known, what he does. In my observation for a few weeks and after talking to
him for a while, I came to know about him and his life.
He is a man around 40 years. He used to have a house and family. When he was
young he depended on the hard earned income of his parents. As he was pampered by
them, he was provided with every facility that they could. He was the apple of their
eye. As he cries for the moon, they tend to satisfy him all the time. He, at last, turned to
be a spoilt child.
He had a bad company of friends. He was accustomed to many bad habits. He got
married and in this later stage, he started to survive on his wifes income. Years rolled on
and he has two kids but he never came to know his responsibilities. He started to harass
his wife, parents and children.
They bore it for many years but were unable to continue the same. Finally, they
sent him out of the house as he has become a burden and threat to them. No one believes
him, because he makes up many stories and behaves wrongly in all the situations. They
never allowed him to come back.
Now, he came to know his mistake but knows no work to do. He is in a state,
unable to earn his income. When someone takes pity of him and helps him out with some
money, he boozes and wanders. He has become an unwanted guest in the street. My
neighbours and I tried to set him right by finding some work for him. We asked him to do
certain gardening work and other household works and made it clear that he would be paid
only for his work.
He started working and realized that there is dignity of living when we earn at the
sweat of the brow. We hope that he would continue in the same manner and get
acceptance from his family.

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