High Court Rules Civil Vol 1

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Chapter 1: Practice in the Trial of Civil Suits ----------------------------------------- 01
Chapter 2: J urisdiction Civil Courts -------------------------------------------------- 75
Chapter 3: Valuation of Suits ------------------------------------------------------------ 80
Chapter 4: Arbitration Proceedings ----------------------------------------------------- 92
Chapter 5: Witnesses-Civil Courts ----------------------------------------------------- 102
Chapter 6: Suits by or Against Persons in Military Service ------------------------ 116
Chapter 7: Suits Against or Involving Princes, Chiefs, etc[Omitted] --------------
Chapter 8: Suits by or Against the Government and Public Officers -------------- 133
Chapter 9: Utilization of the Services of the Special Kanungo -------------------- 140
Chapter 10: Commissions and Letters of Request ------------------------------------- 148
Chapter 11: J udgments and Decrees ---------------------------------------------------- 165
Chapter 12: Execution of Decrees ------------------------------------------------------- 182
Chapter 13: Transfer and Withdrawl of Suits and Appeals -------------------------- 275
Chapter 14: Appeals and Revisions-Civil ---------------------------------------------- 277
Chapter 15: Reference to the High Court ----------------------------------------------- 293
Chapter 16: Legal Practitioners ---------------------------------------------------------- 297
Chapter 17: Petition Writers[Omitted] ----------------------------------------------- 306
Chapter 18: Ministerial Establishment-Civil Courts ---------------------------------- 307
Chapter 19: Supply of Liveries[Omitted] -------------------------------------------- 308
Chapter 20: Civil Districts ---------------------------------------------------------------- 309
Chapter 21: J udicial Powers-Civil ------------------------------------------------------- 311
Chapter 22: Rules made by the High Court under Section 122 of the Code of Civil
Procedure Annuling altering or adding to the Rules in the First
Schedule of the Code ------------------------------------------------------- 318


Rules and Orders of the
Lahore High Court Lahore

VOLUME I. Instructions
To Civil Courts

Practice in the Trial of Civil Suits
#*[1. Court Hours.-- All Civil Courts in the Punjab shall sit on every day that is not a
holiday for Civil Courts. The Court hours shall be fixed by the High Court through a
notification and shall be subject to such alteration or change as may be made by general or
special order keeping in view the demands of any particular area, event or occasion.]
2. Taking up cases after Court hours.-- No new case should be taken up after the closing
hour of the Court but the hearing of a case taken up before that hour may, if necessary, be
continued for a short time.
3. Holidays.-- The holidays allowed to the Civil Courts are annually prescribed by the High
Court, under the provisions of
[section 25 of thePunjab Civil Courts Ordinance 1962 (II of
1962)] and no other holidays can be allowed by any other authority. The list of Civil holidays
comprises general holidays and local holidays, the latter being usually limited to seven days
in the year for each district.
4. Taking up cases on holidays.-- Civil suits and appeals ought not, as a rule, to be taken up
[...] on a holiday; but any Civil suit or appeal may be legally heard, by consent of the parties,
[...] on a holiday, if the Presiding Officer of the Court thinks it expedient, for any reason, to
keep his Court open for the purpose.
5. Attendance of Ministerial establishment.-- The members of the ministerial establishment
of the Courts should (subject to any special rules

regarding the Vacation Department) attend their office on all days except on holidays allowed
to Civil Courts. An official may, however, be ordered by the Presiding Officer to attend office
on a holiday to clear off arrears. An official should not except in most exceptional cases be
made to attend on a holiday pertaining to his religion.
6. Preparation of cause lists.-- Cause Lists of cases fixed for each day should be prepared a
day before. These lists should be exhibited in the Court room, or the verandah of the Court-
house, at least by the afternoon of the day preceding that to which they relate, for the
information of parties and their pleaders and the order of causes in the list should not be
departed from without cogent reasons, unless the case be settled by compromise or the claim
be admitted before the day fixed for trial. A strict adherence to this practice will secure
punctual attendance and greatly promote the dispatch of business and the convenience of
parties and witnesses. Cases should as far as possible be so arranged in the cause lists that the
litigants may not have to wait long for simple cases and petty work such as miscellaneous
applications, executions and objections, etc.
7. Form of cause list.-- Cause lists should be in the following form:-
IN THE COURT OF_______________________________
CAUSE LIST FOR_______________

Day of the
week and
No. Plaintiff, Appellant
or Petitioner
Defendant or
Description of
the case
--- --- --- --- --- ---


1. Not to be received on holidays.-- Plaints and petitions should be received by the Civil
Courts on every day, which is not an authorised holiday, during office hours.
2. Reception by Court not sitting at headquarters of the district.-- Every Court whose
place of sitting is at a distance from the headquarters of the district, should receive plaints and
petitions direct under such general directions as the District J udge or the
[Civil J udge], if so
empowered under
[section 16 of the Punjab Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 (II of 1962)] may
3. Distribution of cases.--(i) Plaints and petitions presented at the head-quarters of a district
will be received and distributed by the District J udge who may delegate this power under
[section 16 of the Punjab Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 (II of 1962)] to any [Civil J udge] and
should always do so when it is for the convenience of the litigants. Regard should be had to
the provisions of sections 15 and 20 and Order IV, Rule 1, of the Code of Civil Procedure, in
framing directions regarding the reception of Civil Suits.
(ii) Duty of distributing officer.-- The work of distribution of cases should not be left to the
Reader or the Clerk of Court. The J udge should attend to it personally, noting in his own hand
the name of person presenting the case and the Court to which the case has been assigned for
trial. He should also inform the person presenting the plaint or petition of the date on which
he is required to attend the Court to which the case is sent and note the fact of his having done
so in his order. This will avoid the necessity of a notice being issued to the plaintiff or
petitioner by the Court to which the case is sent.
(iii) List of cases assigned to be exhibited.-- At the end of each day a list of all the cases so
distributed should be exhibited in the Court of the distributing officer. Similarly each Court
should exhibit at the end of each day a list of the cases assigned to it by the distributing
[Note:- In almost all the districts in the Punjab District J udges have delegated their powers of
distribution of plaints to the Senior Civil J udges under section 15 of the Punjab Civil Courts
Ordinance, 1962,(II of 1962)].

4. Examination, endorsement and distribution.-- Every plaint or petition should, if
possible, specify the provision of law under which it is presented and should, at the time of its
reception, be at once endorsed with the date of its receipt, and such endorsement should be
signed by the receiving officer. The Court-fees should be forthwith examined and cancelled in
the manner prescribed in that behalf. The receiving officer should prepare a list of all plaints
and applications received each day, and be held responsible that they are duly distributed in
accordance with the orders passed thereupon and the general instructions (if any) given by the
District J udge or the Senior
[Civil J udge] in that respect.
[The Daily List of plaints etc. shall be arranged and preserved month-wise and year-wise so
as to form an annual register to be called "Daily Institution List."]
5. Insufficiently stamped plaints, etc.-- It shall be the duty of the Clerks of Court to District
and Sessions J udges, Senior
[Civil J udges] and J udge of the Court of Small Causes and
Readers to all other
[Civil J udges] to see that appeals, plaints and petitions, etc. received in
the Courts, to which they are attached, are properly stamped. When they are in doubt what
Court fee is due on any document, it shall be their duty to refer the matter to the Presiding
Officer for orders.
These officials are primarily responsible for any loss of revenue caused to Government by
insufficiently stamped documents having been received owning to their neglect, but the
ultimate responsibility for the loss lies on the J udge of the Court whose duty it is to look into
such matters either when the plaints are instituted or when the plaints came up for hearing
before him.
Note:- The Clerk of Court to the Senior
[Civil J udge] is responsible for checking the Court-
fee on those plaints only which the Senior
[Civil-J udge] retains for trial by himself. In other
cases the Reader of the Court to which the suit is sent for trial is responsible.
Provided that the personal responsibility of the officers concerned shall only be enforced
where obvious mistakes have been made and not in cases in which a genuine doubt was
possible regarding the correctness of the Court-fee due.

6. Transfer of cases to equalize work.-- The equal distribution of work amongst the Courts
available can always be effected by the transfer of cases when necessary from one Court to
another under the authority vested in the District J udge.
When a case is transferred by judicial order, the Court passing the order should fix a date on
which the parties should attend the Court to whjich the case is transferred.
7. (a) Petition box.-- The petition box shall be placed in the verandah of the Court house at
about one hour before the Court sits, an official being specially made to attend early for this
purpose. It shall be opened in the presence of the J udge at about 15 minutes after the Court
opens when all petitions shall be presented to and initialled by him. The J udge shall pass
proper orders forthwith or inform the petitioner when orders will be ready after the necessary
"Kaifiyats" have been put up. The box shall be replaced in the verandah and opened again
shortly before the Court rises for luncheon in the presence of the J udge and the same
procedure followed. It shall then be replaced once more in the verandah and opened for the
last time, 15 minutes before the time fixed for the rising of the Court and the procedure
prescribed above followed. After the J udge has arisen the box will be brought back to the
Court room and no further petitions will be accepted.
A list of all miscellaneous or execution applications, on which orders cannot be passed
forthwith, should be prepared and exhibited outside the courtroom specifying the date fixed
for the disposal of each application.
(b) Urgent cases.-- In urgent cases, however, the J udge may exercise his discretion and
personally receive documents presented to him direct at any time.
(c) Reception by ministerial establishment prohibited.-- The members of the ministerial
establishment are strictly forbidden to receive petitions, plaints or other documents direct
from lawyers and their clerks or from litigants except when the J udge is on leave and no other
J udicial Officer is in charge of his current duties. District J udges should, however, invariably
make arrangements for the reception of plaints and petitions, etc. by another officer of a Court
when an officer is temporarily absent, on leave, tour or otherwise. Where there is a single
J udicial Officer at a station such as a Moffassal or outlying Courts

and who is on leave, arrangements should be made for the reception of plaints, petitions,
documents, etc. by the Tahsildar or the Naib Tahsildar in consultation with the Deputy
(d) Exceptions.-- The above orders do not apply to applications put in by counsel for the
inspection of records which may be presented to the Presiding Officer personally, nor do they
apply to talbanas and stamped postal envelopes filed by the litigants, which should he
received direct by the Ahlmad or the Moharrir and a receipt given for the same whether
demanded or not.
8. Who can file petition, etc.-- Plaints and petitions must be filed, except, when otherwise
specially provided by any law for the time being in force, by the party in person or by his
recognized agent, or by a duly authorized and qualified legal practitioner.
9. Recognised agents.-- Recognized agents are defined in Order III, Rule 2, of the Code of
Civil Procedure, 1908. As to the appointment of a pleader, the provisions of Rule 4 of Order
[of the said Code] and the instructions of the High Court given in Chapter 16, part A of
this Volume should be carefully studied.
10. Powers of attorney.-- When parties appear by pleaders, or agents duly authorized in that
behalf, their powers-of-attorney should, when practicable, be filed in original with the plaint.
Where the power-of-attorney is a general one, a copy should be filed, the original being
presented for verification. When so filed the power of attorney will be considered to be in
force until revoked, with the leave of the Court, by a writing signed by the client and filed in
Court, or until the client or pleader or agent dies, or all proceedings in the suit are ended so far
as regards the client.
11. Sending by post.-- The reception of plaints and petitions made under the Code of Civil
Procedure, for judicial purposes by post, is irregular. All applications of a judicial nature
received by post should be filed and on each application so filed an endorsement should be
made to the effect that it was filed as not having been properly presented. This does not apply
to applications for copies of judicial proceedings, which are not applications for judicial
purposes made under the Code; but are applications dealt with under administrative authority.

1. Examination.-- On the presentation or receipt of a plaint, the Court should examine it with
special reference to the following points, viz.:-
(i) whether the plaint contains the particulars specified in Order VII, Rule 1, and conforms to
the other rules of pleadings in Orders VI and VII and rules made by the High Court
(ii) whether, there is, prima facie, any non-joinder or mis-joinder of parties, or mis-joinder of
causes of action;
(iii) whether any of the parties to the suit are minors and, if so, whether they are properly
represented as laid down in Chapter
1-M(d) of this volume;
(iv) whether the plaint is duly signed and verified;
(v) whether the suit is within the jurisdiction of the Court or must be returned for presentation
to proper Court (Order VII, Rule 10);
(vi) whether the plaint is liable to be rejected for any of the reasons given in order VII, Rule
(vii) whether the documents attached to the plaint (if any) are accompanied by lists in the
prescribed form and are in order;
(viii) whether the plaintiff has filed a proceeding containing his address for service during the
litigation as required by Rule 19 of Order VII as framed by the High Court;
[(ix) whether the plaint is accompanied by a statement giving the names and addresses of the
legal representatives and of the perjson who in the event of death of the plaintiff shall intimate
such fact to the Court (Order VII, Rule 26, CPC);
(x) whether the plaint is accompanied by as many copies on plain paper of the plaint as there
are defendants plus two extra copies and draft forms of summons and fees for the service
thereof {Order VII, Rule 9 (1A), CPC};

(xi) whether the suit is not barred by time, and if, prima facie, it is so barred, whether plaint
shows the ground on which exemption is claimed (Order VII, Rule 6); and
(xii) whether the plaint is accompanied by as many registered envelopes (acknowledgment
due) as the number of defendants for simultaneous service of the summons through post
(Order V, Rule 10-A).]
2. The provisions of the Code with regard to the pleading (which term includes the plaint and
written statements of parties) should be carefully studied. The principal rules of pleading may
be briefly stated as follows:-
(a) The whole case must be stated in the pleadings, that is to say, all material facts must be
stated (Order VI, Rule 2).
(b) Only material facts are to be stated. The evidence by which they are to be proved is not to
be stated (Order VI, Rules 2, 10, 11 and 12).
(c) The facts are to be stated concisely.
(d) It is not necessary to allege the performance of any condition precedent; an averment of
performance is implied in every pleading but a non-performance of condition precedent, if
relied on, must be distinctly stated (Order VI, Rule 6).
(e) It is not necessary to set out the whole or any part of a document unless the precise words
thereof are necessary. It is sufficient to state the effect of the document as briefly as possible
(Order VI, Rule 9).
(f) It is not necessary to allege a matter of fact which the law presumes. or as to which the
burden of proof lies on the other side (Order VI, Rule 13).
(g) When misrepresentation, fraud, undue influence, etc. are pleaded, necessary particulars
must always be given (Order VI, Rule 4).


(h) When a suit is prima facie time-barred the ground on which exemption is claimed must be
stated (Order VII, Rule 6).
If the plaint is prolix or indefinite or omits to give the necessary particulars or to specify the
relief claimed precisely or is defective in any other respect it should be returned to the party
or his counsel for such amendment as may be necessary in the actual presence of the
Presiding Officer after he has signed the endorsement. The Court has wide powers in this
respect (see Order VI, Rules 16 and 17). Where amendment is directed, an order should be
recorded by the judge indicating the particulars about the necessary amendment and fixing a
date for filing the amended plaint.
3. (a) Non-joinder and mis-joinder of parties and causes of action.-- Attention is drawn to
the provisions of law contained in Orders I and II of the Civil Procedure Code relating to non-
joinder of parties and mis-joinder of causes of action and parties and as to representative
(i) Joinder of parties.-- Order I, rules 1 and 3 provide in what case several plaintiffs or
defendants may be joined in one suit.
(ii) Representative suits.-- Order I, rule 8 provides that when there are numerous persons
having the same interest in one suit, one or more of such persons may sue or defend on behalf
of all with the permission of the Court .
(iii) Objection as to non-joinder or mis-joinder.-- Order I, rule 9 lays down that no suit
shall be defeated by reason of mis-joinder or non-joinder of parties and Order I , rule 13 and
Order II, rule 7 lay down that objections as to non-joinder or mis-joinder of parties or causes
of action, etc. should be made at the earliest stage of the case.
(iv) Joinder of causes of action.-- Order II rules 3 to 5 provide in what cases several causes
of action may be joined in one suit.
(v) Separate trials.-- Order I, rule 2 and Order II, rule 6 provide for power of the Court to
order separate trial if the joinder of several plaintiffs or several causes of action is

(vi) Striking out and adding parties.-- Order I, rule 10 gives power to the Court to strike out
unnecessary parties and add necessary parties.
(b) Necessary parties.-- Suits for inheritance, partition or declaration of right in order to
effect partition, contribution, redemption, foreclosure, administration of property, dissolution
and winding up of a partnership, and the like, cannot be properly disposed of unless all
persons interested in the matter are before the Court. Therefore, in cases of this description, if
it appears that any necessary parties have not been joined, the plaintiff should be ordered to
join them.
4. Signing and verification.-- The plaint must be signed by the plaintiff, or, if by reason of
absence or other good cause the plaintiff is unable to sign it, by his duly authorised agent. It
must also be signed by the plaintiff's pleader (if any ) and be verified by the plaintiff, or by
some other person proved to the satisfaction of the Court to be acquainted with the facts of the
case .
The personal attendance of the plaintiff in Court for the purpose of verification is
unnecessary. The verification must, however, be signed by the person making it.
5. Jurisdiction.-- The jurisdiction of a Court depends upon the nature and value of the suit.
(For detailed instruction see Chapter-II on "Jurisdiction of Courts" and Chapter-III on
"Valuation of suits"). If a suit is not within the jurisdiction of the Court, the plaint must be
returned in the presence of the Presiding Officer for presentation to proper Court. In such
cases the Presiding Officer must record on the plaint his reasons for returning it along with the
other particulars mentioned in sub-rule (2) of rule 10 of Order VII.
6. Rejection of plaint.-- If the plaint discloses no cause of action, or is barred by any law on
the statements made therein, or if the relief claimed is under-valued or the plaint is not
sufficiently stamped and the plaintiff fails to correct the valuation or pay the deficiency in the
Court-fee within the time fixed by Court the plaint should be "rejected" under Order VII, Rule
11, reasons being recorded by the Presiding Officer in support of the order.


It should be noted that the correct order in such cases is to 'reject the plaint' and not 'dismiss
the suit'. The rejection of a plaint does not preclude the institution of a fresh suit on the same
cause of action, provided of course, it is not otherwise barred (e.g., by limitation, etc.) by that
time .
7. Comparison of copies of account.-- Copies of any shop book or account produced should
be compared with the original by Chief Ministerial Officer of the Court and the shop book or
account should then be returned after marking the entries relied upon (Order VII, Rule 17).
When a shop book or other account written in a language other than English or the language
of the Court is produced with a translation or transliteration of the relevant entry, the party
producing it shall not be required to present a separate affidavit as to the correctness of the
translation or transliteration, but shall add a certificate, on the document itself, that it is a full
and true translation or transliteration of the original entry, and no examination or comparison
by the ministerial officer shall be required except by a special order of the Court.
8. Address of the parties.-- The proceeding containing address for service is intended to
facilitate the service of processes throughout the litigation (including appeals, etc,) and it is,
therefore, important to see that it is duly filed at the outset according to this rule. Failure to
comply with the rule is liable to be punished with dismissal of the suit but such an order may
properly be passed in extreme cases when the failure is intentional and contumacious.
9. Land suits.-- If the plaint relates to agricultural land and the plaintiff is illiterate, it should
be scrutinised with special care, according to the following directions:-
(i) The Presiding Officer shall ascertain by careful examination of the plaintiff or his
agent, whether the prayer in the plaint corresponds in all particulars with the exact
relief which the plaintiff orally describes himself as seeking. If the oral statements of
the plaintiff or his agent are at variance with the written description of his claim, the
plaint shall, in his or his agent's presence, be returned for amendment, and no
amended plaint


should be accepted until the Court is satisfied that it correctly expresses the claim
which the plaintiff desires to establish.
(ii) Every such plaint shall be accompanied by a statement in the prescribed form setting
forth the particulars relating thereto recorded in the Settlement record and in the last
J amabandi. This statement shall be verified by the signature of the Patwari of the
Circle in which the land concerned is situated. Where, by reason of partition, river
action or other cause the entries in the Settlement record and in the last J amabandi do
not accord, a brief explanation of the reason should be given in the column of
remarks. Where the suit is for a specific plot with definite boundaries, it shall also be
accompanied by a map, drawn to scale, showing clearly the specific plot claimed, or
in relation to which the decree is to be made, and so much of the fields adjoining it,
also drawn to scale, as may be sufficient to facilitate identification. The specific plot
and adjoining fields shall be numbered in accordance with the statement and the map
shall be certified as correct by the Patwari or other person who prepared it. Where,
however, the suit is for the whole of one or more khasra numbers as shown in the
Settlement map, or a share in such numbers, and not for a specific portion thereof no
map will be required unless it is necessary for other reasons to show the boundaries of
such khasra numbers.
10. Suits for recovery of money, mesne profits and accounts.-- If the plaintiff seeks the
recovery of money, the plaint should state the precise amount, as far as the case admits. In a
suit for mesne profits or unsettled accounts it is sufficient to state the amount approximately.
11. Suits by or against firms.-- Suits by or against firms should be in the form prescribed in
Order XXX. An explanation has been added by the High Court to Rule I of Order XXX,
making it applicable to joint Hindu trading partnerships (Notification No. 2212-G, dated 12th
May 1909).
12. Copies or concise statements of plaints.-- When the plaint is admitted (after such
amendment as may be found necessary), the plaintiff should

be required to give as may copies of the plaint on plain paper as there are defendants, for
being supplied to them. If the plaint is long, or the number of defendants is large, the Court
may permit concise statements of the plaint to be supplied instead. Such copies or concise
statements must be examined by the chief ministerial officer and signed, if found correct
(Order VII, Rule 9).
13. Parcha Yad Dasht.-- When a plaint or petition is admitted and a date fixed for
summoning of the other party or for any other purpose a memorandum (parcha yad dasht) on
strong paper in the form given below duly filled in shall be given to the plaintiff or the
petitioner or his agent if he is illiterate and not represented by counsel.


IN THE COURT OF THE ____________________________________________ AT
COURT HOURS FROM _________________A.M. TO____________________P.M.
Civil (Suit)(Appeal)(Miscelaneous Application) ........No._____ of (year) _______.

Parties Date of
Date fixed for
Place at which
attendance is required
Purpose for which
date is fixed
- - - - - -
A........By (Officer of Court)
B........From (Name and descripation of party presenting)

1. A parcha is to be given without demand (1) to the person who presents the plaint, appeal or
petition, and (2) when a case is not disposed of at the first hearing to the Defendant or
Respondent or, if there be several, to such Defendants or Respondents as the Court may
2. Every entry in any column after the first is to be signed by the officer making it.
3. If the place is the fixed headquarters of the Court, it need not be specified, but in every
other instance it must be specified.
14. Parcha Yad Dasht.-- A similar parcha shall be given to the opposite party when he
appears if he is illiterate and not represented by counsel.
15. Filling in of the parcha.-- Parcha shall be filled in and signed by the Reader of the Court
and given to the parties concerned in the presence of the Presiding Officer as soon as the date
of hearing is fixed.

In Small Cause Courts and in the Courts of the District J udges this parcha may be filled in by
any other official if the Presiding Officer so directs.
16. Filling in of the parcha.-- The above parcha shall be used throughout the proceedings
and properly filled in whenever the case is adjourned. If the parcha is lost a duplicate should
be given.

1. Summonses for final disposal or settlement of issues.-- In Order V, Rule 5, of the Code
of Civil Procedure, it is laid down that the Court shall determine, at the time of issuing the
summons, whether it shall be for the settlement of issues only, or for the final disposal of the
suit, and the summons shall contain a direction accordingly; and a proviso to the rule adds
that in every suit heard by a Court of Small Causes the summons must be for the final
disposal of the suit .
2. When summonses for final disposal may issue.-- In determining whether the summons
shall be for the settlement of issues only, or for the final disposal of the case, the Court must
be guided by the nature of the suit, and the probability or otherwise of the facts stated in the
plaint being disputed by the defendant on grounds which will require the production of much
evidence or will involve much contention. Where the case appears simple, and it seems
probable that a correct judgment can be formed at the first hearing from the examination of
the parties or their agents, and such evidence, oral or documentary, as they can bring with
them, the summons should be for the final disposal of the case.
3. Adjournment of case in case of summonses for final disposal.- It will, however, be
remembered that when the summons is for final disposal, the Court is not bound to dispose of
the case on the date fixed for hearing, but can adjourn the case to another date, to enable the
parties to produce evidence, when this seems necessary in the interests of justice, and
especially when there is reason to believe that one party has been taken by surprise by the
pleadings of, or statements made on examination by the other.
4. Suitors should be made to know what summons for final disposal means.-- Care should
be taken to make suitors understand, in cases in which the summons is for final disposal, that
all their evidence must be produced on the day fixed for disposal.


[5. (1) Not later than seven days after the settlement of issues, the parties shall submit to the
Court a list of witnesses whom they propose to call either to give evidence or to produce
(2) A party shall not be permitted to call witnesses other than those contained in the said list
except with the permission of the Court and after showing good cause for the omission of the
said witnesses from the list; and if the Court grants such permission, it shall record the
reasons therefor.
5-A. Except where it appears to the Court that a summons under Order XVI should be served
by the Court in the same manner as summons to a defendant, the Court shall make over for
service such summons to the party applying therefor.
5-B. Every summons under Order XVI not being a summons made over to a party for service
under rule 7A of that Order, shall be served as nearly as in the manner of service on a
defendant and the rules in Order V as to proof of service shall apply thereto. Such summons
shall not be issued unless an application is made not later than fourteen days prior to the date
of hearing of the case and subject to the deposit of necessary expenses for the summoning of
the witnesses.]
6. Signing of summons. Copies of plaint to be attached.-- Summonses should be clearly
and legibly written and signed, and the seal of the Court must be affixed. Order V, Rule 1(3)
of the Code requires that the summons shall be signed by the Judge or such officer as he
appoints. In Courts, provided with a Clerk of Court he may be authorized to sign summonses;
in all other Courts Reader may be authorized to sign them. The signature should in all cases
be fully and legibly written. A copy or concise statement of the plaint should be attached to
each summons.
7. References.-- As regards the general procedure to be followed in effecting service of
processes, personal attention to service and proof of service, special procedure in the case of
Government Servants, and persons in Military employ, etc., the time to be allowed for service
of processes in
[Tribal Areas], foreign countries, Chapter 7, Volume IV, "Processes -- Civil
Courts" may be referred to. For service of Processes of Appellate Courts -- See Chapter 14-B,
Volume I.


1. When written statements required.-- It is laid down in Order VIII, Rule 1 of the Code of
Civil Procedure, that a defendant may, and if so required by the Court shall, at or before the
first hearing or within such time as the Court may permit, present a written statement of his
defence. Ordinarily it is advisable to require such a written statement and the Court should at
the time of issuing the summons call for a written statement from the defendant on the date
fixed for his appearance. In most cases, there should be no difficulty in presenting such a
written statement on the date fixed, and no adjournment should be given for the purpose
except for good cause shown, and in proper cases, costs should be awarded to the opposite
side. Laxity in granting adjournments for the purpose of filing written statements should be
avoided, and it should be noted that in extreme cases, contumacious refusal to comply with
the Court's order is liable to be dealt with under order VIII, Rule 10, Civil Procedure Code.
[According to the proviso to Rule 1 of Order VIII, the period to be allowed for filing of the
written statement shall not, ordinarily, exceed thirty days.]
2. Documents to accompany written statement.-- Rule 1 of Order VIII (as amended by the
High Court) further requires the defendant to produce with the written statement all
documents in his possession or power on which he bases his defence or claim to set off, if
any. If he relies in support of his case on any other documents, not in his possession or power,
he must annex a list thereof to the written statement. With the written statement, the defendant
must also file his address for service during the litigation.
3. Replications.-- When the defendant has filed a written statement the Court may call upon
the plaintiff to file a written statement in reply. Under Order VIII, Rule 9, the Court, has
power to call upon both parties to file written statements at any time and this power should be
freely used for elucidating the pleas when necessary, especially in complicated cases. In
simple cases, however, examination of the parties, after the defendant has filed his written
statement is generally found to be sufficient.

4. Separate written statements.-- In all cases where there are several defendants the Court
should, as a rule, take a separate written statement from each defendant, unless the defences
of any defendants filing a joint written statement are identical in all respects. There may be
different defences based upon a variety of circumstances and these should not be allowed to
be mixed up together in a single statement merely because all the defendants deny the
plaintiff's claim.
5. Court-fees.-- Written statements called from the parties may be on plain paper, but when
the defendant claims in his written statements any sum by way of set off under Order VIII,
Rule 6, Civil Procedure Code, the statement must be stamped in the same manner as a plaint
in a suit for the recovery of that sum.
6. Contents.-- A "written statement" is included in the definition of "pleading" (vide Order
VI, Rule 1) and should conform to the general rules of pleadings given in Order VI as well as
the special rules with regard to written statements in Order VIII. All admissions and denials of
facts should be specific and precise and not evasive or ambiguous. When allegations of fraud,
etc. are set up, the particulars should be fully given. When any legal provision is relied on, not
only the provision of law relied upon should be mentioned, but also the facts making it
applicable should be stated. For instance, when a plea of res judicata is raised, not only the
provision of law (e.g., section 11 of Civil Procedure Code) should be mentioned, but also the
particulars of the previous suit which is alleged to bar the suit.

1. Stress on framing correct issues.-- The trial of a suit falls into two broad divisions-- the
first part leading up to and including the framing of issues and the second, consisting of the
hearing of the evidence produced by the parties on those issues and the decision thereof.
Issues are material propositions of facts and law, which are in controversy between the parties
and the correct decision of a suit naturally depends on the correct determination of these
propositions. The utmost care and attention, is therefore, needed in ascertaining the real
matters in dispute between the parties and fixing the issues in precise terms. In most cases the
main difficulty of the trial is overcome when the correct issues are framed. A few hours spent
by the Court at the outset in studying and elucidating the pleadings, may mean a saving of
several days, if not weeks, in the later stages of the trial.
2. Framing of issues by counsel.-- In some Courts, the framing of issues is left to the
pleaders for the parties concerned. This practice is illegal and must cease. The Code
contemplates that the Presiding Officer of the Court should himself examine the pleadings,
get the points in dispute elucidated and frame issues thereon.
3. Elucidation of pleadings for framing issues.-- The main foundation for the issues is
supplied by the pleadings of the parties, viz, the plaint and the written statements. But owing
to the ignorance of the parties or other reasons, it is frequently found that the facts are stated
neither correctly nor clearly in the pleadings. The Code gives ample powers to the Court to
elucidate the pleadings by different methods prescribed in Orders X, XI and XII of the Code
and in most cases it is essential to do so, before framing the issues.
4. Elucidation of pleadings for framing issues.-- On the date fixed for the settlement of
issues, the Court should, therefore, carefully examine the pleadings of the parties and see
whether, allegations of fact made by each party are either admitted or denied by the opposite
party, as they ought to be. If any allegations of fact are not so admitted or denied in the
pleadings of any party, either expressly or by clear implication, the Court should proceed to
question the party or his pleader and record categorically his admission or denial of those
allegations (Order X, Rule 1).

5. Examination of Parties.-- Order X, Rule 2 of the Code, empower the Court at the first or
any subsequent hearing to examine any party appearing in person or present in Court or any
person, accompanying him, who is able to answer all material questions relating to the suit.
This is a most valuable provision, and if properly used, results frequently in saving a lot of
time. To use it properly, the Court should begin by studying the pleas and recording the
admissions and denials of the parties under Order X, Rule 1, as stated above. The Court will
then be in a position to ascertain what facts need further elucidation by examination of the
parties. The parties should then be examined alternatively on all such points and the process
of examination continued until all the matters in conflict and especially matters of fact are
clearly brought to a focus. When there are more defendants than one, they should be
examined separately so as to avoid any confusion between their respective defences.
[6. Examination on Oath.-- From Order XIV, Rule 3 of the Code, it will appear that every
allegation of fact made by any person other than a pleader should be on oath or solemn
7. Personal attendance of parties.-- When a pleader for a party or his agent is unable to state
the facts to the satisfaction of the Court, the Court has the power, to require the personal
attendance of the party concerned (Order X, Rule 4). It may also be noted here that the Court
can require the personal attendance of the defendant on the date fixed for the framing of
issues by an order to that effect in the summons issued to him (Order V, Rule 3).
8. Examination should be detailed.-- In examining the parties or their pleaders, the Court
should insist on a detailed and accurate statement of facts. A brief or vague oral plea, e.g., that
the suit is barred be limitation, or by the rule of res judicata, should not be received without a
full statement of the material facts and the provision of law on which the plea
is based. similarly when fraud, collusion, custom, mis-joinder, estoppel, etc., is pleaded,
the facts on which the pleas are based should be fully elucidated. Any inclination of a
party or his pleader to evade straightforward answers or make objections or pleas,
which appear to the Court to be frivolous, can be promptly met, when necessary, by
an order for a further written statement on payment of costs. The

party concerned should also be warned that he will be liable to pay the costs of the opposite
party, on that part of the case at any rate, if he failed to substantiate his allegations.
9. Personal examination of parties.-- Examination of the parties in person is particularly
useful in the case of illiterate litigants. Much hardship to the people will be prevented, if the
Presiding Officers examine the parties personally and sift the cases thoroughly at the outset.
10. Amendment of pleadings.-- The examination of the parties frequently discloses that the
pleadings in the plaint or written statement are not correctly stated. In such cases, these should
be ordered to be amended and the amendment initialled by the party concerned. If any mis-
joinder or multifariousness is discovered, the Court should take action to have the defect
11. Forms prescribed for examination of parties.-- In order to ensure due compliance with
these instructions as regards the examination of parties, the High Court has prescribed forms
on which such examination should be recorded. Appellate Courts should see that the forms
prescribed are used and should not fail to take notice of subordinate Courts which neglect to
follow the directions here given.
12. Utility of provisions as to discovery, inspection and admission.-- The provisions of
Order XI and Order XII of the Code with regard to "discovery and inspection" and
"admissions" are also very important for the purposes of ascertaining the precise cases of the
parties and narrowing down the field of controversy.
These provisions are little understood and are not utilized at present as much as they should
be. The Courts should make themselves conversant with them and encourage the parties
to make free use of them, especially in long and intricate cases. It should be noted that
under section 30 of the Code the Court has power to make orders suo moto; as
regards delivery of interrogatories for the purposes of discovery, inspection and admissions.
If these provisions are properly used, they will result in a saving of considerable cost to
the parties and also curtail the duration of the trial.

13. Parties and their counsel should be encouraged to use freely the provisions of order XII,
rules 2 and 4, Civil Procedure Code (Notice to admit documents and facts). They should be
warned that if they fail to avail themselves of these provisions they will not be allowed costs
of proving facts and documents, notice of which could have been given. When hearing
evidence the Court should make a note whether the parties have made use of these provisions,
and if they have not done so, should disallow costs incurred in proving such facts and
documents in passing final orders.
14. Form of issues.-- When the pleadings have thus been exhausted and the Court has before
it the plaint, pleas, written statements, admissions and denials recorded under Order X, Rule
1, examination of parties recorded under Order X, Rule 2 and admissions of facts or
documents made under Order XII of the Code, it will be in a position to frame correctly the
issues upon the points actually in dispute between the parties. Each issue should state in an
interrogative form one point in dispute. Every issue should form a single question, and as far
as possible issues should not be put in an alternative form. In other words, each issue should
contain a definite proposition of fact or law which one party avers and the other denies. An
issue in the form, so often seen, of a group of confused questions is no issue at all, and is
productive of nothing but confusion at the trial. A double or alternative issue generally
indicates that the Court does not see clearly on which side or in what manner the true issue
arises, and on whom the burden of proof should lie, and an issue in general terms such as "Is
the plaintiff entitled to a decree" is meaningless. If there are more defendants than one who
make separate answers to the claim, the Court should note against each issue the defendant or
defendants between whom and the plaintiff the issue arises.
15. Burden of proof.-- The burden of proof as to each issue should be carefully determined
and the name of the party on whom the burden lies, stated opposite to the issue.

1. Production of documents and list along with plaint and written statement on final
hearing.-- The main provisions of the Code with regard to the production of documents by
the parties are as follow:-
(a) According to Order VII, Rule 14, when the plaintiff sues upon a document in his
possession or power, he shall produce it in Court when the plaint is presented and deliver the
document itself or a copy thereof to be filed with the plaint. If he relies on any other
documents, whether in his possession or power or not, as evidence in support of his case, he
shall enter such documents in a list to be annexed to the plaint. If the documents are not so
produced or entered in the list, they cannot be proved at a later stage without the leave of the
Court, unless they fall within the exception given in sub-rule 2 of Order VII, Rule 18.
(b) Order VIII, Rule 1 (as amended by the High Court), similarly requires the defendant to
produce with his written statement any documents upon which his defence or claim to set-off
is founded. The defendant must also annex to the written statement a list of all documents on
which he intends to rely -- whether in his possession or power or not -- in support of his
defence or claim to set-off.
(c) Order XIII, Rule I, lays down that the parties shall produce at the first hearing of the suit
documentary evidence of every description in their possession or power on which they intend
to rely, and which has not been already filed in Court and all documents which the Court has
ordered to be produced. If the documents are not so produced at the first hearing, they cannot
be produced at a later stage unless good cause is shown to the satisfaction of the Court.
[(d) Order XVI Rule I provides for filing a list, within seven days after settlement of issues,
of such witnesses who may be called to

produce documents. Any application made beyond seven days should not be allowed except
on showing good cause.]
2. List of documents and their comparison with the list.-- Whenever any documents are
produced by the parties in the course of a suit, whether with the plaint or written statement, or
at a later stage, they must always be accompanied by a list, in duplicate, in the form given
below. Documents produced must be forthwith compared with the list, and, if found correct,
the original list should be signed by the Reader of the Court and its duplicate copy similarly
signed should be returned to the party presenting the document. In column 4, the Court should
note the manner in which the document was dealt with, i.e. whether it was admitted in
evidence or rejected and returned to the party concerned or impounded, as the case may be.


List of documents produced by Plaintiff/Defendant under order XIII, Rule 1, Civil Procedure
In the Court of ______________________ at_______________DISTRICT
Suit No.__________________________________________of (year)
List of Documents produced with the plaint (or at first hearing )on behalf of (plaintiff or
This list was filed by ___________ this day of (year)

1 2 3 4
Sr.No. Description and
date if any, of
the document.
What the
document is
intended to
If brought on the
record, the
Exhibit mark put
on the document.
If rejected, date of
return to party and
signature of party or
pleader to whom the
document was
Signature of party or
pleader producing the list.
Note--J udicial Officers should instruct all petition-writers practising in their Courts to
prepare lists in the above form for all documents intended to be produced in Court."
3. Calling upon parties to produce documents.-- The Court should formally call upon the
parties at first hearing at the time of framing issues to produce their documents and should
make a note that it has done so.
[On production of documents, the Court may call upon the
parties to admit or deny the documents produced in the Court and record their admission, or
as the case may be, their denial.] Forms have been prescribed by the High Court for

the examination of the parties with reference to their documents and these should be
invariably used. If the printed forms are not at any time available, the questions prescribed
therein should be asked and the questions as well as the answers noted. If these instructions
are strictly carried out, there will be no justification for the plea frequently put forward by
ignorant litigants, with regard to the late production of a document that they had brought the
document at the first hearing but were not called upon to produce it.
4. Late production of documents.-- The above provisions as regards the production of the
documents at the initial stage of a suit are intended to minimise the chances of fabrication of
documentary evidence during the course of the suit as well as to give the earliest possible
notice to each party of the documentary evidence relied upon by the opposite party. These
provisions should, therefore, be strictly observed, and if any document is tendered at a later
stage, the Court should consider carefully the nature of the document sought to be produced
(e.g., whether there is any suspicion about its genuineness or not) and the reasons given for its
non-production at the proper stage, before admitting it. The fact of a document being in
possession of a servant or agent of a party on whose behalf it is tendered is not itself a
sufficient reason for allowing the document to be produced after the time prescribed by Order
XIII, Rule 1. The Court must always record its reasons for admission of the document in such
cases, if it decides to admit it (Order XIII, Rule 2).
5. Suspicious, forged or not properly stamped documents.-- Should any document which
has been partially erased or interlined, or which otherwise presents a suspicious appearance,
be presented at any time in the course of proceedings, a note should be made of the fact; and,
should a well founded suspicion of fraudulent alteration or forgery subsequently arise, the
document should be impounded under Order XIII, Rule 8, and action taken under Section
476, 478 and 479 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Similarly, should any document be
presented which appears to have been executed on unstamped or insufficiently stamped paper,
action should be taken under Section 33 and 35 of the stamp Act, 1899. (See also Volume IV,
Chapter 4, "Court-fees Stamps").

6. Production and admission of documents distinguished.-- Court should be careful to
distinguish between mere production of documents and their 'admission in evidence' after
being either 'admitted' by the opposite party or 'proved' according to law. When documents
are 'produced' by the parties, they are only temporarily placed on the record subject to their
being 'admitted in evidence' in due course. Only documents which are duly 'admitted in
evidence' form a part of the record, while the rest must be returned to the parties producing
them (Order XIII, Rule 7).
7. Documents must be tendered in evidence.-- Every document which a party intends to use
as evidence against his opponent must be formally tendered by him in evidence in the course
of proving his case. If a document has been placed on the record, it can be referred to for the
purpose. If it is not on the record, it must be called from and produced by, the person in whose
custody it is.
8. Procedure when documents admitted by the opposite party.-- If the opponent does not
object to the document being admitted in evidence, an endorsement to that effect must be
made by the J udge with his own hand; and, if the document is not such as is forbidden by the
legislature to be used as evidence, the J udge will admit it, cause it or so much of it as the
parties may desire to be read.
9. Procedure when document is not admitted by the opposite party.-- If, on the document
being tendered, the opposite party objects to its being admitted in evidence two questions
commonly arise: first, whether the document is authentic, or, in other words, is that which the
party tendering it represents it to be; and second, whether, supposing it to be authentic, it is
legally admissible in evidence as against the party who is sought to be affected by it. The
latter question, in general, is matter of argument only; but the first must, as a rule, be
supported by such testimony as the party can adduce.
10. Legal objection as to admissibility.-- All legal objections as to the admissibility of a
document should, as far as possible, be promptly disposed of, and the Court should carefully
note the objection raised and the decision thereon.

The Court is also bound to consider, suo moto, whether any document sought to be proved is
relevant and whether there is any legal objection to its admissibility. There are certain classes
of documents which are wholly inadmissible in evidence for certain purposes, owing to
defects such as want of registration, etc., (see e.g., Section 49 of the Registration Act). There
are others in which the defect can be cured, e.g., by payment of penalty in the case of certain
unstamped or insufficiently stamped documents.
11. Mode of proof.-- As regards the mode of proof the provisions of the
Shahadat, 1984 (X of 1984)] should be carefully borne in mind. The general rule is that
document should be proved by primary evidence, i.e. the document itself should be produced
in original and proved. If secondary evidence is permitted, the Court should see that the
conditions under which such evidence can be led in, exist.
Old documents.-- If an old document is sought to be proved under Section 90, the Court
should satisfy itself by every reasonable means that it comes from proper custody.
When copies instead of original may be put in.-- Under the Bankers' Books Evidence Act,
1891, certified copies can be produced, instead of the original entries in the books of Banks,
in certain circumstances, and a similar privilege is extended under Section 26 of the Co-
operative Societies Act,
[1925], to entries in books of Societies registered under that Act, and
the entries in the account prescribed under
[subsection (1) of Section 14 of the Punjab Money
Lenders Ordinance, 1960 (XXIV of 1960)].
12. Proof of signature or attestation.-- There are certain points which the Courts should bear
in mind, when the signature or attestation of a document is sought to be proved.
Before a witness is allowed to identify a document, he should ordinarily be made, by proper
questioning, to state the grounds of his knowledge with regard to it. For instance, if he is
about to speak to the act of signature, he should first be made to explain concisely the
occurrences which led to his being present when the document was signed, and if he is about
to recognise a signature on the strength of his knowledge of the supposed signer's
handwriting, he should first be made to state the mode in which this knowledge was acquired.

This should be done by the party who seeks to prove the document. It is the duty of the Court,
in the event of a witness professing ability to recognise or identify hand writing, always to
take care that his capacity to do so is thus tested, unless the opposite party admits it.
13. Plans.-- In all cases in which a plan of the property is produced by either of the parties or
is required from it by the Court and is not admitted by the opposite party, it must be properly
proved by--
(a) examination of the person who prepared it, and by requiring him to certify it as correct and
to sign it, or
(b) by affidavits or examination of the parties and witnesses.
It is further open to the Court to issue a commission at the cost of the parties or either of them
to any competent person to prepare a correct plan and to examine the person so appointed in
order to explain and prove it.
14. Endorsements on documents admitted in evidence.-- Every document "admitted in
evidence", must be endorsed and signed or initialled by the J udge in the manner required by
Order XIII, Rule 4, and marked with an Exhibit number. Documents produced by the plaintiff
may be conveniently marked as Ex. P. 1, Ex. P. 2, etc., while those produced by the defendant
as Ex. D. 1, D. 2, D. 3, etc. To ensure strict compliance with the provisions of Order XIII,
Rule 4,
[...] each Civil Court has been supplied with a rubber stamp in the following form:
SUIT No. OF (Year)
Title (Plaintiff) versus (Defendant)
Produced by
On the .... day of
Nature of document
Stamp duty paid Rs. . . . Ps. . . . is (is not)
Admitted as Exhibit No. ________
on the ____________day of __________19
J udge.
The entries in the above form should be filled in at the time when the document is admitted in
evidence under the signature of the J udge. This precaution is

necessary to prevent any substitution or tampering with the document. Details as to the nature
of the document and the stamp duty paid upon it are required to be entered in order that
Courts may not neglect the duties imposed on them by Section 33 of the Stamp Act, 1899.
District J udges should see that all Courts subordinate to them are supplied with these stamps.
The above rule also applies to documents produced during the course of an enquiry made on
remand by an Appellate Court.
The endorsement and stamp will show that the document is proved. It is to be remembered
that the word "proved" used in the context here means "that J udicial evidence has been led
about it" and does not imply "proof" in an absolute sense.
15. Endorsements on documents not admitted in evidence.-- Documents which are not
admitted in evidence must similarly be endorsed before their return with the particulars
specified in Order XIII, Rule 6, together with a statement of their being rejected and the
endorsement must be signed or initialled by the J udge.
16. Documents to be placed in strong cover.-- Documents which are admitted in evidence
should be placed in strong covers - one cover being used for documents produced by the
plaintiff and the other for those produced by the defendant.
17. Consequences of not properly admitting documents.-- Owing to the neglect of the
foregoing direction as regards endorsing and stamping of documents it is often impossible to
say what papers on the file constitute the true record; copies of extracts from public or private
records or accounts, referred to in the judgment as admitted in evidence, are often found to be
not "proved" according to law, and sometimes altogether absent.
18. Revision of record before writing judgment to see that only admitted document are
on the record. Duty of Appellate Court to see that this has been done.-- It is the duty
of the Court, before proceeding to judgment under Order XX, Rule 1, of the Code of Civil
Procedure, finally to revise the record which is to form the basis of its judgment, and to see
that it and contains all that has been formally admitted in evidence and nothing else. Any papers

still found with the file, which have not been admitted in evidence, should be returned to the
Appellate Courts should examine the records of cases coming before them on appeal with a
view to satisfying themselves that subordinate Courts have complied with the provisions of
the law and instructions of the High Court on the subject, and should take serious notice of the
matter when it appears that any Court has failed to do so.
19. Extracts or copies of settlement record and Riwaj-i-Am to be placed on record.-- It
frequently happens that although the wajib-ul-arz or riwaj-i-am of a village or other revenue
record is referred to by the parties and by the Court itself as affording most important
evidence, there is no certified extract or copy with the record of the entries relied on. When
there is a copy, it is often incomplete or so carelessly written as to be un-intelligible. It
becomes necessary to call for the originals thus causing damage to the records themselves,
and delay and inconvenience to the parties to the suit. It is the duty of Appellate Courts to see
that the Courts subordinate to them have proper extracts or copies of relevant entries in
Settlement records made, verified and placed on the record.
20. Production of public records.-- No application for the production of a Court record
should be entertained unless it is supported by an affidavit and the Court is satisfied that the
production of the original record is necessary (Order XIII, Rule 10). The same principle may
well be applied to other public records also. In the case of revenue records, the procedure laid
down in Chapter 9 of this Volume "Special Kanungo" should be followed.
It should be borne in mind that mere production of a record does not make the documents
therein admissible in evidence. The documents must be proved at the trial according to law.
Requisitions for records of Courts in other provinces should be submitted through the
Registrar, Lahore High Court, Lahore.
Care should, however, be taken in not treating the applications for production of public
records and documents too lightly. Such documents are liable to be lost or mutilated
in the course of transmission and a good deal of time of the clerks is wasted in
checking these records in order to see whether

they are complete according to the index. Original records or documents should not, therefore,
be sent for, unless the Court is fully satisfied that the production of a certified copy will not
serve the purpose.
Attention is drawn to rule 5, Order XIII, Civil Procedure Code, under which it is open to the
Court to require copy of an entry of a public record to be furnished by one or the other party
to the case. In the absence of special reasons which should be recorded in writing, Court
should not detain the original of a public document but should return it after a copy has been
21. Return of documents.-- Documents admitted in evidence can be returned to the persons
producing them, subject to the provisions of Order XIII, Rule 9 (as amended by the High
Court by Notification No. 563-G, dated the 24th November, 1927). If an application is made
for return of a document produced in evidence before the expiry of the period for filing an
appeal or before the disposal of the appeal (if one is filed) care should be taken to require a
certified copy to be placed on the record, and to take an undertaking for the production of the
original, if required.
In pending cases, application for return of documents should be made to the Court where the
case is pending.
In decided cases, the officer-in-charge of the Record Room should return the documents
without consulting the original Court only when the applicant delivers a certified copy to be
substituted for the original and undertakes to produce the original, if required to do so.
In all other cases, application shall be made to the original Court or its successor. If the Court
considers that the document may, under Order XIII, Rule 9, be returned, it shall record an
order accordingly.
The application should then be presented to the officer in-charge of the Record room who will
pass an order for return of the document.

1. List of Witnesses.-- Notice of the day of trial, reasonably sufficient to enable the parties to
attend with their witnesses, should be given before hand. It is the business of the parties to
take all reasonable steps to have their witnesses present in Court on the day fixed. The Court
should, on application and deposit of process-fees, issue the requisite summonses as soon as
possible so as to secure their attendance on the date fixed for hearing.
[Not later than seven days after the settlement of issues the parties shall submit to the Court a
certificate of readiness to produce evidence, alongwith a list of witnesses whom they propose
to call to give evidence or to produce documents] and no party who has begun to call his
witnesses shall be entitled to obtain processes to enforce the attendance of any witness against
whom process has not been previously issued or to produce any witness not named in the list
without an order of the Court made in writing and stating the reasons therefor (Order XVI,
Rule 1).
2. Statement of case.-- The trial should begin by the party having the right to begin (Order
XVIII, Rule 1 of the Code) stating his case, and giving the substance of the facts which he
proposes to establish by his evidence. The case thus stated ought to be reasonably in accord
with the party's pleadings, because no litigant can be allowed to make at the trial a case
materially and substantially different from that which he has placed on record, and which his
adversary is prepared to meet. The procedure laid down in the aforesaid rule is often
neglected by Courts, but it is highly useful and should be invariably followed.
3. Examination-in-Chief.-- In the examination of witnesses questions ought not to be put
in a leading form, nor in such a form as to induce a witness, other than an expert, to state
a conclusion of his reasoning, an impression of fact, or a matter of belief. The question should
be directed to elicit from him facts which he actually saw, heard or perceived within
the meaning of
[Article 71 of the Qannon-e-Shahadat, 1984 (X of 1984).] The questions
should be simple, should be put one by one and should be framed so as to elicit from
the witness, as nearly as may be in chronological order, all the

material facts to which he can speak of his own personal knowledge. A general request to a
witness to tell what he knows, or to state the facts of the case should, as a rule, not be allowed
because it gives an opening for a prepared story. Where the party calling witnesses is not
aided by Counsel, and is unable himself to properly examine his witnesses he may be asked to
suggest questions and the examination may be conducted by the Court.
4. Cross-examination.-- When the examination-in-chief is concluded the opposite side
should be allowed to cross-examine the witness, or, if unable to do so, to suggest questions to
be put by the Court. In cross-examination leading questions are permissible.
5. Re-examination.-- Then should follow, if necessary, re-examination for the purpose of
enabling the witness to explain answers which he may have imperfectly given on cross-
examination, and to add such further facts as may be admissible for the purpose.
6. How far should Court interfere in the conduct of examination.-- When the examination,
cross examination and re-examination are conducted by the parties or by their pleaders, the
Presiding Officer ought not, as a general rule, to interfere, except when necessary, e.g., for the
purpose of causing questions to be put in a clear and proper shape of checking improper
questions, and of making the witness give precise answers. At the end, however, if these have
been reasonably well-conducted he ought to know fairly well the exact position of the witness
with regard to the material facts of the case; and he should then put any questions to the
witness that he thinks necessary. The examination, cross-examination, re-examination and
examination by the Court (if any ) should be indicated by marginal notes on the record.
7. Examination of witnesses called by Court.-- The examination of witness called by the
Court under the provisions of order XVI, Rules 7 and 14, of the Code, should always be
conducted by the Court itself; and after such examination, if the parties to the suit desire it,
the witnesses may be cross-examined by the parties. Upon the close of the cross-examination,
the re-examination of such witnesses, if necessary, should be conducted by the Court in the
manner above stated.

8. Deposition should be read over.-- The deposition of each witness should be read over to
him in open Court and corrected, if necessary,
[and signed] by the J udge as soon as his
evidence has been finished (Order XVIII, Rule 5).
9. Mode of recording evidence.-- In all appealable cases the evidence shall be taken by or in
the presence of the J udge or under his personal directions and supervision. If he does not
write the evidence himself he shall (in all cases whether appealable or non-appealable) as the
examination of each witness proceeds make in his own hand a memorandum of the evidence.
He shall sign this memorandum and file it with the record. Should he be unable to do so he
shall cause the reason of his inability to be recorded, and the memorandum to be taken down
in writing from his dictation in open Court.
10. Arguments.-- When the party having the right to begin has stated his case and the
witnesses adduced by him have been examined, cross-examined and re-examined, and all the
documents tendered by him have been either received in evidence or refused, it then devolves
upon each of the opposing parties, who have distinct cases, to state their respective cases in
succession, should they desire to do so. After all of them have done so, or have declined to
exercise the right, the evidence, whether oral or documentary, adduced by each in order,
should be dealt with precisely as in the case of the first party; and on its termination and after
they have, if they so desire, addressed the Court generally on the whole case the first party
should be allowed to comment in reply upon his opponent's evidence.
The provisions of Order 18, Rules 2 and 3 as to hearing arguments should be strictly
followed. The practice prevailing in some Courts of hearing three speeches in every case after
the close of evidence of both parties, first by plaintiff, then by defendant and then a reply by
plaintiff is irregular.
11. Rebuttal evidence.-- If, however, the case of an opposing party is such as to introduce
into the trial, matter which is foreign to and outside the case of the first party and the evidence
adduced by him, then the latter must be allowed, if he so desires, to rebut this by additional
evidence, and his opponent must be allowed to speak upon it by way of reply before the first
party himself makes his own reply. But this is not to be understood as entitling the first party

to ask for an adjournment for that purpose. He is bound to be prepared with such rebutting
evidence, and an adjournment should only be allowed by the Court for good and sufficient
reasons, costs being, if necessary, allowed to the opposite party.
12. Examination of parties as witnesses.-- The vicious practice of each party summoning his
opponent as a witness merely with the design that counsel for each party gets a chance of
cross-examining his client, obtains in many of the Muffasil Courts. This practice has been
strongly condemned by their Lordships of the Privy Council and must cease (see I.L.R.,
XXXI, ALL. 116 at page 122). On the other hand, when the parties are personally acquainted
with any facts which they have to prove, they are expected to go into the witness-box and
stand the test of cross-examination by the opposite party. The failure of a party to go into the
witness-box in such circumstances is liable to be regarded, in the absence of some satisfactory
explanation, as throwing grave doubt on the bona fides of his case (see 105, I.C., 220(P.C.).
13. Note about closing of evidence.-- It is frequently urged in appeals that a party has had
witnesses in attendance whom the lower Court has omitted to examine. It is often impossible
to ascertain from the record whether this is the case, and it would be equally impossible to
ascertain it by a remand. When the examination of the last witness produced in Court by a
party is closed, he should be distinctly asked if he has any more witnesses to produce; and the
question and reply should be noted on the record. If more witnesses are named, the Court
should either examine them or record its reasons for not doing so. If either party states that he
desires additional witnesses to be summoned, the Court should record the fact of the
application and pass an order there-upon.
14. Continuous hearing of evidence.-- J udges should always endeavour to hear the evidence
on the date fixed, as much expense and inconvenience is caused by postponements ordered on
insufficient grounds before the witnesses in attendance have been heard. Under Order XVII,
Rule 1 of the Code, when the hearing of the evidence has once begun the hearing of the suit
should be continued from day to day until all the witnesses in attendance have been examined,
unless the Court finds the adjournments of the hearing to be necessary for reasons to be
recorded by the J udge with his own hand.

It should be noted that sub-rule (1) of Rule 1, of Order XVII as amended by this Court
requires that when sufficient cause is not shown for an adjournment, the Court shall proceed
with the suit forthwith.
15. Adjournments for evidence.-- It has been observed that a number of Courts grant an
adjournment merely because the party at fault is prepared to pay the costs of adjournment.
Subordinate Courts should bear in mind that the offer of payment of the costs of adjournment
is not in itself a sufficient ground for adjournment. The provisions of Order XVII, Rule 3, also
deserve notice in this connection. If a party to a suit to whom time has been granted for a
specific purpose as contemplated by Order XVII, Rule 3, Civil Procedure Code, fails to
perform the act or acts for which time was granted without any good cause the rule gives the
Court discretion to proceed to decide the suit "forthwith" i.e., without granting any
adjournment. In such cases a further adjournment should not ordinarily be granted, merely
because offer is made for payment of costs. In some Courts it is apparently assumed that if
such an adjournment is not granted the case will be remanded by an Appellate Court. There
are, however, no valid grounds for this assumption. If the record makes it clear that a further
adjournment has been refused because of the negligence of the party concerned, such refusal
would not in itself justify an Appellate Court in remanding the case. An adjournment granted
otherwise than on full and sufficient grounds is a favour and in civil suits favour can be
shown to one party only at the expense of the other.
No hard and fast rule can, however, be laid down. Each case must be judged on its own
16. Adjournments for arguments.-- The practice of adjourning a case for arguments after all
the evidence has been given should, as a rule, not be followed except in long and complicated
cases. But this observation does not extend to an adjournment, when reasonably necessary, for
a reply on the whole case by the party who is entitled to such reply nor to an adjournment for
argument on a question of law which may have arisen during the trial and may have been, for
convenience sake, reserved for argument until after the taking of the evidence.

Whenever a case has to be adjourned for arguments it should be adjourned to the next day, or,
if this is not possible, to a very near date.
17. Memo of evidence should be legible.-- The J udge's memoranda of evidence should
always be written in a legible manner; and if from any cause they have been illegibly or
indistinctly recorded, copies should be made and placed with the record.
18. Interlocutory orders and notes.-- All orders made by the Court relative to change of
parties, or adjournments, or bearing upon the course of the hearing of the suit other than
depositions, orders deciding any issue and the final judgment, and notes of all material facts
and occurrences which may have happened during the hearing of the suit, such as the
presence of witnesses, etc. , must be carefully recorded from time to time, by the Presiding
Officer in his own handwriting and be dated and appended to the record. Each "order", or
"note" should be clearly marked as such.
All interlocutory orders should be recorded separately at one place in chronological order and
kept at the beginning of the English record or evidence.

1. General.-- Order IX of the Code deals with the appearance of parties and the consequences
of non-appearance.
2. Default by parties.-- Order IX, Rule 3, provides that when neither party appears when the
suit is called on for hearing, the Court may make an order that the suit be dismissed.
3. Default by defendants.--
[(a) "Order IX rule 6 provides that if on the day fixed in the
summons for the defendant to appear and answer, the plaintiff appears and the defendant does
not appear and it is proved that the summons was duly served in sufficient time to enable the
defendant to appear and answer on the day named in the summons, the Court may proceed to
try the case ex parte and pass decree without recording evidence. As regards the requisite
proof of service in such cases, Chapter 7, Vol. IV on "Service of Processes" may be referred
to. The defendant, it will be observed, may apply under Order IX Rule 13 for an order to set
aside the ex parte decree and if satisfied that the summons were not duly served or that he was
prevented by any sufficient cause from appearing when the suit was called on for hearing the
Court shall make an order setting aside the decree against him on such terms as to costs as it
thinks fit and shall appoint a day for proceeding with the suit. However, no ex parte decree
shall be set aside merely on the ground of an irregularity in the service of summons if the
Court is satisfied, for reasons to be recorded, that the defendant had knowledge of the date of
hearing in sufficient time to appear on that date and answer the claim. (See section 5, article
164 and 181 of Schedule I, Limitation Act.)]
(b) Attention is drawn to Order IX, Rule 7, which lays down the procedure for setting aside ex
parte proceedings when the hearing of the suit has been adjourned ex parte but no ex parte
decree has been passed.
(c) Attention is also drawn to Order XVII, Rule 2, which lays down the procedure when the
parties or any of them fail to appear at the adjourned hearing.

4. Default by plaintiff.-- Order IX, Rule 8, lays down that if the defendant appears and the
plaintiff does not appear when the suit is called on for hearing, the Court shall make an order
dismissing the suit, unless the claim is admitted wholly or in part, in which case the claim
shall be decreed only to the extent to which it is admitted.
5. Hasty dismissal not advisable.-- The above rules must be worked in a reasonable manner,
otherwise they will result in a number of applications for setting aside orders passed in the
absence of one or both parties. A litigant may have gone away for a few minutes to call his
pleader or to refresh himself. It is impossible to expect a man to remain in constant attendance
for the whole of the time during which the Court is sitting. (A convenient method is to lay
aside a case when it is found that both parties are not present and to call it a second time later
on in the day, when all other cases have been called and those in which parties are present
have been disposed of, and though it is not desirable to lay down any hard and fast rule as
applicable to all cases, the above course should ordinarily be followed. Occasionally when it
is brought to the notice of the Court that both the parties to a case, which has been held over
are in attendance, it may be found convenient to call up the case before all other cases have
been disposed of.)
[When a suit or application is dismissed in default, the exact time of dismissal should be
noted in the order by the Presiding Officer in his own hand. Where the defendant is absent in
spite of service and the Court proceeds ex parte under Order IX Rule 6(1) (a) of the Code of
Civil Procedure the Court may proceed ex parte but it has further to decide in exercise of its
discretion whether it should pass the decree claimed against the defendant after evidence or
without recording evidence and the discretion in this regard is to be exercised J udicially (PLD
1978 S.C. 89).]
6. Hasty dismissal not advisable.-- Some J udicial Officers are inclined to dismiss cases in
default hastily in order to show an increased out-turn. This tendency must be strongly
deprecated. No case should be dismissed without giving a party reasonable opportunity to
appear as indicated above and if this is done, the number of successful applications for setting
aside dismissals in default will be appreciably reduced. The same remarks apply to proceedings

taken ex parte and applications to set aside ex parte orders. When a suit or application is
dismissed in default, the exact time of dismissal should be noted in the order by the Presiding
Officer in his own hand.
7. Order of "Dakhil Daftar" is irregular.-- There is a tendency for Presiding Officers of
civil Courts to pass orders that cases should be "dakhil daftar". This practice is incorrect. A
Presiding Officer should invariably make it clear what the precise nature of the order is, i.e,
whether the case is postponed or dismissed and the rule, if any, under which the order is
passed should also be mentioned.
8. Registration suits.-- When a plaint is presented a suit is thereby instituted under Order IV,
Rule 1, of the Code and the suit must forthwith be entered in the Register of Civil Suits (Civil
Register No. 1) in accordance with Order IV, Rule 2.
9. Procedure when the plaintiff is not present on the preliminary date.-- It is customary,
when a plaint is presented, to fix a short preliminary date in order to permit the examination
of the plaint. On this preliminary date the plaintiff is expected to appear to receive notice of
the date fixed for the hearing of the suit. It sometimes happens that the plaintiff does not
appear on this date and several cases have come to the notice of the J udges in which Courts
have forthwith dismissed the suit in default by orders purporting to be made under order IX.
This procedure is incorrect as it has been held that the preliminary date is not a date fixed for
hearing and, therefore, the provisions of order IX do not apply. The correct procedure in such
cases may be deduced from the Code and has been referred to in several rulings of the High
Court. It is as follows:
(i) If the plaint is in order and process fee for the summoning of the defendant has been filed
with the plaint, the Court should issue summons to the defendant and a notice to the plaintiff
to appear on the date for which the defendant is summoned. If on that date the plaintiff does
not appear in spite of the service of the notice on him, the suit can be dismissed under Order
IX, Rule 3 or Rule 8 of the Code, whichever is applicable.

(ii) If the plaint is in order but process fee has not been filed with it, the Court should fix a
date for the appearance of the defendant and issue notice to the plaintiff calling upon him to
appear on that date and to deposit process fee by a specified date, so that the defendant may
be summoned. If on the date fixed it is found that no summons has issued owing to non-
payment of process fees, or that the summons could not be served owing to late payment of
process fees, the suit can be dismissed under Order IX, Rule 2. If process fee has been paid as
directed, the other provisions of Order IX will apply.
(ii-a) The provisions of Section 5 of the Limitation Act 1908(IX of 1908) have been made
applicable to applications under sub rule (i) of Rule 9 and sub rule (i) of Rule 13 of order IX
(iii) If the plaint is not in order and the defects are such as to entail its rejection under Order
VII, Rule 11, the Court should record an order rejecting it. If it is to be rejected for failure to
pay Court fees, it will be necessary first to issue a notice calling on the plaintiff to make up
the deficiency unless he has already been given time to do so (See also paragraph 7 of
Chapter 1-C ante). In such cases the final order to be entered in Civil Register No. 1 is "plaint
If the defects in the plaint are not such as to call for its rejection under Order VII, Rule 11, the
Court should proceed in accordance with the procedure outlined in sub-clause (i) and (ii)
above, the question of remedying the defects being taken up at the first hearing.

1. Cause-diary--. The speedy disposal of Court business is a matter which requires the
earnest attention of every J udicial Officer. Delays of law are notorious in this country and
tardy justice is often no better than injustice.
The proper despatch of Court work depends not merely on the ability of an officer, but also to
a large extent on the personal attention paid by him to its adjustment and control. Amongst
the important matters, which should receive his personal attention is the cause-diary. The
practice of leaving the fixing of dates to the clerical staff, leads to abuses and results
frequently in confusion of work. The fixing of an adequate cause list which can be got
through without difficulty during the Court hours requires some intelligence and forethought,
and unless the officer pays personal attention to the matter and fixes the list with due regard to
the time likely to be taken over each case, there is risk of a considerable number of cases
being postponed from time to time, with consequent delay in their disposal and inconvenience
to the litigant public.
2. Causes of delay in disposal of cases.-- As a result of annual inspections, it has been found
that the delay in the disposal of cases is mainly due to the following errors:-
(i) Orders for the issue of notice to parties and summonses to witnesses are given without
specifying the date by which process fees must be paid into Court. Two days should be the
usual time allowed.
(ii) On failure of service, orders for the issue of fresh process are given without ascertaining
the cause of the failure of the service and fixing the responsibility therefor.
(iii) Documents, instead of being accepted either with the plaint or at the first hearing, are
accepted at every stage of the case.
(iv) Applications for the issue of interrogatories, which should be accepted at the earliest
stage of the case only, are accepted at a very late stage.

(v) Witnesses, who are present in Court, are often sent away un-examined on all kinds of
inadequate pretexts.
(vi) Cases are not proceeded with from day to day and the evidence is taken in driblets.
(vii) Adjournments are granted for the preparation of arguments at all stages even in the
matter of interlocutory orders.
(viii) Unnecessary long adjournments are granted when adjournments are unavoidable.
(ix) Suits are dismissed or restored without adequate reasons.
(x) Orders are written by the Reader instead of by the Presiding Officer.
(xi) Personal attention is not paid to service of processes. The instructions given in Chapter 7-
D, Volume IV, should be carefully observed.
(xii) The adjournment on insufficient grounds in cases which have already become old.
(xiii) Fixing a large number of cases for a particular day and then postponing some of them
for want of time.
(xiv) Delay in the disposal of appeal against preliminary decree etc.
The Presiding Officer should pay special attention to the above points and follow carefully the
proper procedure and instructions issued by the High Court on the subject from time to time.
Of all the foregoing, the most serious causes of delay are errors (i) and (ii).
All orders of whatever nature which are passed after the admission of a plaint(except those of
a purely routine character) should be written by the Presiding Officer himself.
A Court should bot adjourn any case for more than three months. If for any reason the diary
for the next three months is full, a request for the transfer of some cases to some other Court
should be made to the District J udge.

Intermediate dates should be fixed to watch the return of files requisitioned from other Courts
and provinces.
District J udges should, from time to time, examine the diaries of
[Civil J udges] in their
districts in order to see that too much work is not fixed for any day.
3. Commissions and arbitrations.-- Delays also occur frequently in cases in which a
commission has been issued or reference made to arbitration. Courts should insist on
submission of reports by the Commissioners or Arbitrators, as the case may be, within a
reasonable time and should not grant adjournment without satisfying themselves that the
Commissioners or Arbitrators are doing their duties and that sufficient cause has been shown
for the grant of an adjournment. Parties and arbitrators should be made to understand that a
reference to arbitration is liable to be cancelled if the award is not filed within time. It will be
found useful to make a part of the Commissioner's fees depend upon punctual submission of
his report.
[4. Adjournment caused by absence of the Judge or unexpected holiday.-- (1) When a
suit or proceedings is set down for a day, which is a holiday, the parties thereto shall appear in
the Court on the next working day and the Court may either proceed with the suit on such day
or fix some other day thereafter.
(2) If the Presiding Officer is proceeding on leave, he before this departure or before finishing
the work on the day preceding the day of his leave should himself fix fresh dates of hearing in
his Peshi Register for the cases fixed for the day on which he will not be holding the Court.
The Register should then be made over to the Reader of the Court, who shall hand over to the
parties and witnesses slips of paper specifying the other dates fixed for proceeding with the
suits or proceedings and signed by him. In the event of the death of the Presiding Officer or
his suspension or temporary absence due to any cause, the District J udge may empower
another Civil J udge to perform his duties and the ministerial officer shall place the files fixed
for the said date before the Civil J udge so empowered by the District J udge in this behalf to
perform the duties of the J udge in respect of such suit or proceedings.]

5. Transfers.-- Whenever cases are transferred from one Court to another, the instructions
contained in Chapter 13 of this volume should be followed.
6. Cases held up owing to records being in the appellate Court or pending decision of
another case.-- Efforts should be made to give priority to cases, for the decision of which
other cases are held up.
[Civil J udges] are authorised to bring to notice of appellate Courts
cases where a suit has already been postponed for more than three months merely because the
records happen to be with the appellate Court. The Presiding Officer of the appellate Court
should then treat the appeals in which records have been sent for by the lower Courts as
"urgent" and dispose of them as early as possible. Appellate Courts should also treat all
appeals in which proceedings have been stayed in a lower Court as "urgent".
7. Interlocutory orders.-- Applications for interlocutory orders, the admission of which will
hold up the original proceedings, should be carefully scrutinised and promptly disposed of.
8. Old cases and abstracts of order sheets.-- The progress of old cases should be carefully
watched. It is advisable for J udicial Officers to keep before them a list of all old cases - say
pending over six months or a year - and take proper steps to expedite their disposal. In order
to put a stop to bad cases of delay Courts are required to submit to the High Court abstracts of
order sheets in cases pending over a year.
9. Priority to certain cases.-- Attention is invited to the instructions as regards the speedy
disposal of cases in which Government servants, military officers, soldiers, etc. are involved
or to which the state is a party. (See Chapters 6 and 8 of this volume)]
Cases under section 28 of the Sikh Gurdawars Act, 1925 should also receive priority and be
disposed of as quickly as possible (Vide Circular Memo. No. 3823-G; dated the 20th May,
10. Commercial Cases.-- "Commercial Cases" should be disposed of as speedily as
practicable. The term "Commercial Case" is taken to include cases arising out
of the ordinary transactions of merchants, bankers and traders,

amongst others those relating to the construction of mercantile documents, export or import of
merchandise, affreightment, carriage of goods by land, insurance, banking and mercantile
agency, and mercantile usage, and debts arising out of such transactions.
A plaintiff or appellant may apply at the preliminary hearing at which his plaint or appeal is
admitted or by subsequent application before the final hearing thereof, to have his case
classed as a "Commercial Case", and the Court before which such application is made shall, if
satisfied that the case is a Commercial case, as defined in the above paragraph, cause the
appeal or plaint to be marked with the words "Commercial Case".
All cases which have been marked as "Commercial Cases" under the preceding paragraph
shall be brought to a hearing as early as may be practicable. Such cases shall be given priority
on the day of hearing over other cases, except part heard cases, and shall, so far as possible be
heard from day to day until they are finally decided.
11. Commercial Cases.--(a) In order to expedite decision in Commercial Cases, questions of
law involving such preliminary points as limitation, causes of action, etc., should be tried and
disposed of as preliminary issues before issues dealing with the merits of the case are taken
(b) The following form in which specimen entries are given be adopted for elucidation of the
pleas at the first hearing:-

IN THE COURT OF ------------------------------
Upon hearing the ------------------- on both sides and upon reading the affidavit
of ----------------------- filed herein, the following directions are given:-
Particulars-----Defendant in a week to give particulars of ---------------------------
Admission-----That the plaintiff is ---------------
Discovery-----Defendant in a week to produce ---------------
Interrogatories-----Plaintiff may interrogate as to ---------------
only: Interrogatories to be initialled by me.
Inspection of Documents-----Plaintiff undertakes to produce at the hearing
Inspection of property-----None.
Examination of witnesses.-----To be examined on commission or otherwise, as the case may
12. Compromises.-- The hearing of a suit shall not be postponed on the plea that the parties
wish to compromise or for the purpose of deciding whether there has been any compromise
between the parties except as provided in Order XXIII, Rule 3, as amended by the High

(a) Attachment before Judgment and temporary injunction
1. Attachment or arrest before judgment.-- If at the time of filing the plaint, or at any other
stage of the suit, an application is made by the plaintiff, under Order XXXVIII of the Code,
for the arrest of the defendant or for the attachment of his property before judgment, the Court
should proceed to consider the application with reference to the provisions of the Code and
the following remarks.
2. Attachment or arrest before judgment.-- Orders for arrest or attachment before judgment
ought not to be made on insufficient grounds. The circumstances which justify a Court in
passing an order of this nature are distinctly stated in Order XXXVIII of the Code of Civil
Procedure. The Court should, in every such case, be satisfied (Order XXXVIII, Rules 1 and 5)
that the defendant contemplates a fraudulent disposal or removal of his property, or that he
has fraudulently quitted its jurisdiction, leaving property therein.
3. Temporary injunction.-- It has been noticed that temporary injunctions are frequently
issued ex parte by subordinate Courts without realising fully their consequences. The
following instructions in respect of such orders should, therefore, be ordinarily followed:-
(i) All Courts shall deal critically with plaints and affidavits and, before suddenly interfering
with the defendant behind his back, shall satisfy themselves that something has actually
occurred, shortly before the application, to justify such interference.
(ii) Court should use the rules in Order XXXIX, C.P.C. with great discrimination, and should
not overlook the significance of the word "may" wherever it occurs. They should not treat the
exception in Rule 3 as the normal procedure. They should appreciate that interlocutory
injunctions should be granted ex parte only in very exceptional circumstances, unless the
plaintiff can convince the Court that by no reasonable diligence could he have avoided the
necessity of applying behind the defendant's back.

(iii) Such injunction, when granted, should be limited to a week or less, i.e., the minimum
time, within which a defendant can come effectively before the Court, assuming that to get rid
of the injunction, he will be prepared to use the greatest expedition possible.
[It should be
noted that under Rule 2A of Order 39, Code of Civil Procedure, an interim injunction passed
in the absence of the defendant shall not ordinarily exceed fifteen days, provided that such
injunction may be extended for failure of its service on the defendant when such failure is not
attributable to the plaintiff or when the defendant seeks time for defence of application for
(iv) The Court should take the greatest care to state exactly what the forbidden acts are and
the plaint should not be merely copied out; and if only one or some of the acts, sought to be
restrained, need be urgently restrained, the injunction should be confined to those and should
not embrace all the acts to which the plaintiff can possibly object.
(v) When the defendant appears and files his affidavit, the plaintiff should be given only a few
days to answer it. The contested application should then be heard, as soon as possible, and if
the J udge cannot dispose of it at once, should, for the term of the adjournment, which should
be as short as possible, either grant an ad interim injunction or obtain an undertaking from the
defendant not to do any acts complained against.
[(vi) The Court should not allow the injunction to be abused by common devices such as
failure to produce some person before the Process-Server for identification of the defendant or
to serve some proforma defendant or in any other similar way. It may be remembered that an
order of injunction made under rules 1 or 2 after hearing the parties or after notice to the
defendant shall cease to have effect on the expiration of six months unless extended by the
High Court after hearing the parties again and for reasons to be recorded for such extension:

Provided that report of such extension shall be submitted to the High Court.
(vii) The above instructions are not intended to restrict the discretion of the Courts, but every
application for an ex part injunction should be very carefully considered in the light of these
instructions and should not be granted unless sufficiently good grounds are made out.]
4. [Omitted].
[(b) Death, Marriage or Insolvency of parties
1. Death, Marriage or Insolvency of parties.-- The procedure to be followed in the event of
death, marriage or insolvency of parties is laid down in Order XXII, Code of Civil Procedure.
It is to be noted that suits do not abate on the death of one of the several plaintiffs or the sole
plaintiff or in case of death of one of the several defendants or sole defendant where the right
to sue survives, the decree passed shall have the same force and effect as it had been
pronounced before the death took place. Reference is also invited to the provision of Order
VII rule 25 Code of Civil Procedure.
2. Marriage of female party.-- The marriage of a female plaintiff or defendant does not cause
the suit to abate and the suit may be proceeded with and where the decree is against female
defendant it may be executed against her alone. Where the husband is by law liable for the
debts of his wife, the decree, may, with the permission of the Court, be executed against her
husband also and, in case the decree is in favour of the wife execution of the decree may, with
such permission, be issued, upon the application of the husband, where the husband is by law
entitled to the subject-matter of the decree.

(c) Compromises
Compromises or adjustment of suits.-- Where a Court is satisfied that a claim has been
adjusted by any lawful agreement or compromise or the claim has been satisfied wholly or in
part, the Court shall order such agreement, compromise or satisfaction to be recorded and
shall pass the decree accordingly so far as it relates to the suit. The newly added proviso by
this Court to rule 3 of Order XXIII C.P.C. further provides that the hearing of a suit shall
proceed and no adjournment shall be granted for the purposes of deciding whether there has
been any adjustment or satisfaction, unless the Court, for the reasons to be recorded in
writing, thinks fit to grant such an adjournment and that the judgment in the suit shall not be
announced until the question of adjustment or satisfaction has been decided.
It is further provided that, when an application is made by all the parties to the suit, either in
writing or in open Court through their counsel, that they wish to compromise the suit, the
Court may fix a date on which the parties or their counsel should appear and compromise be
recorded, but shall proceed to hear those witnesses in the suit who are already in attendance
unless, for any other reason to be recorded in writing, it considers it impossible or undesirable
to do so. If, upon the date fixed, no compromise has been recorded, no further adjournment
shall be granted for this purpose, unless the Court, for reasons to be recorded in writing,
considers it highly probable that the suit will be compromised on or before the date to which
it proposes to adjourn the hearing.
In cases where the compromise goes beyond the subject-matter of the suit, the directions
given in 46 I.A. 240(244) and I.L.R. 47 Cal.485 (P.C.) should be followed in preparation of
When a minor is concerned, the Court should consider and record a finding as to whether the
compromise or adjustment is for the benefit of the minor and pass an express order granting
or refusing leave for the purpose, as it may think fit.
As to compromises in cases of minors, see Volume-I, Chapter 1-M(d).
As to forms of decrees based on compromises, see Chapter 11(B) paragraph 5.]

(d) Amendment and Review
Amendment and Review.-- When a case is decided on the merits, the Court has no power to
vary the judgment or decree, except by way of amendment under Sections 151 and 152 or by
review under Order XLVII, C.P.C. The scope of amendment is very limited, being confined
to clerical or arithmetical errors, accidental slips, &c. Review can be granted only on the
grounds specified in Order XLVII. The words "any other sufficient cause" occurring in Rule 1
of Order XLVII have been held by their Lordships of the Privy Council to mean "a reason
sufficient on grounds at least analogous to those specified immediately previously" (See
I.L.R. III, Lah. 127--P.C.).
(e) Inherent Powers under Section 151, C.P.C
[Inherent Powers under Section 151, C.P.C.-- The scope of Section 151 of the Code of
Civil Procedure is frequently misunderstood and applications are made under that section,
which do not properly fall within its purview. The section is widely worded to enable Courts
to do justice in proper cases, but it cannot be used so as to override the express provisions of

(a) Cases under Punjab Customary Law
1 to 6.
(b) Money Suits
1. General--Money suits generally preponderate in the Courts of the Civil J udges of the
lowest grade and some features of these suits deserve attention.
2. Typical money suits--(a) The typical money suit in the Mufassil is one between a creditor
and an illiterate debtor. The suit is generally based on a running account consisting of petty
items in the account book of the former with balances struck from time to time, or an
agreement recorded in it with regard to larger loans borrowed on occasions of marriage, etc.,
and occasionally on a bond. Allegations of fraud, want of consideration, & c., are frequently
made in defence and owing to the ignorance of the debtor, on the one hand and the frequent
absence of regular accounts on the other, the cases require careful sifting. The examination of
the parties themselves under Order X Rule 2, Civil Procedure Code, before framing the issues
is generally very useful (see Part F of this Chapter). When fraud, misrepresentation, undue
influence, etc., are pleaded, the particulars thereof should be carefully elicited.
(b) False entry--It should be noted that
[section 18 of the Punjab Money Lenders Ordinance,
1960 (XXIV of 1960)], now provides a penalty in a suit for recovery of a loan for a false
claim with respect to the principal amount advanced. The Court is empowered to disallow at
its discretion, the whole or any part of the sum claimed by the plaintiff if it is satisfied that a
false entry has been made to show the sum advanced as being in excess of that actually
advanced plus such legitimate expenses as may have been incurred.
[(c) Punjab Regulation of Accounts Act, its scope and duty of Court.-- Special attention
is drawn to the provisions of the Punjab Money-Lenders Ordinance, 1960
(XXIV of 1960) and Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Ordinance 1960.
Section 14 of the Punjab Money-Lenders Ordinance, 1960

imposes on the creditor an obligation to maintain and furnish regular accounts for each
debtor separately in such manner as the Government may prescribe and also to supply each
debtor every six months legible statement of accounts signed by the money-lender or his
agent, any balance or amount that may be outstanding against such debtor on 30th of J une or
31st of December in each year.
Section 15 of the Ordinance makes it obligatory for the Court in every suit or proceeding
relating to a loan, to frame and decide an issue as to whether the creditor has complied with
the obligation imposed by section 14 of the Ordinance about maintenance and furnishing of
regular accounts. If the Court finds that the accounts have not been properly maintained as
provided in the Ordinance in computing the amount of interest due upon the loan it may
exclude every period for which the money-lender omitted duly to furnish the accounts as
required by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 14.
It should be noted that the debtor is not bound to acknowledge or deny the correctness of the
accounts furnished and his failure to protest cannot by itself amount to an admission (Section
14 Explanation).]
3. Suits on bahi account, copy of the account.-- When a suit is based on a bahi account, the
account must be produced with the plaint. To avoid inconvenience to the plaintiff, he is
allowed to file a copy, but the copy must be supported by an affidavit by the party producing
it to the effect that it is a true copy or by a certificate on the copy that it is a full and true
translation or transliteration of the original entry. No examination or comparison by any
ministerial officer shall be required except by the special order of the Court. It should be
noted, however, that although a copy is allowed to be filed, the original account must be
produced (except when it is permissible to produce a certified copy, e.g., under the Bankers'
Books Evidence Act, 1891), later in the course of the trial when evidence is led in order to
prove it.
4. Presumption as to entries in account books.--(i) Entries in the books of account are
relevant under
[Article 48 of Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984], provided the books are regularly kept
and the books must, therefore, be shown to have been so kept if such entries are relied upon.
Further, such entries are not, by themselves, sufficient to charge any person with liability and must,

therefore, always be supported by evidence with reference to the correctness of the transaction
recorded. There may be cases in which the Court may consider the plaintiff's own sworn
testimony on the point sufficient for the purpose, but the main point to remember is that the
mere production of an account is not sufficient to prove it.
[(ii) Entries in the accounts prescribed by the Punjab Money- Lenders Ordinance, 1960
(XXIV of 1960), are deemed to be regularly kept in the course of business for the purposes of
Qanoon-e-Shahadat, 1984 and certified copies are admissible in evidence for any purpose in
place of the original entries (Section 14(3) of the Ordinance). As to the method of certification
for such copies a reference should be made to rule 29 of the Rules framed under the
5. Bonds and agreements distinguished--The essential difference between a bond and an
agreement for payment of a debt is that the former is attested by at least one witness. The
question whether a certain writing is a "bond" or an "agreement", does not depend upon
whether it is executed on stamped paper or otherwise, but upon its contents. Broadly
speaking, if a person binds himself to pay a debt by the writing it amounts to an "agreement",
and if the writing is attested by one or more witnesses it is a "bond".
6. Stamps on Bonds and agreements-- An "agreement" as well as a "bond" are liable to
stamp duty under the
[omitted] Stamp Act. If a writing, which is tantamount to an
"agreement" or a "bond", does not bear the necessary stamp duty, it is inadmissible in
evidence unless the stamp duty and penalty are paid according to the provisions of Section 35
of the
[omitted] Stamp Act, 1899,
[...] (For further instructions on the subject, see
Volume IV, Chapter-4).
7. Registration of bonds--Registration is not obligatory in the case of simple bonds creating
no charge on any immovable property. As regards bonds creating such a charge, Section 17 of
[omitted] Registration Act should be consulted.
8. Thumb-mark and signatures--When the thumb-mark or signature on a document is
denied, it must be proved in the proper manner. As regards thumb-marks,
the most convenient method is to obtain thumb-marks of

the person concerned in Court, if possible, and send the same together with the disputed
thumb-mark for comparison by an expert to the Finger Print Bureau at
[Lahore]. The report
of the expert must be supported by his testimony on oath or solemn affirmation. Such
testimony can be conveniently obtained by issuing a commission for the purpose to the
[Civil-J udge] at Lahore. (For further instructions on the subject, see Volume IV, Chapter 9).
As regards proof of signatures,
[Articles 59-61 of Qanoon-e-Shahadat, 1984,] may be
consulted and also Chapter 1-G of this Volume.
9. Proof of consideration--When the execution of a document is admitted or proved and the
document contains an admission as to payment of consideration, the onus will be shifted to
the executant to prove absence of consideration, if he relies on any such plea. An exception to
this has been made by section 12 of the Punjab Debtors Protection Act, II of 1936, which lays
down that the burden of proving that any consideration, alleged to have been paid by a
money-lender, actually passed shall be on him unless the consideration is acknowledged by a
debtor in his own handwriting or has been endorsed by the Registering Officer acting under
clause (c) of sub-section 1 of section 58 of the Registration Act, 1908, as having been paid in
his presence. The definitions of "money-lender" and "loan" as given in the Act should be
carefully noted.
10. Costs and interest.-- The instructions contained in Chapter 11-E about the "Award of
costs" and in Chapter 11-F about the "Award of interest" should be noted carefully.
[11. Debt conciliation Boards.-- The provisions of Sections 9, 13, 20, 21 and 25, of the
Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act, 1934 (VII of 1934), should be carefully studied as the Act
governs the relationship between debtors and creditors.
12. Payment by debtors.-- The provisions of Order XXI, Rule 1, Civil Procedure Code,
relate only to payments made by a judgment debtor towards the satisfaction of a decree of
It is now provided by
[Section 3 of the Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Ordinance, 1960], that
any person who owes money may, at any time, deposit in Court a sum of money in full or part
payment to the creditor.

The Court, on receipt of any such deposit, has to give notice to the creditor and on his
application, pay the sum to him. For form of notice see form No. 218, Volume VI-A, Part A-
13. Payment by debtors.-- When a deposit has been so made by the debtor interest ceases to
run on the sum deposited.
[14. Rules as to deposits.-- The Provincial Government had made the following Rules under
section 32 of the Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act 1934. These Rules shall be deemed to
continue in force in view of section 13 read with section 4 of the Punjab Relief of
Indebtedness Ordinance, 1960.]
(1) These rules may be called the Punjab Relief of Indebtedness (Deposit in Court) Rules,
1935, and shall apply to all deposits to be made under section 31 of the Act.
(2) In these rules "the Act" means the Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act, 1934.
(3) Sums less than Rs. 1,000 may be deposited in any Civil Court having jurisdiction within
the district in which the debtor resides:
Provided that where there is more than one such Court in the same town, the deposit shall be
made in the Court exercising the highest pecuniary jurisdiction.
(4) Sums of Rs.1,000 or over shall be deposited only in the Court of the Senior
[Civil J udge]
of the district in which the debtor resides.
(5) Deposits may be made either by postal money order or by the debtor in person.
(6) All sums deposited shall be accounted for and dealt with according to the ordinary rules
for the time being in force in the Courts into which they are paid.

(7) Notices under sub-section (2) of section 31 of the Act shall be served upon the creditor by
registered letter acknowledgment due at the expense of the debtor.
[15. Punjab Money Lender's Ordinance, 1960.-- According to section 10 of the Punjab
Money-Lenders Ordinance, 1960 notwithstanding anything contained in any other enactment,
a suit by money-lenders for recovery of a loan or an application for the execution of a decree
relating to a loan shall be dismissed unless at the time of the institution of the suit or at the
time of presentation of the application for execution of the decree, as the case may be, the
money-lender -
(a) holds an effective license granted under section 3; or
(b) holds a certificate granted under section 7 specifying the loan in respect of which the suit
is instituted or the decree in respect of which the application for execution is presented.]
(c) Pre-emption suit
[1. Prevailing Law.-- The law of pre-emption in the Punjab is now governed by the Punjab
Pre-emption Act 1991 (IX of 1991) and in the interpretation and application of its provisions,
the Courts are to seek guidance from the injunctions of the Holy Quran, Sunnah and Fiqh.
2. Deposit of one third sale price.-- In every pre-emption suit, the Court is bound to require
the plaintiff to deposit one-third of the sale price mentioned in the sale deed or the mutation
and if no sale price is mentioned therein, or the price so mentioned appears to be inflated one-
third of the probable value of the property within such period as the Court may fix not
exceeding thirty days from the date of the filing of the suit.
If the plaintiff fails to make the deposit within the specified time or such further time as the
Court may allow within the maximum period prescribed by law or if the plaintiff withdraws
the sum deposited, his suit must be dismissed. The sum so deposited shall be available for the
discharge of costs.
3. Court to enquire Suo Moto certain matters.-- In every pre-emption suit, the Court
should examine the plaint to ascertain that (a) the sale in

dispute does not pertain to a property in respect of which right of pre-emption does not exist;
(b) the plaint contains necessary averments as to making of the requisite `talabs'; (c) the plaint
contains necessary averments as to Court fee payable under the law, and in any case where
the Court fee payable is determined by the Court, the amount of Court fee payable and the
date by which Court fee is to be paid and affixed, shall be specified; and (d) the plaint
contains averment as to whether public notice of sale was given or not as required by section
31 of the Act. The plaint ordinarily should accompany a copy of the public notice.
4. Investment of the security deposit.-- The security i.e. one-third of the sale price deposited
with the Court should be deposited in the State Bank or the National Bank of Pakistan under
the head `12,00,000: Receipt from Civil Administration, 1230000 Law and Order Receipts;
1231000 J ustice and 1231800 Others (75).]
(d) Suits by and against minors and persons of unsound mind
1. General.-- The procedure to be followed in the case of suits by or against minors is laid
down in the rules in Order XXXII of the Code of Civil Procedure. Attention is invited to the
additions and alterations made in these rules by the High Court (vide Chapter 23 of this
2. Next friend and guardian ad litem defined.-- A minor being legally incapable of acting
for himself, the law requires that every suit by or against such a person should be conducted
on his behalf by a person who has attained majority and is of sound mind. A person
conducting a suit on behalf of a minor plaintiff is called his "next friend", while a person
defending it on his behalf is called a "guardian ad litem" for the purpose of the litigation.
3. Permission to sue.-- Any person as described above may institute a suit on behalf of a
minor and no permission of the Court is necessary for the purpose.
4. Procedure for appointment of guardian.-- A "guardian ad litem" for a minor must be
appointed by the Court and the trial of the suit cannot proceed until such an appointment is

To facilitate the appointment of a suitable guardian ad litem by the Court, Rule 3 of Order
XXXII (as amended by the High Court) requires the plaintiff to file a list of relatives and
other persons suitable for such appointments, accompanied by an affidavit to the effect that
the persons named have no adverse interest in the matters in controversy in the suit and they
are fit for appointment.
5. Notice to minor and relatives, etc.-- No order should be made appointing a guardian ad
litem unless notice is issued to the guardian of the minor appointed or declared by a Court (if
any), or where there is no such guardian, to the father or other natural guardian, or where
there is no such guardian, to the person in whose care the minor is, and the objections of such
persons (if any) are heard,
[the Court may if it thinks fit, issue notice to the minor also.] A
notice to the minor is not essential under the rules (as amended) and need not issue where the
minor is a mere child incapable of understanding the proceedings or helping in the selection
of a guardian.
6. Choice of guardian, appointment of Court officers or pleaders, funds for defence and
accounts to be kept. Scale of fees of pleader.-- In appointing a guardian ad litem, the
following order of preference shall be observed:-
(i) If there is a guardian appointed or declared by a Court, he must be appointed unless the
Court considers that it is for the welfare of the minor that some other person should be
appointed. If any other person is appointed, the Court must record its reasons;
(ii) in the absence of a guardian appointed or declared by a Court, a relative of the minor best
suited for the appointment should be selected;
(iii) in the absence of any such relative, one of the defendants should be appointed, if
(iv) and failing such a defendant a
[...] pleader may be appointed.
It should be remembered that no person can be appointed to act as a guardian ad litem without
his consent. Consent may, however, be presumed unless it is expressly refused.

When a
[...] pleader is appointed to act as a guardian, the Court has power to direct the
plaintiff or any other party to the suit to advance the necessary funds for the purposes of
defence. A
[...] pleader should be required to maintain and produce accounts of the funds so
provided and these should ultimately be recovered from such party as the Court may think it
just to direct after the result of the suit.
[The Court may allow the pleader appointed to act as a guardian and the fee shall be as under
(i) Rs.200/- in cases valued upto Rs.5000/-
(ii) Rs.500/- in cases valued upto Rs.20,000/- and
(iii) Rs.1000/- in cases of beyond that value.]
7. Rejection of plaint where minor is not represented.-- The plaint may be "taken off the
file" and all orders made may be set aside, if a minor is not properly represented and the
person filing the plaint or obtaining the orders, whether a legal practitioner or not, may be
liable to pay costs.
8. Appointment of guardian enures of appeal and execution.-- When a guardian ad litem is
appointed by a Court the appointment enures for the whole of the litigation including appeals
and execution proceedings arising out of the suit.
9. Compromise and agreement.-- No next friend or guardian ad litem can enter into any
compromise or agreement with reference to the suit without the leave of the Court expressly
recorded in the proceedings which should not be granted until the Court has applied its mind
to the compromise or agreement in order to ascertain, as far as possible, that it is really for the
benefit of the minor. If he does so, the compromise or agreement will be voidable at the
instance of the minor.
10. Rules relating to suits by or against minors apply mutatis mutandis to suits by or against
persons of unsound mind.

(e) Suits by Paupers
1. General. Attention is called to Order XXXIII of the Code, on the subject of suits by
paupers and the steps which should be taken to protect the interests of Government in such
2. Examination of plaintiff, and evidence for admission notice to Government.-- Before a
pauper suit is admitted, the petitioner or his agent, when the applicant is allowed to appear by
agent, should be examined regarding the merits of the claim and the property of the applicant.
If it appears to the Court that the suit is not framed and presented in the manner prescribed by
rules 2 and 3 of Order XXXIII, or that the applicant is not a pauper, or that he has
fraudulently made away with any property within the two months preceding the presentation
of the plaint, or that his allegations do not show a cause of action, or that he has entered into
any agreement with reference to the subject-matter of the proposed suit under which any other
person has obtained an interest in such subject-matter, the application must be rejected. If the
Court sees no reason to refuse the application, it must fix a day (of which at least ten days'
previous notice must be given to the opposite party and to the Government Pleader on behalf
of Government) for receiving such evidence as the applicant may adduce in proof of his
pauperism, and for hearing any evidence which may be adduced in disproof thereof, and can
only pass final orders on the application after hearing the evidence and arguments brought
forward on the day so fixed.
3. Dispaupering.-- Under the provisions of Order XXXIII, Rule 9, of the Code of Civil
Procedure, the Court may, under certain circumstances, order a plaintiff to be dispaupered.
4. Copy of decree to be sent to Collector.-- Order XXXIII, Rule 14, directs that where an
order is made under Rules 10, 11 or 12, the Court shall forthwith forward a copy of the decree
to the Collector.
Note:- The Deputy Commissioner of each district in the Punjab has been declared to be the
"Government Pleader" for his district for purposes of Order XXXIII, Rule 6, Civil Procedure
Code (Punjab Government Notification No. I.C., dated Ist. J anuary, 1909).

(f) Suits for Redemption and Foreclosure of Mortgages.
1. Notice to mortgagor, conditional sale in case of land not permitted--The law regulating
the procedure in cases where the mortgagee, whose mortgage-deed also contains a provision
for conditional sale, desires to foreclose the mortgage is often misunderstood. Regulation
XVII of 1806 is still the law on the subject. It will be seen that, whatever the terms of
conditional sale, the mortgagee cannot enforce them till he has, by summary petition to the
Court caused notice to be served on the mortgagor to the effect that, if the latter does not pay
the sum secured within one year, the mortgage will be held foreclosed. After the lapse of this
year, and not till then, the mortgagee can sue for possession, as owner or, if in possession, to
be declared owner in accordance with the terms of the mortgage.
The Court should also see whether section 9 (3) of the Punjab Land Alienation Act, 1900,
applies to the case.
It should also be noted that according to section 10 of the Punjab Land Alienation Act, 1900,
in any mortgage of "land" made after the commencement of the Act, any condition which is
intended to operate by way of conditional sale, shall be null and void.
[Note:- See Bengal Regulation XVII of 1806 and Section 3 and Schedule of Punjab Laws
Act, 1872 (V of 1872). Punjab Code Volume I.]
2. Court competent to hear.-- Only a District or Additional J udge can deal with applications
under section 7 and 8 of Regulation XVII of 1806. The procedure prescribed in the
Regulation should be very strictly observed as otherwise the notice may have no legal effect.
3. Dismissal for default.-- According to Order IX, Rule 9, of the Civil Procedure Code (as
amended by the High Court), when a suit for redemption is dismissed in default under Order
IX, Rule 8, the plaintiff is not precluded from bringing another suit for redemption of the
[4. Summary Procedure for redemption.-- The Punjab Redemption and Restitution
of Mortgaged Lands Act, 1964 (XIX of 1964), provides a summary procedure for
redemption of land through the Collector in the

Province, but any party, aggrieved by the decision of the Collector, can institute a suit in a
Civil Court to establish his right (see section 7 of that Act).]
5. Jurisdictional value.-- As to the value of the suit for purposes of jurisdiction see Chapter 3
of this volume.
(g) Suits for Declaratory Decrees
1. Issue as to possession.-- The proviso to section 42 of the Specific Relief Act, lays down
that a declaratory decree cannot be passed in a case in which other relief than a mere
declaration can be sought. Hence in a suit for a declaration of title to immovable property,
where the defendant denies that the plaintiff was in possession of the property on the date of
the suit, the Court should first of all decide this point. If the plaintiff is not found to be in
possession of the property on the date of suit his suit must fail unless the plaint is amended.
2. All issues to be framed.-- These instructions are not to be taken to imply that the whole of
the pleadings should not be exhausted and issues drawn on all points of conflict between the
parties at the first hearing, but that, at the trial of the issues, the issue as to possession should
be first tried and disposed of where this can be conveniently done.
(h) Suits for Accounts
1. Account may be preferably taken after disposal of other points.-- In suits for accounts
the matter of account may either be taken up along with the other issues or after the other
issues have been decided. The latter course would be found to be preferable in most cases.
2. Filing of accounts and evidence.-- The accounting party must file the account along with
the written statement or at some other time as fixed by the Court. The account filed must be
verified by an affidavit. The Court should allow reasonable time to the opposite party to
examine the account and put in his objections, if any.
The Court should in such cases first take the evidence adduced in support of the
statement filed by the accounting party, then that adduced by the opposing party in
the same manner; and should finally, on consideration of the

whole, determine, as nearly as possible, the true state of the account. The matter of account
must, in short, be treated as a separate subject of trial, in a certain sense independent of the
rest of the suit.
3. Commission.-- In intricate cases, however, Courts will find it convenient to issue a
Commission to a suitable person for examining the accounts (vide Chapter 10 of this Volume,
"Commissions and Letters of Request").
(i) Procedure in "Hadd-Shikni Cases"
1. Local Inquiry.-- In "Hadd-Shikni" suits and other suits of boundary disputes of land,
falling within the jurisdiction of a Civil Court, it is generally desirable that enquiry be made
on the spot. This can usually be done in the following ways:-
(a) by suggesting that one party or the other should apply to the Revenue Officer to fix the
limits under section
[117(1) of the Punjab Land Revenue Act 1967 (XVII of 1967]. Time for
such purpose should be granted under Order XVII, Rule 3, of the Code of Civil Procedure;
(b) by appointing a local commissioner, and
(c) by the Court itself making a local enquiry.
2. Enquiry by Revenue Officer.-- An order of the Revenue Officer made under section 101
of the Land Revenue Act is not conclusive; but when his proceedings have been held in the
presence of, or after notice, to the parties of the suit, and contain details of enquiry and of the
method adopted in arriving at the result it would be a valuable piece of evidence. It may be
noted that an Assistant Collector of the second grade can deal with cases in regard to
boundaries which do not coincide with the limits of an estate.
3. Appointment of Commissioner.-- Similarly the report of the local commissioner should
contain full details so that the Court may satisfactorily deal with the objections made against

No person other than a Revenue Officer (or retired Revenue Officer) not below the rank of a
Field Kanungo should usually be appointed a local commissioner.
4. Instructions for the guidance of commissioners.-- On the motion of the J udges, the
Financial commissioners have issued the following detailed instructions for the guidance of
Revenue officials or Field Kanungos appointed as Local Commissioners in civil suits of this
Financial Commissioner's Instructions
(i) If a boundary is in dispute, the Field Kanungo should relay it from the village map
prepared at the last Settlement. If there is a map which has been made on the square system he
should reconstruct the squares in which the disputed land lies. He should mark on the ground
on the lines of the squares the places where the map shows that the disputed boundary
intersected those lines, and then to find the position of points which do not fall on the lines of
the squares. He should with his scale read on the map the position and distance of those points
from a line of a square, and then with a chain and cross-staff mark out the position and
distance of those points. Thus he can set out all the points and boundaries which are shown in
the map. But if there is not a map on the square system available, he should then find three
points on different sides of the place in dispute, as near to it as he can, and, if possible, not
more than 200 kadams apart, which are shown in the map and which the parties admit to have
been undisturbed. He will chain from one to another of these points and compare the result
with the distance given by the scale applied to the map. If the distances, when thus compared,
agree in all cases, he can then draw lines joining these three points in pencil on the map and
draw perpendiculars with the scale from these lines to each of the points which it is
required to lay out on the ground. He will then, lay them out with the cross-staff as
before and test the work by seeing whether the distance from one of his marks to
another is the same as in the map. If there is only

a small dispute as to the boundary between two fields the greater part of which is undisturbed
then such perpendiculars as may be required to points on the boundaries of these fields as
shown in the field map can be set out from their diagonals, as in the field book and in the
map, and curves made as shown in the map.
(ii) In the report to be submitted by him, the Field Kanungo must explain in detail how he
made his measurements. He should submit a copy of the relevant portion of the current
Settlement field map of the village showing the fields, if any, with their dimensions (karu
kan) of which he took measurements, situated between the points mentioned in instruction
No. (i) above and the boundary in dispute. This is necessary to enable the Court to follow the
method adopted and to check the Field Kanungo's proceedings.
(iii) If a question is raised as to the position of the disputed boundary according to the field
map of the Settlement preceding the current Settlement, that also should be demarcated on the
ground, so far as this may be possible, and also shown in the copy of the current field map to
be submitted under instruction No. (ii).
(iv) On the same copy should be shown also, the limits of existing actual possession.
(v) The areas of the fields abutting on the boundary in dispute, as recorded at the time of the
last Settlement and those arrived at as a result of the measurement on the spot should be
mentioned in the Field Kanungo's report with an explanation of the cause or causes of the
increase or decrease, if any, discovered.
(vi) When taking his measurements the Field Kanungo should explain to the parties what he is
doing and should enquire from them whether they wish anything further to be done to
elucidate the matter in dispute. At the end, he should record the statements of all the parties to
the effect that they have seen and understood the measurements, that they have no objection
to make to this (or if they have any objection he should record it together with his own

opinion) and that they do not wish to have anything further done on the spot. It constantly
happens that when the report comes before the Court, one or other party impugns the
correctness of the measurements and asserts that one thing or another was left undone. This
raises difficulties which the above procedure is designed to prevent.
(vii) The above instructions should be followed by Revenue Officers or Field Kanungos
whenever they are appointed by a Civil Court as Commissioners in suits involving disputed

General Remarks
1. All references in Government Notifications to the Chief Court of the Punjab shall be
construed as referring to the
[Lahore High Court, Lahore].
2. All references in the Notifications to the Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant-Governor in
Council, Local Government and Governor in Council shall be construed as referring to Punjab
3. All references in the notifications to the Governor General of India in Council, Governor-
General of India, Governor-General in Council, Governor-General, Government of India shall
be construed as referring to
[Federal] Government.
I -- Court Language
[(a) Urdu being the National Language as per Article 251 of the Constitution of the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan, 1973, shall be the language of the High Court, provided that English
may be continued as the Language of the Court as well till further orders. (See also paragraph
1-A(a) of part A of Chapter 1 and paragraph 1 of part A of Chapter 4 of Volume V of High
Court Rules and Orders.]
(b) Urdu has been declared to be the language of all Courts subordinate to the High Court.
II -- Powers under sections 91 and 92
of the Code of Civil Procedure
The powers conferred by Sections 91 and 92 of the Civil Procedure Code on the Advocate-
General, may be exercised by all Deputy Commissioners in the Punjab. (Punjab Government
Notification No. 1-E., dated the Ist J anuary, 1909).
Notification No. 183-St., Revenue, dated the 27th April, 1935.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 1 of the Transfer of Property Act, IV
of 1882, as amended, the Governor-in-Council, is pleased

to extend the provisions of sections 54, 107 and 123 of the said Act, with effect from the 6th
May, 1935, to the following areas in the Punjab:-
(i) All Municipalities; and
(ii) All Notified Areas as declared and notified under section 241 of the Punjab Municipal
Act, 1911.
[III.-- Enforcement of Provisions of Transfer of Property Act, 1882, in the areas now
forming Punjab.
(i) Notification No. 766.79/1/70. LRI dated 23rd August, 1979 (Pb.Gaz.Ext. 10-09-1979). In
exercise of the powers conferred by section 1 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (Act IV of
1882) the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to cancel former Government of Bahawalpur
State's Notification No.20, dated the 28th May, 1931, with immediate effect.
(ii) Notification No. 3097-8/1511-LRI, dated 22nd November 1978 (Pb. Gaz. Ext. 6-12-
1978). In exercise of powers conferred by section 1 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (Act
IV of 1882) and in supersession of the Government of the Punjab Revenue Department
Notification No.15246-74/2237-LRV, dated the 17th December, 1974, the Governor of the
Punjab is pleased to extend the provisions of section 54, 59, 107, 118 and 123 of the said Act
to the following areas in the Punjab :-
(i) All Municipalities; and
(ii) All Notified Areas as declared and notified under Section 241 of the Punjab Municipal
Act, 1911.
(iii) Notification No.183-St., Revenue, dated the 27th April 1935.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 1 of the Transfer of Property Act 1882 (IV of
1882), as amended the Governor-in-council, is pleased to extend the provisions of Section 54,
107 and 123 of the said Act, with effect from the 6th May, 1935, to the following areas in the
(i) All Municipalities; and
(ii) All Notified Areas as declared and notified under section 241 of the Punjab Municipal
Act, 1911.

(See Pb. Gaz. EXT, dated 30-12-1974)
(iv) Notification No. 15246-74/2237-LRV dated 30.12.74. In exercise of the powers conferred
by section 1 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (Act IV of 1882) and in partial
modification of Notification No. 183-ST, dated the 27th April, 1935, and Notification No.20,
dated the 28th May, 1931, issued by the Government of the Punjab and the Government of the
former State of Bahawalpur respectively, the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to extend the
provisions of Sections 54, 59,107, 118 and 123 of the said Act to the whole of the Province of
the Punjab.]

1. The attention of all Courts is drawn to the series of Acts of the Punjab Assembly which lay
down and define the relations between agriculturist-debtors and their creditors. The provisions
of these Acts are very important, and in suits in which the classes named are involved, Courts
should invariably refer to these Acts and scrupulously follow their Provisions.
[The Acts in question are:-
(1) The Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act, 1934(VII of 1934).
(2) The Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets Ordinance 1978 (XXIII of 1978).
(3) The Punjab Alienation of Land Act, 1950.
(4) The Punjab Money-Lenders' Ordinance, 1960 (XIV of 1960).
(5) The Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Ordinance, 1960 (XV of 1960).
(6) The Punjab Redemption and Restitution of Mortgaged Lands Act, 1964 (XIX of 1964).]
2. Circulars may be issued from time to time by the High Court, inviting the attention of
Presiding Officers, to particular provisions of these Acts, which appear to be overlooked, or to
errors of procedure, which are found to be common. Presiding Officers should familiarize
themselves with these circulars, and avoid the errors therein pointed out.

1. General.-- The first question which a Court in which a suit or other proceeding is
instituted has to consider, is whether it has jurisdiction to hear and decide it. The
general rule is that a Civil Court can take cognizance of all suits of a civil nature
unless its cognizance is expressly or impliedly barred (vide Section 9, Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908). But this general rule is subject to various limitations depending
upon the nature, value, or the locality of the subject-matter, the residence of the
defendant and so forth.
2. Jurisdiction of civil Courts excluded.-- The jurisdiction of the Civil Courts is
excluded in certain matters, e.g.:-
[(a) By section 77 of the Punjab Tenancy Act 1887 and section 172 of the Punjab
Land Revenue Act, 1967 in cases mentioned therein.
(b) Cases falling under section 3 read with Part 1(b) of the Schedule to the
Conciliation of Courts Ordinance, 1961 (XLIV of 1961).]
(c) In certain cases triable by the Sikh Gurdwaras Tribunal, see sections 29, 31, 32,
36, 37 and 39 of the Punjab Sikh Gurdwaras Act, 1925 (VIII of 1925).
(d) Suits mentioned in sections 21 and 25 of the Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act in
cases triable by debt Conciliation Boards set up under the Act.
(e) Suits mentioned in section 4 of the pensions Act of 1871 in matters relating to
rights in pensions or grants of money or land revenue.
(f) Suits for liability of officers acting judicially for official acts done in good faith and of
officers executing warrants and orders, vide section 1 of Act XVIII of 1850 (Protection
of J udicial Officers).

[(g) to enforce any right under a mortgage declared extinguished under the Punjab
Redemption and Restitution of Mortgaged Lands Act 1964 (XIX of 1964),] or to
question the validity of any proceedings under that Act.
3. Pecuniary limits.-- The District J udge,
[Additional District J udge and Civil J udge]
of the Ist class have jurisdiction to hear suits without any limit as to their value. In the
case of
[Civil J udges] of a lower class, however, jurisdiction depends, inter alia, on
the value of the suit. The value of a suit for purposes of jurisdiction has to be
calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Suits Valuation Act and the rules
thereunder (see Chapter 3, Valuation of Suits).
[4. Special Jurisdiction.-- Under certain enactments, Courts of Civil J udges have
no jurisdiction at all to take cognizance of proceedings under those enactments e.g.
the Companies Ordinance, 1984 (XLVII of 1984), the Banking Companies Recovery
of Loan Ordinance (XIX of 1979), the West Pakistan Family Courts Act, (XXXV of
1964) etc. There are proceedings under certain other enactments of which Civil
J udges can take cognizance if specifically empowered in that behalf e.g. section 4-A
of the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890, read with section 25 of the West Pakistan
Family Courts Act, 1964.]
5. Other matters governing jurisdiction.-- Section 15 of the Civil Procedure Code
lays down that every suit must be instituted in the Court of the lowest grade having
jurisdiction to hear it. Sections 16 and 17 of the Code, lay down certain restrictions as
to the locality where certain suits affecting immovable property can be instituted.
Section 20 lays down a further restriction that a suit must be instituted where one or
more of the defendants actually and voluntarily reside or carry on business or
personally work for gain or where the cause of action arises, "wholly or in part".
6. Jurisdiction barred by Small Cause Courts Act.-- When a Court of Small
Causes under the Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887, has jurisdiction in any
locality, ordinary Civil Courts cannot try suits, which are cognizable by that Court,
unless it is expressly provided otherwise by the aforesaid Act or any other enactment
(see Section 16 of the Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887).

7. Jurisdiction where defendant sets up a claim which is beyond pecuniary
Jurisdiction of the Court.-- It happens sometimes that in a suit, which is prima
facie, within the jurisdiction of a Court, a defendant sets up a claim which is beyond
its pecuniary jurisdiction. In such cases, if the Court finds, after enquiry into the case,
that a decree must be passed on payment of a sum exceeding its pecuniary
jurisdiction, it should stay further proceedings and report the case to the District
J udge for transfer to a competent Court.
8. Jurisdiction in respect of persons amenable to Military Law.-- For the
jurisdiction of Civil Courts in respect of persons amenable to Military Law, see
Chapter 6, regarding suits by or against persons in Military Service.

1. Matter raised in defence which is solely triable by Revenue Court.-- If in a suit
which, as framed, is within jurisdiction of a Civil Court, a defendant raises a plea with
respect to a matter which can be taken cognizance of only by a Revenue Court, the
procedure laid down in the proviso to sub-section (3) of Section 77 of the Punjab
Tenancy Act 1887 must be followed and the plaint returned for presentation to the
2. Suit for correction of entries in Revenue records.-- A civil suit will not lie for the
correction of an entry in a Record of Rights, or
[Periodical] Record, but any person,
considering himself aggrieved as to any right of which he is in possession by such an
entry, may institute a suit for a declaration of his right under Chapter VI of the
Specific Relief Act, 1877. Where the relief sought in a plaint of this nature is not
correctly worded, the plaint should be returned for amendment.
[section 53 of the
Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1967,] should be referred to on this subject.
3. Question of title arising in land partition proceedings before Revenue
Officers.-- A Civil Court can only entertain a suit relating to a dispute as to title in
revenue-assessed land arising in partition proceedings, when a Revenue Officer
declines to determine the question himself as though he were a civil Court and
refuses to proceed to partition until the question is determined by a competent Court.
The plaint should, therefore, refer to the order of the Revenue Officer made under
[Section 141, sub-section (1) of the Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1967,] and the Civil
Court should satisfy itself that an order giving it jurisdiction has been so made. A
copy of such order should accompany the plaint.
4. Reference to Civil Court by Revenue Court.-- Section 98 of the Punjab Tenancy
Act, 1887, contains a provision empowering a Revenue Court to refer any party to a
Civil Court for settlement of any question which the Revenue Court considers proper
for decision by a Civil Court. Such reference must be by an order in writing, and such
order must have the previous sanction of the Controlling Revenue Court, if any.

5. Reference to High Court in cases of doubt as to jurisdiction of Civil or
Revenue Court.-- Provision has been made for the disposal by reference to the High
Court of cases in which doubts may arise as to whether the Civil or Revenue Courts
have jurisdiction, and for the registration in the proper Court of decrees passed under
a misapprehension as to jurisdiction by either a Revenue or a Civil Court. These
provisions will be found in Sections 99 and 100 of the Punjab Tenancy Act. The rules
under this head will be found in chapter 15, References to the High Court.
6. Succession to occupancy holding.-- Suits relating to succession to occupancy
holdings, under Section 59 of the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887 lie in the civil Courts.
7. Hadd-Shikni cases.-- Hadd-Shikni cases are triable by Civil Courts.
[section 172
sub-section 2(1) of Punjab Land Revenue Act of 1967] does not apply to such cases.
That section merely means that a Civil Court is not competent to question the
decision of a Revenue Officer as to the delimitation for the purposes of the
Land Revenue Act 1967], of land which is occupied as the site of a town or village
and is not assessed to land-revenue.

1. General.-- It should be remembered that the value of a suit for the purposes of the
Court-fees Act, 1870, and its value for the purposes of jurisdiction are not necessarily
identical and are frequently very different. The value for the purposes of Court-fees is
determined by the Court-fees Act, 1870 (as amended), and for purposes of
jurisdiction by the Suit Valuation Act, 1887, and the rules made thereunder. In certain
classes of suits the value for the purposes of Court-fee also can be fixed by rules
under section 9 of the Suits Valuation Act, 1887.
2. Part I of Suits Valuation Act extended to Punjab.-- Part I of the Act was
extended to this Province by Central Government, Home Department, Notification
No. 210, dated the 20th February 1889, and the Punjab Government has made rules
under section 3 of the Act determining the value of land and of certain interests
therein, for purposes of jurisdiction in the suits mentioned in the Court-fees Act, 1870,
section 7, paragraphs (v) and (vi) and paragraph (x), clause (d), which are
republished in Part D of this Chapter.
3. Rules under section 3 of the Act apply to all classes of land in the Punjab.--
No restrictions under section 3, sub-section (2), of the Act have been imposed as to
the classes of land to which the rules apply, or as to the local extent of their
operation, and they apply, therefore, to all land generally throughout the Province,
whether assessed to land revenue or not.
4. Land suits falling under section 7 (iv) or article 17, 22, Schedule II of the
Court-Fees Act.-- Section 4 of the Suits Valuation Act provides that, where a suit
mentioned in the Court-fees Act, section 7, paragraph (iv), or Schedule II, Article 17
or 22, relates to land or an interest in land, of which the value has been determined
by the rules made under section 3, the amount at which the relief sought in the suit is
valued for purposes of jurisdiction shall not exceed the value of the land or interest as
determined by those rules.

5. Other suits under section 7 of Court fees Act.-- The suits falling under the
Court-fees Act, Section 7, paragraphs (i, ii, iii, iv, vii, viii, x) (a), (b) and (c), and (xi) (a)
to (f), inclusive, are either such as are subject to an ad valorem Court-fee, in regard
to which the value for the purposes of computing the Court-fee, in regard to which the
value for the purposes of computing the Court-fee, and the value for the purpose of
determining jurisdiction, are under Section 8 of the Suits Valuation Act, 1887, the
same; or suits dealt with by directions made by the High Court under Section 9 of the
[It is to be noted that Court-fee has been exempted at all stages in all Courts and in
all cases the valuation whereof does not exceed twenty five thousand rupees.]
[6. Value of suits governed by rules made under section 9, Suits Valuation
Act.-- Section 8 gives the general rule as stated above, but when the value of a suit
for purposes of jurisdiction and Court-fees is determined by rules under section 9, the
value as determined by the rules must be accepted. For example in a suit, in which
the plaintiff asks for accounts only not being a suit to recover the amount, which may
be found due on checking unsettled accounts or a suit of the kind described in Order
XX rule 13 of the Code of Civil Procedure, value for the purposes of Suits Valuation
Act, 1887, will be rupees one thousand while the value for the purpose of Court fee
Act, 1887 will be rupees two-hundred.]
7. Plaint should show value for purposes of Court-fees and jurisdiction.-- In
order to guard against mistakes as to the value of a suit for purposes of jurisdiction
and of Court-fees, respectively, every plaint ought upon its face to show the value for
purposes of jurisdiction as well as the value for the purpose of computing Court-fees.
The former information is requisite in order that the Court may determine whether the
plaint should be returned under Order VII, Rule 10, of the Code of Civil Procedure.
When a plaint omits to disclose the value of the suit for the purposes of jurisdiction,
the person presenting it should be questioned, and his answer recorded on the plaint,
unless he consents to amend it then and there.
8. Value in cases governed by Section 7 (iv) and Schedule II, article 17 of the
Court-fees Act.-- Special care is necessary with respect to cases falling under the
provisions of section 7, Paragraph
[(iv), (iv-A)] and Schedule II, Article 17, of
the Court-fees Act, in valuing suits for the purposes

of jurisdiction and Court-fees. A schedule showing the value of different classes of
suits for purposes of jurisdiction and Court-fees, following the classification of suits in
the Court fees Act, has been prepared and attached to this Chapter. It must be
clearly understood, however, that this schedule in itself has no legal force, and that it
is merely intended for ready reference by the Courts in dealing with questions of
9. Value of certain suits left to judicial decision.-- There is no express provision in
the Suits Valuation Act, 1887, in regard to the classes of suits mentioned below, and
they do not admit of being disposed of by rules under Part I, nor are they dealt with
by directions under Part II of the Act. The valuation of such suits, therefore, must be
left to judicial decision, as occasion arises. The suits are:-
suits for houses;
suits for pre-emption in respect of houses;
suits for removal of attachment of houses;
suits by or against mortgagors or mortgagees as such;
suits falling under Schedule II, Article 17, clause
[(iv) and (iv-A)], which are not
provided for by the rules under section 3 or directions under section 9, or by section 4
of the Suits Valuation Act;
suits falling under section 7, subsection (x), clause (d), of the Court-fees Act, and
relating to property other than land.
10. Fixing valuation not necessary in certain cases.-- In the case of some classes
of suits or petitions e.g., suits under section 28 of the Sikh Gurdwaras Act, 1925, or
petitions under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890, the law allows no choice as
regards the Court in which proceedings must be taken. There is, therefore no
necessity in such cases to fix any valuation for the purpose of determining

1. General.-- Under the
[Punjab Civil Court Ordinance, 1962 (II of 1962),] the
number of appeals in a suit and the Court of Appeal are determined partly by the
nature of the suit and partly by its value; and serious inconvenience results to J udges
of Superior Courts as well as to suitors, when the record of the original Court does
not disclose the value of the suit.
The value of the suit, as fixed by the plaintiff or as determined by the Court in the
event of its being disputed should, therefore, be always stated on the face of the final
J udgment and the decree in the suit.
The term "value", as used in the
[Punjab Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 (II of 1962)]
with reference to a suit, means the amount or value of the subject-matter of the suit.
2. Valuation should be stated in judgment and decree. Meaning of value.--
When the copies filed with the memorandum of appeal do not disclose the value, the
Appellate Court should, if in doubt, send for the record, which may show the value. In
all cases in which the record does not show the value, the Appellate Court must
ascertain and determine whether the value of the suit as instituted (not the value of
the subject-matter of appeal), does or does not exceed the limits of its appellate
3. Objection as to value.-- When either the appellant or the respondent takes
exception to the valuation determined by the lower Court, the point must be decided
like any other point taken in appeal or by way of cross-objection. It should be noted,
however, that, according to section 11 of the Suits Valuation Act, 1887 no objection
as to valuation can be entertained in appeal unless it was taken in the trial Court
before the issues were framed and recorded; or, in the lower Appellate Court, in the
memorandum of appeal to that Court and unless the appellate Court is satisfied (for
reasons to be recorded in writing) that the suit or appeal was not properly valued,
and that the mistake in valuation had prejudicially affected the disposal of the suit or
appeal on merits. This rule applies in all cases of erroneous valuation whether the

valuation is fixed by any statute or rules there-under or in any other manner.
4. Suits for redemption of mortgage.-- The valuation of suit for redemption of a
mortgage is not regulated by statute or any enactment and would, therefore, depend
upon the subject-matter, which in such a suit is the amount which the mortgagor
should, before recovering the mortgaged property, pay to the mortgagee. The
amount depends not on the valuation originally given by the plaintiff (which can only
be considered to be tentative), but on the amount as determined by the Court. It is
the amount so determined, therefore, that determines the forum of appeal. If for
example, the plaintiff sues for redemption on payment of Rs. 5,000 while the
mortgagee claims Rs. 10,000 and the Court decrees the suit on payment of Rs.
7,000 the appeal will lie to the High Court and not the District Court (I.L.R. VII Lah.
570-F.B.) If, on the other hand, the decree had been passed on payment of a sum
less than Rs. 5,000, the appeal would have been entertainable by the District Court,
and the mere fact that the mortgagee claimed Rs. 10,000/- would not have affected
the question of jurisdiction for the purposes of appeal, (c.f. 54 P.R. 1912).
[Note:- The appeal under section 18 of the Punjab Civil Courts Ordinance 1962,
from the decree or the order of the Civil J udge lies to the High Court if the value of
the original suit exceeds two hundred thousand rupees and to the District J udge in
any other case. This paragraph should be read accordingly.]
5. Suits for accounts.-- Similarly, in a suit for the amount found to be due after
taking accounts, it is not the tentative valuation of the plaintiff, but the amount found
to be due and decreed by the Court, that determines the forum of appeal (I.L.R.IX
Lah. 23).

Rules made by the High Court with the previous sanction of the Provincial
Government, under the powers conferred by section 9 of the Suits Valuation Act
1887, and all other powers in that behalf, for determining for the purposes specified
therein, the value of the subject-matter of certain classes of suits which do not admit
of being satisfactorily valued, and for the treatment of such classes of suits as if their
subject matter were of the value as hereinafter stated:-
1. (i) Suits in which the plaintiff in the plaint asks for a decree against the other party
to an alleged marriage, either alone or with other defendants, for restitution of
conjugal rights;
(ii) Similar suits for a decree establishing, annulling or dissolving a marriage or for a
declaration that a marriage is void or has been annulled, dissolved or otherwise
(iii) Suits in which the plaintiff in the plaint asks for a decree establishing an adoption
or declaring it void including under the expression "adoption" the customary
appointment of an heir--
Value-- (a) For the purposes of the Court-fees Act, 1887.
[(Under Item 11(v) of Schedule II applicable to Punjab Court-fee of ten rupees is to
be fixed on the suit to set aside the adoption.)]
Rs. 200
(b) For the purposes of the Suits Valuation Act, 1887, and the
[Punjab Civil Courts
Ordinance, 1962 (II of 1962).]
Rs. 1,000

[Explanation I.]-- Classes (i) and (ii) do not include petitions under any special Act
relating to the dissolution of marriage.
[Explanation II.-- No Court-fee is chargeable by any Court or payable in respect of
any criminal case or any case of civil nature the value of the subject-matter thereof or
relief claimed thereunder does not exceed twenty-five thousand rupees in view of the
Punjab Court-fees (Abolition) Ordinance, 1983(X of 1983).]
3. Suits in which the plaintiff in the plaint asks for accounts on not being--
(i) Suits to recover the amount which may be found due to the plaintiff on taking
unsettled accounts between him and the defendant;
(ii) Suits of either of the kinds described in Order XX, rule 13 of the Code of Civil
Value-- (a) For the purposes of the Court-fees Act, 1887.
(b) For the purposes of the Suits Valuation Act, 1887, and the Punjab Courts Act,
4. (i) Suits in which the plaintiff in the plaint seeks to recover the amount which may
be found due to the plaintiff on taking unsettled accounts between him and the
(ii) Suits of either of the kinds described in Order XX, rule 13 of the Code of Civil
Value for the purpose of Court-fees.(a) As determined by the Court-fees Act, 1870.

Value for the purpose of jurisdiction.(b) For the purposes of the Suits Valuation
Act, 1887, and the Punjab Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962, as valued by the plaintiff in
the plaint, subject to determination by the Court at any stage on the trial.
5. Suits in which the plaintiff in the plaint seeks to establish or to negative any right
hereinafter mentioned, with or without an injunction, and with or without damages,
a right of way; a right to open or maintain or close a door or a window, or a drain, or a
water-spout (Parnala); a right to or in a watercourse or the use of water; a right to
build, or raise or alter or demolish a well; or to use an alleged party wall or joint
Value--(a) For the propose of the Court-fees Act, 1870---
(i) suits to establish a right--whether or not injunction is prayed for.
Rs. 130
(ii) suits to establish a right and for damages whether or not injunction is prayed for.
Rs. 130
Plus such sum
as is claimed
as damages.
(b) For the purposes of the Suits Valuation Act, 1887, and the Punjab Civil Courts
Ordinance, 1962, as for the purposes of the Court-fees Act, 1870.
6. Suits in which the plaintiff in the plaint seeks to set aside an award, and
applications registered as suits under the Provisions of sections 20 and 31 of the
Arbitration Act, X of 1940 (to file an agreement to refer to arbitration or to file an
award), when or so far as the award or the agreement relates to property:-

(a) For the purposes of the Court-fees Act, 1870, as determined by the Act.
(b) For the proposes of the Suits Valuation Act, 1887, and the Punjab Civil Courts
Ordinance, 1962,--the market value of the property in dispute, subject to the
provision of Part I of the Suits Valuation Act, 1887, and of the rules in force under the
said part, so far as those provisions are applicable.
7. Suits in which the plaintiff in the plaint asks for a mere declaration without any
consequential relief in respect of property other than land assessed to land revenue--
(a) For the purpose of the Court-fees Act, 1887, as determined by the Act.
(b) For the purposes of the Suits Valuation Act, 1887, and the Punjab Civil Courts
Ordinance, 1962,--the market value of the property in dispute, at the date of
institution of the suit, subject to the provision of Part I of the Suits Valuation
Act, 1887, and the rules in force under the said Part, so far as those
provisions are applicable.
8. Suits for partition of property-
(a) As determined by the Court-fees Act, 1870.

Value-- (b) For the purposes of the Suits Valuation Act, 1887, and the Punjab Civil
Courts Ordinance, 1962, --the value of the whole of the property as determined by
sections 3, 8 and 9 of the Suits Valuation Act, 1887.
9. Suits in which the plaintiff in the plaint asks for redemption of the property
mortgaged or for foreclosure of the mortgage.
Value-- (a) For the purposes of the Court-fees Act, 1870,--as fixed by section 7 (ix) of
that Act.
(b) For the purpose of the Suit Valuation Act, 1887, and the Punjab Civil Courts
Ordinance, 1962,--the amount of the principal and interest calculated on the terms of
the mortgage at the date of the institution of the suit.
10. Suits in which the plaintiff asks for cancellation of a decree for money or other
property having a money value, or other document securing money or other property
having such value,--
Value-- (a) For the purposes of the Court-fees, Act, 1870,--as determined by that Act.
(b) For the purposes of the Suits Valuation Act, 1887, and the Punjab Courts Act,
1918,--according to the value of the subject-matter of the suit, and such value shall
be deemed to be--

(i) If the whole decree or other document is sought to be cancelled, the amount or the
value of the property for which the decree was passed or the other document
(ii) If a part of the decree or other document is sought to be cancelled, such part of
the amount or value of the property.
[10-A. Plaint or Memorandum of appeal for recovery of compensation or damages
under the Fatal Accidents Act, 1855--
Value-- (a) for the purposes of Court-fee Act, 1870, as fixed by Schedule II Article 18
as amended;
(b) For the purposes of Suit Valuation Act, 1887, and the Punjab Civil Courts
Ordinance, 1962, the amount claimed.]
11. The foregoing rules are subject to the following explanations:-
(i) the terms "plaint" includes an amended as well as original plaint.
(ii) a suit falling within any of the above descriptions is not excluded therefrom merely
by reason of the plaint seeking other relief in addition to that described in any of the
foregoing rules.
Note:- These rules came into force on the 2nd J anuary 1943.
High Court Notification No. 363-R/XXX-3, dated the 2nd December, 1942.
(C. S. 17/XXX-3, dated the 23rd December 1942).


Arbitration Proceedings
[1. The instructions contained in this part are only administrative. The statutory Rules
under section 44 of the Arbitration Act 1940 are contained in part-B of this Chapter.]
2. The following rules
[were laid down by the then] Government of India in regard to
the appointment of public officers to act as arbitrators for the settlement of disputes:-
(Extract from proceedings of the Government of India Home Department (Public)
No. 544, dated Fort William, the 12th February 1873.
(1) An officer shall not act as an arbitrator in any case without the sanction of his
immediate superior, or unless he be directed so to act by a Court having authority to
appoint an arbitrator.
(2) No public officer shall act as an arbitrator in any case which is likely to come
before him in any shape in virtue of any judicial or executive office which he may be
(3) If any officer acts as arbitrator at the private request of disputants, he shall accept
no fees.
(4) If he acts by appointment of a Court of law, he may accept such fees as the Court
may fix.
3. In the event of an officer in any public department being nominated as arbitrator in
a civil suit, the Court, before appointing him arbitrator, should refer to the official
superior of the officer nominated to ascertain whether his services can be made
The Punjab Government have directed in their circular letter No. 5795-G-43/64326
(H-Gaz.), dated the 14th October 1943, that their servants should not be allowed to
undertake arbitration without the previous permission of the competent authority.

Rules made by the High Court under the powers conferred by section 44 of the
Arbitration Act, 1940 (Act X of 1940), and published in its notification No.45-B/X. W. -
5, dated the 9th March 1945.
1. Citation.-- The following rules shall be cited as the Arbitration Rules. All
references therein to 'Act' shall be read as meaning the Arbitration Act, 1940.
2. Title of application.--(a) Save as hereinafter provided, all applications, affidavits
and proceedings under the Act, shall be intituled "in the matter of the Act, and in the
matter of the arbitration."
(b) Applications under Chapter IV of the Act shall be intituled in the suit or matter in
which order or reference is made.
(c) Applications under section 34 of the Act shall be intituled in the suit which the
applicant seeks to have stayed.
(d) Applications under section 7 (2) of the Act shall be intituled "in the matter of the
insolvency in which the reference to arbitration is sought or claimed."
3. Mode of application.-- All applications under the Act shall be made only to the
proper Court and all applications shall be made by petition and shall be presented in
the same manner as plaints or other applications to the Clerk of the Court or to such
other officer as the Court appoints in that behalf who shall cause them to be
registered and take such orders as are necessary from the Presiding J udge. Where
application is made with the consent of all the Parties affected thereby, the written
petition shall be endorsed with the consent of the parties affected and shall bear their
4. Contents of Petition.-- The petition shall be divided into paragraphs numbered
consecutively and shall contain the name, description and place of residence of the
petitioner and of the opposite party, with a statement in summary form:-
(a) of the material facts,

(b) of facts showing that the Court to which the application is presented has
jurisdiction, and
(c) of the nature of the relief asked for,
and shall specify the persons liable to be affected by the application. A copy of the
arbitration agreement, the special case or the award relating to the petition shall be
annexed to the application : Provided that where a party is, by reason of absence or
for any other good cause, unable to sign the same, it may be signed on his behalf by
any person duly authorised by him to sign the same.
5. Registering petitions and awards.-- Applications under section 14 of the Act
shall be numbered and registered as regular suits. Other applications under the Act
shall be numbered and registered as miscellaneous applications requiring judicial
6. Notice of application to persons affected by award.-- Upon any application by
petitioner under the Act, the J udge shall direct notice thereof to be given to all
persons mentioned in the petition, and to such other persons as may seem to him to
be likely to be affected by the proceedings, requiring all or any of such persons to
show cause, within the time specified in the notice, why the relief sought in the
petition should not be granted.
7. Copy of petition.-- A copy of the petition shall be served on each person notified
by virtue of the last preceding rule and the applicant shall supply a copy of the
petition or affidavit for service on the opposite party.
8. Court-fees and process fees.--(a) The Court fees and process fees chargeable
for all petitions shall be in accordance with the Court Fees Act and the rules for the
levy of the process fees in force for the time being.
(b) The petitioner or the plaintiff shall deposit the necessary process fees for notice to
the other party concerned within three days of the presentation of his petition or
within such further time as the Court may permit.
(c) The party who has requested the arbitrator or umpire to cause an award to be
filed shall, within three days after the filing of the award, or within such further time as
the Court may permit, deposit the process fees for notice to the other parties

9. Notice to arbitrators.-- Except where misconduct on the part of an arbitrator or
umpire is alleged as a ground for setting aside an award or for removing an arbitrator
or umpire, or, unless the Court otherwise orders, it shall not be necessary to serve
notice of the application upon an arbitrator or umpire and he shall not be allowed his
costs of appearing thereto.
10. Filing of Award.--(a) The arbitrator or umpire or any of the parties to the
arbitration may cause the award or a signed copy thereof to be filed in Court in the
manner prescribed in rule No.3.
(b) When the award is filed by the arbitrator or umpire, he shall, together with the
award, send to the Court any depositions and documents which have been taken and
proved before him and the opinion pronounced by the Court on the special case
submitted by him, if any, in accordance with section 14 of the Act by forwarding the
same under a sealed cover addressed to the Court. He shall also send together with
the award a copy of the notice given to the parties concerned and affidavit of service
of such notice and attestation of his signature on the award.
(c) When the award is filed by any of the parties to the arbitration under clause (a),
the party may move the Court for directing the arbitrator to produce in original such of
the documents as were produced before him together with the record of the
11. Notice of filing award.-- When the award has been filed in Court, the Court shall
forthwith issue notice of such filing to the parties interested in the award.
12. Limitation for application for judgment on award.-- An application for
judgment in terms of an award shall not be made until after the expiration of 30 days
from the date of service of the notice of filing the award.
13. Court to issue notice on application under section 20.-- When an application
under section 20 of the Act is filed and registered, the Court shall, on the application,
issue a notice, returnable within not less than 10 days from the service thereof calling
upon the opposite party to show cause why arbitration agreement should not be filed.

14. Processes to be issued on application by arbitrator or umpire.-- Processes
to the parties to arbitration proceedings or to witnesses shall be issued by the Court
on the written application of the arbitrator or the umpire.
15. Accompaniment of the above application.-- If the proceedings are under
Chapter II of the Act, the application for such processes must be accompanied by a
copy of the agreement under which the arbitrator or the umpire is acting. If otherwise,
the date of the order appointing him arbitrator or umpire shall be mentioned in the
16. Special case.-- Every special case for the Court's opinion under section 13 (b) of
the Act shall be made in Form No.I. The arbitrator or umpire, as the case may be
shall at the same time give notice of such action to the parties. When the Court has
announced its opinion under section 14 (3), it shall be the duty of the arbitrator or
umpire concerned to have a certified copy of such opinion added to and made part of
the award.
17. Application of Code of Civil Procedure and the High Court Rules and
Orders.-- In the cases not provided for in the foregoing rules or in the Act, the
provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 and High Court Rules and Orders,
mutatis mutandis, shall apply to all the proceeding before the Court and to all appeals
under the Act.
18. Forms.-- The forms prescribed by these rules shall be used for the purposes to
which they severally relate with such variations as the circumstances of each case
may require.


(Title of suit)
In the matter of an arbitration between A.B. of _______________________ and C.D.
____________________ the following special case is stated for the opinion of the
(Here state the facts concisely in numbered paragraphs).
The questions of law for the opinion of the Court are--
First -- Weather .. .. .. X
Second -- Weather .. .. .. Y
Dated the ________day of ___________19 .
(Title of suit)
1. This suit is instituted for (state nature of claim).
2. The matter in difference between the parties is (state matter of difference).
3. The applicants being all the parties interested have agreed that the matter in
difference between them shall have referred to arbitration.
4. The applicants, therefore, apply for an order of reference.
Dated the _______day of _________19 .
Note:- If the parties are agreed as to the arbitrators, it should be so stated.

(Title of suit)
Upon reading the application presented on the ________ day of _______19 it is
ordered that the following matter in difference arising in this suit, namely_________
be referred for determination to X and Y, or in case of their not agreeing then to the
determination of Z, who is hereby appointed to be umpire; and such arbitrators are to
make their award in writing on or before the ________day of ______19, and in case
of the said arbitrators not agreeing in an award, the said umpire is to make his award
in writing within __________________________months after the time during which it
is within the power of the arbitrator to make an award shall have ceased.
Liberty to apply.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this ________________day of
__________19 .
J udge

(Title of suit)
Whereas by an order, dated the ___________day of ______________19 (state order
of reference and death, refusal, etc., of arbitrator), it is by consent ordered that Z be
appointed in the place of X deceased (or as the case may be) to act as arbitrator with
Y, the surviving arbitrator, under the said order; and it is ordered that the award of the
said arbitrators be made on or before the day of ____________19 .
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this ______day of______19 .


In the matter of an arbitration between A.B. of _____________________and C.D.
Whereas in pursuance of an order of reference made by the Court
of_______________ and dated the __________________day of ____________19
_______________________, the following matter in difference between A.B. and
C.D. namely:--
has been referred to us for determination:
Now we, having duly considered the matter referred to us do hereby make our award
as follows:--
We award__________________________________________
(1) that .. .. .. X
(2) that .. .. .. Y
Dated the __________day of_______________19 .

I. The following rules have been framed by the Lahore High Court, Lahore of
J udicature at Lahore in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 10 of the
Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act, 1937 and approved by the Governor of the
Punjab under section 224 of the Government of India Act, 1935 (25 and 26 Geo. V.
Chapter 42):--
Rules under Section 10 of the Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act, 1937.
1. Title of applications, etc.-- All applications, affidavits and proceedings under the
Act shall be entitled "in the matter of the Act and in the matter of the Arbitration."
2. What application shall be by petition.-- Application under Section 3 shall be
made to the Court whose proceedings are intended to be stayed, and applications
under Section 5 shall be made to the Court having jurisdiction over the subject-matter
of the award.
3. Contents of petition.-- Every petition shall be divided into paragraphs, numbered
consecutively, and shall contain, in a summary form, a statement of the material facts
relied on, and the nature of the relief asked for, and shall specify the persons liable to
be affected thereby.
4. Stay of proceedings under Section 3 of the Act.-- Upon an application for stay
of proceedings under Section 3 of the Act being filed, the Court shall direct notice to
be given to the party or parties to the legal proceedings, other than the applicant,
requiring him or them to show cause, within a time specified, why the order should
not be made, unless the Court is satisfied that the object of the application would be
defeated by the delay occasioned by the notice.
5. Documents to be produced with the petition for enforcement of a foreign
award.-- The party seeking to enforce a foreign award shall produce with his
(a) the document specified in Section 8(i) of the Act and, where such
document is in a foreign language, the translation thereof into

English, certified in the manner prescribed in subsection (2) of the said Section 8;
(b) the original agreement for arbitration or an authenticated copy thereof and, when
the same is in a foreign language, the translation thereof into English certified in the
manner prescribed in subsection (2) of the said section 8:
(c) an affidavit or affidavits showing (1) that the said agreement was valid under the
law by which it was governed, (2) that the award was made by the tribunal provided
for in the agreement or constituted in the manner agreed upon by the parties, (3) that
it was made in conformity with the law governing the arbitration procedure and (4)
that it has become final in the country in which it was made; and
(d) other document or documents in support of his application.
6. Procedure to be followed in case of non-production of documents with
petition for enforcement of award.-- If the application under section 5 of the Act be
presented for admission without the document specified in Rule 5(a) above, it shall
forthwith be returned to the party presenting it. If such application is unaccompanied
by the documents specified in Rule 5 (b) and (c) above, the Court may allow time
within which such document must be filed.
7. Execution of decrees and orders.-- The provisions of the Code of Civil
Procedure and the Rules and Orders of the High Court relating to execution of
decrees and orders shall, mutatis mutandis, be applicable to the execution of
decrees and orders under the Act.
8. Fees payable on proceedings.-- The fees in respect of proceedings under the
Act shall be according to the scale of fees applicable to proceedings under Schedule
II of the Code of Civil Procedure.
II. As regards the powers which have been notified to be parties to the Convention
and the territories to which the Convention applies see Central Government
(Department of Commerce) Notification 103 (4)/II-Tr., dated the 8th J anuary 1938.

1. Compulsory attendance.-- A Court can compel the personal attendance of any
witness residing within the local limits of its jurisdiction, or without such limits if the
person to be summoned is at a place, not more than fifty miles from the Court house
or not more than two hundred miles if there is a railway communication or public
conveyance for 5/6th of distance, provided that he is not exempted under any of the
provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. (Order XVI, Rule 19).
2. Attendance of pardah nashin ladies.-- Under Section 132 of the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, women, who, according to the customs and manners of the
country, ought not to be compelled to appear in public, shall be exempt from personal
attendance in Court.
3. Privileged persons.-- The Punjab Government may, by Notification in the Official
Gazette, exempt from personal appearance in Court any person whose rank, in the
opinion of such Government, entitles him to the privilege of exemption.
The Punjab Government has made the following exemptions:-
(i) The Afghan, Persian, American, Dutch, German, J apanese and Italian Consuls-
General residing in or visiting the Punjab (Punjab Government Notification No. 5957-
S.-J udl., dated the 24th September, 1929).
(ii) The Ruling Chiefs of the Punjab and their sons (Punjab Government Notification
No.I-F., dated the Ist J anuary, 1909).
(iii) Certain Titular Chiefs and gentlemen. The list of these is liable to variation from
time to time.
4. Other exemptions.-- The Court has a discretion to exempt from attendance as
witness any person, who, in the opinion of the Court, is, from sickness or infirmity,
unable so to attend, or who, being a Civil or Military

Officer of the Government, cannot attend without detriment to the Public Service. As
regards the attendance of Patwaris in Civil Courts, Part B of this Chapter should be
referred to.
5. Evidence by Commission.-- The Court may issue a commission for the
examination of a witness, whose attendance cannot be compelled according to law,
or cannot be secured for any other sufficient reason, in the circumstances specified
in Order XXVI of the Civil Procedure Code.
6. Service Of Processes.-- The general procedure for issue of precesses to
witnesses is the same as that in respect of defendants. For detailed instructions on
the subject, see Volume IV, Chapter 7 and Volume I, Chapter I-D, (b) and (c).
7. Non-attendance, proof of service.-- Where a witness summoned to attend to
give evidence or produce a document, fails to attend or to produce the document,
without lawful excuse, the Court shall, on return of the service of the summons,
examine the serving officer on oath, if his certificate has not been verified by affidavit
and it may do so even when the certificate has already been so verified, to satisfy
itself that the summons was duly served.
8. Proclamation, attachment and arrest in case of non-attendance.-- The Court,
on being satisfied that the person summoned has intentionally failed to attend or to
produce the document in compliance with such summons without any lawful excuse
and that his evidence or the document is material, may issue a proclamation
requiring him to attend to give evidence or produce the document at a time and place
to be named therein. Or, the Court may, in lieu thereof, or in addition to it, issue a
warrant, with or without bail, for the arrest of such person and may make also an
order for the attachment of his property to such an amount as it deems fit to cover the
costs of the attachment and any fine which may be imposed for his failure to attend,
not exceeding Rs.
[2000/-] (vide Order XVI, Rule 10, Code of Civil Procedure, 1908).
9. Fine.-- Whenever such person appears and satisfies the Court that he did not,
without lawful excuse, fail to comply with the summons, the Court may release the
attachment or cancel the Warrant of arrest, as the case may be. Where such person
does not appear, or appears but fails to satisfy the Court that

there was a lawful excuse for his absence, the Court may impose a fine, not
exceeding Rs.
[2000/-], to be recovered by the attachment (if not already effected)
and sale of his property (Order XVI, Rule 12, Code of Civil Procedure, 1908).
10. Party as witness.-- It should be noted that, where a party to a suit is required to
give evidence or produce a document, the provisions as to witnesses apply to him,
so far as they are applicable.
11. Warrants against Government servants for non-attendance.-- The J udges
wish to impress upon the Subordinate Courts the desirability of caution in issuing
warrants of arrest against a person in Public Service, unless and until the Court is
fully satisfied that he is willfully omitting to obey the summons. In most cases, it will
produce the desired effect if a notice is issued to the person at fault to show cause
why he should not be proceeded against under the penal provisions of Order XVI and
the attention of the superior officer is drawn to the conduct of the man. Of course, in
cases of pronounced refractoriness, the Courts can set the law in motion in any one
or all of the forms, available to them.
12. Non-attendance, duty of parties and Court.-- In cases where proper service of
summons has been effected but the witnesses fail to attend, either through
negligence or in collusion with the party on whose behalf they have been cited, Civil
Courts should use their powers to take penal action against their own witnesses, the
issue of any further summons through the Court for their attendance should be
refused. The Courts should also, where necessary, take action themselves against
defaulting witnesses. The provisions of Order XVI, Rule 16, should be studied and
used, and if parties refuse to make an application under Order XVI, Rule 16 (2), the
Court may refuse to grant any further adjournment.
13. Prompt disposal of witnesses.-- When witnesses are in attendance, every
effort should be made to record their evidence promptly and they should not be
required, as far as possible, to attend again at any adjourned hearing. In the case of
businessmen and Government servants, the Court should, if possible, give them
some indication as to the hour when their evidence is

likely to be recorded, so as to avoid their being detained on the Court premises
longer than may be necessary.
14. Summoning Government servants to prove birth or death entries.-- In any
case where a party to a suit wishes to prove the fact of a birth or death by reference
to one of the registers of vital statistics he should be directed in the first instance to
file a certified copy of the entry on which he relies. Civil Courts should refrain from
summoning the clerks of Civil Surgeons' offices with the registers except where their
presence is deemed absolutely necessary.

Patwari should not be summoned unless absolutely necessary.-- Officers
presiding over Civil Courts should be careful to see that Patwaris are not summoned
unnecessarily to give merely formal evidence regarding entries in the village records
and annual papers, information as to which could be as well obtained from an
inspection of the records in the District office or from an examination of the District
Qanungo or Record-Keeper. It should be remembered that Patwaris have very
important duties to perform and that the discharge of these duties should not be
hindered by making them attend Court except when the examination as witnesses is
really necessary. In view of these considerations, the following instructions are
issued with the concurrence of the Financial Commissioners. The Court should see
that every application for summoning a patwari as a witness contains a note stating
why a copy of the Revenue Record or an excerpt prepared by a Qanungo would not
be sufficient and why the attendance of the Patwari is essential.
2. Summoning Patwari during girdawari season.-- Officers presiding over Civil
Courts should not summon Patwaris (except in cases of great urgency) during the
times when the principal crop girdawaris are going on, viz., ordinarily the months of
March, April and October. (Financial Commissioner's Standing Order No. 22).
3. Channel of service and Court certificate.-- When a Civil Court requires the
attendance of a Patwari at a time other than that above referred to, such a Court
should forward the summons to the Tahsildar of the Tahsil to which the Patwari
belongs. The Tahsildar should serve the summons with as little delay as possible. A
certificate should be furnished by the Court to every Patwari who attends in
obedience to a summons, showing the date of his appearance before the Court and
the date on which he was permitted to leave.
4. Summoning during Settlement operations.-- When a Settlement is in progress,
it is especially undesirable that Patwaris should be summoned to attend in the
Civil Courts, and when they are required to give evidence which cannot
be obtained in the manner indicated in paragraph 1, this should usually
be obtained by the issue of a Commission under Order XXVI, Rule 4(1) (c),
of the Code of Civil Procedure. Such commissions should

ordinarily be addressed to the Settlement Superintendent of the Tahsil; but any wish
expressed on this point by the Settlement Officer should be responded to, and the
period to be ordinarily allowed for the execution of a Commission should be arranged
in consultation with him.
The Civil Court issuing the Commissions should always note thereon the date to
which the case has been adjourned, and the officer to whom the Commission is sent,
should then be careful either to return the Commission by that date, or to inform the
Court, before such date, of the circumstances which will prevent the return of the
commission within the time fixed, and what further time will be required.

1. Payment of expenses by a party: exception.-- Order XVI, Rule 2, of the Civil
Procedure Code, requires that the party applying for a summons shall, before the
summons is granted and within a period to be fixed by the Court, pay into Court such
sum of money as appears to the Court to be sufficient to defray the travelling and
other expenses of the person summoned in passing to and from the Court in which
he is required to attend, and for one day's attendance. Government is exempt from
the operation of this rule when applying for summons for any of its own officers. In
the case of witnesses summoned as "experts," the Court is authorized to allow
remuneration in addition, for performing any necessary work of an expert character
for the purposes of the case.
2. Expenses of the witnesses summoned by the Court of its own motion.--
When a witness is summoned by the Court of its own motion under Order XVI, rule
14 his diet money, etc., shall be paid by such party or parties as the Court may in its
discretion direct.
When diet money, etc,. is not deposited payment shall be made out of contingencies
and an order passed for recovery from any property of the party concerned and
executed under section 36 of the Code.
3. Expenses to be paid at the time of service.-- According to Order XVI, Rule 3 of
the Code, the sum so paid into Court shall, except in the case of a Government
servant who is not entitled to receive such sums, be tendered to the person
summoned at the time of serving the summons, if it can be served personally.
4. Expenses of Government servants.--(i) A Government servant, shall not accept
any subsistence allowance from the Court.
(ii) A Government servant, who is required to give evidence in a Court situated not
more than 5 miles from his headquarters, may accept such actual travelling
expenses as the Court may allow provided that he is not in receipt of permanent
travelling allowance from Government.
(iii) A Government servant, who is summoned to give evidence in a civil case to
which Government is a party or in a Criminal Court, may draw

travelling allowance from Government as for a journey on tour provided that (a) the
facts as to which he is to give evidence have come to his knowledge in the discharge
of his public duties, (b) he attaches to his bill a certificate of attendance given by the
Court, and (c) he does not accept any payment of his travelling expenses from the
Any expenses, which may be deposited in the Court for this purpose, must be
credited to Government under head
["1230000-Law & order Receipts, 1231000-
J ustice, 1231003-J ustice-General Fees, Fines & Forfeitures (74)".]
(iv) A Government servant, summoned to give evidence in circumstances other than
those mentioned in the preceding clause, may receive travelling expenses from the
Court according to the scale to which he may be entitled by his status.
[(v) In the case of employees of the Federal Government or Pakistan Railway or any
other Commercial Department of the Government or Corporations controlled by the
Government, however, sums deposited for diet money will be credited in the
Treasury to the credit of the Government concerned, i.e., Federal, Railway or any
other commercial Department of the Government, or a Corporation controlled by the
Government, as the case may be.]
5. Further sum for expenses.-- Order XVI, Rule 4, empowers the Court to require a
further sum to be paid in for the expenses of a witness, if the sum at first paid is
found to be insufficient, or if the witness is detained for more than one day.
6. Scale of Expenses.-- Order XVI, Rule 2 (3), provides that in fixing the scale of
expenses to be allowed to witnesses, Subordinate Courts shall be guided by such
rules as may be made by competent authority. The rules passed in connection with
the scale of expenses are given in Appendix I to this Chapter.
7. Sending expenses by money order.-- When a summons is sent by a Court in
one district for service through a Court in another district, the expenses must be
remitted by money order at the cost of the party taking out the summons. The
practice of sending remittances by postage stamps should never

be resorted to. The Court to which a remittance is made should be informed by letter,
on the day on which application is made to the Post Office for the money order, and
all necessary information should be furnished regarding the person or persons to
whom the money is to be paid. The same procedure will apply when a summons
issued by one Court in a district has to be served through the process serving agency
of another Court within the same district.
8. Court certificate in case of Government servants.-- In all cases in which an
officer of Government is summoned to give evidence, the Court should give him a
certificate in the prescribed form A given in Appendix II to this Chapter, specifying the
dates on which the officer was required to attend and the amount, if any, paid to him
by the Court. This certificate will be attached by the officer concerned to any
travelling allowance bill which he may submit under the rule quoted above.
9. Expenses of Process-servers.-- A process-server, who is called upon in ex parte
proceedings to prove service of a summons by affidavit or statement in Court, is not
entitled to any subsistence or other allowances for attendance. Such attendance
must be regarded as the discharge of one of the ordinary duties of his office.
10. The attendance of a Chairman or a member of a Debt Conciliation Board as a
witness in Civil Courts is required in (1) cases in which he appears as a witness in a
Court in the discharge of his duties as Chairman or member, and (2) cases in which
he appears in a Court in his private capacity. In the first case, the attendance of a
Chairman or a member in the Courts is in his public capacity, and as he is a public
servant within the meaning of section 21 of the Pakistan Penal Code, he cannot be
treated as a private individual for the purposes of diet money or subsistence
allowance. In such a case, the provision of Travelling Allowance Rule 2.36 should
apply, and the Chairman or the member concerned should credit to Government any
travelling allowance or subsistence allowance received by him from the Court.
In the second case, the attendance of the Chairman or member in the Court is purely
in his private capacity and in such a case the Chairman or member should be treated
as a private individual, and allowed to retain the amounts paid by the Court.

11. In all cases in which the Chairman or a member of a Debt Conciliation Board is
summoned to give evidence the Court should give him a certificate in the prescribed
form A given in Appendix II to this Chapter specifying the dates on which he was
required to attend the Court and the amount, if any, paid to him by the Court.
(Vide para 6)
*[The following rules have been framed by the High Court under Order XVI Rule 2(3)
of the Code of Civil Procedure for the guidance of the Courts.
1. The remuneration to be paid to the witnesses attending the Civil Courts of the
Punjab will be not only for the actual period of attendance but also for any reasonable
time spent in the journey to and from the place of sitting, the mode of conveyance
available being taken into consideration.
2. The Presiding Officer of each Court will, keeping in view the status of the witness,
fix the remuneration exclusive of the bona fide travelling expenses. The government
servants attending the Courts in private capacity, will be allowed remuneration at the
rates admissible in each case under the relevant service rules.
3. In estimating travelling expenses, the amount allowed should cover the actual
costs of the journey by means of conveyance considered by the Court to be suitable
to the person summoned.
4. The professionals e.g. lawyers, registered accountants (as defined in rule 12 of the
Auditors Service Rules, 1932), chartered accountants [as defined in Chartered
Accountants Ordinance, 1961 (X of 1961)], doctors and engineers, attending the Civil
Courts for giving expert evidence, shall be paid fees ranging

between rupees two hundred and rupees one thousand according to the
professional standing of the witness, for each day in attendance or travelling in
addition to the expenses for travelling.]
(Vide para 8)
Form of certificate to be given by the Court to an officer of Government
summoned to give evidence at a Court
In the Court of the _________________________________________in the
1. Certified that ____________________
was summoned to give
evidence in this Court in his ------------ capacity in the case of ____________
and was required to attend for a period of -------- days, that is from the ------- to the ---
------- 19 .
2. To be cut out when nothing is paid.-- He was paid the following amounts in
accordance with the rules of the Court:--
3. The amount of ------ as his diet money has been recovered from
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has been . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasury
the litigants and -------------- deposited in the local ---------------------------
. . . . . . . . . . . . . will be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sub-Treasury
on (date) -------------------------------.

Detailed Statement of Subsistence Allowances and Compensation (apart from
allowance for travelling expenses) paid to Government Servants by order of the
------------------------- at --------------------------------- during the quarter ending ----------------
19 , for attending as witnesses in civil cases to which Government is not a party.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Date of Court under Name and Amount Nature of Nature of
payment whose order Official paid subsistence case and
the payment designation or names of Remarks
was made of witnesses compensation parties
allowance thereto
Rs. . . . Ps.

[The following rules are applicable in the Province of the Punjab:-]
1. Responsibility of managing authority for production of documents even if
fees allowed insufficient.-- On receipt of a summons addressed to a Bank requiring
the production of documents or of certified copies of entries in books of account, the
managing authority must arrange for the production of the documents or the copies
by an official of the Bank qualified to give evidence thereon, in accordance with the
terms of the summons. Unless the documents or entries are incorrectly or
insufficiently described in the summons, or are not in the possession of the Bank, the
managing authority must comply with summons, and will be liable to all the penalties
prescribed for failure to comply with a summons, whether the rates fixed by the Court
for search or copying fees are acceptable to him or not. Any representation regarding
rates of diet money, etc., must be made to the Court, and dissatisfaction with these
rates is no ground for refusing to obey the summons.
2. Search fees.-- If the information given is not exact but is sufficient to enable the
Bank to trace the documents by making a search, the Bank should communicate at
once with the Court mentioning the amount of search fee it wishes to charge and wait
for further order. The Court will communicate with the party concerned and if the
party deposits the search fee, it will ask the Bank to comply with the summons.
3. Report if documents cannot be traced.-- If no information whatsoever is given in
the summon or if the information given is not sufficient to enable the Bank to trace
the document, the summons should be returned with a report to this effect.
4. Scale of search fees.-- Search-fees will be fixed by the Court in proportions to the
work involved. Rupees
[50.00] may be taken as a fair amount for the search-fee for a
single document not easily accessible; but in the case of documents easily traced,
such as cheques, the rate should be less; and when several documents of the same
nature, such as cheques, have to be produced, the rate should be further reduced.

5. Scales of copying fees.-- Copying fees for all documents other than entries in
account books should be paid for at the Court rates.
[6. Scale of copying fees. - The photo- copies of entries in account books, ledger
folios and registers may be issued as certified copies with the necessary certificates
and the cost at market-rates for such certified copies will be payable by the person
on whose behalf the said certified copies were ordered to be made and produced in
Court. Copying fee for all other documents will be paid at the Court rates.]
7. Prohibition against summoning higher officers of the Banks.-- All Courts must
scrutinize carefully all applications for summonses to Banks and should refrain from
summoning the Banks higher officers unless they are satisfied that their personal
attendance is necessary.

[1. Jurisdiction of civil Courts.-- The persons subject to Pakistan Army Act 1952
(XXXIX of 1952), Pakistan Air Force Act, 1953 (VI of 1953) and the Pakistan Navy
Ordinance, 1961(XXXV of 1961) are now amenable to the jurisdiction of ordinary
Civil Courts subject to certain restrictions as regards their personal appearance in
Court and execution of decrees against their person and military equipments.]
4. Authority for conducting litigation.-- When any officer or soldier actually serving
Government in military capacity is a party to a suit and cannot obtain leave of
absence for prosecuting or defending a suit, he can appoint some other person to act
on his behalf by an authority in writing given in the manner prescribed in Order XXVIII
of the Code of Civil Procedure.
In the case of
[...] officers or soldiers, the following form has been prescribed for the
authority in writing.
"Whereas I (name)-------------inhabitant of village---------------------Pargunnah -------------
---------in the District of ----------------- son of ------------------------ of the caste of------------
-----at the present rank in-------------------------
Company--------------------Regiment------------------stationed at----------------------having
occasion to institute (or defend) an action for (nature and object of suit and name of
adverse party), do hereby nominate and appoint (name, residence and caste and
relationship, if any) to be my attorney, and I bind myself to abide by whatever he, the
said attorney, may do on my behalf, in the prosecution (or

defence) of the said suit. The said attorney will either prosecute (or defend) the suit in
person or will appoint one or more of the authorised
[Advocates] of the Court to
prosecute (or defend) the same, under the instructions of the said attorney as he may
think proper. In the event of an appeal being preferred from the judgment passed in
the suit, the said attorney is hereby empowered to act for me in the appeal in the like
manner as in the original suit.
Signed in my presence O.C."
[Vide paragraph 285, Regulations for the Army in
[Pakistan], 1927].
A power-of-attorney to institute or defend a suit executed as above is not chargeable
with Court-fee (vide Section 19, clause (1) of the Court-fees Act, 1870).]
5. Service of processes.-- As regards service of processes on officers and soldiers,
see Order V, Rules 28 and 29 of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908, and Rules and
Orders, Volume IV, Chapter 7, Processes (Civil).
6. Speedy disposal of cases.-- Civil Courts should dispose of all suits, for the
prosecution or defence of which officers, soldiers or reservists have obtained leave of
absence, as speedily as is consistent with the administration of justice, irrespective of
the order in which they stand on the register.
[(See section 173 of the Pakistan Army Act, 1952 (XXXIX of 1952), Section 32 of
the Pakistan Air Force Act, 1953 (VI of 1953) and Section 27 of the Pakistan Navy
Ordinance, 1961 (XXXV of 1961).]
7. Priority certificate-Extension of leave by Court.-- When a person subject to
[Pakistan Army Act, 1952,] obtains or applies for leave of absence for
the purpose of prosecuting or defending a Civil suit, he is provided by his
Unit Commander with a certificate to enable him to obtain priority of hearing
(I.A.F.D. 902). This certificate must be presented by him in person to the Court.
If the case cannot be disposed of within the period of leave granted, the civil
officer concerned may grant leave for such period as will admit of the receipt
of a reply to an application to the Unit Commander for the necessary extension of
leave. The civil officer will at once report to the Unit Commander

any grant of leave sanctioned by him. (See paragraph 288, Regulations for the Army
in India 1927).
8. The
[Federal] Government has issued the following notification under section 60
(1)(l) of the Civil Procedure Code:-
The 3rd November, 1938.
No. 191/38-J udicial--In pursuance of clause (l) of the proviso to Subsection (l) of
section 60 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908), the Federal
Government is pleased to declare that the allowances payable to Officers in
[Pakistan] subject to the
[Army and Air Force Act] shall be exempt from attachment
by order of a Court in satisfaction of a liability incurred after the 31st December,
[9. Exemption from arrest and attachment of pay and allowances etc.
(a) Army:- No person subject to the Pakistan Army Act, 1952, so long as he belongs
to Pakistan Army, is liable to be arrested for debt under any process issued by or
under the authority of any Civil or Revenue Officer. The effect of sections 170 and
171 of the Pakistan Army Act, 1952 and clause (j) to the proviso to sub-section (1) of
Section 60 of the Code of Civil Procedure is that such person are exempted from
arrest and the arms, clothes and equipment, accoutrements and his pay and
allowances are all totally exempted from attachment by direction of any Court
whether Civil or Revenue.
Under section 172 of the Pakistan Army Act, 1952, persons belonging to the Reserve
Forces when called out for or engaged upon or returning from military training or
service and all officers and men of Mujahid Force and J anbaz Force under section 18
of National Guards Act, 1973, and Pakistan Territorial Forces Act, 1950, while
subject to the Pakistan Army Act, 1952, are also entitled to the same privileges.
(b) Air Force:- The position under the Pakistan Air Force Act, 1953 (VI of 1953), is
precisely the same as that under Pakistan Army Act, 1952. Sections 28 and 29 of the
former correspond to sections 170 and 171 respectively of the latter. Thus the
exemption for persons subject to the Pakistan Air Force Act is the same as that
stated in sub-para (a) above.

(c) Navy:- Persons in Naval Service in Pakistan are subject to Pakistan Navy
Ordinance (XXXV of 1961). Sections 24 and 25 of the Pakistan Navy Ordinance
correspond to sections 170 and 171 of the Pakistan Army Act, 1952. So the
exemption for persons subject to the Pakistan Navy Ordinance is the same as that
stated in sub-para (a) above.
As regards pay and allowances, clause (j) of proviso to sub-section (1) of section 60
of the Code of Civil Procedure gives total exemption from attachment to the persons
other than Commissioned Officers to whom the Pakistan Navy Ordinance, 1961,
applies. Thus all persons in Pakistan Navy other than Commissioned Officers enjoy
this total exemption and Commissioned Officers enjoy the total or partial exemption
under clauses (i) and (l) of the proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 60 of the Code of
Civil Procedure.]

1. General.-- During the Great War it was found necessary to enact measures for the
protection of the interests of
[...] soldiers serving under War conditions. This object
was effected by the promulgation of Ordinance II of 1915, which provided for the
special protection in respect of civil and revenue litigation of
[...] Soldiers, serving
under War conditions. The main objects, sought to be secured, were that cases, to
[...] soldiers were parties, should not be proceeded with unless their
adequate representation in such proceedings had been secured, and that power
should be given to the Courts to set aside the decrees or orders passed when these
conditions had not been observed. A further privilege conferred was the exclusion of
any period of service under War conditions from the period of limitation.
2. Law applicable.-- The Ordinance was replaced by the
[...] Soldiers Act, 1915,
with certain modifications. The Act of 1915 was, in its turn, replaced by the
Soldiers' Litigation Act, 1918, and the latter by the
[...] Soldiers' Litigation Act, 1925,
which is now in force.
3. Explanation of various sections.-- A "Soldier" is defined in the Soldiers
Litigation Act, 1925, as a person subject to the Army Act,
[1952.] Section 3
defines the circumstances in which a soldier shall be deemed to be serving
"under special conditions". According to Section 6, when a Court (Civil or Revenue)
has reasons to believe that a party to a suit before it is a soldier who is not
duly represented and is unable to appear, it must give notice thereof to
the `prescribed authority in the `prescribed manner' and suspend proceedings in
the meantime. If the prescribed authority certifies that the soldier is serving
under special conditions, the case must be postponed. Section 10 confers power
on the Court to set aside decrees and orders passed against a soldier serving
under `War' or `Special Conditions' in certain circumstances. Section 11 permits
the period spent in such service to be deducted from the normal period of
limitation, except in the case of pre-emption suits. For the purposes of section 10
and section 11, the Court may refer the question as to whether a soldier has
been serving under `War' or `special conditions' to the `prescribed authority' and
the certificate granted by that authority is conclusive on the point.

4. Rules under the Act.-- The rules framed by the Central Government under
section 13 of the
[...] Soldiers (Litigation) Act, 1925, are given in the following
Simla the 14th May, 1938
No. 455.-- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 13 of the
[Indian] Soldiers
(Litigation) Act, 1925 (IV of 1925), the Central Government, after consulting the High
Courts concerned, is pleased to make the following rules, namely:--
1. Citation.--(1) These rules may be called the Indian Soldiers (Litigation) Rules,
(2) They extend to the whole of British India including Berar",
2. Definitions.--(1) In these rules, `the Act' means the Indian Soldiers (Litigation) Act,
1925 (IV of 1925).
(2) All words used herein and defined in the Act shall be deemed to have the
meanings respectively attributed to them by the Act.
3. Prescribed authority.-- The prescribed authority for the purposes of sub-clause
(iv) of clause (b) of section 3 and sections 6, 7 and 8 of the Act shall be the Officer
Commanding the Unit or the Depot of the unit to which the soldier belongs.
4. Form of Collector's certificate.-- The certificate given by a Collector under
section 5 of the Act shall be in Form A of the schedule.
5. Notice by Court.-- The notice given by the Court under section 6 of the Act shall
be in Form B of the Schedule and shall be sent to the prescribed authority care of the
General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Command in which the Court is
situated, and the certificate of the prescribed authority, under section 7 of the Act,
shall be in Form C of the Schedule.
6. Certificate as to that postponement not required.-- If at any time it appears to
the prescribed authority that the circumstances in which he

certified to the Court under section 7 of the Act that a postponement of the
proceedings was necessary in the interests of justice, no longer exist, he shall
forthwith certify to the Court to that effect in Form D of the Schedule.
7. Postponement by Court.-- On receipt of a certificate from the prescribed
authority under section 7 of the Act that a postponement of the proceedings is
necessary in the interests of justice, the Court shall postpone the proceedings until
the receipt of a certificate in Form D from the prescribed authority or until the soldier
is represented in the proceedings by some persons duly authorised to appear, plead
or act in his behalf.
8. Prescribed authority.-- The prescribed authority for the purposes of section 12 of
the Act shall be the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Command in which
the Court is situated.


Form A
(See Rule 4)
Collector's Certificate under section 5 of the
[...] Soldiers Litigation) Act, 1925).
The Collector,
In re------------------------No.-------------------------of 19
I have the honour to certify under section 5 of the
[...] Soldiers (Litigation) Act, 1925
(IV of 1925), that I have reason to believe that------------------------------, son
Ordinarily residing
of ---------------------, who is a
[...] soldier----------------------------------- in my
Having property

district and who is a party in the above-mentioned (enter suit, appeal application or
other proceedings) now pending in (enter name of Court) is unable to appear therein.
I have the honour to be
Your most obedient servant,

Notes:- (1) This certificate should be sent by post in a registered cover or by hand
and an acknowledgment should be obtained for it.
(2) It should be addressed, in the case of a High Court, to the Registrar of the Court,
or in the case of a Board of Revenue to the Secretary of such Board, or in other case
to the Presiding Officer of the Court.


(See rule 5)
Notice under section 6 of the
[...] Soldiers (Litigation) Act, 1925.
In the -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
No.----------------------------------of --------------------------
The Officer Commanding (enter name of-----------------------------------)
Depot of unit
Care of the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief,
Please take notice that [upon the certificate of the Collector of---------------------- under
section 5 of the
[...] Soldiers (Litigation) Act, 1925 (IV of 1925)]
[having had reason
to believe] that---------------------------------, son of------------------------------ --------------------
--------, a
[...] soldier, who is a party in the above-mentioned proceeding
now pending in this Court and is not represented by any person duly authorized
to appear, plead or act on his behalf, is unable to appear therein, this Court
has, under section 6 of the said Act, suspended the proceeding. If
within the period prescribed in section 8 of the

said Act, no certificate is received from you under section 7 thereof, the Court will, if
it thinks fit, continue the proceedings.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this the ---------------------------- day of-
----------------------------19 .
Presiding Officer of the Court.

(See rule 5)
Notice under section 7 of the
[...] Soldiers (Litigation) Act, 1925
The Officer Commanding
(enter name of------------------------)
Depot of unit
---------------------No.------------------------of 19 .
No. ------------------, dated -------------------
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your notice, dated -------------------, under
section 6 of the
[...] Soldiers (Litigation) Act, 1925 (IV of 1925), in
the above-mentioned proceedings, and to certify under section 7 of the said Act
that ------------------------------, son of------------------------------, in respect of whom the
above-mentioned notice has been given, is serving under special

conditions and that a postponement of the proceedings in respect of that soldier is
necessary in the interests of justice.
I have the honour to be
Your most obedient servant,
Officer Commanding.

Notes:- (1) This certificate should be sent by post in a registered cover or by hand,
and an acknowledgment should be obtained for it.
(2) It should be addressed in the case of a High Court, to the Registrar of the Court,
or in the case of a Board of Revenue to the Secretary of such Board, or in other
cases to the Presiding Officer of the Court.


Form D
(See rule 6)
Certificate under rule 6 of the
[...] Soldiers (Litigation) Rules, 1938
In re--------------------No.--------------------of 19
No. ------------------, dated ---------------------
I have the honour to invite a reference to my letter No.-----------------------------, dated---
-------------------------, and to certify under rule 6 of the
[...] Soldiers (Litigation) Rules,
1938, that circumstances no longer exist for the postponement of the
above-mentioned (enter suit, appeal, application or other proceedings),
now pending in (enter name of Court), wherein ----------------

----------------, son of------------------------, a
[...] Soldier, is a party.
I have the honour to be
Your most obedient servant,
Officer Commanding.

Notes:- (1) This certificate should be sent by post in a registered cover, or by hand,
and an acknowledgment should be obtained for it.
(2) It should be addressed, in the case of a High Court, to the Registrar of the Court,
or in the case of a Board of Revenue to the Secretary of such Board, or in other
cases to the Presiding Officer of the Court.

(2). Notice to soldiers under section 6 of the Succession Act.-- When the Court
finds that a person, falling under clause (c) of Section 6(1) aforesaid, is a
[...] soldier
serving under special or War conditions and there is no special and obvious reason
for suspecting the good faith of the members of the family actually applying for the
certificate, the Court should declare that, in the circumstances, it is unnecessary to
make the soldier a party to the proceeding or to issue notice to him; but in such
cases the Court should always demand security under Section 9(1) of the Act. If, on
the other hand, there is any good reason to suspect the good faith of the applicant,
then he should be required to get a power-of-attorney from the absent soldier or
some written assurance from him that he does not object to the application.


[1. A suit in which Pakistan or any of its Provinces or any public officer as defined in
clause (17) of section 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, in his official capacity is
a party, shall be instituted in a Court having jurisdiction in original suits without limit
as regards value and heard at the headquarters of the district. (See section 24 of the
Punjab Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 (II of 1962).]
1-A. Dates.-- Order XXVII, Rule 5, of the Code of Civil Procedure prescribes that in
fixing the date for the hearing of a suit against the
[Government], the Court shall
allow a reasonable time for the necessary communication with the
through the proper channel. The period required will depend upon circumstances and
no invariable rule can be laid down on the point, but in most cases a period of two
months will probably be suitable.
2. Extension of time.--(i). In fixing the period in any case, the representations of the
officer, who receives the summons or who is conducting the case on behalf of the
[Government], should meet with due consideration, as the Code of Civil Procedure
clearly contemplates that reference to Government, through the proper departmental
channel, involving a certain delay, shall be allowed for and an extension of time
should be given on reasonable cause being shown; but, on the other hand, the Civil
Courts should be cautious to prevent undue delays in these as in all other classes of
(ii) Priority.-- Cases, in which Government Departments are concerned, and in which
officials have to attend, should be disposed of promptly, care being taken to give due
notice where it is necessary, for any reason to adjourn the case.
[3. Two months notice before institution of suit and grant of thirty days' time
for sub-mission of the written statement in case of non-service of notice.-- A
suit may be instituted against the Government or against a public officer in respect
of any act purporting to be done by such public officer

in his official capacity after the expiration of two months next after notice in writing
has been delivered to or left at the office of Secretary to the Government in the case
of a suit against the Federal Government and a Secretary to the Government or the
Collector of the district in the case of a suit against the Provincial Government and to
the General Manager of the Railway in case of a suit against the Federal
Government relating to the affairs of Railway and to the public officer concerned in
case of a suit filed against such public officer. The notice to be served is to state the
cause of action, the name, description of place of residence of the plaintiff and the
relief which he claims. The plaint of such a suit shall then contain a statement that
such notice has been delivered or left.
Where any such suit is instituted without delivering or leaving the notice as aforesaid
or before expiry of two months period or where the plaint does not contain a
statement that the notice as aforesaid has been so delivered or left, the plaintiff shall
not be entitled to any cost if settlement, as regards the subject matter of the suit, is
reached or the Government or the public officer concedes the plaintiff's claim within a
period of two months from the date of the institution of the suit. It is also to be
remembered that in a suit, instituted without serving such a notice, the Court is
required by law to allow not less than three months to the Government to submit its
written statement.]
[4. Title of case. - In suits by or against the Government, the authority to be named
as plaintiff or defendant, as the case may be, shall be in the case of a suit by or
against the Federal Government "Pakistan" and in the case of a suit by or against the
Provincial Government, the "Province".]
5. Definition of
[Government] and
[Government] Pleader.-- The definition of
Government and Government Pleader for purposes of Order XXVII CPC should be
carefully studied.
[6. To avoid delays in the disposal of suits and proceedings against the State and to
prevent inconvenience to the Law Officers of the State, the following directions shall
be observed:-

(i) Priority.- Suits or proceedings by or against the Government (Civil and Criminal)
should be given priority of hearing; and such cases should, when possible, be heard
continuously until completion; and
(ii) Timely notice of adjournment.- If a date is fixed in a suit affecting the State and
the Court is not prepared to hear the case on that date, timely notice by telegram
should be given to the Law Officer concerned by the Court.]
7. The following notifications, issued by the Provincial Government under the Code of
Civil Procedure are published for information
I. -- Punjab Government Notification No. I-C.,
dated the Ist J anuary, 1909
Government pleader.-- With reference to the definition of the expression
"Government Pleader" contained in section 2 (7) of the Code of Civil Procedure (V of
1908), the Lieutenant-Governor is pleased to appoint the Legal Remembrancer to the
Punjab Government, the Government Advocate, Punjab, and the Assistant Legal
Remembrancer, Punjab, respectively, to perform all or any of the functions expressly
imposed by the said Code on the Government Pleader except the functions specified
in Order XXXIII, Rule 6, and in Order XXVII, Rule 4, thereof.
2. The Deputy Commissioner for the time being of every district in the Punjab is
appointed to be the Government Pleader for his district for the purposes of Order
XXXIII, Rule 6 and of Order XXVII, Rule 4, of the Code of Civil Procedure.
3. Nothing in this notification shall be deemed to affect the provisions of notification
No. 1-H., dated Ist J anuary, 1909 (now superseded by Punjab Government
notification No. 1073-J -37/13015, dated the Ist April, 1937, given below), regarding
the recognized agents of Government under Order XXVII, Rule 2, of the Code of Civil

II. -- Punjab Government Notification No. 1073-J -37/13015, dated the Ist April, 1937.
Recognized Agents.-- In supersession of Punjab Government notification No. 1-H.,
dated the Ist J anuary 1909, and in accordance with the provisions of Order XXVII,
Rule 2 of the First Schedule of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the Governor of
the Punjab is pleased to authorize all Deputy Commissioners in the Punjab, by virtue
of their office to act for the Crown in respect of all judicial proceedings in which the
Punjab Government is concerned and in which they may receive instructions from
the Financial Commissioners or the Legal Remembrancer to Government.
2. In the absence of the Deputy Commissioner from his headquarters, the Senior
Assistant Commissioner or Extra Assistant Commissioner there present is hereby
authorized to exercise the power hereby conferred on the Deputy Commissioner.
III.-- Punjab Government Notification No. 22963, J udicial,
dated the 10th December, 1917.
Recognized Agents.-- It is hereby notified that all Government Pleaders are, under
Order XXVII, Rule 2, of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, ex-officio
authorized to act for the Government in respect of all judicial proceedings in the
Courts within the Civil districts for which they are appointed.
IV. -- Punjab Government Notification No. 1073-J -37/13017/H, judicial,
dated the Ist April, 1937.
Verification and signing of pleadings.-- In supersession of Punjab Government
notification No. 19798 J udicial, dated the 4th J uly, 1934, and in accordance with the
provisions of Order XXVII, Rule 1 of the First Schedule of the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, it is hereby ordered that in all suits, by or against the Punjab
Government, plaints or written statements on behalf of the Punjab Government
shall be signed and verified by the Deputy Commissioner for the time being of
the district in which the cause of action in whole of in part

arises or by any other gazetted officer of any department concerned who is
acquainted with the facts.
[V. -- West Pakistan Government Law Department, Notification No. 869-Law, Dated
the 15th October, 1955.
In accordance with the provisions of Order XXVII, rule 1 of the First Schedule of the
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the Governor of West Pakistan is pleased to order
that in all suits by or against the West Pakistan Government, Plaints or Written
Statement on behalf of the West Pakistan Government shall be signed and verified
by the Deputy Commissioner for the time being of the district in which the cause of
action in whole or in part arises or by any gazetted officer of the department
concerned who is acquainted with the facts.
VI. No.870 Law. - In accordance with the provisions of Order XXVII, rule 2 of the first
Schedule of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the Governor of West Pakistan is
pleased to authorise all Deputy Commissioners in West Pakistan, in virtue of their
office to act for the Crown in respect of all J udicial Proceedings in which the West
Pakistan Government is concerned and in which they may receive instructions from
the Secretary, Law Department, West Pakistan Government.
2. In the absence of the Deputy Commissioner from his headquarters, the Senior
Assistant Commissioner or Extra Assistant Commissioner there present is hereby
authorised to exercise the power hereby conferred on the Deputy Commissioner.
VII. Government of West Pakistan, Law Department Notification No. 8/57/Genl/255.
In accordance with the provisions of Rule 2 of Order XXVII of the First Schedule to
the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 and in modification of the Law Department
notification No.870-Law, dated 14th October 1955, the Governor of West Pakistan is
pleased to authorise every Deputy Commissioner and every Political Agent in West
Pakistan and, in his absence from the headquarters, the Senior Assistant
Commissioner, as the case may be, present there to act in

virtue of his office for the Province of West Pakistan in respect of any judicial
proceedings by or against the Province in which he may receive instruction from the
Secretary to Government, West Pakistan, Law Department, or from the Solicitor to
the Government, West Pakistan.]
VIII. -- Government Of India, Defence Department, Notification No.939,
dated the 11th December, 1937.
Verification and signing of pleadings in cases relating to Military lands.-- In
pursuance of Rule 1 of Order XXVII in the First Schedule to the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908) and in supersession of the notification of the
Government of India in the late Army Department, No. 336, dated the 16th J une,
1934, the Central Government is pleased to appoint Military Estates Officers to be
the persons by whom the plaint or written statement may be signed and verified in
any suit by or against the Crown relating to military lands---
(i) in Cantonments irrespective of the fact whether they are entrusted to the executive
management of the Military Estates Officers or the Cantonment Board;
(ii) out side Cantonments whether entrusted to the management of the Military Estate
Officer by or under any order of the Central Government or not.
IX. -- Central Government Notification No. E.38-ll.23, dated the 25th August, 1938.
Verification and signing of pleadings in suits re G.I.P. Railway.-- In exercise of
the powers conferred by Rule 1 of Order XXVII of the First Schedule to the Code of
Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908), the Central Government is pleased to appoint
the General Manager and the Deputy General Manager for the time being of the
Great Indian Peninsulas Railway to be the persons by whom the plaint or written
statement may be signed and verified in any suit by or against the central
Government or against the Secretary of State relating to the affairs of the said

The Railway Department notifications Nos. 523-E/23, dated the 27th August, 1925,
and 523-E/1, dated the 17th September, 1925, are hereby cancelled.
X.-- Central Government Notification No. E.-38-ll.23,dated the 25th August, 1938.
Verification and signing of pleadings in suits re E.I. Railway.-- In exercise of the
powers conferred by Rule 1 of Order XXVII of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908), the Central Government is pleased to appoint the
General Manager and the Deputy General Manager for the time being of East Indian
Railway to be the persons by whom the plaint or written statement may be signed
and verified in any suit by or against the Central Government or against the
Secretary of State relating to the affairs of the said Railway.
The Railway department notification No. 523-E/II dated the 20th August, 1925, is
hereby cancelled.

1. Procedure for obtaining excerpts.-- For the purpose of making the information
contained in the revenue records accessible to the litigating public and to the Courts,
a Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir has been appointed in all the districts of the
[...] The procedure to be followed in such cases is that the Court, in which
the suit is pending, issues a summons to the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir
who, after preparing his excerpt, goes to the Court on the date fixed taking with him
the revenue records from which the excerpt has been compiled. He is then placed in
the witness box. Counsel thus have the opportunity of comparing the excerpt with the
originals and of examining him on any points they choose.
2. Particulars to be supplied to Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir.-- Parties who
desire to summon the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir as a witness with his
records must be required to state succinctly and in writing the point on which
information is required, and the application must be sent along with the summons to
the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir. The Courts must see that the application is
in a readily intelligible form before they issue it, and the practice, where it occurs, of
sending for the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir to tell him what is required must
be discontinued, though Courts may also issue written instructions, or supplement or
correct the application.
3. Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir should be utilized for special purposes and
only at earlier stages.-- Courts must be on their guard against using the Kanungo or
Patwari Muharrir for purposes for which he is not intended, e.g., he is not to be
required to give opinions, he is not to be used as a local Commissioner, or to be
asked to provide instances in support of or to refute an alleged custom. Courts must
also see that, if the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir is required, he is
summoned for the first hearing after issues are framed, and not, as sometimes
happens at present, at the end of the case. They must also never fail to ask him on
oath whether the excerpt is in accordance with the revenue records.

4. Excerpt to be proved. Utilizing of Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir by outlying
Courts.-- The excerpt prepared by the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir is not
evidence unless proved and cannot be used as such. He cannot be allowed to go to
outlying Courts because he cannot take the revenue records with him, and without
them there would be no check over his excerpt. It is, however, very desirable that
outlying Courts should be able to utilize the Special Kanungo or the Patwari Muharrir,
and, as the best practicable method of securing that object, Presiding Officers of
outlying Courts may issue either interrogatories for the Special Kanungo or Patwari
Muharrir or an open Commission to a senior official at headquarters ordinarily and,
unless there is some special reason to the contrary, the Senior Civil J udge. This
official, who will have other duties and is described in the instructions appended as
the officer-in-charge, will then comply with the directions given, summon the Special
Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir, record his statement on oath and make the return to
the Court. In this connection attention is drawn to Order XXVI, Rule 18 (1), of the
Code of Civil Procedure. The issue of a Commission should not become a source of
unnecessary delay, and the officer-in-charge should in the absence of very strong
reasons proceed in the absence of parties if they do not appear. Parties should be
informed that their appearance at headquarters is optional if interrogatories are
5. The following instructions have been issued for the guidance of the Courts and of
the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir and it will be the immediate duty of the
officer-in-charge to see that these instructions are followed:-
(i) Application should be made to Court.-- Applications for the services of the
Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir must be made to the Court and may not be
made direct to the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir.
(ii) It should specify the points of information.-- Such applications must state
clearly the point on which information is required; and if this

condition is not fulfilled, they will be liable to be returned for amendment. They may,
however, be supplemented or corrected by the Court.
(iii) Fees.-- Whenever an application is sent to the Special Kanungo or Patwari
Muharrir he must, at the same time be summoned as a witness, and the applicant
must at once, deposit into Court the fee for evidence which is Rs. 3, and the excerpt
fee, which is also Rs.3.
Note:- If the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir is only required to produce a
revenue record or if he is only summoned with the original revenue record in order to
verify whether a copy is correct, an evidence fee of Rs. 3 only will suffice.
This deposit shall be credited at once into the treasury under the head "XXI
Administration of J ustice--General Fees, Fines and Forfeitures--Other General Fees,
Fines and Forfeitures" and particulars of the credit noted on the application and the
summons issued to the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir. No summons shall be
issued until this amount is paid by the party concerned and credit into the treasury.
(iv) Application should be made in time.-- Courts to which applications are made
must see that they are made promptly (within a short time to be fixed by the Court
after the date on which issues are framed), so that the Special Kanungo or Patwari
Muharrir may be ready with his excerpt and to give evidence on the next date fixed.
(v) Excerpt should be a true copy and should be proved.-- Courts must
remember that unless proved the excerpt of the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir
is not evidence and must not be treated as such. The Special Kanungo or Patwari
Muharrir must, when he goes to Court, always bring with him the original records
from which his excerpt has been compiled, so that they may be available for
comparison. He must always be put on oath, and be asked to say whether the
excerpt is a true copy of a portion of the original records.
The excerpt must be a correct copy of such portions of the revenue records as are
relevant and not merely a summary or paraphrase.

(vi) Comparison with original.-- The Court should, as a rule, compare with the
original records some of the entries in the abstract and initial and date those thus
(vii) Fees.-- The fee for the preparation of the excerpt will be a consolidated one of
Rs.3 which will cover the cost of search and preparation of the excerpt. Any extra fee
fixed should be recovered at the hearing.
(viii) Register kept by Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir.-- A register in form "A"
annexed is prescribed for the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir.
(ix) Register kept by Court.-- A very simple form of register in form "B" is prescribed
for Courts using the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir. The main objects of it are
to facilitate inspection and to provide, if necessary, means of checking that of the
Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir and to verify the amounts credited into the
Each entry in the Register shall be attested by the Presiding Officer of the court, in
the column provided for the purpose, in token that the amount has been credited to
Government as required by rule (iii).
(x) Procedure of outlying Courts.-- If the application is made to a Court, which is
not situated at the district headquarters, the Court will forward the application to the
officer-in-charge together with a certificate that the fee of Rs. 6 has been recovered
and credited to Government as in rule (iii), and will either issue an open Commission
to him or will send interrogatories.
(xi) Procedure of officer-in-charge when excerpt required by outlying Court.--
The officer-in-charge will then transmit the application to the Special Kanungo or
Patwari Muharrir together with the interrogatories, if any, and will call upon him to
prepare the excerpt required and to attend to give evidence. When he attends his
evidence, whether in the form of answers to interrogatories or otherwise, must be
recorded on oath. The officer-in-charge must see that the Special Kanungo
or Patwari Muharrir complies with rule (v) above, and his attention is
particularly drawn to the provisions of Order XXVI, rule 18. The examination of
the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir must not

be postponed for the absence of parties. The outlying Court must inform parties that
their presence at Sadr is unnecessary if interrogatories have been issued.
(xii) Procedure of officer-in-charge when excerpt required by outlying Court.--
When the evidence has been recorded, the officer-in-charge will fix the excerpt fee
and the application will be returned with the evidence and the report, if any, together
with an intimation of the amount of the excerpt fee to the Court of issue. Any
additional excerpt fee payable will be recovered from the party concerned at the next
hearing before the Special Kanungo's or Patwari Muharrir's evidence is admitted to
the record and will be credited to Government in the treasury by the Court in the
manner prescribed in rule (iii) above.
(xiii) Purpose for which Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir can be utilized.-- The
officer-in-charge and the Court must understand that the Special Kanungo or Patwari
Muharrir is to be used only for the purpose of obtaining information which is not
readily available. Thus he must not be asked to prepare copies of pedigree-tables or
of histories of villages, which can be obtained from the Copying Agency. Nor must he
be required to search for instances in support of or against an alleged custom, or be
used as a local Commissioner.
(xiv) Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir to report when he is utilized against rules.--
The Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir should report at once to the officer-in-
charge any case in which he considers that rule (xiii) is being infringed.
(xv) Duty of officer-in-charge.-- It is the duty of the officer-in-charge to control
generally the work of the Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir and the use made of
him by the Courts and to report any irregularities to the District J udge.
(xvi) Inspection Book.-- An inspection book in form C for recording notes on
inspection of Courts will be maintained and kept in the office of the District J udge. But
it may be used either by him or by the officer-in-charge.
(xvii) Duty of District Judge.-- The District J udge is expected to watch the system
carefully and to record his inspection notes in this inspection book.

REGISTRAR A . - ( For Special Kanungo or Patwari Muharrir )
1. Serial No. -
2. Date of receipt of summons
from Court.
3. Name of Court. -
4. Number and year of institution of
5. Names of parties. -
6. Date fixed for hearing. -
7. Brief description of kind of
evidence required.
8. Amount of evidence fee and
consolidated excerpt fee recovered
in advance.
9. Date of receipt. -
10. Amount of additional excerpt fee
recovered at the hearing.
11. Date of receipt. -
12. Total of columns 8 and 10 -
13. Attestation of the Presiding Officer
of the Court.
14. Remarks -
NOTE :- Column 12 should be totalled six-monthly


REGISTRAR B. - ( For Courts )
1. Serial No. -
2. Number and year of institution of
3. Names of parties -
4. Brief description of kind of
evidence required
5. Date of application. -
6. Date of hearing. -
7. Amount of evidence and
consolidated excerpt fee recovered
in advance
8. Date of receipt. -
9. Amount of Additional excerpt fee
recovered at the hearing
10. Date of recovery -
11. Total of columns 7 and 9 -
12. Attestation of the Presiding Officer
of the Court
13. Date of credit into the Treasury. -
14. Remarks -
NOTE :- Column 11 should be totalled six-monthly


Register C -- (For Inspection Notes by District J udge and Officer-in-charge).
Number and year
of case
Name of Court Date of
Remarks, and
order, if any,
1 2 3 4 5
- - - - -
Note:- The register will be kept in the office of the District J udge, but will be used
either by him or by the officer-in-charge for record-inspection notes.

1. Reference to C. P. C.-- The general law as to Commissions and Letters of
Request is contained in Section 75 to 78 and Order XXVI of the Code of Civil
Procedure, and the Forms to be used are Nos. 7 or 8 of Appendix H of Schedule 1.
2. Fees of Commissioner.-- Applications for the issue of Commissions should be
made as early as possible. Notice of any such application should be given to the
other side. If the application is granted, the Court should fix a sum for the expenses
of the Commission, which should, ordinarily, provide a reasonable fee to the
Commissioner. If, at any time, the sum so fixed is found to be insufficient, it may, for
special reasons, be increased by the Court. When the Commission is executed to the
satisfaction of the Court, the full sum fixed should be paid to the Commissioner; but
where the Commission is not executed at all or not fully or satisfactorily executed or
the work done turns out to be less than was expected, it will be in the discretion of
the Court to direct a less amount to be paid, or to make any other order in the matter
which it thinks just and proper in the circumstances.
3. Commission for local inquiry and accounts.-- Whenever it becomes necessary
in the course of a suit to appoint a Commissioner to make a local inquiry or to
examine accounts (see Order XXVI), the J udicial Officer who makes the order for
such appointment should write the order with his own hand, and specify therein-
(a) the precise matter of the inquiry;
(b) the reason why the evidence bearing on that matter could not reasonably have
been taken in the usual way at the trial in Court. A Court cannot issue a Commission
merely to save itself the time and trouble of examining witnesses.

4. Functions of Commissioners.-- The Commissioner's duties should be strictly
limited by the order to such matters as taking accounts and depositions of witnesses,
inspecting the land or other subject of dispute, and reporting to the Court, either by
means of a map or plan, or in writing, or both, the existing physical features of the
subject inspected, its boundaries and situation relative to other objects, and so on, as
the case may be. The functions of the Commissioner are thus limited to procuring
evidence and information for the purpose of the trial; and this evidence, including the
maps, reports, and record of evidence made by the Commissioner, must be adduced
in open Court before the parties, and placed on record like all other evidence. The
Court has no power to depute to the Commissioner the final determination of any
issue between the parties. The Court can take into consideration the report of the
Commissioner, but must itself decide the issue.
5. Commissioners for partition of property.-- Under Order XXVI, Rules 13 and 14,
a Commission for the partition of immovable property may be issued to such person
as the Court thinks fit. Under Section 396 of Act XIV of 1882 it was apparently
necessary to issue a Commission of this kind to two or more persons, but the
wording of Order XXVI, Rule 14 (3), makes it clear that any Commission mentioned
in Order XXVI may issue to one or more persons.
[6. Execution of Commission in the Federally administered tribal areas.--
Commission and Letters of request intended for execution in the Federally
Administered Tribal Areas and in the Provincially Administered Tribal Areas can be
directly sent to the Political Agent concerned. (See Article 246 and 247 of the
Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.)]

1. List of Commissioners for recording evidence, payment of fees.--
District J udges should appoint a panel of not more than four men in each district as
Commissioners for recording evidence. Such Commissioners should ordinarily be
younger members of the Bar, but not men in large practice, and retired Civil J udicial
Officers. But in order to ensure punctuality of the return of the Commissions, only a
part of the fee should be paid in advance and the balance should be paid when the
Commission is returned by the Commissioners within the period fixed by the Court.
(i) Commissioners for recording evidence should normally be appointed to the panel
for a period of six years or until further orders, whichever may be earlier. After six
years there should normally be no re-appointment.
(ii) Official Receivers, except the Special Official Receiver attached to the High Court,
should be appointed ex officio to the panel on the understanding that the
appointment is until further orders or until the end of the period of appointment as
Official Receiver, whichever may be earlier.
3. List to be circulated to all Courts.--
Each Court should be supplied with a copy of the panel of Commissioners in each
district with their addresses. It is believed that by sending Commissions direct to
Commissioners, time would be saved. District J udges are, therefore, instructed to
send a copy of the list of Commissioners appointed by them to the Registrar of the
High Court, so that he can consolidate the lists and issue them to all Courts.
4. Court officials not to be employed as Commissioners for local inquiry.--
Court Readers or other Ministerial Officers should never be appointed to make
local investigations, such as finding out the market value of the property, etc.
Such Commissions should be issued wherever possible to retired Revenue
Officers or professional men, such as engineers, contractors, auctioneers and
accountants. Legal Practitioners are not excluded from appointment as local
investigation Commissioners, but the best man for the particular commission in
question should be appointed. Revenue Officers in

service such as Tahsildars and Naib-Tahsildars should not, as a rule, be appointed
when retired officers suitable for the work are available.
5. Selection of Commissioner to examine accounts.--
Commissioners to examine accounts should be selected from men competent in the
particular form of accounts. It is absolutely futile to issue Commissions in a particular
form of account to a person who is unable even to read the script in which those
accounts are written.
6. Selection of Commissioners.--
Great care should be exercised by the Courts in selecting persons for appointment
as Commissioners for the purpose of making local inquires; and District J udges
should exercise strict supervision over the action of subordinate Courts in this
respect. The habitual employment of the same person should not be encouraged.
The issue of Commissions to petition-writers and persons who hang about the Courts
should not be permitted.
The instructions contained in this chapter are administrative and are not to be
regarded as binding the discretion of Civil Courts in making appointments of


1. When Civil Courts in Azad J ammu and Kashmir are obliged to issue commissions
to Courts in the Punjab, these will be transmitted to the District J udge concerned
through the High Court of Azad J ammu and Kashmir in like manner through the
District J udge to the High Court of Azad J ammu and Kashmir.
2. Similarly Letters of Request issued by Courts in Punjab under section 77 of the
Civil Procedure Code should be forwarded by District J udge to the High Court of
Azad J ammu and Kashmir for transmission to the concerned Civil Court of Azad
J ammu and Kashmir.]



[1. The method of obtaining evidence abroad, depends upon the question, whether
the country has bilateral conventions with other countries, and, whether it has ratified
the Hague Convention on the taking of evidence abroad in Civil or Commercial
matters concluded on March 18, 1970.

2. In case the bilateral conventions between the countries have been concluded the
procedure provided in the conventions is to be followed. Pakistan has entered into
bilateral convention with the Government of Turkey only. (The Convention is
reproduced in the Appendix). Pakistan has not ratified Hague Conventions referred to
above. The Conventions provide for substantially the same matters of taking
evidence abroad in civil or commercial matters as the bilateral conventions referred
to above do, but the Hague Convention is multilateral in its scope and operation. So
far, however, it has been rarely, if at all, used either by the United Kingdom or by the
countries which have ratified it and in which it has been brought into force.
3. The countries to which the Hague Convention applies are:
Czechoslovakia The Netherlands
Denmark Norway
Finland Portugal
France Sweden
Gibraltar Uinited Kingdom
Hong Kong United States of America
Luxembourg United States Possessions.
4. There are two methods of obtaining evidence in a foreign country, namely,
by a Letter of Request addressed to a foreign Court or by means of a
commission appointing an individual to take the evidence, thus constituting
him protanto an officer of the Court. It may be noted that the

commission has ordinarily no power to compel the attendance of a witness. He can
invite the witness to present himself and give evidence. If the witness declines to do
so, the commission is helpless. If on the other hand, recourse is had to a Letter of
Request addressed to the Court within whose jurisdiction, the witness sought to be
examined is resident it should be forwarded to the Registrar of the High Court for
onward transmission to the said Court in the foreign country through Foreign Office.
The Registrar of the High Court transmits the Letter of Request through the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad to the Embassy concerned for sending the same to the
appropriate Court of its own country.
5. The Letter of Request for obtaining the evidence of a resident in England is
processed by the Royal Courts of J ustice under the Evidence (Proceedings in other
J urisdiction) Act, 1975. On receipt of such a request, the Court passes the order
appointing the special examiner usually a Barrister-at-Law to record the evidence of
a witness at the Treasury Solicitor's Office. The senior Master of the Queen's Bench
Division of the Supreme Court in England and Wales then informs the Registrar of
the High Court of the date and the place where the witness is to be examined.
6. Pakistan is not a party to any Civil Procedure convention except the convention
entered into with Turkey and, therefore, it depends entirely on the local law of the
foreign country in question, whether any member of the Embassy of Pakistan is
permitted to serve documents or to take evidence on behalf of the Courts in Pakistan
and if so under what circumstances. Any official of the Embassy of Pakistan cannot
be appointed a commission or examiner to take evidence in any case unless and
until the permission of the Foreign Office has been obtained. While making such a
request to the Foreign Office, the nationality of the intended witness or witnesses
would be stated.
7. Commission should be issued in Form No.7, Appendix H, Civil Procedure Code. In
countries where process to compel the attendance of the witness will not be issued
by the local court, the words "process to compel the attendance of the witness will be
issued by any court having jurisdiction on your application" should be deleted from
the Form.

8. Letters of Request are addressed to the judicial authorities of the country in which
the evidence is to be recorded. These authorities can enforce the attendance by civil
process as the courts in Pakistan can do.]
11. Form.-- The Letter of Request should begin with the name of the Court issuing it
and the title of the case in which it is issued.
12. Instructions for filling in form.-- The form in Appendix H should be carefully
read and properly filled in after making necessary alterations. e.g:-
(a) Where viva voce examination is not to be made these words should be deleted.
(b) Where the consent of His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs is not
required or where the request is not to be sent through him the note at the end of the
form should be deleted.
(c) In the heading "the President and J udges of the Supreme Court of --------(name
the place)" or whatever is the correct designation of the presiding officer of the Court
should be given. It should not be addressed to the Registrar of the Court or Consular
Officer, etc., who are not presiding officers of the Court.
(d) The words "together with such request in writing if any for the examination of
other witnesses" should be deleted where the Letter of Request is not to be returned
for the examination of other witnesses.
(e) The laws of some countries, e.g. J apan, require that the parties of the case
should be informed of the date fixed for the examination of the witnesses.
This naturally involves a great delay. So where it is desired that notice of the date
fixed should not be given to the parties this fact should be mentioned in the Letter of
Request and the words "in the presence of the agents of--------------------- attend such
examination " should be deleted.
13. When proper address is not known.-- Where the proper description of
the Foreign J udicial Authority in question is not known, the

Letter of Request should be addressed to the Competent J udicial Authority in ----------
----------------------------- (name of the country concerned).
14. Witnesses living in different states.-- Where witnesses reside in different
states of the same country, separate Letters of Request for each state should be
15. Foreign Courts not to collect evidence or appoint experts.-- Foreign Courts
should not be asked in Letters of Request to name and appoint experts to give
evidence, or themselves to collect evidence.
16. Mode of preparation.-- The letter of Request in duplicate should be signed by
the judge or Registrar of the
[Pakistani] Court and bear the official seal of the Court.
The Letter of Request in duplicate should either at the foot thereof contain a
Schedule of all relevant documents forming part of such Letter of Request or be
followed immediately by an Index of such documents. The first document should be a
concise narrative of the action of the parties thereto and of the course to be pursued.
This document and the other documents which should be as far as possible in
chronological order should be numbered or lettered to correspond with the Schedule
or Index mentioned above. If any of the documents in the Letter of Request are in
original, the copies appearing in the duplicate letter of Request should be certified by
an official of the Court that they have been examined and should bear the seal of the
17. General.-- The following general instructions should be observed when issuing
Commissions or Letters of Request:-
18. To be issued only when absolutely necessary.-- Order XXVI, Rule 5 of the
Code of Civil Procedure lays down that a Court may issue a Letter of Request or
Commission if it is satisfied that the evidence of "a person residing at any place not
[Pakistan] is necessary.
Courts should, therefore, exercise proper discretion in dealing with applications for
the issue of such Letters of Request and Commissions which should be granted only
in exceptional cases. In suits of a comparatively petty nature it is obviously
undesirable to allow the delay in disposal which is bound to result from the issue of a
Letter of Request or Commission.

19. Fixing of dates.-- In no case should a precise date be fixed in the Letter of
Request for the return of the service. It is impossible for a Court in
[Pakistan] to order
a date before which a foreign judicial authority must execute a request which it is
under no obligation to execute at all.
A sufficiently long date however (in any case not less than four months) may be fixed
for the appearance of the parties before the Court in expectation of the return of the
service after making allowance (a) for the time which is bound to be taken by the
various channels through which the documents have to pass, and (b) the distance
and means of communication between the place of residence of the witness and the
place where his evidence is to be recorded and the time required for service on the
person to be examined.
23. Translation.-- Commissions and Letters of Request, interrogatories and cross-
interrogatories and all other accompaniments should be translated in duplicate into
English and in the language of the country where the writ is to be executed. Such
translations should be certified to be correct.
24. Documents should be typed.-- All these documents should be neatly typed on
superior paper and should be expressed in grammatical and properly spelt idiomatic
25. Signature and seal.-- The Commission and Letter of Request and all their
enclosures should be signed and sealed by the Presiding Officer of the Court. The
signature and seal impression should be clear.
26. Addresses of witnesses.-- The exact postal addresses and full name and
description of the persons to be examined should be given in the writ of commission
or Letter of Request and also in the forwarding letter or in the first document referred
to in rule 16.
27. Preparation of the writ of Commission.-- A complete description of the
enclosures accompanying the writ of Commission should be

given in the writ as well as in the forwarding letter and such lists should be prepared
in triplicate.
[28. Translation.-- Where the language of the country to which the commission or
Letter of Request is to be sent is not English, the translation in the language of the
said country of all the documents will also be provided by the party concerned for
transmission alongwith Letter of Request etc.]
29. Procedure when parties are to be represented at examination.-- In cases
where both parties are to be represented at the examination, the Letter of Request or
Commission may be sent either without interrogatories, a request being made that
the local agents of the parties be permitted to appear at the examination of the
witnesses and ask or submit the questions which they desire to ask, or with
interrogatories, a request being made that the local agents might be permitted to ask
other supplementary questions. If neither party proposes to attend or be represented
at the taking of the evidence this fact should be noted in the Letter of Request or
Commission in order to avoid delay.
Note:- The names and addresses of the local agents should always be given.
30. Preparation of the writ.-- The Court sending the Commission or Letter of
Request should satisfy itself that the interrogatories and cross-interrogatories which
are enclosed, are legibly written in an intelligible language and all the documents to
which a reference is made in them have been attached. All such documents should
be duly authenticated and marks of identification should be put on them.
31. Signing, etc., of interrogatories.-- The interrogatories and cross-interrogatories
should be signed by the parties and their counsel if any and should be inserted in
proper sequence in the complete Letters of Request and Commission and in the
certified copies of the translation.
32. Duplicate copies of documents.-- Duplicate copies of all documents should be
furnished and marked as duplicate.
33. Binding of the papers.--(i) The complete Letter of Request or Commission with
the accompanying documents should be on strong paper and sewn together in a
parchment paper cover down the left hand side, the end of

the silk, tape or thread with which they are sewn being brought out on the front cover
and the ends sealed down and the binding signed and sealed by the J udge so that
there is no possibility of the removal, substitution or addition of any sheet without
breaking the seal.
(ii) Arrangement of the papers.-- The Letter of Request and accompanying
documents should be in the following order:-
(a) Letter of Request.
(b) Index in English if not included in (a). This must be complete, that is to say, every
document in the bundle and which follows the letter of request must be separately
specified together with its serial or page number corresponding to the number
opposite that document in the index or the whole bundle of documents following the
letter of request must be paged consecutively. Moreover all numbers appearing at
the top or foot of any page of the documents other than the number (if any) assigned
to that page by the index should be deleted.
(c) Narrative if not included in (a) including, where necessary, an explanation of the
reasons for the institution of two suits for the same amount.
(d) Interrogatories, cross-interrogatories and re-interrogatories. These should contain
the same description of witnesses as appears in the letter of request.
(e) Other documents (in chronological order) accompanying the letter of request.
(f) Translations of (a) to (e) inclusive where necessary arranged in the same order
and each one of them properly certified by an official of the Court as true translation.
(g) Duplicates of (a) to (f) inclusive and not excluding telegrams arranged in the same
order and each one of them properly certified by an official of the Court as true
34. Responsibility of Presiding Officer for correct preparation.-- The preparation
of a Letter of Request or Commission must not be left to clerks. The Presiding Officer
of the issuing Court will primarily be held responsible for its accuracy and
completeness in every respect before transmission to the High Court, and it is the
duty of the Superintendent to the District and Sessions J udge to examine the Letter
of Request and Commission and its accompaniments carefully and to see that all
instructions have been complied with.

36. Points of examination of witnesses should be specified.-- Letters of Request
and Commission should always set forth a clear and concise explanation of the exact
points on which it is desired that the witnesses should be examined.


[Section 78 and rules 19 to 22 of Order XXVI, Code of Civil Procedure lay down the
procedure for execution of Commission issued at the instance of Foreign Courts and

*[1. Early pronouncement advisable..(a) On completion of evidence, the Court
shall fix a date, not exceeding fifteen days, for hearing of arguments of parties, and
the trial shall be over after such hearing.
(b) When the trial in Court is over the judge should proceed at once or as soon as
possible to the consideration of his judgment. It is essentially necessary that he
should do so while the demeanour of the witness and their individual characteristics
are fresh in his memory. In any case pronouncement of judgment should not be
delayed beyond a period of thirty days. He should bear in mind that his first duty is to
arrive at a conscientious conclusion as to the true state of those facts of the case
about which the parties are not agreed. The oral and documentary evidence adduced
upon each issue should be carefully reviewed and considered in the judgment.]
2. Directions re: judgments.In the preparation and delivery of judgment the
attention of the Civil Courts is drawn to the following directions;-
(1) The judgment should be written either in the language of the Court, or in
(2) When a judgment is not written by the Presiding Officer with his hand, every
page of such judgment shall be signed by him.
(3) It should be pronounced in open Court after it has been written and signed.
(4) It should be dated and signed in open court at the time of being pronounced
and when once signed shall not afterwards be added or added to, save as
provided by section 152, C.P.C. or on review.
(5) If it is the judgment of any Court other than a Court of Small causes, it should
contain a concise statement of the case; the points for determination, the
decision thereon and the reasons for such decision.
(6) If it is the judgment of a Court of small Causes, it should contain the points for
determination and the decision thereupon.

(7) It should contain the direction of the Court as to costs.
3. Reference to evidence. Some J udicial Officers make a practice of prefacing
judgments with a memorandum of the substance of the evidence, given by each
witness examined which has to be referred to. This practice is irregular, when the
memorandum is in addition to that made under Order XVIII, rule 8, of the Code of
Civil Procedure. All that the law requires is a concise statement of the case and not a
reproduction of the evidence. The judgment should, however, be complete in itself as
regards the requirements of Order XX, rule 4, or the Code, and should set forth the
grounds of decision as concisely as is consistent with the introduction of all important
matter. It may be necessary, in particular cases, to refer to, and give and summary
of, the statements of a witness or witnesses; but, if so, such summary should be
incorporated in the reasons given for the decision of the Court on the issue to which it
relates. When it is necessary to refer to the evidence of a witness in the course of a
judgment, the refrence should be by name as well as the number of the witness.
4. Postponement. Instances have occurred of judgments not being written until a
considerable time after final arguments in a case have been heard. This practice is
open to grave objection, and in any case in which judgment is not written and
pronounced within 14 days from the date on which arguments were heard, a written
explanation of the delay must be furnished by the subordinate Court concerned to the
District J udge. This not meant to encourage a practice of reserving judgments; on the
contrary, judgments should ordinarily be written as soon as arguments have been
heard. It is only in the exceptional case where the court has to consider many rulings
and cannot conveniently give judgment at once, that there is any justification for
judgment being reserved.
5. Certificate of Postponement.The subordinate Courts should append to their
monthly and quarterly statements, a certificate to the effect that judgments have been
pronounced in all cases, within a month of the hearing of the final arguments.
Explanation should be given as regards any judgments not delivered within such

*[6. Procedure when Judge gives over charge before pronouncing judgment..
Every district J udge or Civil J udge proceeding on leave or transfer, must before
making over the charge, sign a certificate that he has written judgments in all cases
in which he has heard arguments. Should an officer be forced to lay down his charge
suddenly, he shall, nevertheless write the judgments in such cases, and send them
for pronouncement to his successor].
7. Persons employed for dictation of judgments.Subordinate Courts should
note that judgments are to be dictated only to persons employed for that express
purpose or employed as copyist or candidates.
8. Not to be written in Court before disposal of cause list.The practice of
writing up judgments during the Court hours in the early part of the day is to be
deprecated. J udgments may be written after the days cause list has been
9. Language.Presiding Officers of Civil Courts, who are well acquainted with the
English language, should write their judgments in English in appealable cases. When
a Civil J udge writes his judgments in English, the decree should also be framed in
the same language.
10. Translation in Urdu. Whenever the judgment is written in the English
language, and any of the parties to the suit or appeal, or, if they were represented by
counsel their counsel are not acquainted with that language, the judgment must, if
any of the parties so require, and unless it is the judgment of a Court of Small
Causes, be translated into Urdu. The high Court has not thought it advisable to issue
instructions as to when the judgment of a Subordinate Court shall be translated by
the Presiding Officer and when other agency may be employed, as this is a matter
which can be best settled by each District J udge for the Courts subordinate to him.
District J udges are, however, requested to issue definite instructions on the subject.
When the translation is not made by the Presiding Officer, he should always satisfy
himself that it is correct.
11. Information of cancellation of registered instrument to be sent to
registering officer. It should be remembered that section 39 of the Specific Relief
Act, 1877, requires that, when any registered instrument has been adjudged void
or voidable, and the Court orders it to be delivered up and

cancelled, the Court shall send a copy of its decree to the officer in whose office the
instrument was registered with a view to such office noting the fact or cancellation in
his books.
12. Pronouncing judgment after death of a party. In Order XXII, rule 6, it is
provided that, if any party to a suit dies between the conclusion of the hearing and
the pronounced, notwithstanding the death, and shall have the same force and effect
as if it had been pronounced before the death took place.
13. Judgment not legibly written. J udgments (when not typewritten) should
always be written in a clear and legible hand. If they are not so written, such a copy
should be made and placed on the record.
14. Civil powers to be disclosed in the record, judgment and decree. Every
J udicial Officer hearing or deciding a civil suit, proceeding or appeal, is responsible
that the record and the final order of judgment and the decree in such civil suit,
proceeding or appeal, shall disclose the civil powers which such officer exercised in
hearing or decidng such suit, proceeding or appeal.
*[15. Civil Powers. The powers above referred to are the following;-
(a) Civil J udge, third class.
(b) Civil J udge, second class.
(c) Civil J udge, first class.
(d) Civil J udge invested with appellate powers under section 18(3) of the punjab
Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962( II of 1962).
(e) Civil J udge invested with powers of a Court of Small Cause.
(f) J udge, Small Cause Court]
16. ***[Omitted].
*[17. Appellate powers. [Section 18(3) of the Punjab Civil Courts Ordinance,
1962(II of 1962) empowers the High Court to direct by Notification that the appeals
lying to the District J udge from all or any of the decrees or orders passed in
any original suit by any Civil J udge shall be referred to such other Civil J udge as
may be mentioned in the Notification and the appeals shall

thereupon be preferred accordingly and the Court of such Civil judge shall be
deemed to be the District Court for the purposes of all appeals so preferred.
By High Court Notification No. 170-Gaz/XXI.C.6, dated 16.5.1935, the then Senior
Subordinate judges of First Class of 22 Districts of the then Punjab exercising
jurisdiction within respective Civil Districts were invested with the powers to hear
appeals lying in the District Courts from decrees or orders passed by any
Subordinate J udge in a small cause of the valuation not exceeding Rs. 500/- and in
an un-classed suit of the valuation not exceeding Rs. 100/-. The district of Dera
Ghazi Khan was excluded from the said notification vide Notification No. 53-
Gaz/XXI.C.6 dated 26.2.1940. The district of Dera Ghazi Khan was again included in
the said Notification vide Notification No. 78-Gaz/XXI.C.6 dated 5.4.1966. The Senior
Civil J udges of the districts of Bahawalpur., Bahawalnagar, and Rahim Yar Khan
were invested with the same appellate powers vide Notification No. 138-Gaz/XXI. C.
6 dated 30.7.1963.]
18. ***[Omitted].
19. ***[Omitted].

1. Points to be borne in mind.-- The decree should be framed by the J udge with the
most careful attention. It must agree with the judgment, and be not only complete in
itself but also precise and definite in its terms. It should specify clearly and distinctly
the nature and extent of the relief granted, and what each party, affected by it, is
ordered to do or to forbear from doing. Every declaration of right made by it must be
concise, yet accurate; every injunction, simple and plain.
2. Directions.-- The following directions relate to the preparation of decrees:-
(i) Date for delivery of possession of land.-- In decrees for possession of
agricultural land, it should be stated whether possession is to be given at once, or
after the removal of any crop that may be standing on the land at the time, when the
decree is executed, or on or after any specified date.
(ii) Appellate decrees.-- In Appellate Courts, the language used in filling in the
decretal order, shall conform to the action recognised by the law, and shall direct that
the decree of the lower Courts be either "affirmed," "varied," "set aside" or "reversed."
In each case in which a decree is affirmed the terms thereof shall be recited, so as to
make the appellate decretal order complete in itself. In varying a decree, the relief
granted, in lieu of that originally granted shall be fully and accurately set out. Where a
decree is reversed on appeal, the consequential relief granted to the successful party
shall similarly be stated. Every decretal order shall be so worded as to be capable of
execution without reference to any other document, and so as to create no difficulty
of interpretation.
3. Preliminary decrees.-- Under section 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure a decree
may be either "preliminary" or "final". A preliminary decree should be based on a
preliminary judgment.
4. Mesne profits.-- In cases where mesne profits are asked for in the plaint, the
question as to the amount thereof (if any) which should be paid to the plaintiff, in
respect to the period of dispossession before and up to the date of filing the plaint,
must be determined at the hearing of the suit, and decree

must specify clearly the portion of this amount which each defendant is to pay, either
severally or jointly with others, to the plaintiff (Order XX, Rule 12).
5. Decree in case of compromise.-- (1) When a decree is to be passed on the basis
of a compromise, the Court should order the terms of the compromise to be recorded
in accordance with the provisions of Order XXIII, rule 3, Civil Procedure Code, and
then pass a decree in accordance with the terms. When, however, the compromise
goes beyond the subject-matter of the suit, a decree can be passed only in so far as
it relates to the suit. As regards the proper form of decree in the latter class of cases,
the directions of their lordships of the Privy Council in 'Hemant Kumari Devi versus
Midnapur Zamindari Company' (46 I.A. 240 and 244 I.L.R. 18 Cal. 485) should be
(2) Compromise by minors.-- When any of the parties to the case are minors, care
should be taken to see whether the compromise is to their benefit and record a
finding to that effect if the compromise is sanctioned and made the basis of a decree.
6. Addition or substitution of Parties.-- When any parties are added or substituted
in the course of the suit, care should be taken to see that their names are properly
shown in the decree-sheet.
7. Decrees in certain cases.-- As regards the proper form of decree in certain
classes of suits, the provisions of Order XX and Order XXIV, Civil Procedure Code,
should be consulted.
9. Powers of Court to be set forth.-- Every decree must set forth the powers of the
officer deciding the suit.
10. Pauper suits.-- In suits by `paupers,' when an order is passed under rules 10, 11
or 12 of Order XXXIII, a copy of the decree should be forthwith forwarded to the

1. Decrees should be prepared immediately and specify the date of payment.--
Decree sheets in pre-emption suits should be prepared on the date on which the
decree is passed. The decree should specify the date (it should not be a date on
which the Court would be closed) by or on which the payment of pre-emption money
is to be made.
It is the duty of the decree-holder to secure a copy of the decree and comply with its
3. Contents of decree.-- The provisions of Order XX, Rule 14, Code of Civil
Procedure, relating to the contents of the decree in a pre-emption suit, should be
carefully studied. Sub-rule (2) relating to the adjudication of rival claims to pre-
emption is new and requires special attention.

1. Copy to be sent to Collector.--Under section 21-A of the Punjab Land Alienation
Act, every Civil Court, which passes a decree or order involving (1) the permanent
alienation of his land by a member of an agricultural tribe or (2) the mortgage by a
member of an agricultural tribe of his land, when the mortgagee is not a member of
the same tribe or of a tribe in the same group, is required to send to the Deputy
Commissioner a copy of such decree or order.
[1-A. Notification No.657-R dated 3rd April, 1953, has almost removed the
distinction between an "agriculturist" and "non-agriculturist". The notification reads as
No.657-R dated 3rd April, 1953. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 4 of
the Punjab Alienation of Lands Act, 1900, as amended, and in supersession of all the
notifications of the Punjab Government now in force in this behalf, the Governor of
the Punjab is pleased to determine that for the purpose of the said Act, there shall be
the following groups of Agricultural Tribes in the Punjab:
(1) All persons holding land as landlord or tenant or ordinarily residing anywhere in
the Punjab except the Mianwali and Bhakkar Tehsils of the Mianwali and Bhakkar
Districts respectively, the Kot Adu and Layyah Tehsils of the Muzaffargarh and
Layyah District, Khushab Tehsil of the Shahpur District, shall be deemed to be a
group of agricultural tribes.
(2) All persons holding land as landlord or tenant or ordinarily residing in the Mianwali
and Bahakkar Tehsils of the Mianwali and Bhakkar Districts on the date of this
notification shall be deemed to be a group of agricultural tribes.
(3) All persons holding as landlord or tenant or ordinarily residing in the
Kot Adu and Layyah Tehsils of the Muzaffargarh and

Layyah Districts on the date of this Notification shall be deemed to be a group of
agricultural tribes; and
(4) All persons holding land as landlord or tenant or ordinarily residing in the Khushab
Tehsil of Shahpur District on the date of this notification shall be deemed to be a
group of agricultural tribes.]


1. General rule.The general rule as to the award of costs in civil suits is that costs
follow the event of the action; that is, the costs of the successful party are to be paid
by the party who is unsuccessful.
2. When costs may be disallowed. A wide discretion, however, is given to the
Court to grant or withhold or apportion costs as it thinks fit. This discretion is to be
exercised judiciously, e.g., ;-
Costs or a portion thereof may be disallowed to a successful pary and he may even
be liable to be burdened with costs in the following cases;-
(a) Where a party has without just cause resorted to litigation.
(b) Where a party has raised an unsuccessful plea or answer to a plea(such as
fraud, limitation, minority, etc.) without sufficient grounds.
(c) In cases mentioned in Order XXIV, rule 4, C.P.C. when a defendant deposits
money in satisfaction of the claim.
(d) Whenever the demand, whether of debt or damages or property claimed, is
excessive or is only successful to a small extent.
(e) In cases where notice to admit facts or documents has not been given (See
Chapter I-F, paragraph 13 of this volume).
When notice to admit documents or facts has been given under Order XII, rules 2
and 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure to a party and it has withheld its admission
without sufficient cause it must bear the costs incurred by the other party in providing
the documents or facts whatever the result of the suit may be.
3. When costs shall be disallowed.Costs shall be disallowed
(a) in a suit or proceeding relating to a loan where the Court finds that the
creditor has failed to regularly record and maintain an account as required by
section 3 (1) (a) of the Punjab Regulation of Accounts Act, 1930. ( See
section 4 of the Act);
(b) when a creditor sues for recovery of a debt in respect of which a cerfificate
has been granted by the Debt Conciliation Board----(vide section 20(2) of the
Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act of 1934); and
(c) as against a minor or a person of unsound mind, where such a person has
not been represented by a next friend or guardian.

(Order XXXII, rules 2, 5(2) and 15 of the Civil Procedure Code.) In such cases
pleaders may under certain circumstances be made personally liable for
4. Reasons for disallowing costs to be recorded.Whenever the Court orders
that costs shall not follow the event, it must record its reasons. (Section 35(2), civil
Procedure Code).
5. Costs of applications.In disposing of applications made under the Civil
Procedure Code the Court may award costs at once to either party or may postpone
its consideration to a later stage.
6. Expenses included in costs.-- The Code of Civil Procedure is silent as to what
expenses are to be considered, as included in the term costs.
Such expenses ordinarily fall under the following heads;-
(a) Court-fee stamps on all necessary petitions.
(b) Process-fees.
(c) Expenses of proving and filing copies of necessary documents.
(d) Pleaders fees.
(e) Charges incurred in procuring the attendance of witnesses, whether such
witnesses were summoned through the Court or not.
(f) Expenses of Arbitrators and Commissioners.
Pleaders fees are regulated by the rules contained in chapter 16 of this Volume
Legal Practioner.
Note:- Charges incurred on inspection of records ( for one inspection only may be
included in costs).
*[7. Compensatory costs for false or vexatious claims or pleas.
The provision of section 35-A, Civil Procedure Code, 1908, is to be applied with
utmost care and discrimination. The Court must satisfy itself and record in writing its
reasons that there are definite grounds for believing that the claim or plea is false or
vexatious to the knowledge of the party by whom it has been put forward. Mere
failure to prove the pleas or claims is not sufficient.
Under the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 35-A, Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, the High Court has directed that the amount, which any

Court or class of Courts is empowered to award as costs by way of compensation,
shall be limited as follows;-
(a) Court of Civil J udges 3
Class- Rs. 1000/-
(b) Court of Civil J udge 2
Class- Rs. 2500/-
(c) Court of Civil J udge First Class shall be guided by the provision of sub-
section(2) of section 35-A of the Code.]


[Provision in Act XXVIII of 1855.-- The law relating to interest should be carefully
studied, particularly the following enactments:-
(a) Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Ordinance, 1960 (XV of 1960);
(b) Punjab Money-lenders Ordinance, 1960 (XXIV of 1960);
(c) Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
[sections 34, 34-A, 34-B and 35(3)];
(d) The Contract Act, 1872 (IX of 1872). (section 74);
(e) The Punjab Usurious Loans Ordinance, 1959 (XVIII of 1959)].
3. Future interest.-- Section 34 of the Code of Civil Procedure enacts that where
and in so far as a suit is for a sum of money due to the plaintiff, the Court may, in the
decree, order interest at such rate as the Court deems reasonable to be paid on the
principal sum adjudged, from the date of the suit to the date of the decree, in addition
to any interest adjudged on such principal sum for any period prior to the institution of
the suit; with further interest on the aggregate sum so adjudged from the date of the
decree to the date of payment. It will be observed that by this section, a discretion is
given in respect of two periods of time; viz., from the date of the suit to the date of the
decree, and from the date of the decree to the date of payment.
[3-A. Where the Court is of the opinion that a suit was instituted with intent to avoid
the payment of any public dues payable by the plaintiff or on his behalf, the Court
may, while dismissing such suit, make an order for payment of interest on such
public dues at the rate of two percent per annum above the prevailing bank rate.
3-B. Where the Court is of the opinion that the recovery of any public dues from the
plaintiff was unjustified, the Court may, while disposing of the suit, make an order for
payment of interest on the amount recovered at the rate of two per cent, per annum,
above the prevailing bank rate.]
4. Interest on costs.-- Section 35(3) of the Code of Civil Procedure also empowers
the Court to give interest on costs at any rate not exceeding six per centum per

5. Future interest.-- In awarding interest subsequent to the date of the decree, the
Courts, in the exercise of the discretion, which the law has conferred, should not
ordinarily award a rate of interest approaching in amount that which may be
obtainable in common dealings by persons who have not the security of a decree of
Court to enforce payment. No inducement should be given to decree-holders to allow
their decrees to remain unexecuted. The practice of the High Court, in ordinary
cases, is not to award interest after decree at a higher rate than six per centum per
6. Penal interest.-- The plea is often raised that the "interest" claimed is "penal".
Courts should be careful to distinguish between high or excessive interest and
"penal" interest. The mere fact that the rate of interest is high or that compound
interest is charged is, by itself, no justification under the Contract Act for its reduction
unless some other ground such as coercion, undue influence, etc, is established (see
101 and 124 P.R. 1918, P.C.). There is no definition of "Penalty" given in the
Contract Act but its nature is indicated in section 74 of that Act. It would appear from
that section that if a sum is named in a contract as the amount to be paid in the event
of a breach of the contract or where there is any other stipulation in the contract
making a person liable for an extra sum (e.g., in the shape of interest), for which he
would not have been otherwise liable, the stipulation is to be considered penal.
According to section 74 of the Contract Act, in such cases, the person entitled to
claim advantage of the penal clause can recover only such reasonable compensation
not exceeding the penalty, as the Court may think it fit to award, and cannot legally
enforce the payment of the "Penalty" as such.
7. Penal interest.-- The question, whether a particular stipulation is or is not "Penal"
is to be determined by the Court on the facts of each case. It has been held generally
that a stipulation, which imposes a higher rate of interest in the event of a breach of
the contract with retrospective effect from the date of contract, is "Penal" (e.f. 99 P.R.
8. Effect of Usurious Loans Ordinance.--
[The Punjab Usurious Loans Ordinance,
1959,] gives wider powers to Courts to interfere on equitable grounds in order
to do justice between the parties when it is found that inter alia the transaction
was, as between the parties thereto, substantially unfair (vide

section 4 of the Act). In such cases the Act empowers the Court to re-open past
transactions and relieve the debtor from liability in respect of excessive interest, etc.
Attention is invited in this connection to I.L.R. VIII Lah. 205. The provisions of the
Ordinance should be carefully studied and used in proper cases coming within its
[9. Changes made by Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Ordinance.-- The Court can
grant relief in any suit to which the Punjab Usurious Loans Ordinance, 1959, applies
where the interest is excessive or the transaction, as between the parties, was
substantially unfair. The Court, according to the wording of section 4 of the Punjab
Usurious Loans Ordinance, 1959 shall exercise all or any of the powers specified
therein. The Ordinance further prescribes the maximum rate of interest beyond which
the Court shall deem interest to be excessive.
The maximum limit--
(a) for secured loans, shall be -
(i) 7.5% per annum simple interest, or
(ii) more than two per cent over the bank rate,
whichever is higher at the time of taking the loan; and
(b) for unsecured loans, shall be--
12.5% per annum simple interest.]
10. Rule of Damdupat.-- Except in the case of a loan advanced by a registered
Bank or by a company the rule of Damdupat has now been made applicable to the
Punjab by section 30 of the Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act, 1934, in suits brought
against a "debtor" as defined in section 7 of the Act.
(a) If the loan was borrowed after the commencement of this Act, the Court cannot
pass a decree for a sum larger than twice the amount advanced as principal.
(b) If the loan was contracted before, the Court cannot grant a decree for a sum
larger than twice the amount which the Court finds to have been due at the
commencement of the Act.
[10-A. Non-applicability of provisions of rule 10.-- (1)

The provisions contained in
paragraph 10 are not applicable to the loans advanced by any bank which is a
scheduled Bank as defined by State Bank of Pakistan or any

banking company registered under Companies Ordinance, 1984, or any co-operative
society duly Registered under any law for the time being in force or credit institution
to be notified by the Government in this behalf.
(2) No Court can pass or execute a decree or give effect to an award in respect of
debt for a larger sum than twice the amount of the sum found by the Court to have
been actually advanced less any amount already received by the creditor. (See
section 3 of the Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Ordinance, 1960)].
13. Interest disallowed if accounts not maintained.-- If the Court finds, that the
accounts have not been maintained as prescribed, it must disallow the whole or a
portion of the interest found due as it thinks fit, and also disallow costs.
14. Interest disallowed if accounts not furnished.-- If the accounts have been
maintained but not furnished to the debtor as prescribed, the Court must disallow
interest for the whole period for which the creditor failed to furnish the accounts
unless the creditor actually furnished the accounts after the time prescribed and can
satisfy the Court that he had some sufficient cause for not furnishing them earlier.
[(See Section 15 of the Punjab Money Lenders Ordinance, 1960 (XXIV of 1960)].
15. Interest permissible in case of certificate by Debt Conciliation Board.-- It
should also be noted that where any creditor sues in a Civil Court for the recovery of
debt in respect of which a Debt Conciliation Board had granted a certificate under
section 20 (1) of the Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act, 1934, the Court cannot allow
any costs or interest after the date of certification in excess of simple interest at six
per centum per annum on the amount due on the date of such certificate.

[References.-- The law relating to execution of decree is to be found in section 36
to 56, 58, 60 to 74, 82 and 135 and Order XXI of the Code of Civil Procedure as
amended by the Lahore High Court (vide Chapter 22 of this Volume). These
provisions should be carefully studied and strictly followed. The changes introduced
by the Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act 1934 (VII of 1934), the Punjab Relief of
Indebtedness Ordinance, 1960 (XV of 1960) and the Punjab Debtors Protection Act,
1936 (II of 1936) also require careful consideration.]
2. Special day to be reserved for execution work.-- Execution of decrees should
receive the same attention from the Courts as original civil work and should be
methodically and regularly dealt with, as promptly as possible. Where parties have to
be heard or evidence recorded in the course of execution proceedings, notice should
be given, processes issued and dates fixed as in the case of original suits. As a rule
one day during the week should be reserved for execution work so as to ensure
proper attention being paid to it; sometimes two days are necessary. District J udges
are responsible for seeing that proper arrangements are made for execution work by
all Courts subordinate to them.
3. All orders to be recorded by the Judge in his own hand.-- All orders passed in
execution proceedings shall be carefully and distinctly put on record, and, with the
exception of purely formal orders, -- which, however, must be signed by the Presiding
Officer of the Court, -- shall be recorded by the presiding J udge with his own hand.
4. Distribution of execution work by District Judges.-- District J udges should
record standing orders regulating the distribution of applications for the execution
of decrees among the Courts subordinate to them, providing for the disposal of
cases in which decrees were passed by officers who have ceased to be attached
to the district, and for carrying on the execution proceedings already pending
before such officers at the time of their ceasing to

be employed therein. In framing such orders, every Court should be required, as far
as possible, to execute all decrees passed by itself; but, where this is not possible
and it is necessary to send the decree to another Court for execution, care should be
taken to see that the decree is not in excess of that Court's limits of pecuniary
jurisdiction as an Original Court, as by section 39 (2) Code of Civil Procedure the
pecuniary jurisdiction of a Court in execution proceedings is limited to the amount of
its pecuniary jurisdiction as an Original Court.
5. District Judge to see that execution work is not neglected in lower Courts.--
Close supervision and control should be exercised by District J udges over the
execution of decree business pending in all Courts subordinate to them; and where
any officer is found habitually to neglect this branch of work or to dispose of it in a
perfunctory manner, he should be reported to the High Court.
6. Application for stay of execution.-- All applications for stay of execution should
be treated as urgent.
7. Presiding Officer to see that money realised on warrants has been
accounted for.-- To prevent defalcation, Presiding Officer should, while hearing
execution applications, verify by personal inspection of previous warrants issued by
him that any money previously realised by the execution bailiff or process-server has
been duly accounted for in the Nazirs account or otherwise disposed of through
those accounts.


1. Courts competent to execute.-- Section 37 to 39 of the Code of Civil Procedure
define the Courts by which a decree may be executed. A decree may be executed by
"the Court which passed it", or by any Court to which it is transferred for execution. It
should be noted that the expression 'Court which passed a decree' has been defined
in section 37 so as to include certain Courts other than the Court which actually
passed the decree.
2. Transfer of decree, fees for preparation of necessary documents.-- When a
decree is transferred by the Court which passed it to another Court for execution, the
documents mentioned in Order XXI, Rule 6, must be sent to the latter Court. The
work in connection with the preparation of these documents should be done by Court
officials holding permanent appointments, on payment in the first instance, by the
person applying for the transfer of the decree, of a fee of Re. 1. The amount so
recovered shall be credited to Government under the head ["1230000 -- Law & Order
Receipts, 1231000 -- J ustice, 1231003 -- J ustice-General Fees. Fines & Forfeitures
A decree-holder, however, may, at his option, file with his application a copy of his
decree duly stamped in accordance with Article 7 of Schedule I to the Court-fees Act
VII of 1870, and when he does so, he shall be exempted from the fee of Re. 1
prescribed in this paragraph, the remaining documents being prepared by the
officials of the Court without further payment by the decree-holder.
2-A. Execution pending receipt of order of transfer of decree.-- A provision has
been made in Order XXI, Rule 10, Civil Procedure Code, as amended by the Lahore
High Court, to enable the decree-holder to apply for immediate execution through the
Court within whose jurisdiction the judgment-debtor, is, by producing merely the
decree and an affidavit of non-satisfaction pending the receipt of a formal order of
transfer under section 39, Civil Procedure Code.
3. Channel of transmission of decrees transferred.-- Where the Court to which a
decree is to be sent for execution is situate within the same district as the Court
which passed the decree, the Court passing the decree, shall

send the same directly to the former Court. But, where the former Court is situate in a
different district the Court, which passed the decree, shall send it to the District Court,
of the district in which the decree is to be executed. (Order XXI, Rule 5 of the Code).
4. Execution of transferred decree.-- Under Order XXI, Rule 8 of Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, a decree sent under the provisions of section 39 for execution to
another district may be executed either by the District Court to which it is sent, or by
any Subordinate Court of competent jurisdiction to which the District Court may refer
it, and under section 42, C.P.C. the Court executing the decree has the same powers
of execution as if the decree had been passed by itself. The execution files of such
cases should remain with the record of the Court by which the decree is executed,
and should not be returned to the Court by which the decree was passed.
5. Amount realised on transfer of decrees to be certified and noted.-- A
certificate showing the extent to which the decree has been executed is required, by
section 41 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, to be sent to the Court which passed
the decree, as to execution so certified, and the particulars should be entered in that
Court's register of Civil suits under the head `Return of Execution' in order to prevent
a double execution being taken out in any other district.
6. Register of decrees transferred and decrees received by transfer.-- As a
further safeguard, and to ensure due compliance with the provisions of Order XXI,
Rule 6 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, a register should be maintained in each
district showing the decrees transferred to other Courts for execution, and those
received from other Courts. The register should be in two parts and in the form
prescribed; one part of the register should be reserved for decrees transferred to
other Courts, and the other half for decrees received from other Courts.

1. Mode of execution Receivers.-- The various modes in which execution of a
decree may the ordered are given in section 51 of the Code as follows:--
(a) By delivery of any property specifically decreed.
(b) By attachment and sale, or by sale, without attachment of any property.
(c) By arrest and detention of the judgment-debtor.
(d) By appointment of a Receiver; or
(e) In such other manner as the nature of the relief may require.
In most cases, the methods specified in (a), (b) and (c) alone are resorted to and are
found adequate. The appointment of a Receiver may be tried where the value of the
property is sufficient to bear the cost and where such appointment is expected to be
conducive to harmonious relations between the judgment-debtor and the decree-
holder and to provide for the discharge of the decree in a satisfactory manner.
1-A. Execution of a decree for delivery of property.-- When it is sought to enforce
a decree in Clause (b) by attachment of the judgment-debtor's property, it should be
noted that the period of six months prescribed by Rule 31, sub-rule (2) of Order XXI,
Civil Procedure Code, for the sale of the property has been reduced to three months
by the Lahore High Court.
The Court is empowered, however, to extend this period up to six months in any
special case.
The period of six months mentioned in Order XXI, Rule 32 Civil Procedure Code, has
also been reduced to three.
2. Power of executing Court to question the validity of the decree.-- An
executing Court cannot go behind the decree or question the jurisdiction of the Court
which passed it (22 P.R. 1919, I.L.R., V. Lah. 54). Its function is to execute the
decree as it stands. It may, however, refer to the judgment to ascertain its meaning
when the terms of the decree are ambiguous.
3. Power of executing Court to decide question arising in execution.-- Section
47 of the Code of Civil Procedure confers wide powers on

the executing Court to decide all questions arising between the parties to the suit in
which the decree was passed, or their representatives, and relating to the execution,
discharge or satisfaction of the decree. Such questions must be decided by the
executing Court and no separate suit is maintainable for the purpose.
[An order under rules 60, 98, 99, 101 and 103 of Order XXI Civil Procedure Code is
to be deemed to be a decree and is, therefore, appealable.]
4. Execution of decree pending appeal.-- The filing of an appeal from a decree, is
by itself no bar to its execution, and execution may proceed unless it is stayed by an
order of the Appellate Court or the Court which passed the decree (vide Order XLI,
Rules 5 and 6). It should be noted, however, that when an order is made for the sale
of immovable property during the pendency of the appeal, and the judgment-debtor
applies for stay of the sale, the Court ordering the sale is bound to stay it, though it
can impose such terms as to security or otherwise as it thinks fit
[Order XLI, Rule
5. Security when execution is stayed.-- When a stay of execution is granted under
Order XXI, Rule 26, Civil Procedure Code, the rule, as amended by the Lahore High
Court, makes it compulsory for the Court to require security or impose such
conditions as it thinks fit unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary.

1. Payment or adjustment need not be certified.-- Order XXI, Rule 2(1) provides
that, where money is paid or a decree is adjusted out of Court, the creditor shall
certify the payment. Rule 2(2) provides that the judgment debtor may do so. Rule
2(3) provides that a payment or adjustment, which has not been certified, shall not be
recognised by the executing Court.
2. Application to deposit decretal amount requires no stamp and no talbana
required for notice to decree-holder.-- No stamp duty shall be levied on an
application by a judgment-debtor to deposit money under a decree of Court, and no
talbana for the issue of the notice to be given to the decree-holder under Order XXI,
Rule 1(2) of the Code of Civil Procedure, should be recovered. The decree-holder
should be informed of any payment made by service post-card. The deposit money
should be disposed of in accordance with Article 247 of the Civil Account Code,
Volume I and paragraph 161 of the Punjab Treasury Manual.
3. Payment by money order special form.-- Under the "Explanation" to sub-rule (i)
of Rule 1 Order XXI, of the First Schedule to the Civil Procedure Code, a judgment-
debtor may, if he so desires, pay the decretal amount or any part thereof, into the
Court by money order on a form which has been specially approved by the High
Court. The form to be used is Pakistan Money Order form No. L./M.O. 6 prescribed
by the Postal authorities and can be obtained from all Post Offices.

1. Form and contents.-- An application for execution must be in writing except when
an oral application is made under Order XXI, Rule 11 (i). Upon an application for
execution being filed, the Court shall scrutinize it to see that all the requirements of
Order XXI, Rules 11 (2), 12, 13 and 14 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, have
been duly complied with. The application should state distinctly the mode in which
the assistance of the Court is sought and the proceedings should be confined to that
mode, unless any amendment has been allowed. When an application is for the
attachment of immovable property, special care shall be taken that the specification
and verification required by Order XXI, Rule 13, of the Code have been furnished.
The Court may also require the applicant to produce the authenticated extract
mentioned in Order XXI, Rule 14, when the property is land registered in the
Collector's office.
[2. Limitation.-- The law of limitation, as regards applications for execution, found in
Article 181 of the First Schedule of the Limitation Act, 1908 (IX of 1908) and section
48 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), needs careful attention. An
application for execution must be filed within three years of the date of the final
decree but no order for execution of a decree can be passed if an application
presented more than six years after certain dates specified in section 48 of the Code
of Civil Procedure. This section only bars execution for a specified time but the rights
of the decree-holder in other respects are not affected. Section 48 of the Code lays
down a maximum period of limitation after the expiry of which it is not open to a
decree-holder to make a fresh application for the execution of the decree. The
presentation of fresh application for the execution of the decree is prohibited but the
Court can make order in execution proceedings which have been presented before
the expiry of such period even after the expiry of the period of six years.
By section 11 of the Punjab Debtors Protection Act, 1936, the period of limitation is
also six years in certain cases specified therein.]
2-A. Restrictions placed by Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act.-- The restrictions
imposed by section 21 (b) of the Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Act, 1934, on the
power of a Civil Court to execute its decrees in certain

circumstances should be carefully noted. The decrees passed by a Civil Court in
certain cases cannot be executed during the period provided for payment in an
agreement authenticated by a Debt Conciliation Board under section 17 of the Act
and for a further period of six months thereafter. The restriction applies only to
decrees passed in suits brought--
(i) by an unsecured creditor for the recovery of debt in respect of which a certificate
has been granted by the Board under section 20 (1) of the Act, or
(ii) by any creditor for the recovery of a debt incurred after the date of agreement
made under section 17 of the Act.
3. Admission and further proceeding.-- When the application for execution is in
order, or has been amended under Order XXI, Rule 7, of the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, and is within time, the Court shall proceed as directed in Order XXI,
Rule 17 (4), and shall cause the application to be entered in the proper register. A
copy of the decree need not be filed when execution is taken out in the Court by
which the decree was passed. If in any case it is not possible to verify the
correctness of the application from the Court register, the original decree should be
sent for and examined by the Court.
3-A. Amendment.-- It should be noted that according to Order XXI, Rule 17 (1) Civil
Procedure Code, the Court can either reject the application if it is not in order or allow
the defect to be remedied. The Lahore High Court has amended this rule so as to
make it compulsory for the Court to fix a time within which the defect shall be
4. Duty of Court to ascertain the amount due.-- Whenever, on an application for
the execution of a decree, or whenever, in the course of execution proceedings, it is
necessary to ascertain the amount of money which is or which remains due under
the decree, the judicial officer should form his own conclusion on the matter
therefrom. He should not rely on mere kaifyats or office notes made by ministerial
5. Several Decree holders.-- When an application is made to a J udicial Officer,
under Order XXI, Rule 15, of the Code of Civil Procedure for the execution
of the whole decree by one or more persons not being all the persons in
whose favour the decree appears to be, he should cause notice thereof to be given
to the remaining decree-holders or their representatives, and he

ought not to grant the application unless, after all these parties have had an
opportunity of being heard, he is satisfied that there is good reason for the
6. Several decree-holders.-- Where the decree is severally in favour of more
persons than one, specifying what each is entitled to, there may be applications for
partial execution. But where the decree is jointly in favour of more persons than one,
the application must be for the execution of the entire decree, so far as it remains
unexecuted or unsatisfied, and if the application is for execution of a fraction or a
proportionate part of the decree only, it should be refused.
7. Transferee.-- When an application for the execution of a decree is made, under
the provisions of Order XXI, rule 16, of the Code of Civil Procedure, by a person
claiming to be entitled to the benefit of the decree in consequence of a transfer of the
same to him from the original decree-holder by an assignment in writing, the Court
must cause notice of the application to be given to the transferor, and it cannot grant
the application unless it is satisfied after the transferor has had an opportunity of
being heard that the transfer has in fact been effected.
In cases in which the Court grants the application, it should record its reasons for so
doing and make an order that thenceforward the name of the applicant shall stand on
the record as decree-holder instead of that of the original decree-holder.
8. Notice to judgment debtor.-- When an application is made more than two years
after the date of the decree or against the legal representatives of a party to the
decree, the Court must first issue a notice to the person against whom execution is
applied for requiring him to show cause why the decree should not be executed
against him, unless the case falls within the proviso to sub-rule (1) of Rule 22 of
Order XXI, or the Court dispenses with the notice under sub-rule (2) of the same
Rule in which latter case the failure to record any reasons is now deemed to be only
an irregularity not amounting to a defect in jurisdiction (vide the rule as amended by
the Lahore High Court).
9. Attention to service of process.-- Attention is invited to the provisions of Order
XXI, Rules 24 and 25, regarding process for execution.

Rule 24 requires that in every case a day shall be specified on or before which the
process is to be executed. Rule 25 makes it incumbent on the Court to examine the
officer entrusted with the execution, when the process is not duly executed, to satisfy
itself as regards the reasons for its non-execution and to record the result of its
inquiry. If the Courts make careful inquiry in such cases and do not blindly accept the
reports on the processes, the percentage of infructuous applications will appreciably
9-A. Address for service.-- It should be noted that according to Order XXI, Rule
104, Civil Procedure Code, as framed by the Lahore High Court, service on any party
shall be deemed to be sufficient in execution proceedings if it is effected at the
address for service referred to in Order VIII, Rule 11, Civil Procedure Code, subject
to the provisions of Order VII, Rule 24, Civil Procedure Code. This rule, however,
does not apply to notices prescribed by Order XXI, Rule 22, Civil Procedure Code, to
show cause against execution in certain cases.
10. Period of Pendency.-- Execution proceedings will, for statistical purposes, be
considered as only pending for the period during which something is being done
towards execution. If the decree-holder has realized his instalment, or obtained the
satisfaction asked for in the application for execution, the case should be struck off,
even though a portion of the decree still remains unexecuted. Similarly, the case
should be dismissed if the applicant for execution does not take necessary steps to
prosecute his application. The Court should record its reasons for the action taken in
such cases.
11. Attachment of moneys due to judgment-debtors.-- A case in which the
judgment-creditor prays for a prohibitory order for the attachment of moneys due to
the judgment-debtor (whether as a moiety of his salary or otherwise), should be
dismissed as soon as the prohibitory order has been duly served and the file should
be sent to the Civil Nazir. The subsequent realisation of the moneys concerned forms
part of the ministerial duties of the Civil Nazir. If, for any reason, such realisation is
not promptly and satisfactorily effected, the judgment-creditor can ask the Court to
take necessary action.

[3. Present law of arrest.-- No J udgment-debtor, as defined in Section 2(c) of the
Punjab Relief of Indebtedness Ordinance, 1960, (XV of 1960) shall be arrested in
execution of a decree for money (Section 5 of Ordinance XV of 1960). These
changes should be carefully studied and followed.]
4. Judgment-debtor should be asked whether he wants to be declared
insolvent.-- A judgment-debtor against whom no act of bad faith is proved can obtain
his discharge as an insolvent under Act V of 1920; whenever a judgment-debtor is to
be committed to jail, he should be informed that he may apply to be declared
insolvent (Section 55 (3) of the Code).
6. Arrest during vacation.-- Warrants of arrest should be held in suspense during
[August] Vacation.

The steps to be taken, under Order XXI, Rules 35 and 36 of the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, in the case of the delivery of immovable property are as follows:-
(a) When the property is in possession of a person who is bound by the decree
or who holds-possession on behalf of one who is so bound.-- First, where a
decree is for delivery of immovable property, if such property is in the possession of
any person bound by the decree, such person may be called upon to vacate the
property in order that possession may be delivered to the person to whom it has
been adjudged, or his agent; and if he refuses to do so he may be removed from the
property in order to effect such delivery of possession. Here the endorsement on the
warrant should state that the property was found in the possession of A (naming the
person), and that he was one of the persons bound by the decree or held on behalf
of one of those persons (naming the persons); that he was required to vacate the
property, and that, on his doing so, the person entitled under the decree was put in
possession; or that, on his refusal to do so, he was removed from the property, and
the person entitled under the decree was put in possession.
(b) Decree for joint possession.-- Secondly, where a decree is for joint possession
of immovable property, such possession shall be delivered by affixing a copy of the
warrant in some conspicuous place on the property, and proclaiming by beat of drum
at some convenient place the substance of the decree. Here the endorsement on the
warrant should state on what part of the property the copy of the process was affixed,
and at what place the substance of decree was proclaimed.
(c) Obtaining access to deliver possession.-- Thirdly, where possession of
any building or enclosure is to be delivered, and the person in possession,
being bound by the decree, does not afford

free access, the officers of the Court may (after giving reasonable warning and
facility to any woman, not appearing in public according to custom, to withdraw)
remove or open any lock or bolt or break open any door or do any other act
necessary for putting the decree-holder in possession.
Here the endorsement should describe briefly the action taken, as in paragraph (a)
(d) When property is in possession of a person who is not bound by the
decree.-- Fourthly, if the property is in the occupancy of a tenant or other person
entitled to occupy it and not bound by the decree to relinquish such occupancy, a
copy of the warrant must be affixed in some conspicuous place on the property, and
proclamation made as provided in Order XXI, Rule 36 of the Code. Here the
endorsement should state that a copy of the warrant had been put up (stating where
it was affixed), and that the substance of the decree had been proclaimed.
Before issuing a warrant for the delivery of immovable property, the Court should
ascertain from the decree-holder, or his agent, the name of the person whom he
believes to be in possession of such property to guide it in selecting the particular
mode of delivery suitable to the case.
When a decree is passed giving possession of agricultural land, the date on which
possession is to be delivered should always be specified in the decree, and orders
passed as to any standing crops that may be on the land. If this has not been done in
the decree, it should be done in the order which is sent to the Collector by the Court
executing the decree. If, however, no date is specified in either the decree or the
order, and the land of which possession is to be delivered is in the cultivating
possession of the judgment-debtor, the Collector should at once refer to the Civil
Court for instructions as to whether or not he is to delay execution of the decree, until
any crop which may have been sown by the judgment-debtor and is standing on the
land, has been removed.

1. Attachment of standing crops, trees and salary.-- The law as to attachment is
contained in sections 60-64 and Order XXI, Rules 41-57, Civil Procedure Code, and
[170, Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1967(XVII of 1967).]
The changes made in Rules 53 and 54 by the Lahore High Court (vide Chapter
should be noted as also the fact that in the Punjab standing crops, excepting cotton
and sugarcane, are not now liable to attachment or sale in execution of a decree.
Standing trees (apart from land) are also exempt from sale (vide section 10 of the
Punjab Debtor's Protection Act).
Attention is drawn to Act IX of 1937 amending Section 60, Civil Procedure Code,
which provides that the salary of any public officer or of any servant of a Railway
Company or local authority shall be exempt from attachment to the extent of the first
hundred rupees and one-half the remainder of such salary in respect of any
proceedings arising out of any suit instituted on or after the Ist J une, 1937.
Attachment orders should contain the information whether the suit was filed before or
after the Ist J une, 1937.
2. Mode of attachment of immovable property.-- The mode of attaching
immovable property is by issuing a prohibitory order to the judgment-debtor and to
the public generally (Order XXI, Rule 54). When the property is land paying revenue
to Government, three copies of the prohibitory order shall be prepared. In the case of
other immovable property, only two copies are necessary. The details given in the
schedule annexed to the order shall be identical with those given in the schedule of
the property given in the warrant. Strict compliance with provisions of law is
necessary to make the attachment valid.
3. Mode of attachment of immovable property.-- The warrant, together with the
requisite copies of the prohibitory order, shall be delivered to the Nazir, who
will himself, or through his subordinates, fix up the copies and proclaim the order,
in accordance with the directions given in the warrant. The Nazir will personally
make upon the warrant the endorsement required by law, and return it duly
endorsed within the specified time to the Court. Any person deputed by the
Nazir, who performs any of the acts constituting the attachment,

shall submit a separate return stating the manner in which, and the day and hour at
which, he did such act. This return will be attached by the Nazir to the warrant.
4. Attention to compliance with legal formalities.-- The attention of all civil courts
is drawn to the necessity of making it a point to scrutinize the service of warrants of
attachment before they take further action with regard to the sale or temporary
alienation of the property attached. The attachment of land and houses requires
particular care and the court should thoroughly satisfy itself that all the formalities,
necessary for a legal attachment, have been complied with. Failure to comply with
these legal formalities may constitute material irregularity within the meaning of Order
XXI, Rule 90, Code of Civil Procedure, and may cause very serious trouble and loss
to the parties later on. It should be noted that a copy of the attachment order is first to
be affixed on the property and then upon the Court house. All Courts will, therefore,
require the Reader to record a note on the warrant of attachment or on file, that the
specific formalities, required by law in the case, have been actually compiled with.
The Presiding Officer will carefully scrutinize such note and initial in token of its
5. Warrant of attachment of land. Drum-beating charges.-- Where the order is for
the attachment of land, the warrant should, in accordance with the provisions of
[170] of the
[Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1967 (XVII of 1967)], be addressed
to the Collector and be sent to him for execution along with the necessary copies of
the prohibitory-order. The Collector and his office will then be responsible for
executing it in accordance with the specified legal formalities and to affix necessary
prohibitory-orders, first on the property and then on the Court-house of the J udge,
issuing the attachment, and in his own office. The collector will return the warrant to
the Court concerned when it has been duly executed, with an endorsement under his
signature certifying that all the legal formalities required have actually been complied
with and the Court will, thereafter, proceed as directed in paragraph 4 above.
[Payment of drum-beating charges may be allowed to be made at the discretion of
the District J udge.]

6. Precept.-- Upon the application by a decree-holder, the Court which passes a
decree may issue a precept to another Court to attach the judgment-debtor's
property, when this course is convenient, provided that the Court to which the
precept is issued is competent to execute the decree (see Section 46, Code of Civil
7. Effect of dismissal of execution petition.-- It should be noted that on the
dismissal of an execution petition, `attachment' automatically comes to an end (see
Order XXI, Rule 57).
8. The Central Government has issued the following notification under section 60 (1)
(l) of the Civil Procedure Code :-
The 2nd October 1940.
No. 186/37.- In pursuance of clause (l) of the proviso to sub-section (1) of section 60
of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908), the Central Government is
pleased to declare that the following allowances payable to any public officer in the
service of the said Government, or any servant of a Federal Railway or of a
Cantonment authority or of the port authority of a major port, shall be exempt from
attachment by order of a Court, namely:-
(1) All kinds of travelling allowances.
(2) All kinds of conveyance allowances.
(3) All allowances granted for meeting the cost of --
(a) uniforms, and
(b) rations.
(4) All allowances granted as compensation for higher cost of living in localities
considered by Government to be expensive localities including hill stations.
(5) All house-rent allowances.
9. The Punjab Government has issued the following notification under clause (l) of
the proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 60 of the Code of Civil Procedure:-

The 5th J anuary 1943.
No. 8298-J -42/489-In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (l) of the proviso to
sub-section (1) of Section 60 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908),
the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to declare that the "Dearness allowance"
payable to any public officer serving His Majesty in connection with the affairs of the
Province shall be exempt from attachment in execution of a decree.

[1. Summary Procedure.-- Investigation of objections to attachment of property
under Order XXI Rule 58, Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, should be confined to the
points indicated in Rules 59, 60 and 62 of the said Order. It is to be remembered that
the order passed under Rule 60 is now to be treated as a decree and is appealable
and no separate suit lies to establish right, title or interest claimed in the attached
2. Power to dismiss objections without trial.-- (1) The amendment made in Rule
58 of Order XXI of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), should be carefully
noted and followed.....Where any claim is preferred or any objection is made to the
attachment of any property, attached in execution of a decree, on the ground that
such property is not liable to such attachment, the Court is to investigate the claim or
objection treating the same as if it was a suit and the claimant was party to it as now
under Rule 62 of Order XXI Code of Civil Procedure an independent suit is barred.
The Court will, however, not make any investigation where it appears to it that the
claim or objection (whether made before or after the sale) has been designedly or
unreasonably delayed or was not made within reasonable time or within one year of
the date of first attachment of the said property in the execution of said decree,
whichever is earlier, unless the claimant or objector-
(a) proves title acquired in good faith and for consideration subsequent to the date of
the first attachment;
(b) proves that his predecessor-in-interest, whether his interest existed at the time of
such attachment or was acquired thereafter, fraudulently omitted to make a claim or
objection; and
(c) impleads all such predecessors-in-interest.
(2) Postponement of sale.-- When the property to which the claim or objection
applies, has been advertised for sale, the Court ordering the sale may postpone it
pending investigation of the claim or objection.]
3. Objection by Parties.-- Order XXI, Rule 58, deals with claims by third persons.
Objections by parties to execution proceedings as such or their representatives fall
within the scope of Section 47 of the Code. Such objections must be decided in the
execution proceedings, as a regular suit for the purpose is barred by the provisions of
Section 47.

1. References.-- Rules relating to the custody and disposal of movable property
(other than agricultural produce) attached pending sale, are contained in Rules 43 to
43-D of Order XXI of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure (Act V of
1908), as modified or added by the High Court which are reproduced below for
facility of reference:-
Code of Civil Procedure, First Schedule
Order XXI, Rules 43 to 43-D
43. Attachment of movable property other than agricultural produce in
possession of judgment-debtor.-- (1) Where the property to be attached is
moveable property other than agricultural produce, in the possession of the
judgment-debtor, the attachment shall be made by actual seizure, and the attaching
officer shall keep the property in his own custody or in the custody of one of his
subordinates, and shall be responsible for the due custody thereof:
When property may be sold at once.-- Provided that, when the property seized is
subject to speedy and natural decay or when the expense of keeping it in custody is
likely to exceed its value, the attaching officer may sell it at once; and
Livestock and other articles which cannot be conveniently removed:
Superdar.-- Provided also that, when the property attached consists of livestock,
agricultural implements or other articles which cannot conveniently be removed, and
the attaching officer does not act under the first proviso to this Rule, he may at the
instance of the judgment-debtor or of the decree-holder or of any person claiming to
be interested in such property leave it in the village or place where it has been
(a) in the charge of the person at whose instance the property is retained in such
village or place, if such person enters into a bond in Form No. 15-A of Appendix E to
this Schedule with one or more sufficient sureties for its production when called for,

(b) in the charge of an officer of the Court, if a suitable place for its safe custody be
provided and the remuneration of the officer for a period of 15 days at such rate as
may from time to time be fixed by the High Court be paid in advance, or
(c) in the charge of a village lambardar or such other respectable person as will
undertake to keep such property, subject to the orders of the Court if such person
enters into a bond in Form No.15-B of Appendix E with one or more sureties for its
(2) Restitution.-- Whenever an attachment made under the provisions of this Rule
ceases for any of the reasons specified in Rules 55, 57 or 60 of this order, the Court
may order the restitution of the attached property to the person in whose possession
it was before attachment.
(3) Schedule of property.-- When property is made over to a custodian under sub-
clauses (a) or (c) of clause (1), the Schedule of property annexed to the bond shall
be drawn up by the attaching officer in triplicate, and dated and signed by-
(a) the custodian and his sureties,
(b) the officer of the Court who made the attachment,
(c) the person whose property is attached and made over, and
(d) two respectable witnesses.
One copy will be transmitted to the Court by the attaching officer and placed on the
record of the proceedings under which the attachment has been ordered, one copy
will be made over to the person whose property is attached and one copy will be
made over to the custodian.
43-A. When property kept in the village.-- (1) Whenever attached property is kept
in the village or place where it is attached, the attaching officer shall forthwith report
the fact to the Court and shall with his report forward a list of the property seized.
(2) When property removed to Court.-- If attached property is not sold under the
first proviso to Rule 43 or retained in the village or place where it is attached under
the second proviso to that Rule it shall be brought to the Court-house and delivered
to the proper officer of the Court.

(3) Resignation by custodian.-- A custodian appointed under the second proviso to
Rule 43, may, at any time, terminate his responsibilities by giving notice to the Court
of his desire to be relieved of his trust and delivering to the proper officer of the Court
the property made over to him.
(4) Receipt to be given to custodian.-- When any property is taken back from a
custodian, he shall be granted a receipt for the same.
43-B. Foddering of livestock.-- (1) Whenever attached property kept in the village
or place where it is attached is livestock, the person at whose instance it is retained
shall provide for its maintenance and, if he fails to do so and if it is in charge of an
officer of the Court, it shall be removed to the Court-house.
Nothing in this Rule shall prevent the judgment-debtor, or any person claiming to be
interested in such stock from making such arrangements for feeding the same as
may not be inconsistent with its safe custody.
(2) Recovery of expenses.-- The Court may direct that any sums which have been
expended by the attaching officer or are payable to him, if not duly deposited or paid,
be recovered from the proceeds of property, if sold or be paid by the person declared
entitled to delivery before he receives the same. The Court may also order that any
sums deposited or paid under these Rules be recovered as costs of the attachment
from any party to the proceedings.
43-C. Expenses to be paid in advance by decree-holder.-- When an application is
made for the attachment of livestock or other movable property, the decree-holder
shall pay into Court in cash such sum as will cover the costs of the maintenance and
custody of the property for 15 days. If within three clear days, before the expiry of any
such period of 15 days the amount of such costs for such further period as the Court
may direct be not paid into Court, the Court, on receiving a report thereof from the
proper officer, may issue an order for the withdrawal of the attachment and direct by
whom the costs of the attachment are to be paid.
43-D. Liability of Superdar.-- Any person who has undertaken to keep attached
property under Rule 43 (1) (c) shall be liable to be proceeded against as a surety
under section 145 of the Code and shall be liable to pay in execution proceedings the
value of any such property willfully lost by him.

Order XXI, Rule 43
In the Court of ----------------------------------------- at-------------------------
Civil suit No.------------------------------------------- of----------------------------------
A.B. of------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C.D. of------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Know all men by these presents that we, I.J . of---------------------------------------------------
---, etc., and K.L. of---------- etc., and M.N. of-----------------etc., are jointly and severally
bound to the J udge of the Court of-------------------in Rupees-------------------------- to be
paid to the said J udge, for which payment to be made, we bind ourselves, and each
of us, in the whole, our and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly
and severally by these presents.
Dated this-------------------------- day of-------------------------- 19-----------
And whereas the movable property specified in the schedule hereunto annexed has
been attached under a warrant from the said Court, dated the----------------------day of-
--------------------------------- 19----------------, in execution of a decree in favour of-----------
--------------- in the suit No.----------------- of--------------------- 19-------------on the file of----
------------------- and the said property has been left in the charge of the said I.J .
Now the condition of this obligation is that, if the above bounden I.J . shall duly
account for and produce when required before the said Court all and every the
property aforesaid and shall obey any further order of the Court in respect thereof,
then this obligation will be void: otherwise it shall remain in full force.
I.J .
Signed and delivered by the above bounden------------------------------------ in the
presence of------------------------------------

Order XXI, Rule 43 (1) (c)
In the Court of ----------------------------------------- at-------------------------Civil suit No.-------
------------------------------------ of----------------------------------
A.B. of------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C.D. of------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Know all men by these presents that we, I.J . of---------------------------------------------------
---, etc., and K.L. of----------- etc., and M.N. of-----------------etc., are jointly and
severally bound to the J udge of the Court of--------------------------in Rupees---------------
----- to be paid to the said J udge, for which payment to be made, we bind ourselves,
and each of us, in the whole, our and each of our heirs, executors and
administrators, jointly and severally by these presents.
Dated this-------------------------- day of-------------------------- 19-----------
And whereas the movable property specified in the schedule hereunto annexed has
been attached under a warrant from the said Court, dated the----------------------day of-
--------------------------------- 19----------------, in execution of a decree in favour of-----------
------ in the suit No.----------------- of----------------19-------------on the file of-------------------
---- and the said property has been left in the charge of the said I.J .
Now the condition of this obligation is that, if the above bounden I. J . shall duly
account for and produce when required before the said Court all and every of the
property aforesaid and shall obey any further order of the Court in respect thereof,
then this obligation shall be void: otherwise it shall remain in full force and be
enforceable against the above bounden I.J . in accordance with the procedure laid
down in Section 145, Civil Procedure Code, as if the

aforesaid I.J . were a surety for the restoration of property taken in execution of a
I.J .
Signed and delivered by the above bounden------------------------------------ in the
presence of------------------------------------
2. Jewels and portable property to be brought to Court.--Light and readily
portable articles of all kinds, and especially valuable property of small bulk, such as
jewels, etc., shall, after seizure, be taken to the head quarters of the Court executing
the decree and be made over there to the custody of such officer as the Court may
Note:- Property of the nature described in this rule when placed in the custody of the
Nazir may be placed by him in his cash chest and lodged in the outer room of
Treasury, if it is open, as provided in order 4(2) of the Punjab Treasury Manual; if it is
closed, the Presiding Officer of the Court must make other suitable arrangement for
its safe custody.
3. Bulky property and Livestock.--Live Stock and other property which is bulky or
not readily portable should be dealt with in accordance with the second proviso to
Rule 43.
4. Form of schedule of property.-- The schedule of property to be annexed to the
bond which a custodian must furnish under the above-mentioned Rule must be in the
following form:-

Schedule of property attached
Schedule of property attached and made over to------------------------------son of ----------
--------------------------- of--------------------------------- as custodian on the ----------------------
--- 19------------.
Detail of property Estimated value.
Total value----------
Sd.---------------- Sd.------------------
Witness. Custodian.
Sd.---------------- Sd.------------------
Witness. Attaching Officer
J udgment-debtor
Directions in regard to attached property
I. No person can be compelled by the Court or attaching officer thereof to take
charge of attached property as a custodian.
II. A custodian may at any time terminate his responsibilities by giving notice to the
Court of his desire to be relieved of his trust, and delivering to the proper officer of
the Court the property made over to him.
III. When any property is taken back from a custodian he should be granted a receipt
for the same.
IV. When property is made over to a custodian, a schedule of property should be
drawn up by the attaching officer in triplicate, dated and signed by--
(a) the custodian and his sureties;
(b) the officer of the Court who made the attachment;
(c) the person whose property is attached and made over; and
(d) two respectable witnesses.

One copy will be transmitted to the Court by the attaching officer and placed on the
record; one copy will be made over to the person whose property is attached and one
copy will be made over to the custodian.
V. In regard to livestock the following directions apply:-
(a) The custodian is bound to take all reasonable and proper care of any livestock
entrusted to him.
(b) The custodian is responsible for the value of any livestock which he fails to deliver
to the Court or its authorised officer, when required so to do. If any live-stock is lost
or stolen or dies while in the hands of a custodian such custodian is bound to satisfy
the Court that its loss or death was not due to his fault or neglect.
(c) If the judgment-debtor or any person claiming to be interested in any attached
animal has been permitted to make arrangements for feeding the same (not being
inconsistent with its safe custody, while it is under attachment) he may, in the case of
poultry, milch cows, etc., take the eggs, milk, etc.
5. Arrangement for feeding to be noted on Schedule.-- Whenever attached
property kept in the village or place where it is attached is live-stock, a note shall be
added on the schedule to show what arrangements have been made for its keep, i.e.,
whether it is to be fed by the custodian and, if so, at what charge or by the judgment-
debtor or any person interested. If it is to be fed by the judgment-debtor or a person
claiming to be interested as permitted by Rule 43-B (1) of Order XXI, the
arrangements made should be described on the Schedule to show that they are not
inconsistent with its safe custody.
6. Arrangements when value of property is liable to deteriorate.-- If the property
is of such a nature that its value will deteriorate unless special arrangements are
made for its storage or for carrying out some preparatory process during the period of
attachment, the necessary arrangements shall be made and noted at the foot of the
schedule; provided that, if in such cases the judgement-debtor and decree-holder
agree in writing to the immediate sale of the property, the officer shall proceed to sell
it by auction forthwith, after giving such notice to intending purchasers as the
circumstances of the case allow.
7. Arrangements subject to approval of Court.-- All arrangements made under
these rules shall be made subject to the approval and confirmation of the Court
executing the decree.

8. Modification of arrangements.-- If the arrangements made by the attaching
officer are modified by the Court, a note of the modifications ordered shall be made
on the schedule and such note shall be signed by the parties who originally signed
the schedule or a fresh schedule shall be prepared in the manner provided above
according as the Court may direct.
9. Release of property.-- If the Court directs the release of the property, in whole or
in part, the articles released shall be made over to the person to whom the Court
orders them to be delivered, by an officer of the Court, in the presence of the
custodian, judgment-debtor and the witnesses mentioned; or, if their presence cannot
be conveniently obtained, two other respectable witnesses.
10. Reclamations.-- If any reclamations are then made, a note of such reclamation
shall be made at the time by the officer of the Court, and such note shall be signed
by the person making them. The statements of the custodian and witnesses shall,
likewise, be recorded on the subject by the officer of the Court, and shall be signed
by such custodian and witnesses.
11. Custodian liable for criminal breach of trust.-- Any person who has
undertaken to keep attached property under Rule 43(1)(c) of Order XXI shall not only
be liable to be proceeded against as a surety under Section 145 (vide Rule 43-D),
but if the facts disclose that he has been guilty of `criminal breach of trust', he will
also be liable to be prosecuted for that offence.
12. Instructions regarding attachment of property which is not left in local
custody.-- Instructions laid down in Rule 43 to 43-D of Order XXI refer, in the main,
to cases in which attached property is not removed from the town or village in which
it is found by the attaching officer. In cases in which the property is not left in local
custody, the attaching officer should still, in order to avoid, as far as possible,
resistance or obstruction and to facilitate the disposal of claims be careful to attach
the property in the presence of two respectable house-holders of the village or town
where the attachment is made and to draw up a schedule of property attached and to
procure their signature to it.

1. References.-- The provisions of Act V of 1908 on the subject of sales are
contained in Order XXI, Rules 64 to 102 as amended by the Lahore High Court (vide
Chapter 22). Rules 64 to 73 deal with "sale generally"; Rules 74 to 81, with sale of
movable property; and Rules 82 to 102, with sale of immovable property.
2. Settlements of proclamation of sale.-- Whenever a Court makes an order for the
sale of any attached property under Order XXI, Rule 64, it shall, if the property be
land assessed to land revenue, revenue-paying or revenue free land, or any interest
in such land, act as directed in the rules hereinafter prescribed. If the property be of
any other description, the Court shall fix a convenient day, not being distant more
than fifteen days, for ascertaining the particulars specified in Order XXI, Rule 66 (2),
and settling the proclamation of sale. Notice of the day so fixed shall be given to the
parties or their pleaders.
[3. Enquiry as to encumbrances from Sub-Registrar's office.-- (1) If the property
be immovable property (other than revenue-paying or revenue-free land), the Court
may call upon the Sub-Registrar, within whose sub-district such property is situated,
to search his registers and report, before the date fixed for settling the proclamation,
to what encumbrances, if any, the property is liable. It is very desirable that such
searches should be ordered in all cases, with a view to the preventing of fraud, but it
should be noted that they cannot be ordered if the decree-holder is not willing to pay
the necessary fees. The fees payable are at the rates prescribed in the second
proviso to Article II of the table of registration fees published with Punjab Government
notification No. 2818-73/2013-St-I, dated 28th J une 1973, which is as follows:-
In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 78 & 79 of the Registration Act,
1908, the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to substitute the existing rates of
Registration-fee with the following table of Registration-fees which shall take effect
from 1st of J uly, 1973:-

ARTICLE II.-- For inspections or searches by the registering officer under section 57-
(1) search for or inspection of a single entry or document -
(a) for the first year in the books of which search is made, for each entry or
(b) for every other year in the books of which search is continued, for each entry or
(2) general search for or inspection of any number of entries or documents relating to
one and the same property or executed by or in favour of one and the same
individual -
(a) for the first year in the books of which search is made........ Rs.4.00;
(b) for every other year in the books of which search is continued......Rs.1.00;
Provided that no search fee shall be charged in respect of a document of which a
copy is applied for when the names of the claiming and executing parties, the nature
and date of documents and the date of registration are shown in the application for
the copy;
Provided further that if a search is made at the request of a Civil Court for the
purpose of ascertaining whether a specified property is encumbered or not, the fee to
be levied in each such case shall be at the rates prescribed by clause (1) above,
subject to the condition that a fee of not more than ten rupees shall be so levied.]
4. Settlement of proclamation of sale. Estimate of value.-- On the day so fixed,
the Court shall, after perusing the documents, if any, filed under Order XXI, Rules 13
and 14, of the Code, and the report referred to in the preceding paragraph, after
examining the decree-holder and judgment-debtor, if present, and after making such
further inquiry as it may be considered necessary, settle the proclamation of sale
specifying as clearly and accurately as possible the matters required by Order XXI,
Rule 66(2), of the Code, in the following form:-

Description of
name of
village and
boundaries, if
Name of
Extent of
interest of
debtor in the
property, so far
as it has been
ascertained by
the Court
Detail of
encumbrances, if
any, to which the
property is liable so
far as they can be
ascertained by the
Any other
bearing on the
nature and
value of the
This proclamation for sale is an important part of the proceedings, and the details
should be ascertained and noted with care. This will remove the basis for many a
belated objection to the sale at a later stage.
It is necessary for the Court itself to give in this proclamation its own estimate of the
value of the property. It is sufficient to include in it the estimate, if any, given by either
or both of the parties (Proviso added to Order XXI, Rule 66 (2) (e) by the Lahore High
[ The proclamation, when settled, shall be signed by the J udge, and shall be made in
the manner prescribed by Order XXI, rule 67 of the Code. The rule added by the
Lahore High Court may be noted and applied where applicable.
It should be noted that an interval of fifteen days must elapse between the date of the
sale and the date of the proclamation being affixed on the Court-house and on the
property, in the case of immovable property, and an interval of seven days must
elapse, in the case of movable property. However, the judgment debtor can, by
consent in writing, permit the sale to be held earlier. (See Order XXI, Rule 68 of the
Code, as amended by the Lahore High Court.)].
5. Information obtained after proclamation.-- If, after the proclamation has been
published, any matter is brought to the notice of the

Court which it considers material for intending purchasers to know, the Court shall
cause the same to be notified to intending purchasers when the property is put up for
6. Costs of proclamation.-- The costs of the proceedings hereinbefore prescribed
shall be paid, in the first instance, by the decree holder; but they shall be charged as
part of the costs of execution, unless the Court, for reasons to be specified in writing,
considers that they should, either wholly or in part, be omitted therefrom.
7. Grant of time to debtor to arrange private alienation.-- Attention is called to the
provisions of Order XXI Rule 83, of the Code, which confers on the Court the power
of postponing, at the instance of the judgment-debtor, a sale of immovable property
in execution of decree, if it is satisfied that the amount of the decree may be raised
by mortgage or lease or private sale of such property or of any other property of the
judgment-debtor. Care must be taken that this power is not so exercised as to inflict
an injury on the decree-holder.
In clause (3) of Rule 83 quoted above it is expressly laid down that the Rule does not
apply to a sale of property directed to be sold in execution of decree for sale in
enforcement of a mortgage of, or charge on, such property.
8. Adjournment of sale.-- The sale shall be held at the time and place specified in
the proclamation, unless the Court adjourns it to a specified day and hour, or the
officer conducting the sale (with the leave of the Court, if the sale is made in or within
the precincts of the Court-house) adjourns it for reasons which must be duly
recorded. Whenever a sale is adjourned for a longer period than thirty days, a fresh
proclamation shall be made, unless the judgment-debtor consents to waive it.
9. Purchase at auction by decree-holder or officer connected with auction.--
Attention is drawn to Order XXI, Rule 73, of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908,
which directs that an officer having any duty to perform in connection with any sale
in execution of a decree, shall not directly or indirectly bid for, acquire, or attempt
to acquire any interest in the property sold; and to Order XXI, Rule 72, of the
Code, which prohibits the holder of a decree in

execution of which property is sold from bidding for or purchasing the property
without the express permission of the Court executing the decree.
10. Decree-holder need not pay sale money.-- Clause (2) of Rule 84 of Order XXI
enables the Court to dispense with the deposit of earnest-money when the decree-
holder is the purchaser and is entitled to set-off the purchase-money under Rule 72.
Rule 86 makes the forfeiture of earnest money optional.
11. Submission of statements of forfeiture of earnest money.-- For procedure
regarding submission of statements of forfeiture of deposits see Volume IV, Chapter
10-A, para. 6.
12. Purchase money: its payment to decree-holder or its refund. Refund of
commission.-- "Purchase-money" deposited in Court upon the sale of immovable
property shall be retained by the Court until the expiry of a period of fifteen days from
the date of the order confirming the sale. If no notice of an appeal having been
presented by the party seeking to set the sale aside, be given to the Court within that
period, the purchase money less the sum which has to be credited to Government or
paid to the Court Auctioneer as commission on the sale (see paragraph 21) may be
paid on the demand of the decree holder. If such notice be given within the
prescribed period, the purchase money shall be retained in deposit until the appeal is
decided, unless the party at the time entitled to receive it gives security, to the
satisfaction of the Court, to repay it at any time when he may be required by the
Court so to do.
12-A. The changes introduced by the Lahore High Court in Order XXI, Rule 89, Civil
Procedure Code, require careful attention (vide chapter 22).
13. Application to set aside sale.-- Applications for setting aside sales are
frequently made under Order XXI, Rule 90, Civil Procedure Code. An application
under this Rule can be made not only by the decree-holder or a person entitled to
rateable distribution in the assets but also by any person "whose interests are
affected by the decree." But the grounds on which such an application can be
made are restricted and should be carefully borne in mind. An application under
this Rule can only be made on the ground of material irregularity or fraud
in publishing or conducting the sale, and, secondly, it must be proved that
the applicant has suffered substantial injury as a result of the

material irregularity or fraud complained of. Both these conditions must be satisfied
before any sale is set aside under this Rule. It has been provided further in the
Punjab that no sale can be set aside on any ground which the applicant could have
put forward before the sale was conducted. An application under this Rule must be
made within 30 days of the sale (Art. 166--Schedule I, of the Limitation Act, 1908).
14. Application by purchaser to set aside sale.-- Order XXI, Rule 91, of the Code
of Civil Procedure 1908, enables the purchaser at a sale of immovable property in
execution of decree to apply to the Court to set aside the sale on the ground, that the
debtor had no saleable interest therein. Such an application must also be made
within thirty days from the date of the sale (see Article 166, Schedule I to the
Limitation Act, IX of 1908). It should be noted that the Rule applies only when the
judgment-debtor has no interest at all in the property sold but not when he has some
interest at any rate in it, however small that interest may be.
15. Confirmation of sale: Appeal.-- If no application to set aside the sale is made
under Rules 89, 90 or 91 within thirty days or the application is disallowed, the Court
must confirm the same. An appeal lies from an order confirming or setting aside a
sale, but no separate suit is maintainable to challenge such an order. (Order XXI,
Rule 92)
16. Refund to purchaser.-- When such a sale is set aside under Order XXI Rule 92,
rule 93 provides for the recovery and repayment to the purchaser of the purchase-
money. The Court should not refer him to a separate suit for the money paid by him,
which should be recovered (if necessary) and refunded to him, subject to the
provisions of paragraph 22.
17. Certificate of sale.-- When a sale of immovable property has become absolute,
the Court shall grant a certificate stating the property sold and the name of
the person who at the time of the sale, is declared to be the purchaser. This
certificate should be in the prescribed form, and must bear the date of the
confirmation of the sale and be stamped, at the expense of the purchaser, in
conformity with the provisions of chapter II, Part B, and Article 18 of Schedule I-A of
the Stamp Act, II of 1899, as amended by Punjab Act, VIII of 1922. When the terms
of the certificate have been finally settled, the

draft shall be signed by the J udge and placed with the record of the execution
proceedings and the certificate granted to the purchaser (which should be in exact
conformity with such draft) shall be engrossed on the stamp paper, free of copying
charge. Instances have occurred where the purchaser has not taken his certificate,
but has asked merely for a draft certificate to be appended to the file of execution, his
idea being to use the draft certificate in proof of his title to the property purchased.
Subordinate Courts are warned to guard against such subterfuges. No draft
certificate should in any case be drawn up until the stamp duty required by law has
been paid.
It should be noted that the title to the purchaser accrues from the date of the sale,
though a certificate can only be granted after its confirmation.
18. Copy of certificate of sale of immovable property to be sent to Registration
office.-- A copy of the certificate, whether the property sold be land or other
immovable property, and without regard to the amount of the purchase-money, shall
be sent to the Registering Officer, within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the
whole or any part of the property is situated, to be filed in his Supplementary Book
No. 1.
This copy should be drawn up in vernacular with permanent black ink.
19. Court officials for conducting sales.-- (i) Sales in execution of decree shall
ordinarily be conducted by the Court Auctioneer. The District J udge may direct by
special order that the sale in a particular case or cases shall be conducted by the
Nazarat Staff.
(ii) Official Receivers as Auctioneers.-- In every district, save as otherwise
prescribed, the Official Receiver should ordinarily be appointed Court Auctioneer.
(iii) Security by Court Auctioneers.-- Every Court Auctioneer shall give security in
the sum of Rs. 2,000, over and above any security he may have given as Official
Receiver, for the satisfactory discharge of his duties. This security shall be furnished
to the satisfaction of the District J udge. The rules in Chapter 5, High Court Rules and
Orders, Volume II, which govern the taking of security from Official Receivers shall,
mutatis mutandis, apply also to Court Auctioners.

20. Procedure for return of sale warrant.-- (i) A warrant of sale shall not be
delivered to the Court Auctioneer direct by the Court ordering the sale but shall be
forwarded to him through the process-serving agency. After the sale the warrant and
connected papers shall be returned by the Auctioneer to the process-serving Agency
which shall forward it to the Court concerned.
(ii) Sale under supervision of Court Auctioneers.-- All sales of property whose
estimated value exceeds Rs. 500 shall be conducted under the general supervision
of the Court Auctioneer. Sales of property whose estimated value is Rs. 500 or less
may be conducted by agents of the Court Auctioneer. In all cases the Court
Auctioneer is responsible for proper compliance with all legal requirements and for all
the acts of his agents.
The Court Auctioneer shall each morning, supply to each Court a date-sheet showing
the sales already fixed by all Courts, in order that sales, which he has to attend may
not be fixed at different places on the same day.
(iii) Deposit of sale proceeds into Government treasury.-- The Court Auctioneer
shall himself deposit into the treasury all sums realised at auction sales conducted by
him or his staff. All sums realised at sales conducted at places where there is a
treasury shall be deposited into the treasury or the State Bank of Pakistan, as the
case may be, on the first working day after the sale. The District J udge shall
prescribe periods, within which the proceeds of sales conducted at other places shall
be deposited. The periods so prescribed shall be reported to the High Court and shall
be as short as possible.
21. Government Commission.-- (i) Commission at the following rates shall be
deducted from the proceeds of sales under this Chapter:-
(a) If this sale proceeds do not exceed rupees five thousand--at five per centum.
(b) If the sale-proceeds exceed rupees five thousand--at five per centum on rupees
five thousand and two and a half per centum on the remainder:
[Provided that the maximum amount of commission deductable according to the
aforesaid rates shall not exceed rupees five thousand.]
(ii) If the sale is conducted by the Court Auctioneer, 80 per cent of the Commission
will be paid to him and 20 per cent will be paid into the

Treasury to the credit of Government. All incidental expenditure shall be met by the
(iii) If the sale is conducted by the Nazarat Staff, the whole of the commission shall
be credited to Government and nothing shall be paid to the officer conducting the
sale. In such cases, the expenses incurred in conducting the sale, including the cost
of advertisement, must not exceed the amount of commission.
(iv) Expenses of custody, etc.-- The expenses incurred in the care, custody and
keep of attached property (as taxed by the Court) shall be a first charge on the sale-
proceeds thereof, after the deduction of the commission mentioned above.
22. Charges of Court Auctioneers.-- (i) No commission shall be paid on the
proceeds of sales set aside for a material irregularity in publishing or conducting the
sale. The commission on the proceeds of a sale set aside for any other cause shall
be paid by the person at whose instance and for whose benefit the sale is set aside
and the Court Auctioneer shall be entitled to his share of such commission.
(ii) If a sale is set aside the purchase money shall be refunded in full to the Auction
Purchaser unless it is set aside at his instance and for his benefit in which event the
commission due under paragraph 21 shall be deducted from the sum to be refunded.
(iii) Where a sale is set aside after the commission has been paid to the Court
Auctioneer, the Court shall recover it from him and shall refund it to the Auction
Purchaser if he is entitled to the refund of the whole of the purchase money. In such
cases the Government share of the commission shall also be refunded.
(iv) In cases in which auction sales are ordered, but not completed or do not take
place at all, the Court auctioneer shall be paid only his actual expenses, provided
that if there has been, in the opinion of the Court, clear negligence on the part of the
auctioneer (e.g., failure to advertise, leading to absence of bidders) he will not
be entitled to any compensation. The amount of actual expenses if held due
under this rule will be determined by the Court and

shall be paid by the decree-holder or the judgment-debtor as the Court may direct.
23. Conduct of sale by Nazarat Staff.-- (i) Where the District J udge directs that a
sale be conducted by the Nazarat Staff, the proper officer to conduct the sale is--
(a) where the sale is ordered by a Court of Small Causes-the Departmental Officer or
such other officer as the Court may appoint;
(b) where the sale is ordered by a Court other than a Court of Small Causes:
(1) the Civil Nazir, for all sales ordered by Courts located at District Headquarters
and for all other sales in which the value of the property to be paid sold is estimated
to exceed Rs. 5,000;
(2) the Naib Nazir of the Court ordering the sale for other sales.
(ii) In every case in which the Civil Nazir is not required, under these directions or the
directions of the District J udge, to conduct the sale in person, such sale may be
conducted under the orders and upon the responsibility of the Civil Nazir, by a Naib
Nazir deputed by him for the purpose.
(iii) When it is desirable to have the sale conducted at the place where the attached
property is situate, and the property is of small value, and a Nazir or Naib-Nazir is not
available for the duty, an execution bailiff may be deputed to conduct the sale.
(iv) A process-server shall not be employed to conduct a sale without the authority in
writing of the Officer in charge of the Process-Serving Agency concerned. Such order
shall not be made unless no other officer is available and the value of the property to
be sold is estimated at Rs. 100 or less.
(v) The District J udge may issue instructions, consistent with these directions, for the
further regulation of the conduct of sales by the Civil Nazir and his establishment.

24. Sale of guns or arms.-- Whenever guns or other arms, in respect of which
licenses have to be taken by purchasers under the Arms Act, 1878 (XI of 1878),
the Arms Ordinance], 1965, and Rules thereunder, are sold by public auction in
execution of decrees, the Court, directing the sale, shall give due notice to the
Magistrate of the district of the names and addresses of the purchasers and of the
time and place of the intended delivery to the purchasers of such arms, so that
proper steps may be taken by the police to enforce the requirements of the Arms Act
or the Ordinance.
25. Sale of land.-- For attachment and sale of land or interest in land see Chapter
12-M. of this Volume.

[(1) In dealing with applications for the execution of decrees by the sale or temporary
alienation of land, the provisions of the Punjab Alienation of Land Act, 1900 (XIII of
1900), and the Punjab Debtors Protection Act, 1936 (II of 1936) should not be
overlooked. Attention is also drawn to section 170 of the Punjab Land Revenue Act,
1967 (XVII of 1967) and sections 68 to 71 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of
1908). It should be observed that land which has been built upon ceases to be land
within the meaning of section 170 of the Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1967 (XVII of
1967) notwithstanding the fact that it is assessed to land revenue (see I.L.R. 1946;
Lah. 52, A. I.R. 1944 Lah. 455)].
(2) The following notification has been issued by the Punjab Government under
section 68 of the Civil Procedure Code:-
"In exercise of the powers conferred by section 68 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the
Governor of the Punjab is pleased to declare that throughout the Punjab, in all cases
in which a Civil Court has ordered any land as defined in the Punjab Tenancy Act,
1887, or any interest in such land, to be sold, the execution of the decree shall be
transferred to the Collector except when the decree is one for the recovery of money
specifically charged on the land ordered to be sold".
(Punjab Government, Revenue Department Notification No. 365-R dated 17th
J anuary 1939).
(3) As laid down in section 69 of the Civil Procedure Code, the provisions of
Schedule III of the Civil Procedure Code apply to cases in which the execution of the
decree has been transferred to the Collector.
(4) The rules framed by Government under section 70, Civil Procedure Code, are
reproduced below:-
1. Definitions.-- In these rules unless there is anything repugnant in the context-

(1) "Collector" means-
(a) the Collector of the district where the land ordered to be sold in execution of the
decree is situated;
(b) if the land is situated in more districts than one, the Collector of the district within
the limits of which the judgment-debtor resides, or if he has no such residence,
where the major portion of the land is situated;
(c) if the judgment-debtor does not reside in any such district and the areas situated
in different districts are equal, the Collector before whom, in the opinion of the Court,
it is more convenient for the parties to the decree to attend.
(2) "Court" means a civil Court of original, appellate or revisional jurisdiction in the
(3) "Decree" means a decree of a civil Court not being one for the recovery of money
specially charged on land.
(4) "Land" means land as specified in the notification issued by the Punjab
Government under section 68 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(5) "Schedule" means Schedule III of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
2. Transmission of copies of record.-- (1) Immediately after an attachment has
been made and an order passed that any land be sold in the execution of a decree,
the Court shall transmit, by post, or in such other manner as may be most
convenient, the following documents to the Collector:-
(i) a copy of the application for execution certified by the Court to be correct;
(ii) a certified copy of the relevant portion of the latest jamabandi showing the land
(iii) a copy of the warrant of attachment along with their report of attachment;
(iv) a statement showing the extent, if any, to which the decree has been already
executed and clearly setting forth what portion of the decree still remains to be
satisfied, along with a statement showing, as clearly as possible, of which land and of
what interests of the judgment-debtor in such land as far as they are known to the
Court, sale has been ordered;

(v) any other document which in the opinion of the Court would be necessary to
enable the Collector to determine the land to which sale has been ordered and the
rights and interests therein of the judgment-debtor.
(2) The Court shall, if practicable, fix a date, which will ensure speedy disposal, for
the appearance of the parties before the Collector. The date so fixed shall be noted
on the record and communicated to such of the parties as may be present.
3. Preparation of copies and documents.-- The documents mentioned under sub-
rule (1) of rule 2 shall be prepared and transmitted to the Collector free of all cost to
the parties. The decree-holder shall file his application for execution in duplicate. Of
these only one copy shall be stamped as required by the Court Fees Act, and the
other shall be transmitted to the Collector after being certified by the Court to be
correct. The copy of the warrant of attachment shall be prepared on a printed form,
and the copy of the relevant portion of the jamabandi filed by the decree-holder with
his application shall in original be sent to the Collector. The other statements shall be
prepared by the establishment of the Court.
4. Note in register of executions and consignment of record.-- (1) The Court
shall make a note in column No. 22 of Civil Register No. X(Register of Execution of
Decrees) regarding the transmission and documents to the Collector and the date on
which these were transmitted.
(2) On receipt of the intimation from the Collector under rule 5, the Court shall attach
it to the record of the case, which shall then be consigned to the record room, unless
the execution is to be proceeded with in some other respect.
5. Case to be registered.-- The Collector shall notify the receipt of the documents to
the Court, and shall register the decree in a book which may be prescribed
departmentally for the purpose.
6. Date of first hearing.-- The case shall be taken up by the Collector on the date, if
any, fixed by the Court under sub-rule (2) of rule 2:
Provided that if on the date so fixed, the Collector be not present at his headquarters,
the file shall be put up before some other gazetted revenue officer

subordinate to the Collector, or before an Assistant Collector of the first grade, if any,
on duty at the headquarters, and he shall fix a fresh date for the appearance of the
parties before the Collector which shall be noted and communicated as prescribed
under sub-rule (2) of rule 2;
Provided further that if there be no such gazetted officer on duty in the station, the
case shall come up before the Collector on his return to headquarters.
7. Delegation of powers to Sub-Divisional Officer.-- The Collector may by a
written order make over, generally or in special cases, the execution of any decree
transferred to him for execution to any Sub-Divisional Officer subordinate to him, who
shall thereupon, in relation to the execution of that decree, act as and exercise all the
powers conferred by these rules on the Collector. When the execution proceedings
are over, the Sub-Divisional officer shall return the record of the proceedings to the
8. Objections as to the liability of the land ordered to be sold and its
attachment to be decided by the Court.-- (1) All objections, whenever preferred
regarding the liability to attachment of the land ordered to be sold, or the factum or
procedure of its attachment shall be preferred to, and heard and decided by the
Court transferring the decree.
(2) If any objection of the nature mentioned under sub-clause (1) above is at any
time, whether during the continuance of the proceedings or thereafter, made in
writing before the Collector, he shall forward it in original to the Court by which the
decree was transferred:
Provided that in case the objection is preferred during the continuance of the
proceedings before the Collector, further proceedings shall be suspended for such
time as may be sufficient to receive directions from the Court.
(3) If after the transmission of the record under sub-rule (1) of rule 2 but prior to the
confirmation of the sale or other arrangement under paragraphs 1 or 7 of
the schedule, an objection about the liability of the land to, or the factum or
procedure of, attachment is preferred directly before the Court transferring the
decree or is received by it under sub-clause (2) above, the Court shall, if it decides
to enquire into the objection, forthwith communicate its

decision, to the Collector who shall cause further proceedings to be stayed pending
the disposal of the objection.
9. Court to intimate the result of objection to Collector.-- After the objection is
disposed of, the Court shall communicate the result to the Collector, and if in
consequence thereof any further proceedings are to be taken in the case, the Court
shall, if practicable, fix a date for the appearance of the parties before the Collector,
notifying the same in the manner prescribed in sub-rule (2) of rule 2.
10. Result of objection to determine further proceedings.-- (1) If the objection
succeeds and the entire land is released from attachment, the Collector shall dismiss
the execution case, and after, forwarding a non-satisfaction certificate to the Court he
shall consign the record to the Record Room.
(2) If the attachment of the whole or a part of the land is upheld the Collector on
receipt of the information shall proceed to complete the proceedings in accordance
with law.
11. Procedure where the same land is ordered to be sold in two or more
decrees.-- (1) If the same land is ordered to be sold in two or more decrees
transferred to the Collector under sub-rule (1) of rule 2, the following procedure shall
with regard to such land be observed:-
(i) If all the orders of sale have been received from the same Court, the Collector
shall enquire from the Court in which particular case the main proceedings are to be
(ii) If the orders of sale have been received from different Courts of the same grade,
the main proceedings shall be held in the case in which attachment was first effected,
and an intimation about this fact shall be sent to all the other Courts.
(iii) If the orders of sale have been received from Courts of different grades the main
proceedings shall be held in the case received from the Court of the highest grade,
and an intimation about this fact shall be sent to all the other Courts.
(2) In the above-mentioned cases though the proceedings are to be held in one case
only, the result shall ensure for the benefit of all other cases as well.

(3) If on account of the decree-holder's default, or any adjustment of the decree or
any order from the Court, the case in which proceedings are being held is dismissed
and such a result does not affect the connected case or cases, the Collector shall
start or continue proceedings, as the case may be, in the latter cases in accordance
with the above procedure.
12. Procedure where land is within the jurisdiction of two or more Collectors.--
(1) If the land to be proceeded against under these rules is situated within the
jurisdiction of more Collectors than one, the Collector holding these proceedings shall
forthwith intimate the factum of his having taken cognizance of the case to every
other Collector within whose jurisdiction any part of the said land is situated.
(2) If at any time after the Collector has started proceedings under sub-rule (1)
above, any one of the other Collectors receives under sub-rule (1) of rule 2 any
decree for execution by sale of the same land, he shall after stating the above
circumstances forthwith return the papers to the Court from which the decree has
been received.
(3) If prior to the receipt of the intimation under sub-clause (1) above, any other
Collector has also started proceedings against the same land, the following
procedure shall be adopted:-
(a) If there is any difference in the areas involved in the different cases, the case
involving a larger area shall proceed and the proceedings in the other case or cases
shall be stopped.
(b) If there is no difference in the areas involved in different cases, the case in which
proceedings were first started by the Collector seized thereof shall proceed, and the
proceedings in the other case or cases shall be stopped.
(c) The Collector dealing with the case the proceedings of which have be stopped
under sub-clause (a) or (b) above, shall after intimating the circumstances to the
Court concerned, and issuing a non-satisfaction certificate, dismiss the execution
13. Enquiry by Collector.-- The Collector shall make a summary enquiry in terms of
paragraph 2 of the schedule, with a view to finding out if all the liabilities of the
judgment-debtor can be discharged without selling all the land available for the

14. Proceedings to be drawn up.-- As soon as the enquiry contemplated by rule 13
is completed, the Collector shall draw up the proceedings in English setting forth the
steps taken by him in this connection with the result of his enquiry.
15. Sale of land.-- If the Collector comes to the conclusion that all the liabilities of the
judgment-debtor cannot be discharged without the sale of the entire land available for
the purpose, he shall record his opinion and proceed to sell the land ordered to be
16. Arrangement Short of sale.-- (1) If the Collector comes to the conclusion that all
the liabilities of the judgment-debtor can be discharged without the sale of the entire
land available for the purpose, he shall record his opinion with the reasons therefor,
and shall proceed as laid down in paragraph 3 or 5 of the Schedule.
(2) The Collector shall ordinarily follow the procedure laid down in paragraph 5 of the
Schedule, unless the summary enquiry held under rule 13 points to conclusion that
no complicated question requiring to be determined by the civil Court is likely to arise.
17. Tenancy Act procedure to be followed.-- (1) In holding the enquiry under rule
13 the Collector shall, in so far as it may be possible, follow the procedure laid down
for the guidance of Revenue Officers under the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887.
(2) In the proceedings contemplated by sub-rule (1) above, the decree-holder, the
judgment-debtor and such other creditors of the judgment-debtor, if any, as may
have responded to the notice under paragraph 3 of the schedule shall be given an
opportunity of leading such evidence oral or documentary, as they may wish to
18. Powers of Collector.-- (1) The Collector dealing with a case under these rules
shall have all the powers and be subject to all the limitations regarding sale,
mortgage, lease or other temporary alienation of land, the awarding of costs incurred
by the parties as also costs of adjournments and the dismissal of the case, as
may for the time being be exercisable by or imposed on the Court ordering the sale,
and shall be competent to pass any order incidental

or relating to the execution of the decree which but for the transfer of the case could
have been passed by the Court.
(2) Fees for the services of processes and fees for proclamations issued under these
rules shall be levied according to scale laid down for processes and proclamations
issued by a revenue Court. These fees shall in the first instance be paid by the
decree-holder, or if the process or proclamation is ordered to be issued at the
instance of any other person, by such person and be treated as costs in the case.
19. Proclamation of sale by public auction.-- (1) When any land is to be sold
under these rules, the Collector shall cause a proclamation of the intended sale to be
made in the language of the Court.
(2) Such proclamation shall be drawn after notice to the decree-holder and the
judgment-debtor, and besides stating the time and place of the intended sale, it shall
specify as fairly and accurately as possible--
(a) the land to be sold;
(b) the revenue assessment on such land;
(c) any encumbrance to which the land is liable;
(d) the amount for the recovery of which the sale is ordered;
(e) the number of lots in which the Collector proposes to sell the land, if he considers
that the land should not be sold in one lot, and the reserved price fixed for each lot;
(f) every other thing which the Collector considers material for a purchaser to know in
order to judge the nature and the value of the property.
Note:- If the area to which the encumbrance mentioned in clause (c) attached is
more than the area mentioned in clause (a), whole of the area shall be specified in
the proclamation.
(3) For purposes of ascertaining the matters to be specified in the proclamation the
Collector may summon any person whom he considers necessary to summon, and
may examine him in respect of any such matters and require him to produce any
document in his possession or power relating thereto.
20. (1) The collector may subsequent to the drawing up of the proclamation for good
and sufficient cause modify it in any respect.

(2) Where the sum total of the decretal amount to be realized and the encumbrance
on the land to be sold is less than the value of the land, the Collector, when making
proposals regarding the sale in lots, shall take into account only that proportion of the
encumbrance which appertains to the lot or lots proposed for sale. In order, however,
to give information to the intending purchaser he shall in the proclamation issued
under the last rule declare the whole amount of the encumbrance and the entire
property to which it pertains.
21. Publication of proclamation.-- (1) The proclamation drawn up under the above
rules shall be published by beat of drum or other customary mode at some place on
or adjacent to the land to be sold. A copy of the proclamation shall be affixed on or
near the land to be sold, and in the Office of the Collector as also in the Court-house
of the Court issuing the order for sale:
Provided that if the Collector considers it necessary such proclamation shall also be
published in the official gazette or in any local newspaper or in both, and the cost of
such publication shall be deemed to be part of the costs of the sale.
(2) Where the land is divided into lots for the purpose of being sold separately, it shall
not be necessary to make a separate proclamation for each lot unless proper notice
of the same, in the opinion of the Collector, cannot otherwise be given.
22. Time of sale.-- No sale shall, without the consent in writing of the judgment-
debtor, take place until after the expiration of 30 days calculated from the date on
which the copy of the proclamation has been affixed in the office of the Collector.
23. Sale by whom conducted.-- Sale under these rules shall be conducted by the
Collector in person or by an Assistant Collector generally or specially empowered by
him in this behalf.
24. Adjournment of sale.-- The Collector may in his discretion adjourn a sale
ordered by him to a specified day and hour, and any other officer conducting such
sale may also in his discretion adjourn the sale recording his reasons for such
adjournment. When a sale is adjourned under this rule for a

longer period than 15 days, a fresh proclamation shall be made unless the judgment-
debtor consents in writing to waive it:
Provided that the Collector may dispense with the consent of any judgment-debtor
who has failed to attend in answer to the notice issued under rule 19(2).
25. Stoppage of sale.-- A sale held under these rules be stopped if before the lot put
up for sale is knocked down, the amount of the decree and costs including the costs
of the sale are tendered to the officer conducting the sale, or proof is given to his
satisfaction that the amount of such decree and costs has been paid to the Collector
ordering the sale.
26. Officer conducting sale not to bid or purchase.-- No officer or other person
having any duty to perform in connection with any sale under these rules shall
directly or indirectly bid for acquiring, or attempt to acquire, any interest in the land to
be sold.
27. Co-sharer's bid to be preferred.-- Where the land sold is an undivided share of
a larger area and two or more persons of whom one is co-sharer in that area make
the same bid, the co-sharer's bid shall prevail as against the bid of the other person.
28. Purchase money to be set off against decree-money.-- If the decree-holder
purchases the land put up for sale, the purchase money and the amount due on the
decree may, subject to the rights of the other decree-holders, if any, to claim ratable
distribution, be set off against one another, and the Collector executing the decree
shall enter satisfaction of the decree in whole or in part, as the case may be.
29. Deposit by purchaser and resale on default.-- As soon as a bid made under
these rules is accepted, the person making the bid shall pay to the officer conducting
the sale a sum equal to 25 per cent of the amount of his purchase money. In default
of the purchaser's making such a deposit, the land shall forthwith be resold:
Provided that where the decree-holder is the purchaser and is entitled to set off the
purchase money under rule 28 above, the Collector may dispense with this deposit.

30. Payment in full of purchase money.-- The balance of the purchase money left
after the deposit of 25 per cent made under rule 29 shall be paid by the purchaser to
the Collector before his office closes on the 15th day from the sale of the land:
Provided that in calculating the amount to be so paid to the Collector the purchaser
shall have the advantage of any set off to which he may be entitled under rule 28
31. Procedure on default of payment.-- (1) If the purchaser does not pay the full
amount of the purchase money within the period mentioned in the last preceding rule,
the deposit made under rule 29 may, if the Collector thinks fit, after defraying the
expenses of the sale, be forfeited to the Government.
(2) In a case covered by sub-rule (1) above, the land shall be resold subject to the
issue of a fresh proclamation in the manner and for the period herein before
prescribed for sale, and the defaulting purchaser shall forfeit all claims to the land or
to any part of the sum for which it may subsequently be sold.
32. Deficiency in sale price of resale.-- Any deficiency in price which may occur on
a resale under rule 31 and all expenses attending such resale shall be certified to the
Collector by the officer conducting the sale, and shall at the instance of the decree-
holder or the judgment-debtor, be recoverable from the defaulting purchaser under
the provisions relating to the execution of a decree for the payment of money.
33. Application to set aside sale on deposit.-- (1) Where land has been sold in
accordance with these rules, the judgment-debtor or any person holding an interest
therein by virtue of a title acquired before the sale may within 30 days of date of the
sale apply to have it set aside on his depositing with the Collector--
(a) for a payment to the purchaser a sum equal to 5 per cent of the purchase money
together with the amount realised as commission from him under rule 40;
(b) for payment to the decree-holder the amount specified in the proclamation
may have been received by the decree-holder, sale

was ordered less any amount which, since the date of such proclamation may have
been received by the decree-holder.
(2) Where a person applies under the rule next following to set aside the sale he shall
not unless he withdraws that application be entitled to make or prosecute his
application under this rule.
(3) Nothing in this rule shall relieve the judgment-debtor from any liability he may be
under in respect of costs and interests not covered by the proclamation of sale.
(4) If the application to have the sale set aside is disallowed, the deposit made under
this rule shall be refunded to the applicant.
34. Application to set aside sale on ground of irregularity or fraud.-- In case of
sale of land under these rules the decree-holder, the judgment-debtor or any person
entitled to share in a ratable distribution of assets or whose interests are affected by
the sale, may within 30 days of the date of the sale apply to the Collector to set it
aside on the ground of a material irregularity or fraud in publishing or conducting it:
Provided that no such sale shall be set aside on the ground of irregularity or fraud
unless the Collector is satisfied that the applicant has sustained some injury by
reason of such irregularity or fraud.
35. Application by purchaser to set aside sale on ground of judgment-debtor
having no saleable interest.-- The purchaser at any such sale may within thirty
days of the date of the sale apply to the Collector to set it aside on the ground that
the judgment-debtor had no saleable interest in the land.
36. Sale when to become absolute and power of Collector to order resale.--
Where no application is made under rules 33, 34 or 35, or where such application is
made and disallowed, the Collector shall make an order confirming the sale, and
thereupon the sale shall become absolute:
Provided that if in any case the Collector is of opinion that the price offered is
inadequate, he may refuse to confirm the sale, and the land shall thereupon, subject
to the provisions made in these rules, be again put up for sale;

Provided further that no order shall be passed under this proviso unless notice has
been given to all persons affected, and their objections, if any, heard.
37. Setting aside of sale.-- Where an application is made under rules 33, 34 or 35
and allowed, the Collector shall make an order setting aside the sale:
Provided that no order shall be made unless notice of the application has been given
to the persons affected thereby and their objections, if any, heard.
38. Bar of civil suit.-- No suit to set aside an order made under rules 36 and 37 shall
be brought by any person against whom such order is made.
39. Return of purchase money in certain cases.-- Where a sale is set aside under
rule 36 or 37 the purchaser shall be entitled--
(a) in the case of a sale set aside on an application under rule 33 to an order
sanctioning his withdrawal of the deposit made under that rule;
(b) in case of a sale set aside on application under rule 34 to an order for a refund of
he commission, if any, deducted under rule 40.
40. Commission fee, how to be realised.-- (1) Commission fee at the rate of 1 per
cent shall be levied on all sales held under these rules.
(2) The Commission fee shall be realised--
(a) where no deposit is required under rule 29 by the person conducting the sale from
the decree-holder, before he is declared the purchaser;
(b) where a deposit is required under rule 29 by deduction by the Collector from the
deposit; and
(3) when realised, the commission fee shall be credited to Government.
41. Grant of sale certificate.-- Where a sale of land has become absolute, the
Collector shall grant a certificate specifying--
(i) the land sold;
(ii) the name of the person who is declared to be the purchaser;
(iii) the encumbrance, if any, and the entire area to which it attaches; and
(iv) the date on and the amount for which the sale has taken place.

Such certificate shall bear the date when the sale becomes absolute.
42. Procedure for delivering possession of land.-- In delivering possession to a
purchaser or transferee in any other form, the Collector shall follow the following
(a) Where the land is in the occupancy of the judgment-debtor or of some person on
his behalf, or of some person claiming under a title created by the judgment-debtor
subsequent to the attachment of the land, the Collector shall on the application of the
purchaser, or transferee, order delivery to be made by putting such person or any
person whom he may appoint to receive delivery on his behalf in possession of the
land and if need be by removing any person who refuses to vacate the same.
(b) Where the land is in the occupancy of a tenant or other person entitled to occupy
the same, the Collector shall, on the application of the purchaser or transferee order
delivery to be made by affixing a copy of the certificate or order in some conspicuous
place on the property, and proclaiming to the occupant by beat of drum or other
customary mode at some convenient place, that the interest of the judgment-debtor
in its entirety or to a limited extent, as the case may be, has been transferred to the
auction purchaser or the other transferee.
43. Objections as to liability of land and delivery of possession.-- Objections
regarding the liability of the land, other than that the sale of which has been ordered,
by the Court, for the satisfaction of the judgment-debtor's debts, and objections
regarding the delivery of possession shall be made to and decided by the Collector.
44. Resistance or obstruction to possession of land.-- (1) Where the person
entitled under the order of the Collector passed under these rules to the possession
of land as an auction purchaser or transferee in any other form is resisted or
obstructed by any person in obtaining possession of land, he may within thirty days
of the resistance or obstruction make an application to the Collector about such
resistance or obstruction.

(2) The Collector may of his own accord initiate proceedings under this rule.
(3) The Collector shall fix a date for investigating the matter, and shall summon the
party against whom the application is made or who is reported to have offered
resistance or obstruction to appear and answer the allegation.
45. Resistance or obstruction by judgment-debtor.-- Where the Collector is
satisfied that the resistance or obstruction was occasioned without any just cause by
the judgment-debtor or some other person at his instigation, he shall direct that the
applicant be put into the possession of the land, and where he applicant is still
resisted or obstructed in obtaining possession, the Collector may also at the instance
of the applicant order the judgment-debtor or any other person acting at his
instigation to be detained in the prison for a term which may extend to 30 days.
46. Resistance or obstruction by bona fide claimant.-- Where the Collector is
satisfied that the resistance or obstruction was occasioned by any person other than
the judgment-debtor claiming in good faith to be in possession of the land on his own
account or on account of some person other than the judgment-debtor, the Collector
shall make an order dismissing the application.
47. Application by a person other than the judgment-debtor when
dispossessed.-- Where any person other than the judgment-debtor, whose case
does not fall under rule 45 is dispossessed of land under these rules, he may make
an application to the Collector complaining of such dispossession.
(2) The Collector shall fix a date for investigating the matter and shall summon the
party against whom the application is made to appear and answer the same.
48. Decision of the application.-- Where the Collector is satisfied that the applicant
was in possession of the land on his own account or on account of some person
other than the judgment-debtor, he shall direct that the applicant be put into
possession of the land. In case the Collector comes to a contrary decision, the
application shall be dismissed.
49. Rules not applicable to transferee lite pendente.-- Nothing in rule 46, 47 and
48 shall apply to resistance or obstruction by a person to whom

the judgment-debtor has transferred the land after its attachment by the Court, in
case the resistance or obstruction relates to such land, or after the initiation of
proceedings under paragraph 2 of the schedule in case the resistance or obstruction
relates to any land proceeded against under that paragraph but not attached by the
50. Order conclusive subject to civil suit.-- Any party, not being a judgment-
debtor, against whom an order is made under rules 45, 46 and 48 may within one
year of the date of such order institute a suit in a civil Court to establish the right
which he claims to the present possession of the land, but subject to the result of
such suit, if any, the Collector's order passed under these rules shall be conclusive.
51. Costs how to be adjusted.-- If any costs are allowed under these rules, the
amount so awarded shall be added to the decretal sum in case the order be in favour
of the decree-holder, and be deducted therefrom in case the order be against him.
52. Information about and orders regarding land outside the Collector's
jurisdiction how to be collected and executed.-- (1) The Collector seized of a
case under these proceedings shall deal with it as if the entire land ordered to be
sold or otherwise to be dealt with were situated within his jurisdiction.
(2) If the Collector is of the opinion that it is necessary to obtain any information
regarding the judgment-debtor's land lying within the jurisdiction of any other
Collector, he shall make a requisition in this behalf, and the Collector of the district
concerned shall supply him with the requisite information.
(3) If the Collector passes any order regarding any land situated within the jurisdiction
of any other Collector, he shall communicate it to the latter, who shall execute it as if
it had been passed by himself.
53. Consignment of record.-- After the Collector has completed his proceedings
and informed the Court as contemplated by paragraph 9 of the schedule, the record
shall be consigned to the record room.
54. Result of execution to be noted in Court's register and procedure of Court.--
On receipt of the information under rule 53, the Court

shall make a note in column No. 22 of civil register No. X (Register of Execution of
Decrees), showing the date of the receipt of the intimation and, if necessary, after
sending for the record of the execution case from the record room shall proceed in
the manner prescribed in paragraph 9 (3) of the schedule.
55. Delegation of power by Collector.-- For the purpose of these rules, the
Collector may make over to any Assistant Collector of the first grade any of the
powers and duties conferred and imposed upon the collector with the exception of
the following:-
(1) Power to let or mortgage under paragraph 1 (b) of the schedule.
(2) Power to order sale under paragraph 1 (c) or paragraph 8 of the schedule.
(3) Power to take action under paragraph 3 or paragraph 5 of the schedule.
(4) Power to let, mortgage or order direct management under paragraph 7(1)(b) of
the schedule.
(5) Power to raise funds for and discharge encumbrances under
paragraph 7(3) of the schedule.
(6) Power to confirm sale under rule 36.
(7) Power to set aside sale under rule 37.
56. Appeals.-- (1) An appeal shall lie under these rules to the Collector, when the
order is passed by an Assistant Collector, and to the Commissioner when the original
order is passed by the Collector:
Provided that the order would have been appealable, had it been passed by a civil
Court executing the decree.
(2) A second appeal shall lie from an appellate order passed by the Collector to the
Commissioner, and from an appellate order passed by the Commissioner to the
Board of Revenue on grounds on which a second civil appeal would have been
competent had the appellate order been passed by a civil Court.
(3) No appeal shall lie except as provided in these rules.
57. Period of appeals.-- The period of limitation for an appeal under the foregoing
rule shall be as follows:-
(a) When the appeal lies to the collector, 30 days.

(b) When the appeal lies to the Commissioner, 60 days.
(c) When the appeal lies to the Board of Revenue, 90 days.
58. Revisional powers of the Financial Commissioner.-- The Financial
Commissioner may, at any time, call for the record of any case, which has been
decided under these rules by an officer subordinate to him and in which no appeal
lies to him or, if an appeal lies, it has not been preferred and the period of limitation
has expired, and if the said officer appears-
(a) to have exercised a jurisdiction not vested in him by law; or
(b) to have failed to exercise a jurisdiction so vested; or
(c) to have acted in the exercise of his jurisdiction illegally or with material irregularity;
the Board of Revenue may make such orders as it may think fit.
59. Procedure for the disposal of appeals and applications for revision.--
(1) An appeal or application for revision filed under these rules shall be filed, heard
and disposed of in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Code of Civil
Procedure as far as it may be applicable.
(2) It should be borne in mind that the powers of Civil Courts to deal with objections
under section 47, Civil Procedure Code, or Order XXI, Rule 58, as amended by
Lahore High Court, are the same irrespective of whether the objections are received
by the Court direct or through the Collector under rule 8 of the Government rules
framed under section 70, of the Civil Procedure Code.
(3) Objections under section 9 of the Debtor's Protection Act are to be decided by the
Civil Court and not the collector.
(A.I.R. 1941 Lah. 225 Lakhmi Chand v. Aulia Khan.)
[Note IN rule 58 the words "Financial Commissioner" shall mean "The Board of
Revenue, Punjab".]

1. Property exempt from attachment.-- The following property of an agriculturist is
exempt from attachment and sale:-
(a) The necessary wearing apparel, cooking vessels, beds and beddings of the
judgment-debtor, his wife and children, and such personal ornaments as, in
accordance with religious usage, cannot be parted with by any woman. (Section 60
(1) (a) of the Code).
(b) Implements of husbandry and such cattle and seed-grain as may, in the opinion
of the Court, be necessary to enable him to earn his livelihood as an agriculturist and
such portion of agricultural-produce or any class of agricultural-produce as may have
been declared by the Provincial Government to be free from liability under Section
61. (Vide also clause (b) of the proviso to Section 60 (1) of the Code).
(c) Where the judgment- debtor is liable to pay land-revenue, so much of the produce
of the land as the Collector thinks necessary for seed-grain and the subsistence, until
the harvest next following, of the judgment-debtor, his family and cattle exempted
under head (b) (Section
[83 of the Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1967], read with
Section 88 of the Punjab Tenancy Act and Section 60 (1) (p) of the Code of Civil
Procedure). Under Section 61 of the Civil Procedure Code, the Punjab Government
has declared that, in the case of agriculturists, the judgment-debtor's entire fodder
crops, including gram, oats, chari, maize and guara, one third or 20 maunds,
whichever is greater, of food-grains, and one third of all other crops shall, subject to
the provisions of clauses (b) and (p) of sub-section (1) of Section 60 of the Civil
Procedure Code and of the proviso to [Section 83 of the Land Revenue Act, 1967],
be exempted from liability to attachment or sale in the execution of a decree, for the
purpose of providing, until the next harvest, for the due cultivation of land and for the
support of the judgment-debtor and his family.

(d) Houses and other buildings (with the materials and the sites thereof and the land
immediately appurtenant thereto and necessary for their enjoyment) belonging to an
agriculturist and not let on rent or lent to others or left vacant for a period of a year or
(See Section 60 (1) (c) of the Code of Civil Procedure and Section 35 of the Punjab
Relief of Indebtedness Act).
(e) Standing crops except cotton and sugarcane. (Section 10 of the Punjab Debtors'
Protection Act).
2. Land and trees exempt from sale.-- According to Section 16 of the Punjab Land
Alienation Act, 1900, no land belonging to a member of an agricultural tribe, notified
under that Act, can be sold in execution of any decree or order of a Civil or Revenue
Standing trees apart from the land on which they stand cannot be sold. (Section 10 of
the Punjab Debtors' Protection Act).
3. Exemption of ancestral immovable property.-- Attention is invited to the
provision of section 9 of the Punjab Debtors' Protection Act which lays down that
ancestral immovable property in the hands of a subsequent holder shall not be liable
in the execution of a decree or order of Court relating to a debt incurred by any of his
predecessors-in-interest. This rule, however, is to be applied only "When custom is
the rule of decision in regard to secession of immovable property." It is not applicable
when the debt has been expressly charged by way of a mortgage.
4. Attachment and sale to be carried out through Collector.-- The attachment
and sale of the land and its produce will be carried out by an order addressed by the
Civil Court to the Collector or such Revenue-Officer as he may appoint in this behalf
under Section
[170 of the Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1967,] and subject to the rules
made thereunder and the provisions of the Code contained in Order XXI, Rules 44,
45, 74 and 75.


1. Receipts.-- Receipt should invariably be furnished by decree-holders for money
paid or goods delivered through the Courts in satisfaction of decrees.
2. Payment by debtor.-- Sums tendered by a judgment-debtor in payment or part
payment of a decree shall be received by the Court which framed the decree or to
which the decree has been sent for execution, whether the judgment-creditor has
taken out execution or not; and whether, in case he has taken out execution, he is
actually in attendance at the Court-house or not.
3. Payment to decree-holder when present.-- If the judgment-creditor is in
attendance at the time of such tender (whether for the purpose of prosecuting his
execution or not), the money so received by the Court shall be made over to him
upon his giving a receipt, duly stamped if the sum so paid exceeds rupees twenty,
and the receipt taken shall be filed with the proceedings.
4. Amount to be deposited when decree-holder is not present.-- If the judgment-
creditor is not in attendance the sum paid in by the judgment-debtor shall be made
over by the Court to the Nazir, who shall forthwith deposit it in the Treasury, at the
Sadar or Tahsil, as the case may be, and notify to the Court the number under, and
date on, which the sum has been entered in the deposit register. A corresponding
entry will be made in the Court's record:
Provided that if the Treasury is closed for business when the money is paid into
Court, it should be placed in the Nazir's Cash Chest, which should be lodged in the
outer room of the Treasury, if it is open, as provided in Order 4 (2), of the Punjab
Treasury Manual, 2nd edition, page 2, and if it is closed, the Presiding Officer of the
Court must make other suitable arrangements for its safe custody.
5. Receipt to be given to debtor by Court.-- An unstamped acknowledgment will, in
every case, be given to the judgment-debtor, by the officer to whom the payment is
made, for any sum paid into Court under the preceding paragraphs.

6. Payment to decree-holder of the sum deposited.-- When the judgment-creditor
appears and claims the sum received by the Court, such Court shall give the
claimant (after identification) a cheque on the Treasury, payable to his order, for the
amount, and shall note thereon the date of deposit and the number in the deposit
register. An unstamped receipt, particularising the amount of the cheque, its date and
number, together with the deposit number and date, shall be taken from the
judgment-creditor in acknowledgment of such cheque, and this receipt will remain on
the record, and will be deemed sufficient to mark the finality of the proceedings.
7. Payment to decree-holder of the sum deposited.-- The cheque mentioned in
the preceding paragraph shall be presented to the Treasury Officer for payment, and
the receipt of the payee, endorsed thereon, shall be sufficient acquittance for the
Treasury Officer, who will forward such endorsed cheque to the Accountant-General,
as his voucher for the withdrawal of the amount from deposit.
8. Stamp on receipt.-- When the amount exceeds rupees twenty the receipt will be
stamped at the expense of the judgment-creditor.
9. Dakhalnama does not require stamp.-- The practice prevailing in some districts
of requiring the dakhalnama or acknowledgment, taken from a decree-holder when
he has been placed in possession of immovable property in execution of a decree, to
be stamped, is not authorized either by the Court Fees Act or by the Stamp Act. The
Dakhalnama, not being an acknowledgment of the receipt of money or other
moveable property, is not a receipt within the meaning of Section 2 (23) of the Stamp
Act, and does not require to be stamped.

1. Resistance by judgment-debtor or by some person on his behalf or at his
instigation.-- If the holder of a decree for the possession of immovable property, or
the purchaser of any such property sold in execution of a decree, is resisted or
obstructed by any person, and the decree-holder complains of such resistance or
obstruction, Order XXI, Rules 97 to 99, prescribe the procedure to be followed.
In proper cases the provision of Section 74 of the Code of Civil procedure may also
be availed of.
According to Order XXI, Rule 98, Civil Procedure Code, as amended by the Lahore
High Court, a Court can now take action not only when the obstruction was
occasioned by the judgment-debtor himself or by some person at his instigation but
also when it was caused by any one "on his behalf." It has also been provided that
the detention ordered in this rule shall be at public expense. The provision as to
limitation is contained in Article 167 of Schedule I to Act IX of 1908 which provides a
period of thirty days from the date of resistance or obstruction.
2. Resistance by others.-- Order XXI, Rule 99, provides for cases where the
resistance or obstruction has been occasioned by any person other than the
judgment-debtor, claiming in good faith to be in possession on his own account or on
account of some person other than the judgment-debtor.
3. Restoration of possession to a person who was in possession not on
account of debtor but was dispossessed in execution.-- If any person not bound
by the decree should be dispossessed of any property in execution, whether by the
decree-holder or by the purchaser in execution, he may apply to the Court executing
the decree under Order XXI, Rule 100, if he disputes the right of such decree-holder
or purchaser to be put in possession. Where the Court is satisfied that the applicant
was in possession of the property on his own account or on account of some person
other than the judgment-debtor, it should, under Rule 101, direct that the applicant be
put into possession of the property. Attention is drawn to this provision, as in such
cases it is not uncommon for a Court to refuse to make any inquiry and to refer the
applicant to a regular suit.

The limitation for such applications is thirty days from the date of dispossession (see
Article 165, Schedule I to Act IX of 1908).

1. Costs of pleaders.--Unless there is any reason to the contrary, costs of pleaders
in execution cases should be allowed on the scale laid down for miscellaneous
proceedings in Chapter 16, "Legal Practitioners," Part B.

1. References.-- The law on the subject of execution of decrees of Courts in
Pakistan to which the provisions relating to execution do not extend and the decrees
passed by Courts in the United Kingdom or any other reciprocating territory is
contained in section 43 and section 44-A of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of
2. Reciprocity of execution between Courts in United Kingdom and certain
foreign Courts.-- As regards execution of decrees passed by Courts in United
Kingdom or any other reciprocating territory, the provisions of Section 44-A of the
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908) as amended, be carefully noted and
3. Reciprocity between Courts in Pakistan and foreign Courts.-- The following
countries have been declared by the Government of Pakistan to be reciprocating
territories within the meaning of section 44-A of the Code of Civil Procedure:
S.No. Name of the country. No. of Notification etc.
1. United Kingdom No. 11(5)/56, dated,
26th July, 1958.
2. Fiji F.227/48-Law, dated 3.6.1949
Gazette of Pakistan Part-I,
dated 10.6.1949, Page 275.
3. Singapore F.12/52-Sol,
dated 22.4.1954,
Gazette of Pakistan,
Part-I, dated 30.4.1954.
Page 106.
4. Australian Capital F.12/55-Sol, dated 11.4.1957
Territory Gazette of Pakistan Part-I,
dated 11.4.1957, Page 174.

5. New Zealand including F.11(2)/56-Sol,
the Cook Islands dated 3.11.1958 Gazette of
(including Niue) and Pakistan Part-I,
the Trust Territory of dated 7.11.1958, Page 455.
Eastern Samoa.
6. Northern Territory of S.R.O. 403, dated 22.8.1959,
Australia. Gazette of Pakistan, Part-I,
dated 22.8.1959, Page 425.
7. Australian State of S.R.O. 1067(K)/70
Victoria dated 21.9.1970 Gazette of
Pakistan, Part-I,
dated 9.10.1970, Page 870.
8. States of Queensland S.R.O. 482(I)/73,
and Western Australia dated 2.4.1973 Gazette of
Pakistan Extraordinary Part-II,
dated 2.4.1973, Page 550.
9. State of Kuwait S.R.O. 567(I)/83,
dated 6.6.1983, Gazette of
Pakistan Extraordinary Part-II,
dated 6.6.1983, Page 769.
10. Republic of Turkey S.R.O. 477(I)/85,
dated 20.5.1985 Gazette of
Pakistan Extraordinary Part-II,
dated 21.5.1985, Page 513.
Karachi, the 26th July 1958
1. No.11(5)/56-Sol, dated 26th J uly 1958. The Government of the United Kingdom,
with the concurrence of the Government of Pakistan has made the following order
providing for the execution in the United Kingdom of the decrees of Superior Courts
in Pakistan on the basis of reciprocity. The Order is published for general

1958 No. 141
The Reciprocal Enforcement of J udgment (Pakistan Order, 1958.
Made.....................28th J anuary, 1958. At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 28th
Day of J anuary, 1958.
The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.
Her majesty by virtue and in exercise of the powers conferred on Her by section one
of the Foreign J udgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act, 1933(a) and of all other
powers enabling Her, is pleased by and with the advice of her Privy Council, to order,
and it is hereby ordered as follows:
1. This Order may be cited as the Reciprocal Enforcement of J udgment(Pakistan)
Order, 1958.
2. The Reciprocal Enforcement of J udgments (Pakistan) Order, 1953(b), is hereby
revoked provided that in relation to judgments given before the date of this order the
High Courts of Dacca and Lahore, the Chief Court at Karachi and J udicial
Commissioner's Courts at Peshawar and Quetta shall continue to be deemed to be
Superior Courts for the purposes of part 1 of this Act.
3. Part 1 of the Act shall extend to all the territories of Pakistan.
4. The following Courts of Pakistan shall be deemed Superior Courts for the
purposes of Part 1 of the Act, that is to say:-
(a) The Supreme Court of Pakistan and all the High Courts.
(b) All District Courts.
(c) All other Courts whose civil jurisdiction is subject to no pecuniary limit provided
that the judgment sought to be registered under the Act is sealed with a seal showing
that the jurisdiction of the Court is subject to no pecuniary limit.
W.G. Agnew.

(This Note is not part of the Order, but is included to indicate its general purport)
The purpose of this Order is to revise the list of Courts of Pakistan deemed to be
Superior Courts for the purpose of Part 1 of the Act, and to continue the application
of Part 1 of the Act in respect of judgments of Courts of Pakistan which have ceased
to exist.
Karachi the 3rd June, 1949.
No. F.227/48--Law.-- In exercise of the powers conferred by Explanation 2 to section
44-A of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 (V of 1908), the Central Government in
supersession of this Ministry's Notification No.F.227/48-Law, dated the 6th May,
1949, is pleased to declare Fiji to be a reciprocating territory and the Supreme Court
of Fiji to be a Superior Court of the territory for the purposes of the said section.
Karachi the 22nd April, 1954
No. F.12/52-Sol.-- In exercise of the powers conferred by Explanation 2 to section
44-A of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 (V of 1908), the Central Government is
pleased to declare the Colony of Singapore to be a reciprocating territory and the
Supreme Court of Singapore to be a Superior Court of the territory for the purposes
of the said section.
Karachi, the 11th April, 1957
No. F.12/55-Sol.-- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 44-A of the Code of
Civil Procedure 1908 (V of 1908), the Central Government is pleased to declare the
Australian Capital Territory to be a reciprocating territory and the Supreme Court of
Australian Capital Territory to be a Superior Court of the territory for the purposes of
the said section.

Karachi, the 11th April, 1957
No. F.12/55-Sol.-- The following Proclamation is published for general information:
Extract from "Commonwealth of Australia Gazette", No. 77, dated the 24th
December, 1956.
Commonwealth of Australia to wit. W.J ./SLIM, Governor General.
By His Excellency the Governor-General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia.
Whereas it is provided by sub-section (2) of section 5 of the Foreign J udgment
(Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance, 1954, of the Australian Capital Territory, that, if
the Governor-General is satisfied that in the event of the benefits conferred by Part II
of that Ordinance being extended to judgments given in the superior Courts of any
country, substantial reciprocity of treatment will be assured as respects the
enforcement within that country of judgments given in the Supreme Court of the
Australian Capital Territory, he may by Proclamation declare:-
(a) that Part II of that Ordinance extends in relation to that country; and
(b) that such Courts as are specified in the proclamation shall, for the purpose of Part
II of the Ordinance, be deemed to be Superior Courts of that country:
AND WHEREAS I, Sir William J oseph Slim, the Governor-General in and over the
Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council,
am satisfied that, in the event of the benefits conferred by Part II of the Foreign
J udgment (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance, 1954, being extended to judgments
given in the superior Courts of a country which is specified in column 1 of the
Schedule to this Proclamation, substantial reciprocity of treatment will be assured as
respects the enforcement within that country of judgments given in the Supreme
Court of the Australian Capital Territory:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, the Governor-General aforesaid, acting with the advice of the
Federal Executive Council, hereby declare:-
(a) that Part II of the Foreign J udgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance, 1954,
of the Australian Capital Territory extends in relation to a country specified in column
1 of the Schedule to this Proclamation; and
(b) that the Court or Courts specified in column 2 of that Schedule opposite to a
country shall, for the purposes of Part II of that Ordinance be deemed to be superior
Court or superior Courts, as the case may be, of that country.
Column I Column 2
The Supreme Court of Ceylon.
The District Courts of Ceylon.
Fiji The Supreme Court of Fiji.
Hong Kong The Supreme Court of Hong Kong.
New Zealand The Supreme Court of New Zealand.
Federation of Malaya
The High Court of the Federation of
The Supreme Court of Pakistan.
The High Court for the Province of
East Pakistan.
The High Court for the Province of
West Pakistan.
The District Courts of Pakistan.
All other Courts of Pakistan whose
civil jurisdiction is subject to no
pecuniary limit.
The High Court of the Colony of
The Cook Islands (including Niue) The Supreme Court of New Zealand.
The Trust Territory of Western
The Supreme Court of New Zealand.

Given under my hand and the Great seal of the (L.S.) Commonwealth this twenty-first
day of December in the Year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and fifty-six,
and in the fifth year of Her Majesty's reign.
By His Excellency's Command.
God Save the Queen;
By Authority: A.J . Arthor, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.
Karachi, the 3rd November 1958
No.F.11(2)/56-Sol.-- In exercise of the powers conferred by explanation 2 to section
44-A of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 (V of 1908), the Central Government is
pleased to declare the New Zealand, including the cook Islands (including Nitte) and
the Trust Territory of Western Samoa to be a reciprocating territory,and the Supreme
Court of the New Zealand to be a Superior Court of that territory for the purposes of
the said section.
This notification shall be deemed to have taken effect as on and from the twenty
seventh day of August, nineteen hundred and fifty eight.
Karachi, the 3rd November 1958
No. F.11(2)/56-Sol.-The Government of New Zealand with the concurrence of the
Government of Pakistan has made the following order providing for the executing of
the decrees of Superior Courts in Pakistan on the basis of reciprocity. The order is
published for general information.

ORDER, 1958
COBHAM, Governor-General
At the Government House at Wellington this 27th day of August 1958.
His Excellency the Governor-General in Council. PURSUANT to the Reciprocal
Enforcement of J udgments Act, 1934, His Excellency the Governor-General acting
by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, and being satisfied that
substantial reciprocity of treatment will be assured as respects the enforcement
within Pakistan of judgments given in the Superior Courts of New Zealand, hereby
make the following order.
1. This order may be cited as the Reciprocal Enforcement of J udgments (Pakistan)
Order, 1958.
2. Part 1 of the Reciprocal Enforcement of J udgments Act, 1934, shall extend to
3. The Supreme Court of Pakistan, the High Court for the province of West Pakistan,
the High Court for the province of East Pakistan, and all Pakistan District and other
Courts where civil jurisdiction is subject to no pecuniary limit, shall be deemed to be
Superior Courts of Pakistan for the purposes of Part I of the Reciprocal Enforcement
of J udgments Act, 1934.

Karachi, the 22nd April, 1959
No.S.R.O.403.-In exercise of the powers conferred by Explanation 2 to section 44-A
of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), the Central Government is
pleased to declare the Northern Territory of Australia to be a reciprocating
territory, and the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory of

Australia to be a Superior Court of the territory for the purposes of the said section.
No.F.12/56-Sol. The following notice is published for general information.
(Extract from Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No.27 dated 7th May, 1959).
Whereas it is provided by sub-section 1 of section 5 the Foreign J udgment
(Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance 1955 of the Northern Territory of Australia, that
if the Attorney-General is satisfied that, in the event of the benefits conferred by Part
II of that Ordinance being applied to judgments given in the Superior Courts of a
country outside Australia substantial reciprocity of treatment will be assured as
respects the enforcement within that country of judgments given in the Supreme
Court of the Northern Territory, he may by notice declare:
(a) that Part II of that Ordinance applies in relation to that country, and
(b) that such Courts of that country as are specified in the notice shall, for the
purposes of part II of that Ordinance, be deemed to be Superior Courts of that
AND WHEREAS, I, Sir Garfield Edward J ohn Barwick, the Attorney-General of the
Commonwealth of Australia am satisfied that in the event of the benefits conferred by
Part II of that Ordinance being applied to judgments given in the Superior Courts of
Pakistan, substantial reciprocity of treatment will be assured as respects the
enforcement within that country of judgments given in the Supreme Court of the
Northern Territory.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, the Attorney-General aforesaid hereby declare-
(a) that Part II of the Foreign J udgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance, 1955,
of the Northern Territory applies in relation to Pakistan and
(b) that the following Courts, shall, for the purposes of part II of that Ordinance, be
deemed to be Superior Courts of that country:

The Supreme Court of Pakistan;
The High Courts for the Provinces of West Pakistan and East Pakistan;
All District Courts;
All other Courts in Pakistan when exercising a civil jurisdiction which is subject to no
pecuniary limit provided that a judgment of any such other Court which is sought to
be enforced is endorsed with the statement under the seal of the Court that the
Court's jurisdiction in the matter in which the judgment was given was subject to no
pecuniary limit.
Dated this twentieth day of April, 1959. G.E. BARWICK GENERAL
Attorney General
( Law Division )
Islamabad, the 21st September, 1970
No. S.R.O. 1067(K)/10.-- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 44-A of the
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), the Central Government is pleased to
declare the Australian State of Victoria to be a reciprocating territory, and the
Supreme Court of Australian State of Victoria to be a Superior Court of the territory
for the purposes of the said section.
No.S.R.O. 1068(K)/70.
The following proclamation is published for general information.
(Extract from the Victoria Government Gazette No.10, dated 4th February, 1970.)
By His Excellency the Governor of the State of Victoria and its Dependencies in the
Commonwealth of Australia & C, & C &C.

I, the Governor of the State of Victoria acting by and with the advice of the Executive
Council thereof and being satisfied that the law of Pakistan makes provision for the
enforcement in that country of judgments given in the Superior Courts of Victoria.
(a) that part II of the Foreign J udgments Act, 1962, shall extend to Pakistan and
(b) that the Courts of Pakistan named hereunder be deemed Superior Courts for the
purposes of the said Part II of the Foreign J udgments Act, 1962:-
(i) The Supreme Court of Pakistan,
(ii) the High Courts for the Province of West Pakistan and East Pakistan,
(iii) all District Courts, and
(iv) all other Courts whose civil jurisdiction is subject to no pecuniary limit, provided
that the judgment sought to be enforced is sealed with a seal showing that the
jurisdiction of the Court is subject to no pecuniary limit.
GIVEN under my Hand and the Seal of the State of Victoria aforesaid, at Melbourne,
this twenty-eight day of J anuary, in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred
and seventy and in the eighteenth year of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
( Law Division )
Islamabad the 2nd April 1973
No. S.R.O.482(1)/73.-- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 44-A of the
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908), the Federal Government is pleased to
declare the State of Queensland and Western Australia to be the reciprocating
territory, and the Superior Courts of those States to be Superior Courts of the territory
for the purposes of the said section.
S.R.O. 483(1)/73. The following Orders in Council are hereby published for general

(1) Order in Council dated the 24th September, 1970, extending of the Reciprocal
Enforcement of J udgments Act of 1959 of Queensland to Pakistan etc.
WHEREAS by "The Reciprocal Enforcement of J udgments Act of 1979, it is amongst
other things enacted that if the Governor in Council is satisfied that in the event of the
benefits conferred by Part II of the said Act being extended to judgments given in the
Superior Courts of any Commonwealth country not including the United Kingdom and
Commonwealth of Australia or given in the Superior Courts of any foreign country
substantial reciprocity of treatment will be assured as respects the enforcement
within that Commonwealth country or in that foreign country, as the case may be of
judgments given in the Superior Courts of Queensland, he may by Order in Council
(a) that the said Part II of the said Act shall extend to that Commonwealth country or
to that foreign country, and
(b) that such Courts as are specified in the Order in Council shall be for the purposes
of the said Part II of the said Act be deemed Superior Courts of that Commonwealth
country or of that foreign country.
AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council is satisfied that in the event of the benefits
conferred by the said part II of the said Act, being extended to judgments given in the
Superior Courts of the countries set forth in the Schedule hereto substantial
reciprocity of treatment will be assured as respects the enforcement within such
countries of judgments given in the Superior Courts of Queensland:
NOW, THEREFORE, his Excellency the Governor, acting by and with the advice of
the Executive Council and in pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him
by the said Act doth hereby direct that Part II of the said Act shall extend to the
countries set forth in the said Schedule and that the Court or Courts respectively set
forth in such Schedule opposite the name of each country shall for the purposes of
Part II of the said Act be deemed the Superior Court or Courts of such country.
And the Honourable the Minister for J ustice and Attorney-General is to give the
necessary directions herein accordingly:

Column 1 Column 2
Ceylon: The Supreme Court of Ceylon.
The District Court of Ceylon.
India: The Supreme Court of India.
All High Courts and judicial Commissioner
Courts in India.
All other Courts in India when exercising a civil
jurisdiction which is subject to no pecuniary
Pakistan: The Supreme Court of Pakistan.
The High Courts for the Province of West
Pakistan and East Pakistan.
All District Courts.
All other Courts whose civil jurisdiction is
subject to no pecuniary limit.
British Columbia: The Court of Appeal for British Columbia.
The Supreme Court of British Columbia.
Bahama Islands: The Supreme Court of the Bahama Islands.
Singapore: The High Court of Singapore.
Fiji: The Supreme Court of Fiji.
Manitoba: Court of appeal for Manitoba.
Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench for
All Country Courts in Manitoba.
British Honduras: The Supreme Court of British Honduras.
Cayman Islands: The Grand Court of Cayman Islands.
(2) Order in Council published in the Government of the State of Western Australia,
Gazette dated the 24th J uly, 1970, extending part II of its Foreign J udgment
(Reciprocal Enforcement) Act, 1963-65 to Pakistan, etc.

WHEREAS it is enacted, inter alia, by sub-section (2) of section six in Part II of the
Foreign J udgment (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act, 1963-65, that where the Governor
is satisfied that, if the benefits conferred by that Part are extended to judgments
given in the Superior Courts of any Commonwealth country, or given in the Superior
Courts of any foreign country, substantial reciprocity of treatment will be assured as
respects the enforcement within that Commonwealth country or in that foreign
country as the case may be of judgments given in the Supreme Court, he may by
Order, direct-
(a) that Part II shall extend to that Commonwealth country or to that foreign country;
(b) that such Courts as are specified in the order shall be deemed to be Superior
Courts of that Commonwealth country or of that foreign country for the purposes of
that Part:
NOW, THEREFORE, His Excellency the Governor, being so satisfied with respect to
each country specified in column 1 of the Schedule to this Order and the Superior
Court or Superior Courts, as the case may be specified in column 2 of that Schedule,
by virtue and in exercise of the powers conferred on the Governor by the above
recited sub-section and acting with the advice and consent of the Executive Council,
doth hereby direct-
(a) that part II of the Foreign J udgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act, 1963-65,
shall extend to a country specified in column 1 of the Schedule to this Order; and
(b) that the Court or Courts specified in column 2 of that Schedule opposite to a
country shall for the purposes of that Part be deemed a Superior Court or Superior
Courts, as the case may be of that country.
Column 1 Column 2
Bahama Islands The Supreme Court of Bahama Islands.
British Honduras The Supreme Court of British Honduras.
Cayman Islands Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.
Ceylon The Supreme Court of Ceylon.
The District Courts of Ceylon.

Federation of Malaysia The Federal Court of Malaysia.
The High Court of Malaya.
The High Court of Borneo.
Fiji The Supreme Court of Fiji.
India The Supreme Court of India; all High
Courts and J udicial Commissioner's
Courts in India; all District Courts in
India; all other Courts in India when
exercising a civil jurisdiction which is
subject to no pecuniary limit, if a
judgment of any such Court which is
sought to be enforced is endorsed with a
statement under the seal of the Court
that the Court's jurisdiction in the matter
in which the judgment was given was
subject to no pecuniary limit.
Italy The Superior Courts of Italy.
Manitoba The Court of Appeal for Manitoba; Her
Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench for
Manitoba; all County Courts in Manitoba.
Pakistan The Supreme Court of Pakistan; The
High Court for the Province East
Pakistan; the High Court for the Province
of West Pakistan; all District Courts in
Pakistan; all other Courts in Pakistan
when exercising a civil jurisdiction which
is subject to no pecuniary limit, if a
judgment of any such other Court which
is sought to be enforced is endorsed
with a statement under the seal of the
Court that the Courts jurisdiction in the
matter in which the judgment was given
was subject to no pecuniary limit.
Singapore The High Court of Singapore.
File No. F1(1)/72-Sol.II.
S.A.M. Wahidi, CSS
Section Officer.

( Justice Division )
Islamabad, the 6th June, 1983
S.R.O. 567(1)/83.-- In exercise of the powers conferred by Explanation 2 to section
44-A of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908) the Federal Government is
pleased to declare the State of Kuwait to be a reciprocating territory, and the
following Courts of the State of Kuwait to be the Superior Courts of the territory for
the purposes of the said section, namely -
1. Constitutional Court.
2. Court of Causation
3. High Court of Appeal.
( Justice Division )
Islamabad the 20th May, 1985
No. S.R.O.477(1)/85.-- In exercise of the powers conferred by Explanation 2 below
section 44-A of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908) the Federal
Government is pleased to declare the Republic of Turkey to be a reciprocating
territory and the Ashye Mukul Maikemereri (First Instance Courts) of the Republic of
Turkey to be the Superior Courts of the territory for the purposes of the said section.
Section Officer
S.R.O. 478(1)/85.-- The following Convention on Mutual Assistance in Civil and
Commercial Matters between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of
Turkey, which came into force on the 5th day of J une, 1983, is hereby published for
general information.

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of Turkey.
Desiring to regulate the legal protection of Pakistani nationals in Turkey and to
Turkish nationals in Pakistan and the mutual assistance of J udicial authorities of the
two States in civil and commercial matters.
Have decided to conclude a Convention and have agreed as follows:
Article 1
1. Except for the contrary cases expressly indicated, this Convention shall apply only
to civil and commercial matters, including indisputable affairs.
2. For the purposes of this convention:
(a) the expression "consul" means any person who, having been appointed by the
sending State to the receiving State to exercise consular functions, has been granted
an exequatur or any other authorization by the receiving State;
(b) the expression "diplomatic agent" means the chief of mission of the sending
State, duly admitted by the receiving State, or any member of the diplomatic staff of
this mission;
(c) the expression "person" means physical and juridical persons;
(d) the expression "designated authority" means the authority designated by each
contracting party to receive request under the provisions of this Convention.

Article 2
1. When judicial and extra-judicial documents drawn up in the territory of a
Contracting party are to be served on persons resident in the territory of the other
Party, they shall be served on the addressee whatever his nationality, through one of
the forms provided for in Article 3.
2. The expression "requesting Party" which occurs in Chapter II of this Convention,
means the country where the documents to be served are drawn up and the
expression "requested Party" means the country where the documents are to be
Article 3
1. The request for service shall be addressed by a diplomatic agent or consul, acting
on behalf of the requesting Party to the designated authority of the requested Party,
so that the document concerned may be served by the competent authority.
2. The request for service, specifying the names and capacities of the parties, the
name, address and capacity of the addressee and the nature of the document to be
served, must be in the language of the requested Party and be accompanied by two
copies of the document concerned.
3. The document to be served shall be either in the language of the requested Party
or accompanied by two copies of translation made into this language. The translation
must be certified as accurate by the diplomatic agent or consul of the requesting
4. Except when the service is effected in a special form, which is indicated in the
request in so far as it is compatible with the law of the executing country, the
competent authority shall effect the service in the form provided for in the law of that
country as regards the service of similar documents.

5. A request for service which conforms to the preceding provisions of this Article
may be refused only:
(a) if the authenticity of the request for service is not established, or
(b) if the Contracting Party which will effect the service in its territory, considers that
such service is likely to prejudice the sovereignty or security of the State or is
contrary to its public policy.
6. In all cases where a request for service is not executed, the requested authority
shall, as soon as possible, inform the diplomatic agent or consul of the requesting
Party the reason why the request has been refused.
7. The designated authority to which the request is made for the execution of service
shall send to the diplomatic agent or consul of the requesting Party an attestation
stating that the service has been effected. In case of failure, the requested Party shall
inform the diplomatic agent or consul of the requesting Party the reasons which
prevented the execution of the service. An attestation specifying the fact in regard to
failure of such service will be attached thereto.
Article 4
1. In the case where the documents are served in accordance with the provisions of
Article 3, the Contracting Party, whose diplomatic agent or consul has transmitted the
request for service, shall refund to the other Contracting Party the fees which must
be, under the law of the country where the service is effected, paid to the officials
charged with the execution of the service as well as the costs incurred by reason
thereof. The fees and costs may not exceed the amount usually paid in the law
Courts of the requested State.
2. The competent authority which has effected the service shall request the
diplomatic agent or consul of the requesting Party to reimburse the fees and costs in
question while sending the attestation provided for in paragraph 7 of Article 3.

3. In connection with the service of documents, a Contracting Party shall not pay any
fees, under whatever denomination, to the other Party other than those mentioned
Article 5
1. When a judicial authority of a Contracting Party deems it necessary to take
evidence in the territory of the other Contracting Party, the evidence may be taken in
the form provided for in Article 6, whatever the nationality of parties and witnesses
may be.
2. For the purposes of Chapter III of this Convention:
(a) The expression "taking of evidence" comprises taking of testimonies, on oath or
on solemn affirmation, of plaintiff, respondent, witness, expert, defender or of any
other person; administering oath to the plaintiff, respondent, witness, defender,
expert or to any other person pursuant to any provision of the procedure; producing,
identifying or examining of any documents, samples or any other object;
(b) the expression "witness" means any person from whom it is deemed necessary to
take any evidence;
(c) the expression "requesting Party" means the country where the law Court requires
to take evidence, and the expression "requested Party" means the country where the
evidence is to be taken.
Article 6
1. The judicial authority of the requesting Party may, in conformity with the law of its
country, request for taking of evidence by means of a Letter Rogatory addressed to
the designated authority of the requested Party to be transmitted to the competent
judicial authority.
2. Letter Rogatory shall be either in the language of the requested Party
or accompanied by two copies of a translation made into this language.
The translation shall be certified as accurate by the competent authority of the
requesting Party. The Letter Rogatory shall contain the nature of the action
motivating the request for taking of evidence, all the necessary information

relating to the subject, the names of the parties, the names, capacities and
addresses of the witnesses. In addition to this:
(a) either a list of questions to be put to witnesses or, if required, information on the
qualities of the documents, samples or other objects, production, identification or
examination of which is required shall be provided together with their translation duly
certified as accurate; or
(b) the competent authority shall be requested to permit the parties or their
representatives to ask the questions they wish to put.
3. Except when the Letter Rogatory is executed in a special from, should an express
request to this effect have been made in the Letter Rogatory, in so far as it is
compatible with the law of the requested Party, the competent authority of the
requested Party shall execute the Letter Rogatory observing the same form and
employing the same means as it would when carrying out a Commission from the
authorities of its own country.
4. The diplomatic agent or consul of the requesting Party shall, if it is so required, be
informed of the date and place where the Letter Rogatory is to be executed, in order
that the Party or parties may be notified that they may be present themselves or, if
they so wish, be represented by an Advocate, pursue of action or any other person
having the power of representation in the law Courts of the requested Party.
5. A request for executing a Letter Rogatory which conforms to the preceding
provisions of this Article may be refused only:
(a) if the authenticity of the Letter Rogatory is not established; or
(b) if, in the territory of the requested Party, execution of the Letter Rogatory does not
fall within the competence of its judicial power;
(c) if the Contracting Party, in whose territory execution should be effected, deems it
likely to prejudice the sovereignty or security of the State or contrary to its public
6. In all cases where a Letter Rogatory is not executed by the competent authority,
the designated authority, shall, as soon as possible, inform the diplomatic agent or
consul of the requesting Party the reasons why it has not been executed.

7. When a Letter Rogatory is executed, the designated authority shall send to the
diplomatic agent or consul of the requesting Party the required documents
establishing that the Letter Rogatory has been executed.
Article 7
1. In the case where the evidence is taken in accordance with Article 6, the
Contracting Party whose judicial authority has sent the Letter Rogatory shall refund
to the other Contracting Party the fees paid, in execution of the request, by the
competent authority to witnesses, experts and interpreters and the costs incurred by
reason of the execution and the expenses incurred by the summons of the witnesses
because they have not appeared of their own free will as well as the fees paid to and
expenses incurred by the competent authority to act on its behalf, if the law of the
executing country so permits, and the charges and costs incurred by reason of the
observance of a special form if it is requested. These expenses shall be such as
those which are usually admissible in similar cases before the law Courts of the
requested Party.
2. The competent authority which has executed the Letter Rogatory shall require the
diplomatic agent or consul of the requesting Party to reimburse the expenses in
question while sending the documents provided for in paragraph 7 of Article 6, stating
that the Letter Rogatory has been executed.
3. In connection with the taking of evidence, a Contracting Party shall not pay any
fees, under whatever denomination, to the other Party other than those mentioned
Article 8
The nationals of a Contracting Party shall, in the territory of the other Party, be
entitled to legal protection for their persons and property and to bring actions or
defend themselves under the same conditions, including charges and costs and shall
enjoy the same rights as the nationals of the other Contracting Party.

Article 9
The nationals of a Contracting Party resident in the territory of the other Party shall
not be constrained to effect any payment as security for Court costs which the
nationals of the other Party are not obliged to deposit or pay.
Article 10
The nationals of a Contracting Party shall, in the territory of the other Party, enjoy
free legal aid on the same basis as the nationals of the latter.
Article 11
Any difficulties which may arise in connection with the application of this Convention
shall be settled through diplomatic channels.
Article 12
The present Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification thereof
shall be exchanged at Ankara.
The present Convention shall come into force one month after the exchange of the
instruments of ratification.
Article 13
The Convention shall remain in force for an indefinite duration.
Any contracting Party may denounce the Convention at any time by giving notice to
the other Party. Denunciation shall take effect six months after the date when the
other Contracting Party received such notification
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned plenipotentiaries being duly authorized by
their Governments, have signed the present Convention and have affixed hereunto
their seals.
DONE in duplicate in English language, at Ankara on this twenty-third day of J une, in
the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one.
For the Government of the Republic of For the Government the Islamic
Turkey. of Pakistan.

Minister of justice. Minister of Law and Parliamentary Affairs and Attorney
Section Officer
These notifications have been produced in the Appendix to this Chapter.
4. Reciprocity has also been established between Pakistan and other countries for
the enforcement of maintenance orders as per following details.
(SECTION 29, C.P.C.)
1. Ceylon.
2. Egypt.
3. European Countries:
(a) Belgium, (b) France, (c) Portugal, (d) Russia, (e) Spain,
(f) Sweden.
4. French Colonial Countries.
(a) Pondichery.
(b) Maraikal.
(c) Mahe.
(d) Yanam.
(e) Saigon and French Indo-China.
5. Iran
6. Iraq.
7. J apan.
8. Kenya.
9. Mauritius.
10. Nepal
11. Siam.
12. Strait Settlements and Union of South Africa.
13. State of J ohore.


1. India and Indian States F.218/48-Law, dated 1.8.1952
2. Federation of Malaya F.31/49-Leg, dated 20.8.1952
3. Union of Burma F.53-VI/50-Sol, dated 13.10.1953
4. Federal Republic of F.15(23)/52-Sol, dated 2.5.1955
5. Switzerland. S.R.O 1714(k) dated 29.11.1960
6. Denmark F.6(4)/75-Sol.II
7. Turkey F.9(4)/78-Sol.II
8. Greece F.9(2)/78-Sol.II
1. Union of South Africa. 2(1)/66-Sol-II.
2. Southern Rhodesia.
3. Northern Rhodesia.
4. Nayasaland.
5. Kenya.
6. Victoria.
7. The Commonwealth of Austrailia.
8. Federated Malaya States.
9. Western Australia.
10. Zanzibar.
11. England and Ireland F.120 dated 6.3.1922(F.11(4)/56-Sol)
12. Ceylon.
13. Colony of Scyehellen.
14. New South Wales.
15. Strait Settlements.
16. Colony of Mauritius.
17. Somaliland Protectorate.
18. Uganda.
19. Besutoland.
20. British Burma
21. Sarawak.

1. Federation of Malaya (including unfederated states of Nedah, Kelantan, Perlis,
Tengganu & J ohore)
F. 18(2)/55-Sol. Dated 21-11-56
2. Victoria SRO 354(k)/61 dated 1-3-61 (F.18/56-Sol.II)
3. J ersey SRO 304(k)/64 dated 7-4-64 (F.11(4)/60-Sol.II)
4. Monaco, Upper Volta, Finland, Central African Republic.
SRO 582(k)/63 dated 22-7-63 (F.10(2)/62-Sol.II)
5. Isle of Man SRO 382(k)/66 dated 15-4-66 (F.1/64-Sol.II)
6. Australian States and Territories. F.1(1)/67-Sol-II)
(Section 44-A, CPC)
Notification No.
1. Colony of Aden
2. British Burma F.2(1)/66-Sol-II
3. South West Africa
1. United Kingdom F.11(5)/56.Sol.dt.26-7-58
2. Colony of SingaporeF. 12/52-Sol. dt.22-4-54
3. Fiji F. 227/48-Sol. dt.3-6-49
4. Australian Capital Territory F. 12/55-Sol. dt. 11-4-57
5. Northern Territory of Australia SRO 403, dated 22-8-59 F-12/56-Sol

6. New Zealand including the Cook Islands (including Niue) and the Trust Territory of
Western Samoa.
F.11(2)/56-Sol dt.3-11-58 (Deemed to have taken effect as on from 27-8-58)
7. States of Queensaland and of Western Australia
SRO 482(I)/73 dt. 2-4-73 F.1(2)/72-Sol.II
8. Australian State of Victoria.
SRO 1067(k)/70 dt. 21-9-70 F.1(2)/67-Sol-II
9. State of Kuwait
SRO 567(1)/83.
10. Turkey

1. Transfer of Part-heard cases.-- Section 24 of the Code of Civil Procedure
provides for the transfer of suits, appeals or other proceedings pending in
subordinate Courts. Although this power of transfer may be exercised at any stage of
suit, appeal or other proceedings, no part-heard case should be transferred from one
Court to another, if this can possibly be avoided
2. Courts requesting for transfer should record reasons.-- In submitting
applications to superior authority for the transfer or withdrawal of cases under
section 24 of the Code of Civil Procedure, Civil Courts should always record a short
statement of the case, with their reasons for making the application.
3. Transfer of a case in which the judge is personally interested or in which the
order appealed against was passed by him.-- Whenever a suit or appeal comes
before a J udge
[...] in which the order appealed against was passed by himself, a
report should at once be made to the superior Court concerned with a view to the
case being transferred to another Court.
[The transfer of cases on personal grounds should be regulated in accordance with
the observations made in 1988 S.C.M.R. 897 (902).]
4. Parties should be informed of the date for appearance before District Judge
when a Court requests for transfer. District Judge to inform parties the date for
appearance before the Court to which he transfers the case.-- If a subordinate
Court sends a case to the District J udge with an application for its transfer, on the
ground that it is beyond his jurisdiction or on similar grounds, it should give the
parties a date of appearance before the District J udge. The District J udge will either
hear the matter on that day, or, when this is not possible, give an other date. If orders
for transfer are passed, the parties present should be informed of the Court to which
the case has been transferred, and a date should be fixed by the District J udge, for
their next appearance in the new Court.
5. On transfer of a case to another Court parties to be informed of date for
appearance before that Court.-- If an application is made by one

of the parties for a transfer, and orders of transfer are passed after notice to the other
side, the parties present should similarly be informed by the District J udge of the
Court to which the case has been sent and the date on which they should appear
before it.
6. Records to be sent immediately to the Court to which case is transferred.--
When a case is transferred by administrative order from one Court to another, the
Presiding Officer of the Court from which it has been transferred shall be responsible
for informing the parties regarding the transfer, and of the date on which they should
appear before the Court to which the case has been transferred. The District J udge
passing the order of transfer shall see that the records are sent to the Court
concerned and parties informed of the date fixed with the least possible delay. When
a case is transferred by judicial order the Court passing the order should fix a date on
which the parties should attend the Court to which the case is transferred.
7. Withdrawal of a suit by plaintiff.-- A plaintiff is at liberty to withdraw from a suit at
any time (subject to any order as to costs that the Court may pass), but if he wishes
to reserve his right to sue again he must obtain permission of the Court under Order
XXIII, Rule 2, Civil Procedure Code. Permission can only be granted on the grounds
specified in the rule. The words "other sufficient grounds" have been interpreted to
mean grounds of the same nature as the grounds specified in clause (a) of sub-rule 2
of Rule I of the Order. The mere fact that plaintiff has not been able to produce
adequate evidence to establish his case is no justification for granting permission
under this rule.
8. District Judge may transfer a case to Additional District Judge.-- A District
J udge may, with due regard to convenience, transfer a case under section 24, Civil
Procedure Code, to an Officer in another district when that officer is acting as an ex-
officio Additional District J udge of the district from which the case is to be transferred.
In such case no reference to High Court is necessary except when any difficulty is
experienced in making transfers.
9. District Judge can transfer or withdraw an appeal without reference to High
Court.-- The District J udge can, without reference to the

High Court, transfer or withdraw any appeal pending in the Court of the Additional or
ex-officio District J udge.
But he cannot exercise jurisdiction in such a manner as to set aside the orders of the
High Court. Thus an appeal once transferred under the orders of the High Court
cannot be re-transferred without further orders from the High Court.
10. Record of applications for transfer.-- Applications for transfer of civil cases and
the proceedings therein should form files separate from the record of the main case
sought to be transferred and the records of such transfer applications should be
separately consigned to the Record Room. The original order on transfer application
should be kept on the record of the transfer proceedings and a copy of this order
should be sent to the Court concerned.
11. Record of transferred cases.-- Cases transferred by a Court of its own motion
or on administrative grounds should not be entered in any register and it is
unnecessary to keep any statement of cases so transferred. It is not necessary in
such cases to make any separate record of the transfer proceedings and the original
order of transfer instead of a copy, may be sent to the Court concerned.

[1. Classes of appellate Courts.-- There are four classes of Appellate Courts in the
Punjab - the High Court; the Court of the District J udge; the Court of the Additional
District J udge, where functions are assigned to him (See Section 6(2) of the Punjab
Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 (II of 1962), and the Court of Civil J udge, if so
empowered by a notification issued by the High Court under section 18(3) of the
aforesaid Ordinance. For appellate powers conferred on Civil J udges see paragraph
17 of Part A of Chapter 10 of this volume.
2. Forum of appeal.--(i) An appeal from a decree or order of a Civil J udge lies-
(a) to the Senior Civil J udge, if specially empowered as indicated in paragraph 1
(b) to the High Court if the value of the original suit in which the decree or order was
made exceeds two hundred thousand rupees; and
(c) to the District J udge in any other case.
(ii) An appeal from a decree or order of a District J udge or Additional District J udge
exercising original jurisdiction lies to the High Court.
(See section 17 and 18 of the Punjab Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962).
3. Forum of appeal.-- When a Civil J udge has been invested with appellate powers
under section 18(3) of the Punjab Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962 (II of 1962), all
appeals from decrees or orders of Civil J udges of the first, second and third classes,
which such Civil J udge has been empowered to hear, shall be preferred to such Civil
J udge.
4. Withdrawal of appeal from and transfer to Civil Judges.-- If any such appeal is
pending before a District J udge, the latter may transfer it to any Civil J udge under his
control competent to dispose of it. He may also withdraw any appeal so transferred
and either dispose of it himself or transfer it

to any competent Court under his control. (Section 15 Punjab Civil Courts
Ordinance, 1962).
5. Second appeal in certain cases.-- Section 102 of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908
provides the condition under which a second appeal lies to the High Court from a
decree passed in appeal by a Court subordinate to the High Court. No second appeal
lies in any suit of the nature cognizable by Courts of Small Cause when the amount
or value of the subject matter of the original suit does not exceed twenty five
thousand rupees and, in any other suit when the amount or the value of the subject
matter of the original suit does not exceed two hundred fifty thousand rupees.]
6. Appeal in compromise cases.-- Section 96(3) of the Code of Civil Procedure
provides that no appeal shall lie from a decree passed with consent of parties.
7. Appeal from preliminary decrees.-- Section 97 of the Code provides that a
preliminary decree, which has not been appealed against, shall not be questioned in
any appeal preferred from the final decree.
8. Appeal from orders.-- An appeal lies from any order of the kinds specified in
section 104 of the Code and Order XLIII, Rule 1, and from no other orders.
8-A. Every appeal for interlocutory order shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the
appellant or his agent or his Advocate to the effect that a copy of Memorandum of
Appeal and a copy of the order appealed from have been delivered to the respondent
or his Advocate.

(a) Copies to accompany the memorandum of appeal
1. First Appeals, Second Appeals, Judgment, Disposal of some issues, Duty of
copying agency.-- Order XLI, Rule 1, of the Code of Civil Procedure, provides that
the memorandum of appeal shall be accompanied by a copy of the decree appealed
against and (unless the Appellate Court dispenses therewith) of the judgment on
which it is founded.
In second appeals in addition to the copies specified in Order XLI, Rule 1, the
memorandum of appeal shall be accompanied by a copy of the judgment of the Court
of first instance, unless the Appellate Court dispenses therewith; vide Rule 2, Order
XLII, framed by the High Court.
When some issues are disposed of at first and the rest by the final judgment, it is
sufficient to attach a copy of the final judgment to the memorandum of appeal, for the
purposes of the above Rules.
Whenever an application is made for a copy of a civil judgment for the purpose of
appeal, the applicant should be informed that a copy of the decree is also requisite,
and he should be supplied with such copy, unless he declines to pay the necessary
fees, in which case a certificate, under the signature of the officer-in-charge of the
Copying Department, should be endorsed on the copy of the judgment supplied to
the applicant to the effect that he was duly informed that a copy of the decree was
requisite, and, after being so informed, declined to pay fees for the same. Similarly,
an applicant for a copy of an Appellate judgment for the purposes of a second appeal
should be told that a copy of the trial Court's judgment is also requisite.
2. Exclusion of time spent in obtaining copies for limitation purposes.-- Section
12 of the Limitation Act, 1908, directs that the period allowed for appeal shall be
reckoned exclusive of the time requisite for obtaining a copy of the judgment and
decree appealed against. The time requisite is the time beyond the applicant's control
occupied by the Copying Agency after an application for a copy has been duly made
to the proper officer. In granting copies, therefore, the Court or the Copying Agency
should be careful to endorse on the copy the following particulars:-

(a) The date of presentation of the application for a copy.
(b) The date on which the copy was examined and attested.
(c) The date of delivery or despatch of the copy.
Appellate Courts should be careful to notice any delay in furnishing these copies.
3. Translations.-- Where the order appealed against is in English, it will be sufficient
to file a copy of the English order without its counterpart in the vernacular. But should
the appellant require it, he should be allowed to take a copy of the vernacular
translation (if any) as well.
(b) Preliminary reception of appeals
4. Reception, service of processes, addresses for service.-- The general rules
regarding the reception of plaint and service of summonses on defendants in Chapter
1, 'Practice in the trial of civil suits,' apply mutatis mutandis to the reception, of
appeals and service of notices on respondents. It should be noted that an address for
service filed during the course of the trial holds good for the purposes of Appellate
proceedings also, and such addresses given by the respondents must be stated in
the memorandum of appeal according to Order XLI, Rule 38, as amended by the
High Court.
5. Reception by Court official.-- In District Courts, the usual practice is for the
Superintendent to receive, in the first instance, the memorandum of appeal. There is
no objection to this practice, which is a convenient one for both the Court and suitors.
It must, however, be distinctly remembered that the only duty, which can legally be
delegated to the Superintendent, is to receive the memorandum of appeal and note
thereon the date of its receipt. The order as to its admission or rejection can be
passed only by the Court itself.
[6. Amendment.-- If the grounds of objection to the decree appealed against
are not set out concisely or are argumentative or in narrative form in contravention of
Order XLI, Rule 1, of the Code of Civil Procedure, the petition of appeal should be
returned for amendment under Order XLI, Rule 3, of the Code, and Courts
should exercise freely the discretion thereby vested in

them with a view to stricter compliance with the provisions of the second sub-rule of
Order XLI, Rule 1, of the Code.]
7. Admission.-- The memorandum of appeal, when bearing the proper Court-fees,
must be admitted, if presented in the prescribed form and within the prescribed time,
unless it is rejected or returned for amendment under Order XLI, Rule 3, of the Code.
When an appeal has been admitted, it will be endorsed with the date of presentation,
and the date fixed for hearing, and will be registered by the proper officer of the
8. Disposal under Order XLI, Rule 2.--(i) In admitting the memorandum of appeal
the Court should decide, whether it will proceed under Order XLI, Rule 2, of the
Code, and fix a time for hearing the appellant or his pleader (with or without the
records) without issuing notice to the respondent, or send notice of the appeal to the
respondent and to the Court against whose order the appeal is made, and fix a day
for hearing the appeal.
(ii) Notice ought not to be issued to a respondent unless the Appellate Court, either
without perusing the records of the lower Court or after calling for and perusing such
records, is in doubt as to the correctness of the decree appealed against.
9. Disposal under Order XLI, Rule 2.-- The Appellate Courts should be careful to
see that the object of the statutory provision of Order XLI, Rule 2, is not defeated and
respondents put to unnecessary trouble and expense by the indiscriminate issue of
notice to the respondent in all cases.
When decision is confirmed under this rule, the confirmation should be notified to the
lower Court.
Such confirmation falls within the definition of 'decree, as given in section 2 of the
Code, and being, as such, appealable, a formal decree should be framed in every
case disposed of under the provisions of Order XLI, Rule 2.
10. Amendment after admission.-- When an appeal has been registered and a
date has been fixed for hearing the petition cannot be returned for amendment.
The appeal must be disposed of in the regular manner by dismissal, or by a
judgment affirming, varying or reversing the decree of the lower Court.
If the appellant should desire to urge any ground of objection not

set forth in the memorandum of appeal, can, under the provisions of Order XLI, Rule
2, of the Code of Civil Procedure, do so only with the permission of the Court, and
such permission should ordinarily be applied for in writing, some time before the date
fixed for the hearing, under Order XLI, Rule 12, of the Code, in order that the
respondent may have sufficient opportunity of contesting the case on that ground,
without the necessity of a postponement.
11. Pauper appeals.-- Attention is drawn to the definition of decree given in section 2
of the Code and to sections 104, 105 and Order XLIII which specify what orders are
12. Default in appearance.-- Appeals in forma pauperis should not be admitted,
unless the Court, after perusal of the judgment and decree finds the decree to be
contrary to law or some usage having the force of law or is otherwise erroneous or
unjust (Order XLIV, Rule 1).
(c) Hearing and disposal of appeal
13. (i) If, on the day fixed for the hearing of the appeal under Order XLI, Rule 12, of
the Code or any other day to which the hearing is adjourned, the appellant does not
attend in person or by agent, the appeal should usually be dismissed for default. It is
illegal to take up a civil appeal in the absence of the appellant or his agent and
confirm the decision of the lower Court on the merits instead of dismissing the appeal
for default; for if appellant afterwards appears, shows good cause for his absence on
the day fixed for hearing and applies for re-admission of the appeal, the Court is met
by the difficulty that the appeal has already been heard on the merits.
(ii) In any case, where a party, whose non-attendance is a ground for dismissal of the
proceeding for default, is not present when the proceeding is called on for hearing,
the Court may postpone passing final order, if there is other work, which the Court
can conveniently take up in the meantime. No hard and fast rule can be laid down,
and the matter is one for the exercise of proper discretion in view of all the
circumstances. But Courts should endeavour to dispose of cases on merits as far as
practicable and avoid dismissals in default, when this can be done without wasting of
time of the Court or prejudice to other litigants.

The above remarks also apply to the hearing of an appeal ex parte owing to the
absence of a respondent.
If an adjournment is necessary by reason of a party not having appeared when first
called, he may properly be ordered to pay all the costs caused by the adjournment.
14. Special Power.-- Special attention is invited to Order XLI, Rule 33, which
introduces an English rule of law whereby an Appellate Court is given the fullest
power to do complete justice between the parties concerned in the suit, whether such
parties have joined in the appeal or not.
15. Appeals from orders during proceedings.-- Appeals from orders in pending
proceedings should be disposed of as promptly as possible, so as not to delay those
proceedings unnecessarily.
(d) Judgment in appeal
16. Contents.-- The judgment of the Appellate Court should contain the point or
points for determination, the decision thereupon and the reasons for the decision,
and, when the decree appealed against is reversed or varied, the relief to which the
appellant is entitled (Order XLI, rule 31, of the Code of Civil Procedure). In other
words, the judgment should be complete in itself and should give a concise account
of the case between the parties, intelligible not only to the superior Appellate Courts,
but to the public.
17. Grounds of Appeal and evidence.-- It is not intended that the judgment of the
lower Appellate Court should ordinarily be as detailed as that of the Court of first
instance, e.g., it will rarely be necessary for the lower Appellate Court to deal with the
evidence of particular witnesses or to examine in detail the whole of the evidence;
but it should give an intelligent and clear summary of the evidence which it has to
consider and state the reasons for which it thinks particular portions of the evidence
to have been more or less worthy of consideration. If any ground of appeal is not
pressed by counsel or is withdrawn, the Appellate Court should invariably mention
this fact in the judgment. At present, owing to the failure of Courts to show that all the
grounds of appeal have been either argued or considered, or withdrawn or not
pressed, second appeals have frequently to be admitted to a hearing owing to the

plea that some ground of appeal has been overlooked by the lower Appellate Court.
An appellant is entitled to expect not only that every objection to the judgment or the
proceedings of the lower Court, which is taken in due form and is relevant and of a
substantial character, should be considered, but also that a decision upon the point
raised by such objection should be recorded in the Appellate Court's judgment.
18. Findings of facts.-- The findings of fact in first appeals are as a rule final and
cannot be challenged except on certain grounds. Appellate Courts should, therefore,
realise their responsibility in the matter and should take care to see that the findings
of fact on which their decision is based are clear and precise and to indicate that all
relevant evidence, oral as well as documentary, has been duly considered. If this is
not done, second appeals have to be frequently admitted on the ground that the
necessary findings of fact are either vague or non-existent or that important evidence
on the record has been ignored.
19. How parties to be named.-- As confusion frequently arises from the use of the
words "appellant" and "respondent" in two successive Appellate Courts, especially
when the parties appealing belong to different sides, Appellate Courts should not use
these terms without the addition of the words 'plaintiff' or 'defendant' as the case may
be; or the latter terms alone may be used.
(e) Decrees in appeal
20. Contents of decrees.-- Under the provisions of Order XLI, Rule 35, of the Code,
the decree of the Appellate Court is required to contain the number of the appeal, the
names and description of the parties, a clear statement of the relief granted or other
determination of the appeal, and an order as to costs.
Note:- For directions as to filling up decretal orders of Appellate Court see 'Chapter
(f) Remands
21. Fixing date of appearance in lower Court.-- Whenever a case is remanded
for re-decision under Order XLI, Rule 23, or for the trial of certain

issues under Order XLI, Rule 25, the Court ordering the remand shall at once, in the
presence of the parties, give them a date on which they shall appear before the trial
Court and note the fact on the record.
22. Court in which remand case is pending.-- When a case is remanded by an
Appellate Court under Order XLI, Rule 23, it must be restored to its original number
on the register of the Court, to which it is remanded and be considered as a pending
regular suit; but if it is referred for the re-investigation of certain issues, under Order
XLI, Rule 25, it should remain on the register of the Appellate Court and be
considered as an appeal pending in that Court.
23. Framing of decree.-- An order of remand under Order XLI, Rule 23, of the Code
of Civil Procedure not being a decree as defined in the said Code, the framing of a
formal decree by the Appellate Court in cases remanded by it under that rule is
24. Date of return by lower Court.-- When a case is remanded under Order XLI,
Rule 25, of the Code of Civil Procedure, reasonable time should be fixed for the
return of findings by the lower Court. The latter Court should make every effort to
submit the report by the date fixed, but if this is found to be impracticable, it should
apply at once for an extension of time, stating its reasons and mentioning the date by
which it expects to be able to submit the required report.
25. Date for objections.-- Appellate Courts should pay special attention to the
provisions of Order XLI, Rule 26, of the Code of Civil Procedure. They should take
measures to ensure that in all cases of remand under Order XLI, Rule 25, a definite
period, subsequent to the return of the record of the inquiry to the Appellate Court,
shall be fixed to admit of objections being filed by any dissatisfied party, due notice of
such period being given to the parties. No Court should proceed to final judgment
without ascertaining that such period has been duly allowed. If it has not, the
Appellate Court should either postpone the appeal or ascertain and record the
objections of the parties or either of them, or ascertain, and record that neither party
has any objection to advance.

26. Additional evidence.-- Appellate Courts have the power to admit additional
evidence under Order XLI, Rule 27, of the Code of Civil Procedure, but this can only
be done on the grounds stated therein and the reasons for admitting the evidence
must always be clearly recorded.
(g) Service of processes of Appellate Courts.
27. Duty of lower Court in the matter of service.-- It not infrequently happens that
processes of Appellate Courts sent to districts for service on respondents are
returned with a note to the effect that the respondent has left or is not residing in the
district, and the hearing of the appeals has therefore to be postponed. To obviate this
in future, attention is drawn to Order V, Rule 23, of the Code of Civil Procedure,
which places the Court called upon to serve the process in the same position as if it
had itself issued it. The provisions of the Code on this point should be carefully
attended to and when a party on whom process has to be served is not in the district
to which such process has been sent, it should be forwarded by the Court, to which it
was originally sent, to the Court having jurisdiction in the district in which such party
may be residing. (See also Order V, Rule 21).
28. Statement of serving officer.-- In the case of summonses from the High Court,
the Court serving the summons shall record the statement of the peon as to such
service on solemn affirmation, and shall verify the same with its signature before
returning the summons.

1. Security to be given in lower Court.-- When an application for revision under
section 115 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 or under section 25 of the Provincial
Small Cause Courts Act, 1887, has been made in the High Court and it is ordered in
that Court that the applicant shall give security in any Court subordinate to the High
Court for the due performance of the decree or order sought to be revised, such
Court shall, upon receiving intimation from the High Court of such order, accept, from
the applicant any amount which he may offer to deposit, or any security which he
may tender for the purpose of satisfying or giving security for the performance of the
said decree or order, and shall retain the same in its custody pending the further
order of the High Court.
2. Report by lower Court to High Court.-- When a deposit has been made or
security tendered in the Subordinate Court, such Court shall, on the request of the
applicant or on receipt of a precept from the High Court, certify in writing addressed
to the Deputy Registrar of the High Court what has been done by the applicant, with
its own opinion, if required, as to the sufficiency of the security tendered.
3. Procedure in lower Court.-- In all cases not provided for in these directions or by
a special order of the High Court the same practice shall be followed in the
Subordinate Court as prevails in such Court, when taking security in pursuance of an
order made under Order XXI, Rule 26 (3), of the Code of Civil Procedure (requiring
security upon stay of execution of a decree), or under Order XLI, Rule 5, of the Code
of Civil Procedure (for the taking of security for the performance of a decree or order
under appeal to a superior Court).
4. Procedure in lower Court.-- The preceding directions shall apply, so for as may
be, when a person intending to apply to the High Court under section 115 of the
Code of Civil Procedure, or section 25 of Act IX of 1887, has performed, or tendered
security for the performance of, or deposits the amount of the decree or order which
he desires to have revised, in the Court in which such decree or order is pending for
execution, or by which it would ordinarily be executed under section 38 of the Code
of Civil Procedure.

1. Memorandum of appeal to be checked for purposes of limitation.-- Upon the
presentation of a memorandum of appeal to an Appellate Court, the officer whose
duty it is to examine such memorandum shall examine the copy or copies of
judgments and decrees attached to the appeal, and shall calculate whether, after
deducting the allowance sanctioned by law, the memorandum has been presented
within time.
2. (i) Office to note when appeal appears to be time-barred.-- If the memorandum
of appeal appears to be presented after time, or there appears to be ground for
doubting whether it is within time, such officer shall record upon or annex to the
memorandum of appeal a note of his calculation, showing--
(1) the date when the period expired, without, any allowances;
(2) the allowances to which appellant seems entitled;
(3) the date when the period expired, after all the allowances, to be made under head
(2) have been made.
(ii) Points to be borne in mind in making calculation.-- In making such
calculations the following points must be borne in mind:--
(a) The date when the time expired under head (1) is to be calculated irrespective of
such date falling upon a day when the Court is closed for a holiday (including Friday)
or for vacation, any allowance on this account being noted under head (2) of the
(b) The entries endorsed on copies of judgments and the like will be assumed to be
(c) The date on which the application for copy is made and also the day on which the
copy is given will each be reckoned separately as one day unless both events occur
on the same day.
(d) Applicants for copies shall be given a date on which delivery of the copy is to be
taken. If the copy is not then completed, such date shall be extended from time to
time, under intimation to the applicant, until the copy is ready for delivery. The final
date so intimated shall, for the purpose of the calculation required by this rule be
deemed to be the day on which the copy is given.

Calculation in case of copies sent by post.-- In this connection attention is invited
to the ruling of the High Court in I.L.R. III Lah. 280, where it was held that when
copies of judgments are despatched by post, in accordance with rules, the period
intervening between completion and despatch of the copies must be excluded in
computing the period allowed for an appeal.
3. Duty of office to obtain orders of the court.-- It shall be the duty of the officer
presenting the memorandum of appeal for the consideration of the Court of appeal to
bring to its notice the note of calculation above prescribed.
4. Note by Court.-- Whenever, on the date fixed for taking a memorandum of appeal
into consideration, it appears prima facie to the Court to have been presented after
the expiry of the period prescribed by law, as calculated in the manner prescribed by
law, the Court shall record its opinion to that effect, stating the number of days by
which such period seems to have been exceeded.
5. Appellant required to explain for delay.-- In such cases, if the appellant has not
tendered, with the memorandum of appeal, any explanation of the delay in
presenting it, the Court shall, if the appellant is present in person or by agent, record
an order thereon, or to be annexed thereto, requiring the appellant to supply such
explanation in writing, and to re-present such appeal within a period to be specified in
the order. Such period may be enlarged in the discretion of the Court, either before or
after it has expired, upon sufficient cause for such enlargement being shown to the
satisfaction of the Court.
6. Examination of appellant.-- When the memorandum of appeal is re-presented
with the explanation required, or when the memorandum of appeal as first presented
contains an explanation of the delay in presenting it, the Court shall take into
consideration the explanation offered, and may examine the appellant or his agent, in
order to elucidate the explanation.
7. Court may dismiss appeal as barred by time.-- If the Court is of opinion that
assuming all the facts stated by way of explanation to be true the explanation is
insufficient, the Court shall record an order to that effect, and shall reject the appeal
as barred by time.

8. Appellants to be called upon to prove facts which bring appeal within time.--
If the Court considers that if all or any of the facts stated by way of application be
true, the explanation will be sufficient to justify the admission of appeal it shall give
the appellant an opportunity of proving the truth of the facts stated.
9. Mode of proof.-- Such proof may be given either by affidavit, or by oral testimony,
upon a date to be fixed by the Court for that purpose, unless the appellant be ready
to give, and the Court finds it convenient to receive, such proof at once.
10. Power of court to dismiss appeal as barred by time when no explanation of
delay attached to memorandum of appeal.-- When no such explanation is
presented with the memorandum of appeal, and the appellant is not present in
person or by agent, the Court may, after recording its opinion as directed in
paragraph 4 above, unless it sees cause to postpone the passing of a final order,
forthwith dismiss the appeal as barred by time without considering the merits of the
appeal as set forth in the memorandum.
11. Procedure as to applications.-- Similar procedure should be observed, so far
as may be, by all Civil Courts, whether of original jurisdiction or not, in respect of
applications for review, and any other application which may by law to be admitted
upon sufficient cause being shown, although it has been presented after the period
prescribed by law has expired.

The following rules are made by the High Court in regard to the transmission of
Appellate Court's orders to lower Courts:-
1. District Judge to send copies of his judgments to Senior Civil
Judge.-- The District J udge will send copies of all his judgments on appeal to the
Senior Civil J udge.
2. Senior Civil Judge to send it to Court concerned.-- The Senior Civil J udge will
transmit the copies to the original Court for information and return direct to the
Record-keeper, to whom the original records will be sent at once.
3. Senior Civil Judge to send copies of his judgments to Court concerned.--
The Senior Civil J udge will send copies of all his judgments on appeal to the original
Court for information and return direct to the Record-keeper, to whom the original
record will be sent at once.
4. Form to be attached by appellate court to original record.-- Appellate Courts
will attach to the original record the following form:-
Copy of judgment attached by District J udge .. ..
Copy of judgment attached by Senior Civil J udge .. ..
Copy of judgment despatched by Senior Civil J udge .. ..
Copy of judgment received by Record-keeper .. ..
(It will be simpler to have only one form)
5. Running list of the record-keeper.--(a) The Record-keeper will maintain a
running list prepared from the above form of all cases in which copies of judgments
have been sent out. When the copies of judgments are returned to him by the original
Courts, he will add them to the records, fill in the date of receipt, and strike those
cases off his running list.

(b) If copies are not returned within 10 days of despatch he will issue a
reminder(which should be on a printed form) and if that is ineffective, report the
matter to the despatching Court.
(c) The running list will be in the following form:-
Name of case Date of Despatch Date of reminder, if any
(d) The reminder will be in the following printed form:-
To the Court of..........................................................
A copy of the judgment of the ....................... was despatched to you by the
..............................on..........and has not yet been received by the Record-keeper.
Please return at once.
Date............ Record-keeper
6. Sending for records from record-room.-- Officers presiding over Subordinate
Courts held at the District Headquarters, if in any particular case they desire to see
their original record, will be allowed to call for it, provided that it must not leave their


References to the High Court under Order XLVI of the Code of Civil Procedure,
1908, and sections 99 and 100 of the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887.
1. Reference under section 113 and Order XLVI, Civil Procedure Code.-- A
reference to the High Court by *[a Court], under the provisions of section 113 and
Order XLVI, rule 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure, should be made only when the
Presiding J udge entertains a reasonable doubt on the point of law or usage having
the force of law referred and not merely on the importunity of pleaders.
2. " Reasonable doubt on a point of law" explained.-- A subordinate Court cannot
be supposed to entertain a reasonable doubt on a point of law if it has been decided
clearly in a ruling of the High Court, unless some doubt has been thrown on the
correctness of the same by a ruling of the *[Supreme Court]. Nor has an Appellate
Court, which has no jurisdiction to hear an appeal, any jurisdiction to make a
reference. (vide 8 P.R. 1914; 61 P.R. 1913).
3. Mode of reference.-- In making a reference, the Presiding J udge should be
careful to conform to the requirements of Order XLVI, Rule 1, of the Code of Civil
Procedure by--
(i) drawing up a statement of the facts;
(ii) stating the point on which doubt is entertained; and
(iii) stating his opinion on such point.
Each of the above statements should be precise and clear, or the High Court may
find itself compelled to return the reference for amendment under Order XLVI, rule 5,
of the Code of Civil Procedure.
4. Optional and compulsory references.-- It should be noted that references
under section 99 of the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887, and under Order XLVI, rule 6,
of the Code of Civil Procedure, are made at the discretion of the Court, as are
also those under Order XLVI, rule 7, when not required by a party to the suit. There
is no such discretion in cases falling under section 100

of the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887, or Order XLVI, rule 7, if required by a party.
5. References under Order XLVI, rule 7.-- It should also be noted that, by the terms
of Order XLVI, Rule 7, a reference may be made only when it appears to the District
Court that a Court subordinate to it has, by reason of erroneously holding a suit to be
cognizable by a Court of Small Causes, or not to be so cognizable, failed to exercise
a jurisdiction vested in it by law, or exercised a jurisdiction not so vested; unless this
condition is fulfilled, -- that is, unless the Court is itself of opinion that one of these
errors has been committed, -- it has no power to refer; when that condition is fulfilled,
the Court still has a discretion to make or refuse to make a reference unless it be
required to make it by a party. In the latter case, the Court is bound to make a
6. Channel for reference.-- References under section 100 of the Punjab Tenancy
Act, 1887, and under Order XLVI, rule 6 of the Code of Civil Procedure, may be
made to the High Court direct, but references under section 99 of the Punjab
Tenancy Act, 1887 must be made through the District J udge who should forward
them without avoidable delay.
7. Reference by Civil Judge as a Court of appeal.-- If a Civil J udge sitting as a
Court of Appeal is of opinion that a reference ought to be made under
Order XLVI, rule 7, of the Code of Civil Procedure, he should submit the record of the
case to the District J udge for orders with a statement of reasons.
8. Character of suit to be described in reference.-- It is essential that the true
character of the suit should be described with precision and accuracy in the heading
of the reference.
9. Reference under suction 99, Tenancy Act.-- When a subordinate Revenue
Court has returned a plaint on the ground that the suit is one over which such
Revenue Court has no jurisdiction, and the plaint is subsequently presented in any
subordinate Civil Court, such Civil Court, if it considers that the suit is not in fact
triable by a Civil Court, should not again return the plaint, but should refer the point at
once under section 99 of the Punjab Tenancy Act, XVI of 1887.

10. Parties should be heard before making reference.-- A reference by a Civil
Court under section 99 or section 100 of the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887, or under
Order XLVI, rule 6 or 7, of the Code of Civil Procedure, shall not be made until the
parties to the suit have had an opportunity of showing cause against such reference
in the Court which proposes to make it.
11. Objections of parties to be placed on record.-- The Court making a reference
under any of the sections mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall, in its order of
reference, certify that such opportunity has been given, and shall place on record the
objections, oral or written (if any), of any party against the making of such reference,
and, when the reference is under section 100 of the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887, any
objection of any party to the effect that he has been prejudiced by the alleged
mistake as to jurisdiction.
12. Notice of reference to parties.-- The Court making the reference shall give
notice either orally or in writing, to such parties as attended or are represented in
Court when the order of reference is made--
(i) that the attendance of the parties in the High Court at the hearing of the reference
is not obligatory;
(ii) that any party desirous of attending at such hearing must enter an appearance at
the office of the Deputy Registrar of the High Court in Lahore on or before a date to
be specified in the notice.
13. Date fixed for appearance in High Court.-- The date specified shall be such as
to allow a reasonable time for the parties to appear in the High Court, and shall be a
date not less than one month in advance of the date of making the reference.
14. Court shall specify that parties have been informed.-- The Court shall certify
in its order, (1) that the notice required by paragraph 12 has been duly given, orally
or in writing as the case may be, and (2) the date specified in such notice.
15. Points to be noted in references under sections 99-100 of the Tenancy Act.-
- Every reference under section 99 or section 100 of the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887,
shall state the reasons for making the reference, and shall indicate the
Revenue Court which in the opinion of the Court making the

reference, has or had (as the case may be) jurisdiction under section 77 of the Act
over the suit in which the reference is made. The Revenue Court in which the
referring officer thinks the decree should be registered, should be accurately
described according to the nomenclature prescribed in section 7 of the Punjab Land
Revenue Act, 1967, (read with sections 75, 76 and 77, clauses (1) and (2) of the
Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887).
16. Necessary records to be sent alongwith order of reference.-- The Court
making the reference shall forward, with its order, the record of the suit in which the
reference is made and of all proceedings (if any) by way of execution or otherwise in
such suits subsequent to the decree, and also the records of any other connected
proceedings necessary for consideration of the reference in the High Court.
17. Application of these directions to Revenue Courts.-- The above directions
apply mutatis mutandis to Revenue Courts.
18. Reminder from High Court if no reply received.-- Whenever it is found that a
reference made to the High Court has not been replied to, or intimation of a date
having been fixed given within two months of making such reference, the attention of
the Registrar should be drawn to the fact.

Pleading and acting by pleaders.-- Whereas by Order III, rule 4, of the Code of
Civil Procedure, no pleader shall 'act', for any person in any Court unless he has
been appointed by an instrument in writing, nor shall any pleader, who has been
engaged for the purpose of pleading only, plead on behalf of any person unless he
has filed in Court a memorandum-of-appearance or unless he has been engaged by
another pleader duly appointed, and no such pleader can be recognised in the
absence of a written authority or memorandum-of-appearance as aforesaid as
empowered to plead or act for any person in any proceeding governed by the Code
of Civil Procedure, and it is expedient to provide for ascertaining that every such
pleader is duly authorised to appear, plead or act in any such proceeding before
subordinate Courts, the following instructions have been issued by the High Court:--
(1) Power-of-attorney to act to be executed by the principal.-- Every appointment
of a pleader to act shall contain in full the name of the person, or where there are
more than one, of every person who thereby appoints the pleader to act on his
behalf, and shall be executed by every such person.
(2) Proof required when power of attorney not executed by the principal.--
When such appointment or power is not executed by the principal himself, but by
some person claiming to appoint or give authority on his behalf, the pleader will not
be recognised by the Court without proof that such person was duly authorised by
the principal to execute such appointment or power.
(3) Power of attorney or memorandum of appearance in cross-appeals.-- In
cross-appeals a pleader who has already filed a power-of-attorney or memorandum-
of-appearance for the appellant shall not be required to file another power-of-attorney
or memorandum-of-appearance for his client as respondent in the cross-appeal.

[Rules made by the High Court under the powers conferred by section 60 of the
Legal Practitioners' and Bar Councils Act, 1973, fixing and regulating the fees
payable by any party in respect of the fees of his adversary's Advocate, upon
proceedings in Civil Courts subordinate to the High Court.]
[1. Liability for the fees of adversary's advocate.-- (1) In all proceedings before
the Courts subordinate to the High Court, the unsuccessful litigant shall ordinarily be
liable for the fees of his adversary's Advocate (to be hereinafter called "the fee")
subject to the conditions and according to rates as provided in these Rules.
(2) The fee shall be included in the costs of the proceedings.]
3. Suits for recovery of property, breach of contract or damages.-- In suits for
the recovery of specific property, or a share of specific property, whether immovable
or movable, or for the breach of any contract or for damages--
(a) if the amount or value of the property, debt or damages decreed shall not exceed
Rs. 5000, at
[10] per cent on the amount or value decreed;
(b) if the amount or value shall exceed Rs. 5000, and not exceed
Rs. 20,000, on Rs. 5,000 at
[10] per cent and on the remainder at
[5] per cent;
(c) if the amount or value shall exceed Rs. 20,000 and not exceed Rs. 50,000, on Rs.
20,000 as above, and on the remainder at 1-
per cent;
(d) if the amount or value shall exceed Rs.50,000, on Rs. 50,000 as above, and on
the remainder at
[1] per cent:
Provided that in no case shall the amount of any fee exceed Rs.
[Note:- In suits for land, the fee shall be calculated on the value of the suit as
determined for purposes of jurisdiction by the Rules made under of the Suits
Valuation Act, 1887.]

4. Other suits.-- In suits for injuries to the person or character of the plaintiff, such as
suits for assault or defamation, or for injuries to property or to enforce rights where
the pecuniary value of such injury or right cannot be exactly defined as in suits for
interference with a right to light or water, or to enforce a right of pre-emption or suits
for the partition of joint property, where partition is improperly resisted or any other
suit of the kinds specified in the rules made by the High Court under section 9 of the
Suits Valuation Act, 1887, for the valuation of suits which do not admit of being
satisfactorily valued, if the plaintiff succeeds, the Court may order the fee allowed to
the plaintiff to be calculated either with reference to the amount decreed or with
reference to such a sum, not exceeding the valuation as the Court shall deem
reasonable bearing in mind the importance of the subject of dispute. In any such
case the amount of the fee shall be calculated according to rule 3.
Note:- The words "valuation of the suit" in the above rule mean the value of the suit
as determined for purposes of jurisdiction by the rules made by the High Court, under
section 9 of the Suits Valuation Act, 1887.
5. Fees allowed to defendant.-- If the suit be dismissed for default, or upon the
merits the fee allowed to the defendant shall be calculated according to rules 3 and 4
on the value of the suit.
6. Fees in case plaintiff's case only partially decreed.-- If the suit shall be decreed
for the plaintiff as to part only of the claim, and as to the remainder shall be
dismissed, the fee allowed to each party shall be fixed with reference to the value of
that part of the claim in respect of which he shall succeed, and shall be calculated
according to rules 3 and 4.
7. Suit for damages.-- If in any suit for damages the plaintiff shall succeed as to the
whole of his cause of action, but shall fail to recover the full amount of damages
claimed, the defendant shall not be entitled to any allowance in respect of the
difference between the amount of damages claimed and the amount recovered,
unless the Court shall be of opinion that the amount claimed for damages was
unreasonable or excessive, and shall for that or any other cause to be specified,
direct that a fee shall be allowed to the defendant.
If specially allowed, the amount of such fee shall be fixed with reference to the
amount of damages disallowed to the plaintiff, and shall be calculated according to
rule 3.

8. Several defendants.-- If several defendants, who have a joint or common interest,
succeed upon a joint defence or upon separate defences substantially the same, not
more than one fee shall be allowed, unless the Court shall otherwise order for a
reason which shall be recorded. If only one fee be allowed, the Court shall direct to
which of the defendants it shall be paid, or shall apportion it among the several
defendants in such manner as the Court shall think fit.
9. Ditto.-- If several defendants, who have separate interests, set up separate
distinct defences and succeed thereon, a fee for each of the defendants who shall
appear by a separate counsel may be allowed in respect of his separate interest.
Such fee, if allowed, shall be calculated with reference to the value of the separate
interest of such defendant according to rule 3.
[10. Miscellaneous proceedings.-- In any miscellaneous proceedings or for any
matter other than that of appearing, acting or pleading in a suit prior to decree the fee
shall not exceed rupees five hundred in the Court of a District J udge or of an officer
exercising the powers of Civil J udge of the first, second and third class in respect of
cases not exceeding the value of Rs.20,000/-. In all other cases, amount of the fee
shall be calculated according to paragraph 3.]
11. Undefended suits.-- If a suit in any Court of original jurisdiction be undefended,
the fee shall be calculated at one-half the sum at which it would have been charged
had the suit been defended.
12. Review.-- If a review be rejected after summoning the opposite party, or if, after
the admission of a review, the former judgment be upheld, the fee, if allowed to the
successful party in the review, shall be fixed by the Court at an amount which shall
not in any case exceed one-half of the amount allowed by these rules in case of an
original decree.
13. Ditto.-- If, after the admission of a review, the former judgment be revised, the
fee in respect of the review, if allowed to the party who succeeds in the review, shall
not exceed one-half the amount allowed by these rules in case of an original decree.
The fee allowed in respect of the review will be irrespective of any fee which may be
included in any costs in respect of the original suit, which may be adjudged to the
successful party by the judgment in review.

14. Appeals.-- In appeals, the fee shall be calculated on the same scale as in the
original suits, and the principles of the above rules as to original suits shall be
applied, as nearly as may be.
15. Several appellants.-- When the interest of several appellants is joint, not more
than one fee shall be allowed, unless the Court shall otherwise order. If one fee only
be allowed, the Court shall direct to which of the appellants it shall be paid, or shall
apportion it among the several appellants in such proportion as it shall think fit.
16. Several respondents.-- If several respondents in one appeal appear by separate
pleaders, in determining whether separate fees shall be allowed, the Court shall be
guided by the principles laid down in rules 8 and 9.
17. Discretion of Court. Remand. Appeal from decree passed on remand. Issue
referred for trial to lower Court.-- If, in any instance, the payment of fees according
to the preceding rules shall not appear to the Court to be just and equitable, the
Court may exercise its discretion in allowing such fee as may appear just and
equitable. ***[...]
If the decree of a lower Court be reversed on appeal and the case be remanded to
the lower Court to be tried upon the merits, the lower Court, on passing its decree,
may allow to the successful party such a sum as the Court shall consider to be
reasonable, not exceeding half the amount calculated according to rule 3, in respect
of the rehearing, in addition to the full amount calculated according to that scale:
Provided that, if an appeal be preferred against the decree passed on remand, the
fee, if any, allowed by the Appellate Court to the party succeeding in that appeal shall
not, unless for a special reason to be recorded, be less than one-quarter, nor more
than one-half, of the amount calculated at the rate mentioned in rule 3, if by the
decree of the appellate Court remanding the case the same party shall have been
allowed a full fee in respect of the former appeal in the suit either absolutely or
conditionally upon his succeeding upon the remand;
Provided also that, if an issue be framed and referred by the Appellate Court for trial
by the lower Court, the Appellate Court may, if it thinks proper,

allow to the party who shall succeed in the appeal such a sum as the Court shall
consider reasonable, not exceeding half the amount calculated at the rate mentioned
in rule 3, in respect of the trial of the issue in the lower Court, in addition to a full fee
in respect of the appeal calculated at that rate.
18. Certificate as to fees to be filed by counsel in the Court of District Judge.--
Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules and notwithstanding any order of
the Presiding Officer, no fee to any legal practitioner appearing in civil appeals, or
original suits, in the Courts of District J udges shall, except as in these rules
hereinafter provided, be allowed on taxation between party and party, or shall be
included in any decree or order, unless the party claiming to have such fee allowed
shall, before the final hearing, file in the Court, a certificate signed by the legal
practitioner certifying the amount of the fee or fees actually paid by or on behalf of his
client to him or to any other legal practitioner in whose place he may have appeared.
19. Certificate in the Court of Civil-Judge.-- Notwithstanding anything contained in
these rules and notwithstanding any order of the Presiding Officer, no fee to any legal
practitioner appearing in original suits of which the jurisdictional value is over Rs.
5,000 (five thousand), pending in the Courts of Civil J udges shall except as in these
rules hereinafter provided, be allowed on taxation between party and party, or shall
be included in any decree or order, unless the party claiming to have such fee
allowed shall, before the commencement of the argument at the conclusion of the
evidence, file in the Court a certificate signed by the legal practitioner certifying the
amount of the fee or fees actually paid by or on behalf of his client to him or to any
other legal practitioner in whose place he may have appeared.
[Note:- In cases to which the Lahore Metropolitan Corporation, the Provincial
Government, a Semi Government Organization or an autonomous Body is a party
and is represented by a Legal Advisor or a Legal Practitioner, who is not paid
professional fee in each individual case or whose fee is assessed or paid after
decision of the case, if a certificate in the above terms is filed, the fee of the Counsel
engaged by the said party should be taxed according to rules contained in this
chapter. The Legal Practioner engaged by or representing a party need not file the
fee certificate referred to in these rules.]
20. Contents of certificate.-- The certificate mentioned in rules 18 and 19 shall

(a) the appeal or suit in respect of which such fee or fees was or were paid;
(b) the date or dates when such fee or fees was or were actually paid to the legal
practitioner engaged in the case;
(c) the precise amount or amounts which was or were so paid;
(d) that no portion of such fee or fees has been, or has been agreed to be, returned
or remitted or appropriated to the use of any other person by the legal practitioner or
by any one acting on his behalf or on behalf of any one who was associated with him
in the case; and
(e) the name and address of the person who made such payment:
Provided that when a higher fee than is allowed by the scale is allowed by special
order of the Court, a certificate of the payment of the additional fee at any time may
be accepted, if filed before taxation, in lieu of the certificate required by these rules.
21. Form of certificate.-- The certificate shall, so far as possible, be in the following
District Judge
In the Court of ------------------------------------, A.B. (add description and
Civil Judge
residence) -------------------- (Plaintiff or appellant).
C.D. (add description and residence) ----------------------------------- (Defendant or
For the purpose of having my fee allowed on taxation as against the party
or parties, who may be liable for costs under the judgment or order of the Court,
I ----------------, in accordance with rule 20 of the rules regulating the fees of counsel in
the Court, hereby certify that in the above case the following fees were paid to me as
my exclusive fee on the dates and by the person or persons specified below, and that
before the final hearing of the appeal
such fees were paid to me ----------------------------------------------------------------,
before the commencement of the arguments at the
conclusion of the evidence

and that no portion of such fees has been, or has been agreed to be, returned or
remitted or appropriated to the use of any other person by me or by any one acting
on my behalf.
Matter Fee Date of payment By whom paid Address of person who
actually made such

Date of signature--------------------------------
Address of Legal Practitioner-----------------

1. To be calculated on the valuation of suit.-- As some diversity of practice
appears to exist in regard to the fixing of counsel's fees in declaratory suits,
injunctions, etc., the J udges deem it necessary to point out that in such cases the
value of the subject matter of the suit must first be arrived at for purposes of
jurisdiction in accordance with Chapter 3, ` Valuation of Suits ', Part A, and then
counsel's fees calculated according to the scale laid down in Part B of this Chapter.
2. To be calculated on the valuation of suit.-- Several appeals have had to be
admitted to a hearing by this Court solely on the ground that counsel's fees, which
should have been fixed by rule, had been fixed at the discretion of the District J udge,
at a rate higher than that allowed by the rules. Although rules 4 and 17 of Part B of
this Chapter permit District J udges to exercise their discretion in allowing fees which
appear just and equitable, it must be remembered that the fee to be allowed is to be
calculated in accordance with the scale laid down in Rule 3 of that Part, and any fee
not exceeding the sum so arrived at may be allowed.
For instance:-
(i) In a suit for an injunction where the plaintiff values the relief sought at Rs. 110, the
maximum fee which can be allowed is Rs. 8-4-0.
(ii) In a suit for a declaration that an alienation of land of which 30 times the land
revenue is Rs. 300 and where the consideration is Rs. 1,000 shall not affect the
plaintiff's reversionary rights, the maximum fee allowable is Rs. 22-8-0 calculated
upon the jurisdictional value and not Rs. 75 calculated upon the consideration.
(High Court circular memo. No. I-1334, dated the 8th March, 1920).



(Note: Chapter 18-A is currently under revision and shall be published in due course).



[1. Power of Government to fix Civil District.-- Section 4 of the Punjab Civil Courts
Ordinance, 1962, (II of 1962), provides that, for the purposes of the Ordinance, the
Government may, by notification, divide the Province into Civil Districts, fix the limits
of such Districts and determine the headquarters of each such Districts.".
2. Civil Districts.--The following Civil Districts have been so constituted by the
Provincial Government with the limits shown against each:-
S. No. District. Limits
1. Attock
2. Bahawalnagar
3. Bahawalpur
4. Bhakkar
5. Chakwal
6. Dera Ghazi Khan
7. Faisalabad
8. Gujranwala
9. Gujrat
10. Hafizabad
11. Islamabad
12. J hang
13. J helum
14. Kasur
15. Khanawal
16. Khushab
17. Lahore
18. Layya
19. Lodhran
20. Mandi Bahuddin
21. Mianwali
22. Multan
23. Muzaffargarh
24. Narowal

25. Okara
26. Pakpattan
27. Rahim Yar Khan
28. Rajanpur
29. Rawalpindi
30. Sahiwal
31. Sargodha
32. Sheikhupura
33. Sialkot
34. Toba Tek Singh
35. Vehari].

1. Pecuniary limits of the jurisdiction exercisable by Civil Judges in original
civil suits and proceedings.-- Section 9 of the Punjab Civil Courts Ordinance, 1962
empowers the High Court to determine the pecuniary limits of the jurisdiction
exercisable in original civil suits and proceedings. The following notification was
issued by the High Court in this behalf:-
(No. 2110-Gaz. (1)/XXI, C.35, dated Lahore, the 20th November, 1978).
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 9 of the Punjab Civil Courts
Ordinance, 1962, the Chief J ustice and J udges of the Lahore High Court, Lahore, are
pleased to order, in supersession of all previous orders, issued in this behalf, that for
the purpose of determining the pecuniary limits of the jurisdiction exercisable by Civil
J udges in original civil suits and proceedings, Civil J udges be placed in the under-
mentioned three classes, namely:-
Civil J udge Ist Class
--To exercise jurisdiction in original civil suits or
proceedings without limits as regards value.
Civil J udge IInd Class
--To exercise jurisdiction in original civil suits or
proceedings where in the subject-matter in amount or
value does not exceed Rs. 50,000.
Civil J udge 3rd Class
--To exercise jurisdiction in original civil suits or
proceedings wherein the subject-matter in amount or
value does not exceed Rs. 20,000.
2. Conferment of Powers upon Civil Judges.-- It was decided in a Full Court
J udges meeting that the normal period of inclusion in Class III be

two years with effect from the date of the first posting subject to the receipt of good
reports of District J udges with regard to the work and conduct of Civil J udges, and
that the normal period in Class-II be three years with effect from the date on which
the said powers are first conferred subject to the receipt of good reports from District
J udges in respect of the work and conduct of Civil J udges.
(See high Court Circular letter No.4013-Gaz./XXI-C.35 dated 25 March, 1964).]

The following notifications issued by the Provincial Government or the High Court
under various Acts are Published for information and guidance:-
I. Insolvency cases.-- Punjab Government notification No. 780, dated the 15th J uly,
1914.--In exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 3 (1) of the Provincial
Insolvency Act, 1907 (III of 1907), as amended by Act IV of 1914, the Lieutenant-
Governor is pleased, with effect from the Ist August 1914, to invest all Subordinate
J udges of the Ist class with jurisdiction in all classes of cases under the said Act.
II. Succession Certificate Act.-- Punjab Government notification No. 781, dated the
15th J uly 1914.-Under Section 26 (1) of the Succession Certificate Act, 1889, the
Lieutenant-Governor is pleased, with effect from the Ist August 1914, to invest all
Civil J udges of the first and second classes in the Punjab with the functions of a
District Court under the said Act.
Note:- Section 26 (1) of the Succession Certificate Act 1889 corresponds to section
388 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925, which now incorporates it.
IV. Enhanced powers of Senior Civil Judges.--(a) High Court Notification No. 170-
Gaz/XXI-C.6, dated the 16th of May, 1935, as amended by notification No. 53-
Gaz./XXI-C-6, dated the 23rd February, 1940--In exercise of the powers conferred by
section 39 (3) of the Punjab Courts Act, 1918, as amended by Act IX of 1922, the
Honourable J udges of the High Court of J udicature at Lahore are pleased to direct
that, within the limits of each of the Civil Districts set forth in the schedule appended
hereto, appeals lying to the District Courts from decrees or orders passed by any
Subordinate J udge--
(a) in a small cause of a value not exceeding Rs. 500 (five hundred), and
(b) in an unclassed suit of a value not exceeding Rs. 100 (one hundred),
shall be preferred to the Senior Subordinate J udge of the first class exercising
jurisdiction within such civil district.

2. It is further directed that the Court of such Senior Subordinate J udge of the first
class shall be deemed to be a District Court for the purpose of all such appeals
preferred to it.
3. The following High Court notifications are hereby cancelled:-
(i) No. 233-Gaz./XXI-C-6, dated the 22nd of April, 1931.
(ii) No. 84-Gaz./XXI-C-6, dated the Ist of March, 1932.
(iii) No. 552-Gaz./XXI-C-6, dated the 28th of October, 1932.

S.No. District
1. Hissar.
2. Gurgaon.
3. Karnal.
4. Rohtak.
5. Ambala.
6. Hoshiarpur.
7. Kangra.
8. J ullundur.
9. Ludhiana.
10. Feraozepore.
11. Lahore.
12. Amritsar.
13. Gurdaspur.
14. Sialkot.
15. Gujranwala.
16. Gujrat.
17. Sheikhupura.
18. Shahpur.
19. J hang.
20. J helum.
21. Rawalpindi.
22. Attock.

23. Mianwali.
24. Montgomery.
25. Lyallpur.
26. Multan.
27. Muzaffargarh.
28. Simla.
[The District of Dera Ghazi Khan was excluded from the above Notification vide
Notification No.53-Gaz/XXI-C-6, dated 26.2.1940. The District of Dera Ghazi Khan
was again included in the said Notification vide notification No.78-Gaz, dated 5-4-
1966. The Senior Civil J udges of the Districts of Bahawalpur, Bahawalnagar and
Rahim Yar Khan were invested with the same appellate powers vide Notification
No.138-Gaz dated 30-7-1963.]
(b) (1)
2. It is further directed that the Court of such Senior Civil J udge of the first class shall
be deemed to be a District Court for the purpose of all such appeals preferred to it.
3. The following High Court notifications are hereby cancelled:--
(i) No. 265-Gaz./XXI-C.-6, dated the 8th of May, 1931.
(ii) No. 85-Gaz./XXI-C.-6, dated the 1st of March, 1932.
VIII. Powers under Succession Act.-- High Court notification No.273-Gaz./XV-C.16,
dated the 22nd J une, 1932 -- Under section 265 of the Succession Act, XXXIX of
1925, the Honourable J udges of the High Court of J udicature at Lahore are pleased
to appoint the Senior Subordinate J udges of the first class in each of the civil districts
set forth in the schedule appended hereto to act, within the limits of the said civil
district, for the District J udge as a Delegate to grant probate and letters of
administration in non-contentious cases.

* * * * * *
* * * * * *
1. Simla 3. Hoshiarpur 5. Ferozepore
2. Kangra 4. Lahore 6. Amritsar.
IX. Powers under Succession Act.-- High Court notification No.274-Gaz./XV-C-16,
dated the 22nd J une, 1932-In exercise of the powers conferred by section 30(1) of
the Punjab Courts Act, VI of 1918, the Honourable J udges of the High Court of
J udicature at Lahore are pleased to authorise the Senior Subordinate J udge of the
first class in each of the civil districts set forth in the schedule appended hereto to
take cognizance, within the limits of the said civil district, of proceedings under the
Succession Act, XXXIX of 1925, which cannot be disposed of by District Delegates.
* * * * * *
* * * * * *
1. Simla. 3. Hoshiarpur 5. Ferozepore
2. Kangra 4. Lahore 6. Amritsar.
Note:- Similar powers under both Acts have been conferred upon the Senior
Subordinate J udge of the first class in the Delhi District,- vide High Court notifications
Nos. 499 and 500-Gaz./XXI-C.3, dated the 19th September, 1932, as reproduced in
the Chief Commissioner`s notification No.B.3(2)-32-Home, dated the 28th
September, 1932.
XI. Punjab Government notification No. 4845-G.-40/31898, dated the 2nd
August, 1940.-- Under the provisions of sub-clause (d) of section 3 of the
Land Acquisition Act, 1894, the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to appoint
all persons holding temporarily or permanently the office of Senior

Subordinate J udge of the Ist Class in the Punjab (except the office of the Senior
Subordinate J udge of Dera Ghazi Khan) to perform the functions of Court under the
said Act.
[All the Administrative Civil J udges exercising Fist Class Powers in the Districts of
Mianwali, Attock, Rawalpindi, Gujrat, Gujranwala, Lahore, Sheikhupura, Faisalabad,
J hang, Multan, Dera Ghazi Khan, Sialkot, Sargodha, Muzaffargarh, J helum, Sahiwal,
vide Notification No.LR-3123-57, dated 19-2-1959 and all Civil J udges Ist Class in
Districts of Bahawalpur, Rahim Yar Khan and Bahawalnagar vide Notification No.
13/59-H-J udl. (II)/65 dated 18-2-1966 have been appointed to perform functions of
"Court" under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894.]

On the recommendation of the rule Committee at Lahore the following additions and
alterations to the Rules contained in the First Schedule of the Code of Civil
Procedure have been made by the High Court under section 122 of the Code of Civil
Procedure to regulate it's own procedure and the procedure of the Civil Courts
subject to its superintendence:-
(i) Order II, rule 8.-- After rule 7 insert the following as rule 8:-
(1) Where an objection, duly taken has been allowed by the Court, the plaintiff shall
be permitted to select the cause of action with which he will proceed, and shall, within
a time to be fixed by the Court, amend the plaint by striking out the remaining causes
of action.
(2) When the plaintiff has selected the cause of action with which he will proceed, the
Court shall pass an order giving him time within which to submit amended plaint for
the remaining causes of action and for making up the Court-fees that may be
necessary. Should the plaintiff not comply with the Court's order, the Court shall
proceed as provided in rule 18 of the Order VI and as required by the provisions of
the Court-fees Act.
(Chief Court notification No. 2212-G., dated 12th May, 1909).
(ii) Order V, rule 7.-- The summons to appear and answer shall order the defendant
to produce all documents in his possession or power upon which he bases his
defence or any claim for set-off and shall further order that where he relies on any
other documents (whether in his possession or power or not) as evidence in support
of his defence or claim for set-off he shall enter such documents in a list to be added
or annexed to the written statement.
(High Court notification No. 213-R./XI-Y-17, dated the 24th J uly, 1936).
(iii) Order V, rule 10--Mode of service - Service of the summons shall be made by
delivering or tendering a copy thereof signed by the judge or such officer as he
appoints in this behalf and sealed with the seal of the Court.
(iv) Order V, rule 15.--Where service may be on male member of defendant's
family.-- Where in any suit the defendant cannot be found or is absent from his
residence and has no agent empowered to accept service of the

summons on his behalf, service may be made on any adult male member of the
family of the defendant, who is residing with him.
Explanation--A servant is not a member of the family within the meaning of this rule.
(High Court notification No. 563-G, dated the 24th November, 1927).
(v) Order V, rule 18, Form No. 11 of Appendix B:-
No. 11
Affidavit of process-server to accompany return
of a summons or notice (O. 5, R. 18. )
The affidavit of --------------------, son of --------------------------------------
I------------- make oath ----------------and say as follows:-
(1) I am a process-server of this Court.
(2) On the -------------------day of ------------------- 19------- I received
a ------------------------ issued by the Court of-------------------in suit No.-----------
of 19-----------in the said Court, dated the-----------day of---------------19--------for service
(3) The said---------------was at the time personally known to me, and
summons him
I served the said------------------on --------on the---------day of------------- 19-----,
notice her
at about-------------o' clock in the---------------- noon at------------- by tendering a
him his summons
copy thereof to -------- and requiring -------- signature to the original-------------.
her her notice
(a) _____________________________
(b) _____________________________

(a) Here state whether the person served, signed, or refused to sign, the process,
and in whose presence.
(b) Signature of process server.
(3) The said --------------------------not being personally known to me, ----------------------
accompanied me to-----------------------------and pointed out to me a person whom he
stated to be the said---------------------and I served the said
summons him
----------------------on ------------------ on the day of ----------------19------ at about
notice her
--------------------o' clock in the----------------- noon at---------------by tendering a
him his
copy thereof to--------------------- and requiring--------------------- signature to the
her her
original --------------------------.
(a) _______________________________
(b) _______________________________
(a) Here state whether the person served, signed, or refused to sign, the process and
in whose presence.
(b) Signature of process-server.
(3) The said-------------------------and his house in which he ordinarily
personally known to me
resides being---------------------------------- I went to the said house in--------------
pointed out to me by
and there on the ----------------------- day of ------------------------------- 19---------
at---------o` clock in the -------------noon I did not find the said---------------------
I enquired {(a) ------------}
{(b) ------------}neighbours

I was told that -------------------------------had gone to---------------------- and would not be
back till-------------------------------------.
Signature of process-server.
If substituted service has been ordered, state fully and exactly the manner in which
the summons was served, with special reference to the terms of the order for
substituted service.
------------------ by the said------------before me this---------------------------
--------------day of ---------------------------------- 19-------.
Empowered under section 139 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, to administer
the oath to deponents.
(Chief Court notification No.2212-G., dated the 12th May, 1909).
(vi) Order VII, rule 2.--In money suits.-- Where the plaintiff seeks the recovery of
money the plaint shall state the precise amount claimed.
But where the plaintiff sues for mesne profits, or for an amount which will be found
due to him on taking unsettled accounts between him and the defendant, or for
movables in the possession of the defendant, or for debts of which the value he
cannot, after the exercise of reasonable diligence, estimate the plaint shall state
approximately the amount or value sued for.
(Chief Court notification No.2212-G., dated 12th May, 1909).
(vii) Order VII, rule 17.-- (1) Production of shop book.-- Save in so far as is otherwise
provided by the Banker`s Books Evidence Act, 1891, where the document on which
the plaintiff sues is an entry in a shop book or other account in his possession or
power the plaintiff shall produce the book or account at the time of filing the plaint,
together with a copy of the entry on which he relies.
(2) Original entry to be marked and returned.-- The Court, or such officer as it
appoints in this behalf, shall forthwith mark the documents for the purposes of
identification; and, after examining and comparing the copy with the original , shall, if
it is found correct, certify it to be so, and return the book to the plaintiff and cause the
copy to be filed.

Explanation.-- When a shop book or other account written in a language other than
English or the language of the Court is produced with a translation or transliteration
of the relevant entry the party producing it shall not be required to present a separate
affidavit as to the correctness of the translation or transliteration but shall add a
certificate on the document itself, that it is a full and true translation or transliteration
of the original entry , and no examination or comparison by the ministerial officer
shall be required except by a special order of the Court.
(High Court notification No. 88-Gaz./XI-Y. 7, dated the 9th March, 1935)
(viii) Order VII, rule 19...........
(ix) Order VII, rule 20...........
(x) Order VII, rule 21...........
(xi) Order VII, rule 22...........
(xii) Order VII, rule 23...........
(xiii) Order VII, rule 24...........
(xiv) Order VII, rule 25...........
(xv) Order VIII, rule 1.-- 1. The defendant may, and, if so required by the Court, shall
at or before the first hearing or within such time as the Court may permit, present a
written statement of his defence;
[provided that the period allowed for filing the
written statement shall not ordinarily exceed thirty days]; and with such written
statement, or if there is no written statement, at the first hearing, shall produce in
Court all documents in his possession or power on which he bases his defence or
any claim for set-off.
2. Where he relies on any other documents as evidence in support of his defence or
claim for set-off he shall enter such documents in a list to be added or annexed to the
written statement, or where there is no written statement, to be presented at the first
hearing. If no such list is so annexed or presented, the defendant shall be allowed a
further period of ten days to file this list of documents.

3. A document which ought to be entered in the list referred to in sub-clause (2); but
which has not been so entered, shall not, without the leave of the Court, be received
in evidence on the defendants behalf at the hearing of the suit.
4. Nothing in this rule shall apply to documents produced for cross-examination of
plaintiff's witnesses or handed to a witness merely to refresh his memory.
(High Court notification No. 191-R/XI-Y-8, dated the 19th J une, 1939).
(xvi) Order VIII, rule 11..........
(xvii) Order VIII, rule 12 ........
(xviii) Order IX, rule 9.--(1) Decree against plaintiff by default bars fresh suit.-- Where
a suit is wholly or partly dismissed under rule 8, the plaintiff shall be precluded from
bringing a fresh suit in respect of the same cause of action. But he may apply for an
order to set the dismissal aside, and , if he satisfies the Court that there was
sufficient cause for his non-appearance when the suit was called on for hearing, the
Court shall make an order setting aside the dismissal upon such terms as to costs or
otherwise as it thinks fit, and shall appoint a day for proceeding with the suit:
Provided that the plaintiff shall not be precluded from bringing another suit for
redemption of a mortgage , although a former suit may have been dismissed for
(2) No order shall be made under this rule unless notice of the application has been
served on the opposite party.
(Chief Court notification No.2212-G.,dated 12th May, 1909).
(xix) Order XIII, rule 9.-- Return of admitted documents.--(1) Any person, whether a
party to the suit or not desirous of receiving back any document produced by him in
the suit and placed on the record shall, unless the document is impounded under
rule 8, be entitled to receive back the same-
(a) where the suit is one in which an appeal is not allowed, when the suit has been
disposed of, and
(b) where the suit is one in which an appeal is allowed, when the Court
is satisfied that the time for preferring an appeal has

elapsed and that no appeal has been preferred or if an appeal has been preferred,
when the appeal has been disposed of;
Provided that a document may be returned at any time earlier than that prescribed by
this rule if the person applying therefor delivers to the proper officer a certified copy
to be substituted for the original and undertakes to produce the original if required to
do so;
Provided also that no document shall be returned which, by force of the decree, has
become wholly void or useless;
Provided further that the cost of such certified copy shall be recoverable as a fine
from the party at whose instance the original document has been produced.
(2) On the return of a document admitted in evidence, a receipt shall be given by the
person receiving it.
(High Court notification No. 563-G., dated the 24th November, 1927.)
(xx) Order XVI, rule 1.-- Summons to attend to give evidence or produce documents-
At any time after the suit is instituted, the parties may obtain, on application to the
Court or to such officer as it appoints in this behalf, summonses to persons whose
attendance is required either to give evidence or to produce documents.
(xxi) [Order XVI, rule 2.-- (2) Expenses of witness to be paid into Court on applying
for summons.-- The party applying for a summons shall, before the summons is
granted and within a period to be fixed, pay into Court such a sum of money as
appears to the Court to be sufficient to defray the travelling and other expenses of
the person summoned in passing to and from the Court in which he is required to
attend, and for one day's attendance.
Exception.-- When applying for a summons for any of its own officers, Government
will be exempted from the operation of clause (1).
(2) Experts.-- In determining the amount payable under this rule, the Court may in the
case of any person summoned to give evidence as an expert,

allow reasonable remuneration for the time occupied both in giving evidence and in
performing any work of an expert character necessary for the case.
(3) Scale of expenses.-- Where the Court is subordinate to a High Court, regard shall
be had in fixing the scale of such expenses, to any rules made in that behalf.
(High Court notification No. 156-G., dated the 9th J anuary, 1919).
(xxii) Order XVI, rule 3.--(1) Tender of expenses to witness.-- The sum paid into a
Court shall, except in the case of a Government servant, be tendered to the person
summoned at the time of serving the summons if it can be served personally.
(2) When the person summoned is a Government servant, the sum so paid into Court
shall be credited to Government.
Exception.--(1) In cases in which Government servants have to give evidence at a
Court situate not more than five miles from their headquarters, actual travelling
expenses incurred by them may, when the Court considers it necessary, be paid to
Exception.--(2) A Government servant, whose salary does not exceed Rs. 10 per
mensem, may receive his expenses from the Court.
(High Court notification No. 156-G., dated the 9th J anuary, 1919).
(xxiii) Order XVI, rule 4.--(1) Procedure where insufficient sum paid in.-- Where it
appears to the Court or to such officer as it appoints in this behalf that the sum paid
into Court is not sufficient to cover such expenses or reasonable remuneration, the
Court may direct such further sum to be paid to the person summoned, or, when
such person is a Government servant, to be paid into Court, as appears to be
necessary on that account, and, in case of default in payment, may order such sum
to be levied by attachment and sale of the movable property of the party obtaining
the summons; or the Court may discharge the person summoned without requiring
him to give evidence, or may both order such levy and discharge such person as
(High Court notification No.156-G., dated the 9th J anuary, 1919.)

(xxiv) Order XVI, rule 16.--(1) When they may depart.-- A person so summoned and
attending shall, unless the Court otherwise directs, attend at each hearing until the
suit has been disposed of.
(2) On the application of either party and the payment through the Court of all
necessary expenses (if any), the Court may require any person so summoned and
attending to furnish security to attend at the next or any other hearing or until the suit
is disposed of and, in default of his furnishing such security, may order him to be
detained in the prison.
(3) In the absence of the Presiding Officer the powers conferred by sub-rule (2) may
be exercised by the Senior Civil J udge of the first class exercising jurisdiction at
headquarters of the districts, or by any J udge or Court official nominated by him for
the purposes:
Provided that a Court official nominated for the purpose, shall not order a person,
who fails to furnish such security as may be required under sub-rule 2, to be detained
in prison, but shall refer the case immediately to the Presiding Officer on his return.
(High Court notifications No.209-R/XI-Y-11, dated the 25th J uly, 1938, and No.24-
R/XI-Y-11, dated the 23rd J anuary, 1940).
(xxv) Order XVII, rule 1.--(1) Court may grant time and adjourn hearing.-- Subject to
the provisions of Order XXIII, rule 3, the Court may, if sufficient cause is shown at
any stage of the suit, grant time to the parties or any of them, and may from time to
time adjourn the hearing of the suit.
(2) In every such case, the Court shall fix a day for the further hearing of the suit, and
may make such order as it thinks fit with respect to the costs occasioned by the
Provided that, when the hearing of evidence has once begun the hearing of the suit
shall be continued from day to day until all the witnesses in attendance have been
examined, unless the Court finds the adjournment of the hearing beyond the
following day to be necessary for reasons to be recorded.
(3) Where sufficient cause is not shown for the grant of an adjournment under sub-
rule (1), the Court shall proceed with the suit forthwith.

(High Court notifications No.95-G., dated the 26th February, 1925, and No.211-R/XI-
Y-22, dated the 21st J uly, 1937.)
(xxvi) Order XVIII, rule 2.--(1) On the day fixed for the hearing of the suit or on any
other day to which the hearing is adjourned, the party having the right to begin shall
state his case and produce his evidence in support of the issues which he is bound to
(2) The other party shall then state his case and produce his evidence (if any) and
may then address the Court generally on the whole case.
(3) The party beginning may then reply generally on the whole case.
EXPLANATION I. Nothing in this rule shall affect the jurisdiction of the Court, of its
own accord or on the application of any party, for reasons to be recorded in writing to
direct any party to examine any witness at any stage.
EXPLANATION II. The expression "witness" in Explanation I shall include any party
as his one witness.
Rule 8.-- Where the evidence is not taken down in writing by the J udge, he shall be
bound, as the examination of each witness proceeds, to make a memorandum of the
substance of what each witness deposes,
[in his own hand or from his dictation in
open Court] and such memorandum shall be signed by the J udge and shall form part
of the record.
Rule 13.-- In cases in which an appeal is not allowed, it shall not be necessary to
take down the evidence of the witnesses in writing at length; but the J udge, as the
examination of each witness proceeds, shall make a memorandum of the substance
of what he deposes in his own hand or from his dictation in open Court, and such
memorandum shall be signed by the J udge and shall from part of the record.
Rule 14 -- Deleted.
(xxvii) Order XXI, rule 1.--(1) Mode of paying money under a decree.-- All money
payable under a decree shall be paid as follows, namely:-

(a) into the Court whose duty it is to execute the decree; or
[(b) out of Court to the decree-holder through a Bank or by Postal Money Order or
evidenced by writing signed by the decree-holder or his authorised agent;] or
(c) otherwise as the Court which made the decree directs.
Explanation.-- The judgment-debtor may, if he so desires, pay the decretal amount,
or any part thereof, into the Court under clause (a) by postal money order on a form
specially approved by the High Court for the purpose.
(2) Where any payment is made under clause (a) of sub-rule (1) notice of such
payments shall be given to the decree-holder.
(xxviii) Order XXI, rule 5.-- Where the Court to which a decree is to be sent for
execution is situate within the same district as the Court which passed such decree,
such Court shall send the same directly to the former Court. But, where the Court to
which the decree is to be sent for execution is situate in a different district, the Court
which passed it shall send it to the District Court or the Court of any J udge having
jurisdiction in the place where the decree is to be executed to whom power to receive
plaints has been delegated by the District J udge of the district in which the decree is
to be executed.
(High Court notifications No. 193-Gaz./XI-Y-14, dated the 11th J uly, 1933 and No.
72-R/XI-Y-14, dated the 23rd March, 1938).
(xxix) Order XXI, rule 10.-- Application for execution.-- Where the holder of a decree
desires to execute it, he shall apply to the Court which passed the decree or to the
officer (if any) appointed in this behalf, or if the decree has been sent under the
provisions hereinbefore contained to another Court then to such Court or to the
proper officer thereof:
Provided that if the judgment-debtor has left the jurisdiction of the Court which
passed the decree, or of the Court to which the decree has been sent, the
holder of the decree may apply to the Court within whose jurisdiction the judgment-
debtor is, or to the officer appointed in this behalf, to order immediate execution
on the production of the decree and of an affidavit of non-

satisfaction by the holder of the decree pending the receipt of an order of transfer
under section 39.
(High Court notification No.125-Gaz./XI.-Y-14, dated the 7th April, 1932).
(xxx) Order XXI, rule 16.-- Application for execution by transferee of decree -- Where
a decree or, if a decree has been passed jointly in favour of two or more persons, the
interest of any decree-holder in the decree is transferred by assignment in writing or
by operation of law, the transferee may apply for execution of the decree to the Court
which passed it; and the decree may be executed in the same manner and subject to
the same conditions as if the applications were made by such decree-holder:
Provided that, where the decree, or such interest as aforesaid, has been transferred
by assignment, notice of such application shall be given to the transferer, and the
judgment-debtor, and the decree shall not be executed until the Court has heard their
objections (if any) to its execution;
(High Court notification No. 26-R/XI-Y-14, dated the 24th J anuary, 1940).
Provided also that, where a decree for the payment of money against two or more
persons has been transferred to one of them, it shall not be executed against the
(High Court notification No. 125-Gaz/XI-Y-14, dated the 7th April, 1932)
(xxxi) Order XXI, rule 17.-- (1) Procedure on receiving application for execution of
decree.-- On receiving an application for the execution of a decree as provided by
rule 11, sub-rule (2), the Court shall ascertain whether such of the requirements of
rules 11 to 14 as may be applicable to the case have been complied with;
[and, if
they have not been complied with, the Court shall fix a time within which the defect
shall be remedied, and if it is not remedied within such time, may reject the
(2) Where an application is amended under the provision of sub-rule (1), it shall be
deemed to have been an application in accordance with law and presented on the
date when it was first presented.

(3) Every amendment made under this rule shall be signed or initialled by the J udge.
(4) When the application is admitted, the Court shall enter in the proper register, a
note of the application and the date on which it was made, and shall, subject to the
provisions hereinafter contained, order execution of the decree according to the
nature of the application:
Provided that, in the case of a decree for payment of money, the value of the
property attached shall, as nearly as may be correspond with the amount due under
the decree.
(High Court notification No. 125-Gaz./XI-Y-14, dated the 7th April, 1932).
(xxxii) Order XXI, rule 22.-- Notice to show cause against execution in certain cases-
(1) where an application for execution is made--
(a) more than two years after the date of the decree, or
(b) against the legal representative of a party to the decree, the Court executing the
decree shall issue a notice to the person against whom execution is applied for
requiring him to show cause, on a date to be fixed, why the decree should not be
executed against him:
Provided that no such notice shall be necessary in consequence of more than two
years having elapsed between the date of the decree and the application for
execution, if the application is made within two years from the date of the last order
against the party against whom execution is applied for, made on any previous
application for execution, or in consequence of the application being made against
the legal representative of the judgment-debtor, if upon a previous application for
execution against the same person the Court has ordered execution to issue against

(2) Nothing in the foregoing sub-rule shall be deemed to preclude the Court from
issuing any process in execution of a decree without issuing the notice thereby
prescribed, if, for reasons to be recorded, it considers that the issue of such notice
would cause unreasonable delay or would defeat the ends of justice. Failure to
record such reasons shall be considered an irregularity not amounting to a defect in
(High Court notification No. 125-Gaz./XI-Y 14, dated the 7th April, 1932).
(xxxiii) Order XXI, rule 26..........[Omitted].
(xxxiv) Order XXI, rule 29-A.-- Which was added by Chief Court notification
No.2212-G., dated the 12th May, 1909, has been omitted by High Court notification
No.563-G., dated the 24th November, 1927.
(xxxv) Order XXI, rule 31.-- (1) Decree for specific movable property.-- Where the
decree is for any specific movable, or for any share in a specific movable, it may be
executed by the seizure, if practicable, of the movable or share, and by the delivery
thereof to the party to whom it has been adjudged, or to such person as he appoints
to receive delivery on his behalf, or by the detention in the prison of the judgment-
debtor, or by the attachment of his property, or by both.
(2) Where any attachment under sub-rule (1) has remained in force for three months,
if the judgment-debtor has not obeyed the decree and the decree-holder has applied
to have the attached property sold, such property may be sold, and out of the
proceeds the Court may award to the decree-holder, in cases where any amount has
been fixed by the decree to be paid as an alternative to delivery of movable property,
such amount, and, in other cases, such compensation as it thinks fit, and shall pay
the balance (if any) to the judgment-debtor on his application:
Provided that the Court may in any special case, according to the special
circumstances thereof, extend the period beyond three months; but it shall in no case
exceed six months in all.
(3) Where the judgment-debtor has obeyed the decree and paid all costs of
executing the same which he is bound to pay, or where, at the end of

three months or such other period as may have been prescribed by the Court from
the date of the attachment, no application to have the property sold has been made,
or, if made, has been refused the attachment shall cease.
(High Court notification No.125-Gaz./XI-Y14, dated the 7th April, 1932).
(xxxvi) Order XXI, rule 32.--(1) Decree for specific performance, for restitution of
conjugal rights, or for an injunction.-- Where the party against whom a decree for
the specific performance of a contract, or for restitution of conjugal rights, or for an
injunction, has been passed, has had an opportunity of obeying the decree and has
willfully failed to obey it, the decree may be enforced in the case of a decree for
restitution of conjugal rights by the attachment of his property, or, in the case of a
decree for the specific performance of a contract or for an injunction by his detention
in the prison, or by the attachment of his property, or by both.
(2) Where the party against whom a decree for specific performance or for an
injunction has been passed is a corporation, the decree may be enforced by the
attachment of the property of the corporation or, with the leave of the Court, by the
detention in the prison of the directors or other principal officers thereof, or by both
attachment and detention.
(3) Where any attachment under sub-rule (1) or (2) has remained in force for three
months, if the judgment-debtor has not obeyed the decree and the decree-holder has
applied to have the attached property sold, such property may be sold; and out of the
proceeds the Court may award to the decree-holder such compensation as it thinks
fit, and shall pay the balance (if any) to the judgment-debtor on his application:
Provided that the Court may for sufficient reasons, on the application of the
judgment-debtor, extend the period beyond three months but it shall in no case
exceed one year in all.
(4) Where the judgment-debtor has obeyed the decree and paid all costs of
executing the same which he is bound to pay, or where, at the end of three months
or such other period as may have been prescribed by the Court

from the date of the attachment, no application to have the property sold has been
made, or if made has been refused; the attachment shall cease.
(5) Where a decree for the specific performance of a contract or for an injunction has
not been obeyed, the Court may, in lieu of or in addition to all or any of the processes
aforesaid, direct that the act required to be done may be done so far as practicable
by the decree-holder or some other person appointed by the Court, at the cost of the
judgment-debtor, and upon the act being done the expenses incurred may be
ascertained in such manner as the Court may direct and may be recovered as if they
were included in the decree.
A, a person of little substance, erects a building which renders uninhabitable a family
mansion belonging to B. A, inspite of his detention in prison and the attachment of his
property, declines to obey a decree obtained against him by B and directing him to
remove the building. The Court is of opinion that no sum realizable by the sale of A's
property would adequately compensate B for the depreciation in the value of his
mansion. B may apply to the Court to remove the building and may recover the cost
of such removal, from A in the execution proceedings.
(High Court notification No. 125-Gaz./XI-Y-14, dated the 7th April, 1932).
[(xxxvi-A). Order XXI, rule 37.-- Discretionary power to permit judgment-debtor to
show cause against detention in prison - (1) Notwithstanding anything in these Rules,
where an application is for the execution of a decree for the payment of money by the
arrest and detention in the prison of a judgment-debtor who is liable to be arrested in
pursuance of the application, the Court shall, instead, of issuing a warrant for his
arrest, issue a notice calling upon him to appear before the Court on a day to be
specified in the notice and show cause why he should not be detained in the prison.
(2) Where appearance is not made in obedience to the notice, the Court shall, if the
decree-holder so requires, issue a warrant for the arrest of the judgment-debtor.]
(xxxvii) Order XXI, Rules 39.--

(xxxviii) Order XXI, rule 43.-- (1) Where the property to be attached is movable
property other than agricultural produce, in the possession of the judgment-debtor,
the attachment shall be made by actual seizure, and the attaching officer shall keep
the property in his own custody or in the custody of one of his subordinates, and shall
be responsible for the due custody thereof:
Provided that, when the property seized is subject to speedy and natural decay or
when the expense of keeping it in custody is likely to exceed its value, the attaching
officer may sell it at once, and;
Provided also that, when the property attached consists of live-stock, agricultural
implements or other articles which cannot conveniently be removed, and the
attaching officer does not act under the first proviso to this rule, he may, at the
instance of the judgment-debtor, or of the decree-holder or of any person claiming to
be interested in such property, leave it in the village or place where it has been
(a) in the charge of the person at whose instance the property is retained in such
village or place, if such person enters into a bond in the Form No. 15-A of Appendix
E to this Schedule, with one or more sufficient sureties for its production when called
for; or
(b) in the charge of an officer of the Court, if a suitable place for its safe custody be
provided, and the remuneration of the officer for a period of 15 days at such rate as
may from time to time be fixed by the High Court, be paid in advance; or
(c) in the charge of a village lambardar or such other respectable person as will
undertake to keep such property, subject to the orders of the Court, if such person
enters into a bond in Form No. 15-B of Appendix E with one or more sureties for its
(2) Whenever an attachment made under the provisions of this rule ceases for any of
the reasons specified in rules 55, 57 or 60 of this Order, the Court may order the
restitution of the attached property to the person in whose possession it was before

(3) When property is made over to a custodian under sub-clauses (a) or (c) of clause
(1), the schedule of property annexed to the bond shall be drawn up by the attaching
officer in triplicate, and dated and signed by-
(a) the custodian and his sureties;
(b) the officer of the Court who made the attachment;
(c) the person whose property is attached and made over and
(d) two respectable witnesses.
One copy will be transmitted to the Court by the attaching officer and placed on the
record of the proceedings under which the attachment has been ordered; one copy
will be made over to the person whose property is attached and one copy will be
made over to the custodian.
(xxxix) Order XXI, rule 43-A.--(1) Whenever attached property is kept in the village
or place where it is attached, the attaching officer shall forthwith report the fact to the
Court, and shall, with his report, forward a list of the property seized.
(2) If attached property is not sold under the first proviso to rule 43, or retained in the
village or place where it is attached under the second proviso to that rule, it shall be
brought to the court-house and delivered to the proper officer of the Court.
(3) A custodian appointed under the second proviso to rule 43 may at any time
terminate his responsibilities by giving notice to the Court of his desire to be relieved
of his trust and delivering to the proper officer of the Court the property made over to
(4) When any property is taken back from a custodian, he shall be granted a receipt
for the same.
(xl) Order XXI, rule 43-B.--(1) Whenever attached property kept in the village or
place where it is attached is livestock, the person at whose instance it is retained
shall provide for its maintenance, and, if he fails to do so, and if it is in charge of an
officer of the Court, it shall be removed to the Court house.

Nothing in this rule shall prevent the judgment-debtor, or any person claiming to be
interested in such stock, from making such arrangement for feeding the same as may
not be inconsistent with its safe custody.
(2) The Court may direct that any sums which have been expended by the attaching
officer or are payable to him, if not duly deposited or paid, be recovered from the
proceeds of property, if sold or be paid by the person declared entitled to delivery
before he receives the same. The Court may also order that any sums deposited or
paid under these rules be recovered as costs of the attachment from any party to the
(xli) Order XXI, rule 43-C.-- When an application is made for the attachment of
livestock or other movable property, the decree-holder shall pay into Court in cash
such sum as will cover the costs of the maintenance and custody of the property for
15 days. If within 3 clear days before the expiry of any such period of 15 days the
amount of such costs for such further period as the Court may direct be not paid into
Court, the Court, on receiving a report thereof from the proper officer, may issue an
order for the withdrawal of the attachment and direct by whom the costs of the
attachment are to be paid.
(xlii) Order XXI, rule 43-D.-- Any person who has undertaken to keep attached
property under rule 43(1) (c) shall be liable to be proceeded against as a surety
under section 145 of the Code, and shall be liable to pay in execution proceedings
the value of any such property willfully lost by him.
(xliii) Appendix E to Schedule 1.--
FORM NO. 15-A.
Order XXI, rule 43(1)(A)
In the Court of-------------at----------- Civil suit No. -----------of------------
A.B. of _________________________________________
C.D. of __________________________________________

Know all men by these presents that we, I.J . of----etc., and K.L. of------etc., and M.N.
of----------------------, etc., are jointly and severally bound to the J udge of the Court of--
-------------------------in Rupees ----------------- to be paid to the said J udge for which
payment to be made we bind ourselves, and each of us in the whole, our and each of
our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally, by these presents.
Dated this---------------------- day of------------- 19------ And whereas the movable
property specified in the schedule hereunto annexed has been attached under a
warrant from the said Court, dated the----------------- day of--------------- 19--------- in
execution of a decree in favour of ------------- in suit No.------------ of----------------19------
----on the file of----------------- and the said property has been left in the charge of the
said I.J .
Now the condition of this obligation is that, if the above bounden I.J . shall duly
account for and produce when required before the said Court all and every the
property aforesaid and shall obey any further order of the Court in respect thereof,
then this obligation shall be void otherwise it shall remain in full force.
I.J .
Singed and delivered by the above bounden-----------------in the presence of-------------
Order XXI, rule 43 (1)(c)
In the Court of ---------------at---------------Civil suit No.-------of----------
A.B. of _________________________________________
C.D. of __________________________________________

Know all men by these presents that we, I.J . of -------------------------------------, etc, and
K.L. of -----------------, etc, and M.N. of----------------------------, etc, are jointly and
severally bound to the J udge of the Court of--------------------------- in Rupees-------------
-------- to be paid to the said J udge for which payment to be made we bind ourselves,
and each of us, in the whole, our and each or our heirs, executors and
administrators, jointly and severally, by these presents.
Dated this --------------day of----------------- 19------------------ And whereas the movable
property specified in the schedules hereunto annexed has been attached under a
warrant from the said Court, dated the --------------day of---------------- 19------- in
execution of a decree in favour of-------------------------in suit No.------------ of---------19---
------ on the file of -------------and the said property has been left in the charge of the
said I.J .
Now the condition of this obligation is that, if the above bounden I.J . shall duly
account for and produce when required before the said Court all and every the
property aforesaid and shall obey any further order of the Court in respect thereof,
then this obligation shall be void otherwise it shall remain in full force and be
enforceable against the above bounden I.J . in accordance with the procedure laid
down in section 145, Civil Procedure Code, as if the aforesaid I.J . were a surety for
the restoration of property taken in execution of decree.
I.J .
Signed and delivered by the above bounden---------------------- in the presence of-------
(Rules 43 to 43-D and forms 15-A and 15-B added (by High Court Notification No.
606-G., dated 13th December, 1928).
(xlv) Order XXI rule 45.--(1) Provisions as to agricultural produce attachment.--
Where agricultural produce is attached the Court shall make such arrangements
for the custody thereof as it may deem sufficient, and, for the purpose of enabling
the Court to make such arrangements, every application for

the attachment of a growing crop shall specify the time at which it is likely to be fit to
be cut or gathered and with every such application such charges as may be
necessary for the custody of the crop up to the time at which it is likely to be fit to be
cut or gathered shall be paid to the Court.
(2) Subject to such conditions as may be imposed by the Court in this behalf either in
the order of attachment or in any subsequent order, the judgment-debtor may tend,
cut, gather and store the produce and do any other act necessary for maturing or
preserving it and if the judgment-debtor fails to do all or any of such acts, the decree
holder may, with the permission of the Court and subject to the like condition, do all
or any of them either by himself or by any person appointed by him in this behalf, and
the costs incurred by the decree holder shall be recoverable from the judgment-
debtor as if they were included in, or formed part, of the decree.
(3) Agricultural produce attached as a growing crop shall not be deemed to have
ceased to be under attachment or to require re-attachment merely because it has
been severed from the soil.
(4) Where an order for the attachment of a growing crop has been made at a
considerable time before the crop is likely to be fit to be cut or gathered, the Court
may suspend the execution of the order for such time as it thinks fit, and may, in its
discretion, make a further order prohibiting the removal of the crop pending the
execution of the order of attachment.
(5) A growing crop which from its nature does not admit of being stored shall not be
attached under this rule at any time less than twenty days before the time at which it
is likely to be fit to be cut or gathered.
(High Court Notification No. 125-Gaz./XI-Y-14, dated the 7th April 1932).
(xlvi) Order XXI, rule 53.-- Attachment of decrees.--(1) Where the property to be
attached is a decree, either for the payment of money or for sale in enforcement of a
mortgage, the attachment shall be made,-
(a) if the decree was passed by the same Court, then by order of such Court, and

(b) if the decree sought to be attached was passed by another Court, then by the
issue, to such other Court and to the Court to which it has been transferred for
execution, of a notice by the Court which passed the decree sought to be executed,
requesting such other Court to stay the execution of its decree unless and until-
(i) the Court which passed the decree sought to be executed cancels the notice, or
(ii) the holder of the decree sought to be executed or with the consent of the said
decree-holder expressed in writing or with the permission of the attaching Court, his
judgment-debtor applies to the Court receiving such notice to execute the attached
(2) Where a Court makes an order under clause (a) of sub-rule (1), or receives an
application under sub-head (ii) of clause (b) of the said sub-rule, it shall, on the
application of the creditor who has attached the decree or his judgment-debtor,
proceed to execute the attached decree and apply the net proceeds in satisfaction of
the decree sought to be executed.
(3) The holder of a decree sought to be executed by the attachment of another
decree of the nature specified in sub-rule(1) shall be deemed to be the representative
of the holder of the attached decree and to be entitled to execute such attached
decree in any manner lawful for the holder thereof.
(4) Where the property to be attached in the execution of a decree is a decree other
than a decree of the nature referred to in sub-rule (1), the attachment shall be made,
by a notice by the Court which passed the decree sought to be executed, to the
holder of the decree sought to be attached, prohibiting him from transferring or
charging the same in any way; and, where such decree has been passed by any
other Court, also by sending to such other Court a notice to abstain from executing
the decree sought to be attached until such notice is cancelled by the Court from
which it was sent.
(5) The holder of a decree attached under this rule shall give the Court executing the
decree such information and aid as may reasonably be required.

(6) On the application of the holder of decree sought to be executed by the
attachment of another decree, the Court making an order of attachment under this
rule shall give notice of such order to the judgment-debtor bound by the decree
attached ; and no payment or adjustment of the attached decree made by the
judgment-debtor in contravention of such order with the knowledge thereof, either
through the Court or otherwise, shall be recognized by any Court so long as the
attachment remains in force.
(High Court Notification No. 125-Gaz./XI-Y-14, dated the 7th April 1932 and High
Court Notification No.225-R/XI-Y-14 dated the 5th August, 1937).
(xlvii) Order XXI, rule 54.-- Attachment of immovable property.--(1) Where the
property is immovable, the attachment shall be made by an order prohibiting the
judgment-debtor from transferring or charging the property in any way, and all
persons from taking any benefit from such transfer or charge.
(2) The order shall be proclaimed at some place on or adjacent to such property by
beat of drum or other customary mode, and a copy of the order shall be affixed on a
conspicuous part of the property and then upon a conspicuous part of the court-
house, and also, where the property is land paying revenue to the Government, in
the office of the Collector of the district in which the land is situate; where the
property is land situated in a Cantonment, copies of the order shall also be forwarded
to the Cantonment Board and to the Military Estates Officer in whose area that
Cantonment is situated.
(3) The order shall take effect as against persons claiming under a gratuitous transfer
from the judgment-debtor, from the date of the order of attachment, and as against
others from the time they had knowledge of the passing of the order of attachment or
from the date of the proclamation, whichever is earlier.
(High Court Notification No. 125-Gaz./XI-Y-14, dated the 7th April, 1932; No 109-
R/XI-Y-14 dated 21st April, 1939 and No. 273-R-XI-Y-14, dated the 30th J uly, 1941).
(xlviii) Order XXI, rule 58.-- Investigation of claims to and objections to
attachment of attached property.-- Where any claim is

preferred to or any objection is made to the attachment of, any property attached in
execution of a decree on the ground that such property is not liable to such
attachment, the Court shall proceed to investigate the claim or objection with the like
power as regards the examination of the claimant or objector, and in all other
respects, as if he was a party to the suit:
[Provided that no such investigation shall be made when the Court considers that the
claims or objection was designedly or unnecessarily delayed.]
Postponement sale- Where the property to which the claim or objection applies has
been advertised for sale, the Court ordering the sale may postpone it pending the
investigation of the claim or objection.- (High Court Notification No. 125-Gaz./XI-Y-
14, dated the 7th April, 1932.
(xlix) Order XXI, rule 66.--(1) Proclamation of sale by public auction.-- Where any
property is ordered to be sold by public auction in execution of a decree, the Court
shall cause a proclamation of the intended sale to be made in the language of such
(2) Such proclamation shall be drawn up after notice to the decree-holder and the
judgment-debtor and shall state the time and place of sale, and specify as fairly and
accurately as possible -
(a) the property to be sold;
(b) the revenue assessed upon the estate or part of the estate where the property to
be sold is an interest in an estate or in part of an estate paying revenue to the
(c) any encumbrance to which the property is liable;
(d) the amount for the recovery of which the sale is ordered; and
(e) every other thing which the Court considers material for a purchaser to know in
order to judge the nature and value of the property, provided that it shall not be
necessary for the Court itself to give its own estimate of the value of the property; but
the proclamation shall include the estimate, if any, given by either or both the parties.

(3) Where the property to be sold is movable property which has been made over to
a custodian under sub-clause (a) or (c) of clause (1) of rule 43 of this Order, the
Court shall also issue a process by way of notice to the custodian, directing him to
produce the property at the place of sale at a time to be specified therein, with a
warning that if he fails to comply with the directions, he shall be liable to action under
section 145 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(4) Every application for an order for sale under this rule shall be accompanied by a
statement signed and verified in the manner hereinbefore prescribed for the signing
and verification of pleadings and containing, so far as they are known to or can be
ascertained by the person making the verification, the matters required by sub-rule
(2) to be specified in the proclamation.
(5) For the purpose of ascertaining the matters to be specified in the proclamation,
the Court may summon any person whom it thinks necessary to summon and may
examine him in respect to any such matters and require him to produce any
document in his possession or power relating thereto.
(High Court Notifications No. 567-Gaz., dated the 4th November 1929 and No. 150-
R/XI-Y-14 dated the 16th May 1939).
(l) Order XXI rule 68.--Time of sale.-- Save in the case of property of the kind
described in the proviso to rule 43 no sale hereunder shall without the consent in
writing of the judgment-debtor take place until after the expiration of at least fifteen
days in the case of immovable property and of at least one week in the case of
movable property calculated from the date on which the copy of the proclamation has
been affixed on the court-house of the J udge ordering the sale.
(High Court Notification No.125-Gaz./XI-Y-14, dated the 7th April, 1932).
(li) Order XXI rule 69.--Adjournment or stoppage of sale.--(1) The Court may in its
discretion, adjourn any sale hereunder to a specified day and hour and the officer
conducting any such sale may in his discretion, adjourn the sale recording his
reasons for such adjournment:

Provided that where the sale is made in or within the precincts of the court-house no
such adjournment shall be made without the leave of the Court.
(2) Where a sale is adjourned under sub-rule (1) for a longer period than thirty days a
fresh proclamation under rule 67 shall be made, unless the judgment-debtor
consents to waive it.
(3) Every sale shall be stopped if before the lot is knocked down, the debt and costs
(including the costs of the sale) are tendered to the officer conducting the sale or
proof is given to his satisfaction that the amount of such debt and costs have been
paid into the Court which ordered the sale.
(High Court Notification No. 125-Gaz./XI-Y-14, dated the 7th April 1932).
(lii) Order XXI rule 75.--(1) Special provisions relating to growing crops.-- Where the
property to be sold is a growing crop and the crop from its nature admits of being
stored but has not yet been stored, the day of the sale shall be so fixed as to admit of
its being made ready for storing before the arrival of such day and the sale shall not
be held until the crop has been cut or gathered and is ready for storing.
(2) Where the crop from its nature does not admit of being stored or can be sold to
great advantage in an unripe state it may be sold before it is cut and gathered and
the purchaser shall be entitled to enter on the land and to do all that is necessary for
the purpose of tendering and cutting or gathering it.
(Chief Court Notification No. 2212-G., dated the 12th May 1909 and High Court
Notification No. 123-R/XI-Y-14, dated the 28th April, 1938).
(liii) Order XXI, rule 89.--(1) Application to set aside sale on deposit.-- Where
immovable property has been sold in execution of decree, any person claiming any
interest in the property sold at the time of the sale or at the time of making the
application under this rule or acting for or in the interest of such a person, may apply
to have the sale set aside on his depositing in Court-
(a) for payment to the purchaser, a sum equal to five percent of the purchase money;

(b) for payment to the decree-holder, the amount specified in the proclamation of sale
as that for the recovery of which the sale was ordered, less any amount which may,
since the dates of such proclamation of sale, have been received by the decree
(2) Where a person applies under rule 90 to set aside the sale of his immovable
property, he shall not, unless he withdraws his application, be entitled to make or
prosecute an application under this rule.
(3) Nothing in this rule shall relieve the judgment-debtor from any liability he may be
under in respect of costs and interest not covered by the proclamation of sale.
(High Court Notification No. 125-Gaz./XI-Y.-14, dated the 7th April, 1932).
(liv) Order XXI, rule 90.-- Application to set aside sale on ground of irregularity,
fraud.-- (1) Where any immovable property has been sold in execution of a decree,
the decree-holder, or any person entitled to share in a rateable distribution of assets,
or whose interests are affected by the sale, may apply to the Court to set aside the
sale on the ground of a material irregularity or fraud in publishing or conducting it:
Provided that no sale shall be set aside on the ground of irregularity or fraud unless
upon the facts proved, the Court is satisfied that the applicant has sustained
substantial injury by reason of such irregularity or fraud;
[Provided further that no such application shall be entertained unless the applicant
deposits such amount not exceeding twenty per cent of the sum realized at the sale
or furnishes such security, as the Court may direct;]
Provided further that no such sale be set aside on any ground which the applicant
could have put forward before the sale was conducted.
(High Court Notification No. 125-Gaz./XI-Y-14, dated the 7th April, 1932).
(lv) Order XXI, rule 98.-- Resistance or obstruction by judgment-debtor.-- Where
the Court is satisfied that the resistance or obstruction was occasioned without
any just cause by the judgment debtor or by some other

person at his instigation or on his behalf, it shall direct that the applicant be put into
possession of the property, and where the applicant is still resisted or obstructed in
obtaining possession, the Court may also, at the instance of the applicant, order the
judgment-debtor, or any person acting at his instigation or on his behalf, to be
detained in the prison for a term which may extend to thirty days. Such detention
shall be at the public expense and the person at whose instance the detention is
ordered shall not be required to pay subsistence allowance.
(High Court Notification No. 125-Gaz./XI-Y-14 dated 7.4.1932)
(lvi) Order XXI, rule 104.-- For the purpose of all proceedings under this order,
service on any party shall be deemed to be sufficient if effected at the address for
service referred to in Order VIII, rule 11, subject to the provisions of Order VII, rule
24, provided that this rule shall not apply to the notice prescribed by rule 22 of this
(High Court Notification No. 567-G., dated the 24th November, 1927).
Note I:- Rule 29-A., which was added by Chief Court Notification No. 563-G., dated
the 24th November, 1927.
Note II:- Rule 63.A., which was added by High Court Notification No. 125-Gaz./XI-Y-
14, dated the 7th April 1932, has been omitted by High Court Notification No. 106-
R/XI-Y-14, dated 27th April, 1937].
(lvii) Order XXIII, rule 3.-- Where it is proved to the satisfaction of the Court that a
suit has been adjusted wholly or in part by any lawful agreement or compromise, or
where the defendant satisfies the plaintiff in respect of the whole or any part of the
subject-matter of the suit, the Court shall order such agreement, compromise or
satisfaction to be recorded, and shall pass a decree in accordance therewith so far
as it relates to the suit:
Provided that the hearing of a suit shall proceed and no adjournment shall be granted
in it for the purposes of deciding whether there has been any adjustment or
satisfaction, unless the Court for reasons to be recorded in writing, thinks fit to grant
such adjournment, and provided further that the judgment in the suit shall not be
announced until the question of adjustment or satisfaction has been decided;

Provided further that when an application is made by all the parties to the suit, either
in writing or in open Court through their counsel, that they wish to compromise the
suit, the Court may fix a date on which the parties or their counsel should appear and
the compromise be recorded, but shall proceed to hear those witnesses in the suit
who are already in attendance, unless for any other reason to be recorded in writing,
it considers it impossible or undesirable to do so. If upon the date fixed no
compromise has been recorded, no further adjournment shall be granted for this
purpose, unless the Court, for reasons to be recorded in writing, considers it highly
probable that the suit will be compromised on or before the date to which the Court
proposes to adjourn the hearing.
(High Court Notification No. 211-R/XI-Y-22, dated the 21st J uly, 1937).
(lviii) Order XXX, rule 1.-- (1) Suing of partners in name of firms.-- Any two or more
persons claiming or being liable as partners and carrying on business in Pakistan
may sue or be sued in the name of the firm (if any) of which such persons were
partners at the time of the accruing of the cause of action, and any party to a suit
may, in such case, apply to the Court for a statement of the names and addresses of
the persons who were at the time of the accruing of the cause of action, partners in
such firm, to be furnished and verified in such manner as the Court may direct.
(2) Where persons sue or are sued as partners in the name of their firm under sub-
rule (1), it shall, in the case of any pleading or other document required by or under
this Code, to be signed, verified or certified by the plaintiff or the defendant, suffice if
such pleading or other document is signed, verified or certified by any one of such
Explanation.-- This rule applies to a joint Hindu family trading partnership.
(Chief Court Notification No. 2212-G dated 12th May, 1909).
(lix) Order XXXII, rule 1.--Minor to sue by next friend.-- Every suit by a minor shall be
instituted in his name by person who in such suit shall be

called the next-friend of the minor. Such person may be ordered to pay any costs in
the suit as if he were the plaintiff.
(Chief Court Notification No. 2212.G.,dated 12th May 1909).
(lx) Order XXXII, rule 3.--(1) Guardian for the suit to be appointed by Court for minor
defendants.-- Where the defendant is a minor, the Court, on being satisfied of the
fact of his minority, shall appoint proper person to be guardian for the suit for such
(2) An order for the appointment of a guardian for the suit may be obtained upon
application in the name and on behalf of the minor or by the plaintiff.
(3) The plaintiff shall file with his plaint a list of relatives of the minor and other
persons, with their addresses, who Prima facie are most likely to be capable of acting
as guardian for the suit for a minor defendant. The list shall constitute an application
by the plaintiff under sub-rule (2) above.
(4) The Court may, at any time after institution of the suit, call upon the plaintiff to
furnish such a list, and, in default of compliance, may reject the plaint.
(5) A person appointed under sub-rule (1) to be guardian for the suit for a minor,
shall, unless his appointment is terminated by retirement, removal or death, continue
as such throughout all proceedings arising out of the suit including proceedings in
any appellate or revisional Court and any proceedings in the execution of a decree.
(6) Any application for the appointment of a guardian for the suit and any list
furnished under this rule shall be supported by an affidavit verifying the fact that the
proposed guardian has no interest in the matters in controversy in the suit adverse to
that of the minor, and that each person proposed is a fit person to be so appointed.
(7) No order shall be made on any application under this rule, except upon notice to
any guardian of the minor appointed or declared by an authority competent in that
behalf, or, where there is no such guardian, upon notice to the father or other
natural guardian of the minor, or, where there is no father or

other natural guardian, to the person in whose care the minor is, and after hearing
any objection which may be urged on behalf of any person served with notice under
this sub-rule:
Provided that the Court, may if it sees fit, issue notice to the minor also.
(High Court Notification No.95-G., dated 15th February, 1925, and No. 566-G., dated
24th November, 1927).
(lxi) Order XXXII, rule 4.--(1) Who may act as next friend or be appointed guardian
for the suit.-- Any person who is of sound mind and has attained majority may act as
next friend of a minor or as his guardian for the suit:
Provided that the interest of such person is not adverse to that of the minor, and that
he is not, in the case of a next friend, a defendant, or, in the case of a guardian for
the suit, a plaintiff.
(2) Where a minor has a guardian appointed or declared by competent authority, no
person other than such guardian shall act as the next friend of the minor or be
appointed his guardian for the suit unless the Court considers, for reasons to be
recorded, that it is for the minor's welfare that another person be permitted to act or
be appointed, as the case may be.
(2-A) Where a minor defendant has no guardian appointed or declared by competent
authority, the Court may, subject to the proviso to sub-rule (1), appoint as his
guardian for the suit a relative of the minor.
If no person be available who is a relative of the minor, the Court shall appoint one of
the other defendants, if any, and, failing such other defendant, shall ordinarily
proceed under sub-rule (4) of this rule to appoint one of its officers or a pleader.
(3) No person shall without his consent, be appointed guardian for the suit, but the
Court may presume such consent to have been given unless it is expressly refused.
(4) Where there in no other person fit and willing to act as guardian for the suit, the
Court may appoint any of its officers or a pleader to be such guardian, and may
direct that the costs to be incurred by such person in the

performance of his duties as such guardian shall be borne either by the parties or by
any one or more of the parties to the suit, or out of any fund in Court in which the
minor is interested and may give directions for the repayment or allowance of such
costs as justice and the circumstances of the case may require.
(High Court Notification No. 566-G. dated 24th November, 1927 as amended by High
Court Notification No. 209-R/XI-Y.-3, dated the 22nd J uly, 1936 and No. 281-R/XI-Y-
3, dated 19th September, 1936).
(lxiii) Order XXXVII, rule 3.-- (1) The Court shall, upon application by the defendant,
give leave to appear and to defend the suit, upon affidavits which disclose such facts
as would make it incumbent on the holder to prove consideration, or such other facts
as the Court may deem sufficient to support the application.
(2) Leave to defend may be given unconditionally, or subject to such terms as to
payment into Court, giving security, framing and recording issues or otherwise, as the
Court thinks fit.
(3) The provisions of section 5 of the Limitation Act, 1908, shall apply to applications
under sub-rule (1).
(High Court Notification No. 577-G., dated the 15th November, 1928).
(lxiv) Order XLI, rule 1.-- (1) Form of appeal. What to accompany memorandum.--
Every appeal shall be preferred in the form of a memorandum signed by the
appellant or his pleader and presented to the Court or to such officer as it appoints in
this behalf. The memorandum shall be accompanied by a copy of the decree
appealed from and (unless the Appellate Court dispenses therewith) of the judgment
on which it is founded:
Provided that when two or more cases are tried together and decided by the same
judgment, and two or more appeals are filed against the decrees, whether by the
same or different appellants, the officer appointed in this behalf, may , if satisfied that
the questions for decision are analogous in each appeal, dispense with the
production of more than one copy of the judgment.

(2) Contents of memorandum.- The memorandum shall set forth, concisely and
under distinct heads, the grounds of objection to the decree appealed from without
any arguments or narrative; and such grounds shall be numbered consecutively.
(High Court Notification No.631-Gaz./XI-Y-I, dated the 7th December, 1932).
(lxv) Order XLI, rule 14.--(1) Publication and service of notice of day for hearing
appeal.-- Notice of the day fixed under rule 12 shall be affixed in the Appellate court-
house, and a like notice shall be sent by the Appellate Court to the Court from whose
decree the appeal is preferred and shall be served on the respondent or on his
pleader in the Appellate Court in the manner provided for the service on a defendant
of a summons to appear and answer; and all the provisions applicable to such
summons, and to proceedings with reference to the service thereof, shall apply to the
service of such notice.
(2) Appellate Court may itself cause notice to be served.-- Instead of sending the
notice to the Court from whose decree the appeal is preferred, the Appellate Court
may itself cause the notice to be served on the respondent or his pleader under the
provisions above referred to.
(3) It shall be in the discretion of the Appellate Court to make an order, at any stage
of the appeal whether on the application of any party or on its own motion,
dispensing with service of such notice on any respondent who did not appear, either
at the hearing in the Court whose decree is complained of or at any proceedings
subsequent to the decree of the Court or on the legal representatives of any such
Provided that-
(a) the Court may require notice of the appeal to be published in any newspaper or
newspapers or in such other manner as it may direct;
(b) no such order shall preclude any such respondent or legal representative from
appearing to contest the appeal.
(High Court notification No.319.R/XI-Y-1, dated 13th November,1943).

(lxvi) Order XLI, rule 23-A.-- Where the Court from whose decree an appeal is
preferred has disposed of the case otherwise than on a preliminary point and the
decree is reversed in appeal, and a retrial is considered necessary the appellate
Court shall have the same powers as it has under rule 23.
(High Court Notification No. 216.R/XI-Y-I/XI-Y-25, dated the 4th August, 1938).
(lxvii) Order XLI, rule 35.--(1) Date and contents of decree.-- The decree of the
appellate Court shall bear date the day on which the judgment was pronounced.
(2) The decree shall contain the number of the appeal, the names and descriptions of
the appellant and respondent and a clear specification of the relief granted or other
adjudication made.
(3) The decree shall also state the amount of costs incurred in the appeal, and by
whom, or out of what property, and in what proportions, such costs and the costs in
the suit are to be paid.
(4) The decree shall be signed and dated by the J udge or J udges who passed it.
J udge dissenting from judgment need not sign decree; Provided that, where there
are more J udges than one, and there is a difference of opinion among them, it shall
not be necessary, for any J udge dissenting from the judgment of the Court, to sign
the decree;
Provided also in the case of High Court, that the Registrar, or such other officer as
may be in charge of the J udicial Department from time to time, shall sign the decree
on behalf of the J udge or J udges who passed it; but that such Registrar, or such
officer, shall not sign such decree on behalf of a dissenting J udge.
(High Court Notification No. 20-R/XI-Y-1, dated 29th J anuary, 1937).
(lxviii) Order XLI, rule 38.--(1) An address for service filed under Order VII, rule 19,
or Order VIII, rule 11, or subsequently altered under Order VII, rule 24, or Order VIII,
rule 12, shall hold good during all appellate proceedings arising out of the original suit
or petition.

(2) The notice of appeal, and other processes connected with proceedings therein,
shall issue to the addresses mentioned in clause (1) above, and service effected at
such addresses shall be as effective as if it had been made personally on the
appellant or respondent, as the case may be.
(3) Rules 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 of Order VII shall apply, so far as may be, to
appellate proceedings.
(High Court Notifications No. 567-G., dated 24th November, 1927 and No. 20-R/XI-Y-
1, dated 29th J anuary, 1937).
(lxix) Order XLII, rule 2.-- In addition to the copies specified in Order XLI, rule 1, the
memorandum of appeal shall be accompanied by a copy of the judgment of the Court
of first instance unless the appellate Court dispenses there with. (High Court
Notification No. 4685-G., dated 17th October, 1919, and No. 138-G., dated 19th
March, 1926).
(lxx) Order XLIII, rule 1. Appeal from Orders.-- An appeal shall lie from the
following orders under the provisions of section 104, namely--
(a) an order under rule 10 of Order VII returning a plaint to be presented to the proper
(b) an order under rule 10 of Order VIII pronouncing judgment against a party;
(c) an order under rule 9 of Order IX rejecting an application (in a case open to
appeal) for an order to set aside the dismissal of a suit;
(d) an order under rule 13 of Order IX rejecting an application (in a case open to
appeal) for an order to set aside a decree passed ex parte;
(e) an order under rule 4 of Order X pronouncing judgment against a party;
(f) an order under rule 21 of Order XI.
(g) an order under rule 10 of Order XVI for the attachment of property;
(h) an order under rule 20 of Order XVI pronouncing judgment against a party;
(i) an order under rule 34 of Order XXI on an objection to the draft of a document or
of an endorsement;

[(i-A) an order under rule 62 or rule 103 of Order XXI relating to the right, title or
interest of the claimant or objector in attached property;]
(j) an order under rule 72 or rule 92 of Order XXI setting aside or refusing to set aside
a sale;
(k) an order under rule 9 of Order XXII refusing to set aside the abatement or
dismissal of a suit;
(l) an order under rule 10 of Order XXII giving or refusing to give leave;
(m) an order under rule 3 of Order XXIII recording or refusing to record an
agreement, compromise or satisfaction;
(n) an order under rule 2 of Order XXV rejecting an application (in a case open to
appeal) for an order to set aside the dismissal of a suit;
(o) an order under rule 2, rule 4 or rule 7 of Order XXXIV refusing to extend the time
for the payment of mortgage money;
(p) orders in interpleader suits under rule 3, rule 4 or rule 6 of Order XXXV;
(q) an order under rule 2, rule 3 or rule 6 of Order XXXVIII;
(r) an order under rule 1, rule 2, rule 4 or rule 10 of Order XXXIX;
(s) an order under rule 1 or rule 4 of Order XL;
(t) an order of refusal under rule 19 of Order XLI to re-admit or under rule 21 of Order
XLI to re-hear an appeal;
(u) an order under rule 23 or rule 23-A of Order XLI remanding a case, where an
appeal would lie from the decree of the Appellate Court;
(v) an order made by any Court other than a High Court refusing the grant of a
certificate under rule 6 of Order XLV;
(w) an order under rule 4 of Order XLVII granting an application for review.
(High Court Notification No. 216-R/XI-Y-25, dated the 4th August 1938).
[(lxx-A) Order XLIII, Rules 3 & 4.--(a) Notice before presentation of appeal.-- (1)
Where an appeal against an order is preferred during the pendency of a suit, the
appellant shall, before presenting the appeal give notice of such appeal to
the respondent or his Advocate by delivering a copy of the memorandum and
grounds of appeal alongwith a copy of the order appealed

against either personally or through "Registered post acknowledgment due",
returnable to the Appellate Court. The postal or the other receipt shall be filed with
the memorandum of appeal for the record of the Appellate Court.
(2) On receipt of notice referred to in sub-paragraph (1), the respondent may, with
the permission of the Court, appear before it and contest the appeal and may be
awarded costs on dismissal of the appeal in limine.
(b) Application of rule 3.-- The provisions of rule 3 shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to
all applications filed before an Appellate Court during the pendency of a suit.]
(lxxi) Order XLV-A.--

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