Ligao City, Albay: The Text2Teach City That Loves To Learn

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Ligao City, Albay:

The Text2Teach City that Loves to Learn

For a minute, Ligao City in the Province of Albay, will get you fooled. It does not look like a
metropolis as one would assume a city to be, what with its hectares of coconut trees and spread
across picturesque fields dotted with humbly-built houses. Even the city center seems more like a
small town with one fast food chain and a local mall that looks more like a community arcade. No
high rises here. Yet, Ligao has gained cityhood status since March 2001, after a plebiscite where
1,387 no votes could not compete with 17,753 yeses, and this has served its population of 105,000

Local Government Vision

Ligao Citys former Mayor Linda Gonzales, after ensuring farm to market roads for the
predominantly agricultural territory in her first terms, focused on providing quality education for all
in her last. Her administration spearheaded the I Love to Learn Program which aimed at facilitating
the delivery of quality education in all schools by providing necessary infrastructure, equipment,
complementary teacher training, and a daily supplementary feeding program for all pupils, which
everyone likes to talk about, beaming. The cityhood also meant that the Department of Education
had to set up a division for Ligao alone and that provided for a separate budget, its own plantilla
staff, and more autonomy.

These conditions made it ripe for significant improvements to happen in the city in terms of
education. In 2010, the City of Ligao, Department of Education (DepEd) Division of Ligao City and
Ayala Foundation, Inc. (AFI), along with other partners, entered into agreement to implement the
Text2Teach program. This started out of informal talks between Mayor Gonzales, an AFI officer
implementing the Gearing Up Internet Literacy and Access for Students (GILAS) Program in Ligao,
and the DepEds ICT Coordinator. GILAS had been providing internet laboratories to public high
schools in Ligao and in the country and Mayor Gonzales wanted to extend ICT-assisted education to
primary education. As counterpart, the City of Ligao provided Php 738,000 to the program which
covered teacher training and the 29-inch TV sets that connected to the Nokia mobile phones
containing the Nokia Education Delivery (NED) materials.

Initially, teachers from 24 schools were trained in the Text2Teach program. After conducting
preliminary monitoring and evaluation, the city went on to train teachers from the remaining 25
schools. As early as 2012, 100% of the elementary schools in Ligao City were already implementing
Text2Teach, an achievement then unparalleled by any city or municipality.

Moreover, Ligao City is the only Text2Teach site wherein the LGU allocates funds annually for
upgrades, maintenance, complementary projects, and other enhancements for the Text2Teach

DepEd Direction

It is one thing to get the program off the ground and it is quite another to get it going. In Ligao, while
the former Mayor was instrumental in spearheading Text2Teach, DepEd helped make sure that
Text2Teach was maximized and used well in the schools, as part of their mandate and commitment
to the program.

According to Division Superintendent Evangeline Palencia, Text2Teach is aligned with the national
learning strategy which is why they had no doubts about pushing it in their locality. The Basic
Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA), and the ICT4D and Literacy thrusts of National DepEd
provide the legal basis for Text2Teach. These assure the Division DepEd that they are moving in the
right direction by implementing the program.

Since its first implementation in Ligao, Text2Teach has been part of the action plans presented by
the Division Superintendent at the State of the Schools Address done at the end of the school year.
This is the venue wherein the Division Superintendent presents accomplishments of the division to
school heads and the action plans for the next year. She cascades memos annually to the school
heads to institutionalize the implementation of Text2Teach. Staff meetings are conducted regularly
in the division office, and there updates on Text2Teach are presented. Furthermore, all school heads
are required to attend the regular Management Committee, cluster, division, and curriculum
meetings where they discuss about various education issues and projects, including Text2Teach.

If Palencia provides the overall direction of Text2Teach in the division, the ICT Coordinator, Joy
Navera is the go-to-person, liaising among the Superintendent, the schools, and Ayala Foundation,
regarding all Text2Teach concerns. For her part, Navera conducted two focus group discussions with
the Text2Teach teachers which surfaced concerns on sharing of Text2Teach phone and scheduling of
classes, among other implementation concerns. These FGDs were convened after each Text2Teach
training, where teachers would express questions about using the technology. Navera also created a
monitoring tool for DepEd schools in the city which checked on equipment, video content, and other
concerns. According to school heads and teachers, aside from Naveras monitoring visits, they
appreciate that how she makes herself available for any concerns and questions that they may have.

Noteworthy is how Navera took the helm, along with the first batch of Text2Teach teachers, to train
the second batch of teachers on the program. Navera has also been asked by Ayala Foundation
numerous times, to speak during its events and to comment on the video materials as they were
being refined.

Aside from the BESRA and the ICT4D and Literacy thrusts of the DepEd, Text2Teach is also connected
to its School Based Management (SBM) program. The SBM is a framework of governance adopted by
DepEd in 2001 which decentralizes authority and resources to the school level with the assumption
that school heads, teachers, community leaders, and parents are more attuned to the needs and
possible responses of pupils in their locality. They are mandated to decide on education-related
issues such as budget, personnel, and the curriculum.

In Ligao City, with the promotion of the LGU and recommendation of the division, all schools opted
to institutionalize Text2Teach in their teaching and planning. Text2Teach is included in the School
Improvement Plans (SIP), School Development Plans (SDP) and also in the teachers class program.
Maricel Corcuera, Grade 6 teacher and Text2Teach coordinator in Palapas Elementary School, noted
that reception of teachers and students on Text2Teach was good because most students in Ligao
have already been exposed to technological advancements like TVs, phones, and laptops. Using
these gadgets during classes was a welcome change.

Whereas the division sets and supervises the implementation of Text2Teach, it is the schools that
run the show. School heads and teachers set up the computer rooms, raise funds to provide other
needs such as seats, tables, and TV stands to facilitate instruction. They decide on scheduling of
Text2Teach classes and when to use which NED material. Some Text2Teach schools take the liberty
to have their malfunctioning devices repaired or accessories replaced. For more complex problems
which cannot be solved locally, schools turn to the ICT Coordinator or the Text2Teach helpdesk.
These show the schools initiative as well as ownership of the project.

Multi-stakeholder Involvement

The school head and teachers commitment in using Text2Teach defines the implementation of the
project. Often, their diligence in involving other stakeholders spells the difference between mere
usage and successful institutionalization.

In Ligao City, the school heads normally engage the barangay (village) LGU especially in providing
added security (gates, fences, assigning a barangay tanod or a night watchman) to safeguard the
equipments of Text2Teach. Of the five schools represented in the interviews for this case study,
none had experienced any thefts so far. `

Certain amounts are allotted per year from the barangay LGU budget to fund the schools identified
needs such as gates, fences, pump wells, toilets, grills, repainting activities, trash bins, etc. Some
barangays, Tandarura, for example, go as far as shouldering electricity expenses of schools especially
since there had been recent electricity issues in far-flung communities.

According to the barangay captains interviewed, the barangays can also easily go to the Mayor for
help which they themselves cannot extend to the schools. Aside from the Barangay, the Parent-
Teachers Association (PTA) is very active in ensuring that school operations flow as smoothly as
possible. The PTA is especially very active during DepEds Brigada Eskuwela, a preparatory process
for all elementary schools before a school year starts. They also organize tree planting activities,
jamborees, sporting events, and participate daily in the citys feeding program. That the parents
meet regularly formally and informally is beneficial because this gives them the chance to talk about
students concerns including Text2Teach.

The school PTA collect dues from members which range from Php 50 to 150. The funds are used for
PTA projects which involve repairs and purchase of equipment, repairs of school facilities, and
repainting of classrooms. Some PTA also contribute to the electricity and water bills of the schools
and one schools PTA (Pandan Elementary School), pays for half the salary of the guard on duty. The
PTA and some student councils occasionally organize income-generating programs such as school
pageants and raffle draws to purchase equipment such as TVs, air conditioning for the computer
room, and other items. The LGU and schools can depend on the PTA for community counterparts,
including those needed for the sustainability of implementation of Text2Teach.

Teachers in Ligao West Central Elementary School (LWCES) Binatagan said, Parents are impressed
by Text2Teach so they are motivated to donate more. At first, they thought that the project is a
luxury. But it turned out okay. As long as it benefits the pupils, the PTA is willing to give.

Two schools have an alumni association that occasionally can be tapped for pet projects such as
installing pavements and hosting student contests. Some PTAs/schools solicit donation from
Ligaenos residing or working abroad.

All these activities successfully maintain collaborative environment and a system which make it easy
for Text2Teach to be implemented and for children to learn because equipments and classrooms are
maintained, security is provided, and teachers can concentrate on their lessons and on using
teaching aids such as Text2Teach to facilitate learning.

Interpersonal Relationships
In theory, it is easy to implement a program: craft a memorandum of agreement, allot a budget, and
make sure everyone does his or her job. In reality, ensuring that everyone does his or her job is
tricky. Ligao City is fortunate enough that the motivations, management style, and work ethic of the
stakeholders involve mesh well.

Good education for all Ligaenos, and enhancement of literacy through technology advancement
have been the personal advocacies of all key stakeholders. This was crucial to the success of
Text2Teach in Ligao. LGU and DepEd officials are forward-looking and progressive and believe in
harnessing technology to enhance teaching and learning in a non-conventional way. Education is
deemed very important because productivity and an elevated Ligao culture are tied to it.

The key players have an affinity to the place. Aside from Mayor Gonzales who was lauded as bringing
progressive projects to the city, ICT Coordinator Navera is also from Ligao and feels it is her duty to
do whatever she can in the development of the City and Bicol culture. Palencia is not from Ligao but
feels a strong sense of kinship with the people. She stresses to her staff that they should do all they
can to help their city prosper.

The stakeholders were candid enough to say that they had also personal pragmatic motivations for
being wholeheartedly involved with Text2Teach. For Palencia, having Text2Teach would definitely
help them increase the NAT ranking of the whole division and she would happy if this would be her
legacy. Navera also said she had learned a lot and enjoyed a bigger sphere of influence while being
assigned to Text2Teach. In an interview, she said, I would be lying if I did not think that being active
in Text2Teach would promote my professional growth. But at the end of the day, if youre a teacher,
youre a teacher. You gain a sense of fulfilment if you see that learning is translated in others, and
youre happy with that.

Navera said that it is connecting the dots and reading between the lines which is needed to make
the program work. Stakeholders saw Text2Teach as a means to bigger ends: quality education for
children in Ligao; and personal ends: competence-building, professional leverage, personal

Mayor Gonzales was steadfast in her vision of educating the whole city not disregarding the primary
level. She used her networking abilities to bring development partners in the city and maintained
good relations with them by prioritizing their projects in terms of allocating resources and being
active in various promotion activities. She was also hands-on in making sure that things went
smoothly. In fact, Barangay Captains and school heads who were interviewed for this case study
related how the Mayor would usually informally check on them whether there were any problems
regarding Text2Teach and would then order the necessary adjustments.

Coincidentally, Navera was also very close to Mayor Gonzales because both are members of the
Womens League. They talk and agree on matters informally; letters are only drafted as formality
measures. This expedites decision-making and ensures that kinks about the project are smoothened

Palencia, the DepEd Superintendent is very supportive of Navera and inclusive of other supervisors.
She promotes generalization, not specialization, meaning, everybody should know about
Text2Teach and include it in their monitoring activities. Her staff appreciates that she is not a micro-
manager and allows them to own the program and be creative in their implementation. A motherly
figure, she has a knack for ensuring a conducive working environment in her division, evident in her
finding ways to put up a new and well-equipped DepEd office building in Ligao. This makes it easy
for everyone to be efficient and professional in their work.

There is good coordination between Navera and the school heads as evidence by the latters warm
accommodation during the research visits. The school heads and teachers said that they liked the
not-too-formal set-up and prompt response as regards Naveras monitoring rounds and text
correspondences. They also say that the Division Superintendent has always made herself accessible
to all school heads.

In the school level, the school heads and teachers seem to also have a strong working relationship.
The teachers are in charge of coordinating the use of Text2Teach materials and equipments and the
school heads facilitate these by seeing to it that the lesson plans are tight and the equipment are in
proper working order. As mentioned, the barangay and the PTA are included in the school system as
support organizations that make the teachers jobs easier.

All the key stakeholders, especially the ICT coordinator, have been generous in ideas and service,
often going beyond call of duty. There is an attitude of excellence among key players. If
opportunities like Text2Teach present themselves, there is no reason not to pursue them.

If I can push things to do more, I will, shared Navera.

AFI Implementation
All stakeholders in Ligao City identified AFIs assistance to be crucial in their success also. First,
without the budget granted to them, Text2Teach would not have happened at all. Second, AFI was
very persuasive in advocating for Text2Teach. And since the Mayor and the DepEd Division Office
already had a working relationship with AFI with the GILAS Project and other issues concerning
education, it was not difficult for them to commit to Text2Teach.

It also comes with the prestige, Navera said. Partnering with AFI makes LCEs and DepEd proud to
be associated with such a well-reputed organization. More importantly, AFI is seen by all
stakeholders, even at the school level, to be sincere in its vision, mission, and objective. Palencia
said that it was important that they dealt with an organization which they could trust because their
names were also on the line. If there is inkling that stakeholders are only it for political reasons, she
says, others will know this and will not be very interested or involved.

Stakeholders appreciate that AFI is very approachable and quick to respond to t heir concerns. They
had no hesitations. They did not leave us, Navera said. This made it more appealing for the LGU to
coordinate and partner with them continuously. Because they were fast, the Mayors interest was
sustained, she further explained.

Creating Ripples of Success

The perceived benefits and positive impacts of Text2Teach on the students are what motivate all
parties to engage in Text2Teach. They see the program as effective in obtaining and sustaining the
attention of the students and enhancing learning among them. In fact, schools attest that since
Text2Teach was implemented, they have experienced increased NAT scores and more academic
student awards and citations such as in Math meets, Science quiz bees, and
District/Division/Regional Press Conferences. Some schools have received external awards and were
given grants such as Books for the Barrios Model of Excellence that gave them more opportunities
to improve their facilities. Because of the Text2Teach, the LGU and Mayor Gonzales also received
numerous excellence citations and governance awards which made Ligaoenos proud. Additionally,
Ligao was featured in a Readers Digest article involving innovative educational practices in the

According to the stakeholders, awards and citations and the proper and enthusiastic implementation
of Text2Teach are a cycle. Returns of investment to the LGU and the Division encourage them to
do better. At the school level, each academic contest in which a pupil wins encourages them to use
all the learning tools, including Text2Teach more in order to perform well each time. As such, they
identify the need to celebrate victories as a marketing tool to rally support for the project.

Also, the Text2Teach success in Ligao opened opportunities for other projects and interactions.
Stakeholder are now used to partnering with each other through the Text2Teach experience, Its
easier now to solicit help, a teacher said. For example, LWCES Binatagan won a Brigada Eskuwela
Excellence Awards (Most exceptional category) in 2012. They attribute this to the way different
sectors collaborated during the period. The Supreme Pupil Government played a crucial role in
involving the PTA, Philippine National Police, Philippine Army, private businesses (a salon provided
free haircut to all students and teachers), local fraternities, churches such as the Iglesia ni Kristo,
Church of the Latter Day Saints, and other stakeholders. It is said that a total of Php 2 million was
used during the said period to improve the school. This includes the new buildings set-up by DepEd
and other stakeholders in the school compound.

Future Directions

In 2013, the Philippine General elections ushered in a new Mayor in Ligao. The young Patty
Gonzales-Alsua replaced Mayor Gonzales who had finished her last term. The ICT Coordinator and
Division Superintendent are currently adjusting to new administration. Because Mayor Alsua is new,
the manner of coordination is not the same, but parties maintain respect and openness to each

The new Mayor stresses that she is supportive of education sector as well as Text2Teach. She said
that the local government of Ligao considers DepEd as part of the LGU family and because
Text2Teach has proven to be successful in the past years, her new administration has no reason not
to support the program. We wouldnt support it if it were not effective, Mayor Alsua said.

Mayor Alsua explained that Text2Teach support is embedded in the expenditure allocation of the
City. For 2014 budget, Php 500,000 is earmarked for Text2Teach. This is reassuring as more support
is needed to train six new extension schools on Text2Teach in an expanding city and to ensure that
all schools continue to use program and adjust to fast-paced trends in the ICT sector.


The Ligao Case shows that LGU initiative and commitment, DepEd support, the networking abilities
of the school principals and teachers, an empowered barangay, PTA, and great working relationship
among different stakeholders are the ingredients to a successful Text2Teach implementation. Good
AFI management and awards and citations keep the ball rolling and motivate the stakeholders to
keep using the technology and to network among other stakeholders for the improvement of local
school systems.

This article is written by Diana Moraleda. The data gathering for this case were conducted in
February to March 2014. Ligao City, as one of the most successful cases of Text2Teach
implementation, also became of the bases for the mainstreaming model that Text2Teach is using as
it transitions into its mainstreaming and scaling up phase.

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