The Issues in This Case Is Simple

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The key takeaways are that the bank created money by bookkeeping entry to support a note and mortgage, and that this was not a valid consideration according to the jury.

The main issue discussed in the case is that the bank admitted to creating money by bookkeeping entry as consideration for a note and mortgage, but that this is not a lawful consideration.

The jury found that there was no lawful consideration to support the note.

The issues in this case is simple, there was no material dispute on the facts for the Jury to resolve.

Plantiff admitted that is, in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank of California, which are for all
practical purposes, because of their interlocking activity and practices, and both being banking
institutions incorporated under the Laws of the United States, are in the Law to be treated as one and
the same Bank, did create the entire $176,500.00 in money or credit upon its own books by
bookkeeping entry. That this was the Consideration used to support the Note dated May 5, 2011 and
the Mortgage of the same date. The money and credit first came into existence when they created it.
Bank of America/M & T Bank admitted that no United States Law or Statute existed which gave them
the right to this. A lawful consideration must exist and be tendered to support the Note. See Anheuser-
Bush Brewing Co. v. Emma Mason, 44 Minn, 318,46 N.W. 558. The Jury found there was no lawful
consideration and I agree. Only God can create something of value out of nothing.
Even if Defendant could be charge with waiver or estoppel as a manner of Law this is no defense
to the Plaintiff. The Law leaves wrongdoers where it finds them. See section 50, 51, and 52 of An Jurid
Actions on page 584, no action will lie to recover on a claim based upon, or in any manner depending
upon, a fraudulent, illegal
Accepts for value this presentment and ALL related indorsements front and back, in accordance with
Uniform Commercial Code 3-419 and House Joint Resolution 192 of JUNE 5, 1933. Please release ALL
proceeds, products, accounts and fixtures and the order of the court to me immediately.
Date_________________ Employer ID#______________________________

Stop The Pirates
Start understanding the way things really work.
$64.95 1099 OID Process,Secured Party Creditor, Stop Foreclosure,Accepted for Value Process Pack
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Welcome to the light! accepted for value,stop foreclosure,1099oid,secured party creditor process pack

NEW INFO:All NEW A4V examples and success stories...

Acquire Vacant Homes.. 1. Find any vacant house .
2. Do some fix-up and/or yard work (keep it under two hundred dollars).
3. File a lawful lien (claim to the property) arising from the fix-up work.
4. Foreclose on the lien, in the small claims court.
5. Receive your default Judgement and conveyance to the property.
How to manual included in the redemption pack...

Thanks for stopping by my blog,Ive spent the past 8 years going to expensive seminars and compiling
some of the most sought after books and material (some info I cannot disclose here,but be assured this
is the most up to date technology out there)on the Internet and I thought I could help people who are
interested in this information get it all in one shot,If your interested in the accepted for value
process,this is the step by step guide that walks you through the entire need to start setting
off your debt,this is a proven process that has been evolving over the last 30 years.This information is
cutting edge and proven.You must get this information and share it with everyone you know.Below you
will see a list of all the books you will receive and also a massive amount of bonus information that I cant
disclose here.If you are in foreclosure now or it looks like your heading in that direction,or your
struggling with your finances due to the current financial climate all of this info will help you to keep
your home but more importantly understand how the system works.

Quite simply, Yes ! There is one way and one way only you can protect yourself, your family, and
property from this public obligation. The only unbreakable contract in existence in the world today is a
UCC-I Financing Statement. [See Section 5 and the Appendix - Copy of UCC-I Financing
Statement. ]
Only through filing a UCC-I Financing Statement and Accepting For Value your Birth
Certificate and executing a lien upon the governmentally created ALL-CAPITALLETTERS-
NAME by you in your proper Birth-given-Name as the Secured Party, and
listing anything and everything your debtor owns, will own, or possibly ever could own
or control, as collateral in the Security Agreement, can you effectively and permanently
remove yourself from the status of a DEBTOR to that of a CREDITOR, and actually
'control' property, have access to enforceable Constitutional Rights. By filing a UCC- l
Financing Statement, you become an actual CREDITOR with standing in law and acquire
the ability to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, and discharge any and all
taxes .

All of this info will be sent to you in pdf format.Here is a list of just some of the books you will
receive,plus a massive amount of insider secrets I cant name here.

1.ACCEPT IT FOR VALUE RETURN IT FOR VALUE,Private document, For entertainment purposes only, this
is not legal advice. This is strictly a administrative/contract remedy, We are not tendering payment.
There is no money to pay anything The contracts are already in place in the background. We are simply
accepting the credits they have established and authorizing them to set-off the debt with the said
credits.Written in proper Bank-speak, it is possible to set-off unsecured debt items to the IRS and
authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to issue Money Orders to pay off those debts using your public
side Strawman Social Security Number. On the back side of that SSN, there is an alphanumeric account
number in your Strawman name that is your private account that can be drawn from. By doing so, you
help reduce the National Debt!

Accessing and utilizing your credit lawfully, safely, and wisely requires considerable education in just
who you are in relation to the CORPORATION and your strawman. This process takes time. It requires
you relearn your role in society. It requires courage and conviction to go against everything you have
been told all your life. It requires responsible teachers and well-developed technology.

Ill show you my process and how it works for me.

2.How To STOP
A simple guide to save your house.
300 + pages

These steps are taken into consideration
when you know you are not going to be able to pay for the loan but a
default is most likely in the future. You can also use some of these to protect
yourself way in advance of any default or foreclosure action.
1. File with the State a UCC1 Financing statement and addendum.
2. File an amended promissory note with the County Recorders office.
3. File a notice of replacement of Trustee and Beneficiary. (notarized)
4. File a Rescission of Power of Attorney. (notarized)
5. Send in a RESPA request.
6. File the UCC 3 amendment.
a. Vested Interest, UCC3
b. Security Agreement, (notarized)
c. Possessory lien. (notarized)
7. Send an AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH. (notarized)
Start educating yourself on the Rules of Court and the Rules of Civil
easy to follow instructions.

Also a easy to use guide on the PRODUCE THE NOTE process...

Using the produce the note strategy is something all homeowners facing foreclosure can do. If you
believe youve been treated unfairly, fight back. We have created templates for a legal request, a letter
to your lender and a motion to compel to help you through the process.

Dont ever leave your house...

3.BRAND NEW ! Property Protection Package.Proven method to postpone a sale date on your
property.All forms included.Along with step by step instructions.

1) Properly filing a UCC-1 form to establish a public record that you are not the STRAWMAN and in fact
are the holder-in-due-course of it. This is the single most important tool in your tool bag because this
alone changes the presumption of law from the side of the STATE to your side;

2) Making yourself the Power of Attorney over the corporate fiction.

3) Copyrighting the STRAWMAN's name. This doesn't just give you another defensive strategy - it gives
you a very important offensive weapon, because from this point on, anyone who is coming after your
STRAWMAN for anything without your permission is trespassing on your commercial property.

4) Properly filing your Public Notice and Surety Bond.

5) Properly filing these documents in your County Recorders Office.

5.Cracking the Code,redemption in law-how to become a sovereign,includes all forms and how to
manual over 500 pages.The Uniform Commercial Code, "UCC," the subject of this manual, is the
transcendent, paramount achievement of the efforts of a few thousands of intensely dedicated and
single-minded collaborators (dare we call it "conspiracy"?) over the last two-plus millennia. It is the
culmination of an almost incomprehensibly complex, systematic, intricate, pervasive, and far-reaching
agenda of strategic and tactical global planning to secure absolute legal, financial, social, ecclesiastical,
and political (military) dominance over the people of Earth. The fundamental medium chosen for
accomplishing these iniquitous aims: Commerce. The UCC, first introduced in 1954, has been developed
across the centuries with microscopically excruciating and painstaking attention to detail for avoiding
forever risk of detection and revelation of its true nature. It was fully expected that the Code would
never be cracked. Proof of this fact is the absence of any device/mechanism for the enforced reversal of
the process and recapture of slaves who manage to break free. If you are a slave interested in breaking
free, this manual has answers you have been searching for. Embarking on the pages of this volume,
however, is comparable with "taking the red pill," and so should be carefully considered by worshipers
of Big Brother and the faint of heart--for with such knowledge also comes the innate urge for
responsibility, an unpleasant prospect for many. No matter your level of interest in the workings of the
world around you and your commitment in making it a better place, if you "decide on the red pill" you
will never again see it in the same way. The Code has been cracked, and awaits your decision.

6.How to discharge any traffic citation.2hr recording on mp3 file.

7.100 page booklet on filling your freedom documents.easy to follow instructions.all forms included.

8.All federal reserve routing numbers.

9.Exciting new Information on the 1099 OID Process,

1099 OID Process:IRS works for creditors. IRS has forms that allow you to be a creditor and acquire
funds that are in escrow. An outstanding balance, for instance, on an American Express card is in
escrow. The funds are there you just have to tell the IRS with the proper tax filings to access those
funds and pay that guy off with them or return those funds to me.You can OID any funds that go out of
your bank account and get them back. Acquire escrow funds with a 1099-A.If you file a 1099-OID as
Recipient, those get reported on a 1040 if you want to get the funds returned.1099-As dont get
reported; neither do OIDs when youre the Payor. i1040 is available on the IRS website; it gives line by
line instructions for the 1040.

Claiming Original Issuance - meaning any debt obligations you put out in the public. When money comes
out of your checking account, when you swipe your credit card, when you sign a promissory note. Credit
cards create obligations and thus as the creator you have the right to claim them. With the OID you can
also fractionalize your account. Meaning pay for $50 dollars for gas with credit card A, then pay off
credit card 'A' with credit card 'B', pay off credit card 'B' with your Checking account. Now with a $50
dollar purchase you created a $150 obligation which you can OID. Whether that is ethical or not is
another discussion, but ITS BANKING. It's what banks do. This strategy can be used to fractionalize your
account as much as you want. You can also acquire assets. Thus if I have a Student Loan for $15,000. I
can use a 1099A acquisition and a 1099 OID, report it on my 1040, and poof I have acquired the asset.

Your life is about to change forever.

10.Sure fire way to clean up your credit reports.All the inside secrets they dont want you to know.easy
and fast!
step by step instructions.

11.Secured Party/Creditor Filing Procedures & Treasury Chargeback instructions/most up to date

12. ***BRAND NEW*** IRS REMEDIES,How to operate in the Civil and Criminal courts.Youve got to get
this!this will blow your mind!

Debt collector attack plan/administrative process,with all forms.
and much much more

The Commercial Lien Strategy
You can file a commercial lien on property in another state or on property you ve never
seen. With a commercial lien, you can attack the personal property of your adversary at
long range rather than merely fighting to defend your own property in your own back
yard. This offensive capability makes the commercial lien a powerful legal weapon. With
the commercial lien, you can literally take the fight to their back yards.
this 85 page tutorial breaks it all down.

You will receive all of these books plus the bonus material I cant name here in pdf/word doc format,they
will be sent to you the same day I receive your donation.Use the PAYPAL DONATE button at the top of
this page.

Please email me after sending/making your donation.Also I will be sending you an email shortly after
your donation is made please be sure to check your junk/spam folder!

All orders sent out by 10:00 am pst 7 days
thanks for your donation!

email: [email protected]
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Filing a UCC1 Financing Statement..

Filing a UCC1 Financing Statement is the filing of a legal document into the public as evidence of you
regaining control over your Agent in commerce, your strawman. It had been abandoned on the sea (see)
of admiralty where it was salvaged by Government and big corps to use for their own gain and benefit.
By filing the document you are noticing the state, the public, that you are regaining rightful control
over the strawman- birth certificate name for your benefit and not the states and that you are now no
longer delinquent.
By filing you also show that you are the secured party and Principal Creditor to the strawman vessel
trust cestue Qui Trust as the Trust was set up to benefit the living spirit within the body of a man and
NOT for the benefit of anyone else, government, corporations or your strawman.
You the living man, are the beneficiary of the Trust, the Trust being made up of a number of parties
including you, your vessel, the state and Commonwealth Governments.
The strawman is YOUR debtor. Because the living man is NOT to own anything, we have use and
possession, as good stewards it is the job of your vessel agent in commerce, acting as a Trustee to the
Trust, and whatever assets are being accumulated by the Trust is controlled by the Trustee your
strawman, for YOU as the beneficiary. YOU are therefore the Holder in Due Course (HIDC) of the real
estate assets held in Trust because the Titles are held in the name of you agent in commerce but the
Deed is in YOUR possession and that makes YOU HIDC.
Upon filing a UCC1, you also produce several accompanying documents that are all PRIVATE documents
and NOT to be issued into the public. All these documents ae referenced on your UCC1 filing by a code
number so there is evidence of there existence, BUT they are to remain PRIVATE.
1. The first is the Security Agreement which is a private document evidencing a contract between you
and your dead at law legal fiction strawman crown security interest name. It is an agreement that
evidences that you have an mutually agreed with the agent in commerce that the vessel agent in
commerce owes you $1B, yep, one billion smakeroos. It lists a whole range of securities and their values
which YOU have the principal lien position over, the whole of the estate and is a principal mechanism of
protection against outside predators in the world, particularly on the high seas of admiralty law where
there are abundant pirates called Governments and big corporations. Because YOU are the Principal
Creditor, any other claimant against your vessel agent in commerce, can only be a secondary creditor
and can only get at your estate WHEN YOUR vessel agent in commerce has been paid the $1Billion
which you receive as beneficiary, then the predator may have access to the estate of the Trust. It is our
most effective defence to protect real estate and other property from predators on the high seas.
2. Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement. To my knowledge this private agreement between you and
your agent in commerce is effected to ensure that you indemnify the public against any damage you, as
the living, make against any member of the public as they operate only under limited liability insurance
and therefore are at risk to damage by your day to day activities. It is simply insurance to protect
members of the public from any accidental or delinquent actions from us as private people.
3. Private Agreement - is a private agreement evidencing a contract between you and your dead at law
legal fiction strawman crown security interest name. It is an agreement that evidences that there is an
agreement a set of tasks and objectives between the parties. For example, it shows the strawman has
agreed to accept all deposits for and on your behalf into his bank account(just look at your credit card or
statement to identify whose account it is) because you cannot touch that filthy lucre. You in return, have
agreed to fill out his tax return (he cannot because he is a piece of paper and is dead Fred!) and sign it

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Your Federal Withholding
The 1099 is for reporting gambling proceeds won or lost at casinos. When we look at the Federal
Reserve Note we find that is a promise to pay, but it is not payment, but is a future event, and a future
event that has not happened yet amounts to speculation whether or not the promise to pay would
actually occur. Thus the use of Federal Reserve Notes themselves are gambling proceeds and thereby a
Suspicious Activity reportable on 1099-OID and other means of reporting. Thus whoever is getting a
paycheck in US dollars is receiving an ISSUE that is reportable on 1099-OID, because; the Federal
Reserve Note otherwise referred to as US dollars are evidence of speculation on a future event,
(promise to pay), that is gambling on the
future event, as one does not know if that promise to pay will return to the source or not. It seems that
it will not return to the Source unless it is reported on Federal Tax Form 1099 to enable the ISSUE to
enter the Electronic Circuit in a journey to the SOURCE. Without entry therein it is doubtful that the
promise to pay can occur. (The Tax Return).
So it seems that wherever a check is issued, is the ISSUE reportable on 1099-OID; or, where a cash
item in a Federal Reserve Note is given and/or received, or a bond or other type security given in
commercial paper that is payable in Federal Reserve Notes or US dollars, is the gambling proceeds
reportable on 1099-OID.
The 1099 OID filing instructions refer to the ISSUE as the reportable item, and that is the check at the
source that has not yet returned to the source. It cant return to the source until it enters the closed
circuit via the Federal Tax Form 1099 in its journey back to the source. One could say that the first
issue, the check, being the Source, is the venue, and after filing 1099 on that issue, the item returning
to the source I suppose the difference in the Source of issue and the item returning to source, (a tax),
is the returning item, is charged electronically and travels in a CLOSED circuit back to the source for
settlement in exchange!
When you receive a bill for a product you have used, and there was no check, therewith, for you to pay
the bill, the amount of that bill is Withholding and is a Federal Withholding in possession of the person
who gave you the bill without a check to pay it. Thus, the action for settlement is to report a tax liability
assessed in a 1040 tax return, and tax the same as income tax on a 1099-OID filed, therewith. It is the
IRS, then, who will tell the bill collector that the amount of the bill is a Federal Withholding. (the
withholding in the bill is the amount of Federal Withholding admitted in the bill). The bill is evidence of
that amount withheld, and without a check or money order to accompany the bill sent to you, the
absence of the check or money order is the admission of Withholding for that amount.
So, there you have the reason to tell the bill collector the amount billed to you is a Federal Withholding,
withheld by the sender of the bill, and is cause to assess the same on 1040 and [to] tax the assessment
on a 1099-OID, therewith, for settlement and closing in exchange Treasury Direct #(SSN-yours)
What is said above should be all you need to take care of your bills. When you get the bill that did not
include a check for you to pay [that] bill, that should be sufficient information for you to report the same
on a 1040 and 1099-OID without any further correspondence. (the bill was given for the cost of a
product your personal credit was used to createby assuming the use *of the ghost account+. The 1040
is the assessment of that taxable income debt and the 1099-OID is the Tax Return to the source of your
credit for settlement and closing in exchange Treasury Direct #(SSN-yours).
So, it is the tax refund that is the remedy and that makes the action in Small Claims Court unnecessary. I
suppose it could be made a Court of Record by putting copies of the 1040/1099 into the court record,
but it is the IRS Forms 1040/1099 that makes an Administrative Court the Court of Record with a
remedy. The Administrative Court is that of the IRS. That is what the tax court record will consist of, and
that is probably the only Article III Court of Record bound with Revenue in the New Venue.
The Bill gives information that makes it obvious the actual payment is withheld, so it is that Withholding
that is your taxable income! The requests for the billing agency to file 1099-OID on the issue(s) seems to
be alright, but so far the requests have been met with silence and that silence is taken as a Refusal and
Dishonor and therefore cause to go ahead and file both the 1040 and the 1099-OID. The tax assessment
(1040) can be done on receipt of the billwhen the bill did not include a check, therewith, to enable you
to pay the amount due. The fact exists that the funds have been Withheld from you, expressed in the
bill, because it requests you to pay those absent funds. Obviously, they have been Withheld and the
Withholding is Federal
because of the Public Policy HJR-192. So, I think the funds can be reported as a Federal Withholding in
possession of the named recipient on the 1099-OID.
It is your credit they use to pre-pay any plan to use the agency services. So, you might ask for the plan to
use their services, and provide you the papers to file Federal Tax Form 1099-OID on the issues, to enable
you to pre-pay the available services used to make settlement for closing in exchange Treasury Direct
Request the plan to enable us to use their services pre-paid. That will require the use of 1099-OID.
Maybe, when one gets a bill from a company or agency one can accept the bill and return it asking for
the plan to enable him to make settlement by set-off or report the item/issue as taxable income and
request your tax refund from IRS in tax recovery.
When we focus our attention on the Withholding, we see it as, in fact, Federal Withholding, by virtue of
HJR-192 and subsequent legislation thereon; and we can report it as such when we get a bill, and there
is no check therewith. Thus, they have withheld the payment, and the same is Federal Withholding.
(They probably obtained use of the Withheld credit by assuming the use of the amount used and
Withheld from us, and admitted the same was prepaid when they sent us a bill for the product of our
own credit (the ghost)-That was identity theft!)
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Buying a house
Loan application *contains your SSN (promissory note doesnt)+ goes in for your credit. Bank wants to
know if they can get you on the hook and youll actually make payments. When you deposit
your promissory note (asset) with the loan application to the bank (like depositing a check), the bank
gets authority from the Federal Reserve to enter a liability three days after your application goes in. You
can track the T T&L transactions (between the bank and the Fed) on the funds generated by your #.The
bank hems and haws a bit need to add some points, bigger down payment, etc., but in reality, the
funds are sitting there. The liability funds go to the seller (and cant be fractionalized by the bank);
assets just sit in the account.Then you sign the promissory and trust deed (nothing without the security),
creating another account which is a security with a future value. This security gets bundled with other
securities, bringing in payments every month. The bank then sells this security to an investor who buys it
based upon its future value.Another ledger is created when you give them a down payment. It goes in as
an asset; whats matched on the liability side can be fractionalized (10x). [This is what you default on;
this is what they foreclose upon; this is what they attach to your property.] The Deed of Trust mentions
the Note (security). The promissory note and the house come together on the Deed of Trust. The note is
your promise to pay; the Deed of Trust is the security for the note.The bank didnt loan you any money.
A bank cant even create money; only you can, and whenever you do, its yours (as long as you dont
abandon it for 36 months after 36 months, the bank can fractionalize it; even then, the Fed has to buy
it from them).Assets are typically held in escrow (the banks cant do anything with it). When you come
back and claim it, they cant say anything it was your asset. Youre actually doing them a favor. When
you claim itand get a check from Treasury, youre going to deposit it your account and they get it back to
fractionalize without having to wait 3 years.Liabilities are liquid liquidity is on the liability side. The
sides of a river are the banks. Spend it at the end of the year you get it all back.When you make a
deposit into a checking account, its an asset, but the bank gives you access to it through the liability
side. The balance on your account is the liability side of the banks ledger.

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Successful A4V
ATT Success Letter
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Your debt is PRE-PAID!

Right now even though they have no legal right or claim or lien, the bankers hold the title to YOU
through your birth certificate. You can regain control by simply filing a notice of lien against the birth
certificate. Filing notices of lien is done every day. Banks regularly file notices of liens with the
Department of Commerce to prove and establish their interest in all kinds of property homes, cars,
tools, equipment. This is done very simply by contacting the Secretary of State or Department of
Commerce and filing a UCC-1 financing statement and listing the property as collateral on the
statement. The same can be done with your birth certificate, which is your property. You and only you
can file this notice of lien You and only you can determine the value of the property. Since you are
priceless in God's eyes the value of your UCC-1 should be UNLIMITED.
In this case, the company is the government. Because you agreed to work for the government, the
company, for the rest of your life, the government (company) agreed to pay all of the debt you incur
in your lifetime. Is that a bit of a surprise to you? It should be. No one has told you or showed you how
use this information. In exchange for your birth certificate and your application for Social Security, which
they used as collateral to reduce their debt with the bankers, the government (company) promised to
pay your debts. You work on behalf of the US government AS COLLATERAL ON THE NATIONAL DEBT
owed to the bankers.

Whatever your debt, it's actually prepaid.
Thats right, your debt is prepaid with what is known as money of account. There is no real
substance or money of exchange such as gold or silver; only accounting adjustments and set offs. The
US government agreed to do this for you with the passage of House Joint Resolution (HJR) 192 back in
1933 shortly after the National Emergency and Bank Holiday declared by President Roosevelt. You're
already signed up for this program from birth; its just that no one told you about it, UNTIL NOW!
Like all good companies though, the US government offered to its worker bees, insurance benefits.
They offered insurance to us if we would fill out an SS-5 form, also known as Application for Social
Security Benefits. It's also the hook they use to get us to sign up as their collateral on the national debt.
This all originated from the Shepard Towners Maternity Act that was to help new mothers with the
care of their children if the mother was unwed. (This is why they ask for the maiden name of the mother
on the application for live birth. All of us are considered to be bastard children with the government
(company) as our daddy)
The SS-5 is really a Power Of Attorney (POA) for the company that issued the insurance benefit to You,
the real man or woman. POA was assumed by the company, the government. When they established
the new account they styled the name in ALL CAPS. Very few people normally sign their name in ALL
CAPS. Your JOHN H. DOE is really a corporation. Print your name in ALL CAPS if you intend to express the
name/ title of Your corporation. You'll find it on "your" driver's license, "your" social security card,
"your" bank statement, "your" check blanks, "your" tax statements, etc. The Social Security number is
evidence that there is an insurance policy. The benefit you are receiving is the privilege of an army, navy,
police, fire protection, Medicaid, medicare, SSI, pension etc.
So far it has worked quite well for the government (company) they just didnt tell you how to go about
getting your debt set off and how to access and use the pre-paid account, all the more money for their
pet projectswars of pre-emption, international intrigue, control and domination of the global markets,
etc. You/ve perhaps read about this in the news or seen it on the evening news. You're letting them use
your money for crimes against humanity.
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Understanding the birth registration process
Remember in Admiralty, Vessels documented by registration under the laws of the United States are
entitled to privileges and subject to the obligations prescribed by the laws of the United States for
merchant vessels.

To start out with, your parents due to their prior birth registration were already considered being
registered documented vessels/mentally incompetent wards of the State, being under the guardianship
of the State, who by legal marriage, where the State is a third party to the marriage contract, had an
offspring/ward which they brought into this world by delivery[1], the act by which the res the subject
matter of a trust, or substance thereof was placed within the actual or constructive possession or
control of another in the delivery room of the maternity ward of the hospital, the port of entry for
vessels/wards. Then they asked your mother for your legal name[2] in Upper Lower case which consists
of one Christian name and one surname which is the name on the RECORD OF LIVE BIRTH written in
upper and lowercase letters. What your mother was not told is that she delivered you to an
agent/licensed doctor of the State, in a federally funded hospital, an act by which the res[3] the subject
matter of a trust or substance thereof was placed within the actual or constructive possession or control
of another, the State, for which in equity they created a Certificate of Live Birth with the all CAPITAL
LETTERS and recorded that warehouse receipt in the commercial registry as cargo under transportation.

The hospital documented your birth with the legal name Title[4] in a distinctive style or appellation,
Upper Lower case, the name by which anything is known, and because under trust law whenever title or
money is transferred, a trust is created by operation of law, representing you, for which they created a
CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH in all CAPITAL LETTERS, which was filed with the local Registrar and
registered with the State, via Certificate of registry[5], in commercial maritime law which is a certificate
of registration of a vessel according to the registry acts, for the purpose of giving her a national
character i.e. U.S. citizen born in a federal zone, hospital zip code, in the judicial district in which the
birthing of the vessel occurred identified by the filing with the Florida State Department of Health, Office
of Vital Statistics within 5 days after your delivery, and then sent to Washington, D.C., for which the
hospital receives a check for that vessel.

Then the local registrar issued your parents a copy of the warehouse receipt for the cargo, the
CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH from the State of Florida in all CAPITAL LETTERS, representing a vessel/ward of
the State representing the abandonment of your title by registration. The State of Florida the
Creator/Trustor then created a Cestui que trust (constructive trust) behind your back after the fact, with
the all Upper Lower case name, and placed a value on it, based on actuarial estimates of your future
labor/human resource. Then they issued a Bond against the trusts asset, a certificate of indebtedness*6+
and funded the bond through the IMF based on your future earnings from your labor as the contributing
beneficiary, which is a trust asset, and set up a Federal Reserve account for the same. So now the IMF
has a beneficial interest in and out of the trust estate, the legal title is now vested with the State of
Florida, and held by the Alien Property Custodian in Washington, D.C.; equitable title copy of
CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH held by you representing equity/labor; the Governor acting as the managing
fiduciary trustee; the Secretary of State Registrar acting as fiduciary trustee until you turn of legal age;
and you acting as fiduciary trustee for the trust with duties and obligations once you turn of legal age,
and the Secretary of Treasury in charge of the Federal Reserve account.

That ward/vessel is a now a Vessel of the United States, documented by registration under the laws of
the United States and subject to its laws and jurisdiction, and the Title goes to the Alien Property
Custodian in Washington, D.C. In a maritime in rem action, jurisdiction over the person of the
"defendant", the vessel, is premised upon the presence of the vessel within the district in which the
court sits. The only vessel they have jurisdiction over is the trust, that is evidenced by the CERTIFICATE
OF LIVE BIRTH, establishing the three points of jurisdiction NAME, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and DATE
OF BIRTH, the Federal Reserve account under the supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury who is
also the managing trustee for the Social Security Administration and governor for the IMF.

Up until you turned of legal age to work, the deputy Registrar on behalf of the Registrar/ Secretary of
State, or the Registrar/Secretary of State whichever signed the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH has been the
fiduciary trustee for that trust created behind your back and securitized where the government owns it
in part and you own it in part. Meaning the Registrar had the fiduciary duty and obligation for that Trust
up until you started your first job. That is why the State can take the child away from the parents,
because it is the duty and obligation of the fiduciary trustee as guardian, to look after the ward, and
make sure he or she is taken care of properly.

When you filled out the Application Form SS-5 for a Social Security Card, the Registrar turned over the
duty and obligation of the fiduciary trustee over to you, because he did not want to be responsible as
fiduciary for anything you do in commerce using that SS Card/number. You then became the
contributing beneficiary and fiduciary trustee for that trust with the duties and obligations for filing and
paying the licensing taxes, registration taxes, and taxes on profits, gains and income generated for the
trust once it starts to operate in commerce with a Social Security Card/number on all commercial
transactions, because you on behalf of the beneficial owner the trust, which is resident within a
territory occupied by military forces with which the United States is at war, or a resident outside the
United States, for which you are considered an enemy doing business with a license and tax identifying
number for the purposes of trade effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within
said territory for which you are granted a license under the authority of the President pursuant to the
Trading with the Enemy Act, as an enemy in order to trade, or attempt to trade with the enemy for the
beneficial owner the trust, and as the fiduciary trustee paying, satisfying, compromising, or giving
security for the payment or satisfaction of any debt or obligation, and for drawing, accepting, paying,
presenting for acceptance or payment, or indorsing any negotiable instrument or chose in action on
behalf of the trust.
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Your birth certificate was made into a bond,its worth billions!

When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy, pledged all Americans as collateral against the national
debt, and confiscated all gold, eliminating the means by which you could pay, it also assumed legal
responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay, and it did that by providing what is known as the
Exemption, an exemption from having to pay for anything. In practical terms, though, this meant giving
each American something to pay with, and that \"something\" is your credit.

Your value to society was then and still is calculated using actuarial tables and at birth, bonds equal to
this \"average value\" are created. I understand that this is currently between one and two million
dollars. These bonds are collateralized by your birth certificate which becomes a negotiable instrument.
The bonds are hypothecated, traded until their value is unlimited for all intents and purposes, and all
that credit created is technically and rightfully yours. In point of fact, you should be able to go into any
store in America and buy anything and everything in sight, telling the clerk to charge it to your
Exemption account, which is identified by a nine-digit number that you will recognize as your Social
Security number without the dashes. It is your EIN, which stands for Exemption Identification Number.
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If you have a mortgage you need to read this!
First you must know that the federal government took America off the gold standard in1933, during a
staged bankruptcy called the Great Depression and replaced the gold with an economic principle
known as "Negotiable Debt Instruments." [YES, THE GREAT DEPRESSION WAS STAGED!] The government
needed to create a catastrophe to implement standards that were designed to steal your possessions
and God-given rights. The process of creating a catastrophe was discovered by behaviorists. Take away a
persons food, comfort and safety long enough and they wont care or question the illusion provided, as
long as their stomach is full, they have shelter, a comfortable bed and the means (real or imagined) to
keep or continue their comfort. President Roosevelt unconstitutionally collected Americas gold by
Executive Order and sold it to the Vatican by way of China to conceal its true ownership. The gold in Fort
Knox belongs to the Vatican and not the United States. Absent a gold base, Commerce now essentially
trades in debts. So if you borrowed money for a mortgage and theres no gold or real value to support
the paper called U. S. Currency, what did you actually borrow? Factually, you borrowed debt. The
mortgage company committed the ultimate fraud against you because they loaned you nothing to pay
off the imaginary balance, not even their own debt instruments. They then told you that you owe them
the unpaid balance of your home and that you must pay them back, with interest, in monthly

Heres how they did it. At your closing, the mortgage company had you sign a Promissory Note in
which you promised your sweat, your equity, full faith and credit against an unpaid balance. Then
without your knowledge, the mortgage company sold your Promissory Note (your credit) to a
warehousing institution such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. The warehousing institution uses your
Promissory Note (your credit) as collateral and generates loans to other people and corporations, with
interest. Collateral is essential to a corporation because corporations have no money or credit. Theyre
not real, theyre a fiction and require the sweat, the equity, the full faith and credit of living individuals
to breathe and sustain the life of the corporation. Corporate Governments operate under the same
principle. The warehousing institution makes money off the Promissory Note (your credit) and even
though the profits made are nothing more than new Negotiable Debt Instruments, those instruments
still have buying power in a Negotiable Debt Economy. These debt instruments are only negotiable
because of the human ignorance of the American people and the human ignorance of people in other
countries of the world, who have all been lied to, told this has value, and the people dont know the
difference. Did you ever give your permission to the mortgage company to sell your credit? So where is
your cut of the profits? If the mortgage company invested nothing of their own in the purchase of your
home, why are you making a monthly mortgage payments to them with interest? And where do they
get off foreclosing on or against anyone or threatening to foreclose? They do it by fraud and the Masters
and their Agents (the governments, the courts and the banks) all know it! Everything done to us and
against us is about sustaining their lives, the lives of the corporate governments they command and to
keep We the People under their complete control. They accomplish this control by taking away or
threatening to take away your comfort and independence. They all use fraudulent means, disguised as

Note: When you applied for a mortgage, the mortgage company ran a credit check on you and if you
had a blemish on your credit record, they charged you points (money) to ease their pain and lighten the
risk (a credit risk) of their loaning you a mortgage. More Fraud! Why are you paying points, when they
never loaned you a dime? The credit report is just another scam. If you have a high credit report, the
government and banks identify you as an Obedient Slave and yet your Promissory Note sold for the
same value as the Promissory Note endorsed by the man who is a credit risk. Credit didnt matter.
The fact that you are a living person is what matters!

More Fraud: The mortgage company maintains two sets of books regarding your mortgage payments.
The local set of books is a record that they loaned you money and that you agreed to repay that money,
with interest, each month. The second set of books is maintained in another State office, usually a bank
because the mortgage companies usually sell your loan contract to a bank and agree to monitor the
monthly payments in order to conceal the fraud. In the second set of books, your monthly mortgage
payment is recorded by the bank as a savings deposit because there is no real loan. When you pay off
the fraudulent mortgage, the bank waits 90 days and then submits a request to the IRS. The request
states that: Someone, unknown to this facility, deposited this money into our facility and has
abandoned it. May we keep the deposit? The IRS always gives their permission to the bank to keep the
deposit and your hard-earned money just feathered the nest of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and eleven
other wealthy families in the world!

Equity Law, which once controlled Americas Corporate Courts, has been replaced with
Admiralty/Maritime Law, pursuant to Title 28 of the United States Code and the Judiciary Act of 1789.
This is the Law of Merchants and Sailors. Under Admiralty/Maritime Law, the courts presume you owe
the mortgage or the tax or that you committed a crime defined as a Criminal Statute and it is your
obligation to prove youre innocent! This means, youre guilty until you prove youre innocent, which is
the same standard and procedure used in a Military Court Martial. Havent we always been told that
You are innocent until proven guilty? Lies, Lies and more Lies! We are not free men; we are slaves, and
bound to our Masters by adhesion contracts and secret Trusts. The goal of the Masters and their agents,
our elected officials, is to keep the people oppressed and subservient to them. As the Masters agents,
they utilize propaganda techniques through government-controlled schools, churches, the media and
mind control by force and or the threat of force through the courts and police enforcement. Police
officers in America have been pumped full of more bullshit than a manure spreader and because of their
trust, public school conditioning and training, they havent the ability to see what is going on. Many have
been conditioned by previous military service not to think for themselves but just follow orders, which
makes many of them as dangerous as a Terrorist! Now ask yourself - who are the real Terrorists in
America? Guess what? The Constitution isnt for the Police either, and still they are forced to swear an
oath to defend it. The more regulations, statutes and codes created, and the greater the number of
regulatory officers and agencies created to enforce them, the greater the Masters control over their
slaves; and that is mind control by force and threat of force, by the very people we rely on, to protect
and serve!

1. The Federal Reserve Bank is a private banking system created by foreign interests. Call any branch for

2. The Federal Reserve Bank is the sole creditor of the United States and the entire national debt is
owed to the Federal Reserve Bank. Write your congressman for verification.

3. There are twelve member banks in this system and according to their bylaws (articles of association)
they each have the power to act as depositary and fiscal agent (tax collector) of the United States.

4. Federal Reserve Board regulations and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles prohibit member
banks within the Federal Reserve System from lending money from their own assets or from other
depositors. Federal Reserve member banks do not make loans.

5. Bank customers fund their own mortgage transactions by signing a note. The note is the creation of
currency that never existed before being signed by the customer.

6. Because the banks have monopolized the market on negotiable instruments, only banks will accept
your promissory note. You can't buy groceries with a promissory note for example.

7. The practice of failing to disclose these facts in the mortgage agreement voids and nullifies the note
because it violates 12 CFR 226.17(c)(1) of the Truth in Lending Law.

8. Unsecured debts assigned to debt collectors are not legally enforceable without the consent of the

9. The banks must pay their customers back the entire value of each note and credit limit minus fees and

10. These facts apply to both secured (e.g. mortgages, credit cards) and unsecured (e.g. credit card)

11. There are no disclosure or application requirements for a social security number. There are no
penalties for refusing to disclose a social security number to anyone. 26 CFR 301.6109-1(c). This is a ruse
perpetrated by the FDIC, Federal Reserve and insurance industry for the purpose of illegally monitoring
American citizens.

12. The credit reporting system is the creation of the Federal Trade Commission. Its primary use is to
collect and build information databases about Americans. It also provides an inexpensive means for
banks to unfairly punish people and destroy reputations by subverting the legal requirements normally
imposed upon them under the court system.

Extract From THE BANKER'S MANIFEST, for private circulation among leading bankers only. "Civil
Servants' Year Book (The Organizer)" Jan 1934 & "New American" Feb 1934

"Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and through legislation. Debts must be
collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the
common people lose their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong
arm of the law, applied by the central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers. People
without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now
engaged in forming an imperialism of capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get
them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of
the common herd. Thus, by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been generally
planned and successfully accomplished."
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The Commercial Lien Strategy.
Faced with corrupt lawyers and judges, no litigant can expect to win in court by simply
playing defense. To beat them, you must be able to scare them. You must be able to make
them respect you, and that means you must be able to take the offense attack them

Unfortunately, judges, lawyers, and other government officials enjoy various levels of
personal immunity provided by both law and "professional courtesy." How do you sue a
lawyer for malpractice? You hire another lawyer if you can find one who ll take the
case. How do you sue an IRS agent for violating your Constitutional rights? Only with
great difficulty. How you sue a judge for railroading you in court? You don t.
As a practical matter, private citizens can t sue the President of the United States, a
Governor, judge, or even an IRS agent for failing to obey or enforce the laws. If we try to
sue in court to compel our government officials to obey the law and perform their lawful
duties, the judges routinely ignore our petitions and laugh us out of court.
Because legal and de facto immunities shield government personnel from being sued for
committing crimes against the People, the public is legally disarmed, unable to
aggressively sue the government or its agents and compel them to obey the Law. As a
result, the public s legal posture is fundamentally defensive: we try to duck, dodge, and
hide in legal loopholes to defend ourselves against the government and the courts. We try
to escape, evade, and avoid, but we seldom counter -attack against our antagonists, largely
because we think there are no lawful weapons to do so. However, it appears that a
powerful offensive legal weapon may now have been discovered, tested, and proven for
common Citizens the commercial lien. We dont try to sue a government official for
failing to perform his lawful duties. Instead, we simply file a lien that encumbers the
official s personal property and credit rating like a ton of bricks until he voluntarily
satisfies our demand to perform his lawful duty, and we, in turn, voluntarily agree to
excise the lien.
Example 1 Edward J. Wagner, an hourly, unionized employee at General Electric,
received Notices of Levy from the IRS, garnishing his wages and moneys received from
several other sources. Wagner tried to persuade G.E. not to honor the Notices, since they
were not properly attested as "true bills of commerce." His efforts met with no success.
After giving G.E. proper Notice and Demand, Wagner and his wife filed a Commercial
Lien in the amount of $224,640,00.00. In the lien, Wagner impounded G.E. inventory
that he had worked on (including air conditioning units, analyzing equipment, etc.) as
security for the lien. This is similar t o an auto mechanic impounding a car he had repaired
("mechanic s lien"). This meant that G.E. could not lawfully sell or transfer the
equipment until the lien was either extinguished or satisfied.
Among the reasons for the high dollar amount are that the law allows for such high sums
as rewards for damages incurred, and it generally has to be large enough in relation to the
size of the company involved, to get its attention. Otherwise such a large company might
just ignore it.
Consequently, a legal war followed, and by June of 92, G.E. had gone to court several
times trying to remove Wagners lien, all without any real success. This was in spite of
the fact that G.E. had the best, most highly paid, and highly motivated lawyers.
In June of 92, the first major victory for the Wagners came. The IRS issued four
different official Releases of Levy, one to General Electric, plus three other places where
they had wages and income that the IRS had levied the Port of Seattle, Dean Witter
Reynolds, and Ohio State Life Insurance Company. These effectively released the IRS s
attachment on the Wagners income and assets. That s a pretty solid testimonial to the
power of the arguments in Mr. Wagners lien.

Although this lien strategy is explosive, it s more like nitro-glycerin than hydrogen
bombs. You need to be knowledgeable and careful to use nitro -glycerin, but you don t
need to be a nuclear physicist. However, nitro -glycerin can blow up in your face if you
handle it carelessly!
Likewise, "bombing" government officials with liens is a craft, not a science, that can be
used as easily by knowledgeable pro se s as it can by lawyers and legal scholars. The
commercial lien is simple, inexpensive, and takes very little time. It requires no court
action or judge s approval. And, it has proven to be very direct and effective, if it is
handled correctly. However, a few careless pro se s have had their liens "blow up" in
their faces, so be meticulous when you use them.

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Trust layout
Trusts Layout
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The United States, a private for profit Federal Corporation, is bankrupt and has to pay our bills
The united states a corporation, a legal fiction that existed well before the Revolutionary War.

Republica v. Sween, 1 Dallas 43.

United States Code Title 28, Part VI, Chapter 176, Subchapter A, 3002;

(15) United States means, (A) a Federal corporation

1933 March 9, a bank emergency [bankruptcy] was declared by President Roosevelt because of the
insolvency of the United States. Executive Order 6073, 6102, 6111, 6260; Senate Report 93-549, pgs.
187 & 594, 1973.

1933 March 9,The new money (paper promissory notes) is issued to the banks in return for
Government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and bankers acceptances.
The new money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It
will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other

property of all the people in the Nation. Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congressional Record, 1st

1933 May 1, gold was transferred from U. S. Citizens to the United States by Executive Order 6102.

1933 May 23, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden brought formal charges (Congressional Record May 23,
1933 page 4055-4058) against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The
Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts,
including but not limited to, conspiracy, fraud, unlawful conversion and treason. The petition for Articles
of Impeachment was thereafter referred to the Judiciary Committee and has yet to be acted on.

1933 June 5, to mitigate McFadden's charges (and prevent being hung for treason), Congress passed
House Joint Resolution 192 to provide U. S. Citizens the right to set off all debt obligations as the
consideration (something bargained for i.e., an exchange) for the transfer (theft) of all the gold and

1950 Congress declared "bankruptcy and reorganization". Secretary of Treasury appointed receiver in
the bankruptcy. Reorganization Plan, No. 26, 5 U.S.C.A. 903; Public Law 94-564; Legislative History, Pg.

1973 "Since March 9th, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency
(bankruptcy)..." Senate Resolution 9, 93d. Congress, 1st. Session, Foreward.

1977 Oct. 28th, the United States as a "Corporator" and "State" declared insolvency. State banks and
most other banks were put under control of the "Governor" (Secretary of the U. S. Treasury) of the
"Fund" (I.M.F.). 26 IRC 165 (g)(1); U.C.C. 1-201(23), C.R.S. 39-22-103.5, Westfall vs. Braley, 10 Ohio 188,
75 Am. Dec. 509, Adams vs. Richardson, 337 S.W. 2d. 911; Ward vs. Smith, 7 Wall 447.

1993 March 17th, United States Congressional Record, Vol. 33, page H-1303. Speaker-Rep. James
Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House: "Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11.. Members of
Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world
history, the U. S. Government. It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has
been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by
President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933
Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign
Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices,
Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists
today in name only.

The SUBSTANCE of the American citizenry, their real property, wealth, assets and productivity that
belongs to them, was pledged by the government and placed at risk as the collateral for US debt, credit,
and currency for commerce to function.

Under the 14th amendment and numerous Supreme Court precedents, as well as in equity, private
property cannot be taken or pledged for public use without just compensation or due process of law.
The United States cannot pledge or risk the property and wealth of its PRIVATE CITIZENS for any
government purpose without legally providing them remedy to recover what is due them on their risk.
Courts have long ruled that to have ones property legally held as collateral or surety for a debt, even
when one still owns it and still has it, is to DEPRIVE him of it since it is at risk and could be lost for the
debt at any time.

The United States Supreme Court said that, the Constitution provides that private property shall not be
taken for public use without just compensation. United States v. Russell, 13 Wall, 623, 627.

Sureties compelled to pay debts for their Principal have been deemed entitled to reimbursement, even
without a contractual promise And probably there are few doctrines better established Pearlman v.
Reliance Ins. Co., 371 U.S. 132, 1962

United States Code Title 31 section 3123 states that the US Government has an obligation to pay 'dollar
for dollar' principal and interest in legal tender ALL debts accrued by the American people.

Those backing the nations credit and currency cannot recover what is due them by anything drawn on
Federal Reserve notes without expanding their risk and obligation to their own selves. Any recovery
payments backed by this currency (FRNs or Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Devices; FRAUDs) would
only increase the public debt its citizens are collateral for, which an equitable REMEDY was intended to
reduce, and in equity would not satisfy anything, for there was no longer actual money of substance to
pay anybody. In other words, there is no actual money in circulation by which debt owed from one party
to another can actually be repaid. Since 1933 no one has ever really been paid because there's been
no money of substance. Every time we spend a dollar (IOU) we increase the national debt by that same
amount. Every time we send our bills to Treasury for the set off we reduce the national debt by that
same amount. Federal Reserve Publication Public Debt, Private Asset says the national debt is owed to
its creditors which is you and me.
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