Mobile Applications For Monitoring and Evaluation in Agriculture

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The key takeaways are that mobile applications can improve data quality, speed up data collection, and make M&E more efficient for agriculture projects. They allow for direct data transfer and validation to reduce errors.

The document states that mobile applications can improve data quality by eliminating transcription errors, provide data validation to ensure complete and accurate data, and make the M&E process faster while requiring fewer staff. They allow for immediate analysis of data.

CocoaLink in Ghana and Farmbook are two examples mentioned. CocoaLink uses mobile technology for farmer outreach and is a public-private partnership. Farmbook provides information to farmers.

Mobile Applications for Monitoring and Evaluation in Agriculture Last updated December 2012


This briefing paper is to help USAID
missions and their implementing
partners in sub-Saharan Africa use
information and communications
technology (ICT) more successfully
via sustainable and scalable
approachesto improve the impact of
agriculture-related development
initiatives, including Feed the Future
It focuses on the application
of mobile applications for monitoring
and evaluation (M&E) in agriculture,
including a few examples of how
projects are, or could be, using mobile-
enabled M&E tools.

USAID has emphasized monitoring and
evaluation in recent years. In its latest
Evaluation Policy released in January
2011, USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah
says, In an increasingly complex
operating environment, the discipline of
development demands a strong practice
and use of evaluation as a crucial tool
to inform our global development
efforts, and to enable us to make hard
choices based on the best available
evidence. The paper goes on to define
evaluation as, the systematic collection
and analysis of information about the
characteristics and outcomes of
programs and projects as a basis for
judgments, to improve effectiveness,
and/or inform decisions about current

ICT includes cell phone and internet
services, radio, digital devices and related
tools including cameras, geographic
information systems, and a wide range of
hand-held computing devices.
and future programming. This is where
ICT can make a significant contribution
to monitoring and evaluation. ICT
implementation requires that a project
rigorously define its requirements, rules
and policies. By doing this, a project
often identifies duplicate or inefficient
processes and inconsistent data
standards. ICT implementation,
therefore, often results in more
systematic processes and uniform data

In addition, the USAID ADS Chapter
203: Assessing and Learning, section Data Quality Standards states,
USAID Mission/Offices and Missions
should ensure that the performance
data in the performance management
plan (PMP) for each development
objective (DO) meet five data quality
standards (abbreviated VIPRT).
stands for Validity, Integrity, Precision,
Reliability, and Timeliness. Again, ICT
tools such as mobile applications and
data collection systems could play a
critical role towards meeting these five
data quality standards. In fact, in many
cases ICTs are the best way to meet
these standards at scale and volume.

ICT can help projects M&E by making
the process faster while providing
higher data quality with fewer staff.
Rather than spend days or weeks
manually transcribing data from paper
surveys into a spreadsheet or database,
mobile data collection tools enable
direct transfer of data to central

ADS 203, P. 32.
databases where data can be
immediately analyzed and acted upon.
Several mobile data collection tools are
now available and work in both online
and offline modes. This enables field
workers to collect data in remote areas
and then synchronize the data into a
cloud database when they return to an
area with connectivity. In online mode,
when the mobile device is within range
of a mobile phone signal or connected
to the internet, that data can be
automatically transmitted to the server
(similar to how one can draft emails in
Outlook when offline and send them
later when online).

As a result, data quality is improved
because the transcription from paper
surveys to an electronic data store is
eliminated, significantly mitigating the
opportunity for human errors in the
data entry process. The mobile data
entry forms offer numerous data
validation options that can ensure that
all required data is entered and that the
data conforms to the correct formats
and value ranges, again reducing the
effort required to clean data. Periodic
data audits may still be needed, such as
against new users of the mobile app,
and because people can still make typos
and enter a response that is logically
inconsistent with other responses.
However, the data review effort
becomes an occasional, instead of an
ongoing, intensive activity.

Mobile Applications for Monitoring and Evaluation in Agriculture Last updated December 2012
The trend with these tools is to store
the data in the cloudin a central
database accessible from any internet-
connected location. This makes the
data more readily available to those
who previously may have waited weeks
or months for paper reports to be
transcribed and summarized. Storing
data in the cloud also makes the data
more open and transparent, as it can be
made accessible to stakeholders, from
field workers to country and head
office staff, governments, partners, and
donors, all of whom may need the data
for planning and decision-making.

Mobile tools also enable regular
feedback and early insights that can be
applied immediately for greater impact,
whether to correct course or address
emerging issues. Using these tools also
allows timely data mining to monitor
trends to inform program design and
direction. Instead of traditional M&E
efforts with intensive data collection
and analytical periods, such as baseline
and end of project analysis, the data can
now be collected iteratively and
continuously throughout the project.

With the emergence of GIS technology
and GPS-enabled mobile phones, this
information can now be presented on a
map as another method for gaining
early insights and detecting trends that
have a geographic basis. With GPS
coordinates for every village, farm,
input supply store, and market, it is
now possible to track and follow-up
with beneficiaries and actors in the
agriculture value chain.

Moreover, the use of a mobile
application for monitoring and
evaluation can pay dividends beyond a
single project. Survey designs, data
management processes, and data
definitions and standards developed on
one project can potentially be leveraged
on other projects, reducing the need to
reinvent the wheel on each project.

ICTs, however, can still present
challenges for implementation. There
are constantly new mobile applications
coming onto the market, which can
make it difficult to know what the best
fit is for your project needs. The mobile
device sector is also highly competitive
and therefore rapidly changing, from
netbooks to mobile phones to tablets,
and from Blackberry to Apple to
Android mobile operating systems.
Unfortunately, there is no easy, singular
solution that will fit 100 percent of a
projects needs. Nonetheless, quite a
few off-the-shelf solutions exist today
which offer a broad set of functionality
that can meet a majority of a projects
needs. It is also important to
incorporate ICT into the budget,
staffing plan, design, implementation,
and management of M&E efforts at the
beginning of the project. Doing so will
likely increase the chances of successful
ICT implementation.

This paper highlights a few projects
using mobile applications for monitoring
and evaluation in agriculture and draws
insights from their experiences. These
examples are by no means exhaustive,
but will hopefully be useful to anyone
planning to use ICT to enhance their
monitoring and evaluation efforts.

Great Lakes Cassava Initiative
GLCI, funded by the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation and managed
by Catholic Relief Services (CRS), was a
four year initiative that ended in August
2012. Its objective was to strengthen
capacity in six Great Lake countries
Burundi, Democratic Republic of
Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and
Uganda to combat the already

Also see
present cassava mosaic disease and the
emerging cassava brown streak disease
pandemics. These diseases threaten the
food security and livelihoods of farm
families in these six countries. GLCI
worked with the International Institute
for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) to
increase the capacity of field agents and
extension workers in disease diagnosis,
monitoring and prediction. The
program trained over 3,000 farmer
groups and 60-plus partners, and
collaborated with multiple cassava
initiatives in each country, regionally,
and across Africa.

When GLCI began in late 2007/early
2008, there was no ICT component in
the project. This changed after a side
conversation between CRSs chief
knowledge officer, NetHope, and Intel,
led to a proposal to rework the
proposed M&E system with an ICT
solution. As a result, the GLCI project
manager gained approval to shift their
M&E and logistics budgets to fund an
ICT component at no additional cost to
the project.

For their mobile device, CRS purchased
nearly 300 netbooks (rugged nine-inch
Intel 2 Go PCs) to share the data rich
content across the six GLCI countries
with its NGO partners. The main
components tested in the ICT
implementation of the project were
distance learning training materials and
data transfer. A standardized training
program was deployed using the Agilix
Learning Management System (LMS),
then called Go Courses, to be taken
by GLCI managers, supervisors and field
agents. The training software allowed
participants to complete learning
assignments, quizzes, and tests, which
were submitted online and evaluated to
assess training utility and course

The project also used the netbooks to
conduct field-based data collection to
assess project impact. This included

Mobile Applications for Monitoring and Evaluation in Agriculture Last updated December 2012
forms for registering farmers, service
delivery, and disease monitoring
surveys. Field agents collected data on
farmer groups, planting, disease, and
seed distribution, all of which were
geo-referenced and entered into
custom forms built for the project.
Data was gathered offline and then
synchronized into a central database for
analysis and onto a public website for
reporting. The agents used a
combination of WiFi zones, office
networks, Bluetooth connections to
smart phones, and GSM dongle
modems to transmit emails and
synchronize the data collected in the
field and the course updates.

At the time, the netbooks were
required to deliver the rich content
needed for the distance learning
software. By also using the netbooks
for data collection GLCI received more
utility out of the netbooks and did not
have to buy and manage additional
hardware in the form of mobile phones.

GLCI achieved its goal of reaching
approximately 1.15 million farm families
(approaching 7 million persons). This
program also marked the first time that
CRS was able to answer basic service
delivery questions with accuracy, such
as the actual number of farmers
reached, their location, composition of
farmer groups, the services provided to
the farmers and near real time disease
mapping. The software forced discipline
into the projects data management by
using common indicators across all 60-
plus project partners. This eliminated
the proliferation of duplicative surveys.

The success of their first, scaled data
management system has inspired CRS
to implement the approach across the
agency. CRS is currently in the second
phase of a program to standardize their
M&E across a number of larger
projects, with an ultimate goal of using
the digital platform across all CRS
projects. The key attraction of the
platform is its ability to provide timely,
standardized information.
Although standardized, the system also
allows for flexibility. For example, M&E
questions can be asked in different ways
but they are always mapped back to the
same database field. Through this
initiative, CRS realized that the value of
ICT was not simply to enable faster,
better, paperless data collection but to
analyze and derive greater meaning
from the data.

GLCI was a $21 million project, of
which approximately $300,000 was for
the ICT component, including
technology, staff salaries and related
ICT costs. CRS made the case to the
Gates Foundation that by investing in an
ICT solution they would save money in
other parts of the project.
What was not factored into the
calculation is that the ICT solution is
providing so much more capability and
tools than the original approach. Having
a distance learning capacity provided a
more sustainable and scalable solution
for learning across the agency. CRS was
able to develop courses in multiple
languages and have built a second-
generation version of the training
modules. The LMS enabled GLCI to
avoid the pitfalls of the past training
approach in which information was
expected to trickle down as the
target field agents took the training and
then informed the farmers, because the
system tracked who was actually
trained and their level of learning. This
process was a powerful motivator for
the field agents, who felt more
empowered and could see how their
learning was being used to improve
their data collection.
The rapid collection and aggregation of
data also made it much simpler to clean
and use within the project. Again, this
increased communication between
managers, M&E managers and field staff.
GLCI was able to collect much more
detailed data as well as spatial data,
allowing them to do new types of
analysis. This enabled them to quickly
act and make decisions based on the
data, rather than waiting up to a year to
get results based on paper systems.
Liberia Agricultural Upgrading
Nutrition and Child Health
Project (LAUNCH). LAUNCH is a
USAID/Food for Peace (FFP) project,
managed by ACDI/VOCA in
collaboration with Project Concern,
working in the Bong and Nimba
counties of Liberia to improve food
security and reduce chronic
malnutrition of vulnerable women and
children under five years old.
project aims to reduce chronic
malnutrition by providing food
supplementation and nutritional
information and improve maternal,
infant and young child feeding and
hygiene practices (breastfeeding). Each
month about 9,000 beneficiaries
participate in the food distribution, with
the number fluctuating by season.
Under LAUNCH there are food
distributions once a month, at a
designated point on a designated day.
Although this project is primarily
focused on nutrition, it does contain an
agriculture component. In addition, its
use of mobile data collection even
within its nutrition component is
relevant to agriculture development

John Snow Inc. (JSI) provides technical
assistance to strengthen the supply
chain for the food distribution and
enhance nutrition and health
interventions within the project health
component. The original strategy was
to do beneficiary registration on paper,
then send the paper to the office to
enter in Excel. LAUNCH initially
expected an average six-week wait time
between beneficiary registration and

JSI website. In Liberia, mobile phones are
used to improve data flow for better
nutrition interventions.

Mobile Applications for Monitoring and Evaluation in Agriculture Last updated December 2012
the first food distribution to the
beneficiary. In practice, the wait time
was actually twelve weeks on average
once the project began. This was too
long, as the first 1,000 days of a childs
life, from conception to less than two
years of age, are critical. In addition, no
monitoring information could be
collected to assess progress in
improving womens nutrition and infant
and young child feeding practices.

JSI suggested testing the use of mobile
phones and EpiSurveyor for improving
beneficiary registration and monitoring
nutrition practices. EpiSurveyor
recently rebranded as Magpiis a
cloud-based platform that enables users
to design and build data collection
forms, collect data via a mobile phone
and immediately upload and analyze the
JSI had already been using
EpiSurveyor on two other projects in
Liberia so they were confident it would
improve project implementation. Prior
to deciding on EpiSurveyor, a JSI team
member reviewed several mobile data
collection applications for functionality,
cost, ease of programming forms, and
other criteria. Through that analysis,
they concluded that EpiSurveyor was
the best fit and offered the most
capability, without requiring JSI to
create their own system.

In March 2012, under the paper
registration system, the wait time
between day of registration and food
distribution was 21.4 weeks. By July
2012, after LAUNCH implemented
EpiSurveyor to register beneficiaries,
the wait time was reduced fourfold to
5.1 weeks.

With EpiSurveyor, the Monrovia-based
LAUNCH team is also able to monitor

For more information read USAIDs ICT
and Ag profile on Magpi
Brief from JSI titled LAUNCH Mobile
Phone Registration Brief-Aug 22.pdf
provided by JSI.
its staff in the field. EpiSurveyor allows
the project to track when data is
uploaded and by whom. LAUNCH set a
policy that assumed that at food
distribution points (FDPs) there is no
connectivity. At night the staff are not
allowed to take the phone home with
them (Nokia E63 smart phones,
purchased locally for approximately
$200 each), so the staff are required to
go to the office to upload data.
Supervisors in Monrovia review and
validate the data the next morning,
correcting the data while it is fresh in
the field staffs minds.

Monitoring of practices in nutrition
programs are typically done through
household surveys, which are very time
consuming and expensive, therefore
they are often done infrequently.
LAUNCH beneficiariespregnant
women, women who are breastfeeding,
or have children under two years of
agelive in remote areas, making it
difficult to regularly meet them and
track progress except through
resource-intensive surveys. The
LAUNCH program needs to identify
progress in improving womens
nutrition, breastfeeding, basic hygiene
and complimentary feeding practices,
using the internationally accepted
nutrition indicators, which makes having
access to accurate and timely
information all the more important.

To facilitate this, project staff came up
with the idea of conducting interviews
with these women at the food
distribution points, which are a
convenient gathering place, using
mobile phones. Therefore every
quarter, LAUNCH staff collect
approximately 350 interviews and
analyze the data as if they were doing a
quarterly household survey. This allows
the project to promptly address issues
indicated by this monitoring data.
LAUNCH still conducts annual surveys
but the intent of the interviews at the
food distribution points is to
supplement the annual surveys and
generate monitoring data quarterly.
LAUNCH conducted the first round of
interviews for the April to June 2012
quarter. Out of 548 interviews, they
included 534 in the analysis (14 were
dropped due to missing or inaccurate
data on childrens birthdates). The
project was able to use data collected
using mobile phones loaded with
EpiSurveyor to produce several
conclusions and recommendations that
allowed the team to better understand
and address the needs of their
beneficiaries and streamline project

Community Knowledge Worker
(CKW) Program. The Grameen
Foundations Community Knowledge
Worker program in Uganda, previously
documented by FACET and elsewhere,
provides market price information,
weather information, farming best
practices, an input supplier directory,
and Google Trader (a mobile platform
where farmers with produce to sell can
advertise to traders) through a network
of over 800 village representatives or
The program has developed a
suite of mobile applications for the
CKWs to use in their work with
farmers: CKW Search, to search for
information for a farmer; CKW Survey,
which allows CKWs to conduct and
submit surveys; and CKW Pulse, which
allows CKWs to communicate with
each other, make support requests,
interface with the customer support
system and track their earnings.
mobile apps are based on open-source
technologies and work with Android or
Java-enabled phones.

LAUNCH Program 2012: FDP Interview
Results Round 1 (April-June 2012), provided
by JSI.
World Bank, Two Birds with One Stone:
Grameen's Mobile Data Collection and
Extension Service.

Mobile Applications for Monitoring and Evaluation in Agriculture Last updated December 2012
The apps collect usage statistics every
time the CKW uses it, whether it is to
search for information, to register a
farmer, or conduct a survey. At the
same time, the apps also capture GPS
location coordinates of the CKWs or
of other sites surveyed (such as farms).
Grameen records all of these individual
data points and transactions in a back-
end database platform based on

It uses a dashboard presentation that
displays the detailed data in an
aggregated and summarized form, in an
at-a-glance format useful for
monitoring, analysis, and decision-
making. In the presentation on the
dashboard, Grameen has grouped the
data into four groups: scale, impact,
quality and sustainability. Scale includes
the total number of farmers reached,
with a further breakout of percentage
who are female or are very poor; total
number of surveys submitted; total
number of searches made; and total
number of CKWs deployed and
retained. For impact, the dashboard
displays metrics such as the average
number of repeat users of the CKW
services, broken out again by female
farmers and very poor farmers. Under
quality, the dashboard presents the
percentage of CKWs in the high
performance category (meeting 75
percent of their performance target)
and the percentage of surveys that
meet quality standards. The
sustainability metric measures client
satisfaction based on client satisfaction

All of this information is grouped by
quarter where applicable. Targets and
actuals met that quarter are displayed
and compared against the previous
actuals achieved for the metric. The

US-based technology company that has
been providing software as a service or
cloud-based database solutions for over a
metrics in the dashboard are updated at
different intervals: daily, monthly,
quarterly or biannually. The dashboard
also displays maps showing the
geographic distribution of CKWs by
gender, poverty level, and status
This collection of data is powerful in
several ways. It gives stakeholders the
ability to understand the effectiveness
of program execution (such as where
to allocate resources or what further
training is needed for farmers or the
CKWs) and understand the needs of
farmers and stakeholders and act
accordingly. For instance, information
based on the types, volume, date of
searches, and calls to the call center can
be combined to determine whether a
disease outbreak is emerging in a
specific area, and therefore what
resources need to be applied and who
may need assistance.

The CKW program appears to be
having a positive impact on farming in
the Mount Elgon region of Uganda.
Early results from a recent study shows
a 22 percent increase in maize prices in
areas served by a CKW and that
CKWs increase farming knowledge by
17 percent on average.

One persistent question that both
donors and implementers ask is, How
can projects use ICT effectively to help
with their M&E? There are more
factors to consider than can be covered
in this briefing paper, but a few core
elements are covered here.

Van Campenhout, B., Mobile Apps to
Deliver Extension to Remote Areas:
Preliminary Results from Mnt Elgon Area,
(Grameen Foundation and IFPRI, July 5,
Selection of ICTs: Both Software
and Hardware. CRS went through a
few changes in technology while
working on GLCI and other programs.
This is not unusual and should be
planned for. A technology
implementation is never really "done",
because (1) technology itself evolves,
and users and other stakeholders will
want to take advantage of improved
technology and (2) a rollout of an ICT
solution is often done in phases, both
to manage risk and also to deliver a
functioning system in a timely manner,
rather than wait years for the perfect,
comprehensive solution.

GLCI first used netbooks and Adobe
Air as the forms tool, but on
subsequent projects they moved to
Adobe Air was not
quite as flexible as iFormBuilder but it
was a standard form that could be used
by field technicians. With Adobe Air
only a few people could make changes
to the form or database. In contrast,
iFormBuilder is a cloud-based product
that allows almost anyone to build a
form. As the form is built, the database
is built to match it. CRS started using
iFormBuilder because they needed a
tool that worked offline. iFormBuilder
works primarily on Apple products, and
CRS uses it mostly with iPods and the
iPod Touch because of their long
battery life.

Similarly, LAUNCH uses the Nokia E63
mobile phone because it has a decent
size screen and a full QWERTY
keyboard, so people are able to learn
to use it fairly easily. However, Nokia is
no longer selling this phone model. JSI
is looking to pilot an Android and Apple
phone because these are becoming the
dominant mobile operating system over
the older J2ME platform upon which
the Nokia E63 is based.

For more information read USAIDs ICT
and Ag profile on iFormBuilder

Mobile Applications for Monitoring and Evaluation in Agriculture Last updated December 2012
Type of Environment Conducive
for ICT-enabled M&E. CRS wanted
to test the flexibility of the technology,
and GLCI offered a lot of variation by
region and country. If the ICT could
work across a wide range of conditions,
it could work almost anywhere CRS
works. They wanted to test a range of
variables and needed to run a robust
test of connectivity, capacity to use
computers, power, language,
social/cultural, and other issues, so they
deployed the ICT across the six GLCI
countries and adapted the solution
according to each countrys condition.

As a result of GLCI, CRS has changed
their thinking about ICTs in the
development context. Instead of asking,
Is the environment conducive to ICT?
they now know that there are different
solutions for different challenges. For
example, if there is no access to grid
electricity, solar might be an option. If
there is no internet connectivity, data
can be stored locally on a USB flash
drive or external hard drive. Over time,
many of these challenges may subside
somewhat, as the constraints due to
lack of power, connectivity, and
capacity are diminishing every day in
many parts of the world.

In the LAUNCH project case, JSI
already understood that internet
connectivity outside of Monrovia, the
capital of Liberia, was poor and
inconsistent, so they use the GPRS
network offered by the mobile
operator. They provided four days of
training including field practice to their
staff to learn to use EpiSurveyor.

Gender Issues. Gender issues with
technology may arise in unexpected
ways. When the netbooks were
introduced to GLCI, men who were
field agents asked for a 100 percent
salary increase or else they would not
use the computer. The men backed
down when CRS responded by saying
they would hire more women. The
mens attitudes also changed when they
heard the womens response. In the
same meeting, the female field agents
asked if they could use the technology
at home to help their children learn. To
which CRS agreed. Women also said
that when they went to the field, the
computer helped them garner more
respect, so they felt it was an
empowering process. The field agents
attitudes changed over time as they
realized that they were gaining
transferrable skills and could get a job
at other NGOs. The gain in skills did
not lead to higher staff turnover,
because the project was constantly
updating and upgrading their usage of
ICT so that staff were constantly

Types of Resources Needed. ICT is
a specialized, complex field and the
people who have one set of ICT skills
do not necessarily have expertise in
other areas. Projects should look for
someone ideally with experience
managing, designing, and implementing
mobile applications, someone who has
technical skills and enjoys working with
people, and is truly interested in the
development objective. In the case of
GLCI, CRS realized that they needed to
change their staffing approach in order
to support frontline field work. They
would have to work with service
providers and roll out technology to
the field. They had to hire new staff
that could provide localized training to
all the partners, and had to set up basic
support for continuous support and
maintenance. A diverse set of skills was
needed, not only technical skills but
project management, training, and data
analysis, to name a few.

On LAUNCH, in addition to the eight
staff who regularly use EpiSurveyor for
beneficiary registration and FDP

For a further discussion of gender issues,
see Gender Mainstreaming in ICT for
interviews, there are also another nine
staff members who were trained to use
EpiSurveyor for an annual survey
several months ago. These staff
members will soon use EpiSurveyor for
monitoring the agriculture component

Instead of dwelling on the usual
challenges with deploying a mobile or
ICT application in general in rural,
agricultural environments, such as
screen visibility in bright sun or battery
life, both GLCI and LAUNCH noted
the potential extra burden that
deploying a mobile solution can impose
on the project team. They used various
strategies to introduce the solution to
the teams and gain buy-in and

For GLCI and CRS, it was a disruptive
process because the ICT was not
introduced at the start of the project
and the M&E and logistics budget had to
be reworked to accommodate its
usage. At first, it was considered an
imposition on the team. One thing that
helped smooth things over was that
CRS won a grant, which they gave to
GLCI as a sort of subsidy for having to
change their project, through new and
modified trainings and new staff hires.
Even though the project leader saw the
value and opportunity for ICTs, it was
still necessary for the rest of the team
to not view the ICT component as an
imposition. Ultimately this led to a
transformation at CRS, leading to the
creation of an ICT for development
(ICT4D) group within their IT

When LAUNCH started, there was
some initial skepticism and caution,
even with JSIs successful past
experience with EpiSurveyor on several
previous projects including two in
Liberia. They did not want to
overburden the staff, who were already
doing multiple jobs. They also were

Mobile Applications for Monitoring and Evaluation in Agriculture Last updated December 2012
cautious as only a few projects in
Liberia were using mobile phones and
they were still waiting to see success.
They overcame hesitation by starting
off slow, showing that it could work,
and it would help the staff work
efficiently rather than add extra burden.
The results have been so good that the
team has totally embraced the tool and
are looking to apply it to other
objectives of the project.

With CRS, the ICT solution showed
staff the value of standardized
information. CRS project leaders now
advise entities to buy commercial off-
the-shelf, cloud-based solutions, rather
than to build them as they did back in
2008. After GLCI, CRS now feels more
capable to implement ICT solutions and
more strongly positioned to do so in
the future. They no longer see the
challenges in the same way as the
skeptics within their organization may
have viewed them a few years ago.

CRS has also realized that there is a lot
of focus on activity monitoring but not
as much on impact. For example, how
does one measure if the field agent is
actually using the training materials and
whether the information is getting to
the farmer? Generally theres an end-
of-project deep dive, but very little
focus on impact. They have learned
from GLCI that different types of data
and tools can be joined for routine
monitoring to meet objectives, and that
there is a linkage between doing
baseline surveys, delivering education to
farmers, and then mapping and tracking

Beneficiaries are constantly surveyed
and interviewed but do not necessarily
receive any value in return. CRS
wanted to change that equation by
giving value back to farmers and has
started to do so through a tool for
farmers called FarmBook.
provides training on market planning
and business analysis as well as tools to
run various productivity and
profitability analyses. FarmBook is also
used to help manage field agents and
support data sharing by remote field
agents with their project managers.
According to Shaun Ferris of CRS,
there are many gross margin analysis
tools for an individual farmer but not
for groups of farmers. This is one
unique aspect of FarmBook in that it
also provides analytical tools for groups
of farmers.

CRS describes the tool as follows:
FarmBook was primarily developed to
provide information to farmers. In many
cases extension workers provide
training but little data analysis of farm
performance and sharing of this analysis
with farmers. FarmBook provides
farmers with customized business plans
that provide individual farmers with
details about their costs, revenues, sales
and profits, including the costs of their
loans for investments in a particular
product from planning to sales. The
business plan report is of considerable
interest to farmers, who may not have
access to this type of information. For
the project, the information generated
provides a rich source of data that can

FarmBook is being developed and tested
at the request of a consortium of NGOs
who work together as part of the Southern
African Agro-Enterprise Learning Alliance.
Members of the Alliance include: CRS,
ACDI/ VOCA, World Vision, CARE, Land
OLakes, Emmanuel International, World
Fish, and WFPs P4P, among others.
be integrated into the overall
monitoring and evaluation process.

FarmBook examines the entire business
cycle, as opposed to the conventional
approach of conducting discrete M&E
efforts. FarmBook is currently in field
testing in Zambia, Zimbabwe,
Madagascar and Malawi.

The dashboard created by the Grameen
CKW program is another example of
the more sophisticated analytical tools
now becoming available to agricultural
initiatives in developing countries. Tools
and systems such as FarmBook and the
CKW dashboard help a program take a
holistic approach to monitoring and
evaluation, bridging pure indicator
measurement with results and insights
for business and program planning,
design and direction. Another example
of private sector approaches to the
agriculture business being applied to the
development sector is a company called
Agro-Tech, an agriculture information
systems and services provider operating
in Malawi and several other African
Their technology, models,
and frameworks were developed and
paid for by the tobacco and mining
industries but are now being used by
NGOs working in agriculture.

Mobile applications and other ICTs may
also play a role in fostering more
private sector involvement in initiatives
to strengthen the capacity of farmers
and agriculture extension agents as the
technology to generate the business
metrics that the private sector typically
requires is increasingly available and
feasible to deploy in developing
countries. CocoaLink, a farmer
outreach program in Ghana using
mobile technology, is one example of a
partnership led by a private sector

What is Farmbook provided by Shaun
Ferris, CRS.
For more information read USAIDs ICT
and Ag profile on Agro-Tech

Mobile Applications for Monitoring and Evaluation in Agriculture Last updated December 2012
USAID, USAID Evaluation Policy.
(January 2011).

USAID, ADS Chapter 203: Assessing
and Learning. (February 10, 2012).

e-Agriculture, ICT for Data Collection
and Monitoring and Evaluation, e-
SOURCEBOOK, Forum 3. (June 2012).

World Bank, Maximizing Mobile, a
World Bank Report. (August 1 2012).
Global Conference on Women in
Agriculture (GCWA), Synthesis Report,
(March 13-15, 2012).

Fielding, M., Ninsiima, D., From
motorbike to mobile phone: new
extension services for rural farmers
through mobile ICT (Swedish
International Agricultural Network
Initiative, September 3, 2012).

Qiang, C.Z., Kuek ,S.C., Dymond, A.,
Esselaar, S., Mobile Applications for
Agriculture and Rural Development
(World Bank, ICT Sector Unit, May

World Bank web site, Mobile
Applications for Rural Development

It is a public-private partnership
between the Ghana Cocoa Board, the
Hershey Company and World Cocoa
Foundation, with no traditional donor
involvement. The pilot phase, which
runs from 2011-2014, is funded solely
by Hershey.

Over the next few years, ICT platforms
will become a fundamental component
of most monitoring and evaluation
efforts. The tools are becoming simpler
and easier to deploy, and the benefits
over paper-based manual systems are
becoming more apparent. Feasibility in
developing countries is less and less of a
concern, especially with respect to
mobile phones. Developing countries
are now driving growth in mobile
telecommunications worldwide. Total
mobile cellular subscriptions in Africa
grew almost five times between 2005
and 2011, the highest growth rate of all
regions, compared to growth of 1.35 in
At least ninety percent of the
worlds population is now covered by a
mobile signal, compared to 61 percent
in 2003.
The power of mobile
technology to enable farmers, field
agents, and other value chain actors to
communicate with each other and
collect and share information is too
powerful to ignore. It is a capability that
development practitioners should

For more information read USAIDs ICT
and Ag profile on CocoaLink
ITU, Key Global Telecom Indicators for
the World Telecommunication Service
ITU, Percentage of world's population
covered by a mobile cellular signal, 2003
compared to 2010
As the project examples in this briefing
paper illustrate, initiatives in Africa and
elsewhere are starting to make
strategic use of ICT to drive core
operations and support analytical and
decision-making functions. Demand to
show effective use of donor funds and
for transparency is likely to continue
and will be another driver to increase
the use of ICTs. Projects will be well
served to consider this now and start
to make the necessary adjustments to
incorporate ICT into their monitoring
and evaluation approach.
This series of papers is supported by USAIDs Fostering Agriculture Competitiveness Employing Information Communication
Technologies (FACET) project under the Financial Integration, Economic Leveraging, Broad-Based Dissemination and Support
Leaders with Associates award (FIELD-Support LWA). It was written by Alice T. Liu (consultant to ACDI/VOCA) and Maria
Bina Palmisano of ACDI/VOCA. FACET offers on-demand field support to help missions with the challenges of using these
ICT interventions in agricultural development. To learn more about field support options, contact Judy Payne, ICT Advisor,
([email protected]).
The views expressed in this
publication do not necessarily reflect
the views of the U.S. Agency for
International Development or the
U.S. Government.

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