Test Case: Registration Form: Number Date Created Created by Description

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Test Case: Registration Form

Number Date Created Created by

TC#01 27-02-2009 Swagata Mukherjee & Ananda Nandi
To fill the Registration Form of Personal Details.

Step Description Expected Actual, if different from P/F Date By
1. When all Fields are Empty Check all the mandatory(*) Please Enter Username. P 27-02-2009 Swagata
Fields Please Enter Password. Mukherjee &
Please Enter Confirm Password. Ananda Nandi
Please Select Hint question.
Please Enter Hint answer.
Please Enter First Name.
Please Enter Last Name.
Please Enter Email Address.
Please Enter Mobile Number.
Please Select Birth Date.
2. Valid Password ,Invalid Check between password Password and Confirm Password F 27-02-2009 Swagata
Confirm Password and doesn't match. Mukherjee &
Confirm Password Ananda Nandi

3. Invalid Email Address Take only valid Email Please Enter Valid Email Address F 27-02-2009 Swagata
address (not take: space@ Mukherjee &
space. space) with 35 char Ananda Nandi

4. Invalid Mobile Number Mobile Number must take Please Enter Valid Mobile P 27-02-2009 Swagata
Numeric with 10 char. Number Mukherjee &
Ananda Nandi

5. When Fill up some fields and Cookie save the value which Proper pop up Message is F 27-02-2009 Swagata
some are empty (Session or fields are fills up. displayed against the Mandatory Mukherjee &
cookie Check) Fields which fields are blank Ananda Nandi

6. When All Fields are proper Thank you Message is Thank you for the Registration. P 27-02-2009 Swagata
(Valid Data) displayed and gets a mail. Mukherjee &
Ananda Nandi

Note: The Test Step may call for Data for the Tester to input into data field or process. The Data table is listed below.
Item Data Input Expected Result P/F Date By
To Follow Empty, Username, Password, Confirm Check all the mandatory(*) Fields to fill up Some are 27-02-2009 Swagata
step 1-6 Password, Invalid Confirm Password, Hint the form and after successfully complete it Passed(1,4,6) Mukherjee &
question, Hint answer, First Name, Last get a proper pop up Message of “ Thank you and Some are Ananda
Name, Email Address, Invalid Email for the Registration”. Failed (2,3,5) Nandi
Address, Mobile Number, Invalid Mobile
Number, Birth Date

Executed Executed By Passed/Failed

27-02-2009 Swagata Mukherjee & Ananda Nandi Some are Passed (1, 4, 6) and Some are Failed (2, 3, 5)

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