Teachers Handbook

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GCSE 2012
Teachers Handbook
Version 1
September 2012
GCSE Computing
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Introduction 3
Teacher guidance 4
Resources 10
Other forms of support 12
Frequently asked questions 14
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OCRs GCSE in Computing entered first teaching in
September 2010.
We have improved the quality of our GCSEs for teachers
and students alike. Weve made improvements in two
key areas: updated and relevant content and a focus on
developing students personal, learning and thinking skills.
In addition and in response to reforms announced by
the Government and in response to Ofqual mandated
changes to GCSEs, unitised assessment of this
qualification is being replaced by linear assessment
from September 2012. This means that candidates
commencing a two year course from September 2012 will
take all of their GCSE units at the end of the course in June
The main changes are:
controlled assessment and examinations will be
examinations provide opportunity for extended
writing and more varied question types
all GCSEs will meet the requirements of the Equality

OCR offers a range of support materials, developed
following extensive research and consultation with
teachers. Weve designed them to save you time when
preparing for the specification and to support you while
teaching them.
It is important to make the point that this Teachers
Handbook plays a secondary role to the specifications
themselves. The GCSE Computing specification is the
document on which assessment is based: it specifies
what content and skills need to be covered. At all times
therefore, the Teachers Handbook should be read in
conjunction with the Specification. If clarification on a
particular point is sought, then that clarification must be
found in the Specification itself.
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Relationship to other units
There is a certain amount of correspondence between
the content of unit A451 and the other two units in the
It is, perhaps, helpful to use the following analogy. We
would reasonably expect professionals or experts within
the field of computing to be able to demonstrate their
expertise by recalling and applying a certain body of
knowledge immediately, when called to do so. There
are, however, certain activities within their expertise that
we would not expect them to be able to demonstrate
immediately. We would expect them to be able to
perform certain practical tasks, access reference materials,
carry out research and be aware of recent developments
within computing, in response to a specific need. We
would also expect them to be able to develop software,
but appreciate that this would happen over a period of
If we scale this analogy down to the level of a GCSE
candidate, the rationale for the three-unitmodel
becomes clearer. Unit A451 focuses on the knowledge,
understanding and skills which the candidates, being
our experts at this level, can reasonably be expected
to demonstrate immediately, independently and under
examination conditions. The other expert knowledge
and, especially, skills are more fairly assessed by controlled
continuous assessment.
The specification for unit A451 therefore sets out precisely
that body of knowledge from which the examination will
be based. In reality, controlled assessment tasks for unit
A452 will all be rooted in content within the specification
topics 2.1.1 to 2.1.6 of unit A451. In the controlled
assessment, just as in the real world, our expert will be
expected to carry out research and practical tasks to
update and further their understanding of these areas.
Similarly, the candidates ability to program is assessed
mainly in unit A453. However, we would expect our
experts to be able to demonstrate some programming
knowledge and skills under examination conditions. Topic
2.1.7 of unit A451 outlines precisely what is expected. It
is not anticipated, however, that this would be taught
separately from unit A453. In fact, it is by studying unit
A453 that students will acquire the knowledge and skills
required to answer the questions which fall under this
Suggested Delivery
While we appreciate that each centre will choose the
mode of delivery which best suits the centre and the
candidates, it may be useful to consider the following
model, in view of the close integration of the three units.
Over the duration of the course, the candidates study
A451 and A453 in parallel developing both their
understanding of the theory and their programming
skills. Within the study of A451, after the relevant topic
for the chosen A452 assessment, the A452 task is given.
This will enable candidates to further consolidate their
knowledge of the A451 content in preparation for their
examination, as well as give them a strong basis for the
controlled assessment. Where the course is delivered over
two years, centres may even be able to do more than one
A452 controlled assessment task over the duration of the
course as they fall within the topics. (The candidate will be
awarded the highest mark achieved).
Meanwhile, as the candidates are learning to program
in preparation for doing the controlled assessment for
A453, the content of topic 2.1.7 of unit A451 should
be reinforced using exercises, quizzes and sample/past
examination questions. This will help put the questions
into context.
Specifc guidance on individual topics
Note the model of a computer system described. The
specification moves away from a narrow definition of
a computer as the traditional desktop or notebook
computer, and includes a wide variety of processor-
controlled devices which operate under this model such
as mobile phones, video games consoles and other
consumer electronic devices. We want candidates to be
aware of the pervasiveness and relevance of computer
technology in the modern world. Examination questions
will focus especially on devices which would reasonably
be within the experience of the average teenager in the
It is highly recommended that, where possible, candidates
should be physically handling, installing and testing
GCSE Computing
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the hardware devices studied, or at least, watching
demonstrations of them. They should also research
current specifications of personal computer systems on
the market.
The understanding of the operation of the CPU required
at this level is limited to understanding that instructions
are fetched from memory and executed in the processor
and that these instructions usually involve receiving
data (from memory/input), performing calculations and
returning the results (to memory/output). The Little Man
Computer model is excellent for teaching this, and there
are several simulations of this available on the Internet,
one of the most suitable at this level being found at
Binary logic is included so that candidates understand
that this is the fundamental basis of the circuitry in the
processor. This provides a rationale for studying the
binary representation of data in topic 2.1.3. There are
obvious parallels with their understanding of Boolean
operators in their programming. Simple logic diagrams in
examination questions will usually be limited to 3 AND, or
NOT gates. Computer simulations of logic circuits or LED,
logic gates and switch kits currently used in teaching
GCSE Electronics will be invaluable.
Candidates should be given the opportunity to have
firsthand experience of the software in this topic,
especially system software. They should ideally have the
opportunity to perform a range of system maintenance
tasks using utilities. Where possible, experiencing
and comparing a number of operating systems and
applications of the same kind will help candidates
understand the fundamental features of the software
The term open source is used in contrast to proprietary
software and refers to all forms of free (as in speech) open
source software. Candidates and centres should avoid
the assumption that such software is necessarily free of
charge, whereas proprietary software has to be bought.
In this topic, candidates should gain an understanding
of how different data types are internally represented in
binary. Only the currently most common usage of the
term byte (i.e. 8 bits) is used. Candidates are expected to
know that a kilobyte = 1024 bytes, a megabyte = 1024
kilobytes etc. (For some candidates, this may mean using a
calculator in the examination, which is permitted).
On bitmap images, working with the Netpbm portable
bitmap file format (.PBM, .PGM and .PPM) will allow
candidates to create images and view their representation
in a text editor such as notepad.
On sound, candidates need to understand that sound
is essentially a wave and that sampling can be used to
generate a series of numbers, coded in binary, from which
the wave can be reconstructed. A detailed understanding
of the nature of sound is not necessary. The sound = a
wave concept can be easily demonstrated using several
sound recording software packages.
It is anticipated that most students will learn the content
of this topic using database management software such
as Microsoft Access. However, candidates should be
encouraged to develop a broader view of what a database
is, and appreciate how fundamental they are to many
applications they use regularly (Web 2.0 applications,
supermarket point of sale systems etc).
Candidates are not expected to formally normalise a
database into third normal form from a list of attributes.
They should understand why it is necessary to store
entities in separate table (e.g. to avoid repetition, to ease
data entry and updating, to prevent inconsistency etc...).
They should also understand the need to use the primary
key from one table as the foreign key in another to link
them. Examples in examination questions will usually
be limited to 2 tables/entities and will, in all cases, never
exceed 3.
No specific format for formulating queries is expected,
allowing centres to choose the tools most suitable to
teach the concepts for their candidates. Examples of
queries in examination questions will be given in plain (if
somewhat structured) English, and candidates answers
will only be considered for the correct use of criteria on
logical operators as specified. As long as these are clear
in the candidates answer, they can answer in any format
they have learnt.
Candidates should be familiar with networks from their
centres networks and their use of the
Internet. Many will also have networks in their homes,
often wireless networks and may have handheld devices
GCSE Computing
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such as game consoles, mp3 players or mobile phones
which can connect to a network. This experience should
be used as a basis to study this unit, giving the candidates
a deeper understanding of networks than they would
be expected to have just from normal use. However, if it
is practical for the centre to set demonstrations where
candidates actually network stand-alone a number of
stand-alone computers.
Many networking devices are multi-purpose, eg a
modem, hub, router and wireless accent point all rolled
into one. Candidates should be taught to understand
the fundamental role of each of the device types and to
recognise the different functions within the one device.
As previously discussed, this topic tests the candidates
understanding of fundamental programming concepts
which are common to most imperative languages. It is
intended that most of the candidates understanding
of the concepts here will have been learnt from their
experiences of programming. The ability to program (and
hence their understanding of this topic) will normally take
time and centres are advised not to consider this topic as
being a separate theoretical topic.
Centres can choose which language to use in teaching
the concepts here (as they do for A453) as long as it will
allow candidates to understand and explain the concepts
below. Note that where an algorithm is used in a question,
it will be presented in a generic BASIC/Pascal like
pseudocode form which should be understandable to
most candidates. Examples of such code can be seen in
OCRs current examination papers for GCE A-Level
Computing unit F452. Unlike the A-Level however,
algorithms in this unit will usually be shorter and will not
need line numbers for reference.
Similarly, when candidates write code in answer to a
question, only the logic of the solution will be considered.
Candidates will be free to answer in the language they
have studied, in generic pseudocode, structured English
or in diagrammatic form, as long as the logic is clear.
The material covered in the investigations is intended
to extend that which is itemised in the rest of the
specification, so that the study of the subject remains
interesting and challenging. This unit is intended to be
largely practical based but the candidates work will
need to be presented in a clear and logical manner so
that assessment is possible. Background research and
preparation are required for the successful completion
of this assessment. Some preparatory investigations may
be teacher guided although the candidate is expected to
show as much independence and initiative as possible.
Once the assignment itself is under way, the amount
of teacher guidance should be limited. For example, if
coding is required, the student may be taught relevant
techniques in advance, but should carry out the actual
assessed tasks unaided.
The candidate will produce a report which should
be structured according to the headings given in the
particular assignment that has been chosen. The report
will be assessed as a whole under the criteria headings
The student should approach the tasks in a methodical
way, so some evidence of planning is expected. For
example, the hardware and software that are required
should be stated with reasons given. Thought should be
given to the order in which sub tasks are to be carried out
so that important stages are not omitted. The assessment
will normally involve the acquisition of new skills and
these should be identified in advance as far as possible.
Background research may be necessary and if this is
relevant, this should be planned and documented.
In order to score marks in the higher bands, the work
needs to be clearly presented and showing evidence of
independent work.
How this is shown will depend greatly upon the nature
of the task chosen. For example, if there is an element of
coding, then the algorithms used should ideally be the
minimal required to achieve the objectives. If data files
are involved, these should be organised in a logical and
clear manner such that any future maintenance would be
assisted. This criterion also allows a judgement to be made
as to whether the solution to each task is completely
successful or only partially so.
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A report that scores highly in this section will demonstrate
a complete solution to all the tasks and will show
conciseness both in its execution and the presentation of
evidence of success.
This criterion focuses on whether the candidate clearly
understands the details and processes involved in the
tasks. A good candidate will be confident and fluent
in the use of technical terminology and show in depth
understanding of the central and peripheral issues
involved. The best reports will contain significant detail
so that the reader is in no doubt of the candidates
The nature of the testing will vary considerably according
to the tasks chosen. The best reports will show that testing
has been as complete as is appropriate to the situation.
They will be logically set out and show that the testing
has been planned. They will communicate the purpose
and results of the testing with clarity and economy of
As with the programming unit, A453, detailed means
sufficiently detailed to clearly explain, identify or describe
that component and not that the section is complete in
every respect with no omissions. The middle mark bands
where detail is not required imply that there are obvious
omissions and the description does not cover all the
necessary aspects. In the lower mark bands there will be
significant lack of detail obscuring the descriptions.
The basic programming concepts required for this unit
should be covered alongside the theory unit at the
appropriate time. Students will need to be able to relate
the practical activity to the theoretical concepts being
developed throughout unit A451. This unit is intended to
assess the students ability to use a range of programming
techniques effectively and efficiently to produce a
solution to a set of problems.
The basic scenarios will be explained for candidates so
they need only identify what they are being asked to do
and design a suitable solution to this before getting to
grips with the coding of their solution. These designs are
intended to demonstrate their ability to define a solution
in an appropriate format using suitable algorithms. It is
the logic of these algorithms that will be assessed not any
specific format. It is important that candidates show how
these algorithms relate to the identified tasks, how they
form a complete solution and they plan to test that they
have achieved the desired outcomes.
For example the password task in the sample assessment
material requires several stages:
1. Input a password
2. Is the password between 6 and 12 characters long?
No; reject and return to stage 1
YES; output message and carry on
3. Check each character of the password in turn
Is this character upper case? If yes flag that upper
case is included
Is this character lower case? If yes flag that lower
case is included
Is this character a number? If yes flag that number
is included
4. If three flags set then the password is STRONG
5. If two flags set then the passwords is MEDIUM
6. If one flag set then the password is WEAK
This outline explains what is required but now it needs to
be put into an algorithmic form, for
example a flowchart.
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The pseudo code based on this algorithm:
INPUT the password
len=length of password
IF len <6 OR len >12 THEN
PRINT suitable error message
UNTIL len >=6 and <=12
PRINT password OK
Initialise upper, lower and number to 0
FOR i = 1 TO len
IF MID$(password, i, 1) is upper AND upper =0
THEN upper =1
IF MID$(password, i, 1) is lower AND lower =0 THEN
lower =1
IF MID$(password, i, 1) is number AND number =0
THEN number =1
strength = upper+lower+number
strength = 1 then PRINT WEAK
strength = 2 then PRINT MEDIUM
strength = 3 then PRINT STRONG
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Having designed the algorithm and perhaps the pseudo
code it is possible to check that this will solve the problem
as stated and produce the code for the solution. The
quality and care taken over the design will, in many
cases, influence the quality and efficiency of the solution.
Candidates need to show that they have checked the
algorithms do produce the desired results and that they
have considered any validation they will have to include
before proceeding to code the solution.
For example will they be rejecting passwords that contain
other characters besides alphanumeric ones and, if so,
The candidate should now proceed to code their
solution testing individual elements of the code as
they proceed, for example they should code the enter
password and check for length between 6 and 12 section
before considering the following parts of the problem.
This process should be recorded, preferably in a diary
and preferably in an electronic diary such as a web log.
Evidence of testing for each of the coded elements is
essential evidence for the development of the solution.
For the higher range of marks candidates also need to use
meaningful variable names, commenting, well organised
program structures and suitable formatting the make the
solution easy to follow.
The specification credits efficient solutions and what
constitutes and efficient solution is a subjective matter.
The efficiency of the solution will depend upon several
factors including the choice of programming language. A
system that works consistently and without any significant
delays and solves the problem is effective. What makes
a solution efficient are the logical processes in the
design stage and the use of programming techniques
appropriately to solve the problem. For example in
the password task the use of the CASE statement for
outputting the password strength is more efficient than
using a series of IF THEN statements, but checking every
character in the password rather than simply searching
for a single existence of upper, lower and number may
be considered less efficient. The code that would follow
directly from the pseudo code above would probably be
regarded as efficient and score in the top range of the
marks for that section, but not necessarily the top mark
in that range. The specification also credits the use of a
range of techniques; this should not be read as every
technique must be used. The tasks will provide scope for
many techniques to be used, but the credit is for using
these appropriately to solve the problem and not simply
for using as many as possible.
The final part of the task is to test the solution with
suitable test data and evaluate the final product.
Other students should be called upon to take part in
this process providing feedback on the solutions to the
developer. The solutions need to be tested against the
original requirements and the identified success criteria
from the design stage. Candidates should evaluate their
solutions using theirs and others evidence from testing
to show how the final solution compares to the original
requirements for the tasks. The candidates evaluation their
system should indicate how they have tested the against
the success criteria and include evidence to support their
conclusions. Evidence provided can take several forms
and this need not be a written report but the quality
of the candidates communication will be assessed
throughout this section of their report.
GCSE Computing
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There are a huge number of resources on the web and
these, of course, are changing all the time. In particular,
teachers are reminded that groups such as CAS
(Computers at School) and the American CSTA (Computer
Science Teachers Association) http://www.csta.acm.org/
are active in putting members in touch with up to the
minute and exciting resources to back up the teaching
of what is perhaps the most vibrant subject available to
Raspberry Pi:
The official Raspberry Pi website has forums and updates
on developments. It is also a great place to see what
people have been creating with the Raspberry Pi.
We have been working in collaboration with Raspberry
Pi and with leading practitioners to create resources to
support the use of the Raspberry Pi in the classroom.
You will find tutorials, a series of Classroom Challenges,
a Resources Link detailing suitable external resources
relating to the Raspberry Pi, plus additional items on our
Hodder Dynamic Learning:
Hodder are the official publishing partners for OCR and
have developed a dynamic learning website to support
the GCSE Computing specification. It contains a range of
resources covering all aspects of the specification.
Susan Robson has produced a text book covering the
theory elements of this course and it is available as a pdf
site licence, a monochrome printed text book or a full
colour printed text book from:
theteacher.info has a range of resources dedicated to
GCSE computing including a text book, a website, tests
and self-marking tests.
GCSEComputing.org.uk is a website containing a
wide range of resources dedicated to this specification
including coverage of the theory and controlled
assessment units.
Free magazine and website from Queen Mary College,
Industry publications:
There are many industry magazines which put computing
into a work related context. As well as many articles and
features on contemporary issues, it is useful to look at the
jobs sections to see what skills are actually in demand at
the moment.

Computing at schools group:
Lots of support including teaching units for programming
skills and other resources.
Little Man Computer:
Just one of several online working demonstrations of how
memory and the processor interact.
Background reading for the more able students:
A visit to the Bletchley Park Museum always provides a
stimulating background to the history and importance of
BBC BASIC for windows:
Easy to use programming language.
Computer Science Unplugged:
Set of exercises from Canterbury University in New
D F Stermole website:
Resources to support programming in various languages
including Pascal, Java C etc plus an excellent introduction
to key programming techniques in the Turing pages.
GCSE Computing
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Dick Baldwin:
Programming tutorials for various languages including
some excellent SCRATCH tutorials.
Programming language
Environment for introducing object oriented
An interactive flowchart based visual problem solving
tool and code generator. It is aimed at the basics of
programming, problem solving and code reading skills.
Visual algorithm based application that allows students to
create flowcharts that they can run and test.
Programmable robot environment
Great resource from MIT for introducing programming
that uses colour coded snap together blocks to create
sequences of instructions. A good starting point for
developing the logical programming processes not
hindered by the syntax barrier
Python is a programming language that lets you work
more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively.
Python is an easy to learn programming environment.
For further resources to support teaching:
Small Basic:
A simple 3rd generation BASIC
Visual Basic.net:
Standard free visual .net environment programming
language and support.
Visual Basic Express books:
McGrath, M. Visual Basic Express in Easy Steps (2006) ISBN:
This is an excellent easy to follow introduction to the
Ford, J. Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Programming
for the Absolute Beginner (2009) ISBN: 978-1598639001
This is a more detailed book for those who want to go
beyond the absolute basics of the language.
GCSE Computing
www.ocr.org.uk 12
In order to help you implement the new Entry Level
Computing specification effectively, OCR offers a
comprehensive package of support. This includes:
OCR offers centres a wealth of quality published
support with a fantastic choice of Official Publisher
Partner and Approved Publication resources, all
endorsed by OCR for use with OCR specifications.
OCR works in close collaboration with three Publisher
Partners; Hodder Education, Heinemann and Oxford
University Press (OUP) to ensure centres have access to:
Better published support, available when you need it,
tailored to OCR specifications
Quality resources produced in consultation with OCR
Subject teams, which are linked to OCRs teacher
support materials
More resources for specifications with lower candidate
Materials that are subject to a thorough quality
assurance process to achieve endorsement
Hodder Education is the publisher partner for OCR GCSE
Hodder Education has produced the following resources
for OCR GCSE Computing.
Dynamic Learning Website. Authors: George Rouse,
Agneau Belanyek, Sean OByrne.
A stand-alone Dynamic Learning subscription website,
designed to be used by students and teachers in class and
at home. It incorporates a lesson builder, search facility,
VLE integration and electronic resources to support the
course aims and objectives and includes automatically-
marked interactive assessments.
Book: OByrne, S and Rouse, G. OCR Computing for GCSE
(2012), ISBN: 978-1444177794
OCR still endorses other publisher materials, which
undergo a thorough quality assurance process to achieve
endorsement. By offering a choice of endorsed materials,
centres can be assured of quality support for all OCR
OCR endorses a range of publisher materials to provide
quality support for centres delivering its qualifications.
You can be confident that materials branded with OCRs
Official Publishing Partner or Approved publication
logos have undergone a thorough quality assurance
process to achieve endorsement. All responsibility for
the content of the publishers materials rests with the
These endorsements do not mean that the materials
are the only suitable resources available or necessary to
achieve an OCR qualification. Any resource lists which are
produced by OCR shall include a range of appropriate
The OCR Professional Development Programme offers
more accessible and more cost effective training, with the
same valued content that you expect from us.
At OCR, we are constantly looking for ways in which
we can improve the support we offer to teachers. Most
recently we have been considering the increasing
challenges that schools face in releasing teachers
GCSE Computing
www.ocr.org.uk 13
for INSET, and how OCR can make its professional
development programme more accessible and
convenient for all.
From September 2012, our new improved programme
will include:
FREE online professional development units available
when and where you want them
FREE live web broadcasts of professional development
FREE face to face training for GCSE controlled
Assessment and GCE coursework
a series of not to be missed premier professional
development events
For more information, please email [email protected] or
visit www.ocr.org.uk/training
Visit our social media site http://www.social.ocr.org.uk.
By registering you will have free access to a dedicated
platform where teachers can engage with each other
- and OCR - to share best practice, offer guidance and
access a range of support materials produced by other
teachers; such as lesson plans, presentations, videos and
links to other helpful sites.
OCR Interchange has been developed to help you carry
out day to day administration functions online, quickly
and easily. The site allows you to register and enter
candidates online. In addition, you can gain immediate
and free access to candidate information at your
convenience. Sign up at https://interchange.ocr.org.uk
GCSE Computing
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Are new tasks set every year with a new mark scheme?
Yes and No, tasks will be set and be available for a number
of examination sessions. New tasks will be produced over
time and we may retire older tasks during the life of the
specification. The mark scheme is generic and is the same
for all tasks.
Can I just choose electronic or postal submission once I have
the work from the candidate and use the most appropriate
No, you must decide when entering the candidates which
method you will use and you must send work by that
method to the moderators.
Do all of my candidates have to do the same set of tasks?
No, you can choose from the available tasks to suit the
needs and interests of individual candidates.
Do the candidates have to demonstrate every attribute in a
mark band in order to achieve the relevant mark?
No, it is a best fit approach.
Do we have to do specific topic each year from the pre-release
No, OCR will be issuing two topics initially with more
to follow later; you are free to choose from any of the
currently available topics.
What formats can we use? Can we assume the moderators
have access to any necessary programs?
OCR publishes a list of acceptable formats and moderators
will have access to these but you cannot assume the
moderators will be have access to any specific software
and you must ensure common formats are used.
Will tasks be retired while my candidates are working on them
and I will have to start again?
No, we will give plenty of notice if we decide to withdraw
a task and this will be well before any candidates have
started to work on them.
Can candidates work together on the assignments?
Yes, they are expected to, but the reports must be their
own and the part that each candidate plays
must be clearly documented. Cooperation will probably
be limited because each candidate is expected to
demonstrate personal ability to perform the practical
Can the candidates simply research these topics on the
internet and produce a report?
No, they should supplement the findings from their
practical investigation with research from the internet,
where appropriate, but they are meant to spend a
significant proportion of their time in practical activity for
this unit.
Can the work be submitted electronically or must it be a typed
The work can be submitted electronically or via the postal
system. The work may take the form of a typed report
but there must be evidence of practical activity and
this may be more easily presented in other ways than a
typed report. If submitted electronically, then any of the
approved formats will be acceptable. If submitted by post,
then these are still acceptable if sent on a virus checked
Must the candidates carry out the practical investigations
personally or can they research the answers from other
sources such as the internet?
Candidates must carry out practical work and
demonstrate that they have done so.
The specimen scenario contains terms that are not in the
specification. To what extent are the candidates expected to
use of terms beyond the material given in the specification?
They should look up all the terms that are in the scenario.
This will lead to other terms that will probably be relevant
in their responses. The candidates should display a secure
understanding of the scenario by the correct use of
technical terms obtained from their researches so it is
expected that there will be terms and concepts that are
not specified in the specification.
What sort of tasks do you envisage we will see over the next
few years?
We plan to develop a set of tasks that extends elements of
each major part of the specication and hope these will
be used to extend candidates knowledge of a wide range
of topics.
GCSE Computing
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Will candidates be penalised if their secondary sources are all
web based?
No, most information is available online these days and to
insist on paper resources is unrealistic.
Can candidates use additional modules to produce solutions,
for example those available within VB.net?
Yes, using additional modules is acceptable, though in
many cases not necessary but the use of such modules
may make for more attractive and functional results. This
extra functionality will not necessarily attract extra marks.
Can I select the most suitable subtasks for my candidates
from the options available?
No. The sets of tasks must be seen as a single item and
you may not pick and choose from within these. The sets
of tasks have been designed to cover as many aspects of
the specification as feasible and form a single assessment.
Can the candidates use any method to solve the problems for
example a spreadsheet or a database?
No, this is a coding exercise and tasks are set in order to
test computer programming skills. If the question involves
storing and retrieving data for example candidates are
expected to produce a coded solution.
Do the candidates have to utilise all of the programming
techniques to score full marks?
No, the techniques may not all be appropriate
and different tasks, different approaches, different
programming languages will make some techniques
unsuitable. The effective and efficient use of a range of
appropriate techniques from the specification is what we
are looking for.
What programming language must we use?
You may use any suitable programming language to solve
the problems. In some cases a recommendation will be
made to ensure the tasks are not overly difficult but in
general any language will be fine.
Contact us
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OCR 2012 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England.
Registered office 1 Hills Road, Cambridge CB1 2EU. Registered company number 3484466. OCR is an exempt charity.
Telephone 01223 553998
Facsimile 01223 552627
Email [email protected]
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