Russian Secret Alien Races Book PDF

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ARB DS — > INTRODUCTION TO THE ALIEN RACES BOOK CONTENTS Ro INTRODUCTION TO THE ALIEN RACES 800K THE ALIEN RACES * AuENDDAT 9 INA THOUGTS 8B To 20041 bec fend with an Usain guy called Petro {ha mot completely randomly at abr by he bod Was Shs mn a hs ana sae ‘yay, we started takin wth each other..ou fnekop Sarto is tate boca arogur ot my hase wher cur Famios wou ct togiher 1.2008 he ala earl asked mo fT waited to go on 2 road patsoid SURE dine to go to tho south of Spain and st his Drothar (us roth was there la tet isha.) and slso tov fis tthe in Portage fs father as foro cplaat of tho Ukr Voor fer, as whan Teretredbe daciged tomave toPartigal sive theres) 0x4 zo we went. vse brother aed then went to Portal tows is athe When we wore at Ms hous he asked usa favor (hes ol). if Pvecould erty boxes ra ono tha voces wentadto Make lt to. broom er ast Wo sald ek ard wont to tho room, expacting to so0 Some old Inteod we fou box 58 boxe fl of occurs et bok om the ine whan he was a dpa ‘me popars(dcurents) wore nPussion..some were even forthe SS a ane be Petro sterted reading translating some of them ad we ‘eal tae here woe ato atcresting Wari aed even Topraerat (leant tone ts) document ‘So we asked his father if we coud keen the boxes for ‘trseven she cron de ho Fn a oko ‘Svar bade to hr wit Wook after wey in cur bases but many onthe Wesker ‘wo wont trangia of ho docamonts torstatin than, (Stslogang em by subject maar or dates end plac te, ‘As hot werk, we wore part ite often, we also da lot of werk oni “hats when we found THE BOOK.the bok that lad to the ‘bor Tabla (hs one back at we ho rate ard leoksnedore bul wo nd th cover “nly tho cover“ for the same book but dating back te 19511) Wo call sath ator that yoor an aso hi abe the Deckard e iad the ssng tleratio.ho sid that eoran! fh arbi pital lise ted any De ierumor of len contact, but thing caver. os that ho a rcsived the bok years before fram oe of bs ie fog plat ends aod Deen updoting the bask {Untlrecenty with information tha end af hs sant hy ‘hon thoy would gb together to tlk st Od anos" ‘That tration regular updates) was nt to an by mal, he or nin He stl gets rou updtes tht erst to me. “The book has hued of se notos onthe pages (updates), ‘Sra papers with lated miscolancaus rata to oops proto staple say, eta now me ore ok bent relatively recent visi rom sions, thelr rumb=rs, Aiherel happy ha een tating Be Inomntiaey cad on rogue [LT he also sid that there ware cry a hn of people that were te now ck ty USSR ays) the lock ofthe Eoinunist party anda caia of advsara Sor OSNERSH fas (co rep to 12) the conrad {Gem fre andy ard mayo mec alate Ho sald tt ost thly there wore moro pogo inthe kaw, tally the rltary, bur cul pt cari tha eis ir iat recog ser of Ure nes, ‘nentioned onthe book) Pepe hove acne about seme othe istrations of tain len fares ns bok this boca sa ft were erally copied off moves andor vidwo gatos (rota Me a Petro asked cursclves the sare thing, 25 we, Facogzed sere of ano we hd catact his father ‘rer to get or answer He told us thot over the years the people tht were ‘aiding petig printing bd onan ng aes ingest rnb ey hot hae eho ‘ing ra he iene ‘So sometimes thay used images fram movies and video aes Tat tte described the Aon Race qustion.N8 aterd

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