Syllabus Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test RTET 2013 Paper II

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Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)

Paper-II (level - II)
( For a person who intends to be a teacher for Class VI to VIII)
Paper- Child Development and Pedagogy

Unit I
Child Development : Concept of growth and development, Principles and dimensions of
development. Factors affecting development (especially in the context of family and school) and
its relationship with learning.
Role of Heredity and Environment

Unit II 06

Meaning and Concept of learning and its processes. Factors Affecting learning
Theories of learning, , (Behaviourist, Gestaltism, Bandura and Piaget)
How children learn and think. (Constructivism, Experiential learning, concept mapping,
Investigatory approach, Problem solving).
Motivation and its Implications for Learning

Unit III 06

Individual Differences :- Meaning, types and Factors Affecting Individual differences
Understanding individual differences on the basis of language, gender, community etc.
Personality :- Concept and types of personality, Factors responsible for shaping it. Its
measurement .
Intelligence : Concept, Theories and its measurement. Multiple Intelligence. Its implication.
Emotional intelligence.

Unit IV 06

Understanding diverse learners : Backward, Mentally retarted, gifted, creative, disadvantaged
and deprived, specially abled .
Learning Difficulties.
Adjustment : Concept and ways adjustment. Role of teacher in the adjustment.

Unit V 06

Teaching learning process, Teaching learning strategies and methods in the context of National
Curriculum Framework 2005.
Meaning and purposes of Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation. Continuous and
Comprehensive Evaluation. Construction of Achievement Test.
Action Research.
Right to Education Act 2009 (Role and Responsibilities of Teachers)


iiii I (ii s s n) ^ II

;i; l-n nnii iiiln l-llin ii i| ar

i ni, n--, ni^, i, l^i| i| i^i|, l^i-,
ii| i| n, -, li i -i| ni, ^i-,
l^iii, |
;i;z l-n nnii - l-llin li ar
iiln ii i i -- i, ^, i, ln nin i|
l n ii i ^, i i ln i|
;i;s ^i i, ^i n, ^i i, i, -ri^ i ar
;i; iiii liii | l^lii, iiii liii in-, iiii ini i ar
;i;r iiii| iii i l^i (i, ii, i, lii) lr| iiii ar
liii - ilni, liii lin-i-n|, i- -n, r-i-
(-~-| -|li) ^ liii ii|
;i;s iiii liii - -~i, li |ii i l-ii, nn ^ i ar
-~i, ii-- liii|
Total Questions: 30
Total Marks : 30


Unit-I Unseen Prose Passage 05
Synonyms, Antonyms, Spellings, Word-formation, One Word Substitution

Unit-II Unseen Prose Passage 05
Parts of Speech, Tenses, Determiners, Change of Degrees

Unit-III Framing Questions Including Wh-questions, Active and Passive Voice, 05

Knowledge of English Sounds and Phonetic Symbols

Unit-IV Principles of Teaching English, Methods and Approaches to English 05
Language Teaching

Unit-V Development of Language Skills, Teaching Learning Materials: Text 05
books, Multi-media Materials and other resources

Unit-VI Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Evaluating Language 05
iiiiI (ii s s n) ^II
li| iiiiI
i -li (ini) (nnii) | lnil ii ^i; ri rl -l -i
lr nr i ^i lsi ^i|
l | ii, lil il | -ii, , l , ;--, ln, -|, ;,
-i ^nr i ^i-ni i ^i|
-l - i ;-nir i rii r | -ii, -l i ^i, i| li
(i) ni~ri;i i - -ln ii|
(ii) li| iiii | lii^-, lll | ii|
(iii) l | ii, in| -ii ^ii i, l | i lnil
sil |
(iv) -i, l, , ;-nir rii
(v) iilnl i lr - l i| iiii i; iil i in n|i|
(vi) li| iiii ii, ni~ri;i, i, lii, lii iii i n|i,
| lnil - iiii i ni, iilnl i lrl n|l i li
(vii) li| iiii i, i;i, lii, ni~ri;i i - ~i| l i| llin
^il i l--, li| iiii - - iii i ii n|i|
iiii I I (ii s s n) ^ II

;i; l-n nnii iiiln l-llin ii i| ar
i ni, n--, ni^, i, l^i| i| n, -,
li, -i, ni, ^i-, l^iii, li, ln, ^, i|
;i;z l-n nii iiiln l-llin li ar
ii^ i
l^i i
i i
li~ i
|^ l-

;i;s ^i i, ^i n, ^i i, i, -ri^, iilni| ar
i lr, |
;i; iiii liii | l^lii, iiii liii in-, iiii| ini i ar
;i;r iiii| iii i l^i (i, ii, i, lii) liii ar
lin- i-n|i- -n, r-i- (-~-| -|li) ^ liii
;i;s iiii liii - -~i, (i, ii, i, lii) li ar
|ii i l-ii, nn ^ i - ~i, ii-- liii|

Total Questions: 30
Total Marks : 30

Unit-I Unseen Prose Passage 05
Linking Devices, Subject-Verb Concord, Inferences

Unit-II Unseen Poem 05
Identification of Alliteration, Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Assonance,

Unit-III Modal Auxiliaries, Phrasal Verbs and Idioms, Literary Terms : Elegy, 05
Sonnet, Short Story, Drama

Unit-IV Basic knowledge of English sounds and their Phonetic Transcription 05

Unit-V Principles of Teaching English, Communicative Approach to English 05
Language Teaching, Challenges of Teaching English: Language Difficulties,
Errors and Disorders

Unit-VI Tools & Techaniques of Evaluation, Continuous and Comprehensive 05
Evaluation, Remedial Teaching

iiiiII (ii s s n) ^II
li| iiiiII

i lr -li (ini) (nnii) | lnil ii ^i; ri, - -i lr
nr i ^i lsi ^i|
l | ii, lil il | -ii, , l, ;--, ln, -|, ;,
-i ^nr i ^i-ni i ^i| -l - i ;-nir i rii r | -ii,
^i, i| li|

(i) -, lr n i l^ni (nii) -i lr nr i ^i lsi ^i
^i, l^ i ii, ii;| | ii, ii;| l, s, il
| -ln ii, lil il | -ii ^nr|
(ii) li| iiii | i;^ -i (^i-ii) | ii, l i| lll, - in
(iii) ni-ni~ri;i i - -ln ii|
(iv) l , , l ;-nir, rii ^li |
(v) in, ^i-n, - lii i n|i|
(vi) iilnl i lr - l i| iiii i; iil i in n|i|
(vii) li| iiii ii, ni~ri;i, i, lii, lii iii i n|i,
| lnil - iiii i ni, iilnl i lrl n|l i li
(viii) li| iiii i, i;i, lii, ni~ri;i, i -~i| li|
llin ^il i l--, li| iiii - - iii i ii n|i|
Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)
Paper II
(For a person who intends to be a teacher for classes VI to VIII)
(iv)a Mathematics and Science
(30 Multiple choice questions of Mathematics and 30 Multiple choice questions of Science will be asked
from this part of the question paper)
Unit-I 05
Indices : Multiplication and division of numbers on equal bases, Laws of Indices.
Algebraic expressions: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Identities
Factors : factors of simple algebraic expressions
Equations : Simple linear equation.
Square & Square Root
Cube & Cube Root

Unit-II 05
Interest : Simple interest, Compound interest, Profit - Loss.
Ratio and Proportion : Division into proportional parts, Partnership.
Percentage, Birth and Death rate, Population growth, Depreciation,

Unit-III 05

Lines and Angles : Line segment, straight and curved lines, types of angles.
Plane figures : Triangles, Congurence of triangles, Quadrilaterals and Circle.
Area of Plane figures : Triangles, Rectangles, Parallelograms and Trapeziums.
Surface Area and Volume : cube, cuboid and right circular cylinder.

Unit-IV 05
Statistics : collection and classification of data, frequency distribution table, Tally marks, bar
graph and histogram, circular graph (pai diagram).
Graph: Various types of graphs.

Unit-V 05
Nature of Mathematics/Logical thinking
Place of Mathematics in Curriculum
Language of Mathematics
Community Mathematics

Unit-VI 05

Remedial Teaching
Problems of Teaching
A Mathematics and Science Level -2
Unit-I 05
Micro-organisms: Bacteria, virus, fungi (Beneficial & Harmful)
Living Being: different parts of plants, nutrition in plants, respiration and excretion, plant cell
and animal cell- their structure and Funcation, Cell Division
Human body and health: Diseases spread by micro-organisms, (tuberculosis , measles ,
diphtheria, cholera, typhoid); prevention from diseases; different systems of human body ;
infectious diseases (reasons of spreading and prevention); Major components of food and
diseases developed due to their deficiency; Balanced diet;
Animal Reproduction and Adolescence: Methods of Reproduction; Sexual and asexual.
Adolescence and puberty: Changes in body, role of hormones in reproductions, Reproductive
Unit-II 05
Force and Motion: Types of forces- (muscular force, frictional force, gravitational force,
magnetic force, electrostatic force),Pressure.
Types of motion (linear, zigzag, circular, vibrating, periodic) speed.
Types of energies- traditional and alternative sources of energy; energy conservation;
Heat: applications of heat; transformation of heat, concept of temperature; melting, boiling and
evaporation; condensation and sublimation; examples of thermal expansion in daily life;
insulator and conductor of heat; Methods of heat transfer (conduction, convention and radiation).
Light & Sound: sources of light, formation of shadow, reflection of light, image formation in
plane mirror, Types of sound, sound propagation Characteristics of sound, echo, noise and
methods to reduce noise.
Unit-III 05
Science and Technology: Importance of science in daily life; Synthetic Fibers & Plastics-Types
and characteristics of synthetic fibers. Plastic and its properties, Plastic and environment,
detergents, cement, etc.; Science and Technology in medical field (X-ray, C.T. Scan, Surgery,
Ultrasound and LASER) ; In the field of Telecommunication - general information about fax
machine, computer, internet, e-mail and website.
Solar System: Moon and stars, Solar family-Sun and Planets, Comets, Constellation
Unit-IV 05
Structure of Matter; Atom and molecule; structure of atom; element, compound and mixture;
separation of impurities of substances; symbols of elements; chemical formulae of compounds
and chemical equations.
Chemical Substances: Oxides, green house effect and global warming, Hydrocarbon
(Introductory knowledge), Acide, Alkali and salt, Oxygen gas, Nitrogen gas and nitrogen cycle,
Coal, Petroleum and natural gas
Unit-V 05
Nature & Structure of Sciences
Natural Science : Aims & objectives
Understanding the Science
Methods of Science teaching
Unit-VI 05
Text Material/Aids
Remedial Teaching
Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)
Paper II
( For a person, who intends to be a Social Science Teacher for
Classes VI to VIII)
IV (b) - Social Studies
(60 Multiple choice questions of 60 Marks will be asked from
this part of the question paper. Each Unit Carries 5 marks)

Unit-1 Indian Civilization, Culture and Society
Indus valley civilization, Vedic culture, Indian Society : Characteristics , Family,
Marriage, Gender Sensitization, Rural Life and Urbanization.
Unit-2 Mauryan & Gupta Empires and Post-Gupta Period
Political history & administration, contribution to Indian culture, Cultural achievement of
Guptas age, India (600-1000 AD) Indian cultural contacts with the outside world.
Unit-3 Medieval and Modern Period
The Bhakti and Sufi Movement, Mughal-Rajput relations; Mughal administration, social,
Economic and cultural conditions during the Medieval period, British policies towards
Indian states, Revolt of 1857, Impacts of British Rule on Indian Economy, Renaissance
and Social reforms, Indian National Movement (1919-1947)
Unit-4 Indian Constitution and Democracy -
Preamble, Fundamental rights and Fundamental duties, Secularism and Social justice.
Unit-5 Government : Composition and Functions
Parliament, President, Prime minister and Council of Ministers; State Government;
Panchayati raj and Urban Self -Government.
Unit-6 Main Components of the Earth
lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere; types of rocks; Interior and Exterior
forces modifying earths surface
Unit-7 Resources and Development
Types of Resources, Conservation of Resources, Soils, Minerals and Power Resources,
Agriculture, Industries, Human Resources.
Unit-8 Geography and Resources of India
Physiographic regions, Climate, Natural vegetation, Wild Life, Multipurpose projects,
Agriculture crops, Industries, Transportation, Population, Public amenities, Economic
and Social Programmes of Development, Consumer awareness
Unit-9 Geography and Resources of Rajasthan -
Physical regions, Water conservation and Harvesting, Agriculture Crops, Minerals and
Energy resources, Transport, Industries, Population.
Unit-10 History and Culture of Rajasthan
Ancient Civilizations and Janpadas, Freedom Struggle in Rajasthan; Integration of
Rajasthan; Heritage and Culture of Rajasthan (Forts, Palaces, Fairs, Festivals, Folk-arts,
Handicrafts), Rajasthani Literature, Tourism, Conservation of Heritage.
Unit-11 Pedagogical Issues I
Concept & Nature of Social Science/Social Studies; Class Room Processes, activities and
discourse; Problems of teaching Social Science/Social Studies; Developing critical
Unit-12 Pedagogical Issues II
Enquiry/Empirical Evidence; Teaching Learing Material and Teaching Aids; Projects
Work; Evaluation.

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