Written Com (6 10)

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Topic 6 Short Forms of Written Communication

6.1 E-mails
Electronic mail and is a method of composing, sending and
receiving messages over electronic communication systems.
Electronic mail has evolved from only able to send short
messages to can be used to send messages and data thatcan
range from pictures to animation to programmes
Kinds of e-mails:
1) Personal e-mail;
) !egitimate business e-mail;
") #ubscription $approved by recipient);
%) &n'no(ingly approved by recipient;
)) #pamming not approved by recipient; and
*) +irus mail $sent by infected systems).
&pdate and protect your systems (ith the latest virus
programmes to assured that e-mails are clean and free from any
6.1.1 Selecting and Narrowing Topics
#elect one topic per e-mail.
,o one thing at a time.
-ot to compress everything into one e- mail. .rite three
separate ones (ith three different titles.
Easy for
/our reader or his secretary can read each mail and categorise
them according to his0her o(n system and priority of tas's to be
6.1.2 To ead! epl"! Forward and #elete E-mail
$a% To ead - clic' on the message sub1ect.
$&% To epl"
1. 2lic' on the message sub1ect then clic' reply
. 3eplying message screen appear and you can (rite bac' to
the sender of the message.
reply all
1. 4o send a reply to the original recipients of the message.
. &seful tool for group communication.
$c% To Forward
1. 2lic' on the message sub1ect then clic' for(ard
. 4his (ill ta'e you to a for(ard
5essage screen and you can for(ard the message
to one or more people.
$d% To #elete
2lic' delete button to delete one message a time
(hen they are open.
2lic' chec' bo6 in bo6 vie( to delete a selection of
messages and then clic' delete
,eleted e-mail$s) (ill be transferred from inbo6 to
your trash folder
6.1.' E(aluating and )a*ing Notes from Sources
of +nformation
4o ensure that your material is relevant and your
sources are ac'no(ledged.
7or(arding e-mails is great for 'eeping in contact (ith
friends and relatives
-ot good in the business conte6t because they may
clutter your recipients inbo6, and this gives him0her
more (or' to do to clear his0her inbo6. $(asting your
reader8s time )
1. 9et message to the reader:uic'ly
. 4hey are cheap
". 4hey can carry massive amounts of information
%. /ou can send a single piece of information to
several different people at once
). 4hey are easy to store
6. Enable you to contact your clients or business
contacts easily
6.2 )emorandum and E-ecuti(e Summaries
The memorandum ; communication in appropriate language that you send
to people (ho (or' (ith you$your colleagues, bosses,
(or'ers and everyone else in your organisation
,ppropriate language ; language that suits the purpose and conte6t
you are (or'ing in.
.asic ,ppropriate language
/se 0ender-neutral
9ender specific actor, actress, chairman 2hair(oman, and some terms of references that are the
same mr and mrs.
4ry to use language that does not differentiate or discriminate bet(een the se6es
/se Slang-free
#lang is a local variation of a language
.or'ing in a company consisting of a multinational (or'force - avoid using too much 5anglish
Ringkasan Nota Modul daripada FKC Kumpulan 3 (2009) 1
4ry to use the standard adopted by our school system (hen (rite memos
Formal Tone
1. Firstl"! courteous to fello( (or'ers for able to be sincerely courteous to people outside your
. Secondl", memo is a record of the communication (ith fello( (or'ers for us in future to refer to this
piece of (riting, and bring it up in a meeting or report. $avoid embarrassment)
". Thirdl", get support and approval from people in organisation, impressing the people in your
organisation (ith proofread your memos for style, mechanics and content before send them. $-ever
send embarrassing memos to create a positive image (ith your colleague)
Feed&ac* #hare drafts (ith your colleagues and get their comments to improve your (riting
#ure that they (ill understand (hat you (ish to convey
<elps your colleagues as (riting is not an easy thing to do for many people and often an also helping
each other to start
5a'e yourself important to your colleagues, because provided them (ith reference or a source of
valuable information
Format not need an address,but to 'no( (here the memo is from
indicate your department position and pro1ect code (hen sending memos to people outside your
E-ecuti(e Summaries
1) 4o provide a condensed version of the content of a longer report.
) =re (ritten for someone (ho most li'ely ,>E# ->4 have time
to read the original.
") ?e called an abstract (hen it accompanies a scholarly
%) =n abstract is a shortened form of a (or' that retains the general
sense and unity of the original.
)) =n abstract is basically a miniature version of the original and it
loo's li'e the original.
6% ,n e-ecuti(e summar" let the reader in on
.hat the real significance of the report is
.hat is the reader e6pected to respond to@
4he reader is a decision - ma'er (ho (ill have the
responsibility of deciding on some issue$s) related to the
4% The e-ecuti(e summar"
5ust not longer than 1AB of the original document. 2an be 1-
1A pages depending on the length of the report.
4hey are self- contained, stand-alone documents.
=ccuracy is essential because decisions made by people
based summary and (ho have not read the original
$a% Functions of an E-ecuti(e Summar"
9ives readers essential contents of document in 1-1A pages.
Previe(s the main points to enable readers to build a mental
frame(or' for organising and understanding the detailed
<elps readers determine the 'ey results and recommendations
$&% 2rocesses of Writing an E-ecuti(e Summar"
.rite after research is finished. 4ry to:
1) Scan research to determine content, structure and length
of report
) 5ighlight 'ey points; determine purpose0central theme of
the report.
") e(iew research and determine (hat the 'ey ideas or
%) 0roup ideas in a logical fashion and prepare a point-
form outline of the summary.
)) Edit the outline to eliminate secondary or minor points
$'eep the summary concise)
*) #etermine subtitles, bullets, selective bolding of
organisational structure to the clarity to summary.
C) Write the summary in your o(n (ords, using
professional style.
D) ead aloud or record yourself reading your summary.
$c% Elements of an E-ecuti(e Summar"
/ou should choose the elements depend on the
1) Purpose and nature of your document purpose and
scope of document
) 5ethods
") 3esults
%) 2onclusion
)) 3ecommendations
*) >ther supportive information
Ringkasan Nota Modul daripada FKC Kumpulan 3 (2009) 2
Topic 4 2ersuasi(e Writing
4.2 T"pe of 2ersuasi(e Writing
(hen the (riter
asserts a certain
opinion to the
state the problem or
controversy and
may appear clearly
and succinctly.
e6pressed in the
thesis statement
(riter does not
e6aggerate or
distort the
opponent8s vie(
do not defend the
opposing side but
fairly and
reasonably state
(hat these vie(s
presents the evidence
for the assertion
using a series of facts,
e6amples, instances
and observations to
support the argument
restatement of the
Element for good ,rguments
$a% Element Evidence
En order to convince the reader to agree (ith you. /ou must
ensure that your evidence is convincing F satisfy the follo(ing
Enough evidence@
4he evidence trust(orthy@ 3eliable@
Enformed, valid sources@
Evidence verifiable@
$.% Element Appeal To Authority
4o clear the uneasiness authoritative, (e must consider the
follo(ing elements. 4hey are:
easons for and 2urposes of 2ersuasi(e Writing
1) 4o influence or change an audience8s thoughts or actions.
) .ant people to believe us, remember (hat (e have (ritten
and (ill ta'e the necessary action based on our (ritten (or'.
T"pes of easoning 2rocesses
begins (ith a general principle or premise and
dra(s a specific conclusion from it.
supports a general conclusion by e6amining
specific facts or cases.
4he process itself
,ppeal to eason
argument is an appeal to person8s sense of
its a measured, logical (ay of trying to
persuade others to agree (ith you
choose one side of an issue clearly in an
effort to persuade others
,ppeal to Emotion
evo'ing emotion in our reader is to use
vivid images.
,ppeal to 0ood 2ersonalit"3Character
4he appeal to our good behaviour or our ethics
can occur at one or more of the follo(ing levels
in any argument:
=re you a reasonable person@ $=re you
(illing to listen, compromise and concede
Ringkasan Nota Modul daripada FKC Kumpulan 3 (2009) 3
Evidence must
sufficient, trustworthy
and can be verified
,o people :uestion your authority on a particular sub1ect@
Es your e6pert opinion current or up to date@
,o your peers accept and respect your opinion@
Es your e6pert advice free of bias@
$C% Element Improper Evaluation Of Statistics
&se them ethically, accurately F as ob1ective as possible.
<ave samples (hich are pool representative and unbiased.
<ave statistics accurately tabulated and see that the
statistics are not ta'en out of conte6t
2an someone reason (ith you@ $=re you
ready to listen@)
=re you authoritative@ $,o you have the
mandate or po(er to stand by your
=re you an ethical0moral person@
=re you concerned for the (ell-being of
your audience@ $,o you have them at
4.2 2ersuasi(e Strategies
2ossi&le persuasi(e strategies include6
1. Emphasising eaders
e6plains to readers ho( they (ill benefit from performing the action0ta'ing the position0purchasing
the product recommended
readers are members of organisation, stress organisational ob1ectives and gro(th needs
2. ,ddressing eaders
predict (hat thereaders responses.
to counteract any negative thoughts or arguments that arise in readers minds.
'. Showing Sound
(riter needs to persuade readers that the decisions or actions recommended (ill actually bring
about benefits and e6plain (hy
7. 2resenting elia&le
o readers are (illing to accept 3eliable evidence depending on the field.
o = (riter needs to use common sense to determine (hat type of evidence is needed.
4.' The easoning 2rocess $ 2 &asic t"pes or reasoning processes6 deduction and induction refer to 4.2 %
En order to have confidence in the (riter, readers must understand the:
$a% Writer8s Claim 4he claim is the position the (riter (ants readers to accept.
$&% E(idence 4he evidence consists of observations, facts and other information provided in support of the claim.
$c% 1ine of easoning
4he line of reasoning is the connecting lin' bet(een the claim and the evidence the reasons given
for believing that the evidence proves the claim.
4.7 #irect and +ndirect 2atterns of 9rganisation
$a% 9rganising to Create a 2ositi(e esponse
carefully choose the organisational pattern (hich best
suits your purpose.
Ensure that all the parts of your persuasive piece fit
together tightly.
$&% #irect 2attern 9rganisation
o En a direct pattern of organisation, the (riter8s main
point is started first.
o Evidence and other related information are given
o 4he direct organisational pattern (or's (ell (hen
the reader8s initial response is all important
you recommend a course of action or presenting
an analysis (hich you e6pect your readers to vie(
$c% +ndirect 2attern of 9rganisation
Endirect pattern of organisation postpones the bottom-
line statement until all the evidence and related
information have been presented.
/ou first discuss the situation, then ma'e your
recommendations after presenting your arguments.
4he (riter can prepare readers for the
recommendations about to be made
Endirect pattern is particularly useful (hen you convey
information (hich your readers might vie( as
4he indirect pattern avoids of inciting the readerGs
initial negative reactions.
Et can frustrate the reader (ho (ants to 'no( the
abottom line first.
4.: ;oice and Credi&ilit"
Ringkasan Nota Modul daripada FKC Kumpulan 3 (2009) 4
.e a credi&le and can &e trusted writer
1) Consider the easoning 2rocess and T"pes of easoning - to thin' and consider ho( he reasons out his (riting
2% Choosing an ,ppropriate ;oice
'% Esta&lishing Credi&ilit"
?elief your readers have regarding (hether you are a good source of information and ideas
.hen people believe "ou are credi&le, they are more li'ely to accept the things you say.
Ef people do not find "ou credi&le, they ma" refuse to consider your ideas seriously
Topic < Writing and 2resenting 2roposals
<.1 #efinitions of Terms6 2roposals and Feasi&ilit" Studies
Proposals are informative and persuasive (riting because they attempt to educate the reader and to convince that
reader to do something.
a research proposal should contain all the 'ey elements involved in the research process and include sufficient
information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study.
,ll research proposals must address the following
1. .hat do you (ant to do@
. .hat do you plan to accomplish@
". .hy do you (ant to do it@
%. <o( are you going to do it@
). .hat is the sub1ect of the proposal@
*. 7or (hom the proposal intended@
The 0ood proposal should
1) have sufficient information to convince your readers to
research idea, good grasp of the relevant literature and
ma1or issues and methodology is sound.
) 4he :uality of your research proposal depends on the
:uality of proposed pro1ect and proposal (riting.
<.2 Writing a 2roposal
&% ecognition of Critical Factors in 2roposal
= clearly outlined evaluation process can help to
clarify goals, define ob1ectives and refine
procedures during the initial development of the
Evaluation serves a number of useful purposes
=ssessment assists everyone in understanding
(hat made the pro1ect successful and (hy and
(hat hindered its success.
=s' a fe( :uestions yourself
c% 2ro&lems in 2roposal Writing and 0etting a
2roposal Together
1. Problem to get the right title
Wea* title: Emproving English Education in Primary #chools
.etter title: Ennovative Enstructional 5aterials to Emprove
English Education in Primary #chools
. Problems 'eep on cropping up
". 4ough time in organising documents
%. .hat should or should not be included.
). 2annot organise their material in a logical (ay.
Ringkasan Nota Modul daripada FKC Kumpulan 3 (2009) 5
<.' 2roposal Writing to Fit the Needs of
9rganisation or Clients
a% )ain Concerns of 2roposal Writing
people (ho (ill carry out the (or' of the proposal (ho
could be your tutor or supervisor
the supervisor or (hoever you are dealing (ith is
reputable and (ill be able to fulfill that contract the
people in the institution submitting the proposal
)a>or points that a researcher has to address.
1) The filtration process for (riting a thesis proposal.
) Keep on filtering, redefine "our title and content
so that it becomes a doable pro1ect.
") Tal* to "ourself H 'eep on selling your ideas to
your friends or supervisor. 4al'ing assists in
clarifying your ideas.
%) Write a &rief note about your idea in one or t(o
pages, especially on your area of interest. 4ry to
read through and put it aside for a moment $as if to
forget about it), come bac' to it and thin' (hether
you have done a good 1ob.
)) ?eep on reading H spend time in the library, read
through various te6ts and
*) ,ttend to "our areas of interest. 4a'e notes
$never forget to reference the te6ts).
C) 5ull through the write-up because you might find
some things to change.
D) #iscipline, (hich is sorting out the various topics
so that they are in order.
I) eferencing so that you ac'no(ledge other
people8s (or'.
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<.7 +nformal and Formal 2roposals
= formal proposal is usually submitted by or through an
organisation such as a school, college, university, non-profit
organisation or museum to an organisation such as a
foundation, funding agency or corporation.
= proposal often begins (ith a person acting upon a
(holehearted desire to fulfill a need, to do something for one8s
o(n benefit and for the benefit of others.
5otivated by deep personal convictions, people e6periencing
this strong desire often recognise that solving a pressing
problem, performing critically important research or achieving a
particular goal, can ma'e the (orld a better place.
4he researcher (ill go all out and is (illing to devote his or her
personal time and energy to satisfy this burning desire.
<.7.1 Nature of Formal3+nformal 2roposal $#ifferentiate%
Formal 2roposal +nformal 2roposal
1. to be (ritten in a formal
business-li'e manner
. means you have your to
right and clear
". present it to the board
or to (hoever it is for
%. from the beginning, to
the methods and the
1. (ritten neatly and structured li'e the
formal one, it may be done on a smaller
scale and normally carries less (eight
compared (ith a formal proposal
. it consumes almost the same amount of
". the informal proposal is prepared not to
see' funding or for an academic degree
%. done to underta'e a small research
pro1ect on something
). can be completed sooner than a formal
<.7.2 .usiness 2roposal
Proposal (riting is a lengthy process and costs time and money
every time you are not a(arded the contract0tender
Et ta'es researchers a long time to set up
Present business proposal in (ell laid-out, loo's highly
professional and is compelling
!ay out specific terms (ithin the la( to prevent being ta'en for a
.ith the right proposal, you (ill be assured of (inning the
?usiness proposals are developed for t(o possible reasons $June
2ampbell, AA)
1. = business company has
called for tenders or has
invited you to submit an 37P
$e=uest for 2roposal%.
/our proposal must stand
out among possibly doKens
of submissions.
9oal is to be shortlisted
. @ou ha(e an idea! concept
or pro>ect that you (ant to
propose to someone (ith the
goal of gaining support,
funding or an alliance.
-o competitive bidding
5a'e a favourable
impression and e6plain all
aspects of your proposed
concept clearly and :uic'ly.
.usiness proposal guidelines
#trive to communicate
not to impress
Error free
Print and bind
+isual elements
4itle page
?e politically correct
Jargon free
<.: Funding of 2roposals
Enternal funding from his0her o(n employer
Ef done outside one8s institution, he0she has to loo' for e6ternal
#ponsorship0funding may come from
>nes o(n employer
?usiness establishment
5ultinational companie
E6ternal sources $such as ford foundation, roc'efeller
foundation or other reno(ned sponsors)
<.6 Feasi&ilit" Studies ,nd eports
feasi&ilit" means Feasi&ilit"8s ' parts meaning
capable of being done
e!ecuted or effected
1. 4he degree to given alternative
mode, management strategy,
design or location is economically
capable of being
managed utilised or
dealt "it# successfull$
. 4he degree to an alternative is
considered preferable from an
environmental or social perspective.
reasonable likel$ ". 4he degree to construction and
operation of such an alternative can
be financed and managed
$a% There are two general t"pes of feasi&ilit" stud" reports
1. +nterim reports document findings and if appropriate,
general interest reports made during the course of feasibility
. Final reports should contain an e6ecutive summary or
should briefly define the study approach, briefly summarise
the types of analysis methods used, summarise the results
and state a conclusion
$&% 2ro&lems in feasi&ilit" report
1. .rite a good introduction L situation, audience, overvie(
. #tate re:uirements - factors that influence the decision
". Endicate ho( option being compared
%. >rganise the comparison - using the point-by-point approach
). state the best choice of each comparative section
*. include a 'ey data summary in table form and provide
technical bac'ground
C. ,iscuss the bac'ground of the problem or opportunity
D. Enclude sections of definitions, descriptions
I. Enclude a conclusion section
1A. Enclude a recommendation section
<.6.1 What is a Feasi&ilit" Stud"
1. ,esigned to pro(ide an o(er(iew of the primary issues related to a business idea
. To identif" any ma'e or brea' issues that (ould prevent your business from being successful in the mar'etplace
". ?e considered a &rief formal anal"sis of a prospecti(e &usiness idea
%. To gi(e the entrepreneur a clear e(aluation of the potential for sales and profit of a particular idea
). 2ro(ides a lot of information necessary for a business plan
6. , feasi&ilit" stud" loo*s at three ma>or areas
)ar*et +ssues 9rganisational3Technical +ssues Financial +ssues
5ar'et analysis begins by
1..hat precisely is the
.4he more specific you
can be, the better it is.
".Es the mar'et gro(ing,
shrin'ing or staying the
%.Es it (orth your (hile@
).Es the mar'et enough to
ma'e it (orth the time@
?e" =uestions to answer include6
1. .hat organisational structure is right for your pro1ect@
. .ho (ill manage the business@
". .hat :ualifications needed to manage business@
%. .ho (ill sit on the board of directors@ .hat are their
4he cost and availability of technology may be of critical
importance to the feasibility of a pro1ect
?e" issues to answer include6
1. .hat technology needed@
. .hat other e:uipment needed@
". .here to obtain this technology F e:uipment@
%. .hen can ac:uire it@
). <o( much e:uipment F technology cost@
4hird and final step of a feasibility analysis is to ta'e a
loo' at 'ey financial issues.
2osts incurred at start of ne( business
>ngoing costs, such as rent, utilities,
<o( (ill you price goods and services@
Source of
-eed to borro( money
.ill the business bring enough revenue@
.ill it brea' even, lose money or ma'e a
<.6.2 .enefits of Feasi&ilit" Studies
?enefit cost analysis developed during a feasibility
study may (ell attract more attention and produce
more controversy than any other product of the study.
?enefit cost analysis is generally considered the most
ob1ective and credible product of such studies.
Emplementing feasibility studies can:
1. 5ap out for lenders your proposalMs strengths
and potential.
. 3ealistically analyse the impact of e6pansion.
". #ho( you the pros and cons
%. =nalyse the business data.
<.6.' The Feasi&ilit" Stud"
Topic A The Fundamentals of Writing , esearch 2aper
Ringkasan Nota Modul daripada FKC Kumpulan 3 (2009) 9
A.1 esearching for a 2aper
esearch 2apers #ocumented Essa"s
#tudents search for and use outside
sources to support their main argument.
#ources are cited (ithin the paper
Publication information about each
source or reference is included at the
end of the paper in a a (or's NcitedO
#tudent uses :uotes
from one or more
sources that he or
she has read in a
A.2 What is a esearch 2aper
1. ,n e-tended essa" that summarises information about a
particular sub1ect in order to prove a point.
. , sustained in=uir" about a particular sub1ect
". 3esearch paper not an BenglishC assignment
%. , tool for the student to use as he e6plores one of the
content areas of the curriculum something he is
interested in.
A.' Choosing a Topic
3ead the assignment very carefully and select a topic or a
thesis that fits (ithin the assignment
2hoose topic that you are interested F capable of ade:uately
pursuing in the space you have
=void topics that too broad or too narro(.
?etter to do something more narro(ly focused
?e" feature of successful research.
@ou need to choose a topic that
1. 7ulfills the course re:uirements; and
. Es doable.
". <as available resources in the library or on the internet
Es not too e6tensive and, in actuality, is several topics in one, so
that it is manageable in the time available
P =s' Question
(%) #a&e a strong opinion' (2) read a ne"spaper article t#at tested $our curiosit$'
(3) #a&e a personal issue problem' (() #a&e a researc# paper due in a class t#is current'
()) *s t#ere an aspect of one of $our courses t#at $ou are interested in learning about more'
P.rite do(n any (ords or phrases that may be of interest to you.
P?e a(are of certain overused topic ideas.
P3ead a general encyclopedia article on the top t(o or three topics you are
1imit a topicPgeograp#ic region+culturetime frame discipline and population group,
Topic more difficult if itPlocall$ confined recent broadl$ interdisciplinar$ - popular
+f uncertainties Pdiscuss topic "it# $our tutor.instructor - librarian,
Keep trac' of the (ords that are used to describe your topic.
(ords that best describe your topic.
synonyms, broader and narro(er terms to e6pand your search capabilities.
Keep a list of these (ords
Pmodify research topic during the research process.
Pdevelop a more focused interest in an aspect of something relating to that (ord and then
begin to have :uestions about the topic
P&se the 'ey (ords, need some research and reading before you select your final topic
.rite your topic as a thesis statement.
,evelopment of a thesis assumes is sufficient evidence to support the thesis statement.
4he title should clearly convey the focus, purpose and meaning of your research.
P3emember to discuss and follo( any specific instructions from your instructor.
A.7 esearch and ,nal"sis
1. 3eason D to pro(ide e(idence to pro(e "our thesis.
Ringkasan Nota Modul daripada FKC Kumpulan 3 (2009) 10
)ethodolog" include laboratory research, surveys, close te6tual analysis and
psychoanalytic search.
. .ays to research or analyse ; methodolog"
'. esearch
Enclude loo'ing up other research on the same or similar
4o find out (hat other people have said about it.
2an help you prove your thesis, clarify your methodology
or even find contrary opinions you need to disprove
esearch Suggestions.
#tart >ut by 3eading a 9eneral #tudy or 4(o on /our #ub1ect
4reat 3esearch !i'e a ,etective #tory
!oo' at the 5ost 3ecent ?oo's and Journal =rticles 7irst
Photocopy Emportant 5aterial
A.: esearch Sources
1% eference Wor*s
materials in the reference room are valuable resources for
beginning to
structure the basic outline or your topic. !anguage
encyclopedias and
dictionaries are one of the many resources
2% .oo*s
>&5 +irtual #ystem $+!#) <eadings for (ays to cross-
reference your search for boo's
'% Scholarl" Eournal ,rticles
sources of ne( information and analysis
7% 0o(ernment 2u&lications
a report of a government agency, hearing or reports of a
parliamentary committee, the P=2 $Public =ccounts
2ommittee), the transcript of the proceedings of
Parliament or a document from a government printer
:% News magaFines and Newspapers
not good sources of analysis
chec' (ith tutor to ensure that these are considered acceptable
6% World Wide We& $WWW% Electronic
9overnment bureaucracies.
-et(or' government resources.
5alaysian government lin's.
Encluded data references:
=uthor of the (eb page;
,ate of the (eb page;
4itle of the (eb page; and complete url.
4% )iscellaneous Sources
3eferences to sources that are not found in your library
<% E-ternal Sources
2onduct an intervie( (ith a decision-ma'er or some other
relevant person
A% Thesis Statement
, thesis statement in an essay is a sentence that e6plicitly
identifies the purpose of the paper or previe(s its main ideas.
important to lets the reader 'no(:
4here is one main point rather than several main points;
/our position on a particular issue
.hat e6actly you are trying to prove or substantiate.
The supporting paragraphs should all (or' to support the
thesis statement. Ets can
2larify your position on an issue;
Provide 'ey definitions related to the topic;
,iscuss the Nho(O and N(hyO aspect of the thesis statement
,iscuss patterns or inconsistencies in development.
Thesis Statement6
1) 5a'es an argumentative assertion about a topic;
) #tates the conclusions that you have reached about your
") 5a'es a promise to the reader about the scope, purpose and
direction of your paper;
%) Es focused and specific enough to be proved (ithin the
boundaries of your paper;
)) Es generally located at the end of the introduction;
*) Es e6pressed in several sentences or in an entire paragraph;
C) Edentifies the relationships bet(een the pieces of evidence
that you are using to support your argument
1G% 9utlining and 9rganisation
Entroduction establish your topic and state your thesis;
5ove to the body of paper in a clear, logical manner
Prove your thesis, step by step and convince your reader
End (ith a conclusion
11% ,rgument
convince your.
organise your thoughts, logically and provide evidence
!oo' for gaps in your o(n argument and try to fill those in
=void errors in reasoning $stereotypes, invalid assumptions,
hasty generalisations or appeals to the emotions)
12% Writing
1) -ot to (rite in a collo:uial style unless it is necessary;
) =void lots of choppy short sentences and paragraphs
") Each paragraph has a central idea and that paragraphs are
%) 2learly connected
)) =void using the same (ords repeatedly
*) ,ouble chec' your paper for grammatical, punctuation, spelling and other errors
Ringkasan Nota Modul daripada FKC Kumpulan 3 (2009) 11
1'% Citation
a) 4o Gcite8 is to point to evidence, authority or proof.
b) need to collect and assemble details of (here your
information came from and note this in your te6t.
c) 2iting to protect ourselves against charges of plagiarism.
Et is also vital to:
prove that our (or' has a substantial, factual basis;
sho( the research (e have done reaches our conclusions
allo( our readers to identify and retrieve the references for
their o(n use.
d% There are two main st"les of citing
<arvard Es a type of author-date style;
3e:uires only the name of the author$s)
and the year of publication $(ith no
punctuation bet(een the t(o items)
3e:uires citations to be placed at the end
of a sentence $before the concluding
adnin $1IIA: )*%) has argued thatR
+ancouver = footnote0endnote style
3eferences are numbered in the order in
(hich they are cited in the te6t.
e% For Notes! Footnotes and Endnotes
5a'e your argument coherent and sound
#ince they provide the reader (ith the sources0evidence
to bac' your argument.
Endicating thoughts and ideas of a secondary nature.
E6plain or to ma'e a comment on something
7ootnotes$little notes) found on the same page
Endnotes $little longer notes ) found on bac' pages
f% For .i&liograph"
presents them in a (ay that permits a prospective reader to
see ho( you did your research
,uthor $9ne 9nl"%3 Title 32lace 2u&lished Compan"3@ear.
17% 2resentation
a) (riting it clearly sentences
b) need also be clear and concise
c) chec'ed for synta6, punctuation and style.
d) paragraphs and sentences should flo( easily paper is
cleanly typed or printed (ithout any missing pages or errors
e) figures or illustrations are clearly labelled.
A.6 1oo*ing for a 2aper
1. 5eans that you as a (riter have to do some &ac*ground
reading, thin' hard and spea' (ith your tutor or instructor in
order to identify a good topic.
. ?egin by reading in the field
". 3ead a fe( boo's or articles on topics you find of interest.
%. 7ollo( up by reading on the course syllabus or the footnotes
or bibliographies of the te6ts you are reading for the course.
). #pea' to your tutor or instructor about some of your general
ideas and the possible research directions you are thin'ing
about pursuing.
T"pical Structure
1) #tart (ith a paragraph that summarises the 'ey results in the
conte6t of the :uestion $s) you as'ed in the introduction
) 2ompare and contrast (ith others in the literature.
") !ist the limitations might resolve them.
%) ,iscuss implications in other fields such as culture and
)) <ypothesise and speculate on the data. $provide a model)

A.4 1oo*ing for )aterials
5aterials for research can be divided into three categories:
$a) ?ac'ground Enformation - brief and to the point that a
summary either:
E6plains (hy the topic that you chose is significant
Provides a brief history of your chosen topic.
$b) #upporting Enformation
,rive your argument for(ard.
+alidates your opinion.$more believable and plausible)
$c) >pposing Enformation
Ets useful to strengthen your position on an issue.
Enclude opposing information
&seful tactic to persuade the reader to ta'e your side.
A.< The Craft of Note-Ta*ing
>ne note card should be used for each ma1or point
Enformation incidentbe (ritten in a corner of the note card
$name of boo' or article, place and year published and
published company.
process of note-ta'ing.
$a% E-amine the .oo*s and ,rticles
#'im sources, locating useful material, then ma'e good
notes of it,. $icluding :uotes F nformation for footnotes. )
5a'e these notes on separate cards for each author.
$&% Ta*e Care in Note-ta*ing
?e accurate and honest.$not distort the author8s
do not (ant to collect only those things that (ill support
your thesis (hile ignoring other facts or opinions.
$c% 0et the ight ?ind of )aterial
9et facts, not 1ust opinions.
2ompare the facts (ith the author8s: deas
opinions,/eliberations,0uotations,Closure conclusions.
Ringkasan Nota Modul daripada FKC Kumpulan 3 (2009) 12
A.<.1 5ow to Ta*e esearch Notes
1) Write down all the &i&liographical information $author8s name, publisher,
date F place of publication) on a "-by-) inde6 card Nsource cardO
) Num&er all your source cards.
") S*im each source for information on your sub1ect.
%) Write down the information you (ish to note on an
)) Ninformation cardO. $using a direct :uote, a paraphrase)
*) Eot down the page num&er of the source from information card.
C) Num&er each information card to refer bac' to the source.
D) 9rganise "our information cards according to sub1ect matter.
A.A Writing a esearch 2aper
2larity in (riting
?e (ritten in the third person
9ood (riting can be divided into three parts:
effort, style considerations and technical
A.1G 1oo*ing at #ifferent Sets of esearch 2apers

#tep 1 2hoose a 4opic
#elect a sub1ect you can manage. =void sub1ects that are too technical, learned or specialised, very narro(
range of source materials.
#tep 7ind Enformation
a) evaluate (eb sites critically and to search effectively on the Enternet
b) &se #earch Engines to search in the -et for general or bac'ground information, chec' out useful &3!s,
general information online, almanacs or encyclopedias online
c) chec' out materials available in your o(n universityEs library or in other libraries
d) 1ot do(n full bibliographical information
#tep " #tate /our 4hesis
,o some critical thin'ing and (rite your thesis statement in one sentence.
#tep % 5a'e a 4entative
E-43>,&24E>-, a ?>,/ and a 2>-2!&#E>-
#tep ) >rganise /our
a) >rganise according to your outline and critically analyse your research data
b) 2hec' for accuracy and verify that the information is factual, up to date and correct
c) Effectively communicate your thoughts, ideas, insights and research findings to others through (ritten
(ords or through spo'en (ords as in an oral or multimedia presentation (ith audio-visual aids.
d) Jot do(n detailed bibliographical information for each cited paragraph and have it ready to transfer to your
(ord cited page.
#tep * .rite /our 7irst
a) &se a techni:ue that suits you to #ummarise, paraphrase or :uote directly for each idea you plan to use in
your paper.
b) Put all your note cards or paper in order of your outline
c) (ell-organised research paper completed e6actly as outlined
#tep C 3evise /our
>utline and ,raft
a) 3ead your paper for any errors in content.
b) =rrange and rearrange ideas to follo( your outline.
c) 3eorganise your outline if necessary, but al(ays 'eep the purpose of your paper and your readers in mind.
d) 3e-read your paper for grammatical errors
e) 2orrect all spoted errors and improve the overall :uality of the paper.
f) 9et someone else to read it over
#tep D 4ype 7inal Paper
a) be type-(ritten using a (ord processor or in a rare case, a type(riter
b) 3ead the assignment sheet again
c) Proof read your final paper carefully for spelling, punctuation, missing or duplicated (ords
d) ensure that your final paper is clean, tidy, neat and attractive.
Ringkasan Nota Modul daripada FKC Kumpulan 3 (2009) 13
Steps to Ensure a 0ood esearch 2aper
A.11 Writing @our esearch 2aper in Four Steps
Step 1 Select a 2aper Topic 4opic (hich is of interest to you
2onsult your course instructor or tutor you are (riting the paper for before you see the advisor.
Step 2 1ocate ele(ant ,cademic
,eepen the understanding of your chosen topic
3evie(ing the e6isting literature
Step ' )a*e an ,rgument >rganise your thoughts, present them logically and provide evidence to bac' them up.
?e detailed and cite sources and specific things you have found to clearly ground your argument
=nticipate counter- arguments or counter-evidence and to argue against those in your paper
=void errors in generalisations or appeals to emotions.
Step 7 Support @our ,rgument with
9ood argument is only as good as the evidence that supports it
!ibrary research advisor can assist you
E6amples of evidence to support an argument ; transcripts of intervie(s and speeches by
!egislative acts, court decisions, internal memos and other official documents
A.12 eferencing and Editing
#ho( evidence of (hat an author has said;
=void misrepresentation through restatement
#ave unnecessary (riting (hen ideas have been (ell-
e6pressed by the original author
1) Editing is the process of refining a piece of (riting so that
it suits a particular purpose. Et gets your document ready
to do its 1ob $?andy, AA%).
) 4o reveal hidden mista'es and (ill ensure that your best
possible (or' is being submitted.
") 7ind and eliminate all common mista'es from the
document as previously stated
%) Proper editing cures inconsistent statements, ambiguities,
poorly (ritten sentences and (ea' (ord choices.
Three t"pes of editing6
1. Su&stanti(e Editing- deal primarily (ith the content and
message of the copy.
. St"listic Editing - focuses on matters specifically related to
the actual (riting, such as clarity, flo(, sentence length and
(ord selection.
". Cop"editing - focus on grammar, internal inconsistencies,
headline (riting and spelling.
,ccording to .and"! once "ou ha(e finished writing the
document! "ou can ta*e the following steps:
1) 3un spell-chec'.
) !et it rest, then read for sense and tone.
") 3eread bac'(ards for the follo(ing common mista'es $invalid
sentences, non-parallel constructions, bad apostrophes and
(rong (ords).
%) 3un spell-chec' again
Topic 1G Writing Colla&orati(el"
1G.1 Stages in Colla&orati(e Writing $Three stages%
!earners are engaged in preliminary discussions of
ideas and approaches using
Note sharing
?rainstorm about the topics first then trade notes
and materials (ith the others
2reliminar" de&ating
Prepare a debate0idea on a topic
9roup members gather support for their positions,
(hich then becomes shared materials for papers.
Three models
Chun* mode - divides the (riting of a pro1ect into
9ood everyone involved
?ad-result in an incoherent paper
.lended model-learners be present in the same place
and discuss every aspect of the paper
Compiler model-each group member does the (hole
assignment, final best product be selected to create the
final draft.
9roup members have to revise the paper
1) 4he group members can revise one anotherGs
) 4he best (riter of the group can become the chief
editor of the draft.
") >ther group members can give comments or
,ndrew .ooth $2GG2% di(ides colla&oration into two t"pes
Ringkasan Nota Modul daripada FKC Kumpulan 3 (2009) 14
1G.2 Team Communication
Effective (riting teams 'no( (hat they intend to accomplish.
4hey 'no( their responsibilities, resources, strengths and
(ea'nesses and 'no( ho( to communicate (ell.
?ut such problems can include:
1) unsatisfactory negotiations;
) non-ac'no(ledgement of ideas0opinions;
") over-Kealous editing;
%) missed deadlines0non-delivery; and
)) non-understanding of sub1ect matter
1G.' Team .uilding
Practising democracy is another aspect of team building.
Every member needs to be given the chance to spea' and
respect must be sho(n for each person8s ideas or opinions.
5ore creative energy as (ell as better :uality product (ill
emerge as a result of team- (or'.
#tudents (or'ing as a team (ill ma6imise use of resources
and improve their profile.
1G.7 ,nal"sis of Tas*
4he group must analyse the tas' to be done so that each
member has the same interpretation.
4hey must consider the ma1or :uestions to be ans(ered
concerning the (riting pro1ect.
1G.: )anagement of Time3Writing3#ocuments
# Time - deadlines affect group (riting tas's constantly
# Writing - bulletin board to sho( the (riting cpmpleting
progress, using a type of story-board format to post sections
of the (or' Etself.
# #ocument - an outline of the steps that (ill occur in the
(riting process
.hen all done, they must ma'e decisions
1% 0roup (ersus +ndi(idual Wor*
decide activities to be done by group and by individual group
2% E=ui(alenc" of a Tas*
Each group member have an e:ual amount of (or'
complete the 1ob as :uic'ly as possible and (ill ensure
'% .est /se of +ndi(idual S*ills
5atch up individual s'ills (ith a 1ob that utilises those s'ills.
Ef group members are comfortable (ith each other, they (ill be
less hesitant to state their o(n strengths and (ea'nesses.
1G.6 )anaging Colla&orati(e Writing 2ro>ects
1G.4 2ractice in Writing Step-."-Step
# ,evelop a style and format guide at the very beginning of the
(riting pro1ect.
# :uestions to consider
1) .hat style guide@ .hich spelling conventions@
) .hat siKe for font type, margins and headings @
") .ill abbreviations be allo(ed and (hich ones@
%) .hich technical terms necessary to define@
)) .ill processes be e6plained in point form or paragraph
Ringkasan Nota Modul daripada FKC Kumpulan 3 (2009) 15
1G.< Conflict )anagement
9roups need to face these conflicts (ith patience,
understanding and respond to them directly
4a'e steps to resolve the conflict as soon as they become
a(are that it e6ists
7ind the source of the problem
.hat is the issue
.here did it come from
.ho started it
1G.A Colla&orati(e Writing 2ractice
9roup members need to 'no( (hat they are supposed to do
follo(ing is an e6ample of a group pro1ect
9et students to (or' as a team to brainstorm, research,
outline, draft and revise the material (hich (ill be submitted
to the tourism board
1G.1G 2reparing )anuals and 9ther Forms of
Team Writing
# 9uidelines in the manual should be clear, straightfor(ard
and easy to understand
# 9uidelines to be considered (hen preparing a manual:
1) Purpose
) =mount of detail
") <eading
%) 7ormat
)) Enclusion of diagram
*) !evel of language
C) &ser friendliness
D) >ther appriopriate consideration
1G.12 Writing as a 0roup
.riting collaboratively tends to ta'e a bit more time than
(riting alone.
Each (riter might have different ideas on (hat to (rite, ho(
to (rite and ho( much to (rite.
9roup should lay out a detailed series of deadlines and
dates for meeting in order to eliminate as much of the last-
minute rush as possible.
2ollaborative (riting also has the potential to be far superior
to individual (riting, because
4he (ea'nesses and inade:uacies of individuals are
chec'ed upon by one another
4he strengths of the individuals are pooled together.
Tips for
Ringkasan Nota Modul daripada FKC Kumpulan 3 (2009) 16

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