Karlfried Graf Von Dürckheim - The Way of Transformation

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The key takeaways are that everyday life can be viewed as spiritual practice or exercise, and that achieving one's full potential requires constant practice and transformation of the ego.

The author views practice as essential for success in any field, including one's most important task of developing oneself. Practice is needed to transform oneself into a 'true man' and fulfill one's destiny.

The author says the prerequisites for achieving inner mastery are breaking down the small ego, perceiving and accepting one's essence, relinquishing obstacles to it, and having an attitude of progress on the inner path.


The Way of Transformation

by Karfrie!" #raf $on D%r&'heim
Transate! by R%th Le(inne' an! P) L) Tr*$ers
This boo' (as ori+inay ,%bishe! in En+an! %n!er the tite The Way of
Transformation: Daily Life as Spiritual Exercise by #eor+e Aen - Un(in" Lt!) It is here
re,rinte! by arran+ement)
E$ery!ay Life as Pra&ti&e
0eain+ Po(er an! #est%re
The Whee of Transformation
1) Critical Awareness
2) Letting Go
3) Becoming ne with the Groun!
4) "ew#Becoming
5) $roof an! $ractice in E%ery!ay Life
Everyday Life as Practice
It is a tr%ism that a (or'" a art an! a ,rofessiona a&ti$ity re7%ire ,ra&ti&e if they are
to s%&&ee!) This (e a&&e,t" an! in or!er that (e may estabish o%rse$es in the (or!" it is
ob$io%s that (e m%st be at ,ains in a o%r $o&ations" a$o&ations an! transa&tions to ,ra&ti&e
an! assimiate e6,erien&e) We !o not s%ffi&ienty reai8e" ho(e$er" that the s%&&ess of man9s
most im,ortant tas':infinitey more essentia than any of his arts or ,rofessions:aso !e,en!s
%,on ,ra&ti&e)
The !estiny of e$erythin+ that i$es is that it sho%! %nfo! its o(n nat%re to its ma6im%m
,ossibiity) ;an is no e6&e,tion) <%t he &annot:as a tree or a fo(er !oes:f%fi this !estiny
a%tomati&ay) 0e is ony ,ermitte! to be&ome f%y (hat he is inten!e! to be (hen he ta'es
himsef in han!" (or's on himsef" an! ,ra&ti&es &easeessy to rea&h ,erfe&tion) 0ere (e
m%st as' o%rse$es the 7%estion : (hat is man9s most im,ortant tas'= It is none .ther than
himsef" the ma'in+ of himsef into a >tr%e man)?
The rea!ers may (e as':(hat ,%r,ose !o st%!y" ,ra&ti&e an! the &oe&tin+ an!
assimiation of e6,erien&e ser$e (hen one is onesef the tas' at han!= What ste,s are
ne&essary in or!er to a&hie$e this= What 'in! of e6,erien&es nee! to be tho%+ht of as
essentia an! therefore to be inte+rate!= In (hat !oes ,ra&ti&e &onsist= What are the
,rere7%isites of s%&&ess=
Let %s first &onsi!er (hat (e &on&ei$e of as a (or!y tas') It is e$i!ent that the
,rere7%isites for this to s%&&ee! are: a min! &om,etey at the ser$i&e of the (or' in han!" a
tena&io%s (i" a &a,a&ity to assimiate the ne&essary e6,erien&e" the effi&ient !e$eo,ment of
ree$ant taents an! their ,ro,er te&hni7%es an!" in a!!ition to a this" the abiity to a&hie$e a
&ontin%o%s a!a,tation to the e6terior (or!) As a res%t of s%&h abors it is ,ossibe for man to
brin+ to fr%ition that mastery thro%+h (hi&h (or!y s%&&ess is ass%re!)
0o(e$er" o%r inner tas'" if it is to ,ros,er" m%st be the fr%it of a h%man bein+9s &om,ete
mat%rity in a his as,e&ts) An! the ,rere7%isites of mat%rity &onsist first in the brea'in+ !o(n
of the sma >I? that is to say" the >I? that re@e&ts ,ain" is f% of fears an! is soey &on&erne!
(ith the thin+s of the (or!) Then m%st &ome the ,er&e,tion" the a&&e,tan&e an! %nfo!in+ of
o%r inborn" trans&en!enta Essen&e an!" to+ether (ith a this" the rein7%ishin+ of stan!,oints
an! ,ositions (hi&h obstr%&t it There m%st be attit%!e of earnest a&7%ies&en&e to s%&h
e6,erien&es as (i ea! to its ,er&e,tion" the attainment of ,ersona ,ost%re (hi&h
&orres,on!s to the inner essen&e an!" thro%+ho%t this !iffi&%t (or'" an abso%te on to one9s
,ro+ress aon+ the Inner Way) <y these means a man is e! to(ar!s inner mastery) An attit%!e
(i th%s ha$e been a&hie$e! (hi&h (i enabe the ,ro&ess of inner +ro(th an! ri,enin+ to
&ontin%e) S%&h a ife attit%!e is the ony one by (hi&h a man may f%fi his o(n a( an!
!estiny" (hi&h is to be&ome a Person" a h%man bein+ (ho is at on&e trans,arent to the Di$ine
<ein+ (ithin him an! abe to e6,ress it in his ife in the (or!) .%r inner tas'" %ni'e o%r
(or' in the (or!" !oes not re$o$e aro%n! e6terna a,tit%!es b%t has as its fo&a ,oint the
transformation of the bein+ a man into an e6,ression of Di$ine <ein+)
If an! (hen it ha,,ens that the inner tas' ,ros,ers" it m%st not therefore be ass%me! that a
man 'no(s or ,ossesses more than before) What ha,,ens is that he is more) A &han+e has
ta'en ,a&e) <ehin! the (or!y a&hie$ements $isibe to any obser$er there is the in(ar!y
transforme! man (ho" $ery ,ossiby" may be $isibe to nobo!y) <%t @%st as a $ai! &a,abiity
See A,,en!i6
in the (or! re7%ires a &ertain e$e of h%man !e$eo,ment" so aso !oes the transformation
(hi&h ea!s to inner mat%rity re7%ire that a man sho%! &ons&ientio%sy an! res,onsiby abor
at the tas's set 'y the worl!( Inner an! o%ter (or' are not m%t%ay e6&%si$e) .n the
&ontrary" (e are in$a!e!" as it (ere" from mornin+ to ni+ht" both by o%r inner bein+ as (e as
by the threatenin+ e6terior (or! for (hi&h (e are res,onsibe) The fie! of o%r &easeess
effort to re&on&ie both si!es is none other than o%r or!inary !aiy ife)
.%r a&hie$ements in the (or! may be sai! to be ,erfe&t ony in so far as they
&ons%mmate an! reai8e the i!ea that is their inner meanin+) Whether it be a (or' of art or a
system of ,hioso,hy" the b%i!in+ of a ho%se or the settin+ %, of some or+ani8ation" fa&tory
or te&hni&a a,,arat%s" it ,ossesses a $ai! form Ag)ltige Gestalt* ony (hen ea&h of its ,arts
a&&om,ishes the %n!eryin+ ,%r,ose of the (hoe) The same a,,ies to the inner tas') ;an"
himsef" is one of ife9s forms +Le'ensgestalt* b%t he" too" is $ai! an! &an en!%re ony in so
far as he f%fis" as a (hoe an! in the %nifyin+ of a his for&es" (hat be is f%n!amentay
inten!e! to be)
<%t (hat is man= What is he inten!e! to be= Intrinsi&ay : that is to say" in his essen&e :
man is an as,e&t of Di$ine <ein+" (hose ,%r,ose is to manifest itsef in him an! thro%+h him)
B%st as fo(ers an! animas in their o(n (ay re$ea Di$ine <ein+" so aso m%st man re$ea it
in the (ay of man) 0e &an ony be >ri+ht? (hen his ife:form" (ith a its for&es" f%fis the
!estiny that !(es (ithin him as his essentia bein+)
For ea&h of %s" o%r essentia bein+ is the me!i%m thro%+h (hi&h (e ,arti&i,ate in Di$ine
<ein+) It may aso be sai! to be the means by (hi&h Di$ine <ein+ stri$es thro%+h %s to
manifest itsef in the (or! : not as somethin+ a,art from the (or!" a mere s,irit%a
in(ar!ness" b%t as a bo!iy ,resen&e) It foo(s that o%r h%man inner +ro(th is ne&essariy
a&&om,ishe! (ithin the frame(or' of o%r (or!y !estiny in the mi!st of or!inary ife an!
the &arryin+ o%t of !aiy tas's)
;an9s !estiny is to bear (itness" in his o(n s,e&ia (ay to Di$ine <ein+:(hi&h is to say"
&ons&io%sy an! freey) Fo(ers an! animas f%fi theirs of ne&essity an! %n&ons&io%sy :
imite! ony by (hate$er e6terna &on!itions may hin!er them from be&omin+ (hat" in their
essen&e" they are) ;an" ho(e$er" %ni'e fo(ers an! animas" has been en!o(e! (ith
&ons&io%snessC an! it is by means of this 7%aity that" as an >I"? he is abe to stan! an!
&onfront the (or!) <e&a%se of this he be&omes" at east to some e6tent" in!e,en!ent an!
therefore res,onsibe for his o(n !e$eo,ment) 0erein ies his +reat &han&e) <%t here" too" et
%s not for+et" ies !an+er) For bet(een this &han&e an! this !an+er be may miss the mar')
The >oneness? of that Life (hi&h is beyon! s,a&e an! time brea's a,art in man9s e+o:
&ons&io%sness into t(o ,oes : one" the historical worl! (hi&h" bein+ s%b@e&t to a(s of s,a&e
an! time" &an be %n!erstoo! an! mastere!C an! t(o" Transcen!ental Being, (hi&h &annot be
en&om,asse! by s,a&e an! time an! is beyon! a or!inary %n!erstan!in+) Th%s" ine$itaby"
man e6,erien&es himsef as a bein+ stan!in+ bet(een hea$en an! earth) 0e i$es in a state of
tension bet(een t(o reaities : the (or!" (hi&h &onfines him to atit%!e" on+it%!e an!
!%ration" en!an+ers his e6isten&e" tem,ts him (ith ho,es of ha,,iness" an! !eman!s his
obe!ien&e to its a(sC an! the s%,ernat%ra state of <ein+ hi!!en (ithin him an! to(ar!s
(hi&h" e$en %n'no(in+y" he yearns) Ceaseessy stri$in+ to fin! the i+ht" this <ein+ &as
him forth beyon! the a(s an! bo%n!aries of his itte ,ersona ife" to the ser$i&e of #reater
It is essentia that ea&h ,erson" in or!er to be abe to en!%re his fate in the (or! an! to
master his o(n ifeC sho%! amass 'no(e!+e of himsef an! of the (ay he e6ists as a
tem,ora bein+) To be&ome a >(hoe? man" ho(e$er" he m%st aso &ome to ha$e 'no(e!+e
of the one he is in his !i$ine essen&e" i)e) of his essentia bein+" (hose nee!s m%st aso be
satisfie!) .ny (hen he has a&7%ire! this 'no(e!+e (i he be free to satisfy the !eman!s of
his inner bein+) 0o(e$er" the a( of his !e$eo,ment is s%&h that in the be+innin+ it is
,re!ominanty the &ons&io%sness" (hi&h ser$es to estabish his ,a&e in the (or!" that is
%nfo!e!) This one:si!e! $ie( of the (or!" (hi&h is !ominate! by the (i to s%r$i$e an! the
(ish that ife sho%! ha$e meanin+ an! ,ro$i!e satisfa&tion" $eis the Di$ine <ein+ ,resent in
his o(n essentia bein+) Th%s man rea!iy oses si+ht of the !ee,er si+nifi&an&e of his
e6isten&e (hi&h is" in effe&t to manifest Di$ine <ein+ (ithin this ife) Utimatey" ho(e$er" he
&annot es&a,e from the fa&t that his (hoeness an! (efare !e,en! on his f%fiin+ his inner
mission an! i$in+ from his essen&e) If" &ons&io%sy or %n&ons&io%sy" he &on&erns himsef
soey (ith his (or' in the (or! an! e6er&ises an! estabishes his (or!:e+o aone" he is
bo%n! in the en! to fa ,rey to a s,e&ifi&ay h%man %nha,,iness) An! this ha,,ens (hether
or not his ,ersona $irt%es an! a&hie$ements &orres,on! to the $a%es an! e6,e&tations of the
The more man has s%&&ee!e! in a!a,tin+ himsef (or! by masterin+ e6terna ife an! the
more he ass%mes himsef to be i$in+ bameessy" the ess is he abe to %n!erstan! the
ine$itabe an!" to him" ine6,i&abe s%fferin+ (hi&h is bro%+ht abo%t by his estran+ement
from his inner essen&e) This s%fferin+" &omin+ as it !oes from his sti %nf%fie! inner bein+"
is of a 7%aity 7%ite !ifferent from any %nha,,iness the >I? may e6,erien&e in the (or!) .ny
that ,ain (hi&h arises from the !e,ths of himsef &an finay &om,e a man to oo' in(ar!s
an! brin+ him to the reai8ation that he has ost to%&h (ith his o(n essentia inner bein+) In
s%&h a &on!ition he may ,erha,s re&a times (hen be sense! somethin+ be&'onin+ to him
from (ithin an! t%rne! his ba&' %,on I itC moments (hen &ons&ien&e s%mmone! him" an! he
(as not abe to isten) Th%s he is fa&e! (ith a !e&ision : either to stife the inner $oi&e on&e
a+ain an! &ontin%e in his o! (ays" or to ma'e a ne( start base! on (hat he has earne! from
.n&e" ho(e$er" a man has so a(a'ene! to his essentia bein+ that he &an no on+er i+nore
its &aims" his ife from that moment is +o$erne! by a ne( an! &ontin%o%s state of tension)
Ine$itaby" no(" he (i be o,,resse! by the &ontra!i&tion bet(een the nee!s" !%ties an!
tem,tations of the (or! an! the &a of his inner nat%re) .n the one han! the (or! (i
&ontin%e to e6a&t its re7%irements (itho%t referen&e to the inner $oi&e an!" on the other"
(itho%t I referen&e to the (or!9s $oi&e" inner bein+ (i ma'e its insistent !eman!)
Th%s (e are torn bet(een the t(o as,e&ts of o%r h%man e6isten&e) An! yet o%r ife in the
(or!" as (e as o%r ,arti&i,ation in Trans&en!ent <ein+" are b%t t(o ,oes of the one self
that is e$er stri$in+ (ithin %s to(ar!s reai8ation) It is thro%+h the !e$eo,ment of this sef
that the oneness of ife is reai8e! in the h%man form) An!" +i$en these &on!itions" if (e are
%,ri+ht (ithin it (i ine$itaby mean that (e are %,ri+ht (itho%t) For this reason it is
essentia to !is&o$er in o%rse$es an attit%!e : e$en a ,hysi&a ,ost%re : in (hi&h (e &an be
o,en an! s%bmissi$e to the !eman!s of o%r inner bein+ (hie at the same time ao(in+ this
inner bein+ to be&ome $isibe an! effe&ti$e in the mi!st of o%r ife in the (or!) An! for this
to ha,,en (e m%st so transform o%r or!inary !aiy ife that e$ery a&tion is an o,,ort%nity for
inner (or') .%r $ery efforts to(ar!s (or!y effi&ien&y may" %n!er these &on!itions" be&ome
the means of inner ,ra&ti&e +exercitium*(
The ,%r,ose of a i$in+ thin+s" man amon+ them" is to manifest the !i$ine in the (or!)
;an9s !istin&ti$e $irt%e ies in the fa&t that the +reat" the Di$ine Life be&omes in him"
>&ons&io%s of itsef)? In the free!om of &ons&io%s ife : as o,,ose! to me&hani&a ife : the
!i$ine &an shine forth an! ta'e form) Therefore the tr%e man is he (ho" in free!om an! (ith
&ear a(areness" embo!ies an! re$eas the Di$ine <ein+ (ithin himsef) The $i$i!ness of his
inner ife" the ra!ian&e of his bein+ an! the beni+n effe&t of his a&tions (i a +i$e e$i!en&e
of his inner state) S%&h a state enabes Di$ine <ein+" in a its ,enit%!e" inner or!er an! %nity"
to a,,ear) It !oes not" ho(e$er !e$eo, aon+ a strai+ht ine for it m%st first ,ass thro%+h a
sta+e of e6isten&e in (hi&h the >I? is !etermine! soey by the (or!" th%s ,re$entin+ a man9s
a(areness of his essentia bein+) This so:&ae! >nat%ra? manner of e6istin+" (hose &enter of
&ons&io%sness is the (or!y:e+o" m%st of ne&essity be bro'en !o(n" for this e+o is not
&on&erne! (ith the nee! to ri,e in a&&or!an&e (ith inner bein+ b%t is soey ,reo&&%,ie! (ith
maintainin+ its se&%re ,osition an! &om,etent f%n&tionin+ in the (or!)
;an s%r$i$es in the (or! by means of a &ertain 'in! of &ons&io%sness" (hi&h" by its
&rystai8e! &on&e,ts" or+ani8es ife into a s%&&ession of ri+i! str%&t%res) Thro%+h these he
,er&ei$es the (or! rationay" masters it systemati&ay" an! or!ers it a&&or!in+ to fi6e!
$a%es) It is @%st this form of e6isten&e that $eis his a(areness of Di$ine <ein+) At the &enter
of this (ay of ife stan!s the e+o (hi&h" by its $ery nat%re" is soey o&&%,ie! in estabishin+
an! &assifyin+ >fa&ts"? an! aro%n! it re$o$e &ontin%ay its o(n (or!y !esires) <y means
of this e+o" man se,arates himsef from his %n&ons&io%s &onne&tion (ith the oneness of ife"
an! ass%mes in the (or! an attit%!e of in!e,en!en&e an! sef:assertion) As on+ as the e+o
ta'es %, %n&om,romisin+ attit%!es an! irre$o&aby fi6e! ,oints of $ie(" so (i the oneness
of ife brea' %, into the o,,osites of I:Wor!DWor!:I an! essentia bein+) The e+o9s
se,aration from the ,rima &ore of ife an! its !etermine! orientation to(ar!s the (or!" brin+
a +ro(th" a tr%e be&omin+" a transformation" to a !isastro%s stan!sti) It is tr%e that man
has nee! of an e+o that is &a,abe of ob@e&ti$ey masterin+ the (or!) <%t ony (hen he
s%&&ee!s in e$o$in+ a form of e6isten&e in (hi&h his (or! : e+o is s%staine! Atho%+h in
s%&h a (ay that it remains at the same time trans,arent to Di$ine <ein+ (ithin himE &an he
be&ome a >tr%e? man : a >,erson? in the %timate sense" thro%+h (hose ife #reater Life
reso%n!s Apersonare F to so%n! thro%+hE) To attain this state of min! re7%ires &easeess
,ra&ti&e) In other (or!s" e$ery ,assin+ moment of the !aiy ro%n! m%st be %se! as an
o,,ort%nity for s%&h ,ra&ti&e)
When one s,ea's of the !aiy ro%n! the ,hrase &arries o$ertones of meanin+ an!
e6,erien&e (hi&h !istin+%ish it from the hoi!ay) Com,are! (ith a hoi!ay the or!inary !ay
may a,,ear monotono%s an! +rey) It is !% in the sense that one is %se! to it" the &ommon
ro%n! of a&ti$ities a(ays has an %n&han+in+ sameness) <y this en!ess re,etition the norma
!ay threatens to me&hani8e %s) It is a trea!mi of re,eate! mo$ements an! a&tions" (hereas
the hoi!ay stan!s for somethin+ %ni7%e" @oyo%s" %n%s%a) The or!inary !ay !ea!ens" (hereas
the hoi!ay refreshes) If one &ontrasts the free!om S%n!ay brin+s %s" the or!inary !ay fees
&onstraine! an! ri+i!C it stan!s for abor" for a ro%n! of !oin+" in &ontrast to the eis%re
,romise! by S%n!ay) Its sobriety is far from the festi$ity (hi&h a hoi!ay brin+s) The
or!inary !ay !e$o%rs %sC on hoi!ay (e fin! o%rse$es a+ain) The or!inary !ay !ra(s %s
o%t(ar!s) S%n!ay enabes %s to be in(ar!y free) The or!inary !ay is r%e! by the
o$erbearin+ (or! (hi&h &om,es %s to be effi&ient ma&hines : b%t S%n!ay beon+s to o%r
inner" non:me&hani&a se$es)
/ee! this be so= It m%st be so" aas" as on+ as man is en+%fe! by his (or! : e+o" an! so
en+rosse! by (or!y %n!erta'in+s that they &om,etey o$ersha!o( his in(ar! sef) There
is" ho(e$er" a (ay o%t) It nee!s @%st a sin+e moment of insi+ht" a fash of %n!erstan!in+ of
o%r sit%ation : to ma'e e$erythin+ &han+e) S%&h a moment" s%&h a fash (i i+ht %, not ony
o%r o%ter a&tions : ,arti&%ary those most re,etiti$e an! famiiar : b%t o%r inner e6,erien&e as
It is ,ro$erbia that in (hate$er (e !o (e ass%me a &ertain attit%!e) >What? (e !o
beon+s to the (or!) In the >ho("? the way (e !o it" (e infaiby re$ea o%rse$es (hether
o%r attit%!e is ri+ht or (ron+ in harmony (ith the inner a( or in &ontra!i&tion to it" in
a&&or!an&e (ith o%r ri+ht form or o,,ose! to it" o,en to Di$ine <ein+: or &ose! to it) An!
here (e m%st ,ose the 7%estion: (hat is o%r ri+ht >form?= It is none other than that in (hi&h
(e are trans,arent to Di$ine <ein+) An! to be trans,arent means that (e abe to e6,erien&e
Di$ine <ein+ in o%rse$es an! to re$ea it in the (or!)
Let %s s%,,ose" for instan&e" that a etter has to be ,oste! in a ,iar : bo6 a h%n!re! yar!s
a(ay) If the mo%th of the ,iar : bo6 is a (e see in the min!9s eye" then the h%n!re! stri!es
(e ta'e to(ar!s it are (aste!) <%t if a man is on the Way as a h%man bein+ an! fie! (ith
the sense of a that this im,ies" then e$en this short (a'" ,ro$i!in+ he maintains the ri+ht
attit%!e an! ,ost%re" &an ser$e to ,%t him to ti+hts an! rene( himsef from the (e of inner
The same &an be tr%e of any !aiy a&ti$ity) The more (e ha$e mastere! some ree$ant
te&hni7%e" an! the smaer the amo%nt of attention nee!e! to ,erform the tas' satisfa&toriy"
the more easiy may the em,hasis be transferre! from the e6terior to the interior) Whether in
the 'it&hen or (or'in+ at an assemby : bet" at the ty,e(riter or in the +ar!en" ta'in+"
(ritin+" sittin+" (a'in+ or stan!in+" !eain+ (ith some !aiy o&&%rren&e" or &on$ersin+ (ith
someone !ear to %s : (hate$er it may be" (e &an a,,roa&h it >from (ithin? an! %se it as an
o,,ort%nity for the ,ra&ti&e of be&omin+ a tr%e man) /at%ray" this is ,ossibe ony (hen (e
are abe to +ras, the rea meanin+ of ife an! be&ome res,onsibe to(ar!s it) It is essentia to
reai8e that man is not &ommitte! merey to &om,rehen!in+ an! masterin+ the e6terna (or!)
0e is first an! foremost &ommitte! to the Inner Way) When this is %n!erstoo! the tr%th of the
o! Ba,anese a!a+e be&omes &ear: >For somethin+ to a&7%ire rei+io%s si+nifi&an&e t(o
&on!itions aone are ne&essary: it m%st be sim,e" an! it m%st be re,etiti$e)?
What !oes this (or! re,etiti$e si+nify here= It &an ha,,en that !aiy tas's" by their $ery
famiiarity" ser$e to free %s from the +ri, of the e+o an! its 7%en&hess thirst for s%&&ess) They
&an aso he, to ma'e %s in!e,en!ent of the (or!9s a,,ro$a" an! o,en for %s the in(ar!
(ay) <%t this is tr%e not ony of famiiar tas's) E$en the ,ra&ti&e an! re,eate! effort nee!e! to
master somethin+ ne( &an be ,%t to the ser$i&e of the inner (or') In e$erythin+ one !oes it is
,ossibe to foster an! maintain a state of bein+ (hi&h refe&ts o%r tr%e !estiny) When this
,ossibiity is a&t%ai8e! the or!inary !ay is no on+er or!inary) It &an e$en be&ome an
a!$ent%re of the s,irit) In s%&h a &ase the eterna re,etitions in the e6terior (or! are
transforme! into an en!essy fo(in+ an! &ir&%atin+ inner fo%ntain) In!ee!" on&e re,etition
is estabishe! it (i be fo%n! that o%r $ery habits &an be the o&&asion for inner (or') They
enabe %s to ma'e ne( !is&o$eries an! sho( %s that e$en from the most me&hani&a a&tions
there may iss%e forth that &reati$e ,o(er (hi&h transforms man from (ithin)
See D%r&'heim" >Die +eisti+e Uber(in!%n+ !es ;e&hanis&hen? in D%r&hbr%&h 8%m Wesen A<rea'thro%+h to
<ein+E" 0%ber" St%tt+" <ern)
<y !(ein+ e6&%si$ey in his I : (or! &ons&io%sness : (hi&h !e$eo,s o%t of" an! i$es
by" &rystai8e! &on&e,ts an! $a%es : a man oses to%&h (ith Trans&en!enta <ein+) <%t in
his essentia bein+ he is an! fore$er remains a >mo!e? of this <ein+) Witho%t &easin+" it
stri$es to manifest itsef in an! thro%+h man" as a threefo! ,ro&ess: as ,enit%!e brin+in+ @oy"
as or!er brin+in+ meanin+" as oneness manifestin+ itsef thro%+h o$e : a three bein+
in$%nerabe to the (or!) Th%s one be&omes a(are that <ein+" (ith its !ri$in+ for&e ,resent
an! ai$e in o%r essen&e" is the res%t neither of (ishf% thin'in+" nor of rei+io%s beief" b%t is
the most rea of a reaities) .ny for the man (ho is entren&he! in his (or!y ,ositions"
rationa &on&e,ts an! ri+i! habits !oes <ein+ remain an abstra&t i!ea) For him (ho has ost
to%&h (ith the &ore of ife it is" at most" a s%b@e&t for meta,hysi&a s,e&%ation or ,io%s
&re!%ity) <%t for one (ho brea's thro%+h the mists of rationai8ation" it be&omes ,ersona
e6,erien&e) A rei+ions" &on&e,ts an! ima+es are" in their ori+ina meanin+" inter,retations
of this !ee,est of a e6,erien&es)
When" ho(e$er" rei+ion is ao(e! to be&ome a system of ri+i!y or!ere! ,rin&i,es an!
!o+mas : i)e)" for&e! into the &onfines of a !o&trine that is re7%ire! to be beie$e!" it bo&'s
the ,ossibiity of $itay e6,erien&in+ Di$ine <ein+" or aternati$ey it tries to !ebase it by
abein+ it as a >merey s%b@e&ti$e? e6,erien&e) <%t (hat !oes s%&h a ,hrase &onnote= In
,oint of fa&t" it means the e6istentia tr%th of man as an e6,erien&in+ an! s%fferin+ s%b@e&t :
an! to this &on!ition he is bro%+ht soey thro%+h this so:&ae! s%b@e&ti$e? inner e6,erien&e)
The time has &ome for man to free himsef from the i!ea that ony those thin+s (hi&h &an
be rationay +ras,e! an! ob@e&ti$ey $erifie! are rea an! bin!in+ With re+ar! to 7%estions of
bein+ an! the meanin+ of ife he nee!s to re&o+ni8e the ,rima $ai!ity of the inner
e6,erien&e (hi&h" beyon! a !o%bt an! (ith %ne7%i$o&a &arity" (hen it arises (ithin him"
brin+s @oy" a sense of res,onsibiity an! transformation) The %n!eniabe inner e6,erien&e is
the one thin+ that &an tr%y to%&h" mo$e an! &om,e to foo( it) An! ony by &om,etey
e6,erien&in+ De$ine <ein+ &an (e &ome to reai8e that the (hoe &ontent of the (or!" as (e
see it" is itsef nothin+ other than that <ein+) <%t for %s that <ein+ is &o%!e!C (e ,er&ei$e it
thro%+h the refra&tin+ an! !istortin+ ,rism of the e+o : that e+o (hi&h" bein+ e6ternay
orientate!" ine$itaby ,ins !o(n an! e$erythin+ it obser$es or e6,erien&es in terms of ob@e&ts
an! of o,,osites)
S%&h a rationa e+o : $ie( ine$itaby has the effe&t of soi!ifyin+ o%r &ons&io%sness" so
that (e ta'e as rea ony that (hi&h fits &on$enienty into its ,re&on&ei$e! s&heme of thin+s)
Un!er s%&h &on!itions" man oses a(areness of his &onta&t (ith <ein+) The ony reaity be
beie$es in is the one he intee&t%ay %n!erstan!s" that in (hi&h Life" %n!er the fi6e! +a8e of
his e+o" a,,ears to ,resent itsef to him) The more man has sh%t himsef off from Di$ine
<ein+ by this attit%!e" the more is his o(n inner essen&e re,resse! : that inner essen&e (hi&h
is o%r ony a,,roa&h to the re$eation of Di$ine <ein+) It is the s%fferin+ (hi&h &omes from
s%&h re,ression that ma'es %s rea!y to +i$e ,ro,er (ei+ht to those rare moments in (hi&h
Di$ine <ein+ ba8es %, (ithin %s" besto(in+ @oy" +i$in+ %s a sense of free!om an! &ain+ %s
to ser$e its ,%r,ose) <%t man (i ony be abe tr%y to $a%e s%&h an e6,erien&e (hen he is
abe to re&o+ni8e that other s%fferin+ (hi&h en+%fs him (hen he ao(s the (or! :
orientate! e+o to hi!e him from tr%e <ein+) .ny then (i he be abe to be+in the ,ro&ess of
(ith!ra(in+ his e+o to some e6tent from its (or! : ,%rs%its) .ny then (i he be&ome o,en
(ithin" free to sense #reater Life !ire&ty" abe to hear its $oi&e an! th%s to transform himsef
an! a that s%rro%n!s him)
The state of min! an! bo!y that bo&'s any a(areness of the ,resen&e of #reater <ein+
ine$itaby ,ro!%&es a s,e&ia 'in! of s%fferin+) It is the e6,erien&in+ of this an+%ish that
for&es man to ta'e sto&' of his ife attit%!es) This ta'in+ sto&'" if honesty &arrie! o%t" brin+s
him to so +reat a ,it&h of !esoation that it for&es him to the ,oint (here he &an ,er&ei$e"
sense an! hee! the &a of the tr%e essen&e to(ar!s (hi&h he no( fees himsef !ri$en) If" in
some ,ro,itio%s ho%r" he has been +i$en this e6,erien&e of <ein+" an! if" thro%+h the fai%res
of his (or! : e+o an! the s%fferin+ that res%ts from them he has been bro%+ht to the +reat
t%rnin+ ,oint" then at that moment he fin!s himsef on the thresho! of somethin+ ne() /o(
(itho%t fai he m%st o,en himsef to the mysterio%s" n%mino%s &ontent of moo!s an!
im,%ses that he &an neither %n!erstan! nor e6,ain" sti ess transate into &on&e,ts" b%t in
(hi&h he &an" ne$ertheess" %nmista'aby sense somethin+ from beyon! this (or! be&'onin+
an! &ain+ to him) 0e m%st &ome to reai8e that thro%+h s%&h e6,erien&es Di$ine <ein+" as
has area!y been sai!" is ,resent in his o(n bein+) 0e m%st train his fa&%ty of sensory
,er&e,tion to fee an! a,,re&iate 7%aities (hi&h are beyon! the imits of his or!inary
&ons&io%sness) 0is effort no( m%st be to earn ho( to enabe Di$ine <ein+ to enter his o(n
bein+ an! remain (ithin him) An!" in a!!ition" he m%st stri$e to rea&h a state (here his
trans,aren&e to Di$ine <ein+ en!%res" th%s enabin+ him to !ra( ife from #reater Life" e$en
in his e6isten&e as an >I? in the itte (or!) To these en!s he nee!s ine$itaby to &eanse his
%n&ons&io%s an! !is&ar! any eement" s,irit%a or ,hysi&a" that !ams %, the fo( of his
essentia bein+) At the same time he m%st +i$e entran&e to an! b%i! %,on a that is in
harmony (ith this bein+) F%rthermore" he m%st ,ra&ti&e s%stainin+ this state in his e$ery!ay
ife an!" in so !oin+" he (i infaiby &ome to earn that !aiy ife itsef is a >fie! of
There is nothin+ : no e$ent" no a&ti$ity : that &annot ,ro$i!e a moti$e for estabishin+
&onta&t (ith inner bein+" nothin+ that &annot be %se! to bear (itness to it) Any sit%ation in
ife may be the means of f%rtherin+ the brin+in+ to birth of the >tr%e man)? For man is ony
>tr%e? (hen he istens in(ar!y to <ein+" an! at the same time remains in a&&or! (ith it in
his bo!iy e6isten&e in the or!inary (or!) It is not eno%+h @%st to t%rn in(ar!s" to e6,erien&e
<ein+ soey from (ithin) To e6,ress it o%t(ar!y is e$en more im,ortant" for it is im,erati$e
that man9s ife in the (or! as (e as in his bo!y" sho%! !eri$e from inner essen&e)
Si!e by si!e (ith the re!is&o$ery of ;an" (hi&h is the !istin+%ishin+ mar' of o%r a+e" a
ne( &ons&io%sness of the bo!y is be&omin+ in&reasin+y e$i!ent) The meanin+ (hi&h (e
+i$e to o%r bo!y !e,en!s on the e6tent to (hi&h (e $a%e o%r h%man e6isten&e) If (e
meas%re o%rse$es soey by o%r reation to the !aiy (or! that &ontin%ay o,,resses an!
threatens %s (ith its en!ess re7%irements" then o%r bo!y has no meanin+ e6&e,t to ma'e o%r
,erforman&e an! s%r$i$a in that (or! ,hysi&ay ,ossibe) The (hoe ,oint of bo!iy
trainin+ is th%s narro(e! !o(n to the !e$eo,ment an! maintenan&e of ,hysi&a effi&ien&y
an! +oo! heath" the soe ,%r,ose of (hi&h is to f%n&tion smoothy at its o(n e$e) .n the
other han! on&e (e %n!erstan! that the rea meanin+ of h%man e6isten&e is to ma'e manifest
in the (or! the Di$ine <ein+ embo!ie! (ithin %s" then the tr%e si+nifi&an&e of bo!iy
trainin+ ies in the nee! to rea&h a state that ma'es s%&h manifestation ,ossibe) A man may
be at the hei+ht of his ,hysi&a ,o(ers" ho(e$er" an! yet not be abe to a&hie$e this) 0is
>,resen&e? may be" as it (ere" %nbe&omin+) In!ee!" his $ery effe&ti$eness in the (or!" in a
bo!iy sense" may a&t%ay obstr%&t his essentia bein+) .n the other han! it is ,ossibe for a
!yin+ man to be ,hysi&ay ,resent in the ri+ht (ay if" serene an! tr%stf%" he is abe to et +o
an! +i$e himsef %," ao(in+ that (hi&h is meant by >Death as Transformation? to ta'e
,a&e) Di$ine <ein+" sin&e it is beyon! both i$in+ an! !yin+" is re$eae! (ith e7%a &arity in
ife as in !eathC an! man" at the moment of !eath : e$en in his bo!iy &on!ition : may be&ome
trans,arent to #reater Life) It is th%s ,ossibe to !istin+%ish three !ifferent 'in!s of ,hysi&a
>&ons&ien&e)? The !eman!s of the first are orientate! to(ar!s heath" the se&on! to(ar!s
bea%ty an! the thir! to(ar!s trans,aren&e to #reater Life)
To!ay" it sho%! be +eneray re&o+ni8e! that (hat (e &a >bo!y? an! >,sy&he? are not
t(o se,arate entitiesC rather" they are the t(o mo!es by (hi&h man" (ith his rationa" !i$i!e!
$ision" ,er&ei$es himsef) They are the means (hereby man as s%b@e&t reai8es an! e6,resses
his ,ersona %nity) That (hi&h is (itho%t is (ithin" an! that (hi&h is (ithin is (itho%t) The
%nity (hi&h en&om,asses an! &om,rehen!s this antithesis of bo!y an! so% is the Persona
S%b@e&t) An! the ony 'in! of ,er&e,tion (ith (hi&h (e &an !o @%sti&e to man as a ,ersona
s%b@e&t is the one that sees him not merey as an ob@e&ti$e >thin+"? b%t : by ,arti&i,ation in
his ife : earns to $a%e him as a s%b@e&t an! re&o+ni8e him as a >Tho%)? 0ere it is ne&essary
to !istin+%ish bet(een the !is&riminatin+ >(hat? &ons&io%sness that is &on&erne! (ith
estabishin+ fa&ts an! the %n!erstan!in+ >(ho? &ons&io%sness (hi&h aone &an re$ea
,ersona tr%th)
As su'-ect, (e e6,erien&e o%rse$es as ,art of a system (hi&h has itte reation to the
o%t(ar! (or! in (hi&h a thin+s are rationay or!ere! an! fi6e! in %n&han+in+ ,ositions)
From the ,oint of $ie( of this (or!" (e see e$erythin+ materiay : as somethin+ o%tsi!e %s)
We e$en t%rn o%rse$es an! other ,eo,e into ob@e&ts" into mere >,ie&es of the (or!)? In as
far as (e see o%rse$es an! others in this (ay" (e are obi+e!" as are a >thin+s"? to fit into
an! f%n&tion (ithin ri+i!" (or!y : an!" on their o(n e$e" $ai! : systems an! str%&t%res)
0o(e$er" (hen (e reate to ife as s%b@e&t" as Tho%" (e e6,erien&e an! a,,y to(ar!s it a
personal point of %iew( Then e$erythin+ is seen in terms of the ife that (e o%rse$es are : that
ife (hi&h" in a&&or!an&e (ith its o(n a(" is fore$er stri$in+ to(ar!s &ons&io%sness"
&om,etion" iberation an! f%fiment) In this (ay the (or! reso$es itsef into the fie! of
o%r ,ersona ife) It be&omes the mirror of a o%r !esires" ho,es an! fears)
Life ne$er stan!s sti) Its or!er is ne$er ri+i!" i'e that of some system estabishe! by the
(or!) It is a(ays fe6ibe" a(ays &han+in+" a(ays in the ,ro&ess of be&omin+) An! so it is
(ith man) 0e is not merey an e6terna form" b%t a Form : in : Time +.eitgestalt* an!
therefore fore$er in the a&t of be&omin+) The !ri$in+ for&e behin! this transformin+ ,ro&ess
!eri$es not ony from the ,romise of ,ossibe reai8ation (hi&h ies in man9s inmost essen&e"
b%t aso from the an+%ish (hi&h arises (hen obstr%&tions ,re$ent the f%fiment of this
,romise) It is promise an! pain together that !etermine the ,ersona nat%re of the (or!)
If a man is to be&ome a Person" ho(e$er" his inner" menta : s,irit%a !e$eo,ment is not
the soe re7%irement: he nee!s" too" to !e$eo, his bo!y) If (e re+ar! an! treat the bo!y
merey as a thin+" a ,ie&e of the (or!" (e remain bin! to its meanin+) E$en in his bo!y"
man as s%b@e&t is not a thin+" a mere bioo+i&a or+anism) <%t (hat !o (e mean by the
>bo!y? of a ,erson= It is the mo!e in (hi&h he" as s%b@e&t" is $isiby ,resent to the (or!)
Ta'en th%s" the bo!y" in a h%man sense" &an ony be ri+hty %n!erstoo! an! (or'e! on (hen
(e &ontin%ay bear in min! the ,erson (ho i$es as this bo!y" that ,erson (ho : as a >some :
bo!y? : is a(ays rene(in+ himsef" a(ays stri$in+ to %nfo! an! to 'e in the (or!" in
a&&or!an&e (ith his inner a() Th%s the bo!y is not ony somethin+ (hi&h man has" b%t the
somebo!y he is in the (or!)
The tr%e man is he (ho is ,resent in the (or! in the ri+ht (ay) Whether he be !ense or
trans,arent" (ith!ra(n into himsef or o,en to ife" in form or o%t of form" &entere! or
(itho%t &enter" he is a these thin+s (ith his (hoe bein+" (hi&h is to say" aso (ith his bo!yH
Any an! e$ery +est%re of a man re$eas him to the (or!) An! it is &ear that (hen a +est%re
is fre7%enty re,eate! an! be&omes more an! more habit%a" the &ontent it e6,resses aso
be&omes" for +oo! or i" more an! more &rystai8e!) Th%s the bo!y" in its ,ost%re" its
,atterns of tension an! rea6ation" in the rhythm of its breathin+ an!" manner of its
mo$ement" is an infaibe in!i&ation of the ,oint at (hi&h any man has arri$e! on his (ay to
be&omin+ a Person) It may re$ea ho( an! (here he has st%&' fast in his e+o an! ost himsef
to the (or!" or aternati$ey to (hat e6tent he has remaine! o,en to his bein+ an! on the
Pra&ti&e on o%rse$es" in the ,hysi&a an! s,irit%a sense" is a(ays of t(o 'in!s) It
in$o$es both the pulling # !own of e$erythin+ that stan!s in the (ay of o%r &onta&t (ith
Di$ine <ein+" an! the 'uil!ing # up of a >form? (hi&h" by remainin+ a&&essibe to its inner
ife" ,reser$es this &onta&t an! affirms it in e$ery a&ti$ity in the (or!)
.%r %nion (ith Di$ine <ein+" (hi&h is en!essy stri$in+ to(ar!s transformation" is
obstr%&te! by e$erythin+ (ithin %s that is in any (ay ri+i!) From his eariest years man
!e$eo,s" a&&or!in+ to his !e+ree of &ons&io%sness" a (ay of e6istin+ in (hi&h" as an I" be is
&om,ee! to !o &ons&io%sy an! from &hoi&e (hat he &an no on+er !o %n&ons&io%sy an!
instin&ti$ey) Th%s" (hene$er the (or! threatens him" !oes not &onform to his i!eas" or
!isa,,oints him" he be+ins e$en in &hi!hoo! to !e$eo, ,atterns of beha$ior a!a,te! to his
s%rro%n!in+s +$assformen*( These &an he, him to s%r$i$e in sit%ations that may be
!an+ero%s" anta+onisti&" e$en o$eess" b%t if they be&ome too ri+i!" they may (e obstr%&t
his &onta&t (ith his inmost bein+) In s%&h a &ase" original trust is re,a&e! by a reian&e on
'no(e!+e" on in!i$i!%a &a,a&ity" on ,ossessions an! a their fase ,romise of se&%rityC
original faith, (hi&h rests on %n&ons&io%s inner a(s an! the %ninhibite! e$o%tion of the
inborn ima+e" +i$es ,a&e to reian&e on &on$entiona ,atterns an! the effort of 'ee,in+ %,
the a,,earan&e re7%ire! by the (or!C original union (ith Life is s%,,ante! by !e,en!en&e
on the o$e an! a&&e,tan&e of others)
The sti %nbro'en &hains of o%r &hi!hoo!" o%r im,risonment in the s%,erfi&ia so&ia ife"
o%r fasey &on&ei$e! a!a,tation to the (or!" an! the &easeess on+in+ of o%r e+o for
se&%rity : a these ha$e as their res%t a mi6t%re of ,re@%!i&es" rea!y:ma!e form%as of
beha$ior" an! +ran!iose i!eas of (hat (e (o%! i'e to be in the (or!) If s%&h as,e&ts of
o%rse$es be&ome ri+i! : as is %s%ay the &ase : the first thin+ ne&essary is that they be
re&o+ni8e! an!" after that" !isso$e!) .f &o%rse" if this ,ro&ess of inner ri+i!ity has +one too
far" i)e)" has be&ome ne%roti&" ,rofessiona he, may be nee!e! to effe&t the !isso%tion) <%t
the more man himsef be&omes sensiti$e to the &aims of his essen&e" an! the more rea!y he
is to enter into an! a&&e,t the tr%th" the more easiy &an he : if he is earnesty tryin+ to fin!
himsef : re&o+ni8e the ina,,ro,riateness of his one:si!e! (or!y stan!,oint an! be&ome
a(are of those attit%!es that estran+e him from Di$ine <ein+) #ra!%ay" %n!er s%&h
&ir&%mstan&es" be be&omes more an! more abe to transform himsef) An! it is his !aiy ife
an! its ,ra&ti&e that +i$es him this o,,ort%nity)
.ne in!is,ensabe 7%aity of a ,ra&ti&e on the Inner Way is the ,resentiment" in!ee! the
e6,erien&e" of one9s o(n essentia bein+) Witho%t a i$in+ &onta&t (ith this" a ,ra&ti&e is
bo%n! to +o astray an! ea! into a bin! aey) When this ha,,ens" (e are eft to the mer&y of
the 'in! of sef:!is&i,ine that" at the e6,ense of inner tr%th" see's heath an! $irt%e ony in a
(or!y &onte6t) A man (ho is bin! to his o(n essentia bein+ (i inter,ret the s%fferin+
(hi&h he e6,erien&es as an ine$itabe res%t of s%&h a &on!ition" as bein+ &a%se! by the
(or!) 0e may attrib%te the !e&ine of his effi&ien&y soey to e6terna eements" or fee
,erha,s that his !istress arises as a &oroary of some offense he may &on&ei$e himsef to
ha$e &ommitte! a+ainst the !eman!s of (or!y $a%es" rei+io%s !o+ma or someone in
a%thority) Th%s the $ery $irt%es : so:&ae! : of his a too ri+i!" ha,ess" (or!y e+o" !ri$e
him into sti +reater aienation from his essen&e) It &annot be too stron+y %r+e! that e$ery
attem,t to reai8e the tr%e sef is !oome! to fai%re %ness the !e,ths (ithin are &eanse! first)
.ny thro%+h this &onta&t (ith his essentia bein+ &an man be&ome sensiti$e to (hat is
+en%ine in him" an! as&ertain (hat is nee!f% for his sef:reai8ation) .ny by the e6,erien&e
of his essentia bein+ (i he &ome into &onta&t (ith the Di$ine So%r&e of <ein+) An! ony
(hen this ha,,ens is he abe to be+in the tas' of &reatin+ for himsef a >form? (hi&h tr%y
&orres,on!s to his o(n essentia nat%re an! frees him from a fasey &on&ei$e! metho!s of
It (o%! be 7%ite im,ossibe for man to ma'e any statement abo%t the nat%re of Di$ine
<ein+" (ere it not for i!entifiabe en&o%nters" e6,erien&es an! re$eations (hi&h in the
ab%n!an&e of their ,o(er" si+nifi&an&e an! feein+ an! in the sense of res,onsibiity they
brin+" are so %ttery !ifferent in 7%aity from his %s%a e6,erien&e of the (or!" that he &annot
he, b%t see them as manifestations of trans&en!en&e) E6,erien&es s%&h as these are ony
,ossibe (hen man9s hitherto im,ermeabe (or!y faIa!e has be&ome ,oro%s or" in!ee!"
bro'en !o(n) It is these e6,erien&es (hi&h &an initiate the >o,enin+ of the Way? +Wen!e /um
Wege*( A e6er&ises (hi&h ser$e %n!er transformation" if they are not the res%t of mere
!eferen&e to a barren faith in one or other a%thority" stan! %n!er the si+n of s%&h e6,erien&e)
They brin+ a sense of iberation an! res,onsibiity by means of (hi&h ife is seen to be >here
an! no(? an! <ein+ as in(ar! 'no(in+ +0nnesein*( Th%s" the first an! most $ita ,ra&ti&e in
e$ery!ay ife is to earn effe&ti$ey to $a%e those moments in (hi&h (e are to%&he! by
somethin+ hitherto %n!reamt of)
It &an ha,,en that from time to time (e are +i$en moments of i%mination an! !e&ision
(hen somethin+ mo$es an! stirs in o%r inmost !e,ths) When this o&&%rs (e fee bo%n! to
'ee, faith (ith the e6,erien&e" (e &annot b%t obey" an! this !es,ite:or rather" be&a%se : (hat
has ha,,ene! to %s is in&on&ei$abe) It is" in fa&t" somethin+ (hi&h o%r rationa >I? &annot
reay a!mit) <%t" if (e are abe at times reay to a&&e,t it" o%r fear of annihiation is
ass%a+e!) A !ee, &ontentment &omes %,on %s) We sense that (ithin %s there9s somethin+
in!estr%&tibe (hi&h by its ,enit%!e an! ,o(er &reates a ne( &ons&io%sness of ife : an! th%s
o%r tr%st is rene(e!) .r a+ain" there may be o&&asions (hen (e are thro(n into !es,air by
some a,,arenty meanin+ess ,ara!o6 in o%r i$es" by the >abs%r!)? <%t if (e are abe to
a&&e,t the in&om,rehensibe" it may ha,,en that in the $ery mi!st of o%r a&' of
%n!erstan!in+" (e (i sense (ithin the sit%ation some !ee,er im,i&ation) The reaity (hi&h
(e %n!erstan! (ith o%r reasonin+ min! is s%!!eny trans&en!e! an! ,enetrate! by another)
The ,rofo%n! meanin+ of this reaity ony be+ins to reso%n! in %s (hen (e ha$e &ome to the
en! of o%r rationa %n!erstan!in+) 0ere" at the ,oint (here o%r hitherto im,re+nabe beief in
the sense an! @%sti&e of the (or! has been shattere!" there (i !a(n for the first time a ne("
fr%&tifyin+ faith in ife an! its si+nifi&an&e) .r somethin+ simiar may ha,,en (hen some
bo( of fate ,%n+es %s into %tter !esoation) ;an is inten!e! to i$e in !iao+%e (ith others:
he &annot f%fi his ife in isoation) 0e nee!s a ,artner" an! stri$es to fin! sheter in h%man
&omm%nion an! o$e) When it ha,,ens that ife (ithho!s this" or !e,ri$es him of it" he is
!ri$en to an e6tremity in (hi&h he fees he m%st ,erish) If" no(" he &an brin+ himsef to
s%bmit an! a&&e,t his sit%ation" he has the &han&e to brea' thro%+h the tension an! ri+i!ity
(ith (hi&h his enfor&e! oneiness threatens him) If be &an no( yie! tr%stf%y to his inner
tr%th" he may e6,erien&e the sensation of bein+ &a%+ht %, an! embra&e! by an %n'no(n
,o(er (hi&h" at the same time" ma'es him re&e,ti$e an! o,en to the (hoe of ife) Atho%+h
he is forsa'en by the (or!" somethin+ from beyon! the (or! ma'es him fee at one (ith
e$erythin+ an! someho( %n!er the (in+ of o$e)
S%&h e6,erien&es may be&ome the t%rnin+ ,oint of o%r ife) They are the means by (hi&h
o%r inmost essen&e &an s,ea' to %s) When o%r (or!:e+o an! its ,rofi&ien&y fai %s : that
,rofi&ien&y (hi&h %nti no( has seeme! to be s%ffi&ient for the f%fiin+ an! masterin+ of
ife :bit is then that the inner $oi&es be&ome a%!ibe) It may ha,,en that at the moment (hen
the (hoe frame(or' of o%r ife is s%!!eny shattere! : the frame(or' (hi&h (as inten!e! to
,ro$i!e o%r e+o (ith &omfort" meanin+ an! se&%rity : the &han&e of somethin+ ne( may
a,,ear) If a man is no( abe to a&&e,t that (hi&h" (ith his >I? aone" he cannot a&&e,t" he
may 7%ite %ne6,e&te!y e6,erien&e the sensation of bein+ borne %, by Di$ine <ein+" an!
fie! (ith a ne( si+nifi&an&e an! sense of bein+ &omforte! far beyon! the &om,rehension of
his norma &ons&io%sness)
It is this e6,erien&e of #reater Life (hi&h ma'es it ,ossibe for %s to oo' !eath in the
fa&e) There are o&&asions (hen" (itho%t any !o%bt" (e sense this #reater Life in ife" an!
these &an o&&%r a moment after (e ha$e been in !es,air at the tho%+ht of ife9s
meanin+essness) .r a+ain (e may s%!!eny fee at one (ith a that e6ists" atho%+h (e are
in fa&t" in the or!inary (or! sense" &om,etey forsa'en) It is in s%&h moments that the
tyranny of o%r or!inary (ay of oo'in+ at the (or! is o$erthro(n) These are o%r a%s,i&io%s
ho%rs) It m%st be remembere!" ho(e$er" that the ,o(er of transformation inherent in s%&h
e6,erien&es &an easiy fa into the han!s of the !e$i" (ho is e$er rea!y an! (aitin+ to
,o%n&e) It is he (ho" in the +%ise of o%r s'e,ti&ism" 7%estions the $era&ity of e$ery
e6,erien&e (hi&h &annot be &assifie! an! ma!e to fit into o%r or!inary &on&e,ts)
<%t it is not ony those ,erio!s (hen fear an! !es,air !ri$e %s beyon! the imits of o%r
o(n stren+th an! (is!om that brin+ %s these ,ara!o6i&a re$eations of Eterna Reaity) It is
aso ,ossibe to e6,erien&e moments of bo%n!ess @oy" (hi&h ha$e a 7%aity of the infinite"
an! in (hi&h the ,enit%!e of Di$ine <ein+ seems to !ra( &ose to %s) This 'in! of @oy" it
sho%! be remembere!" has no reation to any form of (or!y ,eas%re)
0o(e$er" these ra!iant" %nfor+ettabe" !ee,y mo$in+ an! besse! e6,erien&es are not the
ony ones in (hi&h (e be&ome a(are of that Di$ine <ein+ (hi&h is the en!essy eff%ent
so%r&e of ife) There e6ists aso those ess o%tstan!in+ moments an! ho%rs in (hi&h" 7%ite
%ne6,e&te!y" (e fin! o%rse$es in that %ni7%e state (here Di$ine <ein+ may to%&h %s) It
may be that a of a s%!!en (e are o$er(heme! by an %na&&%stome! sensation) We seem to
be (hoy ,resent : &om,etey >there"? as it (ere J e$en tho%+h o%r attention is not !ire&te!
to(ar!s anythin+ in ,arti&%ar) In a stran+e (ay J stran+e be&a%se it is so %nfamiiar an!
%ne6,e&te! J (e fee >ro%n!e!? an! >&om,ete"? an! at the same time o,en in a (ay that
ao(s inner ab%n!an&e to (e %,) Atho%+h firmy base! on the earth" (e seem to foat in
air) At on&e absent" as it (ere" an! at the same time (hoy >here"? (e are f% of ife" abe to
rest &om,etey (ithin o%rse$es an! sti be &osey reate! to a that isC a,art from
e$erythin+ an! at the same time (ithin e$erythin+" bo%n! to a thin+s yet &in+in+ to
nothin+) In some in&om,rehensibe (ay (e are +%i!e! an! yet free) Reease! from ob@e&ts"
aims an! &aims" (e are ,oor in the (or!" yet fie! to the brim (ith inner ,o(er an!
ri&hness) At s%&h moments (e fee ,enetrate! by somethin+ that is at on&e most ,re&io%s an!
most fra+ie) Perha,s that is (hy instin&ti$ey (e ste, !ei&atey an! !o not try to oo' too
&osey at (hat is ha,,enin+ (ithin %s) Some an&ient 'no(e!+e (arns %s that the (arm"
semi:!ar'ness of an a(a'ene! heart A#emKtE is more a,,ro,riate here than the &o! beam of
the rationa min! (hi&h free8es e$ery as,e&t of ife) It is as if (e hear! a $oi&e sayin+: >See
as if yo% !i! not seeC hear as if yo% !i! not hearC fee as if yo% !i! not feeC ha$e as if yo% ha!
notH? <%t then" aas" this mira&e $anishes) S%!!eny it !isa,,ears) In!ee!" for it to !isa,,ear"
one has ony to (on!er an! as' as >(hat is it?= For (hate$er &at&hes o%r attention" a tho%+ht"
an im,ression" an e$ent : either from (itho%t or (ithin : imme!iatey &han+es o%r state of
&ons&io%sness) .ne moment it is 7%iet an! &am" re&e,ti$e an! %n7%estionin+" i'e a &hai&e
o,en to the ,o%rin+ in of (ineC an! the ne6t it is a s(or!" shar, an! !ea!y" (hi&h ,ier&es the
e6,erien&e an! rationay transfi6es it) /o( the (or! (hi&h" a se&on! sin&e" (as as if
en&hante! an! a of a ,ie&e (ith o%rse$es" fas a+ain into its %s%a ,attern) 0o(
im,o$erishe! (e fee" no( that (e are on&e a+ain thro(n ba&' on o%r !aiy se$es an! are
fa&e to fa&e (ith the or!inary ro%n!) The e6,erien&e $anishes i'e a !ream) An! yet it (as
&ertainy not a !reamH It (as the re$eation of the tr%e reaity (hi&h rose %, in %s be&a%se" for
a moment" (e (ere o,en an! free from the fetters of o%r or!inary &ons&io%sness) Thro%+h
s%&h e6,erien&es (e ,ass beyon! this or!inary &ons&io%sness to that (hi&h is trans&en!enta)
/o matter ho( brief the moments of iberation may be : astin+ ,erha,s a fra&tion of a se&on!
: they ma'e %s a(are" (ith &om,ein+ e$i!en&e" of that ife (hi&h far s%r,asses o%r %s%a I:
Wor! im,ressionsC that ife to (hi&h in o%r essen&e (e beon+" (hi&h in o%r essen&e (e are"
an! (hose re$eation is the +oa of a o%r on+in+)
In or!er to re&o+ni8e the reaity of this e6,erien&e of #reater <ein+" (e nee! nothin+
more than the >sa&re! sobriety? of &ommon sense) This" in fa&t" is that trans&en!enta
(hi&h is neither &o%!e! nor inhibite! by ,re&on&ei$e! &on&e,ts an! rationa tho%+ht
str%&t%res) This sense of reaity ,ermits the %ni7%e" %n&assifiabe 7%aity of the e6,erien&e to
be as it is" a&&e,ts an! sa$ors it" an! be&a%se of its $ery in&om,rehensibiity" is int%iti$ey
&on$in&e! of its tr%th) We nee! ,ra&ti&e in or!er to a&7%ire the ,ossibiity of re&o+ni8in+ the
7%aity of this reaity) <y remainin+ aert an! &onstanty ,re,are!" (e &an earn to hear an!
fee the &a of Di$ine <ein+ in e$ery:thin+ that ha,,ens to %s) For this (e nee! to (or'
!ii+enty in or!er to be&ome $esses &a,abe of re&ei$in+ a that is ,o%re! into them) An!
this ,ra&ti&eC remember" m%st not ony be+in b%t aso en! the !ay) >Learn to i$e ea&h !ay to
its en! in s%&h a (ay that it be&omes a ,art of Eternity"? as the ,oet says)

We nee! a ne( 'in! of !is&i,ine here" one that aims so to !e$eo, o%r inner e6,erien&e
that it is ifte! to a hi+her e$e) The res%ts of s%&h !is&i,ine &ome not from the sort of
,ra&ti&e that is the mere &arryin+ o%t of s,e&ifi& e6er&ises" b%t from one that &onfirms the o!
sayin+: >Ea&h moment is the best of a o,,ort%nities)? Th%s a thin+s an! a e$ents be&ome
the fie! of ,ra&ti&e on o%r @o%rney aon+ the Inner Way) ;o$in+ e$er on(ar! an! 'ee,in+
to%&h (ith his inmost essen&e" a man transforms himsef" ste, by ste," into a >,erson"? (hose
trans,aren&e to Di$ine <ein+ ma'es ,ossibe the f%fiment of his h%man !estiny)
The first &on!ition of a >&orre&t ,ra&ti&e? is that one sho%! %n!erstan! (hat that ,hrase
means) It is not the ,%rs%it of s%&h &a,a&ities as (i f%fi o%r (or!y tas's that is meant
here" b%t rather (hat may be &ae! >e6er&iti%m? on the inner (ay) The 'in! of ,ra&ti&e
(hi&h aims at a&hie$in+ a s,e&ifi& res%t in the (or! &omes to an en! (hen that res%t has
been obtaine!) Inner ,ra&ti&e" ho(e$er" be+ins ony after one has a&hie$e! te&hni&a mastery"
in (hate$er a&ti$ity it may be : e$en s,ort : an! &onsists of en!ess re,etition) .n&e the
te&hni7%e of some tas' has been ,erfe&te!" ea&h re,etition of its ,ra&ti&e mirrors one9s (hoe
inner attit%!e) E$ery mista'e that is ma!e sho(s %, a fa%t (ithin o%rse$es) If this is
%n!erstoo!" o%r efforts to a&&om,ish !aiy tas's &an" at the same time" be&ome inner (or' on
o%rse$es) In the same (ay" ,ra&ti&e of ri+ht ,ost%re an! ri+ht breathin+ &an be&ome
>e6er&iti%m? ony after one has f%y mastere! the ne&essary te&hni7%e) Th%s by means of
this &ontin%o%s re,etition" the tr%e" in(ar! ,erson be+ins to emer+e) In this (ay the or!inary
!aiy ro%n! &an be transforme! into >,ra&ti&e)?
The se&on! &on!ition for this 'in! of ,ra&ti&e : &ontin%o%s e6er&iti%m : is that a man m%st
be reso$e! an! ,re,are! to ea! his ife in the (or! in a&&or!an&e (ith his inner a(" an!
this means i$in+ his ife in the ser$i&e of trans&en!enta reaity) 0e m%st at a &osts +ras, the
tr%th (hi&h is that ony by bein+ faithf% an! &ommitte! to this ser$i&e &an he be&ome (hoe
+heil*, an!" that as on+ as he &ontin%es to i$e soey for se&%rity an! ha,,iness in the (or!"
he (i be %nabe to !is&o$er the ri+ht (ay) When a that (e 'no( an! !o be&omes a means
for the re$eation of #reater Life in the (or!" then the Way may be attaine!" an! the or!inary
!ay itsef be&ome one sin+e fie! of ,ra&ti&e) <%t so on+ as man tries to +ain somethin+
soey for himsef thro%+h this ,ra&ti&e : (hether it be the a&7%isition of hi+her fa&%ties"
e6traor!inary e6,erien&es" or tran7%iity" harmony" e$en his o(n sa$ation J he is bo%n! to
miss the Way)
In a tr%e ,ra&ti&e (e are &ontin%ay ,re,arin+ o%rse$es to attain to the ,osition (here
ife in the ser$i&e of #reater <ein+ be&omes se&on! nat%re) This ser$i&e (i seem onero%s
as on+ as (e are sti &%t off from essentia bein+" an! i$in+ soey in o%r (or!:e+o) .n the
other han!" on&e a man is reay &ommitte! to the Way he (i shorty ha$e e6,erien&es that
brin+ him +reat @oy an! a sense of free!om)
The Inner Way" an! the ,ra&ti&e (hi&h enabes %s to ,ro+ress aon+ it, has itte to !o (ith
o%r %s%a metho!s of !is&i,inin+ o%rse$es : often a+ainst o%r o(n nat%re : to ser$e
%nsefishy some (or!y &a%se or &omm%nity) What is in$o$e! here is not merey the
!is&i,ine by (hi&h man masters his instin&ti$e !ri$es an! o$er&omes his nat%re) /or is it @%st
a matter of a&7%irin+ those $irt%es thro%+h (hi&h he s%b@%+ates his sma e+o for the sa'e of
the &omm%nity an! his abors in the (or!) /either has it anythin+ to !o (ith the ,ersonaity
(hi&h oses fa&e (hen it !oes not s%&&ee! in the (or!" an! is !ishonore! (hen it fais to
a&&om,ish its tas's or ,ro$es to be an %nreiabe member of the &omm%nity) A these are
ste,s that ne&essariy m%st be ta'en on the (ay to(ar!s tr%e be&omin+ an! mat%rity)
<%t man &an ony be sai! to ha$e reay be+%n his @o%rney on the Inner Way (hen the
in@%n&tions he bin!y obeys are no on+er those that &onform to the (or!9s s&ae of $a%es"
b%t rather those (hi&h a&&or! (ith Di$ine <ein+ (ithin him : that <ein+ (hi&h &onstanty
stri$es to re$ea itsef in him an! thro%+h him to the (or!) E$en the most &orre&t an!
res,onsibe beha$ior is %nabe to satisfy these hi+h !eman!s if it is soey the res%t of an
ethi&a !is&i,ine instea! of bein+ an e6,ression of man9s inner essen&e) This essen&e is abe
to manifest itsef freey ony (hen the !e,ths in (hi&h it !(es ha$e been &eanse! an!
The most $ita eement in the ,ra&ti&e of the Inner Way &onsists in earnin+ to be&ome
o,en an! ,er&e,ti$e to the in(ar! e6,erien&e of essentia bein+) For it is o%t of essentia
bein+ that Di$ine <ein+ s,ea's an! &as to %s)
A !ay (e are s%mmone! by the (or!" (hi&h !eman!s that (e re&o+ni8e an! master it)
At the same time Di$ine <ein+ is ,er,et%ay &ain+ %s in(ar!) The (or! re7%ires of %s o%r
'no(e!+e an! s'i" (hereas Di$ine <ein+ insists that (e ay asi!e 'no(e!+e an! s'i for
the sa'e of inner +ro(th) The (or! e6,e&ts %s to be &ontin%ay !oin+ (hereas Di$ine <ein+
re7%ires %s" 7%ite sim,y" to allow the right thing to happen( The (or! tries to 'ee, %s on a
ne$er:en!in+ trea!mi" so that (e may a&hie$e somethin+ that (e in o%r bin!ness &onsi!er
,ermanent) Di$ine <ein+ !eman!s that (hie remainin+ in to%&h (ith it" (e refrain" at the
same time" from be&omin+ atta&he! to anythin+ at a : e$en tho%+h in so refrainin+" (e may
fear to ose o%r ho! on o%rse$es) The (or! en&o%ra+es %s to ta' an! to !o interminabyC
Di$ine <ein+ re7%ires that (e be&ome 7%iet an! a&t (itho%t a&tin+) The (or! for&es %s to
&on&entrate on se&%rityC Di$ine <ein+ as's ony that (e ris' o%rse$es a+ain an! a+ain) To
the e6tent that (e &om,rehen! it" the (or! !oes o%r bi!!in+C Di$ine <ein+ re$eas itsef ony
(hen (e a&&e,t the in&om,rehensibe) The ,o(er of Di$ine <ein+ be&omes a,,arent at the
moment (hen (e et +o of the thin+s that s%,,ort %s in the (or!) It is ony (hen (e are abe
to rein7%ish that (hi&h ma'es %s ri&h in the (or! that (e are enri&he! an! transforme! by
Di$ine <ein+)
Pra&ti&e in !aiy ife has many as,e&ts) It re7%ires that (e ma'e a mo$ement to(ar!s9 the
&enter of o%r bein+ an! s%&h a mo$ement ine$itaby in$o$es a &om,ete &han+e of !ire&tion
in the (or!) Thro%+h ,ra&ti&e (e are e! to rein7%ish the (or! so that o%r innermost bein+
may re$ea itsef) <%t on&e (e ha$e e6,erien&e! this innermost &ore an! a(o'en to o%r
essentia bein+" (e be+in to sense essen&e in a thin+s) An! so" in the mi!st of o%r ife in the
(or!" (e be&ome a(are of Di$ine <ein+ e$ery(here)
When essentia bein+ be&omes in(ar! 'no(in+" (e fee a s%!!en &han+e in o%rse$es)
Rea6e! an! free" f% of stren+th an! i+ht" (e are fie! (ith a ne( an! &reati$e ife) Those
thin+s that ie hea$iy %,on %s +ro( i+hterC ,robems (hi&h ha$e been &a%sin+ an6iety no
on+er o,,ress %sC an! e$ents that in o%r or!inary state M(o%! ,%n+e %s into !es,air no(
ose their ,oten&y) MWhere e$ery !oor seeme! &ose! a are no( o,en) We (ho in o%rse$es
(ere ,oor no( fee ri&h" an! in the mi!st of &amor (e are ,ea&ef% an! &am) It is as tho%+h
(e (ere bathe! in an in$isibe i+ht (hi&h (arms an! shines %,on %s) We sense abo%t %s a
ra!ian&e that shimmers thro%+h e$erythin+) <%t @%st as this ra!ian&e &an !a(n %,on %s
(itho%t (arnin+" so &an it as s%!!eny !isa,,ear) We ha$e no ,o(er to ma'e it ha,,en" nor to
retain it on&e it is there) The most (e &an !o is to earn to be&ome ,res&ient an! a(are of
those attit%!es (hi&h ,re,are %s for s%&h e6,erien&es an! aso" of &o%rse" those (hi&h ,re$ent
The +reat esson to be earne!" (hen (e are on the thresho! of this ,ro&ess of
transformation" is to re&o+ni8e the $ita im,ortan&e of o%r inner e6,erien&e" an! to a&&e,t an!
a!mit to &ons&io%sness those moo!s an! im,%ses thro%+h (hi&h #reater <ein+ re$eas itsef)
Transformation ines&a,aby &on&erns not a ,art b%t the (hoe ,erson) The time has &ome for
%s to &om,rehen! the f% si+nifi&an&e of this statement) It means that a man m%st $a%e
himsef : @%st as he !oes another ,erson : in a his (hoeness" !e,th an! %nity" in a (or!" as a
s%b@e&t) .ny then (i he be abe to (or' ri+hty at the t(ofo! tas' of &eansin+ his inner
ife an! &orre&tin+ his e6terna attit%!es) When (e ha$e %n!erstoo! that bo!y an! ,sy&he are
not t(o se,arate entities b%t merey t(o as,e&ts of the (hoe (ay in (hi&h a ,erson
manifests himsef" o%t(ar!y an! in(ar!y" (e &ome to %n!erstan! that (or' on o%r inner
bein+ (i ine$itaby effe&t the bo!y" an! that efforts to &han+e the bo!y (i e7%ay
ine$itaby ha$e their effe&t (ithin)
;ention sho%! be ma!e here of t(o attit%!es (hi&h ,arti&%ary ,re$ent sef:reai8ation)
They are hypertension an! slac1ness( The one re$eas a ,erson entirey in the +ri, of an e+o
(hi&h has &om,etey ost to%&h (ith the ,o(ers that !(e in the !e,ths of bein+ an!"
be&a%se of this" is &onstanty &on&erne! (ith its o(n se&%rity) The other !is&oses a ,erson :
(ith a &om,ete absen&e of any res,onsibiity for that state (hi&h &orres,on!s to essentia
bein+ an! is &a,abe of re$eain+ it)
B%st as hy,ertension an! sa&'ness hin!er a re&o$ery from ,hysi&a iness" so !o they
obstr%&t man9s sef:reai8ation an! inner (e bein+) We a &ome to re&o+ni8e" sooner or
ater" to (hat e6tent the &onstant s(in+ bet(een these t(o &on!itions ,re$ents the formation
of the &entra &ore that is so essentia to o%r bein+) <%t" on&e (e are a(are of the si+nifi&an&e
of s%&h a reai8ation" (e &annot b%t stri$e to o$er&ome these t(o +reat enemies of the ri+ht
(ay of bein+)
Where there is hy,ertension" (e fin! that e6&essi$e sef:(i" ,ersistent sef:&ontro an!
&onstant s%r$eian&e by an a:too:(at&hf% e+o" bo&' the fo( of the for&es of Di$ine <ein+
(hi&h" in a&&or!an&e (ith their o(n a(s" ine$itaby ,%rs%e their &o%rse in &on&eament) In
or!er to be abe to o,erate freey" these for&es re7%ire from man a basi& tr%stf%ness (hi&h
enabes him to +i$e himsef &onfi!enty to the ife +i$in+ an! iberatin+ <ein+ (hi&h is
,resent in his essen&e) A hy,ertension is an e6,ression of a a&' of tr%st in Di$ine <ein+)
Sa&'ness" on the other han!" is a si+n that man has et himsef +o an! therefore forfeite!
his inherent form) A man &an ne$er be >&orre&t? (itho%t a &ertain !e+ree of a(areness of the
res,onsibiity he bears for his tota a,,earan&e +Gestalt#geissen*( If he remains tr%e to his
&ons&ien&e" it is im,ossibe for him to be (itho%t form) The ,ro,er frame of min! a(ays
re$eas the &ombination of a tr%stf%" ,assi$e attit%!e an! an a&ti$e attit%!e of in!i$i!%a
res,onsibiity) ;ost ,eo,e ha$e neither" therefore they a&' the two most essentia &on!itions
for bein+ in the ri+ht state of min! an! bo!y: transparency an! true form(
;an" as a Person embra&in+ bo!y an! so%" !e$eo,s an! reai8es himsef in e$ery +est%re
he ma'es) <%t his ,ersonaity is re$eae! most ,arti&%ary thro%+h ,ost%re" tension an!
breathin+) /othin+ of (hat has been sai!" ho(e$er" sho%! be %n!erstoo! soey in a ,hysi&a
sense) <a! ,ost%re" (ron+ tension an! in&orre&t breathin+ are a !ifferent (ays in (hi&h a
,erson9s im,ermeabiity an! a&' of form ma'e their a,,earan&e) Th%s it is that (e are abe
to assist into bein+ this Person (ho" (hie embra&in+ bo!y an! so%" is beyon! the
&ontra!i&tion of these a,,arent o,,osites) ;an &an be he,e! to ta&'e the tas' of settin+
himsef to ri+hts by the ,ro,er ,ra&ti&e of ri+ht ,ost%re" ri+ht tension an! ri+ht breathin+) It is
the re&o+nition of the nee! for this that o,ens %, a fie! of ,ossibiity" a&&essibe to a"
thro%+h (hi&h the !aiy ro%n! itsef be&omes ,ra&ti&e : ,ra&ti&e that &onsists sim,y in
earnin+ ho( to be an! ho( to beha$e in the (or!)
;an9s &orre&t ,ost%re is a(ays !etermine! by the ri+ht >&enter of +ra$ity)? The in+raine!
ba! ,ost%re of many ,eo,e is &a%se! by the shiftin+ of the &enter of +ra$ity too far %,(ar!s)
This &an be seen in those (ho are !ominate! by the habit >Chest o%t : bey in? (here the
!ra(in+ %, of the sho%!ers is a(ays an in!i&ation of tension) When (e &ome a&ross s%&h
instan&es of in&orre&t ,ost%re" the reason is ne$er soey ,hysi&a nor is it (itho%t im,ortan&e)
In!ee!" it has +reat si+nifi&an&e" sin&e it is a si+n of arro+an&e an! an o$erem,hasis on one9s
o(n ,erson) S%&h a ,ost%re is the !efensi$e an! ,rote&ti$e me&hanism of the man (ho is
i!entifie! (ith his sma e+o an! (ho therefore see's abo$e a to safe+%ar! himsef an! to
ho! se&%re his ,osition in the (or!) Whene$er a (ron+ ,ost%re has be&ome !ee,y
in+raine! it bo&'s the re!eemin+" rene(in+ an! ,reser$in+ for&es that arise from the !e,ths
of <ein+) The &om,ementary form" of this attit%!e" (hi&h is often seen to aternate (ith it" is
that of &oa,sin+" or +i$in+ (ay) In s%&h a &ase" the innate ima+e of man as an %,ri+ht bein+
is ost) S%&h !isso%tion is e$i!en&e of a a&' of feein+ for" an! res,onsibiity to(ar!s" the
&orre&t form (itho%t (hi&h essentia bein+ &annot manifest itsef)
.n&e" ho(e$er" (e be&ome a(are of the harmf% effe&ts of ba! ,ost%re an! &onse7%enty
stri$e to !e$eo, an! mat%re in a&&or!an&e (ith o%r tr%e nat%re : (hi&h means an %nfa++in+
sear&h for the ri+ht &enter of +ra$ity : (e be+in to ,er&ei$e in o%rse$es &ertain far:rea&hin+
&han+es) We 'no( (itho%t !o%bt that (e are mo$in+ in the ri+ht !ire&tion)
The Ba,anese ha$e a s,e&ia term for that ,art of the bo!y (hi&h is the &orre&t &enter of
man) It is 2ara( The (or! 0ara" 'no(n to many thro%+h the e6,ression >0ara'iri"? iteray
means >bey)? 0o(e$er" in its a,,ie! sense" it !es&ribes rather the +enera attit%!e of man"
in (hi&h" free! from his sma e+o : reease! from ,ri!e" from the !esire to !ominate" the fear
of ,ain" the on+in+ for se&%rity : he be&omes firmy an&hore! in his tr%e &enter) Th%s
&entere!" he is abe to be re&e,ti$e to the for&es of <ein+ (hi&h" (ith or (itho%t his
a(areness" transform" s%,,ort" sha,e an! ,rote&t him (hie at the same time enabin+ him to
re$ea these for&es to the (or! by the 7%aity of his (or'" his abiity to &reate an! his
&a,a&ity for o$e)
This effort to attain the &orre&t &enter of +ra$ity is the f%n!amenta ,ra&ti&e by means of
(hi&h (e are enabe! to i$e in the (or! in the ri+ht (ay) Th%s restin+ in the basi& &enter"
(e are rea6e! an! free an! at the same time fee o%rse$es s%,,orte!) In the tr%est sense"
here" (e &an be sai! to be %,ri+ht) <y means of this ,ra&ti&e" the bey" the ,e$is an! the
sma of the ba&' an! their reation to ea&h other form the basis of &orre&t ,ost%re) When a
mo$ement fo(s from this rea6e!" yet firm &enter" a +est%res" attit%!es an! ,ost%res :
(a'in+" stan!in+" sittin+ : be&ome" as it (ere" testimonies to tr%e bein+) There is no as,e&t of
!aiy ife that !oes not ,ro$i!e o,,ort%nity for this ,ra&ti&e) If" for one moment" (e for+et
0ara : (hether it be in (a'in+" stan!in+ or sittin+ : (e &ease at that moment to be f%y an!
,ersonay ,resent) When the %,,er ,art of o%r bo!y : the e+o area : be&omes" tense an! ri+i!"
this ri+i!ity &%ts %s off from o%r essen&e) .n the other han!" (hen (e sin' !o(n(ar!s :
!isso$in+ into sha,eessness : (e ose the form (hi&h testifies to essentia bein+)
A those a&tions (hi&h re7%ire &on&entrate! attention an! (i ,o(er ha$e the ,ossibiity
of en!an+erin+ o%r ho! on the &enter an! o%r ,resen&e in 0am) Whene$er (e as,ire to(ar!s
some +oa or" bein+ !ominate! by o%r (or!y:e+o" (e fi6 o%r at:ten!on on a ,arti&%ar
ob@e&ti$e" (e are in !an+er of osin+ to%&h (ith o%r &enter) In!ee!" e$ery: 'in! of (or' or
a&ti$ity (hi&h is aime! to(ar!s a !efinite en! &an be the means : %ness (e are !ee,y
+ro%n!e! in 0ara : of shiftin+ the &enter of +ra$ity too far %,(ar!s) If (e 'ee, this in min!"
it (i be seen that e$ery a&tion ,ro$i!es an o,,ort%nity to ,ra&ti&e &orre&t ,ost%re) Ea&h
moment &ontains for %s the ,ossibiity of estabishin+ an! &onsoi!atin+ the attit%!e (hi&h
frees %s from the !omination of o%r (or!y:e+o an! ao(s %s to e6ist from o%r essentia
bein+) To the e6tent to (hi&h (e s%&&ee! in this" (hate$er (or' (e %n!erta'e (i fo( more
easiy) .%r 'no(e!+e an! s'i (i be f%y at o%r !is,osa" o%r abors &ro(ne! (ith s%&&ess
an!" moreo$er" in reationshi,s (ith ,eo,e (e (i be rea6e!" %ninhibite! an! free)
Tension an! relaxation are t(o as,e&ts of e$ery i$in+ (hoe) We mo!erns" ho(e$er" ten!
to s(in+ ba&'(ar!s an! for(ar!s bet(een the t(o m%t%ay e6&%si$e e6tremes of these
as,e&ts : ?0y,ertension an! Sa&'ness)? E$en (hen (e ta' of rea6ation" (hat (e %s%ay
mean is nothin+ b%t &om,ete !isso%tion : a &on!ition (hi&h a moment ater is ine$itaby
transforme! into a tension e7%ay abso%te) What has to be earne! an! &onstanty ,ra&ti&e!
is to rea6 (itho%t bein+ sa&') Corre&t rea6ation in!%&es the ri+ht 'in! of tension an! has
the effe&t of rene(in+ %s) The ,%r,ose of a tr%e ettin+ +o is not some bissf% &on!ition
(here there is no tension at a" b%t rather a transformation by (hi&h a &orre&t tension is
a&hie$e!) It sho%! be remembere! that in this ,ra&ti&e to a&hie$e the ri+ht &enter" rea6ation
is ne$er merey a ,hysi&a or a te&hni&a e6er&ise) It a(ays im,ies a tota transformation of
the ,erson) We nee! to earn to rea6 o%r sel%es # not ony o%r bo!ies : in the ri+ht (ay) This
entais far more than a rea6ation of the m%s&es) Dro,,in+ the sho%!ers an! ettin+ +o of
one9s self in the !ro,,in+ of the sho%!ers are t(o f%n!amentay !ifferent mo$ements) The
one is a te&hni&a e6er&ise" (ith res%ts that are merey e6terna an! ha$e no astin+ effe&tC the
other transforms the (hoe ,erson) 0y,ertension bears (itness to the fa&t that (e are &a,ti$e
to the (or!:e+o) Th%s it is essentia" in so far as (e are i!entifie! (ith o%r (or!:e+o" that
(e earn to et +o not ony at those times (hen (e are tense" fri+htene!" >%, in the air? or
!efensi$ey &in+in+ to the %,,er ,art of o%r bo!y : b%t at a times an! in a ,a&es) This
sho%! be o%r ,rimary &on&ern)
Whene$er (e mana+e to !ro, that e+o (hi&h ho!s %s fast in a state of hy,ertension" it
(i be noti&e! that a &han+e in o%r (hoe ,erson is bro%+ht abo%t) /ormay" (e be&ome
a(are of (ron+ tension ony (hen (e are tro%be! by ,hysi&a hy,ertension) <%t it sho%! be
reai8e! that hy,ertension of any 'in! is a(ays a si+n of a (ron+ attit%!e to ife) We ha$e to
earn to et oursel%es +o" as (e as o%r attit%!es) .ny then" an! ony +ra!%ay" (i (e
be&ome &am an! &om,ose!) It is im,ossibe for %s to rein7%ish" (itho%t fain+ a,art" the
s%,,ort (e +ain from tension in the %,,er ,art of the bo!y Athe e+o areaE" %nti (e ha$e earnt
to an&hor o%rse$es ese(here : in a (or!" in the ri+ht &enter)
<%t that is not a) It sho%! be remembere! that the ,ra&ti&e of ri+ht tension +oes han! in
han! (ith the ,ra&ti&e of 'reathing( The inner si+nifi&an&e of this ,ra&ti&e of breathin+ (i
be misse! if it is e6&%si$ey re+ar!e! as a bo!iy e6er&ise (hose soe ,%r,ose is to im,ro$e
heath an! effi&ien&y) When breathin+ means no more to %s than the !ra(in+ in an! ettin+
o%t of air" it is an in!i&ation that (e ha$e not %n!erstoo! that" in tr%th" it is the breath of
#reater Life (hi&h ,enetrates %s an! a i$in+ thin+s) It mo$es thro%+h man" +i$in+ him ife
as a threefo! entity : so%" s,irit an! bo!y) <y means of this breathin+" man o,ens himsef to
#reater Life an! &oses himsef a+ainC +i$es himsef a(ay an! a+ain re&ei$es himsefC oses
himsef an! fin!s himsef) When breathin+ is o%t of or!er" not merey the bo!y b%t the (hoe
,erson is o%t of or!er) E$ery !ist%rban&e in breathin+ si+nifies a !ist%rban&e of the tota
,erson an! has the effe&t of barrin+ man9s (ay to himsef) Wron+ breathin+ im,airs (or!y
effi&ien&y) <%t (hat is more im,ortant" the !ee,y in+raine! obstr%&tion of essentia bein+
(hi&h it re$eas affe&ts the entire !e$eo,ment) Contin%o%s (ron+ breathin+ e6,resses a
,ro+ressi$ey stren+thenin+ inhibition of essentia bein+) .n the other han!" breathin+ that
fo(s &orre&ty in!i&ates that the (ay is free for ife to %nfo! o%t of essen&e)
The most (i!es,rea! fa%t in breathin+ is fo%n! (here a man breathes not from his &enter
b%t from the %,,er ,art of the bo!y so that the instin&ti$e mo$ement of the !ia,hra+m is
re,a&e! by the a&ti$ity of the &hest m%s&es) In s%&h a &ase an %nnat%ra e+o breathin+ ta'es
the ,a&e of that breathin+ (hi&h nat%re inten!e! for %s) This in!i&ates that the man is
&ons&io%sy or %n&ons&io%sy !oing somethin+ (hi&h" if he (ere in harmony (ith his
essentia bein+" (o%! ha,,en a%tomati&ay) Whene$er in&orre&t breathin+ be&omes habit"
the ,ro&ess by (hi&h a man be&omes a Person is obstr%&te!) S%&h (ron+ attit%!es to
breathin+ are intimatey reate! to other as,e&ts of the ,ersonaity" to a those f%n!amenta
mis&on&e,tions that man ao(s to master" him an! hin!er his essentia !e$eo,ment in a
Thro%+ho%t the &ent%ries" man has in$ente! many !ifferent 'in!s of breathin+ e6er&ises
that ser$e a $ariety of ,%r,oses) .ne may or may not a+ree on the 7%estion of their $ai!ity)
<%t there is ony one in!is,%tabe ,ra&ti&e of breathin+ an! that has neither been in$ente! nor
!is&o$ere! by man) It is an essentia ,art of him" inborn an! in a&&or!an&e (ith his essentia
bein+ an! &onsists sim,y in ettin+ breathin+ ha,,enH S%&h ,ra&ti&e merey in$o$es
estabishin+ : or rather" re!is&o$erin+ : the nat%ra manner of breathin+) This means that the
breath sho%! be ao(e! to fo( o%t(ar!s an! in(ar!s nat%ray in a rhythmi& mo$ement of
+i$in+ an! re&ei$in+) With re+ar! to the (ron+ habits (e a&7%ire: thro%+h the !omination Mof
the e+o : (hi&h ea! %s in$o%ntariy to resist the f% e6haation an! then too 7%i&'y to !ra(
in the breath : the basi& an! most he,f% ,ra&ti&e of breathin+ &onsists mainy in ao(in+
&om,ete e6haation) If this is !one" &orre&t inhaation foo(s 7%ite freey (itho%t any
assistan&e) Let me re,eat that this ,ra&ti&e J i'e that of rea6ation J sho%! not be
a,,roa&he! soey from the ,oint of $ie( of a ,hysi&a e6er&ise) With the e6haation of the
breath" (e9 sho%! et +o of o%rse$es tr%stf%y an! (itho%t reser$e) When a man &an ao(
his breath f%y to fo( o%t" it is e$i!en&e of his !ee, tr%st in ife) Whereas those (ho restrain
their breathin+ mistr%st both ife an! themse$esH Th%s : as it (as (ith the ,ra&ti&e of ri+ht
,ost%re an! ri+ht rea6ation : so it is (ith ri+ht breathin+: it is abo$e a a 7%estion of ettin+
+o the &in+in+" sef:,rote&tin+ e+o) This is the ony (ay in (hi&h (e &an free o%rse$es from
o%r e6a++erate! inhibitions an! hy,ertension an! th%s be&ome re&e,ti$e to(ar!s o%r
essentia bein+) In this %nion (ith bein+" it is ,ossibe for %s to a&7%ire the o%ter form (hi&h
&orres,on!s to o%r inner ima+e)
;an9s ha,,iness as a ,erson !e,en!s on the f%fiment of his !ee,est on+in+s) In these
he ,er&ei$es Di$ine <ein+ stri$in+ to manifest itsef thro%+h him) 0is most f%n!amenta
yearnin+ is for somethin+ (hi&h in his essentia bein+ he reay is an! is inten!e! to be) 0is
ha,,iness therefore" !e,en!s on the e6tent to (hi&h he is abe to &onform to his inner
!estiny) <%t s%&h a &ons%mmation is ony ,ossibe in so far as he freey f%fis this intention
in his !aiy ife)
The (or! in (hi&h (e i$e is not a $ae of sorro(s (hi&h se,arates %s from the ,ea's of
the !i$ineC rather it is a bri!+e (hi&h %nites %s (ith those ,ea's) We nee! b%t ,enetrate the
obs&%rin+ mists that ie bet(een %s an! &ons&io%sness an! tear !o(n the obstr%&tin+ (as
that bar o%r (ay) This ne&essitates i$in+ the or!inary !ay as ,ra&ti&e) /o s,e&ia time nee!
be set asi!e for this) Ea&h moment is a s%mmons &ain+ %s to re&oe&t an! ,ro$e o%rse$es)
There is no a&ti$ity" ser$in+ (hate$er e6terna ,%r,ose" that !oes not &ontain an o,,ort%nity
to !e!i&ate o%rse$es more ar!enty to the sear&h for tr%th) /o matter (hat (e are !oin+ :
(a'in+" stan!in+ or sittin+" (ritin+" s,ea'in+ or bein+ sient" atta&'in+ somethin+ or
!efen!in+ o%rse$es" he,in+ or ser$in+ others J (hate$er the tas'" it is ,ossibe to &arry it
o%t (ith a ,ost%re an! attit%!e (hi&h (i more an! more estabish the &onta&t (ith bein+) We
m%st earn to ma'e %se of these o,,ort%nities in the ,ra&ti&e of the >ri+ht +est%re)?
Healing Power and Gesture
In man the ,ro&ess of ri,enin+ an! mat%rin+" in &ontrast to the nat%ra ri,enin+ of a fr%it"
is not a&&om,ishe! a%tomati&ay) It re7%ires &ons&io%s &oaboration) In the ream of
instin&ti$e !ri$es" it is nat%re that thr%sts %s to(ar!s the f%fiment of o%r !esires" an! it is
ony ne&essary for %s to yie! to this irresistibe for&e for s%&h f%fiment to foo() The
same !oes not ho! +oo! in the ream of the s,iritC tho%+h here" too" the ,re:&on!ition for
any &han+e is that (e are first sei8e! by im,%se) <%t %ness man !eiberatey an!
&ons&io%sy +ras,s that im,%se an! &ommits himsef to a&hie$in+ its reai8ation" the &%rrent
soon be+ins to (ea'en)
S,irit%a ,ro+ress ine$itaby brin+s abo%t transformation) To this en! it is ne&essary that a
,art of the former attit%!e to ife be rein7%ishe! : some habit or re7%irement" some attit%!e
or har!:(on ,a&e on the a!!er) In the on+ r%n it be&omes in!is,ensabe for %s to +i$e %,
the ,re$aiin+ &on$i&tions" a,,arenty so nat%ra" he! by o%r (or!:e+o) It is !iffi&%t for %s
to rein7%ish anythin+ (ith (hi&h (e ha$e been habit%ay" tho%+h %n&ons&io%sy" i!entifie!)
S,irit%a transformation" for this reason" nee!s a +reat !ea of har! (or') It not ony entais
inner ,ra&ti&e" b%t aso the ,ra&ti&e of o%r manner of bein+ ,hysi&ay ,resent) This re7%ires a
on+ an! ,atient ,ra&ti&e of the bo!y" of +est%re" mo$ement an! ,ost%re) .ne s%&h basi&
,ra&ti&e M&1iose ,%r,ose is transformation is that of me!itation)
A +en%ine me!itation &onsists of t(o sta+es) It be+ins (ith &on&entration" by means of
(hi&h a man &oe&ts himsef (ith the he, of his (i an! !ire&ts the ,o(er of his e+o on to
(hate$er may be the theme an! ,%r,ose of the ,ra&ti&e of transformation) Con&entration is
a&hie$e! thro%+h the ,o(ers of the e+o" (hi&h is abe to +ras, tho%+hts ob@e&ti$ey"
!ifferentiate bet(een them an! a&ti$ate the (i) Th%s in his &on&entration man &omes to a
&oser %n!erstan!in+ of the theme of his me!itation) <y means of this effort he is abe to
re&o+ni8e the fa%ts in his ,hysi&a ,ost%re an! the !ist%rbin+ fa&tors that are at (or' (ithin
him) In a!!ition it &an brin+ &om,rehension an! a &ear ,er&e,tion of the ob@e&t &hosen for
me!itation" no matter (hether this be a ,i&t%re" a (or!" the foo(in+ of the breath or some
other theme) The (hoe ,ro&ess ta'es ,a&e (ithin the tension of s%b@e&t an! ob@e&t) Witho%t
s%&h &on&entrate! ,reiminary tension" (itho%t the attention that &oe&ts the (hoe ,erson :
)so that he is at the same time fo&%se! (ithin himsef an! t%rne! to(ar!s the ob@e&t : no
me!itation is ,ossibe) /one of the fore+oin+" ho(e$er" is as yet me!itation)
;e!itation !oes not tr%y be+in %nti that (hi&h the e+o ha! sei8e! %,on in t%rn sei8es the
e+o an! by this mo$ement &han+es rationa anaysis into synthesis) <y this means the 7%aity
of &ons&io%sness is transforme! from the mas&%ine" a&ti$e state (hi&h is" as it (ere" a s(or!"
into the feminine" ,assi$e &on!ition of the o,en &hai&e that is &a,abe of bein+ fie!" as from
an inner (es,rin+" (itho%t the a&ti$e he, of the e+o) Th%s a&tion is transforme! into
>,assion"? an! !oin+ into bein+)
The (or! >me!itation? &omes from >me!itari"? (hi&h is a ,assi$e form of the $erb
meanin+ J >bein+ mo$e! to the &enter"? rather than the a&ti$e (hi&h is : >mo$in+ to the
&enter)? <%t this &enter is not a fi6e! ,oint on (hi&h a man &on&entrates as he (o%! on an
ob@e&t) Rather" the &ontrary &an be sai! : that it itself &on&entrates a man by !ra(in+ him
in(ar!s an! &oe&tin+ him there) This &enter is" after a" man9s o(n essen&e : his
trans&en!enta &ore) E$ent%ay" (ith ,ra&ti&e" the &enter is e6,erien&e! as a ,arti&%ar state in
(hi&h the antithesis of s%b@e&t an! ob@e&t is +ra!%ay !isso$e!) When this o&&%rs the
me!itator has the sensation of bein+ &entere!) An! so" ste, by ste," essentia bein+ a(a'es
an! be&omes an in(ar! 'no(in+ that e6,erien&es itsef as a ,ersona ife &enter an&hore! in
#reater Life) This forms the basis of a ne( &ons&io%sness of the (or! in (hi&h man senses
himsef as bein+ re:born)
The transformation (hi&h is the ob@e&t of me!itation is a ,ro+ressi$e ,ro&ess)
I!entifi&ation (ith the (or!:e+o is s%,erse!e! by i!entifi&ation (ith Di$ine <ein+) <%t not
%nti there is an inte+ration of worl!#e+o an! o%r essential 'eing !oes the tr%e sef" i)e)" the
Person" reay e6ist) When this ha,,ens he is abe to re$ea essentia bein+ in his &han+e!"
an! no( trans,arent (or!:e+o) Th%s me!itation is not merey a ,ro&ess of tho%+ht" b%t a
transformation of the (hoe manC not ony an inner ha,,enin+" b%t one (hi&h in&%!es the
transformation of the bo!y) It (i be rea!iy %n!erstoo!" therefore" that the theme of a man9s
me!itation is ess im,ortant than his manner of me!itatin+) The ,rere7%isite of any
me!itation (orthy of the name is that the ,%r,ose of ,ra&ti&e is %n!erstoo! to be ,ro+ress
aon+ the Inner Way rather than (or!y a&hie$ement or the enar+ement of (or!y
In me!itation there is a &ose &onne&tion bet(een (hat is !one an! ho( it is !one) It may
ha,,en that the &ontents of e6,erien&e ha$e s%&h o$er(hemin+ ,o(er that they iteray
thro( a man to his 'nees" i)e)" they for&e him into &ertain ,ost%res) .n the other han!" there
are ,ost%res of s%&h ,ermeabiity to trans&en!en&e" s%&h ,o(er to transform that thro%+h
them a &ontents of me!itation be&ome trans,arent to essen&e an! <ein+) Pro$i!e! a man is
(hoe:hearte!y &ommitte! in his stri$in+ for %nion (ith Trans&en!enta <ein+" the reeasin+
of the for&e (hi&h brin+s (hoeness (i !e,en! more on the to:ta'y of his ,hysi&a ,ost%re"
than on the fa&t%a &ontents of his rationa min!)
A man9s state of min! at any +i$en moment be&omes a,,arent in his (ay of bein+
,resent" his beha$ior an! his +est%res) Whate$er ,ost%re he may a!o,t in the (or!" it (i
a(ays be e6,ressi$e of his tota attit%!e) ;an re$eas himsef thro%+h his +est%res" b%t the
same means that manifest him to the (or! &an aso ea! him to fin! sef:reai8ation as a
,erson) 0is +est%res an! +enera !emeanor rin+ tr%e (hen they rise freey an! !ire&ty from
essentia bein+ (itho%t ha$in+ to ,ass thro%+h the barrier of habit%a an! &on!itione!
inhibitions) To the e6tent that o%r +est%res ha$e been iberate! from the ,rison of o%r (or!:
e+o" the +reater the 7%aity of ,%rity they re$ea) The +reater the ,%rity of the +est%re" the
more (e are he,e! to heain+ an! (hoeness) For this reason it is ,ossibe to s,ea' of the
heain+ ,o(er (hi&h ies in the ,%re +est%re)
There is a story that tes of ;aster E&'hart9s meetin+ (ith a ,oor man: >Yo% may be
hoy"? says E&'hart" >b%t (hat ma!e yo% hoy" brother=? An! the ans(er &omes: >;y sittin+
sti" my ee$ate! tho%+hts an! my %nion (ith #o!)? It is %sef% for o%r ,resent theme to note
that the ,ra&ti&e of sittin+ sti is +i$en ,ri!e of ,a&e)
In the mi!!e a+es ,eo,e (ere (e a(are of the ine6ha%stibe ,o(er that arises sim,y
from sittin+ sti) After that time" 'no(e!+e of the ,%rifyin+ ,o(er of stiness an! its
,ra&ti&e (as" in the West" ar+ey ost) The tra!ition of ,re,arin+ man for the brea'thro%+h of
trans&en!en&e by means of inner 7%iet an! motioness sittin+ has been ,reser$e! in the East
to the ,resent !ay) E$en in &ases (here ,ra&ti&e is a,,arenty !ire&te! not to immobiity b%t
to(ar!s a&ti$ity : as in ar&hery" s(or! fi+htin+" (restin+" ,aintin+" fo(er arran+ement : it is
a(ays the inner attit%!e of 7%iet an! not the s%&&essf% ,erforman&e of the (ays (hi&h is
re+ar!e! as of f%n!amenta im,ortan&e)
.n&e a te&hni7%e has been mastere!" any ina!e7%ate ,erforman&e is mirrore! in (ron+
attit%!es) The tra!itiona 'no(e!+e of the fa&t that it is ,ossibe for a man to be in(ar!y
&eanse! soey thro%+h the ,ra&ti&e of ri+ht ,ost%re has 'e,t ai$e the si+nifi&an&e of &orre&t
sittin+) The inner 7%iet (hi&h arises (hen the bo!y is motioness an! in its best ,ossibe form
&an be&ome the so%r&e of trans&en!enta e6,erien&e) <y em,tyin+ o%rse$es of a those
matters that normay o&&%,y %s (e be&ome re&e,ti$e to #reater <ein+) As e$i!en&e here is a
story of Do+en Nenshi)
The Nen ,ra&ti&e of Do+en" fo%n!er of the Soto se&t of Nen <%!!hism" &onsiste! in
sim,y sittin+ sti" (itho%t me!itatin+ on any theme or ob@e&t) Esai Nenshi" the fo%n!er of
Rin8ai:Nen" on the other han!" mainy ,ra&ti&e! the >Koan? : the so$in+ of an inso%be
menta ,robem) When as'e! for his o,inion of the Rin8ai metho!" Do+en re,ie!: >It is $ery
+oo!)? ><%t"? ,roteste! the en7%irer" >They ,ra&ti&e the KoanH? >We"? sai! ;aster Do+en"
>some ,eo,e may be abe to sit sti ony (hen they ha$e somethin+ to thin' abo%t) <%t if
this brin+s them eni+htenment" it is not !%e to their thin'in+ b%t soey to their sittin+ sti?
The ,ra&ti&e of 'ee,in+ the bo!y motioness transforms man9s inner bein+) This story" i'e
the one reate! of ;aster E&'hart" ,oints to(ar!s somethin+ that nee!s most !ii+enty to be
It sho%! be %n!erstoo! that the transformation (hi&h is bro%+ht abo%t by means of
me!itation is not merey a &han+e in man9s inner ife" b%t a rene(a of his (hoe ,erson) It is
a mista'e to ima+ine that eni+htenment is no more than an e6,erien&e (hi&h s%!!eny brin+s
fresh in(ar! %n!erstan!in+" as a briiant ,hysi&ist may ha$e a s%!!en ins,iration (hi&h
thro(s ne( i+ht on his (or' an! &a%ses a reor!erin+ of his (hoe system of tho%+ht) S%&h
an e6,erien&e ea$es the ,erson himsef %n&han+e!) Tr%e eni+htenment has nothin+ to !o
(ith this 'in! of s%!!en insi+ht) When it o&&%rs" it has the effe&t of so f%n!amentay
affe&tin+ an! sha'in+ the (hoe ,erson that be himsef" as (e as his tota ,hysi&a e6isten&e
in the (or!" is &om,etey transforme!)
To (hat e6tent the habit of sittin+ sti &an im,ress an! &han+e %s be&omes &ear ony
(hen (e ha$e ta'en ,ains to ,ra&ti&e it) After a short time (e fin! o%rse$es as'in+: ho( is it
,ossibe that s%&h a sim,e e6er&ise &an ha$e s%&h far:rea&hin+ effe&ts on bo!y an! so%=
Sittin+ sti" (e be+in to reai8e" is not (hat (e ha! ima+ine! ,hysi&a or s,irit%a ,ra&ti&e to
be) We are fa&e!" therefore" (ith the 7%estion: >What is it (e are reay ,ra&ti&in+ if" atho%+h
both are affe&te!" it is neither bo!y nor s,irit=? The ans(er to this is that the ,erson (ho
,ra&ti&es" is himsef bein+ ,ra&ti&e!) The one (ho is (or'e! %,on is the Person in his
ori+ina totaity" (ho is ,resent beneath an! beyon! a ,ossibe !ifferentiation into the many
an! $ario%s ,hysi&a" s,irit%a an! menta as,e&ts) In so far as (e re+ar! an! $a%e o%rse$es
as in&arnate ,ersons" &ertain manifestations in o%r ife mo$e from their a&&%stome! sha!o(
into the i+ht of %n!erstan!in+) Th%s o%r moo!s an! ,ost%res ta'e on ne( meanin+) So on+
as (e thin' of bo!y an! so% as t(o se,arate entities" (e re+ar! moo!s sim,y as >feein+s"?
an! oo' %,on bo!iy attit%!es an! breathin+ as merey ,hysi&a manifestations) When" bo(:
e$er" the (hoe ,erson is re&o+ni8e! as a >tho%:9 it is no on+er ,ossibe to se,arate the bo!y
from the so%) .n&e it be&omes a 7%estion of transformation" o%r basi& inner moo!s" to+ether
(ith a the +est%res an! ,ost%res that e6,ress them" a&7%ire ne( si+nifi&an&e) They are the
means thro%+h (hi&h (e +ro( a(are of" manifest o%rse$es" an! be&ome ,hysi&ay ,resent
in the (or!)
We ha$e seen that the ,%r,ose of a ,ra&ti&e is transformation) It is the means (hereby
essentia bein+ is abe %ne7%i$o&ay to ,re$ai in man9s inner an! o%ter ife) 0is ne( state of
min! an! the ra!ian&e that no( foo!s his or!inary e6isten&e &an ,ermit Di$ine <ein+ to be
e$er more &eary manifest : not ony in his inner im,%ses an! his ne(y:a&hie$e! sense of
,%r,ose b%t in the sense of besse!ness that ,er$a!es e$erythin+ he !oes) In his essentia
bein+ man ,arti&i,ates in #reater <ein+" an! sin&e it is this ,arti&i,ation (hi&h +i$es ife to
his o(n bein+" man9s transformation brin+s abo%t the manifestation" in the (or!" of the
Trans&en!enta <ein+ ,resent (ithin him" ami! the &on!itions of his or!inary ife)
D%rin+ the ,ro&ess of man9s +ro(th from &hi! to a!%t" he a&7%ires the 'in! of
&ons&io%sness : (ith its &orres,on!in+ attit%!e that in effe&t &%t him off from ,arti&i,ation in
Di$ine <ein+) 0e !e$eo,s an e+o &a,abe of the 'in! of o+i&a thin'in+ that enabes him to
&onfront an! rationay master the (or!) The (or!:e+o" as this >I? is &ae!" $ie(s ife
soey as a matter of estabishin+ an! s%stainin+ &ertain fi6e! ,ositions" it foo(s that (hen
man is orientate! theoreti&ay" ,ra&ti&ay an! ethi&ay soey to(ar!s estabishe! fa&ts"
essentia bein+ is ost) Life" bein+ a mo$in+ ,ro&ess" !oes not toerate anythin+ stati&) The
oss of &onta&t (ith #reater Life be&omes e$i!ent in man9s reationshi, to the (or!" (herein
he o,si!e!y !e$eo,s ony those of his abiities (hi&h he, him rationay to %n!erstan! an!
!ominate his s%rro%n!in+s) S%&h obstr%&tion of essentia bein+ &%minates in the !e%sion that
he is himsef a%tonomo%s" abe to &ontro ife an! +i$e it meanin+ soey thro%+h his o(n
,o(ers) This !e%sion &reates a barrier (hi&h se,arates man from Di$ine <ein+ ,%n+es him
into a s,e&ifi&ay h%man s%fferin+) Yet it sho%! not be for+otten that this same s%fferin+"
(hi&h is the res%t of estran+ement from Di$ine <ein+" &an itsef be&ome the means (hereby
Di$ine <ein+ &an at some time shine o%t a+ainst the ba&'+ro%n! of o%r mis&on&e,tions) For"
(hen the s%fferin+ &a%se! by estran+ement has +ro(n so +reat that man is o$er(heme! by
!es,air an! by the fear of bein+ &%t off from his roots" he may" at that moment" fin! himsef
rea!y to o,en to Di$ine <ein+ (hi&h is a the time stri$in+ to !efe&t him from his o,si!e!
&on&ern (ith the (or!" an! t%rn him to(ar!s itsef)
The &on!itions ne&essary to ma'e ,ossibe this re$ersa in a ife that has been orientate!
soey to the (or!" are: A1E that the reaity of Di$ine <ein+ ,resent (ithin a man9s bein+
sho%! &easeessy stri$e to be&ome manifest in an! thro%+h himC A2E that this man (ith his
rationay orientate! min! sho%! ha$e be&ome estran+e! from an! be in &onfi&t (ith his
essentia bein+) Witho%t this tension" this t%+ of (ar" man (o%! be as itte abe as a fo(er
to be&ome a(are of the Di$ine #ro%n! of his bein+C A3E that in brea'in+ thro%+h the barriers
of (hat is ine$itaby a imite! a(areness" he o,ens himsef to #reater <ein+ an! thereby
a(a'ens to the reai8ation that the barrier has its ori+in soey in his rationa e+oC A4E that be is
,re,are! to ao( the Di$ine Wi (hi&h s%mmons him from (ithin" to be&ome his o(n (i"
an! to !e&i!e to foo( the Way to (hi&h essentia bein+ &as him) This re$ersa of !ire&tion
: arisin+ as it !oes from his s%fferin+ at bein+ estran+e! from essentia bein+ an! his @oy at
re!is&o$erin+ it" si+nifies his settin+ o%t %,on the Way)
The Way is the ne$er:en!in+ ,ra&ti&e (hi&h ea!s %s from the reaity that (as sha,e! by
o%r (or!:e+o to the reaity that is beyon! time an! s,a&e" an! then&e to(ar!s trans,aren&e
an! ne( be&omin+) .ny the man (ho" (ith the f% for&e of his nat%re" reai8es that the
(hoe meanin+ of his (or!y e6isten&e ies in the manifestation of Trans&en!ent <ein+" (i
be abe to rea&h the Way) When he %n!erstan!s this he (i nee! to !e&i!e on&e an! for a to
be&ome a (itness to Di$ine <ein+ in his or!inary ife" to (hate$er e6tent it is +i$en him to be
so) 0e is th%s no on+er bo%n! in $assaa+e to his (or!:e+o" nor e$en" in the fina instan&e"
to the a!$an&ement of the (or! an! his feo( men) <eyon! a these" he is &ommitte! to the
ser$i&e of a ne( master : Di$ine <ein+) In so far as this ne( master is roote! in inner
e6,erien&e an! is not merey the res%t of bin! beief" this ser$i&e ,res%,,oses ,er,et%a
&onta&t (ith essentia bein+)
We may be mo$e! by #reater <ein+ in many (ays an! in !ifferent !e+rees) A yearnin+"
of (hi&h (e are amost %na(are" may ,erha,s stir in o%r hearts) It is not ony the +reat
e6,erien&es of >brea'in+ thro%+h? that &om,etey transform o%r reationshi, to ife) The
smaest in&i!ent may e7%ay a&hie$e it) The ,rimary aim of a ,ra&ti&e on the Way is to
,re,are man for s%&h e6,erien&es of <ein+ an! by ma'in+ him re&e,ti$e to +en%ine &onta&t
(ith essentia bein+" o,en for him the Way of Transformation) The ,%r,ose of this ,ra&ti&e is
to he, man to brin+ to an) en! his se,aration from essentia bein+" an! ea! him ba&' to the
,ath of reinte+ration (ith his o(n inner bein+) This ,ro&ess ser$es man9s +reatest (e:bein+
A0ei:Wer!enE) <%t (hat !o (e mean by (e:bein+ or" in other (or!s bein+ (hoe=
A man may be thoro%+hy effi&ient an! s'if%" abe to estabish &onta&t (ith an! a!a,t to
the (or! an! th%s s%&&essf%y master his ife" b%t if he is sti !eaf to his essentia bein+" it
!oes not yet mean that he is (e an! (hoe) 0e &an be sai! to be (hoe ony in so far as he is
o,en to the re!em,ti$e #ro%n! of <ein+" an! at the same time abe to a&&e,t an! obey the
for&es of rene(a that +i$e him !ire&tion an! free!om) The man (ho" in the mi!st of a the
&onf%sion" ,o$erty" an! !is%nity of the (or!" is abe to manifest the ,enit%!e" si+nifi&an&e
an! oneness of OTrans&en!enta <ein+ is in!ee! (hoe) There is no one" ho(e$er" (ho &an
finay a&hie$e this state) A A )@ any man &an !o is set himsef on the ,ath to(ar! it) :O:)0e
&an be sai! to be heae! Aor (hoeE on&e his &onta&t (ith <ein+ has ,ro!%&e! a mo!e of ife
(hi&h 'ee,s him on the Way of Transformation) 0e (ho ,ra&ti&es &easeessy so that a
+est%res" ,ost%res an! mo$ements A(hi&h is to say" his bearin+ an! abiity to yie! himsef
%,E are a tr%e e6,ression of his essentia bein+ : that man is heae! an! (i be enabe! to
remain on the ,ath that ea!s to (hoeness) Th%s" the ,%r,ose of &orre&t ,ra&ti&e is not to
brin+ man to a state of tran7%iity b%t to 'ee, him in a &on!ition of &onstant (at&hf%ness an!
,re$ent him from &omin+ to a stan!sti on the Way)
The so:&ae! >,ea&e? of the (or!:e+o" i%strate! by the bo%r+eois aim of a >7%iet ife"?
&omes abo%t (hen a inner mo$ement an! +ro(th ha$e sto,,e!) .f 7%ite a !ifferent 7%aity
is the ,ea&e of inner bein+ an! the ife (hi&h stri$es to manifest itsef thro%+h it) This 'in! of
,ea&e &an ony ,re$ai (here nothin+ f%rther interr%,ts the mo$ement to(ar!s be&omin+) To
a&hie$e s%&h an attit%!e to ife is the aim of a ,ra&ti&e an! me!itationC it &an ne$er re,resent
a state of >ha$in+ arri$e!? b%t is a(ays a ,ro&ess of >bein+ on the (ay)? S%&h ,ra&ti&e"
therefore" is by no means a&&e,tabeO to a) There are many )(ho thron+ toP the so:&ae!
,ro,hets (ho ,romise a &hea, 'in! of ,ea&e to tro%be! man'in!) <%t s%&h >masters? sim,y
betray n:ian by hi!in+ from him the rea &a%se of his an6iety" (hi&h ies in the !esire for
transformation inherent in his inmost bein+)
0o( &an (e re&o+ni8e the &orre&t state of min!= What are the obsta&es that stan! in the
(ay of a&hie$in+ it= Stran+ey eno%+h" the $ery manner in (hi&h a man !e$eo,s his I:(or!
a(areness is one of the &hief obstr%&tions) This is a form of &ons&io%sness in (hi&h the e+o"
intent on assertin+ itsef" &onsoi!ates its rationa $ie( of an! ,osition in the (or!) Th%s (e
see that the !an+er (ith (hi&h s%&h an e+o threatens the mat%rin+ man ies not ony in the
(e:'no(n threefo! sin of see'in+ ,ossessions" ass%min+ im,ortan&e an! stri$in+ for
,o(erH The rea &a%se ies rather in the fata h%man ten!en&y to remain stati&) The so:&ae!
nat%ra e+o is r%e! by its in&ination to(ar!s an! &a,a&ity for ho!in+ fast to fi6e! ,ositions
that seem to ,romise se&%rity)
Tho%+ht an! ener+y are t%rne! to(ar!s fa&ts that ha$e been rationay estabishe!"
(hether their ,%r,ose be to safe+%ar! ,ossessions in the (or!" to !efen! a system of tho%+ht
or to &in+ to fi6e! $a%es)
Whene$er the i!ea of ho!in+ fast !ominates the min!" ife itsef is in !an+er) <%t (here
ife is" nothin+ is fi6e!" a is in motion an! en+a+e! in the eterna ,ro&ess of &rystai8ation
an! !isso%tion" +ro(th an! mat%rity" !eath an! rebirth) If ife is ,resent" then e$en that (hi&h
a,,ears to be &om,ete! is o,en to f%rther &han+e" an! that (hi&h may ha$e finishe! +ro(in+
sti remains trans,arent an! rea!y for ne( be&omin+) So it is (ith the man (ho has
a(a'ene! to ife) E$en those attit%!es (hi&h ha$e been estabishe! in him by the rationa
min! are ,ermeate! by the &onstant mo$ement an! transformin+ ,o(er that &ome from
essentia bein+)
Whene$er essentia bein+ ma'es itsef fet" an attit%!e is &reate! in (hi&h the (hoe stati&
or!er of the (or!:e+o is ta'en o$er by a ne( an! !ynami& ,ro&ess of &ontin%a be&omin+)
What is it that (e mean (hen (e %se the ,hrase Di$ine <ein+= Di$ine <ein+ is an
abstra&t an!" as it (ere" far a(ay term in) reation to o%r &on&e,t%a thin'in+) <%t in the
!e,ths of o%r inner e6,erien&e it is the one most &on&rete an! &osest to %s) It is" after a" that
(ith (hi&h in o%r essentia bein+ (e are oneC or" to ,%t it more &eary" it is that (hi&h in o%r
bein+ (e reay are) For this reason it is abe to sho(er %,on %s e6,erien&es of s%&h for&e"
ra!ian&e an! ,enit%!e" that o%r rationa min! is &om,etey o$er(heme!)
When (e are th%s sei8e! by Di$ine <ein+" o%r basi& moo! entirey &han+es) Stren+th" @oy
an! o$e seem to (a'e (ithin %s : e6,erien&es (hi&h" from the stan!,oint of the e+o" are
in&om,rehensibe an! (itho%t reason) Ine$itaby" the im,o$erishment" senseessness an!
%n&ertainty of o%r e+o:&entre! (or!y e6isten&e sho( %, shar,y an! ,ainf%y (hen seen
a+ainst the ba&'+ro%n! of o%r first e6,erien&e of <ein+) 0en&eforth" the res,onsibiity for
re$eain+ Di$ine <ein+ in a (e !o (ei+hs e$en more hea$iy on %s than !oes o%r former
!esire to enar+e o%rse$es in the (or!) E$en so" (hene$er #reater <ein+ stirs (ithin %s"
thro%+h a the !es,air (e e6,erien&e (hen (e re&o+nise o%r im,erfe&t state" an! a the
,ress%re of o%r ne(y:a(a'ene! &ons&ien&e" (e fee a ra!iant" (arm an! &reati$e ,%r,ose
streamin+ thro%+h %s) <%t if #reater <ein+ is to be enabe! not merey to mo$e %s for a brief
moment" b%t &onstanty to be ma!e manifest thro%+h %s" it (i be ne&essary for %s to fin! a
(ay of ife that e6ten!s beyon! the moment : a (ay that ma'es %s ne( in bo!y an! so%) This
(e &an ony !is&o$er an! estabish (ith the ai! of &easeess ,ra&ti&e)
The e6,erien&e of Di$ine <ein+ an! the transformation that is the res%t of &onta&t (ith
Di$ine <ein+ are t(o !ifferent thin+s) In the matter of the transformation that &omes from
Di$ine <ein+" (e mean more than the mere a&7%isition of a ne( &ontent to ife or a ne( s&ae
of $a%es : more e$en than the ste, that ea!s from rationa %n!erstan!in+ to e6,erien&es ri&h
in inner ima+es) It is ,ossibe for a man to ha$e (on!erf% $isions that hera! the a!$ent of
Di$ine <ein+" (itho%t reay tastin+ it) 0e may e6,erien&e a foretaste of Di$ine <ein+ in a
!ream or in a moment of +reat ha,,iness" b%t s%&h momentary inf%en&es (i not be
s%ffi&ient to transform him) In fa&t" he may ha$e &o%ntess re$eatory e6,erien&es (itho%t
bein+ &han+e! by them one (hit) They may e$en ha,,en !aiy an! ea$e him essentiay
%natere!) It is ony (hen (e reay hear the s%mmons that reso%n!s in a +en%ine e6,erien&e
of <ein+ an!" ha$in+ hear!" &ommit o%rse$es to re,y" that o%r state of min! be&omes
s%ffi&ienty mo!ifie! to &orres,on! to it) In this (ay the ne( Person is born an! ife is fie!
(ith fresh meanin+ an! im,%se) Ima+ination" a&tion an! tho%+ht are no( so im,re+nate!
(ith the trans&en!enta #ro%n! of <ein+" that e$en the a%thority of the rationa ,er&e,tion
%n!er+oes a f%n!amenta &han+e) It is n. on+er the %timate @%!+e of o%r %n!erstan!in+ an!
the arbiter of a o%r a&tions) We m%st not" ho(e$er" be&a%se of this" re$ie an! &on!emn it)
The rationa min!" after a" is that (hi&h !istin+%ishes %s from the beasts an! is the
,rere7%isite for s,irit%a +ro(th) /either rationa thin'in+" nor its fo&a ,oint the e+o" are in
themse$es e$i: they ony be&ome so" (hen man i!entifies himsef (ith them aone an! th%s
be&omes estran+e! from the #ro%n! of <ein+ (hi&h is by its nat%re beyon! rationai8ation)
The rea si+nifi&an&e an! ,%r,ose of a rationa beha$ior sho%! be to ma'e room for Di$ine
<ein+ to %nfo! (ithin %s an!" thro%+h %s" to manifest itsef in the (or!H
To &han+e o%r attit%!e by means of the ,ra&ti&e that a&&or!s (ith essentia bein+ re7%ires"
abo$e a" that the (or!:e+o be !iso!+e! from its &entra ,osition) .n&e (e ha$e reai8e!
this" it ne&essariy foo(s that in a those areas of ife an! e6,erien&e (hi&h &annot be
s%b@%+ate! by the +ras,in+" fi6in+ e+o" o%r interest is enar+e!) T(o reams of e6,erien&e
no( a&7%ire ,arti&%ar si+nifi&an&e : that of sense an! that of inner bo!iy res,onses)
Whene$er o%r hierar&hy of $a%es is or!ere! by rationa ,rin&i,es these ta'e a ba&' seat) <%t
they &an ne$er be robbe! of their 7%aity of imme!ia&y an! freshness" e$en (hen they are
e6,erien&e! (ithin the frame of a rationay or!ere! ife) Their intrinsi& 7%aity enabes them
to be&ome in %s benefi&ent (itnesses to Di$ine <ein+" ,ro$i!e! (e earn to i$e (ith them
an! et them be) It is a tr%ism that man" e$en (hen enmeshe! in his rationa a&ti$ities" is
&ontin%ay rene(e! by his &onta&t (ith nat%re : &o%ntry air" forests" the sea shore)
Pra&ti&in+ the ,er&e,tion of the 7%aities of sme" taste" si+ht" hearin+ an! inner bo!iy
mo$ement &an ha$e a (on!erf%y refreshin+ an! &%rati$e effe&t so on+ as (e are abe to
e6,erien&e them ,%rey) <y >,%rey? (e mean free from the e+o9s habit%a ,ro&ess of
abein+ an! namin+ a thin+s a&&or!in+ to their s,e&ifi& ,ro,erties) There is a form of
me!itation in (hi&h" by shar,enin+ o%r senses" (e %no&' the trans&en!enta &ontent that
resi!es in them an! thereby assist transformation) E$en more im,ortant" ho(e$er" than this
freein+ of the senses" is o%r nee! to e6,erien&e o%r bo!ies : a(ays ,ro$i!e! that the bo!y is
not re+ar!e! merey as a thin+" b%t as the means by (hi&h a man manifests himsef in the
(or! as a Person)
Whether it be in re,ose or in motion" the h%man bo!y is inten!e! to &arry" transmit an!
bear (itness to essentia ife (hi&h is !esi+ne! to ass%me a ,arti&%ar form in the (or! in
a&&or!an&e (ith its inner ima+e) In this (ay" the bo!y bears (itness to that <ein+ (hi&h is
e$er stri$in+ (ithin it to(ar!s manifestation) The (or! >bo!y? here is not to be tho%+ht of in
stati& terms: it im,ies rather the %nity inherent in the &han+in+ ,attern of ,ost%re" attit%!e
an! +est%re by means of (hi&h an in!i$i!%a ,erson i$es o%t his ife) This bo!y" ho(e$er"
sin&e it is s%b@e&t to the !istortin+ &on!itions of the (or!" &an ne$er be&ome the ,erfe&t
e6,ression of <ein+" nor the &om,ete reai8ation of that inherent ima+e (hi&h is
Un&on!itione! by time an! s,a&e) Whate$er its momentary form may be" it (i a(ays
mirror the im,erfe&tions that the (or! has (ro%+ht in it) A man9s ,hysi&a state an! the
+est%res that re$ea it &an +i$e" on the one han!" &ear in!i&ations of the meas%re an! manner
of his a&&or! (ith essentia bein+ an! the e6tent to (hi&h he has be&ome himsefC or" on the
other" it &an ,ro$i!e in!%bitabe e$i!en&e of ho( far he has faie! himsef)
In oo'in+ at man sim,y as man (e sho%! not ma'e any !istin&tion bet(een his bo!y
an! his so%) If (e are abe to set asi!e this ine$itabe antithesis" (e see thro%+h his most
!ire&t re$eation of himsef is thro%+h his +est%re) In!ee!" his (hoe fie! of mo$ement"
,ost%re an! fa&ia e6,ression ,ro$i!es in&ontro$ertibe e$i!en&e of his inner an! o%ter states)
In res,e&t to o%r (or' (hen (e are on the Way" the manner in (hi&h o%r bo!ies mo$e is $ery
si+nifi&ant" for it is here that (e e6,erien&e o%rse$es not o%t(ar!y b%t in(ar!y) To obser$e
an! re+ister (hat ha,,ens from a ,%rey e6terna stan!,oint is $ery !ifferent from in(ar!y
e6,erien&in+ the rhythms of the breath" an! the inner sensation of mo$ement)
Rationa 'no(e!+e has not the same 7%aity as in(ar! 'no(in+) .n the other han!" if (e
are to a&hie$e &arity in o%r inner a(areness" a ba&'+ro%n! of a&7%ire! 'no(e!+e is
essentia) The im,ortan&e" for the ,ra&ti&e of the Way" of the in(ar! 'no(in+ of the bo!y9s
&han+in+ ,ro&esses" &an ony be reai8e! (hen (e %n!erstan! that this bo!y" in its e6istentia
sense" !iffers from the bo!y &om,rehen!e! anayti&ay" i)e)" as an o,,osition of s,irit%a an!
,hysi&a for&es) The bo!iy e6isten&e of a i$in+ man has no reation to the &or,se he ea$es
behin! (hen he !ies) In its o(n (ay the bo!y9s manner of e6isten&e sho(s ho( far a man9s
trans&en!enta bein+ has been abe to e6,ress itsef %n!er the &on!itions of s,a&e an! time)
The &ommon $ie(" (hi&h !ifferentiates bet(een bo!y an! so%"" is the ,ro!%&t of the
anayti&a" rationa min! that &annot" by its $ery nat%re" ,er&ei$e the %nity of the i$in+
,erson) Whene$er man is oo'e! %,on as a thin+ : a thin+" moreo$er" o+i&ay !etermine! :
(e ost si+ht of him as a Person) It foo(s that if (e !o not ,er&ei$e him as a %ni7%e" i$in+
(hoe" (e not ony &annot he, him on his (ay to sef:be&omin+" b%t (e fa into the fata
!iemma of !%aism) With its rationa !istin&tion bet(een the ,hysi&a an! s,irit%a as,e&ts"
!%aism se,arates man into t(o !ifferent entities) This o+i&a $ie( &an so misea! %s in o%r
,ra&ti&a e$a%ation of ,eo,e that (e ten! to re+ar! another ,erson as im,ortant ony in
res,e&t to the si+nifi&an&e of his f%n&tionin+ in the (or! an! to i+nore his e6istentia
re7%irements) To re$erse s%&h metho!s of thin'in+ is far more !iffi&%t than is +eneray
s%,,ose!) 0i+h:so%n!in+ ,atoni& ass%m,tions of the %nity of bo!y an! so% are no more
%sef% here than o%r ineffe&ti$e mo!em attem,ts to &o:or!inate the ,ra&ti&es of me!i&ine an!
,sy&hoo+y) We sha not a&hie$e any $ai! %n!erstan!in+ of a h%man bein+ by a!!in+ (hat
(e &an !e!%&e from the i$in+ &or,se to o%r 'no(e!+e of the bo!iess ,sy&he) The &on&e,t
of the %nity of bo!y an! so% is the ,ro!%&t of !is&%rsi$e thin'in+) It fais to ta'e into a&&o%nt
that $ita Person (ho is to be met in another as a tho% or e6,erien&e! (ithin o%rse$es as an I)
S%&h an attit%!e ma'es it im,ossibe" either theoreti&ay or ,ra&ti&ay" to &ome to any
%n!erstan!in+ that &o%! !o a man @%sti&e as a i$in+ Person)
When (e meet him as a Tho%" (hen (e are abe to see him in his e6istentia reationshi,
to the (or! an! to ife : ony then !oes man as Person a,,ear) It is ,ossibe no( to see him
as an eement in a system of interreate! ,arts (hose or!er has no ree$an&e to the or!er so
!ear to the rationa min!) We &an" in!ee!" ne$er !o a man @%sti&e (ith o%r rationa
%n!erstan!in+ aone: o%r !ire&t ,arti&i,ation in his ife an! s%fferin+ is ne&essary for this)
.ny (hen he is ,resent to %s as a Tho% &an (e fee an! sense him in his ,ersona" h%man
e6isten&e" (here he" i'e o%rse$es" is stri$in+ for ha,,iness" meanin+ an! f%fiment) When
this ha,,ens (e re&o+ni8e in him a brother (ho is aso on the Way" borne aon+" by !estiny"
as (e are" to(ar!s the +oa of be&omin+ a tr%e man : (hi&h is to9 say" a Person) A !o&tor for
instan&e" (i ose si+ht of the h%man bein+ if he oo's at the ,atient sim,y as a &ase)
See 0ans Tr%b" 0ei%n+ a%s !er <e+e+n%n+ A0eain+ thro%+h En&o%nterE" K%ett:Qera+)
At e$ery moment in his ife" man as a Person is bo%n! by his o(n essentia a( to ,%rs%e
his transformation a&&or!in+ to his inner !estiny) It is in the &onte6t of this a( that his
,arti&%ar bo!iy form is to be %n!erstoo! an! e$a%ate!) <y this means it is ,ossibe to
!is&o$er (hether be has straye! from or remaine! faithf% to the Way of TransformationC
(hether he has mo$e! for(ar! or has be&ome st%&' fast at some inhibitin+ ,oint) Any
in&orre&t bo!iy form" any hy,ertension" any &ram,e! &on!ition : %n!erstoo! e6istentiay : is
an e6,ression of an in+raine! (ron+ attit%!e) It is an in!i&ation that a man" as Person" has
+one astray or been bro%+ht to a stan!sti on the Way)
The !ominatin+ tension" e6istentiay s,ea'in+" is that (hi&h o&&%rs bet(een man9s
(or!:e+o an! his inner bein+) This &orres,on!s to the tension bet(een his bo!iy form
(hi&h has !e$eo,e! %n!er the &ir&%mstan&es of s,a&e an! time" an! his essentia form" as
yet %nreai8e!" b%t (hi&h is ne$ertheess a(ays abso%te in its !eman! for reai8ation) The
&orre&t attit%!e ne&essary for the f%fiment of his ife as a Person is one in (hi&h his
&on!itione! bo!y has be&ome trans,arent : in other (or!s" ma!e ,ermeabe for the re$eation
of his essentia bein+)
That (hi&h" abo$e a ese" stan!s in the (ay of the reai8ation of the ,erson" is the fi6e!
attit%!e:or &rystai8ation : by means of (hi&h man attem,ts to estabish his se&%rity an! to
assert himsef in the (or!) The ,hysi&a e6,ression of s%&h a fi6ation is easiy a,,arent in
anyone (hose e+o is stri$in+ to attain se&%rity) As (e ha$e area!y sai!" it is re$eae!
,arti&%ary in the ,ost%re" in the reationshi, bet(een tension an! rea6ation an! in
When (e s,ea' of ,ost%re" tension an! breathin+" it is ne&essary to ma'e a !istin&tion
bet(een their si+nifi&an&e as man9s ,ersona e6,ression an! their $a%e as !ata for the
rationa:anayti&a $ie( : as" for instan&e" in the ,ra&ti&e of me!i&ine) When (e &onsi!er man
e6istentiay (e a&&e,t his !emeanor an! a,,earan&e as (ays in (hi&h he manifests himsef)
We %n!erstan! that it is by these means he is abe to be himsef an! aso to be ,resent as
himsef in the (or!C (hereas" re+ar!e! from a o+i&a or rationa stan!,oint (e may be
a(are ony of some !eformation of the bo!y or of inner obsta&es that inhibit his stren+th an!
effi&ien&y) If o%r &on&ern is (ith sef:be&omin+ (e &annot fai : for the sa'e of o%r o(n
%n!erstan!in+ : to ta'e into a&&o%nt the ,ersona si+nifi&an&e of ,ost%re" breathin+ an!
,atterns of tension) /o e6er&iti%m &an i+nore these three eements" for the reason that man9s
,hysi&a attit%!e !oes not re,resent ony a bo!iy state" b%t aso his (ay of bein+ ,resent as a
Person) An! there are" as (e sha see" e6er&ises (hi&h ser$e the inner !e$eo,ment of the
Person by brin+in+ abo%t the &orre&t bo!iy form)
The manner in (hi&h he is ,hysi&ay ,resent an! the !e+ree of his ,ermeabiity re$ea
the ,oint at (hi&h a man has arri$e! on his (ay to mat%rity : (hi&h is to say to(ar!s
inte+ration (ith his essentia bein+) 0e may ,erha,s be ,hysi&ay i an! yet" as a Person"
,resent in the ri+ht (ay Mbe&a%se of his ,ermeabiity to the !eman!s of his essentia bein+) In
&ontrast to this" a thoro%+hy heathy athete may (e be ,resent in the (ron+ (ay if his
in(ar! +ro(th is obstr%&te! by arro+an&e or sef:o$e" either of (hi&h (i bar him from
essentia bein+)
A man9s &orre&t attit%!e is ne$er stati&C it is not somethin+ that is a&hie$e! on&e an! for
a) Rather" it is a i$in+" mo$in+ an! &han+in+ ,ro&ess (ithin (hi&h he &an remain re&e,ti$e
to(ar!s his essen&e" in s,ite of the fa&t that the bo!iy form he may ha$e at any +i$en
moment is bo%n! by &on!itions of s,a&e an! time) This enabes him to obey the stri$in+ of
his inner bein+ to be&ome manifest" to remain a(ays in a state of transformation an! to
be&ome e$er more ,ermeabe to Di$ine <ein+)
An attit%!e" or state of bein+" manifests itsef an! !e$eo,s from moment to moment in
the %nity of a man9s +est%res) As (e s,ea' of &orre&t attit%!e" so &an (e s,ea' of trans,arent
+est%re : (hi&h is one &a,abe of manifestin+ the ri+ht attit%!e an!" by re,etition" be&omin+
firmy estabishe!)
This trans,arent +est%re may be sai! to e6ist (hen essentia bein+ is f%y manifeste! in
it) To ma'e this ,ossibe" the +est%re m%st be free of a fi6ations +ro%n!e! in the e+o" an!
abo$e a from the !ominan&e of those attit%!es by means of (hi&h the (or!:e+o ,rote&ts
itsef) .%r &on&ern is to be&ome trans,arent to Di$ine <ein+ an! to et it reso%n! thro%+h %s)
The ,%re +est%re &an manifest essentia bein+ in a&&or!an&e (ith the inner ima+e) <%t no
+est%re" e$en tho%+h it may ha$e in it nothin+ of e+o" is reay ,%re" so on+ as it a&'s form)
It is by means of the ,%re +est%re that the &orre&t form is reai8e! an! abe to ,ro$e itsef)
S%&h a +est%re is not ins,ire! by the e+o" b%t is a +ift to man from his inherent ima+e) Th%s
the &orre&t ,hysi&a form is the means by (hi&h the ima+e &an e6,ress an! f%fi itsef)
<y the ,%rity if his +est%re (e are enabe! to see that a man is ,resent in the ri+ht (ay)
This means that he is ,ermeabe to his in!i$i!%a essen&e as it stri$es to(ar!s the re$eation
of ,enit%!e" innate form an! %nity of Di$ine <ein+) When a man is ,resent in the ,%rity of
his +est%res" his &hief &hara&teristi&s are a sim,e" %naffe&te! tr%stf%ness" a nat%ra harmony"
an! an attit%!e of frien!iness (hi&h &an ony e6ist (hen there is +en%ine &onta&t (ith
essentia bein+) In a i'e sense" the ,%re +est%re aso iberates the heain+ s,irit of (hi&h it is
an e6,ression) It is both the manifestation an! the e$er:i$in+ so%r&e of an attit%!e (hi&h
enabes man to res,on! a,,ro,riatey to a sit%ations of ife) Ea&h ne( &ir&%mstan&e
stim%ates the &y&e of transformation afresh) Th%s (e see that the ,%re +est%re is an
e6,ression of the a( of mo$ement (hi&h is &onstant rene(a) <y means of ,%re +est%re"
man as an in!i$i!%a >form in time? ANeit+estatE is enabe! to reate in his o(n (ay to the
,rima mo$ement of ife" (herein the forms (hi&h ha$e &rystai8e! in him %n!er (or!
&on!itions are re,eate!y !isso$e! an! rema!e in a&&or!an&e (ith essentia bein+) This is a
,ro&ess of &ontin%o%s transformation
The ,%re +est%re is e$i!en&e of the fa&t that man has fo%n! a $ita (ay of ife" a (ay
(hi&h enabes him to fa&e the (or! fearessy be&a%se he is i$in+ !ire&ty from essentia
bein+) Th%s" the more %ne7%i$o&ay a man i$es from essentia Obein+ an! (itho%t re+ar! to
his (or!:e+o" the more freey an! (itho%t ,re@%!i&e (i he meet a that may" from moment
to moment" &onfront h%rt) This means that he is reay o,en to ife (hi&h" as (e 'no(" ne$er
re,eats itsef /o( he ,er&ei$es e$en famiiar thin+s as if for the first time" no on+er ta'in+
%, fi6e! ,ositions" he is abe to +i$e his (hoe sef" @%st as he is" to e$ery ,assin+ moment)
The ,ra&ti&e of ,%re +est%re re7%ires first that a man ha$e a &ontin%o%s a(areness of his
%s%a beha$ior" his ,re@%!i&es" habits" an! ,ro&esses of sef:,rote&tionC an! se&on!y that be
sho%! a(a'e in himsef a !etermination to retra&t an! !isso$e a these attit%!es (ith (hi&h
be !e&ei$es himself as to (hat is the tr%th of ife)
The Wheel of Transformation
It is im,ossibe for man to a&hie$e sef:reai8ation as a ,erson" %ness he is ,re,are! f%y to
&o:o,erate in the ,ro&ess) At ea&h ste, this ,ro&ess !e,en!s on man9s (hoe:hearte!
&on&%rren&e" for in the on+ r%n sef reai8ation &an ony be the res%t of his &onstant an!
tireess ,ra&ti&e) /ot %nti a man has be+%n to ,ra&tise &ontin%o%sy (ith &om,ete a(areness
&an he be sai! reay to ha$e @oine! the Way) From then on the Whee of Transformation
ne$er sto,s t%rnin+) .r" if it !oes sto," it to,,es o$er an! man be&omes st%&' fast an! is
%nabe to mo$e)
The ,ro&ess of transformation &onsists of three sta+es:
1) A that is &ontrary to essentia bein+ m%st be rein7%ishe!)
2) That (hi&h has been rein7%ishe! m%st be !isso$e! in the #ro%n! .f <ein+ (hi&h
absorbs" re!eems" transforms an! re&reates)
3) The ne(y forme! &ore (hi&h arises o%t of the #ro%n! of <ein+ m%st be re&o+ni8e!"
a&&e,te!" ao(e! to +ro( an! ,ersona res,onsibiity for it %n!erta'en)
F%rther : sin&e that (hi&h &onfi&ts (ith essentia bein+ m%st first be !is&erne! in or!er that
it may be rein7%ishe! : so the ne(y:forme! &ore m%st be assente! to by the (i" in or!er
that it may %timatey be reai8e! an! ma!e effe&t%a in ife Areinte+ration (ith the (or!:
To this en!" it may be sai! that the Whee of Transformation has fi$e s,o'es Aste,sE:
1) The ,ra&ti&e of &riti&a a(areness)
2) The ettin+ +o of a that stan!s in the (ay of ne(:be&omin+)
3) Union (ith the #ro%n! of <ein+)
4) /e(:be&omin+ in a&&or!an&e (ith the inner ima+e (hi&h has arisen from the
#ro%n! of <ein+)
5) P%ttin+ to the test this ne( form" ,ra&ti&in+ it in e$ery!ay ife an! notin+ a fai%res
by means of &riti&a a(areness) An! so the (hee t%rns)
Ea&h se&tion of the re$o$in+ (hee ser$es in its o(n (ay to &reate an attit%!e that enabes
man to +ro( more an! more trans,arent to Di$ine <ein+) To a&hie$e this" no ste, may be
omitte!) Ea&h one" if it is tr%y a&&om,ishe!" &ontains a the others) Yet ea&h has its o(n
s,e&ifi& ,%r,ose) 0ere it sho%! be sai! that it is he,f% for the be+inner : an! (hi&h of %s
!oes not remain a be+inner thro%+ho%t his ife= : to ay s,e&ia em,hasis" in his !aiy ife or
in set ,erio!s of ,ra&ti&e" sometimes on one ste," sometimes on another) The essentia thin+
to remember" ho(e$er" is that transformation is ony ,ossibe so on+ as the Whee is 'e,t
t%rnin+) The ste,s ha$e their %se an! meanin+ ony (ithin the &onte6t of the &ontin%o%sy
re$o$in+ (hee)
.ne isoate! e6,erien&e of Di$ine <ein+" (hen in some %ni7%e moment (e are ,ossesse!
by feein+s of iberation an! res,onsibiity" is" of itsef" ne$er eno%+h to +i$e %s the stren+th
to 'ee, the (hee in motion) It is essentia that (e re&o+ni8e an! re,eate!y +ras, ane( the
,ro,er ,%r,ose of s%&h e6,erien&es (hi&h is to bear (itness to Di$ine <ein+ in the mi!st of
o%r ife in the (or!) F%rther" (e m%st stri$e for the f%fiment of this ,%r,ose by re,eate!y
affirmin+ o%r !e&ision" rootin+ it firmy in o%r &ons&ien&e an! absorbin+ it into o%r (i) .ny
from fi!eity to this ,ro&ess of &easeess transformation &an &riti&a a(areness" ettin+ +o"
%nion" ne(:be&omin+ an! o%r testimony to these in !aiy ife" be e6istentiay $ai!)
1. Critical Awareness
Criti&a a(areness bears %,on a that obstr%&ts o%r &onta&t an! inte+ration (ith essentia
bein+" as (e as a that stan!s in the (ay of tr%e sef:reai8ation) Criti&a a(areness is not a
state of min! (hi&h &an be rea&he! on&e an! for a" (itho%t f%rther effort: it is a &ontin%in+
,ro&ess (hi&h has as its aim the +ro(th of &ons&io%sness) It is not to be &onf%se! (ith the
,%rey intee&t%a fa&%ty b%t is" rather" an inner a(areness" an inner 'no(in+ in!ee!" a
transformin+ ,o(er)
For instan&e" to ta'e &o+ni8an&e intee&t%ay of the fa&t that there is a &ontra!i&tion in
(hat (e thin' of as the i!ea ima+e is not at a the same thin+ as be&omin+ in(ar!y a(are
of a (ron+ attit%!e) The atter ,ro&ess is" rather" an in(ar! sensin+ of the (ay in (hi&h" as a
,erson" (e are ri+hty or (ron+y ,resent : that is" in harmony (ith or anta+onisti& to o%r tr%e
nat%re) This sensin+ +ro(s more a&%te the more &om,etey (e are &ommitte! to foo(in+
the Way" to i$in+ in a&&or!an&e (ith essentia bein+ an! to obeyin+ o%r inner a()
The &reati$e an! transformin+ ,o(er of &riti&a a(areness !e$eo,s o%t of an inner
a(areness of the bo!y" an! not from some rationa &on&e,tion of (hat (e beie$e
&orres,on!s to or &onfi&ts (ith &orre&t ,ost%re) For this reason transformation be+ins ony
after the ne&essary attit%!e has been in(ar!y e6,erien&e!) Th%s (e fin! that" in or!er to be
effe&ti$e" o%r orientation to(ar!s the Di$ine an! its manifestation : (hi&h sho%! be the
fo%n!ation of a other a&tions : re7%ires far more than the &on&ei$in+ of an i!ea ima+e an!
systemati&ay stri$in+ to(ar!s it) It is not %nti (e &om,rehen! o%r inner str%&t%re that s%&h
orientation effe&t%ay be+ins to ,ermeate a bo!iy mo$ements) .ny by means of
&ontin%o%s sin+e:min!e! effort &an this ,ro&ess in the on+ r%n either brin+ abo%t
transformation or e6&%!e a that stan!s in the (ay of s%&h ,ermeabiity)
With re+ar! to the !e$eo,ment of &riti&a sef:a(areness" (hat eement in it sho%! (e
&onsi!er most im,ortant to ,ra&ti&e= It is the a(a'enin+ of" the se,aratin+ o%t an!" as it (ere"
the ma'in+ arti&%ate a ne( sense that &an sme o%t inner tr%th) S%&h (or' re7%ires the
!e$eo,ment of a sensiti$ity (hi&h (i enabe %s reiaby to ,er&ei$e a !e$iations from the
tr%e inner or!er) In ,arti&%ar (e nee! to be&ome s%s&e,tibe to that (ithin %s (hi&h 'no(s
beyon! any !o%bt (hether (e are (ron+y or ri+hty &entere!) In this (ay &riti&a a(areness"
bein+ the means by (hi&h (e ,ro+ress" be&omes a&ti$e in ea&h aim an! as,e&t of a man9s
ife) Thro%+h it (e &ome to %n!erstan! that (hat is re7%ire! is the !e$eo,ment of a ne( 'in!
of sensiti$ity (hi&h (i enabe %s to sense the &orre&t &enter an! to be&ome a(are of a
!e$iations from it)
Fe( ,eo,e" in these !ays" ha$e any feein+ for or %n!erstan!in+ of the ri+ht &enter" e$en
tho%+h there may be &onsi!erabe te&hni&a 'no(e!+e a$aiabe abo%t ri+ht an! (ron+
,ost%re) <ein+ &orre&ty &entere! !oes not mean merey that a man is so an&hore! in some
&entra ,art of himsef that he &an" from that soi! ,osition" &onfi!enty &onfront the (or!)
This is not eno%+h) The ri+ht &enter is that (hi&h enabes %s to &orres,on! to essentia bein+)
.n&e a man has been tr%y sei8e! by essentia bein+ an! %n!er+one the transformation that
res%ts from s%&h an e6,erien&e" his ife (i hen&eforth re$o$e aro%n! his !etermination to
attain" ,reser$e or re:9estabish that state of min! an! bo!y (hi&h &an remain ,ermeabe to
essentia bein+) This re$o%tion aro%n! the tr%e &enter be+ins ony (hen man is abe to
s%stain the ,ro,er in(ar! attit%!e (itho%t sa&'enin+) A !istortion an! oss of the &orre&t
,hysi&a form : that form thro%+h (hi&h man is inten!e! to f%fi his ife : is &onne&te! (ith
the absen&e of the ri+ht &enter) <%t "(hat !o (e mean by the term >&enter=?
In reation to the >(hat? &ons&io%sness" (hi&h sees reaity soey in the &onte6t of >thin+s"?
the (or! >&enter? has merey a s,atia or ,hysi&a meanin+)
For the >(ho? &ons&io%sness" ho(e$er" >bein+ &entere!? si+nifies a state (herein a man
mo$es &ontin%o%sy to(ar! his innermost nat%reC that is to say" his aim is &entere! in his
essentia mission (hi&h is to manifest <ein+ in the (or!) The o,,osite of s%&h an attit%!e
(o%! be one (here a man is e6&%si$ey orientate! to(ar! (or!y $a%es an! (hose ife
re$o$es (hoy ro%n! the !esires of his (or!:e+o)
In other (or!s" >&enter"? from a rationa ,oint of $ie(" refers to a fi6e! ,oint) In its
,ersona meanin+" ho(e$er" the &enter is the &enter of o%r in!i$i!%a ife" o%r !ri$in+ for&e"
reason an! ,%r,ose) Un!erstoo! in this ,ersona sense" the (or! >&enter? has a threefo!
fo%n!ation) It stan!s on the strength by (hi&h (e i$e" the meaning aro%n! (hi&h (e re$o$e
an! the fulfillment for (hi&h (e sear&h)
Ine$itaby man9s ife is fo&%se! an! no%rishe! by a s,e&ifi& $ita for&e" by sear&h for
in!i$i!%a meanin+ an! by a on+in+ for ,ersona f%fiment) Stren+th" meanin+ an!
f%fiment" ho(e$er" ha$e a !ifferent si+nifi&an&e a&&or!in+ to (hether a man i!entifies
himsef (ith his (or!:e+o or (ith his essentia bein+) Stren+th from the stan!,oint of the
(or!:e+o is a 7%aity (hi&h enabes man to s%r$i$e heathiy an! effi&ienty in the (or!C
meanin+ may +ro( o%t of any 'in! of (or' : in&%!in+ ser$i&e to the &omm%nity : that is
$ai! in an! re&o+ni8e! by the (or!C f%fiment is bro%+ht abo%t by (hate$er finay sets the
min! at rest) When" ho(e$er" man is i!entifie! (ith his essentia bein+" stren+th is the res%t
of &onta&t (ith essentia bein+" meanin+ !eri$es from obe!ien&e to the re7%irements of
essentia bein+ an!" on&e he @oins the Way of <e&omin+ Trans,arent" f%fiment is at han!) In
a state of i!entifi&ation (ith his e+o man is !e,en!ent on the (or!C he nee!s the (or! an!
reies %,on it to +i$e himsef meanin+) The !e$eo,ment an! f%n&tionin+ of his (or!y
stren+th" as (e as his sef:&onfi!en&e an! abiity to s%r$i$e" are &on!itione! on a si!es by
e6terna fa&tors) Un!er s%&h &on!itions he is iabe to be easiy %,set" to%&hy" 7%i&' to fee
a++rie$e! an! a(ays on the oo':o%t for se&%rity) 0e s(ays ba&'(ar!s an! for(ar!s
bet(een states of restri&tion an! aban!onment" hy,ertension an! !isso%tion" ee$ation an!
,rostration) 0e e6,erien&es e$ery &on!ition e6&e,t that of bein+ firmy baan&e!) Why is
this= The e6,anation is to be fo%n! is his a&' of a &enter) &a,abe of s%,,ortin+ him" a &enter
(hi&h &annot be sha'en) .n&e a man is an&hore! in his essentia bein+" he be&omes a(are
that there e6ists in him a &ore that nothin+ &an !estroy) From this he +ains stabiity an!
,ermanen&e) 0e a&7%ires a &om,os%re that is in!e,en!ent of the (or!" a &ear sense of his
inner !ire&tion" an! abo$e a" a sef:&onfi!en&e that is in!e,en!ent of the (or!9s ,raise or
bame) The ,ersona si+nifi&an&e of >bein+ &entere!? is that a man &an so i$e in the mi!st of
a the %,s an! !o(ns of ife that he re&ei$es stren+th" ,%r,ose an! !ire&tion from essentia
bein+) Im,ert%rbabe an! at ,ea&e" he &easeessy ,%rs%es his inner !estiny an! so manifests
Di$ine <ein+ in his ife in the (or!)
Stret&he! as he is bet(een hea$en an! earth" man9s s,irit%a !e$eo,ment an! the
,ossibiity that essentia bein+ (i re$ea itsef to him !e,en!in+" in the first instan&e" on his
bein+ &orre&ty an&hore! in the >earth)? In other (or!s" he has first to !is&o$er his ri+ht
&enter of +ra$ity) Un!erstoo! in the ,ersona sense" >&enter of +ra$ity? !oes not refer to any
s,e&ifi& area" b%t to (hat (e may &a the root of ,ersona or e6istentia ife) /e$ertheess it is
,ossibe to ,er&ei$e (hether or not a ,erson is ,ro,ery roote! in his ,hysi&a bo!y) When a
man has fo%n! this &orre&t &enter of +ra$ity in his bo!y he &an o,en himsef to the for&es that
ie at the essentia &ore of ife an! an&hor himsef therein) The >Qita or Earth Centre of
&ontains a the ener+ies of the #ro%n! of <ein+" ener+ies that brin+ to his ai! a sense
of iberation" a stron+ inner s%,,ort an! the ,ossibiity of re+eneration) When he is rea6e!
an! firmy base! in this &enter man e6,erien&es these for&es in his ,hysi&a e6isten&e) 0e
imme!iatey oses them" ho(e$er" (hen he !ra(s himsef %, tensey" for s%&h a mo$ement
&%ts him off from the ife:+i$in+ stren+th from beo() The &enter of +ra$ity is th%s mis,a&e!)
Worse sti" it &an ha,,en that no &enter of +ra$ity e6ists at a : e6&e,t ,erha,s for a feetin+
moment : in (hi&h &ase hy,ertension or !isso%tion are the res%t) It is the &enter of +ra$ity
(hi&h !etermines the tota ,ost%re of the bo!y as (e as its ,atterns of tension an! the
&hara&ter of its breathin+)
That ,o(er (hi&h enabes %s to be tr%y &entere! ies" ,hysi&ay" in the mi!!e of the
bo!y" in >0ara"? or more a&&%ratey" in the ,e$i& re+ion)
0ara ABa,anese for beyE refers to
an attit%!e by means of (hi&h man is an&hore! >beo(? in s%&h a (ay that he is free! from
habit%a restri&tions bro%+ht abo%t by bein+ to,:hea$iy &entere! >abo$e? in his (or!:e+o)
This settin+:!o(n into himsef >beo("? this re:orientation of bo!y an! so%" ao( the
stren+th (ithin man9s o(n bein+ to s%,,ort an! mo%! him" an! to +i$e !ire&tion to his ife)
A man may ha$e an in&orre&t &enter of +ra$ity or e$en none at a" an! in either &ase this is
a res%t of the e6tent an! !imension of his (or!:e+o : (hi&h is to say that he has either too
m%&h of this or too itte) The more he i!entifies (ith this e+o" the hi+her %, in his bo!y (i
be his ,oint of an&hora+e) Ca%+ht th%s in these e6tremes of the e+o" his attit%!e (i be
!etermine! by his intee&t Ahea!E" his (i A&hestE or his a too sensiti$e feein+s AheartE)
Th%s !ra9(n %," tense an! ri+i!" he (i be totay at (ar (ith his instin&ti$e !ri$es an! &%t
off from &osmi& for&es) If" on the other han!" a man9s e+o is %n!er!e$eo,e!" the &onne&tion
to the &enter from (hi&h stren+th an! form are !eri$e! may be amost &om,etey a&'in+) As
a res%t" he (i fa a,art of &oa,se" an! be&ome the ,aythin+ of inner an! o%ter for&es) 0e
(i be %nabe to be tr%e to himsef or to stan! %, to the (or! as a ,erson) Th%s (e see that
(hen the &enter of +ra$ity has be&ome fi6e! too far %,(ar!s in the bo!y" man is &%t off from
the #ro%n! of <ein+ as (e as from the iberatin+ an! s%,,ortin+ ,o(er of his o(n essentia
bein+" an! th%s is tra,,e! in a the mena&e an! terror of the (or!) When" on the other han!"
he has no &enter of +ra$ity at a" e$en a minim%m amo%nt of sef ,ossession (i be a&'in+C
he (i ha$e no means of re&ei$in+ the in&omin+ stream of Di$ine <ein+ sin&e he has not
!e$eo,e! that inherent form thro%+h (hi&h he &o%! +i$e it entran&e an! ,o%r it o%t a+ain in
his (or' in the (or!)
The &ore of the ,ra&ti&e of ,%re +est%re ies in earnin+ to an&hor the (hoe of o%rse$es in
the &orre&t &enter of +ra$ity) It is $ita to a(a'en (ithin o%rse$es an innate feein+ for the
tr%e earth &enter) This sho%! be o%r &onstant ,ra&ti&e so that" (ith the he, of &riti&a
DKr&'heim" Hara, the Vital Centre of Man, Aen an! Un(in)
There is a Fren&h e6,ression: >Ii n9est ,as !ans son assiete)? Assiete" >,ate"? means the ,e$is) MWhen one says of
someone" >0e is not in his ,e$is"? it si+nifies that at ,resent he is hy,ersensiti$e" irritabe" %nreate! an! easiy !ist%rbe!) In
short he is %nbaan&e! et&)
a(areness" (e may bear (itness to it in o%r i$es)
/o matter ho( manifo! nor ho( &om,e6 the manifestations of the earth &enter may be" it
ne$er &eases to s%mmon %s an! entreat) If (e are ,re,are! to isten faithf%y" (e (i
&onstanty hear its &a) It rin+s o%t (ith e7%a fei&ity an! ,romise" no matter (hat the
sit%ation: in &on!itions of @oy or +rief" !earth or e6&ess" an! in the (arnin+ $oi&e of
&ons&ien&e that &ries ao%! to %s (hen (e ose si+ht of o%r inner !estiny)
As (e ha$e area!y seen" the &o%nter,art of a (ron+ or a non:e6istent &entre of +ra$ity is
a ten!en&y to(ar!s hy,ertension" (ith its ine$itabe &om,ensation" !isso%tion) 0y,ertension
is an in!i&ation that the attention is ,re!ominanty &on&erne! (ith see'in+ to &onsoi!ate a
,arti&%ar ,osition) This 'in! of fi6e! attention (i ne$er rea6 its ho! (hie man is he! fast
by his e+o) E$ery ty,e of hy,ertension" e$ery 'in! of &ontra&tion" is an e6,ression of a&' of
tr%st an! re$eas" (hether a&ti$ey or ,assi$ey" attit%!es of sef:,rote&tion or resistan&e) S%&h
attit%!es &annot" therefore" be &orre&te! by ,%rey te&hni&a means: ony on+ ,ra&ti&e of the
f%n!amenta +est%re of tr%stf%ness ser$es any ,%r,ose here)
0y,ertension a(ays +oes han! in han!" as it (ere" (ith the 'in! of shao( breathin+ that
ta'es ,a&e in the %,,er ,art of the bo!y) This of itsef is s%ffi&ient e$i!en&e of a man9s
im,risonment in the e+o) It a&'s the &amness an! &om,os%re (hi&h !istin+%ishes one (ho"
bein+ ri+hty &entere!" is in !ire&t &onta&t (ith <ein+) 0ere" &riti&a a(areness ,ro$es its
$a%e (ith its &a,a&ity for sensin+ the (ron+ &enter of +ra$ity" in&orre&t tension an!
inharmonio%s breathin+) It is im,ortant that this sensin+ of the &enter of +ra$ity" tension an!
breathin+ sho%! not be tho%+ht of Aor ,ra&tise!E in any rationa (ay" b%t %n!erstoo! rather as
an in(ar! an! ,ersona attit%!e) .ny th%s &an it ser$e as a means of f%fiin+ man9s basi&"
inner a(" (hi&h re7%ires him to be ,ermeabe to Di$ine <ein+ an! to i$e from his essen&e in
his o(n ,arti&%ar form) <%t the abiity to sense (hat is in&orre&t" as (e as to estabish (hat
is &orre&t" (i ony be ,resent if the ar+er" e6istentia sear&h has area!y be+%n)
As on+ as a man" atho%+h abe theoreti&ay to re&o+ni8e (hat (o%! be for him the
&orre&t state of bein+" sti thin's in terms of the !esires an! an6ieties of his e+o : see'in+
free!om" &omfort or se&%rity (ith his rationa %n!erstan!in+ : he (i not be abe to ,er&ei$e
the ,ersona si+nifi&an&e either of the &enter of +ra$ity" or of tension an! breathin+)
Un!er s%&h &on!itions" he (i reason soey in ,hysi&a terms) 0e (i ta&'e (ron+
,ost%re in a ,%rey te&hni&a (ay" attem,tin+ to &orre&t it sim,y as a ,ra+mati& ne&essity" for
the sa'e of his heath an! effi&ien&y) In a!!ition" he (i mista'e the ,ra&ti&e of estabishin+
the ri+ht &enter" an! the firm an&horin+ in the ,e$i& re+ion" for some ,hysi&a tri&' that (i
be of %se to his (or!:e+o) In s%&h a &ase" the ,ra&ti&e of the ri+ht &enter" of stiOness an! of
rea6ation : if &arrie! o%t merey for the sa'e of easin+ the min! : (i t%rn into the o,,osite
of (hat (as inten!e!) It (i be&ome the means for enabin+ man tem,orariy to retain his
(ron+ ,ost%res an! attit%!es (itho%t !is&omfort" an! th%s to remain &a%+ht in the e+o" (hi&h
by its nat%re %nfaiin+y tries to t%rn its ba&' on s%fferin+) The ,ra&ti&e that reates to <ein+ is
7%ite !ifferent) It ma'es it ,ossibe for man to ris' himsef &o%ra+eo%sy" frees him from his
fear of the (or! an!" thro%+h his a&&e,tan&e an! en!%ran&e of the harshest tests" enabes him
to remain on the Way of Transformation) .n the other han!" (ron+ ,ra&ti&e (i a(ays 'ee,
him at a !istan&e from Di$ine <ein+)
2) Lettin+ #o
The more sensiti$e (e are to those in&orre&t inner attit%!es that si+nify an e7%ay
in&orre&t a,,roa&h to ife" the more it is a si+n that (e are inter,enetrate! by the Di$ine
Presen&e) It &an e$en be sai! that this ,resen&e sets free in %s a harmonio%s an! re&e,ti$e
form) A ne( feein+ of &ons&ien&e to(ar!s o%r (ay of bein+ emer+es an! this has as its
&oroary an in&rease in &riti&a) a(areness) E$ent%ay" this sensin+ of (hat is erroneo%s in
o%r attit%!es &oin&i!es (ith the im,%se to et +o that (hi&h is (ron+ or stan!s in the (ay of
the ri+ht attit%!e) The a&tion of steerin+ a bi&y&e or &ar ,ro$i!es an i%strOtion of this) The
&ontin%a instin&ti$e a!@%stments that are ne&essary if the $ehi&e is to be 'e,t on a strai+ht)
&o%rse &annot be se,arate! : any more than &a%se an! effe&t : from the !ri$er9s a(areness of
e$ery min%te !e$iation from the &hosen !ire&tion) The more ,ra&ti&e! he is" the more !oes
his re&o+nition of s%&h !e$iation &oin&i!e (ith his a!@%stments)
What !o (e mean by the e6,ression >ettin+ +o=? It is e$i!ent that on the (ay to tr%e
bein+" there are many thin+s from (hi&h (e m%st ine$itaby be ,arte!) This is best e6,resse!
by ;aster E&'hart) A&&or!in+ to him : an! it is an an&ient tr%th : the ettin+ +o (ith (hi&h (e
are &on&erne! is >the ettin+ +o of o%r e+o)? This mo$ement enabes a man to e6tri&ate
himsef from the net in (hi&h his i!entifi&ation (ith his (or!:e+o &ontin%o%sy ensnares
This ettin+ +o of the e+o" ho(e$er" means m%&h more than merey rein7%ishin+ a those
ob@e&ts to (hi&h !%rin+ his ifetime a man has be&ome atta&he!) It entais the +i$in+ %, of the
entire ife ,attern that has re$o$e! aro%n! the >,ositions? ta'en by the e+o) In this ,attern a
o%r thin'in+" feein+ an! !oin+ is orientate! to(ar!s (hate$er is firmy an! finay
estabishe!) Where$er man is he! fast in the +ri, of any stati& system A(hether of fa&ts"
attit%!es or $a%esE his ife in the (or! is im,ermeabe to its rea meanin+) This meanin+ is
a(ays ,ersona an! is a(ays in the ,ro&ess of transformation) The ony attit%!e thro%+h
(hi&h it &an be !is&o$ere! is one of in(ar! 'no(in+ an! e6istentia reai8ation) >Lettin+ +o?
means forsa'in+ the briian&e of the rationa min! an! enterin+ (hat may be &ae! the
semi!ar'ness of another form of &ons&io%sness in (hi&h is re$eae! an inner i+ht) In this
(ay aone &an the ri+i!ity (hi&h transfi6es a tho%+ht an! beha$io%r be !isso$e! an! the
'in! of thin'in+ that t%rns a thin+s into ob@e&ts" +i$e (ay an! !ie) .ny (hen (e et +o
those attit%!es (herein (e rey soey %,on (hat (e >ha$e" 'no( an! &an !o"? (i there
arise a ne( &ons&io%sness in (hi&h the &reati$e !ynamism of ife is &ontaine!)
>Lettin+ +o? re7%ires not ony that (e rein7%ish those ima+inin+s that ha$e !etermine!
o%r %n!erstan!in+ in the ,ast" b%t aso the beha$io%r that &orres,on!s to them) The res%t of
a rationa" e+o:&entere! ,oints of $ie( is a 'in! of (if%ness) Therefore the &onse7%en&e
of ettin+ +o m%st be the aban!onment of any attit%!e that ea!s %s to beie$e that e$erythin+
!e,en!s %,on o%r o(n >!oin+)?
An" e+o orientate! to(ar!s rationa aims is a(ays &on&erne! (ith notions as to ho( ife
reay o%+ht to be) <y ettin+ +o in the ri+ht (ay" (e earn to >et in? an! >et ha,,en? that
(hi&h" in s,ite of a o%r i!eas" ,ro@e&tions" !esires an! ,re@%!i&es" meets %s !ire&ty in the
sha,e of the (or! an! &omes from the &onstanty:stirrin+ essentia bein+ (ithin)
The !esire >to !o? ,re$ents %s from hearin+ this inner &a) <y ho!in+ fast to &on&e,t%a
,atterns an! ima+es" (e bo&' the roa! to o%r %nion (ith Di$ine <ein+) .ny (hen (e are
finay abe to +i$e %, o%r or!inary (ay of thin'in+ (i (e be abe to re&ei$e an! a&&e,t that
(hi&h is an!" as a &onse7%en&e" +i$e o%rse$es (itho%t reser$e to a that arises)
Th%s (e see that ettin+ +o re7%ires that (e +i$e %, any i!ea that ife m%st be (hat (e
e6,e&t an! (e !esire) Time an! a+ain o%r faith is !estroye! (hen the ,ro&ess of #o!9s @%sti&e
: ine$itaby in&om,rehensibe to %s : !oes not &orres,on! (ith o%r &on&e,tions as to ho(
thin+s sho%! be) Therefore" the ,rere7%isite for +en%ine faith is to +i$e %, a s%&h
&on&e,tions Tr%e faith !e$eo,s ony (hen ife is a&&e,te! in (hate$er (ay that ,ro$i!en&e"
a(ays in&on&ei$aby" offers it) It is bro%+ht to birth in %s (hen (e are abe to re&ei$e" from
%nfathomabe ife an! abso%te <ein+ that (hi&h" thro%+h a &on!itionin+" stri$es to(ar! the
i+ht" in the form of o%r inner states" &haen+es an! im,%ses)
As on+ as the e+o" tra,,e! in its fi6ations" !ominates o%r i$es" a &han&e of
transformation is inhibite!) The state of the e+o" at any +i$en moment" is manifeste! by %s
an! re&o+ni8abe to others by the (ay in (hi&h (e are ,resent) 0o(e$er" the ,ro&ess of
ettin+ +o the fa%ty attit%!es so re$eae! is by no means a ,%rey in(ar! ,ro&ess) It &onsists
in rein7%ishin+ an!" as it (ere" >metin+ !o(n? the in&orre&t ,hysi&a ,ost%res (hi&h are
themse$es the in&arnation an! e6,ression of the (or!:e+o9s !esire for se&%rity) When this
ettin+ +o o&&%rs it (i be ob$io%s to the most &as%a obser$er from the (ay in (hi&h a man
!ro,s the h%n&he!:%, sho%!ers that s,ea' so stron+y of the safety:see'in+ e+o" oosens the
o(er @a( (here the ,o(erf% an! arbitrary sef:(i is estabishe!" rea6es the tense bro(
(herein the e+o9s +a8e is transforme! into a fi6e! stare" (ith!ra(s the rationay !etermine!
eye of the (or!:e+o in fa$o%r of the re&ei$in+ an! a&&e,tin+ +a8e of the in(ar! eye" an!
reeases the bey A(hi&h (hen ,%e! in" &%ts him off from his basi& ener+yE an! ma'es of it
a broa!" f%ent an! firmy roote! bo!y:&enter abe to s(in+ freey in the ,e$i& area) It sho%!
be remembere!" ho(e$er" that in tryin+ to o$er&ome fa%ts in ,ost%re (e are not &on&erne!
merey (ith &ram,e! >bo!iy? states" b%t rather (ith the manifo! manifestations of a ,erson
(ho is inhibite! at the &enter" &a%+ht in his (or!:e+o an! %nabe to tr%st in ife) For this
reason" if m%s&es are merey te&hni&ay rea6e!" ettin+ +o &an ne$er be a&&om,ishe! in any
astin+ senseC sti ess (hen" to(ar!s this en!" :%se is ma!e of in@e&tions an! massa+e) It
s%&&ee!s ony (hen man earns to et himsef +o in his ego" (hi&h means to +i$e himsef
tr%stin+y to (hate$er &omes) Where$er a: ,arti&%ar tension ma'es itsef ,hysi&ay fet" this
is !%e to the fa&t that the ree$ant in!i$i!%a" thro%+h a&' of ,ro,er tr%st" ho!s himsef in
an! be&omes tense) Lettin+ onesef +o re7%ires" abo$e a ese" the inner &on$i&tion (hi&h
enabes %s to fee" e$en if (e rein7%ish o%r (or!:e+o" that (e (i by no means fa into
nothin+ness) .n the &ontrary" (e (i be %,he! by a state of min! (hi&h frees %s from
reyin+ soey on o%rse$es an! o%r rationa min!" an! he,s %s to i$e from essentia bein+
an! to ,arti&i,ate in Di$ine <ein+) When a man has earnt to yie! to his essentia bein+" he
has o$er&ome !e,en!en&e on an! fear of the (or!)
The si+nifi&an&e of ettin+ +o for (hat may be &ae! o%r >tota ,ost%re? ies in +i$in+ %,
that &enter of +ra$ity (hi&h 'ee,s man ,risoner in the %,,er" e+o:re+ion of the bo!y) As
re+ar!s breathin+" the im,ortan&e of ettin+ +o ies in the &han+e of em,hasis from >!oin+? to
>a!mittin+"? from >ta'in+ in? to >+i$in+ in)? In ,a&e of the >hi+h"? ,re!ominanty &hest
breathin+ (hi&h se,arates %s from the tr%e &enter" there arises the nat%ra !ia,hra+m
breathin+" (hi&h at one an! the same time iberates ife an! ao(s it to manifest in the tr%e
E$ery form of ettin+ +o has a &eansin+ an! transformin+ effe&t" b%t the rea!er sho%! be
remin!e! that this is neither a ,%rey te&hni&a" ,hysi&a e6er&ise nor a (hoy inner ,sy&hi&
,ro&ess) It is a ,ersona +est%re that" in an anayti&a sense" is ,sy&hoo+i&ay an! ,hysi&ay
ne%tra) At o%r ,resent e$e of %n!erstan!in+ it is a too easy to %n!erestimate the
si+nifi&an&e of (or' on bo!iy attit%!es an! to oo' %,on it sim,y as a te&hni7%e for
in&reasin+ the sense of bo!iy (e:bein+) S%&h a &on&e,tion 7%i&'y ea!s to a sort of
(ron+y:inter,rete! Yo+a an! fasifies the effort by ao(in+ it to be&ome mere ,hysi&a
+ymnasti&s) Pro,ery ,ra&ti&e!" ho(e$er" that (hi&h from an anayti&a ,oint of $ie( may
a,,ear as the reation bet(een inner an! o%ter ,ro&esses is here seen as a t(ofo! e6,ression
of the one : the Person)
3. Becoming ne !wit" t"e Ground
What si+nifi&an&e for %s" as the Whee of Transformation t%rns" has the ,hrase >be&omin+
one (ith the #ro%n!?= We ha$e seen that ettin+ +o means rein7%ishin+ the forms an!
str%&t%res (hi&h in the &on!itions of o%r ife in s,a&e an! time ha$e +ra!%ay e$o$e!) These
&on!itions are the means (hereby the (or!y ,ersonaity" re$o$in+ aro%n! fi6e! ,oints an!
,rom,te! by its !esire for se&%rity" maintains itsef by (or'in+ sim,y for itsef or the
&omm%nity) To the e6tent that these &on!itions be&ome &rystai8e!" they obs&%re the $ita
#ro%n!) ;an fees himsef to be b%r!ene! (ith %n%se! ener+ies an! im,%ses that" be&a%se
they ha$e been re,resse!" re&oi %,on him" an! may e$en ,aray8e an! !estroy him)
Psy&hoo+i&ay %n!erstoo!" the transformin+ #ro%n! is" in terms of h%man e6isten&e" the
>ream of the mother)? Any %nreso$e! reationshi, bet(een &hi! an! mother &a%ses an
obstr%&tion in this s,here an! hin!ers !e$eo,ment) The effe&t is the same (hen the mother
!enies the (armth ne&essary for the &hi!9s +ro(th" or on the other han! ho!s on to him (ith
a !e$o%rin+" ,ossessi$e o$e) In the first instan&e" (hen the &hi! be&omes a man" he is
inhibite! an! !e,resse! be&a%se he re@e&ts the ,rotests that rise from his !e,ths" !efen!in+
himsef a+ainst them by thr%stin+ them !o(n into the %n&ons&io%sC in the se&on!" he !rea!s
the ,o(er of a that embo!ies the #reat ;other in the (or! for fear it sho%! !e$o%r him)
When the #ro%n! has been th%s bo&'e!" he is robbe! of the ,o(ers that rei+n (ithin him for
the ,%r,ose of re!em,tion" ,rote&tion an! transformation) Th%s he be&omes (hoy
!e,en!ent on his (or!:e+o" e6,erien&in+ his re,resse! !e,ths as fri+htenin+ for&es that
either ine6,i&aby attra&t him or !emoni&ay t%rn a+ainst him)
.n the other han!" the #ro%n! is aso the bri!+e by (hi&h (e are bro%+ht to e6,erien&e
the materna as,e&ts of Trans&en!enta <ein+ : that (hi&h no%rishes" s%stains" re:mo%!s an!
iberates a that e6ists in the (or!) Th%s" (hene$er man is &%t off from this materna
#ro%n!" he is a(ays" at the same time" barre! from the aternatin+ rhythm of >!eath an!
be&omin+? (hi&h itsef is a ,art of ife)
In a a+es Di$ine <ein+ has !(et in man as ,enit%!e" or!er an! %nity) .f o! it (as
re$eae!" as man beie$e!" in the ,o(er" (is!om an! o$e of the #o!s) <%t to!ay" (e are
be+innin+ to reai8e that Di$ine <ein+ is (ithin the s,here of man9s o(n e6,erien&e This is
,arti&%ary tr%e for those (ho in fear an! !es,air" ha$e &ome %, a+ainst the imits of the
stren+th an! (is!om of their (or!:e+oC an! for others (ho" a&'in+ the s%,,ort of
&omm%nities that are
!isinte+ratin+" as on&e the o! #o!s !isinte+rate!" are thro(n ba&' on themse$es)
B%st as Di$ine <ein+" stri$in+ to manifest itsef" is ,resent (ithin %s" so the e6,erien&e of
%nion (ith it be&omes at the same time an e6,erien&e of o%r own bein+) An!" e7%ay" the
e6,erien&e of o%r o(n bein+ is an e6,erien&e of o%r oneness (ith Di$ine <ein+) If (e ha$e
on&e be&ome &ons&io%s of o%rse$es in o%r essen&e" (e ha$e be&ome &ons&io%s of o%r %nion
(ith Trans&en!enta <ein+) We m%st" therefore" sear&h for that <ein+ (hi&h iberates %s an!
in(ar!y !etermines o%r form" an! th%s !is&o$er (ithin o%rse$es an >immanent
trans&en!en&e? far beyon! the frontiers of o%r itte e+o) We sha not s%&&ee! in fin!in+ it"
ho(e$er" %nti o%r (or!:e+o &ara,a&e has be&ome ,ermeabe) .n the other han!" o%r abiity
to !o (itho%t the s&affo!in+ in (hi&h (e are %,he! by o%r (or!:e+o !e,en!s on the 8
stren+th of o%r &onta&t (ith Di$ine <ein+) So it is an en!ess &y&e) It is ony to the e6tent
that (e earn to !isso$e the ri+i!ity of estabishe! forms an! in+raine! i!eas of ho( (e
sho%! be an! a&t in the (or!" that o%r essentia bein+ &an astin+y a(a'e (ithin %s) Lettin+
+o re7%ires %s to (ith!ra( from a theoreti&a an! ,ra&ti&a ,ositions by (hi&h" on the e$e
of o%r (or!y e6isten&e" (e 'ee, %, the str%++e a+ainst nat%re an! !estiny) When this
str%++e !e,ri$es %s of o%r essentia ,o(er" (e are bo%n! to attem,t to free o%rse$es from
o%r habit of rationa &assifi&ation : atho%+h in an intee&t%a sense this may (e be
in!is,ensabe) It &annot be !enie! that a ,ro,er %n!erstan!in+ of the $a%es that are a&&e,te!
by the (or! in (hi&h (e i$e is a ne&essary sta+e on the (ay to be&omin+ a Person) It is" in
fa&t" the means (hereby the e+o&entri&" nat%ra ,re:,ersona e+o (ith a its $ioent !ri$es" is
ma!e to s%bmit to or!er an! &%stom) It tea&hes man to &on7%er his (if%ness thro%+h
ser$i&e to somethin+ abo$e him) When" ho(e$er" the e+o +i$es itsef o$er to any ,aterna
a%thority" to the &omm%nity" to habit" rei+io%s tea&hin+ or (or' in the (or!" the effe&t often
+oes beyon! the &ontro of the ,rimary e+o Ai)e)" the as yet %ne!%&ate! e+o one fin!s in a
babyE &a%sin+ the in!i$i!%aity of o%r tr%e bein+ to be re,resse!) S%&h ser$i&e an! obe!ien&e
may hin!er an! imit the imme!iate %ninhibite! &onta&t (ith tr%e ife) From this ,oint of $ie(
it is &ear that the so:&ae! reiabe man" the >stron+ ,ersonaity"? is by no means aso a
&onstanty mat%rin+ Person or one ,ermeabe to Di$ine <ein+)
In or!er to be&ome a Person it is ne&essary to be &om,etey o,en to ife an! to a&&e,t an!
inte+rate essentia bein+) <%t before inte+ration &an o&&%r" essentia bein+ m%st a(a'en"
&ome forth an! o%tfa&e the !iffi&%ties of &omin+ to terms (ith the (or!" (hether the (or!
be frien!y or inimi&a)
.%r !is&o$ery of essentia bein+ as a reaity (ithin o%rse$es entais aso o%r &on&%rren&e
in its !eman! that it be&ome a reaity in the (or!H Essentia bein+ is the %n&on!itione!"
&reati$e" moti$atin+ ,o(er of h%man e6isten&e (hi&h !eman!s to be +i$en form an! (hi&h
no amo%nt of &on!itionin+ has the ,o(er to stife) For this reason" man" fin!in+ himsef
im,risone! in those in+raine! habits that ,re$ent essentia bein+ from enterin+ his
&ons&io%sness an! &omin+ in &onta&t (ith the (or!" is bro%+ht to the %tmost e6tremity)
When his (or!:e+o is estran+e! from Di$ine <ein+ Ae$en tho%+h his essentia bein+ is
ine$itaby in'e! to itE man sooner or ater e6,erien&es not ony the s%fferin+ inherent in s%&h
estran+ement" b%t aso the mysterio%s t%++in+ of the &or! that @oins him to his hi!!en" inner
sef an! from (hi&h he is ne$er entirey free) To the e6tent to (hi&h he se,arates himsef
from his e+o" he (i e6,erien&e this t%++in+ as a ,ainf% on+in+ for !ei$eran&e) 0e 'no(s
himsef s%mmone! by &ons&ien&e) Somethin+ is o$in+y is !ra(in+ him home) .%r ans(er
to this s%mmons &an ony be the !etermination to (or' on o%rse$es in the ri+ht (ay)
The more ob!%rate an! %nyie!in+ o%r &on&e,ts an! attit%!es ha$e be&ome thro%+h o%r
&on!itionin+ in the (or!" the har!er (i it be for essentia bein+ to emer+e) Instea!" its
re,resse! ener+y (i be transforme! %n!er s%&h &ir&%mstan&es into a !ar' for&e (hi&h" in
the sha,e of the Sha!o(" a&ts !estr%&ti$ey in an! thro%+h o%r %n&ons&io%s) It is" of &o%rse"
ne&essary that man sho%! be ethi&ay !is&i,ine!) If" ho(e$er" this res%ts merey in the
ere&tion of some e+o:s%,erstr%&t%re an! !oes not brin+ abo%t tr%e transformation" it (i aso
&a%se re,ression) ;an &annot a&hie$e free!om %nti he &eanses the #ro%n!" re&o+ni8es his
re,ressions" an! by !ire&tin+ them into fr%itf% &hannes rene(s his a&&e,tan&e of the ,o(ers
of the !ee,)
It sho%! be remembere! that the as&ent to the bri+ht ,ea's of tr%e bein+ is a(ays ,re&e!e!
by a !es&ent into the !ar' !e,ths" i)e)" into those areas (hi&h ha$e been thr%st !o(n into the
%n&ons&io%s) It is ony (hen (e ,er&ei$e an! a&&e,t the Sha!o(" an! ,ainf%y re&o+ni8e o%r
erroneo%s res,onses to ifeC (hen (e ,er&ei$e" assimiate an! i$e thro%+h the Aar&hety,aE
fi+%res (hi&h ,ersonify the - re,resse! ener+ies Athe !e$o%rin+ mother et&)E" that the (ay
to(ar!s tr%e %nion (ith essentia bein+ is o,ene! an! the ne( sef" born from essen&e"
be&omes free to +ro() A s%&h efforts are f%n!amentay an e6,ression of obe!ien&e to the
s%mmons (hi&h bi!s %s fin! the (ay from o%r state of aienation ba&' to o%r be+innin+s : in
other (or!s" to enter into the #ro%n! in or!er to emer+e rema!e in a&&or!an&e (ith essentia
bein+) It is a ,ara!o6" ho(e$er" that (e &an ony !is&o$er o%r tr%e home by reai8in+ the
e6tent to (hi&h" in the (or!" (e ha$e be&ome estran+e! from it) <%t (hen" by &ontrastin+ it
(ith o%r ife in the (or!" (e a&t%ay e6,erien&e o%r essentia home" (e are in the ,osition
freey an! res,onsiby to bear (itness to it (here$er" a&&or!in+ to !estiny" (e may i$e an!
(or' amon+ the str%&t%res of the I:(or!:reaity)
The &hief ob@e&ti$e of &riti&a a(areness is to re&o+ni8e ho( an! %n!er (hat &ir&%mstan&es
o%r state fais to &orres,on! to o%r essentia bein+ an! to ,er&ei$e that the fa%ty state is
ine$itaby refe&te! in fa%ty attit%!es) The ,%r,ose of the ,ra&ti&e of ettin+ +o is to free the
(ay to essentia bein+C an! the ,%r,ose of the thir! ste, in the ,ro&ess of transformation is
%nion (ith the #ro%n!) There are many sta+es an! !e+rees of %nion) The hi+hest is that in
(hi&h (e are %nite! (ith the materna oneness of <ein+) 0ere" (hate$er is inimi&a to
essentia bein+" or has be&ome stati& an! ri+i! as a res%t of the (or'in+s of the (or!:e+o" is
mete! !o(n an! re&ast" in or!er that the ne( e+o may be born) A esser sta+es of %nion
sho%! be meas%re! a+ainst this %timate sta+e) From the stan!,oint of this" as (e may &a it"
Persona Anthro,oo+y" a e$es of !e$eo,ment sho%! be re+ar!e! from >abo$e? : that is
to say" from the hi+hest e$e &a,abe of bein+ a&hie$e! by any h%man bein+) ;an is
inten!e!" as his %timate &on!ition" to rea&h s%&h a ,ointC his tr%e nat%re is" in fa&t" a(ays
stri$in+ to(ar!s this ,ossibiity) E$en those systems of tho%+ht in (hi&h man is &onsi!ere!" I
+eneti&ay s,ea'in+" as at the >bottom"? i)e)" in an %n!e$eo,e! sta+e" are !e%!e! if they are
not orientate! to(ar!s the hi+hest e$e for (hi&h man is !estine!)
When (e s,ea' of Trans&en!enta <ein+ an! the transformin+ an! iberatin+ %nity of the
#ro%n!" the 7%estion ine$itaby arises: is it not ,res%m,t%o%s to in7%ire into that (hi&h so
ob$io%sy to%&hes the !ee,est mystery of ife an! of man" an! (hi&h is beyon! a rationa
&om,rehension= In!ee!" s%&h in7%iry is ,ermissibe ony if a,,roa&he! (ith the %tmost
!ei&a&y) E$en so" (e sho%! not be so !iffi!ent before this +reat mystery that o%r !iffi!en&e
ma'es %s bin! an! !eaf to essentia bein+) The time has no( arri$e! (hen man has
s%ffi&ienty mat%re! to e6,erien&e a reaity (hi&h has hitherto beon+e! soey to the ream of
faith) Im,ressions that &ome" so to s,ea'" from >ese(here"? stirrin+ %s to o%r !e,ths :
ro%sin+" enri&hin+ an! transformin+ %s : enabe %s not ony to beie$e b%t to 'no( (itho%t
!o%bt that (e ,arti&i,ate in a e$e of <ein+ that is >7%ite other? than that of o%r famiiar
(or! e6isten&e : an! (hi&h (e &a >trans&en!enta)? <y means of s%&h e6,erien&es (e
reai8e that in the se&ret &ore of o%rse$es (e are far more than (e are normay a(are of
bein+) In ,arti&%ar (e !is&o$er that o%r %n&on!itione! essen&e a(ays s%r,asses (hat (e in
o%r (or!y ,resen&e : &reate! %n!er abnorma &on!itions of e6isten&e : &an e$er be&ome)
E$en so" (e ha$e" ha,,iy" the ri+ht to remin! o%rse$es that the mystery of the #ro%n! of
#reater Life &onstanty ,enetrates o%r itte ,ersona ife" (ith its &ontin%o%s s%mmons an! its
,o(er of rene(a) This &an sometimes o&&%r (ith s%&h intensity that (e (on!er" ama8e!"
ho( it &an be that the restri&ti$e ,o(ers of the e+o are so often abe to hi!e tr%e <ein+ an!
re,ress s%&h mi+hty ener+ies) Unfort%natey" ho(e$er" for the sa'e of its o(n s%r$i$a an! its
,erennia ,reo&&%,ation (ith e6terna fa&ts" the e+o &ontin%es to (or' its (i (ithin %s) E$en
so" Di$ine <ein+ stirs in o%r !ar'ness" besto(in+ on %s" (hen at ast the !e,ths be+in to stir
an! the $ei of &on&e,t%ai8ation fas" its i%minatin+ e6,erien&es)
When a man +oes o%t to meet these intimations of <ein+ an!" faithf%y ,%rs%in+ his
,ra&ti&e" brea's thro%+h the barriers of the system in (hi&h ife habit%ay ,resents itsef to
his thin'in+ an! a&tin+ (or!:e+o" then he is at the ,oint of enterin+ >the Way of the so%9s
initiation)? .%r +eneration is (itness to a !e&isi$e t%rnin+ ,oint in man9s !e$eo,ment : the
o,enin+ of the initiatory Way" formery the e6&%si$e ,ro$in&e of the mysti&s" to a those
(ho ha$e arri$e! at this e$e of mat%rity)
.n&e the thir! ste, : Union (ith the #ro%n! : has been ta'en" then in the an+%a+e of
essentia bein+" Di$ine <ein+ arises in its threefo! as,e&t: as plenitu!e, (hose stren+th from
then on s%stains" s%,,orts" no%rishes an! rene(s a man no matter (hat his !iffi&%tiesC as
or!er, from (hi&h there emer+es a hitherto %n!reamt:of ,%r,ose that obi+es him to &reate
himsef ane(C an! as an a:embra&in+ unity thro%+h (hi&h he be&omes a(are an! rests %,on
the (or! of >one:ness? beyon! this (or!) S%&h an e6,erien&e ma'in+" as it !oes" a thin+s
ne(" sets man on&e an! for a on the Way an! transforms him from su'-ectum mun!i to
su'-ectum Dei : (hi&h is the >#reat E6,erien&e"?
the ><rea'thro%+h to Essen&e)?
&annot a&hie$e it by (iin+ it" nor &an (e intentionay brin+ it abo%tC a (e &an !o is to
,re,are o%rse$es for it) This ,re,aration is the &hief aim of a man9s e6istentia sef:
e6,oration an! ,ra&ti&e" an! by ,erformin+ it he is &ommitte! to be&omin+" abo$e a ese" a
ser$ant of Di$ine <ein+)
;any esser e6,erien&es of &onta&t (ith <ein+ may ,re&e!e an! a&t as ,ointers to(ar! this
>#reat E6,erien&e)? They are i'e i+hts on the Way (hi&h ea! to(ar!s the +oa) <%t" in fa&t"
any +en%ine me!itation in (hi&h (e s%&&ee! in ettin+ +o of o%r (or!:e+o" may brin+ a
foretaste of (hat is to &ome) It is ,ossibe" too" that a s,ar' of the i+ht (hi&h ,ier&es %s
!%rin+ the #reat E6,erien&e may ba8e %, in any ife sit%ation to (hi&h (e f%y +i$e
o%rse$es) It &an ha,,en at those times (hen (e fin! the &o%ra+e to fore+o a the e+o9s
,re@%!i&es" !efen&es an! reser$ations an!" no matter (hat the &ost" ao( them to !ie in or!er
that tr%th may i$e) To the e6tent that the ,ro&ess of transformation ta'es root in man so that
he earns at ast to et +o : affirmin+ an! yie!in+ to a that is in his !e,ths : so (i the
iberatin+" i%minatin+" 'in!in+ s,ar' of the #reat Li+ht shine more an! more fre7%enty
%nti finay it be&omes a ,art of the basi& st%ff of ife) This (i o&&%r a the sooner if a man
aso fin!s the &o%ra+e to ao( the ,%re ,rimary im,%ses to arise freey from essentia bein+
: that is to say" those im,%ses (hi&h ha$e not yet been &assifie! an! a,,ro,riate! by the
e+o) If he &an !o this there (i !e$eo," si!e by si!e (ith this" a more stabe attit%!e" a ne(
an! oftier (ay of bein+ in the (or!) The &enter an! meanin+ of ife (i no( no on+er be in
the (or! b%t in Di$ine <ein+C no on+er in the sef:see'in+" sef:,reser$in+ (or!:e+o b%t in
the essen&e that is &onstanty brin+in+ abo%t transformation) This (hoe ,ro&ess res%ts in the
formation of a ne( &ons&io%sness) For" (hereas the &ons&io%sness of the (or!:e+o is
See DKr&'heim" 0m .eichen !er Grossen Erfahrung AThe Great E6,erien&eE" .) W) <arth:Qera+)
See D%r&'heim" Durc''ruch /um Wesen A<rea'thro%+h to <ein+E" 0%ber Qera+" St%tt+art:<ern)
forme! from an! ma!e effe&ti$e by s%&h stati& &on&e,ts as rationa !etermination" the nee! to
&assify an! the habit of thin'in+ in terms of o,,osites" the +ro(th of hi+her &ons&io%sness
A(hi&h is &entre! in essentia bein+E is e$i!en&e! by the risin+ %, of stren+th (hi&h &an fa&e
the bottomess abyss an! a&&e,t the &ontra!i&tions inherent in ife (hie at the same time
a!mittin+ the trans&en!enta ,o(ers) When man is o,en to a these" he e6,erien&es s%&h an
in&rease of" stren+th that he is abe to reai8e his o(n essentia form" e$en %n!er (or!y
It is ine$itabe that o%r first a,,roa&h to Trans&en!enta <ein+ sho%! sha'e the str%&t%re of
o%r or!inary ife) S%&h en&o%nters o&&%r m%&h earier in ife than is +eneray s%,,ose!" >First
may arise in eary &hi!hoo! !%rin+ the transition from one e$e of
&ons&io%sness to another) They often o&&%r at the moment (hen the ori+ina oneness is
shattere! an! the &hi! !is&o$ers that his >I? an! the (or! are not one : that" in fa&t" they are
in o,,osition to ea&h other) The &hi! &annot attem,t to +ras, the ,%r,ose that ies behin! this
in&om,rehensibe e6,erien&e" b%t the +ro(n man fees himsef &om,ee! to try to %n!erstan!
intee&t%ay the brea'in+:%, of the o! she that brin+s him the e6,erien&e of <ein+C an!
this &om,%sion &an ha$e !isastro%s effe&ts) As on+ as his (or!:e+o remains !ominant he
imme!iatey transforms into menta &on&e,ts any re&%rrent a(areness of Essentia <ein+) In
the same (ay" this +ro(n man" (hen so%+ht o%t by the Di$ine " (i a(ays be tem,te!" at
the moment of en&o%nter : the moment (hen it mi+ht be ,ossibe to !is&o$er that (hi&h is
his essentia bein+ he has sear&he! for a his ife J to abe an! &assify the e6,erien&e) An!
by so !oin+ he oses it) ;an &heats himsef of the benefit of any sho&' that may ha$e been
$o%&hsafe! him" (hen he tries to re!%&e its in&om,rehensibe an!" for that reason" fri+htenin+
&ontent" to famiiar &on&e,ts an! ima+es) As a &onse7%en&e" the n%mino%s &ore of the
e6,erien&e an! the sense of besse!ness that arises from it" are ost) If (e are to be re&e,ti$e
to the #ro%n! of <ein+" (e nee! to ha$e the &o%ra+e to meet the %n'no(n" to reno%n&e the
ri+ht to &o+ni8e an! tab%ate" an! to an! to en!%re the mystery that (hi&h &annot be
&on&e,t%ay &om,rehen!e! : in short" to ,a%se an! in(ar!y !(e in that to (hi&h (e (ere
a to a&&%stom" the ra!ian&e of Di$ine <ein+)
The ,ra&ti&e of be&omin+ one (ith the #ro%n! : the thir! s,o'e in the Whee of
Transformation : re7%ires abo$e a" ,ra&ti&e in earnin+ to en!%re the a(a'enin+ of Essentia
<ein+ in the &ons&io%s min!) There(ith a ne( !imension arises (hi&h is fore$er ina&&essibe
to the (or!:e+o) E$erythin+ that ser$es to %n!ermine the fo%n!ations or to !estroy the
s%,,orts on (hi&h the (or!:e+o has hitherto reie! an! estabishe! itsef im,ements the
e6er&ise that ,re,ares %s for this 'in! of inner 'no(in+)
/ot ony !oes it no( be&ome
ne&essary for %s to 7%estion e$ery a,,arenty se&%re an! &onsoatory o,inionC the e+o9s fear
of ,ain an! annihiation : (hi&h arises from its &on&ern for its o(n s%r$i$a : has aso to be
&on7%ere!) It is ony (hen man has earne! ris' o$er an! o$er a that has seeme! ass%re!"
that (hi&h is fore$er %n'no(abe brea's %mino%s on him) .ny then &an #reater Life
besto( on %s its i+ht as (e as its !ar'ness" ony then &an Di$ine <ein+ enfo!" rene( an!
transform %s)
The man (ho" bein+ reay on the Way" fas %,on har! times in the (or! (i not" as a
MSee #ebsatre" >Ersterebnisse? AFirst E6,erien&esE" in the Festschrift for <%iten!y' 1TR1)

&onse7%en&e" t%rn to that frien! (ho offers him ref%+e an! &omfort an! en&o%ra+es his o!
sef to s%r$i$e) Rather" he (i see' o%t someone (ho (i faithf%y an! ine6oraby he, him
to ris' himsef" so that he may en!%re the s%fferin+ an! ,ass &o%ra+eo%sy thro%+h" it th%s
ma'in+ of it a >raft that ea!s to the far shore)? .ny to the e6tent that man e6,oses himsef
o$er an! o$er a+ain to annihiation" &an that (hi&h is in!estr%&tibe arise (ithin him) In this
ies the !i+nity of !arin+) Th%s" the aim of ,ra&ti&e is not to !e$eo, an attit%!e (hi&h ao(s
a man to a&7%ire a state of harmony an! ,ea&e (herein nothin+ &an e$er tro%be him) .n the
&ontrary" ,ra&ti&e sho%! tea&h him et himsef be assa%te!" ,ert%rbe!" mo$e!" ins%te!"
bro'en an! battere! : that is to say it sho%! enabe him to !are to et +o his f%tie han'erin+
after harmony" s%r&ease from ,ain" an! a &omfortabe ife in or!er that he may !is&o$er" in
!oin+ batte (ith the for&es that o,,ose him" that (hi&h a(aits him beyon! the (or! of
o,,osites) The first ne&essity is that (e sho%! ha$e the courage to face life, an! to en&o%nter
a that is most ,erio%s in the (or!) When this is ,ossibe" me!itation itsef be&omes the
means by (hi&h (e a&&e,t an! (e&ome the !emons (hi&h arise from the %n&ons&io%s : a
,ro&ess $ery !ifferent from the ,ra&ti&e of &on&entration on some ob@e&t as a ,rote&tion
a+ainst s%&h for&es) .ny if (e $ent%re re,eate!y thro%+h 8ones of annihiation &an o%r
&onta&t (ith Di$ine <ein+" (hi&h is beyon! annihiation" be&ome firm an! stabe) The more a
man earns (hoehearte!y to &onfront the (or! that threatens him (ith isoation" the more
are the !e,ths of the #ro%n! of <ein+ re$eae! an! the ,ossibiities of ne( ife an! <e&omin+
The en&o%nter (ith essentia bein+ (hi&h sets %s free from a the bon!s of the e+o" an! the
a(areness of Di$ine <ein+ (hi&h ,%ts an en! to a (or!y attit%!es" are @oyo%s an!
iberatin+ e6,erien&es) <%t the ,ro&ess of be&omin+ one (ith <ein+" thro%+h the !isso%tion
of a that o,,oses tr%e ife" sho%! not be tho%+ht of as an en! in itsef) When the (or!:e+o
is" as it (ere" &an&ee!" the e6,erien&e of Di$ine <ein+ :m%st not be ao(e! to ebb a(ay)
Rather" it m%st be &on$erte! into a &reati$e im,%se to(ar!s a ne( form) .ny th%s is Union
(ith the #ro%n! of <ein+ f%fie!) The (hoe ,oint of the ,ainf% tension bet(een (or!:e+o
an! Essentia <ein+ is that by this ,ro&ess the se&ret meanin+ hi!!en in this tension be&omes
&ear) In a (or!" it is to ea! man from the (ron+ (ay to the ri+ht (ay : not to brin+ him safe
home to some 'in! of >eterna restin+:,a&e"? b%t rather to !ra( him on to(ar!s the ,ainf%"
re(ar!in+" ne$er:en!in+ ,ro&ess of transformation) <y this means aone &an he a,,roa&h the
f%fiment of his !estiny : (hi&h is to be&ome a Person in (hom an! thro%+h (hom Di$ine
<ein+ is re$eae! in this ife)
4. New-Becoming
#$"e inner image and decision%
I remember the &ase of a (oman (ho" bein+ serio%sy i an!" as she beie$e!" !yin+" fet
hersef finay enterin+ into the S,irit%a #ro%n!) It (as a bissf% state of bein+" she sai!" in
(hi&h she (as absorbe! into a bo%n!ess sea of o$e) She remembere!" too" ho( @oyf%y an!
%nresistin+y she fet hersef >,assin+ o$er? into this state of a:re!eemin+ infinit%!e) An!
then a stran+e thin+ ha,,ene!) S%!!eny" in the mi!st of a the bri+htness" she be&ame a(are
of hersef as somethin+ !istin&t from it" a shinin+ n%&e%s) At the same moment she 'ne( that
she (as not to be ,ermitte! to !e,art" b%t (as re7%ire! to ret%rn to ife) The feein+ of bein+
hersef a n%&e%s of i+ht &oin&i!e! (ith the im,%se : e$en" she fet" the sense of obi+ation :
to ret%rn to the (or!) An! this im,%se ha!" at the same time" s%&h a%thority that she &o%!
not b%t obey) So she remaine! ai$e)
This in&i!ent sho(s $ery &eary the essentia eements that &hara&teri8e the !a(nin+ of
/e(:) <e&omin+) These are: the entry into the +ro%n!" the en&o%nter (ith the n%&e%s an! the
ma'in+ of a ne( start) The ,%r,ose of these sta+es is &eary re$eae! in the +reat e6,erien&e)
The ,rin&i,e of these three ste,s +o$erns ea&h &orre&ty a&&om,ishe! e6er&iti%m Ae$en that
of me!itati$e sittin+E) It aso a,,ies to e$ery sit%ation in !aiy ife that is &arrie! o%t
a&&or!in+ to the !eman!s of o%r essentia bein+)
The #reat E6,erien&e
: (hi&h ea!s to ;etanoia" to a re$ersa of the o! ife an! to ne(
birth : &ontains t(o eements: the e6,erien&e of oneness" in the stiness of (hi&h a thin+s
are ren!ere! !o(n" an! the en&o%nter (ith the s,e&ia (ay in (hi&h (e as in!i$i!%a bein+s
,arti&i,ate in <ein+ as #reater Life" (hi&h !ri$es for(ar! (ith !ynami& for&e into the >i+ht
of the (or!)? .%V e6,erien&e of Di$ine <ein+ as the Life (hi&h stri$es (ithin %s to manifest
in the (or!" is none other than Essentia <ein+) The #reat E6,erien&e ne&essitates first the
metin+ !o(n of the (or!:e+o str%&t%re an! th%s (hen it ha,,ens" has the effe&t of iberatin+
a man from his hitherto &om,%si$e obi+ations to(ar!s it) The se&on! re7%irement is that
man m%st en&o%nter his o(n essentia bein+ an! e6,erien&e its !ri$e to be&ome manifest in a
&ertain form" an! th%s aro%se his &reati$ity an! his sense of res,onsibiity to(ar!s ife)
Liberation from the e+o ao(s %s to ta'e the ste, that ea!s to the birth of the Person) The
birth itsef" ho(e$er" o&&%rs ony (hen the e6,erien&e of Essentia <ein+ is fet as a
&om,ein+ s%mmons) Th%s (e &an see that the en&o%nter (ith o%r essentia bein+" (hi&h
,res%,,oses reease from o%r o! se$es" !oes not merey brin+ %s to the bissf% a(areness of
o%r o(n in!i$i!%aity" or a feein+ of @%biation at ,ersonay ,arti&i,atin+ in Di$ine <ein+"
i)e)" >that one is onesef it(3 It has the f%rther effe&t of remin!in+ %s of the hea$y
res,onsibiity of o%r h%man mission" (hi&h is to +i$e e$i!en&e of o%r ,arti&i,ation in
Trans&en!enta <ein+ in terms of o%r o(n in!i$i!%aity in the ife of s,a&e an! time) .n&e (e
o,en the !oor to Essentia <ein+" (e are re7%ire! to ma'e an irre$o&abe !e&ision to be
ans(erabe for the reai8ation of its ima+e in a form that is $iabe for ife) F%rthermore" (e
m%st hen&eforth" in ea&h fresh &onta&t (ith the (or!" affirm o%r reationshi, (ith Essen&e
an! bear (itness to the fa&t that (e are in!ee! that >someone? (e 'ne( o%rse$es so
abso%tey to be in that first rea en&o%nter (ith the #reat E6,erien&e) In!ee!" that (hi&h may
be e6,erien&e! in some ,ro,itio%s moment as the #reat E6,erien&e" may reso%n! thro%+h
e$ery &onta&t (ith Di$ine <ein+" no matter ho( si+ht it may be)
The s%mmons to reai8e an! +i$e ,roof of o%r essentia bein+ ami! a (or!y &on!itions is
an abso%te !eman!) It refers not ony to o%r o(n !e$eo,ment" b%t e7%ay to the or!erin+
an! sha,in+ of the worl! itself, (ith (hi&h (e are so &osey in'e!) <%t (hie (e are
absorbe! in masterin+ or ser$in+ !aiy ife" it is essentia that at the same time (e bear
(itness to Di$ine <ein+) Th%s" in the fina instan&e" the ,%r,ose of o%r ser$i&e to the (or!
ies not soey in o%r ,ersona aims an! ,ersona sa$ation nor soey in the ,erfe&tin+ of the
(or!" b%t in o%r ser$i&e to both) We are" in fa&t" inten!e! to ta'e %, the &a%se of $ita <ein+
both (ithin o%rse$es an! (itho%t) In the &o%rse of the #reat E6,erien&e man !is&o$ers that
in his essen&e he is !estine! to be&ome a ,arti&%ar >someone)? At the same time" he be&omes
a(are of the nat%re of the tas' he m%st %n!erta'e" the tas' of fashionin+ himsef an! the
(or! to a s,e&ifi& re7%irement) The ,arti&%ar &hara&ter of that form (hi&h it is man9s an!
MSee DKr&'heim" 0m .eichen !er Grossen Erfahrung AThe Great E6,erien&eE" 1TR1" U) W) <arth:Qera+)
the (or!9s !estiny to a&hie$e ies in its trans,aren&e to(ar!s Di$ine <ein+)
It is ony
thro%+h the >be&omin+:trans,arent? of the &reate! (or! that that (hi&h a man has
e6,erien&e! as an inner ima+e an! sense! as a &a to the Inner Way +ains &on&rete reaity for
him) The h%man mo!e of this &or,orea reaity of the inner ima+e of the (or! is the Person)
This &an ne$er be a stati& form" for it m%st ,arti&i,ate in the en!ess ,ro&ess of
transformation an! by this $ery ,ro&ess be&ome trans,arent) 0ere (e ha$e a >form%a? for
ife" a means by (hi&h" if man a&&e,ts the &easeess aternation of M!eath:an!:be&omin+" he
(i more an! more e6,erien&e Di$ine <ein+ as ,entit%!e" form an! oneness)
For the ,er&e,tion of the tr%e sef" for its e$o%tion an! the ,o(er to ,%t it to the ,roof Aas
(e as for the ,ro,er +%i!an&e of othersE there are three essentia re7%irements: a &a,a&ity
for e6,erien&in+ the inner ima+e as the manner in (hi&h (e an! the (or! are !estine! to
,arti&i,ate in the ne$er:en!in+ ,ro&ess of transformation an! be&omin+C an abiity &eary to
,er&ei$e an! stea!fasty to retain the &on&e,t of the WayC an! the s'if%ness" in s,e&ia
,erio!s of ,ra&ti&e Aas (e as in the +enera ,ra&ti&e of !aiy ifeE" (ith (hi&h (e &an
transform o%rse$es an! o%r (or! so as to be&ome &ontin%ay more trans,arent to Di$ine
In these !ays" (hen the efforts ma!e to(ar!s re!ressin+ the ne%roti& !isor!ers that ,re$ent
man9s abiity to (or' an! to ma'e &onta&t (ith himsef an! the (or! are tea&hin+ %s more
an! more abo%t the (ay he f%n&tions" it is to some e6tent nat%ra that the main em,hasis
sho%! be ,a&e! on the si+nifi&an&e of his ,ersona history) S%&h em,hasis" ho(e$er" sho%!
not be ao(e! to bin! %s to the tr%e ima+e of man or to the a( that +o$erns his Way) A,art
from his ,ersona history" he is re7%ire! to manifest s%,er:histori&a ife in the histori&a
(or!" an! in this ies the rea ,%r,ose of h%man e6isten&e) There are fe( to!ay (ho ,ro,ery
$a%e" either in theory or in ,ra&ti&e" the innate ima+e of man or his in(ar! Way : an! neither
of these as,e&ts &an be re!%&e! to ,sy&hoo+i&a or so&ioo+i&a eements)
What !o (e mean by the term >innate ima+e?= Let %s s%,,ose" say" that (e &ome %,on a
!r%n'en (oman) Why !oes s%&h a si+ht sho&' %s= It is not be&a%se she is $ioatin+ >the
essentia ima+e? of a h%man bein+= Is it not this that offen!s %s" 7%ite a,art from the ife:
story or the ,arti&%ar ife:sit%ation that mi+ht e6,ain her !r%n'enness= S%&h a s,e&ta&e &an
sometimes so !ee,y re,e o%r sense of >inner ,ro,riety? that tho%+h (e may %n!erstan! an!
e$en sym,athise (ith the (oman9s sit%ation" (e are o%tra+e! by s%&h a $ioation of h%man
!i+nity) The e6tent to (hi&h this !i+nity is a,,arent in any h%man bein+ is e$i!en&e of an
attit%!e of fi!eity to Di$ine <ein+) S%&h an attit%!e is !e,en!ent on the !e+ree of his or her
abiity to 'ee, faith (ith that (hi&h (e ha$e &ae! the innate ima+e of man)
The innate ima+e sho%! not be tho%+ht of as a mere i!eai8e! or abstra&t &on&e,tion) .n
the &ontrary" it is the basi& reaity of o%r h%man e6isten&e) <y its ,o(er to sha,e ife" to
a(a'en &ons&ien&e" to bi! %s har'en to the s%mmons that &as %s to foo( the in!i$i!%a
Way" the ima+e (e bear (ithin %s ,ro$es its reaity) We &o%! e$en say that f%n!amentay the
innate ima+e is o%r >innate (ay)? We are &ontin%ay !ri$en to fin! a manner of ife that
&orres,on!s to an! manifests it) If this !ri$e in man is re,resse! an! its !eman!s %nhee!e!"
the res%t (ifi be a harmf% inner &on!ition an! e$en ,hysi&a iness) The innate ima+e of
man is in!ee! no other I than his essentia bein+" %n!erstoo! as the !ri$in+ for&e" the feein+
See D%r&'heim" >A%f !em We+e 8%r Trans,aren8? .n the Way to(ar!s Trans,aren&eE in Transparente Welt, 1TR5" 0%ber:Qera+
of obi+ation an! the f%n!amenta on+in+ (hi&h !etermine the ,arti&%ar ,attern of +ro(th
thro%+h (hi&h Di$ine <ein+ may be re$eae!) A&&or!in+ to this ,attern" (hi&h is not soey
bioo+i&a an! is 7%ite in!e,en!ent of the e6terna &on!itions of ife" a !efinite s%&&ession of
sta+es ea!in+ to the state of trans,aren&e is shar,y !eineate!)
The innate ima+e is the inborn Way that ea!s to o%r rea Sef) This Inner Way has abso%te
$ai!ity for a men : not merey for the ,arti&%ar ife of the in!i$i!%a) Its reai8ation &an
ne$er be !e,en!ent on &ir&%mstan&es (hate$er they may be) Its ines&a,abe !eman! for
reai8ation ,ro$es the reaity of the innate ima+e an! (hen man i+nores or re,resses it be
be&omes ,hysi&ay or mentay i)
The nee! to be +i$en its !%e" (hi&h is inherent in the innate ima+e" is e6,erien&e! by man
as an immanent s%mmons to reai8e himsef an! his (or! a&&or!in+ to the ,attern
a,,ro,riate to his ,arti&%ar nat%re) For this to be ,ossibe" man9s state of min! an! bo!y
m%st be s%&h that it enabes him to a&t in harmony (ith essentia bein+ %n!er a
&ir&%mstan&es) /o s,e&ia ,ea!in+ arisin+ from !iffi&%t ife sit%ations has any $ai!ity here)
It foo(s therefore that in the ,resen&e of a man (ho is s%fferin+ the &onse7%en&es of ha$in+
faie! himsef" a mere theoreti&a %n!erstan!in+ of his sit%ation is 7%ite %seess: he (i nee!
somethin+ more)
In these !ays" (hen o%r insi+ht into the ,sy&hoo+i&a &on!itions of h%man !e$eo,ment
is be&omin+ in&reasin+y enar+e!" (e are abe to re&o+ni8e more an! more &eary the
ori+ins of the !istortions in beha$ior) S%&h !is&ernment" ho(e$er" &an easiy misea! %s into
be&omin+ a too >%n!erstan!in+? of &on!itions that ha$e arisen of ne&essity from the
&ir&%mstan&es of s,a&e an! time) If (e ta'e the ine that as (e as ,er&ei$in+ the ori+in of a
man9s error" (e m%st aso e6&%se it" (e may (e be trans+ressin+ the inherent a( of his
,ersona +ro(th) <y ta'in+ s%&h an attit%!e (e (i inhibit the hi!!en yet e$er ,resent nee!
in man that the abso%te &aim of his essentia bein+ be ta'en serio%sy an! he himsef sho(n
the (ay to its f%fiment) In offerin+ ony >%n!erstan!in+"? &ommiseration an! forbearan&e"
(e may be by:,assin+ a man9s &han&e of free!om an! his ,ossibiity of a&hie$in+ ,ersona
res,onsibiity) In the mista'en beief that (e are he,in+ him" (e may in fa&t be barrin+ the
Way of Transformation to him)
It &an ha,,en that a man (ho has misse! the Way to(ar!s the reai8ation of his essentia
sef may so s%ffer as a res%t of this that he is bro%+ht &oser to s,irit%a birth than someone
(ho has been !enie! this s,e&ia 'in! of an+%ish) That man (ho fees himsef ost in %tter
!ar'ness in the (or! (hi&h" so on+ as he is &a%+ht in his e+o" thr%sts him into fear" !es,air
an! oneiness" may be the one %ni7%ey rea!y to hear the &a of his essentia bein+ : rea!y to
res,on! to the s%mmons that" brea'in+ thro%+h his e+o:she" brin+s him to the a(areness of
his inner &ore) Th%s" (hen someone entr%ste! to o%r &are has faen" ,erha,s" into %tter
!es,air an! rea&he! the imits of his aienation from Di$ine <ein+" it may be ne&essary for %s
to fin! the &o%ra+e to !eny him sym,athy an! &onsoation) <earin+ in min! his innate ima+e
an! o%r o(n ae+ian&e to tr%th" (e may rather nee! to &a him to enter %,on his innate Way
in or!er that his essentia sef may be+in its str%++e to(ar!s the i+ht) This is the (hoe
,%r,ose for (hi&h his state of !ar'ness (as +i$en him) <%t o%r attem,ts to remin! him of his
tr%e sef m%st not be an a%thoritati$e >re+imenta? &a to or!er) <y ,rotestin+ a+ainst s%&h a
&omman! his e+o (o%! ony be f%rther stren+thene!H We sho%! rather a,,ea to him
thro%+h the me!i%m of his innate ima+e an! so &a him ba&' to his essen&e) A rea man
(o%! ,refer to s%ffer the &onse7%en&es of bein+ faithf% to Essentia <ein+" rather than b%y
free!om from this s%fferin+ at a &ost of betrayin+ it) In the on+ r%n it is !isastro%s (hen a
man9s heath an! effi&ien&y" a&'in+ &onta&t (ith Essen&e" !o not &orres,on! to his tr%e
nat%re" or (hen his easy a!a,tabiity to the (or! : by seemin+ to ma'e s%&h &onta&t
%nne&essary : hin!ers it) .n the other han! the $ery fa&t of bein+ &onfronte! (ith the innate
ima+e reeases a mira&%o%sC a:transformin+ ,o(er) We may therefore &onfi!enty tr%st in
the heain+ for&e of the innate ima+e an! rey on it not ony to !isso$e the ,ainf% ri+i!ity of
o%r mista'en res,onse to ife &on!itions" b%t aso to reease the &reati$e ,o(er of the #ro%n!)
The emer+in+ an! %nfo!in+ of the innate ima+e" an! the ,ro&ess of be&omin+ one (ith it"
is not ony an inner e6,erien&e: the bo!y itsef %n!er+oes transformation at the same time) We
&an" in this res,e&t" s,ea' of >the &or,oreaity of the innate ima+e)? <%t (hat !o (e mean by
this e6,ression= It &on$eys the fa&t that Essentia <ein+" thro%+h ,ra&ti&e" be&omes a,,arent
(ithin a man9s ,hysi&a ife:form ALebens+estatE) That is to say" Essentia <ein+ is
manifeste! in the manner in (hi&h he is ,resent in the (or!) The ,ermeabe" e$er:&han+in+
form (hi&h man a&7%ires as be ,ro+ressi$ey brin+s to birth his inner ima+e" is $ery !ifferent
from his infe6ibe" im,ermeabe I:(or!:form (hi&h" bein+ born o%t of !esires an! fears"
in!i&ates his mista'en !ri$e for se&%rity) Different a+ain" be&a%se it has not +ro(n from
Essentia <ein+" is the Persona" (hi&h re,resents a &on&e,tion of the ,erfe&t form b%t in
!oin+ so b%ries the Sha!o()
It is as itte ,ossibe for a ,erfe&t form of the innate ima+e to e6ist as it is for a ,erfe&t" so
to s,ea'" form of ife &on!itione! by the (or!) In the atter &ase" e$en (here a!a,tation to
e6terna sit%ations has &o%!e! Essentia <ein+" the innate ima+e sti fitf%y shines thro%+hC
an! in the former" e$en %n!er the most fa$orabe &ir&%mstan&es the a,,earan&e of the innate
ima+e is a(ays to some e6tent &on!itione! by the (or!) A $ai! ife:form ALebens+estatE
!e,en!s on the ri+ht reationshi, bet(een both) In e$ery a,,roa&h (e ma'e to(ar!
%n!erstan!in+ an! +%i!in+ men" these t(o as,e&ts sho%! be 'e,t in min!) In the ,ro&ess of
be&omin+" the ,re!ominan&e of an orientation to(ar!s the (or! is ine$itaby s%&&ee!e! by
one (hi&h +i$es ,re&e!en&e to Essentia <ein+) .ny in this (ay &an the !eman! (hi&h
arises from (ithin be f%fie! an! the ne$er:en!in+ in(ar! @o%rney faithf%y foo(e!)
.%r ife:form" (hi&h be+ins to emer+e !%rin+ the ,ro&ess of +ro(in+:%," is ar+ey a
res%t of o%r &onfrontation (ith a the histori&a &ir&%mstan&es of ife) In see'in+ to &ome to
terms (ith these fa&tors man tries to &on!%&t himsef in s%&h a (ay as to enabe him to a!a,t
as ,ainessy as ,ossibe to the !eman!s" o,,ort%nities an! !an+ers of the (or!)
When it ha,,ens that a h%man bein+ +ro(s %, %n!er !iffi&%t &ir&%mstan&es" or from a&'
of o$e an! %n!erstan!in+ ine$itaby be&omes !istorte!" he is thro(n ba&' %,on himsef)
Ine$itaby" he rea&ts to s%&h &on!itions by !e$eo,in+ ,ost%res (hi&h are the res%t of
&ontin%o%s a!a,tation) <y means of these he ,rote&ts his nat%ra e+o" b%t a(ays at the
e6,ense of the +ro(th of his in!i$i!%a essen&e) S%&h forms of a!a,tation hin!er the arisin+
of the $ita stren+th that ies at the $ery root of himsef) F%rthermore" they in@%re his essentia
!ri$e to a&7%ire in!i$i!%a form A#estatE an! re!%&e his &a,a&ity for o$e) The more ri+i!
s%&h habits be&ome" the more !oes his &onfi!en&e in&reasin+y !e,en! on his o(n effi&ien&y"
his ,ossessions" his intee&t%a 'no(e!+e an! a his (or!y &a,abiities) Th%s his reian&e
on the o%ter (or! &ontin%es to e6,an!" an! as a res%t he be&omes the ,rey of oneiness an!
isoation) If it sho%! ha,,en" ho(e$er" that he fin!s the (ay ba&' to the f%n!amenta ener+y
of his essentia bein+" then the a(areness of his o(n rea stren+th an! innate (orth he,s him
to be&ome a+ain in!e,en!ent of the (or!" (hie at the same time remainin+ in(ar!y %nite!
(ith it) For thro%+h his essentia form" Di$ine <ein+" tho%+h it trans&en!s the >(or!"?
,enetrates an! in's to+ether a as,e&ts of man9s e6isten&e)
The man (ho" as a res%t of bein+ in a&&or! (ith his innate ima+e" is +en%iney ,resent"
im,resses a (ho meet him) Re,resentin+" as he ines&a,aby !oes" their o(n embo!ie!
&ons&ien&e" he be&omes for them a mirror in (hi&h their o(n sear&h is refe&te!) For (ithin
e$ery man ies the ho,e : an! the (ish : that he may not ony be !es&ribe! b%t &haen+e! by
his best eementsC this is tr%e e$en (hen" as a res%t of %nfort%nate &ir&%mstan&es" any
!istortion in himsef mi+ht seem to be @%stifie!) F%n!amentay o%r on+in+ for essentia sef:
reai8ation is a(ays stron+er an! !ee,er than the !esire to be a&7%itte! of o%r short&omin+s)
From the moment in (hi&h man en&o%nters his innate ima+e an! hears its s%mmons" it
be&omes ne&essary for him to hee! the &a) It is not eno%+h to ha$e been momentariy sei8e!
by it) .f o%r o(n free &hoi&e (e m%st aso affirm an! !e&i!e freey to a&&e,t the im,%se
from Essentia <ein+ that has ta'en ,ossession of %s an! this re7%ires that (e in t%rn
&ons&io%sy sei8e %,on it) We m%st reno%n&e the sef:(i of o%r (or!y:e+o an! a&&e,t
instea! the res,onsibiity for that (hi&h &omes to %s from the f%n!amenta #ro%n!) It is a
mis&on&e,tion to s%,:,ose that" in obeyin+ Essentia <ein+" man is +i$in+ a(ay his iberty
an! his (i) .n the &ontrary" ony by s%bmittin+ his (or!:e+o to the !eman!s of Essentia
<ein+ !oes he tr%y a&7%ire that free (i he is inten!e! to ,ossess in his reation to the (or!)
This (or!y (i itsef be&omes ,ro!%&ti$e an! mat%re ony (hen it is ,%t at the ser$i&e of a
(ish that !oes not stem from the (or!:e+o" b%t from the e6,erien&e of the trans&en!enta
#ro%n! of <ein+)
To ret%rn for a moment to the Whee of Transformation" it sho%! be sai! that ea&h of the
fi$e ste,s (hi&h to+ether &om,ose it may at &ertain moments in o%r i$es be e6,erien&e! (ith
,arti&%ar intensity) For instan&e" in s%&h moments a man may s%!!eny be&ome a(are" (ith
a feein+ of an+%ish" of some on+stan!in+ (ron+ attit%!e he may ha$e he! to(ar!s his
nearest an! !earest) In this reai8ation he may $i$i!y e6,erien&e a state of sef:&riti&a
a(areness) .r a+ain" he may reai8e that some bo( of fate has &ra&'e! the she in (hi&h he
has been en&ose! an! f%n+ him into a sit%ation (here he fin!s himsef ettin+ +o of
e$erythin+ he ha! hitherto &%n+ to (ith a the stren+th of his bein+) A+ain" it may ha,,en
that he fin!s himsef so in(ar!y sha'en that he is &arrie! beyon! the narro( imits of his
h%man %n!erstan!in+ an! &a,a&ity" an! is th%s enabe! to brea' thro%+h to the &ore of his
tr%e sef) W%ite %ne6,e&te!y he may fin! himsef bro%+ht into &onta&t (ith Di$ine <ein+" the
(ay to (hi&h ha! hitherto been obstr%&te!) Finay" in some ,ro,itio%s moment" he may
en&o%nter his essentia bein+ in s%&h a (ay that he is instanty free! from that ife:form"
(herein in his a!a,tation to the (or!" he has betraye! his o(n I bein+) Th%s" transforme! by
s%&h an e6,erien&e" he I (i fee the res,onsibiity to fin! the ife:form ALebens+estatE that
&onforms to his innate ima+e)
At any time in o%r !aiy ife it &an ha,,en that (e fin! o%rse$es se&rety sear&hin+ for"
an! e$en %ne6,e&te!y &omin+ %,on" that (hi&h" in some %ni7%e ,ast moment" (e on&e
!ee,y e6,erien&e!) It sho%! be remembere! that : thro%+h ,ra&ti&e : the ,ossibiity e6ists
for %s a(ays to be in a state of rea!iness for this) .n&e (e ha$e reay +ras,e! the ,%r,ose of
o%r ife an! &ommitte! o%rse$es to the Way of Transformation" e$erythin+ that ha,,ens
be&omes an o&&asion for brin+in+ abo%t the ri+ht state of min!) To this en! (e nee! to !e$ote
o%rse$es to the &ontin%o%s ,ra&ti&e of s,e&ia e6er&ises Ae6er&iti%m a! inte+r%mE)
.ne f%n!amenta e6er&ise" (hi&h in&or,orates a the eements ne&essary for the ,ro&ess
of transformation" is the ,ra&ti&e of &orre&t" that is to say" %,ri+ht sittin+) Thro%+ho%t the
Eastern (or! : from In!ia to Ba,an : me!itati$e sittin+ is the fo%n!ation:stone of a s,irit%a
,ra&ti&e) S%&h sittin+" ho(e$er" sho%! not be tho%+ht of as bein+ the ,rero+ati$e ony of
Eastern man) There is no one" in the East or the West (ho" &riti&ay a(are an! ,ra&ti&in+
&orre&t sittin+" !oes not $ery soon reai8e : by obser$in+ his ,ost%re" tensions an! breathin+ :
that there is somethin+ (ron+ (ith his (ay of e6istin+) This reai8ation +oes far beyon!
mentay notin+ his ,hysi&a !istortions) Its ,rime ,%r,ose is to ma'e a man a&ti$ey a(are of
his (ron+ attit%!es" an! his (hoe (ay of bein+ in the (or!) <y aban!onin+ those tensions
in the %,,er ,art of the bo!y that in!i&ate the e+o9s !esire for se&%rityC by ettin+ onesef
!o(n into an! be&omin+ one (ith the &enter A0araEC by sensin+ an! a!mittin+ the tr%e"
%,ri+ht form (hi&h arises from &onta&t (ith this &enter" an! finay by attem,tin+ to +i$e
,roof of it in the (i!er &onte6t of e$ery!ay ife : a these ,ro&esses" thro%+h the me!i%m of
&orre&t sittin+" be&ome o,,ort%nities for the ,ra&ti&e of a) ri+ht attit%!e to(ar!s e$ery as,e&t
of ife)
A too often I fin! someone sittin+ o,,osite me in a ,ost%re that ine$itaby robs him of
a his &entra stren+th) The s%n'en &hest" the bent hea!" the !ra(n %, 'nees" the &on&a$ity of
the torso" are a &hara&teristi& of a man (ho" as himsef" is not reay ,resent in any sense) IfH
sho%! then say: >What 'in! of ,ost%re !o yo% &a that=? ine$itaby there (o%! be ,rotest)
Yo%n+ ,eo,e" in ,arti&%ar" i'e to ma'e it &ear that they are not in fa$or of the >sit:%,:
strai+ht? attit%!e) It remin!s them %n,easanty" they may say" of an a%thoritarian father) This
is &ertainy %n!erstan!abe) <%t if one then as's: >0o( !o yo% ,refer to ho! yo%rsef=? the
re,y is %s%ay" >I @%st i'e to sit &omfortabyH? It ta'es no more than a fe( min%tes to sho(
s%&h a ,erson that : bet(een one ,ost%re in (hi&h he is %nnat%ray !ra(n %," stiff as a ram
ro!" an! another in (hi&h" osin+ a sense of himsef" he &oa,ses i'e a fo!e! %mbrea :
there is a thir! ,ossibiity) In this thir! 'in! of sittin+ he is abe to be ,resent in his &enter in
s%&h a (ay as to be both %,ri+ht an! baan&e!" free! from any ri+i!ity that &o%! !o $ioen&e
to his form an! at the same time ins%re! a+ainst the 'in! of &oa,se (hi&h ,%s him
!o(n(ar!s to(ar!s !isso%tion) In this ne( ,ost%re he (i soon !is&o$er that he is both at
ease an! ri+hty or!ere! an! : (hat is more im,ortant : that be is ,resent as himsef)
This is (hat a man e6,erien&es (hen he +i$es %, his fase e+o:,ost%re : an attit%!e that is
as m%&h a,,arent in ri+i!ity as it is in !isso%tion) 0e is no( abe to et himsef rest sereney
in his basi& &enter" a!mittin+ Aan! ,ermittin+ to enter his (iE that (hi&h &omes to him as the
ri+ht form) It is (orth noti&in+ that (hene$er a man9s sho%!ers are h%n&he! %, an! his
&enter of +ra$ity !is,a&e! too far %,(ar!s he is as si+nifi&anty (itho%t a tr%e &enter as he is
(hen he sin's !o(n into formessness an! inertia) Whether it be &orre&t or in&orre&t" e$ery
attit%!e is the res%t : &ons&io%s or %n&ons&io%s : of a man9s o(n (i) As (e a 'no(" an
anima &an see, stan!in+ %," b%t if a man fas asee, (hie stan!in+ he $ery soon &oa,ses)
It is in&%mbent on man" therefore" to be &onstanty (at&hf%) /ot for a moment is he abso$e!
from res,onsibiity for the (ay in (hi&h he is ,resent at any +i$en time)
Corre&t %,ri+ht ,ost%re sho%! not be tho%+ht of as ha$in+ anythin+ to !o (ith bein+
>,%ffe!:%,=9 or ta'in+ on the e6tra$a+ant stan&e that is the mar' of an artifi&ia ,ersona) .n
the &ontrary" it is a(ays an e6,ression of tr%e h%miity) There is a &ertain mo!esty abo%t
&orre&t ,ost%re in that it re@e&ts anythin+ that s%r,asses its o(n meas%re" (hist a&&e,tin+ an!
re$eain+ %nreser$e!y as m%&h as &orres,on!s to that meas%re) Therefore" to remain beo(
o%r tr%e e$e is fase mo!estyC an! fase mo!esty is as e+o:&entere! an! e6istentiay
%ntr%thf% as the ,reten&e that (e are somethin+ (e are not) It is &ear" therefore" that &orre&t
,ost%re has as its ,rimary re7%irement that the innate ima+e be ao(e! its a,,ro,riate form)
.ny L%n!er s%&h &on!itions &an (e be s%re that is it (e o%rse$es (ho are reay ,resent"
rea!y an! abe to res,on! to ife (itho%t either fear or ,res%m,tion) 0ere is a &ase in ,oint)
Some time a+o" a yo%n+ 0%n+arian (ho ha! been har!:hit by ife &ame to &ons%t me) U,
to the a+e of fo%rteen" (hie +ro(in+ %, at boar!in+:s&hoo" he b%it %, s%&h an i!ea ima+e
of his on+:absent mother that she be&ame for him" in his min!9s eye" the most ,erfe&t of
o$in+ ,arents) 0o(e$er" (hen he met her in the fesh" he (as sho&'e! to fin! that she t%rne!
o%t to be : for him at any rate : a that he most hate!) The for&e of his !isa,,ointment
,%n+e! him into the roe of the ,er,et%a a$en+er" of one in(ar!y &om,ee! to !estroy
(hat he o$es an! to !e$a%e an! !ebase those thin+s that others ho! sa&re!) To+ether (ith
a this" he (as immensey taente!" a s%&&essf% !esi+ner an! a&tor" an! a f%y traine!
!an&er) It (as this ast fa&tor : his !an&in+ : that ma!e it ,ossibe for me to yie! to his
re7%est that I sho%!" (itho%t insistin+ on any ,reiminary trainin+" tea&h him the ,ra&ti&e of
>0ara)? So" I %n!ertoo' to sho( him ho( to &ome to his tr%e &enter) The ,ro&ess of ettin+ +o
(as no ,robem for himC his !iffi&%ty ay in stan!in+ %,ri+ht &orre&ty an! ao(in+ the tr%e
form that &orres,on!e! to his innate ima+e to emer+e) At ast" ho(e$er" he (as abe to !o this
&orre&ty" an! I eft him stan!in+ there" in the mi!!e of the room" ettin+ him ta' to me (hie
I mysef sat !o(n) I %se! this as a test in or!er to !is&o$er (hether" (hen eft to himsef" he
(o%! imme!iatey fa ba&' into his o! !estr%&ti$e rebeions attit%!es) In fa&t" the o,,osite
o&&%rre!) Sin&e he (as in the >ri+ht ,ost%re? it !i! not (o%n! his feein+s to be eft stan!in+)
In!ee!" to my astonishment" he s%!!eny" b%t ,oitey" interr%,te! my &on$ersation by sayin+:
>I m%st te yo% somethin+) A $ery stran+e b%t" I beie$e" im,ortant thin+ is ha,,enin+ to me)
At this moment I am e6,erien&in+" for the first time in my ife" (hat is ,robaby &ae!
h%miity)? An! no(" I sa( for the first time the i+ht of tr%th in his eyes)
This" of &o%rse" (as ony a >first e6,erien&e? an! s%&h an o&&%rren&e by itsef !oes not
si+nify transformation) <%t the first is" ne$ertheess" a(ays a !e&isi$e e6,erien&e" an! in this
&ase it ha! a tremen!o%s effe&t) For this yo%n+ man" at the moment of e6,erien&in+ his o(n
tr%th a ne( ife be+an) This is an e6am,e of ho(" thro%+h the ass%m,tion of a ri+ht inner
attit%!e" a iberatin+ im,%se &an emer+e) The heain+ ,o(er of this im,%se &omes from the
fa&t that the innate ima+e is sim%taneo%sy reai8e! an! manifeste! by the >,%re +est%re)?
This" of &o%rse" &an aso ha,,en !%rin+ ,ra&ti&e" (itho%t" as in the &ase abo$e" bein+ reate!
to s%&h !iffi&%t ife ,robems)
&. Proof and Practice in Everyday Life
If a man is to +ro( into a Person it &an ony be by re,eate! reso%tions of the ,ainf%
&ontra!i&tions bet(een the transformation (hi&h the a( of his essentia bein+ re7%ires of
him" an! his !esire to &in+ to those a&7%ire! metho!s of a!a,tation that seem : tho%+h
mista'eny : to set him free from fri&tion) E$en (hen a man has rea&he! the hi+hest ,ossibe
,oint of his !e$eo,ment" he is abe to res,on! to the &aims of s%,er:histori&a" or abso%te"
<ein+ ony thro%+h his histori&ay &on!itione! an!" as it (ere" o%ter habiiment) We are
ne$er abe entirey to !i$est o%rse$es of (hat (e ha$e be&ome) /one of %s &an meas%re %,
to the ima+e" or form" of the essentia bein+ that e6ists (ithin %s) What (e &an !o is to so
,ra&ti&e that o%r ,ersonaity : (hi&h is &on!itione! by the (or! : be&omes as trans,arent as
,ossibe to that ima+e)
Pra&ti&e may be tho%+ht of as ha$in+ a t(ofo! as,e&t: firsty" (e m%st at s,e&ifi& times
abstra&t o%rse$es from the !aiy ro%n! an! by &orre&t breathin+ or me!itati$e sittin+ ,ra&ti&e
ettin+ +o" in or!er to a&hie$e oneness an! to :be ma!e ne(C se&on!y" (e m%st i$e the
or!inary !ay as ,ra&ti&e) Ea&h of o%r !aiy a&tions not ony has an e6terna im,ort (ith
re+ar! to its ine$itabe res%ts in the (or! b%t" by the manner in (hi&h it is &arrie! o%t" it aso
re$eas an inner si+nifi&an&e an! ,ro$i!es an o,,ort%nity for inner +ro(th) .n&e a man is on
the Way" e$ery a&t an! e$ery tas' &an be the means by (hi&h the Whee of Transformation
a&hie$es another re$o%tion) <y means of &riti&a a(areness of o%r in&orre&t ,ost%res" by
ettin+ +o" by s%rren!erin+ so &om,etey that (e be&ome %nifie!" by a!mittin+ into o%rse$es
the innate ima+e an! !emonstratin+ it in the ri+htness of o%r a&tions" the fi$e ste,s are
In so far as (e ao( o%r !aiy ife to ,%t %s &ontin%ay to the inner test (e are" in effe&t"
,ra&ti&in+ the fifth ste,) Th%s" ami!st the &on!itions &reate! by any feetin+ sit%ation" (e
sho%! en!ea$or to bear (itness !%rin+ the !aiy ro%n! to that (hi&h (e may ha$e
e6,erien&e! (ith ,arti&%ar &arity (hie &arryin+ o%t s,e&ia e6er&ises in the 7%iet an!
,ri$a&y of o%r room) Pra&ti&e itsef is sim,e" b%t it is not at a easy to be&ome one who
practices( The fa&t that (e may ha$e s%&&ee!e! in some ,arti&%ar e6er&ise" ,ri$atey
,ra&ti&e!" is no ass%ran&e that a simiar s%&&ess (i be a$aiabe to %s in o%r ife in the (or!)
To reai8e that an attit%!e (hi&h may ha$e bro%+ht %s o%r first &onta&t (ith Di$ine <ein+
!%rin+ isoate! ,ra&ti&e &an so easiy be ost is a(ays a ,ainf% e6,erien&e) This may ha,,en
not merey from the ,ress%re of a!$erse &ir&%mstan&es b%t is" in fa&t" the &ommon res%t of
o%r bein+ >o%t in the (or!)? S%&h s%fferin+ is ine$itabe: it &omes from o%r !aiy fai%res to
,ermit %n&on!itione! Essentia <ein+ an! Di$ine <ein+ to ta'e sha,e (ithin o%r histori&a
e6isten&e) In!ee!" for a h%man bein+ to a&hie$e this (ith any !e+ree of &ontin%ity" ho(e$er
har! he tries" is ,ossibe ony to a &ertain e6tent)
When (e oo' at a tree (e see in its form" on the one han!" the manifestation of its innate
ima+e" an! on the other" the res%t of the &on!itions that ha$e +o$erne! its manifestation)
Certain trees ha$e i$in+ sha,es that seem to &orres,on! f%y to their essentia form) There
are others (hose bi8arre &ontortions as" for instan&e" the o! (eathere! bee&hes at
S&ha%insan! s,ea' so $i$i!y of the many storms they ha$e en!%re!" that it is e$i!ent that
their ori+ina innate ima+e has amost entirey !isa,,eare!" or a,,ears ony as a ne+ation of
it) An! yet" are not these $ery bee&hes the most &on$in&in+ (itnesses to (hat ha,,ens in
!aiy ife= An! !oes not the $ery manner in (hi&h they !e$iate from their o(n innate ima+e
a&t%ay re$ea it=
In the same (ay" ea&h in!i$i!%a man9s (or!y form !is&oses this !o%be ori+in) <%t %ni'e
,ants an! animas" man is res,onsibe for the e6tent to (hi&h his innate ima+e is enabe! to
re$ea itsef an! !e$eo, no matter %n!er (hat a!$erse &on!itions) 0o(e$er" the fa&t that this
is ne$er more than ,arty ,ossibe m%st be a&&e,te! as an %naterabe eement of h%man
Sometimes it may ha,,en that in ta'in+ (ith a frien! abo%t somebo!y ese the 7%estion
(i arise as to (hat 'in! of ,erson that >somebo!y? reay is) This ine$itaby brin+s %s %,
a+ainst the &ontra!i&tion as it a,,ears to %s bet(een his essentia bein+ an! his em,iri&a
,ersonaity) In the i+ht of the atter" (e may ,erha,s @%!+e his ,ersonaity too harshy) <%t if
(e meas%re him a+ainst his innate ima+e" ma'in+ ao(an&es for (hat he may ha$e s%ffere!"
(e may ,erha,s ,%t asi!e o%r &riti&ism of (hat" thro%+h (or!y &on!itions" he has be&ome"
an! fee o%rse$es bo%n! to a!mit: ><%t" after a" he is a rea h%man bein+H? In ma'in+ s%&h
an a!mission (e may fin! o%rse$es ta'in+ into a&&o%nt the many $i&issit%!es of his ife an!
(i honor an! +i$e him &re!it for sim,y an! honesty a&&e,tin+ his ife:bo!y) +Le'enslei'*4
It may e$en be that" for this $ery reason" (e fee o%rse$es !ra(n to him in h%man
feo(shi,) We be+in to see that by not !issembin+ his im,erfe&tions he +i$es e$i!en&e of
the &or,orea %nity of that (hi&h is or!aine! an! ma!e ,ossibe for man) In the en! (e may
e$en &ome to $a%e him for the fa&t that he neither ,reten!s to be ess than he is" nor (ishes
to be more) 0ere (e are &onfronte! (ith a mystery) When a man" tryin+ to !o an! to be (hat
is ri+ht" sim,y a&&e,ts (hat he has be&ome" he thereby +ro(s trans,arent to his essentia
form e$en (hen he is not f%y in a&&or! (ith it) Th%s" as on+ as he stan!s fast to (hate$er is
his o(n tr%th" his inborn" s%,er:histori&a bein+ +o(s i'e a i+ht in the mi!st of his or!inary
e6isten&e) An! this &an ha,,en e$en (hen" %n!er the a!$erse &ir&%mstan&es of s,a&e an!
time" the ife:bo!y has been +ra$ey (o%n!e!) Whene$er a man str%++es to be tr%e to
himsef an! at the same time stan!s sim,y an! honesty by that (hi&h he has be&ome"
a&&e,tin+ himsef in a his (ea'ness an! im,erfe&tion" his essentia bein+ ine$itaby shines
In the same (ay that o%r inborn" f%n!amenta ,er&e,tion of the Way" in (hi&h momentary
states of bein+ !o or !o not &orres,on! to o%r innate ima+e" &an be a(a'ene!" so (e &an train
o%rse$es to re&o+ni8e the +en%ineness of o%r attit%!es (hen &onfronte! (ith (hat (e
a&t%ay are) <y means of &onstant ,ra&ti&e (e &an !e$eo, o%r a(areness of those attit%!es
that &orres,on! to o%r innate ima+e as (e as stri$e to be&ome sensiti$e to the +en%ineness
of o%r +est%res" a&tions" an! beha$ior) We en!an+er this abiity (hen" for the sa'e of some
i!ea %s%ay fase of ho( (e sho%! be" (e !ishonesty &o$er %, (hat a&t%ay is) .ny
e6tremey rarey !o (e s%&&ee! in the t(ofo! tas' of !e$eo,in+ o%r a(areness of o%r tr%e
attit%!es (hie at the same time refrainin+ from hi!in+ those (e fee to be ess &re!itabe) For
this reason (e sho%! res,e&t in!ee!" re$ere the ,%rity of those +est%res an! ,ost%res that
enabe the i+ht of o%r Di$ine #ro%n! to shine o%t %n!is+%ise!" e$en thro%+h the often Ato %sE
,ainf% affirmation of o%r (or!y manifestation)
Any man (ho has reay entere! on the Way is bo%n! to !is&o$er that hen&eforth he
(i ne$er a+ain be free" e$en for an instant, from the res,onsibiity for attestin+ to essentia
tr%th in his attit%!es an! his ife) 0e m%st &easeessy en!ea$or to f%fi this res,onsibiity"
'no(in+ $ery (e that" no matter (hat he may a&hie$e" it (i a(ays be ina!e7%ate
&om,are! (ith the !eman! of the innate ima+e) Abo$e a" he ine$itaby earns that (hate$er
i+ht may shine forth from him an! his (or's" it is ne$er he himsef (ho has &reate! it a he
&an !o is re&ei$e an! a&&e,t it" in the s%re 'no(e!+e that it !oes not ori+inate in him) The
most im,ortant ,rere7%isite for any s%&&ess in o%r ,ra&ti&e is that there sho%! a,,ear in a
o%r a&tions the a(areness that anythin+ (e may a&hie$e in re+ar! to trans&en!en&e is not
!one of o%rse$es) A that &an be sai! is that (e ha$e been abe for a moment to a&&e,t an!
a!mit that to(ar!s (hi&h the Di$ine #ro%n! &onstanty im,es %s) There is bessin+ in!ee! to
be re&ei$e! b%t it ony &omes (hen" by +atherin+ a o%r ener+y into the effort to(ar!s sef:
reai8ation" the &om,%si$e &on$i&tion >I m%st !o it a mysef9 in&reasin+y !iminishes) We
nee! to earn to tr%st an! to a&&e,t that (hi&h rei+ns &on&eae! (ithin %s) .n the other han!"
(hen (e be&ome a(are of o%r o(n (ea'ness" the &ons&ien&e that enabes %s s&r%,%o%sy to
!e$eo, the form that &orres,on!s to the innate ima+e m%st (itho%t fai ta'e root)
Re&o+nition of &ons&ien&e an! obe!ien&e to s%&h re&o+nition sho%! a(ays +o han! in han!"
if (e are fr%itf%y to ser$e the manifestation of Di$ine <ein+ in o%r i$es) It sho%! be
remembere!" too" that ea&h time9 (e be&ome a(are of fain+ short of (hat is !eman!e! of
%s" an! (ith ea&h ne( insi+ht into o%r Mfai%res" the fifth ste, on&e more be&omes the first)
For it is thro%+h >&riti&a a(areness? that (e are enabe! to reai8e ho( an! (hen (e e6ist
an! beha$e in a manner %nbe&omin+ to one (ho bears (itness to Di$ine Life)
<earin+ (itness to Di$ine <ein+ in the ri+ht (ay has as its &oroary the &ontin%o%s t%rnin+
of the Whee of Transformation) For this &ontin%o%s t%rnin+ t(o fa&tors are res,onsibe" the
most f%n!amenta bein+ the fa&t that Di$ine <ein+" 7%ite (itho%t o%r assistan&e" 'ee,s %s
&onstanty mo$in+) <y means of this a&ti$ity it in&essanty (or's (ithin %s) It res,on!s to o%r
e$ery !e$iation from the form a,,ro,riate to it (ith a more or ess +ente home(ar! ,%) We
are ne$er entirey set free from o%r oneness (ith Di$ine <ein+) The on+in+ an! restessness
in o%r hearts an! the ,ress%re of o%r &ons&ien&e ,ro+ressi$ey ma'es %s a(are of this bon!)
The se&on! fa&tor that 'ee,s the MWhee of Transformation t%rnin+ has its ori+in in man9s
free (i) It m%st be remembere! that ony in the meas%re that" (e ha$e %n&on!itionay
in&or,orate! the Di$ine Wi into o%r own (i" are (e abe to stay on the Way) Sooner or
ater the time &omes (hen (e ha$e to !e&i!e" on&e an! for a" to remain o,en not ony to
e$erythin+ of +oo! or ba! that ife ines&a,aby brin+s %s b%t aso to that (hi&h @oyo%sy fo(s
thro%+h %s from the !e,ths of Essentia <ein+ an! ma'es %,on %s its abso%te !eman!) There
(i ine$itaby &ome a time (hen (e m%st !is&o$er in o%rse$es a state of rea!iness to bear
(itness to this %n!er a &on!itions of e6isten&e) For it is ony by means of o%r 'ecoming that
Di$ine <ein+ &an be re$eae! in the (or!) As ;aster E&'hart says" >Di$ine <ein+ is o%r
<e&omin+)? 0o(e$er" s%&h essentia <e&omin+ &an ony be manifeste! by an attit%!e that
embra&es e$ery s,irit%a an! ,hysi&a e6,ression of a man9s ife) An! ony this (ay of bein+
>in form? enabes Essentia <ein+ to e6,ress itsef more an! more freey in a o%r ,ost%res
an! +est%res" an! to stren+then the Person in his ,ro+ress to(ar!s be&omin+ more an! more
trans,arent) There is no ,attern in(ar!y ai$e in man that is not refe&te! in the ,attern of his
,hysi&a beha$ior) The more !ee,y a man be&omes a(are of his (hoe !isastro%s attit%!e to
ife an! the (ay in (hi&h he i$es it : the more s%rey" as he a,,roa&hes transformation" (i
he be+in to re&o+ni8e the e6tent to (hi&h the !istortion an! ri+i!ity of his ,ost%res ha$e
be&ome ,hysi&ay in+raine!) 0en&eforth" ,erha,s" he (i %n!erta'e to ,ra&ti&e those
+est%res (hi&h f%rther that trans,aren&e to Di$ine <ein+ (hi&h is ,reor!aine! for man)
Some years a+o" a a!y &ame to see me as'in+:
>0o( is one s%,,ose! to ,ray=? >Can yo% 'nee=? I as'e! her) ;y 7%estion m%st ha$e
to%&he! her on a sensiti$e s,ot" for she retorte! irritaby" >What !o yo% mean=? >It is 7%ite
sim,e"? I sai!) >Yo% @%st 'nee !o(n by yo%r be! an! +i$e yo%rsef %, &om,etey) . . . At
that she trembe!" rose from her seat an! eft the room" (itho%t a (or! of +oo!:bye)
The ne6t !ay she re,orte! Mthe foo(in+ in&i!ents) After she ha! eft me" she ha!" she sai!"
sta++ere! as if str%&' by a bo(" then s%!!eny she ha! be+%n to r%n" faster an! faster" %nti"
arri$in+ at her Mhote" she storme! %, the stairs" o&'e! her !oor an! fe9 %,on her 'nees) An!
then >it ha! s%!!eny &ome o$er her)? She !i! not %n!erstan! (hat ha! ha,,ene!C a she
'ne( (as that in this ,ost%re she ha! been ,o(eress an! as it (ere" e6tin+%ishe!" an! at the
same time !ei$ere! %, to somethin+ that ,rote&te! her" an! yes" no( she 'ne( (hat it (as
a abo%tH
This is an e6am,e of the heain+ ,o(er of ,%re +est%re)
.ne ,rere7%isite of o%r bein+ abe tr%thf%y to bear (itness to Essentia <ein+ in o%r
e6isten&e in s,a&e an! time" is that (e m%st ine$itaby ,ass thro%+h a 8one of annihiation)
The notion that it is ~ ,ossibe" on&e an! for a" to a&hie$e the e&stati& stare of i$in+ in the
,resen&e of Di$ine <ein+" is erroneo%s)9 Simiary" the &on&e,tion of the >,erfe&t man"? f%y
ro%n!e! an! at one (ith himsef" is a !e%sion) The taes one hears of men (ho &an no on+er
be inf%en&e! by anythin+" an! o$er (hom the M(or!9s o,,osin+ Mfor&es of i+ht an! !ar'
ha$e no ,o(er" are mis%n!erstan!in+s" if not betrayas of the tr%th)
.ny the man (ho !oes not fa into the error of ima+inin+ that he is >&om,ete"? is abe to
+i$e ,roof of Essentia <ein+ in the mi!st of ife) .ny he (ho 'no(s that he (i ne$er &ome
to the en! of his efforts &an &o,e (ith the (or! as it is in!ee!" for s%&h a one its $ery ins%ts
ha$e the effe&t of %nifyin+ him sti f%rther" to the e6tent that he is e$en rea!y to ta'e %, the
+a%ntet an! !o batte (ith it) What matters here is that he fi+hts in the ri+ht (ayH
An! this
!e,en!s on the !e+ree to (hi&h he is >ri+ht? in himsef)
To be ri+ht in this sense" it is not eno%+h for a man (ho (ishes ony to !efen! himsef an!
+ain his ,ersona en!s" to ta'e ti, the fi+ht sim,y from the stan!,oint of his ,ra+mati&
thin'in+ an! a the famiiar te&hni7%es of his e+o) /or" on the other han!" is that man ri+ht
(ho" in the ser$i&e of the tra!itionay estabishe! $a%es of his &omm%nity" s%,,resses his
e+o an! ma'es +reat sa&rifi&es) In!ee!" (e m%st +o f%rther an! assert that not e$en he is ri+ht
(ho" by reatin+ himsef soey to the for&es of i+ht" i+nores an! !enies the !ar' for&es those
,rima ,o(ers that are !ar' sim,y be&a%se they are re,resse!) <y !isre+ar!in+ these" an!
faiin+ to +i$e them their !%e" he a&t%ay &as them into bein+" both (ithin himsef an!
(itho%t) .ny the man (ho is abe to stan! fast an! im,ert%rbaby ao( the !ar'ness (ithin
an! (itho%t him to a,,roa&h" ma'in+ no attem,t to e$a!e its mena&e" &an +i$e ,roof of
Essentia <ein+ in ife) 0e is &a,abe of this" ho(e$er" ony (hen" in obe!ien&e to that a( of
ife (hi&h ,ermits no res,ite" he ris's re,eate!y (hate$er (or!y ,osition he may ha$e
(on) 0e m%st be ,re,are! to test the form that seeme! to be &omformabe (ith his essentia
bein+ o$er an! o$er a+ain in rene(e! en&o%nters (ith the threatenin+ (or!) .%r tas' is not
merey to &on7%er the ,rimary e+o (ithin %s" nor to o$er&ome (hate$er form" &orres,on!in+
to the (or!9s re7%irements in the matter of effi&ien&y an! so&ia &on!%&t" inhibits o%r
essentia bein+) It is e$en ne&essary for %s to ha8ar! that $ery state of min! (hi&h" from the
time (hen it be+an to manifest itsef" has +ro(n o%t of &onta&t (ith Essentia <ein+) Witho%t
'no(in+ it" a men" as soon as they ha$e re&o+ni8e! the &ore of their essentia bein+" be+in to
b%i! a tem,e aro%n! it) <%t this is the $ery e!ifi&e that nee!s to be !estroye! : not on&e b%t
a+ain an! a+ain in or!er that Di$ine <ein+ itsef may remain ai$e an! rene( its i+ht (ithin
%s) An! for this no tem,e is ne&essary a that is nee!e! is trans,aren&y)
See DKr&'heirn" >The Ri+ht to Fi+ht? in The 5apanese Cult of Tran6uility, Ry!er an! Co)" an! Wun!er'are
7at/e, .)W) <arth:Qera+" 1TR5)
Di$ine <ein+ is beyon! a o,,osites) It is %n!o%bte!y ,resent (ithin %s" b%t it &annot
fo%rish in this ife of o%rs if" i+norin+ the m%tiform an! &onfi&tin+ as,e&t of the (or!" (e
remo$e o%rse$es from the mar'et ,a&e an! !(e in a ,a&e a,art) ;an &an ony +ro( from
the root of Essentia <ein+ (hen he 1 ao(s e$en those thin+s that are re,%+nant to a,,roa&h
him) 0e m%st (itho%t reser$ation &onfront the ,o(ers of the (or! @%st as they are" neither
a$oi!in+ the !ar'" nor in+erin+ in the i+ht) It is ony by freey an! re,eate!y &hoosin+ ne(
en&o%nters" by mar&hin+ on an!" (hen ne&essary" yie!in+ %, that (hi&h has been most
!eary bo%+ht" that the s'in" so to s,ea'" of the inner man A(hi&h is ne&essary for his s%r$i$a
in the (or!E &an !e$eo, an! +ro( stron+" an! the instr%&tions nee!e! for the b%i!in+ of a
ne(" more $ai! str%&t%re be tem,ere! an! +i$en a &%ttin+ e!+e)
In &ontrast to the har! an! im,ermeabe she of the itte e+o Aor the ,ersonaityE" the i$in+
s'in of the inner man that is &omformabe to Essentia <ein+ an! at the same time a!a,te! to
the (or! m%st be&ome trans,arent" i)e)" as (e as bein+ ,ermeabe to Essentia <ein+ it m%st
aso be so to the re,eate! !eaths of the e+o) This inner &oatin+ is the means by (hi&h a man
in&reases in stren+th an! form an! is abe to &ontain (ithin himsef the ,entit%!e an!
%nifyin+ ,o(er that &omes from Di$ine <ein+) It sho%! be remembere!" ho(e$er" that this
>i$in+ s'in? remains ai$e ony (hen" both in tho%+ht an! in a&tion" man re,eate!y ris's the
form that has arisen !%rin+ some ,re&io%s moment of reease from the e+o an! in(ar! %nion
(ith the #ro%n!) At s%&h times" the tem,tation to !ra( a,art into some i!ea state of
7%ies&en&e is $ery +reat) <%t by s%&&%mbin+ to this tem,tation a man ine$itaby rea,ses into
his former &on!ition)
It is im,ossibe for Essentia <ein+" th%s enshrine! an!" as it (ere" ,rote&te! from the
(or!" to +i$e i+ht to or be&ome &reati$e in the (or!) .ny (hen the ,ersonaity has
be&ome trans,arent is Essentia <ein+ abe to ,%rs%e its re!em,ti$e ,ro&esses an! ,ier&e (ith
its rays the she of the (or!:e+o) Therefore" he (ho has (o'en to Essentia <ein+ f%fis his
ser$i&e to Di$ine <ein+ by the (ay in (hi&h he !oes >the one thin+ ne&essary?: that is to say"
by manifestin+ the Di$ine in the mi!st of the (or! in a his stri$in+" a his &reati$ity an! a
his o$e)
It sho%! be %n!erstoo! for the ,%r,oses of this boo' that (e !istin+%ish bet(een the
&on!itione! (or! of manifestation" i)e)" the reaity of time an! s,a&e" an! that (hi&h is
(hoy %n&on!itione! : the reaity of Di%ine Being( This %n&on!itione! reaity is" in effe&t"
the essen&e of a that e6ists) The manifestation of any i$in+ thin+ is ine$itaby the res%t of
the inte+ration of t(o ,oes" the one re,resentin+ that (hi&h is &on!itione! by time an!
s,a&e" an! the other Di$ine <ein+)
Essential 'eing, a+ain for the ,%r,oses of this boo'" is the term %se! in res,e&t to the manner
in (hi&h Di$ine <ein+ is ,resent in" say" a fo(er" an anima or a man) It is the in!i$i!%a
form that Di$ine <ein+ ta'es in any ,arti&%ar manifestation of ife) In man" on&e he be&omes
a(are of its ,resen&e" it is e6,erien&e! as an inner ima+e an! at the same time as an inner
,ath for him to foo() This essentia bein+ of man" re,resentin+ as it !oes the ,resen&e of
Di$ine <ein+ (hi&h &ontin%ay stri$es to manifest itsef in an! thro%+h him : is at one an!
the same time ,arty hi!!en an! ,arty re$eae! by (hat (e &a the worl!#ego( It is man9s
!estiny so to transform himsef that his essentia bein+ an!" as a &oroary" Di$ine <ein+ is
abe to manifest itsef in its entirety in the (or!) In so far as s%&h transformation is a&hie$e!
a man be&omes )a $erson, (hi&h means to say a i$in+ form thro%+h (hi&h Di$ine <ein+
may so%n! +personare*( $ersonality here in!i&ates that as,e&t of man (hi&h enabes him to
meas%re %, to the re7%irements of the (or! in a (ay that a&&or!s (ith the (or!9s tra!itions
an! $a%es) The &on&e,t of the $ersona &an be referre! ba&' to C) #) B%n+) It re,resents the
faIa!e (hi&h" to a +reater or esser !e+ree" &orres,on!s to that ima+e of himsef (hi&h a man
fashions in or!er to re,resent the ,arti&%ar roe he (o%! i'e to ,ay in the (or!) In his
efforts to(ar! this it in$ariaby ha,,ens that he s%,,resses an! thr%sts into the %n&ons&io%s
e$erythin+ that a,,ears to be anta+onisti& to this ima+e) Th%s the Sha!ow is &reate!)

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