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II. Vital Statistics Iii. Fhsis Iv. Copar V. Health Education

This document provides data on vital statistics from Barangay PinoyPHN in year 2007. It includes population, births, deaths from various causes, cases of diseases, and exposures. The data is then used to calculate several rates to analyze the community's health status, such as the crude birth rate of Barangay PinoyPHN. Public health nurses can use epidemiology and vital statistics tools to study factors influencing health outcomes and guide disease prevention efforts in communities.

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II. Vital Statistics Iii. Fhsis Iv. Copar V. Health Education

This document provides data on vital statistics from Barangay PinoyPHN in year 2007. It includes population, births, deaths from various causes, cases of diseases, and exposures. The data is then used to calculate several rates to analyze the community's health status, such as the crude birth rate of Barangay PinoyPHN. Public health nurses can use epidemiology and vital statistics tools to study factors influencing health outcomes and guide disease prevention efforts in communities.

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Vital Statistics
V. Health Education
SITUATION : Epidemiology and Vital statistics is a very important tool that a nurse
could use in controlling the spread of disease in the community and at the same
time, surveying the impact of the disease on the population and prevent its future
"! It is concerned #ith the study of factors that in$uence the occurrence and
distri%ution of diseases, defects, disa%ility or death #hich occurs in groups or
aggregation of individuals!
A. Epidemiology
&! 'emographics
(! Vital Statistics
'! )ealth Statistics
*! +hich of the follo#ing is the %ac,%one in disease prevention-
A. Epidemiology
&! 'emographics
(! Vital Statistics
'! )ealth Statistics
.! +hich of the follo#ing type of research could sho# ho# community e/pectations
can result in the actual provision of services-
A! &asic 0esearch
B. Operational Research
(! Action 0esearch
'! Applied 0esearch
1! An out%rea, of measles has %een reported in (ommunity A! As a nurse, #hich of
the follo#ing is your 2rst action for an Epidemiological investigation-
A! (lassify if the out%rea, of measles is epidemic or 3ust sporadic
&! 0eport the incidence into the 0)U
(! 'etermine the 2rst day #hen the out%rea, occurred
. Identi!y i! it is the disease "hich it is reported to #e
4! After the epidemiological investigation produced 2nal conclusions, #hich of the
follo#ing is your initial step in your operational procedure during disease out%rea,-
A. Coordinate personnel !rom $unicipal to the %ational le&el
&! (ollect pertinent la%oratory specimen to con2rm disease causation
(! Immuni5e near%y communities #ith 6easles
'! Educate the community in future prevention of similar out%rea,s
7! The main concern of a pu%lic health nurse is the prevention of disease,
prolonging of life and promoting physical health and e8ciency through #hich of the
A! Use of epidemiological tools and vital health statistics
&! 'etermine the spread and occurrence of the disease
(! 9olitical empo#erment and Socio Economic Assistance
. Organi'ed Community E(orts
:! In order to control a disease e;ectively, #hich of the follo#ing must 2rst %e
"! The conditions surrounding its occurrence
*! <actors that do not favor its development
.! The condition that do not surround its occurrence
1! <actors that favors its development
A! " and .
B. ) and *
(! * and .
'! * and 1
=! All of the follo#ing are uses of epidemiology e/cept:
A! To study the history of health population and the rise and fall of disease
&! To diagnose the health of the community and the condition of the people
C. +o pro&ide summary data on health ser&ice deli&ery
'! To identify groups needing special attention
>! &efore reporting the fact of presence of an epidemic, #hich of the follo#ing is of
most importance to determine-
A. Are the !acts complete,
&! Is the disease real-
(! Is the disease tangi%le-
'! Is it epidemic or endemic-
"?! An un,no#n epidemic has 3ust %een reported in &arangay 'e,%ude,%u! 9eople
said that a;ected person demonstrates hemorrhagic type of fever! @ou are
designated no# to plan for epidemiological investigation! Arrange the seAuence of
events in accordance #ith the correct outline plan for epidemiological investigation!
"! 0eport the presence of dengue
*! Summari5e data and conclude the 2nal picture of epidemic
.! 0elate the occurrence to the population group, facilities, food supply and carriers
1! 'etermine if the disease is factual or real
4! 'etermine any unusual prevalence of the disease and its natureB is it epidemic,
sporadic, endemic or pandemic-
7! 'etermine onset and the geographical limitation of the disease!
A! 1,",.,4,*,7
B. *-)-.-/-0-1
(! 4,1,7,*,",.
'! 4,1,7,",*,.
E! ",*,.,1,4,7
""! In the occurrence of SA0S and other pandemics, #hich of the follo#ing is the
most vital role of a nurse in epidemiology-
A! )ealth promotion
&! 'isease prevention
C. Sur&eillance
'! (ase2nding
"*! 6easles out%rea, has %een reported in &arangay &ahay Toro, After conducting
an epidemiological investigation you have con2rmed that the out%rea, is factual!
@ou are tas,ed to lead a team of medical #or,ers for operational procedure in
disease out%rea,! Arrange the correct seAuence of events that you must do to
e;ectively contain the disease
"! (reate a 2nal report and recommendation
*! 9erform nasopharyngeal s#a%%ing to infected individuals
.! 9erform mass measles immuni5ation to vulnera%le groups
1! 9erform an environmental sanitation survey on the immediate environment
4! Organi5e your team and (oordinate the personnels
7! Educate the community on disease transmission
A! ",*,.,1,4,7
&! 7,4,1,.,*,"
(! 4,7,1,*,.,"
. .-1-0-*-/-)
".! All of the follo#ing are function of Nurse &ude, in epidemiology e/cept
A. 2a#oratory iagnosis
&! Surveillance of disease occurrence
(! <ollo# up cases and contacts
'! 0efer cases to hospitals if necessary
E! Isolate cases of communica%le disease
"1! All of the follo#ing are performed in team organi5ation e/cept
A! Orientation and demonstration of methodology to %e employed
&! Area assignments of team mem%ers
(! (hec, teams eAuipments and paraphernalia
. Acti&e case 3nding and Sur&eillance
"4! +hich of the follo#ing is the 2nal output of data reporting in epidemiological
operational procedure-
A. Recommendation
&! Evaluation
(! <inal 0eport
'! 9reliminary report
"7! The o8ce in charge #ith registering vital facts in the 9hilippines is none other
than the
A! 9(SO
& 9AC(O0
(! 'O)
. %SO
":! The follo#ing are possi%le sources of 'ata e/cept:
A. E4perience
&! (ensus
(! Surveys
'! 0esearch
"=! This refers to systematic study of vital events such as %irths, illnesses,
marriages, divorces and deaths
A! Epidemiology
&! 'emographics
C. Vital Statistics
'! )ealth Statistics
">! In case of clerical errors in your %irth certi2cate, +here should you go to have it
&! (ourt of Appeals
(! 6unicipal Trial (ourt
. 2ocal Ci&il Registrar
*?! Acasia 3ust gave %irth to Destat, A healthy %a%y %oy! +ho are going to report the
%irth of &a%y Destat-
A! Nurse
&! 6id#ife
(! O& Cyne
. Birth Attendant
*"! In reporting the %irth of &a%y Destat, #here #ill he %e registered-
A. At the 2ocal Ci&il Registrar
&! In the National Statistics O8ce
(! In the (ity )ealth 'epartment
'! In the <ield )ealth Services and Information System 6ain O8ce
**! 'ee3ay, The %irth attendant noticed that Destat has lo# set of ears,
6icrognathia, 6icrocephaly and a typical cat li,e cry! +hat should 'ee3ay do-
A! &ring Destat immediately to the nearest hospital
&! As, his assistant to call the near%y pediatrician
(! &ring Destat to the nearest pediatric clinic
. Call a +a4i and together "ith Acasia- Bring 2estat to the nearest
*.! 'ee3ay #ould suspect #hich disorder-
A! Trisomy *"
&! Turners Syndrome
C. Cri u Chat
'! Elinefelters Syndrome
*1! 'ee3ay could e/pect #hich of the follo#ing congenital anomaly that #ould
accompany this disorder-
&! 9'A
(! TO<
*7! +hich presidential decree orders reporting of %irths #ithin .? days after its
A. /.)
&! 41"
(! >>7
'! =*4
*4! These rates are referred to the total living population, It must %e presumed that
the total population #as e/posed to the ris, of occurrence of the event!
A! 0ate
&! 0atio
C. Crude56eneral Rates
'! Speci2c 0ate
*7! These are used to descri%e the relationship %et#een t#o numerical Auantities or
measures of events #ithout ta,ing particular considerations to the time or place!
A! 0ate
B. Ratios
(! (rudeFCeneral 0ate
'! Speci2c 0ate
*:! This is the most sensitive inde/ in determining the general health condition of a
community since it re$ects the changes in the environment and medical conditions
of a community
A! (rude death rate
B. In!ant mortality rate
(! 6aternal mortality rate
'! <etal death rate
*=! According to the +)O, #hich of the follo#ing is the most freAuent cause of
death in children under2ve #orld#ide in the *??. +)O Survey-
A. %eonatal
&! 9neumonia
(! 'iarrhea
*>! In the 9hilippines, #hat is the most common cause of death of infants according
to the latest survey-
A! 9neumonia
&! 'iarrhea
C. Other perinatal condition
'! 0espiratory condition of fetus and ne#%orn
.?! The ma3or cause of mortality from ">>> up to *??* in the 9hilippines are
A. iseases o! the heart
&! 'iseases of the vascular system
(! 9neumonias
'! Tu%erculosis
."! Alicia, a > year old child as,ed you G +hat is the common cause of death in my
age group here in the 9hilippines- G The nurse is correct if he #ill ans#er
A! 9neumonia is the top leading cause of death in children age 4 to >
&! 6alignant neoplasm if common in your age group
C. Pro#a#ility "ise- 7ou might die due to accidents
'! 'iseases of the respiratory system is the most common cause of death in
.*! In children " to 1 years old, #hich is the most common cause of death-
A! 'iarrhea
&! Accidents
C. Pneumonia
'! 'iseases of the heart
..! +or,ing in the community as a 9)N for almost "? years, Aida ,ne# the
$uctuation in vital statistics! She ,ne# that the most common cause of mor%idity
among the <ilipinos is
A! 'iseases of the heart
&! 'iarrhea
C. Pneumonia
'! Vascular system diseases
.1! Nurse Aida also ,ne# that most maternal deaths are caused %y
A! )emorrhage
B. Other Complications related to pregnancy occurring in the course o!
la#or- deli&ery and puerperium
(! )ypertension complicating pregnancy, child%irth and puerperium
'! A%ortion
SITUATION : &arangay 9inoy&SN has the follo#ing data in year *??7
"! Huly " population : *41,."7
*! Dive%irths : *,*=>
.! 'eaths from maternal cause : "4
1! 'eath from (V' : .,?*>
4! 'eaths under " year of age : *.
7! <etal deaths : =
:! 'eaths under *= days : =
=! 'eath due to ra%ies : 14
>! 0egistered cases of ra%ies : 14
"?! 9eople #ith pneumonia : :>
""! 9eople e/posed #ith pneumonia : *,4>.
"*! Total num%er of deaths from all causes : "?,>>=
The follo#ing Auestions refer to these data
.4! +hat is the crude %irth rate of &arangay 9inoy&SN-
A! >?F"??,???
&! >F"??
(! >?F"???
. 85)999
.7! +hat is the cause speci2c death rate from cardiovascular diseases-
A! *:F"??
B. ))8)5)99-999
(! *:F"??,???
'! "!"F"???
.:! +hat is the 6aternal 6ortality rate of this %arangay-
A. /...5)999
&! 4!=>F"???
(! "!.7F"???
'! .!7:F"???
.=! +hat is the fetal death rate-
A. 0.*85)999
&! "?!?1F"???
(! .!"1F"???
'! .!"1F"??,???
.>! +hat is the attac, rate of pneumonia-
A! .!?1F"???
&! :!"=F"???
(! .*!=*F"??
. 0.9*5)99
1?! 'etermine the (ase fatality ratio of ra%ies in this &arangay
A! "F"??
B. )99:
(! "I
'! "??F"???
1"! The follo#ing are all functions of the nurse in vital statistics, #hich of the
follo#ing is not-
A. Consolidate ata
&! (ollects 'ata
(! Analy5e 'ata
'! Ta%ulate 'ata
1*! The follo#ing are Noti2a%le diseases that needs to have a tally sheet in data
reporting, +hich one is not-
A! )ypertension
&! &ronchiolitis
(! (hemical 9oisoning
. Accidents
1.! +hich of the follo#ing reAuires reporting #ithin *1 hours-
A! Neonatal tetanus
B. $easles
(! )ypertension
'! Tetanus
11! +hich Act declared that all communica%le disease %e reported to the nearest
health station-
A! "?=*
&! "=>"
C. 0.;0
'! 77:4
14! In the 0)U Team, +hich professional is directly responsi%le in caring a sic,
person #ho is home%ound-
A. $id"i!e
&! Nurse
(! &)+
'! 9hysician
17! 'uring epidemics, #hich of the follo#ing epidemiological function #ill you have
to perform 2rst-
A! Teaching the community on disease prevention
&! Assessment on suspected cases
(! 6onitor the condition of people a;ected
. etermining the source and nature o! the epidemic
1:! +hich of the follo#ing is a 9OINT SOU0(E epidemic-
A! 'engue )!<
&! 6alaria
C. Contaminated <ater Source
'! Tu%erculosis
1=! All %ut one is a characteristic of a point source epidemic, #hich one is not-
A! The spread of the disease is caused %y a common vehicle
&! The disease is usually caused %y contaminated food
C. +here is a gradual increase o! cases
'! Epidemic is usually sudden
1>! The only 6icroorganism monitored in cases of contaminated #ater is
A! Vi%rio (holera
B. Escherichia Coli
(! Entamoe%a )istolytica
'! (oliform Test
4?! 'engue increase in num%er during Hune, Huly and August! This pattern is called
A! Epidemic
&! Endemic
C. Cyclical
'! Secular
SITUATION : <ield health services and information system provides summary data on
health service delivery and selected program from the %arangay level up to the
national level! As a nurse, you should ,no# the process on ho# these information
%ecame processed and consolidated!
4"! All of the follo#ing are o%3ectives of <)SIS E/cept
A. +o complete the clinical picture o! chronic disease and descri#e their
natural history
&! To provide standardi5ed, facility level data %ase #hich can %e accessed for more
in depth studies
(! To minimi5e recording and reporting %urden allo#ing more time for patient care
and promotive activities
'! To ensure that data reported are useful and accurate and are disseminated in a
timely and easy to use fashion
4*! +hat is the fundamental %loc, or foundation of the 2eld health service
information system-
A. Family treatment record
&! Target (lient list
(! 0eporting forms
'! Output record
4.! +hat is the primary advantage of having a target client list-
A. %urses need not to go #ac= to F+R to monitor treatment and ser&ices to
#ene3ciaries thus sa&ing time and e(ort
&! )elp monitor service rendered to clients in general
(! <acilitate monitoring and supervision of services
'! <acilitates easier reporting
41! +hich of the follo#ing is used to monitor particular groups that are Auali2ed as
eligi%le to a certain program of the 'O)-
A! <amily treatment record
B. +arget Client list
(! 0eporting forms
'! Output record
44! In using the tally sheet, #hat is the recommended freAuency in tallying activities
and services-
A. aily
&! +ee,ly
(! 6onthly
'! Juarterly
47! +hen is the counting of the tally sheet done-
A! At the end of the day
&! At the end of the #ee,
C. At the end o! the month
'! At the end of the year
4:! Target client list #ill %e transmitted to the ne/t facility in the form of
A! <amily treatment record
&! Target (lient list
C. Reporting !orms
'! Output record
4=! All %ut one of the follo#ing are eligi%le target client list
A! Deprosy cases
&! T& cases
(! 9renatal care
. iarrhea cases
4>! This is the only mechanism through #hich data are routinely transmitted from
once facility to another
A! <amily treatment record
&! Target (lient list
C. Reporting !orms
'! Output record
7?! <)SISFJK. Or the report for environmental health activities is prepared ho#
A! 'aily
&! +ee,ly
C. >uarterly
'! @early
7"! Nurse &ude, is preparing the reporting form for #ee,ly noti2a%le diseases! )e
,ne# that he #ill code the report form as
&! <)SISFEK*
(! <)SISFEK.
. FHSIS5$?)
7*! In preparing the maternal death report, #hich of the follo#ing correctly codes
this occurrence-
(! <)SISFEK.
'! <)SISF6K"
7.! +here should Nurse &ude, %ring the reporting forms if he is in the &)U <acility-
A! 0ural health o8ce
&! <)SIS 6ain o8ce
C. Pro&incial health o@ce
'! 0egional health o8ce
71! After %ringing the reporting forms in the right facility for processing, Nurse
&ude, ,ne# that the output reports are solely produced %y #hat o8ce-
A! 0ural health o8ce
&! <)SIS 6ain o8ce
C. Pro&incial health o@ce
'! 0egional health o8ce
74! 6ang 0aul entered the health center complaining of fatigue and freAuent
syncope! @ou assessed 6ang 0aul and found out that he is severely malnourished
and anemic! +hat record should you get 2rst to document these 2ndings-
A. Family treatment record
&! Target (lient list
(! 0eporting forms
'! Output record
77! The information a%out 6ang 0auls address, full name, age, symptoms and
diagnosis is recorded in
A. Family treatment record
&! Target (lient list
(! 0eporting forms
'! Output record
7:! Another entry is to %e made for 6ang 0aul %ecause he is in the target clients
list, In #hat T(D should 6ang 0auls entry %e documented-
A! T(D Eligi%le 9opulation
&! T(D <amily 9lanning
C. +C2 %utrition
'! T(D 9re Natal
7=! The nurse uses the <)SIS 0ecord system incorrectly #hen she found out that
A! She go to the individual or <T0 for entry con2rmation in the TallyF0eport Summary
B. She re!er to other sources !or completing monthly and Auarterly reports
(! She records diarrhea in the Tally sheetF0eport form #ith a code <)SISF6K"
'! She records a (hild #ho have freAuent diarrhea in T(D : Under <ive
7>! The &)S Is the lo#est level of reporting unit in <)SIS! A &)S can %e considered a
reporting unit if all of the follo#ing are met e/cept
A! It renders service to . %arangays
&! There is a mid#ife the regularly renders service to the area
(! The &)S )ave no mother &)S
. It should #e a satellite BHS
:?! 'ata su%mitted to the 9)O is processed using #hat type of technology-
A! Internet
B. $icrocomputer
(! Supercomputer
'! Server Interlin, (onnections
SITUATION : (ommunity organi5ing is a process %y #hich people, health services
and agencies of the community are %rought together to act and solve their o#n
:"! 6ang am%o approaches you for counseling! @ou are an e;ective counselor if you
A! Cive good advice to 6ang Am%o
&! Identify 6ang Am%os pro%lems
(! (onvince 6ang Am%o to follo# your advice
. Help $ang Am#o identi!y his pro#lems
:*! As a ne#ly appointed 9)N instructed to organi5e &arangay &aritan, +hich of the
follo#ing is your initial step in organi5ing the community for initial action-
A. Study the Barangay Health statistics and records
&! 6a,e a courtesy call to the &arangay (aptain
(! 6eet #ith the &arangay (aptain to ma,e plans
'! 6a,e a courtesy call to the 6unicipal 6ayor
:.! 9reparatory phase is the 2rst phase in organi5ing the community! +hich of the
follo#ing is the initial step in the preparatory phase-
A. Area selection
&! (ommunity pro2ling
(! Entry in the community
'! Integration #ith the people
:1! the most important factor in determining the proper area for community
organi5ing is that this area should
A! &e already adopted %y another organi5ation
&! &e a%le to 2nance the pro3ects
C. Ha&e pro#lems and needs assistance
'! )ave people #ith e/pertise to %e developed as leaders
:4! +hich of the follo#ing d#elling place should the Nurse choose #hen integrating
#ith the people-
A! A simple house in the %order of &arangay &aritan and San 9a%lo
&! A simple house #ith fencing and gate located in the center of &arangay &aritan
(! A modest d#elling place #here people #ill not hesitate to enter
. A modest d"elling place "here people "ill not hesitate to enter located
in the center o! the community
:7! In choosing a leader in the community during the Organi5ational phase, +hich
among these people #ill you choose-
A! 6iguel Lo%el, 4? years old, 0ich and <amous
&! 0ustom, *: years old, Actor
(! 6ang Am%o, :?, +illing to #or, for the desired change
. Ric=y- 09 years old- InBuential and <illing to "or= !or the desired
::! +hich type of leadership style should the leaders of the community practice-
A! Autocratic
B. emocratic
(! Daisse5 <aire
'! (onsultative
:=! Setting up (ommittee on Education and Training is in #hat phase of (O9A0-
A! 9reparatory
B. Organi'ational
(! Education and Training
'! Intersectoral (olla%oration
E! 9hase out
:>! (ommunity diagnosis is done to come up #ith a pro2le of local health situation
that #ill serve as %asis of health programs and services! This is done in #hat phase
of (O9A0-
A! 9reparatory
&! Organi5ational
C. Education and +raining
'! Intersectoral (olla%oration
E! 9hase out
=?! The people named the community health #or,ers %ased on the collective
decision in accordance #ith the set criteria! &efore they can %e trained %y the
Nurse, The Nurse must 2rst
A! 6a,e a lesson plan
&! Set learning goals and o%3ective
C. Assess their learning needs
'! 0evie# materials needed for training
="! Nurse &ude, #rote a letter to 9(SO as,ing them for assistance in their feeding
programs for the communitys nutrition and health pro3ects! 9(SO then approved
the reAuest and gave &ude, 4?,??? 9esos and a truc,load of rice, fruits and
vegeta%les! +hich phase of (O9A0 did &ude, utili5ed-
A! 9reparatory
&! Organi5ational
(! Education and Training
. Intersectoral Colla#oration
E! 9hase out
=*! Ideally, )o# many years should the Nurse stay in the community %efore he can
phase out and %e assured of a Self 0eliant community-
A. . years
&! "? years
(! " year
'! 7 months
=.! 6a3or discussion in community organi5ation are made %y
A! The nurse
&! The leaders of each committee
C. +he entire group
'! (olla%orating Agencies
=1! The nurse should ,no# that Organi5ational plan %est succeeds #hen
"! 9eople sees its values
*! 9eople thin, its antagonistic professionally
.! It is incompati%le #ith their personal %eliefs
1! It is compati%le #ith their personal %eliefs
A! " and .
&! * and 1
(! " and *
. ) and *
=4! Nurse &ude, made a proposal that people should turn their %ac,yard into small
farming lots to plant vegeta%les and fruits! )e speci2ed that the o%3ective is to save
money in %uying vegeta%les and fruits that tend to have a $uctuating and cyclical
price! +hich step in (ommunity organi5ing process did he utili5ed-
A! <act 2nding
&! 'etermination of needs
C. Program !ormation
'! Education and Interpretation
=7! One of the critical steps in (O9A0 is %ecoming one #ith the people and
understanding their culture and lifestyle! +hich critical step in (O9A0 #ill the Nurse
try to immerse himself in the community-
A. Integration
&! Social 6o%ili5ation
(! Cround +or,
'! 6o%ili5ation
=:! The Actual e/ercise of people po#er occurs during #hen-
A! Integration
&! Social 6o%ili5ation
(! Cround +or,
. $o#ili'ation
==! +hich steps in (O9A0 trains indigenous and informal leaders-
A! Cround +or,
&! 6o%ili5ation
C. Core 6roup !ormation
'! Integration
=>! As a 9)N, One of your role is to organi5e the community! Nurse &ude, ,no#s
that the purposes of community organi5ing are
"! 6ove the community to act on their o#n pro%lems
*! 6a,e people a#are of their o#n pro%lems
.! Ena%le the nurse to solve the community pro%lems
1! O;er people means of solving their o#n pro%lems
A! ",*,.
&! ",*,.,1
(! ",*
. )-1-*
>?! This is considered the 2rst act of integrating #ith the people! This gives an in
depth participation in community health pro%lems and needs!
A. Residing in the area o! assignment
&! Disting do#n the name of person to contact for courtesy call
(! Cathering initial information a%out the community
'! 9reparing Agenda for the 2rst meeting
SITUATION : )ealth education is the process #here%y ,no#ledge, attitude and
practice of people are changed to improve individual, family and community health!
>"! +hich of the follo#ing is the correct seAuence in health education-
"! Information
*! (ommunication
.! Education
A. )-1-0
&! .,*,"
(! ",.,*
'! .,",*
>*! The health status of the people is greatly a;ected and determined %y #hich of
the follo#ing-
A! &ehavioral factors
B. Socioeconomic !actors
(! 9olitical factors
'! 9sychological factors
>.! Nurse &ude, is conducting a health teaching to Agnesia, 4? year old %reast
cancer survivor needing reha%ilitative measures! )e ,no#s that health education is
e;ective #hen
A! Agnesia recites the procedure and instructions perfectly
B. AgnesiaCs #eha&ior and outloo= in li!e "as changed positi&ely
(! Agnesia gave feed%ac, to &ude, saying that she understood the instruction
'! Agnesia reAuested a #ritten instruction from &ude,
>1! +hich of the follo#ing is true a%out health education-
A! It helps people attain their health through the nurses sole e;orts
&! It should not %e $e/i%le
(! It is a fast and mushroom li,e process
. It is a slo" and continuous process
>4! +hich of the follo#ing factors least in$uence the learning readiness of an adult
A. +he indi&iduals stage o! de&elopment
&! A%ility to concentrate on information to %e learned
(! The individuals psychosocial adaptation to his illness
'! The internal impulses that drive the person to ta,e action
>7! +hich of the follo#ing is the most important condition for dia%etic patients to
learn ho# to control their diet-
A! Use of pamphlets and other materials during instructions
B. $oti&ation to #e symptom !ree
(! A%ility of the patient to understand teaching instruction
'! Danguage used %y the nurse
>:! An important s,ill that a primigravida has to acAuire is the a%ility to %athe her
ne#%orn %a%y and clean her %reast if she decides to %reastfeed her %a%y, +hich of
the follo#ing learning domain #ill you classify the a%ove goals-
A. Psychomotor
&! (ognitive
(! A;ective
'! Attitudinal
>=! +hen you prepare your teaching plan for a group of hypertensive patients, you
2rst formulate your learning o%3ectives! +hich of the follo#ing steps in the nursing
process corresponds to the #riting of the learning o%3ectives-
A. Planning
&! Implementing
(! Evaluation
(! Assessment
>>! 0ose, 4? years old and ne#ly diagnosed dia%etic patient must learn ho# to
in3ect insulin! +hich of the follo#ing physical attri%ute is not in any#ay related to
her a%ility to administer insulin-
A! Strength
&! (oordination
(! 'e/terity
. $uscle Built
"??! Appearance and disposition of clients are %est o%served initially during #hich
of the follo#ing situation-
A! Ta,ing VFS
B. Inter&ie"
(! Implementation of the initial care
'! Actual 9hysical e/amination
>4K"?? are ta,en from actual %oard Auestions, )o#ever the ans#er ,ey given in the
compilation are incorrect! (omments, Juestion, Suggestion or 0eactions- @6 or
6AID me M pinoy%snMyahoo!com

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