Java Mock Test

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[1] Which of the following is TRUE with respect to Dynamic Binding
Choice a Linking of a procedre call to the code to !e e"ected in
response to the call
Choice ! Code associated with a gi#en procedre is not know ntil time
of the call at rn time
Choice c $t is associated with inheritance and polymorphism
Choice d %ll of the options 1&'&(

)'] $n **+ the concept of representing essential featres withot inclding
the !ackgrond details is called as
Choice a Data ,iding
Choice ! Data %!straction
Choice c $nheritance
Choice d Dynamic Binding

)(] $n **+ approach programs are di#ided into
Choice a *!-ects
Choice ! .ethods
Choice c /nctions
Choice d +rocedres

)0] $n **+ process !y which o!-ects of one class ac1ire the properties of
o!-ects of another class is
Choice a $nheritance
Choice ! +olymorphism
Choice c Encapslation
Choice d %!straction

)2] Which of the following is 3*T Tre with respect to **+
Choice a Upgrading systems is difficlt
Choice ! .ltiple o!-ects co4e"ists withot any interference
Choice c 5ecre +rograms can !e !ilt
Choice d 5oftware de#elopment is made easy

)6] What are ser define data types and !eha#e like !ilt4in types of a
programming langage7
Choice a *!-ects
Choice ! .ethods
Choice c Templates
Choice d Classes

)8] $n **+ approach programs are di#ided into
Choice a *!-ects
Choice ! .ethods
Choice c /nctions
Choice d +rocedres

)9] What does message passing in#ol#e in **+
Choice a $t in#ol#es specifying name of the o!-ect
Choice ! $t in#ol#es name of the method
Choice c $t in#ol#es the information to !e sent
Choice d %ll of the options 1&'&(

):] $n **+& the concept of $nheritance pro#ides s with
Choice a $nslation
Choice ! Linking
Choice c Resa!ility
Choice d 5haring

)1;] $n **+& the concept of +olymorphism is
Choice a Resa!ility
Choice ! %!ility to take more than one form
Choice c 5haring of data
Choice d ,iding of data

)11] Dynamic !inding is associated with
Choice a +olymorphism
Choice ! $nheritance
Choice c Both *ption1 and *ption'
Choice d 3either *ption1 and *ption'
)1'] $n **+& the concept of wrapping data and methods into a single nit
called classes is known as
Choice a Data %!straction
Choice ! $nheritance
Choice c +olymorphism
Choice d Encapslation

)1(] **+ treats what as a critical element in program de#elopment and does
not allow it to flow freely arond the system7
Choice a +rocedres
Choice ! %ction
Choice c Data
Choice d .ethod

)10] $n **+ program o!-ects commnicate with each other throgh
Choice a Data
Choice ! .ethods
Choice c Classes
Choice d *!-ects

)12] $n **+& the concept of inslating data and from direct access !y the
program is known as
Choice a Data hiding
Choice ! $nheritance
Choice c +olymorphism
Choice d %!straction

)16] Which of the following is 3*T one of the programming techni1es7
Choice a 5trctred programming
Choice ! .odlar programming
Choice c Bottom4p programming
Choice d Destrctred programming

)18] Which of the following type of applications **+ can !e sefl for
Choice a Real4time 5ystems
Choice ! 5imlation and modelling
Choice c Decision 5pport and office atomation systems
Choice d %ll of the options 1&'&(

)19] What is ,ot<a#a=
Choice a $t is first program written in <a#a and is we! !rowser
Choice ! $t is applet to rn a !rowser
Choice c $t is network application to rn applets
Choice d $t is program that can edit applets

)1:] <5L ><a#a 5tandard Li!rary? is also known as
Choice a Collections
Choice ! Disassem!ler
Choice c %+$ >%pplication +rogramming $nterface?
Choice d Linker

)';] What is the fnction of <a#a Disassem!ler
Choice a .achine code can !e con#erted into compiled code
Choice ! Compiled code can !e con#erted into machine code
Choice c 5orce code can !e con#erted into compiled code
Choice d Compiled code can !e con#erted into sorce code

)'1] Which of the following featre of C@@ is 3*T spported !y <a#a and
is therefore implemented sing interfaces
Choice a 3ested Classes
Choice ! $nner Classes
Choice c +olymorphism
Choice d .ltiple $nheritance
)''] <a#a is Distri!ted4langage& What statement e"plain this featre
Choice a <a#a programs can !e easily mo#ed from one compter system
to another
Choice ! <a#a systems #erify memory access and #irs
Choice c <a#a can !e sed to create applications on the networks
Choice d $t pro#ides many safegards to ensre relia!le code

)'(] $dentify line nm!ers where errors occr in the following code
1 class sample
' A
( p!lic static #oid main>5tring)]& args)]?
0 A
2 5ystem7ot7println>B,elloC?D
6 E
8 ED

Choice a Lines (&8
Choice ! Line (
Choice c Line 8
Choice d Line 2

)'0] $dentify line nm!ers where errors occr in the following code
1 Class sample
' A
( p!lic static #oid main>string args)]?
0 A
2 int mF1;D
6 A
8 int mF';D
9 E
: E
1; E
Choice a Lines 1&(&8
Choice ! Line (&2&8
Choice c Line 2&8
Choice d Line (&2

)'2] $dentify line nm!ers where compile errors occr in the following code
1 class sample
' A
( p!lic static #oid display>?
0 A
2 !yte "F'1'D
6 float fF1;;71'D
8 5ystem7ot7println>GHale of fFG@f?D
9 5ystem7ot7println>GHale of "FG@"?D
: E
1; E
Choice a Lines 2&6&8&9
Choice ! Line 2&6
Choice c Line 8&9
Choice d Line 2&6

)'6] What is the reslt if the code of statements are e"ected
int reslt F >'I>249?I>242?@1;?I'D
Choice a 9
Choice ! ';
Choice c 10
Choice d ;
)'8] Which of the following is 3*T one of the we! !rowsers
Choice a Cold-a#a
Choice ! 3etscape 3a#igator
Choice c $nternet E"plorer
Choice d ,ot-a#a

)'9] What will !e the otpt of the following code segment
int m F 1;;D
int n F1;(D
Choice a 1;'
Choice ! 1;1
Choice c 1;(
Choice d 1;;

)':] What will !e the otpt of the following code& if e"ected with
command line argments as follows
-a#a cmdline <a#a is wonderfl
class cmdline
p!lic static #oid main>5tring args)]?
for>int iF1DiJargs7lengthDi@@?
5ystem7ot7print>B B?D
Choice a <a#a
Choice ! <a#a is
Choice c is wonderfl
Choice d cmdline <a#a is wonderfl

)(;] What will !e the otpt of the following code& if e"ected with
command line argments as follows
-a#a cmdline <a#a is wonderfl
class cmdline
p!lic static #oid main>5tring args)]?
5ystem7ot7println>B3m!er of argments L B@args7length?D
for>int iF;DiJargs7lengthDi@@?
5ystem7ot7print>args)i]@C B?D
Choice a 3m!er of argments L 0
<a#a is wonderfl
Choice ! 0
cmdline <a#a is wonderfl
Choice c 3m!er of argments L (
<a#a is wonderfl
Choice d cmdline <a#a is wonderfl

)EMTR% NUE5T$*3]
1? What is the otpt of the following program code
class check
p!lic static #oid main>5tring args)]?
!oolean !FtreD
if>K!? retrnD
Choice a Tre
Choice ! /alse
Choice c /alse Tre
Choice d Error

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