This document is an AT&T billing statement for Eduardo Holguin's home phone and long distance services. It lists the previous balance of $67.37 which was paid, current charges of $67.37 to be debited from his credit card by May 28th, and breakdowns of monthly service charges, surcharges, taxes, and long distance charges for the billing period. It also provides notifications about payment options and account management.
This document is an AT&T billing statement for Eduardo Holguin's home phone and long distance services. It lists the previous balance of $67.37 which was paid, current charges of $67.37 to be debited from his credit card by May 28th, and breakdowns of monthly service charges, surcharges, taxes, and long distance charges for the billing period. It also provides notifications about payment options and account management.
This document is an AT&T billing statement for Eduardo Holguin's home phone and long distance services. It lists the previous balance of $67.37 which was paid, current charges of $67.37 to be debited from his credit card by May 28th, and breakdowns of monthly service charges, surcharges, taxes, and long distance charges for the billing period. It also provides notifications about payment options and account management.
This document is an AT&T billing statement for Eduardo Holguin's home phone and long distance services. It lists the previous balance of $67.37 which was paid, current charges of $67.37 to be debited from his credit card by May 28th, and breakdowns of monthly service charges, surcharges, taxes, and long distance charges for the billing period. It also provides notifications about payment options and account management.
SAN ANTONIO TX 78266 - 2332 Page Account Number 210 651-5418 374 1 Billing Date May 3, 2014 Web Site at t .com Local Services provided by AT&T Arkansas, AT&T Kansas, AT&T Missouri, AT&T Oklahom a, or AT&T Texas based upon t he service address locat ion. Previous Bill 67.37 Payment Received 4-28 Thank you! 67.37CR Adjustments .00 Balance .00 Current Charges 67.37 Am ount t o be Debit ed $67.37 Your Credit Card will be Debited by May 28, 2014 PREVENTDISCONNECT LONG DIST. PROVIDERS ELECTRONICPAYMENTS RATE NOTICE PAYMENTOPTIONS MOVING SOON? ONLINE BILL SUPPORT See "News You Can Use" for additional information Billing Questions? Visit at t .com / billing Plans and Services 59.02 1 800 288-2020 Payment Arrangements: 1 800 288-2020 Service Changes: 1 800 288-2020 Repair Services: 1 800 246-8464 AT&T Long Dist ance 8.35 1 800 288-2020 Tot al Current Charges 67.37 MonthlyService- May 3 thru Jun 2 Chargesfor 210 651-5418 1. CompleteChoice Enhanced 38.00 Basic Local Service-Residence Call Blocker Call Forwarding Call Return Call Waiting Call WaitingID Caller ID Name Delivery Caller ID Number Delivery InLine Repair Plan Priority Call SelectiveCall Forwarding SpeedCalling8 Three-WayCalling Touchtone Chargesfor 210 651-9219 2. PersonalizedRing 7.50 Total MonthlyService 45.50 Surchargesand Other Fees 3. Federal SubscriberLine Charge 5.30 4. 911 Fee .28 5. State Cost-RecoveryFee .26 6. Federal Universal ServiceFee .87 7. TexasUniversal Service 1.18 8. Municipal right-of-wayFee .74 Total Surchargesand Other Fees 8.63 Taxes 9. Federal ExciseTax 1.41 10. Federal (Non-regulated& Toll Charges) .01 11. State and Local (Local Charges) 3.45 12. State and Local (Non-regulated& Toll Charges) .02 Total Taxes 4.89 Tot al Plans and Services 59.02 Amount Subject to Sales Tax: 47.85 GO GREEN - Enroll in paperless billing. Your Credit Card will be Amount to Debited by May 28, 2014 Be Debited $67.37 Billing Date May 3, 2014 Account Number 210 651-5418 374 1 Date Mailed May 12, 2014 EDUARDO HOLGUIN 9041 GARDEN RIDGE DR SAN ANTONIO TX 78266 - 2332 AT&T PO BOX 105414 ATLANTA GA 30348-5414 2 of 3 EDUARDO HOLGUIN 9041 GARDEN RIDGE DR SAN ANTONIO TX 78266 - 2332 Page Account Number 210 651-5418 374 1 Billing Date May 3, 2014 Important Information Message Regarding Terms & Conditions: To view your Terms & Conditions for AT&T Long Distance, access or call AT&T at the toll free number on your bill. InvoiceSummary (as of April 19, 2014) Current Charges Service Charges 5.00 Credits and Adjustments .00 Call Charges .00 Surcharges and Other Fees 2.84 Taxes .51 Total InvoiceSummary 8.35 ServiceCharges MonthlyServiceCharges Type of Service Period Qty 1. OneRateNationwideAdv 04/17-05/16 1 5.00 Total MonthlyServiceCharges 5.00 Total ServiceCharges 5.00 Surchargesand Other Fees Description 2. Carrier Cost Recovery Fee 1.99 3. Federal Universal Service Fee .69 4. State Cost-Recovery Fee .05 5. Texas Universal Service .11 Total Surchargesand Other Fees 2.84 Taxes Description 6. Federal Tax .00 7. State and Local Taxes .51 Total Taxes .51 Tot al AT&T Long Dist ance 8.35 PREVENTDISCONNECT Thankyou for beinga valuedcustomer. Pleasebe aware that all chargesmust be paid eachmonth to keepyour account current and prevent collectionactivities. We are requiredto inform you that certainchargessuchas your telephoneline, fees and surcharges,and any featurepackage, if applicable, MUST be paid in order to prevent interruptionof basiclocal service. Thesechargesare already includedin the Total Amount Due and are $52.74. Also, neglectingto pay for other charges suchas long distance, voicemail, InLine , wireless, and Internet may result in these servicesbeinginterrupted. LONG DIST. PROVIDERS Our recordsindicatethat you haveselectedAT&T LongDistance or a companythat resells their servicesas your primary local toll carrier and AT&T LongDistanceor a companythat resells their servicesas your primary long distancecarrier. Pleasecontact us if this does not agreewith your records. ELECTRONICPAYMENTS Whenmakinga secureelectronicbill payment from your bank account over the phone, you will needto providesufficient informationto authenticateyourself as the account owner. By providingthis information, you are authorizingAT&T and your financial institutionto processa one-timedebit from your bank account for payment of your bill. Other bill payment optionsare availableat RATE NOTICE The per minute rate for out-of-state(interstateintraLATA) toll calls will increase from $0.90to $1.10on 7/1/2014. This changedoes not apply to AT&T LongDistance rates. If you haveany questionsor to learn more about our money-savingservices, pleasevisit us at att.comor call 800.288.2020. PAYMENTOPTIONS Visit att.comto pay your AT&T bills onlineFREEof charge. Additional payment optionscan also be viewedonline. Self-serviceis availableanytimeday or night by calling800.288.2020- just say "Pay My Bill". Paymentsmade with an AT&T representativemay be subject to a $5.00payment conveniencefee. MOVING SOON? Stay connectedwith AT&T. Pleasevisit us onlineat call 1.800.MOVE.ATT(1.800.668.3288). ONLINE BILL SUPPORT Register at view or pay your bill, manageyour account online, sign up for paperlessbilling, or enroll in AutoPay. It's quick, easy, and available24x7! MAKING PAYMENTSEASY AT&T offers several convenientways to pay your bill. You can pay onlineat, use the myAT&T app on your smartphone, or visit your local AT&T Mobility retail store. Try it today! CUSTOMERSUPPORT AT&T speaksmany languages.English800.288.2020;Spanish800.870.5855; Cantonese800.281.2288;Mandarin888.333.2828;Korean800.300.6657;Vietnamese 800.300.5315;Japanese800.573.7573.All other languages800.203.8600;Disabilities and Aging 800.772.3140. 2008 AT&T Int ellect ual Propert y. All right s reserved. p a y m e n t a t w w w . a t t . c o m / s t o p p a p e r u s i n g y o u r c h e c k i n g a c c o u n t . I t ' s e a s y , s e c u r e , a n d c o n v e n i e n t ! R e t u r n e d c h e c k s m a y b e p r e s e n t e d e l e c t r o n i c a l l y . I f y o u w a n t t o s a v e t i m e a n d s t a m p s , s i g n u p f o r a u t o u n p a i d y o u a g r e e t o p a y s u c h f e e s a s i d e n t i f i e d i n t h e t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s o f y o u r A T & T S e r v i c e A g r e e m e n t . o f y o u r c h e c k f o r p a y m e n t . Y o u r o r i g i n a l c h e c k w i l l b e d e s t r o y e d o n c e p r o c e s s e d . I f y o u r c h e c k i s r e t u r n e d r e c e i v e d . I f w e c a n n o t p r o c e s s t h e t r a n s a c t i o n e l e c t r o n i c a l l y , y o u a u t h o r i z e A T & T t o p r e s e n t a n i m a g e c o p y t r a n s f e r f r o m y o u r a c c o u n t . F u n d s m a y b e w i t h d r a w n f r o m y o u r a c c o u n t a s s o o n a s t h e s a m e d a y y o u r p a y m e n t i s P a y i n g b y c h e c k a u t h o r i z e s A T & T t o u s e t h e i n f o r m a t i o n f r o m y o u r c h e c k t o m a k e a o n e - t i m e e l e c t r o n i c f u n d
3 of 3 EDUARDO HOLGUIN 9041 GARDEN RIDGE DR SAN ANTONIO TX 78266 - 2332 Page Account Number 210 651-5418 374 1 Billing Date May 3, 2014 EASY ONLINE SUPPORT! Online support is quick, easy and available24x7! Have questionsabout your AT&T products, featuresor services?Visit self help tools, FAQs and troubleshootingtips. Checkout to view our simplifiedonlinerepair experienceor visit to find answersto your billing questions. CARRIER QUESTIONS You may contact the Public Utility Commission of Texas, Office of Customer Protection, P.O. Box 13326, Austin, TX 78711-3326, 1-512-936-7120 or toll-free in Texas at 1-888-782-8477 if you believe the local exchange provider or the interexchange carrier on your bill are not correct or if there are unauthorized charges on your bill. Hearing and speech impaired customers with text telephones (TTY) may call 1-512-936-7136. When corresponding by mail, include your complaint and copies of the phone bills. Please contact AT&T Texas to switch your service back to the carrier of your choice. For a complete listing of Terms and Conditions, please refer to: - The inside of the AT&T White Pages directory, or - Visit us on the web at SERVICE INFORMATION Your local services are provided by AT&T Texas (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company). Your AT&T long distance services, if any, are provided by one or more of the following AT&T Inc. subsidiaries: AT&T Long Distance (SBC Long Distance, LLC), AT&T Communications of Texas, LLC, and/or AT&T Corp. You can find the name of your long distance service provider in the long distance section of your bill. To view your provider's service publications, including Guidebooks, Service Guides and/or Tariffs, go to Terms and Conditions governing any other de-tariffed and non-regulated services you may have are also available on this website. Terms and Conditions may change from time to time. These Terms include provisions regarding how to resolve any dispute you might have, and include an ARBITRATION CLAUSE. You should review the Terms on a regular basis.