VNX Data Movers

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White Paper

This white paper describes the high availability and readily
movable capability of the Virtual Data Mover (VDM) technology
delivered in the EMC


series of storage platforms. VDMs

are delivered standard with the VNX Operating Environment.

May 2014

Virtual Data Movers on EMC


2 Virtual Data Movers on VNX

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Part Number h10741.2

3 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Table of Contents
Executive summary.................................................................................................. 4
Audience ............................................................................................................................ 4
Technology introduction .......................................................................................... 4
Physical Data Mover versus VDM .................................................................................... 5
VDM states and functionalities ................................................................................ 8
Create a fully functioning and active VDM ........................................................................... 8
Changing the VDM State ................................................................................................. 9
Moving the VDM within the same system ....................................................................... 9
Planning considerations ........................................................................................ 10
VDM Names ...................................................................................................................... 10
VDM root file system size ................................................................................................. 10
Internationalization modes............................................................................................... 10
Backing up VDMs with NDMP ........................................................................................... 10
Antivirus ........................................................................................................................... 10
Name resolution when moving VDMs ............................................................................... 11
VDM Replication .................................................................................................... 12
Replicating a VDM for NFS with ESX datastore .................................................................. 13
Create a VDM as a replication destination ........................................................................ 14
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................... 14
Use cases and test results ..................................................................................... 15
Disaster Recovery with Replication, Checkpoints, and VDMs ............................................ 15
Boston ......................................................................................................................... 15
Miami ........................................................................................................................... 16
Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 18
References ............................................................................................................ 18
Appendix A: VDM Migration ................................................................................... 19
System Configuration Migration ....................................................................................... 21
Data Mover Level Configuration Migration Information ................................................. 21
Cabinet Level Configuration Migration: ......................................................................... 23
VDM Migration ................................................................................................................. 23
File System Level Migration .............................................................................................. 25
VDM replication scenario .................................................................................................. 26

4 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Executive summary
A Virtual Data Mover (VDM) is an EMC


software feature that enables the

grouping of CIFS and/or Network File Systems (NFS) and servers into virtual
containers. By using VDMs, it is possible to separate CIFS and/or NFS servers from
each other and from the associated environment. VDMs allow the replication or
movement of CIFS and/or NFS environments to another local or remote Data Mover.
They also support disaster recovery by isolating and securing independent CIFS
and/or NFS server configurations on the same Data Mover. This means you do not
have to failover the entire physical Data Mover, and can pick and choose which VDM
to failover.
This white paper is intended for storage and networking administrators, customers,
and other users that are looking for an overview of the standard VDM functionality
that is included in the VNX series storage systems.
Technology introduction
VDMs contain the data needed to support one or more CIFS and/or NFS servers and
their file systems. Each VDM has access only to the file systems mounted to that
VDM, providing a logical isolation between multiple VDMs. When a VDM is created, a
root file system is created for that VDM. This is the file system that stores the CIFS
and/or NFS identity information, such as local groups, shares, security credentials,
and audit logs. Data file systems are mounted to mount points created on the VDM
root file system, and user data is kept in user file systems. Only one root file system is
created per VDM, and is 128 MB in size.
Implement VDMs to:
Enable replication of segregated CIFS environments.
Separate, or isolate CIFS (home directories, usermapping and so on), and/or NFS
servers to provide a higher level of security. This is particularly valuable in
multitenant environments.
Allow a physical system to appear as many virtual servers for simplified
Move from one Data Mover to another in the same system to help load balance
Data Mover resources. For example, many companies including Internet Service
Providers (ISPs) house data from various departments that must be hosted on the
same physical Data Mover.
Separate VLANs and file system mounts for different home directories, thus
isolating home directory databases and their associated users.
A users ability to access data from a VDM is no different from accessing data that
resides on the physical Data Mover.

5 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
The multi naming domain solution implements an NFS server per VDM named
'NFSendpoint'. The VDM acts as a container that includes the file systems exported by
the NFS endpoint or the CIFS server, or both. These file systems on the VDM are
visible through a subset of the Data Mover network interfaces attached to the VDM.
The same network interface can be shared by both CIFS and NFS protocols on that
VDM. Customers should expect no performance impact. VDMs perform in the same
way as the physical Data Mover.
VNX provides a multi-naming domain solution for the Data Mover in the UNIX
environment by enabling the implementation of an NFS endpoint(s) per VDM. The
Data Mover hosting several VDMs is able to serve the UNIX clients that are members
of different Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or Network Information
Service (NIS) domains, assuming that each VDM works in a unique domain
namespace. Similar to the CIFS service, several NFS domains are added to the
physical Data Mover to provide access to the VDM for different naming domains. Each
of these NFS endpoints is assigned to one or more Data Mover network interfaces.
Any number of different Domain Name System (DNS) or Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) domains may be specified.
The ser ver _nsdomai ns command is used to select which domain you would like
to specify on a per VDM basis.
Physical Data Mover versus VDM
A Data Mover is a component that runs its own operating system (OS). This OS
retrieves data from a storage device and makes it available to a network client. The
Data Mover can use the NFS, CIFS or pNFS protocols.
The configuration and control data is stored in the root file system of a physical Data
Mover, and includes:
Databases (including localgroup.db and homedir, CIFS shares, and Registry
VDM root file systems (which store the VDM configuration files)
Configuration files (passwd, group, viruschecker.conf, Group Policy Object (GPO)
cache, and Kerberos file)
Audit and event log information
Data file system mount points (appear as directories)
All VDM CIFS event logs are stored in the global event log of the physical Data Mover.
Each VDM stores its configuration information in its respective VDM root file system.
The VDM configuration file is a subset of the configuration files on the physical Data
In addition, there are operations that can only be performed at the physical Data
Mover level. Operations performed at the Data Mover level affect all VDMs.

6 Virtual Data Movers on VNX

These operations include:
Stop, start, or delete services (CIFS, MPFS, viruschk)
Data Mover failover
Parameter changes
Figure 1 shows the VDM configuration within the physical Data Mover.

Figure 1: VDM root file systems within a physical Data Mover

7 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Table 1 lists the location of certain configuration files relevant to a physical Data
Mover and a VDM.
Table 1: Data Mover configuration files
Configuration Files Physical Data Mover Virtual Data Mover
Default CIFS database
Internationalization mode
Virus checker
Standby Data Mover assignment and
failover policy

Local group
Share and repository directories
File systems

A global (default) CIFS server and those CIFS servers within a VDM cannot coexist on
the same Data Mover.
A global, or default, CIFS server is assigned to all interfaces and grants access
to all shares on that Data Mover.
CIFS servers within a VDM require specific interfaces to be assigned to them
which will grant access to those shares on that VDM.
If a VDM exists on a Data Mover, a CIFS server must be created on that VDM to grant
access to all CIFS shares on that VDM.
The maximum number of VDMs per VNX array corresponds to the maximum number of
file systems per Data Mover, which is 2,048. Realistically, one would not create a
VDM without populating it. The objects that reduce the file system count on a system
are as follows:
The root file system of a VDM
Any file system created on the DM or VDM
A checkpoint of a file system
A storage pool as shown in the nas_pool l i st command

8 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
VDM states and functionalities
Table 2 references the different states of a VDM.
Table 2: VDM states and functionalities
VDM state CIFS active User file systems VDM reloaded at boot Failover Failback
Loaded Yes Accessible Yes No Yes
Mounted No Inaccessible No Yes No
No Inaccessible Yes No No
No Inaccessible No No No

VDM states can be changed with the nas_ser ver command. These states are discussed in
the following sections.
Create a fully functioning and active VDM
The default state upon VDM creation is loaded. In the loaded state, the VDM is fully
functional and active. The CIFS servers run and serve data. A VDM must be in the
loaded state to allow most configuration changes, such as the addition of CIFS
servers or NFS endpoints.
You can load a VDM on only one physical Data Mover at a time. If you need to move
the VDM, the network interfaces used by its CIFS servers must be available on the
destination Data Mover. VDMs within a VDM are not supported.
Before VDM creation, consider the following:
If you do not specify the state, the VDM is created in the loaded (default) state.
If you do not specify a name for the VDM or its root file system, a default name is
assigned. See Planning considerations for more information about VDM naming
The VDM root file system is created from an existing storage pool.
The default size of the root file system is 128 MB.
During the planning and design phase, implement VDMs before you construct the
Network configuration should be considered. For example, NTP, DNS, and domain
While designing VDMs, create VDMs with file access in mind. Administrators
should consider load balancing the VDMs in a given physical Data Mover.
Administrators should consider the following before creating, configuring, or
managing VDMs:

9 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Establish a naming convention that indicates the function and easily identifies the
VDM and its root file system.
Allocate appropriate space for a VDM and its configuration file system. The default
size is 128 MB.
Consider FS groupings and which CIFS servers and/or NFS endpoints reside on
which physical Data Mover.
Changing the VDM State
Unlike a state change from loaded to mounted, a state change from loaded to
unloaded (tempunloaded or permunloaded) requires the VDM to have no mounted
file systems. The VDM root file system is not deleted and is available to be mounted.
This transition to the unloaded state is required when you want to stop all activity on
the VDM, but do not want to delete the VDM root file system with its configuration
Changing the VDM state from loaded to mounted, tempunloaded, or permunloaded
shuts down the CIFS servers and/or NFS endpoints on the VDM, and makes the file
systems inaccessible to the clients through the VDM. When you unload a VDM from a
physical Data Mover, you must specify the intent for the unload operation: permanent
or temporary.
Moving the VDM within the same system
When you move a VDM from one physical Data Mover to another, the Control Station
performs the following operations:
Unloads the VDM from the source Data Mover
Unmounts all file systems on that VDM
Loads the VDM and mounts all file systems on the target Data Mover
Before you move a VDM, consider the following:
For every CIFS server in a VDM, ensure that the CIFS servers interfaces are
available and identically named on the physical Data Mover to which you move
the VDM.
The amount of time it takes to update the network information needed to make
the VDM available after you move the VDM to a physical Data Mover with a
different IP address. Network information might include, but is not limited to,
static files, DNS, or the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS).

10 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Planning considerations
When planning a field deployment of VDMs, account for the following factors.
VDM Names
By naming a VDM, you can indicate its function and identify the VDM and its root file
system. For example, you might group Marketing CIFS servers together into a VDM
named Marketing so that the VDM is easily identifiable.
Specify a unique name when you create a VDM. The VNX assigns the VDM root file
system a name in the form of r oot _f s_vdm_<vdm_x>, where <vdm_x>is the name of
the VDM For example, the root file system for a VDM named Marketing is named
r oot _f s_vdm_Mar ket i ng. (If you name a VDM vdm_Mar ket i ng, the VNX does not
duplicate the VDM part of the name. The root file system is still named
r oot _f s_vdm_Mar ket i ng.)
If you rename a VDM, its root file system is renamed accordingly. For example, if you
rename a VDM to HR, its root file system name changes to r oot _f s_vdm_HR.
VDM root file system size
A root file system is assigned to a VDM when it is created. The default size is 128 MB,
which is the same for a physical Data Mover. In an environment with a large number
of users or shares, you might need to increase the size of the root file system. You
cannot have the system extend the root file system automatically.
Internationalization modes
The VNX supports clients in environments that use multibyte character sets. When
supported, multibyte character sets enable universal character encoding standards
When a VDM is created, its Internationalization mode is set to the same mode as the
Data Mover in which it resides. When the VDM is unloaded, its mode matches the last
physical Data Mover on which it was loaded.
Backing up VDMs with NDMP
A full path is required to back up VDM-mounted file systems with NDMP backup and
the ser ver _ar chi ve command. An NDMP example is / r oot _vdm_Mar ket i ng/ f s.
A server archive example is:
ser ver _ar chi ve <mover name> - w - f / dev/ cl t 4l 0/ - J / r oot _vdm_Mar ket i ng/ f s.
In addition to CIFS servers created within a VDM, a global CIFS server is required for
antivirus functionality. A global CIFS server is created at the physical Data Mover
level. There must be at least one CIFS server on the physical Data Mover if you use an
Antivirus solution.

11 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Name resolution when moving VDMs
Consider name resolution when moving a VDM to another physical Data Mover and
using different IP addresses. The name resolution method depends on whether the
environment uses DNS, WINS, or a static file.
Consider DNS configurations on the server and client side when moving VDMs:
The destination Data Mover DNS resolver must be correctly configured to satisfy
the DNS resolution requirements for the VDM. (see ser ver _dns command).
The VDM load operation updates the DNS servers configured on the physical Data
The administrator can force DNS database updates to all DNS servers to which the
clients might be pointing.
When you move the VDM to the destination Data Mover, the DNS server
automatically updates and displays the correct entry.
The update time between DNS servers depends on how the DNS servers are
All the name resolutions for the VDM are confined in the VDM if the VDM name
server domain configuration is enabled (see ser ver _nsdomai ns command).
When moving VDMs in an environment using WINS, consider the following:
The VDM load operation updates WINS servers configured on the VDM.
The update time between WINS servers depends on how WINS servers are
Administrators can force WINS database updates to all WINS servers to which the
clients might be pointing.
To clear and update the WINS cache for clients, use one of the following methods:
o Restart the computer.
o Wait until the cache is cleared (TTL 10 minutes).
o From the DOS prompt, run the command nbt st at R (preferred method)
Static file (LMHOSTS/hosts)
The static file (hosts) used by clients must be updated with the IP address of each
new CIFS server.

12 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
The following limitations currently apply to VDMs:
The VDM supports CIFS and NFS protocols over TCP. All other file protocols such
as iSCSI, FTP, SFTP, and FTPS are not supported. The NFS clients must support
NFSv3 or NFSv4 over TCP to connect to a NFS endpoint.
The VDM for NFS multidomain feature needs to be administered by using the CLI,
the GUI is not supported.
IP replication failover support for Local Groups must include VDMs.
All VDMs share the Replay cache (XID cache).
VDM Replication
In order for a CIFS object to be fully functional and accessible on a remote VNX
system, the administrator must copy the complete CIFS working environment,
including local groups, user mapping information, Kerberos objects, shares, event
logs, and Registry information to the destination site. In addition to the environment
information, the administrator must replicate the file systems associated with the
CIFS server. Replicate only the file systems with a Disaster Recovery Service Level
Agreement (DR SLA). However, it is common to replicate the entire set.
VDM replication accommodates the CIFS working environment by replicating the root
file system of the VDM, which includes the CIFS working environment information
mentioned above. This form of replication produces a point-in-time copy of a VDM
that re-creates the CIFS environment at the destination. However, the VDM root file
replication does not include the replication of the file systems mounted to that VDM.
Data file systems must be replicated as separate replication sessions. The replication
failover procedure verifies that the remote VNX Data Mover has matching network
interface(s) (named the same) as the interface(s) configured on the source VDM. This
check is also applied for all interfaces attached to the VDM regardless of which
protocol they are bound. Replication of VDMs requires you have the same interface
name on the destination side as the source side. This is for the VDM NFS endpoint to
attach to, for network connectivity. The procedure also verifies that the required NIS,
LDAP, and DNS naming domains for the VDM are correctly configured in the
appropriate resolvers on the destination Data Mover.
In the case of crash recovery, the VDM loaded on the failover site sends the STATD
notification messages to the NFS clients that held locks before the crash of the
production site. The clients are then able to restore their locks during the NLM grace
period offered by that Data Mover.
Source VDMs can be involved in replicating up to four destination VDMs concurrently.
A destination VDM must be in a read-only state (called mounted, as opposed to
'loaded' state, which is a read-write state). A destination VDM can be a source for up
to three other replications. Since a given VDM can act as both a source and

13 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
destination for multiple replications, it supports a one-to-many and cascade
The Properties of the VDM show any replication sessions that involve that VDM.
1. In Unisphere, navigate to Storage > Shared Folders > CIFS.
2. Click the VDMs tab and go to the Properties of the VDM you would like to see.
Figure 2 shows the Replication Storage tab for a VDM.

Figure 2: Replication Storage tab for VDM
Replicating a VDM for NFS with ESX datastore
When replicating VDM for NFS file systems used for ESX datastores, use the following
procedure to ensure that the virtual machines (VMs) do not go offline:

Note: Follow these steps exactly in the given order or the ESX server loses the
datastore access. If the VDM is failed over before the user file system, the ESX server
receives an error NFS3ERR_STALE (Invalid File Handle). The ESX client then considers
the file system to be down.

This procedure assumes that your NFS datastore is connected to VNX through an IP
address and not with a name that has to resolve in DNS.
Fail over the Production File System mounted on the VDM.
Down the Interface on the source.
Fail over the VDM.
Up the Interface on the destination.
To avoid an error, when the Production File System mounted on a VDM fails over, the VDM
interface is set down using the ser ver _i f conf i g command on the source. The VDM is then
failed over. As the VDM restarts on the replication site, the VDM interface can be set up using
the ser ver _i f conf i g command.

14 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Create a VDM as a replication destination
VNX Replicator

(Repv2) automatically creates a destination VDM in the loaded state.

However, there may be scenarios where one would require manually creating the
destination VDM. For such scenarios, create a target VDM in the mounted state. A
mounted VDM is inactive and any associated CIFS servers or NFS endpoints are
unavailable. No data changes can be made except those replicated from the source.
You can replicate data from the VDM root file system on the source side to the VDM
root file system on the destination side. In the event of failover when using Repv2, the
destination side might be called on to act as the source. VDM file systems on the
destination side include the configuration data needed to change the VDM state from
unmounted to loaded.
Note: Repv2 performs the state change. Do not attempt to switch it manually.
While working with VDMs, an administrator may have to troubleshoot the following
CIFS and or NFS server accessibility errors: When no accessible CIFS or NFS
servers are found, verify the VDM and VNX system logs (just as you would
troubleshoot a physical Data Mover). Optionally, verify the state of the VDM. If the
VDM is in the mounted state, change the VDM to the loaded state and verify
again. In addition, check to ensure that the CIFS server is still joined to that
domain and that the IP interface is up.
Perform these tasks to troubleshoot this error:

Verify the CIFS protocol configuration.
Verify the attributes of a VDM.
Change the VDM state.
Verify the attributes of a VDM.
VDM unloading errors: Do not unload a VDM with mounted file systems. Unmount
file systems prior to unloading a VDM.
Perform these tasks to troubleshoot this error:
Verify a list of mounted or temporarily unmounted file systems.
Verify the attributes of a VDM.
Unload a VDM temporarily.

15 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Use cases and test results
Disaster Recovery with Replication, Checkpoints, and VDMs
The most common use case scenario for VDMs is described below:
Company ABC experienced a substantial growth in the demands for their services in a
year and also projected a growth of approximately 40 percent over the next few years.
To support this growth, the company planned to expand the business to a location
outside of Boston (ABC's primary site). ABC established another data center in Miami
(secondary site) and designated it to be the disaster recovery site.
Management realizes the importance of having a data recovery plan for their CIFS
environment. They need to ensure that data is always available by asynchronously
replicating over IP to the data center in Miami.
Company ABC has the following requirements:
Leverage the Replicator, SnapSure, and the VDM technology for the data
recovery solution.
Monitor the status and proper function of this replication to the destination
Give the destination site read/write permissions to temporarily service the
orphaned source-site users in the event of a disaster.
Use the same source site after a failover when it becomes available.
Testing was done to ensure that data is always available by asynchronously
replicating over IP to the data center in Miami.
To support the disaster recovery plan, the administrator in Boston must first confirm
that VDMs are in the loaded state. Most often, VDMs are in the loaded state because
the CIFS shares or NFS exports on these VDMs are already active and data is
accessible by all employees. Each server in a CIFS or NFS environment has associated
file systems and supporting attributes.
In addition, the active checkpoint schedules on the source site created checkpoints
to allow users and system administrators to perform file-level restores.

16 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Figure 3 shows the configuration of the Boston primary site. The \\eng_ne server is
contained within the Engineering VDM and can see only the file systems for that
specific VDM. There is only one root file system (root_fs_vdm_Engineering) and the
names for the source-user file systems are:

The share names for the source-user file systems are:


Figure 3: Configuration of primary site
The VNX administrator needs to configure replication sessions for the Engineering
VDM and the two file systems. Repv2 creates correctly sized and appropriately
mounted VDMs and data file systems on the Miami VNX. Additionally, the VNX
administrator needs to create and start the schedule for checkpoints that run at the
same intervals as in Boston.
This architecture meets the companys requirements, which are as follows:
The administrator has set up this disaster recovery replication to the
destination site by replicating the VDM. This gives all users access to the CIFS
servers and user file systems.
Monitor the status and proper function of the replication pairs by monitoring
the status of the VDM replication.
In the event of a catastrophic disaster, the VNX administrator executes a
Repv2 failover on all replication sessions from the Miami VNX, as seen in

17 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Figure 4. Repv2 then switches VDMs to a loaded state and remount data file
systems in a read-write mode.
Note: The checkpoint schedule continues to run without the knowledge of the

Figure 4: Disaster recovery replication

18 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
VDMs interoperate with other VNX features as follows:
After a VDM is created, CIFS servers and shares can be loaded into the VDM.
Separating CIFS servers allows more flexibility to replicate content between
CIFS servers.
The VNX Home Directory feature can leverage VDM capabilities to replicate
home directory environments between VNX cabinets. If the source site is lost
in a disaster scenario or taken down for maintenance, the destination site can
be brought up and all of the home directory services function as they did
before the event.
Unisphere for VNX enables users to effortlessly create and manage VDMs. While they
require initial configuration, VDMs do not need daily management. They can greatly
enhance storage system functionality. VDMs help simplify workload management by
consolidating file systems and CIFS / NFS servers into groupings so they can be
migrated between Data Movers quickly and easily. VDMs provide a very good addition
to the Data Recovery plan by allowing replication of VDMs to a remote VNX.
For additional information the following documents can be located on EMC Online
Configuring Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Using VNX Replicator
Configuring NFS on VNX
Configuring VNX User mapping
VNX File Migration Tool

19 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Appendix A: VDM Migration

As of code release VNX File OE 8.1, the VDM functionality has been enhanced with the
ability to perform VDM Migrations, and Data mover (DM) Configuration Migrations.
These migrations are supported from Celerra and VNX systems to the latest VNX File
OE 8.1 platform. The migration commands must run from a target VNX File OE 8.1
system and will not be ported back to pre-VNX File OE 8.1 systems. To migrate a CIFS
server on a physical DM, move the CIFS server must be moved to a VDM and then use
VDM Level Migration to migrate it. You can complete these migrations using the VNX
File Migration GUI located on EMC Online Support. Refer to EMC Knowledge Base
article emc170111 for the procedure.
The VNX File Migration leverages Repv2 technology to migrate file systems, read-only
checkpoints, and VDM root file systems. It is not guaranteed that the file systems
retain their file system IDs when migrating to the destination DM. If the file system ID
changes, the NFS clients need to mount the DM exports again. Review this
information from the output of the nas_mi gr at e pl an command.
The source and the destination VDM/FS must be in different storage arrays. Migration
between DMs in the same storage array is not supported at this time. Use the
nas_ser ver vdm<vdm_name> - move command, or the Unisphere GUI, to move VDMs
across DMs.
The maximum number of file systems that can migrate concurrently is 256 per DM. If
the number of file systems exceeds the restrictions, the system puts them in a queue
and migrates them in sequence.
Note: The root VDM file system counts as a file system.

Complete the following preparatory steps before initiating system configuration
migration or VDM/FS migration:
Network interfaces (optional if using - t ake_over _i ps switch)
o Must have same name as source interfaces (if manually created)
Bi-directional Control Station (CS) trust relationship
o Setup an alias if the system has dual CSs
Bi-directional Data Mover interconnect
o Interfaces used for these interconnects must not be used for CIFS or
NFS access on the system. If so, the t ake_over _i ps switch will not
be possible.
CIFS Service started
SnapSure and Replicator Licenses

20 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
~filestorage storage group populated with storage
o Use Disk Provisioning Wizard for File or create LUNs from an existing
pool, add them to the storage group, and then rescan the file storage.

This feature provides three migration granularities:
DM Configuration Migration
VDM Level Migration
File System Level Migration

You can perform these operations using the CLI or the VNX File Migration Tool, which
is a standalone GUI. Download the GUI from and search for
the VNX File Migration Tool. Complete migrations using CLI or the GUI tool.
Figure 5 is a screen shot of the GUI. For the step-by-step guide on how to use the GUI,
click Help.

Figure 5. GUI Screen Shot

21 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
System Configuration Migration
The system configuration migration command facilitates VDM Level Migration. This
command must initiate from the destination side of the migration. The system
configuration can migrate using the mi gr at e_syst em_conf command.
The following configurations on a specific DM can migrate using this command. The
administrator can pick and choose which to migrate if all are not needed. The VDM
configurations are not included in the list, as they will be migrated with VDM.
Data Mover Services
o password and group files
o Usermapper client (IP address of external Usermapper service)
o Server Parameters
o Netgroup
o Hosts
Cabinet level services
o Usermapper service

Data Mover Level Configuration Migration Information
By default, the DNS configuration on the source DM does not overwrite the
destinations current DNS configuration, as there can be multiple DNS servers.
However, choose the over wr i t e_dest i nat i on option to enforce a migration of
all DNS (and other service) settings from Source to Destination.
The customers can choose to configure DNS on the destination DM manually; in this
case, the configuration tool does not migrate them.

22 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
The NTP client and time zone settings migrate from source data mover to destination
data mover.
Password and group files
The password and group files of the source DM replace the current password and
group files of the destination DM.
LDAP client settings migrate from source to destination.
If nsswitch.conf exists on the source with LDAP selected, nsswitch.conf copies
to the destination.
The LDAP client cannot migrate if configured to use Kerberos to log in to the
source side.
The nsswitch file migrates from the source DM to the destination DM.
The CEPP / CAVA configuration file migrates from source DM to the destination DM.
The local group on the source DM and EMC virus-checking rights on that local
group do not migrate to the destination.
Reconfigure them through MMC on the destination manually after migration.
The netgroup file migrates from the source DM to the destination DM.
The hosts file moves from the source DM to the destination DM.
The server_parameters in the source DM migrate from the source DM to the destination DM.

Parameters added to the /nas/server/slot_x/param and /nas/site/slot_param file are
set on the destination machine.
o This option requires a DM reboot after the parameters migrate to the destination

23 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Cabinet Level Configuration Migration:
Usermapper service
Consider these scenarios when migrating the Usermapper service:
1. If the destination system is a replacement for the source system, you can use
the DM Configuration Migration command to migrate the Usermapper
a. If the Usermapper service is primary on the source:
i. Backup destination Usermapper database if one exists
ii. Copy the Usermapper database from source to destination
iii. Set the destination system to be the primary Usermapper
iv. Change the source system to secondary mode pointing to the
destination system
b. If the Usermapper service is secondary on the source:
i. The destination is configured as secondary and points to the same
primary destination as the source system
If Usermapper is disabled on the source system:
c. The system prompts the user to confirm if it is disabled on purpose
i. The system asks the user to disable the destination or enabled source
manually and retry the migration
2. If the destination DM is configured with the Usermapper service, the administrator can
overwrite the configuration if they choose.
a. Only use this overwrite case to complete a failed Usermapper

VDM Migration
VDM level migration is possible in 3 steps: plan, create, and complete. VNX File
Migration Tool migrates all the resources hosted by a specific VDM with the
nas_mi gr at e command issued from the migration destination. The file system IDs
are preserved on the destination system, if possible. IPv4 interfaces can be migrated
the interface to remain the same from source to destination, with the
t ake_over _i ps opt i on. When not using the t ake_over _i ps opt i on,
t he interface names attached to the VDM on the destination must be created with the
exact same name as the interface attached to the VDM on the source to execute a
successful cutover of VDM migration. When manually creating interfaces, note any
other settings that might be required such as VLANs or MTU settings.
When performing a VDM Migration, the tool only migrates the file systems and
checkpoints detected during the migration plan creation. The system does not track
file system mount/unmount or checkpoint, create/delete/refresh operations triggered
by an administrator, or data services after the migration plan is created.

24 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Note: Delete is the last logical operation performed after verifying that the migration
successfully completed and access to the data is satisfactory on the destination. You
can use the incremental attach procedure to setup existing Disaster Recovery (DR)
onto the new source without having to do a full synchronization of data from new
source to existing DR systems.

The migration plan and create steps are online without interruption to the users of the
system. The complete cutover time depends on the number of file systems, the
bandwidth of DM interconnect, and the throughput to the source file systems. There
could be a network outage during this time. See the Using VNX File Migration Tech
Note for more information located on

The following items migrate during a VDM-level migration:
VDM root file system
All file systems mounted to the VDM
Read-only checkpoints mounted to this VDM
o Checkpoints associated with schedules that are in a paused or
complete state
o Checkpoints associated with schedules that are in an active or pending
Checkpoint schedules migrate to destination side and started during the complete
Limitations to VDM Level migration include:
Migrate one VDM per plan only. You cannot combine:
o Multiple VDMs in the same plan
Multiple VDMs can run simultaneously with closely monitored
o Multiple plans in a create
You cannot modify the plan after the create command begins
Any checkpoints created on the VDM after the create command begins do not
Any Checkpoint(s) refreshed on the source do not refresh to the destination
Any Checkpoint(s) deleted from the source during the migration do not delete
on the destination
Checkpoints refreshed on the source do not be refresh to the destination
NDMP and Replication checkpoints do not migrate

25 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Writeable checkpoints do not migrate

File System Level Migration
File System Level Migration is possible in 2 steps: create and complete. File system
level migration migrates one file system and the read only checkpoints mounted to it.
The file system ID will be preserved if possible. You can complete this migration using
the nas_mi gr at e command issued from the destination of the migration. If you
migrate a CIFS server that is on a file system on the physical DM, move the file system
and CIFS server to a VDM on the source system and migrate the VDM.
The destination file system has the identical file system type, size, and FS log type as
the source file system. The destination DM can specify the SavVol, which allows the
customer to specify a smaller SavVol to reduce space usage.
If creating the destination file system manually, this destination FS must be empty,
mounted to DM or VDM as read-only, have an identical size as the source FS and keep
any other RepV2destination restrictions . The restrictions can be found in the Using
VNX Replicator documentation on
The destination FS retains the same name of the source if possible. If there is a name
conflict on the destination system, the system generates a new name such as
<source fs name>_mig<source FSID>_N and verifies the availability on the
destination system. A similar mechanism to fsname conflicts if used for any mount
points created on the destination DM.
If the destination is a VDM, the system tries to create and use the same mount point
name on the destination side. If the same mount point name is used by another file
system, the migration will fail.
The system cannot guarantee that the FSID will be preserved on the destination. The
file system FSID will not be retained if there are FSID conflicts on destination system.
The checkpoints FSID will not be retained at all.

Note: Delete is the last logical operation performed after verifying that the migration
successfully completed and access to the data is satisfactory on the destination.

The following items migrate during a File System level migration:
Specific file system
Read-only checkpoints for the file system
o Checkpoints associated with schedules that are in a paused or
complete state
o Checkpoints associated with schedules that are in an active or pending

26 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
Checkpoint schedules migrate to destination side and started during the complete
Limitations to File System Level migration include:
Multiple file systems in the same create command cannot be combined.
o Multiple file systems can run simultaneously with closely monitored
Nested Mounted File Systems (NMFS) are not supported in FS Level Migration
o The component file systems of NMFS are supported
A Migration File System (MGFS) is not supported. The source file system nor
the destination file system can be MGFS,which is a type of file system that
might be seen in Celerra systems. You can determine the file system type by
the file system properties.
Any checkpoints created for this file system after the create command begins
do not be migrate
Checkpoints deleted from the source during migration do not be delete on
Checkpoints refreshed on the source do not be refreshe to the destination
NDMP and Replication checkpoints are not migrated
Writeable checkpoints are NOT migrated

VDM replication scenario
You want to move to the next generation VNX. Migrate your data from the Source VDM
to the Destination VDM using RepV2. Using CLI commands or the GUI, create one VDM
replication session for the VDM root FS, and one FS replication session for each
production file systems. The IP interfaces do not move, as they have to be manually
created on the new system. Any configuration on the source DM has to be setup or
mirrored manually to the new VNX. These commands take time and research to figure
out what commands to run and which changes were made to the source system
during the entirety of its life in your environment.
You want to migrate the data with little or no downtime. The VNX File Migration tool
simplifies the migration process by copying the parameters and configurations from
one DM to another with one wizard. Save time without running the CLI commands or
GUI clicks for set up.
With the simple migration wizard, it is simpler than ever to migrate the system
configuration and VDMs. You noticed that when completing the migration (cutover to
the new system) that the hosts have not lost access and no users complained of not
being able to access their data. Data is not down and your management is happy that
productivity does not have to go offline for the migration.

27 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
You ask the local EMC expert to explain the migration process to you and receive the
following information:
During the migration, the NAS clients can still access data from the Source
VDM because of the Replication feature of the VNX used to transport the data
for the migration.
The migration complete step is available:
1. Once the data is synchronized from the source to the destination
2. The tool dialog box displays Ready To Complete.
To be online during this migration cutover, the FSID of the file systems must be
the same and the IPv4 interfaces moved over to the destination side.
When initiating the complete step,
o The system synchronizes the data two consecutive times , before
pausing IO to the source system to change the file systems to read-only
and the VDM to the mounted state.
o The system then completes a final synchronization to the destination
system to ensure all data is 100 percent synchronized and the
destination VDM changes to the loaded state and the file systems
mounted as read write on that destination VDM.
The clients that access the file systems and VDMs read and write to the
destination system.

28 Virtual Data Movers on VNX
The expert explains you can complete the migration without taking over the IPv4
address; however, this will not be an online migration. Prior to the migration, an
interface with the same exact name needs to be created on the destination system.
Figure 6 shows the complete migration overview.

Figure 6. Migration Overview

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