This document summarizes a study on the effects of the insecticide Imidacloprid on biochemical parameters in the serum of the fish Channa punctatus. The following key points were reported:
1. Fish were exposed to various concentrations of Imidacloprid for 96 hours.
2. Exposure resulted in increased serum levels of glucose, cholesterol, creatinine and creatine but decreased levels of protein, albumin and globulin compared to the control group.
3. The changes in biochemical parameters indicate the toxic effects of Imidacloprid on the physiological and metabolic activities of the fish.
This document summarizes a study on the effects of the insecticide Imidacloprid on biochemical parameters in the serum of the fish Channa punctatus. The following key points were reported:
1. Fish were exposed to various concentrations of Imidacloprid for 96 hours.
2. Exposure resulted in increased serum levels of glucose, cholesterol, creatinine and creatine but decreased levels of protein, albumin and globulin compared to the control group.
3. The changes in biochemical parameters indicate the toxic effects of Imidacloprid on the physiological and metabolic activities of the fish.
Original Description:
pesticides and fish
Original Title
Acute Toxicity Effect of Imidacloprid Insecticide on Serum Biochemical
This document summarizes a study on the effects of the insecticide Imidacloprid on biochemical parameters in the serum of the fish Channa punctatus. The following key points were reported:
1. Fish were exposed to various concentrations of Imidacloprid for 96 hours.
2. Exposure resulted in increased serum levels of glucose, cholesterol, creatinine and creatine but decreased levels of protein, albumin and globulin compared to the control group.
3. The changes in biochemical parameters indicate the toxic effects of Imidacloprid on the physiological and metabolic activities of the fish.
This document summarizes a study on the effects of the insecticide Imidacloprid on biochemical parameters in the serum of the fish Channa punctatus. The following key points were reported:
1. Fish were exposed to various concentrations of Imidacloprid for 96 hours.
2. Exposure resulted in increased serum levels of glucose, cholesterol, creatinine and creatine but decreased levels of protein, albumin and globulin compared to the control group.
3. The changes in biochemical parameters indicate the toxic effects of Imidacloprid on the physiological and metabolic activities of the fish.
I nt. J . I nt sci. I nn. Tech. Sec. A, J un. 2012, Vol. 1, I ssue 2, pg18-22 18 International Journal of Integrative sciences, Innovation and Technology (A Peer Review E-3 Journal of Science Innovation Technology) Section A Basic Sciences; Section B Applied and Technological Sciences; Section C Allied Sciences Available online at Research Article ACUTE TOXICITY EFFECT OF IMIDACLOPRID INSECTICIDE ON SERUM BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF FRESH WATER TELEOST CHANNA PUNCTATUS B.PADMA PRIYA*, VIJAYA RACHEL AND Y.AVASN MARUTHI
Dept. of Environmental Science & Dept. of Biochemistry , GITAM Institute of Science GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh Corresponding Author Email address: [email protected]
The present study was designed to assess the effect of chloro-nicotinyl insecticide Imidacloprid on serum biochemical parameters of fresh water teleost Channa punctatus. The test fish exposed to different concentrations of toxicant to study the biochemical indices Glucose, Protein, Albumin, Globulin, Cholestrol, Creatinine and Creatine. The Imidacloprid effect in test fish was studied after 96 h based on the results of acute toxicity tests and comparison of control with experimental groups. After 96 h the serum Glucose (47.33-62.56), Cholestrol (124-162.04), Creatinine (0.54 -0.83) and Creatine (0.55 - 0.89) have been increased significantly. On the other hand the serum Protein (11.37-7.41), Albumin (1.61-0.613) and Globulin(8.40-6.36) have been decreased significantly after Imidacloprid treatment with different concentrations (0.002ppm, 0.004ppm,0.006ppm, 0.008ppm and 0.010ppm). The alterations of the above serum biochemical parameters could be used as an important tool to assess the physiological and metabolic activity of test fish.
Environmental pollution is a worldwide problem in a modern society. The extensive use of pesticides are widely used to enhance the crop production and other benefits and has raised concerns about potential adverse effects on the environment, human health and non-target animals. Unfortunately, the application of these derivatives of pesticides are highly toxic to a number of non-target organisms such as bees, fresh water fishes and other aquatic organisms even at very low concentration 1-3 . Fishes are one of the most widely distributed organisms in an aquatic environment and being susceptible to environmental contamination may reflect the extent of the biological effects of environmental pollution in waters. Monitoring of blood parameters, both cellular and non-cellular may have considerable diagnostic value in assessing early warning signs of pesticide poisioning 4 .
Blood is a pathophysiological reflector of the whole body. Knowledge on the physiological action of the toxicant helps to predict an important sub lethal effects and analysis of biochemistry, hematology and histopathology may be used to determine the mode of action of the toxicant. In recent years, biochemical variables were used more when clinical diagnosis of fish physiology was applied to determine the effects of external stressors and toxic substances. Therefore, the biochemical evaluations are gradually becoming a routine practice for determining the health status in fish. The biochemical parameters like Serum Glucose, Protein, Cholesterol, Creatinine and Creatine are widely used to determine the toxic stress 5 .
Imidacloprid is a systemic chloro-nicitnyl insecticide. Its original name is Imidacloprid. It is a patented chemical manufactured by Bayer Cropscience (part of Bayer AG) and sold under trade names, Kohinoor, Admire, Advantage, Merit, Imidacloprid and Premise. It was the first member of a new family, the neonicotinoids, and is chemically related to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agaonists nicotine and epibatidine Imidacloprid is a Chloronicotinyl B.Padma Priya et al I SSN 2278-1145 I nt. J . I nt sci. I nn. Tech. Sec. A, J un. 2012, Vol. 1, I ssue 2, pg18-22 19 insecticide, 1-((6-Chloro-3-pyridinyl)methyl)-N- nitro-2-imidazoldinimine (C 9 H 10 CIN 5 O 2 ), is a nicotine mimic (nicotinoid insecticide) that belongs to a group of insecticides referred to as the choloronicotinyl group. Only a few studies were identified the toxicity of common transformation products of Imidacloprid to invertebrates.
The adult Channa punctatus weighing 20-25cm have been chosen as the experimental fish to evaluate the toxicity of Imidacloprid a systemic insecticide widely used for agricultural applications in various sectors. The fishes were procured from River Sharada, Anakapalli, Visakhapatnam Dist., Andhra Pradesh, India. They were brought to the laboratory and acclimatized under laboratory conditions for a period of 2 weeks. The tubs were disinfected with 0.01% KMnO4 solution and washed thoroughly to prevent dermal infection and fishes were maintained in circular plastic tubs with dechlorinated water which was continuously aerated. The fishes were fed once a day with commercial pellets and rice bran. Water was renewed daily and feeding to fishes was withheld 24 hrs before the commencement of the experiment. Five groups of 10 acclimatized fishes were taken in each circular plastic tub of 10 liters of water capacity and different concentrations of Imidacloprid (0.002ppm, 0.00ppm, 0.006ppm, 0.008ppm and 0.01ppm) were added. Respected controls were maintained simultaneously. All experiments were carried out in triplicates.
At the end of exposure period, the control and experimental fish were starved for 96hrs for analyzing the biochemical assays. The blood samples were taken immediately by caudal puncture method using non-heparinized tubes. The blood was immediately centrifuged at 1500rpm for 10 min. Serum then removed and stored at 4 0 C prior to immediate determination of biochemical parameters, Glucose, Protein, Cholesterol, Creatinine and Creatine. Glucose was Folin-Wu 6 method determined by method, Protein, Albumin and Globulin determined by Reinholds 7 method, Cholesterol determined by Zaks 8 method and Creatinine and Creatine method determined by using commercial kits. The significance of sample means between control and Imidacloprid treated fish was tested by using Studentst Test.
Acute toxicity of fish Channa punctatus, exposed to various concentrations of Imidacloprid showed many biochemical alterations are presented in Table 1. The mean values have been taken for discussion. Glucose, Cholesterol, Creatinine and Creatine were increased significantly (p<0.001) when compared to control groups. On the other hand the levels of Protein, Albumin and Globulin levels were decreased significantly (p<0.001) when compared to control group.
Table 1. Changes in the levels of Serum Biochemical Parameters in a fresh water fish Channa punctatus exposed to Imidacloprid insecticide. ______________________________________________________________________________ Parameters Control 0.002ppm 0.004ppm 0.006ppm 0.008ppm 0.010ppm
Creatinine 0.540.015 0.610.017 0.670.020 0.750.22 0.770.021 0.830.029 (34.43)* (33.39)* (33.32)* (35.48)* (28.30)* B.Padma Priya et al I SSN 2278-1145 I nt. J . I nt sci. I nn. Tech. Sec. A, J un. 2012, Vol. 1, I ssue 2, pg18-22 20
Creatine 0.550.015 0.600.018 0.670.018 0.720.026 0.790.031 0.99.034 (33.20)* (35.98)* (26.94)* (25.23)* (25.62)* Values are meanSE and in parenthesis () t test of seven individual observations. Values are significant at p<0.0001
Biochemical analysis can provide valuable information for monitoring the health conditions of fishes. Biochemical changes depend on the fish species age, the cycle of sexual maturity and health condition 9 . Moreover, analysis of serum biochemical constituents levels showed useful information in detection and diagnosis of metabolic disturbances and diseases in fishes 10 .
Determination of glucose concentration in blood serum is widely used as an indication of stress response. Generally, glucose is continuously required as an energy source by all body cells and must be maintained at adequate levels in the plasma 11 . In many fish species, the blood glucose level has the tendency to increase due to experimental stress. In the present study the significant increase in glucose which was time dependent may be considered to be manifestation of stress induced by Imidacloprid insecticide. Wedemeyer et al. (1981) 12
stated that high levels of blood glucose are caused by disorders in carbohydrate metabolism appearing in the condition of physical and chemical stresses. A variety of stressors stimulate the adrenal tissue resulting in increased level of circulating glucocorticoids 13 and catecholamines 14 . Both of these groups of hormones produce hyperglycemia. It is generally thought that, under conditions of stress, hyperglycemia may provide additional energy during times of high metabolic need such as fight and flight response 15 . M.Ramesh and M. Sarvanan (2008) 16 found similar results in Channa punctatus when exposed to Chloropyrifos. E.Ogueji Okechuk Wu and J. Auta (2007) 17 were also observed similar results in Clarias garipinus, exposed to Lambda- cylathrin
Proteins are mainly involved in the architecture of the cell, during stress conditions of fish need more energy to detoxify the toxicant to overcome stress. The depletion of protein fraction in serum in present study may have been due to their degradation and possible utilization of degraded products for metabolic purposes 18. Decreased protein level may be attributed to stress mediated immobilization of these compounds to fulfil an increased element for energy by the toxicant 19 . The depletion in total protein content may be due to augumented proteolysis and possible utilization of their product for metabolic purposes 20 . The quantity of protein is dependent on the rate of protein synthesis or on rate of its degradation. The quality of protein may also be affected due to impaired incorporation of amino acids in polypeptide chains. Hussain et al., (1996) 21 reported that the decrease of total protein in Atrazine (herbicide) treated fish Oreochromis niloticus and Chrysichthyes auratus was mainly due to globulin. Serum albumin measures as considerable diagnostic value in laboratory animals because it relates general nutritional status, the integrity of the vascular system and liver function. Albumin in fish organism pacrticipate in plastic metabolism and perform transport functions of substances necessary for life activities (first of all lipids) 22 . In our study Protein, albumin and globulin were decreased significantly. Lipika patnaik (2010) 23 also observed same results in Sevin exposed to Clarias battrachus. Therefore, our results were coinciding with the latest once.
Sterols are regarded as essential nutrients because if the role cholesterol as a cell constituent and as a precursor of steroid and moulitng hormones 24 .
The liver plays a major role in Cholesterol homeostasis by regulating plasma lipoprotein metabolism and lipid output in bile 25-26 Cholesetrol in the blood is linked to lipid metabolism and depends on the calorific value of the feed 17 . Cholesterol is known to participate in the rise of total lipid. The rise of these energy reserves in response to pollution could be due to the fact that excess energy reserves that as glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol are required by organisms to mediate the effects of stress 27 . In addition, the abnormal accumulation of fats in experimental animals could be due to induced imbalance between fat production and utilization 28 . Anand Pratap singh (2010) 18 studied that the decline in Cholesterol level is due to utilization of stored and circulatory cholesterol and other lipid fractions in phorate treated fish countered toxic effect produced and further stabilization of the toxic phorate molecules to prevent harm caused by them.
Creatinine is derived mainly from the catabolism of creatine found in muscle tissue and its catabolism to creatinine occurs at a steady rate. Severe kidney damage will lead to increased creatinine levels 29. Well et al. (1986) 30 addressed that the raised serum creatinine is indication of decreased glommerular B.Padma Priya et al I SSN 2278-1145 I nt. J . I nt sci. I nn. Tech. Sec. A, J un. 2012, Vol. 1, I ssue 2, pg18-22 21 filteration rate of fish posterior kidney. In the present study serum Creatinine and Creatine showed marginal increase in experimental group in comparison to control animals and increase relates to renal failure. A.Y Gaafar (2010) 31 observed that the significant increase of creatinine in Oreochromis niloticus following chronic exposure to edfenphos pesticide.
It was concluded that Imidacloprid (chloro-nicotinyl) insecticide has a profound influence on serum biochemical profiles of test fish. Our results were also consistent with previous researchers. Hence the current results are helpful reference for evaluating the physiological status and metabolic activity levels of Imidacloprid treated fish.
The authors wish to thank the GITAM University management for their kind encouragement and laboratory facilities. The first author thankful to Dr. I.Bhaskar Reddy, HOD, Dept.of Biochemistry GIS, GITAM University for providing necessary laboratory facilities and their constant guidance to carry out the research work.
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