Institutional Alliance Program New Horizons
Institutional Alliance Program New Horizons
Institutional Alliance Program New Horizons
Presented to
Kanpur Institute of Technology
Rooma, Kanpur.
Mobile : 9580522608
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Dear Sir,
This is to express our desire to partner with your esteemed institute to provide to your students a complete
placement oriented training solution on IT and Non – IT skills. Please find enclosed an approach paper
elaborating our methodology, content and offerings.
The approach paper has been created keeping in mind the typical requirements and execution peculiarities
that a college would have.
New Horizons started its operation in the year 1982 and since then it has steadily grown to a stature
whereby we impart more than 3 million days of training worldwide through a variety of flexible training
New Horizons – the World’s No 1 in Training, distinguishes itself from other training organizations in that
we not only bring with us highly skilled trainers on almost all IT and Personality Transformation skills but
we also help students in providing placement opportunities thru New Horizons Placement Cell..
We would also like to highlight here that we have been successfully conducting similar projects
in various Engineering Colleges PAN India.
It is our sincere desire to partner with your college and we look forward to a long and mutually beneficial
Please get in touch with us at the below mentioned contacts for a detailed interaction on customization and
further details.
Sharad Tripathi
Placements & Recruitments
New Horizons India Limited
Kanpur – 208006
Tel : 0512 – 3271123/24
Mob : 91 - 9580522608
Encl : Introduction and Teaching Methodology.
Rationale on Partnership.
The Offerings under the Academy Partnership Program.
Partial List of courses.
Our Prestigious Tie-Ups
We take immense pleasure in introducing ourselves to you as New Horizons India Limited (NHIL), a joint
venture between New Horizons Worldwide Inc., USA & Shriram Group of India.
New Horizons started its operation in the year 1982 and has steadily grown to become the world’s
largest provider of Information Technology Training. New Horizons continues to consolidate its
industry leadership position by developing the processes for delivering quality training for the
largest Technology Training segments both in the area of Desktop Applications and Technical Training.
New Horizons is the world’s largest IT Education and Training Company with revenue of USD 512
Million. Today, New Horizons is established in more than 65 Countries with 450 Education Centers
offering IT Training on diverse Technology Areas. With 6000 classrooms and an employee base of
12000 across the network, New Horizons offers Training Solutions to meet the increasing demand of large
skilled workforce. With more than 2000 technical classes, New Horizons offers one of the most
comprehensive IT training programs available. New Horizons has the largest network of Microsoft
Certified Technical Education Centers (CTEC) and ProSoft Certified Internet Webmaster
Authorized Training Partners (CIW ATP).
New Horizons has been ranked as one of FORTUNE magazine’s “100 Fastest-Growing Companies” in
America (Sept. 2000) and one of Forbes magazine’s “200 Best Small Companies in America”
(Oct. 2000), and Business Week magazine’s “100 Hot Growth Companies” (June 2001). The Company
is both an Operator and Franchiser of Computer Training Centers that offer top-quality computer
training in multiple delivery methods and formats.
New Horizons brings to India unique Integrated Learning approach that blends classroom instructions
with e-learning to deliver customized IT Training Solutions for the Enterprise Customers. The Integrated
Learning Solutions allow the learner to choose the most convenient learning method whether in a
traditional classroom or over the net by maintaining content parity.
Training Methodology
The training will be imparted using the New Horizons Integrated Learning Approach. This is a
comprehensive approach to training that guides each learner through all stages of the learning lifecycle. It
consists of five components – Assess, Learn, Reinforce, Support and Validate – and combines our
services to create the most effective learning experience available in the industry.
ASSESS : Under this component of Integrated Learning, personal consultation and assessment tests
identify the precise needs for which we offer the most efficient training strategy to help meet
organizational goals and ensure an appropriate Return on Investment (RoI). Personal
consultation and assessment tests determine the current competencies and skill level to
identify the best training path for the learners.
LEARN : The training would be provided by experienced and qualified faculty members who are
further certified by New Horizons. Most of our faculty members are BCA, MCA or Engineers.
Some of them are either Vendor certified or are in the process of getting the certification
from the Vendors. This combination of profile makes our faculty members one of the
best available in the Industry.
The course material, which will be given to participants, is developed by New Horizons, USA.
REINFORCE: For the fist time in India, New Horizons brings in, a unique concept of reinforcement of the
concepts learnt in the class to the learners for a period of six months post training.
SUPPORT: All the learners for a period of six months – post training will have an
access to10/5 help desk on which either through a phone call or through an email they
can get a response to any of their technical queries within scope of the training attended
by them. If the college desires, we can also provide Mentor services for a limited time in
which our technical resource can be positioned in the premises of the organization and
facilitate the learners to apply the concepts learnt by them.
VALIDATE: Under this component college management can identify the learning that
has occurred, the areas still to be mastered, and the value of the skills and knowledge
acquired. Through course evaluations, certification exams, post class assessments and
surveys, college management can know they are achieving their desired learning goals.
Certification exams, course evaluation and post-class assessments and surveys award
global recognition to participants, ensuring that students have achieved learning goals.
Rationale on Partnership
If there is any sector that requires constant up gradation of one’s knowledge and skills at a frantic pace, it
is the IT industry. New Technologies emerge and become obsolete at the same pace. To stay ahead in this
field one needs to keep up with access to these technologies.
To keep up with the pent up need of skilled professionals not only is it imperative that the students
graduating from their respective streams need to be abreast with the latest skill sets, but also should
possess the necessary soft skills to get selected in an interview. The uniqueness in our offering is that
we at New Horizons are committed towards not only building the skill sets of the participants on
technology but also to prepare the students on Interview Preparation and other Personality
Transformation Traits.
The Institutional Alliance is a unique program where NEW HORIZONS the World’s No1 in IT Training wishes
to join forces with colleges and help improve the skill sets of the students and then subsequently place
The Offerings
Training On Value Added program on IT Skills/Soft Skills
Under this model New Horizons would be committed to train all the students of the colleges on IT Skills and
Soft Skills on an attractive price point. The training would be imparted on modules as mutually agreed
upon. The same can be a part of the regular offerings in the IT Stream of the college or as part of the Value
Added Programs that the college may wish to conduct. We would bring with us the latest technologies that
the college students would benefit from in getting better placements.
The soft skills would enhance the skill sets required by students to confidently appear in an interview and
express effectively. We would focus on communication and confidence building for students and also
expose them on frequent mock interviews, conducted in a formal environment. Post interview feedbacks
would be given to each student thus enabling them to understand areas of improvement.
We would bring with us a team of key trainers and subject matter experts who would deliver sessions as
per session plans mutually decided upon. The key Deliverables from our side under his model of
partnership would be as follows:
a) Consultancy on modules/courses to be offered to the students.
New Horizons would expect from the college co-ordination for session plans, schedules, and infrastructure
as per requirement. New Horizons would be committed to launch an association under this model in a
maximum of three weeks post confirmation.
• On-going Research & Development for latest Computer courses & Courseware
• Systems and Processes for the quality Education delivery
• Technical support through regular visits to Centre
• Design Examinations to grade students
• Provide Space for the Education Centre if the course is conducted at college premises.
Module 1 : What is Object Oriented Programming?
Class and Object
Module 2 : Characteristic of OOPs (Data Aggregation, Abstract Data Type, Encapsulation, Inheritance,
Polymorphism (function overloading, function overriding)).
Phases of OOPs.
Module 3 : .Net Framework Introduction (Importance or benefits of .Net Framework, Layer of .net, Reason
of Platform Independent, Languages Supported in .Net)
Module 4 : Parts of .Net Framework (User & Program Interface, .Net Base Class Library, CLR (Common
Language Runtime))
Module 5 : Introduction of Visual Studio 2005 Integrated Development Environment (Menus & Toolbars,
Solution Explorer, Property Box, Toolbox, Design Window, Code Window, Debugging Window)
Classes, function and properties examples, Constructor and destructor
Module 6 : Examples of Windows Common Control (Label, Textbox, checkbox, radio buttons, timer,
datetimepicker, link label, error provider, all dialog boxes (open, save, save as, font), list box,
combo box, group box, picture box, progress bar, rich text format, menu bar, status strip, tab
control, list view, data grid, context menu etc.)
Module 7 : Creating MDI Applications, Event & Delegate, Error Handling and debugging of Application,
File Stream Class
Module 8 : Introduction of SQL Server 2005 (SQL Queries)
Module 9 : Introduction of ADO.Net
Dataset Providers, Connection Classes, Adapter Classes, Command Classes
Insertion, Deletion, Update, Search, Sort
Module 10 : Rollback Transactions, Remoting Technique
Module 11 : Business Utility (Crystal Report)
Mentioned H Q: USA, The Industrial training project Certificate from New
Project Certificate
Horizons India Ltd.
Fee As per discussion
Career Programs
Modular Programs
Suggestive List of Soft Skills Courses
Active Leadership
Bottom line Innovation
Building Strategic Partnerships
Continuous Improvement
Presentation Skills
Report and Proposal Writing
Sales Professionals
Service E.D.G.E
Team Development
Advanced Interpersonal Communication
Personality Development
Group Discussion
Resume Building
Interview Handling
Time Management
Stress Management
Conflict Management
Active Leadership
Quality Management
Change Management
Voice & Accent Neutralization
Help Desk Analyst (Specific to BPO)
Help Desk Bootcamp (Specific to BPO)
Help Desk Manager (Specific to BPO)
Call Centre Management.
Business Accounting (For MBA students)
Business Ethics (For MBA Students)
Correcting Performance Problems
Cross Cultural Business Communication
Risk Management
Transition Training – Moving from Technical Professional to Manager
Organizational Behavior
Strategic Decision Making
Empanelled with Ministry of External Affairs under their ITEC / SCAAP Program for
training of the foreign nationals.
Empanelled with Ministry of Finance under their TCS Colombo Plan for training the
foreign nationals in IT.
Empanelled with Indian Army for conducting Study Leave Programs for Army Officers.
Empanelled with Indian Navy for conducting the IT Training programs for Naval
Indian Navy
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Finance
UCO Bank
Life Insurance Corporation
Bank Of America
US Embassy
NDC Telecommunications
Sahara Software
ST Microelectronics
Thomson Press
Motherson Sumi
Bharti BT
Times Of India
Our Prestigious Tie-ups
Following points have been agreed and discussed upon between New
Horizons India Ltd & Ludhiana Institute Of Management &
Technology :-
NH will conduct Pre-Placement Workshops to prepare them for the
interviews and after successful completion of course from NH, they will
get Placement Assistance thru New Horizons Placement Cell.