Application of The Soil Spring Constant

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TERRASOL celebrates its 25th anniversary! This event will take place in Paris-La
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The use of a spring constant for the design and analysis of raft and pile-raft founda-
tions has many limitations, related to the proper estimation of the spring constant
magnitude and the soil structure interaction. Spring constants have been used for
example in the design of a Mass Rapid Transit railway station in an oversea project. The
overview of soil condition on that particular site is as shown in Fig. 1 below.
At this project the spring constant concept was adopted for designing the station raft
foundation. The structural engineer asked for the magnitude of the spring constant
from a young geotechnical engineer, who then gave a coefficient of subgrade reaction
(in kN/m
) derived from a plate-loading test. This parameter was later converted into
a foundation coefficient of subgrade reaction, k
, by using the following equation:
Figure 1: SPT vs Depth
where B is the width of the raft foundation.
This last parameter was then applied as a spring constant by multiplying it with the
unit area under the raft foundation (the unit dimension became kN/m). A certified
Professional Engineer then approved the outcome of the raft foundation design for con-
struction. Without prejudice to blame others, it is obviously a mistake! Why it is so? For
B greater than 0.3 m, equation 1 clearly shows that the greater the value of B the small-
er the value of ks. While it is structurally correct that the wider the foundation the more
flexible the foundation is. It does not equally right for the foundation soil. The engineers
had missed the fact that the soil at that area was far from homogeneous.
GOUW Tjie-Liong, PT Limara, Indonesia
B + 0.3
= k
2B (1)
The soil condition shows that, within the influence of the raft foundation, the deeper the
foundation soils the harder they are. This means the deeper soils have greater rigidity
as compared to the layer right below the raft foundation (note: the width of the raft is
around 35 m).
The inappropriate spring constant led to an excessive settlement of the raft. As a result,
in order to reduce the settlement, the center of the raft was strengthened with more
than 20 number of bored piles. Upon reviewing the design, the author proved that the
bored piles were excessive and unnecessary. However, by the time it was found, it was
too late.
The above case shows the application of spring constant without considering the char-
acteristics and the behavior of the underlying soils. And it is also an example of the
existence of ignorance, gaps and weakness in the relation among the structural and
geotechnical engineers. This papers tries to elaborate the underlying principle the
spring constant theory, its limitation and the application of specially made geotechni-
cal software to solve the problem of soil structure interaction.
What is the spring constant at this particular site? or What is the modulus of sub-
grade reaction at this location? is a common question asked by a structural engineer
to a geotechnical engineer. It is a straightforward question. Unfortunately, it has no
direct, let alone a simple answer.
The concept of spring constant was first introduced by Winckler in 1867. He modeled
flexible foundation, such as raft, to stand on an independent discreet spring elements
or supports. In 1955, Karl Terzaghi, in his paper Evaluation of coefficients of subgrade
reaction proposed a method to estimate the magnitude of the spring constants. His
approach, also known as subgrade reaction model, was then became popular and com-
monly used in the design of raft foundation.
Looking back into the origin of this concept (see Fig.2), one can see that the modulus
or the coefficient of subgrade reaction, k
(x), is defined as the foundation pressure, p(x),
divided by the corresponding settlement of the underlying soil, d(x), i.e.:
Figure 2: Subgrade Reaction under a Flexible Foundation
Slab infinitely long
in y direction
(center line)
Hard Layer
are elastic parameters of soil
= Young Modulus of Soils

= Poisson Ratio of Soils
In other words, the subgrade reaction is no other than the distribution of soil reaction, p(x),
beneath the raft foundation structure against the foundation load. The distribution of the
soil reaction is not linear in shape. This is particularly true when the foundation is sub-
jected to uniform load. In this case, generally, the distribution of the soil reaction in clayey
soils is curving upward, as shown in Fig. 2, with the largest reaction around the edges of
the foundation and the smallest reaction around the center. In sandy soils, the reverse
reaction is seen, i.e. zero on the edges and maximum at the center point. In principle, the
distribution of the soil reactions right beneath the raft foundation depend on the position
of the point under consideration (i.e., the distance of x), the shape of the loading and the
relative rigidity (EI) of the raft foundation structure against the underlying soils.
The Winckler model is a simplified mathematical formulation of an elastic soil model. This
concept does not take into account the fact that the foundation reaction or the soil stress-
es is distributed to the deeper soil layer and forming the so called bulb pressure. The soil
settlement beneath the foundation is the accumulation of interactions between the soil
stresses and the elastic parameters of the soils at each point inside the bulb pressure zone.
Assuming the soils inside the bulb pressure zone posses are homogeneous, Vesic (1961)
expanded the Winckler model into elastic model and developed the following equation:
The above Vesics equation clearly shows that the modulus of subgrade reaction
depends not only on the width of the foundation, B, but also on the elastic parameters
of soils, E
, and on the shape factor of the foundation, I
In the earlier days, for the sake of mathematical simplicity, it is generally simplified
that the spring constant is not a function of the position x (see Fig.2), hence a single
value of spring constant is applied. However, the non-linearity distribution of the soil
reactions right beneath the foundation structure suggests that the so-called modulus
of subgrade reaction, hence the spring constant, is not a unique value. Terzaghi him-
self recognized the limitation of this assumption. Bowles (1997) suggested providing
higher ks at the edges of the raft and smaller k
at the center position.
The above explanations show that there is no discrete value of modulus of subgrade
reaction for a given type of soil Therefore, it does not realistic to ask for a spring con-
stant value without the information on the type and the size of the foundation structure.
In layered soils with different elastic parameters, an equivalent model must be developed
in order to derive a representative modulus of subgrade reaction. To do this the elastic set-
tlement of the layered soils induced by the foundation pressure must first be calculated.
Poulos and Davis, 1974, mathematical formulation can be used to calculate the elastic
settlement of the foundation soils. In a pile raft foundation, to answer the question on the
magnitude of the spring constant, the geotechnical engineer also has either to calculate
the settlement of the pile foundation or derives it from a pile load test result.
Since the modulus of subgrade reaction (spring constant) is needed to calculate the
settlement of the foundation soils, why should one goes to the trouble in providing the
spring constant? The structural engineers asked the spring constant because they want
to feed in the parameter into their computer software. To the author knowledge, as it is
not developed to handle geotechnical problems, the structural engineering software
used in analyzing raft or pile raft foundation cannot handle geotechnical parameters.
(x) =
d(x) (2)
. (1-v
) (3)
Another limitation of the spring constant model is the assumption that the foundation
soil has linear or elastic behavior. In reality, since Winckler introduced his theory (1867)
133 years have lapsed, and the geotechnical engineering has kept on advancing. It has
been known that soil behavior does not elastic.
It is an elastoplastic material with different behavior within each classification, and
many soil models have been developed.
In order to provide a relatively simple and quick solution for the analysis of raft foundation,
Winckler followed by Terzaghi, simplified the mathematical formulation into the spring
constant or modulus of subgrade reaction model. Over the time, many geotechnical experts
had gained better and better understanding on soil behavior and many soil models has
been developed. Many of them come with complex mathematical equations, which needs
more advanced computer technology and special finite element software to solve.
Until late 1980s where computer hardware, software and run time cost was still very
expensive, the spring constant model was indeed one of a good tool for engineers.
However, since mid of 1990s and especially as we enter this new millenium, advanced
Personal Computer and the relevant geotechnical engineering software has become
available and affordable for most firm. So why dont we use a specific finite element
method to solve a soil structure interaction problem?
Nowadays, finite element software, such as PLAXIS, CRISP, SIGMA, etc., which is spe-
cially developed to solve geotechnical problems has been available. T
In a densely populated city, it is not uncommon that a subway tunnel must be con-
structed underneath an existing building foundation or the reverse, that is to construct
a building on top of an existing tunnels. In 1998, the author had a chance to evaluate
such a problem. At that time a twin tunnel subway project was on its way. These 6.3 m
diameter twin tunnels shall cross some 30 m underneath a land where a condominium
building was planned. The landlord was wondering when to construct his building,
before or after the tunneling?
If the building was constructed before the tunnels passed the area, he had no responsibil-
ity on the tunnel construction and it would be the tunnel contractor responsibility to take
precaution not to induce any negative impact to the building. However, at that time the
macro economy situation was not favorable for the sales of the condominium. On the other
hand, if the building was constructed later, the impact of the building construction to the
twin tunnels had to be studied. And this might lead to a more costly foundation, as there
is a requirement that any pile foundation from the ground surfaceto the spring-lines of a
subway tunnel must not bear any friction resistance. The other option available is to
strengthen the tunnel lining to anticipate the future additional stresses that come from the
building foundation. And the building owner would have to contribute on its cost.
Figure 3: The Finite Element Model of The Initial Condition
Figure 3 shows the initial condition of the site and the subsequent soil parameters. The
center of the tunnel lines is 35 m below the ground surface. Landscaping of the site
required a 1.5 m excavation and this was done before the tunneling. The base of the
raft foundation would be around 3.5 m from the ground surface. The groundwater level
was found at about 3.75 m below the ground surface. Table 1 shows the soil data. Mohr-
Coulomb soil model was adopted to perform the analysis.
Table 1: The Soil Data
Many possible construction sequences were analyzed. The construction sequence pre-
sented in this paper is as follows:
Overall excavation up to 1.5 m deep.
Bored piles construction
Tunneling (followed by volume loss)
2.0 m excavation for raft construction
Raft construction
Building Construction and Load Application
The results of the final stage construction are presented below.
Figure 4: Deformed Mesh
Figure 5: Pile Raft and Tunnels Total Displacement
Plaxis Practice
Figure 6: Pile Raft and Tunnels Vertical and Horizontal Displacement
Figure 7: Pile Raft and Tunnels Bending Moment
Figure 8: Pile Raft and Tunnels Axial and Shear Forces
With the said construction sequence, the result of the analysis shows that the maximum
pile raft settlement would be in the order of 33 mm. The analysis also predicted that the
building would exert additional vertical stress of 90 kN/m
, with a corresponding 12 mm
vertical displacement, to the tunnel crown. The above example was one of the input for
project evaluation. It shows the importance of the soil structure interaction analysis,
which cannot be solved by using the spring constant model.
The above discussions show that there is no straightforward answer to the question of:
What is the magnitude of the spring constant (or the modulus of subgrade reaction)
at this site? It is inappropriate for a geotechnical engineer to provide the said param-
eters without knowing the system and the size of the foundation. The non-linearity of
soil reaction beneath a footing or raft foundation suggests that the k
value is not a
unique value. Great care must be exercised in deriving the value. It is always important
to have a good communication, understanding and cooperation between the structural
engineer and the geotechnical engineer in solving a particular foundation problem.
Since the computer technology and the relevant finite element software has become rel-
atively cheap and readily available, whenever possible, it is suggested to perform a soil
structure interaction analysis and leave behind the spring constant concept. As demon-
strated above, nowadays, the geotechnical finite element software is capable to handle
complex soil structure interaction problem, which cannot be solved by the spring con-
stant model.
Last but not least, the derivation of the input soil parameters is very important. As soil
is not manmade materials, strong theoretical knowledge and sophisticated engineering
software alone is not adequate.
A geotechnical engineer must gain plenty of practical experiences in order to come out
with a sound engineering judgment in determining the relevant soil parameters for a
particular soil model. It does not mater how sophisticated computer software is, the
adage Garbage in Garbage out is always prevails.
Bowles J.E. (1997), Foundation Analysis and Design, 5th ed., McGraw Hill Int.Ed.,
Brinkgreve R.B.J and Vermeer (1998), PLAXIS Finite Element Code for Soil and Rock
Analysis, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Poulos H.G. and Davis E.H. (1974), Elastic Solutions for Soil and Rock Mechanics,
John Willey & Sons, Inc., New York, USA.
Terzaghi K. (1955), Evaluation of coefficients of subgrade reaction, Geotechnique,
No.4, 297-326.
Terzaghi K., Peck R.B. and Mesri G (1996), Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice,
John Willey & Sons, Inc., New York, USA.
Vesic A.B. (1961), Beam on Elastic Subgrade and The Wincklers Hypothesis, Proc. 5
Int. Conf. On Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol.1, p. 845-850.
Figure 9: Changes of Stress and Displacement right above Tunnel Crown

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