1. ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization.
2. The main principle of layered architecture is separation of responsibility, with each layer responsible for a finite amount of work.
3. Layering the communications process means breaking down the communication process into smaller and easier to handle interdependent categories.
1. ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization.
2. The main principle of layered architecture is separation of responsibility, with each layer responsible for a finite amount of work.
3. Layering the communications process means breaking down the communication process into smaller and easier to handle interdependent categories.
1. ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization.
2. The main principle of layered architecture is separation of responsibility, with each layer responsible for a finite amount of work.
3. Layering the communications process means breaking down the communication process into smaller and easier to handle interdependent categories.
1. ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization.
2. The main principle of layered architecture is separation of responsibility, with each layer responsible for a finite amount of work.
3. Layering the communications process means breaking down the communication process into smaller and easier to handle interdependent categories.
a. International Organization for Standardization b. Internet Organization for Standardization c. International Organization Standardization d. International for Organization Standardization 2. The main principle of layered architecture is a. Separation of responsibility b. Addition of responsibility c. Subtraction of responsibility d. None of these 3. hich type of net!or" operating system in No#ell Net!are a. $lient b. Ser#er c. %oth a & b d. None of these '. (o! many layers a No#ell Net!are protocol stac" uses a. 3 b. ' c. ) d. * ). T$+,I+ model is the ------- . !hich is used in the OSI model a. Oldest protocol b. Not so old protocol c. Ne!ly established protocol d. None of these *. In layered architecture. each layer is responsible for a -------- amount of !or" a. Infinite b. /inite c. 0arge File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these 1. 0ayering the communications process means brea"ing do!n the communication process into------ and ----- to handle interdependent categories a. Smaller b. 2asier c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3. The con#ention and rules used in such communications are collecti#ely "no!n as a. +eer b. 0ayer protocol c. Net!or" d. None of these 4. The entities comprising the corresponding layers on different computers are called -------- !hich communicate by using layer protocol a. +eer b. 0ayer protocol c. Net!or" d. None of these e. 15.OSI has t!o meanings refers to a. OSI basic reference model b. +rotocol that are authorized by ISO c. %oth a & b d. None of these 11. Net!or" is the term used for a group of a. protocols b. layers c. %oth a & b d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 12.The groups of layers pro#ides information to allo!s ---------. !hich correctly obeys the appropriate protocol a. (ard!are implementation b. Soft!are implementation c. %oth a & b d. None of these 13.hich are ne#er form a part of the architecture because they are not #isible from the outside a. Interface specification b. Implementation details c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 1'.The information e6changed bet!een t!o computers is physically carried by means of --------- !ith the help of certain coding method a. 2lectronics signal b. 2lectrical signal c. +hysical signal d. +hysical circuits 1). /or t!o computers to reliably e6change data. they must ha#e a a. compatible implementation of encoding b. interpreting data carrying electrical signals c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1*.Transmission media deals !ith the types of medium used . !hich is dictated by the a. 7esirable band!idth b. Immunity to noise c. Attenuation properties d. All of these e. File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 11.The data communication process allocates memory resources. commonly "no!n as----------- for the sa"e of transmission and reception of data a. $ommunication buffers b. $ommunication media c. %oth a & b d. None of these 13. The recei#ing computer must be capable of distinguishing bet!een information $arrying signal and mere noise a. 2rror control b. 0ogical channels c. 8outing d. All of these 14.In error control. this corruption could be in the form of ---------------- a. Noise b. 2lectromagnetic interference c. %oth a & b d. None of these 25.+rotocols should pro#ide at least ------ logical channels per connection a. 2 b. 3 c. ' d. ) 21. 7ata e6change can ta"e place bet!een any ----- !or"stations a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. ' 22.7epending on the nature of the in#ol#ed application in layered architecture. the dialog type may be a. 7uple6 File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. (alf duple6 c. Simple6 mode d. All of these 23. The session reco#ery can be achie#ed by pro#iding a a. $hec"point b. $hec" mechanism c. $haracter encoding d. Terminal emulation 2'.The chec" pointing circum#ent session reco#ery re9uirement by retransmitting only the a. Affected files b. Sa#ing time c. %and!idth d. All of these e. 2).Some good e6amples of presentation problems are the e6isting incompatibilities bet!een the---------- standard of character encoding a. AS$II b. 2%$7I$ c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 2*. This is the entities in the same layers but on different computers a. +eer entities b. 2ntities c. Ser#ice pro#ider d. SA+ 21. hich function of the layer pro#ides certain ser#ices a. +eer entities b. 2ntities c. Ser#ice pro#ider File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. SA+ 23.hich function of the layer uses certain ser#ices a. +eer entities b. 2ntities c. Ser#ice pro#ider d. Ser#ice user 24.hich is the point from !here ser#ices can be accessed .each point is the uni9ue address a. +eer entities b. 2ntities c. Ser#ice pro#ider d. SA+ 35. hich are the acti#e elements such as processes. IO chips in e#ery layers a. +eer entities b. 2ntities c. Ser#ice pro#ider d. SA+ 31.hich is the reliable connectionless ser#ice !ith ac"no!ledgement a. 8egistered 2:mail b. ;un" 2:mail c. %oth a & b d. None of these 32. hich is the unreliable connectionless ser#ice !ithout ac"no!ledgement a. 8egistered 2:mail b. ;un" 2:mail c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 33.In !hich model. 8e9uest:reply command is e6ample of connectionless ser#ice a. $lient:ser#er model b. <ser model File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. Ser#er model d. None of these 3'. hich ser#ice is specified by a set of primiti#es a#ailable to a ser#ice user to interact !ith the ser#ice pro#ider a. connection:oriented b. connectionless c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3).hich are parameters to define conditions a. +rotocol b. +rimiti#es c. $onfirmed ser#ice d. SA+ 3*.A confirmed ser#ices is defined !ith a a. 8e9uest b. $onfirm c. 8esponse d. Indication e. +rimiti#es f. All of these g. 31.The Ser#ice primiti#es are the part of a. +rotocol b. +rimiti#es c. $onfirmed ser#ice d. SA+ 33.An unconfirmed is defined !ith a a. 8e9uest b. Indication c. $onfirm File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. 8esponse e. %oth a & b f. All of these 34.hich are the distinct concepts and are important to release connections bet!een sender and recei#er a. Ser#ices b. +rotocol c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. '5.hich is pro#ided to the upper layer by an immediate lo!er layer a. +rotocol to ser#ice b. Ser#ice to protocol c. Ser#ice primiti#es d. None of these '1. The characteristic of each layer are as a. Name b. $ontent c. /unction d. Total no of layers depend on type of net!or" e. All of these f. '2.The basic function of each single layer is to pro#ides ser#ice to the a. 0ayer of the top b. 0ayer of the bottom c. 0ayer abo#e it d. 0ayer belo! it '3.-------- the protocol can ma"e communication bet!een the t!o either difficult or impossible a. %reaching File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. %ranching c. %roaching d. %runching ''.The net!or" architecture can be termed as a a. Set of layers b. Set of protocols c. Set of machines d. %oth a & b ').The hectic tas" of designing the !hole net!or" can be distributed in the a. Smaller b. 2asier c. Simpler design problems d. All of these '*.hich is the computers from the same manufacturer it !as not possible to run both------- solution and ------- simultaneously a. I%= b. 72$ c. %oth a & b d. None of these '1.ISO:OSI reference model these could only be run one at a time by the end---------- a. 14*4s b. 1411s c. 1415s d. 1412s '3.hich is a reliable connection:oriented ser#ice has t!o subparts a. =essage se9uences b. %yte streams c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum '4.hich is similar to postal system !here e#ery message contains the complete destination address and is mapped through the system. free of all the others a. $onnection:oriented ser#ices b. $onnectionless ser#ices c. %oth a & b d. None of these )5.The #arious types of ser#ices pro#ided by the interface to the layers abo#e them are listed as follo!s a. $onnection:oriented ser#ices b. $onnectionless ser#ices c. %oth a & b d. None of these )1.The connectionless ser#ices can be further sub:di#ided into many categories a. <nreliable datagram b. Ac"no!ledged datagram c. %oth a & b d. None of these )2.<nreliable connectionless ser#ice can be also termed as a. 7atagram ser#ice b. 7ata ser#ice c. %yte stream ser#ice d. None of these )3.%y the end of ---------. the Open System Interconnection model !as de#eloped by the International Organization for Standardization to brea" the barrier a. 1435 b. 1415 c. 1445 d. 14*5 )'.The first and the lo!est layer is called the --------------------------- a. +hysical layer File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. Supporting rules for lo!:le#el signaling c. (ard!are implementation d. All of these )).The se#enth and the highest layer is the application layer that deals !ith the a. <ser interface b. Applications c. %oth a & b d. None of these )*.In mo#ing from layer one to layer se#en. the le#el of abstraction -------- a. Increases b. 7ecreases c. =ay be increases or decreases d. None of these e. )1.The first layer deals !ith the actual ------------ a. (ard!are of net!or"s b. The specific methods of sending bits from one de#ice to another c. %oth a & b d. None of these )3.The second layer also deals !ith ---------------- a. Signaling b. (ard!are c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. )4.The transport layer is the one. !hich lin"s the communication process to this ----------------- a. (ard!are:oriented protocol b. Soft!are:oriented protocol c. %oth a & b File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these *5.hich is collecti#ely "no!n as a protocol data unit>+7<? a. 7ata b. (eader c. %oth a & b d. None of these *1.The se#enth layer does not deal !ith ---------- concepts #ery much a. (ard!are b. 2#en operating system c. %oth a & b d. None of these *2.The basic philosophy of the se#en:layer model is that each layer may be defined a. 7ependently of e#ery other layer b. Independently of e#ery other layer c. 7ependent on same layer d. None of these *3.The se#en layers of the OSI model are categorized into -------- groupings a. 2 b. 3 c. ' d. ) *'.The lo!er layers are layers a. 1.2.3 b. 1.2.3.' c. 1.2.3.'.) d. 2.3.'.).* *).The upper layers are layers a. ).* b. ).1 c. *.1 File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. ).*.1 **.The lo!er layers are implemented by using -------------- !ith the incidence of hard!are @reducingA to soft!are from layer 1 to layer ' a. Soft!are b. (ard!are c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. *1.The upper layers are not e6pected to "no! anything about ------------ a. Net!or"ing b. Net!or" addresses c. %oth a & b d. None of these *3.The bottom four layers ta"e the responsibility of ----------------- a. Net!or"ing b. Net!or" addresses c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. *4.The OSI interface is a process of communication bet!een adBacent layers in !hich data is passed bet!een a. 0ayer n b. 0ayer n:1 c. 0ayer nC1 d. All of these 15.The layers 3 and ' interface are used by protocol to ------------- a. +ass control b. +ass 7ata information c. %oth a & b d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 11.This refers to communication up and do!n the protocol stac" e#ery time any data is sent recei#ed across the net!or" a. Dertical communication b. (orizontal communication c. +rotocols d. OSI interfaces 12.hich is a communication process running at a particular layer on one host machine can accomplish logical communication !ith a similar process running at the same layer on another host machine a. Dertical communication b. (orizontal communication c. +rotocols d. OSI interfaces 13.hich OSI model supports the interconnection of different implementations of #arious autonomous layers a. =odularity b. Inter:layer interactions c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 1'.The functions of the OSI layer model are 0ayers /unctions File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 1 +hysical It mo#es bits bet!een de#ices by using media 2 7ata lin" It tends to assemble pac"ets into bytes and bytes into frames and pro#ides access to media by using =A$ address 3 Net!or" It is responsible for pro#iding logical addressing !hich routers use for path determination and routing ' Transport It pro#ides reliable or unreliable deli#ery and performs error correction before retransmit. It is also responsible for end:to:end connection ) Session It aims to "eep different applications data separately and pro#ides dialog control * +resentation It pro#ides rules to present data. handle processing li"e encryption. compression and translation ser#ices 1 Application It aims to pro#ide a user interface li"e file. print. message. database and application ser#ices 1).A number of transmission media e6ist. some of them are a. Open !ire circuits b. T!isted pair cables c. $oa6ial cables d. /iber optic cables e. ireless f. All of these 1*.The physical layer specifies the representation of each bit as a a. Doltage b. $urrent c. +hase or fre9uency d. All of these 11.The physical layer uses four types of bit signaling approaches these are a. 8E>return to zero? by using pulse signaling b. N8E>non return to zero? transmission by using le#el signaling c. =anchester encoding by using phase signaling d. N8E:I>non return to zero:in#erti#e? by using band!idth File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum e. All of these 13.hat are the t!o types of systems that are used to pro#ide timing signal a. Asynchronous communications b. Synchronous communications c. %oth a & b d. None of these 14.The timing signal identifies the boundaries bet!een the a. %ytes b. %its c. Figabyte d. =egabyte 35.hich bit stream is to be transmitted !ith the obBecti#e that !hen the sending side sends ----- bit a. 1 b. 5 c. 1.5 d. None of these 31.hich bit stream is to be transmitted !ith the obBecti#e that !hen the recei#ed by the recei#ing side as 1 bit. not as --- bit a. 1 b. 5 c. 1.5 d. None of these 32.It defines the electrical and mechanical aspects of interfacing to a physical medium for transmitting data -------------------------------- a. As !ell as setting up b. =aintaining c. 7isconnecting physical lin"s d. All of these 33.The functions of the physical layer are File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 7escribing hard!are specifications b. 2ncoding and signaling c. 7ata transmission and reception d. All of these 3'.The physical layer supports #arious encoding and signaling functions to con#ert data. from bit stream to frame and #ice #ersa. to send across the net!or" a. 7escribing hard!are specifications b. 2ncoding and signaling c. 7ata transmission and reception d. None of these 3).hat is an e6ample of a physical layer definition a. 8S:323$,7 b. 8S:232$,7 c. 8S:233$,7 d. 8S:322$,7 3*. 26amples of data lin" layers are a. (70$ b. 2thernet c. %oth a & b d. None of these 31.The functions of the data lin" layer are a. 0ogical 0in" control>00$? b. =edia Access $ontrol>=A$? c. 7ata framing d. Addressing e. 2rror detection and handling f. All of these 33.The data lin" layer also deals !ith the issue of addressing !hat is popularly "no!n as a. (ard!are b. Address File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. =A$ address d. All of these 34.Some of the e6amples of =A$ are a. $S=A,$7 for 2thernet b. To"en passing for the To"en 8ing net!or" c. %oth a & b d. None of these 45.The functions of the Net!or" layer are a. 0ogical addressing b. 8outing c. 7atagram encapsulation d. /ragmentation and reassembly e. All of these 41.The routing of net!or" layer may be a. Static b. 7ynamic c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 42.The net!or" layer uses !hich ser#ice for deli#ering pac"ets across the net!or" a. $onnection:oriented b. $onnectionless ser#ice c. %oth a & b d. None of these 43.In broadcast net!or" .the routing problem is --------. so the net!or" layer is often thin or e#en none6istent a. $omple6 b. Simple c. %oth a & b d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 4'.The transport layer pro#ides the necessary function to enable communication bet!een ------------- processes on different computers a. Soft!are application b. (ard!are application c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 4).The transport layer accepts data from the ------ and splits it up into smaller units so that it can be passed to the net!or" layer a. Net!or" layer b. Session layer c. +resentation layer d. +hysical layer 4*. hich protocol uses the transport layer a. /T+ b. T/T+ c. (TT+ d. T$+,I+ 41.The functions of transport layer are a. +rocess:le#el addressing b. =ultiple6ing and de:multiple6ing c. Segmentation. pac"aging and reassembly d. $onnection establishment . management and termination e. Ac"no!ledgements and retransmission f. /lo! control g. All of these 43.The session layer is responsible for --------------- the dialogues bet!een communicating applications a. 2stablishing b. =aintaining File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. Arbitrating d. All of these e. 44. The session layer pro#ides enhanced useful ser#ices in some applications such as a. 8emote login b. 8emote file transfer c. %oth a & b d. None of these 155.Some e6amples of A+Is are a. Net%IOS b. T$+,I+ soc"ets c. 8emote +rocedure $alls >8+$s? d. All of these 151.hich enable an application to complete specified high le#el communications o#er the net!or" successfully and easily !ith the help of a standardized set of ser#ices a. 8+$s b. A+Is c. T$+,I+ d. All of these 152.The data lin" layer is also "no!n as a. 0in" layer b. 7ata layer c. Open layer d. None of these 153.Some e6ample of data lin" layers are a. (70$ b. 2thernet c. %oth a & b d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 15'.hich pro#ides lin" to many !ireless and !ired local area net!or"ing >0AN? li"e 2thernet ./77I. I222352.11 etc to function a. +hysical layer b. 7ata lin" layer c. Transport layer d. +resentation layer 15).hich layer is responsible for the reliable transfer of data across the physical lin" a. +hysical layer b. 7ata lin" layer c. Transport layer d. +resentation layer 15*.The responsibility of data lin" layer include functions such as a. 7ata flo! control b. %rea"ing the input data c. /rame formatting d. Transmission of the frame se9uence e. 2rror detection f. 0in" management g. All of these 151.hich layer performs functions relati#e to the synta6 and semantics of the information transmitted a. +hysical layer b. 7ata lin" layer c. Transport layer d. +resentation layer 153.The types of data handling issue that presentation layer pro#ides are as follo!s a. Translation b. $ompression c. 2ncryption d. All of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 154.In translation. different types of computers li"e -------------in an Inter:net!or" ha#e many distinct characteristics and represent data in different !ays a. +$s b. =acintoshes c. <NIG systems d. AS,'55 ser#ers e. All of these 115.hich layer allo!s the user to use the net!or" a. +hysical layer b. 7ata lin" layer c. Application layer d. +resentation layer 111.The application layer pro#ides net!or":based ser#ices to the user are a. 7istributed database b. 2lectronic mail c. 8esource sharing d. /ile transfer e. 8emote file access f. Net!or" management g. All of these 112.hich layer pro#ides user interface to communicate !ith a computer a. +hysical layer b. Application layer c. Transport layer d. +resentation layer 113.The most popular application layer protocols are a. (TT+. /T+ b. S=T+. 7($+ c. N/S. Telnet d. SN=+. +O+3 File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum e. NNT+. I8$ f. All of these 11'.hich model is considered the oldest protocol of all computer net!or"s li"e the A8+AN2T and its successor. the Internet a. T$+,I+ 8eference model b. S=T+ model c. Telnet model d. NNT+ model e. 11).=ost users rely on ------ for the purpose of file transfers. electronic mail>e:mail? and remote login ser#ices a. T$+,I+ b. S=T+ c. 7($+ d. N/S e. 11*.(o! many layers T$+,I+ model has a. 2 b. 3 c. ' d. ) 111.T$+,I+ layer specifies the ---------- layer a. +hysical layer b. Application layer c. Transport layer d. +resentation layer 113.T$+,I+ defines a four:layer model consisting of the a. Internet layer b. Transport layer c. Application layer File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. Net!or" interface layer e. All of these 114.T$+,I+ architecture is based on the three sets of interdependent processes are a. Application:specific processes b. (ost:specific processes c. Net!or":specific processes d. All of these 125.hich T$+,I+ standards define protocols for T$+,I+ net!or"s for layer t!o implementation to fill the gap bet!een the net!or" layer and the physical layer a. Serial 0ine Internet +rotocol>S0I+? b. +oint:to:+oint +rotocol>+++? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 121.The Internet layer of the T$+,I+ matches !ith the !hich layer of the OSI model a. Net!or" layer b. +hysical layer c. Session layer d. 7ata lin" layer 122.The +ac"et format and protocol at internet layer is called a. Net!or" protocol b. Internet protocol c. OSI protocol d. None of these 123.hich protocols are found in a Internet 0ayer of T$+,I+ model a. I+ b. I$=+ c. 8I+ d. %F+ e. All of these 12'.hich protocols are found in a Net!or" interface 0ayer of T$+,I+ model File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 2thernet b. /77I c. To"en 8ing d. All of these e. 12).hich protocols are found in a Transport 0ayer of T$+,I+ model a. T$+ b. <7+ c. /77I d. %oth a & b 12*.hich protocols are found in a Application 0ayer of T$+,I+ model a. /T+ b. T/T+ c. S=T+ d. N/S e. T20N2T f. SN=+ g. All of these h. None of these 121.The <7+ +rotocols are a. 8eliable b. $onnection:oriented c. $onnectionless d. <nreliable i. %oth a & b ii. %oth c & d iii. None of these 123.hich protocols are found in the application layer a. Numerous b. <7+ File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. T$+ d. I+ 124.hich other function include ------------------and identification of port number a. Se9uence control b. 2rror reco#ery and control c. /lo! control d. All of these 135.T$+ layer is a a. Ser#ice b. $onnection type ser#ice c. $onnectionless type ser#ice d. None of these 131.The basic functions of application layer are ------------- that !ish to communicate !ith one another a. To identify the source machine b. To identify the destination machine c. %oth a & b d. None of these 132.The Internet has definite standards for /T+ that connects to a a. 8emote machine b. Sends an arbitrary file c. /etches an arbitrary file d. All of these 133./T+ addresses the a. Issues of authentication b. 0isting of directory contents c. AS$II or binary files d. All of these 13'.Another aspect of the application layer is to ---------- .this application is called telnet a. 0ogin remotely File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. 0ogout c. 8emotely d. None of these 13).T$+ connection !ith another location and then pass "eystro"es from the ------- a. 8emote host to local host b. 0ocal host to remote host c. remote host to remote host d. 0ocal host to 0ocal host 13*.Similarly. there are many other applications such as NNT+ enabling communication bet!een a ----------- a. Ne!s ser#er b. Ne!s client c. eb>(TT+?:based protocol for communication on the d. All of these 131./T+ is among the oldest protocols used in the----- a. Internet b. eb c. %oth a & b d. None of these 133.hich is a file ser#er access protocol that enables a user to transfer files bet!een t!o hosts a. S=T+ b. T$+ c. /T+ d. NNT+ 134./T+ is !idely a#ailable on almost all:bro!sers indicating that all computing platforms. including --------- a. 7OS b. OS,2 c. <NIG and up to the mainframe le#el ha#e this ser#ice a#ailable File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. All of these 1'5.hich dose not re9uire any familiarity !ith the remote operating system a. S=T+ b. T$+ c. /T+ d. NNT+ e. 1'1.=odern /T+ ser#ers "no!n as ------- a. T$+7 b. /T+7 c. S=T7 d. $T+7 1'2./T+7 support t!o different T$+ connections namely------- a. $ontrol connection b. 7ata connection c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 1'3.hich is in#o"ed for the entire duration of transfer of file or /T+ session a. $ontrol connection b. 7ata connection c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1''.hich connection is establish as and !hen it is re9uired a. $ontrol connection b. 7ata connection c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 1').The main function of data connection is to facilitate transfer of file and directory to and File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum from the-------- a. $lients at the ser#erAs re9uest b. $lients at the clientAs re9uest c. Ser#er at the ser#erAs re9uest d. Ser#er at the clientAs re9uest 1'*.T/T+ stands for a. Transfer file tri#ial protocol b. Transfer file transfer protocol c. Tri#ial file tri#ial protocol d. Tri#ial file transfer protocol 1'1.hich is also an internet ser#ice intended for the transfer of files from one computer to another o#er a net!or" a. T/T+ b. /T+ c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1'3.T/T+ does not pro#ide ------------- a. +ass!ord protection b. <ser directory capability c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1'4.T/T+ is simpler than the ----------- but less capable a. /T+ b. S=T+ c. NNT+ d. /T+7 1)5.hich is one of the most popular net!or" ser#ices a. 2lectronic message b. 2lectronic mail c. 2lectric mail File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these e. 1)1.2lectronic mail !or"s li"e an a. +ost mail b. +ostal mail c. +ost card d. None of these 1)2.2:mail has t!o parts namely a. <ser agent b. =essage Transfer agent c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1)3.=TA stands for a. =essage Transmission Agent b. =achine Transfer Agent c. =essage Transfer Agent d. =obile Transfer Agent 1)'.hich is a soft!are pac"age that transports the message created by a user to destination mailbo6es possibly on remote machines a. <ser agent b. =TA c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1)).The =TA has to perform more comple6 Bobs than other applications a. =TA distinguishes bet!een local and remote recipients b. =TA needs to deli#er copies of a message to se#eral machines c. =TA allo!s mi6ing of te6t. #oice appending documents. files and #ideo in a message d. =TA handles temporary failures !hen a destination machine is temporarily una#ailable File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum e. All of these 1)*.In =TA. e:mail address consist of the follo!ing components a. =ailbo6 names b. Symbolic names c. Froup names>mail e6ploders? d. All of these 1)1.hich is the user interface to the mail system a. <ser agent b. =TA c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1)3.hich refers to the name of a ser#ice rather than a specific user a. =ailbo6 names b. Symbolic names c. Froup names>mail e6ploders? d. All of these 1)4.hich refers to an alias for a set of recipients. that consults an internal database to specify the mail addresses a. =ailbo6 names b. Symbolic names c. Froup names>mail e6ploders? d. All of these 1*5.There are a number of e:mail pac"ages a#ailable. Some of them are free li"e --------------------. !hile some are paid a. Foogle mail b. Hahoo mail c. (otmail d. All of these 1*1.In =TA. all of them are also not ali"e but most of the e:mail soft!are ha#e common basic functionality these are File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. Send and recei#e mail messages b. Sa#e your messages in a file c. +rint mail messages d. /or!ard a mail message to other recipients e. 8eply to mail messages f. Attach a file to a mail message g. All of these 1*2.2:mail address has three parts a. A user identity or name b. An @atA sign>I? c. The domain name. !hich basically specifies the address of the userAs mail ser#er d. All of these 1*3.S=T+ is the -------- standard for an electronic mail ser#ice pro#ider a. dee facto b. de facto c. de fact d. none of these 1*'.S=T+ uses ------ transport for the reliably deli#ery of mail messages a. /T+ b. T$+ c. =TA d. /T+7 1*).The S=T+ ser#er also allo!s ----- a. NNT+ b. Telnet ser#ice c. /T+7 d. none of these 1**.S=T+ can be considered as a complement of ------ a. <<7+ b. <<$+ File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. <$$+ d. <$+7 1*1.S=T+ commands consist of human:readable ---------- a. 2%$7I$ strings b. AS$II strings c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1*3.=I=2 stands for a. =ultipurpose Internet =achine 26tensions b. =ultiprogramming Internet =achine 26tensions c. =ultipurpose Internet =ail 26tensions d. =ultipurpose Internet =ail 26change 1*4.-------- standards !ere used to encode binary files for transfer through S=T+. !hich has no! become a standard !ith its #aried #ersion a. /T+7 b. /T+ c. =I=2 d. <<$+ e. 115.+O+3 stands for a. +ostal Office +rotocol b. +ost Office +rotocol c. +ost Office +rogram d. +osting of +rotocol 111.I=A+ stands for a. Internet =achine Access +rotocol b. Internet =essage Access +rotocol c. Internet =ultipurpose Access +rotocol d. In"Bet =essage Access +rotocol 112.hich one is a push "ind of protocol File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. S=T+ b. +O+3 c. I=A+ d. All of these 113.hich one is a pull "ind of protocol a. S=T+ b. +O+3 c. I=A+ d. %oth b & c 11'.Telnet can also be used to connect other ports ser#ing as ------------- a. <ser:defined ser#ices b. ell:"no!n ser#ices c. %oth a & b d. None of these 11).Telnet !or"s as a ------------- model !here it establishes a #irtual connection by using the T$+ transport protocol a. <ser:defined b. ell:"no!n c. $lient:ser#er d. All of these e. 11*.The Telnet program re9uires t!o arguments a. The name of a computer on !hich the ser#er runs b. The protocol port number of the ser#er c. %oth a & b d. None of these 111.-------------- to support centralized terminal management can support a. Transfer binary data b. Support byte macros c. 2mulate graphics terminals File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. $on#ey information e. All of these 113.Telnet ser#ice is uni9ue in the manner that is ----------- li"e other T$+,I+ ser#ices a. +latform:specific b. Not platform:specific c. +latform:ser#ice d. None of these 114.5Some of the Telnet commands are as follo!s Interrupt +rocess>I+? It terminates the running program Abort output>AO? It refers to discarding of any buffered output Are Hou there>AHT? This command allo!s a client to send an out:of:band 9uery to #erify !hether the remote end is still there 2rase character>2$? It refers to the erasing of the pre#ious character 2rase line>20? It deletes the entire current line Synchronize It clears the data path to the remote party %rea" It is e9ui#alent to the %82AJ or ATT2NTION "ey 135.No#ell Netare is a ----------- net!or" operating system that !as created by No#ell. Inc a. $lient type b. Ser#er type c. %oth a & b d. None of these 131.No#ell Netare uses a protocol stac" ha#ing ----- a. 3 layers b. ' layers c. ) layers d. * layers 132. I+G stands for a. Internet +ac"et 26change b. Inter:net!or" +ac"et 26change File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. Inter:net!or" +rotocol 26change d. Internet +ac"age 26change 133.------- is a net!or"ing protocol used by the No#ell Netare operating systems for performing connectionless communication a. NDT b. I+G c. I+ d. /T+ 13'.The rise 143) sa! the rise of No#ell Netare !hen ------------- !ere launched a. Netare 23* 2.5a b. Intel 35.23* 1*:bit processor c. %oth a & b d. None of these 13).T!o methods of operation !ere supported by Netare 23* 2.6 namely are a. 7edicated b. Non:dedicated c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 13*.%eginning !ith Netare 3.6. assistance for ----- protected mode !as included. remo#ing the 1*=% memory limit of Netare 23* a. 1*:bit b. 32:bit c. *':bit d. 123:bit 131.hich managed all functions and !as acti#ated at startup or at the time of re9uirement a. N0=>Netare 0oadable =odule? b. /T+ c. S=T+ d. /T+7 File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 133.A set of protocols used in the communication net!or" can be termed as a. +rotocol b. +rotocol stac" c. +rotocol layer d. None of these e. 134.According to 8/$ 1122 the T$+,I+ consists of -------- a. 2 layers b. 3 layers c. ' layers d. ) layers e. 145.The lo!est layers of the T$+,I+ establishes communication !ith a. <pper layer b. +hysical media c. Ne6t layer d. +rotocol 141.hen data tra#els do!n!ards from upper the layer in T$+,I+. each upper layer attaches a a. /ooter b. (eader c. Standard d. None of these e. 142.After the transmission of data in bit form to another machine it tra#els up!ard. ------------ the header till data reaches the application layer a. Stripping in b. Stripping off c. Tac"ling off d. Tac"ling in File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum e. 143.In !hich year. Net!are directory ser#ice !ere added to the Net!are #ersion ' a. 1443 b. 144* c. 1443 d. 2551 14'.In !hich year. Dersion '.11 !as launched by No#ell a. 1443 b. 144* c. 1443 d. 2551 14).In !hich year. Netare) !as launched in October a. 1443 b. 144* c. 1443 d. 2551 14*.In !hich year. Netare* !as launched a. 1443 b. 144* c. 1443 d. 2551 e. 141.2#ery protocol !ith a certain from of contact is "no!n as a. +rotocol stac" b. +rotocol suite c. Stac" d. Suite 143.hich is a file ser#er access protocol that enables a user to transfer file bet!een t!o hosts. across the net!or" or Internet using T$+ a. /T+7 File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. /T+ c. Telnet d. +++ 144.hich is a remote terminal protocol that enables a user at one location to establish a T$+ connection !ith another location a. /T+7 b. /T+ c. Telnet d. +++ 255.hich protocol is used by net!or" computers operating system for sending error messages a. /T+7 a. /T+ b. Telnet c. I$=+ 1. hich protocol !as based on the specification called the 2thernet a. I222 352.3 b. $S=A,$7 c. %oth a & b d. None of these 2. =A$>=edium Access $ontrol?sub layer is bet!een the a. +hysical layer b. 7ata 0in" layer c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3. 7epending on the transmission media used. the 2thernet can be classified into follo!ing categories are a. Thic" 2thernet or 15base) b. $heaper Net or Thin Net>15base2? c. Star 0AN>15baseT? d. Optical /ibre $S=A,$7 0AN >15base/? e. All of these '. The characteristics of the Thic" 2thernet cable are File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. +ro#ides connecti#ity to ma6 of 152' stations b. $able supports a ma6 distance of )55meters c. =a6 distance co#ered by a net!or" using Thic" 2thernet is 2.)Jm d. =a6 no of stations supported by the 2thernet is 152' e. All of these ). A 15 =bps cable is li"e a a. %lue hose b. Hello! hose c. %lac" hose d. None of these *. All stations in a Thic" 2thernet is connected to a a. T!isted pair cable b. $oa6ial cable c. $S=A,$7 d. Transcei#er 1. A group of stations connected to a cable forms a a. 8epeater b. Transcei#er c. Segments d. Froups 3. hich de#ice is used to lin" t!o net!or" segments. !hich are separated by a long distance a. 8epeater b. Transcei#er c. Segments d. Froups 4. 2ach cable is connected to a 2thernet cable through a a. 8epeater b. Transcei#er c. Segments d. Froups 15. A repeater consists of ------- transcei#er a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. ' e. 11. The functions performed by physical layer are a. 2ncoding the data b. =edium access File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. 7ata encapsulation d. %oth a & b 12. The functions performed by logical layer are a. 7ata encapsulation b. 0in" management c. =edium access d. %oth a & b e. 13. The computer or station is connected to a 2thernet card. 2thernet card consists of a. Station interface b. 7ata pac"et generator c. A lin" management unit d. All of these 1'. The output of a 2thernet card is connected to the data encoder,decoder. !hich in turn is connected to the transmission cable through a a. 8epeater b. Transcei#er c. Segments d. Froups 1). The I222352.3 2thernet frame format are a. +reamble:1byte b. Start of frame:1byte c. 7estination address:*byte d. Source address:*byte e. 0ength:2byte f. Information field:'*to 1)55bytes g. /rame chec" se9uencer:'byte h. All of these 1*. The local area net!or"s that do not re9uire the capabilities of complete 2thernet system. the I222352.3 standard committee has created a ne! standard called a. Thin net b. Star 0AN c. Optical fibre $S=A,$7 d. None of these 11. The characteristics of thin net or cheaper net is a. =a6 distance is up to 255meters b. =a6 no of nodes is 35 c. =a6 stations per net!or" is 152' d. Node spacing is 5.)meters File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum e. $able diameter is 5.2)inches f. %N$:T:connector is used to connect cables and N:series connector g. All of these 13. The third #ariation of I222352.3 standard !as a a. Thin net b. Star 0AN c. Optical fibre $S=A,$7 d. None of these 14. The characteristics of Star 0AN are a. It operates data rate up to 1=bps b. The configuration contains up to ) up!ard le#els of hubs c. T!isted pair cable already used in telephone lines for transmission media d. 2ach group of stations is connected to a local hub e. The hubs are connected in the form of tree f. All of these 25. The characteristics of optical fibre $S=A,$7 0AN are a. Food immunity to the electromagnetic interference b. 0o! loss of po!er c. (igh band!idth d. 0ess !eight e. (igh transmission security f. All of these 21. The optical fibre #ersion of $S=A,$7 0AN has a no of ad#antage than the a. $oa6ial cable #ersion of 2thernet b. T!isted cable #ersion of 2thernet c. %oth a & b d. None of these 22. A to"en ring is a ring topology created by I%= in a. 14*5 b. 1445 c. 1415 d. 1435 e. 23. A stream of data is called a a. To"en b. /rame c. To"en 8ing d. None of these 2'. A central hub called ------- is used to connect each station in a star type of topology File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. =SA<>=ulti Station Access <nit ? b. $SA< c. SSA< d. None of these 2). The ad#antage of To"en ring mechanism is a. It pre#ents collision by ensuring that only one station at a time is transmitting b. 2nsures deli#ery of frame c. %oth a & b d. None of these 2*. hich uses electromechanical relays to ma"e the physical star into a logical ring a. b. =SA<>=ulti Station Access <nit ? c. $SA< d. SSA< e. None of these 21. NA<N stands for a. Nearest Acti#e <pstream Neighbour b. Net!or" Acti#e <pstream Neighbour c. Net!or" administrator <pstream Neighbour d. None of these 23. I%= to"en ring products !ere a#ailable !ith speeds of a. '=bps b. 1*=bps c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 24. (igh:Speed To"en 8ing>(ST8? technology is also a#ailable !ith speed of a. 155=bps b. 1Fbps c. %oth a & b d. None of these 35. The frame format of a to"en ring in a ring topology is a. b. +reamble c. Start 7elimiter d. /rame $ontrol e. 7estination Address f. Source Address File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum g. 7ate h. /$S i. 2nd 7elimiter B. /rame status ". All of these 31. In a to"en ring . stations are connected to a a. +hysical ring b. 0ogical ring c. %oth a & b d. None of these 32. (o! many modes a ring interface can operate a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. ' 33. A ring interface can operate different modes a. 0isten mode b. Tal" mode c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3'. In physical layer of to"en ring . signal speed of this media is a. 1=bps b. '=bps c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3). I%= released a to"en ring #ersion that can operate at a speed of ------ a. '=bps b. *=bps c. 3=bps d. 1*=bps 3*. 7ifferential------- encoding schema is used for encoding the digital data a. =anchester b. =ulti programming c. =ulti processor d. None of these 31. The =A$ sub layer is on the---- of the physical layer a. %ottom b. =id c. Top File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these 33. hen there is no traffic on the ring------ to"en circulates continuously until some station grabs it a. 3:byte b. ):byte c. 1:byte d. 4:byte 34. The length of the frame----------------- a. Short b. 0ong c. =ay be long or short d. None of these '5. The ma6imum time a station is permitted to hold the to"en is "no!n as-------- a. To"en time b. To"en holding time c. To"en ring d. None of these '1. The I222352.) to"en frame format are a. Start of frame and end of frame b. Access control c. /rame control d. Source address and destination address e. $hec"sum f. All of these '2. The to"en ring management acti#ities are a. =onitor stations b. 8ing initialization c. 0ost to"ens d. Orphan frames e. All of these '3. The stations crashed after transmitting a short frame form a. b. =onitor stations c. 8ing initialization d. 0ost to"ens e. Orphan frames f. All of these ''. The /77I net!or" stands for a. /ibre 7istributed 7ata Incorporation File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. /ibre 7istributed 7ata Institute c. /ibre 7istributed 7ata Interface d. /ibre 7istributed 7ual Incorporation '). The /77I net!or" is a a. (igh:speed b. (igh:band!idth c. %oth a & b d. None of these '*. The /77I net!or" is based on the a. +hysical transmission b. Optical transmission c. 0ogical transmission d. None of these e. '1. The characteristics of /77I net!or" are a. It transport data at a rate of 155=bps b. It can support up to )55stations on a single net!or" c. This net!or" is used for connecting high:end computers d. 8apid transfer of large amount of data e. /77I net!or" consists of t!o counter:rotating rings f. It !as designed to run through fibre cables or copper media g. It !as based on ring topology !ith to"en passing h. It helps and support e6tend the capabilities of older 0ANs . such as 2thernet and to"en ring i. It pro#ides a reliable infrastructure for businesses .mo#ing e#en mission: critical applications to net!or"s B. 2asier to maintain ". $ompatible to standard:based components and #arious operating systems l. All of these '3. The ANSI began !or"ing on the /77I:standard in a. 1435 b. 1431 c. 1432 d. 1433 '4. The /77I specification !as released in a. 1432 b. 1433 c. 143' d. 143* File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum )5. The most "ey elements of /77I !as defined in a. 143* b. 1432 c. 143) d. 1434 )1. The /77I considered as a ------- of I222352.)standard a. +redecessor b. Successor c. Tool d. None of these e. )2. /77I net!or" comprises 2 bottom layer in ISOs OSI model namely a. +hysical layer b. 7ata lin" layer c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. )3. The physical layers are a. +=7 b. +(H c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. )'. The ANT$ stands for a. Ad#anced Net!or" Test $enter b. American National Test $enter c. American National To"en $enter d. None of these )). The !ord 2ANT$ stands for a. 2uropean ANT$ b. 2asily ANT$ c. 2fficient ANT$ d. None of these )*. The /77I is a. =ore than 0AN b. 0ess than AN c. 0ess than 0AN d. %oth a & b )1. The /77I net!or" can easily be added to net!or" topologies such as File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 2thernet b. To"en ring c. %oth a & b d. None of these )3. The /77I supports four different types of cables as a. =ultimode fibre optic cable b. Single mode fibre optic cable c. <nshielded t!isted:pair copper !iring d. Shielded t!isted:pair copper !iring e. All of these )4. The +=7 stands for a. +hysical =edium 7ependent b. +hysical =edium 7istance c. +hysical =edia 7ependent d. +ermitting =edium 7ependent *5. /or optical fibre media . !hich +=7 is used a. T+:+=7 b. /ibre +=7 c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. *1. /or copper media . !hich +=7 is used a. T+:+=7 b. /ibre +=7 c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. *2. Other t!o significant +=7 are a. S=/:+=7>Single =ode /ibre:+=7? b. 0$/:+=7>0o! $ost /ibre:+=7? c. %oth a & b d. None of these *3. The fibre +=7:ANSI G3T4.),'3 describes the physical layer that uses a. /ibre components b. Optical components c. %oth a & b d. None of these *'. The characteristics and parameters of the optical fibre cable allo!ed for /77I are a. a#elength of light>normal is 1355nm? File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. Attenuation and band!idth c. =a6 bit error rate d. 7ispersion of optical media e. Numerical aperture>normal is 5.21)? f. Intensity of light g. ;itter of pulse h. Allo!ed po!er bet!een t!o stations i. All of these *). The +(H are a. 7ata lin" layer protocol b. +hysical layer protocol c. Net!or" protocol d. None of these **. The micrometer graded inde6 fibre are a. *2.),12) b. 3),12) c. )5,12) d. 155,1'5 e. All of these *1. The ma6 number of +(Hs pre /77I are a. 255 b. )55 c. 1555 d. 1355 e. *3. The 7AS stands for a. 7ual Access Station b. 7ual Attachment Station c. 7ata Access Station d. 7ata Attachment Station *4. SAS stands for a. Single Access Station b. Single Attachment Station c. Single Attached Station d. None of these 15. hich standard is applied in the 00$>0ogical 0in" $ontrol? layer a. I222352.) b. I222352.2 c. I222352.* File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. I222352.' 11. The =A$ layer specifies ho! to handle a. Synchronous data traffic b. Asynchronous 7ata traffic c. %oth a & b d. None of these 12. I222352.2 standard !or"s on -------------- modes a. $onnectionless b. $onnection:oriented c. %oth a & b d. None of these 13. If the recei#ed data is damaged or lost. the destination machine to retransmit the data "no!n as ------------- a. SNA+ b. A8K c. 00$ d. =A$ 1'. A8K stands for a. Array 8epeat 8e9uest b. Automatic 8epeat 8e9uest c. Automatic 8e9uest 8epeat d. Ac"no!ledgement 8epeat 8e9uest 1). SNA+ stands for a. Subnet!or" Access +ac"age b. Subnet!or" Access +ac"et c. Structured Access +rotocol d. Subnet!or" Access +rotocol 1*. 00$ header contains ------- additional eight:bit address fields "no!n as ser#ice access points or SA+s to re9uest SNA+ ser#ice a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. ' 11. +7< stands for a. +ac"et 7e#ice <nit b. +rotocol 7e#ice <nit c. +rotocol 7ata <nit d. +rotocol 7ata <ni#ersal 13. I222352.3 2thernet has become one of the most used -------- File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. AN media b. 0AN media c. =AN media d. None of these 14. Around 143'. 7IG>a consortium of 7igital. Intel and Gero6? and I222 created standards for 2thernet. !hich are popularly "no!n as the -------- a. I222352.3 b. I222352.1 c. I222352.2 d. I222352.3 35. hich another group too" the responsibility for de#eloping medium access protocols a. 70=A$ b. A8K c. 0AN d. SNA+ 31. 2thernet is the ------ e6pensi#e high:speed 0AN alternati#e a. =ore b. 0east c. None of these 32. 2thernet transmits and recei#es data at a speed of ----------- a. ) million bits per second b. 15 million bits per second c. 1) million bits per second d. 25 million bits per second 33. In 2thernet. 7ata is transferred bet!een !iring closets using either a ---------- a. (ea#y coa6ial cable b. Thic" net c. /ibre optic cable d. All of these e. 3'. 2thernet !as first designed and installed by Gero6 $orporation at its +alo Alto 8esearch $enter>+A8$? in the mid ----------------- a. 14*5s b. 1415s c. 1435s d. 14*)s 3). In 1435. ------------ came out !ith a Boint specification !hich has become the de facto standard a. 72$ File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. Intel c. Gero6 d. All of these 3*. 2thernet frames tra#el at the data lin" layer of the OSI model and must be a minimum of -------- a. 32bytes b. *'bytes c. 123bytes d. 2)*bytes 31. 2thernet frames tra#el at the data lin" layer of the OSI model and must be a ma6imum of -------- a. 1)1)bytes b. 1)1*bytes c. 1)11bytes d. 1)13bytes 33. /$S stands for a. /rame $hec" System b. /rame $hec" Se9uence c. /rame $yclic Se9uence d. /rame $hec"sum Se9uence 34. 2thernet I222352.3 frame description of each field in ------------------- a. +reamble >+? b. Start /rame 7elimiter >S/7? c. 7estination Address d. All of these 45. The need for de#ising a mechanism to a#oid such deadloc"s. some of the important methods are listed belo!L a. $S=A,$7 b. $S=A,$A c. To"en passing d. +olling e. All of these 41. --------- cable is used !idely as a bac"bone technology a. TD b. /ibre c. /ibre optic cable File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these e. 42. hich are used to connect 0ANs and 0AN segments in a campus en#ironment a. =icro!a#e b. Infrared systems c. %oth a & b d. None of these 43. The ad#antages of coa6ial cable include high band!idth in the range of -------- and more. better error performance and lac" of se#ere distance limitation a. 255=(z b. 355=(z c. '55=(z d. )55=(z 4'. The disad#antage of coa6ial cable ha#e been mitigated to a ------- through the de#elopment of ne! coa6ial designs a. Small e6tent b. 0arge e6tent c. 2ither large or small d. None of these e. 4). hich uses traditional thic" baseband coa6ial cable in a bus topology to connect multiple computers. this single line transmission is called a Segment a. 15%ase2>Thic" Net,Hello! 2thernet? b. 15%ase)>Thic" Net,Hello! 2thernet? c. 15%ase2>Thin Net,%lac" 2thernet? d. 15%ase)>Thin Net,%lac" 2thernet? 4*. A coa6ial cable ------- in diameter "no!n as thic" coa6ial cable is used as a transmission line a. )mm b. 15mm c. 1)mm d. 25mm 41. A transcei#er is used to connect a -------------------- a. $oa6ial cable b. Terminals c. Transmitter d. %oth a & b 43. A transcei#er cable also referred to as an ---------- cable and is used to connect a transcei#er and the NI$ File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. A0< b. A<I>Attachment <nit Interface? c. 0AN d. =AN 44. In 15%ase)>Thic" Net, Hello! 2thernet? the ma6imum length of this cable is ------. up to 155 transcei#ers can be connected to each segment a. '5 metres b. ') metres c. )5 metres d. )) metres 155. In 15%ase)>Thic" Net, Hello! 2thernet? the minimum allo!able distance bet!een transcei#ers is ------- a. 1.) metres b. 2.) metres c. 3.) metres d. '.) metres e. 151. 15%ase stands for ----------- a. 15=bps b. %aseband transmission system c. %oth a & b d. None of these 152. The ) of 15%ase) signify a ma6imum of --------- segment length a. )5: metre b. )55: metre c. )555: metre d. ))5: metre 153. The ) of 15%ase) segment may be e6tended up to ------ by using repeaters a. )55 metres b. 1555 metres c. 1)55 metres d. 2555 metres 15'. hich uses thinner baseband coa6ial cable in a bus topology so that multiple computers can be connected to a single transmission line a. 15%ase2>Thic" Net,Hello! 2thernet? b. 15%ase)>Thic" Net,Hello! 2thernet? c. 15%ase2>Thin Net,%lac" 2thernet? d. 15%ase)>Thin Net,%lac" 2thernet? 15). In 15%ase2>Thin Net,%lac" 2thernet? a coa6ial cable of thinner gauge of ------- in File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum diameter a. )mm b. 15mm c. 1)mm d. 25mm 15*. The thinner cable is less costly to ac9uire and deploy. although its performance is less in terms of transmission distance because of its cost it is sometimes called ----------- a. $haplet b. $heapnet c. None of these 151. 15%ase2 signifies in the same manner as 15%ase) e6cept 2 is signified here as ------- ma6imum segment length>actually 13) metres? a. 155 metres b. 255 metres c. 2)5 metres d. 355 metres 153. %N$ stands for a. %ayonet Neil $onnection b. %ayonet Neil $onnector c. %ayonet Neil $onnectionless d. %ayonet Net!or" $onnection 154. hich is used to connect a cable and terminals or terminators a. %N$ b. T:connector c. %oth a & b d. None of these 115. Only up to ------ per segment can be connected to a T:connector a. 15 nodes b. 25 nodes c. 35 nodes d. '5 nodes 111. The minimum allo!able distance is ---- bet!een consecuti#e connections a. 5.2 metres b. 5.) metres c. 1.) metres d. 2.) metres 112. <T+ stands for a. <ni#ersal T!isted +air b. <nshielded T!isted +air File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. <ni#ersal Transmission +air d. <ni9ue T!isted +air 113. ST+ stands for a. System T!isted +air b. Shielded T!isted +air c. System T!isted +anel d. Subscriber T!isted +rotocol 11'. <T+ has been pro#ed to perform at #ery high data rates ----- o#er short distances a. )5=bps b. 155=bps c. 1)5=bps d. 255=bps 11). 15%AS2T>t!isted pair 2thernet? uses --------------- a. $at 3 b. $at ' c. ) <T+ d. All of these 11*. 2thernet Specifications 15%ase) 15%ase2 15%aseT Transmission speed 15=bps 15=bps 15=bps Transmission medium $oa6ial cable $oa6ial cable <T+ $at 3.'.) =a6imum segment length )55 metre 13) metre 155 metre =a6imum node,segment 155 35 : =inimum length bet!een node 2.) metre 2.) metre : 8epeaters,Series ' ' ' =a6imum net!or" length 2)55 metre 42) metre )55 metre 111. The t!o general types of to"en passing schemes are a. To"en ring b. To"en bus File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. %oth a & b d. None of these 113. A 7K7%>7istributed Kueue 7ual %us? pro#ides ser#ice o#er cable interface for a. 0AN b. =AN c. AN d. All of these e. 114. The 7K7% supports ------- based on cell s!itching technology similar to Asynchronous Transfer =ode>AT=? a. 7ata b. Doice c. Dideo transmission d. All of these 125. The Asynchronous Transfer =ode>AT=? is an --------- for cell relay a. IT<:TSS>International Telecommunication <nion:Telecommunication Standardization Sector? b. TI<:2SS c. +T<:7SS d. None of these 121. The AT= net!or"s are a. $onnection:less ser#ice b. $onnection oriented ser#ice c. %oth a & b d. None of these 122. The AT= cell has a fi6ed length of a. )1bytes b. *2bytes c. )3bytes d. *3bytes 123. The cell is bro"en into the t!o main sections called a. (eader b. +ayload c. %oth a & b d. None of these 12'. hich sections of cell carries the actual information>#oice. data or #ideo? a. (eader b. +ayload>'3bytes? c. %oth a & b File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these 12). hich sections of cell is the addressing mechanism a. (eader>)bytes? b. +ayload>'3bytes? c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 12*. The disad#antage of 7K7% is to ha#e a. /luctuating data rate b. (igh band!idth c. (igh susceptibility to error d. /i6ed band!idth distribution 121. The frame format of 7K7% are a. (eader b. ST>Segment Type? c. =I7>=essage Identifier? d. Information e. 02N>7ata 0ength? f. $8$>$yclic 8edundancy $hec"? g. All of these 123. F+S stands for a. Flobal +artition System b. Feneral +artition System c. Flobal +ositioning System d. Feneral +ositioning System 124. hich satellite communication in#ol#e a satellite relay station that is launched into a geostationary. geosynchronous. or geostatic orbit a. Temporary b. $ontemporary c. +ermanent d. None of these e. 135. The contemporary satellite communication launched into a a. Feostationary orbit b. Feosynchronous orbit c. Feostatic orbit d. All of these 131. The contemporary satellite communication are called a. Feostationary satellite File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. Feostatic satellite c. Feosynchronous satellite d. All of these 132. In case of satellite communication t!o different fre9uencies are used as carrier fre9uency to a#oid interference b,! incoming and outgoing signals are a. <plin" fre9uency b. 7o!nlin" fre9uency c. %oth a & b d. None of these 133. hich fre9uency is used to transmit signal from the earth station to satellite a. <plin" fre9uency b. 7o!nlin" fre9uency c. %roadcast d. None of these e. 13'. hich fre9uency is used to transmit signal from the satellite to earth station a. <plin" fre9uency b. 7o!nlin" fre9uency c. %roadcast d. None of these e. 13). In !hich manner. satellite can ser#e a point:to:multipoint net!or" re9uirement through a single uplin" station and multiple do!nlin" stations a. <plin" fre9uency b. 7o!nlin" fre9uency c. %roadcast d. None of these 13*. The general properties of satellite communication-------------- a. 2ach signal tra#el 3*.555 "m in each direction b. The cost of satellite communication is 9uite high c. Security must be imposed through encryption d. Satellite pro#ides increment in band!idth e. Satellite pro#ides e6tensi#e error detection and correction capabilities f. All of these 131. T7=A stands for a. Time 7i#ision =ultiple6ing Access b. Time 7ynamically =ultiple Access c. Time 7i#ision =ultiple Access d. Time 7i#ision =ultiple Assigning File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 133. The most commonly used satellite access schemes are a. T7=,T7=A b. /i6ed assigned T7=A c. Slotted A0O(A d. 7ynamic reser#ation e. All of these 134. The DSAT stands for a. Dery Small Accessing Terminal b. Dery Small Access Topology c. Dery Small Aperture Terminal d. None of these 1'5. The DSAT technology is based on the a. ired satellite technology b. ireless satellite technology c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1'1. The DSAT net!or"s offer #alue added satellite based ser#ices capable of supporting the a. Internet b. 7ata c. Satellite based #ideo d. Audio 0AN e. Doice or fa6 communication f. +ro#ide po!erful. dependable. pri#ate and public net!or" comm n solutions g. All of these 1'2. The DSAT system operates in t!o different bands named a. Ju:band b. $:band c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 1'3. The DSAT system operates under $:band fre9uency are a. ).42)to *.'2) F(z b. 3.155to '.255F(z c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1''. The DSAT system operates under 26t:$band fre9uency are a. *.12) to 1.52)F(z b. '.)55 to '.355F(z c. %oth a & b File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these e. 1'). The DSAT system operates under Ju:%and 1 fre9uency are a. '.555 to 1'.)55F(z b. 15.4)5 to 11.155F(z c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1'*. The Ju:band net!or"s are commonly used in a. 2urope and North America b. Asia and Africa c. 0atin America d. %oth a & b 1'1. The $:band net!or"s are commonly used in a. 2urope and North America b. Asia and Africa c. 0atin America d. %oth b & c 1'3. hich band of fre9uencies re9uire the large DSAT antenna a. Ju:band b. $:band c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1'4. hich band of fre9uencies re9uire the smaller DSAT antenna a. Ju:band b. $:band c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 1)5. The components of DSAT net!or" are a. =aster earth station b. 8emote earth station c. Satellite d. All of these 1)1. The first component:master earth station is also "no!n as a. $entral hub station b. $entral satellite c. %ac"bone d. All of these 1)2. The master earth station has a large ------- meter antenna File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 3 b. * c. ) d. ' 1)3. The hub earth station consists of a. 8adio fre9uency>8/? b. Intermediate fre9uency>I/? c. %ase:band e9uipment d. All of these 1)'. The 8/ e9uipment consists of the follo!ing sub:systems are a. Antenna b. 0o! noise amplifier>0NA? c. 7o!n con#erter. up con#erter d. (igh:po!er amplifier e. All of these 1)). The I/ and base:band e9uipment consists of a. I/ combiner,di#ider b. =odulator and demodulator c. $ustomer e9uipment interface d. +rocessing e9uipments e. All of these 1)*. The customer e9uipment interface unit pro#ides the interface to the a. $ustomer host e9uipment b. +rotocol emulation c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1)1. The remote earth station of DSAT comprises of a. Outdoor unit>O7<? b. Indoor unit>I7<? c. Inter:facility lin">I/0? d. All of these 1)3. The outdoor unit is generally installed in the a. Fround b. Indoor unit c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1)4. The DSAT outdoor unit consists of a. Standard 1.3 meter offset feed antenna b. Solid:state amplifier>SS+A? File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. 0o! Noise Amplifier>0NA? d. /eed horn e. All of these 1*5. The indoor unit functions as a a. Amplifier b. =odem c. +$s d. None of these 1. 7ata can be either a. Images b. Numbers c. ords d. All of these 2. The !ord @7ataA is deri#ed from a. 0atin b. $onte6tual c. 7% d. None of these 3. (o! many types of data are a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. ' '. The types of data are a. Kualitati#e b. Kuantitati#e c. %oth a & b d. None of these ). 7ata are ta"en as -------- le#el of abstraction a. (ighest File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. =iddle c. 0o!est d. None of these *. Information are ta"en as -------- le#el of abstraction a. (ighest b. =iddle c. 0o!est d. None of these 1. Jno!ledge are ta"en as -------- le#el of abstraction a. (ighest b. =iddle c. 0o!est d. None of these 3. The 9uantitati#e data is e6pressed in a. Numerical form b. Non:numerical form c. %oth a & b d. None of these 4. The 9ualitati#e data is e6pressed in a. Numerical form b. Non:numerical form c. %oth a & b d. None of these 15.The 9ualitati#e data may be a. Things b. ords c. Te6t d. None of these 11.hich type of data is hard. rigorous. credible and scientific File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. Kualitati#e data b. Kuantitati#e data c. %oth a & b d. None of these 12.hich data are rich. poor. tall. short. good. bad. better a. Kualitati#e data b. Kuantitati#e data c. %oth a & b d. None of these 13.7ata type is thought of as a set of a. Dalues b. Operations on #alues c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1'.7ata type as defined in programming language are a. Integers b. /loating:point numbers c. $haracters d. Alphanumeric strings e. All of these 1). The smallest addressable unit of data is defined as a group of --- bits is "no!n as a byteL a. ' b. 3 c. 1* d. 32 1*.The unit processed by machine code instructions is called a ------- a. ord b. Number c. %it d. %yte File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 11. The machine code unit may be --------- depending on the computer architectureL a. 3 bit or 1* bit b. 1* bit or 32 bit c. 32 bit or *' bit d. *'bit or 123 bit 13.In a 32:bit !ord it can represent unsigned integer #alues ranging from a. 5 to 2 32 :1 b. :2 31 to 2 31 :1 c. 5 to 2 *' :1 d. 5 to 2 31 :1 14.In a 32:bit !ord it can represent signed integer #alues ranging from a. 5 to 2 32 :1 b. :2 31 to 2 31 :1 c. 2 31 to 2 *' :1 d. 5 to 2 31 :1 25.A signal is an a. 2lectric current b. 2lectromagnetic field c. 2lectronic current d. %oth a & b 21.A signal is used to con#ey data from a. One place to another place b. One system to another system c. %oth a & b d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 22.In case of +STN. signaling bet!een a. A telephone user b. The telephone net!or" c. %oth a & b d. None of these 23.A channel is defined as a path bet!een 2'.The path of channel may be a. +hysical b. 0ogical c. %oth a & b d. None of these 2).The path of channel may be a. (ard !ired b. ireless c. %oth a & b d. None of these 2*.Noise of channel noise----------- the 9uality of information and data a. <pgrades b. 7egrades c. %oth a & b d. None of these 21.In channel . the information may not be a. 8eproduced b. 8each the recei#er at all c. %oth a & b d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 23.In channel noise. data by affecting communications and files of all types including a. Images b. Audio c. Te6t d. +rograms e. Telemetry f. All of these 24.Information and data may be treated as a signal in either a. 2lectrical form b. 2lectromagnetic form c. %oth a & b d. None of these 35.The noise may be classified as -------------- based upon the sources a. Internal b. 26ternal c. %oth a & b d. None of these 31.The noise generated because of electricity or atmospheric disturbances is of the order of a. 355"(z b. 355=(z c. 355F(z d. 355(z 32.The noise generated !hich is lo!er than the high fre9uency range of ---- and may ha#e more interface !ith the signal of informationL a. 355=(z b. 355"(z c. 355F(z d. 355(z 33.26ternal noise is generally pic"ed up from electrical appliances e6isting -------------------- File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. In the #icinity b. /rom the atmosphere c. /rom electrical transformers d. Also from outer space e. All of these 3'.Internal noise is generated in the a. $hannels b. 8ecei#ers c. Transmitter d. %oth a & b 3).Internal noise is less dependent on fre9uency. but has a significant effect atL a. (igher fre9uency b. 0o! fre9uency c. =iddle fre9uency d. No fre9uency 3*.26ternal noise has ------- effect on higher fre9uencies a. =ore b. 0ess c. No d. None of these 31.Internal noise is fairly lo! in case of a. 7igital signal processing b. /iber optics technology c. %oth a & b d. None of these 33.Noise is measured in terms of the signal to noise ratio a. S,N b. SN8 c. S,= d. %oth a & b File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 34.The unit of noise is a. decibels b. (ertz c. =icron d. bits per second e. '5.------------ defined as the size of the range of fre9uencies that can be transmitted through a channel a. $hannel %and!idth b. $hannel 7ata Transmission 8ate c. $hannel noise d. $hannel capacity '1.In other !ords channel band!idth may be define it as the #olume of information per unit time that a --------------------- a. $omputer b. +erson c. Transmission medium can handle d. All of these '2.$hannel %and!idth is measured in a. decibels b. (ertz c. =icron d. bits per second '3.%and!idth is e6pressed as data speed in ----------- digital systemsL a. decibels b. (ertz c. =icron d. bits per second File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum ''.In analog systems. band!idth is e6pressed as the difference bet!een the a. (ighest fre9uency b. 0o!est fre9uency c. %oth a & b d. None of these ').---------- is determined by the ma6imum number of bits that can be transmitted per unit time through the physical mediumL a. $hannel %and!idth b. $hannel 7ata Transmission 8ate c. $hannel noise d. $hannel capacity '*.$hannel 7ata Transmission 8ate is measured in a. decibels b. (ertz c. =icron d. bits per second '1.hich ga#e the ma6imum data rate of a noiseless channel a. (.Ny9uist in 142' b. (.Ny9uist in 143' c. +eter Sain in 1432 d. None of these '3.$hannel latency depends on the a. Signal propagation speed b. =edia characteristics c. Transmission distance d. All of these '4.------------- is the amount of time that is needed for the information to propagate from the source to destination through the channelL a. b. +ropagation time File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. $hannel 0atency d. $hannel <tilization e. %oth a & b )5.Throughput may be defined as the number of --------------- through a data communication system o#er a period of timeL a. bits b. characters c. bloc"s passing d. All of these )1.----------- may be defined as range of fre9uencies assigned to a channel a. %and!idth b. $hannel noise c. %it rate d. $hannel latency )2.(igher the %and!idth.-------- !ill be the data transmission rate or throughput a. =ore b. 0ess c. =edium d. None of these )3.In transmission of a signal. the range of carrier fre9uencies depends on the a. Nature of medium b. 8e9uirement of the applications supported c. Nature of distance d. %oth a & b )'.-------- may be defined as the range of fre9uencies being supported by a particular transmission medium a. /re9uency b. /re9uency spectrum c. $arrier fre9uency d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum )).The actual range of fre9uencies supporting a gi#en communication is "no!n as a. %aud rate b. +ass band c. %and data d. +ass )*.(igher fre9uency signal offers --------- band!idth a. 0esser b. Freater c. =edium d. None of these )1.-------- refers to the minimum or ma6imum spatial separation bet!een de#ices o#er a lin". in the conte6t of a complete. end to end circuit a. %and!idth b. $hannel c. 7istance d. None of these )3.--------- is the rate o#er net!or" speed !hich is used to detect errors !hile transmitting data a. %it rate b. 7ata rate c. %aud rate d. +ass band )4. hat is the fre9uency range of gamma and cosmic rays a. M1553F(z b. N1513F(z c. M1513F(z d. N1553F(z *5.The most popular method for detecting errors in bit rate is -------- a parity bit alongside the data bit for a character File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 7eleting b. Inserting c. =odifying d. <pdating *1.T7= means a. Total di#ision multiple6 b. Time di#ision modem c. Time detect modem d. Time di#ision multiple6 *2./2$ means a. /ormal 2rror $hec"ing b. /or!ard 2rror $hec"ing c. /or!ard 2rror $haracter d. /ormal 2rror $haracter *3.The net bit rate is also "no!n as a. +ass bit rate b. 7ata bit rate c. <seful bit rate d. Net!or" bit rate *'.The incorrect bit rate is also "no!n as a. 7ata bit rate b. <seful bit rate c. Net!or" bit rate d. +arity bit *).The e6ample of net bit rate are a. T7= b. /2$ c. /raming %it d. All of these **.The speed of connection of bit rate is determined by File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. T7= b. /2$ c. /raming %it d. All of these *1.The /2$ is also refers to a. 0ogical layer net bit rate b. +hysical layer net bit rate c. +refi6 layer net bit rate d. None of these *3.The size of the multimedia file is the product of ------- a. %it rate in bytes b. %it rate in "ilobytes c. %it rate in gigabytes d. None of these *4.The size of the multimedia file is the length of recording in seconds di#ided byL a. ' b. 3 c. 12 d. 1* e. 15.The fundamentals of %it rateL a. The sample uses different number of bits b. The data is encoded by different number of bits c. The material is sampled at different fre9uencies d. The information is digitally compressed by different algorithms e. All of these 11.The bit rate is ---------- for a specific net!or" a. /i6ed b. <niform c. /i6ed and <niform File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these 12.The gross bit rate is the number of bits transmitted a. per second by an ideal transmitter b. per second by an ideal transistor c. per min by an ideal transmitter d. per min by an ideal transistor 13.The bit rate could be as high as a. 1Fbit,s b. 1=bit,s c. 1=byte,s d. 1Fbyte,s 1'.%it rate is used to calculate the speed of time to access the net!or" a. ithout getting error frames b. Fetting error frames c. ithout getting error format d. Fetting error format 1).%it rate is al!ays -------- to the baud rate a. 29ual b. =ore c. 29ual or more d. None of these 1*.%aud rate determines the band!idth re9uired to transmit the ------ a. Signal b. 7ata c. Symbol d. None of these 11.0esser band!idth is re9uired to mo#e these signal units !ith ----- bits for an efficient system a. 0ess b. 0arge File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. 29ual d. None of these 13.A character set !as designed by a. ;ean:=aurice:2mile %audot in 131' b. ;ean:=aurice:2mile %audot in 133) c. ;ohn:=aurice:2mile %audot in 13*' d. ;ohn:=erry:2mile %audot in 134' 14.$haracter set system !as implemented using "eyboard ha#ing ---- a. 3:"ey b. *:"ey c. ):"ey d. 4:"ey 35.ho modified system using "eyboard using ):"ey a. 7onald =urray in 1451 b. 7onald =erry in 1452 c. 7onald 7uc" in 145' d. 7onald =urray in 1452 31.7onald =urray modification too" a shape as a. International Telegraph Alphabet 1 b. International Telephone Alphabet 1 c. International Tele#ision Alphabet 1 d. International Telegram Alphabet 1 32.International Telegraph Alphabet 1 !as further de#eloped to a. ITA 1 b. ITA 2 c. ITA 3 d. ITA ' 33.In character code system. a ):bit code is a. 55511 b. 55151 File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. 55515 d. 15151 3'.A ):bit code is signified a a. 0ine /eed b. 0ight /eed c. 0ine /ormat d. None of these 3).The basic idea behind coding !as really !or"able if number of characters it had to handle do not re9uire more than a. 3 characters b. 1* characters c. 32 characters d. *' characters 3*./or co#ering all the characters of alphabet !ith special a. $haracters b. +unctuation mar"s c. Other control characters d. Other coding techni9ue !as needed e. All of these 31.2ncoding is done for data a. Inside computer b. Outside computer c. %oth a & b d. None of these 33.The follo!ing data techni9ues are used a. %inary $oded 7ecimal>%$7? b. 26tended %inary $oded 7ecimal Interchange $ode>2%$7I$? c. American Standard $ode for Information Interchange>AS$II? d. <nicode e. =anchester $ode File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum f. 7ifferential =anchester 2ncoding>7=2? g. 8eturn to Eero>8E? h. Non 8eturn to Eero>N8E? i. Non 8eturn to Eero In#erti#e>N8E:I? B. =0T:3 ". '%,)% l. )%,*% m. All of these 34.<nicode 26amples are a. <T/:1 b. <T/:3 c. <T/:1* d. <T/:32 e. <T/:2%$7I$ f. All of these 45.%inary $oded 7ecimal system ma"es use of a series of ----- to represent a decimal number a. ' b. 3 c. 1* d. 32 e. 41.Nibble is "no!n as series of ---- a. 3 bits b. ' bits c. 1* bits d. 32 bits 42.26tended %inary $oded 7ecimal Interchange $ode is de#eloped by a. +arallel to AS$II. I%= in 14*' b. +arallel to AS$II. I%= in 141' File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. +arallel to AS$II. I%= in 14*2 d. +arallel to AS$II. I%= in 14*' 43.2%$7I$ is a coding system that uses a. 3 bit b. ' bit c. 1* bit d. 32 bit 4'.A byte in 2%$7I$ system of coding contained --- nibbles a. 3 b. ' c. 2 d. * 4)./irst nibble is "no!n as a. Eone b. 7igit c. %yte d. %it 4*.Second nibble is "no!n as a. Eone b. 7igit c. %yte d. %it 41./irst nibble represents category to !hich the ---------- a. $haracters belong b. Integers belong c. String belong d. None of these 43.AS$II is a --- bit coding for representing characters of 2nglish alphabets a. *' bit b. 1 bit File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. 1* bit d. 32 bit e. 44.AS$II !as published in a. 14*' b. 14*) c. 14*3 d. 14** 155.<nicode !as de#eloped by a. <nicode $onsortium b. <ni9ue $onsortium c. <nicode $onstant d. None of these 151.<nicode is appeared in a. 1442 b. 1441 c. 1443 d. 144' 152.The first #ersion of <nicode a. <nicode 1.5 b. <nicode 2.5 c. <nicode 3.5 d. None of these 153.<nicode #ersion ).5 appeared in a. 255) b. 255* c. 2551 d. 255' 15'.In <nicode there !ere codes for representing characters and their basic graphical representation are "no!n as a. Fraphical File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. Fraphemes c. Fraphs d. None of these 15).The first 2)* code points belong to ---------- for con#ersion to 8oman Te6t a. ISO ))34:1 b. ISO ))*4:1 c. ISO ))14:1 d. ISO )))4:1 15*.<nicode mapping methods are of t!o types. namely are a. <T/><nicode Transformation /ormat? b. <$S><nicode $haracter Set? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 151.2#ery communication channel has a -------- !hich is defined as the fre9uency range a. $hannel b. %and!idth c. $arrier d. 7ata rate 153.The band!idth is a --------- property of a transmission medium a. +hysical b. 0ogical c. %oth a & b d. None of these 154.A telephone !ire has band!idth of ------ for short distance a. 1= b. 2= c. 3= d. '= 115.7ata rate that can be achie#ed using a channel depends on the ------------- of a channel File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. /re9uency b. %and!idth c. 7ata rate d. $apacity 111.The undesirable !a#eform is "no!n as a. Anti:Aliasing b. Aliasing c. $hannel d. %and!idth 112.The !ord +$= stands for a. +rimary code mapping b. +ulse code modulation c. +rimary channel modulation d. None of these 113.(o! many !ay to communicate. display. store or manipulate information a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. ' 11'.The !ay to communicate. display. store or manipulate information are a. Analog b. 7igital c. %oth a & b d. None of these 11).The analog form of electronic communication represents the information in a. $ontinuous electromagnetic !a#e form b. 7iscrete form c. %oth a & b d. None of these 11*.The digital form of electronic communication represents the information in File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. $ontinuous electromagnetic !a#e form b. 7iscrete form c. %oth a & b d. None of these 111.The !ord A= stands for a. Analog =odulation b. Analog =anipulation c. Amplitude =odulation d. Analog =odeling 113.The !ord /= stands for a. /re9uency =odulation b. /ourier =anipulation c. /re9uency =anipulation d. /re9uency =odeling 114.The band!idth of #oice grade channel is appro6imately a. '555(z b. )555(z c. *555(z d. 3555(z 125.The band!idth of $ATD #ideo channel is appro6imately a. 2=(z b. '=(z c. *=(z d. 3=(z 121.The ad#antages of /= o#er A= are a. Impro#ed signal to noise ratio>about 2)d%? b. 0ess radiated po!er c. ell defined ser#ice areas for gi#en transmitter po!er d. Smaller geographical interference bet!een neighboring stations e. All of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 122. The disad#antages of /= are a. =uch more band!idth>as much as 25 times as much? b. =ore $omplicated recei#er c. =ore complicated transmitter d. All of these 123.$omputer are-------- in nature a. Analog b. 7igital c. %oth a & b d. None of these 12'.SS1 means a. Signal Source1 b. Signaling source1 c. Signaling system1 d. Signal system1 12).SS1 is a a. System b. Source c. +rotocol d. None of these 12*.The +STN pro#ides a --------- path bet!een the destination and source a. 0ogical b. +hysical c. %oth a & b d. None of these 121.The functions of SS1 are a. $ontrolling net!or" b. Set up and tear do!n the call c. (andles the routines decision d. All of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 123.SS1 uses #oice s!itches "no!n as a. SSs>Ser#ice S!itching !ebsites? b. SS+s>Ser#ice S!itching +oints? c. SSNs>Ser#ice S!itching Net!or"s? d. SS7s>Ser#ice S!itching 7ata? 124.SS+s uses Kuery Ser#ice $ontrol +oint >S$+? database using +ac"et s!itches called a. Signal Transfer +oints>ST+s? b. SSs>Ser#ice S!itching !ebsites? c. SS+s>Ser#ice S!itching +oints? d. SSNs>Ser#ice S!itching Net!or"s? 135.------------- refers to correct detection by recei#ing e9uipment at the beginning and end of data that !as sent from sending e9uipment a. Asynchronous b. Synchronous c. Synchronization d. None of these 131.Synchronous systems can be classified into three categoriesL a. Asynchronous systems b. $haracter synchronous systems c. /lag Synchronous systems d. All of these 132.Asynchronous transmission is a --------- method of transmission in !hich a sign bit is added to the beginningL a. Start b. Stop c. Start:stop d. None of these 133.=anchester is also "no!n as a. =+2>=anchester +hase 2ncoding? b. =+7>=anchester +hase 7ata? File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. =+N>=anchester +hase Net!or"? d. =+>=anchester +hase ebsite? 13'.=anchester coding is used in telecommunication by a. 2ncoding standard 352.3 b. 2thernet standard 352.3 c. 2thernet standard 35).3 d. 2ncoding standard 35).3 13). /or 15=bps 2thernet carrier fre9uency is a. 25=(z b. 1)=(z c. 15=(z d. )=(z e. 13*.The another name of 7=2>7ifferential =anchester 2ncoding? a. $7+>$onditioned 7iphase 2ncoding? b. =+2>=anchester +hase 2ncoding? c. SSs>Ser#ice S!itching !ebsites? d. SS+s>Ser#ice S!itching +oints? 131.In 7=2. logical #alues are indicated by --------------- of transitions a. Absence b. +resence c. %oth a & b d. None of these 133.In 8E. zero bet!een each bit signifies a ------------- a. 8est $ondition File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. Neutral +oint c. %oth a & b d. None of these 134.The N8E:pulses contain ---- energy in comparison to that of a 8E code a. less b. more c. either less or more d. none of these 1'5.N8E has no --- state a. 8est b. Eero c. Neutral d. None of these 1'1.=0T:3 is an encoding scheme in !hich ---- #oltage le#els are used a. 2 b. 3 c. ' d. ) 1'2.7ue to four transitions the ma6imum fundamental fre9uency re9uirement is reduced to ---- a. One:fourth of the baud rate b. One:third of the baud rate c. One:half of the baud rate d. None of these 1'3.ho specified the committee scheme of coding a. ANSI G3T4.1 b. ANSI G)T4.* c. ANSI G3T4.) d. ANSI G*T4.) 1''./77I uses ANSI G3T4.) for obtaining 155=bps from a signal of ------ File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 32.2)=(z b. 31.2)=(z c. 31.2'=(z d. 32.2*=(z 1').'%,)% encoding scheme is also "no!n as a. %loc" coding b. %it coding c. %yte coding d. %loc" character 1'*.In '%,)% scheme. !e need a 12)=(z cloc" for a signal of a. 1555=(z b. 155=(z c. 15=(z d. 44=(z 1'1.The )%,*% scheme encodes the scrambled ):bit data pattern into predetermined ----- bit symbol a. ) b. ' c. * d. 3 1'3.=odulation is the techni9ue used to translate a. Information from source to destination b. 0o! fre9uency to higher fre9uency c. Source to higher fre9uency d. 0o! fre9uency to destination 1'4.The lo! fre9uency signal are a. Audio b. Dideo c. =usic d. 7ata File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum e. All of these 1)5.The modulation,demodulation is a a. 0inear process b. Non:linear process c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1)1.In character synchronous system .------- are added a. Special character b. Start bit c. Stop bit d. None of these 1)2.Special character are called a. STN b. SHN c. S%N d. S8N 1)3.The character string of the SHN character is a. 51551111 b. 15551115 c. 55515115 d. 55115511 1)'.The character synchronous system recei#es ------- as one character a. 2bit b. 'bit c. 3bit d. 1*bit 1)).In the '%,)% !e need a 12)=(z cloc" for a signal of a. 155=(z b. 15=(z c. 1555=(z File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. 15555=(z 1)*.)%,*% creates a data pattern that is placed !ith e9ual numbers of a. 1 b. 5 c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1)1.(o! many encoding techni9ues !e used today a. 15 b. 155 c. 1555 d. 15555 1)3.=odulation is the techni9ue used to translate lo!:fre9uency>base:band? signals li"e ---------- to a higher fre9uency a. Audio b. =usic c. Dideo d. 7ata e. All of these 1)4.=odulation, demodulation is a non linear process !here t!o different sinusoids are --------- a. Addition b. Subtraction c. =ultiplied d. 7i#ision 1*5.Angular fre9uency id defined as ------- the fre9uency of carrier signal a. Once b. T!ice c. Thrice d. None of these 1*1.The fre9uencies that comprise the message >base band? are translated into a --------- File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum range of fre9uencies a. 0o!er b. (igher c. Eero d. None of these 1*2.=odulation also reduces the size of antenna for higher fre9uencies !ith -------- fre9uency a. 0o!er b. Freater c. =iddle d. None of these 1*3.The non:linearity results in se#eral ----------- harmonics a. 2#en b. Odd c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1*'.(armonics are the --------- of the fre9uency. that is the message fre9uency a. Addition b. Subtraction c. =ultiply d. 7i#ision 1*).The carrier fre9uency may be a ----------- a. 8adio !a#e b. 0ight !a#e c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1**.The amplitude of carrier fre9uency -------- in accordance !ith the modulated signal a. $an not change b. $hange c. 2ither change or not File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these 1*1. The fre9uency of the carrier -----------and !e get a comple6 !a#e a. does not changed b. $hange c. 2ither change or not d. None of these 1*3./or demodulation. it needs the carrier fre9uency to be generated or deri#ed at the recei#ing location "no!n as a. 7S%:S$ b. 7%S:$S c. %7S:S$ d. %S7:$S 1*4.The full form of 7S%:S$ a. 7irect Side %and:Suppressed $arrier b. 7irect Side %ase:Suppressed $arrier c. 7ouble Side %and:Suppressed $arrier d. 7ouble Slide %and:Suppressed $arrier 115.One more "ind of analog modulation is called a. Destigial side band modulation b. Destigial side base modulation c. Destigial slide band modulation d. Destigial slide base modulation 111.+ulse code modulation is a method by !hich an audio signals are represented as a. 7irect data b. 7igital data c. 7e#ice data d. None of these 112.+ulse $ode =odulation>+$=? re9uires band!idth of -------- a. 32Jbps b. *'Jbps File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. 123Jbps d. 2)*Jbps 113.+$= is a coding scheme used in digital communication because of ----- sensiti#e to noise a. 0ess b. =iddle c. (igh d. None of these 11'.In digital signal the main source of noise is -----------. !hich introduces as the finite number of 9uantization le#els during the con#ersion to +$= code a. Kuantization noise b. 29ualization noise c. 7igital noise d. None of these 11).The main parameters in determining the 9uality of a +$= system are the a. 7ynamic range b. Signal:to:Noise 8atio>SN8? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 11*.The ma6imum error occurs bet!een the a. Original le#el b. Kuantized le#el c. %oth a & b d. None of these 111.The ma6imum error occurs !hen the original le#el falls e6actly half!ay bet!een ------ 9uantized le#els a. 2 b. 3 c. ' d. 1 File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 113.The dynamic range is the ratio of the a. 0argest possible signal magnitude b. Smallest possible signal magnitude c. %oth a & b d. None of these 114./or a si6 bits system the dynamic range !ill be appro6imately e9ual to --- a. 3'd% b. 3*d% c. '5d% d. 33d% 135.In dynamic range. the largest #oltage amplitude is ------- the smallest #oltage amplitude a. 32times b. *'times c. 12)times d. 2)*times 131.The disad#antages associated !ith the 7elta =odulation +$= is a. Slope o#erload b. Franular noise c. %oth a & b d. None of these 132.$ommunication channels li"e ------------ are usually analog media a. Telephone lines b. Tele#ision lines c. 7igital lines d. None of these 133.hich is a band!idth:limited channel a. 7igital media b. Analog media c. %oth a & b File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these 13'.In the case of telephone lines. the usable band!idth falls in the range of ------- a. 355(z to 3555(z b. 355(z to 3355(z c. 35(z to 3355(z d. 33(z to 3355(z 13).7igital information signals ha#e the shape of pulse and represented by a. 5 b. 1 c. both a & b d. none of these 13*.The follo!ing types of modulation are used in modems a. ASJ:Amplitude Shift Jeying b. /SJ:/re9uency Shifted Jeying c. +SJ:+hase Shift Jeying d. 7+SJ:7ifferential +hase Shift Jeying e. %+SJ:%inary +hase Shift Jeying f. K+SJ:Kuadrature +hase Shifted Jeying g. KA=: Kuadrature Amplitude =odulation h. All of these 131.The main ad#antage of this techni9ue. it is easy to such a. Signals b. Also to detect them c. %oth a & b d. None of these 133.Telephone lines limit amplitude changes to some --------- changes per second a. 3555 b. 3355 c. 3155 d. 3335 File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 134.In the /re9uency Shift "eying. the fre9uency of the carrier signal is changed according to the data a. =odulation b. 7ata c. Signals d. None of these 145.In the +hase Shift Jeying method a sine !a#e is transmitted and the phase of the sine !a#e carries the ------ a. Analog data b. 7igital data c. Signal data d. None of these 141./or a 5. a -- degrees phase sine !a#e is transmitted a. 5 b. ') c. 45 d. 135 142./or a 1. a -- degrees phase sine !a#e is transmitted a. 5 b. ') c. 45 d. 135 143.A sub method of the phase modulation is a. 7ifferential phase modulation b. 7irect phase modulation c. 7ouble phase modulation d. None of these 14'.7ifferential phase modulation techni9ue is also called a. Amplitude Shift Jeying b. +hase Shift Jeying File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. /re9uency Shift Jeying d. None of these 14).In the differential phase shift "eying. /or a 5 the modem shifts the phase of each succeeding signal in a certain number of degrees a. 5 b. ') c. 45 d. 135 14*.In the differential phase shift "eying. /or a 1 the modem shifts the phase of each succeeding signal and a different certain number of degrees a. 5 b. 45 c. 135 d. 215 141.In binary phase shift "eying. the case of ' different phase shifts. !here each symbol represents ----. the modulation techni9ue is called 9uadrature +SJ>K+SJ? a. 2 bits b. ' bits c. 3 bits d. 1* bits 143.In binary phase shift "eying. the case of 3 different phase shifts. !here each symbol represents ----. the modulation techni9ue is called a. K+SJ b. 3+SJ c. 3KA= d. 3/SJ 144.%inary +hase Shift Jeying is measured in a. 7ecibel b. %aud c. (ertz d. bits per second File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 255.In K+SJ. the four angle are usually out of phase by a. 5 b. ') c. 45 d. 135 251. The A= is considered as a a. 0inear process b. Non:linear process c. %oth a & b d. None of these 252.The /= is considered as a a. 0inear process b. Non:linear process c. %oth a & b d. None of these 253.The phase modulation is similar to the a. Amplitude =odulation b. /re9uency =odulation c. Angle =odulation d. +ulse $ode =odulation 25'.In +=. -------- of the carrier !a#e changes a. /re9uency b. +hase c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 25).+$= re9uires band!idth of a. 21Jbps b. 2'Jbps c. *'Jbps File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. *)Jbps 25*.In data communication using computers .-------- signal are normally con#erted into +$= a. Analog b. 7igital c. %oth a & b d. None of these 251.The +$= is a coding scheme used in ---------- communication because of less sensiti#e to noise a. Analog b. 7igital c. %oth a &b d. None of these 253.-------- is a process !here multiple analog message signals or digital data streams are combined into one medium o#er a shared medium a. =ultiple6ing b. =odulation c. 2ncoding techni9ue d. 7e:multiple6ing 254. The #arious !ays to multiple6 are a. /re9uency 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>/7=? b. Time 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>T7=? c. $ode 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>$7=? d. a#elength 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>7=? e. All of these 215.In !hich . =ultiple channels are combined onto a single aggregate signal for transmission a. /re9uency 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>/7=? b. Time 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>T7=? c. $ode 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>$7=? d. a#elength 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>7=? File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 211.In /7= . channels are separated in the aggregate by their a. %and!idth b. Signal c. /re9uency d. None of these 212.--------- !as the foremost multiple6ing scheme to ha#e the benefits of !ide scale net!or" deployment and till today. such systems are still in use and are used !ith analog transmission a. /re9uency 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>/7=? b. Time 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>T7=? c. $ode 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>$7=? d. a#elength 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>7=? 213.The t!o alternati#e technologies of multiple6ing for digital sources are a. /re9uency 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>/7=? b. Time 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>T7=? c. $ode 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>$7=? d. a#elength 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>7=? e. %oth b & c f. %oth a & b g. %oth c & d 21'.------- pro#ides a means for merging data from the #aried sources into a single channel to support communication o#er a micro!a#e system . satellite system or a telephone lines a. /re9uency 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>/7=? b. Time 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>T7=? c. $ode 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>$7=? d. a#elength 7i#ision =ultiple6ing>7=? 21).The T7= are implemented in t!o !ays are a. Synchronous T7= b. Asynchronous T7= c. %oth a & b File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these e. 21*.In !hich type of T7= . a single channel is di#ided into time slots and each transmitting de#ice is assigned for least one of the time slots for its transmission a. Synchronous T7= b. Asynchronous T7= c. %oth a & b d. None of these 211.The Asynchronous T7= is properly "no!n as a. Statistical T7= b. Static T7= c. 7ynamic T7= d. None of these 213.hich !ays of =ultiple6 are more fle6ible a. /7= b. T7= c. $7= d. None of these 214.In !hich !ay of multiple6 .the !hole amount for a certain amount of time is pro#ided to the user and all user uses the same fre9uency but at different time a. /7= b. T7= c. $7= d. None of these 225.To o#ercome the inefficiency of standard T7=. a techni9ue "no!n as a. $7= b. /7= c. ST7= d. $7=A 221.The !ord <(/ means File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. <ltra :(igh O/orm b. <ltra O(alf:/orm c. <ltra: (igh:/re9uency d. <ltra:(alf:/re9uency 222.-------- may be defined as the form of multiple6ing !here the transmitter encodes the signal using a pseudo random se9uence a. $7= b. /7= c. ST7= d. $7=A 223.The number of different fre9uency per bit are called a. %it rate b. 7ata rate c. %aud rate d. $hip rate 22'.If one or more bits are transmitted at the same fre9uency are called a. /re9uency doping b. /re9uency hopping c. /re9uency hoping d. /re9uency hipping 22).The main disad#antage of $7= is a. +rotection from interference b. Tapping as only the sender "no! the spreading code c. Tapping as only the recei#er "no! the spreading code d. All of these 22*.The $ode 7i#ision =ultiple Access>$7=A? !as !idely introduced in a. 14*3 b. 1434 c. 1414 d. 14)3 File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 221.In $7=A system .all user transmit in the ------ band!idth simultaneously a. 7ifferent b. Same c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 223.The spread spectrum technology of $7=A is ----------- than T7=A a. =ore secure b. +ro#ides higher transmission 9uality c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 224.A $7=A call starts !ith a standard rate of ----------- bits per second a. 4)55 b. 4255 c. 4355 d. 4*55 235.The code used !ith the signal for spreading ha#e a. 0o! cross:correlation #alues b. <ni9ue to e#ery user c. (igher transmission 9uality d. %oth a & b 231.In spread spectrum techni9ue. a recei#er is only capable of selecting the desired signal if it has the "no!ledge about the code of the intended a. 8ecei#er b. Transmitter c. %oth a & b d. Signal 232.The maBor ad#antage of spread spectrum techni9ue may be enumerated as a. 0o! po!er spectral density File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. Interference limited operation c. +ri#acy due to un"no!n random codes d. 8eduction of multi path affects e. All of these 233. The !ord /(SS stands for a. fre9uency hopping spread spectrum b. file hopping spread spectrum c. file hiding spread spectrum d. fre9uency hopping special spectrum 23'. The !ord 7SSS stands for a. digital se9uence spread spectrum b. direct se9uence spread spectrum c. digital se9uence special spectrum d. direct signal spread spectrum 23).The pattern of s!itching from one channel to another channel is "no!n as a. (ipping b. (yping c. (arping d. (opping 23*.-------- is best "no!n spread spectrum techni9ue in !hich a pseudo random noise code multiples the signal a. /(SS b. /$SS c. 7SSS d. 7(SS 231.A pseudo random noise code is a se9uence of chips #alued-------- !ith noise:li"e properties a. :1 and1>polar? b. 5 and 1>non:polar? c. %oth a & b File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these e. 233.-------- time is the time spent on a channel !ith certain fre9uency a. /7= b. 7!ell c. 7o!el d. 7o!ry e. 234./(SS includes------- technology a. /7= b. T7= c. $7= d. %oth a & b e. 2'5. Indi#idual channels are a. 7ata b. Audio c. Dideo or their combination d. All of these 2'1.---------- a multi:channel system in !hich a number of indi#iduals channels are multiple6ed for transmission a. System b. $arrier c. $arrier system d. None of these 2'2.T:carrier signaling scheme !as de#eloped by a. %ell 0aboratory b. (ell 0aboratory c. 7ull 0aboratory d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 2'3. T1 standards is !idely used in a. ;apan b. North America c. %oth a & b d. None of these 2''.T:carrier !as digital signal 1. 7S1 or 7S:1 !hich is "no!n as a. T1 b. 21 c. 7S5 d. 7S1 2').7S:1 con#eys the meaning of a. 7irect Ser#ice:0e#el 1 b. 7igital Ser#ice:0e#el 1 c. 7ouble Ser#ice:0e#el 1 d. 7igital Slide:0e#el 1 2'*.21 signifies another carrier system that finds use outside a. North America b. ;apan c. South Jorea d. All of these 2'1.A 7S1 circuit comprises -------- . each of 3 bits a. 2' channels b. 2* channels c. 23 channels d. 35 channels 2'3.2' channels are also called a. Timeslots b. 7S5 c. %oth a & b d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 2'4.7S5 channel is a ------ that is multiple6ed a. *3Jbit,s b. *'Jbit,s c. *2Jbit,s d. 15Jbit,s 2)5.7S1 is full:duple6 circuit in !hich the circuit does concurrent transmission and reception at a data rate of --- a. 1.)33=bit,s b. 1.)''=bit,s c. 1.)**=bit,s d. 1.)))=bit,s 2)1.%y sampling each 3:bit frame for 3555 times per second. total band!idth achie#ed is -------- a. 1.)31Jbit,s b. 1.)3*Jbit,s c. 1.)33Jbit,s d. 1.)34Jbit,s 2)2./raming schemes are of t!o typesL a. Super /rame>S/? b. 26tended Super /rame>2S/? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 2)3./raming channel has been di#ided into t!o each !ith ------ in Super /rame a. 2Jbit,s b. 3Jbit,s c. 'Jbit,s d. *Jbit,s 2)'.There are ----- contiguous frames of 143:bit each in a Super /rame a. 15 b. 12 File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. 1' d. 1* 2)).There are ----- contiguous frames of 143:bit each in a 26tended Super /rame a. 25 b. 22 c. 2' d. 2* 2)*./raming channel has been di#ided into t!o each !ith ------- in Super frame a. 2Jbit,s b. 'Jbit,s c. *Jbit,s d. 3Jbit,s 2)1.One is used for alignment of -------- a. Terminal frame b. Signaling frame c. Super frame d. S!itching frame e. 2)3.Second is used for alignment of -------- a. Terminal frame b. Signaling frame c. Super frame d. S!itching frame e. 2)4.Alignment of terminal is carried out !ith frames ha#ing ------- in the super frame a. 2#en:number b. Odd:number c. +rime:number d. None of these 2*5.A frame ha#ing --------- in the super frame is used for signaling alignment of frame File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 2#en:number b. Odd:number c. +rime:number d. None of these 2*1.T1 is recognized by its original ------ line rate a. 1.)**=bit,s b. 1.)''=bit,s c. 1.)))=bit,s d. 1.)33=bit,s 2*2.T1 used the encoding techni9ue ------- a. A=I b. 0AN c. 7S1 d. $2+T 2*3.A=I means a. Analog =emory Interchange b. Alternate =emory Interchange c. Alternate =ar" In#ersion d. Analog =ar" Interchange 2*'.A=I re9uires less a. %and!idth b. Signal c. %oth a & b d. None of these 2*).$2+T means a. $onference 2uropean of +ostal Telecommunications b. 2uropean $onference of +ostal and Telecommunications c. 2uropean $ontrol of +ostal Telecommunications d. None of these 2**.$2+T after ten years of launch of T1 system used ----- for framing "no!n as 2uropean File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 21 a. 2bits b. 'bits c. 3bits d. 1*bits 2*1.An 21 carrier carries digital information at ------ a. 2.53'=bps b. 2.5'3=bps c. 2.5''=bps d. 2.533=bps 2*3.An 21 circuit has been di#ided into ---- time slots a. 35 b. 32 c. 3' d. 3* 2*4.32 time slots implements an indi#idual communication channel supporting a bit rate of -------- a. *5Jbps b. *2Jbps c. *'Jbps d. **Jbps 215.An 21 frame has a total of --------- a. 123bits b. 2)*bits c. *'bits d. 142bits 211.hich is used to e6change information o#er the 21 carriers that connect remote zones a. +rotocols /rame 8elay b. $ell 8elay c. %oth a & b File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these e. 212.$2+T re#ised and impro#ed the technology adopted by a. T:carrier system b. 2:carrier system c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 213.hich !as ta"en by International Telecommunications <nion Telecommunication Standardization Sector>IT<:T? a. T:carrier system b. 2:carrier system c. 21 system d. T1 system 21'.IT<:T finds !ide use all o#er the !orld e6cept three nations namely a. <J. <SA. ;apan b. <SA. $anada. ;apan c. ;apan. America. <SA d. ;apan. America. $anada 21).+7( means a. +lesiochronous 7igital (ierarchy b. +lasma 7igital (ierarchy c. +ointer 7ouble (ard dis" d. +lasma 7ouble (ierarchy 21*. In 32 timeslots of 21. only --- are used t!o of these are used for framing and signalling call setup a. 25 b. 1) c. 35 d. '5 File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 211.(igh 9uality of call is ensured since transmission ta"es place !ith a constant a. 0atency b. $apacity c. %oth a & b d. None of these 213.Another timeslot is reser#ed for signalling purposes a. TS1* b. TS1) c. TS1' d. TS13 214.hich is controlled some standard protocols in the field of telecommunications a. Teardo!n b. $all setup c. %oth a & b d. None of these 235.21 is different from earlier T:carrier systems since all --- of e#ery sampling are a#ailable for e#ery call a. 'bits b. 3bits c. 1*bits d. 32bits 231.There are t!o general categories of transmission media a. %ounded>guided? media b. <nbounded>unguided? media c. %oth a & b d. None of these 232.---------- are bounded media a. T!isted pair b. $oa6ial cable c. /ibre optic cables File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. All of these 233.-------- are "no!n as unbounded transmission a. micro!a#e and satellite transmission b. both tra#el through the air c. !hich has no boundaries d. all of these 23'.ireless transmission systems do not ma"e use of a a. +hysical conductor b. Fuide to bind the signal c. 0ogical conductor d. %oth a & b 23).2nergy tra#els through the air rather than a. $opper b. Flass c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 23*.The transmission systems addressed under this category include a. =icro!a#e b. Satellite c. Infrared d. All of the abo#e 231.hich are used in radio transmission in one form or another a. 8adio b. TD c. $ellular phones d. All of these 233.------- is the one e6ample of long distance communication a. Satellite signal b. Satellite relay File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. Analog signal d. 7igital signal 234.The 8/>8adio /re9uency? is di#ided in different ranges starting from a. Dery lo! fre9uency>D0/? b. 26tremely high fre9uency>2(/? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 245.T!o transmitters cannot share the same fre9uency band because of a. =utual interference b. %and usage is regulated c. %oth a & b d. None of these 241.+7As means a. +ersonal 7igital Assistants b. +ersonal 7ouble Assistants c. +ersonal 7igital Analogs d. +o!er 7igital Assistants 242.A7S0 means a. Analogs 7igital Subscriber 0ines b. Asymmetric 7igital Subscriber 0ines c. Assistants 7igital Subscriber 0ines d. Asymmetric 7igital Subscriber language 243.A pair of copper !ires t!isted together and !rapped !ith a plastic coating as a t!isted pair and !hich has a diameter of ----L a. 5.2:5.* b. 5.':5.1 c. 5.2:5.3 d. 5.':5.3 24'.------ are the substances used for insulation purposes a. Teflon>r? File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. /louropolymer resin c. +oly#inyl chloride d. +olyethylene e. All of these f. 24).In modem data rate is restricted to appro6imately----L a. 2'Jbps b. 23Jbps c. 35Jbps d. 32Jbps e. 24*.------- !as first used in telephone system by Ale6ander Fraham %ell a. $opper medium b. $opper signal c. $opper set up d. None of these e. 241.The unshielded t!isted pair states the lin" bet!een the end in the communication closet and the outlet !hich is further restricted to a. *5metres b. 45metres c. 155metres d. 145metres 243.A <T+ cable contains ---------- t!isted pairs a. 2 to 2'5 b. 2 to '255 c. 2 to 2'55 d. None of these 244. The maBor disad#antage of <T+ is a. %and!idth is lo!er File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. %and!idth is higher c. %and!idth is limited d. %and!idth is dynamic 355.ST+ stands for a. Shielded t!isted pair b. Signal transmission pair c. Shielding t!isted process d. Shielded transmission pair 351.1)5Ohms ST+ contains --------I%= connector or 8;') a. 1 pair b. 2 pairs c. 3 pairs d. ' pairs 352.155Ohm <T+ contains --------- and 3:pin modular connector>IS7N? a. 2 pairs b. 3 pairs c. ' pairs d. ) pairs 353.-------- contains multi:mode fibre a. )2.),12) b. 12.),12) c. *2.),12) d. 32.),12) 35'.hat are the biggest ad#antage of <T+ a. /le6ibility b. $ost:effecti#e media c. <sability of both data communication and #oice d. All of these 35).027 means a. 0ight 2mitting 7e#ice File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. 0ight 2mitting 7iode c. 0ight 26change 7e#ice d. 0ight 26change 7iode 35*.The effecti#e capacity of coa6ial cable depends on the a. Spacing of amplifiers b. The length of the circuit c. The gauge of the centre conductor d. Other intermediate de#ices e. All of these 351.0ANs function o#er coa6ial cable to the ---------- specifications a. 15%AS2) b. 15%AS22 c. 15%AS2T d. All of these 353.$oa6ial cables are of t!o types a. %aseband b. %roadband c. %oth a & b d. None of these 354.The gauge of coa6ial cable is ----- than the t!isted pair a. Thic"er b. Thinner c. (ea#y d. %ul"y 315.Traditional coa6ial cable is 9uite -------- of !hich 2thernet 0AN 15%ase) is an e6ample a. Thic" b. (ea#y c. %ul"y d. All of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 311.T!in a6ial cables contains ----- such configurations !ithin a single cable sheath a. 2 b. 3 c. ' d. ) 312.The mechanical protections co#er the --------- a. Secondary buffer coating b. +rimary buffer coating c. %oth a & b d. None of these 313.The band!idth is typically -------- o#er a length of one "ilometer of fibre e6pressed as @=(z:JmA a. 15 to 25 b. 25 to 35 c. 35 to '5 d. '5 to )5 31'.In !hich multimode fibre. light is refracted by an increasing amount as it mo#es a!ay from the core a. Single mode fibre b. Step inde6 multimode fibre c. Fraded inde6 multimode fibre d. All of these 31).The actual band!idth of graded inde6 multimode fibre depends on a. (o! !ell a particular fibreAs inde6 profile minimizes model dispersion b. The !a#elength of light launched into the fibre c. %oth a & b d. None of these 31*.The typical band!idth of graded inde6 multimode fibre range from a. 155=(z:Jm to o#er 1F(z:Jm b. 255 =(z:Jm to o#er 1F(z:Jm File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. 355 =(z:Jm to o#er 1F(z:Jm d. 1)5 =(z:Jm to o#er 1F(z:Jm 311.hich multimode fibre has a thinner inner core a. Single mode fibre, =onomode fibre b. Step inde6 multimode fibre c. Fraded inde6 multimode fibre d. All of these 313.In !hich multimode fibre . different !a#elength of light tra#el at a different speeds a. Single mode fibre b. Step inde6 multimode fibre c. Fraded inde6 multimode fibre d. All of these 314.The single mode fibers ha#e the a. Dery broadest band!idth b. 0o!est cost c. 0o!est attenuation of any optical fibre d. All of these 325.The ad#antage of single mode fibre are a. Small size and light !eight b. 0arge band!idth c. /le6ibility and high strength d. Secure against signal lea"age and interference e. No short circuit problems f. All of these 321.The fibre optic systems consists of a a. 0ight sources b. $ables c. 0ight detectors d. All of these 322.In a fiber optic system. ------ are opto:electric de#ices File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 8epeater b. 2=I c. 8=I d. 8/I 323.2=I,8/I means a. 2lectro =agnetic Interference , 8adio /re9uency Interference b. 2lectronics =agnetic Interference,8edundancy /re9uency Interference c. 2lectro =inute Intrinsically, 8adio /ibre Interference d. None of these 32'.=onomode fibre optic systems routinely are capable of transmitting signal o#er distances in e6cess of a. 2)5Jm b. 3)5Jm c. 22)Jm d. 32)Jm 32).$A7 means a. $omputer aided distribution b. $omputer application design c. $omputer aided design d. None of these 32*.%ounded =edia $omparison $hart =edia Ad#antages 7isad#antage T!isted pair cable Ine6pensi#e. !ell established . easy to add nodes Sensiti#e to noise. short distances. limited band!idth. security hazard because of easy interception $oa6ial cable >in comparison to t!isted? (igh band!idth. long distances +hysical dimensions. noise immunity security is better in pair cable Optical fibre cable Dery (igh band!idth. long distances. noise immunity. $onnections. cost File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum high security. small size 321.In data communication the signal has to tra#el through the transmission media that may be a. ired b. ireless c. %oth a & b d. None of these 323.There e6ist three causes of impairment in transmission errors a. Attenuation b. 7istortion c. Noise d. All of these 324.----------- is the loss of the signal po!er !hile tra#ersing a transmission media including electronic circuitry a. Attenuation b. 7istortion c. Noise d. None of these 335.Attenuation is measured in terms of a. (ertz b. =icro c. decibel d. Jilometer 331.7istortion is calculated as the ratio of the a. Signal at t!o different points b. 8elati#e po!er of t!o signals at the same point c. %oth a & b d. None of these 332.A negati#e #alue of decibel indicates ------- of signal strength a. 0oss File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. Fain c. 2ither loss or gain d. None of these 333.A positi#e #alue of decibel indicates ------- of signal strength a. 0oss b. Fain c. 2ither loss or gain d. None of these e. 33'.The attenuation includes a number of factors li"e a. Transmitting and recei#ing antennas b. Transmitter po!ers c. =odulation techni9ues d. /re9uency of the transmission e. Atmospheric conditions f. All of these 33).7istortion is proportional to the s9uare of the --------- a. Atmospheric conditions b. =odulation techni9ues c. Operating fre9uency d. Operating system 33*.29ualizing de#ices are -------- at intermediate points to "eep the shape of the signal intact a. $reated b. Inserted c. =odified d. 7eleted 331.7ata processing and transmission systems e6perience errors due to se#eral reasons a. 2lectrostatic interference can be caused from circuits or machines lying close by b. Inductance and capacitance. loss in transmission due to lea"ages. impulses from File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum static in the atmosphere. etc. lead to distortion c. 8esistance to current in a cable can be caused due to attenuation d. All of these 333.The main constraints are due to the physical medium that produces a. Noise b. 7istortion c. Attenuation d. 7ropouts e. All of these 334.The digital signals do not suffer from ----------- but they are susceptible to dropouts a. Noise b. 7istortion c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3'5.The use of se#eral parity bits are a. (elp to detect any error b. /ind if any bits are in#erted c. They should be re:in#erted so that the original data is restored d. All of these 3'1.S2$72$ means a. Single error correction. double error detection b. Single e6change correction. double e6change detection c. Single error code. double error detection d. Single error character. double error detection 3'2.The types of errors are a. Single %it 2rrors b. %urst 2rrors c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 3'3.A transmission cable has a. Inductance b. $apacitance c. 8esistance d. All of these 3''.The inductance and capacitance tends to a. $auses the amplitude of the signal to reduce b. 7istort the shape of a signal c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3').The resistance tends to a. $auses the amplitude of the signal to reduce and therefore loss of po!er b. 7istort the shape of a signal c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3'*.hich type of error corrupt the single bits of transmission a. %urst errors b. Single bit errors c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 3'1. hich type of error corrupt the multiple bits of transmission a. %urst errors b. Single bit errors c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3'3.2NK means a. 2n9uiry b. 2ncryptions c. 2n9uire File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these 3'4.%28 stands for a. %yte 2n9uiry 8ate b. %it 2rror 8ate c. %urst 2n9uiry resistance d. %urst 2rror 8ate 3)5.NAJ means a. None Ac"no!ledge b. Noise Ac"no!ledge c. Negati#e Ac"no!ledgement d. Net!or" Ac"no!ledgement 3)1.The No of bits that get affected in burst errors depends upon the a. 7uration of the noise b. Transmission time of the no of bits of the transmitted pac"et c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3)2. The redundant bit enables a. correction of errors b. detection of errors c. 8edundancy chec" d. All of these 3)3.The types of redundancy processes are a. +arity chec" b. $yclic redundancy chec" c. $hec"sum d. All of these e. 3)'.---------- is the techni9ue of pro#iding a data string that is added to information pac"ets used to detect errors in data pac"ets a. $8$ File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. +arity chec" c. $hec"sum d. All of these e. 3)).hich redundancy process can detect the more than 4) per cent of all errors a. $8$ b. +arity chec" c. $hec"sum d. All of these 3)*.$8$ means a. $ircuit 8edundancy $hec" b. $yclic 8edundancy $hec" c. $hec"sum 8ail $hec" d. None of these 3)1.The T!o:dimensional parity chec" method can not a. $orrect the errors b. 7etect the errors c. $orrect and detect the errors d. None of these 3)3.hen signal amplitude degrades along a transmission medium . this is called a. Signal attenuation b. Signal band!idth c. /re9uency d. 7ata rate 3)4.The $8$ is #alidated by using ------- conditions a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. ' File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 3*5.The t!o conditions of $8$ are a. It should possess e6actly one bit less than the di#isor b. hen $8$ is appended to the end of the data stream c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1. The de#ice used for splits data into frames and then combines frames into data in frame relay is termed as a. /8A7>/rame 8elay And 7isassembly? b. /raming c. %oth a & b d. Slipping indo! +rotocol 2. The 2rror controls in#ol#es a. Se9uencing of control frame b. Sending of control frame c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3. 7uring communication. a channel that is noisy may causes a. 0oss of bits from a frame b. /lips of bits c. $omplete disappearance of frames d. Introduction of ne! bits in the frame e. All of these '. The data lin" layer encapsulates each pac"et in a frame by adding a. (eader b. Trailer c. %oth a & b d. None of these ). The /rame format of framing are File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 70$I:15bits b. 2A:2location>/irst one is fi6ed at 5 and second at 1? c. 72:1 is set for the part that can be discarded first !hen congestion occurs d. 7ata size:#ary up to '54*bytes e. All of these *. hich is a simple data lin" protocol based on certain ideal assumptions to e6plain the !or"ing of the data lin" layer a. Stop A8K b. ait A8K c. Fo bac":N A8K d. %oth a & b 1. The assumptions of Stop and ait A8K are as a. Infinite buffer size b. (alf 7uple6 c. 7oes not produce any error d. Net!or" layers are al!ays ready e. All of these 3. The protocol based on the assumption are called a. 2lementary data lin" protocol b. 7ata lin" protocol c. Sliding indo! +rotocol d. (70$ 4. The basic obBecti#e of computer communication in a net!or" en#ironment is to send an infinitely long message from the ------------ a. Source node to the source node b. 7estination node to the destination node c. Source node to the destination node d. None of these 15.In stop and !ait protocol a. Se9uence number are re9uired File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. Se9uence number are not re9uired c. %oth a & b d. None of these 11.The stop and !ait protocol is a. easy to Implement b. 7oes not call for congestion c. %oth a & b d. None of these 12.The disad#antage of stop and !ait protocol is a. 2rror free communication channel does not e6ist b. Ac"no!ledgement may get lost c. 7eadloc" situation may occur d. All of these 13. hich protocol enables the source machine to possess more than one outstanding frame at a time by using buffers a. Stop A8K b. ait A8K c. Fo bac":N A8K d. %oth a & b 1'. The Fo bac":N A8K o#ercomes the problem of a. +A8 b. +28 c. +8A d. 7A8 1).Another important issue in the design if the data lin" is to control the rate of data transmission bet!een ------------- a. Source and destination host b. T!o source and destination host c. Three source and destination host d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 1*.hich one is the important protocol used by the data lin" layer a. Sliding protocol b. Sliding indo! protocol c. Stop sliding approach d. None of these 11.The sender "eeps a list o consecuti#e se9uence numbers is "no!n as a. indo! b. Sending !indo! c. Stop and !ait A8K d. Sliding !indo! 13.hich protocol is for data transmission and is bi:directional. used in the data lin" layer that corresponds to layer 2 of OSI model a. Sending !indo! b. Sliding !indo! protocol c. Stop and !ait A8K d. Sliding !indo! 14.Sliding !indo! protocol "eeps record of frame se9uences sent and ac"no!ledged !hen communication ta"es place bet!een ------------ a. <sers b. T!o users c. =ore users d. None of these 25.Sliding !indo! protocol is also used by most of the ----------------------- a. $onnection oriented protocols b. $onnection oriented net!or" protocols c. $onnection net!or" protocols d. None of these 21.hich is used by many users to establish their home +$ to the Internet #ia a phone:line connection a. /T+ File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. +++ c. OSI d. +A8 e. 22. Sliding !indo! protocol !or"s on --------- in !hich there is simultaneous t!o:!ay communication a. no duple6 b. half duple6 c. full duple6 d. single duple6 e. 23.Sliding !indo! protocol ma"es use of t!o types of frames namely a. 7ata frame b. Ac"no!ledgement frame c. %oth a & b d. None of these 2'.Another impro#ement is done o#er this @stop and !aitA type protocol by use of -------- a. %ac" b. +iggybac"ing c. +iggy d. None of these 2).A techni9ue in !hich ac"no!ledgement is temporarily delayed and then hoo"ed onto ne6t outgoing frame is "no!n as a. b. %ac" c. +iggybac"ing d. +iggy e. None of these 2*.8TT stands for a. 8obin time ta"en File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. 8ound trip time c. 8ound time trip d. 8ound time trip 21.The #ariants of sliding !indo! protocol are a. Fo bac" n b. Selecti#e repeat c. Selecti#e reBect d. All of these 23.The sliding !indo! protocol employs ----------- a. A !ait approach b. A stop approach c. %oth a & b d. None of these 24.(70$ is a ---------- synchronous data lin" layer protocol a. %it:oriented b. %yte:oriented c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 35.(70$ pro#ides a. S!itched protocol b. Non: S!itched protocol c. %oth a & b d. None of these 31.(70$ is a superset of ----------- a. A7$$+ b. S70$ c. ISO d. OSI 32.(70$ also has a subset of -------------- File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. A7$$+ b. S70$ c. ISO d. /8A7 33.hich is another subset of (70$ that finds use in pac"et s!itched net!or"s of IT<:TS G.2) a. A7$$+ b. S70$ c. 0A+:%>0in" Access +rotocol:%alanced? d. None of these 3'.In (70$ three types of stations are specified by the data lin" layer a. +rimary Station b. Secondary Station c. $ombined Station d. All of these 3).(70$ !or"s on three different types of configurations namely a. %alanced configurations b. <nbalanced configurations c. Symmetrical configurations d. All of these 3*./rames of secondary station are "no!n as --------- are sent only on re9uest by the primary station a. 8esponse b. 8esponses frame c. %oth a & b d. None of these 31.hich is a unit of data transmission a. /rame b. Stop and !ait A8K c. (70$ File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. /rame relay 33.A configuration has at least t!o combined stations in !hich e#ery station has e9ual and complimentary responsibility "no!n as ------------------ a. %alanced configurations b. <nbalanced configurations c. Symmetrical configurations d. None of these 34.%alanced configurations find use only in the such cases as gi#en belo! a. OperationL /ull or half duple6 b. Net!or"L +oint to +oint c. %oth a & b d. None of these '5. A configuration has one primary station and at least one secondary station . and it e6ists as one station e6ercises control o#er other stations "no!n as -------- a. %alanced configurations b. <nbalanced configurations c. Symmetrical configurations d. None of these '1.Symmetrical configurations comprises of ------------------------- a. T!o independent b. <nbalanced stations c. $onnected point to point d. All of these e. '2.0ogically. e#ery station is considered as ---------- stations a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. ' e. File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum '3.The protocol and data are totally independent. this property "no!n as ------------ a. Transmission b. Transparency c. Transparent d. Transport ''.In (70$. problems li"e --------------- do not occur a. 7ata loss b. 7ata duplication c. 7ata corruption d. All of these ').(o! many modes of operations are defined for the (70$ protocol a. 2 b. 3 c. ' d. ) '*.Three modes of operations are defined for the (70$ protocol a. Normal 8esponse =ode>N8=? b. Asynchronous 8esponse =ode>A8=? c. Synchronous %alanced =ode>A%=? d. All of these '1.In primary station initializes lin"s for controlling the data flo! bet!een ----------- a. +rimary and secondary stations b. 2rror control c. 0ogical disconnection of the second stations d. All of these '3.The A%= mode is suitable only to ---------- en#ironment a. +oint b. +oint:to:point c. /irst:to:end:point d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum '4.In the (70$ protocol. frame consists of ---------- a. Three fields b. /our fields c. /i#e fields d. Si6 fields e. )5.A special eight:bit se9uence -------- is referred to as a flag a. 51111111 b. 51111115 c. 11151115 d. 11151115 )1.In the (70$ protocol. e#ery frame consists of ---------- !ith a flag a. Starts b. 2nd c. %oth a & b d. None of these )2.A 3:bit address is used !hen the total number of stations e6ceeds ------- a. *' b. 123 c. 2)* d. None of these )3.7ata can be arbitrarily ------ a. 0ong b. 2mpty c. /ull d. %oth a & b )'.The (70$ procedure uses a flag synchronous system. these are a. %it order of transmission >information frame? b. %it order of transmission >super#isor frame? c. %oth a & b File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these ))./$S >frame chec" se9uence? is a ------- se9uence for error control a. 'bit b. 1*bit c. 32bit d. *'bit )*.The disad#antage of S0I+ are as follo!s a. No error chec" function is a#ailable b. +rotocols other than I+ cannot be used c. No function is a#ailable to authenticate lin" le#el connections d. No function is a#ailable to detect loops e. All of these )1.+++ has se#eral ad#antages o#er non:standard protocol such as a. S0I+ b. G.2) c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. )3.+++ !as designed to !or" !ith layer 3 net!or" layer protocols including ----------- a. I+ b. I+G c. Apple tal" d. All of these )4.+++ can connect computers using --------- a. Serial cable. phone line b. Trun" line. cellular telephone c. Specialized radio lin"s d. /iber optic lin"s e. All of these *5.=ost dial:up access to Internet is accomplished by using ----- File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. (70$ b. +++ c. I+ d. I+G *1.8AS has an important role in the proliferation of Internet based ser#ices in the form of ----------------- a. DoI+ b. 7ata o#er I+ c. %oth a & b d. None of these *2.hich is opening ne! challenges in the de#elopment of 8AS !here DoI+ enabled 8AS are the need of time a. Doice con#ergence b. 7ata con#ergence c. Doice and data con#ergence d. None of these *3.8emote access is possible through an ------------------ a. Internet ser#ice pro#ider b. 7ial up connection through des"top c. Noteboo" o#er regular telephone lines d. 7edicated line e. All of these *'.A remote access ser#er also "no!n as -------------------- a. $ommunication b. $ommunication ser#er c. 0ayer d. None of these *).8AS technology can be di#ided into t!o segments --------- a. 2nterprise b. Infrastructure File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. %oth a & b d. None of these **.D+N stands for a. Dirtual +ublic net!or"ing b. Dirtual pri#ate net!or"ing c. Dirtual pac"age net!or"ing d. Dirtual pac"et net!or"ing *1.+++ pro#ides three principal components a. 2ncapsulating datagrams b. 2stablishment. configurations and testing c. 2stablishment and configurations d. All of these *3.+++ is able to function across any ------- interface a. 7T2 b. 7$2 c. %oth a & b d. None of these *4.+++ may include a. 8S232$ b. 8S:'23 c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 15.In +++. the default ma6imum length of the information field is -------- a. 1555bytes b. 1)55bytes c. 2555bytes d. 2)55bytes e. 11.The protocols that are differentiate +++ from (70$ are the File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 0in" $ontrol +rotocol>0$+? b. Net!or" $ontrol +rotocol>N$+? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 12./or terminate +++ .the four steps are a. 0in" establishment b. 0in" configuration negotiation c. $onfiguration ac"no!ledgement frame d. $onfiguration terminates e. All of these 13.The 0$+ can terminates the lin" at any time is done by a. 8e9uest to the user b. Not 8e9uest to the user c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1'.The termination of lin" may happen a. 7ue to physical e#ent b. 7ue to logical e#ent c. 7ue to !indo! e#ent d. None of these 1).The three classes of 0$+ frames are a. 0in" establishment frame b. 0in" termination frame c. 0in" maintenance frame d. All of these 1*.The N$+ phase in +++ lin" connection process is used for establishing and configuring different net!or" layer protocols such as a. I+ b. I+G c. AppleTal" File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. All of these 11.In N$+. The lin" traffic consists of any possible combination of a. N$+ b. 0$+ c. Net!or":layer protocol pac"ets d. All of these 13.The I+ control +rotocol>I+$+? is the a. I+:specific 0$+ protocol b. I+:specific N$+ protocol c. %oth a & b d. None of these 14.If the calling peer has an I+ address. it tells the a. $alled peer hat it is b. The called peer can assign the caller one from a pool of addresses c. %oth a & b d. None of these 35.If the calling peer does not ha#e an I+ address. it tells the a. $alled peer hat it is b. The called peer can assign the caller one from a pool of addresses c. %oth a & b d. None of these 31.The authentication process in#ol#es transmission of pass!ord information bet!een a. 8A7I<S ser#er b. 8AS>8emote Access Ser#er? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 32.The Authentication transaction used bet!een a 8emote access user and 8AS can be di#ided into t!o categories are a. +A+>+ass!ord Authentication +rotocol? b. $(A+>$hallenge (andsha"e Authentication +rotocol? File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. %oth a & b d. None of these 33.The digest is a a. One:!ay encryption b. T!o: !ay encryption c. Three: !ay encryption d. /our: !ay encryption 3'.The technology !hich is useful for creating Dirtual +ri#ate Net!or"s >D+Ns? has been de#eloped by a. =icrosoft $orporation b. <.S. 8obotics c. Se#eral remote access #endor companies. "no!n as ++T+ forum d. All of these 3).++T+ means a. +oint:to:+oint Tunneling +rotocol b. +oint:to:+oint Termination +rotocol c. +ri#ate:to:+ri#ate termination protocol d. +ri#ate:to:+ri#ate Tunneling +rotocol 3*.The ++T+ is used to ensure that message transmitted from one D+N node to another are a. Not secure b. Secure c. Net!or"s d. I+G 31. hat is the e6tension of ++T+ a. +++ b. 8AS c. 02T+>0ayer T!o Tunneling +rotocol? d. None of these 33.The t!o main components that ma"e up 02T+ are the a. 02T+ Access $oncentrator>0A$? File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. 02T+ Net!or" Ser#er>0NS? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 34.A user connects to NAS through a. A7S0 b. 7ialup +OTS c. IS7N d. Other ser#ice e. All of these 45.hich is a platform on !hich Internet ser#ice pro#iders>IS+? and other ser#ice pro#iders enables their user to access the #arious internet based ser#ices a. 8AS b. T$+ c. A8K d. S0I+ 1. A computer net!or" permits sharing of a. 8esources b. Information c. %oth a & b d. None of these 2. The first operational computer net!or" in the !orld !as the --------- for the <nited States 7epartment of 7efense a. A8+AN2T b. 28N2T c. SJHN2T d. 7A8+AN2T e. 3. AT= stands for File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. Automatic taller machine b. Automated teller machine c. Automatic transfer machine d. Automated transfer machine '. ------- is the technology that connects the machines and people !ithin a site in a small area a. 0AN b. =AN c. AN d. None of these ). ------ is a net!or" that co#ers geographic areas that are larger. such as districts or cities a. 0AN b. =AN c. AN d. None of these e. *. ------ is a net!or" that this technology connects sites that are in di#erse locations a. 0AN b. =AN c. AN d. None of these 1. ------ is a collection of point:to:point lin"s that may form a circle a. 0AN b. =AN c. AN d. 8ing topology 3. ------ refers to tone signals used for #arious control purposes #ia the telephone net!or" a. S=S b. 7T=/ c. FS= File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these 4. 0AN is a net!or" that is restricted to a relati#ely a. Small area b. 0arge area c. %oth a & b d. None of these 15.The components used by 0ANs can be categorized into a. (ard!are b. $abling protocols c. Standards d. All of these e. 11.The #arious 0AN protocols are a. 2thernet b. To"en ring c. %oth a & b d. None of these 12.The Institute of 2lectrical and 2lectronics 2ngineers established a proBect named I222 proBect 352 during the year ----- a. 1445 b. 1415 c. 1435 d. 14*5 13.In 143). the committee issued a set of --- standards a. 2 b. 3 c. ' d. ) 1'.ISO re#ised these standards and reintroduced them as ISO 3352 standards during ---- File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 1411 b. 1431 c. 1441 d. 1444 1).The follo!ing are the important standards proposed by I222 a. I222 352.1: o#er#ie! and relationship among the #arious I222 standards b. I222 352.3 or $S=A,$7 bus c. I222 352.' or to"en bus d. I222 352.) or to"en ring e. I222 352.* or =AN protocol f. All of these 1*.hen compared !ith the OSI reference model. the I222 standard contains the follo!ing layersL a. +hysical layer b. =edium access control>=A$? e9ui#alent to the lo!er part of the OSI data lin" layer c. 0ogical lin" layer>0A$? e9ui#alent to the upper part of the data lin" layer d. Net!or" layer. the OSI net!or" layer. that performs some of the higher order layer functions e. All of these 11.The 352.2 compatible interfaces pro#ide t!o maBor types of ser#ices. !hich are a. <nac"no!ledged b. $onnectionless c. %oth a & b d. None of these 13.The -------- follo!s the ring topology a. I%= of 0AN b. 0AN of I%= c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 14.In a to"en ring. the stations are connected to the ---------- a. 0ogical ring b. +hysical ring c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 25.A --------- preamble is used to synchronize the recei#erAs cloc" a. /our:byte b. Three:byte c. T!o:byte d. One:byte 21.Start of frame and end of frame are used to ------- the frame boundaries a. =ar" b. =odify c. 7elete d. /ind 22./rame control is also used to specify the -------- a. /rame techni9ue b. /rame type c. %oth a & b d. None of these 23.The destination address and source address field is similar to a. I222 352.3 or $S=A,$7 bus b. I222 352.' or to"en bus c. I222 352.) or to"en ring d. I222 352.* or =AN protocol 2'.Info field is used to -------- a. Send messages b. Send data c. 7elete data File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. $reate data 2).The ma6imum length of this field is ------- !hen the address is ------- a. 3132 & 2 bits b. 3132 & 2 bytes c. 3132 & ' bits d. 3132 & ' bytes 2*.The ma6imum length of this field is ------- !hen the address is ------- a. 311' bytes & * bits b. 311' bytes & * bytes c. 311' bytes & 3 bytes d. 311' bits & * bytes 21.$hec" sum is used for a. 2rror correction b. 2rror detection c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 23.Solicit:successor frame contains the address of the a. Sending station b. Successor c. %oth a & b d. None of these 24.Fo#ernment agencies and local libraries often use a =AN to connect to pri#ate a. Industries b. $itizens c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 35.The geographical limit of a =AN may a. Not span a city File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. Span a city c. 2ither span or not d. None of these 31.In =AN. different 0ANs are connected through a local ------- a. Telephone e6change b. $omputer !ires c. %oth a & b d. None of these 32.Some of the !idely used protocols for =AN are a. 8S:232 b. G.2) c. /rame relay d. Asynchronous transfer mode>AT=? e. IS7N f. O$:3lines>1)) =bps? g. A7S0>asymmetric digital subscriber line? h. All of the abo#e 33. =AN stands for a. =achine area net!or" b. =etropolitan area net!or" c. =etropolitan asynchronous net!or" d. =achine asynchronous net!or" 3'.AN technologies function at the lo!er three layers of the OSI reference model a. +hysical layer b. 7ata lin" layer c. Net!or" layer d. All of these e. 3).AN also uses s!itching technology pro#ided by ------------ a. 0ocal e6change File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. 0ong distance carrier c. %oth a & b d. Small distance carrier 3*. +ac"et s!itching technologies such as ------------- are used to implement AN along !ith statistical multiple6ing a. AT= b. /rame relay c. S!itched multimeagabit data ser#ice d. G.2) e. All of these 31.=AN uses only a a. 0ong e6change b. 0ocal carrier c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 33.In =AN. a net!or" is accomplished using components a. (ard!are b. +rotocols c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 34.In =AN. a net!or" is accomplished using basic components a. (ard!are b. +rotocols>soft!are? c. Applications>useful soft!are? d. All of the abo#e '5.The Internet>internet!or"ing? ha become a potent tool for a. 2ducation b. +roducti#ity File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. 2nlightenment d. All of these '1.The Fo#ernment of India had set up 28N2T in ------ to pro#ide T$+,I+ connections for education and research communities in India a. 141* b. 143* c. 144* d. 1444 '2.The liberalized policies encouraged many pri#ate players li"e a. 7IS(N2T b. ;AINTD c. =antra online d. All of these '3.The other go#ernment organizations li"e --------------- to enter this field to bring the Internet to common people a. NI$ b. DSN0 c. =TN0 d. All of the abo#e e. ''.The maBor net!or" infrastructure a#ailable in the country has t!o types of AN a. Terrestrial AN b. DSAT AN c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. ')./ollo!ing are different options for setting up the Intranet. education portal or e: commerce. etcPPPP. a. 0eased line b. 7ial <p connection File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. DSAT d. 8adio lin" e. All of the abo#e '*. The net!or"s can be broadly di#ided into three categories namely a. 0AN for a single building b. =AN: single city c. AN:country. continent and planet d. All of the abo#e '1.The host to terminal connection is a con#entional type of connection bet!een a. =ain frame b. 7umb terminals c. %oth a & b d. None of these '3.T$ means a. Terminal $omputer b. Terminal $ontroller c. Technical $omputer d. None of these '4.A collection of interconnected net!or"s is "no!n as a. Internet!or" b. Internet c. Net!or" d. None of these e. )5.The type of pac"et format supported by G.2) are as follo!s a. $ontrol pac"et b. 7ata pac"et c. %oth a & b d. None of these )1.A terminal controller may be used to integrate t!o or more terminals for connection !ith File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a a. 0o! speed line b. (igh speed line c. Single AN line d. %oth a & b )2.IS7N stands for a. Integrated Ser#ice 7igital Net!or" b. Interaction System 7igital Net!or" c. Ine6pensi#e System 7igital Net!or" d. None of these )3./or 0AN to 0AN connection. !hich are mainly used a. IS7N b. 0eased 0ine c. /rame relay d. All of these e. )'.hich function allo!s selection of the appropriate route based on I+ header information and sends pac"ets through this route a. /or!arding function b. /iltering function c. %oth a & b d. None of these )).hich function allo!s dumping of in#alid pac"ets for a specific net!or" instead of for!arding a. /or!arding function b. /iltering function c. %oth a & b d. None of these )*.8outing in the same net!or" may be termed as a. 0ocal routing File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. Static routing c. 7ynamic routing d. 7istributing routing )1.The routing table possessed by a router includes a. $ombination of destination address b. Ne6t hops that corresponds to that address c. %oth a & b d. None of these )3.If there is a fi6ed route information to each router. is called a. /i6ed routing b. 7ynamic routing c. %oth a & b d. 7istributed routing )4.If routing information is automatically updated by routers !hen changes are made to the net!or" configuration are called a. b. /i6ed routing c. 7ynamic routing d. %oth a & b e. 7istributed routing *5.The processing re9uired to transferring a pac"et from the source host to the destination host or to the relaying router are called a. /i6ed routing b. 7ynamic routing c. 0ocal routing d. 7istributed routing e. *1.A8+ stands for a. Address 8esolution +rotocol b. Address 8outing +rotocol File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. Address 8outing +ac"et d. Address 8outing +rogram *2.If t!o or more routers are connected to the same subnet. the net!or" administration determines !hich of the routers the messages should be sent to.. to eliminate this problem.----- are used a. =A$ messages b. I$=+ messages c. IN7+ messages d. I=$+ messages e. *3.If t!o or more routers are a#ailable in distributed routing. !hich route should be selected a. (igh possible cost b. 0east possible cost c. 0in" cost d. %oth b & c *'.If there is no any specific intention. the cost for a single lin" is usually set at --- a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. ' *).=ulti:path routing can be achie#ed in a. 7istance:#ector type b. 0in":state type c. %oth a & b d. None of these **. If there are t!o or more routes to reach the same destination at the same cost. !hich method is applicable to determine ho! to select this route a. 8ound robin method b. 8andom selection method c. =i6ed method File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. All of these *1.The =i6ed method remains --------- for the amount of processing re9uired a. 2ffecti#e b. Ineffecti#e c. %oth a & b d. None of these *3. A set of net!or"s interconnected by routers !ithin a specific area using the same routing protocol is called a. 7omain b. %ac"bone c. Inter:domain router d. All of these *4.A net!or" composed of inter:domain router is called a. 7omain b. %ac"bone c. Inter:domain router d. All of these 15.A router !ithin a specific domain is called a. 7omain b. %ac"bone c. Inter:domain router d. All of these 11.T!o or more domains may be further combined to form a a. 7omain b. %ac"bone c. Inter:domain router d. (igher:order domain 12.2ach domain is also called a. Operation domain b. %ac"bone File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. Inter:domain d. All of these e. 13.8outing protocol in such an internet system can be broadly di#ided into t!o types named a. Intra: domain routing b. Inter: domain routing c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1'.To communication bet!een t!o or more domains. !hich are used a. Intra: domain routing b. Inter: domain routing c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1).Some Intra:domain protocols are a. 8I+>8outing Information +rotocol? b. OS+/>Open Shortest +ath /irst? c. IS:IS>Intermediate System to Intermediate System ? d. All of these 1*.-------- are the algorithms are a#ailable to update contents of routing tables a. 7istance:Dector +rotocol b. 0in":State +rotocol c. %oth a & b d. None of these 11.7istance #ector protocols are a. 8I+ b. IF8+>Interior Fate!ay 8outing +rotocol ? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 13.8I+ stands for a. 8outing Information +rotocol File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. 8outing Intra +rotocol c. 8oute Intermediate +rotocol d. 8esolution Information +rotocol 14.The 0in" state protocol are a. OS+/>Open Shortest +ath /irst? b. IS:IS>Intermediate System to Intermediate System? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 35.In lin" state protocol. the load on router !ill be a. Small b. 0arge c. =edium d. None of these e. 31. /or large load on router. the processing is a. $omple6 b. Simple c. %oth a & b d. None of these 32.hich protocol are used in lin" state type routing protocol de#eloped for use in large scale net!or" a. OS+/>Open Shortest +ath /irst? b. IS:IS>Intermediate System to Intermediate System? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 33.The common part of OS+/ pac"et format is a. +ac"et type b. +ac"et length c. 8outer I7 d. Area I7 File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum e. Authentication type f. Authentication data g. Dersion h. $hec"sum i. Indi#idual information part B. All of these 3'.The router may be classified into three types named a. 7omain border router b. Internal router c. Area border router d. All of these 3).OS+/ is a hierarchical routing composed of a. Intra:area routing b. Inter:area routing c. Inter:domain routing d. All of these 3*.The !ord S0I+ stands for a. Serial 0ine I+ b. Standard 0ine I+ c. Serial 0in" I+ d. Standard 0in" I+ 31.The !ord +++ stands for a. +oint to +oint +rotocol b. +ac"et to +ac"et +rotocol c. +oint to +ac"et +rotocol d. +ac"et to +oint +rotocol 33.-------- is used mainly for connection bet!een 0ANs that are remotely located from one another a. S0I+ b. +++ File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 34. --------- is used for connection bet!een routers or e9uipment that must be highly reliable a. S0I+ b. +++ c. %oth a & b d. None of these 45.The !ireless 0ANs offers the ob#ious ad#antage of a. A#oidance of cabling cost b. +ro#ide 0AN capabilities in temporary 9uarters c. %oth a & b d. None of these 41.The band!idth of !ireless radio 0AN is a. 2'=bps b. 2 =bps c. ' =bps d. 3 =bps 42.The fre9uency range of !ireless 0AN is a. 455 =(z bands b. 2F(z bands c. ) F(z bands d. All of these 43. A hub antennae is located at a --------- from !here line:of:sight can be established !ith the #arious terminal antennae. a. (ighest point b. 0o!est point c. $entral point d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 4'.The effecti#e throughput is more in the range of --------- per hub a. 1 to 2 =bps b. 2 to 3 =bps c. 3 to ' =bps d. ' to ) =bps 4).+7A stands for a. +ersonal 7e#ice Assistant b. +ointer 7escription Assistant c. +ersonal 7igital Assistant d. +ersonal 7escription Analog 4*.<S% stands for a. <ni#ersity System %us b. <ni#ersal System %oard c. <ni#ersity System %oard d. <ni#ersity Serial %us 41.------- are !ireless net!or" standard !ith a data rate of only 2=bps a. I222352.11a b. I222352.11b c. I222353.11a d. I222353.11b 43.------- are !ireless net!or" standard !ith a data rate of only11=bps a. I222352.11a b. I222352.11b c. I222353.11a d. I222353.11b 44.I222352.11a and I222352.11b ha#e a distance limitation up to ----- from the access point router a. 1555feet b. 155feet c. 151feet File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. 115feet 155.I222352.11a and I222352.11b uses ----- band a. 1.'F(z b. 2.'F(z c. 3.'F(z d. '.'F(z 151.-------- technology allo!s speeds up to )'=bps a. I222352.11g b. I222353.11a c. I222353.11b d. I222352.11a e. 152.-------- allo!s the mo#ement of de#ice !ith or !ithout user a. <ser mobility b. 7e#ice portability c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 153.A user can access to the same or similar telecommunication ser#ices at different places a. <ser mobility b. 7e#ice portability c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 15'.A number of mobile and !ireless de#ice are a. Sensor b. =obile:phone c. +7A d. 2mbedded controller e. +ager File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum f. +almtop g. Noteboo" h. All of these i. 15).The a#ailability of --------- made the !ireless communication popular among the masses. a. 0o! cost microprocessor b. 7igital s!itching c. %oth a & b d. None of these 15*.$ellular radio has another popular names as a. $ellular mobile b. $ellular phone c. %oth a & b d. None of these 151.8adio is basically a de#ice. !hich has a. 8ecei#er b. Transmitter c. %oth a & b d. None of these 153.ireless communication can be carried out a. <se of radio b. ithout using radio c. %oth a & b d. ithout use of #ideo 154.The term radio may be defined as consisting of -------------- of the signal a. =odulation b. 8adiation c. %oth a & b d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum e. 115.A transmitter and an antenna are used to ------------ the modulated signal !ithin radio spectrum a. =odulate b. 8adiate c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 111.In telephone system as !e "no! that a #oice !ith band!idth of appro6imately ---- modulates the current of a telephone line a. 2"(z b. 3 "(z c. ' "(z d. ) "(z 112.ireless ca be defined as the -------------------- by means of high fre9uency electrical !a#es !ithout a connecting !ire a. 8adio transmission b. 8eception of signals c. %oth a & b d. None of these 113.The fre9uency of a cell may be -------- after the interference zone a. 8eused b. <sed c. Not be used d. Not be reused 11'.+STN stands for a. +ublic S!itched Transport Net!or" b. +ublic System Transport Net!or" c. +ublic System Transfer Net!or" d. +ublic S!itched Telephone Net!or" File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 11).The radii of a cell may #ary from ----------- in a building to a city a. One of meters to tens of "ilometers b. Tens of meters to tens of "ilometers c. (undreds of meters to tens of "ilometers d. (undreds of meters to hundreds of "ilometers 11*.The shape of cell mat not be a ----------- and depends up on the en#ironment a. (e6agon b. $ircle c. +entagon d. %oth a & b 111.S7= stands for a. System 7i#ision =ultiple b. System 7i#ision =ultiple6ing c. Space 7i#ision =ultiple6ing d. System 7ouble =ultiple6ing 113./re9uencies for communication may #ary from #ery high fre9uency to -------- a. =edium range b. =icro!a#e range c. 7igital range d. None of these e. 114.The signal may be analog or digital !ith ------- a. Amplitude b. /re9uency c. +hase modulation d. All of these 125.The multiple6ing and access techni9ues are a. S7=>Space 7i#ision =ultiple6ing? b. /7=>/re9uency 7i#ision =ultiple6ing? c. T7=>Time 7i#ision =ultiple6ing? File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. $7=>$ode 7i#ision =ultiple6ing? e. All of these 121.The ad#antages of mobile communication may be loo"ed into a. (igher capacity b. (igher number of users c. 0ess transmission po!er needed d. =ore robust e. 7ecentralized base station deals !ith interference f. Transmission area g. All of these 122.The disad#antages of mobile communication are a. /i6ed net!or" needed for the base stations b. (ando#er>changing from one cell to another? necessary c. Interference !ith other cells such as co:channel. adBacent:channel d. All of these 123.The important issues on !ireless communication are a. $ell sizing b. /re9uency reuse planning c. $hannel allocation strategies d. All of these 12'.In the beginning around 1435. analog cellular telephone systems !ere de#eloping in ----------- a. <SA b. <J c. 2urope d. ;apan 12).The proposed system !as e6pected to meet certain as mentioned as a. Food subBecti#e speech 9uality b. 0o! terminal and ser#ice cost c. Support for international terminals File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. Spectral efficiency e. IS7N compatibility f. All of these 12*.2TSI stands for a. 2uropean Telecommunication Standards Institute b. 2uropean Telephone Standards Institute c. 2uropean Telecommunication Systems Institute d. 2uropean Telecom Standards Institute 121.FS=>Flobal System for =obile $ommunication? is a ------- digital mobile telephones standard using a combination Time 7i#ision =ultiple Access>T7=A? and /7=A>/re9uency 7i#ision =ultiple Access? a. /irst generation b. Second generation c. Third generation d. None of these e. 123.FS= pro#ides only ------- data connection a. 3.*"bps b. 4.*"bps c. 1.*"bps d. 3.3"bps 124.The uplin" and do!nlin" fre9uencies for FS= are different and therefore a channel has a pair of fre9uencies ------- apart a. 15=(z b. 35=(z c. 45=(z d. *5=(z 135.The separation bet!een uplin" and do!nlin" fre9uencies are called a. 7uple6 distance b. 7ouble distance File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. Triple6 distance d. None of these 131.In a channel the separation bet!een adBacent carrier fre9uencies is "no!n as channel separation !hich is ------- in case of FS= a. 155"(z b. 255 "(z c. 355 "(z d. '55 "(z 132.The ser#ices supported by FS= are a. Telephony b. /a6 and S=S c. $all for!arding d. $aller I7 e. $all !aiting f. All of these 133.FS= supports data at rates up to 4.*"bps on a. +OTS>+lain Old Telephone Ser#ice? b. IS7N c. +ac"et S!itched +ublic 7ata Net!or"s d. $ircuit S!itched +ublic 7ata Net!or"s e. All of these 13'.The access methods and protocols for FS= may be from a. G.2) b. G.32 c. %oth a & b d. None of these 13).There are basic types of ser#ices offered through FS= are a. Telephony or teleser#ices b. 7ata or bearer ser#ices c. Supplementary ser#ices File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. All of these 13*.The supplementary ser#ices are used to enhance the features of a. %earer b. Teleser#ices c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 131.7ual tone signals are used for #arious control purposes #ia the a. Telephone net!or" b. 7ifferent from dual pulses c. %oth a & b d. None of these 133.S=S>Short =essage Ser#ice? is a message consisting of a ma6imum of ------ alphanumeric characters a. 1)5 b. 1*5 c. 115 d. 135 134.FS= supports ------ Froup 3 facsimile a. $$IIT b. $$ITT c. $$$IT d. $$TTI 1'5.$all for!arding is a ---------------- a. Telephony or teleser#ices b. 7ata or bearer ser#ices c. Supplementary ser#ices d. All of these 1'1.The other ser#ices of call for!arding are a. $ell broadcast. #oice mail. fa6 mail File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. %arring of outgoing and incoming calls conditionally c. $all hold. call !aiting. conferencing d. $losed user groups e. All of these 1'2.FS= consists of many subsystems. such as the a. =obile station>=S? b. %ase station subsystem>%SS? c. Net!or" and S!itching subsystem>NSS? d. Operation subsystem>OSS? e. All of these 1'3.hich forms a radio subsystem a. =obile station b. %ase station subsystem c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1''.The generic FS= net!or" architecture !hich is composed of three subsystem are---------- a. 8adio subsystem >8SS? b. Net!or" and s!itching subsystem c. Operation subsystem d. All of these 1').The 8SS is basically consisting of radio specific e9uipment such as ------------ to control the radio lin" a. =obile station>=S? b. %ase station subsystem>%SS? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1'*.The chief components of 8SS are a. %SS b. $ellular layout File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. %ase station controller>%S$? d. All of these 1'1.SI= stands for a. System Identity =odule b. Subscriber Identity =odule c. Subscriber Identity =odem d. Subscriber Input =odem 1'3.=S contains a SI= card in the form of a #ery ------- inside the e9uipment a. 0arge chip b. Small chip c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1'4.$ell site is defined as the location !here --------------- are placed a. %ase station b. Antennas c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 1)5.$ells are the basic constituents of a cellular layouts !ith -------- a. $ell sites b. $ell systems c. $ell for!arding d. None of these 1)1.A cell is simply represented by simple ------------ a. +entagon b. (e6agon c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 1)2.The size of cells in case of FS= and +ersonal $ommunication Ser#ice>+$S? are much File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum smaller in the range of ------- a. )Jms b. 15Jms c. 1)Jms d. 25Jms 1)3.The portions co#ered by the antenna are called a. +ortions b. Sectors c. $ell sector d. None of these 1)'.The %TS or %ase Transcei#er Station is also called a. 8%S b. +$S c. FS= d. SI= 1)).%TS are housed !ith all radio e9uipments such as a. Antennas b. Signal processors c. Amplifiers d. All of these e. 1)*.%ase station may also be placed near center of cell and "no!n as a. 26cited cell b. $enter e6cited cell c. $enter cell d. None of these 1)1.The actual cell is the ----- he6agon. !ith the to!ers at the corners a. 8ed b. %lue c. 8ed and blue File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these 1)3.Antenna al!ays transmits in!ard to each cell and area ser#ed depends on a. Topography b. +opulation c. Traffic d. All of these 1)4.Net!or" and s!itching subsystem is composed of the ---------------- a. =obile Ser#ices S!itching $enter>=S$? b. (ome 0ocation 8egister>(08? c. Disitor 0ocation 8egister>D08? d. All of these 1*5.The mobile stations>=S? communicates only #ia the a. %TS b. %SS c. %S$ d. < m
1*1.A %TS is connected to a mobile station #ia the a. %TS b. %SS c. A bis interface !ith %S$ d. < m interface e. %oth c & d 1*2.The < m interface basically consists of --------- for !ireless transmission a. /7=A b. T7=A c. $7=A d. All of these 1*3.The /7=A in#ol#es the di#ision up to the ma6imum of ------- band!idth into 12' carrier fre9uencies spaced 255 "(z apart File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 2)=(z b. 3)=(z c. 2'=(z d. 25=(z 1*'.The /7=A channel are further di#ided in time !ith a burst period of appro6imately ------- using a T7=A techni9ue a. 5.211ms b. 5.311ms c. 5.'11ms d. 5.)11ms 1*).The eight burst period are grouped into a T7=A frame !hich forms the basic unit for definition of a. +hysical channel b. 0ogical channel c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1**. One ------- is one burst period per T7=A frame a. +hysical channel b. 0ogical channel c. %oth a & b d. None of these 1*1.The more channel increases the a. FS= b. No of base station c. No of mobile station d. Transmitter po!er 1*3.The more channel decreases the a. FS= b. No of base station c. No of mobile station File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. Transmitter po!er 1*4.The other popular name for =S$>=obile S!itching $enter ? is a. %S>%ase Station? b. =S>=obile S!itch? c. =TSO>=obile Telecommunication S!itching Office? d. %oth b & c 115.=S$ is connected to a ------------ at one end a. =obile station b. %ase station c. Transmitter station d. None of these 111.=S$ is connected to a ------------ at other end a. =S$s b. +STN c. IS7N d. None of these 112.=S$s acts as a ---------- a. S!itching b. 0ocal S!itching e6change c. 8emote S!itching e6change d. None of these 113.The =S$ also pro#ides all the functionality such as a. 8egistration b. (ando#er c. Authentication d. 0ocation updating e. $all routing to a roaming subscriber f. All of these 11'.The =S$ pro#ided to establish lin" !ith other fi6ed net!or"s termed as a. 0ocal =S$ File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. 8outer =S$ c. Fate!ay =S$ d. 8emote =S$ 11).The main tas" of =S$ are entrusted upon as a. Inter!or"ing function>I/? b. =obility management operations c. 7ata ser#ice unit>7S<? d. SS1 e. All of these 11*.Name the t!o chief databases a. (ome location register>(08? b. Disitor location register>D08? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 111. hich has its main tas" as associated !ith =S$ a. (ome location register b. Disitor location register c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 113.I=2I stands for a. International mobile e9uipment identity b. International mobile e9uipment information c. Inter!or"ing mobile e9uipment information d. Inter!or"ing management e9uipment information 114.SubscriberAs all administrati#e information along !ith the current location in FS= net!or" including in database of (08 are a. I=2I number b. 7irectory number c. $urrent city File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. 0ast #isited area e. The class of ser#ice subscriber f. All of these 135.(08 "eeps the ------------ of each mobile that belongs to the =S$ to !hich it is interacting a. 0ast location b. /irst location c. $urrent location d. None of these 131.(08 performs the functions such as ------------- to subscribers at their current locations by using user profile information a. 7eli#ery of calls b. Information and messages c. %oth a & b d. None of these 132.(08 maintains user information in the form of a. Static information b. 7ynamic information c. %oth a & b d. None of these 133.The static information is the a. International =obile Subscriber Identity b. Ser#ice subscription information authentication "ey c. Account status d. All of these 13'.The dynamic information is the --------- area of the mobile subscriber !hich is the identity of the currently ser#ing D08 a. 0ast location b. /irst location c. $urrent location File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these 13).The (08 handles SS1 transactions !ith both a. =S$s b. D08 nodes c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 13*.D08 main tas"s are association !ith a. =S$ b. I=SI c. T=SI d. 8oaming e. All of these 131.In nutshell !e can say that both the -----------!or" together to pro#ide local connections as !ell as roaming outside the local ser#ice area a. (08 b. D08 c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 133.The operations and =aintenance $enter o#ersees the all important for---------- a. +roper operation b. Setup of the net!or" c. +ro#ides Telecommunication =anagement Net!or">T=N? d. All of these 134.Operation Subsystem also pro#ides interface NSS #ia O:Interface that may be ---------- a. G.2) interface b. G.32 interface c. G.23 interface File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. None of these e. 145.Authentications $enter>Au$? is used for a. Authentication b. Security by generating authentication algorithms c. $ryptographic codes d. All of these 141.Au$ is responsible for maintaining all data needed to authenticate a call and to encrypt ------------------ a. Doice traffic b. Signaling messages c. %oth a & b d. None of these 142.2I8 stands for a. 29uipment Identification 8egister b. 29uipment Identification 8emote c. 29uipment Information 8emote d. 29uipment Information 8egister 143.2I8 fulfills the -------------- re9uirement of FS= a. Security b. Authentication c. %oth a & b d. None of these 14'.SI= card has a secret "ey for ---------------- o#er the radio channel a. Authentication b. 2ncryption c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 14).FS= net!or" chec"s the ------------------ of a mobile de#ice through 2I8 database File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. Type b. Serial number c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 14*.2I8 maintains a database of -------------- a. =anufacturing de#ices b. =alfunctioning de#ices c. /unctioning de#ices d. None of these 141.< m is the lin" bet!een a a. =obile station b. %ase station c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 143.FS= 455 operates on a fre9uency range of --------- for uplin" a. 345:415=(z b. 345:41)=(z. c. 345:451=(z d. 345:411=(z e. 144.FS= 455 operates on a fre9uency range of --------- for do!nlin" a. 43):4*5=(z b. 4'5:415=(z c. 4'):4)5=(z d. 42):4*5=(z 255./7= is used to ----------- the a#ailable fre9uency band in FS= a. Addition b. 7i#ide File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. %oth a & b d. None of these 251.The FS= has many burst types such as a. Normal burst b. Access burst c. Synchronization burst d. /re9uency correction burst e. 7ummy burst f. All of these 252. The normal burst period lasts a. Appro6imately )11ms or 1),2*ms b. Appro6imately )12ms c. Appro6imately )*1ms d. Appro6imately )13ms 253.hich is pro#ided to a#oid o#erlap !ith other burst a. /re9uency space b. Fuard space c. Information space d. %and!idth space 25'.hich is a dedicated time slots !ithin a data or bit stream !hich repeats after a certain period of time a. /re9uency b. Amplitude c. $hannel d. Normal burst 25).The channel can be further di#ided into a. 7edicated channel b. $ommon channel c. %oth a & b d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 25*.%oth the dedicated and common channel are allocated to a a. %ase station b. =obile station c. =obile s!itch d. All of these e. 251.hen a slot repeated e#ery '.*1)ms constitute a ------- channel !hich can be split into se#eral logical channel a. 0ogical b. +hysical c. %oth a & b d. None of these 253. T7=A is used to split carrier fre9uency of 255"(z into------- time slots a. ' b. 3 c. 1* d. 2' 254.FS= 455 has ----- physical full duple6 channels a. 12) b. 12' c. 2'3 d. 2'1 215.FS= 455 has ----- physical half duple6 channels a. 12) b. 12' c. 2'3 d. 2'1 211.Time slot is also "no!n as a. 0ogical channel b. +hysical channel File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 212.A Traffic $hannel>T$(? is defined for speech and data at a rates of a. 4.*"b,s b. '.3"b,s c. 2.'"b,s d. All of these e. 213.The length of 2' T7=A frames are "ept a. 125ms b. 135ms c. 1)5ms d. 1*5ms 21'. (o! many frames are included for traffic in 2*T7=A frames a. 1 b. 2' c. 2) d. 1* 21).(o! many frames are included for Slo! Associated $ontrol $hannel>SA$$(? in 2*T7=A frames a. 1 b. 2' c. 2) d. 1* 21*.(o! many frames are included for currently unused in 2*T7=A frames a. 1 b. 2' c. 2) d. 1* File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 211.hich are basically used to control the logical channels a. $$(s b. T$( c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 213.7epending upon the tas" performed by the $ontrol $hannels>$$(s?.they are categorized in a. %roadcast $ontrol $hannels>%$$(? b. $ommon $ontrol $hannels>$$$(? c. 7edicated $ontrol $hannels>7$$(? d. All of these 214.The different control channel are accessed by a. Idle mode b. 7edicated mode mobile c. %oth a & b d. None of these 225.hich is a unidirectional do!nlin" point to multi:point signaling channel from %TS to =S a. %$$( b. $$$( c. 7$$( d. All of these 221.hich is bi:directional point to multi:point signaling channel that e6changes the signaling information for net!or" access management and transport information regarding connection setup bet!een =S and %TS a. b. %$$( c. $$$( d. 7$$( e. All of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum f. 222.hich is bidirectional and are multiple6ed on a standard channel for registration. location updating and authentication in order to set up a call or T$( a. %$$( b. $$$( c. 7$$( d. All of these 223.FS= specifies a multiple6ing scheme to integrate se#eral frames !here a periodic pattern of 2* slots occurs in all T7= frames !ith a T$( . the combination of these frames are called a. =ultiframe b. Traffic:multiframe c. =ultiprogramming d. None of these 22'.Out of 2* frames. 2' are used for traffic. one is used for the ---------- and one is currently unused a. SA$$(>Slo! Associated $ontrol $hannel? b. /A$$(>/ast Associated $ontrol $hannel? c. %$$( d. $$$( 22).FS= is already mentioned that the duration of one T7=A frame is a. '.)1*ms b. '.*1)ms c. '.1)*ms d. '.1*)ms 22*.$ontrol multiframe comprises of )1 T7=A frame !ith a duration of -------- a. 23'.)ms b. 233.)ms c. 23).'ms d. 23).3ms 221.25'3 superframes constitute a -------- File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. hyperframe b. lo!erframe c. strongerframe d. none of these 223.FS= has three functional layers a. +hysical layer b. 7ata lin" layer c. 0ayer three in correspondence !ith OSI model d. All of these 224.In OSI model. the lo!er three layers usually terminate in the ------ but it is not true in case of FS= a. Another node b. Same node c. T!o nodes d. None of these 235.In protocols. the 88 part of layer three is spread o#er the a. =S b. %TS c. %S$ d. =S$ e. All of these 231.+hysical layer is the ----------- !hich pro#ides transfer of bit streams o#er the physical radio lin"s through < m interface a. 0o!est layer b. (ighest layer c. /irst layer d. None of these 232.+hysical layer handles all radio specific functions such as ---------------- a. $reation of bursts File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. =ultiple6ing of bursts into T7=A frame c. Synchronization !ith %TS d. $hannel coding. error detection and correction e. Kuality control on the do!nlin" f. All of these 233.The digital modulation and security related issues such as encryption of digital data are carried o#er the radio interface bet!een ------------ a. =S b. %TS c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 23'.The communication on A bis interface bet!een ----- and %S$ is established by using the standard 0A+7 a. =S b. %TS c. =TS d. None of these 23).A reliable data lin" ser#ice is pro#ided bet!een --------- through =essage Transfer +art of SS1 a. %S$ b. =S$ c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 23*.The layer three chiefly comprises of ------------- a. 88>radio resource management? b. ==>=obility management? c. $=>call control management? d. All of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 231.hat are the functions of mobility management a. 0ocation update b. Authentication c. Temporary =obile Subscriber Identity d. 8eallocation e. All of these f. 233.$= performs a. 2stablishment b. =aintenance c. Termination of a circuit:s!itched call d. All of these e. 234.$= performs other supporting a. Supplementary ser#ice>SS? b. Short =essage Ser#ice>S=S? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 2'5.The radio resource management sublayer terminates at the a. %S$ b. %SS c. =S$ d. =TS 2'1.The radio resource management is used to establish physical connections o#er the call: related signaling and traffic channels bet!een the -------------- a. %S$ b. %SS c. =S d. %oth b & c 2'2.The 88 layer is the part of 88 layer is implemented in the %TS to pro#ide functions File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum bet!een the ----------- a. %TS b. %S$ c. =S$ d. %oth a & b 2'3.The ---------- is also responsibility of the layers a. (ando#er b. (andoff c. %oth a & b d. None of these 2''.hich uses signal strength measurements and cell congestion information to determine !hen a handoff should occur a. =S$ b. %SS c. %S$ d. %oth a & b 2').(andoff notifications are sent to respecti#e ---- !hich in turn for!ard them to (08s a. D08s b. D0$s c. D$7s d. 0$7s 2'*.The mobility management sublayer on the ----- of the 88 is terminated at the =S$ a. 0o! b. Top c. $enter d. /irst 2'1.== is used to a. 2stablish b. =aintain c. 8elease connections bet!een the =S a File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. The net!or" =S$ e. All of these 2'3. The $ommunication =anagement protocol controls ---------- call establishment a. first:to:end b. end:to:end c. end:to:first d. first:to:first 2'4.$= protocols are used in FS= net!or". these are a. Transaction $apabilities Application +art>T$A+? protocol b. =obile Application +art>=A+? protocol c. %oth a & b d. None of these 2)5.=A+ is used bet!een ---------in the form of 9uery and response messages a. =S$ b. D08 c. (08 d. Au$ e. All of these 2)1.------------ Together !ith the =S$. +ro#ide the call routing and roaming capabilities of FS= !here a subscriber can roam nationally and e#en internationally a. (08 b. D08 c. $08 d. %oth a & b 2)2.=SIS7N stands for a. =obile Subscriber IS7N Number b. =obile Station IS7N Number c. =obile S!itching IS7N Number d. =obile Standard IS7N Number 2)3.hich number caller used to reach a mobile subscriber File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. =SIS7N number b. I=SI number c. T=SI number d. =S8N 2)'.=SIS7N number consists of a. $ountry code>such as 41 for India? b. National subscriber destination code c. Subscriber number d. All of these 2)).hich number of =SIS7N is the address of the FS= pro#ider a. $ountry code>such as 41 for India? b. National subscriber destination code c. Subscriber number d. All of these 2)*.hich is a uni9ue identification number allocated to each mobile subscriber a. =SIS7N Number b. I=SI Number c. T=SI Number d. =S8N 2)1.It sits inside SI= card. !hich can be carried out any!here and can be used in any =S a. =SIS7N Number b. I=SI Number c. T=SI Number d. =S8N 2)3.The I=SI number consists of a. =$$>=obile $ountry $ode consisting of three digits? b. =N$>=obile Net!or" $ode consisting of t!o digits? c. =SIN>=obile Subscriber Identity Number consisting of ten digits? d. All of these 2)4.hich is used in the place of the I=SI for the definite identification and addressing of File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum the mobile station a. =SIS7N Number b. I=SI Number c. T=SI Number d. =S8N 2*5.In T=SI nobody can determine the identity of the subscriber by listening to the ---------- a. Dideo channel b. 8adio channel c. Audio channel d. None of these e. 2*1.FS= used the ------- byte T=SI for local subscriber identification a. 2 b. ' c. * d. 3 2*2.hich is a temporary location:dependent IS7N number assigned by the locally responsible D08 to each mobile station in its area a. =SIS7N Number b. I=SI Number c. T=SI Number d. =S8N 2*3.The =S8N consists of a. D$$>Disitor country code? b. DN7$>Disitor national destination code? c. The identification of the current =S$ along !ith the subscriber number>SN? d. All of these 2*'.FS= call may be classified into t!o types namely a. =T$>=obile Terminated $all? File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. =O$>=obile Originated $all? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 2*).----------- becomes necessary !hen mobile mo#es from area of one %S$ into another area of the same or into another %S$ a. (andoff b. (ando#er c. (addon d. (and!or" 2**.(ando#er in#ol#es a number of procedures depending upon the location are a. Intra:cell hando#er b. Inter:cell. intra:%S$ hando#er c. Inter:%S$. intra:=S$ hando#er d. Inter =S$ hando#er e. All of these 2*1.hich in#ol#e the transfer of connections from one channel to another channel on the same %TS a. Intra:cell hando#er b. Inter:cell. intra:%S$ hando#er c. Inter:%S$. intra:=S$ hando#er d. Inter =S$ hando#er 2*3.hich in#ol#e the transfer of the connection from one %TS to another %TS on the same %S$ a. Intra:cell hando#er b. Inter:cell. intra:%S$ hando#er c. Inter:%S$. intra:=S$ hando#er d. Inter =S$ hando#er 2*4.The connections is transferred bet!een %TS belonging to t!o different %S$s !ithin one =S$ is called a. Intra:cell hando#er b. Inter:cell. intra:%S$ hando#er File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. Inter:%S$. intra:=S$ hando#er d. Inter =S$ hando#er 215.hich in#ol#e the transfer of a connection to a %TS bet!een t!o cells !ithin another =S$ a. Intra:cell hando#er b. Inter:cell. intra:%S$ hando#er c. Inter:%S$. intra:=S$ hando#er d. Inter =S$ hando#er 211.A collection of interconnected net!or"s is "no!n as a. Internet b. Internet!or" c. Net!or" d. Internet!or"ing 212.The process of interconnecting different net!or" is called a. Internet b. Internet!or" c. Net!or" d. Internet!or"ing 213.The internet!or"ing protocol is "no!n as a. S=T+ b. +++ c. T$+,I+ d. NNT+ 21'.The Net!or" element that connects indi#idual net!or" is "no!n as a. Fate!ay b. 8outer c. T$+,I+ d. %oth a & b 21).If single computer net!or" is di#ided into segments and router are added bet!een them it forms an File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. Internet b. Internet!or" c. Net!or" d. Internet!or"ing 21*.hich !as used as original term for an internet!or" !hich meant a method for connecting net!or"s !ith disparate technologies a. $atenet b. %ridge c. +ANs d. No#ell net!are 211. The computer net!or" are of different typesPsome are a. +ANs>+ersonal Area Net!or"s? b. No#ell Net!are c. %oth a & b d. None of these 213.The !ord Internet and internet are a. 7ifferent b. Same c. 7ependent on each other d. None of these 214.hich signifies the specific net!or" model a. internet b. Internet c. %oth a & b d. None of these 235.hich means generic interconnection of net!or"s a. internet b. Internet c. %oth a & b d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum e. 231.hich protocol pro#ides a reliable data transfer a. T$+ b. <7+ c. I+ d. %oth a & b 232.hich protocol pro#ides a unreliable data transfer a. T$+ b. <7+ c. I+ d. %oth a & b 233.2#ery computer has a uni9ue address called a. I+ b. <7+ c. T$+ d. None of these 23'.The I+ address lies bet!een a. 5 to 2') b. 5 to 2)' c. 5 to 2)) d. 5 to 2*) e. 23).7($+ stands for a. 7ynamic (ost $onfiguration +rotocol b. 7igital (ost $ommunication +ro#ider c. 7igital (ost $ommunication +rotocol d. 7ynamic (ost $onfiguration +ro#ider 23*.---------- is used for e#ery computer needs one protocol stac" for communicating on the Internet a. +rotocol stac" File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. +rotocol c. Transmission protocol d. None of these 231.hich protocol layer uses the protocols are . (TT+. /T+. S=T+. e:mail etc a. Application 0ayer +rotocol b. Transport 0ayer +rotocol c. Internet 0ayer +rotocol d. (ard!are 0ayer 233.hich protocol uses T$+ routes to an application on a computer by use of a port number a. Application 0ayer +rotocol b. Transport 0ayer +rotocol c. Internet 0ayer +rotocol d. (ard!are 0ayer 234.hich protocol mo#es I+ pac"ets to a specific computer by use of an I+ address a. Application 0ayer +rotocol b. Transport 0ayer +rotocol c. Internet 0ayer +rotocol d. (ard!are 0ayer 245.hich contains net!or" interface cards. modems for phones or !ireless lines for con#erting binary pac"et data to net!or" signals and #ice #ersa a. Application 0ayer +rotocol b. Transport 0ayer +rotocol c. Internet 0ayer +rotocol d. (ard!are 0ayer 241.(ard!are layer handle ra! a. %ytes of data b. %its of data c. %oth a & b d. None of these 242.here is the T$+ layer is situated in the application layer in the protocol stac" File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. %elo! b. Top c. $enter d. None of these 243.T$+ uses port number to route correct application on the ----------- a. Source computer b. 7estination computer c. %oth a & b d. None of these 24'.T$+ is ---------- in nature a. Te6tual b. Not te6tual c. None of these d. 24).T$+ also contains a --- chec"sum a. 1*bit b. 1*byte c. 32bit d. 32byte 24*.hat is the port number of the (TT+ a. 35 b. 2) c. 23 d. 25,21 241.hat is the port number of the S=T+ a. 2) b. 23 c. 25,21 d. 214*5 243.hat is the port number of the Telnet File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 2) b. 23 c. 25,21 d. 214*5 244.hat is the port number of the /T+ a. 2) b. 23 c. 25,21 d. 214*5 355.hat is the port number of the Kua"e III Arena a. 2) b. 23 c. 25,21 d. 214*5 351.T$+ is -------------- a. $onnection:oriented b. 8eliable c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 352.I+ is ----------- a. $onnectionless b. <nreliable c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 353.I+ does not ensure mo#ement of a pac"et to its destination and ha#e no "no!ledge of ---------- a. +ort numbers b. $onnections File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. 35'.I+ pac"ets -------- arri#e in the order in !hich it is sent a. =ay b. =ay not c. =ay or may not d. None of these e. 35).S=7S stands for a. S!itched =ultiple 7ata Ser#ices b. S!itched =ultimegabit 7ata Ser#ices c. S!itched =ultiple 7ouble Ser#ices d. S!itched =ultiple 7ata Subscriber 35*.S=7S is a pac"et s!itched. high speed. connectionless public data ser#ice that e6tends a. 0ocal Area Net!or" b. =etropolitan Area Net!or" c. ide Area Net!or" d. All of these 351.In S=7S. the ser#ice follo!s a. I222 352.* 7K7%>7istributed Kueue 7ual %us? b. I222 352.) 7K7%>7istributed Kueue 7ual %us? c. I222 352.' 7K7%>7istributed Kueue 7ual %us? d. I222 353.* 7K7%>7istributed Kueue 7ual %us? 353.The S=7S is defined for =AN under------- standard a. I222 352.) b. I222 352.' c. I222 352.* d. I222 352.2 354.S=7S is capable of #ariety of technologies including File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. 7K7%>7istributed Kueue 7ual %us? b. %roadband IS7N>%:IS7N? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 315.North American implementation uses 7K7% !ith 7S1 at a data rate of a. 1.)=bit,s b. ')=bits,s c. 1.*=bit,s d. '*=bit,s e. 311.North American implementation uses 7K7% !ith 7S3 at a data rate of a. 1.)=bit,s b. ')=bits,s c. 1.*=bit,s d. '*=bit,s 312.S=7S net!or" also planned to lin" %:IS7N and SON2T O$3 !ith a data rate of a. 1.)=bit,s b. ')=bits,s c. 1))=bit,s d. 1.4=bit,s 313.S=7S is a a. 7ata ser#ice b. Telephone ser#ice c. /rame ser#ice d. Dideo ser#ice 31'.S=7S is a a. Technology b. +rotocol c. %oth a & b d. None of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum e. 31).The !ord $+2 means a. $ustomer +remises 29uipment b. $omputer +remises 29uipment c. $ustomer +ac"et 29uipment d. $ustomer +rotocol 29uipment 31*.The S=7S is designed to handle a. $ontinuous traffic b. /inite traffic c. %ursty traffic d. All of these 311.The telephone ser#ice is designed to handle a. $ontinuous traffic b. /inite traffic c. %ursty traffic d. All of these 313.In S=7S . the telephone number consists of a. $ountry code b. Area code c. Subscriber code d. All of these 314.The S=7S can ser#e a. Only area b. Only nationally c. Internationally d. None of these e. 325.Address of source and destination in S=7S both consists of ' bit code follo!ed by a telephone no of ma6. a. 12 decimal digits File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. 1* decimal digits c. 1) decimal digits d. 25 decimal digits e. 321.The S=7S is similar to !hich transfer mode a. Synchronous transfer mode b. Asynchronous transfer mode c. %oth a & b d. None of these 322.S=7S ma"e use of cell relay !ith ------- per cell a. )3 octets b. )* octets c. )3 octets d. )) octets e. 323.The data unit of S=7S can encapsulate frames of a. I222352.3 b. I222352.) c. /77I d. All of these 32'.S=7S ma"e use of a. $opper b. /iber media c. %oth a & b d. None of these 32).In S=7S. !ith a tic" e#ery 15msec user can send--------- on the a#erage a. 155.555 bytes,sec b. 15.555 bytes,sec c. 155.5555 bytes,sec d. 155.555.55 bytes,sec File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 32*.hich means the net!or" can e6pand !ith minimal in#estment a. SN=+ b. Scalability c. Screening d. Simple e. 321. hich is a net!or" protocol that is based on <7+ and is a component of the component of the Internet +rotocol Suite. defined by I2T/>Internet 2ngineering Tas" /orce? a. SN=+ b. Scalability c. Screening d. =ulticasting e. 323.The user can ha#e access to high speed lines ------ connected to =AN a. 32=bits,s b. 33=bits,s c. 3'=bits,s d. 3)=bits,s 324.The user can ha#ing access capacity of ------ connected to =AN a. 1)1=bits,s b. 1)2=bits,s c. 1)'=bits,s d. 1))=bits,s 335.The bac"bones of =AN has !or"ing data rate of -------- a. 134=bits,s b. 1'5=bits,s c. 1))=bits,s d. 13'=bits,s 331.<ser is charged for ma6imum rate of ---------- band!idth a. 3'=bits,s File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. '=bits,s c. 15=bits,s d. 1*=bits,s e. 2)=bits,s f. 26cept >a? all are ans!ers 332.S=7S !as primarily used for connecting a. 0AN b. =AN c. AN d. +AN 333.In S=7S. =AN interconnect a. 2thernet b. To"en ring net!or"s c. %oth a & b d. None of these 33'.S=7S net!or"s ha#e many underlying de#ices for supporting high:speed ser#ice are a. Subscriber net!or" interface>SNI? b. $arrier e9uipment c. $ustomer +remises 29uipment >$+2? d. All of these 33).$+2 may be de#ices such as a. +$s>+ersonal computers? b. Intermediate nodes c. Terminals d. All of these e. 33*.hich are intermediate nodes pro#ided by S=7S carrier a. =ultiple6ers b. =odems c. 8outers File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. All of these 331.+7<s contain a. Source address b. 7estination address c. %oth a & b d. None of these 333. Addressing in S=7S has pro#ision for a. Froup addressing b. Security features c. %oth a & b d. None of these 334.In S=7S. there are t!o useful security features. namely a. Source address #alidation b. Address screening c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3'5.$$ITT stands for a. $onsultati#e $ommittee International for Telegraphy and Telephony b. International $onsultati#e $ommittee for Telegraphy and Telephony c. International $onsultati#e $ommittee for Telephony and Telegraphy d. $onsultati#e $ommittee International for Telephony and Telegraphy 3'1.G.2). it !as de#eloped for computer connections used for a. Timesharing connection b. Terminal connection c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3'2.G.2) pro#ides a #irtual high:9uality digital net!or" at a. 0o! cost b. (igh cost c. =edium cost File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum d. All of these 3'3.hich is another useful characteristics of G.2) a. Speed b. =atching c. Speed matching d. None of these 3''.In G.2) 7T2s are not re9uired to use the same line speed because of the a. Store b. /or!ard nature of pac"et s!itching c. 26cellent flo! control d. All of these 3'). In G.2). A host connected at )*"bps and communicating !ith numerous remote sites can be lin"ed !ith cheaper------ lines a. 13.2"bps b. 14.2"bps c. 25.2"bps d. 22.2"bps 3'*.In G.2) defines the protocols from a. 0ayer 2 to 0ayer 3 b. 0ayer 1 to 0ayer 2 c. 0ayer 1 to 0ayer 3 d. 0ayer 3 to 0ayer 2 3'1.%ased on G.2) rules. ho! many logical channel can be set on a single physical line a. 2)* b. 1* c. '54* d. 2))* e. 3'3.To enable control of '54* logical channels in G.2). there are ---- channel groups a. 2)* File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. 1* c. '54* d. 2))* 3'4.2ach logical channel group is di#ided into ---- logical channels a. 2)* b. 1* c. '54* d. 2))* 3)5.The channel grouping in G.2) are "no!n as a. 0ogical channel group number>0$FN? b. 0ogical channel number>0$N? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3)1.G.2) is a a. +rotocol b. 7ata ser#ice c. Telephone ser#ice d. Technology 3)2.G.2) protocol !as recommended by $$ITT in a. 141) b. 141* c. 1411 d. 1413 3)3.G.2) protocol e6changed the data control information bet!een a. A node b. A user de#ice c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3)'.The user de#ice and node are properly referred to as a. 7T2 File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. 7$2 c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3)).A terminal of 1.2"bit,s can communicate !ith host computer at ------- through the pac"et s!itched net!or" a. 4*55bits,s b. 3*55bits,s c. 1*55bits,s d. **55bits,s 3)*.The transmission speed of sender should be ----------- as that of recei#er in the G.2) a. Same b. 7ifferent c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3)1.G.2) ma"e use of ------- ser#ice a. $onnectionless b. $onnection:oriented c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3)3.+A7 stands for a. +ac"et Assembly and 7isassembly b. +rocedure Assembly and 7isassembly c. +ermanent Assembly and 7isassembly d. +ac"age Assembly and 7isassembly 3)4.G.2) supports t!o types of pac"et format named a. $ontrol pac"et b. 7ata pac"et c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 3*5.A G.2) pac"et ma"e up the ------ of an (70$ frame a. /rame field b. 7ata field c. Information field d. %oth b and c are same 3*1.=a6imum pac"et sizes in G.2) #ary from a. *'bytes to 123bytes b. *'bytes to '54* bytes c. *'bytes to 2)*bytes d. 32bytes to *'bytes 3*2.A G.2) protocol use a. Store and for!ard method b. Stop and !ait method c. Store and stop method d. None of these 3*3.The ad#antage of G.2) are a. as de#eloped to reco#er errors b. +ac"et s!itching eases compatibility problems in communications bet!een +$s c. +ac"et s!itching cannot !aste band!idth d. All of these 3*'./rame relay constitutes of the OSI ----- layer a. /irst b. Second c. Third d. /ourth 3*).0ogical channels are identified by a number referred by a. 70$I>7ata 0in" $onnection Identifier? b. D0$I>Dery 0arge $onnection Identifier? c. (70$>(igh 0e#el 7ata 0in" $ontrol ? d. K00$ File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum 3**.70$I can ha#e a #alue bet!een a. 5 and 152) b. 5 and 12) c. 5 and 2)* d. 5 and 1523 e. 3*1.The de#ice !hich splits data into frames as !ell as combines frames into data is referred as a. /8A7>/rame relay and 7isassembly? b. /70$ c. (70$ d. 70$I 3*3./rame relay indicates net!or" congestion using t!o flags namely -------- bits in data frames a. /or!ard 26plicit $ongestion Notification>/2$N? b. %ac"!ard 26plicit $ongestion Notification>%2$N? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 3*4.$ell relay is data transmission ser#ices that uses transmission technology referred to as a. AT=>Asynchronous Transfer =ode? b. %T= c. ST= d. 7T= 315.The data transmission is a fi6ed length of data "no!n as a. $ell b. /rame c. 8elay d. $ell relay 311.Ad#antages of cell relay are a. (igh:speed transmission File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. =ultiple6ing transmission c. %oth a & b d. None of these 312.7isad#antages of cell relay are a. $ell discarding occurs !ith congestion b. (igh cost c. %oth a & b d. None of these 313.The cell relay protocol corresponds to first ---- layer of OSI a. One b. T!o c. Three d. /our 31'.The part that corresponds to second layer. that is. data lin" layer is referred to as a. 70$ layer b. AT= layer c. ST= layer d. +rotocol layer 31).In cell relay these logical channels are represented as a. Dirtual $hannels>D$s? b. Dirtual +aths>D+s? c. %oth a & b d. None of these 31*.A D$ is a #irtual channel composed of a. /rames b. $ells c. 8elay d. +rotocol 311.D+ is a bundle of a. D$s File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. D$= c. D$I d. DI+ 313.Identifiers are called ------------------- are used to identify D+S and D$s a. D$Is b. DI+s c. %oth a & b d. None of these 314.In cell relay communication performed bet!een a. T!o D+ b. T!o D$ c. D+ and D$ d. D+ and D$I 335.AT= is an a. International Telecommunication b. International Telecommunication:<nion c. International Telecommunication <nion:Telecommunication Standardization Sector>IT<:T? d. International Telecommunication <nion:Telecommunication 331.AT= net!or"s are a. $onnectionless b. Interconnected c. $onnection oriented d. None of these 332.In today AT=. separate net!or"s are used to carry --------- information mostly a. Doice b. Dideo c. 7ata d. All of these 333.7ata traffic in AT= tend to be File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. $ontinuous b. %ursty c. 7iscontinuous d. None of these 33'.AT= cell has a fi6ed length of ---------- a. )2bytes b. )3bytes c. )'bytes d. ))bytes 33).hich is a portion carries the actual information a. +ayload>'3bytes? b. +ayment c. +ayroll d. None of these 33*.The purpose of AT= is to pro#ide a. (igh speed b. 0o!:delay multiple6ing c. S!itching net!or"s d. All of these 331.AT= is specifically designed as -------- technology for #oice. #ideo. and data a. Single b. 7ouble c. =ultiple d. None of these 333.AT= can support a. 7ifferent speeds b. Traffic types c. Kuality of ser#ice attached to applications d. All of these 334.AT= cells coming from a user are guaranteed deli#ery at the other end !ith a File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum a. (igh probability b. 0o! delay c. %oth a & b d. None of these 345.The characteristics of AT= are as follo!s a. The transport speeds of most AT= applications are most often 1))=bps and *22=bps b. AT= is a fle6ible ser#ice made possible by the size of the pac"ets >cells?. c. The small cell size allo!s a #ariety of applications to run on AT= net!or"s including #oice. #ideo and data d. All of these 341.Narro! band IS7N pro#ides for the follo!ing ser#ices a. $ircuit:s!itched #oice b. $ircuit:s!itched data c. 0o!:speed pac"et d. (igh:speed pac"et e. All of these 342.The cell relay is considered to be the ---------- of the future a. Transmission ser#ice b. Transport ser#ice c. Transfer ser#ice d. None of these 343.IS7N is a group of ---------- standards relating to digital transmission across con#entional copper !ire telephone lines. as also other media a. $$ITT b. IT< c. %oth a & b d. None of these 34'.Narro! band IS7N is a digital ser#ice !here the transport speeds are ------ >T1? or less a. 1.)33=bps File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. 1.)''=bps c. 1.)))=bps d. 1.))2=bps 34).The range of speeds for the broadband IS7N ser#ices usually range from ------ to the Figabit range a. 2'=bs b. 2)=bs c. 2*=bs d. 21=bs 34*.%8A stands for a. %asic 8ate Access b. %asic 8andom Assembly c. %it 8ate Assembly d. %ursty 8ate Assembly e. 341.%8A affords an IS7N user !ith simultaneous access to t!o ----- data channels a. 32"bps b. *'"bps c. 123"bps d. 2)*"bps 343.The IS7N Internet!or"ing 29uipment de#ices are a. Terminal Adapters>TAs? b. IS7N %ridges c. IS7N 8outers d. All of these 344.Ad#antages of IS7N internet!or"ing are a. Kuality b. 2conomy c. A#ailability d. All of these File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum e. '55.IS7N connections mat be seen as #ery ------- digital conduits a. (igh rate:of:error b. 0o! rate:of:error c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. '51.2ach channel in %8A is referred to as a. A:channel b. %:channel c. $:channel d. /:channel '52.The %:channel is capable of carrying both a. Doice b. 7ata c. %oth a & b d. None of these '53.The Another channel in %8A>%asic 8ate Access? is referred as 7:channel /unctions at a. 12Jbps b. 1'Jbps c. 1*Jbps d. 13Jbps '5'.The 7:channel in %8A is used for sending and recei#ing signal bet!een a. <ser de#ices b. IS7N c. %oth a & b d. None of these '5).The total transmission rate of %8A !or"out to a combined total of a. 1''"bit,s b. 1')"bit,s File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum c. 1'*"bit,s d. 1'1"bit,s '5*.%8A is also "no!n as ------------. as per $$ITT a. I.'35 b. I.'25 c. I.''5 d. I.')5 '51.hich ser#ice pro#ide up to thirty independent *'"bps % channels and a separate *'"bps 7 channel to carried the signaling a. %asic rate access b. +rimary rate access c. %oth a & b d. None of these '53.+rimary rate access is also "no!n as ----------. as per $$ITT a. I.'25 b. I.'21 c. I.'22 d. I.'23 '54.The $$ITT e#entually !as reformed in to the group !hich is no! called the -------- a. IT<:T b. <IT:T c. TI<:T d. T<I:T '15.The t!o standards IS7N connectors are a. 8;:') type plug and soc"et uses unshielded t!isted pair cable b. One for accessing primary rate IS7N through a coa6ial cable c. %oth a & b d. None of these '11.IS7N can be accessed as per $$ITT by using t!o ser#ice called a. %8I>%asic 8ate Interface? File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum b. +8I>+rimary 8ate Interface? c. %oth a & b d. None of these e. '12.%8I includes ------ % channels and -------- 7 channel a. One . t!o b. T!o. three c. T!o. one>may be !ritten as 2%C7? d. Three. t!o '13.%8I pro#iding data transmission speed of a. *2"bps b. *3"bps c. *'"bps d. *)"bps '1'.+8I is popularly referred to as ------------ due to the number of channels as per $$ITT a. 25C7 b. 35C7 c. '5C7 d. )5C7 '1).+8I can carry up to 35 independent. -------- lines of data or #oice channels a. *2"bps b. *3"bps c. *'"bps d. *)"bps File hosted by educationobserver.com/forum