For Immediate Release Contact:: Join Us For Ranger-Guided Programs in The National Park!

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The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.

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For Immediate Release CONTACT:
National Park Service
Jodi rench!"urr
Railroad History and Nature Featured in Ranger Programs
Join us for ranger-guided programs in the National Park!
len !ean" #est $irginia" !une %%" %&'( * National Parks are exciting places to find adventure+
especially ,hen you explore the area-s rich stories of history or see ,hat nature has to offer. .ucky for us+
,e have many public parks in the area. /anger!guided ,alks in Ne, /iver 0orge National /iver and
"luestone National Scenic /iver provide a fun ,ay to get outdoors and learn more about the natural ,orld
that surround us and the people ,ho shaped our past. All programs are /11. 2ear comfortable ,alking
shoes for guided ,alks. 2ater+ snacks+ camera and binoculars are other useful tools to bring along.
"elo, is a list of this ,eekend-s featured ranger programs3
)aturday" !une %*" %&'(:
0rand "irding
43$$ am 5 )$3#$ am. 6eet at the 0randvie, 7isitor 8enter. ).$ mile ,alk. Stroll through the park looking
and listening for birds of the Ne, /iver 0orge. "ring binoculars and a favorite field guide or some ,ill be
"luestone 2alk
)$3$$ am ! ))3#$ am. 6eet at the base of Pipestem /esort State Park tram,ay. ( mile ,alk. 2alk ,ithin
"luestone National Scenic /iver for a mile and return. Along the ,ay+ en9oy the flora and fauna of the
area and discover regional history. "ring :(.$$ for the return tram ride.
;istoric Thurmond Tour
))3$$ am ! )(3$$ pm. 6eet at the Thurmond <epot 7isitor 8enter. $.& mile ,alk. 2hat ,as life like in one
of the Ne, /iver 0orge-s most reno,ned to,ns= 6eet a ranger in Thurmond-s historic district for an
informal tour of this once bustling railroad to,n+ hearing stories of days gone by.
)unday" !une %+" %&'(:
;istoric Thurmond Tour
))3$$ am ! )(3$$ pm. 6eet at the Thurmond <epot 7isitor. $.& mile ,alk. 2hat ,as life like in one of the
Ne, /iver 0orge-s most reno,ned to,ns= 6eet a ranger in Thurmond-s historic district for an informal
tour of this once bustling railroad to,n+ hearing stories of days gone by.
New River Gorge
National River
P. O. Box 246
104 Main Street
Glen Jean, WV 2!46
"04#46#00! $%one
"04#46#0&1 'ax
National Par, )er-i.e
U/)/ 0e1artment o2 t3e Interior
The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.

Page 2
or more information about area National Park Service sites visit http3>>,,,>neri+ check out the
park acebook page at http3>>,,,>ne,rivergorgenps+ or stop by any Ne, /iver 0orge
National /iver visitor center.

A4out t3e National Par, )er-i.e
The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may
experience our heritage. or more information about the National Park Service+ visit http3>>,,,

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