Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Lớp 8

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CM T CH KT QU: enough , oo
!" enough #$o ( .. c th)
% & ' & !() " !(* & enough +,o- ./ & o0'1
% & ' & enough & N & o0'1
Ex: My sister cant get married because she is young.
I didnt buy a new computer because I didnt have money.
2" oo #$o (qu .khng th)
% & ' & oo & !() " !(* +,o- ./ & o0'1
Ex: He is very short, so he cant play baset ball.
! He is ___________________________________
"he house is very expensive. #e cant buy it.
! "he house _________________________________
!" 6o #$h! (qu n ni)
%& '& 6o & !() " !(* & h! & % & 7!n8 " 7ou9(n8 " :ou9(n8 & '1 ##
Ex: $. "he co%%ee is very hot. I cant drin it.
! "he co%%ee ________________________________
&. I couldnt catch him because he ran very %ast.
! He ran _____________________________________.
2" 6u7h #$ h! (qu n ni)
%& ' & 6u7h +!"!n/ & !() & N & h! & % & 7!n8 " 7ou9(n8 " :ou9(n8 & '1 ##
Noe: khng dng a, an nu danh t l danh t s nhiu h!"c danh t khng # $%c
Ex: $. It is a cool day. #e dont need to turn on the air! conditioner.
! It is _______________________we dont need to turn on the air! conditioner.
&. It is such a long homewor that I cant %inish it in an hour.
! "he homewor is so ___________________________________________
'. "he bag was so heavy that I couldnt carry it.
! It is such ___________________________________________________
0 C;u -<7 enough *= oo:
& n(u & ch) t* h+c nhau th, d-ng %or . /
. h0ng s1 d2ng c+c 34i t* it, her, him, them 35 ch6 danh t* ph7a tr89c
"he house is very expensive. #e cant buy it.
! "he house is too expensive %or us to buy.
0 C;u -<7 6o *= 6u7h: ph:i d-ng 34i t* it, her, him, them 35 ch6 danh t* ph7a tr89c
! "he house is so expensive that I cant buy > $
0 6o ?!n@ & ; 3(m 38<c s= nhi>u: ?u+ nhi>u @
"here are so many students that I cant remember their name.
0 6o ?u7h . ; h0ng 3(m 38<c: ?u+ nhi>u @
I dran so much co%%ee that I couldnt sleep.
0 6o ,e: . ; 3(m 38<c s= nhi>u: ?u+ 7t @.
"here were so %ew people that they cancelled the meeting.
0 6o 9>9e . ; h0ng 3(m 38<c: ?u+ 7t@.
He had so little money that he couldnt buy that boo.
Bh! & +! " !n/ & !() & NC
Noe: khng dng a, an nu danh t l danh t s nhiu h!"c danh t khng # $%c
! #hat a lovely dressA ! #hat an expensive carA
! #hat hot co%%eeA ! #hat good studentsA
ThF KhGng HInh PhJ HInh Ngh> *;n K;u h>Lu
H>Ln M>
B. C$
B . CDs!esE
DbeE: am! is! are
B . dontF doesnt .C
B. am notF isntF arent

D#hE . GoFGoes . B
. C
D#hE . ImFIsFIre .
Everyday, usually,
never, often,
always, ...
H>Ln M> >OP
B . amFisFare . C!ing
B . amFisFareDnotE .C!
ImF IsFIre . B . C!
Now, at the present, at
the moment, at this
time, Look! Listen!,
Be careful!. Hurry up!
%R ShT7 nh!u g>U! h>Ln M> HNn *= h>Ln M> >OP (>Qn
&'(s(nt si#)l( (*+,) &'(s(nt )'!g'(ssi-((*++.)
$. HJnh 3Kng lu0n lu0n 3Lng, thMi ?uen N
hiOn t4i
! I wor in ;ew Por.
&. "hQi ho+ bi5u, lRch tr,nh c+c ch8Sng tr,nh
"he train %or Hanoi leaves at T.'U tonight.
'. BV thWt, chXn lY hi5n nhiZn:
! It is hot in summer.
$. HJnh 3Kng cM t7nh t4m thQi, h0ng th8Qng xuyZn:
Dtoday, this wee, this year...E
! I go to school by bie everyday but today I am waling.
&. [h0ng d-ng th, nJy v9i c+c ho4t 3Kng nhWn th\c, t,nh
c:m, t,nh tr4ng, sN h]u, t^n t4i: s((, think, /(li(-(, 0((l,
l!!k, s#(ll, tast(, h(a', ha-(, /(
'. [( ho4ch, sV s_p x(p cho t8Sng lai g`n:
! Bhe is arriving at $$ ocloc.
a. G-ng bm v9i Ic#IPB didn t: sV phJn nJn:
! He is always coming to class late.
ThF KhGng HInh PhJ HInh Ngh> *;n K;u h>Lu
TVNng 9!>
B . amF isF are .
going to .C

B . amF isF are. not .
going to .C

D#hE . amF IsF Ire .
B. going to .C
tonight, soon,
net, someday,
in the future
TVNng 9!>
B. will . C
B. will not . C
D#hE . #ill . B . C
%R ShT7 nh!u g>U! VNng 9!> gWn *= VNng 9!> HNn
Inen(e( ,uu-e +TVNng 9!> gWn/ Xuu-e 6>?P9e +TVNng 9!> HNn/
$. e 3Rnh 3f 38<c dV t7nh, s_p x(p tr89c hi nMi:
! I am going to visit ;ew Por this summer.
&. GV 3o+n ch_c ch_n dVa vJo cgn c\ hiOn t4i:
! "here are a lot o% clouds. I thin it is going to
$. e 3Rnh cM ngay hi nMi hay hJnh 3Kng sh x:y ra N
t8Sng lai h0ng cM dV 3Rnh tr89c:
! "he phone is ringing. ! I will answer it.
! He will come here tomorrow.
&. e i(n, lQi h\a, hy ving, ph+t bi5u v> mKt hJnh
3Kng trong t8Sng lai: Dthin, promise, hope, expect,
sure, @.E
! #ait here and I will get you a drin.
! I thin you will pass the exam.
ThF KhGng HInh PhJ HInh Ngh> *;n K;u h>Lu
H>Ln M>
B . have F has .C

B . have F has . not .

D#hE . have F has
. B . C
!ince " m#c th$g
%or " kho&ng th$g
Ever, never, already, so far,
'ust, up to now, lately,
recently, yet, how long, this
is the first time$the second
time, several times, (efore,
B . was F were
B . C

B . wasnt F werent
B . didnt . C

D#hE . was F
were . B @.H
D#hE . did . B .
)esterday, ago, in " th$g *+,
last ,, -t.s time $ -t.s high time
/01 02n l3c4
%R ShT7 nh!u g>U! h>Ln M> ho=n h=nh *= ZuT ShY HNn
&'(s(nt &('0(ct (*i1n t2i h!n thnh) &ast si#)l( (3u kh4 5n)
$. HJnh 3Kng x:y ra trong ?u+ h\ jo dJi 3(n
hiOn t4i vJ cM th5 x:y ra trong t8Sng lai
! I have learnt English since &UUk.
&. HJnh 3Kng v*a m9i x:y ra
! Bhe has lust written a letter.
$. HJnh 3Kng x:y ra vJ chmm d\t t4i thQi 3i5m x+c
3Rnh trong ?u+ h\
! It rained a lot yesterday.
&. MKt thMi ?uen trong ?u+ h\.
! I o%ten waled to school when I was a pupil.
'. nhuoi hJnh 3Kng x:y ra trong ?u+ h\
! He opened the door, entered the house, turned on
the light and went to the room.
ThF KhGng HInh PhJ HInh Ngh> *;n K;u h>Lu
>OP (>Qn
B . was F were .

B . was F were . not
. C
D#hE . was F
were . B . C
5hile, when, at that time, at
" gi6 7u8 kh9,
B . had . C

B . hadnt . C
D#hE . had . B .
Before, after, when, (y, (y the
time, for,
CT7h ([ng 7J! ZuT ShY >OP (>Qn *= ZuT ShY ho=n h=nh
&ast )'!g'(ssi-( (3u kh4 ti) di6n) &ast )('0(ct (3u kh4 h!n thnh)
$. HJnh 3Kng 3ang x:y ra t4i mKt thQi 3i5m x+c
3Rnh trong ?u+ h\.
! I was doing my homewor at k ocloc last
&. Hai hJnh 3Kng song song trong ?u+ h\
! cast night, she was reading a boo while her
brother was watching "C.
$. HJnh 3Kng x:y ra tr89c mKt hJnh 3Kng h+c
hopc tr89c mKt thQi 3i5m trong ?u+ h\
! qy r pm yesterday, I had %inished all my wor.
! qe%ore you came, she had le%t %or condon.
MLnh Ha 7hbnh MLnh Ha hc> g>!n
HiOn t4i HiOn t4i
su+ h\ su+ h\
"8Sng lai HiOn t4i
Md 6e 7fng hY7 hg! hhP hF
% & QK4 & !,e- " !6 6oon !6 & % & QKHT
% & QKHT & 2e,o-e " 2@" 2@ he >?e & % & QK4
QKTK & :h>9e & QKTK
QK4 & :h>9e " :hen " !6 & QKTK
HTHT & 6>n7e & QK4
QK4 & 6>n7e hen & HTHT
TL4 & un>9 " :hen " !6 6oon !6 & HT4
$F I will wait here until she DcomeE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bac.
&F cast night, I was doing my homewor while my sister !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! games.
'F I DworE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here since I DgraduateE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
aF qe%ore she DhaveE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dinner, she DwriteE !!!!!!!!!!!!! letter
tF I DgoE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to bed a%ter I D%inishE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my wor.
ChJ j
+-Vk7 Hdng j/
T<7 j
+6!u Hdng j/
Tbnh j 6l hUu
+-Vk7 (!nh j/
4M> j Phmn hnn 4M> j 6l hUu
+([ng h!@ (!nh j/
I Me My Mysel% Mine
Pou Pou Pour Poursel% Pours
He F Bhe F It Him F her F it His F her F its Himsel% F hersel% F it sel% His F hers F its
#e us /ur /urselves /urs
Pou Pou Pour Pourselves Pours
"hey "hem "heir "hemselves "heirs
q ?!@ " ?>gh
! v hiOn t4i: ?!@ " ?>gh & '1: 7r 9s, didn t: mKt suy 3o+n Shfng 7ht7 7htn
I phone him but no one answers. He ______________ DbeE out.
q ?u6 " ?u6n8
0 ?u6 & '1: Phm>, didn t: mKt sV b_t buKc cM t7nh ch) ?uan, h0ng d-ng N ?u+ h\
0 ?u6n8 & '1: h0ng 38<c phjp, didn t: mKt sV cmm 3o+n
Ex: ! I havent phone Inn %or years. I ____________ DphoneE her tonight.
!Cisitors _____________ D%eedE the animals in the woos.
q nee( " nee(n8
0 nee( & o '1: c`n Dch) 3KngE
0 nee( & '0>ng u nee( & o 2e 'v"0e(: c`n 38<c DbR 3KngE
0 nee(n8 & '1 x (on8 h!*e o & '1: h0ng c`n
Ex: My car is very dirty. It needs ____________ DwashE.
My car is dirty. I need ________________ DwashE it.
"he car is not very dirty. Pou neednt ______________ DwashE it.
q 6hou9( " 6hou9(n8
0 6hou9( & '1 u ough o & '1 u h!( 2ee- & '1: nZn
0 6hou9(n8 & '1: h0ng nZn
Ex: I% you want to pass the %inal exam, you ______________ DstudyE hard.
Pou _____________ DsmoeE. It is harm%ul.
q h!*e o & '1: Phm>, didn t: 3i>u b_t buKc cM t7nh h+ch ?uan , d-ng trong ?u+ h\ Dhad to . C$E, hiOn t4i
Dhave F has to . C$E vJ t8Sng lai Dwill have to . C$E
Ex: !nhildren _____________ DwearE uni%orm when going to school.
!Pesterday, I %elt very ill. I ________________ DseeE the doctor.
q 7!n " 7!n8
0 7!n & '1: cM th5, didn t: mKt h: ngng
0 7!n8 & '1: h0ng th5
Ex: Bhe can swim but she cant play tennis.
GII T CH TH`I GIAN +P-ePo6>>on6 o, >?e/
0 >n & nw?, ?[!, hO Sx
0 on & hY, ng=@ hTng
0 ! & g>c Dat T ocloc, at the weeend, @E
0 !,e-: sau, sau hi
0 2e,o-e: tr89c, tr89c hi
! 2e:een #!n( #$: N gi]a
$. u6e( o & '
: D3f t*ngE, thMi ?uen trong ?u+ h\, mJ nay h0ng cyn n]a.
KhGng HInh: % & u6e( o & '1
He used to live here.
PhJ HInh: % & (>(n8 & u6e o & '1
He didn.t use to smoe.
Ngh> *;n: K>( & % & u6e o & '1y
:id he use to smoeH
&. % & 2e u6e( o " ge u6e( o & '0>ng " N: ?uen v9i F trN nZn ?uen v9i @..
I am used to getting up early.
0 !() & 9@ !(*
ChY7 nwng:
! sau 3Kng t* th8Qng: B . C . adv
He ran ?uicly.
! gi]a tr< 3Kng t* vJ 3Kng t* ch7nh: be . adv . C'F!ed have F has . adv . C'F!ed
"he house was completely repaired.
! 3\ng 3`u cXu, tr89c dmu phzy: adv, B . C . /
cucily, we won the game.
MKt s= tr4ng t* bmt ?uy t_c
{ood well qad badly %ast %ast
late late Dtrd, muKnE lately: m9i 3Xy, g`n 3Xy
hard hard Dvmt v:, chgm ch6E hardly: h`u nh8 h0ng
! ;(u 3Kng t* t8Qng thuWt N th, ZuT ShY th, hi 3oi sang cXu gi+n ti(p ta 3oi ngf>, hF *= -Mng ngU.
1" CT7h H~> ngf>:
0 Ngf> hY nh; DI, #e, me, my, us, ourE: 3oi dVa vJo 7hJ j 3\ng tr89c 3Kng t* t8Qng thuWt
DsaidF toldE, th8Qng 3oi thJnh ng0i th\ ba.
I | he F she me | him F her my | his F her
#e | they us | them our | their

0 Ngf> hY h!> Dyou _ you_ yourE: 3oi dVa vJo <7 j 3\ng sau 3Kng t* t8Qng thuWt DsaidF toldE
0 Ngf> hY 2! DHe F Bhe F Him F Her F His F "hey F "hem F "heirE: gi] nguyZn, h0ng 3oi
" CT7h H~> hF:
T-R7 >OP G>Tn >OP
H"} ! '1 "'6+e6/
H""G ~ !? " >6 " !-e & '0>ng
H"H" ~ h!*e " h!6 & 'v
H"H""G ~ h!*e " h!6 2een &'0>ng
s[} ~ ' " 0e(
s["G ~ :!6 " :e-e & '0>ng
"c} ~ :>99 & '1
Mu6 & '1
s[} ~ ' " '0e(
s["G ~ :!6 " :e-e & '0>ng
s[H" ~ h!( & 'v
s[H""G 0 h!( 2een & '0>ng
s[H" ~ h!( & 'v
s[H""G ~ h!( 2een &'0>ng
"c trong s[ ! :ou9( & '1
h!( o & '1
v" CT7h H~> 7T7 -Mng j 7h hc> g>!n *= nN> 7hen:
T-R7 >OP G>Tn >OP
todayF tonight that dayF that night
yesterday the day be%oreF the previous day
last month the month be%ore F the previous month
tomorrow the %ollowing dayF the next day F the day a%ter
next month the %ollowing month F the next month F the month a%ter
here there
now then
ago be%ore
this that
these those
" 4~> 7nu ?Lnh 9Lnh ShGng HInh:
% & ' & .: P9e!6e & '1 #$
% & ' & .: C!n & % & '1 #
% & o9( & . & o '1 #
" 4~> 7nu ?Lnh 9Lnh PhJ HInh:
% & ' & .: P9e!6e & (on8 & '1 #$
% & o9( & . & no o '1 #
aF Bhe said: I am doing my homewor.
bF lease help me do my homewor, Hoa. he said.
cF nan you lend me your bie, ohn said to Mary.
dF My brother said to me: Pou should try to study English hard.
eF "om said to her: I will give you this boo tomorrow.
Ganh 3Kng t* DC!ingE 38<c d-ng:
1" %!u 7T7 7? Hdng j
! be used to F get used to: ?uen v9i, trN nZn ?uen v9i
! loo %orward to : mong 3<i
! cant stand x can bear: h0ng th5 chRu 38<c
! Its no use F its no good : h0ng cM l<i 7ch g,
! be busy : bWn rKn

! be worth : cM gi+ trR

! %eel lie : c:m thmy th7ch
" %!u 7T7 g>k> j + on, !, !2ou, ,-o?, o, :>hou #/
v" %!u 7T7 Hdng j
0mind : D thmy phi>n E !continue : D ti(p t2c E
!%inish : D hoJn thJnh E ! avoid : D tr+nh E
!deny : D ch=i c:i E !detest : D ghjt E
! enloy : D th7ch thL E ! eep : D ti(p t2c E
! consider : Dxem nh8 E ! miss : Db l ,b xMt E
! imagine : D h,nh dung ,t8Nng t8<ng E ! appreciate : D coi tring ,3+nh gi+ cao E
! admit : D th*a nhWn E ! postpone : D tr, hofn E
! practice : D thVc tWp E ! dislie Dh0ng th7chE
C.MPAzI%.N: %. %NH
0 9>Se nhV
0 !6 & !()"!(* & !6 2ng
0 +no/ !6 & !()"!(* & !6 Shfng 2ng
0 he 6!?e !6 g>eng nhV
0 +no/ he 6!?e !6 Shfng g>eng
0 (>,,e-en ,-o? ShT7 *k>
"he primary school is not as (ig as a secondary school.
My birthday is the same as her birthday.
Pour idea is different from mine.
1$ %o 6Tnh 2ng: % & 2e & !6 " 6o & !() & !6 #$
% & ' hVcng & !6 " 6o & !(* & !6#
Ex: Bhe studies __________________ DwellE as her close %riend.
Her bie is _______________________ DgoodE as her sisters one.
$ %o 6Tnh Shfng 2ng: % & ' & no & 6o" !6 &!()" !(* & !6 #$
Ex. Bhe is @@@. DtallE @@@@ her sister.
v$ %o 6Tnh hNn
! "7nh t* F tr4ng t* ng_n
% & ' & !() " !(* & e- & h!n#$
Ex: Bhe drives ______________ D%astE than her sister does.
! "7nh t* F tr4ng t* dJi :
% & ' & ?o-e & !() " !(* & h!n #
Ex: Bhe drives _______________ Dcare%ullyE than her sister does.
Bhe is _________________ Dcare%ulE than her sister is.
$ %o 6Tnh nh;
! "7nh t* F tr4ng t* ng_n % & ' & he & !() " !(* & e6 & #$$
Ex: Bhe drives ______________ D%astE in her %amily.
Bhe is ________________ DtallE in her %amily.
! "7nh t* F tr4ng t* dJi: % & ' & he ?o6 & !() " !(* & #$$
Ex: Bhe drives _______________ Dcare%ullyE in her %amily.
Bhe is _________________ Dcare%ulE in her %amily.
7c d2ng "c /i1t8
A() " !(* %o 6Tnh hNn %o 6Tnh nh;
{ood F well Dt=tE better best
qad F badly DxmuE worse worst
Many F much Dnhi>uE more most
cittle . ; h0ng 3(m 38<c: 7t less least
ar DxaE %artherF%urther %arthestF %urthest
ew . ; 3(m 38<c: 7t %ewer %ewest
KhGng HInh: % &' & >n o-(e- o & '1 +H /
6o !6 o
Ex: I try to study DpassE ________________my next exam.
He does morning exercises regularly DimproveE ______________his heath.
PhJ HInh: % & ' & >n o-(e- no o " 6o !6 no o & '1 +H Shfng/
Ex: I get up early in order not to be late %or school.
3ic thJnh Xm "6" v9i nh]ng t* cM Xm cu=i lJ F P, ,, S, , F
3ic thJnh Xm ">" v9i nh]ng t* cM Xm cu=i lJ F 6, , , , (, F
3ic thJnh Xm "F v9i nh]ng tr8Qng h<p cyn l4i
3ic thJnh Xm ">(" v9i nh]ng t* cM Xm cu=i lJ F , ( "
3ic thJnh Xm "" v9i nh]ng t* cM Xm cu=i lJ FP, ,, S, 6, , , F
3ic thJnh Xm F(F v9i nh]ng tr8Qng h<p cyn l4i
PA%%I'E '.ICE +Cnu 2I Hdng/
A7>*e: % & ' & .
P!66>*e: % & E & 'v"0e( & p & .
HiOn t4i 3Sn C$ F CsDesE Im F is F are . C'
HiOn t4i ti(p didn am F is F are . C!ing Im F is F are . being . C'
HiOn t4i hoJn thJnh Have F has . C' Have F has been . C'
su+ h\ 3Sn C& F C!ed #as F were . C'
su+ h\ ti(p didn #as F were . C!ing #as F were . being . C'
su+ h\ hoJn thJnh Had . C' Had been . C'
"8Sng lai 3Sn #ill . C$ #ill F shall . be . C'
}Kng t* hi(m huy(t can F may F should F must F have
to F might F be going to . C$
nan F may F should F @.. C'
! t'2ng ng9 ch: n5i chn 4ng t'$;c /< = >
! t'2ng ng9 ch: th?i gian 4ng sau /< = >
! nu ch t t'!ng c@u ch Ang l cc t )h Bnh (n! !n(, n!/!d<, ) thC Di sang d2ng )h
Bnh ca c@u /B Ang
I86 & !() & o '1 # h #H #
'0>ng #& >6 & !() #
% & 2e & !() & h! & % & ' & .
Ex: Its di%%icult to learn English.
I am happy to receive your letter.
Bhe was pleased that you came to your birthday party.
HI3N TiI PHAN T '_ QU KH{ PHAN T +0>ng !n( e( P!->7>P9e6/
! HiOn t4i phXn t* D'0>ngE vJ ?u+ h\ phXn t* D'0e(E cM th5 3Mng vi try nh8 mKt t7nh t* D3\ng sau to
be, 3\ng tr89c danh t*E
! HiOn t4i phXn t*: th8Qng d-ng miZu t: *, mang Y 7hJ Hdng
! su+ h\ phXn t* th8Qng d-ng miZu t: ngVc>, mang Y 2I Hdng
Ex: "he boo is very interesting. Im interested in reading it.
Md 6e h>Ln M> Phnn j *= ZuT ShY Phnn j hVcng gP
Ex: suprise surprised surprising ng4c nhiZn
$. bore bored boring ch+n, dN
&. excite excited exciting hJo h\ng, phmn hNi
'. interest interested interesting thL vR, h\ng thL
a. amuse amused amusing bu^n c8Qi, vui nhKn
t. disappoint disapponited disappointing thmt ving
. tire tiring tired mOt mi
% & 2e & !9:!@6 & '0>ng #
Ex: He is always coming to class late.
KANH T GHP N & '0>ng
! rice!cooing %ire!maing %lower!arranging
% & !6Se( & . & >, " :hehe- & % & ' & .
;ga ased me i% F whether I new the %ilm "itanic.
/Nga h;i t<i t<i c= (i2t phim Titanic hay kh<ng4
4oNG T NGUpN MU C T. : +o0'1/
%!u 7T7 bnh j : glad , happy , ready ##$$
%& E & AK & o0'1
Ex: Its di%%icult to do that exercise.
T-ong 7;u -<7 : IT & TAKE%" T..K & . & h"g & o0'1
Ex : It too him %i%teen minutes to wal to school
%!u ngh> *;n j Bh! , :ho ,ho: :he-e ##$$ /kh<ng d>ng v?i t@ why4
I dont now where to par my car.
%!u ?d 6e Hdng j
9e!-n : DhicE ?e!n: D cM ngha, cM YE
P9!n :D dV dRnh , cM ( ho4ch E P-o?>6e: D h\a E
:!n : D mu=n E !g-ee : D 3^ng Y E
-e,u6e: D t* ch=i E !e?P : D c= g_ngE
,!>9 : + thmt b4i E P-eP!-e: D chuzn bR E
(ee-?>ne D ?uy(t tXm E ?!n!ge Dc= g_ng, xoay trNE
(e7>(e D?uy(t 3RnhE >n*>e DmQiE
hoPe Dhy vingE :>6h D89c mu=nE
en( DcM xu h89ngE >nen( DcM Y 3Rnh, dV 3RnhE
Ngu@n ?u QuT ShY QuT ShY Phnn j Ngh!
be was, were been "h,, lJ, N, bR 38<c
beat beat beaten }+nh
become became become "hJnh,trN nZn
begin began begun q_t 3`u
bite bit bit, bitten n_n
blow blew blown "hoi
brea broe broen cJm v, b gfy
bring brought brought Mang l4i, 3em l4i
build built built Xy dVng
burn burnt burnt }=t ch+y
buy bought bought Mua
catch caught caught q_t, ch2p 38<c
choose chose chosen cVa chin
come came come }(n
cost cost cost "rR gi+
cut cut cut n_t
do did done cJm
draw drew drawn [jo, vh
dream dreamt dreamt MS, mKng
drin dran drun u=ng
drive drove driven }8a, l+i xe
eat ate eaten n
%all %ell %allen ;gf, rSi, tj
%eed %ed %ed ;u0i cho gn
%eel %elt %elt n:m thmy
%ight %ought %ought }+nh , chi(n 3mu
%ind %ound %ound ",m thmy, 38<c
%ly %lew %lown qay
%orget %orget %orgotten suZn
get got got, gotten }8<c, trN nZn
give gave given nho
go went gone }i
grow grew grown c9n lZn, mic
hang hung hung "reo
have had had nM
hear heard heard ;ghe
hide hid hid, hidden n, tr=n, gimu
hit hit hit }2ng ch4m
hold held held n`m gi], to ch\c
hurt hurt hurt cJm 3au, lJm h4i
eep ept ept {i]
now new nown qi(t
lead led led Gn d_t, lfnh 34o
9!@ 9!>( 9!>( 4, H, H -Yng
learn learnt learnt Hic, 38<c tin
leave le%t le%t q l4i, rQi hi
lend lent lent nho vay
let let let }5 cho, cho phjp
9>e 9!@ 9!>n N?
lose lost lost Mmt, 3+nh mmt
mae made made cJm, ch( t4o
mean meant meant nM ngh, mu=n nMi
meet met met {pp
pay paid paid "r: ti>n
put put put }pt, 35
read read read }ic
ride rode ridden n8i DngVa, xe 34pE
ring rang rung ung chu0ng, reo
rise rose risen Mic lZn
run ran run nh4y
say said said ;Mi
see saw seen "hmy, nh,n thmy
sell sold sold q+n
send sent sent {1i
set set set }5, 3pt, lWp nZn
sing sang sung H+t
sit sat sat ;g^i
sleep slept slept ;g)
smell smelt smelt ;g1i thmy
spea spoe spoen ;Mi
spell spelt spelt }+nh v`n
spend spent spent "iZu xJi, trfi ?ua
stand stood stood }\ng
steal stole stolen n trKm, lmy c_p
sweep swept swept sujt
swim swam swum qSi lKi
tae too taen cmy
teach taught taught G4y
tear tore torn cJm r+ch, xj
tell told told ;Mi, 5 l4i, b:o
thin thought thought ;gh, suy ngh
throw threw thrown ;jm, ?ugng, v\t
understand understood understood Hi5u
wae woe woen "h\c t6nh
wear wore worn Mpc, mang
1$ CT7h nhn 2>O j 9oM>:
!$ CTnh nhn 2>O (!nh j: danh t* th8Qng cM c+c hWu t= sau:
0 >on " !>on inven>on, in%orm!>on
0?en develop?en, instru?en
0 en7e " !n7e di%%eren7e, import!n7e
0 ne66 happine66, busine66
0 e- DchA ngB6iE teache-, wore-, write-, singe-
0 o- DchA ngB6iE invento-, acto-
0 >6 DchA ngB6iE physic>6, biolog>6
0 !ge teen!ge, marri!ge
0 6h>P %riend6h>P, champion6h>P
2$ CTnh nhn 2>O bnh j: t7nh t* th8Qng cM c+c hWu t= sau:
0 ,u9 use,u9, help,u9, beauti,u9
0 9e66 /nghCa phD 0Enh4 home9e66, care9e66
+noun/ 0 !9 /thuFc vG4 natur!9, agricultur!9
0 ou6 dangerou6, %amou6
0 >*e expens>*e, act>*e
0 >7 electr>7, econom>7
0 !29e %ashion!29e, com%ort!29e
7 $ CTnh nhn 2>O -Mng j: tr4ng t* th8Qng cM hWu t= 0Lp$ Ex: beauti%ul9@, care%ul9@, sudden9@,
carelessly, recently ...
LVu : MKt s= tr4ng t* 3pc biOt c`n ghi nh9:
! good DaE well DadvE: gii, t=t
! late DaE late DadvE: trd, chWm 9!e9@ +!(*/: gWn Hn@
! %ast DaE %ast DadvE: nhanh
! hard DaE hard DadvE: t7ch cVc, vmt v:, chgm ch6 h!-(9@ +!(*/: hWu nhV Shfng
$ ChY7 nwng 7J! ?d 6e j 9oM>:
!$ K!nh j +Noun/
%!u bnh j +!() & N/ "hey are interesting (ooks$
! m4o t*: ! "!n " he
! t* ch6 3Rnh: h>6, h!, he6e, ho6e, e*e-@, e!7h, #
! t* ch6 s= l8<ng: ?!n@, 6o?e, ,e:, 9>9e, 6e*e-!9 ...
! t7nh t* sN h]u: ?@, h>6, he-, @ou-, ou-, he>-, >6#
He is a student.
"hese flowers are beauti%ul.
Bhe needs some water.
%!u ngoM> Hdng j +' c`n ./ Bhe buys (ooks.
Bhe meets a lot o% people.
%!u g>k> j +P-eP$ & N/ He taled about the story yesterday.
He is interested in music.
T-Vk7 ' chia th, D; lJm ch) t*E The main has lust arrived.
%!u enough +enough & N/ I dont have enough money to buy that
2$ Tbnh j +A()/
T-Vk7 N +A() & N/ "his is an interesting boos.
%!u T. E I am tired.
%!u: 2e7o?e, ge, 9ooS, ,ee9, !6e, 6?e99, 6ee? # It becomes hot.
Bhe %eels sad.
%!u -Mng j +!(* & !()/ It is extremely cold.
Im terribly sorry.
Bhe is very (eautiful.
%!u oo + 2e & oo & !()/ "hat house is too small.
T-Vk7 enough +2e & !() & enough/ "he house isnt large enough.
T-ong 7;u -<7: 2e & 6o & !() & h! Bhe was so angry that she cant spea.
A, !n, he, h>6, h!, h>6, he-, he>-, ?@, # . DA()E My new car is blue.
. Noun
7$ T-Mng j +A(*/
%!u ' hVcng He drove carefully.
T-Vk7 A() I meet an etremely handsome man.
G>U! 7? ' Bhe h!6 already ,>n>6he( the lob.
4Wu 7nu hopc -Vk7 dmu phzy Hnfortunately, I couldnt come the party.
%!u oo ' & oo & !(* "hey waled too slowly to catch the bus.
T-ong 7;u -<7 ' & 6o & !(* & h! ac drove so fast that he caused an accident.
T-Vk7 enough ' & !(* & enough Pou should write clearly enough %or every body to read.
1$ Le> nr> Ph h!:
!$ 4ng heo ?d 7nu ShGng HInh, d-ng:
0 % & ' -h & oo$
0 %o & ' -h & %$
2$ 4ng heo 7nu PhJ HInh, d-ng:
0 % & ' -h +PhJ HInh/ & e>he-$
0 Ne>he- & ' -h +ShGng HInh/ & %$
$ Bou9( @ou ?>n( " Ko @ou ?>n( & '0>ng #$y
Ko @ou ?>n( >, I & ' +H>Ln M> HNn/#$y
Bou9( @ou ?>n( >, I & ' +QuT ShY HNn/ #$y
v$ 4~> hF ZuT ShY HNn 6!ng h>Ln M> ho=n h=nh
% & 9!6 & ' ZuT ShY HNn & hc> g>!n & !go$
0 % & ' h>Ln M> ho=n h=nh +PhJ HInh/ & ,o- & hc> g>!n
0 I86 & hc> g>!n & 6>n7e & % & 9!6 & ' ZuT ShY HNn$
0 The 9!6 >?e & % & ' ZuT ShY HNn & :!6 & hc> g>!n & !go$
Ex: I last went to Galat nine years ago.
! I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! It !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! "he !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Th>6 >6 he ,>-6 >?e & % & HTHT ShGng HInh
0 % & HTHT ne*e- & 2e,o-e
Ex: "his is the %irst time I have visited Hanoi.
! I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$ u6e( o
K4: % & u6e( o & '1 D3f t*ngE
P4: % & (>(n8 u6e o & '1 Dh0ng t*ngE
N': K>( & % & u6e o & '1 $$y DcM t*ng @.h0ngE
$ 2e u6e( o " ge u6e( o & '0>ng: Zuen *k>
$ I !Se6 " ooS & . & >?e & o0>n,#$
$ % ngVc> & 6Pen( & >?e & '0>ng#
It too me twenty minutes to do this test.
I spent @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.

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