Project Management: A Survey of Current Practices and Implications

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Project Management:

A Survey of Current Practices and Implications

M G Korgaonker

In completing a large project there is a
time overrun of the order of three years on
a scheduled project duration of 3.7 years
and a cost overrun of 140 per cent.
Production losses are five times the cost
overrun due to delay. Cost and time over-
runs are jeopardizing the viability of the
projects themselves.
M G Korgaonker reviews and analyses
the Indian experience as to why there are
such heavy overruns. Based on a survey of
current practices in project management,
he concludes that project management
practices can be improved considerably.
He cites instances where effective
management practices have led to comple-
tion of projects as per plans.
He draws implications of his analysis
for the pre-investment investigation,
project appraisal, organization, and
implementation stages of project
M G Korgaonker is Professor in the
Production and Quantitative Methods
area at the Indian Institute of Manage-
ment, Ahmedabad.
Projects are the vital means of development and
economic upliftment. They are the building blocks
for generating additional capital and for ensuring
flow of goods and services to the nation. In India,
large amounts have been and are being spent on
various projects for providing infrastructural
facilities and for meeting developmental needs. In
the public sector alone, over Rs 30,000 crore have
been invested in more than 200 projects. Unfortu-
nately there have been considerable time and cost
overruns in most of these projects. Tardy imp-
lementation has been a major cause for overruns.
In some cases, implementation delays have had an
adverse impact on the viability of the projects
In this paper, I have attempted a systematic
analysis of the Indian experience in project man-
agement, particularly in the public sector. The
public sector experience is particularly relevant
for it is based on some of the most complex and
massive projects India has undertaken. An
analysis of the main causes for time and cost over-
runs is provided separately in Box 1 under the title
"The Project Management Problem" below.
The main problem is time and cost overrun.
Studies show that in a large public sector project
the time overrun is of the order of about 3 years on
a scheduled project duration of about 3.7 years.
Cost overrun is about 140 per cent of the projected
costs. Production losses due to delay in comple-
tion is five times the cost overrun due to delay.
This experience in project management raises
several important questions:
Is the repeated failure in the public sector
to complete projects on time because of
paucity of well conceived projects, or
poor implementation, or both?
To what extent is government policy on
expansion, investment, and personnel re
cruitment responsible for the time and
cost overruns?
Are there major infrastructural or other

to be judged in terms of the correctness of the in-
vestment decision and the time taken to arrive at
the decision. This stage involves several agencies:
implementing organization which may be
a non-departmental or departmental
the controlling ministry
linked sectoral ministries'
Planning Commission
Ministry of Finance
Bureau of Public Enterprises
Public Investment Board.
Project Identification. How are projects identi-
fied? Presently this involves studying:
available local raw material
available technology and skills
inter-industry relationships
existing industry
development plans
old projects.
However, these studies are not detailed. Pro-
jects are identified more as a 'shopping list' by the
administrative agencies. The concern is more to
justify the project rather than to meet the demand
for goods and services. The capability required to
plan a project is not available. Often there is a
paucity of alternative projects. Many parameters
such as shadow wage rate, accounting ratios, and
premium on foreign exchange that are required for
conducting a social cost benefit analysis are not
available at the time of project identification.
The inclusion of a project in the five year plan
is merely a statement of intent rather than a defi-
nite decision. The process of interministerial con-
sultation which forms a part of the identification
stage is very time consuming. Procedures for the
pre-feasibility stage are not clear. Nor is there a
forum for considering the results of pre-feasibility
studies. For a long time there were also no
guidelines for project formulation.
To assist in the preparation of feasibility re-
ports, the following steps have been taken:
A manual of feasibility report was pre
pared in 1965 by the Planning Commis
sion with the assistance of USAID.
A Project Appraisal Division was set up in
the Planning Commission. The Division
Vol. 12, No. 4, October-December 1987

plan-relatedlow estimates, changes in
scope, revisions of specifications, delays
in finalizing financing patterns, complet
ing formalities
administrativedelays in approvals
othersfaulty engineering, piling, heavy
rains, inferior pyrites.
Equipment-related problems were cited the most
nearly 40 per cent of the time. Inadequate provi-
sion in the feasibility report of the projei t is
another important reason (Gupta, 1983). For exam-
ple, in the Barauni fertilizer project, the govern-
ment advised the erstwhile Fertilizer Corporation
of India to modify the feasibility report and pro-
vide for an identical plan with naptha instead of
fuel oil as feedstock. The proposal had to be
modified. Gupta has estimated cost overruns due
to inadequacy of the Total Estimate of Feasibility
Report (TEFR) for some fertilizer plants. Inade-
quacy in the provision alone accounted for nearly
21 per cent of the cost overrun. Table F gives the
cost overrun due to inadequate provision in the
feasibility report.
What Is the Cost of Delay? Table G provides data of
the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce
and Industry (FICCI) (Naik, 1983). The cost per
month of delay was Rs 0.7 crore and the average
delay in completion was about 2.5 years. State
governments have been losing nearly Rs 430 crore
per year on their investment due to delays in irri-
gation projects.
To sum up, there is on the average a time over-
run of over three years or nearly 90 per cent of the
scheduled project duration. The cost overrun is ab-
out 140 per cent, amounting to Rs 2 crore per
month's delay. Production losses due to delay
were nearly five times the cost overrun. Needless
to say, cost and time overruns seriously affect pro-
ject profitability. For example, it has been found in
the case of large ammonia plants (capacity 1200
T/day) that a year's delay in project completion
drives the breakeven point four years into the fu-
ture, jeopardizing its profitability for many years
(Kharbanda, 1983).
Box 2
Project Management: Some Terms and Methods
A brief explanation of some terms and methods
used in project management ia provided below.
Activity Times. The estimate of time required to
perform an activity in a project is called activity
time. In repetitive projects, data on time actually
taken for an activity are available. In such cases, a
single estimate of the activity time, such as the
average time taken, may be adequate. This is a de-
terministic estimate of the activity time. In non-
repetitive projects and activities there is a degree
of uncertainty associated with, any estimate of the
activity time. In such cases, two or three activity
time estimates are used. From such multiple esti-
mates, we can assess the uncertainty associated
with activity and project completion times.
Activity time data need to be updated periodi-
cally, taking into account the progress achieved,
resources required for the remaining part of the
activity, the resources available for completion,
and changes, if any, in the priority for the activity.
Project Objectives. Typical objectives of a project
are to complete the project:
within a targeted time
at or below a projected cost
as per a specified quality level.
The degree of emphasis on any one of these object-
ives will change depending upon the nature of the
project. In projects involving productive activity,
large capital outlay, and long gestation period,
costs of time delays are high, especially because of
production losses and inflation in capital cost of
the project. As a result, the project viability itself
can be irretrievably jeopardized. In such cases, the
emphasis is clearly on completing the project
within the stipulated time. In some projects, com-
pletion dates are rigid and unalterable, such as
construction of sports complexes. Here comple-
tion time gets the highest priority. In contrast, in
large-scale housing construction the focus is much
more on cost control. At any rate, it is important to
define the project objectives as precisely as possi-
ble, and to review them from time to time.
Project Scheduling. Project scheduling is the prep-
aration of schedules for performing various ac-
tivities of a project.
brought out in 1974 guidelines for prepar-
ing feasibility reports on industrial pro-
jects. There are separate guidelines for
different sectors.
The Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE)
has prepared guidelines for project pre
paration, project appraisal, and invest
ment decision at the project formulation,
feasibility study, and detailed project re
port (DPR) stages.
Project Formulation. Despite these guidelines,
project formulation by public sector units has not
been a successful experience. Project formulation,
as such, is the function of the administrative
ministry which gets the work done through one of
the public sector undertakings under its charge.
The problems at this stage appear to be the
There is a large degree of error in estimat
ing the capital cost, particularly tending
to underestimation. Consequently, cost
escalations are far in excess of 25 per cent.
Time schedules are not worked out
The time taken for processing feasibility re-
ports depends upon the thoroughness of pre-
investment studies and their scrutiny.
The data on inadequacies in estimates (see
Box 1 and Table 4) make this clear. Generally,
these are the consequences of inadequate investiga-
tion before preparing the feasibility report. Quota-
tions may be available only for major items. Esti-
mates are made for others based on the application
of percentages. These are broken down into com-
ponents such as due to change in price increase
and change in scope.
There is also mismatching in projects involv-
ing linked investments in different sectors. Con-
siderable time is lost in tying up the input and
service requirements. The five year plans provide
a framework for such linkage by specifying availa-
bility of investible resources and sectoral outlays
and output targets. Yet feasibility reports cannot
be tied up closely with five year plan schedules as
necessary information of right accuracy is not av-
ailable in advance. As a result, assumptions on in-
puts or demand are not realized either fully or on
time. Consequently, project completion, cost, and
viability are thrown out of gear.
Project Appraisal. The objective of appraisal is not

14 Vikalpa
merely to accept or reject an investment proposal,
but to recommend ways in which the project can
be redesigned or reformulated to improve its tech-
nical, financial, commercial, and economic viabi-
lity. While social cost benefit analysis is essential,
the technical, financial, and commercial viability
of a project also needs to be appraised. The main
thrust of the appraisal by the Project Appraisal Di-
vision and the Bureau of Public Enterprises relates
to a comparison of the situation with and without
the proposed investment. However, rarely is a
basket of proposals available as are alternative op-
tions, with details of costs and benefits for each, so
that a choice can be made among competing al-
ternatives. Projects in a sector are generally pre-
sented for approval one by one. Appraisal is
limited to whether there are possibilities for
minimizing the capital and operating costs, with-
out redesigning the project benefits.
Appraisal would have to emphasize different
factors for different sectors. Emphasis in one sec-
tor may be on the impact of low capacity utiliza-
tion; in another, on escalation in capital costs or
on fluctuations in operating cost. Analysis should
be related to the factor chosen for emphasis.
Project Implementation Stage
Main scope of work during the project implemen-
tation stage includes:
preparation of the detailed project report
selection and finalization of contracts
with process licensors
selection of consultants for finalization of
preparation of expenditure profile/budget
finalization of project work contracts
procurement of equipments and materials
project constructionland acquisition,
site preparation, scheduling, erection,
and commissioning
arrangements for start-up activities in
consultation with operating departments
management reporting for progress
monitoring and control.
The bulk of the cost and time overrun occurs dur-
ing the project implementation phase. A good
analysis of the causes of the overrun is provided by
Vol. 12, No. 4, October-December 1987
Multi-Level Scheduling. In large projects involv-
ing a large number of activities project schedules
are prepared at multiple levels. Multi-level
scheduling involves the preparation of a master
project schedule, functional area schedules, and
schedules for each of various work packages. Mas-
ter project schedule is the schedule of major
milestones. It is of interest to top management.
Functional area schedules such as for construc-
tion, recruitment, or training are of interest to the
heads of department of the functional areas con-
cerned. Individual subcontractors involved in ex-
ecuting specific work packages are provided with
work package wise schedules.
Along with activity schedules, it is necessary to
prepare schedules for drawing control, material
and equipment control, and construction control.
A multi-level approach can be followed for these
schedules as well.
CATS and RATS Scheduling. Another useful
approach is to prepare two types of schedules, com-
monly known as CATS and RATS, at each level.
CATS is Compressed Activity Time Schedule and
RATS is Realistic Activity Time Schedule.
CATS is used for internal control of project
while RATS is used for commitments with exter-
nal funding agencies. The time difference between
RATS and CATS provides an internal cushion for
Multi-Project Scheduling. Multi-project schedul-
ing is the task of preparing activity schedules for
more than one project simultaneously under ex-
ecution. Special attention has to be given to the
scheduling of resources used by many projects. In
addition to priorities for the activity within a pro-
ject, priorities between projects also have to be ta-
ken into account in the allocation and transfer of
resources among projects.
PERT/CPM. PERT (Programme Evaluation and Re-
view Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method)
are the most widely used network techniques in
project management. They focus primarily on time
analysis. While CPM is associated with single ac-
tivity times (deterministic times), PERT is as-
sociated with two or three activity times estimates
(probabilistic activity times). CPM is more useful
in repetitive projects such as construction projects
and industrial projects involving repeated use of
standard technologies (power projects, chemical
and fertilizer projects, etc.). PERT is useful in non-
repetitive projects such as R&D and industrial pro-
jects involving new technologies.
Both CPM and PERT require data bases on activity
Resources Levelling, Allocation, and Time-Cost
Trade-Off. Project scheduling and execution depends
on resources required by various activities and re-
sources available for allocation. Three important
questions connected with utilization of resources are:
How should resources be allocated and ac
tivity schedules prepared such that resource
utilization is as uniform as possible or fol
lows a defined pattern?
How should the resources be allocated
amongst competing activities and competing
. projects (in the case of multi-project schedul-
ing) so that projects are completed in
minimum time within available resources?
Where resource availability is not a major
constraint, can project duration be compres
sed below its normal duration by compres
sing (or crashing) activity times? If so, how
should activity durations be compressed
with minimum application of additional re
sources? Stated the other way, when a trade
off exists between project time and cost,
how should the time-cost trade-off be made?
Decision rules to deal with resource allocation
problems are based on:
activity time
activity slack
activity resource
a combination of activity time, slack, and
derived from application of mathematical
programming methods.
A discussion of these can be found in Pant
(1984) or Davis (1983).
Line of Balance. Line of Balance (LOB) is a project
monitoring technique. It is a line drawn connecting
the cumulative scheduled progress of various stages
and the project as a whole, shown as bars on a chart.
It enables simultaneous comparision of actual prog-
ress with scheduled progress for multiple stages of
the project. The technique uses three charts:
process chart (the project network drawn to
a time scale)
objectives chart (a chart which shows
scheduled cumulative progress for the pro
ject and its various stages on a time scale)
progress chart (with cumulative of
scheduled and actual progress for various
project stages).
The Line of Balance is drawn on the progress
chart to show the profile of accomplishment vis-a-
vis that scheduled.
Dikshit (1983). They may be grouped as follows
alongwith those under project formulation:
project formulation
capabilities and availability of infra
system support inadequacy
environmental constraints
social, political, and behavioural aspects.
Resource Planning and Utilization
A detailed analysis of causes of time and cost over-
runs is presented in Table 2. Even though in-
frastructural availability and inadequate develop-
ment of project-related capabilities continue to be
formidable impediments to realization of time and
cost objectives, system support inadequacy contri-
butes to this in no small measure.
Such inadequacies reflect in the manner in
which resources are allocated and utilized. The at-
tainment of time and cost objectives depends di-
rectly on the allocation and utilization of resources
(Davis, 1983). Moreover, internal project manage-
ment systems have to be singularly concerned with
the optimal utilization of scarce resources.
A survey was undertaken to understand the state of
art on resource allocation and utilization in Indian
projects. A questionnaire was administered to 45
project managers at senior levels from several large
organizations in the public and private sectors. A
brief summary of the practices based on their re-
sponses is presented below.
Objectives. The objectives considered most
important were:
minimization of project duration and
minimization of costs
maximization of present worth.
In practice, a mix of these was pursued.
Those who set the objectives included top
management, project executives, and project plan-
ners. Sometimes, a joint committee from among
these set the objectives.
Activity Times. Different practices were in use for
estimating activity times. These included:
16 Vikalpa

single time estimates
two time estimates
three time estimates.
The single time estimate was the most commonly
followed practice.
Although there are considerable variations in
the methods used for estimating project activity
times, in a majority of cases, the estimates are based
on past experience. Other methods used included
activity time analysis, use of performance norms,
group discussions, industrial engineering studies,
estimates supplied by foreign collaborators, esti-
mates based on nature, quality, and complexity
of work estimates supplied by consultants/con-
tractors/suppliers, expert opinion from within the
organization/outside consultants, and calculation
on the basis of due dates and resource availability.
There was considerable variation in updating
practices. They varied from computerized updat-
ing to manual updating. The frequency of updat-
ing also varied by project size and organization.
The updating period for large projects was fort-
nightly, monthly, or six monthly. In updating,
some replotted the entire network and established
new critical activities. Some 'back set' the remain-
ing activities while others crashed the following
activities at a higher cost. At times only critical
activities were monitored. Updating was through
recourse to group discussions, review meetings,
computer analysis, periodic progress reports, and
feedback from monitoring agencies.
Resource Planning and Utilization. Not all re-
spondents felt that resource availability was a con-
straint on the execution of projects, although the
majority felt so. The methodologies to deal with
the constraint varied. They included:
use of priority rule usually based on criti-
cality to take care of conflicts (e.g.
minimum slack rules, shortest imminent
operation first)
overtime/use of off-regular hours of work
in case of resource conflicts
allocation based on efficient utilization of
fire fighting.
There does not appear to be sufficient clarity
regarding the classification of resources used in
projects as renewable, non-renewable, or doubly
Resource levelling to achieve desirable re-
source consumption profiles was not practised
widely. Where it existed, activities were
scheduled to ensure resource build up, such as
that of the work force, in a desired manner. In or-
ganizations, levelling was attempted through in-
spection and trial and error.
Time-Cost Trade-Off. A majority of the respon-
dents felt that some sort of time-cost trade-off was
done, although they indicated no method for
selecting the activities for crashing. Generally,
only critical activities expected to get delayed
were crashed. Use of overtime, extra shifts, in-
crease in the number of contractors, and extra
labourers was quite common to crash the ac-
tivities. In some projects, senior executives de-
cided on the allocation of extra resources while in
others, the allocation was based on experience.
Use of simulation and incentives to expedite ac-
tivities was also mentioned.
Nearly 50 per cent of the respondents were
certain while the rest either uncertain or some-
what, certain about the materialization of the pro-
jects as proposed and planned.
Multiproject Scheduling. Many respondents said
that all projects were planned assuming their
simultaneous execution. In some cases, planning
was based on the availability of projects at differ-
ent points in time. Quite a few had no knowledge
about multiproject scheduling. Among those who
faced the problem of allocation of scarce resources
for multiple projects, past experience and some
kind of priorities were evidently in use. The prior-
ity rules in use were of the following types:
priority for projects with returns on a
shorter period
priority on the basis of criticality of the
resource for project completion
priority based on project due dates, de
gree of urgency, and importance to the
priority based on cost and total invest
ment in different projects to date
priority based on persuasive power of dif
ferent project managers.
Summing Up. The survey revealed that currently

18 Vikalpa
there are hardly any formal project management
systems in use that incorporate activity time esti-
mation, resource levelling, time-cost trade-off, and
allocation rules as a regular feature. Methodologies
derived from extensive research have yet to find
their application.
To obtain a better insight into this, senior pro-
ject personnel in a few selected organizations were
interviewed in depth with a survey questionnaire.
The findings from this survey are described next.
Organizational Characteristics. Although specific
capabilities in process knowhow, basic engineer-
ing, detailed engineering, and project manage-
ment have developed to different degrees, turnkey
contracting capability is presently very low. The
situation varies widely across industries.
The presence on the international scene is
very low. This may be because of lack of necessary
expertise or experience, low investment capabil-
ity, and technological obsolescence.
The major concerns of project managers were
on time, cost, and .quality, and not so much on the
utilization of resources per se. This may be due
primarily to the fact that the majority of respon-
dents in the in-depth survey belonged to 'promoter
organizations' who executed projects for a parent
organization in a captive mode.
Negotiated price and fixed contract fee were the
dominant modes of payment. Projectized organi-
zation was the predominant organizational
structure adopted. The matrix type of organiza-
tion, which has some advantages for certain
categories of projects, was not widely adopted. A
majority of the organizations did not have job de-
scriptions for project managers or project person-
nel. Providing incentives to project executives on
successful project performance was not a common
practice, although it was prevalent in some organi-
zations in the private sector. Outright cash bonus,
paid vacation, assignment of higher responsibili-
ties, and commendations were some of the incen-
tives used.
Cost Estimation. There was high reliance on previ-
ous experience in cost estimating. Risk analysis of
cost estimates was not undertaken. In the public
sector, the technical consultant was involved in
cost estimation. In the private sector, a team con-
sisting of the technical consultants, the future pro-
ject coordinator, and the top management of pro-
ject executing organization was involved in cost
estimation. Project complexity by itself was not
perceived as a major problem.
Manpower Loading. Usually a master manpower
loading plan was prepared from the master project
schedule. It was sometimes broken down into
work package wise plans. For actually building
the manpower to peak requirements, there was an
overwhelming reliance on contractors.
Material Planning. Two types of material require-
ment plans were in evidence: a master plan based
on master project schedule and work package-wise
material plans. Work package wise material plans
were more prevalent in the public sector, whereas
the master plan based on material plans seems to
be preferred by the private sector. Perhaps this is
because of the more stringent accounting proce-
dures and expenditure allocation requirements in
the public sector. The procurement lead times of
critical and high value items necessitated adjust-
ment of project schedules forwards or backwards.
Choice of Suppliers/Subcontractors. The choice
of suppliers/subcontractors was based on supplier
performance record and was strictly based on an
evaluation of tenders/quotations. Often the choice
was limited. One of the problem areas identified
was the coordination of multiple contractors.
Review. Periodic reviews of the master schedule
and milestones were the main techniques for pro-
ject monitoring. Use was not made of more power-
ful techniques such as S-curves, Line of Balance,
and computer-based monitoring.
Delays. The overwhelming cause of delays in pro-
ject execution was cited to be the material supply
uncertainties arising out of technical deviations or
unpredictable lead times. The next major cause
was lack of effective coordination of the work of
various agencies involved in project execution.
Chasing suppliers was the major corrective action.
Conclusions. Our analysis has highlighted the ma-
jor shortcomings that have resulted in time and
cost overruns becoming a rule rather than the ex-
ception in project management. Yet, amidst the
rather disappointing scene, there have been evi-
dences of determined and successful project man-
agement. A careful analysis of successful projects
shows the extremely vital role effective internal
management plays in ensuring project success. We
briefly consider below two such project

Vol. 12, No. 4, October-December 1987
experiences the Kudremukh iron ore project and
the Adilabad project of the Cement Corporation of
Indiawhich are well known and documented.
Kudremukh Iron Ore Project
Kudremukh is one of the largest mining and be-
neficiation projects in the world. It was put up in a
hilly location having heavy monsoon rainfall for
about four months in the year, and strong wind
pressures and foggy conditions for about nine
months in the year. The project was implemented
under a tight time schedule of 40 months for
mechanical completion. It also achieved a signific-
ant saving in cost. Mirchandani (1983) provides a
good account of the various project stages, prob-
lems involved, and corrective measures taken for
the successful completion of the project.
Its successful implementation is ascribed to
certain systematic approaches involving:
clear formulation of goals
identification of problem areas
correct appreciation of environmental
evalution of flexible plan of action
rigorous monitoring
constant appraisal and follow up.
Time and cost overruns were controlled through
measures such as:
undertaking as many activities as possible
in parallel
simultaneous execution of design and
construction phases
procurement of equipment in as near an
assembled state as possible
standardization of motor capacity and
modular design of electrical control.
Similar measures were taken in respect of
several critical activities which included:
association of Hindustan Steel Construc
tion Ltd. (HSCL)/mining associate/en
gineer constructor from the early stage of
the project
introduction of bonus clauses in the con
tract with HSCL
definition of intermediate milestones in
contract clauses
stockpiling of construction materials
advance planning for steel and cement
deployment of special purpose imported
equipment for piling work and construc
tion of silos
left-in-place stuttering technique for con
centrator and filtration buildings
measures to stabilize unstable areas
use of transit mixers
speedy construction of the earthern dam,
tunnel, slurry pipelines, and structural
involvement of manufacturer's representa
tive at site during installation stage.
As a result of such efforts, despite the
emergencies that were encountered, the Ku-
dremukh iron ore project was completed on time
within sanctioned costs, besides using Indian
agencies as much as possible, maximizing indi-
genous content in equipment, and minimizing
surplus manpower.
Adilabad Cement Project
The Adilabad project of the Cement Corporation of
India (CCI) was the first of eight projects im-
plemented concurrently to achieve a target of six
million tonnes per annum by the year 1985-86.
The Adilabad project of 1,200 tonnes per day of
cement was taken up without any outside con-
sultant. The project began in April 1979 and was
completed within the scheduled period of three
years and the original cost estimate of Rs 35.31
crore. CCI was able to cut .short the implementa-
tion time by nearly 50 per cent. What made this
possible? The following factors have been
identified in Adilabad's project organization
choice of a self-chasing type of orga
a two-schedule approach using realistic
and compressed activity times for project
scheduling. The feasibility report, de
tailed project report, budgeting, and
market plan were based on realistic activ
ity time scheduling (RATS) while com
pressed activity time scheduling (CATS)
was used in project implementation. The

20 Vikalpa
time difference between the two
schedules gave the cushion time for ab-
sorbing unforeseen delays
use of special techniques for data base
management, contract management,
equipment categorization, project en-
gineering, construction management, and
progress monitoring. For instance, a 10-
digit integrated data switching system
was used comprising switching channels
and switching keys. The switching chan-
nels represented the main areas and
switching keys in each channel repre-
sented sections/disciplines/work flow/
nature of work, etc.
comprehensive tenders were issued com-
plete with technical specifications, scope,
and commercial conditions specifying
phased deliveries based on master
network. The payment system was tied to
work progress
use of VED (Vital, Essential, Desirable)
technique for equipment categorization
for phasing and sequencing order place-
use of four-level planning and scheduling
networksMaster Project Schedule (Level
I), Area-wise schedules (Level II),
schedules for execution of all activities
under each programme, e.g. civil works,
and mechanical erection (Level III),
contract-wise schedules for control of site
activities (Level IV).
Our analysis points to substantial benefits from
successful project management. Better project
management requires strengthening project man-
agement capabilities at all stages of the project life
cycle (Korgaonker, 1983).
The pre-investment stage involving project
identification, formulation, appraisal, and sanc-
tion is clearly the stage that provides the greatest
scope for improvement.
Pre-Investment Investigative Work
More scientific pre-investment investigative
studies need to be undertaken for large/complex
projects. To achieve this, long-term association is
necessary between public sector consultancy com-
panies and research institutions. Pre-investment
studies should focus on opportunities available, a
global state of art review of trends, likely plant
size, technologies, locations, environmental im-
pacts, approximate value of investments involved,
and process feasibilities. Such studies should be
widely disseminated and discussed to generate
creative project identification.
Project Preparation, Appraisal, and Investment
Capital cost estimation needs to be realistic. Spe-
cial data bank/libraries need to be set up giving
time and cost estimates for various activities in
completed projects in major sectors. Cost esti-
mates should take the likely impact of anticipated
inflation and escalation clauses, likely revisions in
administered prices and wage rates, and exchange
rate fluctuations. The estimates should reflect to-
tal system costs including those in linked projects
and development expenses for land acquisition,
approach roads, water supply, and geological and
geophysical investigations at site. For closely-held
technologies, expenditure on purchase of informa-
tion from abroad will have to be included. Risk
analysis should be undertaken regularly to im-
prove the forecast of estimated cost at completion
A definite time schedule should be set up for
the pre-investment stage of the project as, our
analysis has shown, this stage is subject to inordi-
nate delays. Agencies involved in issuing permits/
clearance for foreign exchange, import licence,
and custom clearance should be involved in ap-
praisal to minimize the risk of delays in obtaining
clearances. Scarce construction materials such as
steel, cement, and petroleum, oil, and lubricants
need to be planned along with the DPR to enable
advance procurement action.
Organization Design for
Effective Project Implementation
The choice of organizational structure should be
in accordance with the nature of the project, its
size, complexity, and type of process technologies
involved (Kerzner, 1984). Centralized policy
formulation with decentralized implementation
appears best suited for large project management.
The organizational structure should provide
for scheduling and monitoring, contract manage-
ment, materials and equipment procurement, on-

Vol. 12, No. 4, October-December 1987 21
site coordination and control, and information
Adequate powers should be delegated to en-
able on-the-site decisions and thereby minimize
avoidable delays. They should include powers to
sanction extra items, deviations in contracts, etc.
The incentive/reward system for project
personnel, particularly in remote, inaccessible,
and backward areas, needs to be improved.
Consultants and their Appointment
A directory of Indian and foreign consultancy or-
ganizations needs to be developed with informa-
tion on their field of specialization, projects hand-
led, and past record.
Criteria have to be evolved for performance
evaluation of design/consulting firms. They
should include overall reliability and accuracy of
cost estimates.
Contract Management. A two-part bid system (one
for technical and commercial terms and the other
for price) should be preferred. Realistic escalation
clauses need to be incorporated in the contracts.
The contracts should contain effective bonus/pen-
alty clause for rewarding completion of work
ahead of schedule and stringent penalty for
schedule slippages. It will be advisable to
consult vendors/contractors in framing
specifications/inspection standards particularly
where custom design and manufacture is
Project Scheduling and Monitoring. Computer-
based network analysis methods need to be used
for project scheduling and monitoring. PERT/CPM
techniques and their extensions should be adopted
as a regular feature for time, cost, and resource
allocation analysis. More use should be made of
S-curves, LOB, and other techniques for monitor-
ing and reviews (Choudhury, 1983).
Multi-level network systems should be adopted
for integrated project scheduling and monitoring
at various levels such as master project, func-
tional, and work package levels. Such networks
should be prepared for each major contracting
firm. In drawing construction schedules, it would
be preferable to involve contractors/vendors and
detailed engineering consultants so as to ensure
commitment. Project personnel should be deputed
to major vendor's workshops to keep track of prog-
ress and follow up. It would be advisable to intro-
duce a dual scheduling system for projects (on the
lines of RATS and CATS). A project management
information system should be introduced to en-
able effective project monitoring and control at
various levels.
Construction. There is an urgent need to modern-
ize and update construction technologies in India.
Agencies with the capability are very few. New
capacities for construction equipment should be
created or imports allowed where necessary.
Research and Documentation. There is a need to
research into appropriate project management
models for large projects and on specific issues
like effect of project uncertainties. Proper
documentation of experience and data generated
in project planning, execution, and commission-
ing phases, indicating the problems encountered,
remedial actions taken, and lessons learnt, would
be valuable.
Human Resource Development. Perhaps the most
neglected area to date is the development of hu-
man resources for project management. There is
no institution in the country offering a specializa-
tion programme in this field. Programmes are
scarce even in construction management.
Efforts in post-experience training in project
management are also limited. Specific courses in
project management are not found in graduate or
undergraduate curricula of universities and other
institutions. Appropriate training and develop-
ment measures are, therefore, a crying need of the
hour to eventually man the projects with well-
trained personnel.

22 Vikalpa

Choudhury, S (1983). Project Scheduling and Monitoring in
Practice. New Delhi: South Asian Publishers.
Davis, E W (ed) (1983). Project Management: Techniques,
AppJications, and ManageriaJ Issues. Norcross, GA: Indus-
trial Engineering and Management Press.
Desai, N (1983). "Project Formulation, Appraisal, and
Sanction" in Proceedings of the Seminar on Project Manage-
ment in Public Enterprises. New Delhi: Standing Conference
on Public Enterprises.
Dikshit, S K N S (1983). "Project Management in the Field of
Refineries, Petrochemicals, Fertilizers, and Chemicals" in
Proceedings, op. cit.
Gupta, J P (1983). "Fertilizer Plants: Project Implementation
Stage" in Proceedings, op. cit.
Kapur, D (1983). "Appropriate Management Systems for
Capital Intensive Projects" in Proceedings, op. cit.
Kerzner, H (1984). Project Management: A Systems Approach
to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. New York: Van
Nostrand Reinhold.
Kharbanda, O P (1983). Project Cost Control in Action.
Aldershot: Gower Press.
Korgaonker, M G (1983). "Strategies for Project Management,"
paper presented at the Programme in Project Management,
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
----------- and Pant, M (1983). "Resource Planning and
Utilization in Projects: A Survey," unpublished report, In-
dian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
Krishna, Mridula (1983). "Project Planning in India" in
Proceedings, op. cit.
Mirchandani, A V (1983). "Kudremukh: Inception and Im-
plementation" in Proceedings, op. cit.
Naik, B M (1983). "Project Monitoring: How to use PERT Effec-
tively" in Proceedings, op. cit.
Pant, M (1984). "Multi-Project Scheduling under Multiple Re-
source Constraints," unpublished dissertation, Indian Insti-
tute of Management, Ahmedabad.
Rijhsingani, A V (1983). "Implementation of Continuous
Process Public Sector Cement Projects" in Proceedings, op.
Tripathy, A (1982). "Project Management Practice in India,"
paper presented at the Seventh World Conference on Project
Management, Copenhagen.
Venkat, E N, Mittal, P, and Kimman, M (1985). "Survey on
Practice of Project Management," term paper, Indian Insti-
tute of Management, Ahmedabad.
Vol. 12, No. 4, October-December 1987 25

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