This document provides details about a clinical specialty course in obstetric and gynecological nursing. The course is designed to help students develop expertise in midwifery and provide comprehensive nursing care to women during their reproductive periods. The course includes 800 hours of theory and practical training over various units covering topics like human reproduction, pregnancy, normal labor/birth, postpartum care, newborn care, pharmacology in obstetrics, and family welfare services. Students will learn skills like assessment, counseling, procedures and management of normal and high-risk conditions. The goal is for students to function as independent midwifery practitioners.
This document provides details about a clinical specialty course in obstetric and gynecological nursing. The course is designed to help students develop expertise in midwifery and provide comprehensive nursing care to women during their reproductive periods. The course includes 800 hours of theory and practical training over various units covering topics like human reproduction, pregnancy, normal labor/birth, postpartum care, newborn care, pharmacology in obstetrics, and family welfare services. Students will learn skills like assessment, counseling, procedures and management of normal and high-risk conditions. The goal is for students to function as independent midwifery practitioners.
This document provides details about a clinical specialty course in obstetric and gynecological nursing. The course is designed to help students develop expertise in midwifery and provide comprehensive nursing care to women during their reproductive periods. The course includes 800 hours of theory and practical training over various units covering topics like human reproduction, pregnancy, normal labor/birth, postpartum care, newborn care, pharmacology in obstetrics, and family welfare services. Students will learn skills like assessment, counseling, procedures and management of normal and high-risk conditions. The goal is for students to function as independent midwifery practitioners.
This document provides details about a clinical specialty course in obstetric and gynecological nursing. The course is designed to help students develop expertise in midwifery and provide comprehensive nursing care to women during their reproductive periods. The course includes 800 hours of theory and practical training over various units covering topics like human reproduction, pregnancy, normal labor/birth, postpartum care, newborn care, pharmacology in obstetrics, and family welfare services. Students will learn skills like assessment, counseling, procedures and management of normal and high-risk conditions. The goal is for students to function as independent midwifery practitioners.
Placement: 1 st Year Hors o! Instrct"on Theory : 150 Hours. Practical : 650Hours Total : 800 Hours
Corse Descr"#t"on This course is design to assist students in developing expertise and in depth understanding in the field of Ostetric and !ynecological "ursing. #t $ill help students to appreciate the client as a holistic individual and develop s%ill to function as an independent &id$ifery practitioner. #t $ill further enale the student to function as educator' &anager and researcher in the field of Ostetric and !ynecological nursing O$%ect"&es (t the end of the course the students $ill e ale to: 1. (ppreciate the trends in the field of &id$ifery' ostetrics and gynaecology as a specialty ). *escrie the population dyna&ics and indicators of &aternal and child health +. *escrie the concepts of iophysical' psychological and spiritual aspects of nor&al pregnancy' laor and puerperiu&. ,. Provide co&prehensive nursing care to $o&en during reproductive period. 5. #ntegrate the concepts of fa&ily centered nursing care and nursing process approach in ostetric and gynecological nursing. 6. #dentify and analy-e the deviations fro& nor&al irth process and refer appropriately. .. *escrie the phar&acological agents' their effects during pregnancy' child irth' puerperiu&' lactation and the role of nurse 8. /ounsel adolescents' $o&en and fa&ilies on issues pertaining to pregnancy' child irth and lactation 0. *escrie the role of various types of co&ple&entary and alternative therapies in ostetric and gynecological nursing 10. #ncorporate evidence ased nursing practice and identify the areas of research in the field of ostetric and gynecological nursing 11. *escrie the recent advance&ent in contraceptive technology and irth control &easures. 1). (ppreciate the legal and ethical issues pertaining to ostetric and gynaecological nursing Corse Content SN UNIT TOPIC THEORY PRACTICALS 1 # Intro'ct"on Historical and conte&porary perspectives 1pide&iological aspects of &aternal and child health 2agnitude of &aternal and child prole&s #ssues of &aternal and child health: (ge' !ender' 3exuality' psycho socio cultural factors Preventive ostetrics "ational Health and fa&ily $elfare progra&&es related to &aternal and child health: health care delivery syste& "ational 4ural health &ission' 4ole of "!O5s Theories' &odels and (pproaches applied to &id$ifery practice. 4ole and scope of &id$ifery practice: #ndependent "urse &id$ifery practitioner 6egal and 1thical issues : /ode of 1thics and standards of &id$ifery practice' standing orders 1vidence ased &id$ifery practice 4esearch priorities in ostetric and gynecological nursing 15 ) ## Hman re#ro'ct"on 4evie$ of anato&y and physiology of hu&an reproduction syste&: &ale and fe&ale Hor&onal cycles 1&ryology !enetics' teratology and counseling /linical i&plications )0 + ### Pre(nanc) 1. 2aternal adaptation : Physiocological ' Psychosocial (ssess&ent 7 2aternal and foetal &easures 2aternal 2easures: History ta%ing' exa&ination 8 !eneral' physical and ostetrical &easure ' identification of high ris% 9oetal &easure 8 clinical para&eters' ioche&ical 8 hu&an estriol' 2aternal 3eru& (lfa 9eto protein' (cetyl choline esterase :(ch1;' Triple Test (&niocentesis' /ordocentesis' chorionic villus sa&pling :/<3; =iophysical 8 : >3 #2(!#"! ' 9oetal &ove&ent count' >ltra 3onography' /ardiotocography' cardioto&ography' "on 3trss Test : "3T ;' contraction 3tress Test : /3T; ' a&nioscopy' foetoscopy 4adiological exa&ination #nterpretation of diagnostic tests and nursing i&plications "ursing &anage&ent of the pregnant $o&en' &inor disorders of pregnancy and &anage&ent ' preparation for child irth and parenthood' i&portance of institutional delivery' choice of irth setting ' i&portance and &oili-ing of transportation' prenatal counseling . role of nurse and crisis intervention ' identification of high ris% pregnancy and refer (lternative ? co&ple&entary therapies )0 5 SN UNIT TOPIC THEORY PRACTICALS , #< Normal La$or an' Nrs"n( mana(ement : 1ssential factors of laour 3tages and onset *"rst sta(e : P+)s"olo() o! normal la$or >se of partograph : principles' use and critical analysis' evidence ased studies (nalgesia and anesthesia in laour "ursing &anage&ent Secon' Sta(e Physiology' intrapartu& &onitoring "ursing &anage&ent 4esuscitation' i&&ediate ne$orn care and initiate reast feeding : guidelines of "ational neonatology foru& of #ndia; T+"r' sta(e Physiology and nursing &anage&ent *ort+ sta(e O$ser&at"on, cr"t"cal anal)s"s an' Nrs"n( mana(ement- <arious child irth practice: $ater irth' position change etc 1vidence ased practice in relation to laour intervention Role o! nrse m"'."!er) #ract"t"oner (lternative ? co&ple&entary therapies )+ @) ) 5 < Normal #er#er"m an' nrs"n( mana(ement Physiology of puerperiu& Physiology of lactation' lactation &anage&ent ' exclusive reast feeding ' =ay friendly hospital intitative : =9H#; (ssess&ent of postnatal $o&en 2inor disco&forts and co&plication of puerperiu& 2anage&ent of &others during puerperiu&: Postnatal exercises 4oo&ing in' ounding' Aar& chain 1vidence ased studies Role o! nrse m"'."!er) #ract"t"oner (lternative ? co&ple&entary therapies 18 @ 1 ) 6 <# Normal Ne.$orn Physiology and characteristics of nor&al ne$orn Physical and =ehavioral assess&ent of ne$orn "eeds of "e$orn 1ssential ne$orn care: 1xclusive reast feeding ' #&&uni-ation' Hygiene &easures' ne$orn nutrition Organi-ation of neonatal care' services: 6evels;' Transport' neonatal intensive care unit ' organi-ation and &anage&ent of nursing services in "#/> Oservation and care of ne$orn Parenting process 18 ) SN UNIT TOPIC THEORY PRACTICALS . <## P+armoco ')nam"cs "n o$stetr"cs *rugs used in pregnancy' laour' post partu& and ne$orn /alculation of drugs dose and ad&inistration 1ffects of drugs used (nesthesia and analgesia in ostetrics 4oles and responsiilities of &id$ifery nurse practitioner 3tanding orders and protocols and use of selected life saving drugs and interventions of ostetric e&ergencies approved y the 2OH9A 10 8 <### *am"l) .el!are ser&"ces Population dyna&ics *e&ography trends: vital statistics' calculation of indicators especially &aternal and neonatal &ortality rates and prole&s and other health prole&s 4ecent advance&ent in contraceptive technology 4ole of nurses in fa&ily $elfare progra&&es in all setting 4ole of independent nurse &id$ifery practitioner 9a&ily life education 1vidence ased studies #nfor&ation ' 1ducation and /o&&unication : #1/; 2anage&ent infor&ation and evaluation syste& :2#13; o Teaching and supervision of health tea& &e&ers 8 ) :<#3#T TO #1/; 0 #B In!ert"l"t) Pri&ary and secondary causes *iagnostic procedures /ounseling: ethical and legal aspects of assisted reproductive technology :(4T; 4ecent advance&ent in infertility &anage&ent (doption procedures 4ole of nurses in infertility &anage&ent 5 10 B /eno#ase Physiological' psychological and social aspects Hor&one 4eplace&ent Therapy 3urgical &enopause /ounseling and guidance 4ole of &id$ifery nurse practitioner 5 11 B# ABORTION Types' /auses 6egislations' /linical 4ights and Professional responsiility (ortion Procedures /o&plications "ursing 2anage&ent 4ole of 2id$ifery "urse Practitioner 5 PRACTICAL Total 0 123 Hors 1 .ee4 0 53 Hors SN De##t- 6 Un"t No- o! 7ee4 Total Hors 01 (netenatal Aards C OP*s 0, 1)0 0) 6aour 4oo& 05 1,0 0+ Postnatal Aard 0+ 00 0, 9a&ily Planning /linics 0) 60 05 PH/?4ural &aternity settings 0, 1)0 06 !ynae 0) 60 0. 2aternity OT 0) 60 Total 88 .ee4s 123 Hors Proce'res o$ser&e' *iagnostic investigation : a&niotecentecis' chordocentecis' chorionic' villisa&pling #nfertility &anage&ent: artificial reproduction: artificial inser&ination' invitro fertili-ation' and related procedures. Proce'res ass"ste' 2edical ter&ination of pregnancy Proce'res #er!orme' (ntenatal assess&ent 8)0 Postnatal assess&ent7)0 (ssess&ent during laour: use of partograph 8)0 Per <aginal exa&ination7)0 /onduct of nor&al delivery7)0 1pisioto&y and suturing710 3etting up of delivery areas #nsertion of intra 8 uterine devices: copper T; Ot+ers #dentification of high ris% $o&en and referral Health education to $o&en and their fa&ilies 2otivation of couples for planned parenthood Proce'res #er!orme' o Health education' counseling and &other craft classes o (ntenatal i&&uni-ation o (ssess&ent of intra uterine fetal $ell7eing o >niversal precautions 8effective infection control ðods o <aginal exa&ination and interpretation :early pregnancy' laour' post partu&; o >tili-ation of partograph' /ervicograph o /onduction of safe delivery o 1pisioto&ies suturing o 2anual re&oval of placenta' placental exa&ination o Postnatal assess&ent 8 )0 o 2anage&ent of reast engorge&ent' $hile leg o Postnatal counseling o =reast care' reast exa&' and drainage reast acess o Postnatal exercise o "e$orn assess&ent 84uling out congenital ano&alies o "eonatal resuscitation o (pgar score o 2onitoring neonates /linically Aith &onitor /apillary refill ti&e (ssess&ent of Daundice o !astric lavage o !astric gavages o /are of child in &ulti channel &onitor and ventilator o /are of child in radiant' $ar&er and incuutator o Eangaroo care o (nthropo&etrics &easure&ent o "eonatal reflexes o =reast feeding o Parental nutrition C fluid alance ?infusion pu&p o 9eeding techniFue o 2edication Oral #.* #.2 #.< o /apillary lood sa&ple collection o Oxygen therapy o Phototherpy o /hest physiotherapy /ETHODS O* TEACHING /et+o' o! teac+"n( 6ecture cu& discussion *e&onstration 3e&inar?Presentation ProDect $or% 9ield visits /et+o's o! e&alat"on Aritten Tests /lass roo& ?/linical teaching Presentation Aritten assign&ents LIST O* BOO9S RECO//ENDED *OR OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY : NEONATOLOGY 1. =uc%ley Eathleen and Eul "ancy A' G high 4is% 2aternity "ursing 2anualH 1dn' Aillia&s C Ail%in' 100+' Philadelphia. ). =ennet < 4uth C =ro$n E 6inda' G2yleH text =oo% for 2id$ives' 16=3' /hurchill 6ivingstone +. /alander' 4 C ( 2iller' IOstetrics illustrated5 #< edn' /hurchill C 6ivigstone "e$yor%'100+. ,. *a$n /.3' G Textoo% of Ostetrics and "eonatologyH' *a$n =oo%s' /alcutta. 5. *a$n /.3' G Textoo% of !ynaecologfy and contraceptionH' *a$n =oo%s' /alcutta. 6. *./ *utta' GText oo% of OstetricsH' <th edn' "e$ /entral (gency :p; /alcutta' )001. .. *./ *utta' GText oo% of !ynaecologyH '<th edn' "e$ /entral (gency :p; /alcutta' )001. 8. *aftary 3hrish " 16 (6 ' G Holland and =re$s 2anual of OstetricsH' B<# edn' = # /hurchill 6ivingstone P<T 6td' "e$ *elhi. 0. *ic%ason 1li-aeth Dean et al ' G 2aternal infant "ursing care' ## edn' 1008' 2osy ' 3T. 6ouis. 10. !oodner=renda' G /oncepts of Osterics "ursingH' # edn' 3%id&ore' 4oth Pulishing' #"/ '100,' Texas. 11. !orie Trula 2yers et alH '9oundations of &aternal "e$orn "ursingH' ## edn' A= 3aunders /oy' Philadelphia' 1008. 1). Hollan and =re$sH' 2anual of OstetricsH' =# /hurchill 6ivingstone 1+. 6ade$ing Patricia Aieland et al ' G 1ssentials of 2aternal "e$orn "ursingH' ## edn' (ddisol Aesley "ursing' "J' 1000. 1,. 2enon Erishna C Palaniappan' G/linical OstetricsH' #B 1*" Orient 6ong&an' 1000' 2adras. 15. 4ash&i Patil' G #nstru&ents' Operatuions' *rugs in Ostetrics and !ynaecologyH' <ors 2edical Pulications. 16. Philips /eleste 4 ' G 9a&ily centered 2aternity "e$orn careH' ### edn' 2osy "e$ year =oo%' 3t 6ouis 1006. 1.. Tindall <4' Keffcoate5s Principles of !ynaecologyH' =utter$orth Heine&an. 18. Aonna *onna 6' Perry 3hannon et alH' 2aternal child "ursingH' 1008' #edn' /< 2osy coy' st 6ouis' 6ondon. LIST OF JOURNALS RECOMMENNDED 1. (&erican Kournal of "ursing ). Health and population +. #ndian Kournal of "ursing and 2id$ifery ,. Kournal of Ostetrics and !ynaecology 5. Kournal of Pardiatrics 6. Kournal of 9a&ily Aelfare .. "ursing Kournal of #ndia 8. "ursing Ti&es 0. Paediatrics today 10. Paediatric clinics of #ndia 11. Ostetric (nd !ynecology Today. MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES M Sc NURSING : CLINICAL SPECIALITY I - OBSTETRIC & GYNAECOLOGIC NURSING FIRST YEAR SCHEME OF INTERNAL ASSESSMENT Internal Assessment Theory Sl- No- Tec+n";es Nm$er 7e"(+ta(e 1 Tests ) 2idter& :50 &ar%s; 50 Prefinal :.5 &ar%s; .5 2 Other Assignment 3e&inar :100 &ar%s; 100 Journal Presentation (50 marks) 50 275 Total Internal Assessment 25 Total External Assessment 75 Practical E!"ri"#c" E$al%ati&# '( Care Plan - ATEATA! " 50 )( IT#AATA! " 50 *( PO$TATA! " 50 +( Care Plan E%&O# " 50 ,( C!IICA! P#E$ETATIO Antenatal Postnatal " 50 " 50 -( CA$E &OO' (JO)#A! " *0 .( C!IICA! E+A!)ATIO Antnatal, Postnatal 2 200 ("00x2) /( P#ACTICE TEAC-I. (. E/) " 0( P#E0IA! E1A2IATIO " "00 '1( 2i3 term Pra4ti4al Examination " 50 ''( Pre5inal Pra4ti4al Examination " "00 ./1 UNI<ERSITY E=A/INATION 1-7RITTEN E=A/INATION >2 /AR9S 8- PRACTICAL E=A/INATION 133 /AR9S /a+aras+tra Un"&ers"t) o! Healt+ Sc"ences, Nas+"4 /-Sc Nrs"n( Cl"n"cal s#ec"alt) O$stetr"c an' G)naecolo() Nrs"n( 3uDect: 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Topic: 777777777777777777777777777777777777 "a&e of the 3tudent: 7777777777777777777777777777777777 *ate ?Ti&e: 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 "a&e of the 1valuator ?!uide: 77777777777777777777777 SN CRITERIA /ar4s allotte' /ar4s o$ta"ne' 1 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 5 ) ORGANISATION OF CONTENT !atest in5ormation $im6le to 4om6lex A66li4ation o5 ursing Theor7 15 + PRESENTATION #ntroduction /ontent' relevancy Teaching techniFue 50 , AUDIOVISUAL AIDS 15 5 SPEA2ER3S 4UALITIES (ppearance /onfidence /o&&unication s%ill <oice &odulation 5 6 GROUP DISCUSSION 5 . REFERENCES 5 TOTAL 133 RE/AR9S SIGNATURE O* STUDENT SE/INAR E<ALUATION PRO*OR/A EVALUATION CRITERIA CASE RESENTATION TOTAL SCORE 23 #. (ssess&ent 10 History ta%ing C Physical assess&ent ##. *isease condition in detail 8(etiology' Pathophysiology 10 /linical features' investigations' 2edical &anage&ent ###. ODectives of care , #<. (pplication of "ursing theories 6 <. "ursing diagnosis 6 <#. "ursing 2anage&ent 10 <##. /onclusion , /a+aras+tra Un"&ers"t) o! Healt+ Sc"ences, Nas+"4 /-Sc Nrs"n( Cl"n"cal s#ec"al"t) O$stetr"c an' G)naecolo() Nrs"n( CLINICAL E<ALUATION PRO*OR/A Name o! t+e St'ent : ?????????????????????????????????? DURATION:????????????????????????? Cl"n"cal Area :???????????????????????????????????????????????? SN CRITERIA @ 5 8 1 1- PERSONALITY & ATTITUDE !roo&ing C turn out 8 (le to thin% logically C $ell infor&ed 5 (ttentive listener @ /o&&unicate effectively 2 Trust$orthy C reliale 1 1nthusiastic' interested C ta%es initiatives $hen situation de&ands > /ourteous' tactful C considerate in all her dealings $ith patient' significant other tea& &e&ers. A *isplays leadership Fualities B 9ollo$s instructions C exhiits positive ehavioural changes 13 /o&plete assign&ents on ti&e $ith self &otivation C effort 11 KNOWLEDGE Possess sound %no$ledge of principles of ostetric "ursing 18 Has understanding of the &odern trends C current issuses in ostetric "ursing practices. 15 Has %no$ledge of physiological changes during pregnancy' laour C puerperiu&. 1@ Has adeFuate %no$ledge of diet 12 *e&onstrate evidence of self learning y current literature C see%ing help fro& experts in the field. 11 APPLICATION & SKILL (le to aaurately elicit health history 1> (le to perfor& C assist in the exa&ination diagnostic procedures T treat&ent &odalities. 1A *isplays s%ill in trolly setting C assisting in instru&ental deliveries C other procedures. 1B /onfident C s%illful in conducting nor&al deliveries C rendering antenatal and postnatal care of gynae patients. 83 2a%e relevant oservation C records C reports. 81 #dentifies ris% factors C &anages e&ergency situations effectively C pro&ptly 88 Aor%s independently C &a%es pro&pt relevant decision in all situation. 85 3i&its assign&ents $ith self7&otivation C effiorts 8@ *e&onstrates sound %no$ledge of drugs used in Os. (nd gynae practices 82 (pplies "ursing theories through "ursing process in the clinical field. RE/AR9S: SIGNATURE O* THE SUPER<ISOR SIGNATURE O* THE STUDENT KASTURBA NURSING COLLEGE, SEWAGRAM-WARDHA E<ALUATION CRITERIA *OR NURSING CARE PLAN C/aD"mm /ar4s 23E "a&e of the 3tudent : *ate : LLLLLLL 9ield place&ent : SN CRITERIA /AR9S ALLOTTED /AR9S OBTAINED TOTAL 1 1. History taking 6 ) 2. Assessment of needs & problems 10 + 3. Nursing process 16 , 4. mplementation of care 10 5 !. "ollo#$up care 4 6 6. %ibliograp&y 4 TOTAL 50 N-B- : One "ursing /are Plan : 50 2ar%s 4e&ar%s S"(natre o! St'ents FFF S"(natre o! S#er&"sor FFF