Using Cadence NC-Verilog or Verilog-XL Simulator: Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Tools at NPU
Using Cadence NC-Verilog or Verilog-XL Simulator: Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Tools at NPU
Using Cadence NC-Verilog or Verilog-XL Simulator: Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Tools at NPU
A brief tutorial is presented here to get you started on using the Cadence NC-Verilog or
Verilog-XL simulator on a Unix operating system. The command name for Verilog XL is
!erilog"# and the command name for NC Verilog is nc!erilog". Any $here the
Unix%Linux command !erilog" is used belo$# it can be substituted by nc!erilog".
Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Tools at NPU
N&U electronics lab offers a complete set of '(A tools for A)*C and +&,A%C&L(
designs. The &C !ersion of '(A tools are typically installed locally on indi!idual
machines and the UN*X%Linux !ersion of '(A tools are all installed on a Unix%Linux
ser!er for easy access. -ost tools offer both ,U* !ersion and A)C** !ersion of user
interface. *f you need to use the ,U* !ersion# you need direct access to a Unix%Linux
$or.station or X-$indo$ soft$are such as /eflection or Xmanager. *f you use A)C**
!ersion of user interface# you can remote login to the system from home or from any
other computers on the N&U computer net$or..
EDA tools organization on Linu
All '(A tools on Linux are installed at the follo$ing location0
All setup files are located at0
Login to NPU Uni!Linu Net#or$
'!ery registered student should ha!e a Unix%Linux account on the N&U Unix%Linux
net$or.. The account name is typically posted the first trimester you register. *f you are
not next to a Unix%Linux $or.station# you may use the X" -anager program to connect
to a Unix%Linux machine. 1ou may $ant to choose a machine $ith fe$er people and
smaller load.
After successfully logging in the system# do the follo$ing0
% cd
% mkdir verilog_demo
% cd verilog_demo
2here the 3" indicates the Unix prompt. After typing in the abo!e commands# you
ha!e created a directory called !erilog4demo" in your home directory.
Creating t%e Design &iles
Typically# you $ould enter your design using a text editor on the Unix. T$o files $ill be
needed for this tutorial. 5ne is the design itself $hich contains the beha!ior description
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for a 6-bit full adder. The other file contains all the input !ectors for running the
simulation $hich is called fixture.!.
The follo$ing is the content for the file adder6.!0
module adder6 9a# b# ci# s# co:;
input <=0>? a# b;
input ci;
output <=0>? s;
output co;
assign @co# sA B a C b C ci;
The follo$ing is the content for the file fixture.!0
module fixture;
reg <=0>? pa# pb;
reg pci;
$ire <=0>? obs4s;
$ire obs4co;
adder6 dut 9.a9pa:# .b9pb:# .ci9pci:# .s9obs4s:# .co9obs4co::;
initial begin
Ddump!ars98#pa#pb#pci# obs4s# obs4co:;
Dmonitor9Dtime# aB3b bB3b ciB3b coB3b sumB3b"#
pa# pb# pci# obs4co# obs4s:;
initial begin
E8> pa B >; pb B >; pci B >;
E8> pa B 6; pb B F; pci B 8;
E8> pa B G; pb B H; pci B >;
E8> pa B =; pb B F; pci B 8;
E8> pa B >; pb B I; pci B >;
E8> pa B =; pb B F; pci B 8;
E8> pa B H; pb B H; pci B 8;
E8> pa B =; pb B 8; pci B 8;
*f you are not familiar $ith Unix system# you may copy the t$o files into your $
directory using the follo$ing commands0
''678 &age F of 7 N&U
% cp /ee/demo/npu/ee461/adder4.v .
% cp /ee/demo/npu/ee461/fixture.v .
*n the pre!ious commands# the '() at the end of the command indicates that you $ant to
same file names. Use the ls" command to see a list of files in your $ directory.
% ls
*f you $ant to !ie$ the content of a file# use the more" or cat" commands0
% cat adder4.v
% cat fixture.v
Setting u" t%e Simulation En*ironment
A set of commands must be entered to setup the simulation en!ironment. These
commands ha!e been entered into a file for each of the '(A tools a!ailable on the
Use the follo$ing command to setup for Cadence *C tools0
+ source !ee!setu"!cadence!ic,setu"(cmd (n"u-.)
/unning Logic Simulation
Use the follo$ing command to run Verilog-XL simulatin0
% verilog adder4.v fixture.v
The follo$ing output $ill be displayed after you enter the abo!e command0
Compiling source file "adder4.v"
Compiling source file "fixture.v"
Highest level modules:
0 a=xxxx b=xxxx ci=x co=x sum=xxxx
10 a=0000 b=0000 ci=0 co=0 sum=0000
20 a=0100 b=0010 ci=1 co=0 sum=0111
0 a=1000 b=1001 ci=0 co=1 sum=0001
40 a=0011 b=0010 ci=1 co=0 sum=0110
!0 a=0000 b=0101 ci=0 co=0 sum=0101
"0 a=0011 b=0010 ci=1 co=0 sum=0110
#0 a=1001 b=1001 ci=1 co=1 sum=0011
$0 a=0011 b=0001 ci=1 co=0 sum=0101
0 simulation events %use &profile or &listcounts option to count'
C() time: 0.1 secs to compile & 0.0 secs to lin* & 0.0 secs in simulation
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+nd of ,+-./0123/ 2.# 4an 2#5 2000 10:06:04
The simulation result is also stored in the file !erilog.log.
Vie#ing 0a*e1orms
1ou may ha!e noticed the t$o lines in the fixture.! file0
2dum"*ars(56"a6"76"ci6 o7s,s6 o7s,co)4
These t$o lines tell Verilog-XL to generate the necessary information to display
$a!eforms. A file called adder6.!cd" is generated during the simulation. This file is an
A)C** file contains all the !alue changes for the list of !ariables specified in the
2dum"*ars() command. A Value C%ange Dum" (VCD) file can be used for many
different purposes including $a!eform generation and test !ector generation. -any test
related tools support VC( format.
The first argument in the Ddump!ars9: tas. indicates the le!el of hierarchy to monitor
$hen the arguments follo$ing it is a bloc. name.
*f no argument is gi!en to Ddump!ars9:# all the !ariables in the design $ill be monitored.
This is not recommended for large designs since the file siJe can be !ery large.
The signalscan $a!eform !ie$er can be used to !ie$ the simulation output. The product
$as de!eloped by a company called (esign Acceleration *ncorporated in )an Kose. The
company $as purchased by Cadence in late F>>>.
)ignalscan uses a format called '(trn" type file to record data e!ent transactions.
Lo$e!er# the tool can also con!ert the VC( file into a T/N file.
'Signalscan) %as 7een renamed to 'sim*ision) 78 Cadence in recent releases(
To start the signalscan tool# type the follo$ing at the Unix%Linux prompt0
+ signalscan or sim*ision
The )ignal scan control $indo$ $ill sho$ up. Clic. on the 9"enSim&ile" button or
&ile:;9"en Sim &ile<" option to read in the VC( file.
The &ile Selection" $indo$ should come up# change the &ilter from M.trn" to M.*cd"
so that the .*cd" file $ill sho$ in the file list in the right hand side of the &ile
Selection" $indo$ under the +iles list. Cloc. 9$.
The &ile Translation" $indo$ should sho$ up# cloc. the 9$ button to start the .*cd"
to .trn" con!ersion.
''678 &age 6 of 7 N&U
After the translation# the DA= Signalscan Design >ro#ser" $indo$ comes up. Clic. on
the instance name 9not the module name: under the =nstances in Current Contet"
panel. Note that you can mo!e up and do$n the design hierarchy by on a module
and the CDU"Sco"e" button on the button bar.
5nce the instance of interest is selected# all the !ariables in that instance $ill sho$ in the
Nodes!Varia7les in Current Contet" panel.
Clic. on the !ariable%node name you $ant to !ie$# and they $ill sho$ up in the !ariable
list on the left hand side of the DA= Signalscan Design >ro#ser" $indo$. 1ou may
also clic. on the ?etAllVars" button to select all !ariables under the module.
After all the !ariables ha!e been selected# clic. on the AddTo0a*e" button to bring up
the $a!eform $indo$. 5nce this $indo$ comes up# you can still go bac. to the (esign
Nro$ser $indo$ to select more signals to add to the $a!eform !i$er.
Use the 9"tions:;De1ine Pre1erences <" to change the time unit for the $a!eform
Note that you may not run this program remotely from home.
?enerating '(trn) 1ile directl8 1rom simulation
1ou can add the follo$ing high lighted lines in your fixture.! to generate the .trn file
initial begin
Ddump!ars98# pa# pb# pci# obs4s# obs4co:;
Dmonitor9Dtime# P aB3b bB3b ciB3b coB3b sumB3bP#
pa# pb# pci# obs4co# obs4s:;
initial 7egin
initial begin
E8> pa B >; pb B >; pci B >;
E8> pa B 6; pb B F; pci B 8;
E8> pa B G; pb B H; pci B >;
E8> pa B =; pb B F; pci B 8;
''678 &age I of 7 N&U
2ith the abo!e lines# a directory called debugger.$a!e" $ill be created after you run
n"u-.Aren8l;ls de7ugger(#a*e
de7ugger(dsn de7ugger(trn
)im!ision can open the file debugger.trn directly.
Bonitoring all Signals
*f you $ant to monitor all the signals# you can lea!e out the !ariable list in the Ddumpfile
The resulting VC( file $ill contain all the !ariables in the design. Note that doing this
$ill cause your file to be significantly larger for a large design.
Using Verilog-XL 1rom Come
1ou may use the Cadence Verilog-XL from home if you ha!e internet access. The first
step in setting up the home to N&U Unix connection is to do$nload the ssh" utility from
N&U *T ser!ices. &lease contact N&U *T on ho$ to setup ssh" for your home computer.
5nce you ha!e ssh" setup completed# you may use the putty.exe" utility to connect to a
Unix machine. Among the many machines#" is one of the faster ones.
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