Osrmt User Manual

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Open Source Requirements Management Tool

User Manual

Version 1.5

Revision History

Date Version Description Author
5/14/2006 1.0 Initial Draft Aron Smith
6/19/2006 1.1 Updated Aron Smith
8/26/2006 1.2 Updated Aron Smith
10/10/2006 1.3 Updated Aron Smith
12/21/2006 1.4 No changes Aron Smith
03/26/2007 1.5 Updated Aron Smith

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Version 1.5 Page 3 of 24

Table of Contents
1. GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. START APPLICATION ...............................................................................................................................................................4
1.2. APPLICATION LOG ON.............................................................................................................................................................5
1.3. NEW PRODUCT ........................................................................................................................................................................6
1.4. OPEN PRODUCT .......................................................................................................................................................................6
2. MANAGING ARTIFACTS........................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. ARTIFACT TREE.......................................................................................................................................................................7
2.2. ARTIFACT DATA ENTRY ..........................................................................................................................................................9
3. REPORTING................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
3.1. TRACEABILITY.......................................................................................................................................................................11
3.2. TRACEABILITY TREE .............................................................................................................................................................12
3.3. TRACEABILITY VIEWS...........................................................................................................................................................14
3.4. STANDARD REPORTS.............................................................................................................................................................15
3.5. CUSTOM REPORTS.................................................................................................................................................................16
4. WEB BROWSER CLIENT......................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.1. URL ......................................................................................................................................................................................18
4.2. NAVIGATION..........................................................................................................................................................................18
4.3. SECURITY ..............................................................................................................................................................................19
5. IMPORT/EXPORT...................................................................................................................................................................... 20
5.1. EXPORTING ARTIFACTS..........................................................................................................................................................20
5.2. IMPORTING ARTIFACTS..........................................................................................................................................................21
6. APPENDIX................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1. SYSTEM LOG FORM...............................................................................................................................................................23
6.2. 2 TIER APPLICATION START ERROR.......................................................................................................................................23
6.3. 3 TIER APPLICATION START ERROR.......................................................................................................................................23

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1. Getting Started
1.1. Start Application

The Open Source Requirements Management Tool (OSRMT) can be started in the following ways

1) Using Windows Start Programs OSRMT OSRMT Client

2) Using a Desktop shortcut

3) From the command prompt

The application may be started from the command line (Startcmd) by changing to the client directory and
executing run.bat

See the Application Start Error section in the Appendix for diagnosing any application start errors.

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1.2. Application Log On

The Log On form should prompt for a username, password and environment.

The environment list is generated from a local configuration file.
The list will be preselected and disabled if only one active environment is found (now the default).

The username defaults from the last user who logged into the application on the same computer.

An error will display if an incorrect username or password is used. Clicking on the warning message will open
a system log form where additional technical messages may be displayed.

Note pressing enter after typing the password is faster than clicking ok.

See the Application Log On Error section in the Appendix for diagnosing any application log on errors. Click
on the error display to view all errors.
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1.3. New Product

The first step is to create a product or project name to store all requirements and other artifacts under.

Create a new product from the menu item File New Product

Enter the product as it will be displayed throughout the application and standard reports.

1.4. Open Product

Open the product from the menu item File Open

Select the product and press OK.

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2. Managing Artifacts

2.1. Artifact Tree

Artifacts may be product features, requirements, uses cases, design modules, packages, classes or anything else
you need.

Each type of artifact has a name which may be customized by the Administrator. The default list is shown
below. Artifacts are created under each of these artifact types. Icons for the artifact types may be customized.

New Artifact

To create an artifact of a specified type select the artifact and click on the New button.

Complete the form (see data entry below, apply and close).
This will create a child artifact under the selected parent.

You can also use the menu File New <artifact type>
This will create a top level child artifact.

Delete Artifact

You can delete added artifacts by selecting them in the Artifact Tree and using the menu Edit Delete or the
toolbar button.

Note that only the artifacts selected in the tree will be deleted any artifacts selected in the list are ignored.
Deleting an artifact which is a branch will delete all descendents under the selected artifacts.
On delete the total number of artifacts to be deleted will be displayed for confirmation of action.

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Move Artifact

You can alter the hierarchy of the artifacts by dragging an artifact from one parent to another. You cannot drag
the artifact types. Dragging artifacts from one type to a different type will create a dependency on the target
artifact it will not move the artifact.

View Artifact List

Selecting an artifact in the tree will display all child artifacts in a list to the right.

The display sequence and choice of columns may be customized by the Administrator.

To edit an existing artifact select from the list and use menu item Edit Artifact.

You may also edit an artifact by double clicking a row in the list.

Click on a column header to sort the list of artifacts.

Refresh Tree

You can refresh the artifact tree using the menu item File Refresh or from the toolbar.

Refreshing the tree pulls from the database, reflecting any additions by other users or in case of errors, the true
state of the system.
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2.2. Artifact Data Entry

Each artifact type (feature, requirement, design etc.) may have a different data entry form as configured by the

Enter additions or changes to the form and press Apply to save. Pressing Next or Back will cycle through all
artifacts in the artifact list.

Custom Forms

The Administrator may add or remove tabs and controls or lock controls from editing.

Controls may have default values or a custom list of values from the Reference table.

The Administrator may write a custom J avascript to format or initialize a control.

Custom controls may be created to store new data in the database.

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Attaching or Linking Documents

In version 1.5 you can only attach documents to an artifact that has been saved.

Right click in the attachment list to popup a menu of additional options.

Selecting the menu item Insert will prompt to select a local or network file. Select and press Open to upload the
file to the server where a copy is placed in a storage area defined by the Administrator.

Once a file is in the list the FileName display or Source description may be changed using the menu item

Hyperlinks may be stored using the menu item Insert Hyperlink.

Modificaton History

The full history of creation and modification is available including the time and data before each update.

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3. Reporting
3.1. Traceability

Child Artifacts are not dependent

Selecting an existing artifact and creating a child artifact will automatically create a relationship between the
two artifacts. This however does not create a dependency.

Adding dependencies

The dependencies define the traceability between the artifacts.

To trace additional artifacts to an opened form right click in the related artifact list and select the menu New....
Select all artifacts to be dependent on.

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Version 1.5 Page 12 of 24
3.2. Traceability Tree

You can open the traceability tree using the menu item View Traceability or from the toolbar.

The traceability tree allows you to select artifacts to trace and then press the trace button.

Pressing the Trace left to right button will create a dependency from the artifact on the left to the artifacts on the
right. You can also trace from the menu Edit Trace left to right.

In the picture above two dependencies are created, one from System Log Requirement Six, another from
System Log Requirement Eight.

Pressing the Trace right to left button will create a dependency in the opposite direction.

Note only one artifact should be selected on one of the sides otherwise a confusing number of dependencies
would be created.

You could for example create a dependency of a single feature on multiple requirements, design items and test
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Traceability Tree Options

The display on the right pane is the full artifact tree. The display on the left is a dependency or traceability tree.

To change the display of the traceability tree use menu EditCriteria or press the Criteria toolbar button.

The form defines the criteria for display.

Field Description
Trace Allows auditing on the artifact list.
Child dependencies restricts artifacts in the list to those with an existing
trace(dependency) to a child artifact
No Child dependencies shows all artifacts without a trace to a child artifact
Parent dependencies restricts artifacts in the list to those which have another
artifact tracing to it.
No Parent dependencies shows all without a trace to a child artifact.
Artifact Defines the top level artifacts in the tree.
Direction Trace down to will show dependencies on child artifacts.
Trace up to will show artifacts which trace to the top level artifacts. The fact that the
parent artifacts will be shown as a child in the tree may be counter intuitive. Note if
you just created a dependency but not in this direction the tree will not change.
Allow tree cycles With this off no artifact added to the tree will display twice. This may create a
misleading picture.
Max tree depth Prevents circular dependencies from going too deep.
Trace to The type of artifacts to trace down or up to in the tree.

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3.3. Traceability Views

The traceability matrix, traced and untraced views are available from the trace form. Use menu item Tools

Change the Trace From, To or Type and press Apply to get additional views.

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Trace Impact

Select an artifact from the tree and use menu items Tools Trace Impact..
A graph of the artifacts dependent on or from the selected artifact is shown.

3.4. Standard Reports

Reports may be accessed from the menu item Tools Reports.

Select the report from the list and press Next.

To qualify the report to a single report select the product otherwise leave unselected.

Finally press the HTML or PDF button to generate the report. The program will execute the file in an attempt
to start the local HTML browser or pdf viewer. This may fail on some operating systems in which case start the
local browser or pdf viewer and then open the generated report file. The file name is displayed briefly in the
status bar. Files are typically created in <client directory>\temp\<filename>

e.g. C:\Program Files\osrmt\v1_2\client\temp\~603230361jasper.htm

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Version 1.5 Page 16 of 24
3.5. Custom Reports

*Backup any reports you do not wish to lose*

Copy report

Navigate to the reports directory e.g. C:\Program Files\osrmt\v1_2\client\reports

Copy an existing source file report to a new name e.g.

copy ArtifactDetail.jrxml newreport.jrxml

Open the report writer via shortcut or from report writer bin directory e.g.

C:\Program Files\osrmt\v1_2\client\reportwriter\JasperSoft\iReport-

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Modify report

The report writer is set to compile into the current directory which will overwrite the previous version.

Save modifications to the report

Use the iReport menu Build Compile to generate the compiled version OSRMT uses e.g.


Add report to OSRMT

Within OSRMT use menu ToolsReports and press the Add Report button.

Complete the form ensuring the file name in the reports directory matches the file name listed (without any
directory prefix).

The system administrator may create a view for complex SQL shared across multiple forms.

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4. Web browser client

4.1. URL

The URL to connect will be provided by the system administrator e.g.


The administrator has some control to customize the colors, fonts and page header.

4.2. Navigation

Clicking on the links will navigate the tree click on the product name e.g. OSRMT to return to the root.

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4.3. Security

The system administrator will configure security settings to restrict access to types of artifacts and/or read only

Specific fields may be read only or fully hidden from the web client view.

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5. Import/Export

5.1. Exporting artifacts

Navigate to a branch of the requirements tree, filter the list and/or search for artifacts to create a custom list of

FileExport may also export only the artifacts in your filtered list.

Select the option to remove the primary key to import into a new database.

Export to CSV

Exporting to CSV is not directly supported although there may be free utilities on the internet to convert XML
to csv.
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5.2. Importing Artifacts

Navigating to a branch in the requirements tree will enable the option to import artifacts under a specific branch
in the tree.

To ensure addition of artifacts have the artifactId =0 and artifactNbr =0 (or not in the file).
The import file should be of the same XML format as the file exported e.g.

<?xml ver si on=" 1. 0" encodi ng=" UTF- 8" ?>
<j ava ver si on=" 1. 5. 0_04" cl ass=" j ava. beans. XMLDecoder " >
<obj ect cl ass=" com. osr mt . model l i br ar y. r eqmanager . Ar t i f act Model " >
<voi d pr oper t y=" ar t i f act Name" >
<st r i ng>Syst emDat a Ent r y</ st r i ng>
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" ar t i f act I d" >
<i nt >0</ i nt >
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" ar t i f act Nbr " >
<i nt >0</ i nt >
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" ar t i f act Ref Di spl ay" >
<st r i ng>Feat ur e</ st r i ng>
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" ar t i f act Ref I d" >
<i nt >129</ i nt >
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" cat egor yRef Di spl ay" >
<st r i ng>Do not pr i nt </ st r i ng>
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" cat egor yRef I d" >
<i nt >1567413</ i nt >
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" cr eat eUser Name" >
<nul l / >
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" pr i or i t yRef Di spl ay" >
<st r i ng>Must have</ st r i ng>
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" pr i or i t yRef I d" >
<i nt >14</ i nt >
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" pr oduct Ref Di spl ay" >
<st r i ng>OSRMT</ st r i ng>
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" pr oduct Ref I d" >
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Version 1.5 Page 22 of 24
<i nt >1000001</ i nt >
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" r ecor dTypeRef Di spl ay" >
<st r i ng>User Recor d</ st r i ng>
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" r ecor dTypeRef I d" >
<i nt >323</ i nt >
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" st at usRef Di spl ay" >
<st r i ng>Compl et ed</ st r i ng>
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" st at usRef I d" >
<i nt >19</ i nt >
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" syst emAssi gnedVer si onNbr " >
<i nt >1</ i nt >
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" updat eCount " >
<i nt >8</ i nt >
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" updat eUser I d" >
<i nt >1</ i nt >
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" updat eUser Name" >
<st r i ng>Demo, Osr mt </ st r i ng>
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" ver si onRef Di spl ay" >
<st r i ng>1. 0</ st r i ng>
</ voi d>
<voi d pr oper t y=" ver si onRef I d" >
<i nt >472</ i nt >
</ voi d>
</ obj ect >
</ j ava>

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Version 1.5 Page 23 of 24
6. Appendix
6.1. System Log Form

The list of system debug, information, warning and error messages are available from menu item
Help System Log

Note the shortcut to the log is clicking the status bar.

6.2. 2 Tier Application Start Error


For the application to start there are the following dependencies

1) J ava version 1.5 is installed
2) All of the required jar files are in the classpath specified in run.bat
3) The database can be connected to
4) The database has been initialized (if not an Access database)

Any errors will result in a large text box containing the error stack trace.

6.3. 3 Tier Application Start Error


For the application to start there are the following dependencies

5) J ava version 1.5 is installed
6) All of the required jar files are in the classpath specified in run.bat
7) The OSRMT server is running
8) The client can connect to the host that is running the server on the specified port
9) The connection.xml is the J 2ee configuration file

Connecting to the server

The host and port the client connects to is specified in the jndi.properties file

C: \ Pr ogr amFi l es\ OSRMTv05\ cl i ent \ dd\ cl i enbt >t ype j ndi . pr oper t i es

j ava. nami ng. f act or y. i ni t i al =or g. j boss. secur i t y. j ndi . Logi nI ni t i al Cont ext Fact or y
#or g. j np. i nt er f aces. Nami ngCont ext Fact or y
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Version 1.5 Page 24 of 24
j ava. nami ng. pr ovi der . ur l =j np: / / 127. 0. 0. 1: 1099
j ava. nami ng. f act or y. ur l . pkgs=or g. j boss. nami ng. cl i ent
j ava. nami ng. secur i t y. pr i nci pal =200
j ava. nami ng. secur i t y. cr edent i al s=j 2ee
j ava. nami ng. secur i t y. pr ot ocol =cl i ent - l ogi n
j 2ee. cl i ent Name=osr mt - cl i ent

The hostname or IP address is highlighted in yellow and the port in large red numbers.
Ensure you can telnet to the IP address and port successfully
C: \ Pr ogr amFi l es\ OSRMTv05\ cl i ent \ dd\ cl i enb>t el net 127. 0. 0. 1 1099

Getting an error could not open connection to the host and connect failed may be due to
a) OSRMT Server is not running.
b) OSRMT Server is not running on the specified IP or Port.
c) Network or server is preventing communication to/from that server/port.

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