Mannheim and Polanyi

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Michael Polanyi and Karl Mannheim

Phil Mullins and Struan Jacobs
ABSTRACT Key words: Michael Polanyi, Karl Mannheim, the Moot, planning for freedom, Polanyis
criticism of historicism, Polanyis account of freedom
This essay reviews historical records that set forth the discussions and interaction of Michael Polanyi and
Karl Mannheim from 1944 until Mannheims death early in 1947. The letters describe Polanyis effort to
assemble a book to be published in a series edited by Manneheim. They also reveal the different perspec-
tives these thinkers took about freedom and the historical context of ideas. Records of J.H. Oldhams
discussion group the Moot suggest that these and other differences in philosophy were debated in
meetings of the Moot attended by Polanyi and Mannheim in 1944.
Anyone who examines the Guide to the Papers of Michael Polanyi quickly notices that Polanyi
corresponded with a wide range of people in his generation who later were recognized as significant thinkers
in the twentieth century. One of these figures was Karl Mannheim (1893-1947) to whom Polanyi not only wrote
but also met on several occasions. Like Polanyi, Mannheim was a Hungarian Jewish migr who eventually
came to live in England. Both men left their homeland just after World War I when the Horthy government came
to power. Mannheim had been appointed to a professorship by the communist government of Bela Kun that fell
before the end of its first year.
Polanyi and Mannheim had known each other in Hungary. In their newly published biography of
Polanyi, Scott and Moleski suggest that Polanyi and Mannheim first met when they were students in Budapest
in 1915.
Mannheim is but two years younger than Polanyi and both participated in the Sunday afternoon
discussions at the home of Bela Balazs.
When he fled Hungary, Mannheim moved to Germany where he spent
twelve years working in German universities and eventually achieved a measure of eminence as a sociologist
of knowledge; his Ideologie und Utopie (1929) caused a great commotion in Germany, according to Edward
As a sociologist of knowledge, Mannheim argued that knowledge claims must be situated in a social
context; in any social world, there is always tension between conservative forces whose ideology favors stability
and more radical forces whose ideology favors more utopian ideas. In 1933, the same year Polanyi came to
Manchester, Mannheim left Nazi Germany for a position in London.
In 1944, Polanyi and Mannheim became reacquainted. va Gbor has recently published, as part of
her book of selected correspondence of Mannheim, the Polanyi and Mannheim letters running from January of
1944 until September of 1945.
All twelve letters in the Gbor collection are from the archival collection of
Polanyi materials at the University of Chicago. They tell an interesting story, one that in fact decidedly hints
at the contours of Polanyis emerging philosophical ideas and one that points out differences between Polanyis
views and those developed by Mannheim. These letters are particularly revealing if they are linked to some
other archival materials (including a few additional letters) that treat the interaction of Polanyi and Mannheim.
Both were figures who participated in the discussion group called the Moot led by J. H. Oldham. Looking
back at this time, Polanyi, in the 1960s, remarked to Richard Gelwick that his involvement in Oldhams
discussion groups (the Moot and successor groups) was an influence upon his ideas second only to his work
as a research scientist.
The Scott and Moleski biography of Polanyi briefly discusses both Polanyis friendship
with Mannheim and Polanyis involvement in the Moot. However the Polanyi-Mannheim correspondence
Tradition & Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical, 32:1
and its connections with two particular Moot meetings is rich enough to warrant a more detailed exploration
which is what we undertake here.
I. The Initial Book Proposal
Polanyi and Mannheims friendship in England began in January of 1944 when Polanyi sent
Mannheim a book proposal.
Mannheim was by this time the editor of Routledge and Kegan Pauls series titled
The International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction. Polanyis first letter to Mannheim was a
very business-like outline for a volume in Mannheims series, but he indicated that he already had been sending
occasional reprints of his writings to Mannheim for a few years. These reprints, he said, show that I am taking
an active interest in the general problems of our time (No. 240). Mannheims reply to Polanyis letter suggested
that he was always very much interested in your essays and I am looking forward to their reading in the new
Polanyis book proposal outlined a plan to knit together revised versions of five recent essays with
another chapter summarizing their themes; the five were ScienceIts Reality and Freedom
, The
Autonomy of Science
, The Growth of Thought in Society
, The English and the Continent
, and
Jewish Problems.
Mannheims prompt response to Polanyis letter was a cordial offer to read (or perhaps
re-read) the material, looking at it in terms of its suitability to compose a book; he asked that Polanyi draft a brief
statement which would somehow explain the unity of this book. I shall want this in case my Board of Publishers
should raise the problem either of the coherence of the topics or of the sociological aspect of their treatment
(No. 241).
Two weeks later, Polanyi sent to Mannheim all of the essays that he intended to pull together in his
book. In the accompanying letter, he apologized for not yet writing the outline of the sixth paper, noting that
he recognized Mannheim could not adequately judge the material without this. Nevertheless, he proposed that
Mannheim go through the essays as a matter of friendly interest. Polanyi explained that his failure to provide
an outline of the sixth essay was due to my intense preoccupation with a book on Unemployment, Laissez
Faire and Planning.
He hoped to finish the draft of this book by the end of the month and did not wish to
interrupt his work with anything that could wait. Later in this letter, in a very cordial manner, Polanyi proposed
that he and Mannheim meet for a discussion when he came to London sometime after Easter:
I feel very much the loss of never meeting you. The more so perhaps, because our views are,
I think, in closer harmony now than they were at earlier times. My throat trouble may prevent
me from using my voice for another month or so, but I hope to be free from it by Easter, when
I propose to spend a few weeks in London. I shall try to arrange a meeting with you and your
wife on that occasion (No. 242).
II. The Visit and Polanyis Subsequent Letter
This visit to Mannheims home apparently occurred in early April of 1944 since Polanyi wrote
Mannheim a follow-up letter after the visit. The letter of April 19 reported that Polanyi enjoyed the visit
but this letter is more than one offering polite thanks. This is a long letter that seeks to clear up
some things which seem to have been left pending in the visit. Scott and Moleski(194-195) have quoted this
letter at length because this is one of the rare Polanyi documents in which Polanyi discusses his personal
religious convictions as well as his very early response to the Hungarian Marxist government. Polanyi reported
on the waxing and waning of his interest in Christianity from his twenties to his present age, 53, and on his
early dissent against the communist government in Hungary after World War I. While certainly Polanyis
religious pilgrimage is of interest, what is of equal interest and importance are some of the things that Polanyi
says about his ideas about economics and political philosophy. These are worth reviewing in some depth.
Early in this letter, Polanyi credits his new life as a British citizen as providing him with a true
understanding of civic liberty:
It is true that I had no conception of the true nature of civic liberty before coming to this
country in 1933. But I never had supported in any form and on any occasion the rule of a
power which was contrary to civic liberty. I needed no conversion to this ideal but merely
instruction in it, on grounds prepared for its reception (No. 244).
Polanyi also sets forth his sympathy for Keynesian economic ideas, linking Keynes with his own recent work
on a film on the trade cycle. He concludes the discussion of these matters by saying I think I represent among
my friends the most radical Keynesian attitude whichincidentallyinvolves the least planning (No.
244). The proclamation is intended directly to confront Mannheims interest in planning as his next comment
makes clear: I cannot agree with your use of this word as for example in your phrase Planning for Freedom
(No. 244). There follows an effort to set forth more precisely the meaning of planning:
The only sense in which the word planning can be used in my view without creating
misconceptions is to designate by it discriminative dispositions concerning an aggregate of
particulars. Indiscriminate disposition over an aggregate of particulars on the other hand
should not be called planning but simply legislationlaw being a generalised command, as
distinct from specific (executive) commands (No. 244).
It is clear that Polanyi here makes a sharp distinction between discriminative and indiscriminate disposi-
tions and that he thinks Mannheims planning for freedom blurs this distinction. Indiscriminate dispositions
over an aggregate of particulars is law understood as a generalized command, which should be distinguished
from specific commands.
Today, this is odd language, but it is easy enough to recognize that Polanyis distinction is basically
the same as that drawn in 1940 in his lecture Collectivist Planning that he incorporated as the second chapter
of his 1940 book, The Contempt of Freedom.
Here Polanyi distinguishes planning as a method of ordering
human affairs from what he identifies as the alternative method, supervision (CF 30). Supervision ultimately
relies on a multitude of individual initiatives which planning would subordinate to a central will (CF 30).
Polanyi draws his examples of planning from military actions. He sees planning as a comprehensive top-down
activity: no stage adds anything to the original plan as conceived by the one man at the top, every further and
further detail fits into it, and has significance only as its execution; the plan does not change by being put into
effect( CF 33). Discipline is essential to planning or activities to be accomplished by planning (CF 34).
Supervision aims not at simple execution but at regulating
manifold impulses in conformity with their inherent purpose. It achieves this by making
generally available social machinery and other regulated opportunities for independent
action, and by letting all the individual agents interact through a medium of freely circulating
ideas and information (CF 36).
In Liberal society, Polanyi argues, there is a wide domain of activities in which ideas are cultivated under
the supervision of organizations or public authorities (CF 37) Such cultivation relies upon widely dispersed
sources of initiative and requires that mental communications are open throughout the community. (CF 36).
Polanyi suggests that
artistic pursuits, religious worship, the administration of justice, scientific research are the
main manifestations of the permanent principles to the cultivation of which such a society is
pledged. Supervision authorities guard the occasions and regulate the channels for these
manifestations, and they keep communications free for public discussion and instruction
concerning them, but must not interfere with their substance (CF 37).
With regard to the law, Polanyi emphasizes that the state provides the machinery for the administration of justice
but it also
rigorously guards the decisions of the courts from public influence. The courts are sole
masters of their conscience and interpretations under the law which they are required to apply,
and as they make their decisions, these are instantly added as amplifications, valid throughout
the land, to the law from which they have just been derived. (CF 38)
In his April 19, 1944 letter to Mannheim, Polanyi implies that Mannheim uses the words planning
for freedom in a particularly loose fashion that obscures important distinctions regarding the law. Below we
discuss Polanyi and Mannheims interaction in J. H. Oldhams group, the Moot. For the second Moot meeting
in April of 1939, Mannheim wrote a paper titled Planning for Freedom for discussion.
There is no evidence
that Polanyi read this particular paper but Mannheims work inside and outside of the Moot overlapped.
Gbor reports that Mannheim has used the expression planning for freedom in several publications by this
Apparently, Polanyi thinks that Mannheim is too quick to link all kinds of law to planning. He warns
Mannheim that we must not give new names to ancient human institutions but rather try to find the old names
and conceptions which will cover, guide and sanction our modern endeavors (No. 244). Polanyi offers to
explain the importance of this point in more detail to Mannheim. In sum, what seems clear is that Polanyi views
Mannheims ideas about planning as akin to ideas of Bernal and others who have championed a Soviet style
planned science. By the time he becomes re-acquainted with Mannheim in England, Polanyi has spent some
years vigorously arguing against such planning and he thus has no sympathy for any similar tendencies in
Mannheims thought.
Polanyi closes his April 19, 1944 letter to Mannheim by moving from his criticisms of planning for
freedom to a more global criticism of Mannheims perspective as a sociologist of knowledge. He distinguishes
Mannheims approach to history from his own:
As regards the social analysis of the development of ideas, suffice to say that I reject all social
analysis of history which makes social conditions anything more than opportunities for a
development of thought. You seem inclined to consider moral judgments on history as
ludicrous, believing apparently that thought is not merely conditioned, but determined by a
social or technical situation. I cannot tell you how strongly I reject such a view (No. 244).
Although, his ideas are not developed here, this comment is an important one that draws on earlier ideas
developed in publications like The Contempt of Freedom. It is also a comment that foreshadows ideas Polanyi
develops later about human callings and about the interpretation of history.
In The Contempt of Freedom,
Polanyi attacks what he calls the Marxist doctrine of social determinism and the kindred teaching of Fascism
for claiming that thought is the product of society and ought therefore to serve the State; such a view removes
all ground on which to consolidate an authority to which man could justifiably appeal against the commands
of the State (CF 10-11). Polanyi argues that the realm of thought possesses its own life and this means that
freedom is not only made possible, but its institution becomes a social necessity (CF 11):
Freedom is made possible by this doctrine because it implies that truth, justice, humaneness
will stand above society, and hence the institutions which exist to cultivate these ideas, such
as the Press, the law, the religions, will be safely established and available to receive
complaints of all men against the State and, if need be to oppose it. Freedom also becomes
necessary because the State cannot maintain and augment the sphere of thought, which can
live only in pursuit of its own internal necessities, unless it refrains from all attempts to
dominate it and further undertakes to protect all men and women who would devote
themselves to the service of thought from interference by their fellow-citizens, private or
officialwhether prompted by prejudice or guided by enlightened plans (CF 11).
Later in The Contempt of Freedom, Polanyi emphasizes how guiding principles complement
supervisory authority:
As long as certain guiding principlesof truth, of justice, of religious faith, of decency and
equityare being cultivated, and as long as commerce is protected, the sphere of supervision
will predominate and planning will be limited to isolated patches and streaks (CF 39).
He is clear that comprehensive planning must ultimately eliminate guiding principles and the freedoms that
are basic to human activity in an environment in which supervisory authority is predominant:
Conversely, if comprehensive planning were to prevail, this would imply the abolition of
both the cultivation of guiding principles and the pursuit of commerce, with all the liberties
inherent in these forms of life. Hence collectivist revolution must aim at the destruction of
liberty, and in particular must suppress the privileges under which Universities, Law Courts,
Churches and the Press are upholding their ideals, and attack the rights of individual
enterprise under which trade is conducted (CF 39-40).
In sum, the April 19, 1944 letter to Mannheim offers a condensed statement of Polanyis social vision,
which Polanyi regards as fundamentally at odds with Mannheims vision. Interestingly, Polanyi suggests that
his social vision came together only as he began to understand the British tradition and particularly civil liberties.
Polanyi implies that Mannheim misreads the critical role of freedom in social life and that Mannheim is also
confused about the role of planning in society. Planning cannot produce freedom but is by its nature an
alternative to a liberal society with supervisory authorities that relies on the freedom and initiative of persons.
The role of independent thought in society for Polanyi is central. It is the key not only to the success of endeavors
like science but of other institutions of liberal society.
III. The Continuing Conversation
Mannheims response to Polanyi, dated one day after Polanyis letter, is an interesting one. Mannheim
notes that he, like Polanyi, found their discussion frank and invigorating. He protests that Polanyis letter implies
Polanyi has misread his intentions in asking Polanyi direct personal questions. Mannheim says he explored
Polanyis development not in order to make accusations but such exploration was
only the expression of a human interest to find out through what type of experiences you
arrived at your present attitudes. Just because I myself felt when reading your studies that
there are so many points of agreement and similar ways of looking at things, I was also keen
to find out where our differences lay.
Mannheim then suggests that Polanyis reaction to the social analysis of the development of ideas seems to be
an emotional reaction that rules out further confrontation of evidence. Polanyi jumps to moral conclusions in
proclaiming that social conditions cannot be anything more than opportunities for the development of thought.
Mannheim thinks that sometimes there may be not enough evidence to conclude that social conditions are more
than opportunities, but at other times there may be evidence that demands social conditions have a more
significant impact.
At the end of his letter, Mannheim turns again to Polanyis projected Routledge volume, asking for
a short statement showing
the main content of the Introductory article to be written, how it will unify the two sets of
problems with which you deal in the studies which are with me: the one being the discussion
of the necessity for freedom of science and the second with social political problems of
nations and groups, as, for instance, the article on England and the Continent and the other
on the Jewish question (No. 245).
Mannheims skill as an editor shows in the way he outlines for Polanyi precisely how he can pull his diverse
set of essays into a unified whole:
As a possible title I thought of Re-discoveries, meaning by this that you and we all of a
sudden rediscover values which have been taken too much for granted, and have therefore
nearly disappeared from our consciousness and reappear as an answer to the totalitarian
challenge. Such a re-discovery is that science cannot flourish with[out]freedom, that the Jews
need not necessarily share the nationalism of the modern age but can make a better
contribution by utilizing their peculiar chances of becoming a ferment in the integration of
bigger units under Anglo-Saxon guidance, that England has a peculiar function in the re-birth
of Europe, and that last but not least Europe as a new entity has to be re-discovered too (No.
In early May of 1944, Polanyi responded to Mannheims April 20, 1944 letter and this too was a lengthy
reply. Polanyi seems to have believed that he could transform some of Mannheims epistemological notions
about the bearing of facts and evidence on human knowledge. He points out that scientific experiments presume
that natural events can be analyzed in terms of causal sequences but in a laboratory environment failures
prevail overwhelmingly over successes.
A research director must work to boost morale in the face of regular
disappointment. Scientists dont abandon assumptions about naturalistic causality simply because apparent
evidence does not support them. Polanyi argues that the case of science is analogous to that of moral life:
Similarly, I suggest, as moral beings we are dedicated to an interpretation of human actions
in terms of right and wrong. The latter form a more complicated pattern than that of causality
which had its application of course to an entirely different field. Moreover I suggest that as
Christians and Westerners we are dedicated to seek and uphold human interpretations more
especially in the terms of our own moral tradition. That is what we are here for, as I understand
our purpose in life (No. 246).
Polanyi suggests that thinkers like Marx abandon this view, regarding history as the manifestation of economic
necessities conditioned by technical progress (No. 246). There is a tendency in modernity to regard material
forces as the ultimate reality in human affairs and once thinkers follow this course, they will not find it easy
to entrust their minds ever again to a more intangible aspect of these affairs (No. 246). He concludes by saying
that evidence seems only very vaguely connected to fundamental beliefs:
Evidence, in short, can neither kill nor create fundamental beliefs. What we accept or reject
in these matters is life itself. To some extent we can choose our forms of existence, to some
extent we are born to them, to another part again we may be battered by experience to abandon
one form for another (No. 246).
He suggests that in the middle of
rising and falling convictions there remains fixed a deeper secret pivot of faith, round which
we keep revolving; we follow throughout a code of duty of which we are so unconscious that
we could not formulate one single syllable of it (No. 246).
What seems clearest in the context of this discussion is that, unlike Mannheim, Polanyi holds that human agents
necessarily have basic convictions, and also define facts and evidence in relation to such convictions:
So there is no way out. We must chooseand usually we have chosen already by implication.
That is, we must choose in such a fashion that what we instinctively love in life, what we
spontaneously admire, what we irresistibly aspire to, should make sense in the light of our
convictions. When the prospect of such a solution opens up before our eyes, we undergo a
conversion. Henceforth we do not doubt the faith to which we have been converted, but rather
reject such evidence as may seem to contradict it (No. 246).
Polanyi notes that one of his essays, The Autonomy of Science, that he has sent Mannheim as a proposed
part of a book makes precisely this case for those who are scientists. He points out that in making the case for
a professional life dedicated to the convictions of science, he was constantly bearing in mind the
generalizations arising from this scheme in the wider field touched upon by your questions. Perhaps this letter
conveys a hint of the programme of such a generalisation (No. 246).
Just this programme of such a generalisation is what Polanyi undertakes in his 1951 and 1952
Gifford Lectures and later in PK. It is not difficult to see a rather direct line of development between this May
1944 letter to Mannheim and such passages as the following in PK:
We must now recognize belief once more as the source of all knowledge. Tacit assent and
intellectual passions, the sharing of an idiom and of a cultural heritage, affiliation to a like-
minded community: such are the impulses which shape our vision of the nature of things on
which we rely for our mastery of things. No intelligence, however critical or original, can
operate outside such a fiduciary framework (PK 266).
So also it is easy to notice the connection between ideas in this letter and Polanyis later account of philosophical
I believe that the function of philosophic reflection consists in bringing to light, and affirming
as my own, the beliefs implied in such of my thoughts and practices as I believe to be valid;
that I must aim at discovering what I truly believe in and at formulating the convictions which
I find myself holding; that I must conquer my self-doubt, so as to retain a firm hold on this
programme of self-identification (PK 267).
The letter exchanges in the remainder of May and June 1944 are primarily concerned with planning
for Polanyis book tentatively titled The Autonomy of Science. Despite the fact that Polanyi seems not to
have written either a prcis or a synthesizing essay, Mannheim advises Polanyi on May 10 that my publishers
accepted my suggestions and they on principle will be glad to go ahead with the publication of your proposed
Polanyi proposed using the text of a recent broadcast in place of an essay synthesizing his books
Apparently, Mannheim did not think the text of the broadcast was a suitable substitute for a
synthesizing essay. On June 13, Polanyi reports that he is ready to sign a contract and is prepared, in fact I am
quite eager now, to write a comprehensive essay which will fulfill the function of integrating the book and of
bringing up the number of words to 50,000 or more
Near the end of July, Polanyi reports to Mannheim that
he has signed the contract and sent it back.
He asks if Mannheim is coming north and whether he would like
to stop over at his home for a visit. Polanyi also sends Mannheim a copy of his Reflections on John Dalton
published in late July and suggests this might be included in his forthcoming book. On August 10, 1944,
Mannheim acknowledges receipt of Polanyis letter and article. While he praises Polanyis article, he cautions
Polanyi that he should not put the article as it is in the book because the book will become an unintegrated series
of essays. He asks Polanyi to send to him immediately a hundred-word prospectus for the book
but Polanyi
replied that he was preoccupied:
I do hope you will allow me to postpone the statement about my forthcoming book for a few
more days. I am in the midst of completing the last section of the last chapter of my book and
would like to avoid turning my mind away from it. It is not quite easy to give a reasonably
good description of the forthcoming book without thinking the matter over very carefully.
By early October, the prospectus had been written and editorially redacted. Polanyi was not altogether happy
with it (he suggested allusion to wider problems in later announcements and he complained that there is too
much stress on his opposition to planning in science) but he accepted the following:
The Autonomy of Science. By Prof. Michael Polanyi. F. R. S.
The distinguished Scientist investigates the social conditions of scientific progress. As one
of them he considers the existence of a scientific community of scholars. Out of their co-
operation ideals and standards emanate certain scientific beliefs which together form a
tradition and guide their work. Although an organ of society this community can only
flourish if its autonomy is maintained. Any interference by an external power such as the
State can only destroy this inheritance instead of fostering it. This plea for the freedom of
science is extremely timely at present when in the name of misinterpreted planning State
guidance is propagated by those who ought to be the guardians of scientific liberty.
IV. The Moot and Its June 1944 Meeting
These late spring and summer 1944 letters also mention another venue in which Polanyi and
Mannheim were to meet, J. H. Oldhams group called the Moot. Oldham was an important British Christian
ecumenist who, in 1938, as the world moved toward war, organized this intellectual discussion group. Its
membership included a number of leading British intellectuals: T. S. Eliot, Eric Fenn, Walter Oakeshott,
Geoffrey Shaw, Walter Moberly, Hector Hetherington, John Middleton Murry Alexander Vidler, John Baille,
Fred Clark, Herbert Hodges as well as Mannheim. Mannheim had become a member of the Moot in its second
The Moot usually met in a retreat setting for a long weekend and Oldham organized and led the
sessions. He was careful to keep the number of participants in any given meeting manageable and he divided
the weekend up into a number of different sessions. Oldhams hearing was impaired and he orchestrated the
discussion in a very deliberate manner so that he could follow.
Usually, there was a set of papers, written by
Moot members or guests, which were pre-circulated to those attending; different papers were slotted for
discussion in different sessions. Each meeting ostensibly had a topic or major theme, but sometimes the variety
of the papers suggests that the topic consisted in rather diffuse ideas.
Although the Moot began meeting before Britain entered the war, its focus was, generally stated,
on post-war reconstruction and the role that the Christian church and Christian laypeople were to play in it. From
the beginning, questions about how an order or a Christian order might shape reconstruction were central to
discussions. The Moot was a diverse group with a range of different opinions but a shared concern for shaping
the new post-war society.
Mannheims intellectual interests seem to have been a natural fit with the concerns
of Oldham and the Moot. After Mannheim joins the Moot, he becomes after Oldham himself - the most
active Moot member, attending all meetings until the end of 1944, and producing a number of papers.
Clements notes that Mannheim was the most prolific author of papers in and for the Moot, while Oldham
looked on Mannheim as the most important Moot recruit that he ever secured.
Taylor and Reeeves report
that Alec Vidler, a theologian member, also identified Mannheim as the central figure in the group. Further, they
suggest that Mannheims views about social planning in a democracy as an alternative to bureaucratic
totalitarianism had substantial support in the Moot.
Oldham in 1943 became interested in Polanyis article The English and the Continent, which was
published in Political Quarterly that year. This is one of the articles that Polanyi in early 1944 sent to Mannheim
to consider as part of his proposed book. Oldham wrote Polanyi on 12 November 1943, asking for permission
to publish a shortened version of the article as a Supplement (an occasional paper series) of the Christian
News-Letter, which was a publication sponsored in part by the Moot. Not only Oldham saw this article and
was interested in it, but also Moot member Walter Moberly (another friend of Polanyis) had been given the
article by Polanyi and, on his own initiative, recommended it to Oldham.
Polanyis publications and his
interests in the late thirties and early forties thus seem to have had enough affinity with interests of Moot
members to attract attention.
Polanyi was officially invited by Oldham, on May 2, 1944, to be a guest at the June 23-26 Moot
meeting to be held in a rural setting near Horsham.
Polanyi acknowledges in a letter to Mannheim that he in
fact owed this invitation to Mannheim (No. 248). In regard to this invitation, Mannheim rather generously
compliments Polanyi for being so articulate about a perspective markedly different from Mannheims own
views. In this compliment are visible both Mannheims respect for the Moot and his confidence in the
importance of the cross fertilization of Ideas at this stage of history :
When I suggested that you should be invited to the Moot, I only obeyed my conscience, which
told me that a meeting will be enrichment to you and to them. I believe too much in the
creative power of a real discussion as to be afraid of rival views. The next period in history
is one of the cross-fertilization of Ideasso important after a phase of dogmatism.
Personally, I felt I can trust you. I believe in you and know that you deeply mean what you
The discussion at the June 1944 meeting certainly appears to have again covered some of the same
territory that Mannheim and Polanyi covered earlier in their April 1944 meeting at Mannheims home and in
their succeeding correspondence. Eric Fenns notes on this meeting indicate that H. A. Hodges provided two
papers dealing with the Christian attitude in and to the collective commonwealth.
T. S. Eliot, although he
did not attend the meeting, wrote a letter commenting on Hodges papers, which Oldham read to the group in
the first session of the June meeting . Fenns notes report that the session was lively and that Polanyi, even though
this was his first Moot meeting, was outspoken and at odds with Hodges and Mannheim:
In the preliminary discussion, arising out of the reading of Eliots letter and the working out
of an agenda for the meeting, the chief point was a direct challenge by Michael Polanyi to the
presupposition of Hodges paper and Mannheims position in regard to Planning. Polanyi
did not think that planning was as decisive, or as new, or as sweeping as seemed to be assumed
. . . . He maintained that western society showed a steady process throughout the Middle Ages
and up till the present day. The dramatic departure was the Russian Revolution, which was
not merely an economic revolution but a sudden going mad in the moral and intellectual
sense. The civilised society had always been able to draw from its own tradition the power
to extricate itself from social difficulties and clear up its messes. The Russian Revolution said
that all history was wrong and had to be rolled up and begun again.
There was some preliminary discussion of this view, chiefly between Polanyi and Mannheim,
and at the end of the meeting Polanyi was asked to elaborate his thesis in the form of a paper
for the next meeting of the Moot.
This report of an exchange in the preliminary discussion was likely the reason that the other guest at
this June meeting (i.e., other than Polanyi), Philip Mairet, reported in a letter 25 years later (1969) that he
remembered, from 1944, a ding-dong battle between Polanyi and Mannheim, the latter being taken by surprise
at Polanyis demonstration of the intuitive and traditional element of all vital scientific discovery.
Also the
twelve pages of notes on the several sessions of this Moot meeting make clear that Mannheim often is interested
in and confident about social planning and Polanyi holds, as Fenn summarized his views in one session, in a
complex society it was necessary to rely more on individual initiative than in a simpler society.
summaries of Polanyis views clearly suggest that Polanyi linked his criticisms of planning with comments on
the Russian Revolution and his larger account of the development of modern history as the following summary
The notion of planning rested in XIX century science taken up with such thinkers as Saint-
Simon and Marx, and bearing fruit in the Russian Revolution. In 1917 there were none of
the modern techniques (wireless, aeroplanes, bombs, etc.). There was only the deep
inspiration of men who thought they could take the place of God; that it was their duty to
command the good of mankind.
V. The December 1944 Moot Meeting
The last chapter in the Polanyi-Mannheim encounter in the context of the Moot occurs at the next
Moot meeting held December 15-18, 1944. Unfortunately, there are not as many available records for this
gathering as for its predecessor but the correspondence and some other material do point to some interesting
things. As noted above, T. S. Eliot could not attend the June 1944 Moot meeting, but he wrote a response to
Hodges papers and this response apparently initiated the June discussion between Mannheim and Polanyi.
Although he did not attend the Moot as regularly as Mannheim, Eliot was an active Moot member and he
frequently contributed to Moot discussions. Eliot certainly was familiar with Mannheim and the views that
Mannheim promulgated in the Moot. While Eliot had considerable respect for Mannheim, his views were
more socially and politically conservative than those of Mannheim.
Kojecky suggests that almost from the formation of the Moot there was a tension in the group
between thought and action. By 1940, Mannheim was a Moot member who made an appeal for decisiveness,
and an active order, in strong terms, urging that a revolution from above must be initiated.
Although he did
not want to insist upon this slogan, Mannheim wrote,
The Germans, Russians, and Italians are more advanced than we are in the techniques of
managing modern society, but their purposes are wrong and even atavistic. We may look to
elite groups in our society, e.g, the Moot, or enlightened Civil Servants, to use these
techniques for different ends. The new techniques constitute a new opportunity and a new
obligation. We want to mobilize the intelligent people of goodwill in this country who are
waiting for a lead. At the same time there must be a popular movement to back what the elites
are doing. You cannot build up a great movement without the dynamism of social
The records of the Moot, as well as other Eliot writings of this period, make clear that Eliot
temperamentally as well as intellectually balked at Mannheims activism. Kojecky summarizes Eliots views
by saying in general, Eliot was attracted rather by the idea of an intellectual than a directly political form of
In the early forties, Eliot is wrestling with questions about thought and action, about the nature of
post-war culture and the structure of society, and particularly about the ways in which Christian beliefs and
values should shape public life. What is happening in Moot discussions is clearly central to Eliots effort to
develop his social philosophy.
In June 1943, Hodges prepared a paper for the Moot titled Politics and the
Moot that Kojecky describes as in many ways a defence of socialism that came close to suggesting that
continuing discussions in the Moot are in fact an evasion of responsibility.
Eliot seems to have been jolted
by Hodges paper, since he sent to Oldham five letters that were concerned with issues about the role of the
Moot and these were circulated. The following is a part of the first letter:
Now it seems to me very doubtful whether the Moot, by the nature of its composition, is fitted
to frame any sort of programme to which all the members would spontaneously and
wholeheartedly adhere with no qualifications to blunt its force. We are actually people of as
dissimilar backgrounds and activities as we could be and still have the common concern for
Christianity and Society that we have. Hardly any two are even of exactly the same brand of
Christianity. This variety is what has given the Moot its zest, and even its cohesion; it is what
. . . has made this association, over a number of years, and bringing with it an unexpectedly
deep and genuine sense of loyalty and kinship with the other members, so very fecundating.
If it has made as much difference to everyone as it has to me, it has justified itself fully. But
I am not sure whether these benefits are compatible with the fruits of collective effort to
change the world, which we are so often adjuring ourselves to cultivate.
Eliot did not attend either the October 1943 meeting of the Moot nor any of its meetings in 1944,
in January, June and December. However he provided material that was used in most of these meetings in the
form of letters to Oldham that were either pre-circulated or read to the group by Oldham.
It was apparently
Eliots letter criticizing Hodgess views that touched off the June meetings disagreements between Polanyi and
Hodges and Mannheim. It is also, however, Eliots hand in Moot affairs that shapes a component of Polanyis
participation in the December 1944 Moot discussion. Eliot wrote a paper for the December meeting titled On
the Place and Function of the Clerisy. In September of 1944, Oldham wrote Polanyi that Eliot was going to
write this paper for the December meeting and had requested that Polanyi and Mannheim be the respondents.
Polanyi wrote a letter of response of about 1200 words to Eliots paper, which he sent to Oldham on 16 October
and to Mannheim later in the month.
After reading Polanyis response, Mannheim wrote a much longer
response letter
and both were circulated with Eliots paper, and Eliots short responses to both Manneheim
and Polanyi, to Moot members as part of the material for the December 15-18, 1944 Moot meeting.
It seems rather clear that Eliot chose his respondents carefully. His social vision is in tension with that
of Mannheim, but Eliot likely anticipated that Polanyis views also would be in tension with views of
Mannheim. Like Mannheim, Eliot had corresponded with Polanyi and was at least somewhat acquainted with
Polanyis views even before he had the opportunity to read Fenns notes on the June 23-26, 1944 Moot meeting.
In early June of 1944, Polanyi inquired about publishing a book on Science and Human Ideals with Eliot at
Faber and Faber Publishers.
A mutual friend provided Eliot with a copy of Polanyis essay The Autonomy
of Science. which Eliot reports that he read with great pleasure and approval.
Eliot indicates he is
impressed with Polanyis essay and other Polanyi essays that he has seen and to which Oldham has referred.
VI. Moot Papers of Eliot, Polanyi and Mannheim
Although we cannot here extensively review the contents of this interesting set of Moot papers, some
comments are in order. Eliots paper, as its title suggests, focuses on the role and function of the clerisy, a
term which he has apparently borrowed from Coleridge which points to an elite whose members have
distinguished themselves by training. Undoubtedly, the Moot discussants recognized Eliots paper as one
more thread in the general fabric of common Moot discussions about postwar reconstruction and, specifically,
their own role in that reconstruction. The Moot itself might be thought of as a clerisy. Eliot argues that the
clerisy originates the ideas and defines the sensibilities that are operative in a given culture at a give time. He
ponders the links and distinctions between the clerisy and classes in a society. He identifies differences between
types of clerics (intellectuals and emotives) and ponders the implications for society when too many clerics are
unemployed; he speculates about a hierarchy within the clerisy and outlines ways different clerics promulgate
particular ideas. Certainly, one current that runs through this essay concerns whether the clerisy can be expected
to take concerted action of the sort Mannheim and others seem to have advocated for the Moot:
The point is, however, that we cannot ask for any common mind, or any common action, on
the part of clerics. They have a common function, but this is below the level of conscious
purposes. The have at least one common interestan interest in the survival of the clerisy.
. . but they will have no agreement on how to promote this. Agreement, and common action
, can only be by particular groups of clerics. When clerics can form a group in which
formulated agreement is possible, it will be due to affinities which distinguish them from
other clerics.
Eliot ends his essay with four sets of questions that he apparently wants his respondents and Moot discussants
to address. Most of his questions concern how the term clerisy can be made more useful and meaningful, but
his last set of queries concerns whether the culture of Britain is declining in quality.
Polanyis response to Eliot is a very positive one, although he does not try directly to address the
questions that Eliot posed at the end of his essay. Instead, Polanyi says he wants to define my own position
with respect to it [Eliots position] so as to make clear the points at which Eliots remarks seem most helpful
to me.
Polanyi begins by emphasizing that the heritage of the West is carried forward by the clerisy through
what he terms personal transmission
in the modern West there exists and is being passed on from one generation to the next a great
heritage of the mind: religion and law, hundreds of branches of science and thousands of
technologies, history , philosophy, economics, and the whole wealth of language and music,
paintings, poetry, etc. Most of this heritage can continue to live only by a process of personal
transmission. If any part of it is not actively and creatively cultivated for a period of, say, 50
years and successive new generations are not initiated to it its secret is lost and it falls into
petrification if not complete oblivion from which it can be recovered only by the exceptional
event of rediscovery. The first function of the clerisy is to keep the mental heritage alive and
to hand it on to its successors.
Polanyi then suggests that the scope of knowledge in modernity is broad and this means that growth of
knowledge continues only because there are today specialist clerisies such as that in the world of science.
Each domain of knowledge has such a specialist clerisy which is a
miniature society of experts whose function is to supervise the apprenticeship of novices, to
preside over the discussions of mature members and pronounce a verdict on their achieve-
ments or at least to clarify their professional standing, to sanction (or deny) the professional
character of their products and attach grades or valuation to these as they are being handed
out to the wider public. I have outlined this structure for the clerisy of science in an essay The
Autonomy of science [sic.] and I am glad to see that Eliots study suggests some new
elements to be included in a generalised description of specialist clerisies.
Polanyi contends that a specialist clerisy such as that in science
collectively possesses knowledge and collectively conducts processes of thought which no
individual could even remotely attempt to possess or to conduct. It is literally an embodiment
of thought; if you damage it you impair thinking; if you reduce it you narrow down truth. The
internal organisation of each clerisy must be such as to give scope to its internal necessities
of growth.
Polanyi calls a specialist clerisy a dedicated society that is defined by its service to purposes that have
been received by way of tradition and are believed to be good. A specialist clerisy is thus an expression of faith
in its particular realm. This faith consists in the acceptance as good of certain traditional skills, values and
insights forming together a traditional inspiration. But Polanyi points out that there is a tension within a
specialist clerisy between the accepted and the new:
Each generation of a living civilisation must accept the overwhelming majority of thoughts
as handed on to it; but at the same time it has to exercise criticism and make rational changes.
There is a continuous clash of authority and revolt, of old and new inspiration.
Polanyi claims that there is no simple way to resolve conflicts and in a sense the clerisy is at every moment
literally in the hand of God and to this extent again society as a whole is in the same position:
There is no one to decide then; each generation must decide certain points ultimately by force.
It must keep the cranks and fools in check and must risk to starve many an unrecognised
genius in the process of doing so. This is where each generation is left to itselfto hark back
to the original inspiration of our civilisation; to its own conscience and to God.
Polanyi ends his response to Eliot by proclaiming that the life of the clerisy has bearing on three issues
concerned with ultimate power, ultimate truth and liberty. The presence of clerisies makes clear that there are
social structures which are powerless radically to change their purpose, function and laws of growth because
they can continue to exist only so far as they remain dedicated to the tradition of which they are guardians,
expositors critics and promoters. About the problem of ultimate truth, Polanyi says that a human being can
understand and improve the world only by attaching his faith to some parts of the heritage which then serve
him as a guide. This means that by maintaining faith,
truth can be pursued by a definite process of collecting experience and of interaction with
the opinion of the clerisy.
Every time we affirm any kind of validity (truth, beauty, etc.) we express by
implication certain amount of faith in a part of the common mental heritage and also
some reliance on the clerisy in charge of it. Thus every recognition of truth contains both
a spark of faith and an element of social loyalty.
Polanyis final point touches on his political philosophy and sounds very like comments made in both The
Contempt of Freedom and his letters to Mannheim:
So long as clerisies live there is a rightful ground to stand up against oppression by the State,
because to the extent that the State upholds the realm of clerisies its powers are ipso facto
restricted. Hence subjection of the people to tyranny must always involve the corruption of
the clerisy. It requires substitution of faith in traditional cultures, and the acceptance instead
of purely temporal authority. That is the structure of totalitarian power.
What is visible in Polanyis response to Eliots paper are themes that are developed in his later
philosophy; these themes are also nascent or to some degree articulated in other essays in the late thirties and
early forties. Polanyis interest in tradition, in specialization, in novel knowledge or discovery are part of his
essay The Autonomy of Science (1938), Science Faith and Society (1946), Personal Knowledge (1958) and
are treated in many other publications such as The Republic of Science (1962) which brings all these themes
together in a mature statement. Eliots reflection on the clerisy seems to have served primarily as a vehicle for
Polanyi to begin pulling together the different threads in his emerging philosophy. Certainly, there is some
affinity with some points in Eliots discussion but Polanyi moves beyond Eliots concern with reframing
Coleridges ideas about the clerisy to understand the contemporary cultural situation and the Moot itself. In
fact, when Polanyi sent his response to Eliots paper to Mannheim on October 23, 1944, he identified what he
had written as containing in very rough form the summary of the philosophy at which I am aiming by my studies
of the scientific life.
He proposes to Mannheim that he agree to my suggestion and accept the outline of
ideas as stated in the letter to Oldham as the groundwork of my proposed introductory essay (No. 254).
Mannheims response to Eliots discussion of the clerisy makes an effort to address the many questions
that Eliot posed at the end of his essay. He suggests that Eliots term would be more useful if Eliot distinguished
it from somewhat comparable terms in the sociological and philosophical literature, including intelligentsia
as he used it in Ideology and Utopia. Mannheim suggests that Eliot is really referring to an elite within the elite
with the term clerisy, since what Eliot is most interested in is people who have the mental capacity to break
with convention. Convention breakers are important in dynamic societies, but Mannheim suggests Eliots
analysis is too simple if he thinks class is always a force against change while a clerisy is a force for change.
Mannheim spends much of his space discussing how new ideas are disseminated in society. He implies that Eliot
has a certain disdain for popularization, but Mannheim thinks those who bring ideas into circulation
This is why I think it is a mistake to consider those who express the real substance on a simpler
level as publicity agents only. Those who succeed in the great venture of being genuine on
the lower levels of communication, contribute at least as much to the preservation of culture
as those who keep the existing fires burning in small selected circles.
In the third section of his response, Mannheim responds not only to Eliots paper but also to Polanyis
response to Eliot. This is a section in which Mannheim reflects on the promotion of culture and particularly
the role that tradition plays in such promotion. Mannheim identifies Polanyis response as an important
contribution of which he offers only one criticism:
If the things I have said so far are taken together, the real clerics are not only united on that
abstract level of promotion of culture but their interplay is bound to lead to a new pattern. I
mean a new pattern but not a new organisation. At present this pattern is only in the making
because most of them who can see the need for a clerisy are on the defensive. This is my
criticism of Michael Polanyis otherwise very important contribution. He only sees the
tradition aspect of culture, and gives expression only to the panic which so many of us
experience when we see the danger that the little groups which handed over through
generations their intimate experiences and specific skills are bound to be swept away by the
vulgarising and organising tendencies of mass society.
Mannheim here seems to be criticizing Polanyis notion of tradition as one that is more like Eliotstradition
is distinguished from vulgar popularization.
But Polanyis response to Eliot does treat both the conservative
force of tradition and the challenge of new knowledge. To anybody who has read Polanyis later thought,
Mannheim seems somewhat to miss the mark. Polanyi argues that respect for innovation and creativity is part
of the tradition of science at least.
Mannheim goes on to make clear how important he thinks the rediscovery of tradition is; he refers not
only to his own earlier writing about the importance of closed groups but emphasizes the importance of personal
transmission (Polanyis term) and the need to integrate different levels of the clerisy:
The re-discovery of the significance of tradition is certainly very important and the
exploration of the conditions under which tradition may survive should become one of the
central themes of sociology. In this connection I wish to emphasise once more the needs for
the existence of closed groups in which new ideas find time to mature before they are thrown
into the open market. I still think that this type of exclusiveness is a precondition for
creativeness in culture, but today I should like to add to this that the maintenance of culture
is only one aspect of the story. The existence of small nuclear groups where tradition is
transmitted through personal contacts is vital, but it is equally important that these groups
should communicate with each other through personal contacts. Just as St. Paul saw his task
in developing communication between Christian communities in order to keep inspiration
alive in an expanding world it is even more important for us to invent the equivalent to writing
epistles, to establish forms of real mooting beyond what organisation can do in this respect.
A new type of clerisy will only develop if such a living web in a horizontal and vertical
direction will unite them. Living contacts between the higher and lower clerics is as
important as deep level understanding between the clerics of different nationalities. Thus,
apart from the invention of new forms of popularisation the establishment of new forms of
personal contacts between living groups and individuals who have the powers of inspiration
is the outstanding task.
Mannheim seems to think one important factor in the emerging highly organized mass society is the need to
find a remedy against the detrimental effects of more organization and this he terms planning for freedom:
Planning for freedom means so to organise that the organisation itself should establish within
its own cosmos those rules and unwritten laws which protect the solitary thinker, unorganised
thought, the attempt at transcending established routine, and conventionalisation against the
impact of the stereotyped mind. How this is to be done cannot be answered at this stage.
Concrete experiences have to be collected and careful descriptions of lost battles of
spontaneous minds in their struggle against the vested interests of routine, established in the
name of which the clerisy can protect if injustice or victimisation occurs. As it is one of the
essentials of democracy that it not only admits minorities and non-conformists (in the
broadest sense of the word) but ascribes creative significance to them, it is equally important
that it should defend those minorities on whose constructive co-operation the life of culture
depends; culture as life and not as a routine and organisation.
VII. Mannheims Death and Polanyis Book
Unfortunately, there are no Moot meeting notes reporting how the discussion of these three papers
went in December 1944.
On January 1, 1945, Mannheim wrote Polanyi a short letter indicating he was pleased
to hear Polanyi enjoyed the December discussion; he laments the fact, which apparently Polanyi had noted, that
Moot members were dilettantes in regard to economics. Mannheim expresses regret about the way in which
he criticized the rate of change in England: I really feel what I expressed perhaps too abruptly at the Moot
that this country cannot afford any longer to bring about change at such a slow pace as in the past.
indicates he is pleased to hear Polanyi is working on his book.
What we do know is that Mannheim must genuinely have liked Polanyis response paper or, at the
least, he thought that the piece would serve as a good introduction to Polanyis projected Routledge book. On
October 27, 1944, Mannheim wrote to Polanyi I have read your comments on T. S. Eliots paper with very great
interest and I feel they will make a very good introduction to the book.
He cautioned Polanyi that the essay
needed to become an integrating piece and not simply another essay, but Mannheim, ever the skillful editor, then
gave Polanyi a prescription for how to accomplish this:
But this can be easily done because starting with the theme Tradition, you can at the same time
reach your problems concerning the continuity in science and its autonomy, you can show
that Europe is precious to us as a specific tradition and that just in this respect England has
a chance of giving leadership and finally, you can discuss the problem of the advanced Jewish
intellectuals as a specific configuration within the stream of European tradition. I am very
much looking forward to the reading of the Introduction (No. 254).
The fate of Polanyis book with Mannheim is something of a mystery. The correspondence record does
not mention the book again, but it does show that Polanyi tried to set up a London meeting with Mannheim in
late May of 1945.
It also shows that Polanyi is hard at work on other projects. In March of 1945, he sent to
Mannheim a 1944 article on patent reform that was perhaps published late or had just reached Polanyi. Polanyi
seems to have sent the essay to Mannheim in order to make a point regarding his stance on centralization:
I would be glad if you could find time to read the enclosed pamphlet. It should show you that
I am not at all opposed on principle to an extension of centralized control over economic
activities. Actually, I am entirely in favour of it wherever the conditions require it.
Later in the fall of 1945, Polanyi sent Mannheim a letter proposing a new journal to be sponsored by the
Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society.
Polanyi apparently had been working on this proposal and
he asked that Mannheim seek support for this journal from Routledge, which Mannheim did, although the
journal was not funded.
The are no archival records of correspondence between Polanyi and Mannheim after the fall of 1945.
Polanyi signed a contract for his Routledge book in Mannheims series in July of 1944 and that fall the
advertising summary for the book was completed (see discussion above), but the book does not appear in 1945
or 1946. If one looks at a Polanyi bibliography or the discussion of these years in Scott and Moleski, it is clear
that Polanyi is hard at work on a number of publications, including Full Employment and Free Trade (1945)
and Science, Faith and Society (1946). The latter is based on his Riddell Lectures at the University of Durham
and it develops many ideas similar to components in the projected Routledge book. Perhaps Polanyi was simply
too busy to complete Mannheims requested revision of his response to Eliot, recast as an integrating summary
of his essays selected for his promised book titled The Autonomy of Science.
Polanyi may have had further
discussions with Mannheim at the July 1945 and the May 1946 Moot meetings but there is no record of these
meetings. On January 9, 1947, the day before the twenty-fourth Moot meeting at which he was expected and
for which Polanyi submitted a short paper, Mannheim died of a heart attack at 54.
Some material to be included in the projected book titled The Autonomy of Science was eventually
published in 1951 as part of Polanyis The Logic of Liberty, but this volume also includes other material, much
of it published after Mannheims death.
The Logic of Liberty was, however a part of the Routledge series
edited by Mannheim, the International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction.
VIII. Conclusion
Polanyis acquaintaince with Karl Mannheim in England stretches over the last three years of
Mannheims life. Records of this friendship are sketchy but there are several interesting letters that focus on
a projected book that never was published. There are also some records of the Moot and two Moot papers
that are interesting responses to T. S. Eliot. Polanyis paper includes some early formulations of themes that
are more fully developed in his philosophical works that come after this period. The Polanyi-Mannheim letters
and some records of the Moot also reflect important philosophical differences between these figures. They
seem to have held quite different views about the nature of knowledge, freedom, planning and the meaning of
history. Polanyis reviews of two posthumously published Mannheim works show that Polanyi remembered
Mannheim in terms of some of these sharp differences in their perspectives.
Polanyis 1951 review of
Mannheims Freedom, Power and Democratic Planning was titled Planning for Freedom. Although this is
a short review with praise for Mannheims intellectual prowess, it ends on this note:
A sweeping mind whose power to assimilate and reformulate was unsurpassed in its time is
present on every page. Yet in the end the process of planning on which the book dwells so
persistently remains altogether obscure. All kinds of social reform that have been practiced
for centuries are comprised under this designation and it is not apparent what, if anything, is
to be added to them in a planned society. But in spite of such deficiencies that may be
unavoidable in a posthumous work, the book will remain an important source for the study
of Mannheims thought which has woven itself widely into the intellectual fabric of our
Polanyis 1952 review of Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge is also short and it focuses on Mannheims
optimism about the outcome of struggle in history between groups with conflicting interpretations. Pointing
to the ways in which communism crushed the free interplay of ideas on which Mannheim relied,
says history has not justified Mannheims optimism. He then turns again to his criticism of Mannheims view
that minds are determined by historical forces:
But even as this outcome of history refutes Mannheims optimism it bears out his analysis
of the modern mind which, having consented to regard its own mental processes as
determined by the existing social structure, has renounced any standing from which it might
pass judgment on an act of violence which transforms the social structure. In the pursuit of
his false hopes, Mannheim has explored this fatal situation, which he calls our fundamental
trend towards self-relativisation, more persistently than any other writer has done. While
we no longer share his delusions we shall continue to profit from his penetrating account of
a dilemma in which we remain deeply entangled.
William Scott and Martin Moleski, Michael Polanyi (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005):
194. Subsequent citations are simply Scott and Moleski and page number and, when the context is clear,
citations are by page numbers in parentheses in the text. See also Scott and Moleski, 41, which indicates that
Polanyi and Mannheim, as well as George Lukcs are listed in Balazss diary entry of Dec. 23, 1915 as members
of the Sunday Afternooners group. How frequently Polanyi attended and how long he was affiliated with this
group are unclear. Scott and Moleski are relying on Lee Congdons work in The Making of a Hungarian
Revolutionary: The Unpublished Diary of Bela Balazs, Journal of Contemporary History 8 (1973).
Certainly there are suggestions in the early Polanyi-Mannheim correspondence in the mid forties
(discussed below) that each figure already knew something about the other. Scott and Moleski (196) also
provide additional evidence, including a letter from Oscar Jszi, showing that Polanyi has an interest in
Mannheims work.
Edward, Shils, Karl Mannheim, The American Scholar, Spring, 1995: 221. Shils, who translated
some of Mannheims works into English and was a friend of Polanyi, offers an interesting account (221-235)
of Mannheim. It is not clear if Shils knew Polanyi in 1944, when Polanyi becomes acquainted with Mannheim
in England. But it is certain that Shils knew Polanyi before Mannheims death in 1947. Shils reports (On the
Tradition of Intellectuals: Authority and Antinomianism According to Michael Polanyi, TAD 22: 2: 10-26)
that he was invited by Polanyi to give an address in Manchester in January of 1947 (21). In Shils article on
Mannheim (234), Shils also tells a story about telling Polanyi that Mannehim had died in January of 1947.
va Gbor (ed. with assistance of Dzs Banki and R. T. Allen), Selected Correspondence (1911-
1946) of Karl Mannheim, Scientist, Philosopher, and Sociologist (Lampeter, Wales: The Edwin Mellen Press,
2003). Since most Polanyi-Mannheim letters have now been published and they are numbered in Gbors
collection, first citations to specific letters in the collection are hereafter abbreviated, using only the number of
the letter in the collection, the sender and receiver, and the date of the letter. Subsequent citations of published
letters simply note the letter number in parentheses in the text following the quotation.
Richard Lee Gelwick, Michael Polanyi: Credere Aude His Theory of Knowledge and Its
Implications for Christian Theology, Th. D. Dissertation, Pacific School of Religion, 1965: p. 11, note 8.
No. 240, Polanyi to Mannheim, January 10, 1944.
No. 241, Mannheim to Polanyi , January 14, 1944.
Then in press but published in The Nineteenth Century and After 135 (February 1944): 78-83.
Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 85 (February
1943): 19-38. Also in Scientific Monthly 60 (February 1945): 141-150. Also as Self-Government of Science
in Polanyis The Logic of Liberty (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1951): 49-68. Hereafter The Logic of Liberty is
abbreviated LL.
Economica 8 (November 1941): 421-456. Richard Allen (Society, Economics , Philosophy:
Selected Papers by Michael Polanyi [New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1997]: 362-363) notes this
was partially reprinted (and/or reorganized and reprinted) in two other places later and in LL. Society,
Economics , Philosophy: Selected Papers by Michael Polanyi is hereafter abbreviated SEP.
The Political Quarterly 14 (October-December, 1943): 372-381. Also in Fortune 29 (May 1944):
The Political Quarterly 14 (January-March 1943): 33-45. Also in SEP: 33-45.
No. 242, Polanyi to Mannheim, February 1, 1944. As Gbor intends to note (her footnotes to this
letter [453] are scrambled ), this is an early title for Full Employment and Free Trade, which is published in 1945
by Cambridge University Press. Later letters give this various titles but mention that Cambridge Press is
considering the material.
No. 244. Polanyi to Mannheim, April 19, 1944.
Michael Polanyi, The Contempt of Freedom: The Russian Experiment and After (London: Watts
& Co, 1940, New York: Arno Press, 1975). Subsequent quotations from this work are noted in parentheses with
CF and page number only. Polanyi identifies the essays in this 1940 book as notes taken in the important years
between 1935 and 1940 (CF 5). If you extend this period forward to 1943, it is clear this is an extraordinarily
fruitful period for Polanyis developing philosophical perspective. Scott and Moleski (192) point out that
Polanyi had written fifty pieces in defense of the liberal tradition by the spring of 1943. Five of these had been
published, fifteen given as lectures, five were incomplete book manuscripts and there are twenty-five fragments
and short essays. Although we draw on The Contempt of Freedom to set forth Polanyis developing views,
similar ideas are found in this larger body of material. See, for example, Scott and Moleskis discussion (184)
of the late 1940 addresses Planning, Culture and Freedom and Planning, Efficiency and Liberty.
Somewhat later in his discussion, Polanyi adds a discussion of how supervision is also most
appropriate for the economic field (CF 38):
This field, therefore, cannot be managed by the imposition of a governmental plan, but must,
on the contrary, be cultivated by a supervisory authority which assures the individuals of
suitably regulated opportunities for giving effect to their desires. Supervision in the case of
individual economic desires is embodied in the machinery of commerce, operating through
the market which keeps commercial ideas and information in universal circulation (CF 39).
There are some suggestions that Polanyi may have been particularly interested in the law in this
period. There is a 44 page essay dated February 26, 1942 titled The Law that is apparently part of a longer
manuscript titledThe Structure of Freedom in the University of Chicago Polanyi archival collection (Box 33,
Folder 2). This is an extended discussion of the law and its evolution; Polanyi compares the law and science
and tries to show the law is a bulwark of self-government.
William Taylor and Marjorie Reeves, Christian Thinking and Social Order, ed. Marjorie Reeves
(London: Cassell, 1999): 28.
Gbor, 454. See No. 244, note 1.
See especially Scott and Moleski, 185-186 for a discussion of Polanyis work with John Baker and
the Society for Freedom in Science.
The idea of calling is developed in PK (see 321-324)as an alternative to this deterministic view.
In SM, the book that he publishes in 1959 just after PK (1958), Polanyis notes in the Preface (9) can be seen
as both an introduction and an extension of the inquiry of PK; it treats the problems of interpreting history. See
Yu Zhenhuas excellent discussion of SM in Two Cultures Revisited: Michael Polanyi on the Continuity
Between the Natural Sciences and the Study of Man, Tradition and Discovery 28:3 (2001-2002): 6-19.
No. 245. Mannheim to Polanyi, April 20, 1944.
No. 246. Polanyi to Mannheim, May 2, 1944.
Scott and Moleski (197), suggest that this tracing of conviction to an unformlizable code is an early
hint at the importance of what later Polanyi calls the tacit dimension. This seems correct although what Polanyi
is at this stage beginning to work out is the fiduciary program rather than the epistemological model that grows
out of it.
No. 247. Mannheim to Polanyi, May 10, 1944.
No. 248. Polanyi to Mannheim, May 27, 1944.
No. 249. Polanyi to Mannheim, June 13, 1944.
Polanyi letter to Mannheim, 27 July 1944, Box 4, Folder 11 in The Papers of Michael Polanyi held
by the Department of Special Collections of the University of Chicago Library. All quotations of material in
The Papers of Michael Polanyi are used with permission of the University of Chicago Library. Subsequent
citations to archival letters in the Chicago collection will be shortened to the letter and date, box and folder
number. This and a few other letters were not included in the Gbor collection.
No. 252. Mannheim to Polanyi, August 10, 1944,
Polanyi letter to Mannheim, 16 August 1944, Box 4, Folder 11.
Polanyi letter to Mannheim with enclosure, 2 October 1944, Box 4, Folder 11.
For a general discussion of the Moot and its context see Roger Kojecky T. S. Eliots Social
Criticism (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1971): 156-197, 238-239, and Taylor and Reeves, 24-48. This
list of members combines those listed in each of these sources.
Kathleen Bliss, Oldham, Joseph Houldsworth, Dictionary of National Biography: 1961-1970
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), 806-808.
Taylor and Reeves, 26-28. See also Kojecky, 163 who points out that those who attended the first
Moot meeting had received a letter from Oldham raising the idea of a Christian order. Kojecky, 163-197
provides a rich account of the unfolding set of Moot discussions up until Mannheims death in January of 1947.
Ideas about an order or an elite with a special role are never far from the center of gravity in this group; this is
the background for the December 1944 papers by Eliot, Mannheim and Polanyi on the clerisy, the term that
Eliot adopted from Coleridge.
Taylor and Reeves, 25.
Keith Clements, Faith on the Frontier (Edinburgh: T and T Clark, 1999), 384.
Taylor and Reeves, 25. See also, for example, J. H. Oldhams chapter Planning for Freedom in
his 1942 book Real Life Is Meeting (Macmillan; Seabury, 1953), which is a review and paean of praise for
Mannheims claims for planning. See
rlm.htm .
Oldham letter to Polanyi, 12 November 1943. Box 15, Folder 3.
Oldham letter to Polanyi, 2 May, 1944. Box 15, Folder 3.
No. 251. Mannheim to Polanyi, June 29, 1944..
Notes of Moot Meeting of June 23-25, 1944, p. 1, Box 15, Folder 6. Kojecky, 164 (note) identifies
Fenn as the scribe for the meetings for which notes exist.
Notes of Moot Meeting of June 23-25, 1944 , pp.1-2, Box 15, Folder 6.
Quoted by Kojecky, 155. There is also a letter from Mannheim to Polanyi on June 29, immediately
after the June 1944 meeting, that indicates that Polanyi provided an apparently impressive historical expose
(No. 251) at this (his) first meeting. It is possible that Mairets memory and what impressed Mannheim came
not from the preliminary discussion in which Polanyi and Mannheim were at odds but from a later session of
the three-day June 1944 meeting. Although there are no detailed Fenn notes on the final session, it is described
in the order of events as a closing discussion and statement on the philosophical position of science by Michael
Notes of Moot Meeting of June 23-26, 1944, p. 6. Box 15, Folder 6.
Notes of Moot Meeting of June 23-26, 1944, p. 5. Box 15, Folder 6.
Kojecky, 174.
Quoted in Kojecky, 175, apparently from a 1940 Mannheim Moot paper.
Kojecky, 176.
Peter Ackroyd, 243 in T. S. Eliot (London: Abacus, 1985) acknowledges the influence of
interaction with figures in the Moot in shaping Eliot publications such and The Idea of a Christian Society
(1939) and of Notes Towards the Definition Culture (1948). Peter Scott, 71-73 in an article (The Social Critic
and His Discontents, The Cambridge Companion to T. S. Eliot, ed David A. Moody [Cambridge: CUP, 1994)
makes similar claims.
Kojecky, 186.
Quoted in Kojecky, 188.
Kojecky, 194.
Oldham to Polanyi, 12 September, 1944, Box 15, Folder 3.
Polanyi to Oldham, 16 October, 1944, Box 15, Folder 3.
No. 253. Polanyi to Mannheim, October 23, 1944.
Mannheim apparently wrote his response to Eliot about the same time Polanyi did since he refers
to it in his October 27, 1944 (No. 254) letter to Polanyi.
These papers, with an introduction by the present authors, are forthcoming in Journal of Classical
Sociology. Eliots paper has also been published as an appendix in Kojecky, 240-248.
Polanyi to Eliot, 3rd June 1944. Box 4, Folder 11. Ultimately, Polanyi does not pursue the possible
publication with Eliot because his agreement with Mannheims employer gives Routledge an option for two
future publications. Polanyi to Eliot, 27 June, 1944, Box 4, Folder 11.
Eliot to Polanyi, 7th June 1944, Box 4, Folder 11.
Kojecky, 245. Also Notes by T. S. Eliot and On the Place and Function of the Clerisy, Box 15,
Folder 6.
Letter from Michael Polanyi, Box 15, Folder 6 (also Polanyi to Oldham, 16 October 1944, Box 15,
Folder 3). Succeeding quotations without a source listed in this and the next several paragraphs, as the context
makes clear, are from this same letter of response to Eliots paper.
va Gbor (Michael Polanyi in the Moot, Polanyiana Vol. 2, No. 1-2 [1992]: 124) suggsts that
Polanyis emphasis upon personal transmission here is really the germ of his later term personal knowledge.
No. 253. Polanyi to Mannheim, October 23, 1944.
Letter from Karl Mannheim, Box 15, Folder 6. Subsequent quotations without a source listed in this
and the next paragraphs, as the context makes clear, are from Mannheims response to Eliots paper.
Kojecky notes (196) that Mannheim wanted to democratize knowledge, but Eliot thought this was
either impossible or simply objectionable. Mannheim may be reading Polanyis emphasis upon specialization
as a simple elitism.
At least no notes are available in the Polanyi archival material. Kojecky (239) lists Fenn, the person
who took notes, as absent from this meeting so there likely were no official notes at all for this meeting.
No. 258. Mannheim to Polanyi, January 1, 1945.
No. 254. Mannheim to Polanyi, October 27, 1944. Scott and Moleski, 194, note 112 suggest a
Polanyi essay Three Periods of History was originally intended as the introduction. There is evidence in the
early paragraphs of the text of this essay (found in Box 29, Folder 8) that this was probably originally written
as an introduction to the projected Mannheim book titled The Autonomy of Science. As we discuss below
(footnote 73), however, Three Periods of History appears to have become a part of another projected book.
There is no discussion of Three Periods of History in Polanyi and Mannheims letters, but it is clear quite
clear in the letters that both Polanyi and Mannheim want to see Polanyis response to Eliot reshaped as the
introduction to Polanyi projected book in Mannheims series.
Polanyis letter to Professor and Mrs. K. Mannheim of 23 May 1945, Box 4, Folder 12, proposes
a lunch meeting on the 31
of May that would include Eliot. Polanyi wrote a similar proposal to Eliot (23 May
1945, Box 4, Folder 12). Subsequent letters in Box 4, Folder 12 (Eliot to Polanyi, 25 May 1945; Mannheim
to Polanyi, 25 May 1945; and Polanyi to Mannheim, 26 May 1945) suggest that a lunch for all three parties could
not be worked out, although it is possible that Polanyi and Mannheim had lunch and Polanyi and Eliot met later
in the afternoon of the 31
at Eliots office.
No. 259. Polanyi to Mannheim, March 6, 1945.
No. 260. Polanyi to Mannheim, September 14, 1945.
No. 261. Mannheim to Polanyi, September 18, 1945. Gbor, 459, No. 261, note 2 reports that
Routledge did not fund the project.
It is certainly also possible that Polanyi, either before or after the December 1944 Moot meeting,
wrote another introductory essay. As noted above (footnote 68), Scott and Moleski , 194, note 112, have found
an essay titled Three Periods of History in archival material for this period (Box 29, Folder 8). The text of
this essay does suggest that the essay was intended as an opening essay in the unpublished book for Mannheim
titled The Autonomy of Science. Three Periods of History is, however, nothing like Polanyis response
to Eliot which both Polanyi and Mannheim seemed so enthusiastic about. As it title suggests, Three Periods
of History offers a rather grand schematization of Western history that treats the period of dogmatism, the
period of free thought or liberalism, and the contemporary period, a period moving toward nihilism. This
scheme is an early Polanyi attempt to describe the critical tradition and its problems. This essay seems to fit with
some of the suggestions in the letters and notes on the June 1944 Moot meeting at which Polanyi argued with
Mannheim and offered an account of the transformation of history that the Russian Revolution represented (see
discussion above). Three Periods of History is located in the archival material with a set of other essays from
1944 with curious numbered tags; Cash (the archivalist who organized this material) identified everything here
as miscellaneous short manuscripts. But the tags suggests that Polanyi at some point intended the essay to be
part of yet another book other than that projected for Mannheim. In his original response to Eliots paper, sent
to Oldham in letter form (16 October 1944, Box 15, Folder 3), Polanyi mentions at the end of the letter that he
has just finished a book manuscript titled Principles of Economic Expansion. It is possible that Three Periods
of History and the other material located with it are parts of this book that was never published.
Kojecky, 196 reports that Mannheim planned to attend this meeting. Polanyis Old Tasks and New
Hopes published in the January 4, 1947 Time and Tide was material for this meeting on the subject the survival
of democracy. There is a copy of this (dated 6 January 1947) among Moot materials in Box 15, Folder 8 and
it is identified as material for the meeting in an Oldham circular. A postcard dated 30-11-44 from Oldham to
Moot members (Box 15, Folder 3) also indicates Polanyis Science and the Modern Crisis was added late to
material for the meeting. In his original response to Eliots paper, sent to Oldham in letter form (16 October
1944, Box 15, Folder 3), Polanyi mentions at the end of the letter that he has just finished a book manuscript
titled Principles of Economic Expansion that has a long chapter on the European crisis. He promises to send
Oldham a revised version of this chapter since it covers the field you asked me to talk about in December at
the Moot. Science and the Modern Crisis is apparently the shortened and revised version. One copy of this
essay that is in Box 19, Folder 14 identifies it as an address delivered at the Manchester Literary and
Philosophical Society Meeting on 14
November 1944.
Polanyis 1951 (perhaps written in 1950) preface identifies the material in the volume as coming
from the last eight years (LL, vi); a review of the separate ten essays in LL and their notes suggests that five and
parts of others were first published after Mannheims death. See also Allens effort (SEP, 366) to run down
where Polanyi has previously published elements of LL. Scott and Moleski, 194, note 112, are not quite on the
mark in suggesting all of the material that Polanyi and Mannheim were working with was eventually published
after Mannheims death as LL.
Mannheim is still listed on the flyleaf as the editor for the series, although the first edition dust jacket
identifies Mannheim as the series founder and W. J. H. Sprott as the editor.
The two posthumously published books by Mannheim that Polanyi reviewed are Freedom, Power
and Democratic Planning (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1950) and Essays on the Sociology of
Knowledge, ed. Paul Kecskemeti (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1951).
Michael Polanyi, Planning for Freedom, Manchester GuardianWeekly, July 3, 1951, p. 4.
Michael Polanyi, Mannheims Historicism Manchester Guardian Weekly, December 9, 1952, p. 4.

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