The Geiger: Features

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The GeigerPage 1

The Geiger
The Geiger measures beta, gamma, and x-radiation using a Geiger-Mueller tube.
This tube generates a pulse of electrical current each time radiation passes through
the tube and causes ionization. Each pulse is electronically detected and registers
as a count. A red LED blinks and a beeper chirps with each count. You can mute
the chirp by setting the switch to On instead of Audio.
The Geiger is powered by a standard 9-volt alkaline battery in the battery
compartment on the lower rear of the instrument. A battery should last for 2-3
months of continuous use.
The Geiger uses a glass Geiger tube, which can be seen through the translucent
part of the label on the back of the instrument. The Geiger tube fluoresces (gives
off light) in a dark room when it is exposed to an elevated radiation level.
Two output ports are on the left side of the Geiger. The upper port provides audio
output (a click for each count) through a 2.5 mm plug to an external audio
amplifier, earpiece, or tape recorder. The lower port is a dual miniature jack that
provides a data output that can be used to drive a CMOS or TTL device. You can
use it to record the counts on a computer, data logger, or accumulating counter.
Use a 3.5mm stereo plug to access this port. The output at the tip of the plug
provides a positive (5 volt) pulse each time the Geiger tube detects a count. A
cable with an RS-232 connector for an IBM PC-compatible computer serial port
and accompanying software are available from International Medcom.
To keep the Geiger in good condition, handle it with care and observe the
following precautions:
Do not contaminate the Geiger by touching it to radioactive surfaces or
Do not leave the Geiger in temperatures over 100 F (38 C) or in direct
sunlight for extended periods of time.
Do not get the Geiger wet.
Do not put the Geiger in a microwave oven. It cannot measure microwaves,
and you may damage it or the oven.
Avoid using the Geiger in high-intensity radio frequency, microwave,
electrostatic, and electromagnetic fields; it may be sensitive to these fields
and may not operate properly.
If you expect to not use the Geiger for longer than one month, remove the
battery to avoid damage from battery corrosion.
Change the battery promptly when the brightness of the LED fades.
Using the Geiger Software
If you purchased the Geiger with the cable and software, the software displays the
radiation levels in counts per minute on your computer screen.
The GeigerPage 2
You can use the software directly from the floppy disk or install it on your hard
disk. To install the software on your hard disk, use your file management
program to first create a new directory and then copy the program file,
GEIGER.EXE, into the new directory.
The Geiger program runs under MS-DOS. If you are using a Windows computer,
exit Windows into MS-DOS or start the computer in MS-DOS mode before you
run the program.
Before you start the Geiger program, plug the computer end of the cable into a
serial port on your computer and the other end into the lower of the two ports on
the left side of the Geiger. Note: The cable connects with a 9-pin serial port; if
you have a 25-pin port, use an adaptor (available at most computer stores).
To start the Geiger program, follow these steps:
1. Turn on the computer and change to the disk or directory where the Geiger
program is located.
2. Type geiger and press Enter. Press any key to continue.
3. At the prompt, select the port.
4. At the alert level prompt, type the number of counts per minute (for example,
100) you want for the alert level and press Enter. The program will show the
alert level on the graph, and will sound an audible alert whenever the count
reaches the alert level.
5. At the prompt, type a two-character station ID number and press Enter.
The operating screen appears, with the station ID, the current, 24-hour average,
and minimum and maximum readings and a graph.
The program waits for the start of a new minute before it starts counting. Then,
after the first full minute, it starts displaying data. Watch the screen for a few
minutes to make sure the readings are being updated.
While the program is operating, you can press Escape at any time to exit.
You can toggle the audible alert off and on by pressing F3.
The first time you use the program, a configuration file is created, and you dont
have to answer the prompts on subsequent sessions. To change a configuration
setting (for example, alert level), you can either delete the configuration file
REMOTE.CFG before you start the program or press F1 while the program is
If the software reports an error or doesnt collect data correctly, check to make
sure that you have specified the correct com port and that no mouse drivers are
installed for that port.
IMPORTANT: The Geiger software depends on the computers microprocessor to
register the counts that come into it from the Geiger. Microsoft Windows uses some of
the processors time performing other tasks. For this reason, always exit Windows or
restart the computer in MS-DOS mode before using the program. Also, the accuracy of
the data collected by the software at elevated radiation levels is directly related to the
speed of the microprocessor; older, slower microprocessors may not register all the
counts at an elevated radiation level. This is not a problem at background radiation level
or at a slightly elevated level.
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Reading the Data
Each day, the data is saved in a file, named with the station number and date. For
example, the data file for station 02 for June 4, 1999 is named 02060499.TXT. A
new file is started every day at midnight. If you restart the program on a day
when it has already been operating, the data is appended at the end of the existing
file for that day.
The file is in ASCII (plain text) format. It has one line for each minutes reading,
which shows time and radiation level, separated by commas. For example, a line
might read:
The file can be imported into a spreadsheet program such as Excel or Lotus as a
comma delimited ASCII file.
Using the Geiger Without the Software
The Geiger is primarily designed to be used with companion software. You can
use it as a stand-alone instrument to gather readings in counts per minute by
counting the number of times the LED blinks or the instrument chirps. Use a
watch or stopwatch to time each minute. You can also time a longer period, and
divide by the number of minutes to find the count per minute.
In a higher radiation field, the counts per minute may become too frequent to
count. You can tell increases and decreases in the filed by watching the
frequency of the LED flashes and listening to the frequency of the clicks.
Interpreting the Data
Normal background radiation levels vary at different locations, according to
altitude and other factors, such as types of minerals in the ground. Levels differ at
different distances from the ground, and may differ even in different areas of the
same room.
To accurately interpret the readings you get on the Geiger, it is a good idea to
establish the normal background radiation level for each area you plan to monitor.
Counts per minute vary from minute to minute because of the random nature of
radioactive disintegrations, so you need to get an average reading in counts per
You can take an average with the Geiger software or by manually counting the
LED flashes or the chirps. Using the software, you can see the average for the
current session on the screen. If you are manually counting, determine the
average over at least ten minutes. You can repeat the ten-minute average several
times and see how close the averages are.
The longer the period an average is based on, the more accurate it is. A ten-
minute average is moderately accurate; a 12- to 24-hour average taken with the
software is very accurate.

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