Intended, Implemented, Achieved Curriculum

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the intended, implemented and achieved curriculum and how they are related. It also discusses the Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) in the Philippines and how it aims to improve the quality of education.

The BEC aims to raise the quality of Filipino learners and graduates who will become lifelong learners. It also aims to decongest the curriculum, use innovative teaching methods, integrate values development, and increase time for mastery of basic subjects.

The BEC was implemented by decongesting subjects into learning areas, training teachers in new methods, making lessons interactive, utilizing materials, and making Makabayan integrate different subjects. Pilot schools were established in 2002-2003.


Intended Curriculum
Intended Curriculum- refers to a set of objectives set at the beginning of any curricular
plan. It establishes the goal, the specific purposes, and immediate objectives to be
accomplished. The intended curriculum answer what the curriculum maker wants to do.
There are certain indicators to measure intended curriculum. Among the indicators are
stated questions which can be answered. Examples of the questions are the following:
1. Are the objectives achievable with the learners developmental levels?
2. Can the objectives be accomplished within the time frame?
3. Are the resources adequate to accomplish the objectives?
4. Are the objectives specific and clear?
5. Are there ways of measuring the outcomes of the objectives?
6. Are the objectives observable?
7. Are the objectives doable?
8. Are the objectives relevant?
9. Overall, are the objectives SMART?
Implemented Curriculum
Implemented Curriculum-refers to the various learning activities or experiences of the
students in order to achieve the intended curricular outcomes. Many times in our
curriculum, lots of activities are done but these do not accomplish the stated objectives.
Sometimes, there are extra activities done but are not specified in the objectives. To
assess the implemented curriculum the following questions can be addressed:
1. Are the learning activities congruent with the stated objectives?
2. Are the materials and methods appropriate for the objectives set?
3. Does the teacher have the skill to implement the activities or use the strategy?
4. Does the teacher utilize the various ways of doing to complement the learning style of
the students?
5. Are there alternative activities for the learners to do to accomplish the same
6. Are there activities provided to address individual differences?
7. Do the activities provide maximum learning experiences?
8. Do the activities motivate the learners to do more and harness their potentials?
9. Do the activities utilize multiple sensory abilities of the learners?
10. Do the activities address multiple intelligences of the learners?
Achieved Curriculum
Achieved Curriculum- refers to the curriculum outcomes based on the first two types of
curriculum, the intended and implemented. The achieved curriculum is now considered
the product. It can be the learning outcomes, or material product itself, like a book,
module or instructional material. Any achieved curriculum must fit with the objectives
and activities that were conducted. Achieved curriculum indicates the performance vis a
vis the objectives and the various activities. Achieved curriculum is usually described by
the test scores or other performance indicators measured by evaluation tools. To
measure achieved curriculum the following questions should be addressed:
1. Do the learning outcomes achieved by the learners approximate the level of
performance set at the beginning of the curriculum?
2. Are the learning outcomes achieved higher or lower than the objectives set?
3. Do the achieved learning outcomes reflect the knowledge, skills, attitude and skill
intended to be developed?
4. How many percent of the learners in the same class perform higher than the level set
at the beginning?
5. Do the curricular outcomes reflect the goals and aspirations of the community where
the curriculum was implemented?
Each type of curriculum can be assessed independently and in comparison with the
other three components.
Each type of curriculum should be linked to one another. Any gap along the line will
make the connection weak and will lead to obstacles in the accomplishment of the
overall purpose of the curriculum.
The Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) and the Three Types of curriculum: Intended,
Implemented and Achieved.
Question 1 What does the BEC aim to accomplish? (Intended Curriculum)
1. To raise the quality of Filipino learners and graduates who will become lifelong
2. To decongest the curriculum in order that the teachers and learners will be able
to contextualize it.
3. To use innovative, interdisciplinary and integrative modes of instructional delivery
whenever possible and appropriate.
4. To make values development integral to all learning areas in high school.
5. To increase time for tasks in order to gain mastery of competencies of the basic
tool subjects.

The curriculum objectives are expressed in terms of competencies: knowledge,
skills, values and attitudes which the learners will develop or acquire. These
objectives or competencies determine the content which focuses on learning how
to learn.
The Relationships of the Three Types of Curriculum

Intended Implemented


Each type of curriculum should be linked to one another. Any gap along the line will make
the connection weak and lead to obstacles in accomplishment of the overall purpose of the
The Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) and the Three Types of Curriculum: Intended,
Implemented an Achieved.
Let us analyze the BEC in the light of the three types of curriculum.

Question # 1 What does the BEC aim to accomplish? (Intended Curriculum)
From the DepEd BEC primer, the following are the goals of basic education curriculum.
1. To raise the quality of Filipino learners and graduates who will become lifelong learners.
2. To decongest the curriculum in order that the teachers and the learners will be able to
contextualize it.
3. To use innovative, interdisciplinary and integrative modes of instructional delivery
whenever possible and appropriate.
4. To make values development integral to all learning areas in high school.
5. To increase time for tasks in order to gain mastery of competencies of the basic tool
The curriculum objectives are expressed in terms of competencies: Knowledge, Skills, Values
and Attitude which the learners will develop or acquire. These objectives or competencies
determine the content which focuses on learning how to learn.

Question # 2 How was the BEC implemented to accomplish the goals? (Implemented
To accomplish the goals, the following activities or actions were done or are being
implemented in the different basic education schools of the country.
1. The BEC decongested the overcrowded the old curriculum into five learning areas,
namely, English, Mathematics, Sciences, Filipino and Makabayan. The first three subject
areas will develop internationalism, while the last two learning areas will develop
2. The teachers in basic education were trained to use innovative, interdisciplinary,
thematic, and integrative modes of instructional delivery. Teachers of different
disciplines plan and teach together in tandem or teams in all subject areas as possible.
3. Teaching learning processes are interactive to enhance learning. There is open
communication between teachers and learners and among learners themselves.
4. Instructional materials and multimedia are fully utilized to support interactions thus
teaching and learning become more interesting. Teachers consider the learner as an
active partner rather than a passive receiver of knowledge.
5. English, Science, Mathematics and Filipino are the basic tool subjects, while Makabayan
develops healthy personal and national self-identity.
6. Makabayan entails the use of integrated units of learning areas composed of several
subjects in elementary and in the secondary.
7. The school year 2002-2003 was declared as the pilot year in the public schools. Private
basic education schools were encouraged to join in the implementation of the BEC in
the later years.
Question # 3 What has the BEC achieved? (Achieved Curriculum)
From its pilot implementation, several monitoring and evaluation processes were
made. The National Educational Testing and Research Center (NETRC), The Bureau of
Elementary Education (BEE) and Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) were tasked to do the
evaluation of the BEC. A continuous monitoring was done by the school principles and
supervisors in the schools, district and divisions. This is referred to as a school-based
monitoring, to allow curriculum managers to make immediate adjustments and provide
feedbacks to the national offices.
Although, no formal report has been perused, among the initial achievements of the BEC
as expressed by teachers, parents and students informally are the following:
Increased interest and motivation of the students to go to school.
Increased level of performance in the tool subject areas.
Change in teachers paradigm from a dispenser of knowledge to facilitator of
Increased instructional materials support for teaching and learning.
Increase in the in-service training of teachers.
More opportunities of learners to learn on their own.
Use of varied teaching strategies to complement the learning styles of the students.
More involvement of the other stakeholders in the education of the children.
More involvement of the school principals in decision making that relate to
curriculum implementation.
Empowered teachers and schools officials.
From the initial Results, it can be gleaned that BEC, there is a match between the intended,
implemented and the achieved curricula. Perhaps at this point in time action research and
program evaluation should be done to provide empirical evidence to determine the value and
worth of the curriculum.

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