Indian Aeronauticals

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bjective Questions:
4. A digital computer can be operated with
a) only numerical data
b) only non numerical data
c) both numerical and non numerical data
d) neither numerical nor non numerical data
5. Algerithm is a:
a) pictorial representation of a programme
b) a stepwise systematic representation of a programme
c) high level language to represent a programme systematically
d) assembly language to represent a programme systematically
6. An integrated circuit is
a) a complicated circuit
b) much costlier than a single transistor
c) an integrated device
d) fabricated on a tiny silicon chip
. Analog computers are
a) slower than digital computers
b) less accurate than digital computers
c) costlier than digital computers
d) powerful than digital computers
!. "he decrease between a computer and calculator is
a) the former is programmable and later is non programmable
b) the former can process data and the later cannot
c) the former includes control unit and the later does not
d) the former can be note boo# type but the later cannot be of non portable type
$. %&'A( stands of
a) %lectronic numerical integrator and computer
b) %lectronical numerical integrator and calculator
c) %lectronic numerical integrator and calculator
d) %lectronic numeric integrator and computers
)*. %&'A( is
a) a first generation computer
b) a second generation computer
c) a third generation computer
d) a fourth generation computer
)). "he main component used in +
generation computer was
a) vaccume tubes
b) transistors
c) 'cs
d) ,ocroprocesor
)+. A microprocessor is a-an
a) integrated circuit fabricated on silicon chip
b) the processing unit of the computer
c) the brain of the computer
d) all of the above
).. "he latest of the following:
a) laptop
b) super computer
c) des# top
d) mainframe
)4. "he most powerful of the following:
a) ,inicomputer
b) ,icrocomputer
c) ,ainframe
d) /upercomputer
)5. ,ain difference between 0(-A"' and 0(-1" are:
a) 0(-A" has much more memory than 0(-1"
b) 0(-A" has much more speed than 0(-1"
c) 0(-A" has multi terminal facility and 0(-1" has only single terminal facility
d) 0(-1" has multi terminal facility and 0(-A" has single terminal facility
)6. 2inary e3uivalent of *.6+5
a) *.*)*)*+
b) 4*.)*))+
c) *.))**+
d) *.*)*))+
). 'f the inputs of a gate are A and 2 and its output is A52 the gate is:
a) 67 gate
b) A&8 gate
c) 1967 gate
d) 19&67 gate
)!. "he given truth table is for
A 2 (
) ) )
* * )
* ) *
) * *
a) 167 gate
b) &67 gate
c) &A&8 gate
d) 67 gate
)$. + complement of the binary digit is
a) *)
b) )
c) )*
d) *
+*. :167; gate is:
a) a parallel switching circuit with e<clude condition
b) series switching circuit with e<clude condition
c) parallel switching circuit
d) series switching circuit
+). =ind the odd man out
a) A>?@ memory@ counters
b) (?@ floppy dis#et@ registers
c) (ontrol unit@ ,0?@
d) A>?@ au<iliary memory
++. "he (0? of the 4
generation computer is
a) An '( chip using A>/' technology
b) ,icroprocessor
c) 2oth a B b
d) &one of the above
+.. '&"%> is a company involved in the manufacturing of
a) printers
b) storage devices
c) '( chip
d) &one of the above
+4. 2ill gates is the chairman of
a) '2,
b) ,icrosoft
c) 'ntel
d) ,otorola
+5. "he company ,icrosoft is involved in
a) ma#ing of computer hardware
b) ma#ing of computer software
c) both a B b
d) none of the above
+6. "he fastest of the following is
a) !*+!6 processor
b) !*.!6 processor
c) !*4.6 processor
d) 0entium processor
+. "he main memory of the computer is
a) 7A,
b) 76,
c) Card dis#
d) (8
+!. 7A, is
a) volatile semiconductor memory
b) read-write memory
c) random access memory
d) all of the above
+$. 76, is
a) read memory
b) write memory
c) both a B b
d) none of the above
.*. %076, can be erased by
a) sodium light
b) uv rays
c) %lectrical pulses
d) %ither ?A rays or electrical pulses
.). "he fastest memory of the following
a) 7A,
b) 76,
c) (ache
d) Card dis#
.+. "he main memory of a computer is located in
a) the hard disc
b) compact dis#
c) floppy dis#
d) none
... 76, is
a) volatile semi conductor memory
b) non volatile semi conductor memory
c) magnetic memory
d) all of the above
.4. "he processing of the (0? is in the order of
a) millisecond
b) microsecond
c) nanosecond
d) megasecond
.5. 87D, is
a) /emi conductor memory
b) Aolatile memory
c) Cas to be coefficiated with the data after a certain interval of time
d) All of the above
.6. )E2 is e3ual to
a) )*** bytes
b) + bytes
c) )*** ,2
d) none of the above
.. A nibble is e3ual to
a) ! bits
b) 4 bits
c) + bits
d) )6bits
.!. "he fastest component of the computer is
a) (0?
b) (omputer memory
c) /torage devices
d) 'nput-output devices
.$. >ocate the odd man out
a) hard dis#
b) floppy dis#
c) magnetic tape
d) compatt dis#
4*. (ompact dis# is a
a) semi conductor device
b) magnetic device
c) optical device
d) none of the above
4). >ocate the odd man out
a) 627
b) 6,7
c) 6(7
d) ,'(7
4+. =loppy dis#ett is a :
a) %076,
b) 7A,
c) %%076,
d) =le<ible storage media
4.. "he slowest of the following is
a) hard dis#
b) floppy dis#
c) (8
d) ,agnetic tape
44. (076, is released by
a) F
b) infrared light
c) electrical pac#age
d) by appropriate programming only
45. Aol storages are those from where data are lost
a) when the programme is over
b) with respect to time
c) when the power is shutoff
d) all the above e<cept c
46. >ocate the odd man out
a) light pen
b) plotter
c) mouse
d) joystic#
4. "he :printed document; in computer terminology is termed as
a) soft copy
b) hard copy
c) firm copy
d) live copy
4!. "he display of ,6&'"67 of a computer system is mostly
a) semi conductor display
b) >%8 type display
c) >(8 type display
d) %lectron beam type
4$. (hoose the correct statement among the following
a) >ine printer is non impact printer
b) >A/%7 printer is a non impact printer
c) 86" matri< printer is non impact printer
d) (haracter printer is faster than line printer
5*. 0rinter is connected through
a) parallel port
b) serial port
c) both a B b
d) none of the above
5). "he screen in the laptop computer is
a) (0"
b) >(8
c) /emi conductor display
d) All of the above
5+. Ghich of the following is fi<ed dis# drive
a) hard dis# drive
b) floppy dis# drive
c) winchaster dis# drive
d) (8976, drive
5.. ,odem is an
a) input device
b) output device
c) input-output device
d) none of the above
54. >ocate the odd man out
a) 8ot matri< printer
b) 'n#jet printer
c) (hain printer
d) 8rum printer
55. 6ptical scanner is a
a) input device
b) output device
c) input-output device
d) none of the above
56. A software is a
a) set of programmes
b) set of instructions
c) all of the above
d) none of the above
5. 8is# operating system is
a) a system software
b) software environment
c) software utility pac#age
d) a high level language
5!. (omputer virus is a
a) software programme
b) hardware programme
c) machine language
d) assembly language
5$. Assembly language is
a) low level language
b) high level language
c) machine language
d) all generation language
6*. Ghich of the following language used memories
a) machine language
b) assembly language
c) high level language
d) all generation language
6). Ghich of the following is a scientific language
a) (626>
b) A8A
c) =60"7A&
d) 2A/'(
6+. Ghich of the following is not a language
a) =61076"
b) >'/0
c) (
d) A'/?A> (55
6.. 0ic# the odd man out
a) 86/
b) ?&'1
c) G'&9$5
d) 82A/%
64. A pac#age is a
a) software
b) set of instruction
c) a programme
d) all of the above
65. Gindows ..) is a-an
a) operating system
b) operating environment
c) pac#age
d) language
66. Ghich of the following is not a high level language
a) basic
b) (
c) Assembly
d) (obol
6. Ghich of the following is not a high level computer language
a) windows
b) visual c55
c) coral
d) pascal
6!. 86/ stands for
a) data operating system
b) dis# operating system
c) diode operating system
d) none of the above
6$. ?ni< is a
a) a software
b) a programme
c) multiuser operating system
d) all of the above
*. Assembler is
a) a software
b) a translator
c) a programme
d) all the above
+. Cigh level language are
a) machine dependent
b) machine independent
c) language in which programme is done in ) B *
d) b B c
.. 'nterpreter in computer field is a
a) software
b) floppy
c) hardware
d) the special electronic circuit which translate high level to low level
4. 'nternet system is based on
a) GA& system
b) >A& system
c) ,ainframe computer system
d) ,any computers connected to a other computer
5. D?' stands for
a) graphical user interface
b) graphical user internet
c) graph B user interface
d) graph B user internet
6. H+E problem is a
a) software problem
b) hardware problem
c) data problem
d) all the above
. Airus affects
a) hardware
b) software
c) both a B b
d) none of the above
!. Anti virus software is
a) dreaded software
b) software to scan B remove software
c) pac#age
d) none of the above

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