The document provides guidelines for MBA students on project work and writing project reports. It outlines the objectives and stages of a project, including pre-project, project period, and post-project periods. It also details the typical format and contents of a project report, including chapters, sections, cover page, title page, and more.
The document provides guidelines for MBA students on project work and writing project reports. It outlines the objectives and stages of a project, including pre-project, project period, and post-project periods. It also details the typical format and contents of a project report, including chapters, sections, cover page, title page, and more.
Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration
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Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration (MBA) Summer project guidelines
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Important: Important: Important: Important: This document will help you at all stages of your project. This document provides you the guidelines that are based on experience of Write & Projects referred by him. This document will give you an idea to write a Project Report. Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 2 A Project report is logical The Guidelines for project are divided into two main parts- I. PROJECT WORK GUIDELINES II. PROJECT REPORT GUIDELINES I. PROJECT WORK GUIDELINES This section provides you the guidelines for actual project work at company and is based on experience of author. First you have to understand the objectives of project. Main objectives of project 1. To analyze, Understand and experience the environment and functions of organization 2. To understand the industry in which the organizations operate 3. To understand the business model of the organization 4. To understand functional area such as Marketing, Finance, HR, International Business, Operations, etc. Generally the project work is divided into three parts 1. Pre-project work period 2. Project work period 3. Post-project work period
Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 3
Pre-project period The important factors affecting on this stage are: 1. Your approach towards project 2. Your institute 3. Your competencies 4. Your project search ability 5. References given by you 6. Personal interview attended by you. 7. Your knowledge, integrity, Presentation etc The basic requirements you should carry during project are: 1. Summer project request letter from college 2. Updated Resume/CV (Curriculum vittae) 3. College I-Card 4. Required documents 5. Your recent Photographs 6. A pad / notebook / pen
Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 4
Project period This is the period of your actual work and its the most important period for you. Generally project starts in June. After getting the project, following things will be important. 1. Entry pass from company 2. Name, contact number and Email ID of the person to whom you have to report 3. Your Dress code (plain shirt, formal pant, shoe, tie etc.) Show Patience. Dont expect immediate response from organization or the person in charge. It may take some time (1/2 to 1 day or more). So dont mean that organization is not need of you. Do! 1. Keep yourself updated with recent trends and market conditions related to your project. 2. Go through books on research methodology, Industrial Survey, organization website. 3. Read business newspapers, Magazines etc. 4. Be professional. Be positive. Smile, enjoy work. 5. Ask questions relating to your project, show enthusiasm. Give detailed account of your problem and ask for correct questions. 6. If some urgent work is to be done by the organization, do it willingly. 7. Share experience with your classmates and teachers. It is an opportunity to professionalize with you. 8. Take your guides email ID. Do not disturb him or her on cell phone. 9. Keep in touch with your other colleagues, exchange thoughts. 10. Be enthusiastic to listen, to talk, to learn and to work. 11. Be honest, be curious. Show your integrity. 12. Define your body language Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 5
Dont! 1. Dont sit like cross legs, squatting position, and anxiety or nervous. 2. Don't disturb the receptionist and other workers by asking questions. 3. Dont talk with your friends through cell phone or to the other stranger in the reception. 4. Dont take breaks/holidays while doing project 5. Dont disappear for long period. (When the manager wants to meet you, you should be there.) 6. Dont degrade your institute or teachers by making such statements. 7. Dont talk negative and trying to be certain about everything. 8. Dont take campus culture to organization (Leave letters, excuses, concessions etc.) 9. Dont change the project if you get another project. Some steps for your Project work 1. Understand Expectations of organizations. 2. Choose Topic for project work Topic from Organization or Prepare a list of topics (At least 15 to 20 topics) and Choose the topic 3. Select Statistical tools to analyze the data (You can use both parametric and non parametric test). 4. Decide a rough title. You can finalize it later. 5. Once a business problem is identified the topic reflecting your research and addressing organizations need. Go to next Phase of research. 6. Start with broad ideas and then focus on to specific business problems and issues.
Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 6
Basics for project work 1. Apply knowledge of research methodology to analyze the problems or issues faced by organizations. 2. Understand How to apply the principles learned during course to real time business world. 3. Observe recent changes in the business world. Start your project work. Post-project period This is the third phase of your project and includes Project report formation, their submission and preparation for interview etc. 1. Read available data carefully. 2. Understand it. 3. And then write. Avoid reproduction of data given in the book or in the text. Refer available Project Reports to get an exact idea. The following format is suggested for you for synopsis to be submitted to your guide. Please refer next page >>>
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II. PROJECT REPORT GUIDELINES The basic question will arise in mind after completion of practical work is How to formalize project work to word format? Here is an idea about the format of project report. Format of project report may change with type of project and university, but the general format will be given as- The chapters may be broadly divided into 3 parts (i) Introductory chapter, (ii) Chapters developing the main text or theme of the project and (iii) Conclusion. The main text will be divided into several chapters and each chapter may be further divided into several divisions and sub-divisions. The sequence for project report will be .. 1. Cover Page 2. Title Page 3. Declaration 4. Certificate/Supervisor certificate / Deans Approval 5. Company Certificate 6. Acknowledgements 7. Executive Summary 8. Table of content/Index 9. List of fig & tables with page numbers 10. Organizations Profile/Company Profile 11. Industry Profile 12. Research Problem and its Background/Need for Study Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 8 13. Objectives and Scope 14. Research Methodology 15. Research Objectives 16. Literature Survey /Review of literature 17. Data Presentation and Analysis 18. Findings and Conclusions 19. Suggestions &/or Recommendations 20. Appendices 21. Bibliography/list of references Cover Page A PROJECT REPORT ON <Font 16> TITLE OF PROJECT REPORT <Font Size 20> For NAME OF COMPANY <Font 20> By NAME OF CANDIDATE <Font Size 20> PGP IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF POST GRADUATE PROGRAM IN CAREER DEVELOPMENT <Font Size 16> <Font Size 20 > NAME OF INSTITUTION PUNE (2007 2009) A typical Specimen of Cover Page & Title Page: <Font Style Times New Roman Bold> A PROJECT REPORT ON14 TITLE OF PROJECT REPORT18, 1.5 Submitted by14 NAME OF THE CANDIDATE(S) 16 In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree14, 1.5 of Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 9 NAME OF THE DEGREE16 IN BRANCH OF STUDY14 NAME OF THE COLLEGE14 ANNA UNIVERSITY: CHENNAI 600 025 16,1.5 MONTH & YEAR14 Title Page TITLE OF PROJECT REPORT <Font Size 20> For NAME OF COMPANY <Font 18> IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION <Font Size 14> SUBMITTED BY NAME OF CANDIDATE <Font 16> NAME OF INSTITUTE PUNE (2007 2009) <Font 16> TITLE OF PROJECT REPORT <Font Size 20> For NAME OF COMPANY <Font 18> IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF POST GRADUATE PROGRAM IN CAREER DEVELOPMENT <Font Size 14> SUBMITTED BY NAME OF CANDIDATE <Font 16> NAME OF INSTITUTE PUNE (2007 2009) <Font 16> Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 10 SPECIMEN A PROJECT REPORT ON SOME PERFORMANCE ASPECTS CONSIDERATIONS OF A CLASS OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK Submitted by GAYATHRI.R In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of ACHELOR OF ENGINEERING In INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING XXX ENGINEERING COLLEGE, KANCHEEPURAM ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI MAY 2005
Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 11 Declaration This is to certify that Thesis/Report entitled which is submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree . to University,. Name of place..comprises only my original work and due acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material used. Date: Name of Student College Certificate On the Letterhead of College- This is to certify that the Project Report titled Name of Project for (Name of Company) is a bona fide work carried out by (Name of Candidate) of PGPCD of Indira School of Management Studies for fulfillment of PGPCD (Dual) course of Indira School of Institutes, Pune. Date: Director/Guide Place: (NAME AND SIGNATURE) A typical specimen of Bonafide Certificate <Font Style Times New Roman> Certified that this project report.Project the bonafide work of.your name..who carried out the project work under my supervision. <<Signature of the Head of the Department>> <<Signature of the Supervisor>> SIGNATURE SIGNATURE Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 12 Certificate This is to certify that thesis/Report entitled project title. which is submitted by of student in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree .. to University, . is a record of the candidate own work carried out by him under my/our supervision. The matter embodied in this thesis is original and has not been submitted for the award of any other degree.
Date: Supervisor Company Certificate Acknowledgements A summer project is a golden opportunity for learning and self development. I consider myself very lucky and honored to have so many wonderful people lead me through in completion of this project. My grateful thanks to (Name of Company Guide, Designation) who in spite of being extraordinarily busy with her/his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path. I do not know where I would have been without her/him. A humble Thank you Madam/Sir. Ms./Mr (Name here), HR Department monitored my progress and arranged all facilities to make life easier. I choose this moment to acknowledge her/his contribution gratefully. Prof.( Name of College guide) whose patience I have probably tested to the limit. He/She was always so involved in the entire process, shared his/her knowledge, and encouraged me to think. Thank you, Dear Sir/Madam. I would like to thanks Ms/Mr.( Name of placement Director, College) for her/his efforts and help provided to me to get such an excellent opportunity. Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 13 Last but not the least there were so many who shared valuable information that helped in the successful completion of this project. (Your Name) Executive Summary Put the following and write a paragraph or two on each: Title of project Objectives and sources Findings Conclusions Recommendations Table of content/Index 1. Table of content 2. List of Tables 3. List of Figures 4. List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature A Typical Specimen of List of Tables Table of Contents Sr. No. Topic Page No. 1. Company Profile 2. Industry Profile 3. Research Problem and its Background 4. Objectives and Scope Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 14
A Typical Specimen of List of Tables Table 1.0 (Description) --- Table 1.1 (Description) --- Table 3.1 (Description) --- A Typical Specimen of List of Figures Figure 1.0 (Description) --- Figure 1.1 (Description) --- Figure 3.1 (Description) --- Organizations Profile/Company Profile Go through past balance sheets, organizations website, press reports and all other data pertaining to the organization. CMIE data base in the institute will help you to a large extent to achieve better Understand the organization and prepare the brief report. Use Mckensey 7s framework. Understand your organization in the context of present business situation. Example: You can write about Reliance Industries 5. Research Methodology 6. Review of Literature 7. Data Presentation and Analysis 8. Findings and Conclusions 9. Recommendations 10. Limitations and scope for further studies 11. Appendix (If any) 12. Bibliography Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 15 Industry Profile Go through Hindu Industrial Survey Use your discussion carefully Visit various websites such as If you want to go through various research reports please go through Find at least 10 major companies in your industry and in the international market. Write a brief write up on what happened for the past three years Identify at least three; Indian CEOs and three international CEO and find their views about industry. You can use your CMIE Data Base in the college. You can have photographs of the CEOs, being copied. (Example: you can provide the trends in Indian Retail Industry. Please go through the website of one of the most authentic sources on Industry data) Research Problem and its Background/Need for Study You are working 60 working days for project work. Your effort, understanding and value addition to the organization by answering specific questions will provide better experience for you. It explains what you want to achieve and what you mean by profiling. Objectives and Scope Objectives of study State your objectives in clear term not more than two to three statements (2 will be ideal). Be precise while writing your objectives and Should reflect the research you are going to undertake.
Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 16 Scope of study Certain other tasks which are important In the process of achieving you objectives, you may include them under scope of study. In the process of your study, if you have identified some areas that need to be studied. Research Methodology Research Objectives Clearly state your research objectives. They are derived from your objectives of study. Types of Research Design The next area is what type of research, is it exploratory, descriptive or conclusive. Data (primary and secondary) The secondary data has to be complemented with your primary data. Therefore write what all the data sources that you have collected and source of primary data. Research Instrument If it is a questionnaire, you have to write what type of questionnaire. However, do not assume always that you need to have questionnaire to start the research. You have different methods and use them to enrich your thought process. Research tool Generally in most of the research we use questionnaire method. There are four different types of questionnaires. However, there are other methods such as focus group interviews, word association tests generally not being used in summer project. Use such tools that provide better insights in to the data. Research Plan Here you can give the plan you have done for the research in a flow diagram. Sampling Methodology Sample Design Sample Unit please indicate Geographic dimension such as Mumbai north or Maharashtra Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 17 Sample Framework/ Sample frame Sample Size please go through research methodology book to have an idea on how to reach as sample size Time and Place Type of sampling Sample Size Mention size of sample here. Sampling method If your research is based on random sampling please indicate what type of random sampling you have used Literature Survey /Review of literature 4-5 pages May include latest research as literature survey Data Presentation and Analysis Please give a table for each of the questions with heading. For each of the item provide an interpretation. Do the cross tabulation of data and test all hypotheses you have developed. Findings and Conclusions Findings In the findings section, write all your inferences and test of hypotheses. First write all the inferences. Find their connectivity. Then provide an overall picture of your findings. Conclusion Maximum 2 pages (1 page ideal). If possible provide the benefit received by organization. You can give here all the information on suggestions given by you and implemented by organization. Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 18 Suggestions &/or Recommendations Here provide suggestions & recommendations based on your research, insights you have developed. Never provide generic suggestions eg. You have to improve advertisement. There is no meaning unless you answer the question how, when, where, what, out come expected. Suggestions should be innovative. Use your knowledge, the research you have done and the insights you gained. Limitations and scope for further studies Limitations of study: Here you can state the limitations of your study. Scope for further studies: You can state scope of further studies. Appendices Appendices are provided to give supplementary information, which is included in the main text may serve as a distraction and cloud the central theme. Appendices should be numbered using Arabic numerals, e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc. Appendices shall carry the title of the work reported and the same title shall be made in the contents page also. Bibliography/list of references The reference material should be listed in the alphabetical order of the first author. The name of the author/authors should be immediately followed by the year and other details. Kothari C.R, Research methodology, New Delhi, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, 2007 Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 19 PAGE DIMENSION AND BINDING SPECIFICATIONS: A typical illustrative list given below relates to the citation example quoted above Size/dimension: International standard paper size A4 (297x210mm) should be used. Binding: The project report should be hard bound with Golden Embossing. Margin: Top 1.0, Bottom 1.0 Left 1.5 Right 1.0 Line spacing: 1.5 Font: Times new roman, size 12 for text, larger fonts may be used for headings & subheadings. Page number: Page should be numbered consecutively and clearly. No page number should be indicated on title page, supervisors certificates, declaration and acknowledgement; however pages are counted from title page. Use Greek numbers from title page to abstract page. Use Indian numerals from main text to end of thesis. All typing should be on right hand pages only. Folded diagram/charts: These should be arranged so as to open to the top and right. Landscape chart/ fig: Bottom of chart/ fig should be on right side. Text: Before producing the final copies ensure that all the spelling, grammar, punctuation and bibliography is complete and exact. Candidate is strongly advised to discuss with their supervisor the style of writing. The Stages of investigation and writing should be worked out in consultation with supervisor. However the text should be divided in the chapters and each chapter, headings and subheadings should be numbered like etc. There should uniformity in headings and subheadings. Use capital letters for Main chapter heading. Each paragraph should be started from the next line of heading and subheadings. The project report must show correctness and clarity of expression. The table and figures shall be introduced in the appropriate places. Project Guide Lines for Students of Master of Business Administration For more information visit 20 Do not write General information and history of statistical tools. Write about appropriate tools you have used and reason for using the tools. Constantly fine tune your project report from the synopsis to your final report. It will be rich experience for you to cherish.
These guidelines are available at you can make changes suggesting suitable ideas. You can send your suggestions, ideas or queries.