The Polyglot Project

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The Polyglot Project

YouTube Polyglots, Hyper-polyglots, Linguists, Language

Learners and
Language Lovers, in their Own Words
as introduced and annotated by Claude Cartaginese
(YouTube: syzygycc)

The Polyglot Project

What is the Polyglot Project?
There are many language learning courses on the market
today, some of them good, some not so good. All are
designed to teach a specific language. t is extremely rare,
however, to find a book which can give you the
methodologies and techniques required to learn multiple
languages. This is such a book. The authors contained
herein are already either multilingual, or well on their way
to becoming so. They are all passionate about languages,
but most importantly, they are all willing to share their
language-learning experiences with others.
f you want to learn how to learn multiple languages, i.e.,
become a polyglot, then you've come to the right place.

Author YouTube / Website Page
Yuriy Nikshych (yurithebest) 1
Shana Tan ( 4
Philip Price 7
Peter E. Browne (alkantre) 19
Moses McCormick (laoshu) 33
Amy Burr (pinkpumkinn) 37
van Kupka ( 51
Dion Francavilla (paholainen100) 66
Oscar (OscarP282) 74
Nelson Mendez ( 79
Luka Skrbic ( 86
Flix (loki2504) 89
Graeme (roedgroedudenfloede) 98
Paul Barbato (Paulbarbato) 114
Anthony Lauder (FluentCzech) 117

Author YouTube / Website Page
Stephen Eustace 130
Skrik (shriekshriek) 138
Raashid Kola (sigendut1) 144
Anonymous 153
Christopher Sarda ( 156
Vera (LingQVera) 163
Steve Kaufmann (lingosteve) 177
Stuart Jay Raj (stujaystujay) 184
Benny Lewis (irishpolyglot)
( 218
skyblueteapot ([email protected]) 225
Lorenzo R. Curtis (5Language) 231
Dave Cius 237
Carlos Cajuste 240
Kristiaan 246

Author YouTube / Website Page
SanneT 252
Jara 259
Aaron Posehn (aaronposehn) 272
mick 278
Albert Subirats (alsuvi) 290
Felipe Belizaire (newstylles) 299
John Fotheringham ( 305
Fang ( 318
Cody Dudgeon (Codylanguagesblog) 321
Edward Chien (propugnatorfidei) 376
Bart Vervaart (Bartisation) 341
Kathleen Hearons (katrudy7) 350
Mike Campbell (Glossika) 361
David James (usenetposts) 418

A special thanks to all who volunteered their time to make
this book possible, especially John Perazzo and Robert N.
at World Studies Books, for their skilful editing; Lorenzo
Curtis for his tech support; Kathleen Hearons for
proofreading certain passages; JolandaCaterina for her
tireless work behind the scenes in promoting the book,
Jane, Cassie and Nina for putting up with my long
absences while occupied with the book's creation, and all
of my "anonymous friends for their helpful suggestions.

have always thought of myself as somewhat of an oddity
regarding my interest in foreign languages. like to study
them, like to read about them, and especially enjoy
accounts written by, and about, others who share this
interest. The works of certain multilingual historical figures,
such as Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton, Jean-
Franois Champollion and Heinrich Schliemann, kept me
enthralled. Any author who made any mentioneven in
passingof how he or she was able to learn a language
or two (or ten), excited me in the same way that others
would get excited about a football game.
For many years quietly collected books and articles about
foreign language acquisition, and during that time never
really came across anyone else who shared this same
level of interest in the subject. And then, one day,
discovered YouTube.
YouTube made me aware of others like me, who liked
studying foreign languages for their own sake. Not only
that, they were making videos about it! Soon, was
watching so many of those videos that ran into a
problem. Somebody would make a video, and give me an
idea, but often forgot who had said it. Or, knew who had
said it but wasn't able to find that exact video again.
That's when had an idea.
What if invited my favorite YouTube language enthusiasts
to contribute a piece for a book? Such a book would be a

valuable resource for others. And yet, as excited as was
about the idea, did nothing with it for a few months.
Would it work? What if made a plea for submissions, and
nobody responded?
Putting my ego aside, made a video announcing the
project. Within days, the submissions started coming in.
The end result is now before you. f you want to learn how
to learn foreign languages, read on to find out how it's

Within hours after announcing this project, had my first
submission. Yurithebest, hailing from Ukraine, was the first
to rise to the challenge with this interesting piece...
The best way can contribute is by revealing a tad about
myself. 'm Yuriy Nikshych and 'm from Ukraine. To this
day 'm fluent in Russian, Ukrainian and English, used to
be fluent in Greek but now 'm a bit rusty. At present 'm
learning Japanese.
My polyglot training began almost from birth was
blessed with a polyglot father. His job at the time as a
diplomat required that he travel abroad a lot, and once
was born he started taking the entire family my first
experience happened when was 3 years old to Greece.
Once there, apart from my first language (Russian), he
started giving me daily lessons in Greek. Since was
immersed in the environment, watched Greek cartoons,
etc., soon started speaking Greek, much to his delight.
attended Greek kindergarten, which solidified my
knowledge. was then lucky enough to get into an English
language international school, where became fluent in
English am a deep supporter and an example of the
theory that at a young age you can learn languages very
Luckily, Ukraine is an unofficially bilingual country, and
upon my return to Ukraine by 5
grade had to learn
Ukrainian, which did and achieved fluency within a year.
Ukrainian and Russian are similar languages (maybe you
can understand 50% of what's said), and being immersed
in the environment really helped.
The older became, the more lost faith in traditional
language education, and the education system in general.
attended four years of French lessons in school. To this
day, all can remember is how to say a few token
sentences in French. Total waste of time and effort.
After enrolling in tech school, stopped learning new
languages. All of this changed, however, once got an
mp3 player to avoid boredom on the bus. This was the
best 40$ ever spent. At first listened to an awesome
audio program called 'Verbal Advantage it was made in
the 70's and designed to help Americans improve their
active vocabulary. t starts off easy but you soon learn to
use words like intransigent, tergiversator, defenestration,
defray, etc.
After finishing that program searched for something new,
and decided on a whim that 'd study Japanese. The main
reason is content. n my attempts to revive my knowledge
of Greek tried downloading Greek TV shows, but they
were of a much lower production value than was used
to, and frankly, mostly boring and consisting mainly of
soap operas. When faced with an alternative like House
MD, 24 or the Big Bang Theory, guess who wins?
While it's possible to watch shows with Greek subtitles, the
newer releases simply don't have them yet. Japan, on the
other hand, has a much larger array of content--be it
anime, or regular shows. used be in an "anime phase,
but that has past and now it mostly irritates me, due to the
Japanese weirdness regarding sex (either total asexuality
or total perversion, no in-between) and the social
awkwardness of the main characters. Still, perhaps what
triggered my wanting to learn Japanese was when Clair's
dad in "Heroes spoke Japanese simply thought to
myself: " wanna do that!.
started learning Japanese by listening to the Pimsleur
audio course it was amazing and allowed me to have a
rudimentary conversational knowledge of Japanese within
months. Now 'm listening to JapanesePod101 and going
through an awesome book to help remember the writing
system, called " Heisig - Remembering The Kanji. " -
Heisig splits the Kanji up and makes the parts of the
symbols into separate different/weird stories,so when you
look at them you instantly have this familiarity.
'm also watching a Japanese language video series called
"Let's Learn Japanese, which is quite awesome also and
follows the life of the main character Yan in his diurnal
One of my greatest inspirations though is Steve Kaufmann
(if you haven't heard of him look him up on YouTube). By
now think he knows 11 languages, and it's always a
pleasure listening to him ridicule the conventional
language education system. He owns a language training
site called, which is also worth checking out.
For me, one of the delightful aspects of this project is
being the first to read these interesting submissions
coming in from all over the world. Next up, Shanna Tan--a
lover of all things Korean--artfully describes how her
decision to embrace the Korean language and culture
continues to alter her life...
The Polyglot Project
Shanna Tan, Singapore
Learning Korean
used to think that foreign language learning is a 'personal
and lonely journey' that you embark on. You go for
language classes, learn the grammar, do your homework,
practice in front of the mirror and slowly get better at the
language. Hopefully in the distant future, you get to put
your knowledge into real use. f not, it doesn't hurt to gain
more knowledge.
How wrong was! My Korean learning journey has brought
me so many unexpected surprises and at the same time,
introduced me to a brand new culture and worldview.
didn't expect to gain so many international friends.
didn't expect to gain so much more knowledge beyond
the Korean language. didn't expect to switch to
Linguistics for my college major. Nor did expect myself to
persevere on after two and a half years since the day
signed up for Korean language classes!
Okay. Here's a short background. n Jan 2008, wanted to
spend my 8 month holiday fruitfully and decided to sign up
for beginner Korean classes. was interested in Korean
dramas, and this lead to an interest in the Korean
language. took 2 beginner courses in the school and
decided that could self-study from then on. And so did.
started spending hours every day, poring over textbooks,
guidebooks and other online resources that could find.
Although am self studying, it is not a lonely journey.
Throughout these 2.5 years, have made so many like-
minded friends from all over the world. Those who love the
Korean pop culture, those who are learning the language
and those who are learning other languages. 'm also
deeply grateful to my Korean friends, most of them whom
have not met at all, who gave me so much support and
Self-studying can get a little frustrating at times though.
There is so much more to language than grammar rules.
don't have much problem reading, but speaking wise, it's
still a disaster. am always afraid of using the wrong
address term or wrong politeness level, and get tongue-
tied easily. still remember the first time met a Korean
friend for dinner. That was in Aug 2008, and just 8 months
into learning the language. was so nervous and self
conscious that didn't dare to say anything in Korean.
After mumbling 'annyeong haseyo (hello)', proceeded to
switch to English! The friend kept probing me to say a few
phrases in Korean, but was so flustered. Thinking back,
simply lost an opportunity to practice.
There where periods of time when was so caught up with
school work that didn't do much for Korean. 'm sure all
the language learners out there have similar experiences.
was frustrated that couldn't spend time on what love
most (which is Korean), but made it a point to expose
myself to some of the language every day. t can be
something as simple as listening to Korean radio stations
or even listening to some pop music.
After 2.5 years, 'm finally going, for the first time in my life,
to Korea. 'll be attending the Yonsei nternational Summer
School and taking formal Korean classes again. 'm
looking forward to the people will meet, and the new
knowledge that will gain. Of course, this is the time to put
my language ability to the test. A new chapter in my
Korean learning journey is just about to start. don't know
where my journey will take me, but plan on enjoying
every moment of it. ^^
(p.s. t's difficult to put the entire learning journey in words.
For those who are interested, please visit my blog at
Everyone will be able to relate in some way to our next
story. Here, Philip Price describes with great humor his
fascinating journey through many languages and
countries, while showing us how things don't always go as
Philip Price
have studied eight languages in my 37 years with
degrees of success that range from "laughable to, at the
risk of sounding arrogant, "pretty impressive. hesitate to
call myself a polyglot since have always found it very
difficult to switch between foreign languages quickly and,
due to a combination of laziness and lack of opportunity,
five of my eight languages now lie in varying states of
disrepair. Nevertheless, language learning has been by far
the biggest project of my life and has brought me love, a
career, a home, and countless amazing experiences that
will treasure forever.
My first language was English. t is my native language.
Everybody has one. Everyone learns it in much the same
way. Pretty much everyone learns it to a greater level of
proficiency than any other language they will ever attempt
to learn; a sad fact, but one that have learned to live with.
Having English as a native language has opened many
doors for me, but it occasionally serves as an obstacle to
my language learning since so many people all over the
world speak it better than speak their languages. have
used English as a default language in numerous cities with
people of numerous nationalities. t is truly the world
language of the twenty-first century. Linguists tend to be
least interested in their own native language, though, and
am no exception, so enough of English, and on to the big,
scary, foreign world.
was just a few years old when came to the realization
that some people speak using words did not understand.
My realization came in that place of quietude and ultimate
relaxation, the toilet. My father was an avid reader of the
Russian classics, and the only place where he could find
enough peace to enjoy his books was the smallest room in
the house. So every day would sit, looking at the big
heavy books he had left in there with their thousands of
tightly-packed words, and try to pronounce the
unfathomably weird names on the front covers: "Tur-ge-n-
ev, "Do-s-to-evsky.
remember experiencing a particular sense of
achievement when managed to decode "So-l-zhe-nit-
syn, a writer would later come to love perhaps more than
any other. My father also bought a book and some tapes
to teach himself Russian, but family duties prevented him
from ever getting beyond "Hello and "Thank you. Other
than that, no-one in my family had the slightest interest or
ability in learning foreign languages, so credit my father
with planting the seed in my brain.
Jump a few years and am 11, learning French at school.
liked it, but didn't love it. was good at it, but wasn't
great at it. had obviously forgotten all about my younger
self marveling at the names of the Russian writers. Due to
the intricacies of the British school system at that time,
had two opportunities to drop French as a school subject,
once at the age of 14 and again at 16. didn't take either.
At 14 simply knew French was preferable to physics, and
at 16 was more or less the language fanatic that am
My French endeavors finally ran their course at the age of
18. knew didn't love the language enough to study it at
university, and by that time was becoming more and
more interested in languages that were less studied,
driven by a teenage attraction for the obscure that has
remained with me in my adulthood. As type, however,
am a week away from a holiday in France, and am
curious to find out how much remember of my seven
years of study. am not particularly hopeful.
A year after began French, German was introduced as a
second foreign language. This was quite normal in British
schools of the 1980s, but is sadly becoming ever rarer in
the English-speaking world. German piqued my interest
considerably, not least because all the other kids appeared
to despise it. was good at German, top-of-the-class good,
and loved that this skill enabled me to stand out from the
crowd. chose to continue German at 14, when the size of
my class dwindled to less than twenty as most people quit
the subject with great relief, and again at 16, when only
six diehards stayed the course. The greatly reduced class
sizes led to quicker improvement, which led in turn to a
greater sense of achievement, and, so on and so forth.
went on to study German at university, more of which later.
At the age of 16 went to a so-called Sixth Form College,
which is a two year school where students study for "A
levels in just a few subjects in preparation for university.
My three subjects were French, German, and English
literature. My Sixth Form was nothing special, just a state-
run, rundown college in the North East of England, but it
had one great asset: the opportunity to learn Russian from
an elderly Polish lady who had come to the UK via the
Soviet Union (sadly never found out how or why).
Funnily enough, didn't jump at the chance. My French
teacher persuaded me to take it up in my second year at
the school, and did so reluctantly, concerned that it would
take away valuable time from my new teenage hobbies of
listening to moody music and drinking beer in the park.
Once started, though, was hooked immediately. There
were only two of us in the class, we studied from a musty
old textbook that proclaimed the glories of the Soviet
system, and our teacher, Mrs. Starza, was the kindest lady
you could ever hope to meet. got an "A grade in GCSE
Russian (the level below A Level) in one year and decided
without hesitation to continue Russian at university.
was accepted to study German and Russian at Glasgow
University. t was a five-year course, including a year spent
in the country of one language and three months in the
other. We had to choose another subject to study at a
lower level for the first two years, and selected Polish.
The reason for my choice is one of the silliest episodes in
my language learning history so please indulge me while
explain it.
n the summer before starting university visited Glasgow
to talk to the professors about studying there. On my way
to the Russian department met a guy who was going to
talk to the Czech professor about studying Czech. told
him was also headed to the Slavonic Department so he
asked me which Slavonic languages was interested in.
said "Russian, and then, simply because thought
Russian was a bit too common and wanted to sound
impressive, added ". and Polish.
t was a complete lie. Anyway, we went into the languages
building together and eventually came to the office of the
Polish professor. My new friend said "There's the Polish
office, so said "Oh yeah and knocked on the door,
figuring 'd better carry through my deception to the end.
went in, pretended was interested in Polish to the
professor, and came out an hour later really interested in
Polish. And that's how Polish became my fifth language.
My first year at university was a joy for me. studied only
foreign languages, every class, every day. Before long
was good enough to read literature in the original and
speak with a certain degree of fluency. My Russian
progressed rapidly since had chosen to join the post-A
Level class rather than the beginners' class, and my Polish
came along quickly as there were only four students in the
entire university who had elected to study it.
became fascinated by Eastern Europe and the Slavonic
world, and my interest in German decreased accordingly.
My Polish professor was a brilliant man who forced me not
only to become more proficient at the language, but also a
little braver. Just before the Easter break he pulled me
aside and said "Go to Poland in the holidays. 'll set you up
with some lessons and a place to stay. agreed meekly,
booked a flight to Warsaw, and found myself on my first
trip abroad without my family, in a country that was only
three years beyond the collapse of communism, with
nothing but the address of a dormitory and a phone
number of a teacher at Warsaw University.
Looking back, don't think was quite ready for such an
adventure. spent most of the two weeks in my room,
reading English classics 'd bought for a small fortune at a
foreign language bookshop, and longing for the whole trip
to be over. did, however, discover bigos and barszcz, and
suppose my Polish must have improved at least a little.
Just before the summer break my Polish professor pulled
me aside again and said "Go to Poland again, for a month
this time. The university will pay for everything except the
flight. Again, agreed meekly and found myself on
another plane to Warsaw.
This time, though, discovered was participating in an
international course for Polish learners, and had a great
time. fell in love with Poland, shared a room with a
Japanese guy, drank Polish beer on the steps of my
dormitory with people from all over the world, and
somehow managed to learn some more Polish, despite
the default language being English yet again.
My second year at university was not quite so successful.
My Russian went from strength to strength, but German
was now for me nothing more than an obligation, and my
Polish suffered a blow when my brilliant professor took an
extended sabbatical and we received a replacement
teacher whom found it hard to like. At the end of the year
had to make two important decisions. had to drop one of
my three languages and decide where was going to
spend my year abroad. regret both of my decisions.
Although had lost all interest in German, felt just
couldn't quit after so many years. This, plus the fact that
didn't like my new Polish teacher, led me to drop Polish.
As to the year abroad, still didn't feel confident enough to
live in big old scary Russia for a year, despite my happy
time in Warsaw, so plumped for a German-speaking
country, Austria.
t's difficult to say regret going to Austria as had such a
good time. shared a flat with three other Brits in the 16th
Bezirk of Vienna, and we were stereotypical ex-pats,
utterly indifferent to the mores and customs of our host
country and only out to have fun, which mostly meant
drinking too much. must stop here and advise any young
readers that this is absolutely not the best way to make the
most of a year of immersion in the country of your target
language! And yet have so many amazing memories
from that time. Even more surprisingly, my German
somehow managed to improve quite considerably despite
the fact that failed to make a single Austrian friend
throughout the entire year.
During my year in Vienna took my first trip to Russia to
visit my classmates, who were more mature than and
had selected to spend their year in Moscow. t was my first
taste of Russia, and loved it even more than had hoped
Back in Glasgow had only two terms of lessons before
setting off on my travels again, this time to Yaroslavl, a
medium-sized city located between Moscow and St.
Petersburg. My time in Yaroslavl was perhaps the happiest
of my life. Once again my immaturity and shyness had led
me to a poor decision: given the choice of a home stay or
a dormitory, chose the latter, figuring it would give me the
freedom to do what liked and relieve me of the stress of
living with a family of strangers. However, in Russia
managed to become such close friends with some
Russians that towards the end of the three months ,
together with an English girl who was romantically involved
with one of the Russian guys, spent almost all my time
with them.
We were so sad to leave that we decided we would come
straight back, and so we went home to England, borrowed
some money, and returned to Russia for another three
months. t turned out that our Russian friends were not
very reliable and the apartment they had promised us
didn't materialize. As a result, spent the craziest three
months of my life.
slept rough in parks, borrowed beds in the homes of
friends of friends of friends, read zvestiya every morning
while sitting on the banks of the Volga, stayed up all night
drinking vodka in Sochi, gotmore tanned than have ever
been during a two-week stay at a children's camp on the
Black Sea coast, obtained such a wide circle of friends in
Yaroslavl that couldn't walk down the street without
stopping to shake at least three hands, and became more
fluent in Russian than had ever been in any language up
to that point in my life. t was an incredible time, and even
more precious since know could never do anything like
it now.
After returning to Glasgow, my next task was to find a job.
knew didn't want to work in the UK, and knew wanted
to go back to Russia. Other than that, had no burning
ambitions and little motivation. applied for two jobs in
Russia, one coordinating foreign students in Moscow,
which knew would be given to someone far more
dynamic and impressive than me, and another teaching
English in Pskov, about which was somewhat more
confident. As a backup, applied for a position on the JET
Programme in Japan for no specific reason that can
remember. My heart was still in Russia and barely even
knew where Japan was. Sure enough, the Moscow
position fell through and was offered both the job in
Pskov and a place on JET.
Late into the job-seeking process heard about a position
in Warsaw proofreading translated documents. The job
had been originally created by my old Polish professor,
who had never returned from his sabbatical, and
included an apartment and free Polish lessons. called
him and asked about it, and he basically said it was mine if
wanted it and all had to do was to telephone someone
in Warsaw for a simple phone interview. And here is
another huge "What if..? moment for me. was too shy to
phone Warsaw and speak to a stranger with my by now
very rusty Polish, and so pretended to everyone that
hadn't been able to get through and let the job slip through
my fingers.
Still now ask myself why on Earth did this. Perhaps am
simply fated never to study Polish. Or maybe was just too
young and stupid.
So had to choose between Pskov, a pretty average job
with bad pay and no future prospects, but in my beloved
Russia, and JET, a highly regarded programme with
excellent pay and, by all accounts, a major boost for
anyone's resume. How had been accepted onto the JET
programme do not know. During the interview my utter
lack of knowledge about or interest in Japan had been
painfully obvious. Throughout the entire application
process for JET a large part of me had been hoping
desperately that would be rejected, just so could have
the decision made for me. But was not rejected, and with
regret, decided to go to Japan, figuring could always
return to Russia with some money saved thereafter.
Being in Japan, it was utterly natural to me to begin
studying Japanese. couldn't understand those who did
not. had a lot of free time in my job, so improved rapidly,
even though was for the most part living a similar expat
lifestyle to that of my year in Austria. enjoyed my first
year enough to stay for a second, and at the beginning of
my second year fell in love with a native.
Gradually our language of communication switched from
English to Japanese, and after a while found was quite
fluent. was also learning to read and write slowly but
surely, and coming to love Japan more and more.
At the end of my second year made probably the bravest
decision of my life. decided to move to Tokyo to be with
my partner, even though our relationship was still quite
new. Over the next couple of years found a job and an
apartment, began a distance-learning MA course in
Advanced Japanese, moved in with my partner, and
eventually applied for, and was offered, a job as a
And then stopped learning languages for about seven
years. Of course was using Japanese every day in my
job translating patents from Japanese to English, but was
not actively studying the language, and all my other
languages had long ago fallen into disuse. took up Thai
very briefly but soon became bored and quit after only six
And then, one day last year was browsing the nternet
and came across the website "How to Learn any
Language. t came as quite a shock to me to remember
that this is what do. This is what love. had tried out
various hobbies in the meantime playing the piano,
working out at the gym, tennis but had not been able to
muster much enthusiasm for any of them.
Thanks to the website, realized that could pick up any
language wanted, for any reason, or for no reason. So
chose Georgian. have only been studying for six months,
but am loving it. My language learning fire has been well
and truly relit.
have lived in Japan for fourteen years now. am very
happy here, but it will never be the love of my life. That
place is reserved for Russia, even though doubt will
ever realize my dream of living there. still consume
vast amounts of Russian literature, history, and film.
collect Soviet propaganda and love to cook Russian food.
visited Moscow again last year and had the time of my
life. My heart belongs to Russia.
As for my other languages, have been using my German
recently to study Georgian with a German textbook.
occasionally dip into a Polish textbook, and love the films
of Kieslowski and Wajda. French has become just a
holiday language, as has Thai.
don't love all of my languages equally, but they have all
brought me to where am today, which is a happy place,
and so am grateful to all of them.
Professor Peter Browne's submission is one that really
looked forward to receiving. He was one of my earliest
friends on YouTube, and have enjoyed corresponding
with him for some time now. Here he outlines his foreign
language learning methodology. Read it, and profit by
what he says...
PETER E. BROWNE, Edinburg,Texas youtube channel:
alcantre (or peter browne leyendo) alias OSO NEGRO,
RATNG OF MY LANGUAGES (based on both
comprehension and production, factors which rarely come
close to the same levelfor instance, there are languages
can understand at about 90%, but that can barely
HGH ADVANCED: English, Spanish, Esperanto
LOW ADVANCED: German, Portuguese
HGH NTERMEDATE: Latin, talian, do, Catalan,
MD NTERMEDATE: Arabic, Mandarin Chinese
LOW NTERMEDATE: Russian, Volapuk, Rumanian,
ndonesian, nterlingua, Persian
HGH BEGNNNG: Nahuatl, Swedish, Dutch, Finnish,
Japanese, Hebrew, Swahili, Bliss Symbols, Turkish,
MD BEGNNNG: Greek (Ancient and Modern), Albanian,
Old Provencal, Serbocroatian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian
LOW BEGNNNG Thai, Cantonese, Mayan, celandic
actively study about 70% of these languages (the only
one haven't looked at in many years is Old Provencal).
Even on work days, usually have 4 or 5 different
languages going on. do not consider myself a
hyperpolyglot, since only have six advanced languages.
My level may also vary a bit from week to week,
depending on what 've been concentrating on.
some people to learn that my basic motive for learning
languages is something akin to Tolkienesque fun. For that
reason don't perceive much difference between studying
Volapuk and Mandarin Chinese--they both have
interesting structures and patterns, and give interesting
shapes to the human spirit--so don't care that much if the
former has only a few hundred speakers in the world and
the latter countless millions. Each language has its own
aroma and flavor--but you won't get this unless you
dedicate some time to it. Also, studying languages is like
practicing sports. t may not matter that much whether you
play tennis or baseball. t is of course more enriching to
have a command of both.
And yet rarely have just one reason for studying a
language. Sometimes it's the sheer beauty of the language
that impinges itself on my consciousness--this is definitely
the case with Arabic, Russian and Latin--and so find
myself wanting more and more. Some languages like
French are just nice to do much of my reading in. Spanish
is a nice language for conversations and making money.
t's all about multiple languages with multiple uses to them.
t's possible to get quite high just on studying languages.
Always know what your getting into. Don't rush into a
language like Arabic thinking it's like learning a Romance
language--it's not. When started studying Arabic was
well aware of what type of thing which lay ahead, and
that's partially why 'm still at it five years later. Many rush
into Arabic and just quit after a few weeks or months,
never to return.
Never allow your study to become tedious, unless you
have to study for an exam. Always look at it as a kind of
sport. A "plateau" may simply mean you don't presently
have the right text book or other materials to guide you
to higher spots. Until you find this guidance, turn your
attention to another language for a while. f you're at a
"plateau" in Arabic, do some ndonesian.
believe this is possible, perhaps even for low income
people. have identified three languages American
children should be educated in besides English. These are
Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, and Latin. Arabic will give you a
footing in Turkish, ndonesian, Swahili, Persian, Hebrew,
and Spanish; Mandarin in all languages using the Chinese
characters (and maybe some that do not), and Latin in all
the Romance languages and in English itself.
Pimsleur, Linguaphone, and Assimil. Pimsleur is the best
thing for starting from scratch. Linguaphone is excellent for
intermediate level and Assimil can consolidate your
knowledge on all levels.
Always having a pack of flash cards in my pocket.
Essentially have three polyglot projects, albeit they are
closely interlocking at many junctures.
A. The oldest is the study of foreign languages. This began
at the age of 14 with the study of Latin as a high school
subject. have acquired true fluency in only a small
number of languages. do not find fluency easy to attain.
believe it will normally depend on a felicitous combination
of will power, circumstance and time invested. Other
factors are the intrinsic ease of the language being studied
and its closeness to the one(s) already mastered.
On the other hand, becoming acquainted with and even
somewhat conversant in a wide range of languages is
within easy reach. Especially with the materials now out
there, the Pimsleur courses in particular. When first
started using Pimsleur courses for several exotic
languages c. 2006, found that they did provide me with
the skeleton of these languages, at least if listened to
them enough times. By such means even a very busy
person can get the groundwork of a language in less than
four months. With sufficient leisure, about 3 weeks should
During the last few years my goal has been to get the
foundations down for as many languages as possible. try
to do this without stress and strain, and without it
interfering with my professional tasks and creative writing.
B. have been writing in three languages for some time.
The translation of pieces of my creative writing into an
array of languages started around 2008, when published
a call for translation of my work in an Esperanto cultural
magazine, LA GAZETO. The result was quite favorable.
can now read versions of some of my writings in Chinese,
Russian, Albanian, Catalan, Portuguese, do, Volapuk,
Latin, German, Dutch, celandic, and Nahuatl. n turn this
turned out to be a major stimulus for my further study
of these languages, and indeed frequently reading and
rereading these texts has been one of the best ways of
practicing them.
C. nitially my interest in posting videos on YOUTUBE was
to provide a showcase out of my own work of what
different languages sound like wished to bring out the
special musicality of each language through these
readings. Although this goal remains prominent, have
recently been influenced by the more pragmatic
discourses of polyglots like Laoshu, Loki, and Kaufmann.
This explains why do things like trying to speak
extemporaneously even in challenging languages like
Finally, would like to issue another call, this time to all
polyglots with a literary proclivity, for translation of my
writings into different languages.
Concerning this project, please contact me at
[email protected].
NATURE. To be able to speak Arabic better than Spanish,
and Latin better than English.
VEW ON VOCABULARY LSTS. Actually a very good
thing. Language is about words. But memorize words
through creative visualization and preferably while walking
about (thus generating biorhythms) not in a tedious
scholastic sort of way.
VEW ON GRAMMAR. Without grammar, you generate
sentences like the following: YO QUERER QUE TU
SABER EL VERDAD. Any Spanish speaker could
understand this, but it sounds terrible. With more complex
sentences, the meaning may even be lost.
STEVE KAUFMAN and others are essentially right here.
To give an example from my own experience: when first
sat in an a first semester Chinese class, felt that the
language was continually beating me up. Then came
back to a second semester class, having spent about 2
years doing input and self-study. This time felt a great
deal of ease and understood what was going on.
However, input alone will rarely if ever lead to fluency.
Fluency will usually only come with years of active
interaction; it is essentially a motor and social skill
resulting from tons of practice.
The other guy may very well be able to read your
newspapers and journals. He has direct access to your
perspective and worldview, as well as great amounts of
data which might not appear in his language. You are
at a distinct disadvantage if you can't read his newspapers
and journals.
HOW T ALL GOT STARTED. t's hard to say. Most of my
early gurus were not people knew in person. Sir Richard
Burton, Mario Pei, Miguel de Unamuno...the virus came
from that direction. As mentioned in several of my videos,
my father was a military linguist, a fact which certainly lend
itself to my getting infected. Also, growing up around the
university, grew up around languages. n college had
classmates who spoke Persian, Swahili, etc.. would tend
to pick up bits and pieces of the languages from them.
Than in graduate school, where was a TA in Spanish for
almost a decade, constantly heard French and German
spoken around the Department. There was a weekly Table
Francaise and a Stamtisch as well as the Mesa Espanola;
would frequently show up for all three.
Language tables are the next best thing to actually being
in the country, believe me. At least the type of Language
tables which flourished in Lincoln Nebraska in the 1980s.
Then had to take two semesters of Latin for my PhD. D.
program, a very good thing indeed.
n the 1990s was more focused on Spanish. spend a lot
of time in Mexico and considered it my "segunda patria".
However, it is hard to spend a lot of time in Mexico without
noticing the influence of Nahuatl; hence my current
interest in that language. studied some German during
that decade and wrote quite a few travelogues and short
stories in Esperanto, but my main focus was on fluency in
The only really exotic language was starting to pick up
was Finnish, due to a summer in Finland (1995).
Sometimes upon returning from places like Monterrey,
would even converse with the US border guards in
Spanish. Monterrey is supposed to be a bilingual city, but
in the 1990s hardly anyone there would try to practice their
English on me, simply because of my great fluency level in
So why a return to ongoing multilingualism with the coming
of the 21st century? A number of things came together.
Arabic was offered as a UTPA non graded night class in
2005. signed up. The first teacher was from Saudi Arabia,
but he seemed more creative, fun loving and even open
minded than many American instructors. So found myself
actually learning this language. About the same time
came across Rice's biography of Burton--wow! again,
wanted to be like that guy as much as possible! Around
the same time discovered Pimsleur language courses,
and found that they worked for me! Chinese was first
offered at UTPA in 2006; was sitting in the very first
semester. The third exotic language started working on
was Russian. From there it kind of mushroomed. The most
recent stimulus has been discovering Laoshu's videos on
He is the first hyperpolyglot actually corresponded with.
Later established contact with Loki, and others.
A BREF AUTOBOGRAPHY. was born on the border (El
Paso, Texas). For this reason always felt was sort of
Mexican. n recent years have returned to El Paso and
spoken a lot of Spanish there. love being out there. The
Chihuahuan desert is overwhelming. However, actually
grew up in other parts of the country, like Montana,
Oregon, and Nebraska. t seems like from early childhood
on my life was always centered around the university.
Because universities are usually far more cosmopolitan
than local communities, found could fit in better on
campus. Becoming a professor was a natural decision.
Spanish has a rich literature, and was capable of holding
my interest. first started teaching Spanish at the
University of Nebraska in 1982, when wasn't much older
than most of my students. n 1984 was teaching English
in Spain (Santiago de Compostela), and sitting in on
university classes, some of which were taught in Gallego.
t was there that read the entire New Testament twice
in Latin, while watching rain pour down unceasingly into
the inner courtyard. also read it in Gallego. spend 1991
bumming around Connecticut and wrote two books in
Esperanto. From 1992 to 1993 was teaching in
Chattanooga Tennessee. came to the University of
Texas--Pan Americana in 1993, and have been here since,
spending many weekends and summers in Mexico.
1. RUSSYA AL YAUM: Russian news broadcast in Arabic
3. BBLA SACRA (the Vulgate, or Latin Bible)
4. LOK for talks in talian, Chinese, and French
6. OSCAR for talks in Catalan and Spanish idioms
7. AHUCYAN (266pages of poetry) for Nahuatl
8. BERKHARD for talks in German and ndonesian
9. B. Traven novels for reading in German
10. Magazine LA GAZETO (philosophical and literary) for
PEAK POLYGLOT EXPERENCES (some of this stuff
might sound boastful...but my hope is that the reader
will enjoy similar experiences, or even better ones)
1. Having a Belgium European interpreter visit my French
class when was an undergraduate and her telling me that
was "TRE DOUE POUR LES LANGUES" ("very gifted for
languages") (c. 1979) Perhaps not true, but it fed my ego
and self-confidence.
2. On my first day at the University of Nebraska, c. 1981,
upon asking for directions the first time, was asked what
part of Germany was from (this is because had been
studying German intensively the previous semester, and
the accent stuck clung to my English).
3. On my first day in Santiago de Compostela, 1984, a
German asked me in Spanish what part of Spain was
4. Getting an A+ in Advanced Spanish Grammar, c. 1982
5. Getting As in my Latin classes, UNL, 1982-1985
6. Getting a Ph.D. in Spanish Literature, 1991
7. Getting a job teaching Spanish to mostly native
speakers, 1993 (up to present)
8. Attending The Universala Kongreso de Esperanto in
Tampere, Finland, in 1995, and finding no one could tell
where was from when spoke in Esperanto--most people
thought was either a Swede or a Finn, but no one even
suspected was an American.
9. Learning of the death of Solzhenitsyn through an Arabic
language newscast (RUSYA AL YAUM) and finding
understood everything that was said (of course, it was not
on account of his death that rejoiced...) c. 2008
10. Finding could understand and follow French,
Portuguese, German and talian newscasts through my
computer (c. 2008)
11. Listening to the sound recording of LNGUA LATNA
and finding understood every word of it upon the first
listening..without even having read the book at the time.
12. Having the Spanish poet Jorge Camacho ask me if
Spanish was my native language, on the basis of my
creative writing skills in the language (c. 2000)
13. Arriving at the Universala Kongreso de Esperanto in
Tampere, Finland, 1995, and immediately having a
Argentinian ask me if my mother was Spanish, because
my Esperanto pronunciation seemed to have an berian
14. Finding can read the Book of Genesis in
Chinese, and exclusively in Chinese characters (2010).
15. Learning that have a reading knowledge of some 700
or more Chinese characters (2010)

THE MOST BEAUTFUL: Russian (talian among the
Romance languages)
THE MOST PRACTCAL: English, Spanish, Mandarin
THE MOST MYSTCAL: Arabic, Nahuatl
THE EASEST: Esperanto, do, nterlingua, Bahasa
THE MOST PHLOSOPHCAL: Greek, German, and Latin
LATNST MANFESTO, or 10 reasons why you may wish
to make Latin the first language of choice for you and your
1. LATN is the language that best represents
EUROPEANNESS, and the best vehicle of
PANEUROPEAN sentiment. This is because for some two
thousand years Europeans of diverse nationalities were
either educated in Latin, or learned it as a chief subject in
school. Latin was the language of the Hungarian courts
even into the 19th century, although Hungarian is not even
an ndo-European language. The heritage is clearly not
limited to English and the Romance languages. Latin
influence can be found in the Germanic group and even in
the Slavic group.
2. During the Renaissance period, men like Erasmus not
only became extremely fluent in Latin; they became
masters of style. And yet it was not their native language,
indeed, there were no more native speakers. Latin had
survived its own funeral. And precisely because Latin was
nobody's native language, all users were at least
potentially equal. Among the learned at least, Latin was a
language of equal linguistic rights. For this reason also it
should be resurrected.
3. There is evidence that Latin stimulates mental agility. t
is an excellent introduction to the way languages work. A
Latin scholar confronted with the case system of the Slavic
languages, should for instance have no trouble
understanding what is going on.
4. The higher registers of the English language often have
much Latin, Greek or French, Latin perhaps being the
most important of the three. Logically, for this reason Latin
will give you the cutting edge in English. And then there is
all the scientific and legal terminology which you will
already know, all because of your Latin.
5. Learn Latin and the doors of all the Romance languages
will be open to you. That's why think American
schoolchildren should start out with Latin, not with
Spanish. Spanish is simply one of many derivatives from
the mother tongue. Now that am studying Catalan, am
surprised and delighted to find many words derived
directly from Latin, like GAUDRE=to rejoice (the Spanish
equivalent GOZAR wouldn't even help here). Learn your
Latin, and learn it well, and then go on and master ALL the
Romance languages.
6. The idea that Latin is an old-fashioned language is now
itself becoming quite old-fashioned!
7. n the Medieval and Renaissance periods, it would be
truly exceptional for royalty not to be well versed in Latin. f
a Medieval Catalan king would quote from the Bible in a
speech, the quote would come in Latin, perhaps with a
gloss in Catalan. Perhaps by mastering Latin, we can all
become a little more regal.
8. Those of us who have communicated widely in artificial
languages like Esperanto, do, and nterlingua, are well
aware that we are using offspring of the Latin mother
tongue. Parenthetically, Dr. Zamenhof, the inventor of
Esperanto, was not a good prophet: he considered
Hebrew far too dead to ever be revived. f only he could
visit srael today! Yet his own invention also became a
living language.

9. With Latin you will get great literature in the original, not
just from antiquity, but from the Medieval and Renaissance
10. Latin is perhaps THE major language of Western
philosophy, although Greek and German also are most
What can say about this next polyglot that he hasn't said
better himself in his videos? Moses McCormick, a/k/a
"Laoshu has made YouTube his classroom, taking on the
role of both teacher and student. defy anyone to read his
submission and not be moved by it...
Moses McCormick
'm not good at writing, but would like to participate in this
polyglot project to talk about my experiences with foreign
languages and how they've enriched my life.
First of all, my name is Moses Monweal McCormick and
'm originally from Akron, Ohio. Although was born in
Akron, lived in Erie, PA for about six to seven years of my
life. 'm the oldest of four siblings.
Growing up for us wasn't that easy. We were raised in a
broken home, by both our father and mother. t was sort of
a take-turns thing. One year we would be living with our
dad, and probably two years later living with our mom.
would say we were probably raised a bit longer by our
mom than by our father.
My mom had me at a very early age. She was only 14. Not
only that, she didn't get her High-school education.
believe she dropped out of school when she was in the 8th
or 9th grade, can't remember. My dad, however,
graduated from high school. t was pretty rough on my
mom raising 4 children alone; hence, there were times
when we had to live in foster care.
would say that we were put in foster care a total of two
times. That was probably the most painful experience in
my life because was separated from my sisters. My
brother and were lucky to be able to live with the
same foster family. Our foster parents were good people.
When was around 13-14 and still living in Erie, PA, we
almost went back to foster care, but my dad drove from
Akron, OH to Erie, PA to pick us up and take us back to
Akron to live with him.
We lived with him for about two years, and then moved
back with our mom. So, like said, it was a back-and-forth
thing. But while we didn't have the best circumstances
growing up, we didn't turn out to be bad children.
Around this time was the most significant part of my life
because met a group of friends who were very different
from each other. When say very different, mean they
were into different things that the average person in
our neighborhood wouldn't be into. They liked learning
new things and always had a positive mind about things in
general. This wasn't normal for me at least coming from
the place came from. was used to negativity, abuse and
stuff like that.
One thing had in common with these guys was video
games. think if it weren't for my interest in video games,
probably wouldn't have clicked with them. hung out with
them endlessly, which helped me open up my mind to
learning about different things and what not. They turned
me on to some very positive music which helped me look
at things differently as well. will never forget these times,
and to this day still talk with them. They are like brothers
to me.
After living with our mom for about three to four years, we
got evicted out of our house and we were pretty much
living on the streets. think was a junior in High school at
the time. t was very hard, but somehow we got through it.
lived with my uncle for a year or two then eventually
finished up high school. almost joined the Marines, but
my brother stopped me from going because he felt that we
would go to war and he didn't want for me to be part of it.
This was in the year 1999. That was around the time
when started learning languages.
had a bad experience with a girl at my High school, and
shortly after that, decided that it was time for me to step
out of the box and try something new that had never been
done in our community/family. started to learn Chinese as
my first ''serious'' foreign language. felt that it would be
nice to try and learn a language like Chinese instead of a
language like Spanish, French or German. felt that
wanted to do things differently than others. realized that
had a knack for foreign languages, so started learning
more. gained confidence in my ability to learn because
picked Chinese up pretty fast. also picked up languages
such as Japanese, Korean, and Arabic, etc. think was at
the age of 19-20 at the time. A year later, decided to
move to Columbus because saw that there would be a lot
more opportunities for me there, as far as foreign
languages. made one trip to Columbus with a friend and
from there decided that it would be the place where
would start getting serious with things.
then met my wife at a library. At that time, wasn't looking
to get into any relationships because wasn't on my feet.
just went there with a friend to practice foreign languages.
talked to her one time and we decided to become
language exchange partners. Somehow felt that was
the luckiest man in the world to have met a woman like
her. After that, we talked for a while and eventually started
a serious relationship. She was and still is very supportive
of my decision to study multiple languages, and think
that's a great thing. Two years after we met, we married.
was 23 years old.
Because of my decision to learn languages, 'm not only
able to expand my knowledge for learning new languages
and what not, but can also share that knowledge with
others and help them to become great language learners
as well. Just from the decision to learn Chinese, was able
to meet a wonderful Chinese woman (my wife) who
supports me for having this ''strange'' passion for learning
so many languages.
Another enriching factor in learning languages for me is
the open mindedness have gained towards other cultures
and what not. Before getting into the different cultures, ,
like other people, had bad preconceptions about them.
Where came from, 'd never heard anything very positive
about other cultures. nstead, people would in fact always
ask me, ''As a black man, why would you want to do
something like that? would just brush it off because
knew it was just ignorance.
n conclusion, guess would say that, having this
experience of learning about different languages and
cultures has broadened my horizons by leaps and bounds,
and will continue on this path of learning. This will be a
lifetime process for me.
A chance encounter with a song she couldn't understand
sends the author of this next piece on a linguistic journey
she could not have predicted...
Amy Burr
YouTube Channel: Pinkpumpkinn
My name is Amy Burr, am 19 years old and am from
California. want to contribute to this project because feel
like my story is a good example of how learning languages
can enrich one's life, and think it can inspire people who
are struggling to learn a language. feel that learning
languages is the most important thing have ever done for
My language learning has given me a new perspective on
life, because learning a language really is like discovering
a new world. There is an endless amount of things out
there that you will never get to experience because your
knowledge of languages is limited. For example, there is
literature, music, movies, and poetry that you cannot fully
enjoy if you do not understand the language they are
produced in. Even more importantly, there are all kinds of
people and cultures that you cannot connect with and
appreciate without understanding their language.
realized this fact only after learned a new language, and
cannot believe how many wonderful things was missing
out on before did so. t is incredible to think about how
different and limited my life would be had not learned a
new language. made friends in a new country, discovered
new cultures and art, and even got an opportunity to travel
and experience one of these new cultures firsthand. That
is what love about language learning: without it, never
would have gotten to do these things. What love so much
about the story am going to share with you is that it
shows how language learning can be easy and enjoyable,
but still extremely beneficial and inspiring. hope that it will
inspire people to learn languages, or help people who
want to learn languages but feel it is too difficult for them.
have always been interested in languages since was a
young child. t has always fascinated me for some reason,
but really discovered my love for it when was about
thirteen years old. This was the time when began
studying Spanish at school. immediately enjoyed learning
the language and therefore really excelled at it.
Throughout the next five years, while was studying both
Spanish and French in high school, was often told by
teachers that have a "talent for languages. The first few
times heard it, just took it as a nice compliment, but
after a while something about it started to bother me. At
first didn't know why, but then noticed that many
students in my class would say they "hate French or "hate
Spanish, for example, because they are just "not good at
it. This is when realized do not believe that having a
talent for languages really matters much at all.
What bothered me was that the students who said these
things seemed to believe they were incapable of learning a
language and enjoying it because they lacked this
supposed talent. After pondering this for a while, realized
that what really made me excel in languages more than
other students was that simply had a passion for it. now
know that the key to learning a language and liking it is to
simply learn it in a way that is enjoyable to you. don't
believe you have to buy language books and study
grammar and complicated things that bore and frustrate
you. believe you can learn a language and love every
minute of it if you so choose. n fact, don't just believe
this is possible, know it is, because have done it myself.
When was about 16 years old, was browsing through
some music on Youtube, and discovered a singer from
srael that really liked. did not understand any Hebrew,
but didn't care because enjoyed the music anyway. So
for a while just searched around for more of her videos in
English, and did not care much that could not understand
the language.
However, after a while began to see how much this
limited me. saw how many things were out there that
couldn't access because could not speak Hebrew. There
was a point where this began to frustrate me so much that
decided to learn how to read the script so could search
for the names of songs in Hebrew. really enjoy learning
how to sing songs in foreign languages, but finding
transliterated lyrics was a very difficult thing to accomplish.
However, could find every song wanted to learn in the
original Hebrew script, so decided to try and use my
limited knowledge to read and learn the lyrics.
do not remember how long it took me, but eventually
could read the script fairly efficiently. After that,
immediately felt as if a whole new world of opportunities
was opened up to me. Before felt so restricted because
had no knowledge of the language, but now that did have
knowledge, kept learning more and more until could
even write and speak a bit. Once my writing skills became
proficient enough, began to make new friends by
going on an sraeli website where people talk about my
favorite singer.
At first only read the website, but one day read
something really felt needed to respond to. So, used
my limited skills (and a lot of help from an online
dictionary) to respond to the post. The administrator read
what said and took interest to the fact that was
American, and sent me a private message. Long story
short, we became very close friends, and a few months
later even met each other in real life. At the end of her visit
to the U.S., she and her family invited me to stay at their
house should ever decide to come to srael.
To my surprise, it has only been less than a year since this
all started, and have already booked a flight to srael for
this summer. For me, this experience is going to be not
only a cultural experience, but an excellent opportunity to
improve my language skills. Unfortunately, at the time
when my friend was here, had still never spoken Hebrew
with anyone, except in writing of course, so was too shy
to speak it with her. So we just spoke English the entire
time. However, during the last few months have been
extremely motivated to improve my language skills, since
am planning to speak with my friends in their native
language when visit them.
feel like going to the country is the best way to learn a
new language, so feel so fortunate to have this incredible
opportunity. am now going to get to travel half way across
the world and experience a whole new culture, and it is all
because learned a new language doing things enjoy.
would like to point out that have not actually "studied
much Hebrew per se. have sort of just picked it up.
learned mostly by listening to music, watching videos,
reading fun books and articles, and chatting with my
friends. Even though initially didn't understand a word of
the things was listening to, they were things enjoyed, so
gradually learned to understand them. Like mentioned
before, you do not need to have a talent to learn a
language this way, you just have to like it. The key is
enjoyment. Just do what did: find music you like, or find
something you like to read. n the beginning, you will not
understand it, but promise you will eventually. admit that
the inability to understand things you want to enjoy will
frustrate you, but this kind of frustration is exactly what
inspires me.
Whenever feel frustrated because am watching
something that know would find funny or interesting in
some way, but cannot understand it, just think to myself,
"Someday will understand this, and it will be so
rewarding. And trust me, it will be rewarding. know,
because have experienced it multiple times. All it takes is
patience. Yes, not being able to understand something is
very irritating, but you must always remember that
someday, if you wait long enough, you will understand.
There is nothing preventing you from learning the
language up to a fluent or even almost native level. The
only limit is time. You will have to wait a while in order to
gain this much knowledge, but it is not so bad, because in
the meantime you can continue learning in a way that is
pleasant to you. After you wait enough and gain enough
knowledge, it will be one of the most rewarding things you
could ever do, because you will get to see all your past
frustrations and limits lifted away.
Another topic would like to talk about is how people feel
about language learning as hobby. For some reason,
many people seem to consider learning languages a
useless hobby and a waste of time. used to sort of
agree with this, even though it was a hobby enjoyed
doing. However, the only reason agreed was that never
really thought about whether it was useless or not. just
assumed it for some reason that can no longer
honestly can't see why ever thought it was useless, and
do not understand why other people feel that way either.
Although, suppose that people who are only focused on
their career and who are not interested in anything that
would not help them in that respect could find foreign
languages useless, because they do not use them at work.
But nobody cares about only their career and nothing else.
Everyone has some kind of hobby. Basically my point is,
whenever people say learning languages is a waste of
time, what do they suppose you should do instead? What
would be considered a productive use of leisure time? The
answer is that it depends on the person and what they
want in life. As have just recounted to you, learning
foreign languages can absolutely be beneficial. So do not
see how people can say it is useless in comparison to
other hobbies.
Honestly, used to feel embarrassed to tell people learn
languages in my free time, because they would always ask
me, "Why? What's the point? t's a waste of time. For
example, when tell people that am learning Hebrew,
they usually find it odd because am not Jewish and do
not have any family members who speak it. Also, do not
need it for work or business, so they cannot figure why
would possibly want to learn.
Basically, people often find it pointless to learn a language
if you do not need to or if you don't have any preexisting
connection to the culture. However, feel that if you learn a
language, this alone gives you a connection to the culture.
Sure, decided to learn Hebrew even though didn't know
anyone who speaks it or have any connection to srael or
sraeli culture, but now do. That is why find it hard to
see how this is useless. Therefore, when people ask me
"Why?, just tell them like it. t is none of their business
what choose to do with my free time and do not feel like
explaining why it is indeed useful for me if they do not
want to hear it. t's as simple as that. Don't ever let
someone else tell you what is useful or useless for you.
Personally, think that if you simply enjoy it, that is a good
enough reason to continue doing it.
So basically, language learning is a great way to spend
time. t opens up so many new opportunities. Also, just
think about how many different languages there are in the
world. Now think about how many possibilities this opens
up to you. t's seemingly endless. And remember,
language learning does not have to be hard or unpleasant.
Of course, if you are an impatient person it may be
frustrating at times, but that is only temporary.
Once the frustrations are over, you will get to experience
the most pleasant part of the whole experience: being able
to speak and understand the language with virtually no
limits. You never know what could happen if you learn a
language. For example, it is a guarantee that if you learn a
new language you also learn a new culture. Also, it is
pretty much guaranteed that you will make new friends.
After all, you have to practice with someone eventually! n
the end, maybe all of this will lead you to have an
opportunity just like mine. Like said, you never know.
Additionally, just remember that even if you are very shy
you can still learn a language. would know because am
a pretty shy person, but have made tons of new friends.
Throughout my language learning adventure, have
discovered that you should not be shy when learning a
language, because you will discover so many more
amazing things if you just go out and talk to new people.
call it an adventure because it really is one: when it's all
over, you will have discovered a whole new world.
am writing this new piece because have had a very
interesting experience since wrote my first one, so feel
like need to update it. n my last piece talked about how
my interest in sraeli music inspired me to learn Hebrew,
and how this ultimately led me to an opportunity to visit
srael. Well when wrote my last piece hadn't gone on
my trip yet, but now that have, have a lot of interesting
new language experiences that would like to share with
you all.
also feel like what want to talk about is a perfect
continuation of where left off in my first piece. concluded
my last one talking about shyness and why we must
overcome it if we want to learn languages. So that is what
will focus on in this piece. Personally, am generally a
pretty shy person, so before went to srael was a little
nervous about speaking Hebrew. had only had one
spoken conversation in Hebrew before left, and it was
just so strange for me to hear the language coming out of
my own mouth. couldn't even imagine how was going to
speak it with other people if could not even bear to speak
it to myself! However, once stepped on the plane to srael
something strange and incredible happened: my fear was
completely gone.
The moment entered the plane, the flight attendant
directed me to my seat completely in Hebrew, with no
English translation. Now, for some reason was not
expecting this at all, but that is not to say that it irritated
me. n fact, it had quite the opposite effect. immediately
felt like belonged, and that was welcome to speak this
language without anyone treating me like a foreigner or
assuming that don't understand a word of it. This made
me ecstatic, because until then had the opposite
experience: people would always ask me why and how
know Hebrew, and why on earth would want to learn this
language, and they would automatically speak to me in
English unless specifically asked them to speak Hebrew
so could practice. From this point on had no fear
whatsoever. loved speaking Hebrew, it felt like the
funnest thing in the world to me. even got excited when
the stewardess asked me what wanted to drink (in
Hebrew, of course) and got to say "mayim (water).
know it sounds so silly, but think the reason got so
excited is because this made me feel like fit in, like was
one of them. t was really an amazing feeling, and it gave
me confidence that did not wear off once during my entire
Now, would just like to address a common concern that
many language learners have, and that feel extremely
lucky to have avoided for the most part: getting native
speakers to talk to you in their language. First of all, even
though am not Jewish and do not have any family
connection to srael, you could never tell that from looking
at me. srael is a very diverse country that people from all
over the world have immigrated to, much like the United
States. They have every race and ethnicity that we have
here in America in their tiny country. And since am of
European descent and have brown hair and brown eyes,
so do not stand out as a foreigner in srael at all. As many
travelers know, when you stick out like a sore thumb in a
foreign country, people often speak to you in English
automatically. So that is why feel extremely lucky that
was going to a country where people could not
immediately tell that Hebrew is not my native language.
The fact that avoided this problem boosted my
confidence a great deal.
However, as mentioned before, other people might not be
so lucky. know many language learners are afraid that
they will go to a foreign country and have a hard time
practicing the language because they will stand out as a
tourist. Well, even though have just said this was not
much of a problem for me, still understand how it feels.
You see, what meant before was that this was not an
issue for me when came across strangers. However,
when was with people who did know my nationality, it
was a different situation altogether. For example, when
met my friends' friends, or relatives of my friends, the
moment they heard was American they assumed that
didn't speak Hebrew. For the most part was lucky enough
that when told them did speak their language, they
gladly spoke it to me. However, some people (especially
my close friends whom normally speak English with)
basically refused to speak to me in Hebrew. Even when
spoke it to them, they answered in English, as if they didn't
even notice that was trying to practice.
This is a very common problem language learners may
have in a country like srael where almost everyone
speaks excellent English. However, you must understand
that they may want to practice their English just like you
want to practice their language. Even though understood
and accepted this, it still made me feel extremely
uncomfortable and discouraged when people spoke to me
in English. understand that they were just trying to make
me feel at home, but in actuality they were doing the
opposite. This just made me feel more like a foreigner, like
was someone who needed to be treated differently
because did not fit in with their people. This made me
upset and angry because it was the complete polar
opposite of what experienced on the plane. There, really
did feel at home, because people spoke Hebrew to me, no
questions asked.
Now, know you are waiting for me to tell you how to avoid
this sort of situation, but unfortunately, am not sure have
a decent answer. However, can give you this simple
piece of advice: don't let it get to you. regret that let this
little obstacle make me so depressed and frustrated. Yes,
it was awkward and annoying, but it's not worth letting it
ruin your trip. Some people are just not going to speak
their language to you unless you beg them or convince
them somehow, but sometimes it's just not worth the effort.
That is why offer you this suggestion: get a friend ahead
of time who will agree to speak their language with you.
Luckily, made a friend like this without even trying, and
once started staying at her house, felt much more
confident and comfortable. My confidence was back up to
the level it was on my flight.
The reason have just told you all this is because think it
can help you overcome your fear of speaking a foreign
language. First off, have to mention that this trip to srael
has taught me that speaking a foreign language in a new
country was not at all what expected. thought would
feel self-conscious and uncomfortable speaking to native
speakers in their language. However, discovered that
actually felt worse speaking to them in my language. The
reason for this is that was in their country, so it felt only
natural to speak their language as well. When spoke to
them in Hebrew, for some reason felt confident and
natural, and didn't feel even a tiny bit embarrassed about
making mistakes. Now, like said before, am a pretty shy
and self-conscious person, and that is why feel that if
did it, anyone can do it.

admit that do not fully understand why my fear
immediately disappeared once stepped on the plane. All
know is that it is not worth it to be afraid. don't even want
to think about how might have felt if was afraid to speak
Hebrew during my trip. Being confident was the best thing
accomplished during my adventure in srael. That is why
urge you to do the same. Now, you should not necessarily
expect to have no fear at all. Just do not let it control you.
f you feel afraid, fight it. promise you will not regret it.
Also, you cannot be afraid to make mistakes. The only
way to not make mistakes is to not try at all, and obviously
it is impossible to learn if you do not try. Also, remember
that nobody is judging you as much as you think they are.
Think about it, when you hear someone speaking you
native language with an accent or mistakes, do you think
bad things about them?
Of course not.
You probably barely notice their mistakes most of the time.
And if someone does judge you or laugh at you, who
cares? Just ignore it. That person is not important to you if
they are going to be rude to you just for trying to learn their
language. n fact, something just like that happened to me
right after got off the plane. When greeted my two
friends in Hebrew at the airport, they just giggled and
answered me in English. But did not care. just tried to
forget about it and move on. And trust me, it's easier than
you think.
Basically, just have fun! After all, that is the best way to
learn a language. You will not learn if you do not try.
Loosen up and do not worry so much about mistakes.
People will understand that you are learning, and most of
them will be happy to help you. n fact, was extremely
fortunate to have met a wonderful sraeli person in the
airport right before my flight. She was one of the security
people who escorted me to the plane (El Al has very strict
security procedures.), and what she told me changed my
life. When told her was scared, she said that she had
just traveled alone herself, and that she learned a lot in the
process. One thing she taught me was that traveling is not
meant to be easy, and you shouldn't expect it to be.
think the same thing applies to learning languages. Yes, it
is a challenge, and yes, it can be scary. However, this is a
gift, and 'll tell you why. The girl in the airport reminded me
that you should face your fears and go out and experience
the world, whether by traveling or learning a new
language, because it makes you a stronger person. She
told me that it "breaks you and rebuilds you. That is the
quote that changed me forever. t made me realize that
you should not try to avoid fear, but you should face it
head on. That is the only thing that will get rid of it: fight it,
don't hide from it. Think of it as an experience. And trust
me, if you do this, it will be the most rewarding thing you
can ever do for yourself. Now that have done it, feel like
am a much stronger person. n fact, no longer feel that
am even a shy person. t's so simple, just fight your fear.
Remember, it is better to do something and regret it than
to wish that you had done it. But trust me, chances are,
you will never regret it.
n this next piece, van Kupka not only passes on some
valuable language learning advice, but shows you how to
cultivate the right belief system...
Language Iearning and NLP
My name is van Kupka. am a mathematician, living in
Bratislava, Slovakia. Slovak is my mother tongue. love
reading books. have written some books, too. My interest
in language-learning dates back to 1985. At that time,
was already 27 years old. spoke Slovak, Czech, Russian,
and English. decided to test effective methods of
language-learning. started learning French from scratch,
at home. At that time they were selling only one French
newspaper in the Communist Czechoslovakia. t was, of
course, the communist newspaper L'Humanite. By 1987,
was able to read French books. So, learned to read
French books five times faster than had learned to read
English books.
After the Czechoslovak Velvet Revolution in 1989, we
were able to travel abroad freely. n 1993, taught
mathematics at the Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, in
France, The same year completed courses in
neurolinguistic programming (NLP) in France and Belgium.
My French adventure lasted only one year, but learned
much in France.
Today read books in Slovak, Czech, Polish, Russian,
English, French, German, Spanish, talian, and Esperanto.
And, of course, admire all these polyglots who speak
really difficult languages. My heroes are Heinrich
Schliemann, Emil Krebs, Kato Lomb, Barry Farber, Steve
Kaufmann, LaoShu, andrecentlymany others. Thank
you, YouTube, for showing them to us! For me, too, it is
time to aim higher.
My next goal is to be able to read Japanese books. So far,
have gone through the Pimsleur Japanese series, and in
a couple of weeks, will be finishing Heisig's
"Remembering the Kanji 1. also enjoyed a couple of
Japanese haiku. f you are a native speaker of one of the
languages mentioned above and if you wish to learn
Slovak, Czech, or even French, just contact me. We can
help each other. My address is: [email protected]
For many years, have been interested in various aspects
of communication. My areas of interest include effective
learning methods, motivation, creativity, and interpersonal
communications. have held seminars on neurolinguistic
programming communications techniques and effective
language learning. The question am always asking is,
"How can we use our resources in a better, more effective
way?" n my book, "Jak uspsn studovat cizi jazyky, or,
"How to Successfully Study Foreign Languages,
published in Prague in 2007, show how neurolinguistic
programming can help us to use our resources for
Below, you will find some extracts from the book. My friend
Melvyn Clarke translated the book into English, so maybe
one day it will be published in an English version as well.
Here are the extracts. hope the text will be helpful to
some of you.
Resources, bankbooks and hidden taIents
'Resources' are what we call anything from which you can
derive benefits. They can be anything at all that enables
you to realize your intentions and satisfy your needs.
There are many unused resources around us all the time;
some are waiting to be made visible, while others are
already known to us. n either instance, we often underrate
them, or we first need to get into the habit of making use of
Some people live in the belief that nobody gets anything
for free in this world. Actually, if they really had to pay for
every resource they used, they would be in the red fairly
We could start, for example, by giving them the bill for the
air they breathe. This air is all around us, and we breathe it
in for free. Our sense organs, our abilities to communicate
in a language, and to come to an understanding with
others are also there for us free of charge, as is our
reason and our ability to experience feelings, to work up
enthusiasm, and to laugh. n this chapter, we are going to
systematically seek out and identify such resources using
Bateson's model. We will be particularly interested in those
that can help us to achieve our language goals.
1. Environment
Starting at the environment level, we shall present a
couple of examples and ask several questions. Questions
written in italics should be taken as a prompt regarding
your own activity. Answer them as an exercise that can
tell you something useful, recording your answers in a
Better somewhere than everywhere
magine that you wake up in the morning to find that your
laptop is in the entrance hall, your CD with German
phrases is in the bedroom and your phrase notes are in
the living room. You still have seven minutes until the
time you usually get up. What are you going to do?
And what would you do if the CD were in the laptop
mechanism, and the laptop and phrase notes were within
arm's reach? Say both of these situations can happen
sixty times a year. How many minutes of time lost or
gained for learning does this represent?
How can you change the spatial arrangements and the
distribution of the objects around you to help you to
study and use your languages?
For a long time Dave could not remember what the
German word Kuchen (cake) meant. He somehow kept
confusing it with kitchen, Kche. Eventually, he wrote the
word with its English equivalent on a piece of paper, which
he taped onto his toothbrush, so that he had it in front of
him every day. Now, he is more than familiar with the
Do you have a special place allocated for the
language that you are studying? Do you have your
books, notes, CDs and cassettes on hand?
Stick up pictures, postcards, maps, and favorite quotations
in the language that you are studying on the wall at home.
Create a little "German corner" at home, in the garden
shed, or at work. Collect objects, brochures and materials
associated with the language and country in question.
WaIking around town
Where in my town can I come into contact with the
language that I am studying? How can I otherwise
make use of the options provided by my
When Petr can choose which side of Main Street he is
going to walk down, he goes for the side where the tourists
sit out on the terrace in front of the hotel, so that he can
occasionally pick up fragments of German phrases as
he is passing. A little way further down the street there is a
foreign-language bookshop display window. He always
has a look at the titles of two or three German books and
then repeats them to himself as he is walking.
2. EIementary activities
Some people need to get their sight sorted out, to ensure
that their eyes do not hurt when they read for any
extended period of time. Others would be helped by
learning relaxation techniques to make studying more
Which elementary activity needs to be enhanced to
make the study and use of languages easier for you?
Let your hearing make full use of its potential to help in
your language studies. Use high-quality recordings and, if
possible, sound card, radio receiver, player and
loudspeakers that are of high-quality as well. Be aware
that to study German it is enough to use a device with a
sound range of up to 4000 Hz, but to hear English
correctly we need a device that attains the higher
frequencies, up to the 11,000-12,000 Hz band. Also,
consider how spending long hours with headphones on at
excessive volume can permanently damage your hearing.
Use high-standard textbooks and aids. f you are learning
phrases from cards, design them so that you can read
them comfortably, and even with pleasure. Train your
vocal cords without overtaxing them.
3. AbiIities and strategies
A human is a miraculous little learning machine. Learning
begins long before we are born. Not a day goes by in our
lives when we do not pick up some new knowledge, a new
behavioral pattern, or a new way of doing things. n
comparison with others, people who work efficiently have
an extra rare ability: they can transfer the skills and habits
that they have acquired in one field to other fields.
Use what has been Iearnt in new contexts Consider
the skills and knowledge that you have acquired in
life. How could you make use of them for studying a
For example, if you did karate in your youth, you could
revive the old habit of regular training, with its associated
disciplines, maintaining a correct "mental regimen" and
alternating hard work with leisure and relaxed
concentration. You can decide for yourself which level of
language knowledge would match a yellow or a brown belt
and at which level you would be perfectly satisfied and
receive a black belt.
Kindergarten teachers surely know a lot about how to
make use of melody, rhythm, and rhyme when teaching
new material. They know how important it is to vary
different types of activities to make teaching interesting.
They notice how children imitate general grammatical
patterns more closely than adults do (e.g., "think,
thinked"). They also see how much practice is required for
them to learn the exceptions to these rules and to acquire
correct pronunciation.
Which skills and knowledge have you already
acquired in life?
Write them down on a piece of paper. For each of them,
try to come up with at least one way it could be put to good
use during your studies.
A former chess player will learn the German word for
"queen" more readily than others might. A natural scientist
will apply her knowledge of Latin when studying Romance
languages. A mathematician will very quickly understand
logical grammatical rules. A painter would find it a waste
not to take full advantage of her visual imagination during
her studies.
Used and unused abiIities
Catherine learned French at school and university using
classic methods.
Most of her time was taken up working with a textbook.
She learned the language to quite a decent level, but
everybody could tell by her accent that she was not
speaking in her native language. As an adult, she began to
study German and decided to make full use of her hearing.
From the start of her studies she worked mostly with
recordings. She listened to them and tried to reproduce
aloud not only the characteristic stress pattern of speech,
but also its rhythm and melody. When repeating, she could
then make use of her auditory memory, which is stronger
than her visual memory.
When she speaks German now, she talks with an almost
perfect accent. Only a native German can tell that she is a
More will be said on methods and strategies in the next
chapter on polyglots.
Using your foreign Ianguage wherever you can
We have already met some study techniques in the
previous chapter. One of these methods was to use your
foreign language wherever you can. For example, if you
are watching an international football match, you can just
as easily watch it on an Austrian or German channel as on
a domestic one.
Say you have a family chore of washing the dishes and
cleaning in the kitchen every evening. You can either do it
at eight or at ten. There is a radio on the table in the
kitchen. At nine, the news begins in your foreign language.
What time should you plan to do your cleaning?
How can you plan your schedule in favor of even
fleeting contact with your foreign language?
What knowledge can you bring to bear as a resource
for studying and using your languages?
Paul learned talian quite well and wanted to test out his
knowledge in some way. He decided to show some talian
guests around who were visiting his friend. On the way to
the rendezvous, he was suddenly overcome by fear: "what
if get into a situation where forget some important word,
or where just can't get a word out for the life of me?"
But then he sighed with relief as he realized that the
foreign guests could speak French well, just like he could.
So if need arose, he could get by with French.
Another case of transference
Robert had never learned any Greek in his life, yet he
enthusiastically reported how, for all of two minutes, he
understood what his Greek colleague was saying in his
own native language. n English, Robert told him a
problem that had been very much occupying him. His
Greek friend then immediately described it to another
Greek in their mother tongue.
"Because he repeated it sentence by sentence as had
said it, and because a lot of international words come from
Greek, knew what they were talking about in practically
every single sentence."
Let's choose
The number of methods and strategies for studying
languages is inexhaustible. Choose those methods that
suit you best. Do not automatically choose the first method
or course that comes your way.
There are even better options awaiting you. Take into
account your goals, abilities, and favorite activities. Work
in a way that accommodates them.
4. BeIiefs and vaIues
This is one of the little secrets that gifted people have:
A basic ingredient of taIent is the strong desire to
make progress in a particuIar fieId, combined with the
conviction that this is achievabIe.
Gifted people do not say to themselves: "Mr X does it
three times faster than me. He's just got a talent for it.
should give up." They say: "How does that Peter do it? f
he can manage, it then certainly can."
Experts have found that motivation to perform a specific
activity is effective when two conditions have been met:
1. Performance of this activity is in keeping with your main
2. You are convinced that you are able to achieve the
goal in question. How many people give up on their basic
goals before they've even started? How many say every
day that they are too old, that they are "not up to it," and
that others are more talented? But sometimes, your value
or belief is so strong that it sweeps all obstacles aside.
That was the case of a Russian pensioner who began to
learn Spanish as her first foreign language at an advanced
age. She needed to communicate with her granddaughter,
who she was meant to be looking after, and so she
learned to speak the language within a year.
Another instructive case is that of the schoolboy who was
dozing as the maths homework was being given out.
When he woke up he quickly copied down two problems
that were on the blackboard. Because he had been
sleeping for some time, he failed to hear the teacher say
that nobody at the school had ever solved these problems.
He thought it was ordinary homework. At home he really
racked his brains over these problems but he eventually
came up with the answers, the first and only one to do so
in the entire school!
How to start beIieving in yourseIf
One good, simple way to start believing in yourself is to
start regularly working and taking pleasure in the progress
that you make. Can you remember everything you did not
know or could not deal with two or three years ago? f you
kept a diary at that time, go through it. You will be
Even the most difficuIt journey starts.simpIy with a
first step
The conviction that you will not be "up to it" often comes
from the feeling that the task you see in front of you is too
big. To a beginner the task of reading a German novel may
appear impossible. So, first choose an easier task.
For example, reading the texts of the first five lessons from
your textbook fluently and with full understanding. Then,
just have a glance at a German novel, or even better, the
dialogue of a play. Can you find at least one sentence that
you basically understand? The chances are that there is
Step back with pleasure and applaud yourself over this
you could even award yourself some small treat. You have
taken your first step towards reading German novels.
Twenty steps like that will not be so hard, and yet you will
have achieved your goal.
Where do I beIieve in myseIf and where don't I?
When studying a language, it is good to be able to the
answer these questions:
What is my image of myself?
To what extent do I believe in myself and to what
extent do I believe in my abilities and my future? In
which situations and in which contexts do I and don't
Which of my beliefs assist my foreign language
studies and which hinder them?
You can work on your beIiefs
Neatly list those beliefs and values of yours that most
closely relate to language study and use.
Now have a think about how you could turn a belief with a
negative mark into a belief with a positive mark. What
would you need to change to make these values and
beliefs support your studies?
For example, take the idea, " have always been a bad
student". Even if this remains unchanged, we can still
interpret it as: " have always been a bad student, so
should use my foreign language as much as possible in a
natural setting in real life. When use it, should free
myself as soon as possible from any dry scholarly or
academic approach."
SystematicaIIy change restrictive beIiefs
Sometimes you need the help of an experienced
psychological counselor to alter a deep-seated attitude. n
many cases, however, it is enough to look at things simply
from a slightly different angle and to comment on them
using different words words that nonetheless fully
respect reality. Let us take a couple of examples of such
internal retuning:
The belief, " can't do irregular German verbs" could be
replaced by the beliefs, " need to learn basic irregular
German verbs," and, "if learn five irregular verbs every
week and do the appropriate amount of practice on them,
will be an expert on verbs in a couple of months." t would
be good to back up this new belief as soon as possible
with a specific decision, such as, "This Saturday, shall
learn the first ten most frequently used verbs those dealt
with first in the Teach Yourself book."
The belief, " don't have time to go on a company German
course, because am very busy with work and 'm on the
go all the time," can be replaced by, "because have too
much work to be able to go on a company German course,
shall get on an intensive holiday course." Likewise you
can look at things this way: "it took the offer of this course
to show me how much work have. What can do about
that? Who could stand in for me for some things? s there
anything in my activities that is less valuable than this
course that could give up?"
"'m old now," and " don't want to make a fool of myself in
front of the youngsters" can be replaced by, "mental work
rejuvenates you,", "'m learning for myself, not for others,"
and, " have a right to my own time." " have no talent at all
for languages," can be replaced by a range of sentences
and statements, such as:
" understand English, so can also understand hundreds,
even thousands of French, Spanish, Latin, and German
"When was learning to swim, had difficulties at first, and
didn't say that had no talent for swimming then."
" don't need to learn every language; German is enough."
"'ll find out how much study time was needed by those
whom see as talented.
"'ll have to devote twice as much time to the language."
"Do have no talent, or do just not feel like exerting
"Maybe do have the ability to go through the first five
lessons in detail. Then, we shall see. might even manage
the sixth."
"Above all, need to be able to understand spoken
German, to recognize individual words and phrases. shall
work with recordings a lot more."
"'ll give my speech organs plenty of opportunity to practice
this new pronunciation to which 'm simply not
accustomed. 'll get myself tutored by somebody who can
teach me correct pronunciation."
"'ll get my memory to retain material by repeating basic
phrases every day."
" need to get into the habit of studying regularly." And, in
conclusion, one useful maxim with universal application:
Phantoms fear actions.
van Kupka's blog about languages in Czech:
From the "land down under," comes the story of someone
who nearly lost his linguistic heritage, but then found it
My Facebook Photo and Polyglot Essay:
PIease excuse my terribIe writing, I haven't written
anything in EngIish for quite some time.
Dion FrancaviIIa (pahoIainen100 on YouTube). Haven't
quite signed up yet but wiII do so ASAP.
My name is Dion Francavilla. live in Melbourne, Australia.
was born into an talian family who immigrated to
Australia some time ago. was fortunate to have some
exposure to a foreign language in a predominately
monolingual, yet strangely multicultural society. My first
language was of course, talian. My grandparents and
parents both spoke to me in talian when was at a very
young age, which is the best time to absorb a foreign
tongue. Hence learnt it naturally and easily and from
what many relatives tell me spoke it very well. By the age
of 5 or 6 perhaps, the time when first started attending
school, began learning English, since it is the language of
Australia, and (whether consciously or by accident)
stopped speaking talian, or lost the ability to do so. This
must have happened at quite a fast pace. had no idea
the problems this would cause me later on in my life.
Fortunately, however, was always able to understand the
language. vaguely remember one of my uncles telling me
when commenced my schooling. "Don't forget your
talian, when you go to school speak English with all your
friends, but when you come home and when you come
and visit us, keep using your talian don't know what
happened exactly after this but vaguely remember
protesting this or not completely understanding what was
going on. Luckily was always able to understand
conversations very well but couldn't hold a conversation
in talian.. What had happened?
mean, knew a few words and phrases but--to their and
my disappointment-- continued to struggle forming
sentences and certainly couldn't hold a descent
conversation with my relatives. No one understood
why though. They seemed to think it was bad attitude and
lack of interest on my part (which may have partly been
true). Yet think it was much more complicated than that.
was still very young at the time and as time progressed
my talian suffered more and more. Part of me wanted to
communicate effectively with my relatives, yet just didn't
believe could do it. They kept nagging me. Unfortunately
there was nothing could do. n fact, since couldn't
speak, everybody assumed that couldn't understand, but
they didn't realise how wrong they were. could indeed
understand 95-98% of their conversations. Time went on
and not much changed in my linguistic abilities. Perhaps
that couldn't be helped at that stage of my life.
Throughout my teens years had to listen repeatedly to
my relatives who missed that little boy could speak talian
so well. This didn't really help, in fact it made me feel
worse and as though could have achieved more, yet
couldn't really remember why stopped speaking.
Throughout my teen years, occasionally learnt a new
talian word or two to help me along (it demonstrated
interest but was not quite enough to communicate), and
my efforts were met with some enthusiasm.
wasn't interested in improving talian or any other foreign
language for that matter, and it wasn't until was about 16
years old when found my interest. was in high school,
had previously taken up Japanese, talian, French and
Latin, yet lacked motivation with any of them. just didn't
enjoy the classes. continued with Japanese up until the
end of high school. Even though was interested enough
to scrape through the classes, wasn't interested enough
to really improve. During my studies, my friends and
stumbled across some German music which took quite a
liking to. Before long, decided to take up German on my
own in order to understand the lyrics. soon became
hooked and really wanted to get serious with the
language. t started off as pure curiosity and grew into
something much more powerful. This was the beginning!!
studied German for the rest of my high school years and
much after that. wanted to go to University to study
German, but didn't get accepted due to poor results. As a
result, started a course didn't like, got a job that wasn't
quite for me, yet kept up my German as a hobby.
became a dental technician, and didn't earn much money,
but for a guy living at home it was enough. saved up as
much as could for a holiday. "At the end of the year I am
going to Germany" exclaimed. told my parents, they
were surprised yet happy and asked if any of my friends
wanted to accompany me. No one was able to do so, so
left for Germany during the Christmas holidays. had only
three weeks and wanted to make the most of it.
was eager to practice the German that had learnt.
arrived and practiced my rudimentary German with the
locals and almost refused to speak English, since most
Germans' English is impeccable anyway. They were
surprised and my attempts were met with great
enthusiasm. also spent a few days in Finland, where
met a friend who offered me accommodation. also had
an exposure to the beautiful Finnish language, which of
course didn't get to use during my stay unfortunately.
When came back home, decided wanted to go again.
dreaded my job, but worked for another year and saved
up some more money to go on another European
adventure. n the meantime kept up my German to an
extent but had other commitments so my time was
somewhat limited. departed again for the European
winter which loved. visited some other countries as well
during my short stay.
When returned enrolled in a travel-agency course which
lasted six months. After that commenced work again in
the dental laboratory. didn't go overseas that year. kept
applying for University and eventually got approved. was
very happy. took up German and talian. did very well
with German since had previous knowledge, having
taught myself before. also did very well with my talian
since had studied a more difficult language (German),
and also because already had an understanding of
the talian language.
received good marks and understood everything the
teacher was saying. All of a sudden things were making
much more sense to me. continued with my studies, my
talian improved and quickly found myself conversing
freely with my grandparents and also with my parents.
told my mother that really wanted to use my talian at
home, and did so, and am still doing so. n my second
year at university, was disappointed that all my
previous study of German didn't compare with students
who had spent some time in Germany or Austria.
could write, understood the grammar rules, didn't
make many mistakes but still couldn't speak fast enough
or confidently enough without thinking beforehand.
became very depressed and decided to take up another
language which aroused my curiosity, Finnish. loved the
sound of it and have always been attracted to less-studied
and somewhat obscure languages. quickly bought myself
a Teach-Yourself Finnish CD and Book.
have been working on it every since.
My knowledge remains limited since spend most of my
time writing the language and not speaking it. There is a
lack of native speakers in Australia and not enough
learning content for me to really improve and further my
studies while in Australia.
My interest in Finnish stemmed from my interest in
Scandinavian culture and music. Finnish is a unique
language because it isn't actually Scandinavian (or even
ndo-European for that matter). t's unique and belongs to
the Uralic language family which isn't related to anything in
Europe except Estonian and Hungarian (Hungarian being
only a very distant relative of Finnish). am currently
studying the Uralic family and writing a book on the Uralic
language family since it interests me so much.
am also currently writing on how one should learn a
foreign language. My talian studies continue to improve
even now, and am fluent enough in an everyday context
and can hold a conversation on most topics.
My German isn't so great, yet can communicate with
native speakers when encounter them. Occasionally
keep a journal or listen to some audio material to refresh
my memory, though this is less seldom these days.
am still at university studying German and talian, as
these are currently my majors. have nearly finished my
studies. am 24 years of age and do not know my career
path, but would love for it to be related in some way
to foreign languages.
Foreign languages are part of my life and am constantly
using them and thinking about them, especially at home
with relatives or listening to music or keeping a journal in
Finnish, talian or German. like to associate all my
daily activities somehow with foreign languages.
do not call myself a polyglot, though someday would
definitely like to be. am an "amateur polyglot, or
language enthusiast. have been interested in languages
for many years, and imagine there will be many exciting
times to come. will continue with my studied of talian,
Finnish and German, and will possibly take up many more
languages. believe my next will be Hungarian.
Learning foreign languages is, in my opinion, an excellent
self-improvement activity, and would recommend it to
ANYONEthat's rightanyone who is interested. would
encourage the learning of both common and also minor
and overlooked languages, since they are usually very
There are some people would like to Thank:
1. CIaude, for this opportunity to write this short, rough
essay of mine. love watching his videosthey are very
2. Steve Kaufmann. discovered Steve's videos about a
year ago and it completely changed my outlook on
language learning. He is an example of a man who has
learnt many languages on his own. know can do the
same, and in a more natural way. realized that learning
all these Grammar rules and doing grammar drills really do
slow one down. Not just that, but they are slow and
ineffective. like his approach to nput and Output and how
he emphasizes nput before output. really believe he has
the right idea to language learning. He has a practical
approach that can be applied to anyone; get some learner
content, then as soon as you can get yourself onto
real content, content that native speakers would use.
Most importantly don't be afraid to open your mouth and
make mistakes, words are far more important than
grammar and don't waste your term and money at
university studying languages.. You can achieve
much more on your own, work at your own pace and learn
much quicker and probably also save a lot of money.
3. Moses Mccormick watch his videos all the time and
he continues to inspire me as a great polyglot. He learns
many languages, many unrelated languages but above all
his enthusiasm impresses me most.
Thanks everyone.
Oscar's easy, conversational style makes his YouTube
videos a pleasure to watch. Reading his account of his
false starts when learning English will motivate all of you to
First of all, want to point out that don't consider myself a
polyglot. can speak two languages as a native (Spanish
and Catalan), and am currently learning English, so my
experience about learning languages is kind of humble.
However, what makes me want to share my experience
with you is that think it may be useful for people like me,
who want to start learning languages.
So my story is not about how to learn a fifth foreign
language, or to become an accomplished polyglot, but
how to learn the first foreign language. And this is, my
friends, the biggest challenge for a person interested on
learning languages.
There is always a psychological wall for those who want to
learn her/his first language. Each brick of this impressive
wall represents a question like: "s my brain able to learn a
new language now that am not a kid?, or "s this the right
approach for learning the language? The list continues
and it seems that there is no ending to such questions.
These type of questions have been on my mind for a long
time. The problem that a newbie has in learning languages
is that he/she has no references at all. When started
English seriously, wasn't sure at all what the best
methodology was.
Here where live, the public school teaching methodology
is based on grammar, exercises and tests. Listening is
infrequent. Speaking is also infrequent. Sometimes you
have to read an easy adapted book (one per year and
usually short), but that's it. Year after year, the same
grammar (adding a bit more) is repeated. So, as you can
guess, English classes are boring, non-compelling and
ineffective. The result is that students who finish high
school only get very basic knowledge of the language.
This was exactly my case.
At university, soon realized that my English skills were
really poor. had to tackle technical English not very
difficult but, even if knew many words, wasn't able to
understand the general meaning. Why? Because had
learnt by heart most of the words knew, so it was odd for
me to guess the meaning by putting them together.
Besides this, tried to haphazardly apply the grammar
had learnt.
Despite this, the situation made me consider the idea that
the best way to learn a language wasn't by learning only
grammar and lists of vocabulary. The best way is always to
learn in context. This is the unplanned approach that kids
use on daily basis while they learn their native language.
When finished at the university, was able to read
technical English without too much difficulty. Technical
English about computers and software is easy, because
the vocabulary used is quite narrow.
At this moment of the story, want to say that there is
always a key moment for a person who is learning
languages. This interesting, and important moment is
when the person becomes independent. By independent
mean that he/she no longer needs a teacher, a language
school, or whatever thing could be. At this glorious
moment, the learner starts the real trip for learning a
This is when the learner becomes very receptive on the
different approaches on learning languages. Often he/she
tries to find other people in the same situation, and looks
forward to share experiences and knowledge and learn
strategies from others. Then is when the wall mentioned
before starts to fall brick by brick.
Continuing with my story, some time after finished at the
university, wanted to improve my English, so decided
(silly me) to start very seriously to learn grammar, but this
time on my own. t's not clear to me why decided to learn
grammar again. Maybe because felt a little unsure. But
fortunately, after a short and unproductive period of time (3
weeks or so) gave up grammar. So decided that what
needed was to use the language.
hired a teacher, a native English speaker. My idea was to
have conversations in English. thought "Excellent idea
Oscar! This has to be a very effective way for learning a
language. Just talking!. The result was.a complete
disaster. Why? Because didn't have enough exposure to
the language, and got nervous and uneasy every time
had to speak. felt needed more vocabulary, structures
and patterns! felt really awkward when started a
sentence, and didn't know how to finish. felt horrible
every time had to ask to the teacher to repeat what she
said because didn't understand it the first time.
After a short time (one month or so) and some money
wasted, started to seek alternative approaches. got rid
of the idea of learning only with grammar, but there was
still something missing from my plan (as illustrated in the
previous paragraph).
Surfing the nternet (that wonderful tool), came across
people like Steve Kaufmann and Stephen Krashen, who
stated that a highly effective way to learn a new language
is the "input approach. My intuition was already telling me
that it was the right way, but finding out that other noted
polyglots and researchers say the same made stronger
that idea.
What is the input approach? n short, it's spending most of
the time listening and reading, especially at the beginning.
s speaking forbidden? Not at all. You speak when you feel
you want to speak. Some people like to speak from the
beginning, and other people prefer to spend long silent
periods of time without trying to speak--just listening and
am in the middle of both approaches. As said before,
starting to speak from the beginning wasn't working out
well for me, but think that after some period of time, it's
good to put into practice what have you learnt, instead of
waiting too long a period of time.
So started to listen for about two hours every day to
comprehensible English. also read a lot. After two months
or so, began to have conversations through Skype. At the
beginning, it was a bit hard for me, but soon was able to
use what had been learning. English became more
natural. had begun building up useful vocabulary and
patterns of the language.
So hadn't forced myself too much to speak. Of course,
wasn't fluent in many situations, but was doing my best,
and most importantly, was enjoying the process of
Currently, am still learning English. consider myself
intermediate. can have conversations about several
topics. Sometimes am not as fluent as want, but am
improving little by little. Anyway, my current level of English
is not important. What's important is that became
independent on learning languages. know that can
depend on myself to learn a language. This knowledge is
the best gift that the process of learning a language has
given to me.
The bottom line is that by becoming an independent
learner, 've overcome the biggest challenge--how to learn
that first language.
Next up is Nelson Mendez from Venezuela. His
enthusiasm for language study comes out in the first
paragraph of his aptly named entry, "An Endless Journey.
Read it and just try not to get enthused yourself...
An EndIess Journey
Nelson Mendez
[email protected]
My name is Nelson Mendez, a guy from Venezuela and
starting his 30's. As can be inferred from my country of
origin, my mother tongue is Spanish. However, also can
communicate in French, English, talian and Portuguese.
have studied German but do not consider that have
enough knowledge of it to claim that know the language.
How did get to know all of these languages?
Answering that question is the aim of this essay. will try
and reflect on my language learning experience: an
endIess journey, as mentioned in the title of this paper.
First, learning a language is not a process that ends once
you finish a course at the university or complete a book of
exercises. Learning a language can take one's entire
lifetime. Second, learning a language can create a desire
to learn one more language, and then another.
My experience in this journey
started seriously studying languages at the university
Universidad de Los Andes, Merida- Venezuela in 1998.
Actually, have studied all of my languages first of all in
formal education settings.
n the case of English and French, learned them by
completing a bachelor in foreign languages. The program
was focused on English and French, and for that reason,
had many courses in these two languages.
had classes in phonetics, reading and writing, literature,
culture and of course in grammar.
The courses at the University gave me a lot of information.
Nevertheless, it didn't mean that was totally fluent and
knew the languages perfectly. Even today am still
learning them, and every day find a grammar point that
need to review or a new word that must learn.
n 2004, had my first real acid test with the languages
had been learning at the university. went to the province
of Quebec, Canada, in an exchange program. arrived in
Quebec City and had to register in the university
residences, but being exposed to Canadian French was
very shocking! could not understand the person that was
talking to me. This experience was very frustrating,
because had the feeling that had wasted my time at the
Over time began to understand the people from Quebec
very well, and today am in love with Quebec French. This
love for the language was one of the reasons decided
that would move to the province of Quebec. Soon will
be moving to Gatineau, to be close to the language enjoy
the most.
Talking now in retrospective, think that this shameful
experience in Quebec helped me a lot later on. Coming
from a formal setting where you are corrected almost all of
the time by the teachers, one grows up with a sense of
perfection. But, this idea of perfection collapsed in 2004.
That's why can say nowadays that a language is
perfectible; however, you don't need to be perfect in the
foreign language in order to communicate. t is more
important to enjoy the world of possibilities that another
language opens.
n regards to English, learned it mainly at the University.
n Venezuela we have English lessons from high school.
Nonetheless, didn't learn that much from my instructors
there. As mentioned before, had many content courses
in and about English in my university program. And here
learned a lot about the language.
Of course spent many hours of hard work, doing a lot of
exercises, writing papers, making presentations for my
courses and reading all the information the professors
gave me. English is the foreign language use the most,
and thanks to it do business with people in the United
States. am able to communicate with my suppliers, my
bank and even my cousin's husband, who does not
speak Spanish yet.
English is also a language of joy. enjoy watching videos
in English on YouTube, listening to music and reading
books. t is not an obligation that have to follow in order
to keep the language alive and kicking. really love doing
things in English, and thanks to that, my English gets
better everyday. So, the investment did in my university
years is paying off well now.
have been to the USA several times, and knowing the
language of the country makes the trips more interesting,
enjoyable and rewarding. think it would have been a little
bit boring to visit the USA without knowing the language.
When you can communicate with locals, you can
experience the country in a deeper way, even stealing a
smile from someone when you ask for directions, ride the
bus or go out to eat. And a smile gets "stuck in
your mind.
These kinds of experiences help to create understanding
between people and motivate you to keep on studying the
language. Those good experiences that have had have
reinforced my desire to learn more languages in order to
repeat such enjoyable situations.
That is why last year (2009) started learning talian, and
reviewing my Portuguese. From this point, will talk about
my experience with these two languages.
n relation to Portuguese, started studying it in Venezuela
at the University. took two levels of this language in 2003.
did these two levels and achieved a good level of
Portuguese. But, as mentioned before, in 2004 traveled
to Canada and forgot my Portuguese. mean, did not
continue studying and as a consequence lost almost
everything had learned.
However, last year (2009) having more free time than
usual decided that would recover my Portuguese. n
that sense, set a search for materials on the nternet.
Watching the videos of some of the polyglots of YouTube
picked up information about resources. So, got to know
the Pimsleur method, Teach Yourself and others.
remember once Moses McCormick mentioned this page:
This was wonderful because this page gave me access to
a lot of resources. Specifically for Portuguese, found a
book where the Spanish and Portuguese language
systems are compared. This book helped me much at the
formal level. However, for acquiring speaking skill my most
important resource was the Pimsleur method. Nowadays,
also help my Portuguese by listening to the radio from
Brazil through the nternet.
This has been important in two aspects. By listening to
radio have listened to real Portuguese, and have learned
words that are in a certain way unique to Brazil. But also,
discovered a type of music that has caught my attention.
must confess that don't like Bossa Nova or Samba. And
there was not a connection to the language at the cultural
or emotional level; something strong that encouraged me
to love the language and motivated me to learn more and
However, by listening to the radio, discovered forr and
serto music. And here am, writing this paper and
listening to Fernando e Sorocaba. Now, Portuguese
accompanies me everyday thanks to this type of music.
Now, it is the time to describe a my experience with talian.
As with the other languages, studied it at the university.
n 2007, was awarded a scholarship from the
Organization of American States (OAS) to do a Master's
degree in Mexico. So, came to the city of Monterrey to do
a program in Education.
Seeing that had some free time, thought it would be
interesting to study a new language. So, in the second
semester of 2008 started attending an talian language
course at the university where was doing the Master's.
The course was the usual type. But understood that was
there just to have grammar explanations and to receive
some input from my teacher.
Once you have studied several languages, you know that
the classroom is not enough, and that if you intend to
really master the language, you have to be curious and
look elsewhere, so started my search for things that
could help me. discovered a radio station in talian and
began to listen to it every day. also read the, so that was not only up-to-date with the
news but practiced my talian at the same time.
As an exercise, sometimes translated articles and pieces
of news into Spanish and then published them in my blog
at Theses activities boosted my
talian, and in a short time was speaking talian with
relative ease.
At present try to keep my talian alive by watching RA
news on the nternet, by listening to music and by writing
in talian to a cousin who now lives in taly. still need to
learn more in this language, and think will revisit my
talian with Pimsleur's audios.
To finish my reflection, would like to mention that am at
this time studying German and Bahasa ndonesia. And
German deserves more of my attentionand here's why:
am in my third attempt at trying to learn this language.
n my previous attempts, failed because was not
working hard enough with the language and lacked the
proper motivation. now understand that German really
deserves my devotion, and this devotion, or motivation, is
something that we must havenot just for German, but for
any language we may intend to learn.
Auf wiedersehen!
Luka Skrbic may only be 16, but he's already multilingual.
Reading his piece will prove to you that it is possible to
learn something new, if you really want to...
Luka Skrbic--Belgrade, Serbia
YouTube channel: . My
email: [email protected]
don't know where to start, but well... My name is Luka
and 'm a 16 year old guy who's really interested in
learning foreign languages. was bornand 'm still living
in Serbia, near the Capital, Belgrade.
My learning of English has started when was just a small
kid in pre-school, and it has continued all through my
elementary and high school years. But can tell you that
you can't learn a foreign language in school because
teachers, first of all, focus on grammarwhich is not a
good place to start.
Well, 'm lucky to be living in this period when English can
be learnt by watching television, using the internet... so
most of my knowledge didn't came from learning at school.
was able to use so many other resources. Personally
don't think that my English is perfect, but know that it
would be much worse if would only have relied on school
as had to do in the past.
But English is not a good example for this story because it
has now become an international language (which nearly
everyone should speak), and 'm proud that have
reached a level where can use it. A much better example
are my German studies. started to learn this language
when was about 10 or 11 years old in school. We
changed teachers a lot so it was impossible for such small
kids to learn a foreign language in that environment.
First year passed like that and after that a professor came
to our class who wasn't really interested in improving our
knowledge and motivating us.
The years have passed like this in high school and while
studied German for so long my level is only equal to that of
an absolute beginner. 'm really angry with this because
lost (we all lost) a opportunity to learn a language which
can really help us in future.
wanted to make up for all that missed with German by
studying another foreign language, but didn't know which.
At that time was watching an amazing Spanish TV series
named "Los Serrano. Watching it became very familiar
with the Spanish language so decided to enroll some
course in that language.
heard on a TV commercial that nstituto Cervantes, a
Spanish Government institution was working on the
propagation of Spanish language and culture. thought it
would be great to study Spanish so enrolled and loved
it. My first professor at Cervantes was Javier from Madrid.
That is the greatest thing about Cervantes-the teachers
are native speakers of Spanish (Spaniards or Latin
Javier has really helped me to immerse myself into the
Spanish language and the culture of Spain. had great
time there; learnt a lot and met many good friends. One
couple met moved to Chile soon afterwards. 'm in
contact with them by Facebook and they're doing great.
After Javier, my next course professor was Manuel
(Manu), who taught me a lot of grammar and helped me to
further improve my skills.
Manu always insisted on writing things out and he thought
that writing was the most important skill we could acquire
in order to advance. A few days ago finished my third
course of Spanish at Cervantes. After Manu, Xavier, an
Argentinian from Buenos Aires, became my professor.
He insisted on conversation. We talked a lot in classes, on
breaks in bars... everywhere. He traveled a lot and he was
teaching Spanish to people from Germany, France, taly,
Japan, US, Switzerland, srael ... He is fluent in Spanish,
German, English, talian, French and Portuguese and he
learnt many words of Serbian while he was living here.
t is very very interesting and useful to study the Spanish
Language at nstitute Cervantes. Spaniards and Latinos
really want to teach us their language in the most exciting
ways. t really helped me when was traveling to Spain.
plan to continue to learn and practice English and
Spanish, and hope that soon will start learning another
language, maybe a more challenging one such as Chinese
or Japanese.
'm still in high school, but really want to study abroad
because it's a great experience when you're studying what
you like in a different language and have the opportunity to
make new friendships while at the same time exploring a
new world.
Listen up guys, because our next Polyglot speaks 10
languages. Not only that, he's going to tell you how you
can too! Flixyou know him as Lokitells us his story....
Hello everyone, this is my contribution to the polyglot
project launched by Claude.
First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Flix.
was born in Brussels, the Capital of Belgium, but my
parents are from Taiwan and Cambodia. 'm a polyglot on
YouTube and share my experiences about learning
foreign languages. can speak 10 languages so far, all at
basic fluency-which means that can have decent
conversations with people without many problems.
For those who want to know which languages speak,
here is the list: French, Flemish,German (my weakest
language), talian, Spanish, English, Taiwanese, Mandarin
Chinese, Teochew and Japanese.
Let me tell you the story of how came to know so many
At home we always speak 3 languages: Taiwanese (!"),
trochee #$%, and Mandarin Chinese. went to Flemish
school so learnt Flemish during those 5 years but then
changed schools to one where the primary language was
French. had a hard time adapting initially to the french
language, but after a while it become natural, "second
nature let's say.
Afterward, began to learn English at school. However,
since foreign language learning was focused on
grammar, didn't really learn how to communicate. So
after a few years of English study was not fluent at all.
think most Americans who take Spanish or French classes
have the same problem--they know all the rules and can
fill in the blanks, but can't have a simple conversation with
a native speaker.
So decided to try to learn it by watching movies and
serials, like "Prison Break and "Lost. was very
motivated, so kept listening and put on the English
subtitles, so if didn't understand something, could look it
also learnt a lot of English by watching YouTube videos of
Americans who are speaking about their personal
experiences about topics like. The main thing is to get in
touch with the language every day; it doesn't have to be
very long, 30 minutes a day is enough.
That is the way learned English- by watching tons of
videos got used to the American accent and the way
Americans speak. It was aII due to watching videos,
then copying and mimicking Americans.
At this time, already knew 6 languages without any effort
the environment grew up in provided those languages
to me. t was kind of normal to me to be able to speak
many languages.
This is how how taught myself the other 4 languages.
The first language after English that taught myself was
Spanish. My Dominican friend came to Belgium, and was
interested in learning about his country and language.
couldn't communicate with him because his native
language was Spanish, so decided to learn it on my own
with his help.
bought "Harrap's Espagnol Methode Bilinguale book
without the CD (which is why don't have the Spanish
accent from Spain). always asked my friend to read some
words didn't know how to pronounce. That's how learnt
the Caribbean accent.
I worked hard on my own, and after covering the whole
book wasn't really able to use the language because
never spoke it. So after summer vacations began to
speak to my friend for at least 20 minutes every day in
Spanish and got to a conversational level within 3
months. still have to learn more, but this is how
achieved basic fluency.
I aIso created a Spanish worId for myseIf: I put
everything in Spanish- mobiIe phone, PC, radio, TV,
music etc. That helped me a lot by allowing me to stay in
contact with the Spanish speaking world, even though
was not in Spain or Latin America.
f you really know how learnt with the book, here is the
answer to this question. studied the first chapter without
paying attention to the grammar; would just have a
glance at it but never studied it. I focused on the diaIog
and the texts, because it was cIearer and at Ieast your
brain absorb the patterns. You'll see that grammar
doesn't make any sense at the beginning.
So my technique is to avoid learning grammar during the
first year of study for a normal language (easy one), and
two years for a hard one (Japanese, for example).
Normally would listen a lot to the dialogs, but since
never had the Cd's couldn't do it for Spanish. So
followed this book chapter by chapter without wondering
about the grammar. After 6 months understood the
grammar intuitively and could use it without having
studied it. My knowledge of French also helped because
the structures of both languages are similar.
practiced a lot with new South American friends, I forced
myseIf to onIy speak Spanish with Spanish speaking
people and avoid my native language (which is French).
And when you don't know a word you use it in your native
Then moved on to German, have a very good German
friend so wanted to learn it as well. bought the book:
"Assimil Allemand and began to learn with the CD's. You
just follow the CD's and read the dialogs over and over
until you know them very well. You'll get to a fluent level
doing this after 6 months of work. Since knew a very
similar language (Dutch/Flemish) was able to learn basic
German in 2 months and never continued. So can get
by in German and understand a lot but 'm not very good
at German.
n 2008 went to Taipei, where met some talians and
Japanese. t was the first time met people with whom I
couIdn't communicate. f you think English is completely
international, you're sometimes wrong. So when came
back from Taipei decided to learn Japanese. But be
careful, Iearning Japanese has nothing to do with
learning another romance language if your native
language is English. t will be a very big challenge,
because of 3 reasons:
1) The order of the words in a sentence is completely
2) You have to know 3 ways to write Japanese: hiragana,
katakana and kanji. About 120 symbols to memorize and
2000 to 3000 Chinese pictograms to know; and
3) You have to learn two ways of reading each kanji:
unyomi and kunyomi readings. One is the Japanese
reading and the other is the Chinese influenced reading.
So why do a Iot of peopIe faiI whiIe Iearning
Because they aren't patient enough, and they quit too
early. Do you know how many hours you should learn
Japanese in order to be able to have a pretty simple
conversation? would say between 100 to 150 hours! To
be very good at Japanese, you should spend at least 700
hours of study.
struggled with "Assimil Japonais Sans Peine for 3
months and didn't get fluent at all-so lost my motivation
and left Japanese. wanted to try an easy language:
Since talian is very similar to French was able to learn it
very fastfour months. How did learn it in 4 months?
Using the same technique, took the Assimil book for
talian and began to listen to and read the same dialogs
over and over. wasn't trying to remember everything but
my brain sucked every pattern it encountered from that
course. just listened and read talian during that 4 month
period every day for 30 minutes. became fluent, and
became fluent without having studied any grammar.
After talian, went back to Japanese and was now very
serious about learning the Japanese language.
downloaded the Pimsleur course and have to say that
this is the best audio course have ever found! t gives you
a solid foundation in Japanese sentences, and since you
have to speak right away you get use to its structure.
But Pimsleur alone wasn't enough to really get to the next
higher level. searched on to see
what could find. And found the most usefuI book ever
for intermediate Japanese Iearners: An introduction to
intermediate Japanese by Nobuko Mizutani.
This book has a good Iayout: main text, diaIogs about
the text, vocabuIary Iist+ transIations of the main text
and you aIso have recordings! t was perfect! was
looking for a course like this without any grammar-just a lot
of content.
finished the book and since wasn't able to find the
second book of Mizutani Nobuko, went to the Japanese
cuIturaI embassy here in Brussels and borrowed it from
their library.
went through the second book and got a very good
level. After the second book could communicate with
Japanese people. The main thing need to do now is to
enrich my vocabulary.
Once got to an intermediate level decided to have
some fun with Japanese:
I began to study Iyrics of songs I Iove, watch
Japanese Dramas, speak to my Japanese friend, read
Japanese noveIs and magazines. f you have an
intermediate level and want to get better you can also use
the "Hiragana Times Magazine which is available on the
How did I stayed motivated to learn such a difficult
language? WeII, I watched a Iot of videos of Canadians
and Americans on youtube speaking Japanese and it
gave me a lot of motivation. always though: "if they can
do it, can also do it. just have to believe it and work
also learnt a lot by speaking to native speakers who
came from several regions in Japan. had a lot of fun
learning Japanese because it's a special language. Very
challenging. You must be passionate about it in order to
really learn it. f you invest enough time and energy,
though, you will learn it. But if you stay in a classroom
setting, you'll never be fluent!
Although never learned a language while in a foreign
country, think people can do it. They just have to believe
it's possible and never think: "it's too hard.
The best tools to use when learning languages on your
own are:
Pimsleur, Assimil, Teach Yourself, and textbooks without
too many grammar explanations.
Choosing your resources is also a very important part of
language learning. Don't choose the book with too much
grammar explanations and few dialogs and texts.
don't recommend people use Rosetta Stone because it
doesn't work. Have you ever seen someone speaking a
language fluently after using Rosetta Stone? No!
The mp3 player is also a very important tool. After you put
all your audio files in it you can listen to it when you're
walking or commuting to work. When you cook or wash
dishes, just listen to your Assimil recordings or to a
podcast. Use dead moments!
f you're learning Korean, Japanese, English or Chinese
please visit Hyonwoo Sun's site: and
download awesome podcast from it!
Another great suggestion can give you is don't Iisten to
what others teII you. f you learn a rare language and
someone is just jealous and says there's no need to learn
this language, you don't have to believe him! You have to
love what you learn and you'll succeed. f had listened to
my parents, wouldn't be able to speak talian, Spanish or
A last thing would like to add--learning languages can
change your life. met Colombian friends because 'm
fluent in Spanish and spend a lot of time with them. They
invited me to their home and we ate delicious Colombian
food: ajiaco and aburrajado. They were so kind to me!
You feel as you are Colombian because you can directly
interact with them without the obstacle of the language.
You really feel very good if you can take part in their jokes
and discussions. f you just knew English, you would have
a hard time in discovering their world! Believe me, you can
be a tourist and just visit touristic places. f you know the
local language, locals will treat you as a brother and not as
a stranger or just a tourist!
For more information pIease visit my YouTube
channeI: Ioki2504.
Thanks for reading!
Graeme, one of my new frends from Scotland, talks about
his experiences with a difficult language. His piece is full of
useful advice for all language learners...
Don't forget to visit Graeme at: and
his website at:
My name is Graeme and live in Scotland. Over the past
five years or so, have been learning just one language -
Danish. So, suppose 'm slightly different to most people
contributing to this book, who are probably either polyglots
or hyperpolyglots, but everyone has to start with a second
language before moving onto their third, fourth, fifth.!
Anyway, how shall start? Well, should point out that
definitely do not class myself as someone who is "naturally
gifted at languages far from it, as, despite the many
hours, days and weeks 've spent with my head buried in
textbooks and MP3 players, still see myself as being a
relative beginner in the Danish language but 'd like to
share my experiences, the approaches feel have worked,
and those feel haven't.
Like most people in primarily English-speaking countries
around the world, was brought up in an English-only
environment. Well, that's not quite true. We have a second
language in Scotland - Gaelic - and, while don't speak it
(although shall return to this later) we have a TV channel
that broadcasts news, children's, and various other
programmes in the language. We also have Scots, which,
depending upon who you speak to, is either a dialect of
English or a completely separate language altogether.
Having met with non-Scots, even people from other parts
of the UK, who struggle to understand what people
speaking Scots are trying to say, 'm on the side of the
latter, but that's another story! Suffice to say that
generally understand both English and Scots (both written
or spoken), but haven't studied Scots at all. f you're
interested in seeing the differences between Scots and
English (and, in particular, if you think you might
understand it), take a look at the Scots version of
Anyway, back on topic. When was growing up, never
felt any pressure to learn a second language and, while
there was a twinkle of motivation at times, never followed
it up. My parents only speak English (although my dad
speaks a little German having worked there for a couple of
years), as do my most of my friends, relatives and native-
English speak work colleagues. 'm lucky enough to work
at a university, where many of my colleagues actually
speak English as a second language.
n Scotland, as a society, we tend not to learn languages
seriously until we are at high school, when we are about
12-13. Even then, we are generally only offered French,
German or (at a pinch) Spanish. took French for a few
years at high school, and then as part of my
undergraduate degree at university, but really don't know
enough of it to have even the most basic of conversations.
Furthermore, apart from the Gaelic TV channel
mentioned earlier, we tend not to receive many TV
programmes in languages other than English those that
are broadcast tend to be shoved onto some nondescript
digital channel at 11:30pm on a Tuesday evening.
So, fast-forward to the year 2004. For reasons won't go
into, mainly because they are so silly rather than due to
space restrictions, appeared in an article in a Danish
daily newspaper. was interviewed in Copenhagen when
visited the country on holiday. met up with some fantastic
Danes, and generally had a good time while was across
Despite being in my mid twenties at that time, this was the
first time 'd been to a country where the first language
was not English (neither am, nor my family when was
growing up were, particularly interested in Spanish/French
holidays like my fellow Brits). For anyone in this situation,
you sometimes feel as if you're on the moon.
The stores all stock strange items with funny names and
even funnier letters. You hear people pass you in the
street, speaking in some sort of secret symbolic code full
of glottal stops and occasional short bursts of English
(mainly swear words, it has to be said). You feel a mixture
of excitement and fear mainly because you are worried
someone might speak to you in this strange language that
you don't understand, and thus both parties will
experience the embarrassment and awkwardness that will
Yet, despite all this, everyone in Scandinavia understands
and speaks English. Sure, some are more confident than
others (young people are especially good at it), but you
can generally get by using English alone.
And that's where it all started.
When the article appeared in was published in the paper
it was, obviously, completely in Danish. bought a copy of
the newspaper, but had no chance of being able to
understand the text. had a vague intention to pick up a
dictionary at a local library and painstakingly translate it
word for word, but that was never going to happen.
However, when got home, checked my e-mail: three or
four different people, none of whom knew, had read the
article, seen my e-mail address, and translated it in full for
my benefit.
The natural liberal in me began to chastise my own
country and its education system. Why was , someone
relatively well educated (and studying for a PhD at the
time) unable to speak any other language apart from my
own, and yet here were Danes who had never set foot in
the UK or the US who, not only spoke, wrote and read
English perfectly, but often spoke it in a mid-Atlantic
Of course, the obvious answer to that is that the English
language has permeated most of Scandinavia through
television, film, music, the nternet and other media, to
such an extent there almost isn't really much point in
teaching English at school. Most kids will already be able
to hold down intermediate conversations before they are
out of short trousers.
Danes are, assume, as bad as those from the UK or the
US at, say, speaking French or Spanish, as neither of
these languages is as embedded into their environment as
English is. But didn't think laterally instead, decided
would play them at their own game, and learn their
language! Ha! 'll show them who's boss.
Before went to Denmark, popped into my local
bookshop and bought the Colloquial Danish textbook/CD
pack. And, for the next two sat on my bookshelf.
Sure, picked it up once in a while, learnt the numbers
from one to ten, and one or two other silly phrases 'd
spotted in the book Jeg er meget glad for piger ( am
very fond of the ladies) being one of them! found myself
both excited and frustrated at trying to learn the language.
Unlike the more common Latin and Germanic languages,
there are no language schools in my area teaching
Danish, nor could find any Danish language groups.
Actually, wasn't completely surprised by this, given that
can't imagine there's much demand for it. The closest
place could find was a university who did evening classes
in Beginners' Danish every Wednesday evening, but it was
a 4-5 hour train journey there and back, plus it would cost
me around 600 ($1,000-ish) for ten lessons.
So, early on, knew was going to be on my own. This
was a major problem - anyone who knows Danish, even
the Danes themselves admit that it is a very difficult
language to speak. Having heard spoken Norwegian and
Swedish, both very similar languages to Danish, don't
think 'm speaking out of turn when say that Danish is the
most difficult of all three.
The problem is that it is spoken "at the back of the throat,
with consonants being left out altogether or pronounced
completely differently from what a non-Dane would expect.
Additionally, as 've experienced, Danes have a real hard
time understanding foreigners trying to speak Danish.
That's the advantage of English there are so many
different ways of speaking it, accents, local diphthongs,
cultural differences etc. that a person from Malaysia
speaking English can easily understand a person from
Malta speaking English with very few difficulties.
Danish is not like that Denmark is the only place in the
world where Danish is the primary language and, until
recently, it has been a homogenous society. Only recently
has it experienced immigration from all the different
corners of the world. Hence, due to the difficult
pronunciation, it isn't all that surprising that they struggle to
understand "new Danes (as they call them) trying to
speak a language that, until maybe thirty years ago, was
their own private code.
'll give you an example only last month, visited
Copenhagen on a short break. There is a direct train that
runs from the airport into the city centre, so headed to the
station and found myself standing next to an old Scottish
couple on holiday, and who spoke with extremely strong
Scottish accents. They were chatting away to a young
Danish guy in his 20s, asking him which train they should
get, and making general small talk.
Despite their accents, the guy seemed to have no problem
at all understanding them. After they got on their train,
asked him, in my best Danish, if he understood what they
were saying. n English, he responded "Sorry, what did
you say?. Major demotivator!
Despite this setback, 'm still motivated to learn the
language as fluently as can. can't really pinpoint when
the motivational turning point was, but from around
2006/2007 onwards, began to spend more and more time
embedding myself within the language. These days,
spend around half an hour to an hour every evening "doing
Danish, and maybe two hours a day at the weekend. 'll
now mention some of the usual, and perhaps lesser
known, resources that use, and which could be useful for
others attempting to learn Danish on their own, or any
other language for that matter.
Firstly, let's start with the most obvious textbook courses
combined with Cd's/tapes. Yes, these are old fashioned
and very difficult to get into when it comes to motivating
yourself, but you will eventually have to turn to these at
some point in your language learning journey. As Danish is
not a common language, there aren't that many courses,
but 've tried to purchase as many as could when 've
come across them.
These include the standard Berlitz, Teach Yourself and
Colloquial series of courses. The best is the Teach
Yourself Danish course, which still access regularly,
despite having bought it 4-5 years ago. The Colloquial
Danish course was, as mentioned before, the first course
bought it's a lot more lightweight than its Teach Yourself
counterpart, but still useful, while the Berlitz is extremely
don't actually believe that there is such a thing as a "bad
course or a "good course if you're teaching yourself on
your own, you really have to accept you're going to need
at least 2-3 coursebooks, as you will find that (for
example) grammar discussions presented in one book
might be missing in another. You should also make sure
you get the course that contains a CD or DVD, particularly
for Danish which, as 've mentioned previously, is not that
easy to pick up at the start!
Also, make sure you have some sort of MP3 player
ideally something like an iPod Touch or iPhone so that
you can listen to the audio or watch the videos on the
move. While 've seen numerous YouTubers show off the
textbooks and courses that they use, the vast majority do
not discuss what feel are even more useful than the
Teach Yourself series and their ilk, and that is courses
aimed at new inhabitants to the country in which your
target language is spoken. 've been to Denmark several
times now, and every time pick up a language course
aimed at foreigners. The advantage of these courses is
that they are almost entirely in the target language (as not
all readers will understand English), so you are definitely in
the deep end. As a result, would suggest waiting until you
have done at least one of the Teach Yourself courses
before doing one of these.
Language books aimed at children can also be helpful for
adults as well! Most of these can be purchased bookstores
with a website indeed, being able to complete a
transaction online on a site with no English help should be
part of your course! Some of the Danish stores 've used in
the past include SAXO ( and
Arnold Busck (
Note that both Danish books and Danish postage are
extremely expensive!
Figure 1 - Some of the Danish textbooks/courses I
use. The Teach YourseIf book appears on the bottom
Ieft. The two courses top Ieft and bottom right are
aimed at immigrants to Denmark Iearning Danish. The
red book on the top right is a "chiId's first dictionary"
- very, very handy!
also own a couple of dictionaries in the language one
small and one large as well as a couple of "Grammar
and Reader books, which go into much more detail than
the course books, which is really handy if your coursebook
fails to describe a language point in enough detail or in a
confusing manner.
Then there's the nternet the WWW has provided us with
a plethora of online courses, dictionaries, translation tools,
you name it and it's there.some of them are fantastic,
some of them are poor. The best online course 've come
across is a course called "Speak Danish
( which appears to have been
developed as a labour of love by a South African guy living
in Denmark. While it's quite expensive around 100
($160) it's the best course 've found, either online or
f you get the chance to visit somewhere where your target
language is spoken, pick up a local newspaper, magazine,
or a book to bring home with you. Not only will it be a good
"souvenir of your time there, it provides enough content
for you to scan through for weeks, and even months,
afterward. ndeed, a newspaper that costs you $1 contains
more content than a course that costs you $60 armed
with a dictionary and a grammar reader, you have at least
two months worth of study resources at your disposal!
Figure 2 - Some more usefuI resources: A Danish
tabIoid newspaper, a footbaII (soccer) magazine, and a
biIinguaI (Danish/EngIish) book on Hans Christian
Finally, before mention the last resource use, here's a
little task for you. Go to your DVD shelf, and pick up any
DVD. t doesn't need to be a foreign language film in
fact, it should preferably be a film from your own country
(or a film in which the primary language is your own
language). Stick it on your DVD player or your computer
and press play. Normally, when the menu appears, you
can select either to play the film, play individual chapters
of the film, or a third option, sometimes called "Options or
"Extras. Select that option.
From the next menu, you might see an option "Subtitles for
the hard of hearing. Select that, and play the film. You will
notice that subtitles in your own language (sometimes
called captions, depending on the part of the world you live
in) will appear on the screen. Why am telling you this?
Well, because films in your target language, when
combined with the captions for those who already speak
the language but are hard of hearing, are a wonderful
resource. f you can, try to buy films and DVD box sets of
TV programmes that are not aimed at an international
audience you will hear how the real natives speak, the
local dialects and idioms that you don't get in language
courses. You might also enjoy the film!
Then you can switch the captions on (preferably those in
the language of the film rather than those translated into
your language), you can make a bit more sense of what
they are saying. must admit that films are the most
powerful resource of all not only do you understand how
"real people speak your target language, you also get an
idea of the local culture, accents and so on, that you don't
get anywhere else. f you're geeky like me (with a PhD in
computing) you might also be able to get both the English
and Danish subtitles to show up on the screen at the same
time but that's a discussion for another day!
n terms of methods, can only praise the Gold List
method as suggested by a guy on YouTube who goes by
the channel name of usenetposts
( "Uncle
Davey, as he calls himself, is an English guy living in
Poland, who claims to speak around 20 languages. won't
go into the method itself he has a couple of videos
where he explains it in more detail, plus it's on his web site
suffice to say that was a bit suspicious of it at first.
However, having used it now for 2-3 years, would
definitely advise following his approach, while at the same
time listening to CD's etc.
The advantage of his approach is that you are "forced to
revisit anything you've learned every two weeks, so you
don't "cram your learning into a 2-3 day block and forget it
all a month later.
So, even for a relatively "minor language, there are a
plethora of resources out there if you know what to look.
But that's only half the battle. Lots of language-learning
YouTubers talk about having time and motivation to learn a
language. n my opinion, everyone has time if you don't
have even fifteen minutes a day to scan through a
coursebook or listen to an MP3 recording, you are clearly
overworked and should look for another job. Motivation is
more important, but 'd go further than that 'd
actually use the word "obsession.
You have to be obsessed with learning the language,
almost to the point that you feel you have to be able to
speak it, even if it's never going to play a role in your daily
life. You have to bore your friends and family with your
thoughts on how great the language is they might think
you're weird, but that's their problem. That's not to say you
won't always enjoy learning it or have time to do it
indeed, there have been times in my life recently where
've had to put Danish to the side while sort out a few
other things in my life but you should always return to it.
So, where am now with Danish? mentioned earlier that
feel 'm still a beginner and, to a certain extent, think
that's true. don't believe in abstract terms such as "fluent
or "intermediate. 've heard some people say, " think it
takes 6 months to become fluent in a language. Sorry, but
that's not true. Yes, you may be able to say and
understand a few stock phrases (and even 1,000 phrases
counts as "a few in my book) but are you able to
understand idiomatic or less common phrases? While you
will always have an accent, will people understand what
you're saying?
f someone asks you what you think of Barack
Obama/David Cameron/the World Cup, will you be able to
provide an equivalent answer in your target language as to
one you would give in your own, rather than say (or indeed
write), "Um.he's.fine. He's a good/bad president/prime
minister? Based on my experiences, believe it takes at
least a year to get to a "comfortable stage, where you're
at ease when people talk to you in a particular language,
and two years to reach an advanced conversational stage,
where you're able to hold a meaningful conversation that
goes beyond the basics.
That sounds like a long time but, once you get into the
process of language learning, it certainly doesn't feel that
long. suppose am undermining my abilities to an extent
on my recent trip to Copenhagen, generally understood
all the street conversations heard, as well as any
questions was asked in stores. 'm rather ashamed to say
that, in most cases, spoke English, as am still not
convinced my speaking abilities are up to the task. know
have to do it one day (in fact, 'm heading back to
Denmark next month, so 'll probably do it then), so 'm
disappointed didn't make the effort. That's why 'm critical
of the terms "fluent, "advanced, "intermediate and so on.
So, what of the future? still see myself burying my head
in books, DVDs, CDs, newspapers, magazines, etc. for a
few years yet. will shortly be setting up both a blog and a
new YouTube channel devoted solely to language
learning, where will try to discuss some of the concepts
have presented here in more detail.
Anyway, think 've droned on too much for now but,
before sign off, earlier on mentioned Gaelic. Since
studying Danish, have attended an evening class on
Beginners' German, and purchased Teach Yourself books
on Gaelic and Mandarin.
Unfortunately, haven't got far with any of these
languages. thoroughly enjoyed the German classes
had a great teacher, and received an A at the end of the
year, but 'm afraid to say haven't been as "obsessed
with any of these other languages. can't quite put my
finger on it. Maybe because they are more common
languages than Danish lots more people are learning
them. On the other hand, admit to having a "love affair
with Danish those latter languages are but little "flings,
bits on the side to enjoy when my Danish textbook isn't
around. f 'd met German before Danish, may have had
a love affair with her first. You never know. So, while 'm
not giving up on any of these languages, don't think 'll be
as competent as am in Danish.
Right, 'll sign off. Vi ses!
Paul Barbato's YouTube Channel is one that have
enjoyed watching. Read his piece and wonderas did
how he was able to say so much with so few words...
Paul Barbato:
Hey syzygycc!
I heard you were looking for people to write about their
experiences with language as a passion so I decided I
would jump in and help out! Here's my essay, enjoy!:
My name is Paul. 'm always on the run.

There are over 6 billion people in this world. Do you have
any idea how many that is? t's a lot. As significant as you
may assume your existence is, inevitably you'll have to
realize you're just 1-six-billionth of the puzzle. Nonetheless
'm not saying you should sell yourself short, 'm just
saying there's an entire PLANET out there. You're not

-Go see it.

My heritage and upbringing plays a strong emphasis to my
linguistic enthusiasm. My parents are both hapas (half
asian mixed heritage individuals) and are fluent in Korean
however they never taught my sister and me how to speak
it growing up. They would converse to each other in
Korean and only in English to us. Due to this reason half of
my life couldn't understand what they were saying and
many conversational issues arose in our family.

Growing up in the north side of Chicago, nearly half of all
my classmates were second generation Americans who
were bilingual. My friends would greet their parents in a
variety of tongues had never been accustomed to. n a
somewhat envious way, it intrigued me. Polish, Mandarin,
Urdu. t was a plethora of verbal collaboration.

When was 17, moved out of my home and after
graduating high school went against my parent's wishes
and ran away to Korea. was given an offer to teach
English to High school students in a church school. The
funny thing is, actually ended up learning more from the
students then they did from me and hence was able to
finally speak Korean. After living there for a year and a
half, decided it was time to crawl back to mom and dad.
When came back noticed three things about my parents
never knew before.

1. Dad used a lot of slang
2. Mom had a Gyungsan-do accent
3. They both used LOTS of swear words

t was like had just unlocked a secret door to the fortress
of my parents. Language made me understand and
connect to them in a way never had before. Now 'm 23
and on a mission. want to do exactly what did when
was 18 all over again.

-But all over the world.

There's so much to see, hear, taste, feel, jump, run, climb,
laugh at, meet, enjoy, appreciate, absorb, learn and
experience in this world. Like said before, you're not
alone. You have over 6 billion teachers. My job is to meet
as many of then as possible and become the student as
many times as possible.

- &'()*)
Anthony Lauder (a/k/a FIuentCzech), has a YouTube
ChanneI that aII Ianguage Iearners shouId watch, even
if they are not studying Czech. Like his videos, you
wiII find his submission both entertaining and
FIuent With What You Have
Anthony Lauder
FluentCzech on Youtube
Male, 45
British, but resident in Prague, Czech Republic
I Am Not a Polyglot
Let's get one thing straight: am not a polyglot. am not
even a talented language learner. When sat the German
language examination at school, understood so little of
the paper that at one point turned back to the cover page
to check that it really was for German. t was, as they say,
"all Greek to me.
To my dismay it takes forever for new words to finally get
into my brain, but only a second for them to slip back out
again. When it comes to grammar, things are even worse:
can read a grammar book for two hours straight,
understand everything, then the moment close the book
can't recall a darned thing. n short, am a complete
language dunce.
have always envied polyglots and their linguistic abilities.
have always wished could be just like them. Heck, to be
honest, often wished could become fluent even in one
foreign language! However, my complete failure with
languages at school convinced me that my brain simply
wasn't wired the right way. So, gave up on languages
early on and focused on the few things actually was good
at: throwing myself into mathematics, computer science,
and other such "logical pursuits.
Living in the Land of Polyglots
Around the age of 30, though, found myself living in
Luxembourg. This is an intimidating country for a
language-dud such as me: every few years schools in
Luxembourg switch the languages in which they teach, so
that most children are fluent in at least four languages by
the time they are 18.
Surrounded by a country full of polyglots, decided to give
languages another go. For a few months in Luxembourg
took a bunch of classes and bought a couple of books,
and eventually picked up a tiny little bit of Luxembourgish.
t was just enough to struggle along in very basic
conversations with kind old grannies and accommodating
Encouraged by this minor success, then committed to
learning French (a prevalent language in Luxembourg) by
hitting the textbooks for an hour or two every day, listening
to audio tapes on my way to the office, and talking in
broken French during breaks at work. To be honest, the
results were only a little better than at school. t was only
ever "survival French. Still, "upgraded myself from being
completely hopeless at languages to merely being very
bad at them.
My Search for the Polyglot Secret
When my two years in Luxembourg were over, looked
back on my new-found language abilities and was
dismayed at the amount of effort had put in for even
modest gains. All that hard work, and so little to show for it,
confirmed my suspicions that polyglots were either
genetically different from the rest of us, or they employed
some secret trick to quick fluency.
Since there was nothing could do about my genetic
makeup, clung to the hope that polyglots were indeed
relying on a hidden secret. Once this idea was fixed in my
mind, lusted after finding out exactly what that secret
was. bought just about every language course could
find. spend a fortune on books, audio tapes, and
language classes. committed to diving with all my energy
into all of them, until finally worked out just what made
polyglots different.
Unfortunately, one of two things would invariably happen:
1. would run out of steam part way through and decide
this one book (or audio course, or teacher) didn't hold the
"secret to fluency after all.
2. On very rare occasions, would actually reach the end
of a book (or set of tapes, or classes) and think "well,
finished that, but still don't feel fluent.
n either case, would become discouraged for a few
weeks, then regain my enthusiasm and make another trip
to the bookstore (or language school) in search of the one
book (or tape, or class) that actually would reveal the
secret to me. This search went on for years, and although
picked up bits of various languages along the way, none
of those books, or tapes, or classes ever did tell me "the
polyglot secret.
When the Hours Feel Like Minutes
When had almost given up hope, found what was
looking for. Perhaps surprisingly, the secret to successful
language fluency came to me not from a polyglot but from
a musician.
At the end of an exhilarating performance, the late great
jazz pianist Michel Petrucciani was asked the secret of his
incredible talent. This is what he said: "Whenever spend
an hour at the piano it feels like a minute, and whenever
spend a minute away from the piano it feels like an hour.
That is when it all "clicked for me. Up until that very
moment had always seen language learning as hard
work. Sure, there was usually an adrenalin filled flurry of
excitement at the start, but a few weeks in the clock
always seemed to move very slowly when was studying
languages, and could hardly wait for each session to end.
All the language lessons, the books, the tapes and in fact
the whole process of language learning were all an
unpleasant chore for me.
Quite simply, didn't love language learning, and if am
honest with myself didn't even love languages. was
merely in lust with the idea of being fluent. realized right
then and there that was in a desperate rush to get to
fluency as quickly as possible but would never actually
make it because hated the journey that was necessary to
get there.
realized that the difference between people like me and
polyglots is that polyglots don't just lust after results; they
are in love with languages and the whole language
learning process. only had lust, and lust fades. Polyglots
have love, and if nurtured, love grows. As with Michel
Petrucciani, when polyglots are immersed in languages
the hours feel like minutes, and when away from language
the minutes feel like hours. For them, the hands on the
clock don't crawl, they fly by.
How to Become an Overnight Success
To confirm this, did something very simple: started
listening to what polyglots actually had to say about
themselves. watched videos, read books, joined
forums, and spoke to polyglots face to face. What found
was that are very few Daniel Tammets out there
. Many of
the very polyglots we celebrate as "gifted actually see
themselves as moderate learners. Some have even
remarked that describing their accomplishments as "a gift
actually undermines the tremendous amount of effort it
took for them to get there.
From the outside looking in, then, we only see the
polyglots' enviable achievements and not the many years
Daniel Tammet is a high-Iunctioning autistic savant, made Iamous by a documentary
showing him achieving basic Iluency in Icelandic in just one week.
of effort that went into them. One very well known polyglot
recently told me that he has being obsessed with
languages since the age of six. Since he is now in his
thirties his outstanding polyglottery is due to more than
twenty years of pure passion for languages, with continual
and never ending improvement along the way.
His story reminds me of the comedian Eddie Cantor, who
once said "t took me twenty years of hard work to become
an overnight success. f we want the same "overnight
success we can have it too. t'll just take us ten or twenty
years to get there.
f you can commit to full time immersion in a language you
can probably speed that up a little, but most people have
busy lives and can only devote an hour or two a day to
language learning. Still, an hour and a half a day, every
day, for twenty years should get you the results you seek.
A quick calculation shows this to be around 10,000 hours
of dedicated effort to reach language mastery. Now, it
turns out that the same 10,000 hours figure is pretty
consistent for mastery of just about anything. The recent
book "Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell introduces us to
decades of research searching for the elusive secret to
what makes some people the top performers in music,
science, medicine, chess, and so. Time and again, the
researchers discovered that the only consistent theme was
10,000 of hard work, often starting from infancy right
through to adulthood. n short, the most accomplished
people worked harder and for longer, and never gave up,
no matter what.
Language Bed-Hopping
This idea of never giving up, no matter what, is vital.
Quitting when the initial excitement wears off has certainly
always been my own stumbling block. Not just with
languages either. can't count the number of times have
started out giddy with excitement for playing some new
musical instrument, participating in a new sport, exploring
my well-hidden artistic side, mastering some foreign
language, and (to be honest) even in romantic
Every time would dive right in with all my passion and an
expectation it would last forever. Then, invariably, within
three months the heady excitement would vanish. Once
the "chemistry" had gone, would jump onto something
new to rekindle the flame. Of course, three months later
the magic of that faded too.
You see, the first three months of just about any kind of
endeavor make for a very exciting time. The lust for results
helps us keep up a tremendous pace. During this
"beginner's stage, the brain is like a sponge, and we
become giddy with our initial flurry of success. t seems
like we are going from zero to hero, and there is no
stopping us. "Wow, at this pace will be fluent in another
three months.
Then, without warning, progress comes grinding to a halt.
The point where lust fades and reality hits is the beginning
of the intermediate stage of learning a language.
People report that they feel "stuck, have "reached a
plateau, and need help getting over the "intermediate
hump. Unfortunately, the intermediate stage isn't a hump
to get over, but rather a long term commitment to living
with uncertainty and making progress that is often too
subtle to motivate you on its own.
The kind of "no matter what commitment that is needed
here lacks the heady excitement that comes from the
beginner's stage. t is no surprise, then, that the
intermediate stage of language learning often becomes
associated with pain, frustration, and boredom. As a result,
plenty of people become serial monogamists: switching to
a new language every few months to keep the excitement
alive. Having following precisely this path of "language
bed-hopping in the past, know very well that ultimately it
is unfulfilling.
Falling in Love
used to always apologize for my slow progress: " am
ashamed to say have been learning Czech for six months
already. Then started to ask myself "Why be ashamed?
Most people give up when the going gets tough. You
should be proud of your commitment.
And with that, learned to let go of the thirst for short-term
excitement and go for contentment instead. This is where
you allow yourself to slowly fall in love with languages and
the whole process of language learning, and get a different
kind of satisfaction that comes from long term commitment
and slow and steady progress.
That commitment, have found, is the secret to language
fluency: you have to surrender to the language and allow
yourself to slowly fall in love with it so that all the time you
spend with it is a pleasure rather than a chore. Just as
with Michel Petrucciani as his piano, it will feel like minutes
rather than hours and even after thousands of hours of
effort you will be able to look back and feel amazed at how
much progress you have made and how much you
enjoyed the experience.
have now been learning Czech for quite a few years, and
have completely fallen in love with both the language,
and the whole process of living with the language. Various
people describe this as like being married to a language,
where you stick at it, through good and bad, and allow the
journey to become its own reward. Having said that, if it is
like marriage, then must admit to maintaining very close
and long term friendships with other languages that in
some cases are bordering on polygamy. Still, my love for
Czech remains unwavering and the process of
transformation into a language lover has without doubt
rescued me from my lack of natural abilities. t has
enabled me to gain a level of fluency that previously
always eluded me.
Fluent With What You Have
Fluency is a slippery term, but my own definition of fluency
is where a native speaker does not have to modify the way
they talk in order to accommodate your own abilities. By
this definition, am pretty fluent in Czech in most everyday
situations (at the bank, train station, in shops, and so on).
Despite this, lack many of the tens of thousands of
idiomatic phrases that a native Czech will have grown up
with. Czech don't "cross their fingers, they "hold their
thumbs. They don't "walk on egg shells, they "dance
among eggs, and they are never "as happy as a clam but
"as happy as a flea.
also lack the cultural background that Czechs have
grown up with and take for granted. At parties, am soon
lost when Czech friends are swapping stories and jokes
that reference TV shows or songs from their youth, or
when they talk seriously about political or cultural figures
that are unknown to me.
t is because of this idiomatic and cultural gap that really
appreciate the comment once heard that you are are
"forever intermediate. n other words, there is always
more to learn. Accepting this allows you to let go of the
certainty that comes from textbooks, and ultimately live
comfortably, and even thrive, in an environment filled with
Here is some advice gave on the HTLAL Forum
somebody who felt stuck in their language learning, and
wanted to know how to progress beyond their current
"t is time to put the textbooks away and start
diving into authentic material. t is a big step,
though, since you will no longer have the comfort
of explanations that the textbooks provide.
nstead, it really can feel like being thrown into a
swimming pool and told to sink or swim. t can be
quite scary at first, but after just a few months you
will achieve one of the most important skills for
language learning: getting used to living with
So, find a native text (such as a magazine or
book) that is just a bit too advanced for you ... and
just start reading. Take a highlighter pen and mark
all the words and phrases you don't know - but
don't bother looking them up. t helps if you have
audio too for the same text, since you can then
listen to it repeatedly and see which words and
phrases really stick out as those you wish you
Then do the same with another text, and another.
After a couple of days you will notice that some of
the highlighted things seem to bug you (maybe
because they are repeated so much, or really
blocked your comprehension) and others seem
irrelevant after all. Look up only the ones that bug
you, and put them on a list. When you have
studied that list, read those same text again.
Then do it all over again with a whole new set of
very slightly harder texts. Then again with another
set of texts, and then again, and again, and again.
For months, or years if need be, until one day you
find you have reached the stage where you are
reading the daily newspaper or novels with more
than 95% comprehension. That day does come,
trust me, it just doesn't feel like it is ever going
too, because the improvements along the way are
so gradual and almost at a subconscious level.
There are two things going on here:
1: You are replacing short periods of intensive
deliberate study, with much longer periods of slow
acquisition. have seen folks get very
uncomfortable with this, since reading and
highlighting doesn't seem like "real work". You just
have to trust that you are absorbing things, and
not be too tempted back to the textbooks (apart
from a dictionary and occasional dips into a
grammar to confirm things)
2: You are preparing your brain to live in the real
world, where you really do have to be able to live
with uncertainty. When the repairman comes
around to replace the pump in your heating
system you may only understand 70% of what he
is talking about, but the immersion described here
will have armed you for thriving in that kind of
The other step relates to output. This is where you
have to get used to looking foolish. The work with
texts and audio mentioned above will have
prepared you for the uncertainty you face in the
real life conversations, now you have to build up
the confidence - and that just comes through lots
and lots of exposure. Practice a whole bunch of
scenarios in your head, and then go out and live
them in real life with a native speaker.
You will mess up more than you could have
anticipated, and get embarrassed. always say to
people that each time you get embarrassed in this
way you are one step closer to fearless
conversation. So, you have to get back on the
horse, and practice on your own, and then get out
to the battlefield again. After a few months your
confidence will have soared without you realising
it, and it will feel perfectly natural to talk about just
about anything in your target language - even if
you are missing vocabulary, because you can
always ask questions, explain things in other
ways, and be fluent with what you have.
Perseverance and the right methodology yield the best
results. Stephen Eustace explains what works for him...
Stephen Eustace, from Greenhills, Dublin, reland
Okay, will try to keep out the "padding and get straight to
the point. My personal story!
was born in Dublin in 1969 and grew up in a south
western suburb called Greenhills. Anyone who has been to
reland will soon realise that it is supposed to be bilingual
with rish as a first language. ronically this was my first
exposure to a "foreign language. From 1973 until 1981
learned rish alongside English, Maths and Geography and
all the rest. rish was used as the language of authority
and some phrases are forever burned in my mind. We
always had to ask to go to the toilet in rish "An bhfuil cead
agam dul go dt an leithreas? Besides counting, "what's
my name, and "what bread and butter is, my rish didn't
really progress very much from 1981. This became evident
at my first day at secondary school. There the new rish
teacher greeted us with pure disdain and disgust. He
asked us what we could say in rish, and was met with 24
mute, scared 12 year olds. He picked this one guy named
Frank, and asked him to turn around and ask the boy
behind to give him the book. At which, he turned around
obediently and said "Gimme the book! Now outraged the
teacher yelled "NO!!! YOU MORON, N RSH!!! FOR
GODS SAKE!!! This phrase was then burned into my
mind out of fear; "tabhair dom an leabhair!
, like the rest of my classmates was gripped in fear for the
remaining five years of secondary school. Grammatical
errors were always met with severe reprimands, and the
teaching of the language was always the samegrammar
and tables of verbs. My mother (who was born in 1944)
went to an all rish school in Dublin, and for the same
reason (being terrified by the nuns and learning history in
what was to her a useless language) did not pass on any
love of rish to me. decided (in retrospect and
erroneously) that would never learn this language
properly and left school for university in 1986 with basic
conversational rish which soon began to fade.
n contrast to rish, on day one of French we were greeted
with a pleasant "Bonjour mes enfants!! and we had to
answer "Bonjour Monsieur. can still hear the sing-song
answer of 24 pre-pubescent boys in my head. We did of
course learn grammar and verbs, but this was
interspersed with stories of France, French bread and
Bordeaux wines. One school trip to Paris, and a chance
friendship with a French exchange student called Nathalie
(who stayed with our neighbours) and quickly developed
a love for French. used to tune into LW and listen,
desperately trying to understand what was being said.
Another four years had passed, and being quite a loner at
school, would practice speaking French while washing
the dishes. continued writing to Nathalie and used to
screech with Joy as the huge letters with French magazine
cut outs, recipes with some of the ingredients included and
even corrections for the mistakes in my previous letter
arrived. continued this for some time and even found
another pen pal, a female Nurse from Paris who even
complimented me on my good French. last saw Nathalie
in 1985, and still remember how heads would turn as we
walked around together laughing and speaking in, French.
My love of French is a testament to my French teachers
who brought this language to life for me. started
University, and even though my French was much better
than my rish, it too began to fade.
As part of my chemistry degree had to study a
"translation course from technical German to English with
the aid of a dictionaryfat lot of good! got my degree in
1990, and started my PhD in Chemistry. Our University
was a very international place with lots of students from
France, the Netherlands, Germany, taly. have always
been fascinated by travel, foreign places and foreign
Enter the ItaIians.
t happened that five exotic students, who were very well
dressed and who presented themselves well (but had a
very poor command of the English language) made their
appearance at the school. Arrogantly, one of my
colleagues at university disparaged their talian and
wondered how they could dare turn up not knowing
English! As far as was concerned, secretly decided to
go to taly the following year, and was not going to be
singled out as a foreigner!
What gave me the real push was my interrail trip in 1991.
left reland, and travelled first to London, then over sea
and rail to Saarbrucken, where a friend of mine was
enrolled in a computer course. Again, my friends and
acquaintances had informed me that "all Germans speak
English, but to my surprise and dismay hailed a cab and
found that my taxi driver only spoke German! After a lot of
hand gestures and strained communication, arrived at my
destinationthe University of Saarbrucken. The rest of my
journey brought me through Germany, Switzerland, taly,
Austria and France, where ended my holiday while
spending time with a French friend of mine.
My French, although rusty, was the only language that
could (badly) communicate in. Having been exposed to the
beauty and variety of the cultures in these countries (while
appreciating any English speakers met), realised my
own inadequacy and the arrogance of many English
speakers. Along the way, a German friend had taught me
how to count in German and another friend taught me
some rudimentary phrases in talian. This was not good
Back in Dublin, received a gift voucher for Eason's, a
famous bookshop there. cashed it in for the BBC
language course "Buongiorno talia. While everybody was
watching the usual rubbish on TV, would work my way
through the course booklet and the tapes; repeating,
memorizing and practising. still remember my first day
sitting on my sisters bed, book in one hand and the remote
control of the stereo in the other. thought to myself that
this was a monumental, if not impossible task for a 22 year
old. knew not ONE word of talian, and my goal was full
fluency in six months! Lesson 1, ordering a coffee, "Un
caf per favore! ...
The book instructed never to progress to lesson 2 unless
Lesson 1 had been mastered. The results were slow, with
lots of repetition; and after completed lesson 5, had to
return to lesson 1 as lesson 6 was too difficult.
finally reached lesson 10, and even then had to return to
lesson 1 again!! After arriving in Milan in January, 1992,
began at once to practice my rudimentary "shopping
talian. had managed after those 10 lessons, however, to
build up to a sufficient level to have a rudimentary
conversation! Back in Dublin, lessons 10-20 seemed to go
a little easier, even though was forced once again to
return to lesson 1 and work my way back up to 20 again.
The format was the same 1) listen passively 2) listen
actively 3) listen actively again, and 4) hide the book and
try without the text.
The book also contained some listening comprehension,
reading and grammar. followed the lessons, and the
practice conversations where they prompted a reply. The
next book in the series was also from BBC, "L'talia dal
vivo where conversations (including mistakes made by
natives) were recorded along with some excercises. This
book was also more or less the same format, repeat some
words, listen to a conversation, then finally the
conversation practice with prompts. The 20 lessons only
took me 2 months to master, in contrast to the 4 months
needed to achieve the basics.
On April the 27
arrived in Padova taly, and it was also
27C (80.6F)! arrived with 2 fellow rish students, and on
day two we were sent off for free language courses. was
sent to the advanced class! My goal while there for all 3
months was NOT to speak English AT ALL. This meant
speaking to some of my fellow rishmen in talian, and
must say the first 2 weeks were hard! People had to
repeat things and constantly explain; and some even got
angry as stuck to my guns, but my rule was: NO
ENGLSH!! explained to the natives that there were
plenty of other people willing to speak English to them if
they wanted to practice.
One day, two weeks into my trip, the fog of not
understanding lifted, and like the feeling of a hangover
going away after a night of drinking, the need for people to
speak S L O W L Y and to constantly repeat things
became unnecessary. t was amazing. could understand,
could speak, and was now having conversations. On
July 27
left taly, fully fluent in talian! When returned to
reland, began to dabble in learning other languages, and
took a trip to the University Language Lab and started
learning Dutch. Although practiced with a Dutch student
who was in our lab at the time, my Dutch never
progressed beyond, "hello, how are you? and such simple
My talian got dusted off on a number of occasions, but
took it upon myself to ALWAYS learn a few phrases in the
language spoken wherever go. Most notably, in 2001
went to Stockholm, Sweden, and between reading my
phrasebooks, listening and observing, actually earned
free drinks for myself and a friend because of my "good
Swedish. then started to bring phrase books with me
everywhere. To date, can order a beer in English, French,
talian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Czech, siSiwati,
Japanese, Hungarian, Finnish, Catalan, Greek, Dutch and
Rolling the clock forward a little to October, 2001, moved
to Den Haag in the Netherlands, again having a fresh
opportunity to obtain fluency in another language.
joined formal classes, which really did nothing except drill
grammar, so turned to my old method--the Cds, the
books and repetitive practising. always repeated any
chapters was unsure of, and starting all over again if
necessary. Within 3 months, had a job, and in a room full
with 100 new employees, introduced myself in Dutch: "Hi
my name is Stephen, am living in Den Haag for 3 months
but am rish. got a round of applause on my excellent
Dutch. Of course, 8 years later, still get compliments, as
make less mistakes and my accent is more rounded. The
learning rate decreases over time as we have less to
learn, so during those first three months had made
astonishing progressprobable acquiring 60-70% of my
current Dutch vocabulary!
n 2005, went to Brussels for the weekend and fell in love
with a Wallonian (French Speaker) who insisted speak
French. had basically decided at this point that my
French was more or less dead in the water, but faced with
HAVNG to speak it to him (and all his friends and family)
meant that within four months was able to fully revive my
French and even advanced to a very high level!
Learning languages my way is by means of focusing on a
few key phrases:
! Numbers, odd words, simple greetings
! Shopping language; simple ordering, using numbers,
and learning from audio and visual cues; for
example, seeing a sign "Uien in front of the onions in
the supermarket in Rotterdam would generally imply
that Uien is Dutch for Onions! No classroom involved
! Simple conversation with English as a crutch
! Conversation broken by occasional "How do you
say? t is important to say "How do you say in the
language you are using; even better would be to
point to the object and ask what it is.
Refinement, listening, reading and learning, using
Dutch (or whatever language) subtitles to learn and
expand vocabulary. This final phase improves
Our first submission from a native Hakka speaker! Next up
is Skrik, a resident of Taiwan.
You can find him on YouTube at:

Hello, am Skrik from Taiwan. Before start, 'd like to
mention a little about my lingual background. was born
and raised in a family speaking Hakka, Taiwanese and
Mandarin Chinese. am the 'Benjamin' (youngest boy) in
my family. have two sisters who are way older than me,
so much so, that oftentimes 've felt like the only child with
one dad and three mums since was a child.
couldn't speak until was three (3) years old, that is,
based on my mum's observation did nothing but roll my
eyeballs. Also, she said that looked like was constantly
thinking about which language amongst those three
spoken around me wanted to speak.
For a long period of time, a very long time, enjoyed
playing alone. enjoyed being that way for several years
from school age to puberty. Perhaps this is one of the
reasons why, even now as a grown-up, experience
awkward moments sometimes not knowing how to behave
properly whilst spending time with others.
didn't go to kindergarten; instead, went directly to
primary school. None of us three kids did, in order to save
money, suppose. When decided to join in this Polyglot
Project weeks ago, the first thing that came to my mind
was, surprisingly, a coin! still remember once went to
my uncle's house. There, saw a collection of coins from
my cousin's sister which seemed to show the world and
how rich their life was, travelling around the world every
year, et cetera.
My one and only foreign coin was a gift attached to a
certain milk powder can from a grocery store. treated it
as my lucky charm ever since got it around 12. t's now
rusty, of course, due to oxidization for more than a decade.
As write this, am holding it, the 5 dollars coin from
Canada. One side, a maple icon, the very symbol of
Canada and on the other side is the figure of Queen
Elizabeth .
Such a seemingly inherent personality has brought me into
more collections. Such collections reach into a world that
is either exotic or unknown. A plastic bottle of jelly that
ate, with Japanese words inscribed on it, a picture of the
Thai word 'Welcome' written horizontally that took from
an inn on my journey one time, books bought, films saw,
and even now the numbers of my buddy-buddy foreign
friends categorized by nationality, Hahaha!
haven't studied Linguistics or any degree related to
languages yet. However, have obtained a Bachelor of
Computer Science degree. This opened a world of
programming languages, where got an unexpected
harvest so as to look into human languages and into
myself as well in a very scientific way - not a good-or-bad
issue, just a plain fact.
Before University, my life seemed fine but there was chaos
inside, so much so, that had no clue what wanted to do
with my life. Later on, nearly six years of a painful spell
with computers taught me a lesson that will only do
things love in my life. And yes, love Psychology, Human
Languages that connect with real people rather than cold
machines and without question their overlapped section,
Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics and so on. So here
How did you Learn your Languages?
After picking up several languages since 2006 or so, (not
in a too serious way though) learnt to learn a language by
Language Families.
1) Word Order - (could VSO or VOS, even OVS or
OSV, possibly be a heritage from the last human
civilization before ours this time?),
2) Alphabet - (i.e. the writing system) hand write by
3) Pronunciation - Basically, the pronunciation of
each letter and pronunciation rules in
combination in all cases.
4) Expansive mmersion through sentences,
articles, songs and whatsoever to grow

n my case, tend to analyze them more than speak
them. Unfortunately, stopped it before process 4) and
then went on to another newer language and began
another loop from 1) to 3) over and over again. guess
'focus' surely needs to be a big lesson for me when it
comes to 'learning' things. But anyways, am no linguist
yet but am a language lover, undoubtedly.
How has the study of Foreign Languages enriched
your Iife?
The thinking. Always the thinking. The thinking has
fell into an aphasia-like symptom roughly one or two
months after set about my polyglot self-learning in 2006.
was too obsessed with it that started brand new
languages, about 10 or so, at the same time and in a short
time. Probably something went on in my brain that as
certain things came to my mind, certain images or the
sounds of corresponding names in two or three different
languages all coming together before uttered whichever
unconsciously. Or most of the time, simply stayed numb
and thinking. t's hard to explain.
During that time, even had some flashbacks. When was
a kid, for a time, slept with my folks in the same room.
Before getting ready to sleep, we always said to each
other 'good night, father' 'good night, mother' 'good night,
my dear son'(and yes, we said it in English). Such image
together with the vivid greetings popped up right the
moment learnt this particular phrase 'good night' in
certain new language. Very strange, but well at least in an
optimistic way! guess it's sort of like the old Czech
proverb, 'you are as many times a person as many
languages you speak.' Can this be microcosmic?
Although different races of different languages have their
own different ways to express and some languages dying
out whilst some new ones evolve, the main core behind all
these remains the same. As human beings, we can fear,
we can cheer, we feel angry at times and we feel cozy at
times. We might want to be thought of highly by those we
think highly of. We hate injustice coming upon us. We are
exactly the same in this regard and the basic elements to
maintain a healthy life are really few and simple: food,
sleep, and taking care of each other (i.e. love). That's it.
How has the study of foreign languages enriched my life?
might say, by it 've become more comprehensive and less
judgmental, or rephrasing it: 've become happier. No one
is perfect, know. 'm still learning though. Here, would
like to have that proverb in my version, "The more
languages one speaks, a more pure person one is to be.
A macroscopic is? Ha!
Who infIuenced you?
Always the traveler, an Wright, a funny British fellow.
don't know him personally but his character is somewhat
my own and want to develop fully. n one word, want to
be like him. Confident, curious, humorous, not stressing
people but surprising them, overall a child-like man with
non-stop positive power to explore this world the way
everyone does in childhood. fancy travelling all over the
world some day as believe every language lover does too
but before that feel an urge to learn several dominating
world languages and learn them well at first today.
Raashid Kola weighs in with this fine contribution. An
encounter with a hyperpolyglot at the age of 16 made a
lasting impression on this native Gujarati speaker...
Raashid can be found on YouTube at: sigendut1
"Polyglottery in Progress
Before begin delineating my experience of language
learning would like to thank Claude for coming up with
the ingenious idea of the "Polyglot Project, a wonderful
opportunity for us to share our experiences and methods,
in our endeavors to become consummate communicators
in our chosen tongues.
intend to be laconic and not subject readers to a prolix as
brevity is the key to maintaining reader's interest. will
briefly provide a description of myself, not something
which find easy as am self contained, unassuming and
self effacing by nature.
am a 37 year old male of ndian extraction born and
brought up in the UK; my mother tongue is Gujarati which
is spoken in the Western ndian state of Gujarat.
Being born into an immigrant family within the UK was
blessed with having a mother tongue other than English.
However, as is common amongst children of immigrants
we become overwhelmed and absorbed by the host
culture and prefer to use the dominant language in this
case, English. Through my experience have found that
people will avoid speaking their mother tongue as they feel
they will be perceived as "inferior. as a child was no
different and only in my late teens appreciated the rich
diversity which language learning can offer.
My first real exposure to a foreign language other than the
spoken environment at home and the poorly presented
French classes at school was when was approximately
14. There was a Malaysian boy in my class, whose father
was a student at the local higher education institute, he
taught me some basic Malay words and a single sentence
which laid the foundation for learning, this is something
which continued and developed organically later into my
twenties. never really considered my mother tongue as
anything "special as had become blas to this whole
When was 16 befriended a middle aged man who lived
in our city temporarily with an ndian family that often
visited. He was a Caucasian English man and was highly
cultured and refined, well-traveled and spoke in the region
of 19 languages, which found incredulous at the time. He
could even speak my mother tongue Gujarati! asked
what motivated him to learn and master so many
He replied that as a child he accompanied his auntie on
numerous trips abroad and spent significant periods in
various countries. He later spent a few years studying in
Germany and North ndia; such periods of immersion
helped him to assimilate such languages. He once
explained to me that he had a strong inclination to
understand what was going on around him and even had
to understand the radio broadcasts being transmitted in
the background. This guy subconsciously sowed a seed
which gradually came into fruition. later imagined being
fluent and being able to switch effortlessly from one
language to another.
think it is now time to fast forward to the present and
outline the benefits and my approach in learning a new
language. Before progress any further would like dispel
what consider to be myths and fallacies about language
learning. We often hear people say that a person is "gifted
and has the intrinsic ability or "talent to learn and speak
languages. vehemently contest this notion and feel that it
is really a question of "interest and "application and
ideally regular exposure. How much interest do we have
and how hard are we prepared to apply ourselves is the
real key to success.
n my view those individuals that went onto become
"heavyweight hyper polyglots were fortunate enough to
have been exposed to various languages at a very young
age, and does not necessarily imply ability. For instance
most of us would have heard of the Berlitz publishing
house a trusted brand name for language learning
materials. Charles Berlitz was a member of the last
generation of this notable family which managed the
Berlitz brand and reportedly spoke 30 languages before
his death in 2002.
Charles grew up in a household in which he was spoken to
in a different language by relatives and domestic servants
on the instruction of his father. His father spoke to him in
German, his grandfather Maximilian the founder of the
Berlitz institute spoke to him in Russian and his nanny in
Spanish; by the time he had reached adolescence he was
fluent in 8 languages. He later recollected of his childhood
delusion of everyone in the world having their own
language and wondered why he did not have one of his
We all know the benefits of language learning and don't
wish to sound patronising. However, would like to note
some of the benefits for those who are considering
studying a new language and the enriching experience it
can bring.
The obvious benefit is access to a new culture, a new
world an opportunity to interact and meet and learn from
different people. You may even experience "fame on a
micro scale with native speakers. Whenever visit
ndonesia am often met with intrigue and fascination by
the locals.
t is an oft quoted fact that language learning helps to
develop "grey matter in our brains. Grammar in every
language works differently, so if person speaks 4 different
languages it is as if his or her brain has been rewired to
think in 4 different ways, therefore, enhancing cognitive
Learning a language whether it is just to a basic
conversational level, can be immensely rewarding and can
enhance self esteem and confidence. suggest that you
don't forget to mention it on your rsum or curriculum
vitae as we call it here in the UK, which shows that you are
not one dimensional and cosmopolitan in outlook.

will now discuss my methods for learning languages
arguably the most interesting segment of this essay.
Whenever study a language attempt to deconstruct
sentences, to understand the syntax and the linguistic
typological structure, or quite simply the word order.
English follows the subject-verb-object (SVO) pattern. For
instance, in English we say "Adam is sitting on the chair.
am currently exploring Turkish and the pattern is subject-
object-verb (SOV) therefore, in Turkish "Adam on chair is
sitting. find this particularly useful as at least know that
the structure of the sentence is correct and half the battle
has been won, although may have conjugated the verbs
incorrectly or used an inappropriate noun.
Whenever try to construct sentences study the grammar
and try to produce phrases. n some languages you will
find verbs in the infinitive form, a verb in a "neutral state
and you will need to conjugate, or to modify the verbs to
reflect the 1
, 2
and 3
persons etc. For instance, the
Spanish verb to eat is "comer this is in an infinitive state,
and you will need to conjugate the verb to reflect the
correct usage for the 1
person, the present tense being
"como, eat the 2
person informally would be "comes,
you eat and so on and so forth.
When studying grammar suggest "snatching "moments
throughout the course of the day as opposed to spending
hours trying to crack a language. sometimes only spend
15 minutes per day and reread on occasions to
consolidate what have already learnt.
also try to gradually incorporate new words into my
vocabulary. try to create sentences including those new
words, as the best way to understand the connotation of a
word is to use it in its correct context. This leads me to a
problem which very many of us face, that of retaining new
words. The best way to remember new words is by
associating them which something which is already deeply
rooted in our brains, and to be creative in producing
mental images, the more absurd the image the easier it is
to recollect.
For instance this morning came across the Turkish verb
"eritmek which means to melt or dissolve. imagined
myself being exposed to the scorching heat of the sun in
Eritrea; hence the use of the first syllable of the verb which
corresponds with the name of the country. .
will provide another example through the Javanese
language which is widely spoken in ndonesia. Javanese
is a hierarchal language and recognises social class, age
and status, the use of the language has to be tailored
according to your audience. The term to sell in Javanese
in the Krama high form is "sade and in the Ngoko low
form it is "adol. Readers who are familiar with 1980's
music may recollect Sade a British smooth jazz, soul
performer who topped the charts with numerous hits. To
help me retain these words image Sade selling dolls in a
market stall, you can now see how have correlated both
linguistic forms in a single mental image.
Our brains are highly sophisticated and each of us has a
"right and "left side which perform different functions. The
right side of the brain is concerned with rhythm,
imagination, daydreaming, spatial awareness, colour and
dimension. The left side of our brains are utilised for
processing words, producing lists, managing numbers,
and understanding sequence and lines.
To help retain words, if we can engage both parts of our
brains through creative mental imaging and association
can help us achieve this objective. Many readers may
have come across a neurological condition known as
Synesthesia. Synesthesia is a condition were patients use
more than one sense in their perception of the world, such
as sight, touching which is then transformed into texture.
Therefore, for the most of us a word is simply a word. For
synesthetes a word may contain colour, texture--even
taste-- which causes words to be deeply rooted in their
consider myself to be discursive and have been known to
"hop around topics and subjects in daily conversations.
will now deviate slightly from my main discussion to
substantiate my position about nurturing a form of
Synesthesia to help us remember new words.
Daniel Tammet is a well known British Autistic Savant, who
as a child suffered an Epileptic seizure this consequently
caused high levels of brain performance with respect to
words and numbers. n 2004 he recited pi a mathematical
number to over 22,500 places in 5 hours from memory. n
an interview with David Letterman, he explains that he
visualises numbers and experiences colour, texture, and
shapes which help him retain and recall such numbers.
try to nurture a form of Synesthesia to harness both sides
of my brain in remembering words, using mental imaging
and association. must confess that still do forget words,
and on occasions when do recollect them can't always
associate them, but generally find this method far more
effective than rote learning.
The internet has created a new avenue for language
learners which previous generations were deprived of; we
can now watch clips on youtube of the languages which
are of interest to us. intermittently watch clips and am
not overly concerned if don't understand as am
gradually becoming familiar with the sounds and
subconsciously learning. My beloved 2 and year
daughter Sara likes to watch cartoons in Arabic which
often has an audience of 2 people!
There are various language forums on the internet such as , where you
can post questions or construct sentences and have them
reviewed by advanced and native speakers.
Finally would like to conclude that learning language is
something to be enjoyed. am not learning a language to
be assessed or to make a point to anyone, but simply for
my own development. wouldn't worry too much if we are
unable to remember what we have studied or can't
produce an instant response to a question in our target
language, the most important thing is that we are trying.
feel that language learners should be congratulated and
applauded as we may have learnt a new phrase or a word,
which we didn't know before, so this is definitely progress.
Before allow you to go wish to apologise for subjecting
you to a monologue as my intention was genuinely to be
laconic! hope you have enjoyed reading this essay as
much as have enjoying scribing it! will now leave you in
peace and take the sign "Polyglottery in Progress off my
front door!
Raashid Kola.
England, UK.
This next author prefers to remain anonymous. believe
she has succeeded in dispelling the myth that foreign
language acquisition needs to be expensive...
The Polyglot Project
For me, choosing a language to learn is often the most
difficult step. There is only one reason for this: there are
too many. All languages can be interesting and useful--
even dead and artificial languages. So, choosing one
language to study, just one, is an entirely daunting task in
of itself. All can do is decide which is the most accessible
to me, which one am the most motivated to learn, and
which will give me the most benefits.
Deciding what materials to use is not that difficult. simply
get a few books with dialogues/passages and audio to
listen to and read. never buy anything that costs more
than $40. like Teach Yourself, Assimil, Colloquial, and
Spoken World Living Language, but that doesn't mean
they are the best, just think they have a lot to offer for the
cost. also get a grammar guide, a verb guide, a dual
language book, and of course, a dictionary. You must
remember that you do NOT need more than this. t's a
mystery to me how people end up spending thousands of
dollars on language material when you don't need more
than about $100 worth per language. The only really
important decision of those materials is a dictionary. only
get a target language-native language dictionary because
never use dictionaries the other way around. f don't have
a dictionary to explain and help me translate words, then
don't have a chance in the advanced stage. also use the
internet for various things like writing journals, chatting
with native speakers, streaming live tv, etc.
As far as the method must say that the best method is.
are you's going to blow your 5,4,3,2,1:
.every method. like to study by combining various
methods like listening, shadowing, writing, translating,
creating mnemonics and so on. Try them all and see which
ones work for you.
wanted to talk about learning Hanzi and Kanji. There are
many ways to go about this and want to point out that it is
ever so important not to get frustrated in this process.
Staying relaxed and not making a big deal about it will help
more than you can imagine. You can use repetition, you
can use the Heisig method, you can use whatever method
you want; just don't freak out. Don't try to learn too many
at once, and definitely don't expect to remember them all.
You will eventually remember about 95% of them but it
does take lots of time, lots of reading, and lots of writing.
One last note. You must remember three main things
when learning languages.
Don't get frustrated: You must not let the fact that you don't
know something annoy you. When you don't know
something, learn it!
Stay on Track: f you are studying, don't get distracted in
any way. Language time is language time. Even if the ce
cream truck is calling your name, you must resist. And
focus on the language you are studying right then. When
was studying French, kept thinking about Mandarin, but it
was French time. That's all there is to it.
Don't lie to yourself: f you lie to yourself and set
unachievable goals, you will never be satisfied.
know am not a very good writer but hope this made
sense. Thank you for reading and truly hope was in
some way helpful or motivating to you.

love the title of this next submission by Christopher
Sarda. Enjoy his story, which details his plans to feed this
"hunger, and be sure to visit his website at:
A Hunger for Learning
An Essay on Language Learning by Christopher Sarda
My hunger for learning and knowing reaches far beyond
the focus of this essay, but if someone has the heartfelt
desire to understand the human condition, how can at
least some interest in language learning not exist? don't
believe it can, and have to believe that those people who
seek to live with a higher understanding of this mammal,
that somehow, someway evolved self-consciousness
simply has not discovered the beauty and importance of
communicating ideas in different structures and methods
than they are used to.
Though not as accomplished as some learners that will be
featured in this collection, know one day will be.
simply do not have a choice in the matter, 'm interested,
and therefore will not stop. didn't always believe
couId learn a language. didn't always believe that
shouId put in the work either.
Half of my family is Argentinean. My grandparents do not
speak any English, and in the earliest days of my life (or
so 'm told), was using more Spanish than English, due to
the fact that was being taken care of by my grandmother
while my parents worked. At some point, my English only
mother put an end to that, although she doesn't recall
doing it, but my grandmother today claims that that is what
happened. Those are the origins of my current
fragmented Spanish.
Later, my parents divorcing and our moving away from the
Hispanic side of my family didn't help the level of my
Spanish. A number of other things after that also added
toward my apathy to language learning. For one, although
've always had a hunger to learn, was an undisciplined,
bad student. When took Spanish in school, didn't learn
anything because hardly did any work. My step-sister (of
the same age), on the other hand, who was also from a
half-Spanish speaking family, took classes and did well in
them. That, mixed with the fact that she may actually also
have a better ear for languages, didn't help my apathy.
With Spanish, and later Polish, also helped myself to
block any advancement because of the fact couldn't
express myself or my ideas in my target languages as well
as felt could in English. This is something still deal
with now.
spent my adolescence and the beginning of my
adulthood believing that simply didn't have an ear for
language, or the time to study, or the money to pay for
classes. lived like this until shortly after met a little
Polish girl on a work and travel visa.
The short story of how came to be married to Gosia is as
follows: she came to the US, we fell in love, fell asleep,
and when woke up was in Poland.
Though would eventually become enamored with the
Polish language, it would be a good three or four months
before would start to work on it. was so taken by being
in a different country and culture; the food, the
architecture, the people, whether good or bad never failed
to interest me. The new weather (Northern Europe vs Las
Vegas is certainly a strange jump), and meeting my wife's
friends and family, all made an impression on me over
time. Mixed in with everything was the idea always in the
back of my mind the language learning "wasn't my thing.
One day though, after Gosia's mother noticed hadn't
even tried to learn any Polish, we took a little walk to the
language learning bookstore (yes, a lot of Europe has
entire bookstores devoted to language learning). We
bought a little book called Polish in 4 Weeks and my
journey began.
From the very start, the book advanced my
consciousness. Polish, with its grammar of noun cases, is
far more complicated than Spanish's verb conjugations
and perfective and imperfective forms, and immediately
helped me see conversation and communication in a new
light--in a way that had never imagined or conceived.
plan to have that feeling again once start an Asian
language in earnest. Getting deeper and deeper into the
Polish language and, subsequently into Polish culture
opened my eyes to a wonderful new way to get to know a
culture and a people better, and eventually drove me to
start toying with the idea of learning other languages.
t wasn't long before realized that for the remainder of my
life would always be studying a language. Starting a new
language is a far better way to learn about another culture
than it is to read a newspaper article, history book or even
to travel to the country. Once discovered that it was
possible to learn, and to learn on your own, became
Like most of the people bothering to read this, eventually
discovered the most vocal internet polyglots on YouTube;
people like Moses McCormick, Prof Arguelles and Steve
Kaufmann. Listening to their videos had both positive and
negative effects. On the positive side, the three of them,
along with the "How to learn any language forum and
Khatzumoto's "All Japanese All the Time blog introduced
me to many methods of learning.
Each learner's style had slight to large differences from the
others, and had to decide what worked best for me. That
was somewhat of a negative. wasted a lot of time
watching videos and trying everything methodology
proposed half-heartedly, while the whole time should
have spent actually studying my languages. Even today,
though, 'm still learning how to learn. still cannot,
however, fire up the webcam and give my opinions based
on my experience and achievements, and talk about what
the best way is to learn a language. think have to come
a little farther for that.
There are things that do know. know that will always
be studying a language. know that will find a method, or
more precisely a combination of methods, that work best
for me. know what ideas will encompass that method.
They are:
Motivation and Discipline
Massive nput
Not allowing yourself, for any reason, not to use the
language when you can (especially concerning
mostly argue in favor of input, and getting as much
vocabulary as possible in one's head. Passive vocabulary
is an investment in the future of really knowing a language,
as opposed to knowing how to just get by in one.
With all of that said, do think you should try to speak as
early and as often as possible. This is my biggest problem.
can speak authoritatively here-- being afraid to speak,
worrying that 'll sound stupid or not intelligent enough,
and switching back to English because it's easier, are the
main reasons have not learned the languages 've
studied better and faster.
Let me reiterate though, that the gaining of input by
listening and reading is most important as a future
investment if you want to read, speak, listen and write well,
but don't be afraid to use what you've learned if you have
someone to practice with, even at the beginning. f you
don't have someone to practice with, then just work on
your input and understanding of what you read and listen
to, and it will be more than enough.
My general goals for life are quite ambitious; in fact keep
a whole blog about them. My lofty language goals reflect
that ambition. mostly want to learn European languages;
the few non-European languages plan to tackle are
mainly Hindi and Japanese. hope that these languages
offer me new and more difficult challenges when am
ready to start them. Hindi and Japanese are the two non
European languages that want at high levels for--enough
to be able to speak about politics and culture, and to be
able to read novels. also have a desire to learn at least
one African language (probably Swahili), but don't plan to
start that for awhile. Arabic is a language would most
want to use to listen to and read about current events, so
'd be happy to just practice input when 'm ready to start
Navajo is a language will be content to only play with; 'd
be happy to spend just a year on it to get to a low
intermediate to intermediate level.
think my future, along with my wife's, will be in Europe; a
Europe that is becoming more and more unified (but, lucky
for me, unified in everything except language!). plan of
course to be at a high level with the major European
languages: French, Spanish, German, and talian. Home
base will probably be Poland, so a near native level of
Polish will be essential, and because it was the Polish
language that made me so interested in the world of
polyglottery, 've also become a bit of an aspiring Slavist.
That means plan to gain high levels in two other Slavic
languages: Russian and Czech. With a decent level of
knowledge in those three Slavic languages it will allow me
to play with some other Slavic languages do not plan to
study intensely.
Last, but not least, are two small languages that stay in the
back of my mind as languages would love to have. One
is Catalan, which shouldn't be too hard with a good base
in the major romance languages. The second is
Hungarian, which don't whyjust has such a mystique
to it. How could not let it draw me in?
know 'lofty' may be an understatement for my goals (14
languages were mentioned above!), but sometimes the
road traveled is as good a reason to go as the destination.
My abstract focus will be on my attitude and motivation.
My worry-free demeanor will be my swordwho cares
about my rate of progress, so long as there is progress?
recognize have a long ways to go, but look forward to
seeing all the beautiful scenery on the way to wherever it
is that my languages take me.
am very happy to have gotten this submission from Vera.
f you have any interest in learning German, visit her at:, and at her YouTube
f you are interested in learning about an efficient way to
learn any language, read on...
Who am I?
Hi, 'm Vera. 'm from Germany, and German is my native
language. 'm not a polyglot, but 'm a learner of English
and French. At first was reluctant to participate in this
project, but a friend asked me to reconsider. Also, there
was a thread about this project in the forum of The fact that Claude, who became a
friend on YouTube, had extended the deadline finally
persuaded me to take part. So, decided to give this
project a chance, and here is my submission. 'll tell you
my story of language-learning. don't know if it is
interestingthat. 'll let reader decide.
Why EngIish?
n January, 2008 my boyfriend told me that he wanted to
learn English. We were planning a holiday in the United
States of America for the Summer of 2010. Because of
this, my boyfriend thought it would be a good idea to learn
some English. He had never really learned English in
school, because it wasn't offered there. English wasn't
usually offered at this time in many German schools.
Some years ago, he had taken a basic course in English
at a school that's similar to an "Open University,
something that is very common in Germany. So, having
some basic knowledge of the language, he decided to
seriously start learning English. When he checked the
times of the English courses that were offered at the Open
University, however, he found that they didn't fit his time
thought his learning English was a good idea, and it
couldn't hurt for me to brush up my English too. Thirty
years ago had studied English for eight years in school,
but never had the chance to use it, aside from two
holidays. have to admit that disliked language-learning
in school. did what was supposed to do, but was never
happy with the results. was able to express very basic
things; was able to read technical instructions about
computers and software, but couldn't follow an English
TV or radio program, or read more complex writings.
never really enjoyed language-learning at this time. t was
not a problem with the teacher actually had a very nice
teacher. t's just that wasn't interested. think one of the
problems was that my exposure to the language was just
not enough. We had the books, the teacher and the
language lab as resources, but hated the language lab
because of the terrible quality of the tapes. We spent our
time learning grammar, vocabulary, reading uninteresting
things, and doing exercises.
How to start?
At the end of January, 2008 read a note about our
British/German-Friendship association in the newspaper.
They wanted to establish an English conversation group.
So we decided to give this group a chance. Unfortunately,
the group met only every second week, and the leader of
the group organized it in a way that reminded me of my
school days, and no wonderhe was a teacher!
decided to buy a book that came with CDs in order to
study on my own. At this time, the Hueber Verlag (a
German publisher) had a special offer. There was a book
offered with 3 CDs for only 12 Euros (about 16 US
Dollars). thought that this was a good offer, and was
willing to spend the money. bought the book and put the
CD's's on my MP3 player. listened to the MP3's and read
the text of the dialogues in the book. There was a
translation of the dialogues, a list with important words,
short explanations of grammar, some small exercises (but
not too much), and some cultural notes. enjoyed these
CDs because the dialogues seemed to be authentic and
natural. They had different voices from different countries,
and never got bored with this enjoyable learning material.
know that learned a lot with this book.
The authors recommend listening to the dialogue once or
twice, without reading the transcript in advance. That's
what always did. then listened to the dialogue and read
it at the same time. Then listened again for a few more
times. did some of the exercises, but not all of them.
liked the cultural notes that gave me background
information about Britain. When felt bored, stopped
doing the exercises and continued listening to the
dialogues. t was easy going because most of this was a
repetition of what had been learning at school.
First goaI: Better Iistening abiIities
When came to the end of the book, thought about how
to continue. knew at this time, that liked listening a lot,
and that preferred to have a script of the audio because
of my poor listening abilities. The script often helped me to
get the meaning. thought there must be some something
like that on the internet and started to search for material.
There are some podcast lists available on the nternet, and
found some podcasts. One of the first podcasts enjoyed
was the ESLPod. t is spoken very clearly and slowly, but
not as other podcasts, such as "The Spotlight Podcast".
The script is only available for paying members, but could
understand most of the podcast without a script. t was
ideal for developing my listening abilities.
n the beginning, tried to find podcasts with free
transcripts. checked a lot of podcasts, but most of them
did not provide a transcript. Then found the EnglishLingQ
podcasts. The script was available for free, and all had to
do was to sign up for a free membership. Honestly,
dislike signing up for websites, but was very keen to get
podcasts with transcripts. So signed up in May 2008, and
Wowthere was so much content coming with audio and
text. What a huge surprise for me! was very excited
cannot describe how felt. Maybe the way the gold diggers
did in the good old days when they found gold in
California? was fascinated by the number and variety of
content in the LingQ English library.
My surprise was much bigger when figured out how
LingQ works. The integration of numerous dictionaries,
and the possibility of saving words and phrases of text in a
personal database that you can use for your flash carding
are very helpful. What's even better is that you can import
each text you want to study on your own! n new texts, all
unknown and unlearned words are highlighted, and it is
unbelievably helpful to see this in one view. got addicted
to LingQ and to language learning. t has become part of
my life.
Second and main goaI: FIuency
began to think about my goals in language learning. My
main goal was to be able to converse in English, to reach
fluency. did a lot of training for my listening ability when
listened to podcasts, but eventually there was a need to
speak. You need passive vocabulary for listening and
reading, but you need an active vocabulary for speaking.
Passive vocabulary includes all of the words that you
know. Active vocabulary includes all words that you can
use actively, while speaking and writing. The passive
vocabulary is bigger than the active vocabulary, and it is
much bigger even in your native language.
After talking to myself for some time in order to train my
brain to find the words that fit a given situation, and
practising shadowing (speaking at nearly the same time as
the speaker of podcast) in order to acquire the ability to
pronounce the foreign language, decided that it was now
time to speak, in order to learn how to speak. At this time,
was a free member of LingQ for two months. then
decided to upgrade to a basic account. The basic
membership allows you to save more words and phrases
and, most importantly for me, it comes with a discount for
buying points that would need in order to sign up for a
conversation with a tutor. bought my first points and
signed up for a conversation.
can hear you asking, "why don't you use a free language
exchange? never thought about free language
exchange. was keen to get a detailed report about the
conversations, and in my opinion it is very convenient to
look up the availability of the English tutors and decide
instantly when could sign up to get started. t did not
require having a lot of correspondence with a language
exchange partner, and liked this business model. pay
for something, and know exactly what 'm getting. also
like the fact that there is no further commitment. like not
having to think about how to pay back what someone has
done for me, and always thinking about what could do for
HeIping with German
At this moment Steve Kaufmann, the founder of LingQ and
a polyglot who speaks more than 10 languages, has asked
me if could tutor German at LingQ. LingQ has helped me
a lot, and was glad that could now help members from
all over the world to learn German. Now, earn points for
tutoring German and can use these points either for my
own studies, or can get cash for them. Guess what do!
think you guessed right: always use my points for
learning languages. 'm now at the point where it costs me
no money because of the points accumulate through my
own learning sessions.
At the same time, started creating material for LingQ's
German library. wrote and recorded articles, and
transcribed German podcasts (if the podcaster gives me
permission) to be used on LingQ. The main problem is that
it is difficult to find enough German podcasts that include a
transcript along with the podcast (an exception being the
"Deutsche Welle" podcasts). strongly believe that LingQ
and Deutsche Welle have the greatest collection of
German audios that are accompanied by transcripts on the
Third goaI: Less mistakes
After a few months using LingQ realized that was
speaking much better than before. made some mistakes,
but was able to express most of my ideas. reached near
fluency. reached my goal in being able to converse. Next,
changed my goal slightly: wanted to be able to speak
more correctly. Don't get me wrong. don't want to speak
flawlessly. But saw some potential for improvement.
There was no pressure behind this just started enjoying
writing in English. write things, and then then submit my
writings to a tutor. The detailed report that get back helps
me to correct my weaknesses. This helps me a lot to
improve my grammar. know 'm still not perfect, but get
more and more used to the language. 'm now more aware
of the structure. When 'm now reading texts on LingQ,
concentrate more on those structures and phrases that
show me how the language works. What do very seldom,
however, is to read explanations in a grammar book. like
to pick up the grammar and structure from examples.
Fourth goaI: Enjoy reading
Reading an English book was never fun for me. t was a
duty. had to do it for school or for my job. wanted to
figure out if it would be possible to enjoy an English book,
and that's why decided begin reading English books
some time ago. One of my English tutors recommended
"Chick-lit" to me, because these kinds of books are about
daily life and are written in daily conversational English.
didn't want to read graded readers. went to a book store
and read the first page of a few books. After some
minutes, decided to take a funny criminal story written in
daily English. The story was not too challenging, and the
language seemed very authentic to me.
t was a good choice! had a lot of fun reading the book.
Now 'm reading the third book of this series and can read
English at a good speed. don't read English as fast as
German, but 'm more than satisfied with my progress.
What 'm not doing is looking up unknown words. As long
as can follow the story, there is no need to know each
word. t is much more important for me to feel the "flow,"
and to enjoy the book. When read a book, don't want to
be like a bookkeeper.
The state of affairs
At the moment, 'm at the level of a high-intermediate or
low-advanced learner. My knowledge of English was
proved on our holiday in the United States, as had no
problem in dealing with any situation. was able to
converse, complain about things, or ask questions about
the environment or anything else. 'm still making errors,
and my pronunciation has a German touch, but 'm
understandable and can make my point. That's all that
really wanted to accomplish. never thought about
reaching perfection. 'm very satisfied with the result of my
How I study EngIish
study English the following way:
For a minimum of one hour, listen to different English
podcastsfor example, "EnglishLingQ, "nteresting thing
of the day, "Listen to English, "ESLPod, "Business
English Pod, or "6 Minute English. Some of them are
easy for me, so can concentrate on structures and
phrases. Others are more challenging and can train my
listening abilities and grab some new vocabulary. think it
is fine to have a mixture. As you can see, use American
English and Canadian English, as well as British English.
love all the accents. do my listening while doing other
things such as driving my car.
work on two or three texts a week with LingQ, then save
a lot of words and phrases to the LingQ database. Usually,
do this for 30 minutes a day. love to save phrases
because phrases, show how to use the words in a correct
review my words and phrases for about 10 to 15 minutes
a day. don't learn them do this very quickly. only read
the word and decide if know it or not, and then read the
translation. made the following observation: if a word is
important, 'll encounter it again in another podcast. t will
then stick with me without the need for "learning" it. Our
brain works in this way. f don't encounter the word again,
it couldn't be that important.
read 10 to 30 minutes a day, either in a book or on
English websites.
speak three times a week for 30 minutes with one of my
tutors. have tutors from England, the States, and
submit writings, if 'm in the mood to write an article.
Some months, submit about 1,000 words of English. n
other months don't submit any writings. However, write
a lot on the forum of LingQ in English.
Sometimes watch TV programs in English, but this is
difficult, because my boyfriend is not able to follow them
and he dislikes that. Maybe can change this if his English
gets better!
Starting with French
Recently started learning French. n French, 'm a
beginner. learned some French in school, but forgot
almost everything in the past 30 years. like the sound of
French, and France is not only our neighbour country, it is
a very beautiful country too. That's why think it is worth
learning French. bought five or six cheap books that
came with CDs. think spent about 70 or 80 Euros, which
is less than 100 US Dollars.
As a beginner, learn in a totally different way. started to
listen to three different audio courses. The courses come
with some short dialogues in French, as well as oral
vocabulary lists, grammar explanations in my native
language, and some oral tasks.
n a small textbook, there were transcripts of all the
dialogues. decided to type them into my computer.
Typing a dialogue has two effects. The words stay better
with me, and learn how to spell words in French. t takes
some time, but it is a good exercise. think it is a good
idea, if you start with a new language, to type some texts
on your own. The main advantage of this was that could
import this text and audio into LingQ and save words and
phrases, like 'm used to doing for English.
The other books that bought are courses with a book and
CDs. There is a lot of redundancy in this material, but like
thatespecially at the beginning. The repetition factor can
be high without your getting bored. And, you can get used
to different voices. typed the text of these courses as
well, and added them to LingQ so that can work with
What now do for French is listening to audio CDs,
reading the text, and saving words and phrases to review.
Next, 'll start to study with the material on LingQ. n the
past year, a lot of new content was created by members
and added to the library, and 'm keen to use it.
Before 'll start to speak French 'll do a lot of listening and
reading. t is important, in my opinion, to acquire enough
vocabulary to be confident and able to speak.
Language Iearning heIped me
wrote above that want to help German learners.
Therefore, created a lot of material for learners of
German. The funny thing is that learning languages has
helped me to develop other abilities and to master totally
different tasks. Language-learning for its own sake is
great, but it has helped me in other ways too! For
learned how to use Skype.
learned how to write articles (looking how other people
do it).
learned how to download podcasts with a podcatcher.
learned how to record articles with Audacity.
learned how to tag the MP3 files.
learned how to create a cover for a podcast with different
paint programs.
learned how to design podcast collections and share
them on LingQ.
learned how to write a blog
learned how to use Facebook, something never thought
about before.
learned how to use Twitter (
never thought about it as well.
brushed up my knowledge of HTML to individualize my
Facebook account and my blog.
learned how to record a video with my webcam.
learned how to overwork a video with Camtasia studio.
learned how to convert this video in a format for
overcome my shyness and shared videos in English and
German on YouTube.
learned how to use YouTube
learned how to use Google documents
learned how to write a Wiki
learned how to record a screen cast with Jing.
learned to use Pootle, a translation tool used for the
translation of the interface of LingQ.
sn't that great? 'm sure forgot things .
Language learning has brought me a lot of nice contacts
from all over the world: other language learners, tutors and
a lot of podcasters. t has opened my mind.
My advice
What is my advice for language-learning? Be as much in
contact with the language as possible. The more exposure
you have to the language, the better. Do language learning
in the way YOU like! That's why like LingQ. t is so
flexible, and everything need is available on LingQ.
Have Fun! That is the best advice can give. f you have
fun, you stay motivated, and you'll learn a lot more. That's
how our brain works.
Steve Kaufmann is the creator LingQ, an online language
learning system, and am honored to include his
submission within these pages. Steve's name has come
up again and again throughout this book, as he has
influenced so many language learners out there (myself
included). LingQ is a resource that should be utilized by
every serious language learner. Check it outyou have
everything to gain.
Steve Kaufmann is a former Canadian dipIomat, who has had his
own company in the internationaI trade of forest products for over
20 years. Steve is the founder and CEO of an onIine
Ianguage Iearning system and Web 2.0 community. Steve speaks
eIeven Ianguages, having recentIy Iearned Russian and Portguese
at LingQ. Steve maintains a bIog on Ianguage Iearning,and has
written a book on Ianguage Iearning caIIed The Linguist, A
Language Learning Odyssey.
This is my contribution to [email protected],
described by its originator, Claude, in this way; " want to
put a book together, available to all for free which is written
by you language lovers for all language lovers."
Language lover - what a great term for someone who
speaks more than one language, a better term than
polyglot, which, to me, sounds harsh in English. also use
the term linguist to describe someone who speaks more
then one language. Everyone speaks one language, but to
speak more than one is special, not difficult necessarily,
but special. t requires a deliberate decision to learn
something, and a commitment to sustained activity and
practice. n this sense linguists are like a violinists,
pianists, or even dentists. am a language lover, and do
not hesitate to call myself a linguist, (which annoys those
who have studied linguistics), because have learned to
speak 11 languages, and have no intention of stopping at
my present age of 65.
The world is full of linguists, and always has been. n
ancient times, when a different language was spoken in
every valley, people had to have the ability to
communicate across language barriers, in order to trade.
The teen-aged street vendors of Tangiers, when visited in
1964, all spoke 5 or 6 languages, as they pressed tourists
to buy their wares. The courts and aristocracy of Europe
spoke Latin, French and several vernacular languages, to
communicate with each other and their subjects. Today in
places as different as Sweden, Singapore and Ethiopia, it
is just considered normal to speak more than one
language. Being a linguist is not a big deal, or at least
should not be.
Linguists are not born, they are made. They are made
because of need, or interest, or a combination of the two.
n my case, it was interest rather than need that got me
going. Nevertheless, was often able to use my
languages, and benefit from them. n learning my
languages, was able to do what the French call "joindre
l'utile l'agrable", in other words combine usefulness and
t was 1962, when a professor of French at McGill
University, Prof. Maurice Rabotin, turned me on to learning
French, by stimulating an interest in the world of French
culture, something a series of anglophone French
teachers had been totally unsuccessful at doing during
elementary and high school in Montreal. stopped
classroom learning and sought out the real world of the
language, in radio, newspapers, theatre, movies, and
French speakers in Montreal. even ended up going to
France to complete my university education at the nstitut
d'Etudes Politiques in Paris. What obtained was not only
fluency in French, but the conviction that could convert
myself into a fluent speaker of another language. Many
people never have that experience.
As a result, when my first permanent employer, the
Canadian Diplomatic Service, announced that they would
be looking for someone to learn Mandarin, in preparation
for Canada's establishment of diplomatic relations with the
Peoples' Republic of China, knew could do it. started
taking lessons on my own and then volunteered. My
initiative was recognized by senior management and was
soon on my way to Hong Kong to learn Mandarin, full time,
at the Canadian tax-payers expense. t was while learning
Mandarin, in a wholly Cantonese speaking environment in
Hong Kong, that discovered many of the language
learning truths that would guide me through my learning of
other languages.
These include the following:
! You do not need to be surrounded by the language or
live in the country to learn a language.
! You mostly need to learn the language on your own,
through a lot of listening and reading.
! Most grammatical explanations are obtuse, hard to
remember, harder to apply, and need not be learned.
! The milestones on the road to fluency are the
number of words you know.
! You need to make an effort notice the patterns of the
language as you read and listen, and this gradually
becomes easier to do.
! You should start using these words and patterns, as
soon as you feel like it, and even if you make many
! The language will remain fuzzy for a long time. There
is no need to despair over what you forget, do not
understand, or are unable to say.
! Your brain learns, inevitably, but on its own schedule.
As watched my fellow language learners struggle with
Chinese, came to realize that need or obligation or
external pressure were not as strong motivators as
interest. loved my Chinese language learning. Most of my
unsuccessful colleagues saw learning Chinese as a chore.
was to observe this phenomenon over and over, whether
with immigrants to Canada, or corporate language
learners in Japan, or unsuccessful language students in
school or college. To learn a language, you cannot hold
your nose, and just dip your toe in the water. You have to
jump in. You have to like the language, even to love the
language. You have to commit.
Just a few years ago a professor at an American university
wisely told me that the secret to language learning comes
down to three things, attitude, time on task, and
attentiveness. t is worth looking at these in more detail.
Attitude: You not only have to like the language, and at
least some aspect of the culture of the language, you have
to believe you can learn it. You also have to be willing to
leave behind your own culture, and unquestioningly project
yourself into the role of a speaker of another language,
and therefore of a person carrying many of the behavioural
traits of that culture. You should not worry about what you
cannot do, and certainly should not expect to learn
something just because you studied it. You have to enjoy
the process.
always laugh when look at textbooks that tell you that in
this chapter you will learn the subjunctive. You will not. You
will exposed to some explanations and examples of the
subjunctive. As to when you will learn the subjunctive, that
will be decided by your brain, but it may not happen until
six months later. So take it easy. Sit back and enjoy the
journey, and wait for the fog to lift, slowly.
Time: For most people it takes quite a long time to learn a
language. Therefore, you have to put in the time, regularly.
n my own experience, the development of the MP3 player,
iTunes and other similar technology has made it possible
to immerse myself in the language, even while running my
business. have learned Russian and Portuguese, and
dabbled in Korean, over the last 4 years, mostly using
"dead time", while doing household chores, exercising or
waiting in line, with a little investment of dedicated study
time in front of the computer or with books. did not attend
any classes, and learned more than most students who
did. Today can listen to Russian radio stations, read
Tolstoi, and enjoy Portuguese podcasts. But have put in
the time, probably around an hour a day on average, while
working and carrying on my interests in sports, and other
things, and working. Remember, also, that am 65.
Attentiveness: We can do things to help our brain notice
the patterns of the language we are learning. Different
people use different tools, or combinations of tools, to
make their brains more attentive. Reviewing grammar
rules from time to time, without trying to nail anything
down, can help. Flash cards can help. Being corrected
when we write or speak can help. None of these are at the
core of language learning. Listening and reading, and
eventually, communicating are.
After studying Mandarin and living in Hong Kong from
1968-70 ( successfully passed the British Foreign Service
Mandarin exam in 1969), moved to Japan. Even though
lived surrounded by Japanese speakers, and took every
opportunity to speak, most of my time was spent listening
and reading, and building up my competence in the
language. n this way, became more and more confident
in my interaction with Japanese people. did not want to
use the Japanese people met, as teachers, but rather
wanted them as friends or business associates. did most
of my learning on my own.
Back in Vancouver in the late 1980s, after starting my own
lumber exporting company which involved business
dealings in Europe, again combined the useful with the
agreeable, and at various times scoured book stores,
especially second hand book stores, for German, Spanish,
talian and Swedish books and audio content. also
sought out similar material in order to maintain my
Chinese. The problem was always that was either limited
to readers with glossaries, or would have to confront the
time consuming and frustrating task of looking words up in
a conventional dictionary. n my experience, no sooner
looked things up in a dictionary than forgot them. t was
in the 1990s that the world of language learning changed.
The nternet, online dictionaries and MP3 technology have
created a new paradigm. believe they will make the class
room and conventional language labs largely irrelevant.
The last 4-5 years have been the most intense sustained
period of language learning in my life., and this is, of
course tied up with my involvement in the LingQ project,
and it is at LingQ that have been learning my languages
during this period.
On a final note, my languages have benefited me
professionally, throughout my 43 year career as a
diplomat and businessman. But these rewards are small
compared to the personal, social and cultural enrichment
my languages have brought me. n some ways, the
greatest benefit of language learning is the process itself.
As we gradually acquire confidence in another language,
we sense a feeling of achievement and power or
conquest. We make new friends, and discover aspects of
humanity that were hidden from us. t is like being at a
banquet and having more and more dishes to enjoy,
without getting full. Of course if you are just a meat and
potatoes man, you will never know what you missed.
Maybe that is the greatest role of a teacher, like my Prof.
Rabotin over 40 years ago, not to teach the language, but
to create an appetite for languages.
Stujay has more energy and enthusiasm than just
about anyone else can think of. Have a look at his
fantastic submission, and feel the rush of adrenaline
that is the natural by-product of reading his prose...
How to Become 'Gifted' at Learning Languages -
You're Never too OId
by Stuart Jay Raj ( )
"That's O.K. for you - you're 'gifted' when it comes to
Iearning Ianguages .. but what about us normaI foIk?
How are we supposed to Iearn a new Ianguage when we
don't have the abiIity to absorb them by osmosis Iike
This would have to be the No.1 comment / question that
receive from my blog's readers, youtube channel fans and
people who come to my workshops and seminars.
personally don't believe that am particularly 'gifted' at
learning languages. What am 'gifted' at is enjoying the
journey of learning no matter what it is that 'm learning.
For me it's really simple. 'm a JUNKE!
The Evolution of Stu the Junkie
! Stu can't do 'X'
! Stu wants to do 'X'
! Stu starts learning 'X'
! Stu has 'breakthrough moments' in learning 'X'
! 'Breakthrough moments' give Stu a 'high' and
energize him to want to have more of them
! 'Stu gets addicted to the highs'
! The thresh-hold for the 'highs' gets higher and higher
pushing Stu to NEED to learn more
! Language proficiency is a by-product of Stu's
realised this 'Junkie' side of myself many years ago.
probably around the age of 5 or 6. suspect that it was
because of my grandfather. Alcoholics shouldn't hang
around bars if they're trying to give up drinking. By logic,
that means the opposite is also true if you want to get
'hooked' or 'addicted' to something, you physically and
mentally put yourself in a place where the 'substance' that
you're wanting to be addicted to is easily accessible and in
(Just for the record, my grandfather--God rest his soul--
was not an alcoholic nor did he abuse any substances .
and likewise for yours truly)
Hit's on Demand
What my grandfather did for me was teach me how to get
'hits' on demand. He taught me systems and ways of
managing my mind that meant that my capacity for getting
hits was (in my mind at least) unlimited. Some of the
systems that he taught me made it SO easy to memorize
and learn new stuff that sometimes, just learning words or
getting a 'WOW' reaction from native speakers of a
language wasn't enough. needed to go the extra mile
needed to learn things that native speakers DDN'T know.
needed to find out what people thought was difficult and
find a way to make it easy for me.
Everything in this universe can be broken down into binary
0s and 1s. love to draw the curtain back and reveal the
0s and 1s. perhaps we could call this 'Wizard of Oz'
syndrome the Wizard is never as scary as he's made out
to be. t's those 'Toto' moments that bring the biggest
breakthroughs and in turn, the biggest highs.
Political Correctness and Semantic Dilution
Kill Learning
The more graphic, vivid and non-politically-correct the
images, emotions, sounds, actions and words that you use
as memory pegs are, the more effective they will be.
The exercise that we're about to go through is going to
change the way you think about everything.
've done this exercise with groups all over the world and
in many different languages and it works with everyone.
mind you sometimes it has to be culturally and
linguistically tweaked.
Just remember the best systems are ones that are going
to plant themselves into the deepest, darkest, most
colourful and most fragrant depths of our soul. (You can
almost taste that description can't you!?)
Doing this at an international level like in this blog then
provides a bit of a rub, as for many reading this, English
isn't your mother tongue. My cultural up-bringing is also
probably different to yours. The key is to adapt what 'm
doing here and link it into something in your own language
and your own culture that sends those big barbed hooks
sinking deep down into the flesh of your soul so that
should what you learn ever go missing, it would physically
The more graphic, vivid and non-politically-correct the
images, emotions, sounds, actions and words that you use
as memory pegs are, the more effective they will be.
So here's a System for You!
This initial part was a rhyme learned as a kid and was
reinforced during my days as a Dale Carnegie trainer.
Number '11 is a bit funny rhythm, but think the imagery is
very effective . you'll see what mean. There are many
other systems out there and many more that use.
Actually, the more languages and things you learn, the
more structures you have in your tool-belt to reach for.
The Major memory system is an oldie but a goodie. t's
much more robust and can potentially cater for
memorizing 10s of 1000s of items. For today's activity
though, this one is very effective and easy to learn. Are
you ready?
Part 1 - Erecting the Framework
Start clapping your hands at about 120 beats per minute
(120 BPM). How fast is that? Look at the second-hand of
a clock. You should be clapping or tapping your hand on
the table at regular intervals twice a second.
Now read the following table out loud . yes OUT LOUD.
Read it to the rhythm of your clapping / tapping four
beats per phrase.
! #$%&' Run
( #)*+' Zoo
, #)-.&&' Tree
/ #0+1.' Door
2 #034&' Hive
5 #637' Sick
8 #6&4&%' Heaven
9 #:3;-<' Gate
= #>3%&' Wine
!? #)&%' Den
!! #:@&4&%' Ball Eleven
!( #)*&@4&' Shelve
Please note iI the word`s aren`t rhyming, please check that you
are speaking English
f the '/' symbol represents one beat, it should be read like

One Run - -
Two Zoo - -
Now stand up from your computer, go and take a walk
around the room and go through the rhymes for about 2
minutes. Take a nature break if you like. For the guys, if
during your break you need to go and pee, remember
urinals make great white-boards! Try and pee in the
shape of the numbers as you're saying the rhymes. f in a
public bathroom, please be aware of your pee-radius
limits. and it's probably not advisable to choose a urinal
right next to someone else peeing. f you're doing this at
home and you're married, please don't forget to put the
seat down after you.
How was that?
Let me test you.
What's ONE?
What's FVE?
What's NNE?
What number is HEAVEN?
What number is GATE?
What number is DOOR?
Ok think you've got it.
Now take a seat and let's start building!
Part 2 - Injecting a bit of CoIour
!"# %&"
Imagine }eiiy the mouse (fiom Tom anu }eiiy) iunning
acioss the Kalahaii Beseit. You'ie a cameia man staiting way
up in the ciisp blue sky, you see }eiiy scuiiying acioss the
ueseit with his feet spinning aiounu a million miles an houi
kicking up uust as he iuns. You then zoom iight uown on him
anu you can see him puffing anu panting with his heait
almost thumping outsiue of his bouy. Why. Because Tom's
chasing him of couise!
All of a suuuen }eiiy comes iunning up at you . but wait,
you'ie afiaiu of NICE!. now you stait waving youi hanus
about at }eiiy saying 'Shoo Shoo! go away . SB00!'
'() *))
You'ie in what looks like a hoiiible, olu smelly piison . but it's
N0T a piison. It's a Z00! In the zoo, you woulu noimally
expect many uiffeient animals. This zoo is uiffeient though,
theie aie hunuieus upon hunuieus of iion-bai zoo cells full of
0XEN (pluial of '0x'.. no bull!). The living conuitions aie
hoiiible. The bais aie pushing up against theii heaus, theii
hoins aie clashing togethei, theie's stinky 0x poo all ovei the
giounu anu all the 0xen keep saying is - "We want a
NEWWWWW zoo . we want a NEWWWWWWW zoo" - (Note
the woiu 'New' is saiu in a ueep questioning kinu of way that
staits pietty low anu then goes up to a long extenueu '00'
sounu like in 'N00')
'+,## ',##
Theie is a big, gianu, gloiious tiee with a big fat tiunk big
enough foi all the local fluffy animals to play in. You heai a
iustling fiom the leaves at the top of the tiee anu then a long,
scaieu quiveiing voice questions "WB0 aie you. WB0000 aie
When you look at who it is up in the tiee (still keeping in the
spiiit of the Wizaiu of 0z), you think at fiist it's the Cowaiuly
Lion!. But N0. Wait a minute. it's the Cowaiuly TIuER! Yes,
a paianoiu, manic uepiessive cowaiuly tigei anu all he can say
is "WB00000000.... aie you."
Ok. let's start to mix it up a bit here. Linear is so boring!
Pick a number between 4 and 12 ..
Seven? Ok.
-#.#" /#0.#"
You'ie stanuing theie looking at a big white, shiny set of
escalatois taking people up to the peaily gates of heaven. All
of a suuuen, a big white Pegasus like hoise with wings like an
eagle swoops up anu you jump on-boaiu as this giant white
flying hoise takes you up to BEAvEN. As you'ie flying up, you
see an image of youi mum floating out theie smiling at you -
you say 'Na. Is that you.' . 'Naaa. Is that ieally you.'
Ok let's do a little bit of recap here.
ONE ??
TWO ??
What were the Oxen saying?
What animal was taking you up to heaven?
What were the conditions of the zoo like?
What were you saying to Jerry the mouse?
What number was Jerry the mouse?
Who is up in the Tree?
What was he saying?
Ok we're ready to continue ..
'#" 1#"
You aie like Baniel. you've been thiown into the Lion's uen.
When you walk into the uen howevei, you see that it's no
noimal uen. These animals aie sophisticateu - sitting in big-
aimeu chaiis smoking pipes anu weaiing glasses. You hanu
them a telephone anu give them the home-ueliveiy oiuei foi
KFC CBICKEN! They uial anu oiuei theii CBICKEN anu all
stanu up, link aims anu stait singing in unison 'uEE we love
What numbers haven't we done yet? Four? Ok
2)&, 1)),
You'ie in Wonueilanu anu the Rabbit is chasing you fiantically
out of the iabbit hole into the ieal woilu. You manage to jump
thiough a uooi leauing out anu just as the iabbit jumps anu
huils himself both feet fiist thiough the uooiway, you SLAN
the uooi shut on the iabbit's feet so haiu that his feet aie
seveieu anu SNAP off of the iabbit's legs. With the uooi closeu
anu the footless iabbit on the othei siue, you pick up his TW0
bloouy, twitching, fluffy white feet anu put his TW0 feet in
youi pocket foi goou luck.
How many feet did the rabbit have?
34"# 54"#
Baiya!. Boooooiiiii . B0AAAA! . it's BR0NKEN N0NKEY..
uoing Biuce Lee impeisonations with a big bottle of wine in
hanu. This monkey isn't any oiuinaiy uiunken, Biuce Lee
impeisonating monkey though!. Be's uiesseu as SANTA CLA0S
anu with eveiy kick, kung-fu chop anu back-flip, he's singing out
a jolly "B0 B0 B0! B0 B0 B0!"
NB. There were other images that came to mind that
would enable our Drunken Monkey to cry out the words
'Ho Ho Ho' but.. but you see what mean about Political
Correctness? The less PC you are, the MORE you will
24.# /4.#
Pictuie a giant hive, B0ZZZINu with activity. But wait!.. this is
no oiuinaiy hive. anu they'ie not bees flying out of it! They'ie
miniatuie BRAu0NS flying out of the hive bieathing little fiie-
balls anu all of them have L0NNNNuuuu tails swooping
upwaius almost in the shape of the Nike 'Swish'. When you say
the woiu L0NNNNu tail, make the pitch of the woiu stait low
anu follow the swish upwaiu - BRAu0NS have L0NNNNNu
Ok recap time again:
What was coming out of the hive?
What were you saying to Jerry the mouse?
What number was Jerry?
Who did you see going up to heaven?
What were you riding on?
Who is in the zoo?
What were they saying?
Who was impersonating Bruce Lee?
What number was he?
Who was the monkey dressed as?
What was the monkey saying?
Why did choose the Santa Suit for the monkey?
Who is up in the tree?
What was he saying
You're in the lion's den what were they ordering?
What did the lions all say after they ordered home
'(#6.# -+#6.#
You'ie in Isiael minuing youi own business when all of a
suuuen you heai police siiens wailing in the stieet. You iush in
to see what they'ie uoing. Theie SWAT team busts uown the
uooi of a }ewish man anu finus in his house shelves lining the
walls with shelf upon shelf lineu with PIuS. The police shockeu
look at the man anu ask him 'What kinu a }EW aie Y00 hmmm.'
-47 -489
You'ie sick in hospital lying in youi hospital beu when youi nuise comes in
to give you an injection. This isn't any oiuinaiy nuise though - anu it's not
any oiuinaiy injection! The nuise is CBER (fiom Sonny anu Chei . If I
Coulu Tuin Back Time. you know the one), uiesseu in that black thing she
was weaiing as she was sitting on the cannon in the music clip foi 'If I
Coulu Tuin Back Time'. but weaiing a nuises hat of couise. Insteau of a
syiinge, CBER pulls out a long fangeu SNAKE. It's fangs aie piotiuuing
with gieen venom uiipping fiom them anu she plants the fangs - BAN!
into you aim. (As you pictuie CBER placing the snakes fangs in youi aim
while you'ie sick in hospital, holu two fingeis up, cuil them aiounu like
snakes fangs anu thiust them into the open siue of youi othei aim. Let
them sink in until you feel pain. As you think of that pain - of the venom
iunning thiough youi veins, think of CBER).
What numbers are left?
That's right 8 and 11. Pick one? . ok .. gottit.
:6#.#" ; <066 :6#.#"
You'ie at an Ameiican football game (if you uon't unueistanu Ameiican
football. oi haven't evei watcheu it befoie, uon't woiiy.. eithei have I!.
but you've seen the movies iight.. ok. just follow me on this one).
The numbei 11 footballei (Football 11) is thiowing B0T B0uS up into the
ciowus just like they thiow the football. These B0T B0uS have a twist
though . they'ie REAL B0uS insiue! Little yapping chihuahuas aie flying
thiough the aii between two buns coveieu in ketchup!
As the uogs aie flying thiough the aii, the ciowus ioai 'u0 u0 u0!'
Football 11 thiowing hot B0uS saying u0 u0 u0!
and finally...
:4=+> ?0>#
You'ie in a big gieen meauow pauuock in New Zealanu. All of a suuuen,
you heai the iailway ciossing gate bells stait to iing - BINu BINu BINu
BINu BINu . As the tiain comes closei, you can't believe youi eyes!
Insteau of all the sheep noimally stopping at the gate to let the tiain pass,
this time, as the uATES go uown, the tiain that's passing is being uiiven
anu also packeu to the biim with SBEEP! Big sheep, little sheep, some
with tiain engineei caps on, some with sun-glasses on, anu some spoiting
some pietty impiessive bling.
}ust as this sheep-lauen tiain goes past while the gates go uown, a young
New Zealanu gentleman says to you quite mattei-of-factly "Ny Ny. they'ie
veiy Y00Nu sheep now aien't they. Y00Nu sheep inueeu!
uATE comes uown foi a tiain full of Y00Nu SBEEP.
What have we learned?
Aside from the fact that have a frighteningly active
imagination, we have indeed learned the animals of the
Chinese Zodiac. Not only have we learned the animals,
but we have learned the correct order and also the
pronunciation of the characters. Well we've learned a
'guide' to the pronunciation of the characters enough to
get our minds and our mouths in the right place. We can
refine them down afterwards.
Why did I choose the Chinese zodiac (+,
n my Cracking Thai Fundamentals programme, will often
mention to students that if they feel that they are starting to
become confident with their Thai, it's time to enter the 'shut
up' stage. Many people jump into learning a language
because they want to express 'themselves' in that
remember a few years back, was sitting with a bunch of
friends who worked at an particular embassy in Bangkok
that will remain nameless. Being an embassy, there are
foreigners in there that speak fluent Thai they've done
their training both while back in their home country and
then more language training on the ground once they were
in the country. The complaint of the Thai embassy
workers was that they said that they'd often be having a
really fun conversation about some topic or other maybe
what soap-opera they were watching the night before on
Channel 7, or about some member in their family who was
going to become a monk, or what lucky number they saw
on a car's license plate that ran into them on the way to
work and in turn needed to urgently buy a lottery ticket
with that number as the final 2 digits because it was
already the 1st or 16th day of the month.. you know.. 'Thai'
kinds of things.
They said that every time a particular foreigner (that spoke
perfect Thai) came into the room, the happy raucous
atmosphere that was going on just died. The foreigner
would want be part of the conversation and join in the fun.
He would come in and say something like 'Can you
believe what they're doing in ran at the moment?' , or
'What do you think about the UN's role in Thailand?'.
These kinds of comments had the same effect as a fart in
an elevator. Not just a normal fart but one of those .
you know . those silent, seepy ones that get past the
firewall and glide out after eating ndian food for lunch.
The ones that make all the people in the elevator start to
contort their their face hoping that the contortions would
close at least one nostril up and stop the pain.
Needless to say, the mood in the room died and the fun
raucous conversation was but a memory of something that
once was.
Ok, ok might be getting a little melodramatic at the
moment, but hope 've demonstrated my point. don't
like learning a language to express 'myself' in the
language. learn it so that can learn about the people
who use it, learn what they like and don't like and learn
how to render myself in their language and culture in a
way that won't come across like a fart in an elevator.
Language is a social thing.
That's why the Chinese zodiac or '+, shngxio' is so
cool. t's a fantastic ice-breaker and rapport builder.
The Language of Love
The intersection of language, mind-skills and dating opens
up a whole new dimension of possibilities for Neil Strauss
fans giving you an unfair advantage on most of your peers.
'll save that for my next book.
Supposing you were at Starbucks and you saw some cute
Chinese girl sitting at the table next to you. ('m saying this
as though it would be me you can choose the gender
and sexual orientation of the imaginary Chinese Starbucks
person to suit your own preferences )
Let's superimpose all the 12 animals onto their
corresponding numbers on a clock face. The animals 4
hours to your left and 4 hours to your right are the animals
that best suit being your spouse. (These are called the 4
animal trines).
Now, you know that your own zodiac animal is the Horse.
You think that she must be about 4 years younger than
you you're a Dog!. Dog = 11. Stand on 11 on the clock
and walk clockwise 4 years. 11 to 12, 1, 2, 3. What's 3?
RGHT She's the year of the Tiger! (Which just happens
to be my year!).
Engaging the Mark
So now you introduce yourself to the cute Chinese girl and
say "You weren't born in the year of the tiger were you?
She says "No. Bummer! . All your plans and dreams are
shattered . but not to worry, you can still salvage
yourself. You say "Oh.. it just looked like you were the
strong, leader type. was convinced that you had to be a
tiger. Now she's interested in hearing more about herself
and intrigued that you know about her culture and
probably more about the Chinese zodiac than she does.
You sit, sip on your cappucino's and laugh on into the
evening sharing anecdotes of paranoid tigers and young
A few dates went by, her clothes started appearing in your
cupboards and drawers, she moves in officially, you end
up marrying, you learn to speak fluent Mandarin as well as
her family's own dialect, her mother hates you, she leaves
you and takes the kids and you find yourself sitting in
Starbucks one day commiserating your existence when
suddenly. sitting at the table next to you is...
Ok you get the picture! Learning language is about
learning 'people'. Learning what drives them what makes
them laugh . and what makes them wince their face up
as though they've just been on the receiving end of a fart
in an elevator. f you set this as your goal, the motivation to
learn drives itself.
The Chinese Zodiac is a perfect social 'tool' to use to get
into the people's hearts right across Asia. t allows you to
peak their interest, get them speaking about themselves,
what they like, how they perceive the world, who they like,
who they hate, why they hate them and you might even
get onto famous identities in their pop culture and history
that are a particular zodiac sign. t can lead you down
many rabbit holes indeed.
(Side Note what number was the rabbit? How many
feet? Good)
The zodiac animals and traits and words vary a little
between different countries in Asia Vietnam, Thailand,
China, Japan are all slightly different. Again, the
differences act as memory points and knowing about
them makes you a much more interesting person!
ndeed the intersection of language, mind-skills and dating
opens up a whole new dimension of possibilities for Neil
Strauss fans giving you an unfair advantage on most of
your peers. 'll save that for my next book.
Take a break!
This is a great time to go and take a break go for a walk
down the street. or better still, take a nap. Find
somewhere nice and quiet, close your eyes and take
yourself into the scary fantasy land that we just painted
with the numbers from one to twelve.
Notice how we didn't learn them in order? We didn't need
to. Once the 'system' had been laid down properly in the
beginning, we could learn in any order we like. The items
just 'slot' into place. Plug and play vocab items.
f possible, try not to look at the following table first. Try
and recall the vivid non-politically-correct images that we
conjured up. Just in case though, here's a summary to
help you:
1 (0ne) Run Nouse (Rat) Shoo!
2 (Two) Zoo 0x New (zoo)
S (Thiee) Tiee Tigei Who.
4 (Foui) Booi Rabbit Two! (feet)
S (Five) Bive Biagon Long (tails)
6 (Six) Sick Snake Chei
7 (Seven) Beaven Boise Na (is that you.)
8 (Eight) uate Sheep Young (sheep)
9 (Nine) Wine Nonkey Bo!
1u (Ten) Ben Chicken (Roostei) uee! (we love
11 (Eleven) Ball Eleven Bog uo uo uo!
12 (Twelve) Shelve Pig What kinu of }EW
aie you.
Part 3 Now Let's do some Magic
! " #
$ % &
' ( )
* + ,
Now to get the most out of this activity in this textual
format (normally 'd prefer to have a whiteboard / screen
and write these up and drill at random), would highly
recommend downloading this PDF file
and print it out.
Now because 'm not with you at the moment to point at
different characters, let's use a referencing system like
reading an Excel Spreadsheet:
A B C Column Headings
1234 Row Headings
So the order
1 5 9
2 6 10
3 7 11
4 8 12
will be referred to as
A1 B1 C1
A2 B2 C2
A3 B3 C3
A4 B4 C4
Mnid Yoga
No didn't make a typo. (Do a google search on
'Mnidcraft') Now it's time to stretch those synapses! This
exercise works best if the chart of 12 characters that 've
just given you takes up your full visual field. That's why
suggested printing out the PDF version of the chart and sit
it on the table in front of you or better still, stick it on a
wall. Even better still, print out giant size versions of the
characters and re-create the table on a white-board.
Physically engaging yourself like that when learning vocab
helps to embed the new words into 'you'.
Notice how haven't placed numbers next to each one.
You don't need them. The system 1-run, 2-zoo etc..
means that you don't need this anymore. The numbers
are inherently there from the platform that we laid down
Now point at any character in the chart and just relax.
Your mind will figure out what number it is. Just think of
the rhyme. Think of the story. What is the animal
associated with the story? What is the key 'sound word' to
associate with that animal? E.g. 3 Tree (paranoid)
Tiger Who?(are you).
Sit and do this for about 5 minutes. Just keep going over
and over again at random.
As you're drilling yourself, change your mind's activity
around. For example, after you've started to get a little
more confident with the stories, animals etc, practice just
thinking of the 'picture' of the animal only when you point
at each character. That means when you point at location
'B1 the only thing that you are seeing in your mind is a
picture of a fire-breathing dragon with a LONGG tail.
After about 2 minutes of just thinking of the 'animal
pictures', do the same drill but this time round just think of
the words associated with them. E.g. when you point at
location B4 you are thinking 'YOUNG?'.
Spend the next five minutes drilling yourself.
Okay Break time again!
A Healthy Diversion
Let me highlight a few points of interest about the
characters we've just learned.
Look at the character - for Ok you can kind of see the
ears, the horn sticking up and it's face . picture the
bottom tip as the tip of the Ox's nose.
Similarly, look at . the symbol for 'sheep' or 'ram'. You
can see the little horns, hears running down again to the
The character / 0ma) 'horse' .. picture the 4 dots as
it's mane flowing as it runs.. the top part is the head.
Look at these three characters 1 (hou)2 3(gou)2 4
(zhu) the component on the left represents a fuzzy or
curly tail.
The character 5 (she) pronounced like 'Cher' rhymes
with 'her' but no 'r' sound at the end. The component on
the left 6 represents 'creepy crawly' things.
won't get into the whole tone system of Chinese too
deeply hear. Just try and imagine the pictures and the
emotions.. the tones will come from your emotional
experience. Have a search around the internet after you
get through this to read up on the tones and 'pin yin' which
is the amazingly simple and accurate romanization system
of the Mandarin sound system.
Part 4 - Mix and Match
Now let's look at these two tables. The first is the table
that you've already learned. The second is a table of the
same characters, but in random order.
See if you can work out which one is which by referencing
the original table. You will find that soon enough you will
start recognising the characters for what they are and your
references to the original table will be minimal. Don't forget
to (in your mind) always link the symbols to the numbers
as you're recalling them. This is extremely helpful to have
on call when you're in that Starbucks scenario we spoke
about earlier!
!"#$#%&' )&*'+
! " #
$ % &
' ( )
* + ,
Random TabIe
& # )
" ' (
# % ,
+ $ *
Chinese currently uses two sets oI characters depending on what
country you`re in. You have the Traditional Characters ./
0 1Ian ti zi` (translated directly as complicated body
characters) and SimpliIied Characters 2/0 1jian ti zi`
(translated directly as simple body characters). Mainland China,
Singapore and Malaysia all use the simpliIied characters.
Taiwan and Hong Kong still use the traditional characters. I
personally preIer the aesthetics oI the traditional characters,
though Ior eIIiciency`s sake, the SimpliIied Characters are in
most cases Iaster to write. I recommend when learning Chinese
that you learn both oI them. Once again, the diIIerences
between the characters work to reinIorce them in your memory.
Here is the original chart with the Simplified Characters
next to the Traditional Character where one exists. As you
can see, they are in most cases modifications of the
original design.
! " 3 #
$ % & 4
' ( 5 )
* + ,
So What Have We Just Done?
How's your brain feeling? Excited?
Hopefully during the time you spent reading this article,
you have at some point had an 'AHA' or an 'OH WOW!'
moment. f we break it down, we have covered a LOT of
ground and have thrown many different disciplines / skill
set training in there that you may not have even noticed.
Here are just a handful:
Set up a memory filing system based on something
we know
Took away the scaffolding of what we knew and were
left with a solid structure not based on language that
we could file new words, meanings, pictures etc. in
Used rhythm / music to help get our minds into state
(120 bpm) to prepare it to be programmed
Used rhyme, mnemonics and big, colourful,
emotional and politically incorrect imagery to help us
memorize stuff (no-one needs to know what actually
goes on in your mind!. all they see is what's
rendered in the end when it comes out of your
Learned cultural points about Chinese Culture / Asia
in General Chinese Zodiac
Picked up powerful 'pick up' techniques that can be
instantly applied to your next trip to Starbucks
Learned how to be a more interesting person
Associated similar sounds in our language to help
remember new words / sounds in a new language
Once the new characters were in place, we could
shuffle them up and revert to our original filing
system as a reference. As the brain references back
to the original table to look for similarities, we're
learning more and more about the characters and
they're being embedded into us
Learned about the difference between Traditional
Characters and Simplified Characters in Chinese
Found out the scary things that go through Stuart Jay
Raj's mind!
One important thing to note is that if you go over
everything that 've just gone through, you might think that
it's a convoluted way just to learn12 characters. When
running this activity, normally do it in around 30min
45min . including all my commentary and the drills. The
fact is though, that once you get the fundamental skill
down of making pictures, word associations and inserting
them into your mental filing system, all of the above
processes happen internally within the space of a few
seconds. Our brains can process things at lightening fast
speeds. The trick is not to try to analyse it too much. and
sometimes you just have to put your head down and
plough into something and just have faith that your brain is
going to make sense of it. Our brains can link two totally
unrelated things quite easily both a blessing and a curse.
t only starts backfiring when our socially learned logic gets
in the way and we start telling ourselves ' can't do that' ..
or 'that can't be done' . or ''m doing all this just to learn
THAT!??' . n brain terms, the 'all this' isn't really all that
much. t'll be over before you know it.
Finally, for your reference, here is an overall table of the
Zodiac animals taken from
have tweaked the table a little.
Make sure you bookmark this article and / or print it out.
t's going to be something you will keep coming back to as
a reference and just know that you're going to want to
pass it on to your friends, employees and students to get
them inspired about learning again!
As for the full debriefing let's leave that for the comments
section. would like all of my readers out there to be part
of the discussion about what actually went on in this
article, the learnings that we can take from it and how it
can be adapted to learning other languages and other
stuff in general.
Get as much input and inspiration as you can. Visit blogs
and sign-up for newsletters from people like Benny the
rish Polyglot , Steve
Kaufman, Luca the talian
Polyglot , Moses McCormick and other inspirational
polyglots out there. think that many of these people are
like me they love the buzz of learning and focus that on
learning languages.
f you've read through this far, you can probably tell that
have a burning passion for communication, language and
people. can't do it myself need your help too. t's only
through you sharing your learning experiences and ideas
with the rest of the community that we can spread the
passion for languages to the people around us as well
as keep our own motivation up and move our learning up
to the next level.
All you need to do now, is drop by my Language and Mind
Mastery website at . n the 'JON NOW'
section, drop me your name and email address, and will
give you free access to my Language and Mind Mastery
bulletins, hints, tips and a tonne of great download
resources. More importantly, you'll become part of an
amazing community that is breaking new ground in
learning and pushing the boundaries of what we can do
with our minds. t's your opportunity to make a difference.
Stay tuned for my podcasts on iTunes, and before the year
is out, should have my first batch of iPhone / iPad
applications ready for downloading.
Special thanks to Brett from http://learnthaifromawhiteguy
for preparing a cool set of Chinese Zodiac ANK flashcards
for this article that can be downloaded from here
Stu Jay Raj. 78 :;< =>: ?@A
Stuart Jay Raj
Summary of Chinese Zodiac
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inoshishi zh
Stuart Jay Raj in Brief
Of mixed race, TV personality Stuart Jay Raj or 'Jay' has a
fluent command in speaking, listening, reading and writing
over 13 modern languages including Chinese dialects,
Spanish, ndonesian, Thai, Danish and Sign Language.
He has more than a passing familiarity in more than 15
other languages both modern and ancient and is proficient
in several computer languages. From working with
offshore Oil Gas projects to Miss Universe, Stuart's
ability to seamlessly communicate across cultures has
become an invaluable asset for both multinational
corporations and governments alike.
Stuart is a Television Host hosting programmes around the
region in several languages including English, Thai,
Bahasa ndonesia and Mandarin Chinese.
Stuart plays Jazz Piano with the Bangkok based ROL Jazz
Trio and is also on the official interpreters team for Miss
From 2000 Stuart has been closely associated with the
Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand initially running
his Cracking Thai Fundamentals programme to equip
journalists to hit the ground running with Thai language
and cultural skills. Most recently Stuart has been a board
member of the FCCT and today continues to extend his
network of key players that shape the happenings in SE
Facilitation, Training and Coaching
Stuart is an internationally accredited Trainer and
Facilitator and under his company Kognisens, consults
and trains for Governments and Corporations in several
languages around the globe. Training programmes help
participants develop both soft and hard skills covering
areas including Leadership, Negotiations, Team Building,
Simultaneous nterpreting, Key Account Management and
Presentation Skills.
Through his experience with a diverse client base, Stuart
has been trained in several disciplines in the Oil and Gas
ndustry, Modern Trade, Pharmaceutical ndustry,
Sustainable Development and HV ADS and works in
conjunction with several agencies around the world as a
buffer between western executives and local people in
these fields.
More information on Stuart's activities, TV shows, learning
techniques and video clips demonstrating them can be
found in Stuart's popular Language and Mind Mastery blog
at and on his Youtube Channel at .
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Nalcolm Smith
NALSAS Inuonesian Pioject School of Languages anu Linguistics
uiiffith 0niveisity - Biisbane, Austialia
Benny the rish Polyglot has a somewhat different
approach than many of the other authors included in this
book. As he told me, he wants to get people speaking right
away, and minces no words in explaining why...
My name is Benny Lewis, an rish lad that at 21 would
never imagine speaking any language other than English
to be possible for me. took German in school and did
quite poorly, and when visited Munich couldn't even
order a train ticket a frustrating place to be after five
years of schooling in the language.
Now at 28 can confidently say that speak 8 languages
fluently (European level C2 or better for several of them,
and hopefully a 9
at conversational level by the time you
read this), and have been told that have an excellent
almost-native accent in several of them. am now at the
stage where only need about three months, starting from
scratch, to reach a confident level in any given language.
am absolutely 100% sure that anyone else could do this
if they applied the right approach and mentality, no matter
what their background is.
What changed for me is incredibly simple, and don't need
to go into details about how many words to learn, or
grammar explanations, or precisely which courses or
websites to use. All did was speak.
That's it. just started speaking my target language.
Speaking it wrong, making lots of mistakes, not having
enough vocabulary to be "ready... and doing it anyway.
nitially stumbling through a language may sound
undesirable, but this is by far the quickest path to fluency.
You will never speak a language quickly by avoiding
speaking it. This is obvious for any task or goal avoiding
the actual goal itself will never get you anywhere.
Six months in Spain studying regularly gave me nothing
more than a splattering of random words and a frustrated
feeling about grammar. needed a dramatic change, so
made the decision one day to try speaking no English at
all for a month and that single month changed my entire
life and converted me into someone who seemingly has a
"talent for languages. don't have a natural-born talent for
languages, created and nurtured that talent, just like
anyone else could. After that month I was speaking
You don't have to move to the country to do this. learned
Portuguese while living in France and arrived in Brazil
already at a confident conversational level, with almost no
trace of using Spanish (or "portuol) as my crutch. made
the same decision to put my self-doubts aside and to just
start speaking at every opportunity possible. The pressure
of a native in front of you and the need to communicate
will force you to improve at an incredible rate. Paris and
Toulouse being major cities, it was very easy to meet up
with Brazilians.
Not being able to travel to the country yet is not a good
excuse 'm afraid. f you live in any major city you have
ample opportunities to meet with natives of any major (and
some minor) language in person. Couchsurfing holds
regular meetings (shown on the groups and events pages)
and if you set up a profile you can host native speakers.
This is how have maintained my spoken level in any
given language no matter where live. n Berlin hosted
Brazilians and in Argentina hosted French backpackers
etc. also holds regular meetings and if you go
into Facebook and search for your city name followed by
your language name, you may find groups and events
taking place that you should definitely check out!
Other than that, simply keeping your ear to the ground will
reveal where all the opportunities that were previously
flying by you for some real practise have been.
But surely you can't speak if you haven't enough
vocabulary or studied enough grammar yet? Of course
you can! f you know a single word, then use it! And no
matter what language you are learning there is a vast
amount you already know when you are starting. Focus on
this positive rather than focusing on what you don't know
as most courses are tailored to. The power of
incrementing your speaking abilities by using what you
have just learned is amazing and exponential.
Waiting until you are ready on the other hand is what will
forever hold millions of learners back from ever trying. You
will never have enough vocabulary. Not being ready is a
state of mind that you can maintain until the day you die if
you so choose. choose to be ready after studying a travel
phrasebook for just a few hours. t leads to lots of
frustration of course, but it also leads to incredibly rapid
This may not be as pleasant as studying books in comfort
and with no pressure for years, but if your goal is to speak
over-preparation will hold you back. Even if you knew
the grammar and vocabulary of any given language inside
and out, the cat would still have your tongue when the time
came to speak if you are simply not used to conversing in
that language.
While this advice may conflict with the advice of some
other contributors above, who have a preference for input,
there is a very important reason why tell you that you
simply must speak your target language as soon as
possible: you need to do what your goal is. f your goal is
to read excellently and understand foreign movies and
streamed online radio, then you have to do that as the
priority. To read excellently, read a Iot. To understand
spoken language, listen (attentively) a lot. To speak well,
speak a lot. No waiting.
f speaking a language is not your priority, then my advice
cannot help you and you would be better focusing your
energy on input. Everyone says they'd love to speak a
language, but have found that some people really do
have a preference for literature and just hearing native
speakers. n that case speaking is a pleasant side-effect of
their main goals and frustration involved in my suggestions
to speak quickly and efficiently isn't worth their effort. For
me and others it's the opposite. Focusing on speaking
makes other aspects of a language improve themselves
with time.
So what are you waiting for? No matter what excuse you
have there is a way around it if you try hard enough.
Because of making some tough decisions early in my
language learning journey, now go to a country and
almost exclusively socialise with locals (or with natives of
other languages 'd like to maintain). have had incredible
experiences getting to know cultures more than books can
ever convey. My mission is to help as many people as
possible to experience the same feeling, and to do that
have to pull people away from their books.
Of course, study too but with short-term goals. study
vocabulary to prepare for a meeting this evening rather
than next year. This change in context changes your
motivation and thus, your rate of progress. f you'd like to
hear more about how "hack my way to fluency, check
out my blog as apply these tips on the field.
Reading through previous submissions in this document
saw some other polyglots that hugely agree with and
have had the pleasure to talk with directly, including Moses
McCormick and Stu Jay Raj. also see a huge preference
for LingQ, which suggests to me that there was a big
discussion about this polyglot project within that
community. think this is misleading as to how many
successful language learners use that tool based on my
experience in talking with many multilingual individuals.
Because of this, have to give a word of warning that that
system is commercial and there are free alternatives.
used LingQ myself for several weeks and wrote an
extremely detailed review of it. My suggestion is to
definitely use the parts of the system specifically for
improving your reading and listening abilities. These parts
are free and many aspects to this are unparalleled
But you should preferably get many hours of active written
and spoken conversation practise through compIeteIy
free alternatives rather than paying for it on LingQ. Paying
for short sessions every once in a while is useful, but you
can get similar advantages elsewhere.
f you are too shy to meet people in person as had
suggested above, you can still practise every day for
several hours thanks to the amazing amount of online
communities in and about other languages.
Although the courses offered at sites like busuu and
Livemocha are dreadful, highly recommend using these
sites as tools to meet other native speakers, as the
international communities there are huge. Get their Skype
details and chat with them regularly for free. Natural
conversations with a new friend (rather than a paid
teacher) will help you in many ways, especially if your goal
is to use the language in social situations. Depending on
the language you are learning you can easiIy find native
speakers through the nternet on the vast number of online
communities and start chatting without ever leaving your
Other useful links 'd recommend (all completely free
Rhinospike: Need to hear what a particular sentence
sounds like? Submit it and a native will read it to you!
Forvo is a pre-made database of what particular words
sound like.
Lang-8: Write short sentences and get them corrected by
natives. Very useful to improve your written abilities.
To listen to content in your target language, after you have
passed the elementary stage, don't get any more language
learning material. Dive into how the language actually
sounds by listening to real podcasts. These can be
downloaded easily for free from iTunes. f you are used to
hearing natives speaking very slowly and using simple
language in sound-proof recording studios that may be all
you are prepared to understand!
The benefits of speaking a foreign language deserve a
book in themselves, but will be frank to people to get
them on that path. Listening to podcasts can be very
beneficial and comfortable and fun, but with actual natives
pushing you, you will progress at an amazing rate. Follow
the advice of all of the amazing other language learners
here to improve your understanding of a language, but
please put the learning material down and step outside of
your house and use your language to communicate with
other human beings :)
That's what a language is about after all it's a
means of communication. t isn't a list of grammar
rules of a competition for who knows the most words
of vocabulary. t is your key to meeting fascinating
new individuals. Use it!
This next piece comes to us from LingQ.
"skyblueteapot describes her journey from computer
programmer to language enthusiast...
"My Ianguage Iearning journey; or: How I Iearned
Russian despite the cuIturaI handicap of being
by skyblueteapot, United Kingdom.
went to school in England in the 1970s and 1980s
and therefore have been handicapped with foreign
language learning. t was taught very badly, you see.
French, German and Latin were taught using the
Classical Method, which mainly consists of writing
irregular verbs up on the board and making everyone
learn them for homework. was startled, on visiting
France at the age of eleven, to discover French
children speaking French, easily and naturally and
without even having to look words up in textbooks.
The idea that it was anyone's mother tongue simply
hadn't occurred to me.
The turning point for me was an exchange
programme with a German school. was shy and
nerdy and therefore had no friends among the
English kids who went over with me; was, therefore,
forced to hang out with the German kids. t was a
revelation! learned that for them, language learning
was a much easier, natural and pleasant process
than it had been for me. They listened to English pop
music, watched English films and wore jeans with
English labels on them. came home exhilarated and
determined to learn to speak proper German, song
lyrics, swear words and all.
didn't have much time left. The unnecessarily
restrictive English school system mean that, at the
age of 16, had to stop studying all languages to
concentrate on physics, my university subject. And
that was that. was branded a scientist, an asocial
computer-botherer, an art and culture-free zone. t
was a life sentence. Or so thought.
At the age of....erm...well, was married and had two
kids anyway..... found myself suddenly out of a job.
had been a computer programmer, and as it turned
out, a bad one. Why? was hard working and loved
learning and using languages. t ought to have been
the ideal job. Perhaps talking to computers in their
language simply isn't as rewarding as talking to
people in theirs. resolved to restart my language
learning, focussing on communicating with real
people this time. Maybe failing as a technical person
gave me a second chance to try out at being an arts
But where to start? The local adult education courses
weren't much help. was already overqualified for
beginners' French and German classess, and nothing
else was available. tried local universities, libraries,
and schools. None of them included helping mature
learners to learn a foreign language within their remit.
Even wasn't expecially forthcoming on
language learning books and CDs beyond the very
basics. Maybe could find some learning materials on
the internet?
After a lot of searching and frustration (and grumbling
about it to penfriends in slowly-improving German),
found a site called t claimed to offer
Russian, which caught my attention straight away.
Russian had been on offer at my school, but sadly not
to those studying science (Perhaps they were afraid
we would defect to the Soviet Union and take the
secrets of the Trident missile programme with us).
Was this at last my chance to learn it? The danger of
me defecting now and taking with me the secrets of
really poor programming really shouldn't keep the
ntelligence Services awake at nights.
studied the so-called "natural language learning
method carefully. t looked too easy to be effective.
You sign up for an account, help yourself to free
lessons (mp3 + transcript), and study them. There is
software to keep track of the words you have learned,
the lessons you have studied, the time you have
spent on listening, etc. You can learn new words
using flashcards. Ah, but what happens when you
have studied all the lessons in the library?
studied the contents of the library. There were, as it
turned out, a LOT of lessons, some of them really
quite tricky. t didn't look as though would run out of
material any time soon.
still suspected a catch. lurked in the forum. t
seemed to consist of a lot of clever, funny, people,
people who were well aware of the value of a dollar
and very clear that they were getting value for money.
Some of them were even learning Russian
including, it appeared, the founder of the site.
decided to Skype him to find out what the catch was.
We had a very pleasant conversation. t turned out
that LingQ is the brainchild and baby of Steve
Kaufmann, a former Canadian diplomat, who loves
learning languages and is learning Russian as his
tenth or eleventh one. Making money does not seem
to be a major goal for him; spreading the word that
learning languages can be fun does.
"But you DO want my money, don't you? asked.
"You won't get much out of me. 'm unemployed!
Steve shrugged. "'m sure you can find a Russian
who's keen to learn English, he said. "You can do a
language exchange.
"What happens if run out of lessons? asked.
"You use your own material, he answered. "Have you
seen the size of the internet? Anything you can
download in mp3 format you can put on your mp3
player and listen to; any text you can copy and paste
you can import and use as a lesson.
"What about Dracula? asked. "'ve got that as an e-
"Dracula's be fine, he answered. "You can write
pieces in Russian about vampires and have
conversations with Russians about vampire-staking.
This was an intriguing idea.
"How about Hobbits? asked.
"f you must! he answered.
"Heavy metal song lyrics?
"Fine! he said.
Well, this just had to be tried. Learning what you want,
when you want, where and how you want, and asking
for help only as and when you want to. That's flexible
enough even for a stressed out housewife and
mother of three to cope with.
Two years on have to say, the "natural, input-based
learning method certainly works for me. listen to
audiobooks, podcasts and radio programmes in
Russian. read articles harvested from all corners of
the web and, when feel like it, discuss my progress
with native Russians. keep a diary in Russian and
get feedback on bits of it when want it. n two years
have reached about "A level standard. have also
found the time to learn a bit of Japanese and brush
up on my French and German.
So encouraged have been by my progress that
have signed my children up. The eldest is 12 and is
learning French (without noticeable enthusiasm), at
school. The youngest is 9 and has been taught to
count up to ten in French. Once shown how to
download lessons and play mp3s, operate the online
dictionary and work the flashcard system, set them a
competition. Whoever learns the most in 3 weeks
wins ten shiny new British pounds and the respect of
all. The betting stands at evens: ten more days to go!
The sad fact is that English schools still make
learning languages boring. Not only that, but the
number of language teachers and the number of
languages available in state schools has dropped
since my day. Now it is only compulsory to learn 3
years of French, and impossible to learn any other
language in my son's comprehensive school.
am determined to show my children how to become
independent language learners; to show them that,
no matter how poor the language teaching provision
in their schools is, no matter how restrictive the
timetables or dismissive our society may be of the
value of speaking a second language, the process of
learning a second language can, nevertheless, be
fun, rewarding and useful. Even for scientists! After
all, Einstein could speak English well enough to work
in America as a university professor. bet no-one ever
told him that scientists couldn't learn foreign
more on my blog: [email protected]
My friend Zo's serious language learning journey began
with a $34 Dollar purchase at the local bookstore...
My Journey to Language Learning
Lorenzo R. Curtis
The Beginning
t brings me great pleasure to have the opportunity to
participate in The Polyglot Project and to write about my
experiences with Language Learning. Even though am
not a polyglot myself, believe possess a story that will
be helpful to the average individual that is just starting out
with learning a foreign language and needs that motivation
to continue it. Certainly, if can do it, anyone can. This
endeavor has brought joy to my life untold and continues
to enrich the course of my life.
go by the name zocurtis on Youtube and the internet but
my real name is Lorenzo Rico Curtis. Language Learning
wasn't always a passion of mine. n fact, grew up in a
completely monolingual environment where no other
language was spoken other than English. The type of
environment grew up in lent no room for interest in
anything foreign. My mom was a single parent so my
brother and were brought up in a setting that taught us to
be self reliant, always vigilant and street smart.
Nevertheless, was always different. would read books
by Homer and Shakespeare and Ralph Waldo Emerson
and write poetry. No one in my neighborhood wrote
poetry. was interested in art and coin collecting and
soccer, all things that don't know where got the interest
for from yet my passion and drive was to become more
than my environment spawned me to be.
began learning Spanish in the 7
grade. My then
Spanish teachers name was Ms. Gelo; she was from
Spain. Her name was pronounced 'Halo' but everyone just
called her Ms. Gello because of how it was spelt. My
impression of that class was not very memorable, except
for the fact that the students would taunt the poor woman
as she was a foreigner and had a funny accent. wasn't
particularly interested in the class either. don't think any
of us were. We just needed to pass and pass we did.
Ms. Gelo was a sweet woman but she didn't know how to
control a room full of hormone charged pre-teens. She
ended up leaving mid-semester of our 9
grade year.
Someone stuck a bobby pin in her chair. guess she
never recovered from the insult. The administrators never
heard back from her and didn't even know when she left.
She did manage to teach me one thing that think was
very instrumental to my language learning journey. t was
a simple song that went:
"Red is rojo, red is rojo, rojo is red, rojo is red.
Learning all the colors is fun and colors are for
everyone. I'd like to shout and let you know,
red is rojo, red is rojo."
We'd sing all the colors until we went through them all. As
simple and as dorky as this song was, it stuck with me like
an idea that had been planted in my mind. t began to
grow into the realization that maybe, just maybe, could
learn to speak Spanish fluently. But hadn't yet realized it
back then.
Fast forward to age 17 and you'd find me in a bookstore
buying a Living Language Spanish course. t cost me
about $34.00 and came with 3 audio cd's, a course book
and a dictionary. This was my first real attempt at truly
pursuing my dreams of becoming fluent in that language.
had made the decision after had written a list of goals
wanted to accomplish in my life. Thus, had made my first
step with this goal.
This was at a time when had just graduated high school
and was waking up each morning asking myself what
exactly am here for. To take a quote from my favorite
movie, had to, "Either get busy living or get busy dying.
Figuratively speaking of course. Unfortunately, this jolt of
motivation only lasted about a week. chalked this up to
the fact that another idea had started to grow beside the
other one that told me, " couldn't do it. hadn't even
really tried.
My Push over the Edge
The following year, began to take courses at my college
in Spanish. Finally, would be motivated to continue with
the language and with my dreams of becoming fluent in
the language. So thought. Though 'd learned quite a lot
about how the language worked in the two (2) years that
studied it in college, still could not speak. This was a
common thread among all the other students that took
these classes as well. But sure as hell could conjugate a
mean verb. All these classes did was further help to de-
motivate me much more than already was with all of the
grammar instruction that was given. t wasn't until opted
to take a class that traveled to Costa Rica for one month
that begin to see how easy it truly was to learn how to
speak the language.
Costa Rica was a blast. saw so much beauty in the
place and fell so far in love with the culture that didn't want
to come back home. t was truly a world beyond my own.
The mountains, the trees, the rivers, the food and the
people all inspired me and helped me to want to know
more. The language was simply icing on the cake. We'd
studied at Centro Panamericano de diomas and we
traveled to different places all around the country. 'd
finally found the motivation to continue with my language
instruction in Spanish. However, this time, opted to do it
on my own.
When began learning Spanish on my own, had already
had a basic knowledge of the grammar rules and the
structure of the language. What didn't know was how to
speak. Speaking came as a difficultly, realized, because
was not in constant contact with the language.
Therefore, tried to find every way possible that could
somehow get in tune with the language every day. used
a course book that is now out of print called 'Learn to
Speak Spanish' by The Learning Company. t provided
the bilingual text format that loved and always provided
simple grammar explanations and notes on the language.
also found people around me that could speak the
language with. One of my friends had just spent a year in
Cuba and he was fluent in Spanish, so used him as
motivation and speaking and listening practice. After a
while, searched for authentic talk radio stations on the
internet with which could listen to the language. Even
though couldn't understand everything that was being
said, found joy in hearing the language spoken and
thinking that one day would understand it all.
This was about the time started to watch videos on
Youtube. Youtube was then only two (2) years old but it
had already become a place that you could meet people
with interests similar to yours and get in touch with them.
Some of the first videos 'd watched were by renowned
polyglots Steve Kaufman and Professor Arguelles.
However, the very first video that helped me were by a guy
on Youtube named JimmyR. He posted a video about the
'Top 5 Ways to Foreign Languages for Free.' This is how
found out that there were in fact places online that helped
people with their personal language learning.
Professer Arguelles sold me on the Assimil method for
learning languages and Steve Kaufman sold me on his
imput method. There are many friends that 've found on
Youtube that have had an impact on my language learning
goals, probably too many to count but all in all, began to
improve in the language with varying methods being
applied to my own. can now speak Spanish, although
not with total fluency but enough to be understood. am
proud of my accomplishments and am constantly
On Language Learning
t is a sincere fact that anyone can learn a foreign
language. They just need the tools that can get them over
the hump of thinking that they cannot do it. This was the
disease that had suffered from but had to get over it and
thus, used the stories of others and their achievements to
help fuel my own motivation. have since had aspirations
of learning talian, French, German, Haitian Creole and
ndonesian and know that with time and motivation, will
obtain this goal.
Language learning is like riding a bike. One sure thing
that you know will happen when you first begin riding bikes
is that you will fall. You will fall and get many cuts and
bruises until one day, your determination will get you up
and over the hurdle of failure. t is important too to have
someone steering you along the way. That is what
Youtube is all about. There are guys there that have
already done the falling for you and are willing to help
show you the way if only you are willing to listen to their
advice. am continuing to learn and know that one day,
all dream will become a reality. Dream big my friends.

See more of my views on foreign language learning
at my Youtube channel: and at my blog:
The next two submissions are courtesy of our previous
author Zocurtus. Dave and Carlos tell their stories...
Journey to Language Learning
Dave Cius
My language learning experience was far more difficult
than hope it to be. Basically, in high school wasn't really
a fan of learning new languages. My thing or mindset at
the time was if anyone wanted to communicate with me
had to either know English or either learn it.
t's funny though how life works because back in high
school hated the idea that had to take up a foreign
language to go along with the course was studying at the
time, so simply took advantage of the situation. One,
was already of Haitian decent so why not study French
because it's real close to Haitian Creole (my native tongue
which was easier for me) and two, hated the Spanish
After high school, was accepted to go off to school to
study medicine. Apparently, the school or country that
would be studying in was Cuba and though hated
Spanish, desired the education.
Learning Spanish was a very big step for me because
hadn't any prior studies of the language. So was kind of
indifferent about the idea. At first, found it hard, basically
because hated the language. Due to this state of mind, it
became more and more challenging for me but our
Spanish teachers at the time were very patient with us and
worked diligently with us braking down the language into
two basic building blocks which are theory and speaking.
The professor really stressed the idea of attempting to
speak the language even though we had very little
experience of it. This technique allowed us to practice with
the knowledge that we were making a bunch of mistakes
but were corrected at the same time by the professors (as
well as the school workers) which improved our listening
skills as well as the speaking.
As we continued to improve in the language, we were
introduced to the idea that our professor Marie use to say
that, "There was more than one way to skin a cat which
goes to show that in Spanish there are many ways to get
your point across rather than using a particular phrase
over and over again. For example, "necesito ir al bano
which is Spanish for " need to go to the bath room. Well it
can also be said as, "tengo que ir al bano or even "debo ir
al bano. As we progress, we also learned the various
tenses such as the present, the past, the future and as
well as conditionally tenses.
As we progress in the various steps in the language,
listening became vital and essential because everything
we knew and grew to understand was or had to be
translated into Spanish. Pretty soon we began thinking in
Spanish which was where our professors wanted us to
reach, the main thing that our professors tried to instill
within us was that "yes it's possible.
"Si se puede is a phrase well used in Cuba to encourage
young people. Basically, our teachers placed us in position
where we were compelled to learn the language in order to
perfect our skills in speaking. Another important factor that
we were taught and was practically preached to us was
the importance of listening because the ability of
interpretation would go hand in hand with the
understanding of certain texts or any form of speech and
as well as our ability to respond without the need to stop
and think but to speak fluently.
My Language Learning Experience
Carlos Cajuste
When heard the other day that a book was going to be
written about experiences in language learning, suddenly
was elated to share my own experience with others out
there who would think that learning a new language would
be a hard and never ending challenge, however that's not
so. With time and dedication anyone can learn a new
My name is Carlos Cajuste and reside in The Bahamas.
Language learning has always been a part of my life, per
se. Come to think of it, started learning languages from
the moment was born. n The Bahamas we speak
English, however growing up in a Haitian household, was
forced to speak Haitian Creole. Whenever spoke with
my parents wasn't allowed to speak English. They would
get annoyed whenever spoke English to them. Therefore,
Creole became second nature to me. At this point, didn't
realize that was bilingual; it was just something that came
For those of you who don't know, Haitian Creole is a
debase form of French or rather broken French. t is
spoken by 12 million people in a country called Haiti,
located in the Caribbean. There are Haitians migrating to
The Bahamas in search of a better life every year and are
thus integrating into the Bahamian society. Therefore, got
the best of both worlds, both English and Creole.
n my opinion, Creole isn't a hard language to learn. As a
matter of fact, it's actually one of the easiest languages on
the planet because it is a phonetic language. The way a
word is written is the way it is pronounced. Similarly, the
grammar tenses aren't as difficult to remember because
one word is used when introducing a tense as opposed to
Spanish where every verb is conjugated to introduce a
tense (past, present or future). Also it is not as difficult to
pronounce as French is, even though it is derived from the
French language.
t was in college that got the opportunity to go to Cuba. t
came as an opportunity of a lifetime for me because was
frustrated with the current academic program at the
college at which was studying. heard about the
opportunity to study in Cuba from my mentor who said that
should apply for the medical scholarship being offered by
the Cuban Government. While applying for the
scholarship, it hit me that would have to learn Spanish in
order to complete the program. Not knowing Spanish,
had doubts that would learn the language to any
acceptable level. However, was encouraged by a
previous student who had completed the program and was
now completely fluent in the language and completing his
specialization. To my surprise, was accepted into the
t was the 11
of November, 2007 when boarded an
airplane to leave for the Republic of Cuba. had travel to
Cuba to study medicine, which would span a time of seven
(7) years. We were told that within the first year we would
be taught Spanish, and then afterwards we would enter
our Medical programme. had a sudden fear that came
over me, not knowing a word in Spanish, because never
studied it in high school. This tremendous trepidation
overtook my thinking, and followed me my entire journey.
When arrived at the school, the people greeted me in
Spanish and returned their greeting with a smile (not
knowing what to say). From that day forward, my learning
My encounter with the other students that studied Spanish
before coming to Cuba fueled my motivation to move
forward because they were the ones that were having
"small talk with the cocineros (cooks) in the school's
cafeteria. started asking a lot of questions, which played
a major role in my learning. Through asking questions
about the language, cleared a lot of doubts and
misconceptions had about the language. n addition to
the asking questions, made friends with those that
studied the language prior to coming to Cuba, therefore
whenever made errors was corrected, and taught the
proper way which noted on a piece of paper to revise on
a later basis.
Classes began January of the following year, and still had
trouble articulating a proper sentence. However, knew
how to greet people, so that's what did whenever saw
anyone (professors, classmates, workers etc.). There
were about 15 students that were under the tutelage of a
professor by the name of Mary Gonzalez. She was an
awesome and patient teacher who would stress that "there
is no English to be spoken in my classroom! And so it
began our vigorous training regime. For a period of six to
nine months we were taught with a three part objective,
listening, writing and speaking.
When it came to the listening aspect, we would listen to
the news every night. The very first time, the only words l
understood was "Buenas noches (Good night). felt
depressed thinking that this guy spoke for about 30mins
and only understood one word. As the months passed
started to understand what the reporter was saying, it felt
like a great achievement for me because felt like was
n my opinion listening skills plays a vital role in learning a
new language, because through listening to the news
every night, began to understand the rhythm in which the
reporter spoke, which was pretty fast. started to
understand how he pronounced certain words as well as
learning new ones, so my vocabulary increased as a
result. n my experience, suddenly found out that
assimilating yourself with the culture, no matter the
language, plays an essential role, which includes: listening
to music, reading the newspaper, watching a movie or the
news in the language.
The second aspect we focused on was our writing skills.
Writing was sort of hard to master at first, but with
consistency and dedication got it. Our professor was bent
on us understanding this important aspect because all of
our subject classes were in Spanish. For me, needed
plenty of work, so started reading the newspaper daily.
Through reading in Spanish, began to understand how to
construct a sentence, as well as increasing my small
vocabulary by learning new words. Writing short stories as
well helped my writing skills, because as my professor
corrected the errors made, learnt the do's and don'ts
when it comes to conjugating different verbs.
The third aspect we focused on was our speaking skills,
which was vital to our survival in a classroom. n learning
Spanish in a classroom setting, noticed that there were a
lot of my classmates that were afraid to communicate out
loudly. Reason being was that they were afraid to make
mistakes or being laughed at. However the professors
encourage us to speak whenever we had the opportunity
no matter where we are on the school compound. Being in
a school that spoke predominantly English was hard to do
(our school didn't have Cuban students).
To counterattack this disadvantage, we had to practice the
language amongst ourselves. To achieve this we had to
constantly remind each other that we must speak Spanish
whenever we have the chance. would like to say to
anyone wanting to learn a new language that it is always
good to practice with people who are knowledgeable about
the language, because they can correct you whenever you
make a mistake.
By this correction, you learn the proper way the word is
pronounced or the tense it is used, so that later on you
prevent this error from happening again. n learning a new
language you can't be shy or passive. spoke with anyone
came into contact with in the school; the cooks, the
school gardener, and the professors on a constant basis.
Through doing this, you expand your social circle.
Lastly, would like to say that in learning a new language
you need to have perseverance because hard work does
pay off. With consistency, dedication and enthusiasm
learning a language becomes effortless. This is what has
helped me to become conversational in the Spanish
language, almost to complete fluency. A little enthusiasm
and motivation goes along way.

Kristiaan from Germany recounts his experiences with the
Swedish language
How I picked up Swedish to a fluent level within a
short time
Hello everybody, my name is Kristiaan, am a student
from Germany and am currently 21 years old. would
like to tell you a little bit about my approach in learning
Swedish and how came up with the idea in the first place.
Everything began in summer 2009 when was doing an
internship at a large multinational corporation located in
Dsseldorf, Germany. For the last three weeks of my stay,
in July, a Swede, Oskar, moved into my shared flat, who
was about to start his internship at the same company. He
was participating in a program of the Swedish embassy,
which connected an internship with an intensive German
language course. n total, there were forty Swedes
participating in this program. Through Oskar, came in
contact with this whole group of Swedes and thus also
with the Swedish language. asked them to teach me
some Swedish phrases, just for fun. started with basis
things like "Jag heter Kristiaan, jag kommer frn Tyskland
(My name is Kristiaan, am from Germany). t was really
fun to get started and realized that Swedish is quite
similar to German and Dutch (my second mother tongue).
However, due to my studies, had to unfortunately leave
Dsseldorf three weeks after Oskar had moved in. was
now able to state the fundamental phrases about myself in
Swedish (age, name, hobbies etc.)
Motivated by this positive language experience, decided
to buy a Swedish language software in order to improve
my knowledge. Due to the high stress level and work load
at my university, didn't find any time within the next
semester to study any more Swedish. n the end of
January, my semester abroad in the United Kingdom
commenced and had in advance made a resolution to
really study Swedish within this time period.
On the first night of my arrival day, all the international
students went out together to a pub, not knowing anyone.
n the course of the evening, was talking to one of the
students, Ted, and we found out that we were staying in
the same shared flat and that he was Swedish. This was
a real coincidence. The university had randomly put us
together. The funny thing was that he wanted to improve
his German in the same way as wanted to improve my
Swedish. So we decided to buy a large white board, just
like the ones you know from class rooms in schools or
universities, and put it into our living room. We started
writing Swedish and German terms onto the board
everyday. This was really effective, because the board was
always there and thus one automatically read the stuff
written on to it.
Additionally, we labeled all devices, kitchen equipment,
and furniture in the whole flat with both German and the
Swedish titles. This was very helpful since you use these
things every day. n our group of international students,
there were three Swedes in total: Two from Stockholm and
one from Gteborg. can tell from my experience that it is
very good if you live together with native speakers while
learning a language. They can help you with everything
and correct you immediately. t's also funny that was
learning Swedish, not my native language, but in English,
which has proven to be a very good and neutral starting
point, especially for explaining grammar.
After the semester abroad had finally finished at the end of
May 2010, followed Ted back to Stockholm. While sitting
in the plane, was really nervous whether everything
would work out with the language. Moreover, it was my
first stay in Sweden.
After arriving and having had the first little conversations in
Swedish, was surprised how well it went: almost fluently.
Sweden is a quite small country and the Swedes don't
expect foreigners to speak Swedish. Therefore, they are
even more impressed if a foreigner is able to speak their
language. This appreciation gives you a very positive
feeling and makes you feel welcomed at the same time. t
also motivates you to go on and improve even more.
spent three wonderful weeks in Sweden which led me to
my next aim: an internship in Sweden. Back home in
Germany actually managed to achieve this goal: was
accepted at a software company in Stockholm! ;-) So
could spend another four weeks in August 2010 in this
amazing country before my studies in Germany continued
The next step would like to take is a Swedish language
certificate. There are currently (08.2010) existing two
different ones:
The first one is currently available only at the levels A2 and
B1. Level B2 has been announced for spring 2011. The
second certificate is only available at level C1. This depicts
a very high level and it also allows you to study any
subject you want to at the Swedish universities and in
Swedish language.
would like to give you a short overview of some good
advice which really helped my learning and improving the
1.)MOTIVATION: First of all, the motivation behind the
wish to learn a language is essential for your
success. t's important to set yourself an aim which
you want to achieve. For instance: By next year, I
want to be able to study in Swedish. My motivation
was to be able to talk to Swedes in Swedish and be
able to communicate with them concerning day-to-
day issues. actually reached this aim and even
more. ;-) Moreover, it is very good if you put your
money where your mouth is and book a flight to
Sweden in order to stay there for a specific period of
time. By this, you create a future event which pushes
you to reach your goal learning Swedish.
Furthermore, this helps preventing procrastinating
very effectively. ;-)

2.)TALK TALK TALK: This is the essential key in
improving the language. t is, as said before, very
helpful if you have the possibility to talk to native
speakers from the very beginning. This boosts your
progress enormously.
3.)LANGUAGE SOFTWARE: Buy a language software
and study with it, especially the vocabulary. The best
way is to write them down onto record cards and
learn them while walking through the park, the forest,
or the city.
4.)SWEDISH SONGS: Listen to Swedish songs,
translate your favorite ones then sing along with
them next time you listen to them. ;-)
5.)SWEDISH SUBTITLES: Watch movies/series with
Swedish subtitles. The good thing in Sweden is that
films and series don't get dubbed. So the original
language (most of the time: English) stays and
subtitles are displayed in the bottom of the screen.
This fact actually helps the Swedes to be very good
in English since they get in contact with English very
early and intensively. When learning Swedish, one
can make use of this fact the other way around: You
hear the English language and you can read what is
said in Swedish at the same time. This function of
course only works if you already have profound
knowledge of the original language.
6.)TIME: Learning a language is very time-consuming,
so make sure to take your time and the success will
7.)READING: By reading daily Swedish newspapers
(also available online) you can easily expand your
range of vocabularies. Some recommendations:
8.)CULTURE: Start loving the people and the culture.
Be interested in the mentality and the Swedish way
of life. Detect similarities and differences between the
Swedish culture and your own.
9.)COUNTRY: Visit Sweden and suck in language and
culture. The permanent confrontation will be a
challenge in the beginning, but it will turn out to be a
very effective training which improves your language
skills step by step.
hope you liked my little report about learning the Swedish
language and found it interesting and helpful. n case you
should have any questions or comments, feel free to
contact me: [email protected]
Good luck with learning Swedish and best regards!
Reading SanneT's submission reinforces what many
people tend to forget: you are never too old to learn!...
A Most ReIuctant Learner
by SanneT
may be one of your more mature contributors: am in my
mid-60s and still, or rather again, trying to learn various
Ever since remember have been interested in foreign
languages; as children in post-war Germany we had for a
while exposure to Russian, English, French and
"American. f we were careful and didn't let ourselves be
shooed away, we could approach the requisitioned houses
and spy on the allied soldiers. (Our town was well placed
for spying activities and until 1948 or so Russians were
still stationed there, within the British zone.)
My childhood was marked by lost languages: first there
was Russian, which heard as a baby before my family
fled to the West. The sound of male Russian voices can
still send me dreaming, although nobody in my family
could ever speak it. Once in the West, we lived with my
grandparents who spoke Plattdeutsch. t was lovely when
my normally taciturn grandfather called me "Na, mien
ltten Poch or "mien ltte Uhl. My mother, however,
would not allow us to use what she called a common
dialect and so have only a limited knowledge of the most
loved of my childhood languages.
At grammar school we had English, French and Latin. My
trouble started with English: whatever did, it did not make
any sense, there was no connection. English remained
one-dimensional, something on paper and destined to
torture me for years to come. was lucky in that my
English teacher liked me. He didn't give me the worst
grade (which thoroughly deserved) and so didn't have to
repeat a year at school. French was somewhat easier,
liked the sound of it and some of it stuck. From my years
of Latin all remembered was that "agricola was
By the way, was ace at German and at German grammar
(in the first year at this school we had a teacher who had
us play grammar games and was quite often a particle in
our joint sentences) and thus am not too bothered about
grammar in other languages. also like buying and reading
big fat dictionaries, although never learn anything,
simply like reading the examples.
n my early twenties decided to give English another go
because a friend and wanted to go to New York. Well, we
never made it, but married my Berlitz teacher! He wanted
to practise his German and, because of my terror of
speaking English, was the only one who insisted on
speaking German to him. He must have liked it; he very
soon proposed and must have said 'Ja' because a year
later found myself in the UK for the very first time.
Horror!!! The food, the language (Bristolian is difficult to
understand at the best of times, tinned peas would stain
potatoes green), sheer and utter horror.
Well, as was still not speaking English to my husband,
had to practise it elsewhere. read the newspapers very
carefully and made notes of words that found interesting.
BBC radio and children's television provided further input.
tried evening classes, didn't do it for me, we were all
foreigners, so it seemed quite pointless. went to work.
still pity the poor people of Bristol that Christmas: was
manning the "Trim a tree counter and to this day don't
know how many wrong Christmas decorations sold or
how often gave the wrong change. The Brits were still
using Pounds, Shillings and Pence and there were twelve
of those in one of those and 20 of those in one of those or
the other way round. t was traumatic. Count yourself lucky
that you didn't have to count in that currency. was so glad
when it changed soon after my attempt at ruining the
British economy.
So decided to teach myself how to type. Office work had
to be easier. hired a typewriter and began my glorious
career as a temporary. t led to great things and one of
them was that after several years of marriage had no
qualms about speaking English to my husband. Curiously
enough, he preferred to carry on in German.
Alright, so had English under my belt. But what about
French? never quite gave up on it, had spent a wonderful
holiday in St Tropez in 1967 and would buy the odd
magazine or newspaper and spend months trying to
decipher it. A visit to Paris revived my interest briefly and
so it went for years: an on-off relationship. just couldn't
learn. have well-stocked shelves of Beginners' French
books. Evening classes were a total put-off, as
developed aphasia. No sounds would come out of my
mouth: amazing.
Russian also reared its head from time to time and
bought (and still have) most of the Russian Beginners
books in print, and many out of print. Same story, though:
no progress being made. decided was just too stupid
for words, or for languages.
When my husband became ill, often sat with him as he
watched his Spanish news, he was a gifted linguist and
had continued with French and had started on Spanish a
few years before. So, after his death, it seemed natural to
take up Spanish, which duly did at our local adult
education college. Having to speak still threatened to lead
to panic attacks. But because of the many similarities
between English and Spanish reading and writing were
easy. still couldn't memorise vocab, though.
then decided wanted to learn Arabic. As with Russian,
the script is easy and beautiful. bought a shed load of
Arabic books and started. Unfortunately, our teacher gave
up after a year and so my career as an Arab speaker was
cut short, for once not by me. Although since then have
hardly looked at my treasure trove.
Luckily, in 2009 came across Steve Kaufmann's book
and the amazing website.
t was such an eye opener to read that mistakes don't
matter, that uncertainty is good for the brain, that language
learning is like walking through fog. One day it will lift and
there you are!
Thanks to the wonderful LingQ tutors and forum members
have now overcome my nearly pathological fear of
speaking or of making mistakes and am happily working
on my French and Spanish, am dipping into Russian,
talian and Swedish as fancy. have even started to learn
a bit of Japanese. t seems that, for me, languages need a
little rest from time to time in order to settle in the brain.
They seem much stronger when then return to them, the
initial anxiety attached to them having gone. Absence
makes the heart grow fonder? am also using German
much more than used to do.
n this context want to mention Vera F. Birkenbihl, a
prolific German author who advocates decoding
languages before one attempts to read or to speak. used
her approach to get an overview of Arabic. didn't follow
her method too closely as didn't have any audio material
and at the time was already attending evening classes.
For my next language, might follow her instructions but
using LingQ material. suggested to her she might want to
contribute her story to this project and hope she will do it.
She has a good tale to tell.
The greatest pleasure have gained from continuing and
stepping up my learning is that can now enjoy French
and Spanish literature, practically without recourse to a
dictionary. think this even outweighs my delight in being
able to speak foreign.
Another welcome side-effect of being an ardent LingQer is
that don't buy as many "Beginners XYZ anymore. Life
has become less expensive. have found that can learn
a language from scratch with the resources on offer,
especially now that word for word translations are
available for some beginners material.
As am quite inquisitive like to read as many threads of
the LingQ forum as possible. have noticed lately that
understand more and more of the Portuguese posts, a
language have never looked at. feel a bonus language
coming up!
am writing this at a time when have hit yet another wall
in my quest for ease and fluency, but by now have learnt
to not think of myself as too stupid (well, just a little bit)
and to live peacefully with temporary walls instead of trying
to bash my head against them. now look forward to
finding out what's behind them. As a matter of fact, have
just signed up for two French conversations and shall
have to do a little bit of writing in order to spend my
accumulated LingQ points.
My recipe for reluctant learners:
Be curious.
Surround yourself with the language, whether you
are at home or abroad.
The '3 Rs': read, read, read.
Persevere, but allow yourself time off, as much as
you want/need.
Try different approaches and/or different languages if
you seem stuck.
Use the resources at hand: mp3, iphone, whatever
technology you like.
f you can afford it, spend some time in the country of
your chosen language, this is not necessary, though.
You can learn anything, anywhere.
Have goals: mine are not specific, but know 'm
there once read with ease and pleasure.
Marry a well-educated native speaker of your target
language (Warning: this could lead to problems if
your aim is polyglottery!).
Learn to live with and learn from your mistakes,
they'll appear funny to you after a while.
Remain curious.

Jara from the Czech Republic, who comes to us, like so
many others, by way of LingQ...
would like to contribute this piece to the Polyglot Project.
Primary schooI
experienced my first failure when was in my second
class and should have decided if wanted to go to the
language school or not. did not know, but my parents
wanted me to study there. There was something like an
interview and each pupil should have said what he or she
knew in any foreign languages. don't remember so much
from the interview, but do remember that failed and that
certainly influenced my life. Before that, used to go to the
class with a lot of friends and with my cousin; however
they were successful in the interview so they went to study
to the language school from a new school year. have
been told by my family members many times that my
cousin studied at language school and studied only in
normal school - was an average pupil. He was better
than me in everything, not only with school. was always
the worse one.
My parents wanted me to have good results at school, so
really tried hard but it was difficult for me. was always
different from other pupils who seemed to enjoy their lives
doing what they wanted much more than did.
n my 4th class, had to pick a language which wanted to
study. picked German, or maybe my parents did, but
never mind. So was studying German in my primary
school from my 4th year there up to 9th year, so it was for
6 years. When look back to evaluate my German
knowledge in final year at primary school, it was not too
bad. was quite confident, because had been studying
hard. Unfortunately, had too many teachers in such a
short time maybe four teachers for the six years, which
was not so good, because we always started over again
because each new teacher was not sure what we knew.
High SchooI
After my primary school wanted to study Management in
machining industry in high school. studied two languages
there, German and English. German was my first foreign
language and used to have it three times a week. English
was was only once a week (one lesson took 45 minutes).
Fortunately, for both langauges we had the same teachers
for the whole time, so there was not any problem with
starting again and again as before. started learning
English there, and it was my first experience with that
language. As a total beginner who did not know anything
about English, we were issued a book printed at
Cambridge University that was completely in English. t
was quite a difficult subject, but for me no subject had ever
been difficult enough that would have given it up without
trying my best. mean, a lot of students did not make any
affort while learning subjects in primary school and high
school. Some of them were satisfied with their grades,
even though they had bad grades (maybe their parents did
not care so much). So that's why even languages were not
such difficult subjects for me worked so hard on them.
n the beginning of the final year, had to decide what
subjects wanted to do for my final exam at high school.
could have picked a language or maths. A lot of students
picked a language either German or English. For me,
picked maths. really enjoyed maths at high school. To me
it was playing with numbers and variables--it was a subject
that enjoyed most of all. decided to go to a technical
university and to have fun with the similar subjects based
on that.
So that's why focused on maths even more in my final
year and even picked maths as my final exam, and from
that point on did not care about languages at all, because
learning languages was not really enjoyable for me. Why
not? was used to memorizing vocabulary for tests and
preparing for conversations for a specific topic, but must
say that did not listen to anything at home, did not
speak German with anyone, anywhereit was only used
in at high school. So, let's calculate: 5 minutes per each
lesson, 3 lessons a week, four weeks a month, 10 months
a year, for four years so the result is 2400 minutes,
which is 40 hours.
Forty hours speaking for four years with my Czech
speaking schoolmates did make me fluent at all. How
could it? When randomly heard native German speakers
on radio and television, did not understand them. And
that was after 6 years of studying at my primary school
and 4 years at my high school! So after 10 years of
studying German "properly," according to SCHOOL
METHODS, had made very little progress fro such a
hard-working student. Thinking about it now, it's obvious
that did not really care about my results in German at the
Studying at university was quite difficult. All of a sudden,
lived alone, in a different city, without my parents,and had
to look after myself. t was an interesting experience.
There were some problems because of my attitude
towards to my studies. But in two years, realised what
wanted. really wanted to get a master's degree, so
overcame my distaste for studying and focused on it
properly. So started studying as much as used to at
primary school and high school. did not care about how
difficult the exams were, or what everyone said about
each exam. started studying hard, and even though did
not enjoy it at all, saw my future, and saw myself with a
good job because of having earned a good degree. hate
failure, and when did not pass an exam, always became
depressed. Getting my master's degree was very stressful
for me.
n the university, had to have one language, so picked
German, because t was most familiar to memore so
than English, of which had really only a basic knowledge.
studied German for 1 year at the university, passed my
exam with the best result could have gotten and that was
the last time was took any interest in it, because although
did well still was not able really understand anything or
to express myself properly. My good results were
was more and more interested in English. mean, when
wanted to find something.anything about mechanical
engineering, had to find an English article. Everything
was in English. Next thing was that always watched
American television series and really wanted to watch
them in English and to understand them. Some of my
friends were able to speak either German or English (or at
least to understand) and was always amazed that
somebody could have been fluent in a different language.
n my third year at university, started thinking about my
future. knew that would have to know a foreign
language in order to get a good job, but did not speak
any other languages at that time. was not interested in
German-- was into English, so found native-speaking
private English tutors.
t was really difficult to understand them and after
spending many hours with the tutors, improved only a
little bit . did not know what had been doing
incorrectly,or how should have learnt a language. Nobody
had taught me that before. was always used to
memorising grammar rules and vocabulary, which has not
helped me at all. But did not give up and went on paying
teachers, because still had a hope.
must say that am very very strong-minded person and
for me it was a personal failure that did not know any
other language by the age of 26, and it was then that
decided to go to do a Ph. D. knew that if you do a Ph. D
you can go abroad and study there. t was a really great
opportunity for me. thought that it was my last chance to
become fluent in English, and really did not know what
else to do.
could have gone abroad in my second year in my Ph. D .,
so during the first year chose an English program at my
university in order to prepare myself for my second year in
England. n the courses there were professors, docents
and Ph. D. students from my faculty. The courses were
divided according to levels and was placed in the pre-
intermediate level. did not really enjoy the classes. was
stressed because did not want to appear stupid in front of
all clever people there. The methods were based on
working with textbooksthe same principle as always
before. At the end of the year, did not pass the final test.
f you pass the test, your English level is considered pre-
intermediate and you can go on to the next level the
intermediate level. Since did not pass the test, was still
considered an elementary student. Since most of the other
people in the course passed the test, needless to say it
was not good for my self-confidence.
Thinking about it, the language courses were not so good
for me, because at primary school and high school, only
wanted to pass tests in order to continue advancing to the
next level, but because of my test results (and the added
stress of wanting to get into a good university) and my
mediocre grades, was now really stressed and did not
enjoy it at all.
As described before, finished my language course with
an elementary level and with that level arrived in England
in September 2009. t was very difficult for me, because
did not understand most of what heard and had difficulty
expressing myself in most situations, even easy ones.
After a month of living in England, improved my English
only a little bit through speaking with people. At that time,
realised what it was that wanted and that would do my
best in order to do it. realised shortly after arriving in
England that my goal had always been learning
languages, especially English, and in achieving that goal I
had always been a failure. Usually, when had wanted to
achieve a goal, generally accomplished it. So why was
not able to master English?
started to research articles in English on the nternet.
have read many articles about people around the world
who struggle with learning languages just myself . found
a method called the "Effortless English system which is
based on deep listening. The founder of the method is
American and could understand him very clearly even
with my low level of English. became motivated. bought
his courses the original "Effortless English system and
"Real English, and listened to the recordings all the time,
as he recommended--10 to 15 hours a day! My listening
comprehension began getting better and better.
understood natives more and more and got better at
expressing myself. t was amazing. kept going on
listening to those courses over and over again.
One of the recordings was about a guy who can speak 11
languages who has his own system for learning
languages--the "LingQ system. looked for the web page
on the internet and registered there. This system was
something completely new for me. must mention that
have come across many language systems on the internet
and that haven't found one which comes close to being
this good. At LingQ, could do everything :
! can pick a lesson which want to listen to or read,
! can have a conversation with a tutor pick
(American, British or Canadian),
! can submit my writing for correction.
After a month of using the LingQ system realised that a
lot of things had previously been taught about learning
foreign languages was not at all suited to my style of
learning. have found, for example, that:
a. must learn languages independently, otherwise
my mind tends to wander; and
b. can't be driven by anyone, and can't work on a
lesson which don't like. must always pick something that
At LingQ could do that. started reading and listening to
podcasts about learning methods and about different
approaches. read a book, "The Linguist - A Personal
Guide to Language Learning written by the founder of the
LingQ system, Steve Kaufmann. did not think about
learning for its own sake; read and really enjoyed it. t
was interesting to read a language learning adventure by
someone who was so successful at it in his own life. have
improved a lot by both reading and listening to that book.
must mention that had never liked reading--maybe
because of school. have read a lot of uninteresting books
at school in order to pass my exams, and as a
consequence did not like reading. always became tired
after reading a couple of pages, or even paragraphs. At
lingQ, there is a unique system which is very useful. was
always afraid of reading texts and books in English
because there were so many words that did not know. By
using LingQ, in a few months was able to read advanced
articles , and now can read almost everything in English.
t is really an amazing and very powerful tool. have
become addicted to this system!
have heard many times that language learning is about
community, so started reading forums at LingQ in order
to get to know what was new and what type of members
were on LingQ. was amazed at finding out about people
there who can speak many languages and who learn more
than one language at once. The articles on forums are so
interesting and have helped me a lot as embarked on my
own program of learning languages. wanted to participate
in these forums more and more when realised the power
of LingQ's language community. This has also helped me
a lot to improve my English, since really wanted to
understand what people were talking about there.
Personally, think that it is beneficial when learning
languages to participate in forums and read articles in and
about your target language.
was so influenced by members of LingQ that started
brushing up my German, which was not good at all when
took it up again. had forgotten almost everything had
previously learned, but now, armed with LingQ, know that
can master German. don't care about making an effort
in order to do it. have always made an effort anyway so it
is nothing new for me. But now, with the right method, the
method that works for me, know can learn as many
languages as want.
did not mention my previous experience with Spanish. t
happened a long time ago during my childhood, but it's a
really nice story. wanted to learn Spanish because of a
singer/actress from Uruguay. learnt her songs and sang
them out loud. was in love with her. studied Spanish for
three months back then but remember it even more than
German- which later studied for 11 years!
A few weeks ago listened to her songs again and still
really like them. wanted to understand them properly, so
found the texts of her songs on the nternet, put them into
LingQ and started learning it by using the unique lingQ
method for linking each word. Then picked a couple of
Spanish lessons at LingQ , and it was not too bad. was
still able to understand a lot even though learnt Spanish
for only 3 months 15 years ago! now have another goal
of mastering Spanish. have really a strong passion for it.
have even tried to learn a bit Polish, since it is quite
similar to Czech. have read a couple of articles written by
a Polish member and understood them . t would not take
a long time to learn it. Maybe when it will be added in
LingQ in the future, will learn it properly since have now
become a big language lover.
Why was I not successfuI in Iearning Ianguages
did not really enjoy the process of learning before.
always had just a short-term goal (usually an exam) so
even though made an effort in order to reach those goals,
it was not enough to master the language. t was only just
enough to fulfill the requirements in order to graduate.
When found how enjoyable the learning process itself
could become, that's when started to see the best results.
wanted to get to know people from all over the whole
world and learn about different cultures. finally learned to
love the language learning process. did not complain
anymore about how difficult the language was or how it
was different from my native language.
! did not enjoy learning languages at all.
When you don't enjoy doing something, you do it only
when you have to (especially in my case). n the past
learnt languages for tests and so on, and spent a
minimum amount of time studying languages at home, as
always felt that there were better things to do. What little
time spent with leaning languages was occupied with
memorising words taken from boring textbooks which held
little interest for me.
! used to use methods which were not effective for
me and texts which were not interesting for me.
As mentioned before, when you don't enjoy doing
something, you do it only when you have to and you do
only what is necessary. did not listen to the languages
which was studying at all. did not have any podcasts
like do nowadays. did not even know how powerful a
tool they can be. bought a couple of CD's which were
together with textbooks, but they were really boring.
! did not listen to languages which learnt.
was thinking about the difficulty of the languages
studied, and not how much fun learning them could be.
had this attitude for many years.
! had a bad attitude and a different belief than do at
the moment.
Everything have experienced so far with learning
languages has been very interesting, and am glad that
finally found my own way to learn languages. There is not
one universal method to learning languages.
Everyone must find their own way. have met people who
know many languages and who actually like learning
grammar rules (why long as it works for them!).
But everyone can benefit from being an independent
learner. An independent learner learning grammar rules is
certainly much more successful than that learner would be
just memorizing grammar rules at school.
! f you want to be a successful learner, be an
independent learner
! As they say, "Practice makes perfect. Without
practice, you won't be successful in learning
! Listening is the key; you should listen to your target
language as much as possible .
! n order to increase your vocabulary, you must read.
Reading is so powerful.
! When you feel confident in listening and you know a
lot of words, you should speak as much as possible.
! You should enjoy learning your target language; if
you don't enjoy it it won't stick.
f you are successful in one language, you will want to
learn more languages ;)
After being influenced by YouTube Polyglots, Aaron is off
and running...
Aaron Posehn
Vancouver, Canada
Languages have been an area that have been infatuated
with for a great majority of my life. Though 'm not sure
why started to find them interesting, do remember
starting, and it's been an enriching experience ever since,
not to mention just fun! There's just something about
learning a language that is so appealing and interesting
that makes all the initial hard work of starting to learn a
new one worthwhile.
My first taste of foreign language learning started when
was about ten. As with many a resident in the
predominately English-speaking parts of Canada, my initial
encounter with a foreign language was when was
required to take classes to study our country's other official
language: French. had just started Grade 5 and so
wasn't either overly interested or disinterested at the time
about having to learn another language; it was just one of
those things a kid has to get through before he can go
outside and play at recess. However, one day a few
months into the fifth grade, discovered that one of the
bookshelves in my house was home to a curious (and
massive) English dictionary, The Reader's Digest Great
Encyclopedic Dictionary, newly published in 1975 (which
would have made it about 20 years old at the time). At its
back, found several additional foreign language
dictionaries, namely those of German, French, and
Spanish. For some reason, the German entries so
intrigued me that started copying down words from this
book and keeping lists for reference. loved it! even
remember being at a parent-teacher interview at one point
in which brought my German lists with me and was asked
by my teacher about my interest in the language (My
victory was that was able to tell him how to say apple in
German Apfel).
My initial interest in German may have been due to three
of my four grandparents being native German speakers
(though also born in Canada). Though they didn't
habitually speak German (even amongst themselves as
far as could tell) by the time came along to know them,
they still had information they were willing to share with me
if asked them. guess was just a little boy who found a
fascinating key to my family's past and was excited to take
advantage of it.
Later that year, just before the fifth grade was over,
discovered another book, though this time it was in my
elementary school's library. t was a picture book of sorts
that explained one Chinese character per page, displaying
about twenty or so in total. found this book utterly
fascinating, and once again, can remember myself sitting
out on the playground and crudely copying down these
characters onto a piece of paper for later reference. My
interest in German by this time had all but waned
completely, so was free to plunge myself fully into this
newest interest and plunge did. By the time was
twelve, had gotten my parents to enroll me in a local
after-school Chinese course that was provided in my city.
The courses, and subsequently the school where the
courses were held, were run by a large group of mostly
Taiwanese women, therefore giving me a foundation in
traditional Chinese characters (and therefore also
Taiwanese culture) before even really knew what
simplified characters were; an advantage, think, over the
more usual way of learning the simplified characters first
as it was easier to learn them after already having
knowledge of the traditional versions.
My Chinese school had two streams one could enroll in:
Chinese classes for students with no Chinese family
background and Chinese classes for students who came
from a Chinese family (the second stream was like the
equivalent of high school students who already speak
English taking English class; you're not learning so much
how to speak English as you are the language's literature
and writing). The first stream was on Wednesday
afternoons and was similar to any other basic language
course a person might take, and of course was filled with
mostly Caucasian, Korean, and other non-Chinese
speaking individuals mostly in the high-school age bracket.
n the second stream, however, the language of instruction
was solely in Mandarin, with the students ranging from age
three to eighteen. Also, as said, all of the students were
Chinese, either born in a Chinese-speaking country or to a
Chinese household here in Canada. This large amount of
Chinese students would be expected, given the goals that
the Friday lessons were trying to achieve, except that that
wouldn't be the case for long.
After two years of attending the Wednesday, non-Chinese
family background classes, my teacher suggested that
transfer to the Friday class. did so, and found myself from
then on, at age fourteen, in a classroom with mostly a
whole bunch of nine and ten year old Chinese kids (what
was even more interesting was that was the only white
person in this school of five hundred plus students!). Due
to growing up in Chinese house-holds, the kids in my class
obviously had better Chinese than me at that point, though
their parents soon got to criticizing their children's bad
attitudes towards going to class. The kids hated going,
though the parents of these children soon were even
telling their kids to work harder as was showing such an
interest in learning and they were not. That year, also go
to do a speech in front of the entire Chinese school, some
five hundred students and their parents, about my
experience and interest in Chinese. t was fun, and from
what can remember, most people seemed impressed, or
else a little bit confused, to see some random white kid
speaking Chinese in their school.
After graduating high school at 18, stopped going to
these Chinese courses (and also stopped the French
courses had been taking up until that point as well) and
started taking a Chinese language course now at college.
n retrospect, this course was designed rather poorly in
that minimal Chinese was ever spoken during class time
other than the occasional sentence when a student would
have to read to the class from the textbook. By this point,
though, had a fairly decent grasp on conversational
Mandarin (and my French was alright to an extent).
However, after my first semester at college, kind of drifted
away from languages and, among other things, explored
different areas of study for my degree. At one point or
another, touched on everything from business
administration to psychology to computer science to
political science to philosophy you might say had a very
liberal education ( still find most of these fields interesting,
so maybe it was good that tried them all out!).
eventually transferred to the University of British Columbia
where majored in Asian Area Studies, focusing mostly on
China and ndia. realize now that most of my personal
language learning at this point was focused much more on
theoretical questions regarding language and second
language acquisition, and not so much time was spent on
actually learning new languages or improving upon the
ones had previously studied. This was fine for the time,
however, as was fascinated with the intricacies and
grammar of many of the ndian languages as well as a lot
of the Chinese languages, and my degree was a good
place to get a lot of information about all of these things.
During my last semester or two at university, started to
discover the Youtube polyglot network due to my interest
in second language acquisition (and just the sheer
amazement that got every time watch some of these
guys speak four, five, seven, eleven different languages.
People like Moses McCormick and Steve Kaufmann (who
recently got to meet fascinating guy!) were two of the
first few polyglots came across on Youtube, later finding
many more who always impressed me. found Stuart Jay
Raj especially motivating in that the majority of the
languages he seems to speak are mostly located in Asia,
the subject of my degree, so found that especially
interesting since it was related to what was studying. All
in all, the Youtube polyglot network has caused me to
become more focused once again on learning languages,
not so much theoretically or linguistically (though 'm still
interested in these fields), but in terms of speaking and
communicating. have since started once again to
seriously study my Mandarin and French and have found
myself greatly improving in a very short time. 've also
started studying Japanese recently, though Arabic,
Russian, and Spanish are on my list as well for future
Studying languages is a way of life for me now because it
opens up so many doors and allows a person to learn
things that wouldn't have been necessarily available to
them otherwise. 've been able to make many interesting
foreign friends, especially through avenues such as
Facebook, and this has allowed us to help each other
improve our language skills even more. t just feels so
good when you know that you can be understood and can
understand someone in a language that is not your mother
tongue! Because of this, no matter what end up doing in
my life, 'm going to continue to make room for learning
foreign languages until the day die.
Mick uses a variety of techniques to help him acheive
his goals. Here are some of the ones he has tried...
Maybe you know me through my occasional YouTube
comments as mick1316591 or on the how-to-learn- forum as mick33. 'm not a
polyglot yet, and don't know whether or not
will become one someday. am currently learning
Afrikaans, Spanish, Finnish and Swedish. Maybe
will learn more languages and maybe won't, don't
know for sure--but for now those 4 are enough.
believe am still a beginner at learning languages
because there always will be more to learn, so don't
have much advice to give. will begin by introducing
myself, then will explain how became interested in
learning languages, and my experiences
with learning languages.

A little bit about me
want to remain semi-anonymous, so 'll use the name
Mick. live in Washington State in the USA. am a college
student working towards at least a masters degree in
psychology. The focus of my studies is most likely going to
be clinical psychology, however am also extremely
curious and passionate about learning foreign languages.

How got started
began learning Afrikaans in 2006, Finnish in the spring of
2009, and Swedish in summer 2009. t's difficult to say
when started learning Spanish, but Spanish is the
first foreign language was ever fascinated by, and may
be the reason 'm writing this piece.
began to be interested in Spanish when was 5 years
old. One day, my kindergarten class was taught to
count from 1 to 10. was very excited and came home to
tell my mother that could count and then did so. My
mother decided this was the perfect time to teach me the
little bit of Spanish she remembered from her class in high
school, which included counting from 1 to 10, and how
to pronounce the rolled 'r' sound. still remember being
excited that could count to 10 in two languages, and
loved the how Spanish sounded. My grandfather on my
father's side had learned some French when he had lived
in Frnace in the 1960s, and not to be outdone, taught me
to count from 1 to 10 in French as well. didn't learn the
French numbers as quickly, but my grandfather patiently
repeated them until could say them confidently, though
doubt my pronunciation was ever very good. Although
never learned any more French, and my mother could
not have taught me more Spanish than she did, from then
on was fascinated by foreign languages.

Getting sidetracked as a teenager
have never thought language classes are bad, they can
be useful as an introduction to a language; but now know
that a class by itself will not get me reading, writing or
speaking a language. did not know what to take for the
final class in 7th grade, so registered for a Spanish
class. The class was meant to be a brief introduction to
Spanish culture with a little bit of vocabulary so actually
learned very little, although it did make me want to learn
more. n high school, one of the graduation requirements
was that every student must take two years of a foreign
language. Again, chose Spanish. The teacher had the
first year was a nice lady with a charming Mexican
accent and was an excellent teacher. Unfortunately, the
school let her leave after that, which was a shame
because know would have learned much more Spanish
from her.
The second year had a mediocre teacher whose sole
qualifications for teaching languages seemed to be that
she was originally from Switzerland, could speak 6 or 7
languages and worked as a translator at an embassy. She
had a difficult personality, sometimes confused
Spanish with other languages she knew, and her English
and Spanish were both difficult for me to understand
because she spoke with a very thick German accent.
learned almost nothing from her class. learned just
enough Spanish to barely pass the tests. was
so frustrated by the experience of not learning much
Spanish that ignored languages for the next 15 years,
occasionally regretting not actually having learned any

Rekindling my interest and learning Afrikaans
Regret does not motivate me to learn languages, or
anything else,and didn't really become genuinely
interested in languages again until the summer of 2006.
One day, was reading about the history of South Africa
and became very curious to learn more about the 19th
century, which was a tumultuous time for South Africa.
wanted more than just the British perspective on South
African history. wanted to learn Zulu initially, but when
couldn't suitable resources for Zulu, decided on
Afrikaans after hearing it spoken on an internet broadcast
of an obscure radio call-in show based in New York City.
don't recall the show's name or the web address
but the hosts were interviewing a South African woman
from Bloemfontein and midway through the interview she
was asked if she would like to say something in Afrikaans.
She then spoke in Afrikaans for about 3 minutes. was
sitting at my computer in awe! understood nothing, but
thought "What a beautiful language," and then knew had
to learn it. did a web search and
soon found run by Dr.
Jacques du Plessis, and started reading, listening and
attempting to learn pronunciation.
had no idea what was doing and, after reading that
Afrikaans is very closely related to Dutch, decided might
try learning both languages simultaneously. My reasoning
was: " like both languages, they are fairly close to English,
and besides many more people speak Dutch; this will be
easy. 'll be fluent in both languages in a few months."
was mistaken. nstead of learning 2 languages, became
confused and decided had to drop Dutch. This was an
easy choice since was more interested in Afrikaans

n the fall of 2006 moved to daho and did not have a
computer in the apartment was living in, so stopped
learned Afrikaans until January 2007, when moved back
to Washington and had a computer again. decided to
start over using Dr du Plessis's site and the discussion
group he started at
like music, and after discovering that the openlanguages
site had many mp3 files along with lyrics in both Afrikaans
and English for many of its songs, started trying to sing
along with the music. also wrote a few messages for the
discussion group and had my first embarrassing moment
in a foreign language when asked if "Ek het lemoensap
gedrink" ( have drunk orange juice) could also
be expressed as "Ek het lemoensap verdrink" ( have
orange juice drowned). continued to learn Afrikaans
slowly but surely, and just figured that doing so would
satisfy my curiousity some innate curiosity about

The last two years: Almost becoming obsessed with
Then, sometime in 2008, found the HTLAL website.
began reading, and then contributing to, the discussions
on the forum and decided it would be a great place to get
advice on how to better learn Afrikaans, thinking maybe
would finally revive my Spanish as well. When first
joined, thought that couldn't possibly learn more
languages by myself; that soon changed for a combination
of reasons. t's difficult to say that one person's posts or
experiences motivated me because there were many
people who read about that were in the process of
learning many languages and thought: 'f these people
can do this, maybe can too'. So, started a personal
log solely to write about learning Afrikaans. While writing
messages there began trying to figure out just how
wanted to go about learning languages, and that
definitely wanted to learn Spanish. also read about
something called the Total Annihilation Challenge (TAC),
which is where one person keeps a log for a certain
amount of time, a month, 6 weeks, or maybe a whole year
describing one's language learning; with the focus being to
improve whatever study habits are effective, and
'annihilating' those habits that are not.

also read about other languages just because was
curious. kept reading that Finnish had 14 or 15 cases,
used more post-positions than prepositions and had other
features that would make it very challenging to learn for
someone who speaks an ndo-European language.
Surprisingly, reading these kinds of statements did not
discourage me; rather, was inspired and began listening
to Finnish music on YouTube and finding books and
websites to teach me the language. My progress is,
admittedly slow ('ll explain this later), but don't care'm
enjoying it.

Around New Year's day 2009 decided two things:
1. was definitely going to learn Spanish.
2. would begin a TAC log and attempt to keep it going for
a whole year.

was shocked to find that everyone and his dog seems to
have a website or a book that claims it will teach me
Spanish (for a price), and thinking that it might be easier to
take a class at the community college, registered for
Spanish 121, the beginning Spanish course. My log
was called "My poor overwhelmed brain," and this was
when really got into learning, and learning about,
nitially only intended to write about, and sometimes write
in, Afrikaans and Spanish, but added Finnish in the
spring, and then Swedish over the summer as well.
mostly wrote in English, but did sometimes write in the
other languages, but mostly wrote in Afrikaans and

Why take up Swedish? A few reasons: first was istening
to a song on YouTube called "Vi kommer att d, samtidigt
du och jag" (We're going to die at the same time, you and
) sung by Annika Norlin under the name "Skert!" Despite
the the name, it is actually a humorous pop song and
loved hearing it so much just had to learn the words.
also found out that Swedish is an official language of two
countries (Sweden and Finland) and that these countries
had an intriguing history, since Finland was actually part of
Sweden for many centuries.

took the Spanish class in January and this time actually
did learn it. knew that the textbook and other class
materials were not sufficient for me, so also listened to
music found on YouTube and sometimes attempted to
read articles and books.

Where am now and general comments on how learn
Keeping the log was itself a learning experience for me.
did keep it going all year, but there was an unplanned 3
week break due to computer problems, and you may have
noticed that seem a bit disorganized, choosing languages
almost on a whim and admitting that my progress with
Finnish is slow.

The reasons for this are that became very curious about
languages in general, and would do things like try to learn
a phrases in Hungarian, Romanian, Limburgish etc., or
attempt to write Chinese characters. Sometimes would
daydream of devising a master plan to learn 10 or maybe
20 languages by a certain age, but naturally could not
maintain a consistent effort trying to learn so many
My reasoning was "What if traveled to Budapest met a
charming Hungarian woman in a caf, and she spoke very
limited English while spoke very limited Hungarian? Our
conversation would not last long, nor would we get
acquainted at all. This is not a judgment or criticism of
others who can, and often do, learn many
languages; rather it's an admission that have many
interests and goals in life, some of them directly pertain to
languages, and some do not. Thus, in October 2009
decided that needed to focus on the four languages 've
already mentioned.

For 2010 started a new TAC log http://how-to-learn-any- and
thought up a more detailed study schedule (though
don't strictly follow it, which is why my Finnish, and
Spanish, are coming along very slowly). This log was
intended to have more messages in all 4 languages using
very little English, but lately it has more Swedish
Right now, am most intrigued by Swedish and want to
be even more focused. used to be bothered that take a
long time to learn languages, but now am comfortable
with this slow pace. Besides, 've spent my whole life
learning English and am still learning it even now, and
assume this is true for other languages. can't afford to
travel yet, and of the languages 'm learning, Spanish is
the only one know can use without moving abroad; so
don't need to be in a hurry.

Regarding the best method or program for language
learning, would say that there isn't
just one. One technique, book, class etc., by itself
probably won't work; so it is necessary to find a
combination of techniques, books/programs and maybe
even a class that you like and try to be consistent.
constantly need to remind myself that each individual
language learner has different reasons for learning
languages and unique goals, therefore, how they learn
may not work for me (and how learn may not work for
them) and that's fine. mostly use the Teach Yourself and
Colloquial series language course books and many
websites, but the links are too numerous to list here.

believe that languages (at least written languages) have
three basic components; in no particular order these are:
Sounds, Writing system, and Grammar.
Sounds includes phonics, intonation, stress (what part of a
word or sentence should emphasize). This may be the
least important thing since 'm not convinced that can
achieve a native accent in any language (and in fact i'm
sometimes told that my accent in English is a little
Writing system comprising the alphabet or character
system as well as the spelling system, which is important
when studying languages and/or dialects which are similar
(such as Dutch and Afrikaans, since one noticeable
distinguishing characteristic is the slightly different spelling
Grammar, which will describe as being word order in a
sentence, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs,
prepositions or postpositions, plural and diminutive forms
of words, and negation, and (assuming these things exist)
case endings, verb tenses (including conjugation
patterns), and genderization.
The first thing want to do is get an idea of how a specific
language should sound, so start looking for both
recordings and written explanations of how to pronounce
letters ( haven't begun to learn any language that does
not have an alphabet, so can't say whether this is a good
strategy for Chinese, Japanese, etc.) and words.
am somewhat of a musical person so then find songs
and radio broadcasts online in the target language. do
this because want to get my brain accustomed to the
sound and rhythm of the new language, with the ultimate
goal being to being able to spontaneously think in the new
language. At first don't care that won't understand
anything 'm hearing, but after a week try to find lyrics for
the songs listen to and try to discern distinct words while
listening to the songs a few times.
don't try to produce the sounds hear initially; 'd rather
wait until can hear the song or letters and words in my
head first, which usually takes me 4 listens. then try to
speak or sing along simultaneously with the recording.
usually look for songs on YouTube. Song lyrics, and
poetry, are not a good way to learn grammar because
often to make words rhythmically flow the phrases are not
grammatically correct ,but that doesn't matter at this stage
because just want to hear languages as they are spoken
and sung.
After a week or so of spending at least an hour a day
listening, figure it's time to learn basic vocabulary and
grammar. This means things like greetings, pronouns, and
a few verbs and nouns ( try to learn the same words in
every language, because 'm the same person regardless
or whether happen to be writing or speaking Afrikaans or
Spanish) so that can give a brief introductory message.
To do this need to know a little about word order and the
most basic tenses. My introductions could include things
like my name, my age, where live, what do during the
day, my interests, hobbies, and maybe a little bit about
why 'm learning the language. Next, learn about how to
introduce myself verbally; then start listening and
repeating recorded dialogues and making up my own
simple sentences and deconstructing them by translating
them into English using the word order of the target
When the above activities start to feel like unnecessary
reviews, then it's time for finding authentic material to read.
Authentic material could be poems, stories and newspaper
articles. like to have a bilingual dictionary at this stage,
but don't think it's absolutely necessary and have only
two, one for Spanish and one for Dutch. can't find any
good bilingual dictionaries for Afrikaans, Finnish or
Swedish at a price can actually afford right now.
First try to read the material and see how many words
actually know without looking them up. Then might try to
do Professor Arguelles' scriptorium technique, which is to
find a written text (preferably a book but newspaper
articles may work better at this stage), and read it aloud
one sentence at a time. You read each sentence 3 times,
the first time reading out of the book (or article), the
second time writing and pronouncing each word (don't
worry about how awkward it feels and sounds to do this)
separately, and finally reading the sentence as wrote it
Scriptorium is probably a somewhat advanced activity, and
've only done this for Afrikaans,(although Spanish is
definitely next), but like it because it helps me get over
being self-conscious about speaking, reading and writing a
language all at the same time. learn more grammar and
vocabulary gradually as needed. For example, Afrikaans
may have 9 tenses (though can only find information on
4), but only know 3 of them, past, present and future;
don't need the other 6 yet. Spanish has at least two
subjunctive tenses.

have not yet spoken Afrikaans, Swedish or Finnish with
anyone yet, so don't really know if can. do feel that
must attempt to do so soon, because want to know if my
techniques have actually worked and what things still
need to learn. sometimes make random comments in
Spanish and get praised for my pronunciation, but most of
the praise comes from English speakers so 'm uncertain
how well actually pronounce Spanish. However, the most
important thing for me is to treat learning these languages
as a never-ending adventure.
initially subscribed to Alsuvi's Channel on the
recommendation of a friend, and also to hear what Catalan
sounded like. have not regretted it...
Tune into his YouTube Channel at:
Having watched many great videos on YouTube featuring
quite a few people amazingly speaking so many
languages, began thinking about how many languages
could learn to speak myself, with the aim of someday
posting similar videos on YouTube. At present, may say
that can get by in four and a half languages: Catalan,
Spanish, English, French and talian, even though do not
feel have the same level of proficiency in all of them. But
let's start at the beginning...
My name is Albert Subirats, and am from Barcelona,
Catalonia, in the north-east of Spain. am a privileged
person because was born in an area that has its own
language (Catalan) and culture alongside the Spanish
one, so have grown up using two languages or
interchangeablyin other wordsas a perfectly bilingual
n Catalonia around 47% of the population speaks
Catalan, but everyone also speaks Spanish. Among those
who have Spanish as their main language, some of them
also speak Catalan, while others understand it but cannot
speak it. A smaller percentage neither speak nor
understand it.
Usually, in a bilingual environment one language prevails
over the other; that is, you can effortlessly speak both
languages, but you feel more comfortable with one of
them. n my case, may say that think more often in
Catalan than in Spanish, but at any rate consider myself
a perfect bilingual because have always spoken Spanish
with my mother and Catalan with others. Thus, feel
equally comfortable in using both languages.
When you live in a bilingual environment, there is always a
lot of contact between both languages, and there is some
inevitable vocabulary transfer. n other words, because
Catalan and Spanish are quite similar languages (both are
Romance languages), most of the grammar or spelling
mistakes we make are due to the influence of the other
language. s this too confusing or does it imply that we
make more mistakes than, say, a monolingual Spanish
speaker? No, not necessarily. t is just that the kind of
mistakes we make are mainly because of the influence of
the other language. utterly understand that people tend to
defend their own language, but do not understand why
some people prefer to be monolingual instead of bilingual
or multilingual. As said, consider myself to be privileged
and am very proud of being bilingual.
The other two languages that feel more or less fluent in
are English and French, but have a really different
experience with each of them and have learned them in
quite different ways.
will start with English, because it is my first foreign
language and the one have been studying for the longest
time. At present in Spain students start studying English
earlier than did, even though am not sure this means
they will do better in the future. n my time as a student we
started at 6th (more or less at 12 years old).
The foreign language teaching here is really unproductive
and not the best way for one to learn the real language.
Fortunately, was one of the few privileged students that
had a native speaking English teacher for the first two
years. She was tough and strict, but learned a lot (even
if was taught in the traditional way); to the point that
consider that they were indeed the only two years in which
really learned something about English in school.
From then on, just had several average teachers that just
repeated the same boring and utterly useless things year
after year. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but those first
two years with that native speaking teacher, was in no
way a brilliant English student; in fact, nothing could be
further from the truth!
However, in the years that followed (High School), was
one of the best students in my English class, although
really did not do anything to deserve that "title, as did not
really study a lot.
There was no nternet or anything similar available to us,
so we did not have the amount of resources that we have
at present. Apart from the little bit that you got at school, it
was hard to get any materials with real English content of
any kind, aside from the occasional movies playing in
some small old-fashioned cinema from time to time.
At the University, studied Translation and nterpreting,
and had English as my major and French as the minor (
started French from scratch). So in the first year had
some classes in English with native speaker teachers, but
they were more focused on general culture and history
rather than on actually teaching the language.
finished my degree, and did a postgraduate degree in
localization (the adaptation of computer software for non-
native environments, especially in other nations and
cultures) and started to work as a freelance translator.
've been working in this for the last 8 years (apart from
also proofreading and translating between Spanish and
Reading and translating, reading and translating...
Contrary to popular belief, translating is not about
communicating (in its interactive meaning); it is about
understanding an original text and trying to say the same
things or express the same ideas in your own language,
and in a natural way.
So what happened after a few years of just reading and
translating? My speaking skills got worse and worse. also
forgot a lot of basic, everyday's vocabulary because just
read technical English.
A couple of years ago, at a friend's party, met a German
guy and when tried to speak to him in English felt really
uncomfortable and a bit embarrassed, especially when
told him that was a translator! "Yes, know, it's weird, 'm
not really fluent in English, but you know, just read boring
technical manuals all day....
Oh God, it was a disaster! t is true, do not need any
speaking skill to do my job properly, but anyway, for my
personal pride it was unacceptable.
Therefore, my first move to change that situation was to
spent a month in an English speaking country, such as
After spending four weeks there could not say that
became fluent, but it was a first step towards losing my
fear of speaking. t was the first time had ever lived
surrounded by English, and had to use the language
everyday in order to survive there. t was a great and very
useful experience.
When came back home, decided to keep on improving
my English, and after a lot of research (and dismissing the
traditional grammar approach offered by most of the
language schools here), came across LingQ on the
nternet. am not going to explain here how it works, but
just love its approach to language learning. t has been
really useful to me since started using it, about a year
and a half ago.
also believe, however, that there is not a magic formula
for everyone, and that you must choose what works best
for you. n the beginning, only used LingQ to study their
lessons and to improve my vocabulary and reading

After a few months, when felt more confident, started to
sign up for one-on-one conversations with native speaking
tutors. Eventually, began to also participate in group
conversations (which personally think requires a higher
level as you should be able to take part in a discussion
with several people simultaneously).
Right now am using LingQ mainly to improve my
speaking or communicative skills by participating in
individual and group conversations. also review some
vocabulary from time to time, but use a lot of content
from outside sources such as the nternet. watch and
listen to a lot of content in English, such as YouTube
videos, TV shows and movies. also read a lot ( think that
all the novels have read for the last year have been in
English) and try to write to as many people that can,
whether in forums or corresponding with friends.
So where am right now? feel fluent and confident
enough to hold a conversation with a native speaker.
understand most of what hear, and can even
understand a lot of jokes and some kinds of irony. Have
reach my goal? No yet. There are still a lot of moments in
a conversation in which do not find the words want to
use so have to try to express myself in another way. still
have to expand my active vocabulary, but am really
satisfied with my progress so far.
My experience with French is completely different. As
said before, started learning French at the University, and
after just one year of traditional learning, by my second
year had the opportunity to take an Erasmus grant. n
contrast to many of my friends who went to England to
improve their first foreign language, decided to go to
Toulouse, in the south of France.
My experience there was just remarkable in all aspects,
both as a personal adventure, and as a language learning
one. Learning a language can be just amazing, because
you learn from every input you receive, whether watching
TV, hanging around with friends, etc. My wife often tells
me: "You are not studying English, you're just watching the
television My response is that "The TV show is in English,
so 'm learning English.
Oops, 'm digressingback to the topic. n my first month
in France, made the same mistake many Erasmus
students make: only associated with Spanish speaking
people. You still learn something, because you sit for your
classes which are taught in this foreign language and you
are surrounded by it when going to the supermarket, etc.,
but your progress will be much slower.
Thankfully, after just a couple of months had the good
fortune to hit it off with a French guy. spent a lot of time
with a group of 5 or 6 Spanish friends, but this French guy
was also with us all the time, and he was really patient and
helpful, and my French got better very quickly. n just
about half a year felt really fluent in Frenchalmost to
the point that almost forgot my ability to speak English
(which in theory was my major foreign language)!
A couple of months before coming back to Spain took a
trip to Norway to visit a Spanish friend who was doing her
Erasmus there. flew to Oslo and then had to buy
another ticket for Bergen. So found myself in front of a
desk trying to buy a ticket and speaking in English. was
having quite a bad time of it; to the point that was unable
to ask a simple question such as "How much is it?
The kind and helpful sales assistant suddenly asked me:
"Do you speak any other language? As you may guess,
the normal predictable answer should have been
"Spanish? Not for me in that moment. said "French!
felt really relieved when she said "Sure, no problem and
could buy my ticket in French. can say had acquired
an extremely high level in French. Unfortunately, until a
few months ago, have not spoken French for many
years, and my level of fluency went down and forgot a lot
of vocabulary.
Right now feel more or less fluent, as can hold a
conversation with a native speaker, but my pronunciation
is far from what it was and often have to think hard to find
a particular word or think of another way to express an
The good part is that thanks to Facebook, some months
ago again met my French friend and we have spoken
several times, so have both rekindled a friendship and
have found the motivation to begin improving my French
so as to be able to communicate with him with the same or
almost the same level of fluency had many years ago.
To sum up, which is the best approach to master a
From my personal experience, have to say the second
one. n less than a year acquired a level of fluency in
French that had never had in my many years studying
English. However, it is not always that easy to spend a
year abroad, especially when you get older and have a
family. But can you improve or master a foreign language
just studying it from at home in your own country? Sure
you can! Especially nowadays, with all of the excellent
resources that we have available. t may take longer, or
require a greater effort to do so, but it can be done, as
hope to demonstrate in the coming months as continue to
improve my English.
Finally, the "half language can speak is talian. say
"half because studied talian in a language school here
in Barcelona many years ago, but just for one year.
Anyway, talian has a lot in common with Spanish and
Catalan (and even with French), so it is an "easy
language for me to learn. Of course, there are no truly
"easy languages, but could say that it is far easier for me
than, for example, German.
can understand talian more or less if the speaker does
not speak really fast or use a lot of slang, and can say
some basic things in talian.
Another similar example would be Portuguese, which
have never studied and don't speak, but because of the
similarities with my languages, can more or less
understand a conversation. For example, remember
when went to Lisbon for a week of vacation some years
ago could made myself understood and could ask
some basic things, having just learnt some very basic
vocabulary (like hello, goodbye, excuse me, thank you,
coffee, milk, etc.) Of course, do not consider Portuguese
as one of my foreign languages. Or at least, not yet.
However, maybe after dealing with German and improving
my talian... who knows?
Felipe's piece shows how language learning can have a
surprise benefit: it can straighten out your life...
PoIygIot Project Essay

FeIipe BeIizaire
YouTube ChanneI: NewstyIIes
am truly honored to have this opportunity to partake in
the Polyglot Project created by Claude. should begin by
saying that am not a Polyglot, but this journey of
language learning has opened opportunities, given sight
and has enriched my life beyond my measures of
expectations thus far. 've studied Portuguese, Creole, and
Tagalog. Although am not well experienced with foreign
languages yet, the process of learning brings happiness
and occurs naturally for me, and 've made the decision of
incorporating languagesalong with culturesthroughout
my existence forever.
The Starting Point:
was born in Miami, FL within a multicultural society to
parents of Canadian and American backgrounds. have a
younger sister and older brother from my mother's side.
My mother was born in Toronto, then later relocated to
Brooklyn, New York, where she met my father. My parents'
choice of moving to Miami was structured, for the most
part, around "the weather." My mother basically raised us
as a single parent and would stress the importance of
education to us every time we sat for dinner.
As a child growing up in a city which is predominantly
Cuban-American, Spanish was the most exposure had in
regards to foreign languages. My mother learned Spanish
through her co-workers, all of whom were of Hispanic
backgrounds. At home, she would speak to us in English
and would only revert to French when she was upset
about something, or when her friends would call....but she
never spoke Spanish at home. My brother and could
understand all of the hissing and fussing words in French
but could not respond back.
Out of the three of us, was the only one who was always
surprised and curious about how my mother was able to
communicate in two different tongues. Speaking other
languages never held any interest for my brother or sister.
My brother has always been a math guru..his forte.
Although she told me that would learn both French and
Spanish in High school, would still question her every
time she said a word in French (at home) or Spanish
(outside). The curiosity of how she learned languages was
killing me. Maybe it's a trait of some sort because my
siblings and have different fathers.
You brother and sister have the same dad but
don't. met my dad for the first time when was 14, and to
this day the only inherited attribute from him that am truly
thankful for is his interest in foreign languages. remember
sitting down listening to him tell me stories about how he's
been to numerous countries all over the world, and how he
speaks 6 languages without issues. He rattled off a few
phrases in Jamaican Patois, Spanish and Russian, and
then told me he needed to practice the other '3' languages
he knew, but he never told me what they were. haven't
really spoken to him much since.
MiddIe SchooI days:
never liked this city very much while growing up.
Everything here seems so backwards. Growing up in
Miami actually molded me into the person that am today.
attended public schools and found myself involved with
the wrong crowds of people during my last year of middle
school and my freshman year of high school. Everything
one may see on television about Miami is all factual, and
at that time my mind wasn't focused on education but on
materialistic items and false aspects of life. took Spanish
for the first time in middle school and received a "D in the
class due to my lack of confidence, motivation and trying
to fit in with the "Cool kids. English was dominant. Foreign
languages were not widely heard amongst students in my
school. We discovered who spoke Spanish, Creole,
Chinese or French only when that student's parents would
come to pick them up. Even after finding out who my
bilingual peers were in class, wouldn't dare try to
question them about their language or ask them to speak it
because that wasn't what the "Cool kids were doing. So
even though may have wanted to, convinced myself not
High SchooI Days:
began high school on the wrong note and my freshman
year was a complete disaster. During my sophomore year,
enrolled into French 1 and realized that understood a
great deal of basic French. Without much effort, was
soon pronouncing words accurately and receiving good
test scores on speech. Grammar was a totally different
monster of its own. Although made high marks in my
classes, my drive and hunger for learning languages still
wasn't there.
Looking for a hobby in order to better utilize my spare
time, started to produce music with computer software
and eventually became known as the guy who makes
beats in school. enjoyed playing keyboard and fooling
with synthesizers in order to create odd sounds, but began
to feel like was wasting my time. never wanted to
become a musician, but the field of computers was always
something loved.
t was only during my senior year of high school that things
began to completely change. My brother told me about a
club in school called "Robotics, and suggested that
should try to join before graduating. joined the club and it
was very, very diverse. There were students from
Columbia, Singapore, Brazil, and China to name only a
few places. Everyone spoke English in the class, but the
two students who were from Brazil spoke to each other in
Portuguese. t was only then that became aware of the
passion, urge and love had for languages. With its
smooth, cool sounds, Portuguese instantly became my
favorite language.
My journey thus far:
noticed when listening to native speakers speaking their
language that would get very curious to find out what
they were talking about. made a decision to that would
learn a language on my own, without formal classes while
in college. During my first year of college, began looking
for materials to self-study Portuguese and found Pimsleur.
thought to myself.. Audio only? Will this really work?
Being that this was my very first course in a language of
which had no prior background knowledge, was a bit
skeptical about giving the course a try. After spending
countless hours online looking for material, decided to
check YouTube for reviews on Pimsleur and other learning
tools for the language. To my surprise, YouTube made a
profound impact on me with the sheer amounts of
language channels and foreign language communities!
watched Polyglots from different parts of the world
speaking languages they did not grow up with! was
astounded and truly amazed. So started collecting as
many resources as possible for Portuguese... especially
Brazilian Portuguese (as opposed to European
(Continental) Portuguese).
When started studying, used Pimsleur's Brazilian
Portuguese audio course for the first 2 months. Pimsleur
comes with 3 Levels for Brazilian Portuguese, with 30
units per level. So that's 90 lessons in total and they are
about 30 minutes each. t should take you about 2 to 3
months to finish the entire series. basically listened to 1
unit per day and eventually moved on to doing 3 units per
day until finished them all.
Afterward, started using Books and Audio courses. The
first one used after Pimsleur was "Teach Yourself
Brazilian Portuguese by Sue Tyson. This book is
extremely good! t comes with 2 audio CD's and contains
18 chapters. would play the dialogues while reading
along aloud each day. worked on a dialogue for 2 days
max before moving on to the next. After working on 13
chapters, got anxious to see what the other courses were
like so opened up the Colloquial Brazilian package that
was sitting on my bookshelf. The course was put together
very well and would help anyone who is at an intermediate
level progress into an advance level. used it for 3 months
and learned many colloquial, informal terms (which
Brazilians use most of the time when speaking). did the
same as with the Teach Yourself course: would listen to
each dialogue and read along. Two additional books
picked up were the "501 Portuguese Verbs and a
phrasebook. basically carried the small phrasebook with
me everywhere so could skim through and learn new
phrases while out working during the day.
Learning languages in general is a life changing decision.
My routine was basically work, school and language study.
t was complicated for me at first but now is OK, and the
rewards of being able to communicate are well worth it in
the end.
John Fotheringham's welcome addition to this book
succinctly and effectively details what is required to learn a
foreign language. 'm so glad he submitted it...
Why Most FaiI in Language Learning
and How YOU Can Succeed
By John Fotheringham of
The vast majority of language learners fail to reach fluency
in their target language even after years and years of
study. Most learners account their failure to one or more of
the following excuses:
1. "'m just not good at languages.
2. " had a bad language teacher.
3. " don't live where the language is spoken.
4. " don't have time to study a foreign language.
5. " can't afford language classes.
Each of these alleged reasons is in fact a fallacy:
1. The ability to learn languages is innate and universal
(except for those with mental or physical disabilities).
2. Languages by their very nature cannot be taught, so it
matters not how good or bad your teacher is. Teachers
and tutors can be helpful, but the ability to learn a
language well lies primarily in your court.
3. Using readily available online and offline tools, you can
learn any language anywhere in the world.
4. f you spend even an hour a day, every day on a
language (10 minutes here, 15 minutes there) you can
reach oral fluency in less than a year.
5. You don't need to attend formal classes to learn a
language well, and in fact, the classroom is often more of
a hindrance than a help as it gets people thinking about
the language instead of actually spending time with the
language itself.
Fortunately, each of these misconceptions can be easily
overcome by adopting the right language learning
methods, having the right attitude toward language
learning (and the target language itself), and utilizing the
right materials.
f you have ever studied applied linguistics or T.E.S.O.L,
you know that there are myriad language learning
"methods or "approaches. All of these, however, can be
distilled into two major camps: formal and natural.
Formal vs. Natural Language Learning Approaches
1. The FormaI Approach. Most people's experience
learning foreign languages is of this type. t involves sitting
in a classroom, studying grammar rules, memorizing
vocabulary, translating to and from the foreign language,
and taking lots and lots of tests. While some people do
enjoy it (and enjoyment trumps all!), the formal approach
to language learning has proven to be highly ineffective
and inefficient for the vast majority of language learners.
2. The NaturaI Approach. This is the way all of us learned
our first language and his how most successful learners
acquire foreign languages. t involves getting massive
quantities of listening and reading input and massive
quantities of speaking output once the learner has
established enough passive fluency (this usually takes
about 6 months to 2 years depending on how many hours
a day you spend with the language.) There is little to no
attention spent on conscious study of the language's
grammar rules, and one's abilities are measured not by
tests or "levels but by the whether or not they can actually
understand and communicate in real life situations.
The Dismal Results of Formal Language Education
So what are the results of teaching and learning
languages in a formal, classroom-based way? Most of my
experience learning and teaching languages has been in
East Asia and North America, so will use these two
regions as examples:
East Asia: After 10 years of English study, the vast
majority of Taiwanese, Chinese,Japanese, and Korean
students graduate from university unable to speak the
language fluently, if at all.
North America: And if you think this is just because East
Asian students of English lack the proper environment,
consider the case of New Brunswick, the only
constitutionally bilingual province in Canada.
To help boost the French skills of Anglophone citizens, the
province created an early immersion program starting in
the 1st grade. After 12 years of daily study, and living in a
French-speaking region, only 0.68% of the students
reached an intermediate level in French! (Source: via Steve Kaufmann.)
Obviously, formal language education simply doesn't work
for most people. But why? The reason is that knowledge
and skills are completely different beasts.
They Key Difference Between Knowledge vs. Skills
Formal language education fails because it treats
language as an academic subject, not the physical skill it
truly is.
This fact received little attention until a certain Dr. Stephen
Krashen put forth his now famous Acquisition-Learning
This complex sounding theory can be explained with a
simple metaphor:
"Learning", a conscious process, is like memorizing the
owner's manual for your new car. "Acquisition", a sub-
conscious process, is like being able to drive well (but not
necessarily knowing how the car works.)
Most people never reach fluency because they spend far
too much time learning about the language (reading the
manual) and not enough time actually acquiring it (driving
the car).
To learn "how to drive in a language, you need to spend
as much time as you can behind the wheel. This includes
three main tasks:
1. Listening. This is the primary task involved in acquiring
a language. t is how you learned your first language and
is how you will also learn your second, third, fourth, fifth,
etc. When you are just starting out in a language, listen to
relatively short segments over and over again until you
can get the basic gist of what is being said. As your
fluency expands, begin listening to longer content such as
radio and TV shows, movies, etc. Many people suggest
listening to music in foreign languages, but find this to be
of little help since people don't sing when they
communicate in real-life (unless you're trapped in a
2. Reading. Try to find transcripts of your listening
materials so you can both back up what you hear and
easily look up and save new vocabulary for later review.
suggest podcasts from LingQ, Praxis (the makers of
ChinesePod, SpanishPod, FrenchPod, talianPod and
EnglishPod), and for English learners, The Get-it-done-
Guy and TED Talks. Once your level permits it, buy both
audio and ebook versions of your favorite books in the
target language. Be careful, however, not to fall into the
trap of reading more than you listen. Many learners do
this, leading them to overly rely on the written word and
leaving them unable to understand spoken conversations.
3. Speaking. Once you feel ready to begin speaking (and
no sooner if you can help it!), begin talking with native
speakers. f you don't live where the language is spoken,
this can be accomplished easily and cheaply through
Skype or Google Voice. Tutors and language partners can
be found using online language learning communities like
LingQ, LiveMocha, and Busuu.
Why Formal Language Education Has Survived So
So if formal language learning and teaching methods are
so ineffective, why have they survived so long?
There are three main reasons:
1. The Weight of Tradition: Though there have been
many "cosmetic changes over the years, languages have
been taught in the same basic way for millennia.
2. Ignorance & Arrogance: Most people don't know (or
won't admit) that there are better ways.
3. Vested Interests: Textbook publishers, language
schools, teachers, and even politicians, all benefit
financially from the formal education status quo.
But even after we push all these factors aside, we are left
with yet another obstacle: the individual learner and their
attitude towards language learning and the foreign
language itself.
"n language learning, it is attitude, not aptitude, that
determines success.
Steve Kaufmann, Creator of and author of
The Way of The Linguist
Mental Foundations for Success
To ensure that you consistently spend enough time
engaged with your target foreign language, and get the
most out of whatever time you do spend, you must be:
Interested. The more you like the content, the more that
will stick (and the more time, in turn, that you will likely
spend with the language!)
Motivated. Motivation is fueled by interest, enjoyment,
and perceivable progress. Which is why it is essential to
choose materials you like reading or listening to.
(Perceivable progress is discussed under "Patient below.)
GoaI Oriented. t is not necessary to have serious,
pragmatic goals, but you do need a direction to aim in.
Whatever your goals, make sure that they are "SMART:
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.
Consider these goals for example:
1. want to speak perfect Chinese.
2. want to finish this Chinese comic book by Sunday.
Number 1 is not a S.M.A.R.T. goal. The word "perfect is
extremely subjective and cannot be accurately measured
when it comes to language learning. f you mean, "sound
exactly like a native speaker, then it is certainly not a
timely goal as this requires many years of massive
language input and practice, while the ability to
communicate can be reached in a matter of months.
Number 2, however, is a S.M.A.R.T. goal. t is very
specific, can be easily measured (your finish the book or
you don't), it's certainly attainable if the comic is not too far
beyond your ability level, it's a reasonable objective, and
the time frame is short.
Patient. Language learning isn't hard, but it does take
time. And since progress in physical skills can be hard to
notice, it can really help to monitor your progress through
monthly or quarterly recordings (via audio or video). do
not recommend using standardized tests or completion of
"levels to measure your progress, as both do little more
than show what you've memorized, not what you've
actually internalized and can put into use.
CaIm and coIIected. Try not to get frustrated when you
make mistakes or people can't understand you. Both are a
natural part of learning a language, and negative
emotions like fear, anxiety, anger or boredom significantly
reduce one's ability to learn (and perform) physical skills
like speaking a language.
So how can one remain relaxed and confident in language
learning? There are 2 keys:
1. Don't speak untiI you are ready. For most adults,
speaking too soon leads to anxiety, inhibition and
frustration when you can't communicate your needs, wants
or thoughts. t also tends to produce "fossilized errors in
your pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary usage that
are very difficult to undo later. Be a baby instead. nfants
spend about 2 years actively listening before starting to
speak. During this time, their brains are busy
subconsciously organizing what they hear. f you want to
learn a foreign language well, you should go through a
similar "silent period.
2. When you are ready, speak as much as possibIe. f
you don't have any friends or colleagues who are native
speakers of your target language, find a good tutor or
language partner to speak with. "Good means that
they are friendly and patient, can speak a foreign language
themselves (so they can empathize with you), they let you
choose your own materials, and they don't try to "teach
you the language.
DiscipIined. Some days you will rather zone out and
watch Prison Break, and spend time reading or listening to
the target language. But if you only do things when you
feel like it, you won't get very far in any kind of skill-based
The good news is that you can strengthen your discipline
just like a muscle. Every time you complete a task that
requires discipline, the stronger you become and the
easier it is to complete the next task you aren't in the
mood for. Here are 2 prime examples:
1. Not a morning person? Force yourself to wake up the
instant the alarm goes off. You will then be that much more
likely to study that day.
2. Trying to watch what you eat? Each time you say no
to pizza or beer, it will be that much easier to say to sitting
down to a nice cold glass of foreign language input.
Now that we've covered effective methods and the
necessary attitude to learn a language, let's turn to last
(and perhaps easiest) problem to fix: materials.
Beyond a complete lack of efficacy, the formal language
learning model has 2 other major disadvantages:
1. It's expensive. Textbooks, CDs and tuition can add up
quickly. Many would be language learners give up
because they simply can't afford formal classes, textbooks
and CD-roms.
2. It's Iocation and time specific. With jobs and families,
it can be really difficult to schedule formal language
classes. And even if you do, chances are that more urgent
commitments will arise. Fortunately, modern technology
and media distribution has solved both of these problems,
while providing far more engaging and personalized
content to boot!
Perhaps the best example of modern media is podcasting.
Apple iTunes alone has more than 100,000 free podcast
series available at the click of a button, with something
sure to match every interest, ability level and language.
iTunes is available for PCs, Macs, iPhones, iPod Touches,
and iPads. Other podcast directories include the Zune
Marketplace, Podcast Pickle, and Podcast Alley. Android
can use Google Listen.
And with the advent of high-end portable media players,
you can carry all this content around with you wherever
you go. You can literally learn anything, anytime,
Another great resource for free, short, interest-specific
content is YouTube. From stupid pet tricks to how-to
software tutorials, there is something for every appetite.
Most episodes are between 5 and 10 minutes in length,
making them perfect for repetition.
Choosing Content
But with such a plethora content available today, how
should one choose what to listen to and read? There are 2
key criteria that your language learning materials should
Interesting. Choose topics that you enjoy listening to and
reading in your native language. f you are not interested
in finance, then don't waste your time on financial news in
the foreign language.
ComprehensibIe. f you can't grasp at least 80% of the
content you read or listen to, choose something easier.
Most adults choose overly difficult content thinking that it
will help them improve faster (and look more intelligent). n
the end, this just slows progress and leaves you
unmotivated to continue learning.
There are two exceptions to this rule, however.
1. n the absolute beginning, nearly all materials will be
mostly incomprehensible. Once you progress from newbie
to beginner, you should be able to find plenty of materials
and easily apply the 80% rule.
2. f you are really interested in the topic, it doesn't matter
as much how difficult it is. often read business and
technology magazines in Mandarin Chinese that are far
beyond my ability level, but enjoy slogging through
because enjoy the topic so much.
f you adopt the right methods, attitudes and materials,
anyone can learn a foreign language in a matter of
months, not years or even decades as is usually the case
with formal learning methods. Moreover, if you follow the
advice above, you can actually enjoy the language
learning journey, not just the destination.
So download some podcasts, stick in your headphones
the next time you are doing the dishes or riding the train,
and do what millions of adult learners fail to do every year:
learn to speak a foreign language well.
"t's too expensive and " don't have time are no longer
valid excuses!
Fang from Singapore has submitted this most welcome
addition to the book...
What Ianguage Iearning means to me
Learning a language feels like being given wings to fly and
see the world in a whole new way. t changes the way we
think about things and people.
Learning a language feels like being given a pair of
spectacles to see things more clearly. t gives us an
opportunity to learn everything that is related to the
language. t makes us understand that everyone in this
world is different, that everyone hold different opinions. Yet
in spite of all these differences, we are still the same deep
down. We have hopes and dreams and we also have
Learning a language seems like fighting an inner battle.
There are moments during the learning process when one
is uncertain and tired. Yet something at the back of your
head seems to be saying, "Go on, you can do it! You enjoy
this! Go on! Persevere! Yep, it's that fight to overcome the
inner demons and proceeding to the next stage.
Learning a language is also very much a self-discovery
process. t's learning to be responsible for oneself. t's
learning to be in control of one's learning process. t's
learning to get out of one's comfort zone and trying things
in a new language. t's learning what works for oneself and
what doesn't. t's learning to be humble. t's learning that
there is no end to learning. t's learning to make use of all
senses to enjoy the process. And it is also learning the
importance of having a sense of humour. t's learning that
it's alright to commit mistakes. And it's also learning that
we all have to learn from those mistakes and move on. t's
learning to be sensitive enough to put oneself in others'
shoes and looking at the world from a different view.
Learning a language makes us a child again. We start
from scratch. We become curious about everything about
the language.
Learning a language is seeking out companions who
share the same beliefs. Though what everyone wants to
achieve in language learning is different, yet those people
who share the same passion motivate you during
moments of uncertainty during this journey of language
learning. Other times, we might unknowingly inspire others
to persevere and continue with their learning.
Learning a language feels like finding a key that unlocks a
box of priceless treasures and many doors. One can gain
so many valuable things and good friends along this
journey. The most valuable thing along this journey is
gaining more self-awareness. Learning a language is a
never-ending journey filled many memorable and enriching
experiences. Every experience that we gained in language
learning redefines our lives.
This journey is filled with many emotions, yet many times,
it's filled with happiness and joy. We grow and we change
in this journey. We are never the same since the day we
started on this journey to learn a language.
And with this, have to say that have never regretted any
moments with learning Japanese. Learning Japanese has
enriched my life in so many ways that can never imagine,
from knowing great Japanese friends, to enjoying
Japanese literature, music, culture and so much more.
Though 'm still far from fluent in Japanese, but am really
glad that have learned SO many things on this journey.
Learning Japanese has also led me to learning Korean,
and it has also helped me rediscover more about my
mother tongue, Chinese. know will continue to enjoy this
journey and will be able to discover more things in time to
Fang from Singapore
Cody may be only 19, but he has already taken on some
challenging languages. He can be found on YouTube at:
Cody Dudgeon
Polyglot Project
t has been said that knowing one language is like living in
an enormous mansion and locking yourself in one room.
This "mansion we all live in is the world. The world is full
of languages and cultures that are just waiting to be
explored. have left that lonely room and ventured into
other rooms, learning about languages and developing my
own methodologies. have found, throughout my life, that
the benefits to learning languages are endless.
The first time ever became aware that there was such a
thing as another language, was only about 2 or 3 years
old. was visiting my great grandparents in Vienna, South
Dakota, which was a big trip for me at the time since was
living near the Twin Cities in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. My
great grandparents were both full-blooded Norwegians,
whose ancestors had made their way from their cold, wet
Scandinavian homeland, crossing the Atlantic Ocean to
settle in North America.
Even though my family has been in North America for a
few generations now, they still speak some Norwegian and
have held firm in their Norwegian attitude and values.
remember being both confused and fascinated the first
time heard them speaking to each other in Norwegian.
remember my great grandmother teaching me how to say
"thank you in Norwegian, and thought it was the coolest
thing on earth! remember that moment vividly because
they passed away shortly thereafter.
My great grandparents are always in the back of my mind.
They introduced me to foreign language; they were my
wonderful, Norwegian speaking great grandparents. Since
they spoke so much Norwegian at home, my grandma
naturally picked it up and can speak it to this day. t brings
her great delight when express myself using Norwegian
words and phrases. Because had this experience at such
a young age, Norwegian is a language very close to my
heart. hope someday to speak fluent Norwegian and to
visit Norway and see the land of my ancestors.
The second time encountered another language was
when was 5 years old. was visiting my paternal
grandmother. remember playing in her backyard, when
saw a man with a large beard come out of her house
subsequently followed by my dad and my grandparents.
This was my grandmother's brother Jerry from Germany.
had always known that had relatives in Germany, but this
was my first time meeting an actual relative. don't really
remember much about my interaction with him, but can
tell you what he looked like and what clothes he was
wearing. know that was the day when my grandma first
introduced me to the German language. She taught me
some of the words she knows and was very interested.
That was the day learned the German word "Danke. At
the time, was only a young kid and did not think much
more of the encounter, but never forgot that word.
Later on, when was about 12 years old, had another
experience with German, having by then become
interested in music. was, at the time, really into "hard
rock and "heavy metal. t was then that had come
across a German band called "Rammstein.
Rammstein is an "ndustrial Rock band from Germany.
Their unique instrumentals and lyrics instantly got me
hooked. t was their influence that motivated me to explore
more about Germany and German cultureand
discovered that really liked it! decided on the spot that
would start learning German. Of course, at that age had
no idea as to how to go about learning a foreign language.
At the time, had already taken half a year of Spanish in
middle school. That was the only experience really had
when it came to intentionally learning a language. With
Spanish, did not achieve success, as was uninterested,
unmotivated, and unsatisfied with the teaching methods.
began to wonder: "How am going to learn German?
discovered that the CD pamphlets of my Rammstein
albums contained the lyrics to the songs. Alongside the
German lyrics on their CD "Sehnsucht, there was also an
English translation. began to listen to the songs on the
CD's and read along with the lyrics, even though had no
idea what most of it meant. Eventually, began to find
similarities between the two languages and discovered
what some of the words meant. found some websites
with basic German lessons and German-English
dictionaries. began to be able to understand the lyrics;
they became ingrained in my mind from continual listening
to the Rammstein songs. Later, found and began to
watch movies in German. also began reading German
children's books, and saying basic things in German with
my family when they came to visit. During my first two
years of high school, began to acquire some books about
learning the German language. t soon became my secret
hobby. None of my friends during that time knew any other
languages, or had any interest in Rammstein.
n my third year of high school, was able to take a
German class. t was an "TV Class, meaning that it was a
video course presented on a television monitor. Basically,
the instructor had a camera with audio on us at all times,
while we had the same on her. t was similar to Skype.
studied German in my junior and senior years. Although
learned some grammar and vocabulary, most of the
fundamentals had already learned on my own prior taking
the classes. Still, it was well worth it, as had a really fun
teacher who was wonderful at her job. To this day, am
convinced that it would be next to impossible to find
another language teacher who could surpass her teaching
After my senior year wanted to make sure did not lose
my German. During the summer, studied hard and felt
really satisfied with my progress. still feel quite confident
with my German. At the same time, was thinking about
learning another language, so could say: " speak 3
languages am trilingual. also wanted to have the fun,
life-enriching experience of learning another language
again. figured that since had so much fun with German,
it should be just as fun to learn another language. began
to try out other languages to see which one interested me
the most. soon encountered a problem: I enjoyed them
all! That made it increasingly difficult to choose just one.
After trying out Russian, French, Norwegian, Swedish, and
Dutch, concluded that learning another ndo-European
language would be too easy. t would probably be even
easier than learning German, which to me came very
naturally. As a result, began to focus on languages that
did not belong to the ndo-European family. was
interested in both Japanese and Chinese. eventually
chose Chinese over Japanese because it sounded the
most foreign to me and seemed harder to pronounce.
thought that this will be a fun challenge.
t was around the time that chose to learn Chinese that
began to search on the nternet about language learning.
was curious to see what methods people were applying to
language learning. t wasn't until searched on YouTube
that was able to find any useful information. remember
one YouTube session when was searching "how to begin
learning a language, and came across a video with that
exact title made by Steve Kaufmann. came away thinking
that this guy is a genius, and genuinely knows what he is
talking about. started watching all of his videos, and
through him discovered Moses McCormick (Laoshu), and
through Laoshu discovered Loki. was (and still am)
completely amazed by these 3 people. Coming across the
YouTube Polyglot Community forever changed my life. t
motivated me to learn more languages and make my own
YouTube channel called "codylangauges.
Not only did start learning Chinese, but also decided to
learn Swahili. had wanted to learn an African language
eventually, but was motivated to learn it sooner that had
planned. had met a Kenyan in my College Algebra class.
asked him what language they spoke in Kenya and he
told me that it was Swahili. thought that was cool, and
told him that wanted to learn Swahili. Next thing knew,
had ordered a Teach Yourself Swahili course and a Swahili
phrasebook. Chinese and Swahili are still the languages
am currently learning.
am now entering my sophomore year of college. For the
fall semester have enrolled in a Mandarin Chinese class
as it is the first semester that my college is offering this
language class. am both eager to take this class and
weary of the methodologies that will be implemented by
the professor. have always been an autodidact at nature
and have taught myself many skills and hobbies. have
always been weary of formal instruction, because it has
not usually been as successful for me as learning on my
own. am nonetheless curious to see how the class will be
taught. know that as difficult as learning a Sino-Tibetan
language such as Mandarin Chinese is for a native
speaker of English, will not give up on learning
independently from formal teaching. No matter what, am
going to learn Chinese, so have no fear of the class
being unsuccessful for me.
Once am confident with my level of Chinese and Swahili,
will continue learning more languages. am pretty certain
that will continue to learn languages for the rest of my
life. As for how many, or which ones, do not know.
Although nothing is certain, am reasonably sure that the
next language plan on learning will be Arabic. have
concluded (after my experiences in trying to acquire
Chinese and Swahili simultaneously) that were to attempt
to learn two languages simultaneously again, they should
belong to the same language familysuch as Spanish
and talian. do not think will attempt to learn two
languages together again unless they are both from the
same language family.
What methodology you use when learning languages is
important, but what is necessary is the right attitude.
Attitude is everything. You must have an open mind and
be willing to accept a foreign culture and language. Like a
parachute, the mind cannot function unless it is open.
Also, some people are worried that embracing the foreign
language would hurt their identity, or in some sense make
them "less American, etc. n reality, it just means you are
an American who is bilingual and has a special spot in
their heart for a foreign culture. t does not make you any
less American.
Having the love for the culture, the country, and the people
is really important in learning any language. t keeps you
motivated. was so motivated to learn German that
would be willing to learn any German word would come
across. did not care if it was about a subject that was
completely uninterested in, because loved the culture
and language so much. Maybe you're not necessarily
interested in the culture, but you have some other
motivation. know people who want to learn a language
simply because that is their favorite author's mother
tongue, and they would want to read their works in the
original. Whatever the motivation, it must be there. If you
aren't motivated and open-minded, you wiII not have
think that most people forget why language was
developedit was developed for communication.
Communication should be your goal when learning a
language. Being able to communicate successfully is more
important than being perfect.
"If you want to improve, be content to be thought
fooIish and stupid."
As adults, we tend to be more afraid of making mistakes
when speaking. f you make a mistake, it is far from the
end of the world. t may be a little embarrassing, but
because it was embarrassing you will not forget the little
mistake you made. Life will go on, and you will have
learned something new as well. We don't need to have
perfect grammar or perfect pronunciation to be able to
effectively communicate in a foreign language. People
should focus on communication first, and once they can
comfortably communicate, they should work on the little
details of perfecting their language skills.
"It is not how much fixed knowIedge you can
accumuIate, but what you can appIy IivingIy that
-Bruce Lee
n real life, you will want to be able to get your meaning
across instead of knowing 25 verbs in past and future
f you want the most success while learning a language,
you need to be learning on your own. Try to be
independent, so that way you can follow your own
interests and keep yourself motivated.
He who depends on himseIf wiII attain the greatest
- Yi Jing (Book of Changes), 2nd MiIIenium BC
You know how you learn best more than anybody else.
You should seek out the subjects that interest you, which
are in the target language. With the World Wide Web, you
can find an article in most any language about any subject.
Whenever read an article or watch video about
something that am truly interested in, tend to more
readily remember what went on, what new words
discovered and so on. Many people find retaining
information difficult to accomplish when they are just
beginning to learn. When you are at a beginners level you
must simply stick it out, and in the future you will open
yourself up to many interesting articles that will be
comprehensible to you. think that is crucial to learning a
language, and every language learner should try to
implement it.
As a beginner you should try to get a lot of input. Do not
focus on grammar. t's not really important at this stage.
You should just try to understand what is going on, and
maybe every once and a while be able to say something
relevant to the conversation. 'd also recommend that
people try to focus on pronunciation right away. They
should try to learn the new sounds that might not be in
their language. do not mean to really focus hard on
pronunciation, but just enough to be understood, because
that is what is important.
have always told people that if they would like to begin
learning a language, they should try and get some
language manuals that are made for the beginner level.
Some good language manuals or course books would be
the Teach Yourself and the Colloquial series. Those are
my personal favorites, but if they do not work for your
learning style, do not worry. There are many other great
publications out there. Assimil is a French made language
manual that is known for having funny illustrations and
wonderful audio recordings. Pimsleur is known to be quite
good for more exotic languages like Thai, ndonesian,
Arabic, Japanese and Chinese. No matter what course
book you choose, it will definitely not hurt. f it is not
exactly perfect for your learning style, it is another
resource to help you learn.
People usually say, "Well.if read this book, then will
know the language.right? The answer, quite simply, is
NO. t won't make you fluent, but it will bring you to an
intermediate level, and you will be able to pick up new
vocabulary and engage in basic conversations. Once you
learn the basics of the language, all that is left is
increasing your vocabulary and perfecting the small
details. There are countless ways to do this. like to get
phrasebooks in the beginning (alongside the course
books) because they usually have essential words and
phrases for everyday communication. A "must have when
trying to increase your vocabulary while learning a
language is a good dictionary.
You can never have enough dictionaries for the language
you are learning. started out with a simple English-
German pocket dictionary, but definitely plan on upgrading
to a better one. My favorite foreign language dictionaries
are made by Oxford. There are many online dictionaries
out there as well, which usually have examples in context.
Movies, music and YouTube videos are also great ways to
increase vocabulary. The more resources you make
available to yourself, the more vocabulary you will pick up.
think people usually have the misconception that learning
a language is a very difficult thing that requires a lot of
hard work, but this is simply not true. You can be really
lazy and still learn a language. f you are constantly
exposed to a language in real-life situations, you will learn
it no matter what, whether you want to or not. The German
citizen Khalid El-Masri was on his way to vacation in
Skopje, when Macedonian border guards stopped him
because his name, in the Arabic script, was spelled the
same way as the suspected terrorist Al-Masri. He was
given to the CA. He was held in various prisons across
the world and he was interrogated and tortured. During
this time his American captors constantly exposed him to
English. He learned English to an advanced level while
falsely imprisoned for a year. He spoke English well
enough afterward to do many interviews about his
captivity. He never intended to learn English. He never
wanted to learn English, but because he was always
exposed to it, he naturally picked up the language.
Our brains are designed to notice patterns, and if we allow
those patterns to be noticed, we allow ourselves to learn. t
does not require a lot of serious study to learn a language.
t just requires exposure to the language on a regular
basis. Whenever am doing household chores, driving,
etc., am always listening to the language(s) that am
learning. Even when sleep have something on in the
background. usually listen to the dialogs from my
Colloquial and Teach Yourself books. put them on my
MP3 player and listen whenever am on the go. By
hearing these dialogs over and over again, they become
stuck in my head much like a favorite song would. Through
repeated exposure, can memorize certain words and
phrases to the point that they become automatic. soon
start to think in that language due to the constant input.
You literally do not have to do much of anything except
listen. You can be lazy and still learn a language! think
this should be a tactic for every language learner. You
must make the environment one in which you are always
being exposed to your target language.
To maintain or acquire fluency in a foreign language, you
must be consistent and set some sort of a goal. The reality
is, if you do not keep yourself exposed to the language,
you will regress and forget it. try to keep myself exposed
to each language have learned on a daily basis. Every
day, try to watch videos, or read something in the target
languages. You cannot ever truly say that you have
learned a language, because you are limiting yourself by
doing so; learning is continuous.
Without a goal, you will not know how much time to put
into your language learning in a day. Let's say you are just
beginning to learn Japanese. t is a language that for
native speakers of English takes a lot of time to learn
because it is so drastically different. A language like
Japanese will require a lot of patience. While in the
beginning stages, you will want to devote more time a day
to study than if you are at an advanced level. f your goal
is to get to an intermediate level within 6 months, 'd say
try to study 2-3 hours a day. Spend most of the time
listening, but do not neglect reading, writing, and speaking.
Without a goal or constant exposure, you will find yourself
rapidly regressing in your language(s).
Another thing that people must consider when learning a
language is that even partial knowledge of a language is
quite valuable. People usually think that you must learn a
language to fluency before it can have any value. This is
blatantly false. Being at only a basic conversational level in
a language can enrich your life in so many different ways.
Just showing that you are trying to understand
somebody's language will show that you are truly
accepting of their culture.
Rome, fais comme Ies Romains.
-French Proverb
People of that culture whose language you are learning
will see your efforts and be more apt to talk to you and feel
comfortable around you. You can also make new friends
simply because you can speak a little bit of their language.
get plenty of enjoyment if can understand only 60% of a
movie in Mandarin Chinese or partially understand a
German short story. People must realize that there is great
value to having only partial knowledge in a foreign
Knowing a foreign language is the most beneficial self-
improvement activity one can do. t will enrich your life in
ways you would never imagine, and it will forever change
the way you think about the world around you.
"Language shapes the way we think, and determines
what we can think about."
-Benjamin Lee Whorf
Knowing another language is looking at life from a
completely different viewpoint. You're not only learning the
language but also about the culture and people who speak
that language. You can't fully learn a language without
learning the culture, and vice versa. When you learn
another culture and language, you learn another
perspective on the world. You can take things you like from
that culture, further enrich your life and get a new
perspective on many things.
A real practical benefit in knowing a foreign language is
that it will always improve your prospects for employment,
or at the very least, will not hurt them. t can improve your
salary by making you more valuable to the company, since
you are able to communicate with more people. had a
friend who spoke good Spanish. He got paid extra at
Walmart because he could help Spanish-speaking
customers. Even at a job like Walmart, it is beneficial to
know a foreign language. t gives you an edge over
monolingual applicants. There are many fields where
knowing a foreign language can be extremely beneficial,
such as government agencies, the travel industry,
engineering, communications, education, international law,
economics, publishing and advertising. The list goes on
and on.
"Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt, wei nichts von
seiner eigenen"
(Those who know nothing of foreign Ianguages, know
nothing of their own)-- Johann WoIfgang von Goethe
Research has shown that people who know a foreign
language are far more effective at communication in their
own mother tongue. They have better memory, test
scores, and literacy. have discovered that after studying
languages my vocabulary has increased exponentially. t is
like food for you brain. f it is good for you, why not eat it?
There are so many benefits to language learning. f
were to write about them all, would have to write an
entire book. Leaving my room in the "mansion was
the best decision ever made. t has enriched my life
in countless ways. am so grateful for the
experiences had as a young child, which got me
ready and geared up for learning foreign languages.
Through the process of learning languages, have
discovered many things that have improved my
language learning. have discovered that it is mostly
the attitude you have about the language, and how
motivated and interested you are in the language that
is most important. hope and pray that all of you
reading this will begin a new language learning
adventure. So go out right now, buy a coursebook,
and start studying.
You at least owe me that ;)
Edward Chien, an American, was bitten by the foreign
language learning bug at a very early age. Read on to find
out who influenced him. Edward's YouTube Channel is:
have always been interested in foreign languages. When
was nine, decided was going to take up the study of
seven different languages that year. Not surprisingly, all
ended up learning was "Wir kommen! and "Comment
allez-vous?; and don't even remember what the five
other languages were. n any event, did enjoy what effort
put into the project, and when was ten began a
systematic study of Biblical Greek. However, at the time
my ambitions were focused on learning the way of chess,
and so Greek remained just another subject in my
n high school added Latin to my academic regimen and
progressed at a satisfying pace for one year. Through
study of Latin, accustomed myself to memorizing
paradigms through frequent mental repetition. Tedious as
this sometimes was, cannot imagine that it was more
tedious than it would have been to look at a Latin sentence
and try to guess at the significance of the different
endings. Memorization is a necessary skill in life, and
there is no reason we should be averse to employing it in
the study of foreign languages.
Toward the end of my first year in high school, the big
event happened: my parents began the process of
adopting an 11-year-old girl from Russia. Consequently,
began learning Russian with the plan of facilitating
communication between my parents and my sister-to-be. t
was quite difficult at the time. had a sufficient background
in synthetic morphology not to be put off by the giant mass
of nominal inflections, but there were nonetheless plenty of
challenges: the declension of numerals, consonant
mutation, VERBAL ASPECT, and so on. However, kept at
it more or less studiously, and by the time my sister arrived
six months later, was able to say in Russian... not very
much. But it was enough to be of significant use. nept
language has far more communicative power than even
the most carefully coordinated miming, and was able to
provide translation services to my family regularly and to
others on several important occasionsincluding one visit
from the police, but let's not get into that!
Throughout the following year, which was my second year
of high school, made great progress in Russian by
combining conversational opportunities with my sister with
diligent personal study. n particular, worked through a
medium-sized Russian reference grammar two times and
made it a habit to learn twenty new words per day.
started listening to Russian poetry, understanding small
parts of it by following along in the text but mainly enjoying
its acoustic beauty. studied parallel editions of classic
Russian literature. sang Russian folk songs. did just
about everything! All this had two main results: 1)
became irresistibly attracted to the depth of Russian
culture, and 2) never got past Unit 1 in my geometry
textbook. Hehe!
n any event, at the end of that year decided to go to
college so that could avoid taking physics in my junior
year. Strangely enough, this plan worked. know, right?
So, wishing to continue my linguistic pursuits in college,
took placement tests in Latin and Russian. The Latin result
is too complicated to explain here, but in Russian was
admitted into the third year course. n other words, if two
semesters of a language in high school is supposed to be
equivalent to one semester of it in college, had
progressed at four times the expected rate in Russian.
This is due to two circumstances: 1) had a Russian sister
to converse with, and 2) had been studying Russian
independently, unencumbered by classmates and
homework. t has always been my experience that good
teachers are an invaluable resource, but almost every
other aspect of formal education only slows one down.
n college, besides taking courses in Old English and Old
Church Slavonic, things so happened that was not able
to pursue any language besides Russian. But Russian
alone had been quite enough to significantly increase the
experiences that were possible in my life. Russian has
done so many things for me that it would almost seen
unfair to select just a few of them for examples. Suffice to
say, learning a language to fluency is much more than
worth the time and effort it takes!
After graduating from college, decided that wanted to
learn an agglutinative language. narrowed the
contenders down to Turkish, Hungarian, and Finnish, and,
despite its significant disadvantage to the two others in
utility, chose Finnish because liked the way it sounded.
think that whimsical decisions like that are an important
part of learning languages. The process should remain
exciting and fun and not be allowed to become a chore.
used an almost cultishly grammar-centric approach in
learning Finnish: studied rule upon rule, never exhausting
the bountiful Finnish supply, contextualizing all of them
with a total vocabulary of about twenty words. After the
three months of that summer, didn't yet know how to say
"hi, but looking up most words in a dictionary, was able
to read a newspaper article. This is decidedly more
significant in Finnish than in some other languages, as its
agglutinative morphology can quite radically alter the
appearance of words. For example, the past tense of
antaa is annin, of syd it is sin, of menn it is menin, of
haluta it is halusin, and of valita it is valitsin. f you don't
know the rules for stem mutation, i-induced syncopation,
and the rest, no dictionary will save you. And can't
imagine that it's easier to try to derive the rules yourself
from the data than to simply take them as presented. Yes,
at first it takes some time to connect the rules in your head
with what's on the paper, but with practice the process
becomes automatic and effortless.
At the end of the summer, accidentally got a job as a
Latin teacher at an elementary school. know, right?
Learning how to teach required the better part of my
efforts for some time, and so, save a bit of German, did
not seriously study languages that first semester.
n December, happened upon Stu Jay's interview on Joh
Jai. What a set of clips! My language cravings went right
back up to the same uncontrollable levels they'd been at
during my study of Russian. went to work the next day
and told all my students about the videos immediately.
"Stu Jay became a term of common parlance among my
upper-level students. A week or so later, school closed for
winter break. reflected.
After break, went to school and told my students to forget
about Latin and study whatever language they wanted. 'd
help them find materials and explain to them how to learn
a language independently, and then off they would go!
Some of them ended up having experiences that could
probably be included in this collection. Personally, in the
course of the following several months resumed German
and took up Spanish, Thai, Malay, and Farsi. We had quite
an atmosphere in my "Latin classes, all of us sitting there
studying everything from talian to Middle Egyptian! Most
of my students used a more balanced learning technique,
but continued to cover copious amounts of grammar first
and worry about vocabulary later. By the end of the school
year, had reached approximately the same point in all the
languages 'd started: with extensive use of a dictionary,
could read most texts of normal complexity. also dabbled
a bit in Hebrew, nuktitut, Japanese, and Chinese, but
didn't get anywhere noticeable in them.
Since then some of my languages have progressed
and others have stagnated or declined. 've been a bit
too busy to maintain all of them as would like.
Nonetheless, have every intention of continuing to
learn, and not just languages: have set a goal for the
next couple years of teaching myself all the math
should've done in high school. wrote this piece in a
hurry ('m in the middle of preparing lessons for the
coming school year, which starts next week), but
hope that it will encourage readers to always keep
My Dutch friend Bart was kind enough to submit the
following piece about his language learning journey. Bart
can be found on YouTube at:
TriaIs and TribuIations: My humbIe story
about Language Iearning
First of all, this is not some sort of epic story about a
person's motivation to learn foreign languages, nor is it
about the glorious results have achieved during the
years. n fact, 've only just starting to get the hang of it,
and it's only been a few months that have found the right
way for me to learn a language. However, have already
noticed the huge benefits that learning a foreign language
can have on someone's life. Before you read my story
allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Bart
Vervaart and hail from the Netherlands, in the small
village of Oudenbosch to be exact. My native language is
Dutch. Besides Dutch, also speak English fluently and
some basic Russian. Currently, am learning Polish,
Russian and Finnish.
Primo Victoria: Learning EngIish
My first victory in terms of language learning was my study
of English. However, can't even call it "study," because
haven't studied the language in a traditional fashion.
learned English from watching television, playing
videogames and using my English while traveling abroad.
first came in contact with English when was about five or
six through watching cartoons. At that time, almost every
cartoon was in English with Dutch subtitles. Not wanting to
read the subtitles (lazyness, guess..), would frequently
ask my parents what some of the words meant.
This was my first contact with English, and kept
remembering the words because most episodes were
repeated often. The more watched ,and the older
became, the more knew. was very curious about
English, as wasn't used to hearing it. To me, it sounded
funny and strange, and that was the reason that wanted
to learn more about this new language. As watched more
shows and learned more English, started to really get into
it. asked my parents to teach me how to introduce
myself, and how could ask people if they could also
speak English. My parents bought me various English
children's books which loved to read together with them.
Another item that really helped me with learning English
was my old trusty Gameboy and the Pokemon Blue game
(Thank you Nintendo!). Like television, almost every
videogame was in English. t was baptism by fire, as the
games used very complicated English texts (especially for
a seven year old). However, this didn't stop me, and in the
end succeeded and it has truly enhanced my English.
played many other games but it was Pokemon in
particulair that really helped me. By the time was eight
could talk about basic stuff in English. was seen by my
friends as some sort of an intellectual juggernaut. Even if
they could also speak a little bit of English, was at least a
year ahead of them and at this point had never even had
a single English class at school.
Many years passed, and kept learning English by playing
videogames and watching TV. really felt confident and
good about myself, mainly because of the praise got from
my friends which really motivated me to continue studying
English. However, the biggest motivation for me to learn
English was knowing that actually had family in an
English speaking country. One of my uncles lives in the
United States. couldn't wait to go there and speak
English to him and his family. t would take a couple of
years before could actually visit the U.S. n the
meantime, we started to have some introductory lessons
in English. t was very basic and easy. Everything they
taught there, already knewwhich really disappointed
me. did have the opportunity to speak a little English with
the teacher, but it was not enough for me. wanted more!
When was twelve, finally got what wanteda trip to
the United States.
This was the first of three trips would make to the U.S.
met my Uncle and his family, and spoke a lot of English.
promised myself that would not speak any Dutch unless
my Uncle did not know the English word for whatever it
was that wanted to know.
This worked phenomenally well and learned an incredible
amount of English in a short time period. When returned
from that first trip to the US was already at a high
intermediate level in English. My second and third trips
further improved my English to the point where could call
myself fluent by the age of sixteen. later traveled to
Scotland ,where first came in contact with the Scottish
like to enjoy myself while learning a foreign language.
What drew me to English was the funny and strange
sounding words. To keep my interest in English fresh,
study English accents. am particulairly fond of the
Scottish and rish accents. Also, Scottish and rish slang is
something like to explore from time to time. hope to visit
Scotland and reland often in the future, as both these
countries are really fascinating to me.
DownfaII: High SchooI Terror
Although never, ever had to study hard for English (
didn't even study for my final exams and passed easily)
during my High School years, this doesn't mean that
didn't study other languages during High School. n fact
had to take two years of German and five years of French.
n the beginning, was really looking forward to learning
those other languages. had been to Germany before and
liked the sound of the Language. French, on the other
hand, was really exotic for me. knew how to say
"bonjour," and that was pretty much it. So couldn't wait to
have fun with two new languages. However, it ended
dramatically, as my interest in languages was brutally
murdered by the grammar focused school system.
As a result, lost my interest during the very first month,
and lost all my confidence in learning a language.
always thought that was good at languages, and had
proof of this by being able to speak English fluently without
ever having studied it. However, had to study so hard to
keep up with French and German that it wasn't even fun
anymore. couldn't even make it fun, since there were no
cartoons in French ( refused to watch anything other than
cartoons!) or German, and none of the videogames
played were in French or German. was always able to
pass the tests, but almost forgot everything had to learn.
My confidence reached rock bottom, and didn't know
what to do.
Sayonara: Trying to Iearn Japanese
When people ask me which language started learning
after English, usually answer: Russian. However, this is
not really true, as in my final two years of High School
was began to play around with Japanese. During my youth
was always interested in Japan and it's history. Many
cartoons that watched where originally from Japan
(Dragonball Z, Pokemon and my all time favorite--
Gundam). Most videogames that played were also made
in Japan, so hoped to adopt the same strategy had
used with English and learn Japanese. also got my
hands on Pimsleur Japanese and listened a lot to it.
Soon started to feel my confidence growing again.
This wasn't the case, however, when found out about the
three scripts and the rather complex grammar. As odd as it
might sound, quit immideately. couldn't even handle
learning German (which is relatively easy for Dutch people
to learn), let alone something as alien as Japanese.
still know some phrases of Japanese but can hardly
consider it useful knowledge. However, what did discover
was the benefits of using the internet as a resource.
could download and find so many Japanese things which
could have made my language learning efforts that much
easier. But in the end it doesn't matter, because never
continued with Japanese and never used the resources
that downloaded.
After Graduation
Since had failed at Japanese, pretty much abandoned
all hope of learning any other languages. was preparing
to do something with my English, as it was the only foreign
language in which was really good at. Even after so
many years, still had fun using my English when talking
with people on the internet, watching movies and reading
books in that language. Often, those books were from
Russian authors. Russian sounded really cool; frequently
listened to Russian music and liked the sound of it.
However, never really thought about learning it since
believed it would likely end up in failure like my attempt at
Japanese. After graduation, didn't know what wanted to
do next, so signed up to do volunteer work. applied for a
program in Estonia to teach English at a Russian school
there. didn't need to speak Russian or Estonian for the
position because they would teach me that once arrived.
was almost certain that this was going to happen and that
would spend a year in Estonia.
My parents, however had encouraged me to find
something else to do if the plans were suddenly canceled.
So chose to go to College to become a English teacher if
the Estonia trip was canceled--which it was. This was
upsetting, as was really pumped and had already told
everybody about my forthcoming trip to Estonia.
During the summer of 2010 started to learn four
languages: Estonian, Russian, Polish and Finnish. was
also playing around with Norwegian. And this time, was
doing it right. knew exactly what had to do to learn the
languages. got the right resources, had the right
motivation and attitude. was ready to learn not just one
language, but many more. desired to be a Polyglot!
These major changes in such a short time were all
because of one manMoses Mccormick a/k/a Laoshu.
Everything n now know about language learning owe to
him. He has been become my hero.
After a few weeks, could speak high beginner Estonian
and low intermediate Russian (which is the highest
achievement ever made). My Finnish and Polish were
still in the beginning stage during the early weeks of the
Summer. This was because at the time still thought that
was going to Estonia!
When found out that the plans were canceled, focused
more on Finnish and Polish, later Polish exclusively. This
was because was planning a two week trip to Poland in
August. That August, in Poland, would experience the
benefit of learning another foreign language.
From PoIand with Love: How one trip can change it aII.
knew only a little bit of Polish but never imagined the
benefit would get from it. was helped by a lovely Polish
girl who taught me some Polish and showed me her
beautifull country. went to the South-East of Poland, in
Tarnobrzeg to be exact. met many nice and wonderfull
people. discovered a lot about Polish history, cuisine
(Poles know their food!) and culture. loved to just walk
through the City listening to people talking to each other,
hoping to find words knew.
was frustrated many times since couldn't understand
many things people said to me. However with the help of
that lovely girl was able to make myself understood. had
previously said that was going to master Russian first,
but after that trip am sure now that it will be Polish. Not
just because absolutely loved Poland, but because my
girlfriend (you guessed it, the girl who helped me) is Polish
and want to be able to talk with her family in their own
native language. Polish will be my main focus and want
to reach the same level in Polish as have in English, if
not better.
There is a lot of work to be done before can achieve my
new goal. will also learn Russian and Finnish, as well as
many other languages in the future. But will focus on
Polish from now on. t's really interesting how one's plans
can all change in such a short time.
The Future
have only made my first steps towards become a
Polyglot. succeeded a long time ago in learning English
without actually studying it, when having fun was the most
important factor. During my high school years, failed to
really learn French and German and didn't succeeded at
learning Japanese on my own. However a cancelled trip to
Estonia and the influence of Laoshu made me rise again
from the ashes. returned to learning languages, which
resulted in the study of Russian, Polish and Finnish. This
time, know how to do it and how to succeed. A trip to
Poland made me realize this, and was a huge motivation
for me to continue studying foreign langauges. will start
my course of study to become an English teacher and
hope to travel the world, teaching my students English as
learning their languages in return. cannot wait.
want to thank all of my Russian, Polish, Estonian and
Finnish friends, who helped me and motivated me to
continue learning the languages. really appreciate it!
also want to thank all the Youtubers out there who are
making videos about language learning. watch every
single video you guys make over and over again!! love
them so much that started my own channel. want to
thank Claude in particular for coming up with the idea of
the Polyglot Project. t's truly an honor to be able to
contribute something for this project.
As you know, only started on my journey to become a
Polyglot quite recently. hope this story interested you so
enough to want to follow me on this journey. f so,
welcome you to visit my YouTube Channel, where will
try to post new things as often as can.
Thanks for reading my humble story !
Bart Vervaart
Kathleen Hearons is a talented writer and accomplished
polyglot, and 'm extremely pleased to include her
submission in this book. Read her story, then be sure to
visit her YouTube Channel at:
Polyglot Project Submission:
"The Making of an Autodidactic Polyglot
by Kathleen E. Hearons
"The chair is beckwem, said to my grandmother. She
gave me a puzzled look, so tried again, "Beckwem. You
know, 'comfortable'? The first-generation Bavarian
German-American tilted her head back and smiled, "t's
beck-VAEM. Her eyes smiled with satisfaction at my
homage to her mother tongue. "Oh, beck-VAEM,
repeated softly and pensively. The gratification of seeing
her light up saturated my mind, and that moment launched
my insatiable pursuit of tearing down the proverbial
language wall; little did know then that 'd do that with a
wrecking ball that 'd go on to design through my own
passion and ambition.
was ten years old, and had chanced upon a pocket-
sized German-English/English-German dictionary set in
the living room of my parents' house. knew that my great
grandmother had come to the US directly from Germany,
and that my grandmother had been raised in a German-
speaking household, but that she hadn't gone on to teach
my mother any German. The only foreign language
anyone in my household knew was pidgin Spanish, since
we all lived in a predominantly Mexican suburb of Los
Angeles, in Southern Californiaa place that lovingly
refer to as 'Mexifornia.' n spite of that, was engulfed by a
fabricated sense of nostalgia for a fatherland in which
had never dwelled, and chose to explore the language of
My nascent zeal to learn German led me to seek out
language lessons from my grandmother, as if spurred by a
desire to "reconnect with a culture that myself had lost.
And so, she began to teach me to pronounce and read in
German. She purchased beginners' books to help me to
build up a working vocabulary, and she spent an hour
every Sunday afternoon listening to and helping me to
read aloud to her from an old book that was printed in
traditional German gothic-style lettering.
My childhood studies in German helped me to cultivate an
authentic accent, but had very little command over the
grammar of the language; rather than to construct my own
expressions, was limited to mixing and matching the
ones had memorized from the books. My freshman year
in high school, had my first opportunity to study langue in
a formal setting, and was thrilled at the notion of finally
being able to learn German sufficiently to speak it
properly...that is, until learned that had to choose only
between Spanish and French, as German was not offered
at my school. opted to take French, which perceived to
be the more "exotic of the two, given that Spanish was
spoken everywhere, all around me in my hometown.
After four years of diligent studies in French throughout
high school, developed a desire to learn another
romance language: talian. Once more, however, was
dismayed to find that no one in my hometown taught
talian, nor was it available to study at the local junior
college. Thus, had two choices before me: learn on my
own, or not at all. n truth, the notion of taking it on solo
wasn't the least bit intimidating, and, armed with gift cards
for Barnes Noble, selected an audio-based beginner's
talian book/CD set and began training myself to mimic the
sounds on the CD as accurately as possible.
At the same time, was taking a French class at the local
junior college. The only course available that semester
was French 101, and although knew myself to be well
beyond absolute beginner's level, enrolled in it for the
sake of continuity in preserving my studies of French. To
my surprise, however, wasn't nearly as elevated above
the novice level as had haughtily assumed, and was
constantly learning things that had come into the class
believing already knew. t was a commensurately
humbling and edifying semester, to be sure, and my
sharpened techniques in better acquainting myself with the
syntax, phonetics, and semantics of French spilled over
into my simultaneous autodidactic studies of talian.
profited from studying the two together for just that reason.
studied talian for two to six hours a day, seven days a
week. simply couldn't study it enough. When 'd put my
books down for the day, 'd find myself craving more and
more learning, and 'd finally cave in to my assiduous
gluttony for the serendipity that came with discovering that
could take something that knew nothing about and
digest it to the point of being able to use it as though had
known it since birth. was working a part-time retail job at
the time, and was a full-time college student with a
rigorous fitness schedule, so it wasn't as though had no
other way to occupy my time. But no matter how busy
was with required classes and ringing up items as a
cashier, my drive to spend my time in a way that found
truly and deeply fulfilling overcame any urge to unwind at
the end of a long day.
n my third semester at the junior college, started taking
German in addition to French. Once again, took the
beginner's (101) course. Unlike my experience with
French 101, in the case of German was delightfully
surprised to realize that grandma had taught me a lot more
of the grammar than remembered. did very well in that
class, and my professor was tickled by having a bonafide
fellow grammar-nerd as a pupil. She even assigned me
extra homeworkat my requestto push me to grow at a
faster pace than the rest of the class; did.
After having exhausted the meager extent of the junior
college's course offerings in German and French,
received a full scholarship to study talian in taly from the
director of a language school in Livorno, a port town in
Tuscany. had been corresponding with him in talian over
the previous year, and he said that he was so impressed
by how rapidly my self-taught talian skills had advanced
that he wanted me to come and be one of his students, on
his dime. And so, stayed with a host family in Livorno for
the summer of 2002. brought along with me, of course,
books to continue learning French and German throughout
my stay. couldn't dare put my studies on pause, lest
jeopardize the returns on my investments. And at the end
of the eight-week program, was certified by the University
of Milan to have achieved a level of intermediate talian,
had helped one of my host-sisters to pass the German
portion of her university-entrance exam through speaking
talian with her to tutor her in German, and had a French-
speaking boyfriend who was in tears beside me at the gate
to my flight back to Mexifornia.
Upon my return from Livorno, had two more semesters
left before graduating with my Associate of Arts. decided
to go ahead and finally learn Spanish and enrolled in
Spanish 101. remember my Cuban teacher correcting my
talian accent and substitution of talian words for when
didn't know how to say something in Spanish. t took me a
month or so to fashion a distinct Spanish accent, and
knew enough Spanish at that point to take advantage of
the growing need in my hometown for English tutors who
could teach English in Spanish. took on four students as
a private tutor, and in teaching them, my Spanish went
from a conversational level to being advanced within
another month or two.
Throughout this whole time, was still setting aside 30+
minutes every day for French, German, and talian,
respectively. then added to that roster Arabic. Learning
Arabic was a common response by people my age to the
terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, and swaths of 20-
somethings were underway training their brain to read
from right to left. dedicated one month to teach myself to
read and write in Arabic, and then delved into the
grammar of the language. progressed as rapidly with
Arabic as had with the Latin languages and German,
because was able to study it daily, and for as much time
as could set aside. Volition was a non-issue, as was
overwhelmingly self-driven.
nto my final semester at the junior college, received a
scholarship to study political science, my chosen major for
my pending Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), in Prague, Czech
Republic. n conjunction, a settlement with my father's
construction company over his on-the-job injury had
landed my parents an ample sum of disposable income,
and they chose to bestow it upon me in order for me to
complete my junior year of college in Florence, taly. n a
touching and selfless move, they said that they had
wanted to reward all my hard work with making my dream
of studying abroad come true. That they did.
While in Prague, continued to set aside at least 30
minutes a day for each of my languages: French, German,
talian, Spanish, and Arabic. learned some Czech, but
wasn't serious about learning the language as a whole;
after all, was only going to be in the Czech Republic for
two months, and didn't anticipate having any opportunity
to use the language outside of that. was able to practice
my German with the older generation there, however, who
had been compelled to learn it in their youth under the
Nazi occupation of then-Czechoslovakia during World War
left for Florence directly from Prague, and my former
boyfriend of one year earlier met me at the train station
there. He took me to meet up with my new university, and
soon found a room for rent with a native Argentinean who
had come to taly at the age of 17, landing the place at a
steal of 500 per month (everything included) before any
of the other students could by virtue of my fluency in
talian. was able to practice both talian and Spanish with
the Argentinean, and not long after my arrival, decided to
learn Russian, for no particular reason other than the utility
in acquiring a language whose geographic span included
as many countries as time zones. purchased books that
were printed in talian to learn Russian, and set to work
teaching myself to read and write in Russian. n between
my English-language courses at California State
University, Florence, was also auditing talian-language
courses at l'Universit di Firenze, where studied French,
German, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic with talian
students. This improved my Arabic drastically, and was
able to read Russian progressively better.
When came back from Florence, was informed that
there had been a change of staff in the Department of
Political Science at California State University, Northridge.
As a consequence, only one of the courses that had
taken in Prague, and none of the courses that had taken
in taly were to be transferred, as the new director refused
to honor the decision of his predecessor to accept the
credits. This meant that now had two more years before
would receive my B.A.
Given that much time, and with my major emphasizing
Middle Eastern politics, figured should start to learn
Farsi/Persian. added a 30-minute slot to my daily
language regiment, and kept up with French, German,
talian, Spanish, Arabic, and Russian as well. By this point,
however, with a 120-mile commute and holding down
three part-time jobs, my time was more limited than it had
been while was at the junior college. had inadequate
time available to me to really get into Farsi, and was
stalled out on pronouncing it differently than Arabic, which
uses the same script.
And then came graduate school, along with a 3,000-mile
move from Los Angeles to Washington, DC. f thought
had mastered time-management in undergrad, was put to
shame in managing the astronomic workload of grad
school. heard the volume of labor best described as,
"Think of how many chapters you were expected to read
each week in undergrad, and convert that to entire books.
Welcome to grad school. That tsunami of reading, having
to write three to five papers a week that were anywhere
from 15 to 50 pages in length each, and working a part-
time job to pay for books and food (and living off of
copious loans to cover the rest of my expenses) was
merciless. Effectively, grad school had burglarized my
language studies entirely. t was a shocking experience to
me, since had spent the previous six years studying all
six languages every single day of my life. was
passed the Arabic exam at American University to
receive my Masters of Arts in Middle Eastern Studies, with
a minor in US Foreign Policy, and graduated in 2008.
Eager to leave the plastic, hollow culture of DC behind,
trekked back to Los Angeles, carrying with me only that
which could fit in my car; all else gave away in a hasty
one-week packing stint. However, after months of dreary
unemployment in California, receiving email after email
beginning with the mocking phrase, "Thank you for your
interest, realized that my pigeon-holed degree was as
valuable in Southern California as were tire chains. t
wasn't long before received two interviews in DC after
sending out about 15 applications to various consulting
agencies. accepted one of those positions and packed up
the car once again, with my dad once more in the driver's
seat, just as he had done three months prior.
Since we had a long drive ahead of us, and my dad would
be at the wheel for the 13+ hours per day of sitting in the
car, decided to learn Hebrew while on our way across the
country. bought a beginner's book, and within two hours
into our first day of travelling, was already literate in
Hebrew. For the remainder of the four days' trip,
proceeded with learning basic vocabulary and practicing
reading and writing over and over and over.
By the time we got to DC and started my new job, had
eight languages listed on my resume:
Advanced: French, German, talian, and Spanish
Intermediate: Arabic and Russian
Novice: Farsi, Hebrew
kept up my languages to a fair degreea far cry from a
daily regiment that coddled each one with near maternal
affection, but a strained effort to do as much as could
with as little as had. One year later, changed jobs and
went from working 40 hours a week to 60 hours a week.
The language study went from having the equivalent of a
stomach flu to having the equivalent of cancer; prospects
for survival were terminal. What was going to do?
couldn't just stand by idly and lose everything that had
worked years and years to gainnot to mention the fact
that learning language was the passion by which lived
and breathed, my veritable raison d'tre.
Today, ration my semblance of free time to best
accommodate my struggle to sustain all that have earned
in my studies of eight languages. t will take changing jobs
againperhaps even a move to a career in language
before 'll be snuggled up against my books in leisure time
again. All can really do for now is use however much time
is available to me, for however long it's available to me.
The utter asphyxiation of my one true passion routinely
injects a dreamlike denial in my thinking of how things
turned out with my career. feel as though my "real life is
on pause until can get back to regular language study. t's
an out-of-body experience, a palpable cognitive
dissonance. But one that keeps a candle burning in the
dark warehouse that holds all of the syntax, phonetics, and
semantics of my eight metaphysical offspring. And so,
remain optimistically convinced that can and will sustain
my language abilities throughout this unforeseen hiatus.
Sporadic spurts of 20-minute segments of oneif that
language per weeknight (as work most weekends) serve
as artificial life support to my comatose languages. swell
with encouragement with each condensed session of
language study, though, and know that, no matter how
much time is lost, my raison d'tre remains just that, and
that it will still be there when get back.
My friend Mike Campbell, known as "Glossika on
YouTube, is a linguist and polyglot who "walks the walk. f
you are looking for the equivalent of a university education
on how to learn languages, read on...
Becoming a PoIygIot and Linguist
by Mike Campbell
'd like to start off by explaining that don't believe in
talent. f talent had to be defined, would say that it is
constant interest and exposure to a certain ability that
builds upon itself year after year. When was a child
people talked about Michael Jordan a lot. One day found
out that this guy spent so many hours on the basketball
court every day since he was a small child. Today we can
say that of any of the best athletes out there, whether
tennis, golf, ice-skating or of musicians, or anything. n all,
the crme-de-la-crme in each of their disciplines have put
in tens of thousands of hours--disciplined hours--of doing
the right thing in the right motions to get to where they are.
n each of the disciplines pursue, know my position and
the distance have to run, but also know that the more
do in a particular field, such as languages or music, the
faster and more efficient become in learning new
material. So after you've done your 20-30,000 hours in a
particular field, you have an inherent ability for picking up
other related areas, and find that can do this at a
different pace than other people can. But 've seriously put
in hours of every day into foreign languages since was a
young child. And the culmination of all those hours
manifests itself in abilities that others can't fathom
because they grew up or have studied under different
circumstances. So here's my story.
FamiIy Background and Growing Up
come from a broken family and have two very different
fathers. My biological father has never moved since was
born, is self-employed in manual labor, and has eight
children, of which 'm the eldest. would say he was quite
successful since his early twenties, but managing a large
family as a single father has been quite challenging for
him. Although find many striking similarities between the
two of us, have only spent several weeks' time with him
since the 1980s.
When she left him (when was only a couple years old),
my mother was working for a government contractor in
Sunnyvale, California, where she met my stepfather who
was working for the US government in intelligence and
defense. Soon after they married, we left the country and
have spent the time rest of my life, for the most part, living
overseas. grew up attending both (US) Department of
Defense Dependents Schools (DoDDS) and local schools.
My exposure to foreign languages while growing up were
mostly European and was immediately fascinated by
places, travel, and the languages heard. was not a very
social child, and didn't end up building strong
relationships with other people since we moved around a
lot. Looking back, feel that the social dynamics caused a
bit of an identity crisis for me and out of that started to
code-switch both culturally and linguistically.
Code-Switching as a ChiId
Our first overseas stay was in North Yorkshire (England) at
a location called Menwith Hill Station. After a few months
my mother made a big deal about the fact that was
speaking English with a remarkable North Yorkshire
dialect, even using local vocabulary. Not only that,
couldn't seem to drop it even at home; couldn't do
anything about it.
When returned to the United States for visits, it was
equally awkward as would be the only family member
speaking in a strange dialect that few Americans had ever
heard before. This was quite frustrating for my father and
probably created a lot of distance between the two of us.
But it usually took a couple weeks and my speech would
shift again. Returning to Yorkshire was always a bitter
experience because was so ashamed of opening my
mouth. withstood days and weeks of shame and
humiliation while the other children berated me every time
Yankee sounds came stumbling out of my mouth. had a
lot of pressure to conform to the local standard.
After about a year of this, had complete control over my
ability to code-switch. had no concept of linguistics or
code-switching, in fact, was not even aware of what was
doing at the time. probably would not have understood if
somebody mentioned it to me at that time. t was all
happening very naturally under social and peer pressures
with the various interactions had between school and
family. My mother was the only one who would joke about
the quirky Yorkshire-isms that said from time to time. But
this only helped me become more and more aware of
controlling the sounds from my mouth to the point where
could be a Yorkshire lad when left the house and could
be an American guy upon entering my house and
speaking with my parents.
Conforming Under Peer Pressure and Identity Crisis
distinctly remember one day at British school something
had not been previously aware of. was attending
Grosvenor House all boys' school where we wore
uniforms. There happened to be a new lad in our form and
up to that point had no idea that he was any different
than the others. One day in the locker rooms all the other
boys started mocking and bullying him over his West
Yorkshire accent, and ended up pushing him into a toilet
stall and doing whatever else to him.
This event left an indelible impression on me: this idea of
conforming by speech. t seemed to me that had
conformed or at least they had all gotten used to me to
some extent-- have no idea today whether or how much
spoke like the others, but actually thought may be the
next one getting bullied into a toilet stall.
Perhaps here should mention that my case of identity
crisis was building greater on the home front, to the point
that was beginning to fear loss of face. f my mother took
me out shopping with her would literally fear her coming
out--in her boisterous American accent--about this, that or
the other, and would have to put up with stares from
other people; when in fact, was just trying to be just as
"Yorkshire" as everybody else. This crisis grew more and
more over the years, from country to country, to the extent
where 'd fear telling someone was American. By the time
was a teenager, if met somebody new or if was
traveling, would always avoid telling somebody was
American mostly because of my identity crisis. Due to the
circumstances, did not fully understand or embrace a
feeling of pride in one's own country, despite singing all
those patriotic songs in DoDDS schools. But even when
did attend the DoDDS schools, felt myself becoming
more and more different than the other children, who were
more likely than not living a very sheltered, baseball-
playing American life living inside a bubble of American
reality inside another country. My family, on the other
hand, never lived on a "base," and was constantly
interacting with the locals was exposed to.
've lived in England, Spain, taly, Germany and Russia
and was exposed to all these languages (and several
dialects) by the time graduated from high school. 've
also lived for short periods of time in the United States in
both northern and southern California, Colorado, ndiana,
Maryland/DC, and New York.
While overseas, our travels throughout Europe and Africa
were extensive. was exposed to a lot, and was growing
more and more conscious of language, my own idiolect,
cultural interaction, sociolinguistics and the way people
behaved differently from country to country. was also
paying a lot of attention to my own behavior (and whether
could mask my natural American behavior). could start to
identify what countries people were from not just from the
languages heard but from their facial expressions, hand
use, and the way they walked. also subconsciously
studied and applied it to myself in order to avoid my
identity crisis, and the weird looks noticed people would
give to my mother (who always thought was completely
oblivious to what others thought--which could have also
been a good thing).
'm currently under the impression that all these feelings
had growing up have contributed to my becoming a
polyglot and maintaining a perpetual traveler lifestyle. This
is the first media 've brought these feelings up and 'm
curious as to whether other polyglots around the world
have in any way or form felt similar feelings or not.
My Parents' InfIuence on Me
My father did not excel in foreign languages. My mother,
however, excelled in Spanish and even spent some time in
South and Central America perfecting her Spanish. Before
the job mentioned earlier she had been working as a
court interpreter in San Jos, California, and had used
both Spanish and English with me as a baby up to a
certain point. But always had a lot of exposure to Spanish
growing up.
Believe it or not, the Castilian of Spain had a strange effect
on my Spanish. Due to my identity crisis, when realized
my mother spoke "differently," found myself wanting to
repel her Latin American Spanish for the Castilian Spanish
that was exposed to in Europe.
My mother also had a love for foreign languages.
discovered she had studied German, French, Russian,
and even exotic and very strange languages like
Cantonese, although had no idea how or why. But by the
time had discovered Russian for myself, my mother could
barely read the alphabet at that point, so no longer turned
to her for help to fulfill my own curiosity in language.
My stepfather was and still is a mystery: a serious man of
a few strict words or none at all. But passively, learned a
great deal from him. still have no idea about his language
abilities. do know he kept cross-reference dictionaries for
more than a dozen languages, and once, and only once,
on one of the rare occasions that was out alone with him
shopping in a German supermarket, did hear him carry
out a full conversation in fluent German with a clerk. And
the clerk obviously had no idea he wasn't German.
Suddenly, had another eye-opening moment. Here was a
man who didn't mind being with my eccentric mother and
yet he could be a local when he wanted to be. Here was
with my identity crisis, and learned that maybe it's okay to
appear foreign all the time and then use the language to
your advantage, because you can be a local unbeknownst
to the locals themselves.
We lived for many years in Germany at a very small
location called Bad Aibling (Mietraching to be exact) in
Southern Bavaria (Oberbayern) within sight of the Alps
and the Austrian border and not very far from Chiemsee
resort, which 'm sure most Germans are familiar with. The
location is about halfway between Munich and Salzburg,
so 've spent a lot of time in both cities. My bedroom
window faced Wendelstein, a 1848-meter tall mountain
that we climbed every year. attended high school at the
DoDDS Bad Aibling High School. grew up with full
exposure to this Maibaum culture, Bavarian Freistaat
pride, and above all, the Bavarian language with frequent
exposure to its Tyrolisch variant in Austria.
Although the US government has pulled out of the place, if
you were to visit it today, provided they still stand, you
would see over a dozen house-sized white balls called
radomes and satellite antennas littering the fields next to
Mietraching where the US intelligence, military and
security agencies (and many contractors) did espionage
and surveillance of Eastern Europe during the Cold War.
Menwith Hill was (is) the same way but was much too
young to remember it clearly.
Due to his job and security, my stepfather was a bit limited
with where he could travel with us as a family. After 1991
took a lot of weekend trips with my mother to various
eastern European countries. By the time was a teenager
and she realized our interests were different she let me
run off and do my own thing while she basically just
shopped as a tourist. really enjoyed this and instead of
visiting museums anymore, started to try and interact
with people met wherever was. Aside from some school
trips like the week-long Model United Nations in the
Hague, rarely traveled to western or northern Europe,
and as a result 've had very little exposure to French or
Swedish. have to say was exposed to Czech quite a bit
but by the time left Europe French was still a much easier
language for me to understand than Czech. Other than
Russian, the only other eastern European languages
learned to speak a bit of were Hungarian, Romanian,
Slovene and Croatian. My abilities in these languages
have changed quite a lot since then.
Exposure as a ChiId to ProfessionaI Linguists and
Training MateriaIs
Around the age of eight, on weekends my mother would
drop me off at the library on the American base while she
ran errands. Since this was an installation used primarily
by intelligence, military and security personnel (and the
civilian families) would say had a rather unique
experience in what was exposed to from a young age.
Although language was only one of many interests, here
not only was exposed to a huge variety of foreign
language training resources but also met some very
fascinating people, including linguists and polyglots. At the
time was completely unaware of what these people did
for a living and didn't know there was such a thing as a
linguist. For all knew, everybody was a soldier who
jogged around the base everyday, and that was about it.
So didn't ask any sensitive questions, but did ask a lot
about those languages and got a lot of answers.
couldn't understand how anybody could master something
like Arabic, but somebody laid it out to me how it might be
accomplished using these resources.
Over the years learned a fascinating amount of
information from the base libraries as they applied to the
professions of the people who worked there. would say it
was another education aside from what was learning in
When think back to what was actually looking at at the
time was probably the FS and DL programs themselves,
and remember seeing all the tapes too. My mother
wouldn't let me check them out or use them, because "
didn't know what was getting myself into" (or maybe us
kids couldn't be checking out materials that were
supposed to be used by the military personnel), but books
with other scripts or what not were okay, especially
Egyptian hieroglyphics, which pored over and loved.
remember a particular library where discovered a rather
large collection of American ndian language material. 'm
tempted to say it was at the Augsburg base, but can't
recall how actually got to that library. Anyway, spent a
whole day in there looking at their extensive language
collection, emerging almost awe-struck from what had
been exposed to. Unfortunately, never had a chance to
remember arriving in Germany. asked my parents,
inquisitively, "When am going to learn German?" and
said should get a book right away. They discouraged me
by saying "you can't learn a language from a book -- you're
going to pronounce everything wrong". But 'm glad they
said that because it made me more aware that the writing
perhaps had little to do with the way it was really
pronounced. Or perhaps they understood my personality
and knew that when was told couldn't do something
became determined to find a way on my own in the end.
When figured out the "code" --which was really the
phonological system and their written equivalents, books
were a huge resource, and could prepare "conversations"
at home a half hour before actually went out and had
them. learned to anticipate what would need to say for
the day and learned to speak a language pretty quickly
this way and continued to use this method for many years.
f my parents hadn't told me that, may have fallen into
that very trap of pronouncing everything incorrectly. Ever
since then, place huge emphasis on getting the sounds
of a language correct right from the beginning. have a
good enough ear that can catch my mistakes when 'm
speaking and usually correct myself on the spot and
repeat it correctly.
At a young age had witnessed a piano player performing
live in a shopping center and thought it was amazing.
thought music was so mysterious, much in the same way
was in awe with languages, but here was somebody who
had some kind of power over music, and could create
amazing sounds at his fingertips. wanted to be able to do
that someday so badly that that one memory followed me
for the rest of my life.
Music and More Exposure to Languages
told my parents had wanted to learn the piano, but they
were against the idea for several reasons, think mainly
because it would have meant having to invest in buying a
piano that they were not keen on moving or selling,
especially if were to give the whole idea up. don't think
they were keen on the idea of having to hire a private
teacher either. But since wanted this so badly, it became
a challenge that overcame using a variety of methods (
found pianos at school or churches that could use).
eventually got good at piano and at one point intended to
make a career out of it.
Nevertheless, tackling challenging music on the piano
remains a very important part of my lifestyle today, much
like the role languages do. More importantly, as a student
the conservatories and music schools brought me together
with other musicians who were also polyglots and gave me
the opportunity to travel more and use a variety of
languages. learned a lot of invaluable things from the
interactions had there and learning music itself greatly
improved my ability to learn foreign languages--they play
hand in hand so to speak (hmm, that's punny).
n high school recall one particular weekend when was
on my way home from the conservatory in Munich where
went every weekend for piano class. The advantage of
living in Munich, at the crossroads of central Europe, was
that was exposed to the most linguistic variation would
probably ever be exposed to. This was just after the Cold
War, so there were lots of eastern Europeans coming
through as well.
was on the S-Bahn heading out to Kreuzstrae (cross-
street), where 'd have to transfer to the regular train.
Sitting opposite me on the train were two blokes speaking
some mysterious Fremdsprache. sat there for a long time
and couldn't put my finger on what it was. Now if it were
something like getting Slovak confused with Czech or
Polish, could forgive myself for that. But this was not
Slavic, it was not Hungarian or Romanian, and 'd probably
be able to tell if it were Greek. t wasn't north or west
European, so gave up. Although they looked rather
intimidating politely asked and the response got was
Albanian. Another eye-opener for me.
That was a reclusive country and this was the first time 'd
ever met anybody from Albania. For having seen as much
of eastern Europe as had, this was as mysterious as the
interior of China for all cared. But thought that must
have unknowingly encountered Albanians during our stay
in taly before and just didn't realize that what had been
hearing had actually been Albanian (in fact, was to meet
many more Albanians after this encounter, mostly in taly).
But here they were, these exotic and unidentifiable
sounds, now labeled and categorized in my mind as
Identity and SociaI Interaction
Just a few weeks ago ran into a former classmate of
mine with some other friends, and she's now a performing
artist, composer, and writer for a music magazine. t's
always an exciting thing to meet somebody in this way
after so many years. f you live a life like 've had, it seems
that between the countries and the people that become a
part of your life, every step of the way has been so
separate and distinct from every other that they could have
been mere dreams of a past life especially since most of
these events originate from a time before emails and the
internet. was not a social child with a circle of friends, and
every move only exacerbated this lonely existence, or
likewise enhanced my ability to attain satisfaction in
independence alone with my languages and music.
After growing up have seldom seen or talked to family
members. My parents moved back to the US when went
off to university. My mother divorced shortly thereafter and,
sadly, never saw or heard from my stepfather again
(even though this was the father figure grew up with).
One can only assume he is an elusive fellow.
am a product of the circumstances that my family
created, so don't feel there's anything wrong with the way
live my life. However, usually stay extremely low key
about it all so 'm taking a big step actually coming out and
writing about it here. 've thought about going back and
trying to re-establish normal relations with my family and
living where they live, but 've discovered really dislike
living an American lifestyle, and prefer to experience it only
as a visitor. Every time return to the United States, all
see is an incredible and distasteful amount of consumption
everywhere--aren't waistlines proof? For a country that
sounds like it's taking green seriously and making cuts on
the use of natural resources, just think that people were
born and raised to live like this and nothing is or can be
changed much in that regard, much the same way have a
hard time changing as an adult from the way grew up.
People are comfortable with what they grew up with.
don't feel normal in America, as everything really still is
very different from how 've lived everywhere else. And 'd
rather live in a place where 'm readily acknowledged as
different, and so perhaps that's why feel comfortable
enough living in Asia: live for the challenge to become a
local, but lavish in the feeling of always being different,
and can't dislike the fact that the attitudes towards my
difference are almost always positive.
Memory and How We Remember
My sisters all have children now. Some of them have
moved to far away states now, so some of the only
memories that have of them are when they were children,
mostly under the age of 10. n fact those were the last
pictures had of them, as didn't see them grow up.
remember seeing one of my sisters a few years ago --
one moment remember her as a spoiled child full of
temper tantrums, the next moment 'm watching her as a
well-articulated, responsible adult and mother; and with
her husband -- as if were meeting a "person" for the first
time, and that little girl that remember was somebody
entirely different (or just a fragment of my imagination), as
there is no connection between the two events. The
contrast couldn't be greater. So for them, am that "long-
lost" big brother and uncle who speaks a gazillion
languages, traipsing through the jungles of Asia and
hanging out with indigenous tribes.
When returned to San Jos and drove around town with
my father, memories came flooding back into my head.
had been back to San Jos many times as a child, but
each time was only a window, or a glimpse of a moment in
time, frozen in my mind, as if were a time traveler; but
many of these shared memories and occurrences that
witnessed were completely lost in the flow of time for the
rest of the family. Everybody else was living in the current
reality, of events building upon events month after month,
year after year, and my reality was completely different
and wanted to know, 'so what's happened in your life
over the last 15 years?' or 'so what was high school like?',
and that's just an absurd thing to ask. Where everybody
else saw freeways or shopping centers that they've used
for more than 15 years, these didn't even exist in my
reality, and some of my more indelible memories are only
fragments in the flow of my father's memories.
can imagine what it must be like for an immigrant family,
who may someday, maybe 50 or 60 years later, return to
the place of their childhood for a visit. 'm only half that
age, but can already feel that kind of nostalgia. magine
returning only to find upon visiting that their memories
barely line up with the reality of everybody else in the
contemporary. As if your memories stay frozen in time
from a bygone era that few, if any, can validate. The only
thing (and perhaps people) you feel you can connect to
simply doesn't exist anymore, something that has
disappeared with the passing of time. This is why the
memories of running through the stone hallways of a
schoolhouse predating the computer era seem as if they
belong to a previous life, considering how young am. t's
hard to fathom how we lived our lives without computers.
But here's another discovery made about our memories.
Many of our memories are forgotten, or just buried under
too much stuff in our heads. Like an overfilled hard-drive
where you can't find your files anymore. Part of the reason
for this is due to living in one location your whole life--
where each experience at that particular location may
overlap or erase other experiences you had at the same
location before. shouldn't say erase, but it becomes
increasingly difficult to distinguish in which year a
particular event happened.
Let's say you have fond memories of a camping trip with
your family, but it was something you did every year at the
same location. f there was an accident or a funny event or
some other indelible memory from one of those years,
would that memory get confused with other events that
happened at separate times, or does it remain completely
distinct to that particular year? Most people would confuse
that memory or blend it with events from neighboring
years. But do remember those trips and we didn't do the
same trip every time visited, so if were to return to those
locations 'm sure 'd remember some very exact events
and details especially what year it was. But for me it
seems that the location is required in order to recall the
Because of the constant disruptions and uprooting
throughout my life, the memories get to keep don't blend
with previous or later years so can maintain clear
memories from almost every month of every year
depending on where was. My memories of returning to
San Jos may to some extent blur from one year to the
next unless specifically remember the size or age of my
siblings when that memory occurred. But it seems that
can also remember specific events from as early as my
first birthday.
'd like to talk more about memory and its relation to
language learning and what my Russian piano instructor
taught me. 've done a lot more extensive tests on memory
in the past few years with my Chinese students of English
and intend to do extend this research for my PhD.
Exposure to Asian Languages
left the United States after university and 've been in
Asia ever since. t feels like only just arrived in Asia, but
've now lived here longer than anywhere else ever lived.
While still in university in the United States took lessons
from a private tutor in Vietnamese, tried learning Japanese
on my own, and had a Korean girlfriend for a while. For
school credit could only take one foreign language class
per semester, which happened to be Russian, as the
foreign languages were offered at exactly the same time in
the weekly schedule. Have you noticed that up to this point
seemed to be avoiding Chinese? Something in the back
of my mind was telling me that wasn't ready for it or that it
was just too much of an effort.
But other things kept nagging me and were consistently
pointing me in the direction of Chinese. First, couldn't
help but notice lots of cognates in Korean, Japanese and
Vietnamese that were undoubtedly Chinese loanwords.
Second, in my linguistics studies was very fascinated
with language change and development over time
(historical linguistics), phonological change (as was
already familiar with European languages and was now
discovering existed in the Sinoxenic languages), and
dialectology. What was pointing me in the direction of
Chinese here was the question of what was language and
what was dialect. Was Chinese just a collection of
dialects? Or were there a bunch of languages? Could it be
measured? And so my interest in Russian and other
European languages had just about dwindled and had
decided that not only had to master Chinese and find all
that could about this situation, but was determined to
research the dialect situation as well.
Chinese DiaIect and the Question of MutuaI
(Note, all pinyin text here is written in Campbell Universal
Pinyin. The original article can be found at )
The question of dialect as it applies to the Sinitic
languages has long confounded the linguist and layman
alike due to a mismatch of translated terminology and the
semantics of which have created dichotomous attitudes
towards the definition of language and dialect. n the first
half of this paper, define the terms accent, dialect and
language, and go on to propose a more accurate
translation of the mistranslated term 'dialect' from Chinese;
in the second half deal with the problems that exist in
determining mutual intelligibility and its impact on
language and dialect.
A language barrier can be determined when the speech of
two locations differs significantly enough in lexicon,
phonology, grammar, and syntax to render it impossible for
intercommunication. A dialect is assumed by many to be a
different form of speech that is more or less still
comprehensible. have found that monolingual English
speakers have quite a different attitude towards the
definition of dialect than do speakers of many other
languages partly due to the fact that the amount of
variation within English is far less than that of other
languages. On the contrary, have found in terms of
attitude that English speakers have a far greater tolerance
of foreign accents than many other languages can tolerate
due to its prominent use in the world. would postulate
that the some of the greatest deviation we find in English
are merely in terms of 'accent' rather than 'dialect'.
Dialects actually demonstrate slight differences in the four
factors listed above, and although there are some varieties
of English on the British sles that differ in lexicon and
phonology, few if any demonstrate deviations in grammar
or syntax.
So if any of these four factors are similar in any way, we
run into problems in determining whether the two forms of
speech are accent, dialect, or language.
We normally refer to an accent because of the way it
sounds. 've heard people refer to them: the Hoosier
accent, the Jersey accent, the New York accent, the
Cockney accent, the rish accent, the Scottish accent, etc.
But 've never heard them referred to as dialect. Upon
closer examination, what really does differ in these so-
called accents? There is for one, a phonological deviation
that creates that perceived change in sound or twang we
hear. Among American accents, phonological changes
typically manifest in vowels, however on the British sles
accents not only differ in vowels but also in the amount of
aspiration of consonants and particularly in the amount of
use of glottal stops. n American accents, glottal stops only
manifest from the letter t whereas in some British
accents, they manifest from letters k and p as well
(Andrew Spencer, 1996: Phonology, Blackwell Publishers,
Oxford; see Chapters 67: Postlexical Processes in
English, Stress and Rhythm). Another marked difference
among English accents is the use of intonation and
prosody (in Chinese we strictly refer to a strict tonal
system as not much study has been given to prosody in
Chineseyet). As a fluent speaker of both English and
Chinese know that tone plays an equally important role in
both languages and that certain expressions in English
cannot be expressed accurately without the right tone.
American accents tend to be spoken with a lower register
and prosody than that found in British accents. ntonation
across the sentence also occurs in different places.
The greatest deviation have found within English is
perhaps Scots. n fact, it is known that the development of
Scots from Anglo-Saxon happened independently from
that of English and since there are so many similarities
have a question of whether English directly influenced
Scots. Scots reminds me in some ways of how Bavarian is
to German, a dialect speak. There are some
grammatical, phonological, lexical, syntactic and tonal
differences in Scots. But the language by and large is the
same as English. Suffice it to say, this deserves dialect
nomination, but not language. t would take an English
speaker (for example, an American) a few hours to a few
days to accustom their ear to Scots requiring explanation
of particular words or phrases to help one's progress.
Accents are prevalent everywhere and in every widely
spoken language. The differences are primarily
phonological in nature encompassing mostly changes in
vowels, with few differences in consonants, but marked
differences in prosody and tone. But from the typical
speaker of a language, all else held constant prosody
and tonaI changes do not affect comprehension.
Vowels only affect comprehension slightly but changes in
consonants can start to distort comprehension to some
degree. One important note about attitudes here: some
groups of people are discriminated against by their accent
or the way they speak, in other words, an attitude has
developed which really has nothing to do with
comprehension. As long as these two groups of people
have had extensive exposure then they can comprehend
each other.
Dialects, on the other hand, are the same language by
sharing the same structure in grammar and lexicon with
few differences, but the phonology is markedly different
and some of the syntax may differ. We find an example of
this in European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese, a
language speak. The phonology is markedly different in
these two varieties and there are some syntactic
differences, particularly with pronouns. t is interesting to
note that comprehension of Brazilian Portuguese accents
is much easier than that of European Portuguese accents.
Fortunately for us, there are many skilled and professional
linguists in China that have worked out the linguistic
taxonomy of the dialects. have read a great deal of this
literature and even if attempted to prove that one
particular topolect has been classified incorrectly, would
come under heavy criticism and sufficient examples would
be required to support such a claim. Linguistics is a
mature field and western linguists should put their trust
into the scholarly works that Chinese linguists have
produced over the last three decades, particularly the
newest findings of the last decadeChinese publications
outnumber western language publications on the subject
by at least a thousandfold. do not take any of my
research from secondary sources published in the west
but directly from the publications and findings of Chinese
linguists in the field am only providing a gateway to the
research that is out of reach to linguists who are not
literate in Chinese.
The speech of each location in China differs from each
other slightly: many locations can be grouped together
based on shared similarities (dialects) which can in turn be
grouped together with other regional variants into
individual languages.
The layman, either living within or outside China, usually
refers to the speech of each location as a dialect. The
confusion arises partly due to the semantics of the
Chinese word BCfangyan and the English word dialect.
Linguists have found that within the Hn (Chinese)
population, the various forms of speech can be subdivided
into separate Chinese languages. The reason for the
discrepancy is that in Chinese all languages and dialects
are called fangyan, which translates commonly as dialect
(for the layman), but technically as topolect in English.
'Topolect' does not refer to a linguistic classification;
instead it merely has a geographical reference, closely
resembling the Chinese meaning of fangyan. We can
describe a topolect as a form of speech spoken in one
particular location. The Chinese fang refers to location
(topo-), and yan to speech (-lect). So, fangyan is neither
language nor dialect.
The use of the terms fangyan or dialect creates another
kind of confusion regarding intelligibility. People who grow
up in an area where several languages or dialects are
spoken by different groups of people actually learn to
understand these other languages and dialects through
constant exposure. This has nothing to do with mutual
intelligibility but rather with exposure and/or use of that
language. As an example, somebody who speaks one of
those languages but who comes from a different area of
the country will not understand any of the other local
languages due to lack of exposure. But as exposure to the
varieties increases, so decreases the communication
We can find many examples around the world where
language and dialect are blurred. f one follows the dialect
continuum from Germany to the Netherlands where
German and Dutch are spoken respectively, one will find
that each village can communicate with the next. But when
you come to the end and compare that topolect with the
one where you started, you will find two separate
languages, however by my definition above perhaps these
are still just dialects of the same Sprachraum.
n some countries there are different names for the
dialects spoken there and so they might even be given
language status. Many of the Slavic languages of Eastern
Europe maintain various levels of intelligibility with each
other, while each one of them claim language status. By
my definition above, Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian are
dialects of a Serbocroatian Sprachraum.
Mutual intelligibility cannot really be measured in terms of
percentage for the following reasons. f Speaker A says
something to Speaker B and their respective forms of
speech are different, they will not understand each other.
But this has nothing to do with determining the relationship
of these two speakers' speechforms. The chance of
Speaker B understanding Speaker A is greatly reduced if
only one part of the sentence is not understood. This
happens even between speakers of the exact same
speech form. For example, how many times have you not
understood a friend or family member just because you
missed part of the sentence? Comprehension declines
rapidly to zero with just a few missing parts.
When Speaker B hears the different speechform of
Speaker A and recognizes his speech and has heard it a
lot before, Speaker B now has a choice upon which
determines his ability to understand: 1. recognize this
speechform but think speakers of the speechform are low
class (or don't like them and don't want anything to do
with them), so don't want to understand Speaker A; 2.
recognize this speechform, although can't speak it, want
to understand it and communicate because of its business
potential and prestige, so will attempt communication
with Speaker A.
Our abiIity to understand another diaIect IargeIy
depends on our exposure to it, and our socioIinguistic
attitudes towards the speechform.
f we've never been exposed to it, even though it is similar,
we will lack vital information and our ability to understand it
will decline rapidly to zero, regardless of our sociolinguistic
attitude. Attempts to listen carefully and decode the
speech will quickly increase our ability at mutual
intelligibility with the speaker.
This leads to my next point: any percentage applied to
mutual intelligibility statistics should not be considered as
how much is understood, but rather how difficult it would
be to understand the form of speech. For example, two
speechforms that are rated at over 90% mutually
intelligible does not mean they will be understood upon
first encounter, however it does mean that because of their
90% similarity, they can be learned almost by ear with
great ease. Falling below 90% but above 75% would
require a much longer period of exposure and maybe even
some proactive study. n this range, one would have to
learn to speak like the others in order to be understood
especially if they have had little exposure to your own
This has been misinterpreted many times and it is
important to point out the fact that mutuaI inteIIigibiIity
statistics onIy indicate the distance and the amount of
work required to understand another speechform, not
how much can be understood on first encounter.
Throughout history Chinese has been recorded in
dictionaries, not by individual words of several characters
but rather by individual characters themselves. This has
lead to some misunderstanding regarding the lexical
structure of the language. Chinese actually does not differ
much from English in terms of lexical structure, but
because English has impure etymology and its history
complex it does Chinese justice to make the comparison
with Latin which is purer in form. n Latin all roots have a
specific meaning, whether in isolation or combined
together in a word. The same holds true with Chinese
characters: these characters are the roots and building
blocks for larger 'words'. n European languages, our roots
fuse together undergoing morphophonological changes
making it a little harder to identify underlying roots. This
does not occur in Chinese, however there is a large
number of semantically similar roots in Chinese from
which words are constructed and that occur between
topolects. For example, topolects A, B, and C each have
roots a, b, and c, as follows:
A: a, b, c
B: a, b, c
C: a, b, c
Furthermore, these roots can be attached to roots d and e.
However, the way they attach could be different in each
topolect as follows:
A: ad, be
B: cd, ce
C: bd, ad, ce
The chance of topolect A understanding the words of
topolects B and C diminishes greatly and vice versa,
despite all three sharing the same roots.
For example, each topolect shares the following roots: D
(a), E(b), F(c), G(d). To say the word "drive a car (a/b/c
+ d), many topolects can say " DG (ad) and it's even
possible to say " EFG (bcd) but in some, you'll find "F
G (cd) (in Cantonese, Southern Min, and Hakka) or "E
G (bd) (in Gan); of course in each case these roots take
on their own pronunciations which 'll demonstrate below.
So although Cantonese, Hakka, and Southern Min share
" FG (cd) you'll find "saiqia (cd) in Taipei Southern Min,
"siche (cd) in Guangzhou Cantonese, and "sca (cd) in
Meixian Hakka. Here are the examples laid out below:
D(a), E(b), F(c), G(d)
Taipei Southern Min: FG(cd) saiqia
Guangzhou Cantonese: FG(cd) siche
Meixian Hakka: FG(cd) sca
Likewise, Mandarin has "kaich, Wu has "keco, Xiang
has "kaic, Gan also has "kaica, Southern Min also has
"kuiqia, Cantonese also has "hiche, and Northern Min
has "kyeqia as laid out below:
D(a), E(b), F(c), G(d)
Mandarin: DG(ad) kaich
Wu: DG(ad) keco
Xiang: DG(ad) kaic
Gan: DG(ad) kaica
Southern Min: DG(ad) kuiqia
Cantonese: DG(ad) hiche
Northern Min: DG(ad) kyeqia
Likewise, monosyllabic verbs such as H, I, J, K, L, M,
N, Oetc. all have the semantic of "throw and all are most
likely understood by each topolect speaker, however, they
are not all interchangeable for every situation and some
topolects use one term universally in discourse over all
others. Other topolects use a specific word for a specific
situation. And so it is easy to see how confusion can arise
despite the similarities that exist on a lexical level.
The two same roots could be reversed in another topolect
in turn creating unintelligibility. Take for example ' PQ to
like'. Rand STcan also be understood as 'like' though
not commonly used in Mandarin. As in Mandarin, Xiang
says xihoN and Northern Min says hihung. n Northern
Wu (Shanghai) we have a reversal: QP(huxi), but not in
Southern Wu (Wenzhou): sx PQ. Gan says fnxi,
Cantonese funhei, Eastern Min huang-ngi, Southern Min
(Chaozhou) says huannhi, this one not to be confused with
other Southern Min areas where the same word huaNhi
means 'happy' and where ' R ai' is more commonly used
to mean 'to like'. lay out these examples below for easier
to like: PQ(ab), R(c), ST(de)
Mandarin: PQ(ab) xihuan, R(c) ai, ST(de) zhongyi
Xiang: PQ(ab) xihoN
Gan: QP(ba) fnxi
Shanghai Northern Wu: QP(ba) huxi
Wenzhou Southern Wu: PQ(ab) sx
Northern Min: PQ(ab) hihung
Eastern Min: QP(ba) huang-ngi
Southern Min: non-cognate: gah-yi, R(c) ai, but QP(ba)
huannhi = happy
Chaozhou Southern Min: QP(ba) huannhi
Hakka: ST(de) zungyi
Cantonese: QP(ba) funhei, ST(de) zhungyi
find it of particular interest from the above data that the
onset consonant of Q(b) hu labializes to f in Gan but
palatalizes to in Wenzhou Southern Wu and remains U
unchanged in the others.
Many researchers have done analysis of sound
correspondences between Chinese characters to try and
establish a level of mutual intelligibility between topolects.
However, this approach leads to many mistakes of our
understanding of mutual intelligibility and from such an
elementary investigation this gives us the false notion that
intelligibility is possible between these languages. Since
'm writing for an English-speaking audience, let's take
some examples from western languages: Latin has the
prefix 'per-' and so does English. But was it borrowed? Or
does English have its own native form of 'per-' or a
cognate that developed individually from the Latin? Yes, it
is 'for-' as in 'forgiven'. We can see that phonologically
'per' and 'for' are obviously similar and upon further study
come from the same source. However, for the lay person
or typical user of the language this is not immediately
obvious at all. Nor is the Latinate cognate 'perdonare'
(where don=give) noticeably similar to the English 'forgive',
which in turn gives rise to the English loan 'pardon'. Even
knowledge of this fact will not help an English speaker
understand the more common Latin word 'ignosco'
meaning 'forgive'. Just as an English speaker will fail to
identify the cognate or mutually understand 'pardon' with
'forgive', one will again also fail to identify the underlying
cognate roots in such word-pairs as 'drag' and 'train', or
'reign' and 'royal'. And these are just examples from within
English. Because of the great number of sound changes
possible over time and between European languages, it's
easy to see how these words have changed a great deal.
n Chinese, however, roots are very seldom borrowed from
other topolects. Normally, if one topolect shares the roots
of another topolect and wants to borrow a word, the word's
roots are "translated into the local topolect's
pronunciation. This can easily be seen in placenames:
Hkjiu in Eastern Min is pronounced Fuzhou in Mandarin.
When roots are borrowed from other topolects, a second
strata appears in the language. This is common in
Southern Min where an older pronunciation of all roots
exist as common colloquial pronunciations, and later a
more northern pronunciation (Tng and Wnyn readings)
is borrowed into the language creating for many common
roots two separate pronunciations. This is quite similar to
what has happened in English with original Anglo-Saxon or
Germanic roots and incoming Latin and French
The real question is, what do we measure to determine
mutual intelligibility? Several factors must be considered:
1. Lexical (common use of common roots)
2. Phonological (specifically, how deviant the sound
correspondences are)
3. Syntactic
4. Grammatic (for example verb constructions)
5. Sociolinguistic factors: geography, business, exposure
and attitudes
f topolect A has only one lexical item, and topolect B has
the choice of two lexical items, this greatly diminishes
intelligibility if speaker B chose to use the other word. n all
other cases where phonological and syntactic conditions
are constant, speaker A should be able to understand
speaker B.
We can single out such a constant in the following
example from English. Studies on learners of English as a
foreign language show that they possess greatly reduced
comprehension of phrasal verbs in comparison with
Latinate-based vocabulary, for example: 'to challenge' is
more easily understood than 'to take sb/sth on' for which
the opposite is true for native English-speaking children. A
simple explanation for this is that native speakers prefer to
use phrasal verbs in speech which are rarely accounted
for in dictionaries and not considered as proper speech.
Further examination shows that phrasal verbs in English
discourse are complex in nature and can be further divided
into separable, inseparable, or both. Textbooks that teach
English as a foreign language rarely teach these phrasal
verb forms resulting in a great loss of intelligibility on part
of the English learner. The problem does not lie in the
understanding of individual lexemes "take and "on but
rather in their combined form meaning "to challenge.
There are other lexical changes apparent among Chinese
topolects and an example of this is the swapping of
different noun endings (for example -z becoming -tou, -a,
-lei, -zai, etc). n the southern Sinitic languages there is
significant borrowing of monosyllabic verbs from Zhuang
and other minority languages which enriches the number
of lexemes possible in productive constructions.
1. Prosody and tonal changes do not affect
comprehension as long as they are not uttered in isolation.
As a language changes over time or comparing from
location to location, these are the first things to give way.
2. Vowels change easily but stay within their general
areas, for example front vowels rarely change into back
vowels. There are four grades of rhymes (the part of the
syllable minus the onset consonant including glides,
vowels and codas) which start with no glide, Y-glide, W-
glide, and -glide and these remain relatively constant
throughout the Sinitic languages.
3. Consonants: Aspiration and voicing are the easiest to
change. Next are general changes such as palatalization,
frication, labialization, velarization, etc. These kinds of
changes affect comprehension considerably as
demonstrated in the "like examples above.
Syntactic differences can be confusing to the listener
especially if phonological changes are involved as well. f
speaker A encounters speaker B where both A and B
belong to the same language and dialect, syntactic
differences will be understood. f A and B belong to the
same language but different dialect and the syntax is the
same, everything else except phonology being constant,
they will be understood. However, in this case, if the
syntax is different, they will not be understood.
Let's do a cross examination of one sentence in various
Chinese topolects: Give me a book ( VWXYZV-PRON-
NUM-M-N) where V=Verb, PRON=Pronoun,
NUM=Number, M=Measure, N=Noun, DAT=dative/indirect
object. (All spellings using my Campbell Universal Pinyin
and recordings of each location below is available on the
Standard: VWXYZGei35 wo213 i55 bn213 shu55. V-
Jinan: V[YZGei55 ngaN beN55 shu213. V-PRON-M-
Zhengzhou: VWXY\ZGei24 wo53 i24 br53 shu24.
Wuhan: ]YZWBa42 bn42 x55 nguo42. V-M-N-
PRON. ]YZ^WBa42 bn42 x55 d nguo42. V-M-N-
Yinchuan: VVWXYZG53-g v53 i11 bng53 shu44.
Lanzhou: VWVXYZG53 v442 g442 i11 bNn442
rmqi: XYZGu51 i213 bng51 fu44. VPRON-NUM-
Pingyao: VWXYZJ53 ngi53 y'31 bng53 s31. V-
Suzhou: _WXYZB'5 ngu31 y'5 bn51 s33. V-
Northern Min
Jianou: `XYZaWNa42 zi42 bng21 s54 na24 w42.
Eastern Min
Fuzhou: ZbcYdWZ44 do53 (s)lo'32 (p)vuong32
k'23 nguai32. N-V-NUM-M-DAT-PRON
Southern Min
Xiamen: eWXYfH21 ggua55 zit21 bun55 ce'32.
DAT-PRON-NUM-M-N. fXYeWCe'32 zit21 bun55
h22 ggua. N-NUM-M-DAT-PRON
Taibei: gWXYZHo11 ggua44 zit44 bun44 zu44. DAT-
Shantou: hYZdWKio'2 bung24 z33 k'2 wa213. V-M-
Qiongwen Min
Haikou: iXYZjWo55 zziak3 'bbui213 du23 hu35
Meixian: kXYZk Bun35 it1 bun31 su44 bun35
ngai11. V-NUM-M-N-DAT-PRON
Taoyuan: k lYZBun24 ngai11 zrt2 bun31 shu24. V-
Guangzhou: mYZWBei35 bun35 s53 ng23. V-M-N-
Hong Kong: mYZWBei35 bun35 s55 ng13. V-M-N-
Here is an example of mutual intelligibility: As a speaker of
Southern Min (also known as Hokkien, Minnanhua,
Banlam-oe, Taiwanese, Amoy, Holo-oe), would easily
understand the Xiamen and Taibei examples above,
however would not understand the Shantou example
(spoken in neighboring Guangdong province). Although it
is very similar, believe would need to stay among the
Chaozhou or Shantou people for a few days to start to
understand their way of speaking. With more exposure, it
would be easier and easier to understand. As a Southern
Min speaker, the Eastern, Northern, and Qiongwen Min
examples above are completely unintelligible and although
similar would require much more exposure before 'd start
to understand.
During the process of mutual intelligibility, what would
have to happen in someone's head to really understand
some other speaker? Most importantly, they'd have to
identify with the syntax of the sentence as demonstrated in
the 19 examples above. f the listener is able to identify
that, for example, in Cantonese that the noun precedes
the pronoun in this case, then he is well on his way to
understanding this sentence. But more challenges lie
Next, the listener would have to identify the verb which
appears to be varying from language to language, and in
some cases disguising itself as a dative form, or appearing
in conjunction with a dative form. Now with the syntax out
of the way, the listener would have to identify the sound
changes in individual words such as the noun and the
pronoun. n the Sinitic languages the first-person pronoun
varies much less than the third-person pronoun so we
could create a lot more confusion with this sentence by
just altering the pronoun.
n this example, the "book is pretty much universal,
however if we were dealing with more complex vocabulary
made up of more than one root, we'd be facing different
orders of the roots or different choice of roots altogether
adding completely to the confusion. f the listener is able to
break through all these barriers or just guesses the right
meaning by pure luck, then shall shower him with praise.
Finally, the definition of dialect in the Chinese sense is
quite different from the English usage and it's better to use
"topolect instead to better represent the meaning of the
Chinese. n the English sense, it refers to two different
speech forms that can mutually understand each other.
Due to the large number of differences between the
Chinese topolects, we can arguably say they are not
dialects in the English sense of the word and furthermore
we can group similar topolects in an area into a language
group. But as demonstrated, some languages such as Wu
can vary significantly from north to south, and at the time
of writing no linguist categorizes Northern and Southern
Wu as separate languages although this is readily obvious
from as little the amount of data as presented in this
n order not to do this topic any further disservice, hereby
make an appeal to all of you not to refer to the Chinese
dialects as dialects any longer but rather as topolects or
languages instead. f others do not understand your use of
topolect then perhaps it's time you helped them add a
word to their idiolect. (Sources for this article available in
the original)
Taiwan is Great for Learning Chinese
'm often asked why came to Taiwan to learn Chinese.
Since had made up my mind, decided would learn
Chinese properly and that meant learning traditional
characters. did not feel psychologically ready to live in a
communist country and wanted to go to a place rich with
so-called Chinese dialects as well. Taiwan was also a
financially stable place where would be able to support
myself financially. The only reasonable destination was
Taiwan not to mention had already befriended some
Taiwanese friends in university and felt could meet up
with them when arrived.
But have since discovered even more reasons why
Taiwan is a good place for learning Chinese.
Everybody in Taiwan speaks standard Chinese as mother
language with the standard Ptnghu accent. Mainland
China however is a hodgepodge of different accents, and
one's personal accent is often different than the so-called
standard accent. Oftentimes you'll meet people you don't
understand at all even though they claim to speak
standard Ptnghuthe problem is their regional accent
but they'll understand you just fine.
Taiwan uses traditional characters, and knowledge of
these means you'll also pick up simplified characters very
easily. n fact, if you put all your effort into learning
simplified characters, you'll most likely get burned out and
will never be able to become proficient in traditional
characters at all. t's much harder if you learn simplified
characters first so don't recommend it.
The accent that Taiwanese have has prestige and sounds
"good almost everywhere in China because of Taiwanese
businessmen, TV shows, famous singers and actors, etc.
f you acquire this accent, you'll be easy to understand
wherever you go and people will like the soft way you
The Taiwanese are known for being successful
businesspeople. Learning to speak like people in Taiwan
gives you an advantage in business in Greater China and
opens many opportunities to work with management.
Oftentimes, establishing connections, or gunx, with
people in Taiwan means you'll have the resources to do all
kinds of business on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.
The Taiwan government has realized that it has to
compete against Mainland Chinese institutions to attract
foreign students to come. What this means is that if you'd
like to come to Taiwan there is all kinds of financial aid
available to you through the right channels. You can start
by requesting information from the Taiwan representative
office available in your country. Financial aid is given
priority to students who will complete their degrees at one
of the universities in Taiwan.
'd like to discuss Chinese characters for a moment here.
First 'd recommend to anybody who wants to acquire
Chinese that learning characters from the outset of your
studies is not recommended as a prerequisite to what you
are learning to say. What mean by this is that you should
not limit what you're learning to say by what you have
learned in characters, otherwise your learning will be
extremely slow. only recommend learning characters
separately, or in parallel with your speaking studies, but it
should not take priority over speaking. n the long run,
you're going to use your speaking and listening skills a
whole lot more than reading and writing. And even if you
do learn how to read Chinese fluently, it will still take you a
very long time to be able to read it at speed as you would
in your own language. t took me almost ten years to
acquire this ability--and not passively--but from constantly
reading texts aloud every day for ten years. So if you're
not putting in that kind of effort it will literally take you
decades to reach that kind of reading fluency. Think about
your goals in practical terms. s it worth trying to reach
reading fluency with speed, or is character recognition
Chinese characters are hard to learn, but with dedication
coupled with your acquired speaking ability, it's entirely
possible for an adult to have full character recognition in
just a couple years. Recognizing them is a lot easier than
writing them, and if you forget a character, you can always
access it through a handheld device like a cellphone by
typing its pronunciation.
believe that if you're going to learn Chinese, you might as
well become proficient in reading traditional characters,
which is one of the greatest reasons for coming to Taiwan
to learn. But also take the following into account:
Traditional characters use the original radicals
and phonetic compounds which get garbled and
can even distort meanings and etymologies in
simplified characters.
You can significantly boost your character
recognition with traditional characters, much
more efficiently than with simplified characters.
When you know traditional characters, learning
to read and recognize simplified characters is
easy. A few simple steps and you're done. The
opposite is impossible to do: learning traditional
characters after learning simplified could
actually triple the time required.
Traditional characters are more beautiful and
have a sense of completeness, in the words of
Chinese people themselves.
ProbIems with Learning Chinese
There are several linguistic tools that used in mastering
Chinese during my first year. overcame pronunciation
problems by using linguistics. And then there were the
characters, which took a more scientific approach to
My confusion over correct pronunciation resulted in a wide
range of pronunciations was hearing from native
speakers. First of all, didn't realize that not only did social
status have an effect, but the speaker's background and
mother languages also had an effect. preferred to use a
Latin-based system like pinyin which would save me time
in the long run. n Taiwan they were telling me about some
phonetic symbols as the answer and end-all to my
pronunciation conundrum. Since all Taiwanese were
required to learn them as children, everyone is adamant
about their effectiveness and they continue to hold a very
special place in everyone's heart. However, discovered
that it didn't matter if it were pinyin or phonetic symbols,
was still getting a wide range of pronunciations from
informants. My answers instead were to be found in some
linguistic publications found in bookstores that mapped
everything to the nternational Phonetic Alphabet, which of
course knew very well. was relieved to discover what
the real sounds were and couldn't believe had to go
through so much trouble just to find this out.
think that pinyin is still a good system, but the letters
have to be learned separately just as if you were learning
some eastern European language. For example was
surprised to learn that the letters 'p', 't', 'k' were always
aspirated and strong as in English, and that 'b', 'd', 'g' were
not voiced as in English but were rather unaspirated 'p', 't',
'k' as you find in many European languages or as in these
examples of English, the 'p' in "open, the t in "attic, the ck
in "backache (notice how these sound softer). Then there
were the confusing parts distinguishing between the
alveolopalatal and retroflex fricatives. But in every case
found that pinyin 'x', 'sh', and 's' were the base for building
three sounds in those series: 'x' / / to 'j' /t / to 'q' /t /, U U Un
'sh' / / to 'zh' /t / to 'ch' /t /, and 's' /s/ to 'z' /ts/ to 'c' /ts /. o o on n
The letter r ( ) of the retroflex series was the only voiced p
one found. But it was good to finally know that it was quite
different than a European or English 'r'. also found that
the way Taiwanese pronounced / /, /t /, and /t / on the o o on
surface were actually closer to , t, and t . n
The scientific approach used for conquering the
characters was that was increasingly finding that a great
number of characters were based on phonetic compounds
than any other kind. A curious statistic states that exactly
90% of all characters in Chinese are phonetic compounds.
was curious to find some lists of these phonetic
compounds. Since my linguistic pursuits had led me to
notice many references to Karlgren's publications,
decided it was time to find these publications and read
them myself. n fact, Karlgren undertook quite
comprehensive coverage of the phonetic compounds and
this itself played in part as one of the foundations of his
reconstruction of earlier spoken stages of Chinese. Since
was also intrigued and eventually wanted to research all of
this as well, felt that needed a strong understanding of
phonetic compounds and the historical development of
each character phonetically. could readily see that the
Cantonese pronunciations of characters often ended in
stop consonants but none did in Mandarin, so was
fascinated with how these sounds developed into the
various Chinese languages also leading to my gradual
acquisition of Taiwanese (Southern Min), Wu
(Shanghainese), and Hakka.
During my first year of Chinese study purchased both
Karlgren's Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino-
Japanese and Grammata Serica Recensa, both
published by SMC Publishing in Taipei, Taiwan (located
across the street from National Taiwan University). Both of
these were extremely valuable in my on-going acquisition
of Chinese characters. also picked up a remastered
Chinese-language version of the Karlgren with more
extensive indices and a copy of Karlgren's tudes which
can be found at the Linguistics library at Academia Sinica.
found limited use, albeit containing much extended range
of rare phonetics, in qrstuvwnXishng
books covering more of the historical development of
Chinese pronunciation throughout the various Chinese
languages: wtuxy RshngzJinln) covering the
phonetic development of all the characters ending in stop
consonants, z{|}~ HnyLshi
Ynynxu) Historical Chinese Phonology, qz{~
So to tackle the unique problems had with learning
Chinese in the beginning, which were phonology and the
immense number of characters, relied on a scientific
approach and at the same time learned more about the
language than ever could have from a mere language
course. This is something that would like to pass on to all
other linguists and polyglots who wish to achieve similar
results, no matter what the language is: be daring to ask
the right questions, and be willing to go out of your way to
discover the answers using a scientific method. As
mentioned before, just relying on the tales and
explanations of a few informants will not get you the
answers you desire.
Process of Learning Chinese
While learning Chinese also wanted to record my
progress in the language, especially with vocabulary and
characters and speaking ability, so took what thought at
the time to be meticulous records, although looking back
today think could have done a better job. And for all of
you who have sent me questions about how did this, here
are the results:
Since had been exposed to East Asian languages prior to
arrival, had already started learning Chinese characters.
But the way they're used in Japanese is quite different and
Chinese has a lot of other more common characters like
pronouns and grammatical words that aren't used in
Japanese at all. For learning the Chinese characters,
bought a book by Rita Mei-Wah Choy called Read and
Write Chinese. laud this book for many reasons:
A very good introduction on characters and
Traditional characters
Character strokes
Definition of character in English
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
Characters are listed by radical in the traditional
order, which meant that once got good at
finding characters in this simple handbook,
moving up to a harder or native dictionary was
pretty easy.
An index by Mandarin pinyin so could look up
characters by sound. However, since the
characters were not listed in the index it often
meant had to check each character until
found the one wanted, so avoided using this
index as much as could.
Best of all for my learning is that each character
has a star rating for frequency of use which
meant could focus on learning characters of
importance before moving on to less common
t also lists Cantonese pronunciation and has a
Cantonese index for all the characters which
found useful later on after having learned
Mandarin. But now use different dictionaries
altogether for Cantonese.
As used this dictionary, ticked off the characters as
learned them one by one and reviewed the whole book
every Sunday. f couldn't remember the pronunciation or
meaning of a character was reviewing would pull the
flash card (which used in combination) for review the
following week.
So when arrived in Taiwan knew at least 500
characters. Six months later it was Chinese New Year and
knew about 1500 characters, and that's when took off
traveling around Asia for about a month. came back and
continued studying and by summer knew about 3500
characters. By fall was up to 4500 or about what you
need to be considered "literate" in Chinese. now knew
more characters than would possibly need for any
conversation, so it was more or less a matter of improving
my vocabulary (i.e. character combinations).
n terms of speaking and listening, could only say basic
sentences in the first half year and couldn't understand
much of what heard. The hardest thing was because of a
low inventory of possible syllables in Mandarin, had to
determine which character every word was made up of in
order to determine the meaning. found myself constantly
asking for "what's the character for that" in order to
understand what was hearing. f didn't know the
character, knew it by the next day.
At about six months' exposure my speaking was already
reaching a good speed and rhythm although still had tone
problems and lacked a lot of expression. My last half year
after Chinese New Year took me to full expression ability
and to what felt was very solid fluency. n my second half
year had already started buying linguistics books written
in Chinese on phonology and Chinese dialects, and
pored over them and translated them and learned all
could about the situation. During this period also went
through several Business Chinese textbooks to learn more
diverse vocabulary.
At the end of my first year, returned to taly and Spain for
a few months and then returned to Taiwan in the winter
when started doing more and more translation. got a job
translating financial articles and various other translation
jobs and more or less built lots and lots of vocabulary by
translating lots of technical documents, legal documents,
technology manuals. t was only my second year but now
had a very strong foundation with most terminology found
in business settings. also bought a DK picture handbook
encyclopedia as found lacked lots of common
knowledge vocabulary like animals, physics, geography,
etc, as these kinds of words would want to use
occasionally in conversation.
During my second year, had been in a 100% Chinese-
speaking setting every day for every waking hour, or about
12-15 hours per day, or 100 hours a week, constant input
and constant confirmation of everything had learned up
to that point. was also doing lots of translation and forcing
myself to learn more and more. Whatever didn't
understand would spend asking people knew to make
sure got the absolute correct meaning out of it. got
about 5000 hours of Chinese use that year, and that
continued for the next four years, for a total of 20,000
hours of fluent Chinese use, not including the first year.
And another 10 years have almost passed as 'm writing
this with few breaks from Chinese in between then and
became aware of a book that came out called Sru
ZhngwnZp),ChineseEtymology, by Rick Harbaugh
who had studied at National Taiwan University. His
publication and the accompanying website,, seems to have become one of the
most popular among students learning Chinese. highly
recommend these resources.
At some point during that time did start reviewing and
practicing my European languages and learning more of
them. also started reviewing the Sinoxenic languages
and made trips abroad, but for the most part was focused
internally on the situation within Chinese. With my frequent
trips to China and Hong Kong was exposed to many
Chinese languages that 'd been researching and writing
about. My online resource for Chinese languages and
dialects became number one on Google and held that
place for eight years, even after Wikipedia copied and
(and ultimately expanded) on almost everything had
translated and put on my site. This site has since moved
and 'm working on building a database behind it which will
take more time to complete.
How Music HeIped Me DeveIop Language
did translation for about four years while teaching on the
side before started focusing on developing more efficient
language training programs. This is when started to learn
more and more languages to test effectiveness. also did
long-term studies on the acquisition process of my
students based on various methodologies and have
come to several conclusions, which found can
surprisingly even be applied to technology such as
machine translation (MT). For more information about this,
please see my article titled Sentence Databases: "Input"
for Artificial Intelligence as an Improved Machine
Translation Model, found here: .
One day discovered there was a link between what my
Russian piano professor taught me in how to remember
vast amounts of music. recall the time when walked into
my professor's class and felt frustrated by the amount of
work was putting into my music but only getting mediocre
results. asked him, haven't you heard of Godowsky and
how could he possibly have learned the whole piano
repertoire by the age of 25? --Memorized, no doubt.
mean, if you considered there were probably over 2000
pieces of music that had been written or worth learning to
play, not to mention that he had mastered all the most
technically challenging music up to that date, it just
seemed like an overwhelming impossibility.
My professor went on to describe that he had exceptional
memorization skills and practice routines, but that even
could train myself to do the same. So asked him to train
me and show me what was doing wrong.
What learned was that didn't really know how to
practice. 'd never had a previous teacher who had
actually sat down with me and teach me the proper
practice methods. All was ever told was to go home and
learn this piece and pay attention to this and that, etc. But
what my professor did was explain to me, in Russian, how
could practice a page of music in a certain way that
would enhance my technique at the same time as
enhancing my memory. And it seemed that all of this was
part of the Russian school. What and how practice the
first day will be adjusted slightly for the second day and
the third day and so on. But his point is that would have
to progress this practice routine every day for a week
without skipping a single day. He said the brain forgets
some things the next day that need to be solidified, and
the best way of doing that is getting back to them the next
day. He also explained that practicing the piano for four to
five hours a day was completely unnecessary if all 'm
doing is practicing the material he's given me. Accomplish
this task, and 'll give you a new challenge.
So, instead of always starting my music from the first
measure at the top of the first page, was now learning my
music from the ends of phrases and working forwards
adding notes and playing to the ends of phrases each
time. Not only did this eliminate awkward pauses and
breaks (that could become bad habits if practiced too often
that way), but my brain easily remembered the ending of
these phrases well enough that didn't have to keep
looking at the music. By the time got to the beginning of a
phrase, could just as well play it to the end almost
entirely from memory in only a few minutes of practice
time. ncredible, just as he'd said.
The basic skills of looking at the overall structure,
practicing and training the parts and putting them all
together, literally gave me a breakthrough in learning
everything else. By the time went to college felt was
armed with an arsenal of great learning techniques that 'd
acquired from my Russian professor. And undoubtedly
continued to use these techniques in acquiring foreign
Now skip ahead a few years when started to test
methodologies. t was now clear as day to me that most
classroom time was spent analyzing language rather than
training language, just as my Russian professor trained
me how to practice the piano. Understanding the structure
of things (like grammar, or a complete outline of a
particular science like biology) was a basic fundamental,
but had to keep in mind that language was a participatory
"sport not unlike playing the piano. t required the
movement of an important muscle, the tongue, and
required it to move in certain patterns with high accuracy
at high velocity, just like playing the piano.
So actually learning language was just like learning to play
the piano, or any sport. Sitting around analyzing it all your
life would never give you speaking ability or fluency. You'd
have to train, train, train. And took these daily practice
routines my professor gave me and started to apply them
as daily language training routines for my students. The
routines changed slightly daily to enhance the memory
and speaking ability.
Furthermore, contacted one of the leading experts on
memory, professor Alan Baddeley, and conducted more
and more tests based on his recommendations and
guidance. And got some impressive results. Before go
on, let me give you a little more background.
Effective Language Learning
Back in the 1960s, the U.S. government researched and
developed foreign language courses in about 60
languages based on effective language acquisition
methods, built specifically for government employees
dispatched around the world who had to learn a language
in a hurry. Languages most similar to English, for example
Germanic and Romance languages, could be taught much
quicker than others. Those languages with the largest
difference to English, non ndo-European, especially East
Asian languages, of course require the most amount of
Using the U.S. government's effective method of studying
these 60 languages, the amount of time required in
traditional methods, such as typical classrooms, could be
greatly reduced and are categorized as follows:
Category 1 (most similar languages): 600
hours of classroom study
Category 2 (more complex ndo-European
languages or genetically distant languages):
1100 hours
Category 3 (most difficult and distant
languages): 2200 hours
Students can undergo the government's language training
at the Defense Language nstitute located in Monterey,
Most language learners who attend classes, whether in or
outside of school, do not have teachers who underwent
some of the more efficient training methods for learning
languages. Many of these teachers probably learned
languages similarly to their students: going through a lot of
hard work, laborious homework, written tests, etc.
According to statistics, using inefficient classroom study
with the disruptions of students and the teacher's
classroom management, the amount of time required more
than doubles in comparison with more efficient methods.
With English and Chinese belonging to Category 3, you're
looking at at least 4,400 hours of classroom study before
you reach an ACTFL level 3 (not fluent, but proficient) in
the target language. And if you only do 2 hours of study a
week, it'll take you 44 years!!! No wonder it takes some
people a lifetime of study.
f you were to continue using traditional methods of study,
you'd find yourself investing huge amounts of time and
money just to get the job done, and there would be no
guarantee as to how long it would take you to achieve
People who are busy with their jobs, who have children,
and all the hassles of daily life have little more than 2
hours a week they can really get alone to spend on
studying a foreign language. Based on my experience 've
also seen a lot of people actually stop going to class
because they either can't keep up, or their life has become
too busy to keep the language study in their regular
schedule. t's a shame the amount of money wasted on
such programs with little or no results. The casual
language learner really has a dream just like anybody else
to someday speak this language, maybe just to impress
the people they know, but more importantly to open up
new opportunities for themselves and for that self-
achievement that we all desire.
Based on the way the brain works, there are two ways to
learn a language: broaden your knowledge (good for
paper tests) which means you can read, fill in grammar
exercises, etc. The other is to train your listening and
speaking, which is an ability completely different than
"knowledge. The point here is that babies are born
without knowledge and learn how to speak their mother
languages long before attending school and having any
knowledge. Babies don't need knowledge to speak.
Neither do we. t's just like any other skill like dancing,
playing music or sports, or riding a bicycle: you don't learn
it out of a book doing exercises on paper; you learn it by
Based on brain research in areas of long-term and working
memory, any language program that meets once a week,
or practiced once a week, is ineffective. Language has to
be learned intensively so that the new memories in the
brain are getting stimulated frequently enough to take root.
But by intensive don't mean you need to spend 10 hours
a day. We can take your typical 2-hour a week class and
stretch that out over several days so that you're spending
less time in each sitting but practicing more and learning
more in the long run. By spreading things out and teaching
one lesson slowly over several classes, you're stimulating
your memories more frequently, practicing your muscles
more frequently (the tongue), and slowly building to
conversational levels by reviewing the same material over
several sessions.
The drop-out rate of students in language programs is so
high, and most of the reasons point to an inability to
comprehend or a lack of practice of previous material. As
you learn new material, you don't want to have to be
searching in a dictionary for the words, you'd like to be told
what they are, and how to use them right then and there.
n fact, the teacher (if you have one) should make the
assumption that you're too busy to get homework done
between lessons, and be able to cue you in the right
places because the teacher knows from experience you'd
have remembered and what you'd have forgotten.
Through this constant cueing, reviewing, drilling and
practice, coupled with engaging and interesting mini
conversations, your speaking ability builds up little by little
through each session.
From recent discoveries in neurobiology we now have a
better understanding of the brain's functions, especially in
areas of memory, skills, and language acquisition. But
unlike other skills, language acquisition is natural for
humans and theoretically easier to learn than many other
kinds of skills. n the methodology that have developed,
make the following assumptions:
1. Since everybody speaks at least one language,
anybody can learn another language.
2. There is no "smart or "stupid in language learning and
teachers who claim their students are not smart enough
have failed to efficiently train the student. However, at the
other end of this 've noticed that smart students who think
too much about what they're doing tend to make more
speaking mistakes and end up with slower progress.
Saying "stupid things in another language can be fun
because we can learn to laugh at ourselves. t also helps
make the learning process more memorable. help act out
some students' "stupid mistakes too or anticipate their
thought processes, why? Because understand what the
student is going through to learn the language!
3. The most effective way to improve your foreign
language ability is to focus on enhancing your working
memory through actual use. do this through stimulating
the hippocampus on a regular basis (this builds listening
comprehension) and turning what your hippocampus has
recorded into memory into self-produced speech (building
your working memory and your speaking ability).
4. Our working memories are linked with our muscles: the
more we move our muscles the stronger those memories
get. Our tongue is required to move during language
learning or else we acquire no ability whatsoever. t is not
until these movements become so natural that we will no
longer have to "think about how to say things in the
foreign languageyou can just follow your tongue's natural
5. f you have the chance to use your language outside
with other people, try to anticipate the conversations
you're going to have with them. Prepare what you want to
say, do it over in your head on the way, then act it out in
person when you get there. One of my favorite things to do
was just go up to a clerk and ask about something you're
interested in seeing or buying. Have a conversation with
the clerk in the process, and by the end of the dialogue
you can just as easily say that wasn't what you were
looking for, or that's not what you had in mind, thanks for
your help anyway. Now if you go out on a Saturday or
Sunday, how many stores are there and how many times a
day can you do this? And how many interesting people
would you meet and how many conversations may have
developed because of it? The possibilities are endless and
this was one of my strongest methods in learning Chinese.
liken language learning to martial arts. Doing it is always
better than just reading about it. The advantage with
language is that you can learn it from books if you know
how to turn the written material into training routines. And
that is what you would have to do to become a polyglot or
else you would create quite a financial burden for yourself.
Take it from a friend of mine, Antonio Graceffo "The Monk
from Brooklyn (a published book), who has spent years
touring East and Southeast Asia learning every kind of
martial art out there and all the languages that come with
'm currently working on a publication under the working
title Foreign Language Training Martial Arts Guide which
goes into great detail on how to train yourself in a foreign
language. t covers both analytical and physical training.
The physical training discusses in detail the following:
different kinds of training schedules for different
kinds of people,
how to train people with different kinds of
personalities depending on their strengths and
weaknesses (handicaps),
how to acquire a language from a native
speaker who has no experience teaching it,
especially for unwritten languages,
covers about a hundred different training
methods and drills, how to carry them out with
examples from various languages,
dealing with particular details and how to fine-
tune yourself to notice those details,
how to become a language trainer and train
other teachers,
how to document languages and prepare
learning materials.
Whether you follow me from my membership sites, my
YouTube, Twitter or Facebook channels, you'll find out
about when this and any other book comes to publication.
Closing out these pages is this fantastic submission from
David James, the inventor of the Goldlist method, a
system which facilitates the placing of foreign language
vocabulary into the long-term memory. David is another
YouTube Polyglot who has become a good friend, and
have personally used Goldlist and profited from it. His
YouTube Channel has over 1000 videos, and his Russian
lessons, presented by his character Victor Huliganov, are
second to none. Read on, then visit his YouTube channel
The Pursuit of

My Life so far as a Linguist and
Accountant and How I Came to
Invent the GoIdIist Method

David J. James

0. Introduction
My internet buddy "Great Uncle Claude kindly invited me
to submit something for his forthcoming "Festschrift
fr die Philologie called at the moment the Polyglot
Project book. He suggested that might want to talk about
the Goldlist Method, a little invention of mine, which
facilitates language learning to the long-term memory, and
which is available on a series of YouTube videos on my
channel, which is,
as well as on t's also the subject
of its own forthcoming book.
Now, Claude has been kind enough in the past to
review this Goldlist method, and he gave it a public
recommendation on one of his films. However, since an
awful lot is already up online regarding what the method is
and how to go about making a Goldlist in practice, and
also there is a lot published on video by me about why it
works, thought 'd try and take a different angle for this
Polyglot Project book, rather than duplicate the same
things over and over. At the time of writing have the unfair
advantage of seeing from the published draft that some
people have already filed their submissions, and note
that there is quite a lot of personal background, in there, of
people who have become polyglots or who are well on the
way there, and the reasons why they did it and how they
went about it, what motivated them, etc. thought that
given that context, it might be a good thing to take this
opportunity to say a few things about my own history.
Now, initially was going to include this autobiographical
information in the book 'm writing on the Goldlist method
which is a work in progress, rather than encumber that
book with information about myself, which may be of very
limited interest to that audience. However, it seems to me
that a place where different polyglots are comparing their
histories of how they got interested in languages is a very
good place for this history to belong. So this will deal with
how became interested in languages and how it was that
was able to put together the different pieces of the jigsaw
in order to produce this method which seems to have
helped a good many people with dozens more starting to
use it every month.
A number of people who have been helped want to know
how it was that was able to come up with the method,
and also some skeptics about the method have come up
with the question "how come you have managed to think
up some better method than thousands of language
teachers around the world?, and since the history of how
the Goldlist method came to be is tied up in my own
personal history, this is a good occasion to answer both
those types of question, which usually gloss over or give
an answer which is too short to convey the full story.
For those who have neither seen me on YT, nor heard of
the Goldlist method, hope that there will be things of
interest to other linguists in the tale and that it will repay
your trouble to read it even with no interest in me
personally, as in these pages you will see that the decision
to follow the linguistic path can have life-changing
consequences and is not to be undertaken lightly! To be a
linguist is to seek to understand, and the quest for
understanding is sometimes accompanied by pain as well
as pleasure.
People have often wondered why give the method
absolutely free and wonder where the hidden catch is. The
answer is that it is free, there's no catch, and this personal
history will also make clear to you why did so in other
words it will also celebrate the kindness of some people
who helped me along the way and gave me to carry
forward that torch of helpfulness and open communication
which note is one of the hallmarks of every true linguist,
and which is certainly the spirit in which this book has
been put together by the editor and the other contributors.
n order not to make the Polyglot Project be overly
weighted by one piece, a shorter version of this, more
focussed on how the Goldlist method emerged from my
life will appear there, whereas the version kept on a page
at Huliganov.TV will grow and be less uniquely concerned
with the Goldlist question, and include some illustrations,
so by all means check out for a
fuller version of this story.
1. EarIy days and schooIdays
And so we begin with a little boy who came down from the
north of England to a Hertfordshire town called
Hemel Hempstead, one of the so-called "new towns and a
dormitory town for London (in fact, it was recorded in the
Domesday book but in those Norman days it was but a
tiny fraction of its current population and area, thanks to
the efforts of the Commissioners for the New Towns after
the Second World War). My parents, who were
schoolteachers, decided that the town was a good
prospect because jobs were in abundance and there was
"London weighting, meaning that you earned more in
certain jobs like teaching or nursing purely because of the
proximity to the capital with its higher prices for housing
and entertainment. Hemel Hempstead was a very good
deal in the early 1970s it offered things like free parking
(which soon went by the board) , and a cheap rail
connection to the centre of London (which also went by
the board but which became less and less attractive as
time went by, anyway).
t also had a (then) leading industrial estate of its own
(later the fame of this returned when Buncefield oil depot
exploded on 11th December 2005 in what was dubbed the
largest explosion in peacetime Europe but thanks to the
exemplary town planning nobody died) which in the fifties
and sixties had attracted some big household names.
Hemel Hempstead was home to Lucas Aerospace, to
Kodak, and about 40 other names most of which you don't
hear anymore today, as businessmen also like to try their
hands at linguistics and frequently invent new names for
their businesses. So my parents moved to this London
fringe town of about 80,000 people, when was about four
years of age.
But was a born Geordie, a word that refers to people who
come from the area around the estuary of the river Tyne in
northern England. t contains Newcastle, South Shields,
Gateshead, Jarrow and several other towns that make up
a conurbation which has its own accent which is
unmistakable, ancient, and still reeks of Viking England
and the Danelaw. f you want a sample of spoken Geordie,
look up my persona "Peter Paczek on YouTube. This is
the accent they speak where spent my earliest years,
and not only that, but with my parents both working during
the day had been under the care of my great-
grandmother (my mother's mother had died at
an young age), and this Victorian lady was from the time
before dialects had softened up in the age of ubiquitous
radio broadcasts, then television programming and
eventually (as the culmination of what media can
be) podcasts.
As children will do, if anything exaggerated her already
broad Geordie accent, and so was a speaker of a very
pronounced English accent, if that's not a complete
tautology. As a result of this, on my first day of school after
we moved to the south of England, when my mother
collected me after school, she asked the teacher how 'd
got on, and the teacher said He is a very nice little boy,
but we can't understand a word he's saying. couldn't
understand much of what they were saying either,
because to my little ears, the difference between Geordie
English and Hertfordshire English was a bit like two
different languages. didn't like the sound of it, either. Why
were they saying 'fevvah' but still writing 'feather' like we
Like any child, went into the process of learning the new
language, and before long, actually would have had to
work hard to produce any Geordie at all. At the tender age
of about five, think this event was the seminal event in
making me interested in languages, even though in all
truth, all these languages were, were different dialects of
English. Nevertheless, the seed had been sown. My
brother and sister were born four and five years later, once
our family was ensconced in the south for good, and so
they never had to go through the same transition in forms
of English. Neither of them did much in the field of
languages, so maybe this point alone is the main reason
turned out to be a linguist.
One highlight of my childhood years, once every year, was
the Eurovision Song contest. For those of you not from
Europe, this is a big annual event which engages usually
unknown acts and certainly new songs from all over
Europe with country competing against country. You can
see plenty about it on YouTube. But these days it doesn't
look much like it did in those days. Back then, unless you
were somewhere like Malta or Monaco, you were
obliged to sing in your national language, and remember
being absolutely fascinated by the sound of all these
different languages being sung try to work out how it was
that the song titles meant what the presenter said they did.
f liked the song would memorise it in without
understanding the meaning of the words was singing.
Seeing and encouraging my interest, my parents allowed
me to stay up late for that in due course even got to
see the voting, which was not perceived as quite as unfair
in those days as it is now, although the old friendships and
rivalries between countries did show up a bit, even then.
The reason was that the telly-land elite voted on behalf
of their nations as soon as they discovered how
profitable it could be to cast paid tele-voting open to the
public, that was to come in and objective assessment of
music was to play second fiddle to the look of the singer
and the politics of the country. n order to counteract that,
all the nations were allowed to sing in the language of their
choice, but thankfully in my childhood got to hear the
songs in the languages of the countries, and cannot tell
you how much that fired my imagination.
also took an interest on the map and in all the different
countries in the world. wanted to know what it was like to
be somebody from one of those countries. And
understood somehow intuitively that if you want to have
the experience of being somebody from a different country,
but the only way of really getting into their head is to know
their language. And so used to envisage myself speaking
different languages even though of course had no idea
how to go about it at the age of six or seven.
fantasised about being able to speak and to understand a
whole bunch of languages, but of course at that early age
had no idea whether the reality of that was even humanly
My father's father and certain of the teachers at school
would teach me some words of Welsh, and my mother
would give me some French phrases. was also able to
look at but the French lesson parts of the Arthur Mee
Children's Encyclopaedia which 'd had handed down from
my ancestors. Basically whenever came across any
foreign languages 'd simply take an interest in the words,
how they sounded and what they meant.
One of the first Pakistani families to arrive in
Hemel Hempstead was housed between me and my junior
school, and used to meet the one my age and his older
brother on the way to school and just enjoy listening to
their Urdu. think it significant that the first word learned
from anyone from that world of their languages was
"doost, the Urdu word for friend. And good friends they
were! There was a group of bigger kids who had taken it
into their heads to bully me, and had been forced to give
them a wide berth. But when my new Pakistani friends
noticed them having a crack at me one afternoon they laid
into them with relish (possibly mango chutney) and that
was the last trouble had from that bunch. Language
learning could have unforeseen advantages, saw.
At one point in my childhood, my mother got out the stamp
collection that she had made over many years as a child,
along with her big stamp catalogue by Stanley Gibbons.
"The Rise and Fall of the Stamping Empire think it was
called, or should have been if only its author had been
more prescient about the effect of e-mail on traditional
mail in the later part of the twentieth century. Watching me
peruse with fascination the little tokens of colourful sticky
paper from around the world, my mother said to me,
David, how would you like to collect stamps with me and
then you can continue the collection that started when
was your age? But my reply is something can remember
to this day: You collect the stamps mother, and 'll collect
the words that are written on the stamps. And that's
exactly what did, as it turned out, and many more words

Azerbaijan didn't have it's own stamps in those days in
fact it even used the Cyrillic not the Roman alphabet for its
language back then but would have liked this one if
they had.

Nevertheless, did not really have a formalised system for
learning languages. started to learn French in junior
school but if anything that reduced my keenness, as the
teachers had an immense talent for turning a pleasure into
a chore. Later in secondary school with a year of Latin
(which was like the First and Second Punic War going on
between me and the Latin teacher, as ran roughshod
over his teaching method like Hannibal's famous pets and
still scored highly in his end of year exam, a fine piece of
ad damnum adderetur injuria). didn't like that Latin
teacher, and think the feeling was, mutatis mutandis,
mutual, but completed the primer he was using with us
from cover to cover in the two weeks before the exam, and
was able to learn the contents of a small primer in my
short term memory in that time the short term memory
can do that but needless to say didn't retain any of it
after the exam. n that respect was just as unsuccessful
as all his other pupils, and maybe 90% of all the people
who ever learned Latin at a school desk.
nstead went on to do German, which was a living
language. n my school you couldn't do both, as subjects
were grouped and you chose what you wanted under
certain constraints. didn't get to choose economics either,
and sacrificed that to German too. And here had a great
stroke of luck, in that my German teacher, Methodist lay
preacher (and soon-to-be missionary to the Lobala people
as a Wycliffian these are the Christian group of
translators and missionaries who most actively seek to
eradicate illiteracy from the world, at the same time placing
the Bible into the hands of every tribe and nation on the
planet in their own language).
Mr David Morgan was a slight man, young-looking and
with what today would be called a 'nerdy' appearance and
so the students were not slow in poking fun at him behind
his back, and at times in front of his front also. But he was
made of exactly the right stuff. He told it like it is, the way
you don't hear many language teachers say it, and that
was "you've opted to Iearn this Ianguage, it's not
obIigatory Iike French, so it means you have a
personaI interest in it. So I expect you aII to take
ownership of the Iearning process and to keep
vocabuIary books properIy. If you don't own the
Ianguage Iearning process and simpIy reIy on the
Iessons, you probabIy won't Iearn German, but if you
do own the Ianguage Iearning process then not onIy
wiII you Iearn German, but you'II be abIe to find the
way to Iearn any Ianguage on your own whenever you
want to Iater in Iife."
Well, needless to say, this idea fascinated me, and despite
having had a number of years of French by that time and
knowing French better than most in the class, knew that
what he said was true. f hadn't done things my way
wouldn't have any French, and if hadn't gone through the
Latin primer in my own way wouldn't have got a good
mark in the Latin. So started to take David Morgan's
advice, and put the bit about learning how to teach oneself
languages to the test and for five years between the age
of 13 and 18, had the advantage of someone who
actually understood the correct way to be a language
teacher. And picked his brains in that time, you can
be sure of it. think that when he ended up in the
Democratic Republic of Congo giving literacy and the
Word of God to the Lobala tribe, at least he could be
thankful that he didn't have to put up with me asking him
questions all the time.
At the age of 12-13, while the year of Latin was going on,
had been every teacher's nightmare. On report for 12
weeks, "done for vandalising cars and aiding and abetting
in various petty larcenies, used to get drunk with my
friends most nights, and also at one point even ran away
from home with a friend, after the school just found out
and informed our parents, that we two were the epicentre
of a miniature crime spree. We got as far as Berkhamsted,
and the cold, hard December rain was just too hard to put
up with. We were drenched and it was a few degrees
above zero. t was dark and there was nowhere to go. My
friend rang his mother from a public phone box with the
last 10 pence coin and soon after that both his and my
mother drove up and took us to our respective houses
bedraggled and morose, to witness their tears and
recriminations. My father said angrily look what you've
done to your mother, and probably there was nothing
more powerful that he could have said.
He managed it though, a few days later. He came to me in
the kitchen as was reading a book on tropical fishes a
major love of mine through my life but not really touched
on here so that can keep it all more relevant to what
leads to the Goldlist method and said "'ve come to the
conclusion it's all my fault, son. have been expecting you
to do well and be the best, but you're just an average lad
and 've put too much pressure on you. Now all want is
for you to just be average, just do what you can and it'll all
be OK. was truly shocked by this message. "'ll show
you 'average' was what thought. But didn't say
anything. How he managed to keep a straight face through
this piece of classic reverse psychology know not, but he
did. thought he really meant it, at the time, and it was
only years later he admitted he was using a secret grip on
took a bath that night and looked at the shadow of my
face slightly distorted against the contour of the wall of the
bath, with the nose looking upturned because of the curve
in the enamel, and told my facial silhouette that this was
it. From now on, now more messing around. No more
disruption, no more dishonesty, only hard work and
So from that new year followed the resolution and things
started settling down gradually. Things didn't happen
overnight, especially not the wariness of me on the part
of teachers and my previous enemies among the other
kids. made up for past dishonesty by being becoming
brutally honest, which didn't always help, and tried to keep
my activities wholly legal, with the one exception of a bit
more underage drinking, and some of the lessons still
couldn't manage to give attention to. Others stopped
disrupting, and sat through maybe doing something from
another subject if didn't like the subject in hand. Knowing
the reputation came with, the teachers whose subjects
wasn't interested in were happy with just that.
t was only at the age of 14, though, that decided that a
complete change was in order, and changed my circle of
friends, gave up drinking (which adhered to very strictly
for the next 20 years, and still rarely take any alcohol)
and really applied myself to academic success in every
subject. The fact of not changing my friends and not
stopping drinking after the resolutions made in the
previous year and held me back a bit and also represented
a risk that could slide back into anti-social ways again.
The aim was to get through the O level and A level exams
and then secure a good university place, but was also
enjoying certain things that fascinated me, and of course
the languages were still top of that list. At about the same
time, decided to try to do what David Morgan had said
was possible, namely to learn a language on my own. The
BBC Avventura course was going on at the time, and had
been attracted to the idea of trying talian. But something
else was happening to my body at the same time,
something that was going to change the course of my life
for ever.
Anyone who has watched any of my films on YouTube has
probably noticed a couple of things about me. One of
these things is an evident portli- not to say porkiness. But
then there are a lot of portly personages on YT it kind of
goes with the territory of slouching about in front of a
computer all day. The other, more unique thing that you
will probably notice if you look at me is that sport a pair of
what the Japanese call " or "gejigeji
mayuge. n medical terms, you could call this "Scutigeroid
Supercilia Syndrome, although doubt whether anyone
ever has. n any event, was busy growing this pair at age
13-14 and was already was getting called Brezhnev by all
the kids at school, and (me being me), decided to play up
to it.
So used to act a bit like Brezhnev as he appeared on the
news, and give stiff waves as from the Kremlin wall to
people, and talk in what thought was a Russian accent.
(This is what passed for humour amongst our crowd of 15
year olds, but the surprise is 'm now 46 and people still
enjoy the character!) But then it occurred to me that if
was going to try to learn a language, may as well set
myself a decent challenge. talian was not reckoned by
folk around me to be a massive challenge, but Russian
looks exotic, and at that time it was the language of people
that we didn't know much about, and the Soviet Union was
not far from our consciousness in 1970s Britain. On a
world map, the area under Soviet control ended a day's
drive from the shore that looks over to our land. And there
were 270 million people in the Soviet Union, living life in
accordance to totally different rules to ours. This was also
the run up to the 1980 Olympics and there was anxiety
over Russia's invasion of Afghanistan (we little thought
that it would be us fighting the same people 30 years later
and getting the weapons turned against us which Charlie
Wilson sent to fight the Soviets!) so the Soviet Union was
in the forefront of everybody's mind.
As part of my curiosity about the world and the sound of
languages, as well as a love of speech radio which had
had since the age of 11, when sequestered my Dad's
little Phillips portable, and shortly afterwards bought an old
valve radio with all the short wave bands, had listened a
bit to Radio Moscow, and had heard what took to
be Russian and liked the sound of it, both in speech and in
music. wrote down phrases of a language particularly
liked on a certain frequency, although didn't know them.
wrote "gavareet radio stantsia rodina and tried to ask
people what language that was, only to be told by my own
mother that it was indeed Russian, and that she knew this
because she had been trying to learn it in night classes
while carrying me, but hadn't got very far with it. On top of
that, my pubertising person also very much liked the look
of the Russian gymnasts on TV, and imagined myself
with one of these pretty Russian girls, even though they
were far away and in a different system and on the whole
forbidden fruit, which only served to make them the more
attractive, and so became motivated by all these things to
choose Russian to teach to myself.
So needed to buy a book. There was a book "Russian
Made Simple in the W.H. Smith store in
Hemel Hempstead (which was in a different place then to
where it is now Marks and Spencers is now about where
W.H. Smith was then) and this was about GBP 5.99, or
thereabouts. That was several weeks' pocket money, now
that wasn't thieving with that bad crowd any more
(incidentally they all reformed and went on to become
respectable members of the community didn't have any
monopoly on pulling myself up by my bootstraps). So
had to go to my mother and ask her for the money. " know
why you want to learn Russian she said. thought, "you're
not gonna go on about my eyebrows as well are you,
mother? but said "really, mother? why is that, then? "t's
because told you that had tried to learn it when was
expecting you, and didn't manage it. You just want to
show me you can do the things couldn't do, don't you?
agreed, rather than get into an eyebrow discussion, or,
even worse, an Olga Korbut discussion with my own
mother, but it was true that that aspect had also entered
my head as a supplemental reason for learning the
language as 've always been quite a competitive person.
So needless to say, received the finance for the book,
and launched myself into it the next day, at the age of 15.
taught myself Russian from that book, from the Russian
Linguaphone borrowed from the local library, and from
Russian Language and People (a BBC course which you
can't find so far on YT although asked them to put it up,
but 'm just a licence payer, so what do know?), and
hasn't been seen for ages. But in the end the main book
changed over to was Michael Frewin's "Teach Yourself
Russian one of the old series of Teach Yourself books,
before they dumbed down about seven years later.
worked my way through it in the way the book itself
recommends, doing the exercises and trying to remember
the vocab lists. would spend a week or so on every
lesson and only move on when was convinced
understood everything. took about a year over it, but still
didn't have anybody to talk to, and then moved on to
other books, including the then Colloquial Russian, again
from the old series, not yet dumbed down as Colloquial
did, following the TeachYourself series' example.
After a year, when people saw that was serious about
learning Russian, they started looking around for people
could practice with. The local grocer found me an old
lady in Briden's Camp near Hemel Hempstead, who was
born and raised in pre-Revolutionary Russia, the daughter
of the Times' correspondent to the Tsar's court, who had to
leave in haste during the Russian Revolution and was to
take tea once a week with that lady up in Briden's Camp
until she sadly passed on. used to cycle up a very steep
hill that seemed to go one and on, although now in the age
of GPS know it's only 50 meters difference in altitude, to
get to her little old cottage. She was so kind in her help,
and never dreamed of charging me a penny on the
contrary, Margarita Georgovna's tea and cakes were out of
this world, and she always gave of them generously as
well as of her time.
Then friends from school found me an emigree in
Tring and used to take the bus or cycle there every week
to have an hour or so's conversation. At that time there
were nearly no Russians to be had in Hertfordshire. Only
two teachers were registered for the whole county, but
they weren't actually teaching it. This lady in Tring had
also an amazing story the previous generation escaped
Russia in the revolution and her mother, with her as a
small child, were in Harbin in China when the Cultural
Revolution happened. The Russian community in Harbin
was large, and they feared that the Maoists were going to
hand them back to the Soviet comrades, which would
have meant transportation to a gulag, and so they went en
masse to the coast and got vessels to whatever free
country would take them. This lady's family went to Brasil,
but were almost turned away when the authorities asked
the priest who was their group leader what his name was.
"Methodius in Russian is "Mifodii, you see, which sounds
remarkably similar to "mi fodi in Portuguese, but thankfully
the misunderstanding was cleared up and they got
This lady got educated at Brazil's top philological faculty,
and ended up being the translator of James Joyce into
Portuguese. f anyone has ever read "Finnegan's Wake
then they will see that the task of even understanding it in
the source language is not to be sniffed at, and the idea of
coming up with dynamic equivalents in another language
is a mind-boggling prospect, but that is what she did, and
that is what brought her to reland, in pursuit of the trail of
her favorite author, and then to the UK. She was in many
ways a mentor to me, for over a year, in literary ideas as
well as linguistic ones. And again, she would not dream of
taking a fee for all her trouble over me, it was simply her
pleasure to share her language and thoughts with
someone who appreciated it. All that Marina Buck
expected was that would be the same to others a major
reason the Huliganov Russian Course and the Gold List
method are out there free of charge for everyone.
Our school encouraged sixth-formers (that was from age
17) to offer coaching to younger children for a few periods
a week, and when became a prefect in the school
offered Russian lessons to younger kids, and one of them
who remembers that to this day is Dr Richard Grayson, the
Liberal party candidate now for Hemel Hempstead. was
encouraged in the then lower sixth form, which is the age
of 17, to take O level in Russian. At the same time took O
level talian as we had had a teacher join the school who
was Senior Mistress and she taught French and talian,
but the latter was her real passion. Under her teaching for
a year, was ready for the O level with my "prima di
sentences and "dopo aver sentences, and a vocabulary of
probably about 1,000 words, as well as some fine hand
waving techniques which are the parts of talian grammar
you don't find in the textbook, which won me a B and the
ability comfortably to pass the time of day with the guy in
the ice-cream van knew.
But my A in Russian annoyed my talian teacher Mrs
Scargall "Perch? Perch? she wailed, true to her
maxim never to use an English word to a student if she
had already taught them its talian equivalent, "when
teach you, you get a B, but when you teach yourself, you
get an A, how does that make me feel? answered as
best could in O-level talian that did not presume to
plumb the depths of feelings of such an artistic soul as
she, and she pouted emphatically, feel waste my time
as a teacher if you can do better on your own. Well, tried
to console her with David Morgan's wise words about how
you have to own the language learning process, but she
was having none of it. f anything that seemed to make
matters worse, and her whole raison d'etre as a language
teacher seemed to have been put into question by the
simple fact that the same student who studies under such
an inspiring teacher as she was, should have got a better
grade in a harder language when he taught himself, and
there were no teachers even to be had.
But this little episode highlights an abiding problem in
language education. Governments need to understand
that teachers of languages need to be coaches in how to
show kids how to teach themselves and then just help
them with their queries and make sure they stick with it.
nstead of French classes or German classes in schools,
there should be lessons where in the same room 30 kids
are learning maybe 20 different languages in the same
space, each one the language which grabs their
imagination, and for some it might be several languages.
Adoption of Goldlist method style learning by Education
Ministers would accomplish this, and would enable
children to come out of schools having spent the 500 or so
hours given over to language learning actually being able
to read and understand the language, and not, as it is now,
with children all learning French for 500 hours and yet not
being able to have a basic conversation in French in the
case of most British school leavers. Of course, that would
mean that the teachers would need to accept that they are
not really the important ones in the process, all they need
to do is empower the students, but getting them to admit
that even to themselves that's the hard part. felt sorry
for that teacher, she had certainly put her soul into the
lessons, but that's still not the same as self tuition. Self
tuition wins out every time, especially once the learner is
onto his or her severalth language, but even in my case for
the first time, it was the same story.
So went on to concentrate on the French and German
(and English for that matter, but that already really means
literature in the main) which was doing for A level, but
did find myself distracted by casual attempts to teach
myself further languages, and had about 20 hanzi
characters while was still at school, as well as some few
hundred words of Greek and one or two others. But was
focused on getting a good university place and managed
to win a place at Cambridge to study Modern and
Medieval Languages, which was a total transformation, as
had gone from the nasty punky thieving vandal
tearaway who would give good kicks whilst pogo-ing ("you
dance divinely, sir was the response of another punk who
got a good one in the kneecap at one local disco in the
middle of the punk era) to the "arch swot, complete with
new spectacles, in quite a short space of time, although it
was really months and years not days and weeks that did
it. For my teachers, in any event, it was a transformation
"devoutly to be wished, but not for everyone in the school,
in particular not for some of my peers.
still recall the tears of the girl who was the top of the
class in the end of the year exams in the first four years of
our school when she had to cede that place to me in the
final year, and then was the only pupil in the year to gain
an Oxbridge place. was not popular with any of the other
students at the school, not with my old friends for
abandoning them and not with the academic crowd either,
for outdoing them, although might have been able to win
them a bit more had not been so open about gloating at
them whenever beat them at their own game. At this time
was still not a very nice person anyway. As had not
been converted to faith in Jesus Christ at that time was
not very nice to the others anyway, and tended to regard
them as fodder for my competitive streak, but not much
t really didn't concern me at all that was probably the
least popular among these students, and how laughed
when one of them had a party and invited everyone except
me, pointedly, and the small group that were hanging
around with me, and all those who did go were stricken
with Salmonella because his mother didn't understand
how to handle food for that number properly. The next day
was able to pick David Morgan's brains unimpeded by
their interruptions, and their share of the time. n fact was
only converted the Summer left the school, which was
probably just as well as nobody would ever have believed
that someone like me, entirely self-obsessed, could
possibly become a Christian.
used to walk home with one guy who went to the Church
near where lived, intending to undermine his faith in the
Bible and generally make an atheist commie out of him
like was, and figured that since this guy was not very
advanced academically, and was the great hope of our
school, the one who had got into Cambridge, etc etc, it
shouldn't have been too difficult, but God wasn't having
any of that, and was born again into Jesus Christ in
August 1982 at 18 years and 3 months of age. All the
preceding months had been one big theological debate
where had pitted the world views of just about any group
could find against the rigorous Calvinism of this Church,
and found that they had more consistent answers and
deeper meanings of life than any of the other ones could
throw at them.
And then, all of a sudden, knew God. One August
evening in my bedroom was almost taken out of myself
and confronted with the Maker and Redeemer. felt dizzy
and simply prayed for about an hour on the floor and
gradually came back to myself. Skeptics have all sorts of
clever answers in psychology for these kinds of religious
experience of course, and they may be right or wrong. But
had "found a Friend, ah such a friend, who loved me e'er
knew him as the hymn writer says. From that day it was
no longer a pure intellectual exercise for me, but
something in which the heart was also bound up.
began to read the Bible, pray, repent and try to live in a
Christian way. With a character like mine, the last part of
that wasn't at all easy, though, but this account is maybe
not the best place for going into that, and am mentioning
this religious stuff, in case you are wondering, as it does
become relevant to the story later on.
2. Gap Year and University
n any event, the language learning continued unabated,
only now with a new zeal behind it, as languages were
something that could be pressed into Christian service.
read "War and Peace in the original Russian in my gap
year to get a really literary standard in Russian, and plenty
of German literature from the University reading list. For
the first six months of my gap year, couldn't get on an
exchange programme, but did some work to put money
aside for University and applied the rest of my time to
study and learning. also got interested in Esperanto and
learned that from the Teach Yourself Book and was a
regular for that six months in the Watford Esperanto Club.
learned a number of other alphabets and also devised my
own alphabet which was to be part of my own conlang. (
have written a couple of conlangs, but never got them to
a state which was happy enough with the outcome to
share it).
went to Seelze bei Hannover in Germany from March to
August of that year under the aegis of the Deutsch-
Britischer Judendaustausch (which, subject to a slight
name change appears still to be going strong) and worked
in a warehouse office at Riedel deHaen AG (now part of
Honeywell) for six months, which helped finance the rest
of my university time as well as getting my German up to a
high level, and it was in Hannover, or Hanover as we say
in English, that first met Polish people. liked the Poles
that met and decided to try to learn Polish from them, and
noted down the vocabulary they told me in an exercise
book didn't get very far with it at the time, just a few
pages, but was to dig the same book out a few years
later and work it forward, and it became, almost by
accident, the prototype of the Goldlist method book. So
whilst tend to say that 1993 is when started using the
method, the first seed of it appeared in 1983, ten years
Hanoverians are noted, even among other North
Germans, for being a little stand-offish and not easy to
befriend, although if you do finally make a North German
friend, then you have a very loyal friend, in my experience.
On the other hand it was easy to fall into a kind of
friendship with the Poles who were working there, and
maybe be forgotten just as soon after 'd left. One of the
things that interested me about them was the similarity
between their words and the Russian. didn't have that
much practice in Russian, although the reading of War and
Peace was helping me keep an ever increasing pace of
reading comprehension. found a Russian Baptist Church
in Hanover on Pelikanstrasse right near where the famous
Pelikan stationery was made, although Google maps are
showing a Sheraton hotel there now, which doesn't
surprise me as people simply can't bring themselves to
leave things be, and that was all the conversation in
Russian got. But did get into some quite interesting
Baptist Church connexions and into an awareness of what
was happening to the Church in the Soviet Union.
While in Hanover picked up a bit of Calenberger Platt,
which don't speak these days for the simple reason that it
"migrated westwards when took an interest in Dutch and
it ended up with me understanding and speaking a
modicum of Dutch without even studying it in the
systematic way would usually recommend.
At Cambridge University, languages are taught with
reference especially to their literature, and so they expect
students to read the literature of the languages. This would
be all very well, as love literature, but didn't really like
the way of analysing it which they wanted me to do at
University. t was hard for me, with the zeal of the new
convert, to react to or analyse literature while abstracting it
away from the Christian viewpoint. nstead it seemed
irresistible for me to analyse every work in the light of
Calvinist theology, which tended to disparage a number of
the ideas in the work in hand, whether for its worldliness or
its wrong ideas about spirituality. Certainly it was difficult
for me to go along with the Marxist structuralist approach
that Cambridge was famed for, and some of the professors
seemed to like my literature essays with their barely
disguised underlying Evangelicalism just about as little as
liked the methods they were imposing on the writing.
Now it is quite difficult to get away from literature in the
Modern and Medieval languages tripos, but one way to do
it is to focus more on history of the language papers.
wanted to learn more languages and didn't care if they
were medieval and not spoken anymore. As far as was
concerned, those languages were wanted, dead or alive!
So did as much philology and as little literature as could
fit into the tripos. And in the end would have had a first,
my College's senior tutor informed me, if 'd stuck entirely
to the philology and had not, for sentimental reasons,
insisted on doing the German 20th Century literature
paper, in addition to History of the German Language,
History of the Russian Language, The Slavonic
Languages, and The Germanic Languages, and this four
were the four philology papers that took.
asked Professor Green, who was the senior professor in
the Languages Faculty at that time, before choosing that
set of papers whether he thought it was a good idea, and
he said "you wiII need to Iearn too many Ianguages.
You need to Iearn at Ieast three additionaI Ianguages
for each of the papers, The Germanic Languages and
The SIavonic Languages, so that is six extra
Ianguages to Iearn, in two years. I do not think it is
Well, didn't think it was circumspect either, but it was my
idea of fun, so went ahead and did it following my own
counsel rather than that of the wise professor. He clearly
knew all those languages, and his philological lectures
were nothing short of amazing, so thought "t's all very
well for you to inspire me and then talk about being
circumspect, and so by the time was through had
learned Old English, Middle English, Old High and Middle
High German, Gothic, celandic and Old Norse as well as
looking at some Dutch and losing my Calenberger Platt,
for the Germanic side, and Old Church Slavonic, Old
Russian, some Polish and quite a bit of Serbo-Croat,
which has in fact become a dead language since studied
it but was alive and truly kicking at the time. Now there are
four languages where there was one before, because
every freshly emerging Balkan state wants to elevate its
dialect to the point of a language, and so you can see
people claiming to speak Bosnian and Montenegrin as well
as Serbian and Croatian, but all of this was srpsko-hrvatski
in my day.
had the great pleasure of being taught by the now sadly
missed Dr. Ned Goy, then Cambridge's sole Serbo-
Croat lecturer, and there were three of us in the weekly
sessions in my second year, but when came back from
my year out to my fourth year, which is the final year, had
this great character all to myself, and we went through
"Fopcku eujeuau ("Gorski Vijenac or "The Mountain
Wreath) by Petar Petrovic-Njegos. This epic poem is
written in a style of Serbo-Croat which is delineated as
Montenegrin today, and Ned Goy used to produce a pint of
prawns for each of us to share in each of his lessons. So
now still remember him whenever eat prawns.
The Germans call an underattended course at University
an "Orchideenfach, and dear old Ned Goy was a rare
bloom by that token, as by any other, and you can find
obituaries to him on the net which show how valuable, and
yet at the time undervalued, a mind he was.
One summer holiday, took a student rail card and went to
Pec in Kosovo to meet a Serbian pastor my pastor in
Hemel Hempstead knew well, and ended up translating
one of his many books in English from Serbo-Croat. t is
called "The Tongue Our Measure ("Jezik - nase merilo)
by Simo Ralevic, and you can still find it on Amazon to this
day, published by the Banner of Truth Trust of which he
was a trustee. But the name of the translator was not
given, probably because my pastor wanted to encourage
me to greater humility, which was fair enough, have to
say quite honestly. don't think there were more than a
handful of students who looked at Serbo-Croat at
university level in the whole of the UK in the whole of the
time was there, whereas now it has become, in its four
derivative versions, the language of four states each of all
could at any time win the accolade of membership of the
European Union, or even greater than that, win the
Eurovision Song Contest, as indeed one of them recently
did, thanks largely to the voting system.
The level of learning required in the so-called "big
philology papers in the Cambridge tripos in the 80s (from
the website of Cambridge University gather that the
amount of required reading of the source texts has
reduced considerably since then, maybe in order to be
more circumspect, don't know the Germanic
Languages paper was even suspended after tripos 2008,
that's how circumspect they have become now, but they
do have a paper instead on Modern European film, so it
would appear that Cambridge has done all in its power to
emulate the down-market Universities and wonder
whether there is any way back once you start going down
that route. Maybe in a few years time they will actually
have a paper on YouTube videos and some of the folk
contributing to the current volume will become 'set texts',
who knows?) was to know sufficient in order to be able to
identify and translate a passage from each language in the
original into English in the exam room unaided, chosen
randomly from a chrestomathy of work, which students
had been able to buy and study in the final academic year
plus the year abroad before that, and then to be able to
gloss and parse certain words and phrases chosen by the
examiner from the given text. You had to be able to do this
for three languages chosen from about five or six medieval
or modern languages. n Slavonic the tendency was to use
the modern more, as there was less medieval literacy than
in Germanic or the Romance languages.
So that meant a working knowledge of the grammar and a
vocabulary of in fact not more than 1000 words in each of
these languages. The grammars were similar in a number
of languages so in studying them you could take one as a
base and do a "compare and contrast exercise on how
the grammars of the next languages differed. After a while
discovered that the grammars of European languages
contain a very finite set of problems and features and from
a point of view of how the basic grammar works, each
incremental language can be learned quite quickly. wrote
the paradigms out from the grammar books, glossed them,
and returned in a few weeks to do the same again,
concentrating on what hadn't remembered so well.
But the problem was how to learn the vocabulary. That
was what, in terms of sheer time involved, could put my
plan for a good degree in jeopardy and early on used to
worry whether would indeed learn the words that are in
the texts on time. worried about it and started to rack my
brains for an effective way to do so, as after all my degree
could depend on success or failure in doing so. f a person
really knew their texts, then they could get great marks in
the translating and glossing section and not need such
high marks in the essay section, which could be much less
predictable and harder. And had indeed chosen the less
circumspect route, so had to use my inventiveness to get
through the situation.
But that also was a step along the lines of thinking that
helped me devise the Goldlist method this was the point
in time at which realised one of the underlying ideas of
the method the fact that regular grammar can be learned
in a small percentage of the time it takes to learn the
vocabulary, and the irregular grammar, the exceptions,
should be learned together with the vocabulary items as
they come. Therefore 80% or more of the work needed to
learn a language, especially more for one in a family you
already know, is all in the vocabulary, the stuff you can
progress into your long-term memory in a systematic way,
line by line, using staged repetition, counting your
achievement as you go in order to stay in control of the
whole process and own the learning of your language
yourself, just as David Morgan had explained to me so
many years earlier.
Nobody else did four philology papers, all the other
students thought was mad. Literature papers were more
of a doss, as we called it. You could always read the books
in translation if you were short of time and just learn a
selection of quotes for the exam in the original. That was
the acceptable short-cut, which myself never used.
always read the full original and if there was a translation
then used it instead of the dictionary, but it was the
original read, without exception. Just as always kept the
Sabbath at University, without exception. did not work on
Sundays, which was my Sabbath, as it is for most
Christians, although have every respect for those who
keep Saturdays and these days keep both if can only
get away with it. Anyway, whatever method was going to
use it was not allowed to compromise my rigid principles.
was definitely going to learn the languages or simply fail
my degree or get a low grade in the attempt. And the
faculty had chosen was called "Modern and Medieval
Languages and not "Literary Criticism the Marxist Way,
that's what had come to study, and that is what was
going to study.
Well, hadn't discovered the Goldlist method by that point,
even though had already arrived at some of the key ideas
underpinning it, such as the fact that grammar isn't the
most time-consuming and challenging thing about learning
a language, but rather the committing at least to passive
memory thousands and thousands of pieces of
vocabulary, with their little exceptions to the main grammar
rules, and also small fixed phrases. f had had the full
Goldlist method, or a close equivalent, then the process
could have been done much more efficiently, maybe in
even half the time, and if 'd known about the human
memory and how it works the things know now, would
have worried a lot less. But as it is started to experiment
to find ways to speed up the process of the task had set
myself. knew how had learned languages up to then, so
that was the starting point. But needed more. And so
vocabulary books started to emerge which hadn't done
properly before, also wrote out the ancient texts in my
own hand, and later also read them on cassettes which
then listened back to over and over.
What did was, without realising it, an effective staged
presentation, as Ebbinghaus whom hadn't heard of
then would call it, to my memory of the material. That
was a way of learning to the long term memory. That's why
can't remember any of the Latin rush learned for the
exam today, but if picked up the texts had memorised
over those two years for my degree, could still read them
today and translate them sight unseen for a quarter of a
century. This know because of course still have these
books, and occasionally, very occasionally, nose at an odd
random page haven't seen since my student days, and it
all comes flooding back.
This linguistic experience all in all gave me one of the
three components of the knowledge needed in order
to devise the Goldlist method, namely the knowledge that
someone has who has learned a good number of
languages before, trying to be more effective and efficient,
and probably being more or less successful largely
because of chance.
was asked at the end of my undergraduate studies would
like to stay and research, because the fact is that would
have had a first class degree were it not for the insistence
in keeping one literature paper, in which only scored a
2,2, as was told unofficially by my Senior Tutor. The
fellows knew what had done in learning that many
languages and they probably saw in me someone who
could have been a contender for an academic career just
on the philology side, because several of them sought me
out in a way which did not understand at that time, being
ignorant as was in the ways of the world and how
organisations and their funding function, and had
done so would know more languages today, but in all
likelihood would not have devised the Goldlist method, as
the other components came from the very different life
chose after graduating.
But to talk about that we need to get into deeper, darker
territory, namely what happened in my year out, which was
in the Soviet Union, and really deserves a chapter all of its
own, although it relates to the third of the four University
years 've already described from the curricular
perspective. f were to talk about Cambridge from a full
perspective and all the friends and discussions had there,
a whole book would not be enough, and this despite the
fact that must be one of a small minority of students there
who never had sex in Cambridge, which was quite far from
the student life had envisaged when first decided to try
going there, and was already far from innocent way back
then. Suffice it to say, it is without doubt one of the best
experiences you can possibly have in your life to go to a
good university. You never want it to end, but at the same
time you are aware the whole time just how short it is, and
how quickly it goes by. Some people hanker after it for
years after leaving, and go back visiting or just decide to
carry on living in their University town, only to discover that
they soon become regarded as irrelevant and even
pathetic by the next years of undergrads coming through,
and the only way is to move on, or else have a proper
academic career, rather than being a University sideliner.
And in the latter case, don't even think about having plenty
of money.
3. The Soviet Experience
knew a little bit about Communism. had spent time with
those Russian Baptists in Hanover in my gap year, had
also been in East Germany and had a good look at the
Berlin wall, spoken to Germans whose families had been
divided by the ron Curtain, travelled alone in the post-Tito
Yugoslavia while it was still Yugoslavia. So it wasn't as if
walked into the Soviet Experience with my eyes shut in
1985. But felt that it was the only way was going to get
my Russian as good as wanted it.
Because of the difficulties of the Russian-British student
exchange, various alternatives existed outside of Russia
there was a place in Paris where a community
of emigres gave Russian immersion courses and you
could even go for the whole gap year, but the language
was already not very contemporary and in fact did have a
certain dread fascination about going to Russia proper,
and would have felt had chickened out if hadn't gone
there, just because so many people were doing time down
salt mines and in gulags just because they believed
precisely the same things as believed, in particular that
the Church of Christ should be independent from the state
and not reduced to a controlled organ of state, taking its
instructions not from God but from atheists in the
Communist party or any other party for that matter. n
fact, there was never any doubt in my mind that would go
there, and would also look out the unregistered Church
and support it in any way could.
regarded that as an evident calling since was
converted at the point when was already due to be going
to Cambridge University and studying Russian. Prior to
that conversion, of course, as mentioned earlier had
been an atheist communist myself, and so when first
thought of going to Russia for the year out, hadn't
envisaged any possible conflict with their ideology.
For students at UK universities wishing to spend an
academic year out at a Russian University, the exchange
programme with Voronezh University was the only game in
town. t was run on the UK side by The British Council,
that fine organisation which has changed
significantly since those days, and none of my comments
here on the British Council refer to the organisation in its
current form. have plenty of friends in it now in a number
of countries, and none of these people is referred to in any
way with the events of 1985-6.
The British Council interviewed students going on the
course very carefully, and also answered their questions
carefully. Somehow it seemed they could sense might be
a risky person to send, but they could not find any
justifiable reason for not sending me certainly they as a
UK institution couldn't exactly exclude a student
from going on the grounds of faith. Not back then, anyway.
All they could do was to advise caution. They let us know
how almost every year one of the British students
spending the academic year in Voronezh was singled out
by the Soviet hosts for "special attention, purely in order
to enable the people of Voronezh, especially the students
of the university, and the wider Soviet people, to believe
that the UK could not resist sending its spies to Russia at
every opportunity.
A couple of years before my year went, for example, one
of the victims of this policy was a certain student who
made no secret of his love of heavy ordnance. He liked it
from what understand mainly from a point of view of
admiring the engineering achievements that fighter planes
and tanks represented, and he had Janes books and
posters even decorating the walls of his hostel room. He
also had a camera. Well, apparently from the version
of this which came to my ears, the Soviet students in the
hostel on orders from their KGB mentors told him that
they were organising a barbecue and that girls he liked
would be there, and great food and drink, and that they
didn't need him to bring any food or drink, but they wanted
him to bring his camera because no-one else had one.
They gave him a map and told him not to tell the other UK
people about it. Of course, when he followed the
instructions and went through the crack in the fence to a
dark field with his camera, the floodlights came on and the
police came in from all sides and he was in an airfield with
Soviet military planes all around, and he was accused of
military espionage and trying to photograph them.
don't speak about the case of that person in particular for
any reason other than that this must have been Voronezh
KGB's finest hour. Every year they chose someone to
present in an anti-western light, but this guy with his love
of military weaponry was the ideal telegenic target,
although had anyone stopped to think about it, they would
have realised that the last thing a real spy would do is to
plaster his walls with posters of Nato's and the Warsaw
Pact's respective toys. Neither would a real spy have been
allowed home so easily after his discovery.
The fact that these episodes always took place shortly
before the close of the academic year and also that they
released the students without formal charges shows what
a charade this was, but nevertheless it was an unpleasant
charade to be involved in, and we were warned not to trust
the Soviet students who were living with us in the same
rooms two Russians and two UK students in each room
in the 'obshchzhitie' they were all selected to live with
foreigners because of their high loyalty to the party. This
was the history faculty anyway, where some of the
heaviest pro-Soviet propaganda was being fed to the
students, students who themselves were set aside to be
the next generation of the propaganda machine until, of
course, it all collapsed and they all needed to take a
second look at everything they had learned.
Now as you may already have deduced from the above, in
my year it was me that was singled out to be the
propaganda victim. This time, they were able to make a
strike at the Church at the same time. had (from the
sources mentioned vaguely above but will still not be
drawn on any more detail) knowledge of where there was,
in Voronezh, a Baptist congregation which did not figure
on any of the official lists. t transpired that there was a
group of six or more Christians in the thirty or so of us UK
students that were there together. About six of us used to
be able to pray together and have Bible studies, and we
also used to go along to that unregistered Church,
including sometimes even our 'starosta' or group leader,
the charismatic Richard Nerurkar (now MBE, although he
hadn't been awarded it yet back then) who did us all proud
by competing for Voronezh in a pan-Soviet Union long
distance running event and winning. He was a fine
believing man, and his career of helping people afterwards
absolutely doesn't surprise me. This Church doubtless had
KGB moles in it and we were also tailed a good deal
anyway, but before long we were closely observed and
various students from the Russians were set on to try to
find out who knew about the Church.
myself was smitten with one of the Russian girls, Olga,
whom met some two months after we arrived, when a
bunch of very pretty girls were moved into our corridor well
after term started in what now regard as suspicious
circumstances. She reminded me of the test card girl you
used to see on BBC during the day before they had all day
programming, who had been my first television crush, to
be joined later on by Lindsay Wagner and Belinda J.
Montgomery. f television is not all about giving you
crushes on people you are never likely to meet, then
don't know what it is for, unless maybe to make money out
of advertising. When first saw the test card girl asked
my mother what that thing she was sitting next to was. My
mother said "that looks like a toy snail. Well, certainly
wanted one of those, but not the snail, let me tell you. And
here, at last, she was, in the same corridor of a shabby
obshchezhitie in Voronezh. A mix of the test card girl and
Olga Korbut and every girl had ever wanted before in my
life, and all in the exactly correct blend.
Anyway, this Olga remarkably became my girlfriend, and
also in due course my fiance, but clearly was placed
under immediate duress to find out as much as she could
about what we were doing in that Church, who knew about
it and how. Certain scenes reminiscent of Samson and
Delilah ensued over the following months. n Soviet
Russia, love falls in with you, if it's told to, and then tries to
make you say what her controllers are trying to find out.
don't blame her for succumbing to playing their games as
any Soviet citizen's fate was absolutely in the hands of the
KGB, and at one point where it looked to them as though
her heart was not in it, their house was "burgled and the
police informed them that they would only be able to get
their valuables back from the "robbers if they co-operated,
as in, if their daughter co-operated. Whereas if she didn't,
then all sorts of things might happen. There was no such
thing as unemployment benefit in the Soviet Union
because there was no unemployment officially. But of
course you could lose your job if you or anyone they could
get to through you failed to do their patriotic duty when
asked to by a valid organ of the Party. Neither would she
have been allowed to finish her degree.
So clearly there was no choice but for her to co-operate
and basically play the Delilah to my rather love-blinded
Samson. That's why have had quite a lot of fellow
feeling for this Alex Chapman chap, the husband of the
agent Anna Chapman 've been there. On the one hand
you have this relationship with a beautiful woman
which seems real enough, on the other, she has her job to
do, and no real choice in the matter. But it's a distressing
and life-disrupting thing, can tell you. Until that point in
my life had never loved anyone as strongly as her, and
would not have swapped her for a channelful of Lindsay
Wagners and Belinda J Montgomeries. Whether should
have done is an entirely different matter, but you cannot
command the heart. "Pkoeu sna - nonkuuu u kosna
as the Russian has it (literally "Love's unkind you can
even fall in love with a goat), and indeed they don't make
goats anything like this Olga think it no exaggeration
that you could have placed a photo of her face among all
the most beautiful faces of the most notoriously pretty
women who ever lived, and she would not look out of
place, so what was not to love? Her nickname was "the
star, and we all know what that rhymes with, in Russian,
but it wasn't like she had any choice in the matter.
did not, in my relative innocence, always understand at
the time what was behind her questions to me, but one of
the things she asked was "if someone wanted to find out
about a Church like the one was going to, where would
they be able to find those details?. n this context
mentioned to her the fully public institution Keston College,
which catalogued information about religion under
Communism. This was as far as was aware a normal
college at Oxford, founded by Rev Michael Bordeaux who
himself had been an exchange student in Russia who had
tried then to link up the remaining Churches. did not,
myself actually have my source of information from
Keston, although had spoken to Rev Bordeaux. But that
was not the question was asked. was not asked, or at
least if was never answered it, where had the
information from. was asked and therefore answered the
question where thought such information would be
available for whoever wanted it.
Olga seemed to think that my own Church's minister, John
E. Marshall, was funded by the UK government to take an
interest in the Soviet Union. The idea that this staunchly
disestablishmentarian old-school Congregationalist
minister could have been in the pay of the Government
made me simply laugh, and the subject was dropped.
For a while the six of us who were involved with this
unregistered Church had been welcomed into the Choir,
but after a few weeks one of the Elders asked me into his
room, and said to me in tears "what have to tell you is
very sad. There are some people in this Church who are
monitoring us for the authorities. They are not happy about
your group of English students being in the choir as they
will make too strong private connections with Soviet
citizens. have to ask you not to continue with the choir.
Now, in my life 've been chucked out of various things for
various reasons, but that's the only time can remember
the person who was doing the chucking out being in tears
over it at the time of doing so, although there may have
been some who were afterwards for less noble reasons.
This was a pity, as we had all enjoyed it, but his distress at
having to ask us this was clear, and we did nothing to
exacerbate it, and simply left the choir. Shortly before we
were to go home for two weeks one of the elders asked if
we could bring microphones for use in the service and
maybe some Russian Bibles for the Church. These items
were hard to come by in the Soviet Union. Even a
photocopying machine had to be licensed back then, and
they were lucky that pens were not handed out with serial
numbers and you had to account for how you used the ink
somehow it felt that if they had passed such a law, it
would come as no surprise, and would simply be a logical
extension of the other totalitarian laws. wondered at the
hypocrisy of this in a nation that was vaunting itself to be a
peoples' paradise and how they expected to gain the
hearts and minds of people when they needed to keep
them in and control them with such blunt instruments. All
the time was trying to understand what this whole
Communism thing was for and how things had ever come
to pass that such a poor system existed. began to feel a
lack of understanding of economics, and thought that
educating myself in that direction more might clarify to me
a bit more the whole Communism/capitalism debate.
came back after the February vacation break with what
they wanted, but was intercepted at Sheremietievo airport.
n retrospect it is clear that was asked to bring the things
only so that they could have something on me, but they let
me on to Voronezh and no more was said about it for a
while. did find this experience hard, though, and the
whole atmosphere of the second semester there much
more oppressive. On the one hand we had some excellent
teachers in the University one even gave some of us a
class in Old Church Slavonic and Old Russian just for the
more advanced students. But noticed that Russian
students were forever appearing in our room or coming to
meet me and asking me for my opinions on this, that or the
other. had been pointedly told even by the British Council
before going that couldn't go around evangelising in the
Soviet Union, but this, where people came and asked me
what thought, surely they deserved a full explanation of
what they ostensibly wanted to know.
So got into debates about theology, in which could hold
my own, and then also history and politics where had
views but was less able to really defend them. This in itself
made me wish knew more of how the world worked.
tried to explain in terms of basic economics why the free
market system was superior to the centrally planned
economy, but felt that had too little true understanding of
economics and of business to be able to argue my points
against these Soviet students with more conviction. So
resolved to make good that lack of understanding
somehow and at some time.
And of course when the fullness of time came, the
authorities carried out their plan on me as follows we
had been on a trip to Tallinn, and when we got back we
were informed that there had been ticks on the train and
we were all to go and get injections for something. When it
was my turn, they gave me some different shot to the one
they gave the other students. And when succumbed to
the illness they gave me, the diagnosis was
"mononucleosis or "glandular fever. Although there was
no glandular fever reported anywhere else in the student
population, and usually it comes out in bursts with several
students getting it at once. Glandular fever is the scourge
of students and is sometimes called "kissing disease.
When you get it you can be rendered too weak to study for
months on end and usually this results in the need to
repeat a whole year. Since had already been funded to
the max to do the extra year out as a linguist, failure to
complete the fourth and final year could have cost me my
degree. So was devastated as well as mystified by the
actually started showing the symptoms of this during a
trip they organised for us to Yerevan in Armenia. was
looking up at the Ararat mountain where according to the
Book of Genesis Noah's ark came to rest and a new era of
life on earth began, feeling decidedly unwell, but little
thinking how much a change was about to take place in
my own life.
This disease, anyway, enabled the Soviet authorities to
take me once we were back in Voronezh in a very
weakened mental and physical state. had basically tried
to simply carry on as normally with the disease, expecting
it to go away after a few days and making the most of the
Yerevan trip despite feeling lousy, but instead of feeling
better felt worse. Gradually got a black tongue too from
secondary infections and started being sick all the time.
When was supposed to go to hospital, they came and
drove me instead to the police station. There they said
they wanted to ask me questions about my intention to
marry a Soviet citizen, and they took Olga also, off to
another room, which was the last saw of her until years
later, by which time too many things had changed and
never did end up marrying her, although in the meantime
had spent years intending to. There, in the interrogation
centre, they used Olga to play her off against me, and to
try to extract more information about what was doing with
the Church.
They brought out then the episode with the microphones
and Bibles which had been confiscated in February, four
months earlier. They showed me pictures of them, not the
original things had brought. expect someone sold those
things to line their pockets, such was the corruption in that
old system. They accused me of having been planted to
stir up grievances against the Soviet state and making
anti-Soviet activity because of the arguments had had
with these earnest students, all of whom were simply
carrying out the will of the KGB.
They said that as had already good Russian never
needed to go to their country to study, therefore my
coming as a student was a mere pretext, and that was a
spy for that reason ( heard that in former years they had
used precisely the opposite argument on one or two of
their victims, stating that as they had not bothered to learn
Russian properly, they must have been coming just to spy,
so you really couldn't win with them, if you were the
chosen one for that year). And they also said that they had
just been told in the other interrogation room by a
bewildered Olga (of course rather less bewildered than
they were making out but by no means happy about the
state of affairs, as believe to this day) that had been
given the information about the unregistered Baptist
Church by Keston College.
Well, did not wish to deny the information as to do so
would have led to the inevitable question "if not from them,
then were did you get this information? and so simply
held my peace. was told that would never be allowed to
marry Olga if did not co-operate, and held my peace.
was very sick anyway, with this form of mononucleosis
they had given me, and that seemed to anaesthetise the
whole situation and make it somewhat divorced from
was asked had had anything to do with Keston College,
and answered that had written to them once or twice.
was asked who thought ran Keston College. said "Rev
Michael Bordeaux. Did know Michael Bordeaux? Had
ever contacted him? Yes, had spoken to him. Was
aware that in fact Keston College was a branch of M6 and
was paid for as part of the British intelligence budget?
said as fair as was aware, the one had nothing
whatsoever to do with the other. They said, "you would say
that, wouldn't you? neither confirmed nor denied their
assumption that was a Keston College functionary to
say anything was simply to invite more inquiry, so let
them believe what they wanted to believe. But everything
seemed to be twistable to speak against me even the
fact that my British roommate and had sometimes
spoken Welsh to each other so that the Russian
roommates wouldn't be able to invigilate, even that was a
good indication that was not to be trusted, apparently.
Thankfully they left him and also the other five who went to
Church with me in peace, and didn't even ask me any
questions about those folk, which found reassuring.
Evidently they just wanted their propaganda piece, and my
realising that took the pressure off me quite a bit.
Then they made me sign a statement and read it out in
front of a camera, and finally they took me off to a
"hospital, but in fact it was the Tropical and nfectious
Diseases hospital, under heavy guard, with me as the only
patient saw in the entire place. Truly, healthcare in the
Communist world was far in advance of anything in the
west have never had a whole hospital to myself in the
west, or known anyone short of royalty to have it. Even my
later mother-in-law from my first wife, who was a proper
aristocrat if ever there was one, even if totally
unrecognised by anyone outside her immediate family,
had to share her ward in the Kensington and Chelsea with
Jane Birkin's mother. But was treated like a prince, a
saint-exuperian prince, with a whole hospital to myself,
and yet not able to enjoy my privileged healthcare status
to the full as felt so weak could barely leave the bed to
use the lavatory, in fact most of the time used an "utka
the only time in my life so far 've needed that in fact
don't even know the English word and although had an
English Bible with me, with a hymnary added at the back,
was too weary to peruse it for solace for more than a few
minutes at a time.
But every day one or another of the other Christians in the
UK group, who found out where was being held, walked
under my window and whistled the tune
"Meine Hoffnung stehet feste, auf den lebendigen Gott,
calling to my mind the wonderful words of that hymn by
Neander, as translated by Robert Bridges:
All my hope on God is founded;
He doth still my trust renew,
Me through change and chance he guideth,
Only good and only true.
God unknown,
He alone
Calls my heart to be his own.
Pride of man and earthly glory,
Sword and crown betray his trust;
What with care and toil he buildeth,
Tower and temple fall to dust.
But God's power,
Hour by hour,
s my temple and my tower.
God's great goodness aye endureth,
Deep his wisdom, passing thought:
Splendor, light and life attend him,
Beauty springeth out of naught.
From his store
Newborn worlds rise and adore.
Daily doth the almighty Giver
Bounteous gifts on us bestow;
His desire our soul delighteth,
Pleasure leads us where we go.
Love doth stand
At his hand;
Joy doth wait on his command.
Still from man to God eternal
Sacrifice of praise be done,
High above all praises praising
For the gift of Christ, his Son.
Christ doth call
One and all:
Ye who follow shall not fall.
wept whenever heard this tune from outside the barred
window. They did not know which window was mine, they
simply whistled it around the whole building, like Joshua's
trumpets. That tune called to me as if straight from the
Neanderthal. don't mean Neanderthal man of course.
mean the valley where pastor Joachim Neander used to
love to stroll in as he composed his hymns in the
seventeenth century and which was later named for him,
long before people started finding pieces of Pleistocene
personages in there. The song called to me from the
seventeenth century and was still as strong and true then
and will always be, saying as in Robert Bridge's English
version, "ye who follow, shall not fall. couldn't get up,
and had certainly stumbled, but hadn't fallen.
Anyway, days went by in this incarceration disguised as a
hospital visit, and once the disease passed enough for me
to be able to walk around, they took me out of the hospital
and had to collect my belongings as quickly as possible
from the Obshchezhitie, and no Olga was to be found
there, to my dismay. She had been home outside
Voronezh ever since the interrogation. was accompanied
by the excellent Richard Nerurkar to Moscow, (scenes of
me going on the train were filmed without my being aware
and were later included in the propaganda film they made
about me to encourage good Soviet citizens to avoid
friendship with foreigners from the west if only could get
a copy of that one for my YouTube channel!) and handed
over to Mr Peter Liner, then the second attach of HM
Embassy in Moscow. He kindly took me to his home and
left me there reading his copy of Brewer's Phrase and
Fable, until it was time to take me off to the airport. He was
told that had to be escorted to the plane, but in fact it was
only possible to escort me as far as the passport desk.
did not receive any mark of "persona non grata in my
passport, (although the parting shot of the KGB man who
had interrogated me was "if you're lucky you'll be
deported, and if you come back there'll be 'niepriyatnosti'
" - which means "unpleasantnesses. This term is,
needless to say, not defined in any tomes of international
jurisprudence have since perused, but didn't think it
wise to try to find out what these 'niepriyatnosti' might
mean in practice simply the fact that didn't know
whether 'd ever see the woman loved again and trying to
work out exactly what her role had been in all of this left
me completely drained, on top of the disease they gave
me) neither did any formal charges get levelled at me, but
a letter of complaint went from the Russian side of the
Exchange to the British Council, demanding to know why
they had allowed M6 to infiltrate their Exchange
programme. n the next section will explain how got to
know about that detail, and several more interesting facts
about the aftermath of all this, and how it caused a change
in plans without which the Goldlist method would not have
been invented, or at least not by me.
Although was in the Soviet press in the aftermath of this,
neither , nor the British Council, nor the University had
any interest at all in bringing the matter to the UK press.
just wanted the whole thing as discreet as possible really
for Olga's sake, and because the whole episode had
weakened me. ncidentally, one month before the incident
happened not far to the West from us the Chernobyl event
had happened, during which we were advised by the
British Council to leave and told we could if we wanted, but
none of the students in our group took up the offer, and 'm
not aware that any of us got sick from that.
Despite the difficult political situation and the squalor of the
conditions we lived in, there was a resonance between us
and the Soviet students, and even more so some East
Germans who were there and who befriended us in
outright bold defiance of the instructions given by their
group leader, and the numerous Stellungnahmen they
had to sign promising to minimise their contacts with us
and use them only to educate us about Marxism-Leninism
(how we all laughed when they told us about these!) and
the general feeling was, if our friends cannot run away,
neither will we. At least, not until the end of the academic
year, when the departure was originally planned. f it had
been a question of staying there for ever, don't suppose
anyone would have been so resolute.
People have asked me whether am bitter about what the
Communists did and how in some ways you could say that
they ruined my life by doing what they did. t felt at the time
as though my life had been ruined because they took
away the woman loved and wanted to be with for the rest
of my life. t could, however, just as well be that by the
same token they saved my life. These days am utterly
persuaded that, as the Bible says "all things work together
for good to them that love God. Certainly don't wish any
ill on those who were part of the oppression individually
they were also the victims in what was a diabolical
onslaught on the human race. just think that what
happened to me was a tiny taste of the oppression that
happens to Christians, and that we've all got to be ready to
see returning at any time, and which to have was more a
privilege than a matter to moan about, or feel bitter. Even
in the space of time that 've been working on this
narrative, North Korea has executed two church leaders
and sent 23 members of their families off to work camps
for doing pretty much the same things as was doing in
the Soviet Union. We all prayed hard and the Soviet Union
finally fell, but for some places we all still have much
praying left to do.
4. FinaI year at Cambridge
've covered some aspects of the final year when speaking
more panoramically earlier about the academic content of
my degree, but now just want to go back and look at that
year in some more detail, especially the upshot of what
happened in the Soviet Union, my expulsion, and the
complaints that had been issued by the Soviets to the
British Council and by them onwards to my alma mater
and to certain other places which we shall come to in due
was sent back in June a few weeks before the end of the
course, and the received wisdom was that the Russians
did this so that the British would not have time to retaliate.
My parents were there to meet me at Heathrow, and just
put a John Denver tape on in the car driving back. When it
came to "Country Roads sang along, but replaced "West
Virginia with "Hemel Hempstead which is how prefer
to sing it to this day. was very glad to be home, on the
one hand, but the object of my heart was not there so it
was not such a perfect feeling, to be back, as it would
otherwise have been.
As mentioned above felt very sick with this
mononucleosis, but when my GP sent off my blood test the
result was not recognisably mononucleosis or glandular
fever. There was something there, but they did not know
what it was. Perhaps it is still there, so if anyone has the
wherewithal to investigate, let me know, and 'll let you
take some blood if you have a proper lab for analysing it,
assuming there's any trace of it left a quarter of a century
down the line. But had a lot of worries that when got
back to Cambridge would be in trouble for what
happened in Russia, maybe even sent down for it, but
certainly given some hard words from the Senior Tutor.
knew that the British Council were not happy, and had
complained to my University, but had no word from them
on what they thought of the matter. had feverish dreams
some nights on that Summer Vacation of going back up in
September only to be told was sent down, and looked at
starting the final year with genuine trepidation.
On top of that the whole financial situation had changed.
My grant had been cut for my final year down to a small
proportion of what it was, because it was measured on
previous years' business of my mother plus my father's
earnings. My mother had had to give up her business and
go back to teaching, though, and at the same time they
had to start paying for my younger siblings to go to their
universities, too. So had to work in the holidays. forced
myself to work over the summer before returning in the
general contractor's office of the BP European HQ (as it
was for a while, but then BP moved on) which was being
built in Hemel Hempstead. was covering for the normal
clerk who ran the copy room with its two photocopiers and
its OK dye line printers while he was away, and as long as
had no work in the queue was allowed to study, and
remember having my old, non dumbed-down version of
"Teach Yourself Polish with me there, learning that
language towards the "Slavonic Languages philology
paper spoke about before.
But also was far more curious about the world of work
and business and wanted to know everything. My
curiosity about the whole of what was doing appealed to
some of the people working for Mowlems, the general
contractor, and they took time out to chat with me about
their business. They also suggested that should come
back after my studies and start to work with them, which
was kind, although decided in the end to do something
different, not because of any reservations about Mowlems
or their branch of industry, but really because wanted a
financial education, and a professional qualification.
Gradually got my strength back so was all in order by
September. But had to make do through the year on very
little money, and had to work through each holiday and
also was given a loan by another student who had more
than he needed. That former fellow student's name is
Stephen Carson-Rowland, and believe he lives in
Australia now. Should you happen to know him, please tell
him that his kindness then will never be forgotten.
And now want to tell you what actually happened when
returned to Cambridge. was at Fitzwilliam College, which
had been building a long-awaited new court, called,
unsurprisingly, New Court, during the year spent in the
Soviet Union, a significant milestone in the history of the
college. t was designed by the famous architect Sir
Richard MacCormac (whom had occasion to meet briefly
when he came around to see how the students where
using the spaces he had created) and a very fine building
it was too, although after the Voronezh obshchezhitie even
the digs had had in my second year (still the subject of
nightmares for me, let me tell you, but won't go into
details here as it is not tangential to the theme) would
have been a cozy spot, let me say. was hoping 'd get a
spot in one of these new room, but what wasn't expecting
was to get the best room in the New Court, and for the
same price as a standard room. "We heard all about what
happened to you the Senior Tutor Professor Lethbridge
said by way of explanation, "and we considered you
deserved to have this to even out some of the trials you've
had. So there it was not only was the College not going
to discipline me for what had gone on in Russia, they even
were rewarding me! cannot describe how touched was
by this gesture.
That was the College, but what about the Faculty?
Wouldn't they be annoyed that now the British Council
would be looking hard at the Cambridge Russian students
of the future, accusing them all of being undercover
Government operatives scuppering all their good relations
with the Russians? Not a bit of it. The professors in the
Slavonic Department were soldarity incarnate. "Join the
club! one of the most senior boomed. "Just about
everyone in this Faculty has had a run-in with the Soviet
authorities, old man!. Ned Goy, delighted to have me
back, especially as he had been student-free the previous
year and therefore threatened with cuts, told me a few
tales of his time, and his particular run-ins, which shan't
repeat in detail, but they involve him being questioned by a
certain country's police for drawing butterflies, which they
claimed were coded maps of certain installations. Ned
Goy, by the way, bore a passing resemblance to the actor
John Barron's "CJ in the original Reginald Perrin series,
although he didn't make me sit on flatulent chairs, and as
mentioned always used to share a pint of prawns with me
in his lessons. Well, in one of the lessons we didn't do
Serbo-Croat - instead he'd fished out from somewhere one
of the propaganda articles written about this shady
character "Dzheyms in the Soviet Press, and we actually
did a textual study on that, during which he deconstructed
all their propaganda techniques and weasel language. t
was a great accolade for me, apart from a very useful
lesson from a philological standpoint.
can only say that the whole of the University made me
proud and touched me with their care and consideration
and also solidarity with me in the year got back from the
Soviet Union, in a way never expected, and will never
forget. When compare this with the stories of neglect,
indifference by lecturing staff and poor academic practice
hear continually from University students around Poland
and the Czech Republic some of whom do not even get
to borrow books from their faculty libraries and barely get
the chance to have time one on one with their professors,
or even in groups small enough to get meaningful
discussions going that will stretch their minds, or
considerately marked work with a proper debriefing on
how to improve their essays, or their perspectives on a
topic feel absolutely sorry for them and realise how
immense the Oxbridge privilege had really was, and
dearly hope still is and long will be despite what
successive Governments have done to education in my
was obliged to work in the Christmas break and the
Easter break of my final year (in Cambridge you were not
allowed to work in term time, but to give yourself wholly to
the University. You were not even allowed to leave the city
overnight without an 'exeat' form signed by your tutor. But
had no longer the financially comfortable position 'd
enjoyed in the first two years, and so asked the college to
allow me to be a waiter in these holidays, for the
conferences that take place out of term time. did not
know that one of the conferences to come, of all places, to
our college, was the British Council's own internal
conference. So what a coincidence that was, as if
believed in coincidences.
So, one day during the Easter holiday, was, unbeknown
to Professor Margot Light, ('m not sure she was a
Professor then but now she is Professor of international
relations at the London School of Economics, so 'll leave
the title in for the sake of due respect even though it may
be anachronistic) serving her table with food as she was
saying to her colleagues ". of course this is the colleague
of that student from the Voronezh group, David James.
... yes of course we sent the letter complaining but no
doubt neither the college or the University took any action.
. it's unbelievable what he did. and then think she
must have had cause to wonder about the nature of this
world and who is really in control when the waiter she
hadn't noticed said, "yes, Margot, but if you believed what
believe, you would have done what did.
That pretty much put paid to that discussion, at least at
that time and place. There is of course no answer to what
told them. Or at least, if you think you do have an answer,
let me suggest it's possibly not a very good answer.
Actually Margot's best answer might possibly have been to
counter me with the same "Yes, David, and if you believed
what believe, you also would complain about someone
acting like yourself the way complain about you, and
although she didn't say that, will say it for her, putting
words in her mouth, if only with the best of intentions.
That is actually why don't have any bad feelings for
Professor Light, even though she was the most vocal of
my critics back then. f you have views, you should act on
them. That's what did, and that's what she appears to me
to have done. can respect that more than apathy. She
also writes thought-provoking papers trying to give a
balanced view on European affairs, and seriously cannot
fault her for that. n the period since the fall of communism
the west of Europe has failed to produce an effective
bridge to certain disenfranchised countries in the east as
well as Russia itself, and Professor Light's is one of the
few voices crying in the wilderness about that matter, and
the more she gets that message out, the better.
That was not the only odd "coincidence related to that
matter that had in the year. Now every year Cambridge
University has a huge careers fair, to which final year
students are invited. t is quite normal for UK students to
delay making the final choice on which career they will do
for as long as possible moreover an open-mindedness
about that matter is encouraged by academics, expect in
the minority of vocational degrees like law, medicine and
veterinary medicine, where you have normally decided
what you want to do before embarking on that course. t's
also normal in the UK for people to be accepted into
careers totally unlike their degree and this is welcomed by
many employers as it gives more rounded personalities in
the MP. Countries like Germany do not tend to do this
usually a German has an idea of his career before going to
University, and knows that taking this or that course will
box a number of options for him or her, and has to accept
it. Little wonder then that the Germans have given rise to
the term "Fachidioten, and in truth their Firms are often
characterised by having plenty of specialists who can
solve complex problems in a closely defined framework,
but little ability for various experts from different fields to
be able to communicate with each other and make a high
performing team by combining their knowledge from
various fields.
So for this reason the Careers Fair is always popular and
well frequented, and went along just to get ideas. Most of
the ideas had had before about my career had recently
discounted, as explain in a moment. Now one of the
traditions is that some branch of Her Majesty's Secret
Services is present at that career fair, and true enough,
GCHQ had a stand at the one was at. So thought,'
know, 'll take this chance to practice my Russian and
see how good their Russian is'. So went up and
addressed them, and the response was "Aha, you must
be David James. said, "Golly, you guys are good. How
did you know?. At this, they said "Why did you claim to
be an M6 agent?
So explained to them how had neither confirmed nor
denied, in order not to have to disclose where actually
knew the Church's address and service times from, that
the information came from Keston College, and that was
working with Rev Bordeaux and that he was in the pay of
M6, therefore was M6. found out that the Soviet
exchange organisers wrote to the British Council accusing
me of being M6, and that they, the British Council had
then written a letter of complaint to M6 never thinking to
even check whether the information was true or not, telling
them not to put their agents on the academic exchange
programmes. So had a good laugh with them about this,
but although they were a likeable lot, there was no talk of
me joining up even if had wanted to if ever a cover was
blown before the agent even got recruited, that cover was
mine. n the end, as an auditor and due diligence
specialist, do quite sufficient information gathering and
recording to suit the nosiest man on earth, so no big loss
that ended up doing it for business, and not for any
government. That certainly suits my view of earthly
government more. The less you have to do with them, the
better. They may have plenty of interesting and nice
people working for them, they may, in their way, be
something of an elite too much so, in fact. But in the end
we have another Master, another State, another Country
to serve.
"And there's another country, 've heard of
long ago,
Most dear to them that love her, most great to
them that know;
We may not count her armies, we may not
see her King;
Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is
And soul by soul and silently her shining
bounds increase,
And her ways are ways of gentleness, and all
her paths are peace.
(Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, British spy in Russia,
British counter-espionage against Germany in
Sweden, British Ambassador to America
1913-1918, and best man to President
Theodore Roosevelt)
was enjoying the study in the final year and was
confident in having learned enough of the languages had
set myself to be able to get a good showing on the
Philology papers had chosen for my part . also had the
most wonderful and kindly friends in the Christian Union,
some of whom have gone on to become quite notable
people and could easily link you to where their footprints
are in various parts of the net. Sharing study days with
these people was a tremendous blessing. also saw
Prince Edward cycling about with his bodyguard in tow a
few times as he was there concurrently, and one time
saw Prince Phillip the Duke of Edinburgh too, but that was
more a curiosity than a blessing, suppose.
All the time, though, had a great heartache because had
no contact with Olga, which hoped was because of
intimidation by the authorities, and later on found out that
this was indeed the case. probably spent at least a
quarter of my waking time just brooding about her and
what had happened to me, and what could possibly do
about it. t appeared to me that the answer would be in
having some status, or some wealth, and that neither
would be achieved just by studying languages alone.
could no longer envisage the things which had been
toying with as careers before then, such as University
professor like some of the ones who had so inspired me,
or a minister of religion like John Marshall, or a missionary,
like David Morgan.
n my final year of Cambridge was privileged also to be a
member of a small group of people who set up a new
Presbyterian Church in Cambridge. The Cambridge
Presbyterian Church appears to be still going strong. took
an interest in Church planting and at that time would have
loved to be a missionary, but felt unworthy and not senior
enough also. needed to work first. (n the event have
planted accountancy practices in various countries rather
than churches, but in some respects the issues are similar.
The guidelines per se are usually straightforward enough,
the problems emerge as soon as you put human beings
into the mix. But naturally that's when it gets interesting
and that's where interpersonal skills of which languages or
linguistics are a major component, are a sine qua non.)
t seemed to me that could always go back to those
Church related careers later if had a calling (how wrong
that was quite the opposite was going to happen), but
right now needed to get into business, but didn't
understand how. knew even from those old debates with
studsoviet goons that didn't have a good enough grasp of
economics, and started to ask the people in my college
studying degrees in Economics how best to break into the
subject. received a nice reading list, but most of all,
received a critical piece of advice, which followed and
which turned my entire life in a new direction, one that
certainly don't regret, he told me to do a training contract
as a Chartered Accountant. At least to do the Graduate
Conversion Course, an intensive 15 hour a week study
while working course culminating in 6 three-hour long
exams all of which must be passed first time or the student
was counselled out of the audit profession, and was
usually sacked from their training contract. f made it
through that year of study and passed, 'd be able to do
the rest of the training contract with less stress and
probably become a Chartered Accountant, which would
open all sorts of possibilities of better earning and high-
profile jobs, whereas in the worst case, if didn't make it,
at least it would be the best way of learning something of
the things wanted to learn.
was sold on that idea, and applied for a training contract
to various Firms of Accountants. got a bad vibe from a
few of the Firms, notably Peat Marwick and Grant
Thornton, who both came over to me as high-handed and
arrogant. The staff partner from Peats who met me, once
his secretary had brought coffee, said "'ve given you
some coffee but you won't be able to drink it as am going
to give you a proper grilling now, and you'll have to talk so
much you won't be able to. Presumably he wanted people
who could talk without the need to stop and think.
However, the firm Peat Marwick isn't around, per se,
today, so cannot ask them whether that was the reason
for their interview policy or not.
However, BDO Binder Hamlyn who gave me an offer
seemed to be a very courteous and considerate Firm and
it was with some misgiving that turned their offer down in
favour of a local accountant in Hemel Hempstead, in fact
the one who had been looking after my mother's business.
t was a boutique Firm, ten partners, seventy staff, three
offices in Hemel Hempstead, Watford and Harrow, and the
best of it was that, as it was just around the corner from
where my parents lived, while was qualifying could live
at home, take an active part in the life of the Church, and
still easily do my 15 hours study per week. didn't believe
that would be able to study on the train to London
knew what those trains were like, you were lucky to get a
seat. So no London Firm for me.
made the right decision, though. This Firm, Hillier
Hopkins, gave me an excellent training, and were very
patient with me. think they expected that 'd be cleverer
than seemed when turned up, after all, was a
Cambridge graduate, but as kept on reminding them,
was a languages graduate, which in might case meant
could talk about nothing much at all (except, of course,
Calvinist theology, which, despite its rigor and
wholesomeness for the soul, is sadly of limited use in
business today) but talk about it in ten or so different
languages. Yes, languages add value to what you can do
with your career, but unless you combine them with
something else, all you can do is be a teacher (and as
mentioned, believed these teachers are in the main not
really needed) or a professor (which ended up doing on
YT anyway as Huliganov, just for fun) or a translator.
But a translator only translates other people's ideas and
business and is himself invisible, and that certainly was
not what had in mind for myself. was going to present
my own ideas and give people professional advice that
was going to save them money and help make them
successful, and then when had that workshop in my own
language, would be able to offer it internationally, and
work with clients in many different languages. And that's
exactly what did, and exactly what you should do, dear
fellow linguist, unless you are content to translate only the
words of others or teach their children or occupy some
low-paid University role, in the pleasant, hallowed halls of
academia, but always with a rather constrained budget.
And so it was that came out of Cambridge University
after studying Modern and Medieval Languages with only
about half the language knowledge or let's say lexical
stock have today, but put language learning practically
on hold for some years. had been given the hints from
professors that there would be a provision for me to stay
on and do a doctorate if wanted it, but really wanted to
learn something different, that would maximise the
commercial value of the languages that had, and also
enable me to have financial independence and stability
and status, all of which could be necessary if was to get
Olga out of the Soviet Union somehow.
But this was also a necessary step to give me the things
needed to discover the Goldlist method, as shall explain
in the next chapter. n sum, so far in my life have given
about half of my learning effort to the learning of
languages purely for pleasure and about half to the
learning of accountancy-related topics, in order to have a
decent professional career, be paid, do interesting things,
really understand how the world works, be of genuine use
to clients and add more value than anyone else could
have done in certain situations, and, not least of
course, use the languages. Had not done accountancy,
would perhaps know 40 languages now, but would still be
able to talk in these languages with nothing like the
understanding of the world and of useful subjects and so
the learning would not have been fruitful. also would not
have readjusted my brain to start thinking in the numerical
way that was also a necessary prerequisite for the
discovery of the Goldlist method.
Another amusing piece of aftermath from the Russia
episode also happened around the time was finishing
University. The history teacher in my old school organised
for his pupils a trip to Moscow as part of their learning
about the Russian revolution. One of the pupils who went
along was also called David James (he is also probably
teased these days as much as am about a certain
England goalkeeper!) and he got pulled out and
interrogated when the group flew into the
Sheremietievo airport. They had discovered that spy David
James from Hemel Hempstead smuggling himself back!
Or so they thought.
Then gradually it dawned on them that this person didn't
look like me, refused to even acknowledge his command
of Russian and also was making a very convincing job of
looking 15 years old! So the teacher was called and the
authorities apologised "Sorry for scaring your pupil, but
there is an Anti-Soviet agitator from your city who also has
the name David James. We just wanted to be sure. "Yes,
said the teacher, " know him. was his history teacher.
He's about eight years older than this boy, and totally
unrelated. "You were that David James' history teacher?
Should have made better job. Maybe he would then have
understood bit better our glorious revolution.
5. "I want to be a Chartered Accountant"
One of the things that tends to happen to University
students in England, probably especially at Oxbridge, or at
least, if it doesn't happen now it certainly did in my day,
was that everyone comes along and flatters them that the
world is their oxter and roll-on the day they graduate, and
that when they leave University they will be welcomed into
the job of their choice with open arms and life will be a
cinch. Maybe there are such societies in existence
somewhere on this planet, heard tell of such an
experience in Japan, indeed that is what George Mikes
claims in his humorous book "The Land of the Rising Yen.
Certainly, once students do leave their hallowed
hogwartian halls in the UK, many of them are in for a rude
awakening if so be they ever fell for the flattering lines fed
to them by their own lecturers, by visitors to University
societies, by visiting ministers of religion (with the
exception of my minister who when he visited seemed to
do the opposite which students perversely seem to like,
but think they sense that this guy wasn't feeding them a
line like everybody else) and by the recruitment mill. Once
the students join the ranks and filing clerks of your typical
accounting, banking, actuarial or other office, then the
motto is forget University this is your University!
Hillier Hopkins was (and assume still is) a very fair firm to
its employees, and clients also. Many of the people who
were there when arrived 23 years ago are still there
today, and recently had the pleasure of speaking again to
the very same accountant who have given me my first
training course, Robert Twydle. His induction course was
one produced by the nstitute of Chartered Accountants in
England and Wales called "Mann of Moorgate which
was a clever reference to Moorgate House, the head office
of the nstitute in London. Despite the fact that Hillier
Hopkins was really, as can tell even more clearly in
retrospect, the ideal place for me to go and learn about
accountancy, still didn't find it at all easy at first. t took
nearly two years for the penny to drop with double entry
bookkeeping, until that time just couldn't think in terms of
debits and credits.
The problem that had was that had been dealing solely
with language and not with numbers ever since the age of
about 16 and now was 23. had done no study of
mathematics at all for the last seven years, and are
basically existed only very rudimentary familiarity with
numbers in general. And what may have known for O-
level that certainly got very rusty by seven years down the
track. For example, was amazed and not a little horrified
to discover that when took 20% from 100, got 80. But
when went and added the 20% back again, only got to
96. Somebody had removed four of my original hundred in
the process, and search as might, couldn't work out
where those four had gone. These things don't happen in
linguistics. f you turn some word order round, for
example to make a sentence interrogative, and then you
turn the same words back to the way they were again, the
original meaning is restored entirely, and so found it
rather confusing that mathematics wouldn't work the same
The answer basically is that different parts of the brain are
used when dealing with language to the ones which are
used when dealing with questions of numeracy and pure
mathematical logic. And these latter areas in my case had
become totally atrophied. And at first couldn't really link in
numbers to the better developed language centres of my
mind at all. And it wasn't until started to realise that
accountancy is also a kind of language, the language of
business, with its own grammar which is the double entry
system, the verbal aspects being the balance sheet and
profit and loss account respectively (these days we say
silly things like "Statement on Financial Position for
Balance Sheet and "Statement of ncome and
Expenditure for Profit and Loss Account which goes to
show how linguistics pervades even the most non-
linguistic subjects) and its prepositions which are the
operators +,-,/,*,^, etc that something clicked in my brain
and started to make progress.
That really took more than one year to do, but in any event
passed the Graduate Conversion Course (maybe largely
because the amount of conceptual things included in it of
the sorts of things that the linguist can easily understand,
but also because genuinely wanted to understand how
the world worked even though was not easy for me to get
to grips with it with my very one-sided education until that
point) and sometime in the second year of trying to
become a chartered accountant finally began to justify
Michael Kent's decision to hire me. He wrote in my record
book at that point that was making definite improvements
after "a diffident start.
think the use of the word "diffident was a fair description
of my start, although was never my intention to
be anything other than confident and go getter in the area
of accountancy, the problem was that my brain simply
didn't have the apparatus to be able to grasp the ideas
quickly, on the other hand never liked to simply bluff
neither was encouraged to do so by the very
professional people was working with. At first think that
shocked my colleagues by knowing so little even though
had told them all along that didn't know anything and
had come to learn. f hadn't had the good sense to come
in freely admitting was a tabula rasa as far as anything in
business and finance was concerned, but eager to learn,
they would have teased the life out of me. think that and
the fact that accepted with good grace a larger share of
the coffee-making, the bun-runs (as in the local parlance
we called going out of the office to fetch sandwiches for
everyone in the room), the archiving and the clearing of
snow (not there was much of that in Hemel Hempstead!)
helped my survival.
n due course did start to pay back their kind investment,
though. could handle all aspects of the work by the third
year we were mainly looking after the small and
medium-sized businesses of the local area, as well as
some from further afield is not everybody likes to have the
people who really know their business living too close to
them and their families and friends! We did incomplete
records, as well as more sophisticated sets of books. n
once case, for a very traditional client, old leather-bound
ledgers had to be written up by hand with a calligraphic
fountain pen, and as had always been stubborn about the
use of a fountain pen in my work, so was the ideal
candidate for that.
We had computers in the team, but personally-
issued laptops only really emerged after my training
course was over and was qualified already. While was
training, we had to book time in the computer room and sit
in front of an amber screen, booking onto these huge
computers journals which had already been prepared in
full by hand, and where all the analysis had already been
done on paper. really enjoyed making big analyses and
got more comfortable with numbers in the course of doing
them, and in some cases used to tape together three or
four sheets of A3 accountancy analysis paper to produce
the sort of thing which nowadays is done all the time in
Excel but can't easily be printed in one sheet without
reducing the print size. But mine would have made good
Ersatz wallpaper. "He's done another Magna Carta is how
they joked about my trademark analyses. Had had a
readier grasp of what was going on, could have
abbreviated a lot of these, and that was a major aspect of
the humour to be found in them. Still, they got the job
done, eventually.
Now at this time had been leaving the learning of new
languages a little bit on one side in order to concentrate on
getting the numerical side of my brain up to speed, and as
did so discovered that in fact numerical analysis could
be very interesting. found that setting numerical goals for
work, monitoring the achieving of these goals in
percentage terms, could be very motivating. And thought
about bringing that aspect into language work at some
stage even though was not actively learning of languages
at the current time. Occasionally, once every few months,
signs of life from Olga would start to appear, but they were
not encouraging, but continued to be motivated to
succeed in my course of action by the idea that this was
the best way to get to her, or get her out. People started
talking about glasnost and perestroika, and what a
wonderful man Mr Mikhail Gorbachev was. At this time
didn't believe it, but later was convinced that indeed he
did do a great deal for humanity, and told him as much
when met him and shook his hand many years later.
After beginning to earn money was able to pay back the
loan made by my friend Stephen from college, and be
gradually paying off the bank loan had also which my
father had guaranteed but wasn't expecting to pay, neither
would have allowed him to had he had the inclination, as
wanted to be stand on my own feet, and then started to
learn to drive. was a little bothered about one thing
though when left university and joined my firm, my
starting salary was GBP 7,000. Now lenders were willing
to lend three times a person's salary, which meant in my
case GBP 21,000 as long as about 25% of the value of the
property had been saved up previously. Effectively that
meant that they wanted me to save a year's salary before
they would lend the three-times salary.
Now saving a whole year's salary of course is not easy, it
takes more than one year to do it was very impatient to
be independent financially. knew how much property
prices had been increasing, and indeed the cheapest
property in Hemel Hempstead was a studio flat at about
GBP35,000. At first felt a little bit despairing about that
state of affairs, and wondered whether would ever
become a homeowner. At work we used to discuss these
things with each other, that is the other student
accountants and me from time to time, and in the course
of discussion we pretty much worked out that there was
something not quite right about the situation with house
prices. t simply couldn't be sustainable that really good
university graduates working towards a professional role
would not ever be able to become homeowners. f they
couldn't do it, who could do it?
So something had to give. And of course in 1988 all of a
sudden as if from nowhere, the house prices in the UK
tumbled by about 25%, and a new term entered the
English language, that of 'negative equity'. Those of my
university friends who had been able to get property
immediately because of help from parents or because they
had got married and had two salaries, were by the end of
1988 already in negative equity. After working for two
years and paying to the bank for two years, if they wanted
to sell back their property they would have been at a loss
equivalent to a whole year's salary for one person for
doing so.
Suddenly there emerged a completely different set of
calculations actually had an advantage in never having
bought property, and in the meantime we had all passed
some exams and achieved experience, and we were
paid maybe 50% more than on day one, and in the
meantime the house prices had fallen by 25%, and when
you put those things together that was already much more
realistic to see how it wouldn't be long before any of us
would be able to have their first foot on the property
ladder. t was a motivation to save money, and regularly
made calculations and projections to see how far it would
be, as having a home to put Olga in and be able to look
after her was a pre-requisite to be able to bring her to the
UK,as even if the Russians allowed her out one day, there
was still the question of whether the UK would allow her in,
and believed that being able to demonstrate home-
ownership and a strong financial independence from state
benefits to the authorities would help on that side. This
belief was based more on intuition than experience
though, and had known then what know now, would
not have set so much store by it.
However, it is a long time, to wait two or three years for
someone when you are young, and once two years had
gone by became weary of waiting and began to think that
nothing would ever happen, and that was maybe simply
wasting my time and other opportunities to be happy. was
never 100% sure whether she really liked me anyway or
was simply told to be with me, and that state of doubt
didn't help matters. gradually became more susceptible
to the attractions of ladies other than Olga, and to see
things was virtually blind to for two years.
Once passed my driving test my weeks usually looked
like this Monday nights and Tuesday nights longer
study of accountancy. Wednesday nights were Church
Bible Study, and then watching Dallas which had been
recorded during the Bible Study when got home. On
Thursdays would drive up to Cambridge to learn some
Arabic from someone who had been learning it at my
college. Fridays were prayer meeting nights and
Saturdays basically studied accounting again to make up
the 15 hour a week study quota. Sundays were always off
and went to the morning and evening services and
sometimes spent the whole day with others from the
Church. My parents were not enamoured with my
Calvinism or the Church went to, but it was always their
way to let me make my own decisions, and they saw me at
mealtimes through a large part of the week. Also all the
time was working paid my share of the household bills
and my own food and clothes. This started as soon as
started working for Hillier Hopkins.
After a year of this kind of lifestyle and two years after
being kicked out of Russia, happened to meet in London
a girl liked the look of, and spoke to her in the
underground train station at Marble Arch as was on my
way back from a course to Hemel Hempstead. What
happened was, she was coming out of a tube train
platform, going upstairs and the wind from an incoming
train billowed up her skirt. She snatched it down, but not
before had seen an incredible pair of legs. Before had
time to think it over, had gotten into conversation with her,
asking whether she was related to Marilyn Munro, since
she was re-enacting so well that scene from a famous film
of hers. She responded in a certain accent which
recognised, and was able to use some phrases of Polish
from my Slavonic Philology study days. got to know her
suggesting that teach her English in exchange for her
teaching me Polish. And we did that, but romance
bloomed and we became boyfriend and girlfriend. But she
was not an appropriate choice for a partner for me. The
church, already unhappy that had been with a non-
believer in the case of Olga, were completely unhappy at
my repetition of this same sin, and it wasn't long before
was excommunicated from the Church, but was simply
unable to resist the attraction she had for me at a physical
level. simply put up with the bad match of characters,
because had been without anyone for so long, and
simply couldn't stand it any more.
Probably most people get to sow their wild oats at
University, but my strict principles had prevented me from
doing so, however remembered perfectly well the
pleasure of sex, as had lost my virginity and had a
fairly serious girlfriend at only 16 years of age. And yet
was totally inexperienced at the age of 23, and ready to
put up with all kinds of nonsense as long as the sex was
good, and also give up the communion table of Alexandra
Road Congregational Church, and at that point lost also
the majority of my friends, as they were Christians and
were not willing to have anything to do with me if was
outside the Church.
They did surprisingly little to try to restore me, but they all
had their own families and issues, and maybe even some
of them took a secret delight at my fall and found it better
that was gone anyway, who knows? Certainly the
meeting at which was supposed to be excommunicated
and which was not supposed to be at but turned up
anyway was far better attended than any other Friday
night meeting could remember, and not a single one of
them planning to speak for me, they simply loved the
scandal. You could see it on their faces. So was
privileged to receive the bell, book and candle treatment
from Alexandra Road Congregational Church. n the end
the person who got expelled from the Soviet Union
because of the Church got expelled from the Church also.
One fine man of the Church, a deacon and a builder, even
took a delight in pushing me down the steps of the church,
such a valiant saint he was, and a defender of the true
faith against prurient fornicators such as . And he
selflessly shared with me a goodly portion of his holy oral
venom. But the Lord God could not bear for such an
one so perfect as he to be without of the bliss of heaven,
and so took him soon after this to be with Himself on high.
n fact most of those involved in kicking me out of the fold
of God in Hemel Hempstead have been, in the meantime,
relieved of their earthly duties and taken to their
everlasting reward in what some, doubting the wisdom of
God, who alone knows whose are His own, might regard
as a premature fashion.
One thing never did was to try to redefine what believe
because of the fact that couldn't live up to it. simply said
" do believe this and this, but am not living as a Christian
because am not strong enough somehow my faith has
not resulted in the right works, according to the New
Testament that would define it as dead, but still it is what
believe and am not going to persuade myself to be an
evolutionist just so that can go get laid in peace. Which
is what saw other fallen people doing time and time
again. n the end it comes down to the fact that we are
fallible. Pride goes before a fall, and 'd had a lot of
spiritual pride. Probably felt that was a better Christian
than many other Christians, but the Bible says that we
should each consider others as better than ourselves.
Well, since was very poor at that got a little lesson about
myself and my own fallibility which meant that ever since
it's been impossible for me to think of other Christians as
anything other than better Christians than am. Even
those who delighted at my downfall and crisis of faith. 'm
100% convinced that they are far better than am, and can
only take comfort in knowing how these delightful souls will
have been consoled and confirmed in their Christian walk
by knowing that was severely dealt with. t gave them
someone they could legitimately speak negatively about
and shun, and that's what passes for fellowship in some
As far as am concerned have no real bitterness about
this any more. We all make mistakes, we all need
forgiveness. Putting someone else beyond forgiveness
may well be the closest thing to the unforgivable sin that
you can get, but 'd prefer to forgive those who did that to
me because also need plenty of forgiveness for the
things 've done. Pride in the spiritual arena is an insidious
and frightening thing, but like the cold virus you always
have it in you, you just have times when it mutates and
makes you really sick, and other times when it just gives
you a runny nose for half an hour. f anyone thinks
themselves uninfected by pride, then put it this way
don't advise sitting in any drafts.
So was rejected by the atheist communists and rejected
by the believing Christians as well, and there were really
moments when felt my only friend on earth was my cat.
These were not the days of the internet, where you can go
online and find a discussion group with a dozen people
going through the exact same thing as you, just having
been chucked out of an enemy state for alleged
espionage, also who got recently excommunicated from
their Church and are currently struggling with getting to
grips with the elements of accountancy. These days you
can find at the click of a mouse virtual roomfuls of people
who have been there, done that, and uploaded the T shirt
template to their shop on, but not back
then. hadn't even held a mouse in my hand at that time,
not counting living ones, of course. So didn't have a
great many options at that moment, and you can see how
that would make me cling to my profession stronger than
One manager had, Fiona, taught me that if you have any
trouble in your life, instead of moping about it and taking
leave to dwell on it and just feel worse, go to work harder
and fully apply yourself to the practice of accountancy, and
it will see you through. found that advice helpful in
practice on many occasions in life afterwards also. Self-
pity is no good, but drawing up a set of accounts manually
and having it balance first time, even via a magna carta,
that's good. That will make you happy. As happy as only
an accountant can be. At school, Fiona had been just one
year ahead of me, but having joined the profession at an
earlier stage she was years ahead of me as an accountant
and a great role model for professionalism, as were all the
people working at Hillier Hopkins.
So still the accounting study continued, and grew more
familiar with accounting systems. liked drive to stock
takes and think also about systems of stock control. For
the benefit of my US readers, this means inventory counts
and inventory systems in your version of English. also
helped zabella, my Polish girlfriend, in her study to
become a nurse, and that got me started on reading
Psychology textbooks. That was something which she had
to study and think she found it interesting, and found
that there were some very interesting things in those
books also that was where read for the first time about
Ebbinghaus and how he researched the human memory,
using made up words which he presented to himself,
mainly, in staged repetition instead of trying to learn them
at once. He was the one who mapped out the things that
the human memory would do very well all on its own,
without anyone needing to screw up their face and
concentrate, if only repeatedly presented with the
learnables in a systematic way.
That's when started mulling over that in terms of how it
could impact language learning. Language learning was
coming back on my agenda not so much because of the
brief flirtation with the learning of Arabic, but because now
had a chance to get better at Polish, a language had
always enjoyed, and practice it with zabella.
found the old vocab book had started for Polish long
ago in Germany before had gone to University, and
started to work it forward with the combined perspective of
knowing what Ebbinghaus found, knowing quite a bit about
how to control work with the use of numbers, knowing
about inventory management and starting to think of words
as units of inventory (later the first name gave to the
Goldlist method was LDS Lexical nventory Distillation
System, but in time thought Goldlist method was easier)
and also the whole perspective of the study of an
uncircumspect number of languages, living and dead, for
my degree.
All these aspects were key ingredients to being able to hit
on a really good system for learning languages, but if you
looked at that book, you would only recognise it as a
prototype of the Goldlist method as use it now. There was
some distillation in there, but did not use the proper time
spaces, and so in fact the system was not in essence the
same, even though the shape of the system was basically
there. And used that in 1990 and 1991 to get to a basic
fluency in Polish. was in no hurry to perfect it as a system
as was mainly concerned with learning accountancy for
the professional exams which are extremely demanding. t
was simply a way to relax for me, as was the puzzle set
myself as to how to assess the best levels of distilling to
aim for. looked at all the factors that could effect whether
while distilling one should aim at cutting out 3 or 4 words
out of 25, or 5 to 6 words, or more, right up to distilling half
per run through. knew that Ebbinghaus had found that
the average word was learned on the third staged
repetition, which meant that 30% distillation was the
"default, but assumed that if the language was less
familiar, or the times spent with the language in between
formal vocabulary study, and whether the learner was a
trained linguist or not, could make a difference.
Later on came to realise that really these things don't
make much difference. The brain the long term memory
is a natural born random sampler, and does its work
unconsciously, and was trying to micromanage and
dictate to the brain a process when that process would
really work much better if allowed the brain to do what it
does and then come along after some time and ask "what
has it remembered, in fact after 14 days or longer. All it
really needed for me to get to that last part and have a
working Goldlist method was really to remember things
that David Morgan and others had already explained to me
about how the memory works right back in school, but
somehow was obtuse enough to have spend another two
years and really the Goldlist method became the real
Goldlist method only in 1993. had a family and simply
had no time to indulge in learning sub-optimally, and so in
the end analysed until got almost by trial and error to
the system which enabled me to get the most real, long-
term mileage from the least time actually spent doing
languages, and which enabled meaningful, measurable
portions of the task to be done in small bursts of work
done in such little free time as had.
At that stage the Goldlist did on looseleaf pieces of
A4 paper folded into A5, so that each was 100, and did
the next distillation also working to 100 but on a different
coloured A4 sheet. had a template made in Excel
photocopied onto all these sheets and kept them in
A5 lever-arched files. But the system was clunky, and in
due course worked out that using a single book as had
in the prototype was actually a lot more handy, and that in
a 40 line book you could use 25 on the top left page, then
distill to about 18 on the top right, later on distil those to
about 12 on the bottom right, and there would be plenty of
room, and then room for 8 to be distilled to the bottom left
under the Headlist, and only after that go on to a second
book. That immediately saved the fiddly work of matching
the different colour sheets to do the distillations. The only
downside was more writing out of the numbers, but in the
end got used to it and it didn't matter or take long.
Let's just round up this section, though, as have run on a
bit. n 1990 was well on the way to becoming a chartered
accountant as so wanted to be, had a new girlfriend with
whom the relationship was turbulent but very exciting for
me, and then something happened which had not
believed would ever happen, even though David Morgan
had told me eight years earlier that it would certainly one
day happen, and before the end of the century. The
problem is had too much of how the people in charge in
the Soviet Union liked to stage-manage and falsify things,
and what matryoshkas their characters could be, and
therefore didn't believe it. had been even part of a group
lobbying parliament to support imprisoned believers in the
Eastern Bloc, and had been to see MP Jim Lester in the
House of Commons, and he himself told me that the signs
were that the old Soviet Union was freeing up, believers
were being released from prison, they no longer cared
about enforcing communist ideologies on people, they
wanted to become democracies in the western sense, but
must have been the last person in England actually to
believe it.
Even when Vladimir Khailo, a noted dissident, (a leading
unregistered church officer from the Ukraine and one of
the people who became guinea pigs when the
Communists decided that they would intern leading
believers in psychiatric hospitals that were really prisons
like the hospital was in, and treated with psychiatric drugs
to try to make them lose religious faith, which they did to
him for nearly ten years) was allowed out on Sakharov's
request and Sakharov himself was released from house
arrest, and took a holiday from Hillier Hopkins and
traveled around the UK translating for Khailo - still
couldn't believe that this turnaround could have happened.
Christians and Jews had been praying for the fall of Soviet
Communism for so many years, and finally the prayers
were answered, and sat like Jonah under a gourd and
told everyone it wouldn't last. didn't even believe that
God had answered my own prayers for the Fall of
Communism, amongst those of so many others. was
afraid it was just too good to be true, and wanted
concrete proof. But Richard Hibbs, a good friend from
University who went over to Berlin to check whether it was
really true with his own eyes, as think he was nearly as
cynical as was, came back with one piece of the Berlin
wall for me, some real "concrete proof if you like. Now so
many of my friends would be free. And in the end they
were. started getting letters from friends from the GDR 'd
met in Russia, but they weren't writing from Halle an der
Saale, but from Munich, with stories of how they got out,
the one thing they longed for and dreamed about for so
many years. They were finally free.
Now maybe at last Olga would be free? Very possibly! But,
of course, irony of ironies, was no longer free.
This was not the end of the story with Olga, but do not
want to let this narrative stray too far from matters
linguistic, and in order not to write too much of
irrelevence to the current audience, she need play no
more part in it for this version. The long and short of it was,
she came to England, and she went home again.
6. "And the waIIs came tumbIing down."
The reality of totalitarian rule under communism, the
events that took place in Eastern Europe in 1989-1991
and the subsequent period of reforms, the working
towards being part of the EU and the gradual evening out
of Europe are things which almost everyone who takes an
interest in world events will be well aware. n my own
case, what had started out as a love of languages driven
by the need to understand, which eventually incorporated
accountancy as the language of business by which came
to understand also how economies and businesses really
worked, placed me in the maelstrom in a way that never
would have happened if had not been a linguist.
Had not been a linguist never would have gone to live a
year in Russia, never would have got on the wrong side
of the authorities there, never would have met people
deeply cared about on that side of the wall. So the
experience of a linguist is not just that of poring over verbs
in a course book. You have to have that part of it, of
course, or you will never be a linguist, but once you are a
linguist in the field it is going to bring you insights and
ways of thinking and experiences that non-linguists are
simply not privy to.
They say that travel broadens the mind, and maybe it
does, but can't see anything all that mind-broadening in
the way many people travel, namely in taxis that all look
the same with the taxi driver whom they try to
communicate in English, to an airport where each one
looks the same and the procedure becomes as well
known as matins to a medieval monk, and everyone
speaks the new Latin which is English. Then getting of the
plane in another identical airport and taking another taxi to
another international hotel which always looks the same
and everyone speaks English. There is nothing
challenging about that. t is not the sort of travel as the one
the earlier generations had in mind when they say it
broadens the mind, and that sort of travel is less and less
easy to obtain.
Language learning on the other hand puts you inside the
experience of what it is to be a Russian. You watch a film
with them or hear a song listening to the same words,
finding the same things funny, understanding gradually all
the nuances. And so you become a little bit Russian by
knowing Russian, a little bit German by knowing German,
and a little bit more human by becoming a little bit more
than just the nationality whose passport you carry.
was not born Russian, or Polish, or German, or French
it's impossible for a person to have that many nationalities.
But what the polyglot can achieve, which for me is the
single most rewarding and exciting part of being a polyglot,
is to experience the moment when people of his chosen
language group come to forget that he or she is not one of
their own and start to trust him or her and treat him or her
as "nash chelovek ("one of us) as the Russians put it.
This is not possible with only beginner level knowledge.
Beginner level knowledge shows courtesy and gains a
special goodwill on the part of the people you go to, but it
doesn't make you "nash chelovek.
The person who achieves functional fluency and starts to
think in the language and is capable of reacting like a
member of that country because of also a degree of
cultural flexibility, he becomes a member of that linguistic
nation. coined a term for the "linguistic nation which
means the cultural mass of people comfortable using a
common language, and that is "Linguation. So if speak
about the English Linguation, mean the body of people
around the world who can function together well around
the English language, people who know English well
enough that their human interaction is unimpeded on a
personal level, regardless of where they pay their taxes or
where the piece of toilet paper they call a passport allows
them to go. For me, the idea of linguationality is much
more important than nationality. You can have one, maybe
two, exceptionally three nationalities, but you can be in ten
linguationalities, and you don't have to ask the by-your-
leave of any so-called "official behind a desk in order
to join it it is entirely up to you, and the work you do on
language and culture! And you know when you are in the
Linguation it's when the walls break down.
t's when people acknowledge that they are able to speak
with you and understand you because you took the trouble
to learn their language, and treat you as one of them
because of it. You'll know it, because it's like a wall came
tumbling down. There are no more serious walls of
misunderstanding, and you can deal with people face to
face and do your business with them, and they theirs with
you. When you're in the English-speaking world you're in
the English Linguation. The German speaking world,
including anyone anywhere in the world comfortable with
German is in the German Linguation. You may never get a
German passport, but the fact is that passports are
handed out by the accident of birth and not by deserving,
whereas with no document at all you become by learning
that language part of the Linguation, and nobody can stop
you doing it or ask you to fill in an idiotic form. You don't
need to pass a stupid exam in it either, because if you
really speak a language well enough to be in the
Linguation of it, it's self-evident and nothing more could be
added by a paper certificate.
And you become a member of the Linguation in a way you
cannot become if we are talking about the Nation. You
become a little bit German by thinking in German, at least
Linguation-wise (you may never get a passport or any
other piece of paper for that but it doesn't change the
reality) but without being in anyway less of what you were
before. That's why they used to say that to have five
languages is like being five people. Of course you do not
really have that effect, because there isn't time in a
person's life to do what could be done by five people, but
certainly it increases your ability to think in international
situations and see other people's point of view, in other
words, it broadens the mind in a way travel alone cannot
really do. t enables you to have insights and uses that
even five people, taken together, may fail to arrive at.
This is one of the reasons why, when they was a wall, an
ron Curtain, across Europe, the communist rulers in the
East made sure that English was taught in school only in a
limited way. n Poland under communism there were more
Russian teachers and English and German were
taught only to a few students, by teachers who had never
had much in-country experience of English, as there were
no Communist countries in the English Linguation, and
they generally were reluctant to allow people to travel.
They wanted to isolate their people from knowing English
in order to isolate them from British and American political
thought. So language teachers were not encouraged
they were not well paid and the only concession they had
was that when they were given state housing (and
everyone's housing was state housing in Russia) they
could get a flat one room bigger than a normal family their
size, as the extra room was supposed to be a study for
marking and preparing lessons. Some encouragement to
make that your career, when a dustbin clearer would be
taking home more actual pay!
When the walls came down, people in East Europe were
anxious to learn English, French, German and other
Western languages. They wanted to travel to us, but were
not immediately able to come and work, but they were
willing to pay all they could for language lessons, as they
knew that knowledge of English or German would make
the difference between winning a management post in one
of the incoming western companies, and not winning one.
People who spoke western languages typically earned at
least double the money of those who did not, but who
otherwise were equally qualified.
How different to the UK, where (and they never tell you
this in school, so listen up) employers who are offering
jobs with foreign language use in some sectors actually
pay less, not more, as they know that linguists are out
there and really want to work with their languages. They
regard the fact that they are offering work the linguists find
interesting as part of the incentive, an element of the pay.
That's an inevitable result of the law of supply and demand
at work, and nothing to be surprised about. But people are
taken by surprise as they are not told by their languages
teachers, "oh, by the way, if you learn what 'm teaching,
you'll actually earn less in the market, but on the contrary
are led to believe that the languages will increase their
market value. After all, it should, shouldn't it?
n Poland in the nineties, the study of languages certainly
did and today if you don't know English you can't expect to
get very far, or will find it harder to get far, and in fact there
are fewer and fewer people whom this applies to.
But in 1990 and 1991 the Polish people wanted to learn
not only the Western languages but everything they could
from Western people, and there was an article by
Andrzej Kinast, one of the early Anglo-Polish accountants
to go over to Poland and he became head of Grant
Thornton there until 2007. read the article and was
encouraged by it to want to go over to Poland, although
not to Grant Thornton, whose poor manners to me several
years earlier were not forgotten, but to another
international Firm, especially as could go over with my
girlfriend, by this time fiance, who was from Warsaw.
However , was under training contract at the local firm
Hillier Hopkins in Hemel Hempstead, and the deal made
was that after the three years of training required by the
nstitute of Chartered Accountants, would stay an
additional year in order to pay back the investment made.
n fact, knowing the fact that had been slow at the start,
happily would have given them two years to pay back,
although longed to be out there as part of the events
going on in East Europe.
But the ron Curtain and the Berlin wall were not the only
walls that were tumbling down in the turn of that decade
in the UK we had a recession - by no means as large as
the current recession, but for our profession an
historic one as for the first time ever it was hitting
accountancy practices and there were no jobs in
accounting firms, and people were being made redundant.
Hillier Hopkins also found that its clients were reducing
and delaying costs. Not having audits if the audits were
voluntary, delaying consulting advice they would have
been taking if times were easier, some companies were
going under and the client list was reducing. And so the
walls that had surrounded our profession, making it
seemingly immune to any trouble in the economy, also had
seemed to crumble.
And so it was that at the end of 1990, Michael Kent, Hillier
Hopkins' staff partner, asked me to come and see him in
his office. His message was simple.When you started with
us, wondered what we had let ourselves in for. For a
Cambridge graduate you seemed extraordinarily slow and
unable to grasp what was going on around you, and what
we expected from you. At that time half expected we
would be having to say goodbye at the end of the year, but
you passed the Graduate Conversion course and so we
kept you on and lost the people who failed it (this being
the deal we all had signed up to you expected to be
sacked if you failed GCC, all the Firms were the same and
there wasn't anything unusually strict going on here) ".
and then, gradually, you seemed to wake your ideas up,
and these days you've turned into a really promising
accountant. thanked him.
He explained about how because of the current climate he
had looked at the budget and discovered he needed to
lose one of us. "When you first came to apply for a job
here, and asked you were you saw your future in 10
years, you said that you wanted to work in Europe, using
your languages. Now have to make someone redundant,
and you are no longer first on my list of people would
want to lose. n fact, think all the team we have now
among the finalists are very good accountants. would
prefer to keep you in the Firm, but if lose someone else
and then you tell me after the gentleman's agreement year
is up that you want to go to Europe, then 'll be one person
down and will have to recruit someone from scratch, which
would be a big cost, and a pity to have lost that other good
person for nothing. So tell me honestly, do you still have
this dream of working in Europe?
Well, was not about to lie to him, so told him that still
had that dream, and now more than ever now that the
East was liberating. So he thanked me for my honesty
(which was more than he'd had from certain other student
accountants in the past who used the Firm and then
moved on suddenly after saying how loyal they were going
to be) and said that in this case he would release me from
my obligation of the gentleman's agreement year, and put
all reasonable resources at my disposal so that could win
a job in the New Europe. He said "Don't think about it until
the New Year, don't worry about it over Christmas, just
have a nice Christmas, and in the New Year take all the
time you need. You can have all the time off you need for
interviews, you can write your applications on paid time,
use the printers, photocopiers, anything you need. Had
this conversation taken place five years later, he'd have
been enjoining me to use the computers, but at this stage
they were not online and nobody had seen the world-wide
met a slightly different world-wide webb, Richard Webb of
BDO, a pillar in our profession, and a person who inspired
me and many of my peers and taught us so much, offered
me a job helping set up BDO (at that time the number ten
network in the world) in Poland from scratch.
Remembering how decent BDO had been in the University
recruitment round, unlike certain other Firms already did
mention, was well-disposed to them, and preferred their
offer over two others obtained in the three weeks spent
on the search. ncidentally, only having languages plus
accountancy made me a commodity in that tough market
moment. f 'd had only the one or the other, it would not
have been so easy.
Anyway, off to BDO went, in April 1990. There were some
Polish professionals of a similar age and myself, and we
set up a Warsaw firm starting with a one room office in the
pre-renovated Hotel Polonia and then in the Universal
Building and finally we found a lovely building in
Ujazdowski Park in Warsaw. We also set up offices
gradually in Katowice, Poznan and Wroclaw, and had
about 80 people at the end of 6 years hard work. n the
middle of this time my first wife had enough of her home
country and wanted to go back to London " thought 'd
married an Englishman, but you've turned into a Pole. You
love Poland and don't want to be in Poland, want to be
in London. So off she went, with her mother, to our
London property which had purchased, as well as
another house in Cippenham in Berkshire. stayed behind
sharing her parents' home with her father, an affable and
likeable gentleman, and we turned into a couple of
bachelors for few years.
By this time had got into the habit of using the
Goldlist method on and off, and had shown it to some
people as invariably was asked how learned my
languages. But in the form it was then it probably looked
too complex for most people, and also wasn't sure that it
would help them knew had found the system that
helped me, but when they looked at it and said, OK, you
do it that way, but 'm not talented at languages, you're
method probably won't work for me, didn't know then
what makes it work is something in memory which is
common to all of us and that it would indeed work for all
sorts of people as long as they understood what it was
about, namely about surrendering the learning process to
an algorithm, and didn't keep trying to force feed their
memories like a pate-destined goose, which is what
people intuitively think they should be doing. The
Goldlist method is counterintuitive, and so it should be, but
at that time could not not explain why it was that it
worked even though it was so counter-intuitive, and so
had no takers, and so there was one user of the
Goldlist method from 1993 to 2006, and that was me, and
didn't do it all the time, just on and off, and perfected my
Polish with it as well (over 7,000 words in addition to those
knew from before) as beginner level Czech to 500 words,
Danish to about 3,000 words, Romanian to 2,000 words,
beginner's Hungarian to about 500 words and Spanish to
5,000 words. didn't do more than that because was
busy either working or studying other things also. started
to be online in 1997, immediately became an aficionado of
usenet group discussions, the verbal parrying and the
virtual community. There honed my writing and from that
basis developed the few internet skills that have.
n about the year 2000 changed from a loose leaf way of
doing the Goldlist method, with each distillation on
different coloured photocopied sheets, to the simpler way
of using an exercise book whose every double page is
taken to be four zones, the way do now and the way it is
shown on all the videos. found this greatly improved the
facility of use of the system, and also that's when
changed the name of it from LDS (Lexical nventory
Distillation System) to the Goldlist method. That's because
it seemed to me that was panning for gold when was
distilling the words the "gold in question being the
evasive words that my particular long-term memory was
reluctant to sample, or got confused. t seemed to me that
by going through, with the necessary breaks of two weeks
which had been practising since 1993, could arrive in
the end with a list only a tiny fraction the size of the
original list, but which would contain the essence of the
"difficulty of the original list, and that by the time got
there, really would know these words anyway, at least as
well as would have if using conventional methods
n that time (in fact in 1998) also met Elena, and as my
first marriage was dead anyway since 1995 from the
distance between Poland and London and anyway it had
never been happy, and as it is between believers and non-
believers, we pulled in different directions. But Elena is a
Christian, of Belarusian Baptist stock, and soon realised
had found the person really wanted to be for the rest of
my life, and so went back to the UK in 2000 to divorce
zabella, and then Elena and went to Moscow in 2001
where was CFO of a TV station (by this time all my old
record in Soviet Russia was meaningless and even got to
shake hands with Gorbachev in the course of my duties).
Nobody brought up any of my 1985-86 debacle in Russia
at any time when was there, had no issues with co-
operating with the authorities whatsoever, and seemed
very popular with my Russian colleagues who seemed
genuinely upset when we decided to go.

Meeting the man who changed it all.
Arguing about philosophy and religion on the internet
helped me get my faith back after being pretty much in the
refrigerator drawer for seven years, and this time, in Elena
had married a believer. Yes, God is against divorce, but it
is not the unforgivable sin, and God has great mercy to
people who screw up time and again as long as they
basically acknowledge that they did screw up and need
new mercy. Sometimes you can get yourself into such a
situation that without even more sinful behaviour you'll
never get out of it. The thing is to get it over and done with,
repent, and face the music. Those who won't forgive those
who divorce, especially those who won't forgive the other
partner and carry on being bitter after the divorce, they are
actually closer to losing their own access to forgiveness.
Jesus told his disciples how you can't not forgive
others and still expect God's forgiveness for yourself. We
need God's forgiveness more than anything, and His
strength to avoid doing the things that need the
forgiveness more than is necessary when we use what He
has given.
n fact God does give you more than you might think. Not
only are His mercies new every morning, as the Psalm
says, but also the way in which he has equipped us means
that many things simply work without us needing to be in
conscious control, or work best when we are not trying to
be in control. One of these things is our breathing,
another is our long term memory, (which is why the gold
list system is all about not trying to force it to remember on
cue, but to present it with interesting material and two
weeks later to go back systematically and see what it did
learn, without using repetitions to try and drive it into our
heads in the course of a day. Even the Lord Jesus Christ
says "use not vain repetition, as the heathen do.
But staged presentation is not vain repetition, it is a review
after a period of time in order to separate the items we
learned automatically from the sample our brain took
subconsciously, (a separation of wheat and chaff, of gold
and gravel, if you will) because that's how God made
these brains of ours (or how they evolved, if you believe
that we evolved. f you want to be an evolutionist then my
suggestion is that you consider that man's memory may
have become honed in the quest to hunt that other animal
that is reputed to have a fine memory, namely the
elephant, and that elephant and man went on one of those
memory "arms races that Dawkins talks about in his book
"The Greatest Show on Earth.
We used our memories, elephants and men, to stalk and
evade one another. We chased them as mammoths up
into Europe, we chased them from Africa into Asia, both
kinds speciating in the process, and everywhere they
went, we went too. They were really our favourite prey
plenty of food from one kill, plus hides, building materials,
all sorts. n order to make sure that we could get the
building materials without actually killing them, the
elephants decided to go to special places when they
needed to die, giving the mysterious "elephants'
graveyards. But we ended up gaining, from the
attenuation of the memory function that the two kinds
forced on each other, the gift of speech, whereas their
speech has remained rudimentary. Scientists like Andrea
Turkalo are right now working on the Elephant dictionary,
and that is likely to be the first non-human language to
achieve a dictionary that is readable by humans.
Personally don't believe a word of it, but one thing about
evolution is that it fits anything that you can see, (as
indeed so does Creationism if you don't get hung up on
certain assumptions in some people's readings of
Creationism) and so when you see by observation that the
long-term memory is separate to the short-term memory
and the short-term memory is a conscious function that in
humans, and as far as we know only humans, since we
are really nowhere near as far in understanding elephants,
we try to control in the process of learning, then it is also
easy to find evolutionary explanations for why this short-
term conscious memory appeared and the role it had in
early man's hunting expeditions seeking out the elephant
and mammoth, as their own memory function developed in
their seeking ways to evade us. Also the hunting
expeditions had to be two weeks long, because that's the
period in which the moon is over half full, enabling the
hunting at night, when man had his clearest advantage
over his elephantine prey. They could not find their way
easily home once the moon was dark so easily at night,
they needed to be certainly home by then. That's also why
the human menstrual cycle is four weeks, by the way. The
women had to be fertile when the men were home. And 7
days before and after the period's beginning is the time
when the woman cannot be fertilised and it was safe for
the men to leave them behind, because even if another
tribe came in that period and mated with their women, they
would not be with child by those other humans.
So the short-term memory is two weeks for exactly the
same reason as why the fertile and infertile periods are
both 2 weeks. They all follow the hunting cycle of the
elephant and mammoth, and this in turn the cycle of the
moon. That's if you believe in evolution, otherwise, you
can take it as do that God gave us these facilities
because He wanted us to have an analogy to the Christian
walk, which is by faith, and not works. Sure we do
do things, but we trust God to add His blessing and his
strength, rather than try to do things in our own strength.
The Goldlist method, and the reason it is successful, is
either because it encapsulates and analogises some truth
of the Gospel, or because it taps into something that
evolved in early man. One or another you choose! Either
way the Goldlist method works, and either way, it's free
and will empower you and enable you to do more without
a teacher than you possibly could if you were shackled to
one for any time. Whether you're a believer in God as
creator or a staunch atheist evolutionist, you can work out
why you think it works, but neither group needs to be put
off using it just because the other group can have its
differing view on how it works. That's pretty much true for
many things that are going on on this planet and universe.
Anyway, in the end we decided to go back to Poland from
Moscow, since had been invited back quite heartily and
joined a firm which was made up of people 'd worked with
in BDO, and we joined the Horwath nternational network.
stayed there from 2003 until 2009, when joined the Baker
Tilly (number eight in the world) network to be involved in
the Polish as well as Czech firm of that network.
That brings us pretty much up to date, as don't need to
tell you for this account much of what happened once the
Goldlist system was invented, even though it also
contains plenty of interesting things some of which will
never tell as they involve the clients, and the clients of an
accountant must always be able to be sure that this
accountant will never breach his sacred duty of
confidentiality but there is one final chapter that need to
add, which tells of how thanks to YouTube the
Goldlist system became not just a one-man system, but
has been seen and tried by thousands of people and
hundreds have written to me to thank me and to state that
it has also worked well for them. Needless to say of the
whole twenty years since the year 1990 could write twice
as much as did on all the other chapters and no doubt
someday will, but in order not to add one 't' to many into
Claude's collection of polyglot literature, shall wind up
that part of the history and just conclude with what
YouTube did for the Goldlist method. Since it's YouTube
that brought together pretty much the people featured in
this whole volume, 'd like to give the final chapter in my
piece to outlining how YouTube helped the Goldlist turn
from a one-man project into something that is now widely
known among linguists and something having a real
chance to benefit humanity.
7. YouTube carries the message
don't think that YouTube needs a great deal of
introduction to the readers of this book. After all, Claude
made his appeal to people to contribute to this book via his
own YouTube channel, and it's likely that everyone who
contributed here as well as the majority of people
downloading the book or buying their copy in print if it goes
to print will have seen YouTube and have a pretty good
idea of what it is, how it works and what an unparalleled
resource it is both for people wishing to learn and also
willing to teach languages.
Probably most of you who are reading will have been
involved with YouTube, watching videos, hopefully
registering as well so that you can comment on videos,
and many of you hopefully also have active channels with
your own content up. f you do not, can only
encourage you to try it, as it is an amazing hobby, and just
about anything else can be included and bound up in it
any subject matter, image, music, literature, voice, you
name it. Film covers it all.
YouTube language teachers fall as far as can tell into two
broad categories; the pure hobbyist who is sharing without
much, if any, thought of profit, and those who place
material for language learning on their channels but these
are basically a way to lead traffic to other sites where they
sell, and try to make either a living or a decent supplement
to their living from language teaching.
Now happen to be in the first category, but let me make it
clear that am not saying that or doing that in order
to belittle the people who do seek to make a living from
language teaching. Thankfully, so far have managed to
get by without needing to ask for donations and you
cannot donate to me even if you want to, as there are no
buttons or anything. f someone feels they have to, they
can give something to charity, but don't even want to
know about it. t's not because want to be smug about
the fact that make enough as an accountant 'm always
happy to make more as an accountant and if you want to
recommend me to anyone doing business in East Europe
for audit, tax or business advice, or their bookkeeping,
then that would be worth far more to me than a donation!
The reason really is that people 've described above,
people like Margarita Georgovna and Marina Buck, also
schoolteachers who were paid by the county or but did for
me so much more than the minimum they could have done
and earned the same. University people also. t's really
just passing on the benefits received. And if the
Goldlist method helps you, then expect the same from
you to pass it on with attribution of its authorship, but
without profit. And if the Huliganov Russian lessons help
you, then would like you to pass them on freely also, if
possible reciprocating and adding to the value chain by
doing your own lessons on your own subject or language
also for free. n a world where governments are doing their
utmost to dumb us down, wouldn't it be fantastic if the
internet becomes a place which is everybody's Open
University? Where people can find whatever they need for
free, presented in hopefully an entertaining way?
That's what 'd urge every reader of this book to take part
in. Encourage the YouTube and other nternet content
providers, especially the free ones but not only, and do join
in with providing content on what you can. t doesn't have
to be perfect if you look at the channels of people who
are in this book as the main YT polyglots you'll see
technical errors all over the place in their films, but if they
were perfectionists, they probably would not be either
content providers in the first place or even linguists for that
matter, as a fear of making mistakes is something that
shipwrecks many a budding linguist, and those who
continue are those who can laugh off their own mistakes
and try to get the right the next time, or the time after that,
or the time after that, etc, ad infinitum. So we need you to
join in the fun.
f you really cannot make your own films, then a useful
contribution is always to give thumbs up, subs or
comments rather than just watch passively and leave the
filmmaker with only a "number of views statistic to deduct
whether his or her work was valued or not, and to join in
groups and fora made in order to enable learners to help
each other along.
n my own case, as stated above, myself had used the
Goldlist system in something close to today's version of it
since about 1993, but although had explained it one on
one to some people, there were not many takers, and in
consequence the penny did not drop with me that in fact
this could only be due to people misunderstanding the
Goldlist method being about letting the process take over
and not forcing the memory. They were doing something
that looked like a Goldlist book, but not observing the key
points about writing it in a relaxed way and then not going
back over it for two weeks or more. They were also not
observing the proper breaks because they didn't feeI tired,
not realising that the long-term memory is the unconscious
memory, and the unconscious mind feels nothing. You
cannot tell when it is tired and the long-term memory is not
sampling at the usual level. By the time you do feel tired, it
means that you already pressed for too long and the short-
term memory cut in. The work done that way cannot be
effective and so a Goldlist book based on wrong
understanding of the key aspects of the method won't do
much for you. t will be no better than any of the other
short-term memory techniques. That's why some of the
videos 've made about it are quite long it's so people get
a chance to cotton on to what the essence of this method
is, and why it's different to the received wisdom in
language learning.
And many of those who understood what was saying,
probably just didn't believe it as it is counterintuitive and
runs directly against everything they are taught in school
about how to learn languages. People didn't believe was
giving them a method that would work for them, and so
would occasionally get asked how learn, would spend an
hour or sometimes more explaining the system, and the
person who had the one-on-one session receiving this
information would go away thinking "that's how a linguistic
genius can learn a language, when it obviously won't work
for me, whereas in fact if learned languages the way that
person does, certainly wouldn't look like a linguistic
genius in anybody's eyes, and this method works for
people because it addresses the way we are, the way our
dual-state memory actually functions.
Anyhow, with the arrival of Goldlist method onto YouTube,
things went like this: had been travelling to lots of
different places on business as an auditor and not taking
photos and soon afterwards discovered had very little to
remember these interesting business trips by, and so
bought a digital camera in 2004, a Fuji Finepix. started
avidly taking photos of the interesting places went on
conferences and business, and regretted not getting it
earlier as would have had a record of the Barcelona and
Berlin conferences was at in 2003. The first time used it
was in a visit to Prague in May 2004, and to Milan shortly
after, but took very few photos at first and didn't even
know it took video and never bothered to read the
instructions and indeed on the tiny memory card had not
much video would appear anyway and with the technology
had even tiny films seemed to have huge amounts of
kilobytes, and if took just a couple of minutes then that
was the memory full, instead of a few hundred photos, so
at first all my video was tiny clips with not much by way of
post production done on them. noticed that there was a
growing site called YouTube that people on discussion
groups and usenet had linked to a few times, and
decided to put them on there just to see if anything came
of it. So in February 2006 registered my account and
started to put up these first tiny steps in being a
videographer. They are in fact very poor but keep them
there as a reminder of how started. And got a bigger
memory card that could do longer video and also started
playing about with Windows Movie Maker to join footage
together, trim it, add effects, titles and all the other bits of
post production.
called my YT channel "usenetposts, as my old website
was called - the idea of that was to
harvest a lot of writing had done in the past on Usenet
(These things are going to be collected
onto www.Huliganov.TV now), and 3 months after
launching it, decided what really needed was a webcam
in order to do the sort of videos that some others on YT
were doing. looked at people like Bowiechick, ZenArcher,
Brookers, and others who did "talking head style stuff,
and wanted to branch into that, so when my parents
asked what wanted for my birthday, got a webcam that
year. And the very same day, the Russian character from
school and University days appeared as
Viktor Dmitrievitch Huliganov on my channel, the first of a
number of personas which decided to do having really
been influenced by Bowiechick and Brookers and their
growing collections of personas. did some pieces of him
and a bunch of other characters doing poems and songs
with zany introductions, but then, after about 2 months of
this, decided to do a series as Victor just on the Cyrillic
alphabet. The response to this was stronger than anything
had done up to this time on YT, in fact it was stronger
than 'd had on just about anything. was used to being
happy if wrote a post and 50 people only read it, or doing
a video and maybe 10 or 20 would be shown as seeing it,
but this was running into the hundreds fairly quickly, which
made me want to do more.
had set out to do just a ten lesson series on the alphabet
only, but the responses and comments clearly showed a
hunger for a Russian course that would go beyond a
simple presentation of the alphabet, and decided to do it
as a three part course: RL101 would be the ten lessons of
the alphabet. Each one had a joke and a song, and the
jokes and songs were not necessarily topical or even in
Russian. By RL 102, which is the first part of the grammar
course featuring verbs and adverbs and pronouns and
prepositions, but not numerals, expressions of time or
other numbers, adjectives and nouns they would come
in RL 103. n fact because of the amount of work it took to
make these lessons after about 10 or so of the RL 102
lessons started to lose momentum, and it needs right
now to be kickstarted to get to the end of RL 102 and then
into RL 103, which is likely to be easier to do.
People showed their appreciation of these lessons and
started calling Huliganov Professor, and many actually
thought that he was a real person and registered shock
when they came across other films in which was
speaking with a normal British accent. At the same time,
people started to ask me questions about how to go about
learning languages, and so decided that, having already
established some authority as a language teacher by
making this popular series, to show the Goldlist method
using YouTube as the vehicle.
And so in May 2007, just shy of one year since the first
appearance of Viktor Dmitrievitch Huliganov, have him
expounding the Goldlist method in a two part video on
YouTube and this pair has been viewed since then on
average by 3000 people per year. Since then, 250 new
people per month learn about the Goldlist method, and
started to receive from all over the world private emails
and public comments now going into the hundreds from
people who confirm what is actually psychologically only
logical and which should have expected all along that
the method will work for all sorts of people. saw people
who had dearly wanted to learn languages and who had
failed with the conventional methods in the classroom,
wasting both their time and their money only to have the
false notion reinforced that "they had no talent for
languages finally getting empowered to teach languages
to themselves with this method, once they got over the
initial reluctance to do something counterintuitive.
But not only people who had failed to be linguists were
appreciating the method. For example, your current editor,
Claude, an accomplished linguist and polyglot already,
was one person who was kind enough to go on record in a
video saying that although he was initially skeptical, he
decided to try it and found that indeed the method works
better than he thought. This teaches the linguist extremely
valuable things about how the language learning process
really works and that certain types of effort not only do not
add anything, but can actually detract from our ability to
learn and memorise vocabulary.
One day then was informed by a viewer that the polyglots
on had devoted a
very active thread to discussing whether there was
anything in this here Goldlist method that people had
started talking about. There was no short of skepticism
there either, but soon in the long thread the overwhelming
voices were positive which meant that had received the
accolade not only of having supplied a method which
could give a fresh chance to the failed linguist and turn him
or her into a successful linguist, which already knew had
from the hundreds of letters, but even had been able to
place into the hands of some of the most seasoned
polyglots on the net, each of whom already were
successful as linguists and had their own preferred and
cherished methods, an additional tool that they were quick
to appreciate and add to their more advanced armouries of
learning tools. Also the general discussion about the
method and thinking about how best to present and
explain it has helped me to think about it a little more and
dot some "is and cross some "ts in it. The book of the
Goldlist method will be a comprehensive manual for how
to use it, why it works and some advances variations and
techniques that you can use for some of the tougher
language tasks with it.
So if it were not for YouTube, not only would a book like
this probably not have appeared, but also the
Goldlist method would have probably remained the
reluctant secret of one linguist, whereas now it has helped
thousands along the way of their desired route to be a
linguist or polyglot.
As have shown in my story, being a linguist is not
necessarily an easy route to take in life. The linguist is like
someone who takes the red pill because he wants to
understand humanity on a different plane. Becoming a
linguist is driven by the desire for more understanding and
involves very deeply the very process of human
understanding. Language itself is the vehicle for any kind
of human thought and understanding is there any other?
and when we increase our linguistic knowledge by
learning other languages well enough to think in them and
take part in the experience of the group born into them, we
increase our capacity for human understanding more than
is possible by any other process.
Prior to learning someone else's language, everyone
outside your own language group seems foreign and
strange to you, and yet these are humans as valid as you,
and you share the planet with them. The linguist can enjoy
a higher plane of understanding of what it means to be a
human being resident on planet Earth, and not merely a
member of his or her own limited language group, with its
particular set of cultural perspectives. The gaining of this
understanding is in itself exciting, intoxicating, addictive,
rewarding, and also sometimes the pursuit of this can
be exceptionally troublesome and painful, as have shown
in these paragraphs from my own story.
But life wasn't designed to be easy, nothing of use or
beauty was ever achieved without pain, or at least hard
work so grasp the nettle. Open yourself to the human
panorama that you can view by becoming a polyglot. f you
are tempted to learn, then give it the time it needs, use the
tools in this book, take my advice about the

"Becoming a linguist is about the pursuit of understanding. The linguist can
enjoy a higher plane of understanding what it means to be a human being,
and not just a member of his or her language group
Goldlist which is entirely free for you and will save you
time and money, and enjoy the ride.
To become a polyglot you need to make less effort than
some people intuitively think, but you do need to put the
hours in, and find ways to enjoy the process. f this book
has inspired you to start on the road of learning
languages, or return to it if you were on it once but gave
up, then don't delay. f you put it off you may never do it,
and the intellectual vistas and perspectives as well as the
human relationships and additional life opportunities that
you will certainly gain if you do are a very rich reward.

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