Electrophoresis is a technique used to separate proteins based on their charge. It works by applying an electric field to move charged proteins through a gel or liquid towards the electrode of opposite charge. The speed and direction of protein migration depends on factors like each protein's net charge, size, and the pH and voltage of the buffer solution. This allows different proteins to be separated into bands based on these characteristics, which can then be analyzed to detect and identify proteins in a sample.
Electrophoresis is a technique used to separate proteins based on their charge. It works by applying an electric field to move charged proteins through a gel or liquid towards the electrode of opposite charge. The speed and direction of protein migration depends on factors like each protein's net charge, size, and the pH and voltage of the buffer solution. This allows different proteins to be separated into bands based on these characteristics, which can then be analyzed to detect and identify proteins in a sample.
Electrophoresis is a technique used to separate proteins based on their charge. It works by applying an electric field to move charged proteins through a gel or liquid towards the electrode of opposite charge. The speed and direction of protein migration depends on factors like each protein's net charge, size, and the pH and voltage of the buffer solution. This allows different proteins to be separated into bands based on these characteristics, which can then be analyzed to detect and identify proteins in a sample.
Electrophoresis is a technique used to separate proteins based on their charge. It works by applying an electric field to move charged proteins through a gel or liquid towards the electrode of opposite charge. The speed and direction of protein migration depends on factors like each protein's net charge, size, and the pH and voltage of the buffer solution. This allows different proteins to be separated into bands based on these characteristics, which can then be analyzed to detect and identify proteins in a sample.
Basic Principles of Electrophoresis Universityof Nebraska Medical Center p Ricki Otten MT(ASCP)SC [email protected] Electrophoresis Electrophoresis is a separation technique Technique is used in clinical laboratories to t t i f h th 2 separate proteins from each other: Proteins in body fluids: serum, urine, CSF Proteins in erythrocytes: hemoglobin Nucleic acids: DNA, RNA Basic Terms Amphoteric nature of proteins Zwitterion Isoelectric point (pI) 3 The overall charge of the protein is determined by the number of acidic and basic amino acids in its basic structure. Because of their amphoteric nature, amino acids can express a net positive charge, a net negative charge or a net charge of zero. 4 Net Charge of Molecule pH of the buffer (reagent) determines the charge of the molecule 5 Net Charge of Molecule Net charge of molecule determines migration direction in electrical field 6 Cathode Anode (Negative electrode) (Positive electrode) CLS 414 Clinical Chemistry Student Lab Rotation: Basic Principles of Electrophoresis Lecture 2 At one pH, called the isoelectric point (pI), the number of positive and negative charges are equal. At this pH, the protein exhibits a net zero charge, and is referred to as a zwitterion 7 pI and Zwitterion pI (pH) where molecule remains neutral Will not migrate in an electrical field Remains at application point 8 (cathode -) Net zero charge (anode +) (will not migrate) Every amino acid has its own specific isoelectric point. Since proteins are made of amino acids, all proteins have their own pI Pre-albumin: pI ~pH 4.7 Albumin: pI ~pH 4 9 9 Albumin: pI pH 4.9 Gamma globulins: pI ~pH 7.3 How charged a molecule becomes depends on the pH of the buffer and the proteins isoelectric point At a pH above its isoelectric point, the proteins will have a net negative charge and will migrate towards the anode Since pre-albumins isoelectric point (4.7) is the furthest from the buffer pH, it is expected to have the greatest charge and migrate fastest towards the anode Since the gamma globulins isoelectric point (7.3) is the closest to the buffer pH, it is expected to have the least 10 charge and migrate slowest towards the anode Electrophoresis is a separation technique based on the principle that a charged particle in solution will migrate towards one of the electrodes when placed in an electrical field 11 electrical field The speed and direction a charged particle moves is determined by the particles: Net charge (determined by buffer pH) Incr charge =faster speed 12 Incr charge faster speed CLS 414 Clinical Chemistry Student Lab Rotation: Basic Principles of Electrophoresis Lecture 3 The speed and direction a charged particle moves is determined by the particles: Size and shape Incr size =slower speed 13 The speed and direction a charged particle moves is also influenced by external factors such as: Voltage Incr voltage incr speed incr heat protein denaturation 14 protein denaturation The speed and direction a charged particle moves is also influenced by external factors such as: Buffer pH Determines net charge of protein and therefore direction of migration 15 The speed and direction a charged particle moves is also influenced by external factors such as: Support medium (type of gel) P t i i t ti l d 16 Protein interaction slows speed The speed and direction a charged particle moves is also influenced by external factors such as: Temperature Incr temp Incr speed incr heat leads to denaturation D t d d 17 Decr temp decr speed The proteins found in plasma (TSP) all have amino acids as their subunits, and each protein has its own specific isoelectric point Because of their different isoelectric points, each protein will move at a different rate when placed in an electrical field Proteins with similar isoelectric points will migrate to a similar 18 area in an electrical field CLS 414 Clinical Chemistry Student Lab Rotation: Basic Principles of Electrophoresis Lecture 4 Recall that total serum protein (TSP) is comprised of albumin and globulins. Electrophoresis separates TSP into 5 distinct zones or bands: 19 The width of each band is dependent upon the number of proteins that are present in that fraction 20 Of these five major fractions, 4 are composed of a number of additional proteins of varying size and molecular weight. The clinically significant proteins are listed: Transferrin, Complement, beta- ( ) alpha-2-macroglobulin, Haptoglobin, Ceruloplasmin Thyroxine-binding globulin, alpha-1-antitrypsin, alpha-1-lipoprotein (HDL) 21 IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, IgE and C-reactive protein Lipoprotein (LDL) Basic Procedure 1.Sample is applied to an agarose gel 2.Gel is placed into electrophoresis cell containing barbital buffer at pH 8.6 22 3. Power is applied creating an electrical field and the proteins are separated 4.Proteins are fixed to the gel and stained 5.Separated proteins on gel are scanned 6.Gel and densitometer scan are l t d Instrumentation and Reagents Electrophoresis cell 2 compartment cell Buffer 2platinumelectrodes 23 2 platinum electrodes Anode Cathode Negative Electrode =Cathode 24 CLS 414 Clinical Chemistry Student Lab Rotation: Basic Principles of Electrophoresis Lecture 5 Instrumentation and Reagents Power source Buffer: barbital, pH 8.6 25 Carries applied current Determines charge and migration direction Fill Both Compartments of Cell with Buffer Procedure manual 26 Instrumentation and Reagents Support media Various types Minimize interactions: pure and neutral Agarose: often used 27 Agarose: often used Electroendosmosis effects minimal Clarity: scanning possible Commercial prep Miniaturization Native Clarity After Drying 28 Instrumentation and Reagents Fixative, Stain and Rinse solutions Fix proteins to gel surface Stain proteins to visualize P t i t i 29 Protein stain Lipid (fat) stain Nucleic acid stain Excess stain rinsed away Fixative, Stain and De-stain Solutions: Corrosive 30 CLS 414 Clinical Chemistry Student Lab Rotation: Basic Principles of Electrophoresis Lecture 6 Stained Gel 31 De-stained Gel 32 Instrumentation and Reagents Drying oven De-stained gel is dried Clear gel ready to scan using densitometer 33 Densitometer A densitometer is a special type of 34 special type of spectrophotometer used to measure light transmittance through a solid sample such as an electrophoretic strip Densitometer The electrophoretic strip is moved past a measuring optical system. 35 The absorbance of each band is measured and the area of each fraction is displayed on a strip chart recorder Densitometer Each peak represents an individual band on the electrophoretic strip 36 CLS 414 Clinical Chemistry Student Lab Rotation: Basic Principles of Electrophoresis Lecture 7 Densitometer Quantitation is performed by determining the area of each band as a percent of the total area for that scan Microprocessors 37 Microprocessors automatically integrate and compute the area under each peak and present the data in both percent and concentration units Albumin A lp h a -1 - g ly c o p r o te in a n d a lp h a - 1 -lip o p ro te in A lp h a -1 - a n titr y p s in A lp h a -2 - m a c r o g lo b u lin H a p to g lo b in B e ta -lip o p r o te in T ra n s fe rrin C o m p le m e n t C 3 Ig A Ig M Ig G 38 Parameters Affecting Electrophoresis pH Ionic strength of buffer Ions present Current 39 Current Voltage Temperature Time Medium Technical Considerations Buffers Barbital bacterial growth pH change Barbital, pH 8.6 most often used Discard after each run 40 Sample Optimal amount of sample applied to gel Avoid overloading: dilute serum prior to application (0.050 ml serum +0.2 ml buffer) Pop Quiz ! What is the dilution? 41 0.050 ml serum + 0.2 ml buffer Pop Quiz ! What is the dilution? 42 0.050 ml serum + 0.2 ml buffer 0.050 + 0.200 = 0.250 total 0.050 : 0.250 1 : 5 CLS 414 Clinical Chemistry Student Lab Rotation: Basic Principles of Electrophoresis Lecture 8 Technical Considerations Evaporation and wick flow 43 Electroendosmosis Electroendosmosis Surface of gel is negatively charged Surface gel ions are immobile Positive buffer ions (pH 8.6) orient with negative surface ions =positive ionic cloud 44 negative surface ions positive ionic cloud Electroendosmosis Ionic cloud is mobile Electrical current causes positive ionic cloud to move toward the cathode 45 Electroendosmosis Molecules on surface of gel that hold a weak negative charge are pushed toward the cathode despite migration direction toward the anode 46 Electroendosmosis Macromolecules (proteins) that have a sufficiently strong enough charge are able to oppose the flow of the positive ion cloud and move in the opposite direction towards the electrode of opposite polarity 47 Types of Electrophoresis Agarose, cellulose, polyacrylamide Iso-electric focusing Counter-current electrophoresis 48 Two-dimensional electrophoresis High resolution electrophoresis Capillary electrophoresis CLS 414 Clinical Chemistry Student Lab Rotation: Basic Principles of Electrophoresis Lecture 9 Blotting Techniques General procedure Separation by electrophoresis Separated components transferred (blotted) to a specific membrane (nylon cellulose gel) 49 to a specific membrane (nylon, cellulose, gel) Detected using nucleic acid probe Southern blot: DNA, DNA fragments Northern blot: RNA, RNA fragments Western blot: viral antibodies (HIV-1) Electrophoresis is a technique used in clinical laboratories to separate particles (proteins) from each other: Proteins in body fluids: serum, urine, CSF Proteins in erythrocytes: hemoglobin 50 Nucleic acids: DNA, RNA