Project Report ON: Marketing Strategies of Airtel

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I acknowledge the sincere assistance provided to me from several rather
unexpected quarters during the course of execution of this study. It would be a
mammoth task to place on record my gratitude to each and every one of them but
a whole hearted attempt would be made nevertheless, least I be branded
I am extremely thankful to Mr.Abhih!" Y#$#%& (U'i( A$%i)r* for giving me
an opportunity to undergo training in BHARTI AIRTEL MARKETING and
making my stay at AIRTEL MARKETING a memorable learning experience.
Where the emotions are involved words cease to work. I am deeply indebt to
++++++++++++++++++++++ for her encouragement, affections, valuable advice and
guidance that helped me to complete this project successfully.

!he project aims at understanding the "arketing strategies at #irtel and its impact
on the perception of #irtel $ellular %ervices.
&esearch has demonstrated conclusively that it is far more costly to win a new
customer than it is to maintain an existing one. #nd there is no better way to
retain a customer than to exceed his expectations. 'or this purpose it is essential
to know the level of customer satisfaction. !he focus of my research was the
measurement of customer satisfaction level for the services provided by (harti
#irtel. !he research was done for the corporate clients of (harti #irtel. "y job
was not only to represent the $orporate %ales )ept. and collect the feedback from
the clients but also to get the major complaints resolved through internal
counselling. !here can be no better opportunity to interact with the external as
well as the internal customers of an organi*ation. 'inally the results of the
research verify the fact that keeping the customer satisfied is the best strategy to
not only retain the existing customers but also to expand the business to new
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!he Indian telecommunications 1etwork with 7<m telephone connections is the
fifth largest in the world and is the second largest among the emerging economies
of #sia. !oday it is the fastest growing market in the world and represents unique
opportunities for 02 companies in the stagnant global scenario. !eleAdensity,
which was languishing at B in ,666, has shown an impressive jump to 6.7B in
<<; and ,<.7B in <<3 and is set to increase to <B in the next five years
beating the 4ovt. target by three years. #ccordingly, India requires incremental
investments of 0%) <A7 bln for the next five years.
8rivate operators have made mobile telephony the fastest growing (over ,;5B
p.a.C in India. With more than ++ million users (both $)"# and 4%"C, wireless
is the principal growth engine of the Indian telecom industry. 4iven the current
growth trends, cellular connections in India will surpass fixed line by late
<<5Dearly <<7. Intense competition between the four main private groups A
(harti, =odafone, !ata and &eliance and with the %tate sector incumbentsA(%1.
and "!1. has brought about a significant drop in tariffs. !here has been almost
35B in cell phone charges, 3<B in I.) calls and 7B drop in 1.) charges,
resulting in a boom time for the consumers.
!he 4overnment has played a key enabling role by deregulating and liberalising
the industry, ushering in competition and paving the way for growth. While there
were regulatory irregularities earlier, resulting in litigation, these have all been
addressed now. $ustoms duties on hardware and mobile handsets have been
reduced from ,5 percent to 7 percent.
!he Indian government has merged the I! and !elecom "inistries to speed up
reforms and decision on the $ommunication $onvergence (ill to enable the
common regulation of the Internet, broadcasting and telecoms will be taken after
the new 4overnment assumes responsibilities in may this year. #n independent
regulatory body (!&#IC and dispute settlement body (!)%#!C is fully functional.
!he (harti 4roup, which operates in + circles, continues to be the countryEs
largest cellular operator, with 7< lakh subscribers. (%1., which operates in
circles, has a subscriber base of +3 lakh subscribers. !hus (%1. stands second
largest cellular operator in terms of subscriber base at the end of the fiscal ending
"arch +,, <<3, displacing =odafone from the second position.
=odafone, which operates in only eighteen circles, is the third largest operator
with a subscriber base of + lakh. 0nlike fellow public sector undertaking,
"!1., which operates in "umbai and )elhi, (%1. has been a very aggressive
player in the market. F$ellular operators who expected (%1. to go the "!1.
way, were taken by surprise and did not take effective steps to counter it, till it
was too late in the day,F said a telecom analyst.
(elying fears of a slowdown in cellular subscriber acquisitions, the cell club has
reported a 3.6B growth, the highest growth in any month so far, during "arch
<<7. 9earAonAyear, the cellular subscriber base in the country has almost doubled
in "arch <<7, and is expanding at the rate of 7B per year thereafter.
!he cellular subscriber club expanded by ,.+, lakh last month. !his is much
higher than 7.6 lakh subscribers added in 'ebruary <<7 and .,+ lakh in ?anuary
<<7. Idea, which operates in %even circles, is the fourth largest operator with a
subscriber base of ,3.:< lakh, higher than (8.Es ,,.+, lakh subscribers across
four circles. !he subscriber numbers per operator drop sharply with the sixth
largest operator, %pice $ommunications, having a subscriber base of 6.5< lakh,
followed by &eliance !elecomEs :.6 lakh subscribers. "!1. is the ninth largest
operator, with a base of :.+ lakh subscribers.
While the subscriber baseAjumped by +.+:B to 55.+6 lakh in the metros,
subscriber base of category # circles of "aharashtra, 4ujarat, #ndhra 8radesh,
2arnataka and !amil 1adu jumped by ,<.,: B to reach 5+.;5 lakh. $ategory (
circles of 2erala, 8unjab, >aryana, 0ttar 8radesh (WestC, 0ttar 8radesh (-astC,
&ajasthan, "adhya 8radesh and West (engal recorded a jump of ,<.;6B, with a
total base of ++.35 lakh subscribers. $ircle $ has reported ,.35 B growth with
subscriber numbers jumping to 7.<: lakh.
#mong the metros, while "umbai added ,,;+,,:< subscribers, higher than the
,,7:,;5; added by )elhi, the $apitalEs cellular subscriber base of over :< lakh is
still higher than "umbaiEs ;;.:6 lakh. While the cellular industry has been on roll
for the first three quarters of the previous financial year with an average of ,;.37
lakh monthly additions in the third quarter, the first two months of <<3 had seen
the growth slowing down.
R!-i)'#. I'(!r!( Gr)/0 + GSM I'$i#
With a population of around ,., billion growing at roughly ,.3 per cent a year,
India is potentially one of the most exciting 4%" markets in the world. #fter two
rather difficult years, the past , months have seen the regionEs promise beginning
to come to fruition. "uch of this success can be attributed to the stabilisation of
the licensing and regulatory environment.
IndiaEs telecommunications have undergone a steady liberalisation since ,665
when the Indian government first sought private investment in the sector. "ore
significant liberalisation followed in ,66; with the licensing of new local fixed
line and mobile service providers. >owever, it has been the governmentEs 1ew
!elecom 8olicy (,666C that has had the most radical impact on the development
of 4%" services. E!he policyEs mission statement is Eaffordable communications
for allE, !here is a genuine commitment to creating a modern and efficient
communications infrastructure that takes account of the convergence of telecom,
I! and media. In addition, the policy places significant emphasis on greater
competition for both fixed and mobile services.E
$ompetition in the mobile sector has already had a visible impact on prices with
calls currently costing less than 6 cents per minute. !his means that service costs
have fallen by ;< per cent since the first 4%" networks became live in ,667. It
also helps explain why a recent !elecom #sia survey revealed that more than 3<
per cent of Indian mobile subscribers felt that prices were now at a reasonable
/ne of the challenges facing 4%" operators in India is the diversity of the
coverage regions Afrom remote rural regions to some of the most densely
populated metropolitan areas in the world. India has more than 5< networks,
which cover the seven largest cities, over 3<<< towns and several .acs villages.
%uch depth of coverage has required enormous investment from IndiaEs operators.
It is estimated that more than &s<< billion had been invested in IndiaEs 4%"
industry by midA<<<, a figure that is set to be supplemented by a further &s. +<<
billion over the next five years.
!he good news is that subscriber growth is beginning to look healthy. With
IndiaEs low 8$ penetration and high average Internet usage Aat ,5A< hours a
month per user it is comparable to the 0% Athe market for mobile data and mA
commerce looks extremely promising. W#8 services have already been launched
in the subcontinent and the first 48&% networks are in the process of being rolled
out. In the year ahead, 4%" India will work with its members to realise the
potential of early packet services in anticipation of the award of +4%" licences.
I'$i# 1#(!( -r)2i'- GSM 3#r(
India is expected to have ,57 million 4%" (global system for mobile
communicationsC customers by <<3A<: compared to ; million subscribers as on
"arch <<7, according to the 4lobal "obile %uppliers #ssociation. F'or 4%",
India is a success story. It is one of the fastest growing markets with its subscriber
base doubling in <<7. #t this pace, the target of ,7< million subscribers by <<3A
<<: is definitely achievable,F #lan >adden, president of 4%#, said at a news
conference in 1ew )elhi. 4lobally, the 4%" market reached , billion users in
'ebruary <<7, he said, adding 4%" accounted for :< per cent of the new
subscriber growth in <<7.F#lmost every .atin #merican operator has chosen
4%". In 1orth #merica 4%" growth is bigger than $)"# (code division
multiple accessC,F he said. $ommenting on the raging debate over 4%" versus
$)"# in mobile services arena, >adden saidG F4%" is the worldEs most
successful mobile standard with over , billion users, and is an open mobile
standard. It also supports automatic international roaming, which is a major
contributor to business plans.F
I'$i#4 GSM 3)bi.! 1ir34 r!%!'/! /0 56 07(
IndiaHs private telecoms firms offering 4%"Abased mobile services reported a 5
percent rise in revenue in the year to "arch <<3 but said future growth rates
could slow because of heavy taxes on the nascent industry. #lthough IndiaHs
mobile sector is the worldHs fastest growing major wireless market, it is amongst
the highest taxed industries in the country. "obile carriers pay as much as 7
percent of their revenue as licence fee, spectrum charges and other taxes. !he
$ellular /perators #ssociation of India ($/#IC said revenue for fiscal <<+D<5
stood at :+.<: billion rupees (I,.:; billionC compared with ;5 billion rupees a
year earlier. #ccording to !.=. &amachandran, director general at $/#I, J!hese
revenue growth rates cannot be maintained unless there is a concerted effort by
the government to cut excessive levies and allow sharing of infrastructureK
J(ut the potential to do much better exists as there is still huge demand in the
sector.K &amachandran said the sector was still losing money but declined to
elaborate. %ales jumped because of a doubling of the 4%" (4lobal %ystem of
"obile $ommunicationsC user base as more people entered the flourishing market
thanks to one of the lowest call rates in the world. (ut the monthly average
revenue per user, a key measure of profitability, declined ,3.5 percent to 5+
rupees in the fourth quarter compared with 7+ rupees in the first quarter due to a
cut in tariffs and excessive competition among companies. 4rowth slowing,
demand untappedG !he association has not included the financial performance and
the 4%"Auser base of stateArun firms (harat %anchar 1igam .td, the secondA
ranked player, and "ahanagar !elephone 1igam .td, &amachandran said. !here
are ,7< million 4%" customers and more than 6; million users of the rival
$)"#Abased mobile services in the country.
!he pace of growth in monthly additions is slowing after just ,.7 million users
took up the service in #pril compared with
,.6 million in the previous month and ,.;+ million in 'ebruary. &amachandran
blamed the slowdown on a majority of small 4%" operators being unable to
expand networks into rural swathes where demand remained largely untapped.
J/ur surpluses are not enough to cover costs of network expansion and financing
charges on loans. We are making money only to cover operating expenses,K he
said. $arriers are now subsidising handset costs to woo users into the
underpenetrated industry forecast to have more than 7< million customers by
<<3. &oughly three percent of Indians own a mobile phone compared with about
< percent in $hina. #bout a do*en firms such as (harti #irtel .td, : percent
owned by %ingapore !elecommunications, &eliance Infocomm .td and the Indian
4%"Aunit of =odafone group battle in the hotly competitive sector.
4%" operators are not the only ones who are worried about the rapid strides
made by $)"# mobile players &eliance Infocomm and !ata Indicom in the
Indian cellular marketL
!he 4%" suppliers M both handset and equipment A who incidentally also have
their other foot firmly placed in the $)"# pie, are beginning to lose some sleep
over what was earlier termed as NnicheH and NminusculeH data carriage market by
the operators
#part from the strong success of the two $)"# operators whose networks are
based on code division multiple access ($)"#C, the miserable showing of the
four global standard for mobile (4%"C based networks that launched general
packet radio service (48&%C service for data connectivity in last three years, has
the vendors worried. 4lobal mobile %uppliers #ssociation (4%#C now believes
that even though India will primarily remain a voice trafficAled market in next
twoAthree years, the data traffic component will grow by 7A+< per cent, an
optimism that itHs trying to make 4%" operators feel as well.

$)"# players had launched their services with $)"# <<< ,OAbased
networks, which can give hiAspeed, alwaysAon connectivity to the Internet, and
other data services. 4%" operators, on the other hand, have had to migrate from
the frustrating experience of W#8 (wireless application protocolC to 48&%, which
has not significantly improved the subscriberHs experience of surfing the 1et
onDfrom mobile.
!he top brass of 4%#, an organisation comprising 1okia, %iemens, -ricsson,
#lcatel and .ucent !echnologies A met on !uesday in the capital to persuade the
operators to adopt -)4- (-nhanced )ata rates for 4%" -volutionC and leave
48&% behind as a dream gone sour.
/nly #irtel, =odafone, (8. "obile and Idea $ellular had launched 48&%, but
the data transfer speeds of 48&% have been abysmal. !he field trials gave a speed
of around 75 kbps, but the actual speeds have not exceeded ,5A,: kbps, a major
reason why 48&% growth has been so slow. #s against the total 4%" cellular
base of 7.;, crore, the country has between ,:<,<<< lakh 48&% users only. In
comparison, the two $)"# operators have about ,< lakh connections. #ll these
sets are data compliant. !hough no figures are available as to how many use these
for data services, the figure is believed to be respectable as a percentage ratio for
Bh#r(i i #.3)( (h!r!
(ut first, the -)4-P (harti $ellular is close to commercially launching its -)4-
service in )elhi and "umbai by end "ay or early ?une, sources said. !he
company was the first to conduct field trials in 1ovember with its equipment
supplier -ricsson. Idea too held -)4- field trials in 'ebruary this year with its
vendor 1okia. =odafone and (8. are yet to hold the trials. !he two companies
would eventually migrate to -)4-, but perhaps after seeing the response to
(hartiHs service.
-)4- holds the promise of delivering data speeds of around ,3<A,:< kbps (as
against the theoretical speed of around +:< kbpsC which, if achieved, promises the
launch of many data applications. !he scalable cost of migrating from 48&% to
-)4- is not too high and mainly comprises software upgrades in case of a
modern network such as (harti and >utch, claimed chairman of 4%# India
chapter &akesh "alik.

Wi.. GSM 3#i'(#i' i( h!#$(#r(8
#t the 4%" -volution 'orum held in 1ew )elhi, 4%# president #lan >adden
predicted that 4%" growth will far outstrip $)"# as was happening globally.
>e felt India could have as many as << million 4%" subscribers by <<3A<<:,
up from nine million in )ecember <<5. #ccording to 4%#, there are over ,.,
billion 4%" subscribers worldwide as against 7< million $)"# customers. !he
revenue of top 7 global operators from data averages ,: per cent and of these
operators run 4%" networks. /verall, there are 3; operators in 7< countries that
have committed to deploy -)4-.
#lmost every country has a 4%"Abased network and even those 0% operators,
which operated on nowAdefunct !)"# technology, were migrating gradually to
4%", not $)"#, pointed out >adden at the 4%" -volution 'orum. !he 'orum
is a global 4%# program to assist the operators for evolution to third generation
(+4C technologies. J8eople are using their phones for much more than voice.
'ifteen networks have commercially launched -)4- as it can run +4 like
services in the existing spectrum for the operators without needing a +4 license.
-ven the migration to a fullAfledged +4 level of Wideband $)"# (W$)"#C
will be smooth with -)4-,K said >adden.
J(esides, the automatic roaming provided by 4%" networks in almost <<
countries is a power that $)"# doesnHt give you. We know for sure that almost
<A7 per cent of the revenue for some 4%" operators comes from roaming
customers,K he added. (ut $)"# is no pushover with 2orea and 8hilippines as
the shining jewels in its crown. !he first $)"# <<< ,O was commercially
deployed in /ctober <<<.

#lready, :, operators have launched 33 $)"# <<< ,O networks whereas nine
have launched services based on ,x-=A)/ platform across #sia, the #mericas
and -urope. #t least, ,; new ,O and six ,x-=A)/ networks are scheduled to be
deployed in <<5, according to $)"# )evelopment 4roup. -=A)/ and -=A)=
are the next level of evolution on the $)"# <<< ,O platform, capable of
delivering services comparable to +4 W$)"#.

Wh!r! #r! (h! 3)$!.8
What will matter a lot in this war will be the availability of -)4- compliant
handsets at affordable rates. While the two $)"# operators have been giving out
handsets that can give hiAspeed data transfer, same has not been the case with
4%". -ven now, 48&% handsets have not become commonplace and 48&%
feature is found only in mid and highAend segment handsets.

E'$ /3 -#3!
When the networks deploy -)4-, subscribers can expect the delivery of
advanced mobile services such as easy downloading of video and music clips, full
multimedia messaging, besides highAspeed Internet and eAmail access, provided
their handset supports all this.
(ut the real cruncher will be the migration at a later stage to +4 technologies such
as W$)"#, -=A)/ or -=A)# as and when the government decides what to do
with the +4 licences. W$)"# for example promises delivery of a phenomenal
megabytes per second (mbpsC, equivalent to what a leased line in many middle
level corporates gives.

"ore importantly, W$)"# will spawn a whole new range of full motion audioA
video applications, including video telephony. 4%" lobby may continue to
remain gung ho over the future of their technologies over that boosted by the
#merican firms @ualcomm and "otorola, but Indian market could well throw an
interesting scenario that industry experts will do well to watch. In the coming
months, &eliance plans to offer its $)"# subscribers much more than what
4%" players intend to deliver through their -)4- for their subscribers.

Who succeeds in this battle for mobile customerHs eyeballs is most difficult to
predict. # 2orea and ?apan may not be waiting to happen in India, but India will
probably be more like the $hinese market with both standards coAexisting. 'or
now, 4%" rulesP
Air(!. 9Bh#r(i Air(!. L($.*
(harti #irtel .imited was incorporated on ?uly 3, ,667 for promoting investments
in telecommunications services. Its subsidiaries operate telecom services across
India. (harti #irtel is IndiaEs leading private sector provider of
telecommunications services based on a strong customer base consisting of 7<
million total customers, which constitute, 55.; million mobile and 7.5 million
fixed line customers, as of "arch +,, <<3.
#irtel comes to us from (harti #irtel .imited A a part of the biggest private
integrated telecom conglomerate, (harti -nterprises. (harti provides a range of
telecom services, which include $ellular, (asic, Internet and recently introduced
1ational .ong )istance. (harti also manufactures and exports telephone
terminals and cordless phones. #part from being the largest manufacturer of
telephone instruments in India, it is also the first company to export its products to
the 0%#. (harti has also put its footsteps into Insurance and &etail segment in
collaboration with "ultiA 1ational giants. (harti is the leading cellular service
provider, with a footprint in + states covering all four metros and more than 7<
million satisfied customers.
Airtel Prepaid
#irtel 8repaid, the &eady $ellular $ard from #irtel comes to you from (harti
-nterprises, IndiaEs leading integrated telecom service provider. 4oing mobile
with #irtel 8repaid is a new way of life. With a host of great features, also simple
to use, #irtel 8repaid makes everything that you dreamt and believed, possible.
T)(#. C)( C)'(r).
9ou can control your #irtel 8repaid like never before. 1o more rentals or deposits
M simply recharge as much as you need to from as low as &s. ,<, to as high as &s.
Pr! #7(i%#(!$ STD:ISD 2i(h)/( $!0)i( )r r!'(#.
9ou can now enjoy a preAactivated %!)DI%) on your #irtel 8repaid. 1o more
paying deposits or having a minimum balance in your account to make an
%!)DI%) call. >assleAfree calls are here to stayP
S(r)'- N!(2)r" C)%!r#-!
-njoy complete clarity when calling with #irtelHs worldAclass technology and
unbreakable network coverage that spans over + circles across the country.
I'(#'( B#.#'7! #'$ V#.i$i(; E'</ir;
9our account balance is updated on the screen of your handset at the end of each
chargeable call. 9ou can also call ,+ from your mobile phone and listen to the
voice announcement or simply dial Q,+R, press E/2E or E9-%E button and your
account balance will be displayed on the screen of your handset.
R!7h#r-! ;)/r Air(!. Pr!0#i$
&echarging is -asy. !he calling value on your card keeps reducing as you make
calls or use any other chargeable service. $hoose the #irtel 8repaid &echarge
$oupon thatHs right for you, from a variety of tailorM made recharge coupons with
different denominations, which are available at a number of outlets across your
city. %imply follow the procedure mentioned below, to recharge your phone.

Pr!0#i$ R)#3i'-
#irtel 8repaid comes preactivated with E1ational &oamingE, so you stay connected
no matter wherever you are. 9ou can also send or receive ""%, check your email
and access other 48&% services while roaming in India as you would in your own
city. While traveling abroad you can receive calls S send or receive %"%.

O(h!r S!r%i7!
#irtel brings you, a wide range of %ervices that will change the way you
communicate. !ry them and discover a whole new world of fun and excitement.
C#.. 3#'#-!3!'( S!r%i7!
$all waiting, call hold, call divert and $aller .ine Identification 8resentation M all
with your #irtel prepaid connection.
V)i7! M#i.
When your handset is switched off, or youHre too busy to answer the phone, #irtel
=oicemail will answer your calls and record a message. !he best part is that
thereEs no extra monthly cost for setting up =oicemail A you just pay for the phone
call when you use the service.
SMS 9Sh)r( M!#-i'- S!r%i7!*
%end messages quickly and easily using text, if itEs too noisy to talk or you donEt
have much time. ItEs the way to share those interesting oneAliners, important
reminders and ribAtickling jokes, with anyone, anytime, anywhere in the world.
S/b7ri0(i)' A.!r(
4et regular alerts on news, jokes, business, health and films on your #irtel mobile
phone with %ubscription %ervices. %"% T%0( 1-W%U to ++++ for 1ews, T%0(
?/2-U for ?okes, T%0( (IVU for (usiness 1ews, T%0( %8/U for %ports #lerts
S T%0( =##%!0U for =aastu tips.
MMS 9M/.(i+3!$i# M!#-i'- S!r%i7!*:
?a** up your messages with pictures, images and video clippings, with ""% from
#irtelP !o activate ""% on your phone, %"% E""%E to 7;5;7 and save service
Air(!. Li%!=
"ake your mobile the most happening entertainment destination with #irtel .iveP
#irtel brings you the latest in entertainment and information services, right on
your phoneP
Air(!. Li%!= WAP S!r%i7!G )ownload the latest ring tones, games, wallpapers,
videos and much more. 9ou can also get news clips, watch live != and download
full songs on you phone. !o get #irtel .iveP settings on your phone, %"% E.iveE to
7;5;7 and save the settings that you receive as your preferred connection. #irtel
.iveP 8ortal can be accessed from you 48&% enabled phone, by sending a %"%
E'01E to 7;5;7.
Air(!. Li%!= V)i7! S!r%i7!G ?ust )ial 7;5;7, and name the service. 'or e.g. say
ring tones to download your favorite ring tones. 9ou can also choose a variety of
content options like .ive $ricket $ommentary, latest 1ational D International
1ews, "ovie &eviews or %tock "arket 0pdates.
Air(!. Li%!= SIM S!r%i7!G #ccess loads of fun content and exciting services like
cricket, stocks, on your phone at the touch of a few buttons with #irtel .iveP %I"
based %ervices on your %I" card menu. !o download new services on your #irtel
%I", choose the FWhatEs newF option under the F#irtel servicesF menu.
Air(!. Li%!= SMS S!r%i7!: 9ou can enjoy a host of services by sending a
keyword as an %"% to 7;5;7P $hoose #strology D >oroscope, $ricket,
(ollywood D >ollywood D Indi 8op &ing tones. In case you need assistance %"%,
>elp to 7;5;7.
H!..) T/'!
!ired of that boring old Wtring tringH on your phoneL Well now when a friend
calls, you can make them groove to the hottest new tracks burning up the music
charts with >ello !unes from #irtelP 9ou get a wide choice of songs in the
8opular S 1ew #rrivals categories that are updated regularly. WhatEs more you
can directly call the number for your kind of music, e.g. call ;3:<<7 for -nglish
1ew and ;3:<<, for >indi 1ew. !his would directly take you to your favorite
artistEs >ello !unes listing.
C)0; # H!..) T/'!
4et the tune you want, all you have to do is call 77<77 and follow the simple
voice instructions to copy your favorite >ello !unes. /nce inside the copy
feature, just key in the ,<Adigit #irtel mobile number you want to copy the >ello
!une from and you get the same >ello !une assigned to your number.
Gi1( # H!..) T/'!
'orget gifting chocolates, flowers and greeting cards. %ay it with a song insteadP
4ift a >ello !une to that special someone. ?ust call 77<77 and choose the song
that you want to gift. 'ollow the simple voice instructions and key in the ,<Adigit
#irtel mobile number that you want to gift the >ello !une to. 9ou will get an
%"% notification upon successful receipt of that gift.
B/; M/i7 + Air(!. M/i7 Sh)0
(uying your favorite >ello !une or &ing tone is as simple as recharging your
phone with talk time. %imply walk into your nearest #irtel %hop and walk out
with your favorite song. $hoose from (ollywood >its to Indipop &emixes, >ard
&ock to 4ujrati 4arba, (hajans to ?a**, (hangra (eats to foot tapping !amil >its
from a list of more than ,:<<< songs.
R!#7h / A';(i3! A';2h!r!
In case you need assistance, dial E,,E A our tollAfree number, accessible from
anywhere in the country, even while roaming. 9ou can also send us an %"% to
,, or mail us at [email protected].
QIn case of email, mention your mobile no. like, >?@66@A5BC& in the subject of the
mail for a quicker response.
Airtel Postpaid
#irtel welcomes you to a vibrant world of unlimited opportunities. "ore exciting,
innovative yet simple new ways to communicate, just when you want to, not just
through words but ideas, emotions and feelings. !o give you the unlimited
freedom to reach out to your special people in your special way.
E#; Bi..i'-
-njoy a host of rich features only with #irtel eAbill. &egister free on W"y #irtelH
section and view your monthly bill with call details for last three months. %ort
your calls between personal and official or analy*e your usage, at the click of a
button. !o change your tariff plan call our I=& at ,, and leave a request.
E#; P#;3!'( O0(i)'. A';(i3! A';2h!r!
9ou can choose from a host of convenient payment options only with #irtel.
Walk into any #irtel relationship centre and make your payments by cash or
credit card. )rop a cheque at any of the drop boxes for making payments or
simply log on to "y #irtel section and pay instantly through your credit card.
9ou can also opt for easy payment options likeG
S(#'$i'- I'(r/7(i)'
9ou can give us standing instructions to debit your credit card account for your
monthly #irtel bills. #ll you have to do is fill the %tanding Instruction 'orm and
mail, fax it to us or drop it any of our relationship centres.
E.!7(r)'i7 C.!#ri'- S;(!3
'ill an -$% form and mail, fax it to us or drop it any of our relationship centres to
directly debit your bank account for your monthly #irtel bill.
P#; 2hi.! r)#3i'-
#irtel has introduced E#nywhere paymentE that offers you the convenience of
making payments while you roam. Walk in to any #irtel &elationship $entre in
the country, make payments by cash or credit card and enjoy uninterrupted #irtel
Cr!$i( .i3i(
9our preAset credit limit mentioned on your monthly bill helps you keep your
mobile charges in control, keeps track of your usage and ensures that your mobile
phone is not misused. %hould you exceed your credit limit, you will be informed
via a voice or a nonAvoice message to make an interim payment and reduce your
account balance below your credit limit. 9ou may also choose to pay us an
additional refundable deposit to enhance your credit limit or opt for our
convenient payment method of $redit $ard %tanding instruction .9ou can also
make use of -$% facility.
S(r)'- N!(2)r" C)%!r#-!
-njoy complete clarity when calling with #irtel .It offers you world class
technology and unbreakable network coverage that spans over + circles across
the country.
L)'- Di(#'7! C#..i'- F#7i.i(;
$all long distance calls in India and /verseas with %!) D I%) facility on your
#irtel phone.
Wi$!( R)#3i'- + N#(i)'#. #'$ I'(!r'#(i)'#.
#irtelEs roaming service allows you to stay connected and use your mobile phone
to make or receive calls from almost anywhere in India and also over ,;<
countries, abroad.
GPRS + R)#3i'-
0se #irtel 8ostpaidEs 48&% services, while roaming, to access the internet and
office mails (eg. (lack(erry servicesC, from almost anywhere in India and abroad.
S#; i(. I' 3)r! (h#' D/( 2)r$& 2i(h S!r%i7! 1r)3 Air(!l
#irtel brings you a wide range of %ervices that will change the way you
communicate. !ry them and discover a whole new world of fun and excitement.
C#.. 3#'#-!3!'( S!r%i7!
$all waiting, call hold, call divert and $aller .ine Identification 8resentation, help
you do more with your #irtel 8ostpaid connectionP
C)'1!r!'7! 7#..
9ou can hold a teleconference with 7 people simultaneously with $all
$onferencing service from #irtel. In fact, you can set up a conference even when
the other five are using a landline phone. !o know more, call customer service at
Mi!$ 7#.. #.!r(
# missed call alert is a %"% that you will receive for all the calls that you missed.
!he %"% will detail the $.I and the time when the call was made. !o activate,
dial Q,+7QR then press the call button and wait for the request to be completed.
V)i7! M#i.
When your handset is switched off, or youHre too busy to answer the phone, #irtel
=oicemail will answer your calls and record a message. !he best part is that
thereEs no extra monthly cost for setting up =oicemail A you just pay for the phone
call when you use the service.
SMS 9Sh)r( M!#-i'- S!r%i7!*
%end messages quickly and easily, using text, if itEs too noisy to talk or you donEt
have much time. ItEs the way to %hare those interesting oneAliners, important
reminders and ribAtickling jokes, with anyone, anytime, anywhere in the world.
S/b7ri0(i)' A.!r(
4et regular alerts on news, jokes, business, health and films on your #irtel mobile
phone with S/b7ri0(i)' S!r%i7!. %"% T%0( 1-W%U for 1ews, T%0(
?/2-U for ?okes, T%0( (IVU for (usiness 1ews, T%0( %8/U for %ports #lerts
S T%0( =##%!0U for =aastu tips to ++++.
MMS 9M/.(i+3!$i# M!#-i'- S!r%i7!*:
?a** up your messages with pictures, images and video clippings, with ""% from
#irtelP !o activate ""% on your phone, %"% E""%E to 7;5;7 and save service
Air(!. Li%!=
"ake your mobile the most happening entertainment destination with #irtel .iveP
#irtel brings you the latest in entertainment and information services, right on
your phoneP
Air(!. Li%!= WAP S!r%i7!G )ownload the latest ringtones, games, wallpapers,
videos and much more. 9ou can also get news clips, watch live != and download
full songs on you phoneP !o get #irtel .iveP settings on your phone %"% E.iveE to
7;5;7 and save the settings that you receive as your preferred connection. #irtel
.iveP 8ortal can be accessed from you 48&% enabled phone, by sending a %"%
E'01E to 7;5;7.
Air(!. Li%!= V)i7! S!r%i7!G ?ust )ial 7;5;7 and say the name of the service. 'or
e.g. say W&ing tonesH to download your favourite ring tones. 9ou can also choose
a variety of content options like .ive $ricket $ommentary, latest 1ational D
International 1ews, "ovie &eviews or %tock "arket 0pdates.
Air(!. Li%!= SIM S!r%i7!G #ccess loads of fun content and exciting services like
cricket, stocks, on your phone at the touch of a few buttons with #irtel .iveP %I"
based %ervices on your %I" card menu. !o download new services on your #irtel
%I", choose the FWhatEs newF option under the F#irtel servicesF menu.
Air(!. Li%!= SMS S!r%i7!: 9ou can enjoy a host of services by sending a
keyword as an %"% to 7;5;7 P $hoose #strology D >oroscope, $ricket,
(ollywood D >ollywood D Indi 8op &ing tones. In case you need assistance %"%
W>elpH to 7;5;7.
GPRS 9G!'!r#. P#7"!( R#$i) S!r%i7!*
.og on to the internet, with 48&% that allows data transmission at a higher speed.
#ccess eAmails and internet across #irtelEs panAIndia presence using E"obile
/fficeE with your phone or a phone and laptop both.
G!( (h! EDGE
(rowse the internet on your mobile phone with #irtelEs -)4- services. -njoy
live !=, enhanced W#8 experience and #irtel )ata $ards on our high speed
H!..) T/'!
!ired of that boring old Wtring tringH on your phoneL Well now when a friend
calls, you can make them groove to the hottest new tracks burning up the music
charts with >ello !unes from #irtelP 9ou get a wide choice of songs in the
8opular S 1ew #rrivals categories that are updated regularly. WhatEs more, you
can directly call the number for your kind of music, e.g. call ;3:<<7 for W-nglish
1ewH and ;3:<<, for W>indi 1ewH. !his would directly take you to your favourite
artistEs >ello !unes listing.
C)0; # H!..) T/'!
.ike a tune you want, all you have to do is call 77<77 and follow the simple voice
instructions to copy your favourite >ello !unes. /nce inside the copy feature, just
key in the ,<Adigit #irtel mobile number you want to copy the >ello !une from
and you get the same >ello !une assigned to your number.
Gi1( # H!..) T/'!
'orget gifting chocolates, flowers and greeting cards. %ay it with a song insteadP
4ift a >ello !une to that special someone. ?ust call 77<77 and choose the song
that you want to gift. 'ollow the simple voice instructions and key in the ,<Adigit
#irtel mobile number that you want to gift the >ello !une to. 9ou will get an
%"% notification upon successful receipt of that gift.
B/; M/i7 + Air(!. M/i7 Sh)0
(uying your favourite >ello !une or &ingtone is as simple as recharging your
phone with talktime. %imply walk into your nearest #irtel %hop and walk out with
your favourite song. $hoose from (ollywood >its to Indipop &emixes, >ard
&ock to 4ujrati 4arba, (hajans to ?a**, (hangra (eats to foot tapping !amil >its
from a list of more than ,:<<< songs.
R!#7h /& A';(i3! A';2h!r!
In case you need assistance, dial '121' - our toll-free number, accessible
from anywhere in the country, even while roaming. *In case of email,
mention your mobile no. like >?@66@A5BC in the subject of the mail for a
uicker res!onse. TAR!! STR"CT"RE
Pr!0#i$ T#ri11
#irtel 8repaid &eady $ellular $ard and &echarge $ards are available, all over the
city at over retail outlets including 5Ahour outlets. #irtel 8repaid &eady $ellular
$ard and &echarge $ards are available, all over the city at over retail outlets
including 5Ahour outlets.
Air(!. Pr!0#i$ R!-/.#r

P/.! R#(! ;< sec
Pri7! )1 P#7" 9R.* &s.556
Fr!! Air(i3! )' P#7" 9R.* 1il
I'7)3i'- C#.. 9R.* 'ree while in home network
#irtel 4%" D $)"#
(,< )igitC
.andline D W..
LOCAL RATES 9R.:3i'* &s.,.< &s..<< &s..5<
STD RATES 9R.:3i'* &s..37 &s..37 &s..37
ISD 9R.:3i'*
0%#, $anada, -urope ('ixed .ineC,
#ustralia, %ingapore, >ong 2ong,
!hailand, "alaysia, Indonesia, 1ew
4ulf, -urope ("obileC, %##&$
countries, #frica S &est of the world
$uba, %ao !ome S 8rincipe, 4uinea
(issau, )iego 4arcia, 1auru, %olomon
Islands, =anuatu, $ook Islands, !uvalu,
!okelau, 1orfolk Island, %akhalin
SMS 9R.*
.ocal &s.,.<
1ational &s..<<
International &s.7.<<

O(h!r D!(#i.
Q&s 7< .ocal #irtelA#irtel "obile talktime per month for ; months
Q 'irst month #irtelA#irtel credit within 3hrs of activation S balance credit by ,st week of every monthC
Q!he %"% charge as applicable is per ,;< characters
Q =alidityA 5 months.
#irtel 8ostpaid allows you to choose from a variety of affordable talk plans,
convenient payment options and host of rich features. %o get set to enjoy a world
of limitless possibilitiesP
R!1!r!'7! T#ri1 P#7"#-! 9RTP*
#ctivation $harges &s. 7<
"embership 'ee &s. 7<
%ecurity )eposit 1#
(ill plan $harge &s. 555
"onthly &ental &s. ,7<
$lip 1#
$lip &s. 66
#irtel 4%" D
$)"# (,<
.andline D
L)7#. R#(! &s. ,.66 &s ,.66 &s ,.66
7< M << 2m
<< M 7<< 2m
7<< X 2m
0%#, $anda, -urope ('ixed .ineC,
#ustalia, %ingapore, >ong 2ong, !hailand,
"alaysia, Indonesia, new Vealand
&s. 3.<
4ulf, -urope ("obileC, %##&$ $ountries,
#frica S &est of the world
&s 6.66
$uba, %ao tome S 8rinciple, 4uinea
(issau, )iego 4arcia, 1auru, %olomon
Islands, =anuatu, $ook Island, !uvalu,
!okelau, 1orfolk Island, %akhalin
&s. 5<.<<
.ocal &s. ,.<<
1ational &s. .<<
International &s. 7.<<
=alue #dded %ervices (&s.C &s. +.<<
Air(!. O'! S(#'$#r$ @C6
#ctivation $harges &s 7<
"embership 'ee &s 7< ($onverts into security after 5
%ecurity )eposit 1#
(ill 8lan $harge &s. 7<
"onthly &ental &s. ,7<
$lip 1#
$lip &s. 7<
(issau, )iego 4arcia, 1auru, %olomon
Islands, =anuatu, $ook Islands, !uvalu,
!okelau, 1orfolk Island, %akhalin
.ocal &s ,.<<
1ational &s .<<
Intentional &s. 7.<<
=#% &s. +.<<
!his (ill 8lan is also available under #dvance &ental of &s. 366 for years.
.ocal 8ack
#irtel to other local mobiles (non #irtelC #t &s , D min
M)'(h.; r!'(#. R AC 0!r 3)'(h:+
STD P#7"
#irtel to other mobiles (non #irtelC S fixed lines nos. at &s D min.
M)'(h.; r!'(#. R EC 0!r 3)'(h:+
S0!7i#. )11!r 1)r Air(!. T!.!0h)'! !r%i7! 7/()3!r 1)r #%#i.i'- Air(!.
M)bi.! !r%i7!
If you already have #irtel !elephone service, you can buy a new #irtel
"obile connection under #irtel /ne %tandard ,7< 8lan.
1on security deposit.
1o membership D activation fee
-njoy calls to your #irtel fixed line no. at just 7< 8 D min.
"onthly rent of &s 7 for reduced call rates to your #irtel fixed line has been
waived off for , year.
'or details, call us 7,;A,+57
A$%#'7! R!'(#. b!'!1i( 9@;!#r 7h!3!*
8ay an advance rent of &s 566 and enjoy #irtel /ne %tandard ,7< plan at Vero
monthly rental for one year.
#dvance rental of &s 566 gives you a rental discount of &s ,7< every month for
the next months. #ll other options and charges are as per the existing #irtel
/ne %tandard ,7< 8lan.
Air(!. )'! S(#'$#r$ A>>
#ctivation $harges &s 7<
"embership 'ee &s 7< ($onverts into security after 5
%ecurity )eposit 1#
(ill 8lan $harge &s. ,7<
"onthly &ental &s. 66
$lip 1#
$lip &s. 7<
#irtel 4%" D
$)"# (,<
.andline D
LOCAL RATES &e. ,.<< &s. ,.<< &s. ,.<<
7<A<<2m &s. .<< &s. .5< &s. .5<
<< M 7<< 2m &s. .<< &s. .5< &s. .5<
7<< X 2m &s. .<< &s. .5< &s. .5<
0%#, $anda, -urope ('ixed .ineC,
#ustalia, %ingapore, >ong 2ong, !hailand,
"alaysia, Indonesia, new Vealand
&s. 3.<
4ulf, -urope ("obileC, %##&$ $ountries,
#frica S &est of the world
&s 6.66
$uba, %ao tome S 8rinciple, 4uinea
(issau, )iego 4arcia, 1auru, %olomon
Islands, =anuatu, $ook Island, !uvalu,
!okelau, 1orfolk Island, %akhalin
&s. 5<.<<
.ocal &s. ,.<<
1ational &s. .<<
International &s. 7.<<
=alue #dded %ervices (&s.C &s. +.<<

9ou also enjoy 7 '&-- local mobile to mobile %"%
S!'i)r Ci(iF!' P.#'
#ctivation $harges &s. 7<
"embership 'ee &s. 7< ($oncerts into security deposit
after 5 monthsC
%ecurity )eposit 1#
(ill 8lan $harge &s. 7,
Monthly Rental &s. 66
$lip 1#
$uba, %ao !ome S 8rinciple, 4uinea
(issau, )iego 4arcia, 1auru, %olomon
Islands, =anuatu, $ook Islands, !uvalu,
!okelau, 1orfolk Island, %akhalin
.ocal Rs. 1.50
1ational &s. .<<
International &s. 7.<<
=#% &s. +.<<

With %enior $iti*en 8lan
9ou can take + 'riends and 'amily numbersG
#irtel to #irtel (,local no.C M &s. <.7 D min.
#irtel to #irtel (, %!) no.C M &s ,.7 D min
I%) calls to 0% D $anada D %outh -ast #sia D #ustralia D 1ew VealandC M &s.
6.66 D min
9ou also get '&-- alert subscription worth &s +< D alert or + months onG
>ealth !ips
!he %"% charges as applicable is per ,;< $haracters.
Air(!. () GT)/7h T)3)rr)2H 2i(h # '!2 br#'$ %ii)'
!he (harti "obile promoted #ir!el cellular service will go in for repositioning of
its brand image. !he new brand ethos is portrayed in two distinct fashions A the
tag line F!ouch !omorrowF, which underscores the leading theme for the new
brand vision, followed by F!he 4ood .ifeF, which underscores a more caring,
more customer centric organi*ation. #imed at reAengineering its image as just
simply a cellular service provider to an all out information communications
services provider, !ouch !omorrow is meant to embrace the new generation of
mobile communication services and the changing scope of customer needs and
aspirations that come along with it
!he new communication is about a new dimension in the cellular category that
goes beyond the Internet, %"%, roaming, I=&%, etc but which engulfs the whole
gamut of wireless digital broadband services that will constitute tomorrows
cellular services. !he new campaign is in two phases A the first of which will
communicate overall brand philosophy and the second products and services.
#ccording to "r. ?agdish 2ini, $hief /perating /fficer, (harti "obile .imited,
2arnataka FWe are adopting a new brandA platform A !ouch !omorrow A not only
to reflect our corporate ethos but also business strategyF.
!he new identity will have the logo in &ed, (lack and White colours along with
lower case typography to convey warmth. AirT!. will incorporate the latest
branding in all of its communication and will soon be going in for an enhanced
promotional drive to establish the brandEs presence.
8&-A8#I) card users need not worry anymore about recharging their coupons
every month. $ompany has launched a plan that allows users to take a preApaid
connection with lifetime validity for a one time payment of &s. 666. %ubscribers
availing themselves of this scheme will also get full talk time for the recharge
coupon they purchase and also have the option to buy !aiwanese manufactured
(ird mobile handsets for as low as &s. ,,+66.
!he move is aimed at stopping the churn in the preApaid subscriber base. /nce a
subscriber takes this plan, he will always be an #irtel subscriber whether the
mobile is being used or not.
A( (h! (i3! )1 .#/'7h
!he first mover in the market was #irtel which launched its services in )elhi in
#ug ,667 (Informal launchC. -ssar $ellphone followed by launching its services
informally in /ct 67. #t this point of time, the market was at a nascent stage,
awareness level was low and both operators independently tried to spread
awareness and educate the people
/nce the networks were commercially launched, it became a number game with a
multitude of schemes being offered to woo customers Initially the cellphone was
perceived as a status symbol and utility took a back seat !he target segment in
)elhi were corporate and the high income group. !he average capacity installed
was for ,.7 lakh subscribers. !his coupled with the steep license fee paid to )/!
put pressure on the operators to breakAeven by rapidly expanding their markets.
In the first two years, this led to a number of schemes being offered and prices
#irtel launched its services before -ssar and skimmed the market picking up the
bulk of the high usage premium clients. !his is a very competitive industry with
the two companies differentiating either on valueAadded services or price. #irtel
is perceived as the high quality provider and has a premium image. -ssar, on the
other hand, is perceived as the lower end service provider. #irtel positions itself
as the market leader on the basis of the number of subscribers. -ssar is trying to
counter this by emphasising on the reach of its network and the quality of its
service. >owever, -ssar is somewhat not been very successful largely due to the
inconsistency in advertising
!o promote themselves, both the players have been dependent on tactical
advertising >owever, they have restrained from using comparative advertising
>oardings have been a very popular medium for carrying the advertisements
#irtel has also been advertising on television using the (harti !elecom name.
A. M#D)r A77)/'( 9Dir!7( Ch#''!.*
>andles corporate (named and famedC accounts
'orecasting of sales
"apping the accounts
8roviding after sales support to the subscribers.
"aintaining call reports for records.
8roviding 'eedback to the marketing department regarding the
requirement of the market.
B. IDC 9i'$ir!7( Ch#''!.*
>andling distribution
"aintaining records and level check of the channel partner
.iaisoning between the channel partner and the company.
!arget achievement
!raining the executives of the channel
C. Di(rib/(i)' S/00)r(
@. L)-i(i7
"onitor handset and %I" card requirements of channel partners
and coAordinate with stores
%ettle areas of concerns such as incentive claims of channel
A. R!'(#.
8rovide cellular services (%I" cardsC on rent.
8rovide cellular phones on rent
0seful for people visiting )elhi for a short interval.
3 Telesales
$all customers and generate sales lead.
'ollow up with the customers, if they need any assistance
8ass on the sales lead to the channel department.
B A/$i(
$onsultant to the #ir!el showrooms.
"onitor the operations at the #ir!el distribution outlets /rgani*e training.
C. R!(#i.
.ocate shops to open retail counters.
"onitor the retail counters.
%egmentation is beneficial because of better predictability of the target consumer
group, minimi*ation of risk exposure, better ability to fineAtune a product D service
to the requirement of target buyer and the resultant ease in designing a proper
designing marketing mix strategy In this case segmentation is on the bade of
In evaluating different market segments the company looks at two factors !he
overall attractiveness of the segments and the companyEs objectives S resources
!he present market for $ellular phones, pagers and conventional phones is as
8remium "iddle -conomy
0pper .ower 0pper .ower 0pper .ower
$ellular 8hones O O O A A A
8ager O O O O A A
$onventional 8hones O O O O O A
O "arket %egment !argeted
#irtel has targeted the premium and upper middle class. !he rationale behind it is
that only those segments should be targeted who value time and have the paying
capacity. It Is also planning to target the business tourists during their stay in the
#bout ;<B of the clientele are top executives of corporate houses. #bout ,7B
are foreign organisations and the rest are professionals and small businessmen.
)uring the introduction stage there was intense pressure to get consumers across
to hook up with their brand, because getting them to switch brand loyalty later
would be hard
%o far #irtel marketers have been concentrating totally on the business executive
class but now that the basic viable volumes has beerC built up and prices have
declined to a certain extent they are planning to venture further a field.
!he product is sought to be positioned as a business efficiency tool. a lifestyle
revolution and a status symbol !he emphasis is to remove misconception that the
cellphone is an expensive means of communication and drive home the point that
the cellphone is actually a dayAtoAday utility
!he product or service i the heart of the marketing mix. Without a product or a
service customersE needs cannot be satisfied.
!he basic product promise by #irtel is mobility. #irtelEs main marketing strategy
is to be a first mover all the time. It has recognised the significance of making the
first moveAA because in the field of $ommunication S Information !echnology
changes occur at a tremendous pace.
-ffective product segmentation has to be carried on continuously because basic
services can be and will be copied and in time become expected component of the
product. #irtel seeks to carry out this segmentation through provision of new
information services and making new facilities available. !he product policy and
planning depends on the stage of the product life cycle. #t present the cellular
phone market has reached the maturity stage. %ince, the premium segment is
nearing saturation the company targeting the upper middle and middleAmiddle
class. In order to do so #irtel is trying to optimise the price performance package
by offering suitable Fproduct bundlingF.
!his involves the selection of the suitable hardware (handsetC and its software (its
services.C with reasonable price in order to deliver maximum price performance to
its customers. In addition, it offers free #irtime services and other concessions to
make the prices and thus the product more attractive. It has also opened a 5
hours customer service.
/nly price doesnEt serve as an effective differentiator, value added services
become the effective differentiator.
Th! IV#./! A$$!$ S!r%i7!I 0r)%i$!$ 1r)3 Air(!. areGA
,C. =oice "ail service
!his system is similar to the answering machine A if the user is not able to answer
a call for some reason the caller can leave messages in the voice mail box which
can be later retrieved by the user
iiC %hort "essage %ervice
!he short message service is like a twoAway pager. It gives an option of sending
and receiving text messages directly from one mobile phone to another without
the intervention of an operator.
iiiC "obile 'ax , )ata %ervice
!his service helps the subscriber to send and receive 'axes, access -Amail,
download computer files from other systems and remotely log on to another
computer and surf the Internet.
ivC $ash $ard
!he cash card is a preApaid and preAactivated card which allows the buyers to buy
air time in advance. #ll it requires is the payment of an initial amount. !his is a
useful service for people who travel to )elhi often and those who want to control
the expenses on their calls.
vC $aller I)
)isplays calling personEs number.
viC /utgoing call restriction
!o prevent or limit outgoing calls, for example, in peak hours. #lso possible to
exclude one or several countries, or any geographical region, to permit only local
calls, or to limit the outgoing calls to a listed number.
viiiC $all forward
Incoming calls can be forwarded to another fixed or mobile phone.
(esides these some other services provided by #irtel are A $all conferencing, $all
(roadcast et cetera.
It is in the operators AInterest that they not only get many subscribers but also get
them to use the mobile facility frequently. In the early stages getting increases to
subscribe may be easier than getting them to talk since they will find it costlier to
use the mobile phone as compared to a conventional phone Yif is believed that
initially cellphones would be used buyZ
viiiC &oaming 'acility
&oaming facility is available while the subscriber is travelling. !he billing is
done in the home network ()elhiC. &oaming facility is available manuallyQ as
well as semiAautomatically. /nce a subscriber is In any other city or country,
where a 4%" network is available, simply insert the %I" card of the local
operator Into your handset and start talking.
Q "anual &oaming means a separate %I" card is provided for each city
QQ %emi automatic roaming means one card has the facility for different
%ince this is a highAinvolvement expensive product, the service provider has to
fully take care of the customers.
aC !hey take personal responsibility to FgetF the answer for any problem faced
by the customer
b) !hey anticipate customersE problems and take proAactive steps to prevent
cC !hey give answers to the questions S requests, quickly S efficiently.
dC !hey have a positive tone S manner while interacting with customers.
eC !hey end the interaction on a positive or a humorous noteAmaking the last
+< seconds count.
#irtel realises that attracting people EIs easy but converting them into loyal
customers is hard, hence emphasis is on maintaining a E%miling and a 'riendly
#tmosphereE to please and retain the customer.
#I&!-. has realised that the Indian market is price sensitive. !herefore it care of
the has come up with various innovative tariff schemes to take needs of different
category of customersA 4enerally, the cellular services are more expensive than
the land line based telephone services. !his is due to the reason that the operating
companies are required to pay a fee to the government for using airtime.
(harti has spent a considerable amount on advertising its mobile phone service,
#irtel. (esides print advertising, the company had put up large no of hoardings
and kiosks in and around )elhi.
!he objective behind designing a promotion campaign for the W#irtelH services is
to promote the brand awareness and to build brand preferences.
It is trying to set up a thematic campaign to build a stronger brand equity for
#irtel. %ince the cellular phone category itself is too restricted, also the fact that a
$ellular phone is a high involvement product, price doesnEt qualify as an effective
differentiator. !he image of the service provider counts a great deal. 4iven the
$ell phone category, it is the network efficiency and the quality of service that
becomes important. What now the buyer is looking at is to get the optimum
priceAperformance package. !his also serves as an effective differentiator
(rand awareness is spread through theE campaigns and brand preference through
brand stature. #irtelEs campaign in the capital began with a series of EteaserE
hoardings across the city,E bearing just the companyEs name and without
explaining what #irtel was. In the next phase the campaign associated #irtel with
$ellular only thereafter was the (harti $ellular connection brought up. =ans with
#irtel logos roamed the city, handing out brochures about the company and its
services to all consumers. #bout 7<,<<< direct callers were sent out. When the
name was well entrenched in the )elhiitesHs mind, the #irtel campaign began to
focus on the utility of $ellphone. In the first four months alone #irteiEs
advertisement spend exceeded &s. 5 crores.
#s of today the awareness level Is ;<B unaided. !his implies that if potential or
knowledgeable consumers are asked to name a $ellular phone service provider
that is on the top of hisDher mind ;<B of them would name #irtel. #s for aided it
Ais ,<<B (by giving clues and hints etc.C.
(rand strength of a product or the health of a brand is measured by the percentage
score of the brand on the above aided and the unaided tests. !he figures show
that #irtel is a healthy and a thriving brand.
-very company has a goal, which might comprise a sales target and a game plan
with due regard to Its competitor. #irtel Es campaign strategy is designed keeping
in mind its marketing strategy. !he tone, tenor and the stance of the visual ads are
designed to convey the image of a market leader in terms of its market share. It
tries to portray the image of being a Ffirst mover every timeF and that of a Fmarket
!he status of the product in terms of its life cycle has just reached the maturity
stage in India. It is still on the rising part of the product life cycle curve in the
maturity stage.
!he diagram on the left hand side shows the percentage of the users classified into
heavy, medium and low categories. !he right hand side shows the revenue share
earned from the three types of users.
#irtel, keeping in mind the importance of the customer retention, values its heavy
users the most and constantly indulges in service innovation. (ut, since heavy
users comprise only ,7 A <B of the population the other segment cannot be
!he population which has just realised the importance of cellular phones has to be
roped in. It is for this reason that the service provider offers a plethora of
incentives and discounts. $oncerts like the F'reedom concertF are being
organised by #irtel in order to promote sales. !he media channel is chosen with
economy in mind. !he target segment is not very concrete but, there is an attempt
to focus on those who can afford. !he print advertisements and hoarding are
placed in those strategic areas which most likely to catch the attention of those
who need a cellular phone. !he product promise (which might cost different ,
higherC is an important variable in determining the target audience.
(esides this, other promotional strategies that #irtel has adopted are .
(iC 8eople who have booked #irtel services have been treated to exclusive
premiers of blockbuster movies. #irtel has tied up with .ufthansa to offer
customer bonus miles on the 4erman airlines frequent flierEs programs.
(iiC !here have been educational campaigns, image campaigns, pre launch
advertisements, launch advertisements, congratulatory advertisements,
promotional advertiseAments, attacking advertisements and tactical
!heA company whose operations are concentrated in and around )elhi. It 3
'ranchisees and ,7 )istributorsA !hey also have : Einstant access cash card
countersA -ach franchises or distributor can have any number of dealers under
him as long as the person is approved by the #irtel authority. -ach franchises has
to invest &upees !en .akhs. to obtain a franchise and should employ an officer
recruited by #irtel. !his person acts as an liaison between the company and the
franchises. !he franchises can it any number of dealers as long as their territories
do not overlap. (ut unfortunately #irtel has not been very successful in
controlling territorial overlaps of dealers. !he franchises can carry out his , her
own promotional strategy. 'or this the. company contributes 37B of the money
and the franchises contributes 7B of the money. !he dealers under the
franchisee receive the same commission. !he franchises and the dealer obtain the
feedback from the customers and they are sent through the liaison officer on a
'ranchisee )istributor
dayAtoAday basis to #irtel. !he dealer has to invest &upees. /ne .akh as an initial
investment. !he dealer of #irtel are not allowed to provide any other operatorsE
!arget set for distributors and the dealers is ,<< A,7< activations per month.
>ence the dealers can also go for their own promotions like banners and discounts
on festivals etc. !he dealer provides service promptly. !he consumer on
providing the bill of purchase for the handset and proof of residence has only to
wait an hour before getting connected. !he staff of the dealers and the franchisees
are provided training by the #irtel personnel.
!he complaints encountered by the franchisees and dealers are either handset
being nonAfunctional or the %I" $ard not getting activated. #nything more
complicated is referred to the main #irtel office in )elhi.
With #irtel, the subscriber wouldnEt just get a personal phone that lets himDher be
in touch, always, but also gets a host of benefits that let himDher manage hisDher
time like never before.
#n #irtel subscriber is provided with a %ubscriber Identity "odule $ard (%I"
cardC A that is the key to operating hisDher cellular phone. >is card activates #irtel
cellular services and contains a complete microAcomputer chip with memory to
enable one to enjoy oneEs cellular phone thoroughly. -ach %I" card contains a
8I1 code (8ersonal Identity 1umberC which may be entered by one. ?ust plug
your %I" card into your cellular phone, enter the 8I1 code and it becomes EyourE
personal phoneE.
!he pattern of cellphone subscriber growth observed elsewhere in the world
reveals that the growth in the market is Initially slow followed by a sharp
acceleration, but so far that has not happened in India. #s far as the 8roduct .ife
$ycle is concerned. Indians are at the beginning of the maturity stage.
I'(r)$/7(i)' Gr)2(h M#(/ri(;
$reate product awareness
and trial
"aximise market share "aximise profits whole
defending market share
Pr)$/7( /ffer a basic
productD service.
/ffer value added
Increase in number
of value added
Pri7! $harge costA plus 8rice to penetrate
8rice to match or
best competitors
Di(rib/(i)' (uild selective
(uild Intensive
(uild more
A$%!r(ii'- (uild product
awareness among
early adopters and
(uild awareness
and interest in the
mass market
%tress brand
differences and
S#.! Pr)3)(i)' 0se heavy sales
promotion to entice
people to subscribe.
Increase to build
and maintain
relationships with
Increase to
encourage brandA
!o study the importance and development of tele M communication industry in
todayHs scenario.
!o understand the various "arketing %trategies which #irtel has adopted to
survive in highly competitive cell phone industry.
!o make a comparative study of the major players in Indian %ervice 8rovider.
!he methodology adopted for this project is exploratory in nature since there is no
hypothesis that has to be tested. !he conclusions have been drawn by exploratory
research work.
!here have been two sources of information collectedG
aC 8rimary %ources
I have met retailers of the #irtel of the company and have been able to get first
hand information regarding the product, its features and the buying patterns of the
product. !heir input has been valuable.
bC %econdary %ources
%econdary source has played a vital role to play in this report. # good amount of
data has been collected from various published articles and reports found in
maga*ines and journals. #nother vital source has been the Internet and
particularly the companies own website.
-very attempt will be taken to obtain the error free and meaningful result but as
nothing in this world is ,<<B perfect I believe that there will still the chance for
error on account of following limitationsA
(,C &espondentHs unavailability.
(C !ime pressure and fatigue on the part of respondents and interviewer.
(+C $ourtesy bias.
@. D) ;)/ b!.i!%! (h#( I'$i# i 0)(!'(i#..; )'! )1 (h! 3)( !K7i(i'- 3)bi.!
!r%i7! 0r)%i$!r i' (h! 2)r.$8
C)30#'; Y! N)
Air(!. B @
V)$#1)'! B @
I$!# 5 ,
MTNL 5 ,
#s according to the above table ,; (:<BC out of the total < interviewed people in
all the above four specified Indian mobile service providers are of belief that India
is potentially one of the most exciting mobile service providers in the world,
whereas some 5 (<BC of them do not agree to this view.
$ 2 # % & 1$ 12 1# 1% 1&
"ir#el $odaf one Idea %#&'
A. D) ;)/ 1i'$ (h#( (h! -)%!r'3!'(4 (!.!7)3 0).i7; h# h#$ (h! 3)( r#$i7#.
i30#7( )' (h! $!%!.)03!'( )1 3)bi.! !r%i7! 0r)%i$!r8
C)30#'; Y! N)
Air(!. B @
V)$#1)'! 5 A
I$!# +
#s according to the above table ,7 (37BC out of the total < interviewed people in
all the above four specified Indian mobile service providers find that the
governmentHs telecom policy has had the most radical impact on the development
of mobile service providers, whereas some 7 (7BC of them deny this.
,es &o
$odaf one
5. D) ;)/ b!.i!%! (h#( )'! )1 (h! 7h#..!'-! 1#7i'- 3)bi.! )0!r#()r i' I'$i#
i (h! $i%!ri(; )1 (h! 7)%!r#-! r!-i)'8
C)30#'; Y! N)
Air(!. A 5
V)$#1)'! 5 A
I$!# +
#s according to the above table ,< (7<BC out of the total < interviewed people in
the mobile service providers are of belief that one of the challenges facing mobile
operations in India is the diversify of the coverage regions, whereas interestingly
another ,< (7<BC of them deny this.
,es &o
$odaf one
B. T) 2h#( !K(!'(& $)! ;)/ 1i'$ (h#( 3)bi.! !r%i7! 0r)%i$!r i # %!r;
7)30.!K (#'$#r$8
C)30#'; T) )3! !K(!'(
T) -r!#( !K(!'(
Air(!. 5 A
V)$#1)'! A 5
I$!# +
#s according to the above table ,< (7<BC out of the total < interviewed people in
all the above four major the mobile service providers in Indian $ellular industry
find only to some extent that 4%" is a very complex standard, whereas the
another ,< (7<BC respondents find to great extent that mobile service providers is
a very complex standard.
#o some e-tent #o great e-tent
$odaf one
@. D) ;)/ b!.i!%! (h#( 3)bi.! !r%i7! 0r)%i$!r 7)3! 7.)! () 1/.1i..i'- (h!
r!</ir!3!'( 1)r # 0!r)'#. 7)33/'i7#(i)' ;(!38
C)30#'; Y! N)
Air(!. > @
V)$#1)'! ? A
I$!# :
MTNL 7 7
#s the above shows +< (37BC out of total 5< respondents are of the belief that
mobile service providers comes close to fulfilling the requirements for a personal
communication system, whereas ,< (7BC of them are in no way to this belief.
A. D) ;)/ 1i'$ (h#( 3)bi.! !r%i7! 0r)%i$!r # (h! 3)( !K7i(i'- #'$
#(i1;i'- 3)bi.! (#'$#r$8
C)30#'; Y! N)
Air(!. > @
V)$#1)'! E 5
I$!# :
#s the above shows + (:<BC out of total 5< respondents find that mobile service
providers as the most exciting and satisfying mobile standard, whereas the
remaining : (,<BC respondents deny this.
$ - 1$ 1- 2$ 2- *$ *-
"ir#el $odaf one Idea %#&'
5. D) ;)/ b!.i!%! (h#( ;)/r !r%i7! 0r)%i$!r h# # -!'/i'! 7)33i(3!'( ()
7r!#(i'- # 3)$!r' #'$ !11i7i!'( 7)33/'i7#(i)'8
C)30#'; Y! N)
Air(!. @6 ++
V)$#1)'! ? A
I$!# ,< AA
#s the above shows +; (6<BC out of total 5< respondents are of the belief that
their service providers have a genuine commitment to creating a modern and
efficient communications whereas the remaining 5 (,<BC respondents deny this.
$ost advantage
$urrent leaders in quality service
.argest distribution network
#bility to constantly innovate
>ighly skilled workforce
-ntrepreneurial *eal
#irtelHs increased equity and market cap.
!o prove credibility
8rice pressures
1eed for 4overnment support
%ales and "arketing
!o sustain passion and commitment
#irtelHs market share increasing at other service provider expense. !hus
opportunity to wipe it out.
#ttain higher value services
$ollaborative business needs to be explored
=ertical repeatable solutions.
.ow penetration level in rural markets.
'oreign investment
4lobal trends moving from 48% to W...
.ack of global parity in telecom tariff
/ther competition
'rom above the details I conclude that 3<B #irtel users preferred to
remain with #irtel. #lso good no. of users who were willing to switch from their
respective subscribers showed interest in #irtel. >ence, these statistics imply a
bright future for the company. #lso the company is now providing more services
like the door to door services which is you dial the #irtel customer care and
would like to send someone flowers the #irtel company delivers those flowers to
the person concerned. #lso #irtel is providing free text messaging service and
free voice mail service. $all conferencing is also another feature #irtel provides.
(ernard ?. !. "allinder. %pecification "ethodology #pplied to the 4%"
%ystem. In EUROCON 88, ?une <<7.
%eshadri "ohan and &avi ?ain. !wo 0ser .ocation %trategies for 8ersonal
$ommunication %ervices. IEEE Personal Communications. ,(,C, ,665.
"oe &ahnema. /verview of the 4%" %ystem and 8rotocol #rchitecture.
IEEE Communications Magazine. #pril ,66+.
$. Watson. &adio -quipment for 4%". In ).". (alston and &.$.= "acario,
editors, Cellular Radio Systems, #rtech >ouse, (oston, ,66+.
&obert 4. Winch. Telecommunication Transmission Systems "c4raw>ill
1ew 9ork, ,66+.
@. D) ;)/ b!.i!%! (h#( I'$i# i 0)(!'(i#..; )'! )1 (h! 3)( !K7i(i'- 3)bi.!
!r%i7! 0r)%i$!r i' (h! 2)r.$8
C)30#'; Y! N)
A. D) ;)/ 1i'$ (h#( (h! -)%!r'3!'(4 (!.!7)3 0).i7; h# h#$ (h! 3)( r#$i7#.
i30#7( )' (h! $!%!.)03!'( )1 3)bi.! !r%i7! 0r)%i$!r8
C)30#'; Y! N)
5. D) ;)/ b!.i!%! (h#( )'! )1 (h! 7h#..!'-! 1#7i'- 3)bi.! )0!r#()r i' I'$i#
i (h! $i%!ri(; )1 (h! 7)%!r#-! r!-i)'8
C)30#'; Y! N)
B. T) 2h#( !K(!'(& $)! ;)/ 1i'$ (h#( 3)bi.! !r%i7! 0r)%i$!r i # %!r;
7)30.!K (#'$#r$8
C)30#'; T) )3! !K(!'(
T) -r!#( !K(!'(
@. D) ;)/ b!.i!%! (h#( 3)bi.! !r%i7! 0r)%i$!r 7)3! 7.)! () 1/.1i..i'- (h!
r!</ir!3!'( 1)r # 0!r)'#. 7)33/'i7#(i)' ;(!38
C)30#'; Y! N)
A. D) ;)/ 1i'$ (h#( 3)bi.! !r%i7! 0r)%i$!r # (h! 3)( !K7i(i'- #'$
#(i1;i'- 3)bi.! (#'$#r$8
C)30#'; Y! N)
5. D) ;)/ b!.i!%! (h#( ;)/r !r%i7! 0r)%i$!r h# # -!'/i'! 7)33i(3!'( ()
7r!#(i'- # 3)$!r' #'$ !11i7i!'( 7)33/'i7#(i)'8
C)30#'; Y! N)

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