ASTER GDEM Readme File - ASTER GDEM Version 1
ASTER GDEM Readme File - ASTER GDEM Version 1
ASTER GDEM Readme File - ASTER GDEM Version 1
I. Introduction
The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global
Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) was developed jointly by the Ministry of Economy, Trade,
and Industry (METI) of Japan and the United States National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA). The ASTER GDEM was contributed by METI and NASA to the
Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and is available at no charge to users
via electronic download from the Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC)
of Japan and NASAs Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC).
The ASTER instrument was built by METI and launched onboard NASAs Terra spacecraft
in December 1999. It has an along-track stereoscopic capability using its near infrared
spectral band and its nadir-viewing and backward-viewing telescopes to acquire stereo
image data with a base-to-height ratio of 0.6. The spatial resolution is 15 meters (m) in the
horizontal plane. One nadir-looking ASTER visible and near-infrared (VNIR) scene
consists of 4,100 samples by 4,200 lines, corresponding to about 60 kilometers (km)-by-60
km ground area.
The methodology used to produce the ASTER GDEM involved automated processing of the
entire 1.5-million-scene ASTER archive, including stereo-correlation to produce 1,264,118
individual scene-based ASTER DEMs, cloud masking to remove cloudy pixels, stacking all
cloud-screened DEMs, removing residual bad values and outliers, averaging selected data to
create final pixel values, and then correcting residual anomalies before partitioning the data
into 1-by-1 tiles. It took approximately one year to complete production of the beta
version of the ASTER GDEM using a fully automated approach. Version 1 differs only
slightly from the beta version, with the most significant difference being that elevation
anomalies caused by residual clouds have been replaced with -9999 values for those
anomalous values detected on the Eurasian continent north of 60 north latitude.
II. ASTER GDEM Characteristics
A number of characteristics of the ASTER GDEM and its presentation, which are important
to user application of the ASTER GDEM, are presented below.
A. Basic GDEM Characteristics
The ASTER GDEM covers land surfaces between 83N and 83S and is comprised of
22,600 1-by-1 tiles. Tiles that contain at least 0.01% land area are included. The
ASTER GDEM is in GeoTIFF format with geographic lat/long coordinates and a 1 arc-
second (approximately 30 m) grid. It is referenced to the WGS84/EGM96 geoid. Table
1 summarizes the basic characteristics of the ASTER GDEM. Pre-production estimated
(but not guaranteed) accuracies for this global product were 20 m at 95 % confidence for
vertical data and 30 m at 95 % confidence for horizontal data.
Table 1. ASTER GDEM Characteristics
Tile Size 3601 x 3601 (1-by-1)
Posting interval 1 arc-second
Geographic coordinates Geographic latitude and longitude
DEM output format GeoTIFF, signed 16 bits, and 1m/DN
Referenced to the WGS84/EGM96 geoid
Special DN values -9999 for void pixels, and 0 for sea water body
Coverage North 83 to south 83, 22,600 tiles for Version 1
B. GDEM Package
The basic unit of the ASTER GDEM is the 1-by-1 tile. Each GDEM tile container
accommodates two zip-compressed files, a DEM file and a quality assessment (QA) file.
Both files have dimensions of 3601 samples by 3601 lines, corresponding to the 1-by-
1 data area. Each tile container is part of a Unit Directory that accommodates up to a
full array of 5-by-5 tile containers, which each contain the zip-compressed DEM file
and QA file. As implied, the maximum number of tiles in one unit directory is 25.
When ordering ASTER GDEM tiles, however, users may not see the entire GDEM
directory structure. Rather, with current data systems users will select individual zipped
tile containers that include the DEM and QA files (Figure 1).
Figure 1. GDEM file structure.
The names of individual data tiles refer to the latitude and longitude at the geometric
center of the lower-left (southwest) corner pixel. For example, the coordinates of the
lower-left corner of the tile ASTGTM_N00E006 tile are 0 degrees north latitude and 6
degrees east longitude. ASTGTM_N00E006_dem and ASTGTM_N00E006_num files
accommodate DEM and QA data, respectively. The rows at the north and south edges,
as well as the columns at the east and west edges, of each tile overlap and are identical to
the edge row and column in the adjacent tile.
C. QA File Description
The QA file included in the tile container conveys two fundamental pieces of
information: 1) the number of scene-based DEMs contributing to the final GDEM value
for each 30m pixel (stack number); or 2) the source data set used to replace identified
bad values in the ASTER GDEM. Each QA file pixel contains only one of these two
possible pieces of information.
The automated cloud masking and statistical approach used to select data for stacking
are not totally effective in avoiding anomalous elevations values, and anomalies may
AST GTM_N00E006_num.tif
DEM file
QA file
Tile Container (zip-compressed)
remain in the GDEM where the stack number is three or less, particularly. Where
available, existing DEMs were used to replace anomalous GDEM values, including
adjusting for offsets between the ASTER GDEM and the reference DEM data.
Reference data sets used to replace ASTER GDEM anomalies are described in Table 2.
Table 2. Reference DEMs Used for ASTER GDEM Version 1 Anomaly Replacement
(Void-filled version)
Posting: 3 arc seconds
Coverage: north 60 to south 56
Only about 90 % tiles of SRTM V3 are void filled
SRTM3 V2 Posting: 3 arc seconds
Coverage: north 60 to south 56
(U.S. National Elevation Data)
Posting: 1 arc second
Coverage: Conterminous U.S.
(Canada DEM)
Posting: 3 arc seconds for latitude; 3, 6 and 12 arc seconds for
longitude, depending on latitude
Coverage: all Canada territory
Alaska DEM Posting: 2 arc seconds
Coverage: all Alaska territory
The vast majority of QA plane values are positive and directly correspond to the number
of individual ASTER DEM scenes that contributed to determining the final GDEM
elevation value for that corresponding pixel in the DEM file. Negative values designate
a specific reference data set that was used to replace bad values in the ASTER GDEM.
Reference data sets and their corresponding key are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. QA File Reference Data Sets and Key
SRTM3 V3 -1
SRTM3 V2 -2
NED -5
Alaska DEM -11
III. Summary of Preliminary ASTER GDEM Assessment Results
The ASTER GDEM is a very large product, covering the vast reaches of the global land
surface. Its full validation and characterization will be achieved only after detailed study by
the global user community. However, prior to their decision to release the ASTER GDEM,
NASA and METI, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), ERSDAC, and
other collaborators, conducted extensive preliminary validation and characterization studies
of the ASTER GDEM. The results of those studies are briefly summarized below. For a
discussion of these and additional GDEM accuracy assessment and characterization results,
users may download the ASTER Global DEM Validation Summary Report from or from
A. Accuracy Assessments
The 934 ASTER GDEM tiles that comprise the conterminous United States (CONUS)
were compared with USGS NED data and with more than 13,000 ground control points
(GCPs). In comparison with NED data, the mean differences, standard deviations, and
root mean square errors (RMSEs) were calculated for each tile and for All CONUS, as
well as by National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) class, terrain type, and stack number.
Table 4 reports results for ASTER GDEM minus NED for the NLCD water class, for
three aggregated NLCD land cover type classes (urban, forest, and open), and one
additional category that seeks to reduce the effects of water and snow/ice.
Table 5 presents results where GDEM values were compared to GCPs at more than
13,000 benchmarks scattered across the CONUS. Results are shown both for the
elevation of the pixel containing the benchmark (NN) and for elevations calculated by
interpolation (I) with surrounding pixels. Table 5 results generally are consistent with
Table 4 results. The 10.87 RMSE reported in Table 4 and the 9.35 RMSE reported in
Table 5 convert, respectively, to vertical errors of just over and just under the pre-
production estimated ASTER GDEM vertical error of 20 m at 95% confidence.
Table 4. Raster-based ASTER GDEM vertical accuracy results for CONUS, including the
NLCD water class and three aggregated land cover type classes. All values are in meters.
Land Cover
Type Name Mean Std. Dev. RMSE
All CONUS -3.64 8.75 10.87
Water -1.32 15.71 16.53
Urban -4.06 6.94 9.06
Forest 1.72 9.93 10.93
Open -6.40 7.31 10.33
Excluding Water
and Ice & Snow -3.77 8.19 10.46
Table 5. Absolute-control-based ASTER GDEM vertical accuracy results for CONUS. All
values are in meters.
(NN = nearest neighbor; I = interpolated)
Number of
Benchmarks Mean RMSE
GDEM minus Benchmark Elevations (NN) 13,193 -3.71 9.33
GDEM minus Benchmark Elevations (I) 13,193 -3.69 9.37
-3.70 9.35
Various efforts were made to extrapolate detailed accuracy results obtained from
studies of CONUS ASTER GDEM tiles to GDEM tiles from other parts of the world.
Results obtained by Japanese investigators for numerous tiles located throughout Japan
were consistent with results obtained for CONUS tiles, both in comparison with
reference DEMs and GCPs. Results were better than obtained for CONUS tiles when
ASTER GDEM tiles were corrected for measured geolocation errors (Table 6).
Table 6. Geolocation errors for seven ASTER GDEM tiles from Japan.
Fukuoka Kochi Kyoto Noubi Osaka Saitama Tokyo
Error E-W (m)
Error N-S (m)
In addition, U.S. and international cooperators who participated in preliminary
validation studies assessed ASTER GDEM accuracy and characteristics for
approximately 350 additional ASTER GDEM tiles located on all seven continents.
Vertical accuracies were determined using both reference DEMs and absolute control
points. SRTM DTED2 (30 m) was the principal raster reference data set, and ICESat
GLAS points provided much of the absolute control.
While accuracy results varied among the studies reported, overall results for the non-
CONUS ASTER GDEM tiles were generally consistent with those obtained for the
CONUS tiles, both in comparison with reference DEMs and GCPs. Various factors
affect local ASTER GDEM accuracy, so RMSEs for individual non-CONUS tiles vary
from much better than the average CONUS results to considerably worse. However,
the overall accuracy of the ASTER GDEM, on a global basis, can be taken to be
approximately 20 m at 95 % confidence.
B. Anomalies and Artifacts
An important objective of preliminary ASTER GDEM validation efforts was to
characterize the ASTER GDEM in terms of specific features, such as artifacts and
residual anomalies, that may affect the overall accuracy of the data set, impede its use
for certain applications, or just render it cosmetically unappealing. Indeed, it was
determined that the ASTER GDEM does contain residual anomalies and artifacts
that degrade its overall accuracy, represent barriers to effective utilization of the
GDEM for certain applications, and give the product a distinctly blemished
appearance in certain renditions.
Particularly for areas where the stack number is small, where persistent clouds are an
issue, and where no replacement DEM was available, residual cloud-related anomalies
exist in the ASTER GDEM. In the beta version of the ASTER GDEM, such
anomalies were most prominent in Eurasian tiles north of 60 north latitude. Most of
these anomalies have been replaced by -9999 values in Version 1.
Much more troublesome than residual cloud anomalies, however, are a variety of
pervasive artifacts that are clearly related to linear and curvilinear boundaries between
different stack number areas. Such artifacts appear as straight lines, pits, bumps,
mole runs, and other geometric shapes. Anomalous elevations associated with these
artifacts can range from 1 m or 2 m to more than 100 m. Figure 2 illustrates examples
of the pit artifacts and their association with stack number boundaries. Figure 3
illustrates examples of mole run artifacts and their association with stack number
A. B. C.
Figure 2. Examples of pit artifacts in an ASTER GDEM shaded-relief image (A) that are
clearly related to the stack number boundaries (B). Pits typically are less apparent in the
normal intensity ASTER GDEM images (C).
A. B. C.
Figure 3. Examples of mole run artifacts in an ASTER GDEM shaded-relief image (A)
that are clearly related to the stack number boundaries (B). Mole runs, particularly, are less
apparent in the normal intensity ASTER GDEM images (C).
In addition to the anomalies and artifacts already mentioned, another shortcoming of
the current ASTER GDEM version is the fact that no inland water mask has been
applied. Consequently, the elevations of the vast majority of inland lakes are not
internally constant, and the existence of most water bodies is not indicated in the
ASTER GDEM. Also, while the elevation postings in the ASTER GDEM are at 1 arc-
second, or approximately 30 m, the detail of topographic expression resolvable in the
ASTER GDEM appears to be between 100 m and 120 m.
IV. Summary and Conclusions
Statistically, the ASTER GDEM appears generally to meet its pre-production estimated
vertical accuracy of 20 m at 95% confidence, globally. Some tiles have substantially better
than 20 m accuracy, and some tiles have substantially worse than 20 m vertical accuracy.
The ASTER GDEM contains anomalies and artifacts that will reduce its usability for certain
applications, because they can introduce large elevation errors on local scales. However, in
spite of its flaws, the ASTER GDEM will be a very useful product for many applications,
including those requiring a true global DEM.
METI and NASA acknowledge that Version 1 of the ASTER GDEM should be viewed as
experimental or research grade. However, they have decided to release the ASTER
GDEM, because they believe its potential benefits outweigh its flaws and because they hope
the work of the user community can help lead to an improved ASTER GDEM in the future.
Because there are known inaccuracies and artifacts in the data set, please use the product
with awareness of its limitations. The data are provided as is and neither NASA nor
METI/ERSDAC will be responsible for any damages resulting from use of the data.