CHAPTER 2 Caselette - Correction of Errors

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The key takeaways are about accounting for errors and preparing adjusting entries to correct account balances and record transactions that occurred near the end of an accounting period but were not recorded until the following period.

Adjusting entries are made at the end of an accounting period to adjust account balances and record transactions that occurred near the end of the period but were not recorded until the following period. They allow financial statements to reflect the true financial position and results at the end of the period.

Examples of adjusting entries given include recording prepaid insurance, supplies, wages, rent, and interest. Entries are also provided to record notes receivable and unearned revenue.

CHAPTER 2 Accounting for

Correction of Errors
1. On November 1, 2006, Rosete Company paid P10,800 to renew its insurance policy or !
years. On "ecember !1, 2006, Rosete#s unad$usted trial valance s%owed a balance o
P2&0 or prepaid insurance and P1!,2!0 or insurance e'pense. (%at amounts s%ould
be reported or prepaid insurance and insurance e'pense in Rosete#s "ecember !1, 2006
inancial statements)
Prepaid Insurance Insurance Expense
a. P *,*00 P !,600
b. P 10,200 P !,600
c. P 10,200 P !,!00
d. P 10,200 P !,0!0
2. +n analysis o Palmes Corporation#s unad$usted prepaid e'pense account at "ecember
!1, 2006 revealed t%e ollowin,-
+n openin, balance at P6,000 or Palmes compre%ensive insurance policy. Palmes
%ad paid an annual premium o P12,000 on .uly 1, 200/.
+ P12,800 annual insurance premium payment made .uly 1, 2006.
+ P8,000 advance rental payment or a ware%ouse Palmes leased or 1 year
be,innin, .anuary 1, 2006.
0n its "ecember !1, 2006 balance s%eet, w%at amount s%ould Palmes report as prepaid
a. P 20,100 b. P 11,100 c. P 8,000 d. P 6,100
!. On October 1, 2006, a company sold services to a customer and accepted a note in
e'c%an,e wit% a P120,000 ace value and an interest rate o 102. 3%e note re4uires
t%at bot% t%e principal and interest be paid at t%e maturity date, "ecember 1, 200&.
3%e company#s accountin, period is t%e calendar year. (%at ad$ustin, entry 5related to
t%is note6 will be re4uired at "ecember !1, 2006 on t%e company#s boo7s)
a. "eerred interest income !,000
0nterest receivable !,000
b. 0nterest income !,000
0nterest receivable !,000
c. 0nterest receivable !,000
"eerred interest income !,000
d. 0nterest receivable !,000
0nterest income !,000
1. (%at is t%e purpose o t%e ollowin, entry)
8upplies ''''
8upplies e'pense ''''
a. 3o reco,ni9e supplies used, i purc%ases o supplies are recorded in supplies.

b. 3o reco,ni9e supplies on %and, i purc%ases o supplies are recorded in supplies
c. 3o record t%e purc%ase o supplies durin, or at t%e end o t%e period.
d. 3o close t%e e'pense account or supplies at t%e end o t%e period.
/. On "ecember !1, earned but unpaid wa,es amounted to P1/,000. (%at reversin, entry
could be made on .anuary 1)
a. (a,es e'pense 1/,000
(a,es payable 1/,000
b. Prepaid e'pense 1/,000
(a,es e'pense 1/,000
c. (a,es e'pense 1/,000
Prepaid wa,es 1/,000
d. (a,es payable 1/,000
(a,es e'pense 1/,000
6. + !:year insurance policy was purc%ased on October1 or P6,000, and prepaid insurance
was debited. +ssumin, a "ecember !1 year:end, w%at is t%e reversin, entry at t%e
be,innin, o t%e ne't period)
a. None is re4uired.
b. Cas% 6,000
Prepaid insurance 6,000
c. Prepaid insurance /,/00
0nsurance e'pense /,/00
d. 0nsurance e'pense /00
Prepaid insurance /00
&. + consultin, irm started and completed a pro$ect or a client in "ecember 2006. 3%e
pro$ect %as not been recorded on t%e consultin, irm#s boo7s, and t%e irm will not
receive payment rom t%e client until ;ebruary 200&. 3%e ad$ustin, entry t%at s%ould be
made on t%e boo7s o t%e consultin, irm on "ecember !1, 2006, t%e last day o t%e
irm#s iscal year, is
a. Cas% in transit '''
Consultin, revenue '''
b. Consultin, revenue receivable '''
Consultin, revenue '''
c. <nearned consultin, rev. '''
Consultin, revenue '''
d. Consultin, revenue receivable '''
<nearned consultin, revenue '''
8. Cristie Company sublet a portion o its ware%ouse or / years at an annual rental o
P1/,000, be,innin, on =arc% 1. 3%e tenant paid 1 year#s rent in advance, w%ic% Cristie
recorded as a credit to calendar:year basis. 3%e ad$ustment on "ecember !1 o t%e irst
year s%ould be
a. No >ntry.
b. <nearned rental income 2,/00
Rental income 2,/00
c. Rental income 2,/00
<nearned rental income 2,/00
d. <nearned rental income 12,/00
Rental income 12,/00

*. +ter a successul drive aimed at members o a speciic national association, Online
Company received a total o P180,000 or !:year subscriptions be,innin, +pril 1, 2006,
and recorded t%is amount in t%e unearned revenue account. +ssumin, Online records
ad$ustment only at t%e end o t%e calendar year, t%e ad$ustin, entry re4uired to relect
t%e proper balances in t%e accounts at "ecember !1, 2006 is to
a. "ebit subscription revenue or P1!/,000 and credit unearned revenue or P1!/,000.
b. "ebit unearned revenue or P1!/,000 and credit subscription revenue or P1!/,000.
c. "ebit subscription revenue or P1/,000 and credit unearned revenue or P1/,000.
d. "ebit unearned revenue or P1/,000 and credit subscription revenue or P1/,000.
10. .ay Corporation renewed an insurance policy or !:years be,innin, .uly 1, 2006 and
recorded t%e P81,000 premium in t%e prepaid insurance accounts. 3%e P81,000
premium represents an increase o P2!,100 rom t%e P/&,600 premium c%ar,ed ! years
a,o. +ssumin, .ay?# records its insurance ad$ustments only at t%e end o t%e calendar
year, t%e ad$ustin, entry re4uired to relect t%e proper balances in t%e insurance
accounts at "ecember !1, 2006, .ay#s year:end is to
a. "ebit insurance e'pense or P1!,/00 and credit prepaid insurance or P1!,/00.
b. "ebit prepaid insurance or P1!,/00 and credit insurance e'pense or P1!,/00.
c. "ebit insurance e'pense or P6&,/00 and credit prepaid insurance or P6&,/00.
d. "ebit insurance e'pense or P2!,100 and credit prepaid insurance or P2!,100.
11. 3%e 2006 inancial statements o @ers%ey Company reported net income or t%e year
ended "ecember !1, 2006 o 2 million. On .uly 1, 200&, subse4uent to t%e issuance o
t%e 2006 inancial statements, @ers%ey c%an,ed rom an accountin, principle t%at is not
,enerally accepted to one t%at is ,enerally accepted. 0 t%e ,enerally accepted
accountin, principle %ad been used in 2006, net income or t%e year ended "ecember
!1, 2006 would %ave been decreased by 1 million. On +u,ust 1, 200&, @ers%ey
discovered a mat%ematical error relatin, to its 2006 inancial statements. 0 t%is error
%ad been discovered in 2006, net income or t%e year ended would %ave been increased
by P/00,000.
(%at amount, i any, s%ould be included in net income or t%e year ended "ecember !1,
200& because o t%e items noted above)
a. P 0 c. P /00,000 increase
b. P /00,000 decrease d. P 1,000,000 decrease
12. >dcelle Company reported a retained earnin,s balance o P100,000 at "ecember !1,
200/. 0n +u,ust 2006, >dcelle determined t%at insurance premiums o P60,000 or t%e
!:year period be,innin, .anuary 1, 200/ %ad been paid and ully e'pensed in 200/.
>dcelle %as a !02 income ta' rate.
(%at amount s%ould >dcelle report as ad$usted be,innin, retained earnin,s in its 2006
statement o retained earnin,s)
a. P 112,000 b. P 110,000 c. P 128,000 d. P 120,000
1!. Colasissi Corporation ailed to accrue warranty costs o P/0,000 in its "ecember !1,
200/ inancial statements. 0n addition, a c%an,e rom strai,%t:line to accelerated
depreciation made at t%e be,innin, o 2006 resulted in a cumulative eect o P!0,000
on Colasissi#s retained earnin,s. Aot% t%e P/0,000 and P!0,000 are net o related
income ta'es.
(%at amount s%ould Colasissi report as prior period ad$ustments in 2006)

a. P 0 b. P !0,000 c. P /0,000 d. P 80,000
Buestions 11 and 1/ are based on t%e ollowin, inormation.
On October 1, 2006, Curi Retailers si,ned a 1:mont%, 162 note payable to inance t%e
purc%ase o %oliday merc%andise. +t t%at date, t%ere was no direct met%od o pricin, t%e
merc%andise, and t%e note#s mar7et rate o interest was 112. Curi recorded t%e
purc%ase at t%e note#s ace amount. +ll o t%e merc%andise was sold by "ecember 1,
2006. Curi#s 2006 inancial statements reported interest payable and interest e'pense
on t%e note or ! mont%s at 162. +ll amounts due on t%e note were paid ;ebruary 1,
11. Curi#s 2006 cost o ,oods sold or t%e %oliday merc%andise was
a. Overstated by t%e dierence between t%e note#s ace amount and t%e note#s October
1, 2006 present value.
b. Overstated by t%e dierence between t%e note#s ace amount and t%e note#s October
1, 2006 present value plus 112 interest or 2 mont%s.
c. <nderstated by t%e dierence between t%e note#s ace amount and t%e note#s
October 1, 2006 present value.
d. <nderstated by t%e dierence between t%e note#s ace amount and t%e note#s
October 1, 2006 present value plus 112 interest or 2 mont%s.
1/. +s a result o Curi#s accountin, treatment o t%e note, interest, and merc%andise, w%ic%
o t%e ollowin, items was reported correctly)
12/31/06 12/31/06
Retained earnings Interest payable
a. Ces Ces
b. No No
c. Ces No
d. No Ces
16. On "ecember !1, 2006, >'cel Corp. sold merc%andise or P&/,000 to ;ineale Co. 3%e
terms o t%e sale were net !0, ;OA s%ippin, point. 3%e merc%andise was s%ipped on
"ecember !1, 2006 and arrived at ;ineale on .anuary /, 200&. Aecause o a clerical
error, t%e sale was not recorded until .anuary 200&, and t%e merc%andise, sold at 2/2
mar7up, was included in >'cel#s inventory at "ecember !1, 2006.
+s a result, >'cel#s cost o ,oods sold or t%e year ended "ecember !1, 2006 was
a. <nderstated by P &/,000 c. <nderstated by P 1/,000
b. <nderstated by P 60,000 d. Correctly stated
1&. ;or t%e past ! years, Dreenwis% Co. %as ailed to accrue unpaid wa,es earned by
wor7ers durin, t%e last wee7 o t%e year. 3%e amounts omitted, w%ic% are considered
material, were as ollows-
"ecember !1, 200! P/6,000
"ecember !1, 200/ /1,000
"ecember !1, 2006 61,000
3%e entry on "ecember !1, 2006 to correct or t%ese omissions would include a
a. Credit to wa,e e'pense or P61,000
b. "ebit to wa,e e'pense or P/1,000
c. "ebit to wa,e e'pense or P1!,000

d. Credit to retained earnin,s or P61,000
18. +n audit o ;unny Co. or 2006, its irst year o operations, detected t%e ollowin, errors
made at "ecember !1, 2006-
;ailed to accrue P/0,000 interest e'pense
;ailed to record depreciation e'pense on oice e4uipment o P80,000
;ailed to amorti9e prepaid rent e'pense o P100,000
;ailed to delay reco,nition o prepaid advertisin, e'pense o P60,000
3%e net eect o t%ese errors was to overstate net income or 2006 by
a. P 1!0,000 b. P 1&0,000 c. P 2!0,000 d. P 2*0,000
1*. (%ile preparin, its 2006 inancial statements, ;alact Corp. discovered computational
errors in its 200/ and 2001 depreciation e'pense. 3%ese errors resulted in
overstatement o eac% year#s income by P2/,000, net o income ta'es. 3%e ollowin,
amounts were reported in t%e previously issued inancial statements-
2005 2004
Retained earnin,s, 1E1 P &00,000 P /00,000
Net income 1/0,000 200,000
Retained earnin,s, 12E!1 P 8/0,000 P &00,000
;alact#s 2006 net income is correctly reported at P180,000. (%ic% o t%e ollowin,
amounts s%ould be reported as prior:period ad$ustments and net income in ;alact#s
2006 and 200/ comparative inancial statements)
Year Prior period adust!ent "et inco!e
a. 200/ : P1/0,000
2006 P 5/0,0006 180,000
b. 200/ 5/0,0006 1/0,000
2006 : 180,000
c. 200/ 52/,0006 12/,000
2006 : 180,000
d. 200/ : 12/,000
2006 : 180,000
20. 3%e ollowin, inormation appeared on Ali,%t 0nc.#s "ecember !1 inancial statements-
2005 2006
+ssets P 1,000,000 P1,200,000
Fiabilities &/0,000 800,000
Contributed capital 120,000 120,000
"ividends paid 100,000 60,000
0n preparin, its 2006 inancial statements, Ali,%t discovered t%at it %ad misplaced a
decimal in calculatin, depreciation or 200/. 3%is error overstated 200/ depreciation by
P10,000. 0n addition, c%an,in, tec%nolo,y %ad si,niicantly s%ortened t%e useul lie o
Ali,%t#s computers. Aased on t%is inormation, Ali,%t determined t%at depreciation
s%ould be P!0,000 %i,%er in 2006 inancial statements.
+ssumin, t%at no correctin, or ad$ustin, entries %ave been made and i,norin, income
ta'es, %ow muc% s%ould Ali,%t report as 2006 net income)
a. P 2!0,000 b. P 210,000 c. P 180,000 d. P 1&0,000

Buestions 21 and 22 are based on t%e ollowin, inormation.
+n audit o +n,elina Company %as revealed t%e ollowin, our errors t%at %ave occurred
but %ave not been corrected-
0nventory at "ecember !1, 200/:P10,000, understated
0nventory at "ecember !1, 2006:P1/,000, overstated
"epreciation or 200/:P&,000, understated
+ccrued e'penses at "ecember !1, 2006:P10,000, understated
21. 3%e errors cause t%e reported net income or t%e year endin, "ecember !1, 2006 to be
a. Overstated by P&2,000 c. <nderstated by P28,000
b. Overstated by P6/,000 d. <nderstated by P1/,000
22. 3%e errors cause t%e reported retained earnin,s at "ecember !1, 2006 to be
a. Overstated by P6/,000 c. Overstated by P2/,000
b. Overstated by P!2,000 d. <nderstated by P18,000
2!. Collection o notes receivable o P/0,000 plus interest o P/00 was recorded as debit to
cas% o P/0,/00 and notes receivable o P/0,/00. 3%is error will
a. Overstate t%e e'penses by P/00
b. <nderstate t%e liability by P/00
c. <nderstate assets by P/00 and understate revenue by P/00
d. <nderstate revenue by P/00
21. +ccounts payable o P!2,000 was paid and erroneously recorded as debit to accounts
payable and credit to cas% or P2!,000. 3%e wor7in, capital
a. @as no eect c. 0s understated by P*,000
b. 0s overstated by P*,000 d. 0s understated by P2!,000
2/. 3%e be,innin, accumulated depreciation per record was P100,000. "urin, t%e year, t%e
irm sold one o its mac%ines recorded as ollows-
Cas% 2&0,000
+ccumulated depreciation : mac%ine !0,000
=ac%ine !00,000
0 t%e actual cas% proceeds is P!00,000, t%e correctin, entry would be-
a. Cas% !00,000
=ac%ine !00,000
b. Cas% !0,000
Dain on sale o mac%ine !0,000
c. +ccumulated depreciation : mac%ine !0,000
Dain on sale o mac%ine !0,000
d. Cas% !00,000
=ac%ine 2&0,000
Dain on sale o mac%ine !0,000
26. Aased on no. 2/, assume t%at t%e nominal accounts %ad been closed. 3%e eect o t%e
error to t%e accountin, elements, i not corrected, is
a. P!0,000 understatement o t%e net income.
b. P!0,000 understatement o asset and P!0,000 understatement o net income.
c. P!0,000 understatement o asset and P!0,000 understatement o owner#s e4uity.

d. P!0,000 understatement o asset and P!0,000 overstatement o owner#s e4uity.
2&. + cas% purc%ase o P/,200 was recorded as P2,/00. 3%e error %ad been discovered w%en
nominal accounts were already closed to income summary, but not yet closed to t%e
capital account. 3%e correctin, entry will re4uire a
a. P2,&00 debit to accounts receivable
b. P2,&00 debit to purc%ases
c. P2,&00 credit to purc%ases
d. P2,&00 credit to accounts payable
28. <nder t%e periodic inventory system, t%e endin, inventory o P6/,000 was erroneously
recorded as P/6,000. 3%e error %ad been discovered w%en all nominal and temporary
accounts were already closed to t%e real account. 3%e correctin, entry would re4uire a
a. "ebit to capital account c. Credit to cost o sale
b. "ebit to income summary account d. Credit to owner#s capital
2*. + sales discount o P/,000 was recorded as purc%ase discount. 3%e error %ad been
discovered w%en nominal accounts were still open. 3%e correctin, entry would re4uire a
a. P/,000 debit to purc%ase discount c. P/,000 credit to sales discount
b. P/,000 credit to purc%ase discount d. P/,000 credit to accounts payable
!0. +n owner#s wit%drawal amountin, to P20,000 was erroneously recorded as salaries
e'pense. 3%e error %ad been discovered w%en all temporary accounts were already
closed to t%e capital account. 3%e correctin, entry will re4uire a
a. P20,000 debit to owner#s capital c. P20,000 debit to salaries e'pense
b. P20,000 debit to owner#s drawin,s d. No correctin, entry is necessary
!1. + payment o P20,000 rent was recorded as a debit to rent income. 3%e error %ad been
discovered w%en nominal accounts were already closed. 3%e correctin, entry would
re4uire a
a. P20,000 debit to rent e'pense c. P10,000 credit to rent income
b. P20,000 debit to rent income d. No ad$ustment entry is necessary
!2.+ cas% collection o P/,000 rom customer#s open account was recorded as P/00. 3%e
error %ad been discovered w%en nominal accounts were still open. 3%e correctin, entry
would re4uire a
a. P1,/00 debit to accounts receivable c. P/00 credit to accounts
b. P1,/00 debit to cas% d. P/00 credit to cas%
!!. + sale o merc%andise on account o P!,200 was recorded as P2,!00. 3%e error %ad
been discovered w%en nominal accounts were already closed. 3%e correctin, would
re4uire a
a. P*00 debit to cas%. c. P*00 debit to sale
b. P*00 debit to accounts receivable d. P*00 credit to accounts receivable
!1. + collection o P/,000 notes receivable, plus P/00 interest income was recorded as debit
to cas% P/,/00 and credit to notes receivable P/,/00. 3%e error %ad been discovered
w%en nominal accounts were still open. 3%e correctin, entry would re4uire a
a. P/00 debit to cas%. c. P/00 credit to cas%
b. P/00 debit to accounts receivable d. P/00 credit to interest income

!/.3%e accrued interest on a 122, 60:day note o a customer dated "ecember 1, 2006 wit%
a ace value o P100,000 was not ta7en up as o "ecember !1, 2001. 3%e collection o
t%e note, w%ic% matured on .anuary !1, 200&, was recorded as
Cas% 102,000
Notes receivable 100,000
0nterest 0ncome 2,000
3%e error was discovered ater collection. 3%e correctin, entry would re4uire a
a. P2,000 debit to cas%.
b. P2,000 debit to accrued interest receivable
c. P1,000 debit to interest income
d. P2,000 credit to interest income
!6.+ return o merc%andise amountin, to P1,/00 w%ic% was previously purc%ased on
account was recorded as
+ccounts payable /,100
Purc%ases /,100
0 t%e error %ad been discovered w%en t%e nominal accounts were still open, t%e
correctin, entry would re4uire a
a. P*00 debit to purc%ase return
b. P*00 debit to accounts payable
c. P*00 credit to purc%ases
d. P*00 credit to accounts payable
1& c 2& a 3' d 4' b 5& d 6& a (& b )& d *& d 10& d
11& d 12& c 13& c 14& a 15& d 16& b 1(& c 1)& b 1*& a 20& c
21& b 22& b 23& c 24& a 25& b 26& c 2(& b 2)& c 2*& b 30& d
31& d 32& b 33& b 34& d 35& c 36& d

Problem 1
3%e irst audit o t%e boo7s o Fu9on Company was made or t%e year ended "ecember !1,
2006. 0n e'aminin, t%e boo7s, t%e auditor ound t%at certain items %ad been overloo7ed or
incorrectly %andled in t%e last ! years. 3%ese items are-
a. +t t%e be,innin, o 2001, t%e company purc%ased a mac%ine or P1,020,000 5salva,e
value o P102,0006 t%at %ad a useul lie o 6 years. 3%e boo77eeper used strai,%t:line
depreciation, but ailed to deduct t%e salva,e value in computin, t%e depreciation base
or t%e ! years.
b. +t t%e end o 200/, t%e company ailed to accrue sales salaries o P*0,000.
c. + ta' lawsuit t%at involved t%e year 2001 was settled late in 2006. 0t was determined
t%at t%e company owed an additional P1&0,000 in ta'es related to 2001. 3%e company
did not record a liability in 2001 or 200/ because t%e possibility o loss was considered
remote, and c%ar,ed t%e P1&0,000 to a loss account in 2006.
d. Fu9on Company purc%ased anot%er company early in 2001 and recorded ,oodwill o
P*00,000. Fu9on %ad not amorti9ed ,oodwill because its value %ad not diminis%ed. 3%e
estimated economic lie o t%e ,oodwill is 20 years.
e. 0n 2006, t%e company wrote o P1&1,000 o inventory considered to be obsoleteG t%is
loss was c%ar,ed directly to Retained >arnin,s.
. Cear:end wa,es payable o P6,800 were not recorded because t%e boo77eeper t%ou,%
t%at Ht%ey were immaterial.I
,. 0nsurance or a 12:mont% period purc%ased on November 1 o t%is year was c%ar,ed to
insurance e'pense in t%e amount o P/,280 because Ht%e amount o t%e c%ec7 is about
t%e same every year.
1. 3%e entry to record t%e ad$ustment o item HaI is-
a. +ccumulated depreciation !1,000
Retained earnin,s 1&,000
"epreciation e'pense 1&,000
b. +ccumulated depreciation /1,000
Retained earnin,s !1,000
"epreciation e'pense 1&,000
c. +ccumulated depreciation 1&,000
"epreciation e'pense 1&,000
d. +ccumulated depreciation 1&,000
Retained earnin,s 1&,000
2. 3%e entry to record t%e ad$ustment o item HcI-
a. No ad$ustment.
b. Retained earnin,s 1&0,000
>stimated liability 1&0,000
c. Foss on dama,es 1&0,000
>stimated liability 1&0,000

d. Foss on dama,es 1&0,000
Cas% 1&0,000
!. Net income o 200/ is overstated by-
a. P 160,100 b. P !18,100 c. P 10&,000 d. P &!,000
1. Net income o 2006 is overstated by-
a. P !6&,000 b. P !12,000 c. P 10!,100 d. P 6*,100
a& #ccu!ulated depreciation 51'000
,epreciation expense -2006. 1('000
Retained earnings -2004 / 2005. 34'000
b& Retained earnings *0'000
0alaries expense *0'000
c& "o adust!ent
d& "o adust!ent since no indication o1 i!pair!ent&
e& 2oss on obsolete in3entory 1(4'000
Retained earnings 1(4'000
1& 0alaries expense 6')00
0alaries payable 6')00
g& Prepaid insurance 4'400
Insurance expense 4'400
2004 2005 2006
Ite! # 1('000 1('000 1('000
Ite! 4 -*0'000. *0'000
Ite! 5 6 6 6
Ite! ,
Ite! E -1(4'000.
Ite! 7 -6')00.
Ite! 8 99999999999 9999999999 4'400
"et E11ect 1('000 -(3'000 -6*'400.
1& 4 2& # 3& , 4& ,
Problem 2
+ CP+ is en,a,ed by t%e 8ony Corporation in 2006 to e'amine t%e boo7s and records and to
ma7e w%atever corrections are necessary. +n e'amination o t%e accounts discloses t%e
a. "ividends %ad been declared on "ecember 1/ in 2001 and 200/ but %ad not been
entered in t%e boo7s until paid.
b. 0mprovements in buildin, and e4uipment o P*,600 %ad been debited to e'pense at t%e
end o +pril 200!. 0mprovements are estimated to %ave an 8:year lie. 3%e company
uses t%e strai,%t:line met%od in recordin, depreciation and computes depreciation to t%e
nearest mont%.
c. 3%e p%ysical inventory o merc%andise %ad been understated by P!,000 at t%e end o
2001 and by P1,!00 at t%e end o 200/.
d. 3%e merc%andise inventories at t%e end o 200/ and 2006 did not include merc%andise
t%at was t%en in transit and to w%ic% t%e company %ad title. 3%is s%ipments o P!,800
and P/,/00 were recorded as purc%ases in .anuary o 2006 and 2001, respectively.
e. 3%e company %ad ailed to record sales commissions payable o P2,100 and P1,&00 at
t%e end o 200/ and 2006, respectively.

. 3%e company %ad ailed to reco,ni9ed supplies on %and o P1,200 and P2,/00 at t%e end
o 200/ and 2006, respectively.
3%e Retained >arnin,s account s%owed t%e ollowin, postin,s-
"ate 0tem "ebit Credit
2001 .an 1 Aalance 81,000
"ec !1 Net income or year 18,000
200/ .an 10 "ividends paid 1/,000
=ar 6 8toc7 sold J e'cess
over par !2,000
"ec!1 Net loss or year 11,200
2006 .an 10 "ividend paid 1/,000
"ec !1 Net loss or year 12,100
1. Corrected net income o 2001
a. P 1*,800 b. P 1/,600 c. P 1!,600 d. P 16,800
2. Corrected net loss o 200/
a. P 16,000 b. P 11,000 c. P 12,000 d. P 10,000
!. Corrected net loss o 2006
a. P 16,200 b. P 1/,800 c. P 1/,200 d. P 12,800
1. +d$usted retained earnin,s at "ecember !1, 2001
a. P 10*,200 b. P 106,100 c. P *1,600 d. P 8/,000
/. +d$usted retained earnin,s at "ecember !1, 200/
a. P &1,200 b. P 6*,000 c. P 6&,600 d. P 6/,000
6. +d$usted retained earnin,s at "ecember !1, 2006
a. P /1,100 b. P 1*,800 c. P 1*,000 d. P 18,200
2004 2005 2006
:nadusted "et inco!e/2oss 1)'000 -11'200. -12'400.
Ite! 4 -1'200. -1'200. -1'200.
Ite! 5 3'000 -3'000.
4'300 -4'300.
Ite! , ; unrecorded ending in3& 3')00 -3')00.
6 unrecorded purc<ases -3')00. 3')00
Ite! E -2'100. 2'100
Ite! 7 1'200 -1'200.
99999999999 9999999999 2'500
#dusted net inco!e/loss 1*')00 -12'000. -16'200.
Retained earnings ; beg& )1'000 *4'600 6('600
Ite! # -15'000. -15'000.
Ite! 4 ; error in recording i!pro3& *'600
6 unrecorded depreciation -)00. 999999999 999999999999
Retained earnings 6 end *4'600 6('600 51'400
1& # 2& 5 3& # 4& 5 5& 5 6& #

Problem 3
+ partial trial balance o .os% +le$andro Corporation is as ollows on "ecember !1, 2006-
8upplies on %and P 1!,/00
+ccrued salaries and wa,es P &,/00
0nterest receivable on investments 2/,/00
Prepaid insurance 1/0,000
<nearned rent :0:
+ccrued interest payable &/,000
+dditional ad$ustin, data-
a. + p%ysical count o supplies on %and on "ecember !1, 2006, totaled P/,/00.
b. 3%rou,% oversi,%t, t%e +ccrued 8alaries and (a,es account was not c%an,ed durin,
2006. +ccrued salaries and wa,es on 12E!1E06 amounted to P22,000.
c. 3%e interest receivable on investments account was also let unc%an,ed durin, 2006.
+ccrued interest on investments amounts to P21,&/0 on 12E!1E06.
d. 3%e une'pired portions o t%e insurance policies totaled P!2/,000 as o "ecember
!1, 2006.
e. P110,000 was received on .anuary 1, 200/, or t%e rent o a buildin, or bot% 200/
and 2006. 3%e entire amount was credited to rental income.
. "epreciation or t%e year was erroneously recorded as P2/,000 rat%er t%an t%e
correct i,ure o P2/0,000.
,. + urt%er review o depreciation calculations o prior year revealed t%at depreciation
o P!6,000 was not recorded. 0t was decided t%at t%is oversi,%t s%ould be corrected by a
prior period ad$ustment.
1. 3%e accrued salaries and wa,es at year:end is-
a. P 2*,/00 b. P22,000 c. P 11,/00 d. P &,/00
2. @ow muc% is t%e ad$usted salaries and wa,es at year:end assumin, t%at t%e balance o
t%is account in t%e boo7 is P!/0,000)
a. P !&*,/00 b. P !&2,000 c. P !61,/00 d. P !12,/00
!. Prepaid insurance at year:end is-
a. P 1/0,000 b. P !2/,000 c. P 12/,000 d. P 0
1. 8upplies on %and at year:end is-
a. P 1!,/00 b. P 8,000 c. P /,/00 d. P 2,/00
/. "epreciation e'pense at year:end is-
a. <nderstated by P22/,000
b. Overstated by P22/,000
c. <nderstated by P261,000
d. Overstated by P261,000

1& 0upplies expense )'000
0upplies on <and )'000
2& #ccrued salaries and $ages ('500
0alaries and $ages expense ('500
=o re3erse accrued salaries&
0alaries and $ages expense 22'000
#ccrued salaries and $ages 22'000
3& Interest inco!e 25'500
Interest recei3able 25'500
=o re3erse accrued inco!e&
Interest recei3able 21'(50
Interest inco!e 21'(50
4& Insurance expense 125'000
Prepaid insurance 125'000
5& Retained earnings (0'000
Rent inco!e (0'000
6& ,epreciation expense 225'000
#ccu!ulated depreciation 225'000
(& Retained earnings 36'000
#ccu!ulated depreciation 36'000
1& 4 2& 5 3& 4 4& 5 5& #
Problem 4
3%e beore ta' income or ;ran9ine Dome9 Co. or 200/ was P!0!,000 and P2!2,200 or
2006. @owever, t%e accountant noted t%at t%e ollowin, errors %ad been made-
1. 8ales or 200/ included amounts o P111,600 w%ic% was received in cas% durin, 200/,
but or w%ic% t%e related products were delivered in 2006. 3itle did not pass to t%e
purc%aser until 2006.
2. 3%e inventory on "ecember !1, 200/, was understated by P2/,*20.
!. 3%e boo77eeper in recordin, interest e'pense or bot% 200/ and 2006 on bonds payable
made t%e ollowin, entry-
0nterest e'pense 1/,000
Cas% 1/,000
3%e bonds %ave a ace value o P2/0,000 and pay a stated interest rate o 62. 3%ey
were issued at a discount o P1/,000 on .anuary 1, 200/, to yield an eective interest o
&2. 5+ssume t%at t%e eective yield met%od s%ould be used.6
1. Ordinary repairs to e4uipment %ad been erroneously c%ar,ed to t%e >4uipment account
durin, 200/ and 2006 or P2/,/00 and P!0,000, respectively. 3%e company applies a
rate o 102 to t%e balance in t%e e4uipment account at t%e end o t%e year in its
determination o depreciation c%ar,es.
1. 3%e ad$usted 200/ net income is-
a. P 122,120 b. P 11*,120 c. P 1*2,*20 d. P 18*,*20
2. 3%e ad$usted 2006 net income is-

a. P 2*1,8&8 b. P 2*1,8&8 c. P 180,2&8 d. P 6/,6&8
!. 200/ net income is overstated by-
a. P 2!2,200 b. P 22*,200 c. P 11!,080 d. P !,000
1. 2006 net income is-
a. <nderstated by P62,6&8
b. <nderstated by P/*,6&8
c. Overstated by P166,/22
d. Overstated by P/1,*22
/. 3%e correctin, entry in item H1I is-
a. +ccounts receivable 111,600
8ales 111,600
b. 8ales 111,600
+ccounts receivable 111,600
c. Retained earnin,s 111,600
8ales 111,600
d. 8ales 111,600
Retained earnin,s 111,600
1& Retained earnings 114'600
0ales 114'600
2& 5ost o1 sales -beg& in3. 25'*20
Retained earnings 25'*20
3& Retained earnings 1'450
Interest expense 1'552
,iscount on bonds payable 3'002
Int& paid Int& exp& #!ort& 5arrying
2002 15'000 16'450 1'450 236'450
2003 15'000 16'552 1'552 23)'002
4& Retained earnings 25'500
Repairs expense 30'000
E?uip!ent 55'500
#ccu!ulated depreciation 5'100
Retained earnings 2'550
,epreciation expense 2'550
#ccu!ulated depreciation 3'000
,epreciation expense 3'000
2002 2003
:nadusted net inco!e 303'000 232'200
Ite! 1 -114'600. 114'600
Ite! 2 25'*20 -25'*20.
Ite! 3 -1'450. -1'552.
Ite! 4 -25'500. -30'000
6 error in recording depreciation 2'550 2'550
9999999999 3'000
#dusted net inco!e 1)*'*20 2*4')()
1& , 2& # 3& 5 4& # 5& 5

Problem 5
Cou %ave been assi,ned to e'amine t%e inancial statements o =acelle Company or t%e
year ended "ecember !1, 2006. Aelow is t%e Aalance 8%eet o t%e company.
Current assets &00,000 Current liabilities 2/0,000
Non:current assets 2,000,000 Non:current liabilities*00,000
KKKKKKKKK 8toc7%olders# >4uity 1,//0,000
3otal +ssets 2,&00,000 3otal liabilitiesE8@> 2,&00,000
0n t%e course o your audit, you discover t%e ollowin, situations-
1. "epreciation o P16,000 or 2006 on delivery ve%icles was not recorded.
2. 3%e p%ysical inventory count on "ecember !1, 200/, improperly e'cluded merc%andise
costin, P*/,000 t%at %ad been temporarily stored in a public ware%ouse. =acelle uses
periodic inventory system.
!. 3%e p%ysical inventory count on "ecember !1, 2006, improperly included merc%andise
wit% a cost o P12,/00 t%at %ad been recorded as a sale on "ecember 2&, 2006.
1. + collection o P28,000 on account rom a customer received on "ecember !1, 2006
was not recorded until .anuary 2, 200&.
/. 0n 2006, t%e company sold or P18,/00 ully depreciated e4uipment t%at ori,inally cost
P110,000. 3%e company credited t%e proceeds rom t%e sale to t%e >4uipment account.
6. "urin, November 2006, a competitor company iled a patent:inrin,ement suit a,ainst
=acelle claimin, dama,es o P1,100,000. 3%e company#s le,al counsel %as indicated
t%at an unavorable verdict is probable and a reasonable estimate o t%e court#s award
to t%e competitor is P62/,000. 3%e company %as not relected or disclosed t%is situation
in t%e inancial statements.
&. =acelle %as a portolio o tradin, securities. No entry %as been made to ad$ust to
mar7et. 0normation on cost and mar7et value is as ollows-
CO83 =+RL>3
"ecember !1, 200/ P 1*0,000 P 1*0,000
"ecember !1, 2006 168,000 161,000
8. +t "ecember !1, 2006, an analysis o payroll inormation s%ows accrued salaries o
P!6,600. 3%e +ccrued 8alaries payable account %ad a balance o P18,000 at "ecember
!1, 2006, w%ic% was unc%an,ed rom its balance at "ecember !1, 200/.
*. + lar,e piece o e4uipment was purc%ased on .anuary !, 2006, or P1,600,000 and was
c%ar,ed to Repairs >'pense. 3%e e4uipment is estimated to %ave a service lie o 8 years
and no residual value. =acelle normally uses t%e strai,%t J line depreciation met%od or
t%is type o e4uipment.
10. + P&/,000 insurance premium paid on .uly 1, 200/, or a policy t%at e'pires on .une !0,
200*, was c%ar,ed to insurance e'pense.

11. + trademar7 was ac4uired at t%e be,innin, o 200/ or P2/0,000. No amorti9ation %as
been recorded since its ac4uisition. 3rademar7 %as an economic lie o / years.
1. Current assets at year:end is-
a. P &&6,000 b. P 6*/,000 c. P 6*1,000 d. P 6&8,/00
2. Non:current assets at year:end is-
a. P !,1*8,/00 b. P !,102,/00 c. P !,!02,/00 d. P !,2*8,/00
!. Current liabilities at year:end is-
a. P *11,600 b. P 86!,600 c. P 286,600 d. P 2!8,600
1. Non:current liabilities at year:end is-
a. P 1,/61,600 b. P 1,/2/,000 c. P 1,/1!,600 d. P *00,000
/. 3%e net income o 2006 is understated by-
a. P 622,100 b. P 60!,*00 c. P /68,100 d. P //*,*00
6. 3%e total amount o undamental error is-
a. P 1&6,000 b. P 1/&,/00 c. P 10&,/00 d. P 2/,000
&. 3otal 8toc7%olders# >4uity at year:end is-
a. P 2,!2*,*00 b. P 2,22*,*00 c. P 2,22&,100 d. P 2,0**,100
8. 3%e correctin, entry o item H!I assumin, t%e company#s boo7s were already closed is-
a. No ad$ustment
b. Retained earnin,s 12,/00
Cost o sales 12,/00
c. Cost o sales 12,/00
Retained earnin,s 12,/00
d. Retained >arnin,s 12,/00
0nventory 12,/00
1& ,epreciation expense 16'000
#ccu!ulated depreciation 16'000
2& 5ost o1 sales -beg& in3. *5'000
Retained earnings *5'000
3& 5ost o1 sales 42'500
In3entory 42'500
4& 5as< 2)'000
#ccounts recei3able 2)'000
5& #ccu!ulated depreciation 110'000
@ac<inery *1'500
8ain on sale 1)'500
6& 2oss on da!ages 625'000
Esti!ated liability on da!ages 625'000
(& :nrealiAed <olding loss 26'000
>aluation allo$ance 26'000
@arBet 3alue ; beg& 1*0'000
@arBet 3alue ; end 164'000
:nrealiAed <olding loss 26'000
)& 0alaries payable 4)'000
0alaries expense 4)'000
=o re3erse accrued salaries&
0alaries expense 36'600
0alaries payable 36'600
*& E?uip!ent 1'600'000

Repairs expense 1'600'000
,epreciation expense 200'000
#ccu!ulated depreciation 200'000
10& Insurance expense 25'000
Prepaid insurance 3('500
Retained earnings 62'500
11& "o a!ortiAation since no in1or!ation about its i!pair!ent&
1& 5 2& 4 3& 4 4& , 5& 4 6& # (& # )& ,
Problem 6
=atias Corporation re4uires audited inancial statements or credit purposes. +ter ma7in,
normal ad$ustin, entries, but beore closin, t%e accountin, records or t%e year ended
"ecember !1, 2006. =atias#s controller prepared t%e ollowin, inancial statements or
=atias Corporation
83+3>=>N3 O; ;0N+NC0+F PO8030ON
,ece!ber 31' 2006
Cas% 1,22/,000
=ar7etable e4uity securities 12/,000
+ccounts Receivable 160,000
+llowance or doubtul accounts 5 //,0006
0nventories /!0,000
Property and e4uipment 620,000
+ccumulated "epreciation 5 280,0006
3otal +ssets 2,62/,000
2iabilities and 0tocB<oldersC E?uity
+ccounts payable and accrued liabilities 1,68/,000
0ncome ta' payable 110,000
Common stoc7, P20 par !00,000
+dditional paid:in capital &/,000
Retained earnin,s 1//,000
3otal liabilities and stoc7%olders# e4uity 2,62/,000
=atias Corporation
83+3>=>N3 O; 0NCO=>
7or t<e Year Ended ,ece!ber 31' 2006
Net 8ales 1,&00,000
Cost o sales /&0,000
Dross Proit 1,1!0,000
Operatin, >'penses
8ellin, and administrative 118,000
"epreciation 12,000
0ncome beore income ta' 610,000
0ncome ta' e'pense 1*2,000
Net 0ncome 118,000
=atias#s ta' rate or all items was !02 or all aected years, and it made estimated ta'
payments w%en due. =atias %as been proitable in t%e past and e'pects results in t%e uture
to be similar to 2006. "urin, t%e course o t%e audit, t%e ollowin, additional inormation
5not considered w%en t%e above statements were prepared6 was obtained-

1. 3%e investment portolio consists o s%ort:term investment, classiied as available:or:
sale, or w%ic% total mar7et value e4ualed cost at "ecember !1, 200/. On ;ebruary 2,
2006, =atias sold one investment wit% a carryin, value o P100,000 or P1!0,000. 3%e
total o t%e sale proceeds was credited to t%e investment account.
2. +t "ecember !1, 2006, t%e mar7et value o t%e remainin, securities in t%e portolio was
!. 3%e P/!0,000 inventory total, w%ic% was based on a p%ysical count at "ecember !1,
2006, was priced at cost. 8ubse4uently, it was determined t%at t%e inventory cost was
overstated by P66,000. +t "ecember !1, 2006, t%e inventory#s mar7et value
appro'imated t%e ad$usted cost.
1. Pollution control devices costin, P18,000, w%ic% is %i,% in relation to t%e cost o t%e
ori,inal e4uipment, were installed on "ecember 2*, 200/, and were c%ar,ed to repairs in
/. 3%e ori,inal e4uipment reerred to in 0tem 1, w%ic% %ad a remainin, useul lie o si'
years on "ecember 20, 200/, is bein, depreciated by t%e strai,%t:line met%od or bot%
inancial and ta' reportin,.
6. + lawsuit was iled a,ainst =atias Corporation in October 2006 claimin, dama,es o
P2/0,000. Company#s le,al counsel believes t%at an unavorable outcome is probable,
and a reasonable estimate o t%e court#s award to t%e plainti is P60,000, w%ic% will be
paid in 200& i t%e case is settled.
1. =ar7etable >4uity 8ecurities at year:end is-
a. P 1//,000 b. P 12/,000 c. P */,000 d. P 82,000
2. +llowance or mar7et decline in value o mar7etable e4uity security at year:end is-
a. P 0 b. P 8,000 c. P 10,000 d. P 1!,000
!. 0nventory at year:end is-
a. P 161,000 b. P /12,000 c. P /!0,000 d. P /*6,000
1. Cost o sales at year:end is-
a. P 6!6,000 b. P /&0,000 c. P //0,000 d. P /01,000
/. Net income o t%e company is-
a. P !**,&00 b. P !&*,000 c. P !66,100 d. P !!1,000
1& @arBetable e?uity securities 30'000
8ain on sale 30'000
2& 2oss on !arBet decline 13'000
#llo$ance 1or !arBet decline 13'000
3& 5ost o1 sales 66'000
In3entory 66'000
4& E?uip!ent 4)'000
Retained earnings 4)'000
5& ,epreciation )'000
#ccu!ulated depreciation )'000
6& 2oss on da!ages 60'000
Esti!ated liability on da!ages 60'000

1& # 2& , 3& # 4& # 5& 5
Problem 7
Fon, establis%ed a retail business in 2001. >arly in 200&, Fon, entered into ne,otiations
wit% 8%ort wit% t%e intent to orm a partners%ip. Cou %ave been as7ed by Fon, and 8%ort
to c%ec7 Fon,#s boo7s or t%e past t%ree years to %elp 8%ort evaluate t%e earnin,s potential
o t%e business.
3%e net incomes reported on statements submitted to you were as ollows-
Cear endin, 12E!1
2001 200/ 2006
0ncome, preta' P6!,000 P &0,&6! P 61,880
"urin, t%e e'amination o t%e accounts, you ound t%e data ,iven below-
;or year ended "ec. !1
2001 200/ 2006
Omission rom t%e boo7s
a. +ccrued e'penses at end o year P 1/,120 P 11,6/8 P !2,!68
b. >arned 5uncollected6 revenue at end
o year 1,100
c. Prepaid e'penses at end o year 6,!11 8,1&0 *,812
d. <nearned revenue 5collected in advance6
at end o year 1,2&0
Doods in transit at end o year omitted rom
e. Purc%ase or w%ic% t%e entry %ad been made
5owners%ip passed6 18,2&0 21,610
. Purc%ase or w%ic% t%e entry %ad not been made
5owners%ip not passed6 11,*&0 1!,&10
Ot%er points re4uirin, considerations-
,. On .anuary 1, 2006, sold operational e4uipment or P!1,/00 t%at ori,inally cost P!/,000
on .anuary 1, 2001. Cas% was debited or P!1,/00 and e4uipment was credited or
P!1,/00. 3%e asset sold was depreciated in 2001 and 200/ but not on t%e 2006 on t%e
basis o a 10:year lie and no residual value.
%. No allowance or bad debts %as been set up. +n analysis o accounts receivable as o
"ecember !1, 2006, indicates t%at t%e allowance account s%ould %ave a balance o
P11,000, o w%ic% P!,/00 relates to 2001, P1,*00 to 200/, and P/,600 to 2006.
1. +d$usted net income o 2001 is-
a. P 8/,8!1 b. P 82,!!1 c. P /2,0*1 d. P !*,166
2. +d$usted net income o 200/ is-
a. P 81,66* b. P 81,081 c. P 80,1/& d. P &6,&6*

!. +d$usted net income o 2006 is-
a. P 86,/02 b. P /6,682 c. P /1,082 d. P 12,682
1. 0nventory at year:end is understated by-
a. P !,!&0 b. P &,*!0 c. P 21,610 d. P !/,!/0
/. +ccrued e'penses at year:end is-
a. Overstated by P1&,&10 c. <nderstated by P!1,*08
b. <nderstated by P!2,!68 d. <nderstated by P1&,&10
2004 2005 2006
:nadusted net inco!e 63'000 (0'(63 61'))0
Ite! # -15'120. 15'120
-14'65). 14'65)
Ite! 4 1'400 -1'400.
Ite! 5 6'314 -6'314.
)'4(0 -)'4(0.
Ite! , -4'2(0. 4'2(0
Ite! E 1)'2(0 -1)'2(0.
Ite! 7 6 6 6
Ite! 8 3'500
Ite! D -3'500. -4'*00. -5'600.
#dusted net inco!e 52'0*4 )1'0)1 51'0)2
1& 5 2& 4 3& 5 4& 5 5& 4
Problem 8
M0FF+ FC"0+ CO. 3%e records o t%e Company %ave not been e'amined or t%e t%ree:year
period ended "ecember !1, 2006. +s a result o your audit o t%e records or t%e year
ended "ecember !1, 2006 and your review o t%e records o t%e two prior years, it is
necessary to revise t%e net income and t%e retained income based upon t%e audited data,
w%ic% ollows-
3%e company#s retained income at "ecember !1, 2006 ollows-
Aalance, 12E!1E01 P *0,000
Net income, 200/ 100,000
Net income, 2006 110,000
Aalance, 12E!1E06 P!00,000
;rom your e'amination, you obtained t%e ollowin, inormation w%ic% must be ta7en into
consideration at t%e close o t%e year involved-
"ecember !1, 2001
1. Doods consi,ned out to consi,nees are included in t%e inventory at
P120,000, w%ic% is 20 percent in e'cess o cost.
2. >4uipment wit% a 10:year:lie was purc%ased or P!0,000 and c%ar,ed to
e'pense on "ecember !1.
!. 3%e ollowin, liabilities are omitted rom t%e records-
=aterials included in inventory P !,000
+ccrued ta'es 1,100

"ecember !1, 200/
1. <ncollectible accounts receivable o P*,000 are to be written o.
/. =ar7etable 8ecurities costin, P1/,000 were at a mar7et value o only
6. Dain o P!,000 on sale o ully depreciated e4uipment was credited to t%e
allowance or depreciation.
&. Fand cost o P*,000 %ad been erroneously c%ar,ed to e'pense.
8. 3%e inventory is overstated by P11,!00 because o an error in ootin, an
inventory price s%eet.
*. "epreciation was omittedG P/,000 s%ould be provided.
"ecember !1, 2006
10. 3%e ollowin, liabilities are omitted rom t%e records-
;or purc%ases o new mac%inery on "ecember !1, 2006 P12,000
+ccrued ta'es /,*00
1. +d$usted net income o 200/ is-
a. P 11*,100 b. P 110,800 c. P 102,600 d. P *0,800
2. +d$usted net income o 2006 is-
a. P 8*,800 b. P *8,600 c. P 11/,100 d. P 11/,100
!. +d$usted retained earnin,s o 2001 is-
a. P 112,*00 b. P 10*,*00 c. P *2,*00 d. P 8*,*00
1. +d$usted retained earnin,s o 200/ is-
a. P 180,&00 b. P 20!,&00 c. P 212,/00 d. P 212,!00
/. +d$usted retained earnin,s o 2006 is-
a. P 116,200 b. P 116,000 c. P !1*,100 d. P 2*6,100
6 3%e entry to correct inormation Hnumber !I at "ecember !1, 2006 is-
a. Retained earnin,s 1,100
+ccrued ta'es 1,100
b. Cost o sales !,000
+ccounts payable !,000
c. Retained earnin,s 1,100
Cost o sales !,000
+ccrued ta'es 1,100
+ccounts payable !,000
d. No ad$ustin, entry is necessary.
*. 3%e entry to correct inormation Hnumber 1I at "ecember !1, 2006 is-
a. +llowance or bad debts *,000
+ccounts receivable *,000
b. Retained earnin,s *,000
+ccounts receivable *,000
c. Retained earnin,s *,000
+llowance or bad debts *,000

d. No ad$ustin, entry is necessary
8. +d$usted net income o 2001 5assumin, P8/,000 is recorded as net income o 20016 is-
a. P 116,*00 b. P 11/,000 c. P 10&,*00 d. P 8&,*00
1& "o adust!ent since t<e 2004 1inancial state!ent $as not a11ected&
2& E?uip!ent 30'000
Retained earnings 30'000
Retained earnings 3'000
,epreciation expense 3'000
#ccu!ulated depreciation 6'000
3& "o adust!ent since t<e 2004 1inancial state!ent $as not a11ected&
4& #llo$ance 1or bad debts *'000
#ccounts recei3able *'000
5& Retained earnings 6'000
#llo$ance 1or !arBet decline 6'000
6& #ccu!ulated depreciation 3'000
Retained earnings 3'000
(& 2and *'000
Retained earnings *'000
)& Retained earnings 14'300
5ost o1 sales 14'300
*& Retained earnings 5'000
#ccu!ulated depreciation 5'000
10& @ac<inery 12'000
#ccounts payable ; ot<ers 12'000
=axes 5'*00
#ccrued taxes 5'*00
2004 2005 2006
:nadusted net inco!e 100'000 110'000
Ite! 1 -20'000. 20'000
Ite! 2 30'000 -3'000. -3'000.
Ite! 3 -3'000. 3'000
-4'100. 4'100
Ite! 4 6 6 6
Ite! 5 -6'000.
Ite! 6 3'000
Ite! ( *'000
Ite! ) -14'300. 14'300
Ite! * -5'000.
Ite! 10 999999999 999999999 -5'*00.
#dusted net inco!e 110')00 115'400
Retained earnings 6 beg *0'000 203'(00
Ite! 1 -20'000.
Ite! 2 30'000
Ite! 3 -3'000.
-4'100. 999999999
Retained earnings 6 end 203'(00 31*'100
1& 4 2& 5 3& 5 4& 4 5& 5 6& , (& # )& ,
Problem 9
3%e Corporation prepared its own income statement or t%e years 200/ and 2006. 3%e
President was not satisied and decided to en,a,e t%e services o a CP+. 3%e ollowin,
errors were discovered by t%e CP+-
Net income ater income ta' P 12!,2/0 P 1/6,2/0
0nventory understatement at year:end P : P 12,/00

Prepaid e'penses not ta7en up /,000 1/,000
=erc%andise purc%ased on account not
Recorded as liability but included in
inventory 2/,000
<nearned rent received ta7en into income *,000
+ccrued ta'es unrecorded 20,000 1/,000
1. Net income o 200/ is-
a. P 16!,2/0 b. P 108,2/0 c. P 8!,2/0 d. P &!,2/0
2. Net income o 2006 is-
a. P 1**,&/0 b. P 1&1,&/0 c. P 111,&/0 d. P 112,2/0
2005 2006
:nadusted net inco!e 123'250 156'250
5'000 -5'000.
-25'000. 25'000
-20'000. 20'000
9999999999 -15'000.
#dusted net inco!e )3'250 1**'(50
1& 5 2& #
Problem 1O
(i9ard Company, a calendar:year sole proprietors%ip, maintained its boo7s on t%e cas%
basis durin, t%e year
(i9ard is in t%e process o ne,otiatin, a ban7 loan to inance t%e planned e'pansion o its
business. 3%e ban7 is re4uestin, 2006 inancial statements prepared on t%e accrual basis o
accountin, rom (i9ard. +s (i9ard#s e'ternal auditor, you were called upon to assist in
preparin, t%e inancial statements. 3%e ollowin, inormation were obtained durin, t%e
course o your en,a,ement-
(i9ard Company
3R0+F A+F+NC>
"ecember !1, 2006
"ebits Credits
Cas% P118,000
+ccounts receivable, 12E!1E0/ 28!,/00
0nventory, 12E!1E0/ 1,08/,000
;urniture N ;i'tures 2,068,/00
Fease%old improvements &8&,/00
+ccumulated depreciation, 12E!1E0/ P /6&,000
+ccounts payable 2*&,/00
(i9ard, "rawin,s
(i9ard, Capital, 12E!1E0/ 2,180,/00
8ales 11,12&,/00
Purc%ases /,!!*,2/0
8alaries e'pense !,01/,000
3a'es and licenses 21&,000
0nsurance e'pense 1/2,2/0
Rent e'pense /*8,/00

<tilities e'pense 220,/00
Fivin, e'penses 22&,/00 KKKKKKKKK
P 11,1&2,/00 P 11,1&2,/00
+dditional inormation-
1. +t "ecember !1, 2006, amounts due rom customers totaled P11/,000.
2. Aased on t%e analysis o t%e above receivables, P20,&/0 may prove uncollectible.
!. <npaid invoices or t%e plant purc%ases totaled P/!!,&/0 and P2*&,/00 at "ecember !1,
2006 and "ecember !1, 200/ respectively.
1. 3%e inventory totaled P1,2&1,000 based on a p%ysical count o t%e ,oods at "ecember
!1, 2006. 3%e inventory was priced at cost, w%ic% appro'imates mar7et value.
/. On =ay 1. 2006, (i9ard paid P1/2,2/0 to renew its compre%ensive insurance covera,e
or one year. 3%e premium on t%e previous policy, w%ic% e'pired on +pril !0, 2006, was
6. On .anuary 2, 2006, (i9ard entered into a twenty:year operatin, lease or t%e vacant
lot ad$acent (i9ard#s retail store used as a par7in, lot. +s a,reed in t%e lease, (i9ard
paved and enced in t%e lot at a cost o P&8&,/00. 3%e improvements were completed on
+pril 1, 2006, and estimated to %ave a useul lie o iteen years. No provision or
depreciation %as been recorded. "epreciation on urniture and i'tures was P210,000 or
&. +ccrued e'penses at "ecember !1, 2006 and 200/ were as ollows-
2006 200/
3a'es and licenses P!!,&/0 P20,2/0
<tilities !6,000 21,&/0
P6*,&/0 P1/,000
8. (i9ard is bein, sued or P1,000,000. 3%e covera,e under t%e compre%ensive insurance
policy is limited to P2,/00,000. (i9ard#s attorney believes t%at an unavorable outcome
is probable and t%at a reasonable estimate o t%e settlement is P!,000,000.
*. 3%e salaries account includes P10,000 per mont% paid to t%e proprietor. (i9ard also
receives P1,!&/ per wee7 or livin, e'penses.
"etermine t%e balances o t%e ollowin, under t%e accrual basis o accountin,.
1. +ccounts Receivable
a. 11/,000 b. P 28!,/00 c. P 1!1,/00 d. P 1/2,000
2. +ccounts Receivable, net
a. P 108,12/ b. P 101,62/ c. P !*1,2/0 d. P 262,/00
!. 0nventory
a. P 1,2&1,000 b. P 1,08/,000 c. P 18*,000 d. P 8*6,000
1. Prepaid 0nsurance
a. P 11&,000 b. P *6,2/0 c. P /0,&/0 d. P0

/. Property and e4uipment, net
a. P 2,8/6,000 b. P 2,616,16* c. P 2,0!*,62/ d. P 1,8/8,/00
6. +ccounts payable
a. P /!!,&/0 b. P /2!,&/0 c. P 2*&,/00 d.P 2!6,2/0
&. +ccrued >'penses
a. P 111,&/0 b. P 6*,&/0 c. P 21,&/0 d. P0
8. (i9ard, "rawin,s
a. P &0&,/00 b. P 180,000 c. P 22&,/00 d. P0
*. (i9ard, Capital, 12E!1E0/
a. P 2,226,000 b. P 2,181,000 c. P 2,180,/00 d. P 2,1!/,/00
10. 8ales
a. P 11,812,/00 b. P 11,//*,000 c. P 11,12&,/00 d. P 11,2*6,000
11. Purc%ases
a. P /,8&!,000 b. P /,/&/,/00 c. P /,!!*,2/0 d. P /,10!,000
12. 8alaries >'pense
a. P !,2&2,/00 b. P !,01/,000 c. P 2,6//,000 d. P 2,/6/,000
1!. 3a'es and licenses
a. P 2/0,&/0 b. P 2!0,/00 c. P 21&,000 d. P 20!,/00
11. 0nsurance e'pense
a. P 1*&,&/0 b. P 11&,000 c. P 1/2,2/0 d. P 101,/00
1/. <tilities e'pense
a. P 2/6,/00 b. P 2!1,&/0 c. P 220,/00 d. P 1*/,&/0
16. "oubtul account e'pense
a. P 20,&/0 b. P 10,!&/ c. P 6,/&/ d. P 0
1&. "epreciation e'pense
a. P 2*1,!&/ b. P 21*,!&/ c. P 2!*,/!1 d. P 210,000
18. Cost o sales
a. P /,!86,/00 b. P /,!68,/00 c. P /,1/0,2/0 d. P 1,06/,000
1*. >stimated loss rom lawsuit
a. P 1,000,000 b. P !,000,000 c. P /00,000 d. P0
1& # 6 P415'000 gi3en in ite! no& 1
2& 5 6 P3*4'250 -P415'000 ; P20'(50 ite! no& 2.
3& # 6 P1'2(4'000 gi3en in ite! no& 4
4& 5 6 P152'250 x 4/12 E P50'(50
5& 5
7urniture / 1ixtures 2'06)'500
2ease<old i!pro3e!ents ()('500
2ess% #ccu!ulated depCn ; 1/1/02 - 56('000.
2002 ,epreciation ; i!pro3e& - 3*'3(5.

2002 ,epCn ; 1urniture - 210'000.
5arrying 3alue ; 2002 2'03*'625
6& # 6 P533'(50 gi3en in ite! no& 3
(& 4 6 P6*'(50 gi3en in ite! no& (
)& #
0alaries ; P40'000 x 12 6 P 4)0'000
2i3ing allo$ance P4'3(5 x 52 $eeBs 6 22('500
=otal (0('500
*& 4
5apital ; beg& 2'1)0'500
F!ission o1 prepaid expense in 2001 45'500
F!ission o1 accrued expenses in 2001 - 45'000.
=otal 2'1)1'000
10& 4
0ales ; cas< basis 6 11'42('500
G #R ; end 6 415'000
6 #R ; beg 6 2)3'500
0ales ; accrual basis 6 11'55*'000
11& 4
Purc<ases ; cas< basis 6 5'33*'250
G #P ; end 6 533'(50
6 #P ; beg 6 2*('500
Purc<ases ; accrual basis 6 5'5(5'500
12& ,
0alaries per record 6 3'045'000
6 0alaries o1 t<e proprietor H 6 4)0'000
#dusted 0alaries 6 2'565'000
H 0alaries o1 t<e proprietor 1or a partners<ip is considered as part o1 pro1it distribution
13& 4
=axes and licenses ; cas< basis 6 21('000
G #ccrued taxes ; end 6 33'(50
6 #ccrued taxes ; beg 6 20'250
=axes and licenses ; accrual basis 6 230'500
14& 4
Insurance expense ; cas< basis 6 152'250
G Prepaid insurance ; beg 6 45'500
6 Prepaid insurance ; end 6 50'(50
Insurance expense ; accrual basis 6 14('000
15& 4
:tilities ; cas< basis 6 220'500
G #ccrued utilities ; end 6 36'000
6 #ccrued utilities ; beg 6 24'(50
:tilities ; accrual basis 6 231'(50
16& # ; gi3en in ite! I 2
1(& 4 ; re1er to +uestion I 5 ?uestion
1)& #
4eginning in3entory 6 1'0)5'000
Purc<ases 6 5'5(5'500
Ending in3entory 6 -1'2(4'000.
5ost o1 0ales 6 5'3)6'500
1*& 5
0ince t<ere is a co!pre<ensi3e insurance policy 1or t<e da!age' only P500'000 $ill be c<arged as loss -3@ ;
Problem 11
Cou %ave been en,a,ed to e'amine t%e inancial statements o Mince Corporation or t%e
year ended "ecember !1, 2006. 0n t%e course o your e'amination, you %ave ascertained
t%e ollowin, inormation-
1. Mince uses t%e allowance met%od o accountin, or uncollectible trade accounts
receivable. 3%e allowance is based upon !2 o past due accounts 5over 120 days6 and
12 o current accounts as o t%e close o eac% mont%. "ue to t%e c%an,in, economic
conditions and climate, t%e amount o past due accounts %as increased si,niicantly, and

mana,ement %as decided to increase t%e percenta,e based on past due accounts to /2.
3%e ollowin, balances are available-
+s o
Nov. !0, 2006
+s o
"ec. !1, 2006
"ebit Credit "ebit Credit
+ccounts Receivable P !*0,000 : P 1!0,000 :
Past due accounts 5included
in +ccounts Receivable6
0 : !0,000 :
+llowance or uncol:
lectible accounts : P 28,000 *,000 :
2. 3%e merc%andise inventory on "ecember !1, 200/ did not include merc%andise
%avin, a cost o P&,000.00 w%ic% was stored in a public ware%ouse. =erc%andise %avin,
a cost o P!,000.00 was erroneously counted twice and included twice in t%e
merc%andise inventory on "ecember !1, 2006. Mince uses a periodic inventory system.
!. On .anuary 2, 2006, Mince %ad a new mac%ine delivered and installed in its new
actory. 3%e cost o t%is mac%ine was P*&,000.00 and t%e mac%ine is bein, depreciated
on a strai,%t:line met%od over an estimated useul lie o 10 years. (%en t%e new
mac%ine was installed, Mince paid or t%e ollowin, items w%ic% were not included in t%e
cost o t%e mac%ine, but were c%ar,ed to repairs and maintenance-
"elivery >'pense : P 2,/00.00
0nstallation Costs : 8,000.00
Rearran,ement o related >4uipment : 1,000.00
1. On =ay !, 2006, Mince e'c%an,ed /00 s%ares o treasury stoc7 5P/0.00 par value
common stoc76 or a parcel o land to be used as a site or a new actory. 3%e treasury
stoc7 %ad a cost P&0.00 per s%are w%en it was ac4uired and on =ay 0!, 2006, it %ad a
air value o P80.00 per s%are. Mince received P2,000.00 w%en an e'istin, buildin, on
t%e land was sold or scrap. 3%e land was capitali9ed at P10,0000.00 and Mince recorded
a ,ain o P/,000.00 on t%e sale o its treasury stoc7.
Cou ound t%e ollowin, $ournal entries in t%e boo7s-
Fand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P 10,000.00
3reasury stoc7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P !/,000.00
Dain on 8ale o treasury stoc7 . . . . . /,000.00

Cas% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P 2,000.00
=iscellaneous 0ncome . . . . . . . . . . P 2,000.00
/. On .anuary 02, 2006, Mince Corporation establis%ed a noncontributory deined
beneit plan coverin, all employees and contributed P 1,000,000.00 to t%e plan and
c%ar,ed t%is amount to t%e Hpension e'penseI. +t "ecember !1, 2006, Mince
determined t%at t%e 2006 current service and interest costs on t%e plan amount to P
620,000,00. 3%e e'pected and actual rate o return on plan assets or 2006 was 102.
1. 3%e allowance or uncollectible accounts to be reported on t%e Aalance 8%eet is-
a. P 11,/00.00 b. P *,000.00 c. P /,/00.00 d. P 1,000.00

2. "oubtul account e'pense at "ecember !1, 2006 is-
a. P 11,/00.00 b. P *,000.00 c. P /,/00.00 d. P 1,000.00
!. 2006 merc%andise inventory is-
a. <nderstated by P 10,000.00 c. Overstated by P !,000.00
b. <nderstated by P 1,000.00 d. Overstated by P 1,000.00
1. 0 no proper correctin, entries were made at "ecember !1, 200/, by %ow muc% will
200/ net income beore income ta'es be overstated or understated)
a. <nderstated by P&,000.00 c. Overstated by P &,000.00
b. <nderstated by P1,000.00 d. Overstated by P 1,000.00
/. =ac%inery and e4uipment account s%ould be reported in t%e balance s%eet 5net o
accumulated depreciation6 at "ecember !1, 2006-
a. P 100,!/0.00 b. P 110,0/0.00 c. P 111,/00.00 d. P 101,800.00
6. Fand account s%ould be reported in t%e balance s%eet at "ecember !1, 2006-
a. P !/,000.00 b. P !!,000.00 c. P 10,000.00 d. P !8,000.00
&. (%at s%ould be reported at "ecember !1, 2006 as prepaid pension cost)
a. P 620,000.00 b. P /20,000.00 c. P 1,000,000.00 d. P 180,000.00
8. (%at amount s%ould be reported as pension e'pense in 2006)
a. P 620,000.00 b. P /20,000.00 c. P 1,000,000.00 d. P 180,000.00
*. @ow muc% ,ain s%ould be reported on item no. 1)
a. P /,000.00 b. P 1/,000.00 c. P 10,000.00 d. P 0
10. 0 no proper correctin, entries were made at "ecember !1, 2006, by %ow muc% will
2006 net income beore income ta'es be overstated or understated)
a. <nderstated by P 1*!,1/0.00 c. Overstated by P /!*,0/0.00
b. <nderstated by P /!1,0/0.00 d. Overstated by P 1*8,1/0.00
-1. ,oubt1ul #ccount Expense 14'500&00
#llo$ance 1or ,/# 14'500&00
Re?uired allo$ance as o1 12&31&2006
6on past due accounts -5J x P30'000&00. P 1'500&00
6on current accounts -1J x P400'000&00. 4'000&00
=otal P 5'500&00
:nadusted KdebitL balance o1 #llo$ance 1or ,/# *'000&00
#dditional Pro3ision -expense. P14'500&00
-2. a& @erc<andise In3entory' 01&01&2006 ('000&00
Retained Earnings ('000&00
-to correct understate!ent o1 in3entory at end o1 2005.
b& 5ost o1 0ales 3'000&00
@erc<andise In3entory' 12&31&2006 3'000&00
-to correct o3erstate!ent ending in3entory 1or 2006.
-3. a& @ac<inery 14'500&00
Repairs and @aintenance 14'500&00
-to reclassi1y deli3ery and installation costs.
b& ,epreciation Expense 1'450&00
#ccu!ulated ,epreciation 1'450&00
-to pro3ide 1or depreciation 1or ite!s not capitaliAed.
-4. @iscellaneous Inco!e 2'000&00
8ain on 0ale o1 =reasury 0tocB 5'000&00
2and 2'000&00
#PI56=/0 5'000&00

-to correct clientCs entry on t<e purc<ase o1 land.
-5. Prepaid Pension 5ost 4)0'000&00
Pension Expense 4)0'000&00
-to correct clientCs entry in t<e treat!ent o1 prepaid pension cost.
5urrent 0er3ice and interest cost P 620'000&00
Expected return on Plan #sset
-P 1'000'000&00 x 10J. - 100'000&00.9
Pension Expense P 520'000&00
Reported pension expense 1'000'000&00
Prepaid Pension 5ost P 4)0'000&00
1& 5 2& # 3& 5 4& # 5& # 6& , (& , )& 4 *& , 10& ,
Problem 12
Ron:Ron 8tora,e underwent a restructurin, in 2006. 3%e company conducted a t%orou,%
internal audit, durin, w%ic% t%e ollowin, acts were discovered. 3%e audit occurred durin,
2006 beore any ad$ustin, entries or closin, entries are prepared.
a. +dditional printers were ac4uired at t%e be,innin, o 2001 and added to t%e company#s
oice networ7. 3%e P*,000 cost o t%e printers was inadvertently recorded as
maintenance e'pense. 3%e printers %ave ive:year useul lives and no material salva,e
value. 3%is class o e4uipment is depreciated by t%e strai,%t:line met%od.
b. 3%ree wee7s prior to t%e audit, t%e company paid P/1,000 or stora,e bo'es and
recorded t%e e'penditure as oice supplies on %and. 3%e error was discovered a wee7
c. On "ecember !1, 200/, inventory was understated by P112,000 due to a mista7e in t%e
p%ysical inventory count. 3%e company uses t%e periodic inventory system.
d. 3%ree years earlier, t%e company recorded a !2 stoc7 dividend 51,000 common s%ares,
P16 as ollows-

Retained earnin,s 1,000
Common stoc7 1,000
3%e s%ares %ad a mar7et price at t%e time o P10 per s%are.
e. +t t%e end o 200/, t%e company ailed to accrue interest e'pense t%at accrued durin,
t%e last our mont%s o 200/ on bonds payable. 3%e bonds w%ic% were issued at ace
value mature in 2010. 3%e ollowin, entry was recorded on =arc% 1, 2006, w%en t%e
semi:annual interest was paid-
0nterest e'pense 180,000
Cas% 180,000
. + t%ree:year liability insurance policy was purc%ased at t%e be,innin, o 200/ or
P216,000. 3%e ull premium was debited to insurance e'pense at t%e time.
1. Net income o 2001 is-
a. Overstated by P*,000 c. Overstated by P&,200
b. <nderstated by P*,000 d. <nderstated by P&,200

2. Net income o 200/ is
a. <nderstated by P!&1,200 c. <nderstated by P8*,800
b. <nderstated by P1!1,200 d. Overstated by P81,800
!. Net income o 2006 is
a. Overstated by P6/,800 c. Overstated by P!0/,800
b. Overstated by P18/,800 d. <nderstated by P!8,200
1. +ccrued interest on Aonds Payable is
a. P 60,000 b. P 80,000 c. P 120,000 d. P 180,000
2004 2005 2006
# *'000
-1')00. -1')00. -1')00.
5 112'000 -112'000.
E -120'000. 120'000
7 999999999 144'000 -(2'000.
:nder/-F3er. ('200 134'200 1)5')00
1& , 2& 4 3& 4 4& 5
Problem 13
Cou been as7ed by a client to review t%e records o t%e Claire .oy Company, a small
manuacturer o precision tools and mac%ines. Cour client is interested in buyin, t%e
business, and arran,ements %ave been made or you to review t%e accountin, records.
Cour e'amination reveals t%e ollowin,-
a. Claire .oy Company commenced business on +pril 1, 200!, reportin, on a iscal year
endin, =arc% !1. 3%e company %as never been audited, but t%e annual statements
prepared by t%e boo77eeper relect t%e ollowin, income beore closin, and beore
deductin, income ta'es-
Cear >nded =arc% !1 0ncome Aeore 3a'es
b. + relatively small number o mac%ines %ave been s%ipped on consi,nment. 3%ese
transactions %ave been recorded as an ordinary sale and billed as suc%. On =arc% !1 o
eac% year, mac%ines billed and in t%e %ands o consi,nees amounted or-
8ales price was determined by addin, !02 to cost. Cou learned t%at t%e consi,ned
,oods were sold t%e ollowin, year.
c. On =arc% !0, 200/, two mac%ines were s%ipped to a customer on a C.O.". basis. 3%e
sale was not entered until +pril /, 200/ w%en cas% was received or P6,100. 3%e
mac%ines were not included in t%e inventory at =arc% !1, 200/. 53itle passed on =arc%
!0, 200/6.

d. +ll mac%ines are sold sub$ect to a ive:year warranty. 0t is estimated t%at t%e
e'pense ultimately to be in connection wit% t%e warranty will amount to P o 12 o
sales. 3%e company %as c%ar,ed an e'pense account or warranty costs incurred.
8ales per boo7s and warranty costs were-
Marranty o1 Expense 1or 0ales @ade in
Year Ended @arc< 310ales 2004 2005 2006 =otal
2001 P*10, 000 P&60 P&60
200/ 1, 010, 000 !60 P1, !10 1, 6&0
2006 1, &*/, 000 !20 1, 620 P1, *10 !, 8/0
e. 3%e ban7 deducts 62 on all contracts inanced. O t%is amount P2 is place in a
reserve to t%e credit o Claire .oy Company, w%ic% is reunded to Claire .oy as inance
contracts are paid in ull. 3%e reserve establis%ed by t%e ban7 %as not been relected in
t%e boo7s o Claire .oy. 3%e e'cess o credits over debits 5net increase6 to t%e reserve
account wit% Claire .oy, on t%e boo7s o t%e ban7 or eac% iscal year were as ollows-
P 11, 000
. + delivery e4uipment wit% a 10:year lie 5no residual value, strai,%t:line depreciation6
was purc%ased on +pril 1, 200/ by issuin, a P 600,000 non: interest: bearin,, 1 year
note. 3%e entry made to record t%e purc%ase was a debit to "elivery >4uipment and a
credit to Notes payable or P 600,000G a 102 is a air rate o interest on t%e note. 3%e
accountant ailed to provide or depreciation or t%e year on t%is e4uipment.
,. ;or t%e last t%ree 5!6 years, t%e company %as ailed to accrue salaries and wa,es. 3%e
correct amounts at t%e end o eac% iscal year were-
2001OOOOOOOOOOOOO. P 12, 000
200/OOOOOOOOOOOOO. 18, 000
2006OOOOOOOOOOOOO. 10, 000
+nswer t%e ollowin, 4uestions based on t%e audit indin,s. 0,nore income ta' implications.
1. 3%e ad$ustin, entry to set up t%e estimated Fiability under (arranties is
a. (arranty e'pense /,111
Retained earnin,s &,006
>stimated liability under warranties 12,11&
b. Retained earnin,s /,111
(arranty e'pense &,006
>stimated liability under warranties 12,11&
c. (arranty e'pense 12,11&
>stimated liability under warranties 12,11&
d. Retained earnin,s 12,11&
>stimated liability under warranties 12,11&
2. 3%e total receivable rom t%e ban7 representin, dealers und reserve as o
=arc% !1, 2006 is-
a. P /,100 b. P 6,*00 c. P 12,000 d. P 11,000
!. 8ales in 2001 were 5over6 understated by
a. P 6,/00 b. P 56,/006 c. P &,800 d. P 5&,8006

1. 8ales in 2006 were 5over6 understated by-
a. P 6,/00 b. P 56,1006 c. P 5/,/*06 d. P 511,6*06
/. 3%e accrued 8alaries Payable t%at s%ould be set up on =arc% !1, 2006 is-
a. P 18,000 b. P 28,000 c. P 10,000 d. P 10,000
6. 3%e audited balance o "iscount on Note Payable as o =arc% !1, 2006 is-
a. P 0 b. P 102, 1/2 c. P 11*, 211 d. P 1*0, 1*2

&. "epreciation >'pense or iscal year 2006 t%at s%ould be provided on t%e
e4uipment purc%ased on +pril 1, 200/ is
a. P 1!,660 b. P 10,*81 c. P 60,000 d. P 66,000
#dusting entry%
b& 0ales 5'5*0
#ccounts recei3able 5'5*0
In3entory 4'300
5ost o1 sales 4'300
c& 0ales 6'100
Retained earnings 6 beg 6'100
d& Marranty expense 12'41(
Esti!ated $arranty payable 12'41(
2004 *40'000 ; (')00 E *32'200
2005 1'010'000 G 6'100 ; (')00 E 1'023'*00
2006 1'(*5'000 ; 5'5*0 ; 6'100 E 1'()3'310
#dusted balance E 3'(3*'410
N O o1 1J E &005
=otal Marranty expense E 1)'6*(
2ess% Marranty paid E 6'2)0
Esti!ated $arranty liability E 12'41(
e& 7und reser3e 1ro! t<e banB 14'000
Ft<er inco!e 14'000
1& FE% ,eli3ery e?uip!ent 600'000
"otes payable 600'000
5E% ,eli3ery e?uip!ent 40*')0)
,iscount on "P 1*0'1*2
"otes payable 600'000
#d% ,iscount on "P 1*0'1*2
,eli3ery e?uip!ent 1*0'1*2
#d% Interest expense 40'*)1
,iscount on "P 40'*)1
P40*')0) x 10J E P 40'*)1
g& Retained earnings 1)'000
0alaries 1)'000
0alaries 10'000
#ccrued salaries 10'000
1& 5 2& , 3& , 4& , 5& 5 6& 5 (& 4
Problem 14
Cou are auditin, t%e accounts o Leit% Qandro =erc%andisin, Corporation or t%e year ended
"ecember !1, 2006. Cou discover t%at t%e ad$ustments made in t%e previous audit or t%e
year 200/ were not entered in t%e accounts by Leit% Qandro#s boo77eeperG t%ereore, t%e
accounts are not in a,reement wit% t%e audited amounts as o "ecember !1, 200/. 3%e
ollowin, ad$ustments were included in t%e 200/ audit report-

a. 0nvoices or merc%andise purc%ased on credit in "ecember 200/ were not
entered on t%e boo7s until payment o P12,000 was made in .anuary 2006. 3%e
merc%andise was not included in t%e "ecember !1, 200/ inventory. 3%e company uses a
periodic inventory system.
b. 0nvoices or merc%andise received on credit in "ecember 200/ were not recorded
in t%e accounts until payment was made in .anuary 2006G t%e ,oods were included in
t%e 200/ endin, inventory, P18,000.
c. +llowance or doubtul accounts or 200/ was understated by P2,000 because bad
debts e'pense in 200/ was not recorded.
d. 8ellin, e'pense or 200/, P/,000, was not recorded in t%e accounts until paid in
e. +ccrued wa,es o P1,000 at "ecember !1, 200/, were not recorded in t%e
accounts until paid in .anuary 2006.
. Prepaid insurance at "ecember !1, 200/ was understated by P600 because t%is
amount was included in 200/ e'pense. 3%e insurance policy e'pires on "ecember !1,
,. 0ncome ta' e'pense o P2,100 or t%e last part o t%e year ended "ecember !1,
200/, was not recorded until paid in .anuary 2006.
%. "epreciation o P*,000 was not recorded or 200/.
Aased on t%e inormation ,iven, answer t%e ollowin,-
1. Net income o 200/ is overstated by
a. P 10,100 b. P !*,800 c. P !8,100 d. P 2*,100
2. Net income o 2006 is understated by
a. P 10,800 b. P !*,800 c. P 28,800 d. P 2&,800
!. Operatin, e'penses o 200/ is understated by
a. P 21,800 b. P 21,800 c. P 20,600 d. P 1*,100
1. Operatin, e'pense o 2006 is overstated by
a. P 21,800 b. P 10,800 c. P *,000 d. P 8,100
/. Cost o sales o 2006 is
a. Overstated by P18,000 c. <nderstated by P6,000
b. <nderstated by P18,000 d. Not aected wit% error
2005 2006
#& F!ission o1 purc<ases -12'000. 12'000
F!ission o1 in3entory 12'000 -12'000.
4& F!ission o1 purc<ases -1)'000. 1)'000
5& -2'000.
, -5'000. 5'000
E -4'000. 4'000

7 600 -600.
8 -2'400. 2'400
D -*'000. 9999999
-3*')00. 2)')00
2005 2006

5& -2'000.
, -5'000. 5'000
E -4'000. 4'000
7 600 -600.
D -*'000. 9999999
-1*'400. )'400
1& 4 2& 5 3& , 4& , 5& #
Pro0blem 15
3uburan Company was or,ani9ed durin, 2002 by t%ree tec%nical e'perts to assemble 5parts
to be purc%ased rom suppliers6 and mar7et an electronic device t%at t%ey %ad previously
patented. No products were sold durin, 2002G %owever, 200! and 2001 produced si,niicant
sales, but modest proits. "urin, 200!, t%e company %ired boo77eeper w%o, alt%ou,% very
industrious, %ad very little 7nowled,e o accountin,. Reali9in, t%is competency problem, t%e
company is considerin, en,a,in, an outside independent CP+ to as t%ey said Hstrai,%ten
t%in,s out and ma7e recommendations.I +mon, numerous ot%er accountin, problems,
ad$ustin, entries %ave never been made. 3%e boo77eeper stated t%at Ht%e transactions are
recorded in t%e ri,%t way w%en t%ey occur.I
3%e ollowin, 200/ transactions, and t%e way in w%ic% t%e boo77eeper recorded or
e'plained t%em, are bein, discussed-
a. 0nventory J endin, 2001, P!0,000G endin, 200/, P1&,000 5by inventory count6.
0nventory o parts 1&,000
Purc%ases 1&,000
b. "epreciation J e4uipment 5purc%ased at t%e be,innin, o 20016 cost, P80,000G
estimated useul lie, 10 yearsG manuacturer#s recommended value at end o / years,
"epreciation e'pense &,000
>4uipment &,000
c. <npaid wa,es at year:end 2001, P!,000G 200/, P11,000.
Record w%en paid, because t%at is w%en t%e wa,es re4uires t%e payment o resources
and Hit all events out anyway.I
d. Note payable, P60,000, ive:year, 1/2, interest payable eac% October !1G si,ned
November 1, 2001.
0nterest e'pense *,000
Cas% *,000
4ecause t<is is t<e correct a!ount o1 interest eac< year

e. Contract to deliver si' electronic devices, si,ned October 1/, 200/, pendin,
assembly, P1/,000.
"ue rom customers 1/,000
8ales 1/,000
. Property ta'es or 200/, billed in November 200/, payable wit%out penalty up to
;ebruary 1/, 2001, P*,000. Paid on ;ebruary 11, 2006.
;ebruary 11, 2006-
Property ta'es *,000
Cas% *,000
,. +dvertisin, costs or "ecember 200/, C%ristmas season, P1&,000. Paid, wit%in t%e
!0:day credit period, on .anuary 26, 2006.
.anuary 26, 2006-
+dvertisin, 1&,000
Cas% 1&,000
Aased on t%e inormation ,iven, answer t%e ollowin,-
1. 0nterest e'pense o t%e P60,000 note at "ecember !1, 200/ is
a. P 10,/00 b. P *,000 c. P &,/00 d. P 1,/00
2. 0nterest payable at "ecember !1, 200/ is
a. P *,000 b. P &,/00 c. P 1,/00 d. P &/0
!. 0nventory at "ecember !1, 200/ is
a. P 61,000 c. P !0,000
b. P 1&,000 d. Cannot be determined
1. (a,es e'pense at "ecember !1, 200/ is
a. <nderstated by P 11,000 c. <nderstated by P 8,000
b. <nderstated by P 11,000 d. Correctly stated
/. +ccrued e'penses at "ecember !1, 200/ is understated by
a. P !8,/00 b. P 12,/00 c. P 11,&/0 d. P 11,000
1& 4
P 60'000 x 15J E P *'000
2& 5
P 60'000 x 15J x 2/12 E P 1'500
3& 4 8i3en in ite! #
4& 5
Retained earnings 3'000
Mages expense 3'000
Mages expense 11'000
Mages payable 11'000
5& #
Interest payable 1'500
Mages payable 11'000
Property taxes *'000
#d3ertising 1('000
=otal 3)'500

Problem 16
Aran9uela Corporation reported t%e ollowin, amounts o net income or t%e years ended
"ecember !1, 200!, 2001 and 200/-
200! P12&,000
2001 1/0,000
200/ 128,/00
Cou are perormin, t%e audit or t%e year ended "ecember !1, 200/. "urin, your
e'amination, you discover t%e ollowin, errors-
a. +s a result o errors in t%e p%ysical count, endin, inventories were misstated as ollows-
"ecember !1, 2001 P11,000 understated
"ecember !1, 200/ P2!,000 overstated
b. On "ecember 2*, 200/, Aran9uela recorded as a purc%ase, merc%andise in transit,
w%ic% cost P1/,000. 3%e merc%andise was s%ipped ;OA "estination and %ad not arrived
by "ecember !1. 3%e merc%andise was not included in t%e endin, inventory.
c. Aran9uela records sales on t%e accrual basis but ailed to record sales on account made
near t%e end o eac% year as ollows
200! P1,000
2001 /,000
200/ !,/00
d. 3%e company ailed to record accrued oice salaries as ollows-
"ecember !1, 200! P10,000
"ecember !1, 2001 11,000

e. On =arc% 1, 2001, a 102 stoc7 dividend was declared and distributed. 3%e par value o
t%e s%ares amounted to P10,000 and mar7et value was P1!,000. t%e stoc7 dividend was
recorded as ollows-
=iscellaneous e'pense P1!,000
Common stoc7 10,000
Retained earnin,s !,000
. On .uly 1, 2001, Aran9uela ac4uired a t%ree:year insurance policy. 3%e t%ree:year
premium o P6,000 was paid on t%at date, and t%e entire premium was recorded as
insurance e'pense.

,. On .anuary 1, 200/, Aran9uela retired bonds wit% a boo7 value o P120,000 or
P106,000. 3%e ,ain was incorrectly deerred and is bein, amorti9ed 10 years as a
reduction o interest e'pense on ot%er outstandin, obli,ations.
1. (%at is t%e ad$usted net income or t%e year ended "ecember !1, 200!)
a. P1!!,000 b. P121,000 c. P11&,000 d. P11!,000

2. (%at is t%e ad$usted net income or t%e year ended "ecember !1, 2001)
a. P1/*,000 b. P160,000 b. P1&*,000 c. P18&,000

!. (%at is t%e ad$usted net income or t%e year ended "ecember !1, 200/)
a. P12*,600 b. P1!1,600 c. P1!*,600 d. P112,600
1. (%at ad$ustin, entry s%ould be made on "ecember !1, 200/ to correct t%e error
described in item A)
a. +ccounts payable 1/,000
Purc%ases 1/,000
b. Purc%ases 1/,000
+ccounts payable 1/,000
c. +ccounts payable 1/,000
Cas% 1/,000
d. +ccounts payable 1/,000
Retained earnin,s 1/,000

/. 3%e ad$ustin, entry on "ecember !1, 2001 to correct t%e error described in item >
s%ould include a debit to
a. Common stoc7 P10,000 c. +dditional paid in capital, P!,000
b. Retained earnin,s, P16,000 d. =iscellaneous e'penses, P!,000
2003 2004 2005
:nadusted "et Inco!e 12('000 150'000 12)'500
# 14'000 -14'000.
4 15'000
5 4'000 -4'000.
5'000 -5'000.
, -10'000. 10'000
-14'000. 14'000
E 13'000
7 5'000 -2'000.
8 14'000
99999999999 99999999999 -1'400.
#dusted "et Inco!e 121'000 1(*'000 12*'600
1& 4 2& # 3& , 4& # 5& 4

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