HVAC (pronounced either "H-V-A-C" or, occasionally, "H-vak") is an acronym for "heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning" an air conditioning system has to handle a large variety of energy inputs and outputs. Basic purpose of an HVAC system is to provide interior thermal conditions that a majority of occupants will find acceptable.
HVAC (pronounced either "H-V-A-C" or, occasionally, "H-vak") is an acronym for "heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning" an air conditioning system has to handle a large variety of energy inputs and outputs. Basic purpose of an HVAC system is to provide interior thermal conditions that a majority of occupants will find acceptable.
HVAC (pronounced either "H-V-A-C" or, occasionally, "H-vak") is an acronym for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. HVAC sometimes is referred to climate control as a process of treating air to control its temperature, humidity, cleanliness, and distribution to meet the requirements of the conditioned space.
The HVAC industry had been historically regulated by standards organizations such as ASHRAE, SMACNA, ARI, ACCA, Uniform Mechanical Code, International Building Code, and AMCA established to support the industry and encourage high standards and achievements.
The term ventilation is applied to processes that supply air to or remove air from a space by natural or mechanical means. Such air may or may not be conditioned. An air conditioning system has to handle a large variety of energy inputs and outputs in and out of the building where it is used.
The basic purpose of an HVAC system is to provide interior thermal conditions that a majority of occupants will find acceptable. This simply require that air be moved at an adequate velocity. However, occupant comfort will require that an HVAC system add or remove heat to or from building spaces.
Heat and temperature.
Heat: Heat may be defined as energy in transit from a high-temperature object to a lower-temperature object. This heat transfer may occur by the mechanisms of conduction, convection and radiation.
Sensible heat: Kind of heat that increases the temperature of air. It is an expression of the molecular excitation of a given mass of solid, liquid, or gas.
Latent heat: Heat that is present in increased moisture of air. It changes the matter from solid to liquid or from liquid to gas. Heat that is required to change solid to liquid is called latent heat of fusion, and that which is required to change liquid to gas is called latent heat of vaporization.
Enthalpy: Sum of sensible and latent heat of a substance e.g. the air in our environment is actually a mixture air and water vapor. If the enthalpy of air is known, and the enthalpy of desired comfort condition is also known, the difference between them is the enthalpy that must be added (by heating or humidification) or removed (by cooling or dehumidification).
Temperature: A measure of the degree of heat intensity. The temperature difference between two points indicates a potential for heat to move from the warmer point to the colder point. Unit in English system is Fahrenheit, and in International System is Celsius.
Dry-bulb temperature (DB): The dry-bulb temperature is the temperature of air measured by a thermometer freely exposed to the air but shielded from radiation and moisture. More specifically, it is a measure of the intensity of kinetic energy of the molecules in the air. It is one of "the most important climate variables for human comfort and building energy efficiency.
Wet-bulb temperature (WB): The temperature registered by thermometer whose bulb is covered by a wetted wick and exposed to a current of rapidly moving air. It is the temperature air would have if part of its energy were used to evaporate the amount of water it would absorb to become fully saturated.
Dew point temperature: The temperature at which condensation begins when the air is cooled.
Relative humidity (RH) = (actual vapor pressure of air-vapor mixture/pressure of water vapor when the air is completely saturated at the same DB temperature) x 100.
Vapor pressure is the pressure exerted by the motion of molecules of water vapor. It is dependent on the amount of water vapor in the air and the temperature of the air.
Thermodynamics Basic Concepts.
The biggest problem in thermodynamics is the student to learn and recognize heat, work, force, energy, power and other technical terms. So, it is very important to remember some concepts below:
Cal - The Cal is the standard unit of measurement for heat. The gram calorie, small calorie or calorie (cal) is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water from 19.5 C to 20.5 C under standard atmospheric pressure of 1.033 Kg/cm (14.7 psi).
Btu - British Thermal Unit. The Btu is the standard unit of measurement for heat. A Btu is defined as the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 58.5F to 59.5F under standard pressure of 30 inches of mercury (14.7 psi).
Energy Unit Conversions:
Unit Multiply To obtain 1 Btu 0.252 kcal 107.7 Kgf.m 778.7 ft.lbf 1Cal 0.00396 Btu 0.00000116 kW.h 1 kcal 1000 cal 3.9604 Btu
Watt is the metric unit for power.
Unit Multiply To Obtain 1 W 0.001 kW 0.00134 hp 0.0002387 kcal/s 44.2 ft.lbf/min 0.000948 Btu/s 0.000284 ton (refrig)
Unit Multiply To Obtain
1 Btu/s 0.3002 ton (refrig) 1.055 kW 1.435 hp 106.6 kgf.m/s 778.8 ft.lbf/s
Celsius (also known as centigrade) is a temperature scale that is named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (17011744), who developed a similar temperature scale two years before his death. Then nominally, 0 C was defined as the freezing point of water and 100 C was defined as the boiling point of water, both at a pressure of one standard atmosphere (1.033 Kg/cm).
Fahrenheit is the temperature scale proposed in 1724 by, and named after, the physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (16861736). On the Fahrenheit scale, the freezing point of water was 32 degrees Fahrenheit (F) and the boiling point 212 F at standard atmospheric pressure (14.7 psi).
Pressure (P) is the force per unit area applied in a direction perpendicular to the surface of an object. Gauge pressure is the pressure relative to the local atmospheric or ambient pressure.
Unit Pascal (Pa) bar (bar) atmosphere (atm) Torr (Torr) pound-force per square inch (psi) 1 Pa 1 N/m 0.00001 0.000009867 0.0075006 0.000145 1 bar 100000 106 dyn/cm2 0.9867 750 14.5 1 at 98066 0.980665 0.968 735.5 14.223 1 atm 101325 1.01325 1 atm 760 14.7 1 torr 133.322 0.013332 0.0013158 1 mmHg 0.0193 1 psi 0.006894 0.068948 0.068046 51.72 1 lbf/in
Tons of Refrigeration:
For commercial and industrial refrigeration systems most of the world uses the kilowatt (kW) as the basic unit refrigeration. Typically, commercial and industrial refrigeration systems are rated in Tons of Refrigeration (TR).
One Ton of Refrigeration was defined as the energy removal rate that will freeze 1 ton of water at 0 C (32 F) in one day, or, the amount of heat required to melt 1 ton of ice in 24 hours. The unit's value is approximately 11,958 Btu/h (3.505 kW), redefined to be exactly:
1 Ton of Refrigeration = 12,000 Btu/h (3.517 kW) = 3024 Kcal/h
Metabolic rate.
Metabolic rate is measured in Met units. A Met is the average amount of heat produced by a sedentary person (e.g. office work = 1 Met).
1 Met unit corresponds approximately: 360 Btu/h = 90,718 cal/h = 90.718 kcal/h.
Human beings are essentially constant-temperature creatures with a normal internal body temperature of 98.6F. Heat is produced in the body as result of metabolic activity.
If the internal temperature rises or falls beyond its normal range, mental and physical operation is jeopardized or affected, and if the temperature deviation is extreme, then serious physiological disorders or even death can result.
Comfort Zone.
The comfort range of temperature during summer varies between 70 to 76F dry bulb temperatures and 45 - 65% relative humidity.
The comfort range during cold winters would be in the range of 65 to 68F dry bulb temperature and relative humidity of a minimum of 30%.
Heat Transfer.
Conduction is the spontaneous transfer of thermal energy through matter, from higher temperature to lower temperature, and acts to equalize temperature differences. It is also described as heat energy transferred from one material to another by direct contact.
Convection is usually the dominant form of heat transfer in liquids and gases. Convection is circulation of a fluid or gas/air caused by temperature difference. Commonly an increase in temperature produces a reduction in density.
Evaporation: It is exclusively a cooling mechanism. Evaporative losses become a predominant factor when ambient temperatures are very high. When surrounding temperature is about 70F, most people lose sensible heat.
Radiation is the only form of heat transfer that can occur in the absence of any form of medium; it means heat transfers through a vacuum. Thermal radiation is a direct result of the movements of atoms and molecules in a material.
Determinants of Thermal Comfort - Dry-bulb Temperature:
Thermal Comfort zone: It is an area plotted on the psychrometric chart. During summer the comfort range of temperature varies between 70 to 76F dry bulb temperatures and 45 - 65% RH. During cold winters the comfort condition would be in the range of 65 to 68F dry bulb temperature and relative humidity of a minimum of 30%.
Humidity: Density of water vapor per unit volume of air is expressed in units of lbs. of water/ft of dry air. Specific humidity = weight of water vapor per unit weight of dry air, expressed in grains/lb.
Relative Humidity (RH): Human tolerance to humidity variations: in winter is from 20 to 50%; in summer, the range extends up to 60% @ 75F. High humidity causes condensation problems and reduces body heat loss by evaporative cooling.
Psychrometrics Concepts.
Psychrometrics or psychrometry are terms used to describe the field of engineering concerned with the determination of physical and thermodynamic properties of gas-vapor mixtures. The term derives from the Greek psuchron meaning "cold" and metron meaning "means of measurement".
Thermodynamic properties of moist air are affected by atmospheric pressure. The standard temperature is 59F and standard atmospheric pressure is 29.921 in-Hg (14.697 psi) at sea level.
The apparent molecular mass or weighted average molecular weight of all components, for dry air is 28.9645, based on the carbon-12 scale.
The gas constant for water vapor is 1545.32/18.01528 = 85.778 ft-lb/lbR. The temperature and barometric pressure of atmospheric air vary with altitude as well as with local geographic and weather conditions. Gravity is also assumed constant at the standard value, 32.1740 ft/s 2 .
Psychrometric chart.
A psychrometric chart is a graphical presentation of the thermodynamic properties of moist air and various air-conditioning processes and air-conditioning cycles.
The most common chart is the temperature - humidity ratio (w) chart. The Dry Bulb Temperature (DB) appears horizontally as the abscissa and the humidity ratios (w) appear as the vertical axis.
Abridged sample of psychrometric chart is shown below:
How to Read a Psychrometric Chart
Dry bulb temperature (DB): Verticals lines designate DB. A standard psychrometric chart for air conditioning applications has a temperature range of 32 to 120F.
Wet bulb temperature (WB): Diagonals lines rising upward from left to right having negative slope slightly greater than that of the h-lines. A wet bulb line meets the DB line of the same magnitude on the saturation curve representing 100% RH.
Dew point temperature (DP): Follow the horizontal line from the point where the line from the horizontal axis arrives at 100% RH, also known as the saturation curve. On a saturation curve the dry bulb, wet bulb and dew point temperature (DP) have the same value.
Relative humidity (RH%): Curved lines that radiate from lower left to upper right are RH lines. Horizontal line at the bottom represents 0% RH; the uppermost curved line is 100% RH line.
Humidity ratio: Humidity ratio or specific humidity w-lines are horizontal lines on the Y-axis, they range from 0 to 0.28 lb/lb. Humidity ratio is dimensionless, sometimes expressed as grams of water per kilogram of dry air or grains of water/lb of air.
Specific enthalpy (h): Enthalpy lines incline downward to the right-hand side (negative slope) at an angle of 23.5 to the horizontal line and have a range of 12 to 54 Btu/lb expressed in Btu/lb of air.
Specific volume (v): Specific volume lines are represented by the diagonal lines close to 90. The moist volume ranges from 12.5 - 15 ft/lb, also called Inverse Density, is the volume per unit mass of the air.
An air-conditioned room at sea level has an indoor design temperature of 75F and a relative humidity of 50%. Determine the humidity ratio, enthalpy, density, dew point, and thermodynamic wet bulb temperature of the indoor air at design condition.
Find the room temperature 75F on the horizontal temperature scale. Draw a line parallel to the 75F temperature line and establish the point where it meets the relative humidity curve of 50% at point (r). This point denotes the state point of room air.
Draw a horizontal line toward the humidity ratio scale from point (r). This line meets the ordinate and thus determines the room air humidity ratio w = 0.0093 lb/lb.
Draw a line from point (r) parallel to the enthalpy line. This line determines the enthalpy of room air on the enthalpy scale, h = 28.1 Btu/lb.
Draw a line through point (r) parallel to the moist volume line. The perpendicular scale of this line indicates v = 13.67 ft/lb.
Draw a horizontal line to the left from point (r). This line meets the saturation curve and determines the dew point temperature, Tdew = 55F.
Draw a line through point (r) parallel to the wet bulb line. The perpendicular scale to this line indicates that the thermodynamic wet bulb temperature (WB) = 62.5F.
Basic Psychrometrics Calculation.
There are hundreds of psychometrics charts and calculation spreadsheets to be downloaded. For the examples below try http://www.linric.com/webpsy.htm
Example 1. Calculate the air density, specific volume, and enthalpy in US units at the ambient conditions of DB 87.8F, RH 80% and sea level.
Solution: Air Density = 0.0714 lb/ft Air Specific Volume = 14.32 ft/lb - dry air Air Enthalpy = 46.35 Btu/lb - dry air
Example 2. Calculate the air density, specific volume, and enthalpy in US units at the ambient conditions of DB 87.8F, RH 0% (Dry Air), and sea level.
Solution: Air Density: 0.0723 lb/ft Air Specific Volume: 13.8224 ft/lb - dry air Air Enthalpy: 21.1196 Btu/lb - dry air
Example 3. Calculate the air density, specific volume, and enthalpy in US units at the ambient conditions of DB 87.8F, RH 80%, and 1,000 feet in altitude.
Solution: Air Density: 0.0688 lb/ft Air Specific Volume: 14.8824 ft/lb - dry air Air Enthalpy: 47.3494 Btu/lb - dry air
Basic Air Conditioning Calculations.
The air conditioning loads are the Sensible Heat Loads + Latent Heat Loads as explained below:
Sensible heat loads - Sensible heat gain is directly added to the conditioned space by conduction, convection, and/or radiation. Sensible heat load is a total of:
a. Heat transmitted thru floors, ceilings, walls b. Occupants body heat c. Appliance & Light heat d. Solar Heat gain thru glass e. Infiltration of outside air f. Air introduced by Ventilation
Latent Heat Loads - Latent heat gain occurs when moisture is added to the space from internal sources or from outdoor air as a result of infiltration or ventilation to maintain proper indoor air quality. Latent heat load is a total of:
a. Moisture-laden outside air form Infiltration & Ventilation b. Occupant Respiration & Activities c. Moisture from Equipment & Appliances
Humidity ratio or specific humidity - is dimensionless, sometimes expressed as grams of water per kilogram of dry air or grains of water/lb of air.
1) Sensible Heat Loads:
A sensible heating process adds heat to the moist air in order to increase its temperature. The rate of heat transfer from the hot water to the colder moist air is often called sensible heating, in Btu/h (kW), and is calculated from the equation: www.PDHcenter.com PDHonline Course M378 www.PDHonline.org
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Qsensible = m x Cp (To Ti) [Btu/h]
Q sensible = Sensible heat, (kW) (Btu/h) m = Mass flow rate of air, (Kg/h) (lb/h) Cp = Specific heat capacity of air (see tables), 0.24 Btu/lbF (1.01 Kcal/KgC) air = Density of supply air, (Kg/m) (Lb/ft) To, Ti = moist air temperature at final/initial states and the mass flow rate of supply air, (C) (F).
To maintain temperature requirements, the air inside a building keeps circulation through a cooling coil, empirically determined by:
Qsensible = 1.08 x CFM (To Ti) [Btu/h]
CFM = Air circulation flow, CFM Ti = Inside air temperature, F To = Outside air temperature, F
The sensible heat loss from infiltration can also be calculated as:
Qsensible = 60 x CFM x air x C p x (Ti To) [Btu/h]
Q = Heat loss in (Btu/h) CFM = Volumetric air flow rate (CFM) air = Density of the air (Ib/ft) Cp = Specific heat capacity of air (see tables), 0.24 Btu/lbF (1.01 Kcal/KgC) Ti = Inside air temperature (F) To = Outside air temperature (F)
2) Latent Heat Loads:
The most commonly used method of removing water vapor from air (dehumidification) is to cool the air below its dew point. The dew point of air is when it is fully saturated, at 100% saturation. The latent heat to be removed is:
Qlatent = m x hfg x (Wo - Wi) [Btu/h]
Q = Cooling energy (kW) (Btu/h), m = Mass flow rate of air (Kg/h) (Lb/h), hfg = Latent heat of vaporization of water (see tables), 1060 Btu/lb (589 Kcal/Kg), Wo, Wi = Moisture content of air (Kg/Kg) (lb/lb-dry air).
The amount of moisture added to the air must be removed through the cooling coil to maintain the humidity requirements, determined by:
CFM = Air circulation flow, CFM Wo = Outside moisture content of air (lb/lb-dry air) Wi = Inside moisture content of air (lb/lb-dry air).
3) Humidity:
In a humidifying process, water vapor is added to moist air and increases the humidity ratio entering the humidifier if the moist air is not saturated. The humidifying capacity is given by:
H m = CFM x x (Ho Hi) [lb/min]
CFM = Volume flow rate of supply air, (CFM) = Density of supply air, (lb/ft) Ho, Hi = Moisture content of air at final and initial states, (Lb/lb of dry air).
Total heat loads are:
Qtotal = 4.5 x CFM x (Ho Hi) [Btu/h]
CFM = Volume flow rate of supply air, (CFM) Ho, Hi = Moisture content of air at final and initial states, (Lb/lb of dry air).
Design Volume Flow Rate:
The design volume flow rate - V (Kg/m) (CFM) is calculated on the basis of the capacity to remove the space cooling load at summer design conditions to maintain a required space temperature T r :
V = QTotal = QSensible 60 x air x (Ho- Hi) 60 x air x (To - Ti)
V = Design volume flow rate, (m/h) (CFM) Q Total, Q Sensible = Design cooling load, (kW) (Btu/h) air = Air density - may vary with air systems (see tables), (Kg/m) (lb/ft) To = Room temperature - normally 75F (24C) - for comfort applications) Ti = Supply air temperature leaving the cooling unit, (F) (C) Ho = Room enthalpy Kg/Kg) (Lb/lb of dry air) Hi = Supply air enthalpy Kg/Kg) (Lb/lb of dry air).
Total Refrigeration Load:
Since the sensible heat Qsensible and the latent heat Qlatent
are known, the total Refrigeration Load can be determined by:
CFH = Air flow in ft/h (CFM x 60) air = Air density = 0.075 lb/ft Hi = Enthalpy of the air - inside temperature Ho = Enthalpy of the air outside temperature
OBS.: CFM (Cubic feet per minute): amount of air that flows through a space in one minute. 1 CFM equals approximately 2 liters/s (l/s). A typical system produces 400 CFM/ ton of air conditioning.
Constant of 4.5 = 1 CFM airflow, there are 60 units in an hour, then, 60 CFM = 4.5 lbs of air. Constant of 1.08 = (Specific heat of air) 0.24 Btu/lb/F x 4.5 = 1.08 Btu/lb/F
Constant of 0.68 = 1060/7000 x 4.5 = 0.68 Btuh as, 1060 Btu/h is latent heat water vaporization. Constant of 13.5 ft/lb dry air @ 70F, 50% RH = Specific volume of moist air
Heat Loss by Conduction
The different ways to calculate heat loss are: k values, C values, U values and "R" values.
1) k = Thermal Conductivity: Thermal conductivity means the rate of heat transfer through one inch of a homogeneous material expressed in Btu-in/h.ft.F or Btu-ft/h. ft.F. Materials with lower kvalues are better insulators.
Q = k x A x T / t
k = is thermal conductivity - see tables - (Btu-in/h ft F) or (Btu-ft/h ft F). A = is the concerning rea, ft T = average temperature difference across the material, (F) t = thickness of a wall or some material (in)
Calculate the heat loss through a 3 thick insulation board that has an area of 2 ft and has a k-value of 0.25. Assume the average temperature difference across the material is 70F.
Q = k-value x A x T / t
Q = 0.25 (k) x 2 (ft) x 70F ( T) 3 (in)
Q = 35 / 3 = 11.66 Btu/h
Most good insulating materials have a kvalue of approximately 0.25 or less, and rigid foam insulations have been developed with k factors as low as 0.12 to 0.15.
2) Specific Heat: is defined as the amount of heat energy needed to raise 1 gram of a substance 1C in temperature, or, the amount of energy needed to raise one pound of a substance 1F in temperature.
Q = m x Cp. (To Ti) www.PDHcenter.com PDHonline Course M378 www.PDHonline.org
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Q = Heat energy needed (Joules) (Btu), m = Mass of a substance (Kg) (lb), Cp = Specific heat of air (see tables), 0.24 Btu/lbF (1.01 Kcal/KgC) (To
Ti ) = Dry Bulb temperature of air change (C) (F)
Substances with higher specific heats require more heat energy to lower temperature than do substances with a low specific heat.
Using metric units and imperial units, how much energy is required to heat 350 grams (0.77 pounds) of gold from 10C (50F) to 50C (122F)?
Mass = 350g = 0.35 Kg = 0.77 lb
Specific heat of gold (see tables) = 0.129 J/(g.C) = 129 J/(Kg.C) x 0.000239 = 0.0308 Btu/(lb.F).
Q = m x Cp. (To Ti)
Metric Units:
Q = (0.35 Kg) (129 J/(Kg.C) (50C - 10C)
Q = 1806 J (1.71 Btu)
Q = m x Cp. (To Ti)
Imperial Units:
Q = (0.77 lb) (0.0308 Btu/(lb.F) (122F - 50F) =
Q = 1.71 Btu
A greater means a smaller airflow rate (Kg/m) (CFM) for a given supply mass flow rate. Greater the cooling load or sensible heat, Q Sensible, higher will be the airflow rate (Kg/m) (CFM).
3) C = Thermal Conductance: Thermal conductance is a specific factor is a heat transfer factor per inch of thickness. The lower the C value, the better the insulator and the lower is the heat loss.
The overall C value must not be additive because two insulating materials with a C-value of 0.5 each, the result will be 1.0.
4) U = Overall Coefficient of Heat Transmission: The U value is the rate of heat flow passing through a square foot of a material per hour of each degree Fahrenheit difference in temperature expressed in Btu/h. ft.F.
The U value is the inverse of the R value, (U = 1/R) since the lower the U factor, the lower is the heat loss. www.PDHcenter.com PDHonline Course M378 www.PDHonline.org
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5) R = Thermal Resistance: The thermal resistance R value is a measure to retard heat flow. By definition, thermal resistance is the reciprocal of a heat transfer coefficient.
In other words, the R value is the inverse of the k value (R = 1/k), the C value (R = 1/C) and the U value (U = 1/R).
Calculate the heat loss through a 100 ft wall with an inside temperature of 65F and an outside temperature of 35F. The wall is composed of 2" thickness bricks having a k factor of 0.80. The insulation is also 2" thickness having a C factor of 0.16.
The U value is found as follows:
R total = 1/k + 1/C = R total = 2/0.80 + 1/0.16 =
R total = 8.75, Then:
U = 1/8.75 = 0.114 Btu/h ft F
Once the U factor is known, the heat loss can be calculated by the basic heat transfer equation:
Q = A x U x (Ti To) Q = 0.114 (Btu/h ft F) x 100 (ft) x [65 (F) - 35 (F)] Q = 0.114 x 100 x 30
Q = 342 Btu/h
Basic Calculations of Overall Coefficient of Heat Transmission - U The basic equation to calculate the Overall Coefficient of Heat Transmission (U) is:
Ri = the resistance of a "boundary layer" of air on the inside surface; R1, R2 = the resistance of each component of the walls, according to thickness of the component; Ro = the resistance of the "air boundary layer" on the outside surface of the wall.
Determine the U value and the heat loss through a 100 ft wall with a 70 F temperature difference for a layered wall. The construction is composed of plywood 0.75-inch thick (U = 1.25, expanded polystyrene 2-inches thick (U = 4.00) and hardboard 2-inches thick (U = 0.18).
Outside air at 15 mph wind velocity is assumed as Ro = 0.17.
U = 1 Ri + R1 + R2 + R3 + Ro
U = 1 0.68 + 0.94 + 8.0 + 0.18 + 0.17
U = 1 9.97
U = 0.10 Btu/h ft F
The heat loss Q for a 100 ft of wall with a 70 F temperature difference will be:
Q = A x U x T = Q = 100 x 0.10 x 70 = Q = 700 Btu/h
HVAC Heating Loss Calculations
The heat loss is divided into two groups:
1) The conductive heat losses through the building walls, floor, ceiling, glass, or other surfaces; 2) The convective infiltration losses through cracks and openings, or heat required to warm outdoor air used for ventilation.
The heat loss is determined by the basic equation:
Q = Total hourly rate of heat loss through walls, roof, glass, etc (Btu/h); U = Overall heat-transfer coefficient of walls, roof, ceiling, floor, or glass (Btu/h.ft.F); A = Net area of walls, roof, ceiling, floor, or glass (ft); Ti = Inside design temperature (F); To = Outside design temperature (F). T = To Ti (F)
Net Area (A):
The net area of each building section is determined from drawings or measurements considering the areas of the four walls, floor, and ceiling, doors and windows. We will also need to determine the volume of the building to estimate the rate of infiltration into the building measured in air changes per hour (ACH).
Overall Coefficient of Heat Transfer (U):
The U-value measures how well a building component (wall, roof or a window), keeps heat inside a building. It is an indicator of how easy it is to keep the inside of the building cold. A house built with low U- value building components will use less energy and thus using less energy is good for the environment.
The inside design temperature is traditionally taken as 65F. The temperature difference between the inside and outside of the building is the primary cause of heat loss in the winter months.
Outside Design Temperature (To):
The winter month heating load conditions are based on annual percentiles of 99.6 and 99%, which suggests that the outdoor temperature is equal to or lower than design data 0.4% and 1% of the time respectively. Then, commonly the outside design temperature (To) is 4F.
What is the value of the heat loss for a 10 ft building with a single glass [U-value of 1.13] with an inside temperature of 70F and an outside temperature of 0:
Q = A (10) x U (1.13) x T (70 - 0) = 791 Btu/hr
Calculate the heat loss through each of the components separately and then add their heat losses together to get the total amount.
Q (wall) =Q (framed area) +Q (windows) +Q (door)
Heat Conduction and Thermal Resistance:
The heat conducted through a plane wall is:
Qw = k x A (t1 - t2) [Btu/h] L
k = Thermal conductivity of the wall material, Btu-in/h ft F A = Area of the wall, ft t1, t2 = Temperature difference of the wall, F L = Wall thickness, inches www.PDHcenter.com PDHonline Course M378 www.PDHonline.org
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The same equation in terms of thermal resistance is:
Qw = A (To - Ti) = A x U (To Ti) - Btu/h R
Heat Loss due Air Changes and Ventilation:
To calculate this, you need to know how many times per hour the entire air in the building space is lost to outside referred to as air changes per hour or ACH. The infiltration can be considered to be 0.15 to 0.5 ACH at winter design conditions.
1) Ventilation rate based on Air Change method:
V = ACH x A x H / 60
V = Ventilation air (CFM) (m/h); ACH = Air changes per hour (ACH) 0.15 to 0.5 CFM/ft A = Area of the space (ft) (m); H = Height of the room (ft) (m).
2) Ventilation rate based on Crack method:
V = I x A
V = Ventilation air (CFM) (m/h); I = Infiltration rate usually 0.15 CFM/ft A = Area of cracks/openings (ft) (m);
3) Ventilation rate based on Occupancy method:
V = N x 20
V = Ventilation air, (CFM) (m/h); N = Number of people in space - usually 1 person per 100 ft office; 20 = Recommended ventilation rate is 20 CFM/person (34 m/h) - (ASHRAE 62 standard for IAQ).
Typical concrete frames:
For a typical 2 x 4 concrete frame wall with polystyrene insulation and drywall, there are five thermal resistance layers due to convection and radiation.
Ri = 6.0 Btu/h ft F - then, 1/Ri = 1/6.0 Btu/h ft F Ro = 1.63 Btu/h ft F - then, 1/Ro = 1/1.63 Btu/h ft F
So, the thermal resistance equation is:
R = Ri + R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 + R5 + Ro www.PDHcenter.com PDHonline Course M378 www.PDHonline.org
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Practical Example:
A building, 35.0 ft wide, 73.0 ft long and 8.0 ft high, is constructed with concrete 4 inches thick and polystyrene insulation 2 inches thick on each side. The building has a total of 4 windows east, 16 windows north measuring 2.5 ft by 4 ft. Roof and ceiling are frame construction. The conditions are:
Inside: (Ti) Dry bulb temperature = 80 F Relative Humidity = 50%
Outside: (To) Dry bulb temperature = 95 F Dew Point = 75 F DP (dew point)
Ventilation: Supply air = 65 F - Dry bulb temperature. Air Handling Unit (AHU) = Assume 4,000 CFM per AHU
Others: Average electrical usage = 1.0 watts/ft Human activity per person = 180 Btu/h Infiltration rate, assume = 20 CFM Air density (air) = 0.075 lb/ft, at 80F, sea level.
The Thermal Conductivities k, the Thermal Resistances R, and the Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient U are shown in table below.
Material k (Btu-in/ h ft F) R (Btu/h ft F) U (Btu/h ft F)
Siding 1.0 Polystyrene wall side 1 (2.0 in) 0.17 Polystyrene wall side 2 (2.0 in) 0.17 Concrete (4.0 in) 10.0 Drywall 0.45 Pine 2 x 4 0.8 Insulation 0.28 Sheathing (0.5 in) 0.8 Glass 1.13 Framed roof and ceiling 0.23
Considering that for a typical 2 x 4 concrete frame wall:
Ri = 1/Ri = 1/6.0 Btu/h ft F Ro = 1/Ro = 1/1.63 Btu/h ft F
The thermal resistance of a 4-inches concrete wall with 2-inches insulation is:
R = 26.0 Btu/h ft F www.PDHcenter.com PDHonline Course M378 www.PDHonline.org
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1) Sensible Loads:
The heat conducted through the wall area minus the windows area is:
Qwindows = A(To Ti) = [(Abuilding Awindows) x (To Ti)] = R R
East wall - Qw = [(8.0 x 35.0) - 4(2.5x4.0)] x (95 - 80) / 26 = 138 Btu/h North wall - Qw = [(8.0 x 73.0) - 16(2.5x4.0)] x (95 - 80) / 26 = 245 Btu/h Qwindows = 383 Btu/h
There are 20 windows, 10 ft each, the total glass area is 200 ft, considering that glass U = 1.13, the heat conducted through the glass is given by equation:
Qwindows = A x U x (To Ti) Qwindows = 200 x 1.13 (95 - 80) = 3390 Btu/h
The infiltration of outside air through cracks around windows and doors, a leakage rate of 20 CFM assumed. The resulting sensible or infiltration heat gain inside is:
For the medium size building considered here, the reference for average electrical usage is 1.0 watts/ft. The heat gain from electrical appliances and lights is:
Remember: 1 Watt = 1 Watt-Hour = 0.000948 (Btu/s) x 60 x 60 = 3.412 Btu/h
Qlight = 3.412 x A Qlight = 3.412 x (35.0 ft x 73.0 ft) = 8717 Btu/h
The sensible heat according to estimated for light activity is 200 Btu/h per person. For twenty people in the building, this gives a heat gain of:
Qoccupancy = 20 (200) = 4000 Btu/h
The heat conducted through the frame ceiling is:
Qceiling = A x U x (To Ti) = Qceiling = (35.0 x 73) x 0.23 x (95 80) = 8815 Btu/h
Adding all the heat gains the total Qsensible load is:
For light activity, people produce a latent gain of about 180 Btu/h per person, so for twenty persons:
Qlatent light = 20 (180) = 3600 Btu/h
Kitchen appliances add latent heat to the building as estimated below: www.PDHcenter.com PDHonline Course M378 www.PDHonline.org
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Dishwater = 420 Btu/h Gas Oven = 1200 Btu/h Coffee maker = 2 x 1540 = 3080 Btu/h
Qkitchen = 4700 Btu/h
The infiltration humidity load is determined by:
Qlatent = 4840 x CFM (Wo Wi) =
Using the online WebPsych can be found that 80 o F/50% RH at sea level the air contains:
Inside: (Wi)
Dry bulb temperature = 80 F Relative Humidity = 50%
Wi = 76.8 gr/lb
Since there are 7,000 grains of moisture per pound so we have:
Wi = 76.76 = approximately 0.011 lb of moisture/lb of air or pounds of moisture per pound of air. 7000
Outside: (Wo)
Dry bulb temperature = 95 F Dew Point = 75 F
Wo = 131.81 gr/lb
Using the same considerations above:
Wo = 131.81 = approximately 0.019 lb of moisture/lb of air or pounds of moisture per pound of air. 7000
Since that a leakage rate of 20 CFM is assumed, the resulting latent heat gain inside is:
Qlatent = 4840 x CFM (Wo Wi) = Qlatent = 4840 x 20 (0.019 0.011) = 774 Btu/h
Adding all the heat gains the total Qlatent load is: Qlatent = 3600 + 4700 + 774 = 9074 Btu/h
Calculate the Refrigeration Load:
RL = CFH x air (Ho Hi) =
First find Hi and Ho using the online WebPsych, as below: www.PDHcenter.com PDHonline Course M378 www.PDHonline.org
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Entering with the values:
Inside: (Ti) Dry bulb temperature = 80 F Relative Humidity = 50%
Hi = 31.2 Btu/h Outside: (To)
Dry bulb temperature = 95 F Dew Point = 75 F
Ho = 43.5 Btu/h
Second find the ventilation flow:
Qsensible = 1.08 x CFM (To Ti) =
CFM = Qsensible 1.08 (To Ti)
CFM = 25635 = 1582 1.08 (15)
CFH = 1582 x 60 = 94920 ft/hr
The Refrigeration Load is:
RL = CFH x air (Ho Hi) = RL = 94920 x 0.075 (43.5 31.2) = 87564 Btu/h
The Total Heat Loads is:
Qtotal = 4.5 x CFM x (Ho Hi) [Btu/h] Qtotal = 4.5 x 1582 x (43.5 31.2) = 87564 Btu/h (= RL)
Considering the Total Heat Load (or Refrigeration Load) as Sensible Heat Load, the air conditioning loads are the Sensible Heat Loads + Latent Heat Loads as explained above, then:
The equipment size is based on the tons of cooling required, and a typical system produces 400 CFM/ ton of air conditioning:
Since, 1 ton of cooling = 12000 Btu/h = 400 CFM/ton, as explained above:
CFM(equipment) = 96638 x 400 = 3221 CFM 12000
The system assumes 4000 CFM per Air Handling Unit (AHU), then:
TR = 4000 CFM = 10 tons = 1 Unit 400 CFM/ton
kW = 10 TR x 3.517 = ~35 kW
An air handler, or air handling unit (abbreviated to AHU), is a device used to condition and circulate air as part of a heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning system. Air handlers usually connect to ductwork that distributes the conditioned air through the building and returns it to the AHU.
Cooling Load Concepts:
Design cooling loads take into account all the loads experienced by a building under a specific set of assumed conditions. The assumptions for cooling loads are as follows:
a. Weather conditions are selected from a long-term statistical database, representative of the location of the building. ASHRAE has tabulated such data. b. The solar loads on the building are assumed on a clear day in the month for calculations. www.PDHcenter.com PDHonline Course M378 www.PDHonline.org
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c. The building occupancy is assumed to be at full design capacity. d. The ventilation rates are assumed on air changes or maximum occupancy expected. e. All building equipment and appliances are considered to be operating. f. Lights and appliances are considered for a typical day of design occupancy. g. Latent as well as sensible loads are considered.
CLTD is a theoretical temperature difference for combined effects of inside and outside air temperature difference, daily temperature range, solar radiation and heat storage. It is affected by orientation, month, day, hour, latitude, etc.
CLTD factors are used for adjustment to conductive heat gains from walls, roof, floor and glass.
SCL factors are used for adjustment of heat gains from glass.
CLF - radiant energy that enters the conditioned space at a particular time does not become a part of the cooling load instantly, calculated as functions of solar time and orientation and are available in the form of tables in ASHRAE Handbooks.
CLF factors are used for adjustment to heat gains from internal loads such as lights, occupancy and power appliances.
Basic Equations:
The basic conduction equation for heat gain is Q = U x A x T.
Q = Heat gain in Btu/hr U = Thermal Transmittance for roof in Btu/h.ft.F A = Area of in ft T = Temperature difference in F
The heat gain is converted to cooling load using the functions (sol-air temperature) for light, medium and heavy thermal characteristics. The equation is modified as:
Q = U * A * (CLTD) =
Q = Cooling load, Btu/hr U = Coefficient of heat transfer roof or wall or glass, Btu/hr.ft.F A = Area of roof, ft CLTD = Cooling load temperature difference F from tables in AHSRAE Fundamentals Handbook.
CLTD Corrected ASHRAE Method:
The ASHRAE tables provide hourly CLTD values for one typical set of conditions. Outdoor maximum temperature of 95F with mean temperature of 85C and daily range of 21F, the equation is adjusted to correction factors, then:
(78 TR) = Indoor design temperature correction (TM 85) = Outdoor design temperature correction TR = Indoor room temperature TM = Mean outdoor temperature = Tmax (Daily Range) 2 EXAMPLE:
Estimate the cooling load using the Cooling Load Temperature Difference / Solar Cooling Load/ Cooling Load Factor (CLTD/SCL/CLF) method.
Type of building = Office Working = 8 hrs of working - 9.00 to 17.00 hrs Room Length x Width = 16 ft x 16 ft Room Height = 15 ft Window area = 20 % of the wall area Roof/Walls: U= 0.2 Btu/h.ft. F Windows: U= 0.55 Btu/h.ft.F Occupancy = 2 persons per room
Design Conditions:
Indoor design Dry-bulb = 78 F Outdoor design dry-bulb = 90 F(max) Outdoor design wet-bulb = 75 F Daily Range = 20 F
Room Considerations Roof and Walls:
Room area is (16 x 15) = 240 ft Window area for each wall is (16 x 15 x 0.2) = 48 ft Net area for each wall is 240 ft - 48 ft (window) =192 ft
Calculation of Room CLTD Correction:
CLTD C = CLTD + (78 TR) +(TM 85) =
TR = Indoor design temperature = 78F TM = Outdoor design dry bulb temperature - (Daily range /2) = 90 - (20 / 2) = 90 -10 = 80
CLTD C = CLTD + (78 - 78) + (80 - 85) = (CLTD 5)
Calculation of Heat Load due to Conduction from 9.00 to 17.00:
4" common face brick, density: 130 lb/ft 3 Rw1 = 0.56 Btu/h.ft.F 0.5" air space, 50F mean and 10F temperature difference Rw2 = 2.54 Btu/h.ft.F 0.5" nail-base sheathing with bright aluminum foil to air space - Rw3 = 1.06 Btu/h.ft.F 3.5glass fiber batt insulation(3.5) Rw4 = 12.98 Btu/h.ft.F 0.5" gypsum board Rw5 = 0.45 Btu/h.ft.F
Outside air film (15 mph) Ri = 0.17 Inside air film (vertical surface) - Ro = 0.68
Windows clear glass, double pane with 0.5" air space, area 210 ft, U-value = 0.64 Btu/h.ft.F; Door, 1 3/4" solid core with metal, area 24 ft, U-value = 0.26 Btu/h.ft.F. Assume infiltration - Air change = 0.6 for building volume = 12000 ft. Assume ten people in the building, 20 CFM per person.
Using the webpsy/linric for dry-bulb temperature 70F and relative humidity 40% is found:
Wb = 55.76 F wb Hi = 23.60 Btu/lb Dp = 44.60 F dp Wi = 43.66 gr/lb / 7000 = 0.0062 lb/lb dry air
Using the webpsy/linric for dry-bulb temperature 70F and dew point 50F for cooled air is found:
Therefore, 31026/12,000 = 2.56 tons - select a 3.0 ton Air Handling Unit (AHU) for heating. Sizing Ducts:
Air speed in a duct can be expressed as:
v = Q / A =
v = Air velocity (m/s) Q = Air volume (m 3 /s) A = Cross section of duct (m 2 )
The Velocity Method:
Proper air flow velocities for the application considering the environment are selected. Sizes of ducts are then given by the continuity equation like:
A = q / v
A = Duct cross sectional area (m 2 ) q = Air flow rate (m 3 /s) v = Air speed (m/s)
Imperial units: A i = 144 q i / v i =
A = Duct cross sectional area (in) q i = Air flow rate (CFM) v i = Air speed (FPM)
Imperial Units:
The velocity of air in a ventilation duct can also be expressed:
v i = q i / A i = 576 q i / ( d i 2 ) = 144 q i / (a i b i ) =
v i = Air velocity (FPM) q i = Air flow (CFM) A i = Area of duct (ft) d i = Diameter of duct (inches) a i = Width of duct (inches) b i = Width of duct (inches)
v m = q m / A m = 4 q m / ( d m 2 ) = q m / (a m b m ) =
v m = Air velocity (m/s) q m = Air flow (m 3 /s) A m = Area of duct (m 2 ) d m = Diameter of duct (m) a m = Width of duct (m) b m = Width of duct (m)
Pressure loss in ducts can be expressed as:
Dp t = dp f + dp s + dp c =
Dp t = Total pressure loss in system psi (Pa, N/m 2 ) dp f = Major pressure loss in ducts due to friction psi (Pa, N/m 2 ) dp s = Minor pressure loss in fittings, bends etc. psi (Pa, N/m 2 ) dp c = Minor pressure loss in components as filters, heaters etc. psi (Pa, N/m 2 )
Pressure loss in ducts due to friction can be expressed as:
Dp f = R l
R = Duct friction resistance per unit length - psi/ duct ft (Pa, N/m 2 per m duct) l = Length of duct inches (m)
Duct friction resistance per unit length can be expressed as:
R = / D h ( v 2 / 2) =
R = Pressure loss psi (Pa, N/m 2 ) = Friction coefficient D h = Hydraulic diameter inches (m)
A proper velocity will depend on the application and the environment. The table below indicate commonly used velocity limits:
Type of Duct Comfort Systems Industrial Systems High Speed Systems m/s FPM m/s FPM m/s FPM Main ducts 4 - 7 780 - 1380 8 - 12 1575 - 2360 10 - 18 1670 - 3540 Main branch ducts 3 - 5 590 - 985 5 - 8 985 - 1575 6 - 12 1180 - 2360 Branch ducts 1 - 3 200 - 590 3 - 5 590 - 985 5 - 8 985 - 1575 www.PDHcenter.com PDHonline Course M378 www.PDHonline.org
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Be aware that high velocities close to outlets and inlets may generate unacceptable noise. Maximum air velocity in the ducts should be kept below certain limits to avoid unacceptable generation of noise.
The values from the table below can be used to rough sizing of ducts in comfort, industrial and high speed ventilation systems. Commonly, the accepted duct velocities can be found in the table below:
H = Heat loss Btu (W) A = Area of duct walls sq. inches (m 2 ) Ti = Initial temperature in duct - F ( o C) To = Final temperature in duct - F ( o C) k = Heat Transfer Coefficient = (5.68 W/m 2 K for sheet metal ducts, 2.3 W/m 2 K for insulated ducts) k = Heat Transfer Coefficient = (1.0 Btu/h.ft.F - for sheet metal ducts, 0.4 Btu/h.ft.F for insulated ducts) Tr = Surrounding room temperature - F ( o C) www.PDHcenter.com PDHonline Course M378 www.PDHonline.org
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The heat loss in the air flow can be expressed as:
H = q cP (To - Ti) = (b)
q = Mass of air flowing lb/s (kg/s) cP = Specific heat capacity of air Btu/lb. F (kJ/kg K)
Formulae (a) and (b) can be combined to:
H = A k (To + Ti) / 2 - Tr) = q C p (To - Ti) = (c)
The friction loss in a 20 inches duct with air flow 4000 CFM can be estimated to approximately 0.23 inches water per 100 feet duct as shown in the diagram below. The air velocity can be estimated to approximately 1850 FPM.
The diagram is based on standard air 0.075 lb/ft in clean round galvanized metal ducts.
1 inch water = 248.8 N/m (Pa) = 0.0361 lb/in (psi) = 25.4 kg/m = 0.0739 in mercury 1 ft/min (CFM) = 1.7 m/h = 0.47 l/s 1 ft/min (FPM) = 0.00508 m/s
Chillers and Air Handling Unit (AHU):
Chillers provide cooling of the chilled water which is then used in the air cooling coils for air conditioning, while AH Units provide cooling by direct expansion of the refrigerant in the air cooling coils.
In general AH Units are used for relatively small capacity systems and chillers are used for relatively large capacity systems. Typically an AHU system is not used for systems larger than 100 ton capacity.
Further variations of applications are as follows:
Typically chillers are package units on one skid, with the water piping system being external to the unit. The package unit includes the compressor, condenser, evaporator and associated components.
AH Units are available in following major categories, based on the type of the compressor and packaged or split design:
Reciprocating or scroll compressor package units (condenser, compressor & evaporator are on the same skid).
Reciprocating or scroll compressor split systems (condenser, compressor, evaporator are located at separate locations - many systems have the condenser + compressor on the same skid as condensing unit, and the evaporator is located separately)
The condenser for both AH Units and chillers can be air cooled or water cooled for relatively smaller sizes. For the larger units the condenser is typically water cooled.
Chiller & AH Unit Sizing Rules:
AH Unit Type Reciprocating or Scroll: Capacity range for package units 0.5 to 150 Tons Capacity range for split units 1 to 70 Tons Power 0.9 to 1.3 KW / Ton Min Capacity Turndown capability depends on number of cylinders
Chiller Type Reciprocating: Capacity range 15 to 100 Tons Power 0.9 to 1.3 KW / Ton Min Capacity Turndown capability depends on number of cylinders
Chiller Type Scroll: Capacity range 10 to 150 Tons Power 0.9 to 1.3 KW / Ton Min Capacity Turndown capability depends on number of cylinders
Chiller Type Rotary Screw: Capacity range 70 to 500 Ton Power 1 to 1.5 KW / Ton Min Capacity Turndown capability 25%
Chiller Type Centrifugal: Capacity range 200 Ton to 2000 Ton Power 0.5 to 0.85 KW / Ton Min Capacity Turndown capability 10%
Chiller Type Absorption: Capacity range 100 Ton to 2000 Ton Heat 12000 Btuh/Ton (gas/oil), 12000 18000 Btuh/Ton (steam/hot water). Min Capacity Turndown capability 10%
The air cooling coil in AH Units and the chilled water heat exchanger in chillers are also called an "Evaporator" since evaporations of the liquid refrigerant occurs in these components.
Centrifugal compressor chillers (used for medium to large capacity applications); Screw compressor chillers (used for medium capacity applications); Reciprocating compressor chillers (used for small to medium capacity applications); Scroll compressor chillers (used for small to medium capacity applications);
In general the most common refrigerants used in the industry belong to the following three categories:
CFC - These are the Chloro Fluoro Carbon refrigerants, such as R11, R12, R113, R114, identified as the most harmful to Ozone layer by the Montreal Protocol, and were phased out in 2000.
The R12 is used commonly in the older cars for air conditioning.
HCFC - These are the Hydro Chloro Fluoro Carbon refrigerants, such as R22, R123, etc, identified as slightly harmful to the Ozone layer by Montreal Protocol, and will be phased out by 2030.
The R22 refrigerant is commonly used in most reciprocating type of compressors, while R123 is used in centrifugal chillers as a temporary replacement for R11.
HFC - These are the Hydro Fluoro Carbon refrigerants, such as R134a, that do not harm the Ozone layer, and are being used in the newer machines to replace the CFC and HCFC.
The R134a is now commonly used to replace either R12 and R500, and in all new cars air conditioning systems.
Refrigerant Analysis:
A periodic refrigerant analysis is important to detect and control contaminants in the refrigerant, which can result in degradation / failure of the various components, and cause inefficient operation of the unit. Refrigerants should be tested for the following contaminants:
Moisture is one of the primary causes of contamination-related problems in a refrigeration system which may cause damages to the chiller or AH Unit.
Ice formation in evaporator, expansion valve or orifice. Degradation of lubricating oil due to hydrolysis. Acid formation due to hydrolysis of refrigerant in the presence of moisture and high temperature. Corrosion of metals. Copper plating
The acceptable levels of moisture in new or reclaimed refrigerants are given in ARI 700. These levels are generally more demanding than what is typically feasible and acceptable in an operating system.
Refrigerant Allowable Moisture Level per ARI 700 (ppm by wt) Normal Operating Moisture Levels (ppm by wt) (Ref. ASHRAE) R11 20 0 30 (Centrifugal Chillers) R12 10 0 25 (Centrifugal Chillers) R22 10 0 56 (Recip.& Screw Chillers) R113 20 0 - 30* (similar to R11) R114 10 0 - 25* (similar to R12) R134a 10 0 25* (similar to R12) R500 10 0 25* (similar to R12)
* R113, R114, R134a, R500 data are not available in ASHRAE.
There is extensive research going on to identify new refrigerants that can be used to replace the CFC and HCFC refrigerants. Currently R134a is the most commonly used new refrigerant.
Rules of Thumb for Calculation. Property Units Water Air Heat Capacity KJ/kg C 4.2 1.0 Btu/lb F 1.0 0.239 Density kg/m3 1000 1.29@STP (1 bar, 0C) lb/ft3 62.29 0.075@STP (14.696 psia, 0F) Latent Heat KJ/kg 1200 - 2100 Btu/lb 516 - 903 Thermal Cond. W/m C 0.55 - 0.70 0.025 - 0.05 Btu/h ft F 0.32 - 0.40 0.014 - 0.029 Viscosity cP 1.8 @ 0 C 0.02 - 0.05 0.57 @ 50 C 0.28 @ 100 C 0.14 @ 200 C Prandtl Number 1 - 15 0.7
ASHRAE: The American Society of Heating Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
2001 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals 1997 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals ASHRAE Cooling and Heating Load Calculation Manual
NIST Standard Reference Database 69: NIST Chemistry WebBook. University of Arkansas School of Architecture Cooling Load Calculations and Principles, A. Bhatia, CEDengineering.com Refrigerants Temperature/Pressure Table for common refrigerants