13.autoimmune Basement AbreuVelezAM

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Review Article

DOI: 10.7241/ourd.20134.159
Our Dermatol Online. 2013; 4(Suppl. 3): 647-662 Date of submission: 23.10.2013 / acceptance: 04.11.2013

Autoimmune mucocutaneous blistering diseases (ABDs) represent a group of conditions that manifest with blisters on the skin and/or mucous
membranes. Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is the most common autoimmune mucocutaneous blistering disease. In BP, the location of the blisters
is subepidermal and the oral involvement is rare. Variants of BP have been described, including pemphigoid vegetans; however, this disease
is not completely characterized. The majority of ABDs have blisters and/or vesicles, that are often pruritic, and manifest autoantibodies to
diverse proteins. These proteins include 1) hemidesmosomal plaque proteins(ie, BP230, plectins), 2) transmembrane proteins such as BP180
and 64-integrin, which are connected via laminin 332 to type VII collagen and 3) currently uncharacterized 105 kDa and 200 kDa molecules.
Other ABDs include drug-induced linear IgA disease, bullous systemic lupus erythematosus (BSLE), dermatitis herpetiformis (DH),
cicatricial pemphigoid (CP; also termed mucous membrane pemphigoid), lichen planus pemphigoides (LPP), pemphigoid gestationis (PG),
herpes gestationis(HG), chronic bullous dermatosis of childhood (CBDC) and the localized forms of CP, such as Brunsting-Perry pemphigoid.
The diagnosis of ABDs requires clinical data; skin biopsies (in 10% buffered formalin) for hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) examination and
skin biopsies(in Michels transport medium) for direct immunofuorescence (DIF). In many ABDs, the histopathologic fndings demonstrate
a subepidermal vesicle or bulla with a luminal infammatory infltrate of neutrophils, eosinophils and/or lymphocytes. In many ABDs, an
extensive perivascular and interstitial infammatory infltrate is also noted subjacent to the blister in the upper dermis. Normal skin adjacent
to an ABD plaque is often excellent for DIF results. Many ABD biopsies reveal autoantibody deposition at the lesional basement membrane
zone (BMZ); IgG, IgM, IgA, other immunoglobulins, complement components and fbrinogen may be detected. Indirect immunofuorescence
(IIF) yields antibody titer data; the titers usually correlate with disease activity and with ELISA. Linear epitopes are commonly studied by
using an immunoblotting (IB) assay. Topical and systemic corticosteroids remain as mainstays of therapy in ABDs; however, multiple other
immunosupressors and/or steroid sparing agents such as azathioprine have been demonstrated to be of therapeutic value. In the IgA mediated
dermatoses, dapsone is often helpful; in addition, liver and blood testing (including G6PD levels) is indicated. The prognosis depends on each
case; rapid diagnosis avoids complications and assists in maintaining a good quality of life for each patient.
Key words: bullous pemphigoid; antigens; mucous membrane pemphigoid
Abbreviations and acronyms: Autoimmune mucocutaneous blistering diseases (ABDs), bullous pemphigoid (BP), mucous membrane
pemphigoid (MMP), chronic bullous dermatosis of childhood (CBDC), adult linear IgA bullous dermatosis (LAD), lichen planus pemphigoides
(LPP), immunohistochemistry (IHC), direct and indirect immunofuorescence (DIF and IIF), hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), antibodies (Abs),
basement membrane zone (BMZ), intercellular staining between epidermal keratinocytes (ICS), pemphigus vulgaris (PV), cicatricial pemphigo-
id (CP), dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), SDS-PAGE (SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis), bullous systemic
lupus erythematosus (BSLE); bullous pemphigoid antigens II(180 kDa) and I(230 kDa)(BP180 and BP230), epidermolysis bullosa simplex
(EBS), intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).
Cite this article:
Ana Maria Abreu Velez, Daniel Alberto Vasquez-Hincapie, Michael S. Howard: Autoimmune basement membrane and subepidermal blistering diseases. Our
Dermatol Online. 2013; 4(Suppl.3): 647-662.
Ana Maria Abreu Velez
, Daniel Alberto Vasquez-Hincapie
Michael S. Howard
Georgia Dermatopathology Associates, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Department of Dermatology, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia, SA.
Pecet. Tropical Disease Program, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia, SA.
Corresponding author: Ana Maria Abreu Velez, MD PhD [email protected]
Source of Support:
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Subepidermal autoimmune blisters
Traditionally, the classifcation of subepidermal blistering
diseases has been based on their patterns of infammation [1-
3]. However, some overlap occurs between the traditional
categories, especially with subepidermal vesiculobullous
diseases in which neutrophils or eosinophils represent the
predominant infltrating cell [1-3].
Our Dermatol Online. Suppl. 3.2013 647
Special techniques, including electron microscopy,
immunoelectron microscopy, immunoblotting, direct
immunofuorescence (DIF), indirect immunofuorescence
(IIF), IIF/salt split skin, and immunohistochemistry (IHC) has
allowed many of the subepidermal blistering diseases to be
characterized not only histologically on the basis of the anatomic
split level within the BMZ, but also immunologically [4-11].
Further, additional information helps to exclude viral blistering
diseases, bullous allergic drug reactions and genodermatoses;
this information may be provided via viral serology, viral
culture, a history of previous intake of medications (including
nonprescription medications) and possible genetic evaluation.
Bullous pemphigoid (BP)
Bullous pemphigoid is the most common autoimmune skin
blistering disease (ABD) in the adult population in developed
countries, with an estimated incidence that varies from 0.2 to 3
cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year to 1 in 40,000 [12-14]. In
undeveloped countries, it seems to be the second more common
ABD; however, few pertinent epidemiologic studies have been
published, except in Singapore [15-17]. A sex predisposition has
not been clearly demonstrated. The course of this disease can be
acute, chronic, or relapsing. BP usually manifests in the sixth
or seventh decade of life; however, cases have been observed
at other ages, including in children [1-3]. The most common
clinical presentation includes scattered urticarial papules and
plaques on the trunk, arms, and legs early in the disease. The
blisters are often large, tense and located on an erythematous
base. Sometimes the blisters are not clinically apparent, due
to previous rupture. Acral sites may be involved. The most
important symptom related by the patients is pruritus, which
may be severe; in contradistinction, pemphigus patients often
report a burning sensation [1-3,14]. In some patients, the pruritus
seems not to be present. Overall, skin lesions are symmetrically
distributed, the most common sites are consistently the fexor
surfaces of the extremities, the groin, the axillae and the lower
abdomen. The lesions generally heal without scarring, but in
rare cases milia formation has been described. In some cases,
BP is misdiagnosed as urticaria. Specifcally, the disease may
initially present as tense vesicles and bullae change on an
urticarial base. The bullae can reach a size of several centimeters
before rupturing [14]. Blisters in the oral cavity are rare, may
compromise the oropharynx and are classically non-scarring.
Pemphigus vegetans, described as a variant of BP, is discussed
below. Occasionally, BP may be induced by medications such
as furosemide, captopril, and penicillin; however, BP needs
to be immunologically differentiated from blistering allergic
drug eruptions [3]. The physiopathologic aspects of BP include
cutaneous deposition of autoantibodies, complement, fbrinogen,
albumin and other products of proteases; this deposition results
in the disruption of adhesive interactions between epidermal
basal layer keratinocytes and the cutaneous basement membrane
zone (BMZ).
Initial dermatopathology studies in BP were led by Walter F.
Lever, M.D. On light microscopy, H&E staining classically
reveals a subepidermal blister under an intact epidermis. When
clinical blisters arise on erythematous skin, there is often a
prominent cellular infltrate in the papillary dermis consisting of
numerous eosinophils, lymphocytes and neutrophils. Papillary
dermal microabscesses of neutrophils and eosinophils are
present in about 20% of BP cases [3]. The dermal infltrate in
clinically non-infamed skin lesions is sparse, perivascular, and
primarily composed of lymphocytes and histiocytes. Multiple
autoantibodies are directed to components of the BMZ.
Initial studies demonstrating the autoimmune nature of BP were
led by Ernst Beutner, Ph.D. and Robert Jordon, M.D. [3,5].
These investigators demonstrated the increased diagnostic value
of DIF biopsies taken from perilesional blister areas. Serologic
studies including indirect immunofuorescence (IIF) can help to
confrm the diagnosis, utilizing antigen sources such as normal
human skin or monkey esophagus (Fig. 1). The DIF biopsies
should be performed at the same time as the cutaneous H&E
biopsies. In H&E biopsies, histopathologic fndings may vary
depending if the biopsy was taken from lesional, lesional border
or nonlesional skin [1-4]. In BP, classic DIF of perilesional skin
shows deposits of IgG and complement component C3 at the BMZ
(Fig. 1). The IgG and C3 deposits are present in a continuous,
fne linear pattern along the BMZ. In BP, linear deposits of
IgG and C3 are observed in nearly 100% and approximately
90% of the cases, respectively. IgG deposits belong mainly to
the IgG4 subclass, and, to a lesser degree, to IgG1 [5]. Other
immunoreactant classes are less frequently observed with a
similar linear pattern of deposition and usually in association
with IgG; these classes include IgM, IgA, IgD, IgE fbrinogen,
Complement/C1q and Complement/C3 [19-21]. Using IIF-
NaCl split skin, autoantibodies are present predominantly
on the blister roof in 90% of BP cases (Fig. 1). IIF is usually
performed on normal human or monkey esophagus substrate
skin; the skin substrate separates through the lamina lucida on
incubation in 1.0 M NaCl. Via non-salt split IIF, the majority
of pertinent ABD sera produce an indistinguishable pattern of
linear immunofuorescence at dilutions of 1:10 or higher. On
salt split skin IIF, these same antibodies bind to either the blister
roof (epidermal pattern), blister foor (dermal pattern), or both
the roof and foor (combined pattern). The binding patterns have
been described in comparison with normal controls. Sera from
patients with clinical and histologic features of epidermolysis
bullosa acquisita (EBA) show a predominant dermal pattern.
However, some sera from patients with BP and EBA show a
combined pattern. Indirect immunoelectron microscopy of
selected sera show antibodies producing the epidermal and
combined patterns are anti-lamina lucida antibodies, and
those producing the dermal pattern were anti-sublamina
densa antibodies [22-24]. These results show that indirect
immunofuorescence on salt split skin is a dependable method
for differentiating bullous diseases with anti-lamina lucida
versus anti-sublamina densa antibodies, and that differentiating
between these antibodies is essential for accurate diagnosis
in some patients. The results also suggest that BP anti-lamina
lucida antibodies may have more than one antigenic specifcity.
The autoantibodies detected in sera from patients with BP
have been reported to primarily bind to two hemidesmosomal
proteins initially detected by immunoblotting (IB) and cDNA
cloning as a 180-kD antigen (BPAG II; BP180; Collagen Type
XVII), and a 230-kD antigen (BPAGI; BP230. BP230 is a
plakin protein family member that promotes the association of
hemidesmosomes with keratin intermediate flaments. BP180
is a type II transmembrane collagen that is associated with
hemidesmosome anchoring flament complexes, and is believed
to harbor all or a portion of the primary pathogenic epitope
responsible for the initiation of BP. The extracellular domain
of BP180 contains 15 interrupted collagenous domains. Rotary
shadowing studies of purifed BP180 reveal its intracytoplasmic
region to be a globular head, and its ectodomain as a central rod
joined to a fexible tail.
648 Our Dermatol Online. Suppl. 3.2013
Our Dermatol Online. Suppl. 3.2013 649
Figure 1 a. DIF of a case of EBA, demonstrating positive antibodies to
human FITC conjugated Complement/C3 along the BMZ (green
staining; white arrow) (400X). The nuclei epidermal keratinocytes
were counterstained with Topro 3 (red staining). b. Same case as in a,
with PAS positive staining along the BMZ (pink staining; black
arrow) (200X). c. A case of BP, with positive IHC staining for IgE at
the BMZ (brown staining; black arrow). d. A BP case, with NaCl salt
split skin/IIF and positive staining on the blister roof for FITC
conjugated anti-human IgG (yellow staining; white arrow). The
nuclei of epidermal keratinocytes were counterstained with Dapi
(blue staining).
Immunoelectron microscopy studies indicate that BP180 spans
the lamina lucida, and inserts into the lamina densa. BP180 is
targeted by autoantibodies from patients with BP, pemphigoid
gestationis, cicatricial pemphigoid (CP) and linear IgA
dermatosis (LAD) [7-10,25] (Tabl. I).
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for BP180
and BP230 (MCW2 and MCW1, respectively) were developed
by a BP research group at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
Following further modifcations using a fragment named
NC16A, these assays are now commercially available. A
recent study has shown that the BP180 ELISA is specifc for
the immunodominant NC16A domain of the BPAGII protein;
however, the ELISA is also exclusive of other parts of the
NC16A domain [29]. The NC16A fnding is consistent with the
immunology concept that all conformational epitopes at least
carry at least one or more linear epitopes.
Electron microscopy studies on non-infamed skin lesions
from BP patients reveal that dermal-epidermal cleavage occurs
within the dermal-epidermal junction, i.e., through the lamina
lucida [30-33].
In regard to BP antigen(s), epitope mapping studies of
recombinant proteins have formerly shown that autoantibodies
from most patients with BP bind a determinant within the
sixteenth non-collagenous domain of BP180 (i.e., the portion
of its ectodomain that is positioned adjacent to plasma
membranes of basal keratinocytes). It also have been shown in
some experiments using passive transfer of experimental IgG
(developed against the murine homolog of this determinant
to neonatal BALB/c mice) produces clinical, histologic, and
immunopathologic alterations with similarities to those seen in
patients with BP patients. However, no animal or cell culture
study has been able shown to reproduce the chronicity of
BP [34]. Authors have reported multiple animal models with
genetic manipulations; however, many of these studies lack
proper controls. Thus, it is diffcult to correlate these models to
BP in vivo because most animal models lesions only persist for
few days, and not refective the chronic nature of this disease.
In contrast to pemphigus, BP is often a self-limited disease;
thus, it may be suffcient to treat the patient symptomatically for
a limited period. In general, relapse episodes are not common;
systemic corticosteroids represent the most common therapy for
generalized BP [33]. Specifcally, BP therapy primarily consists
of administration of topical and systemic corticosteroids. Topical
corticosteroids present less adverse effects compared to systemic
steroids [35]. The systemic dosage classically ranges between
0.5 and 1 mg Prednisone/kg/d [36]. The dose of prednisone
can be tapered slowly over a period of several months to a
maintenance dose of a total of 5 to 10 mg/day. Corticosteroids are
often combined with other immunosuppressants in recalcitrant
cases; hidroelectrolytic disorders often result from these
treatments, especially in the elderly [37]. Because BP affects
many senior patients suffering from other medical problems,
systemic corticosteriod complications may be severe in these
cases. Localized BP can be treated with topical corticosteroids
[35-37]. However, the personnel treating these patients need to
be aware of secondary cutaneous complicatons (e.g, erysipelas,
lymphangitis, sepsis, phlegmons, cutaneous fstulas, atrophy
and purpura) in patients treated with topical corticosteroids
[38]. Dapsone and sulfonamides, either alone in combination
with topical or systemic corticosteroids may also be effective
[39]. Specifcally, dapsone at a dose of approximately 100 mg/
day is initiated at the same time as prednisone. The addition
of dapsone often accelerates disease control, and thus allows
a faster prednisone taper. Other researchers have describe the
use of oral tetracycline, or a combination of tetracycline and
niacinamide as successful treatments for BP. Cyclosporine,
intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), azathioprine, rituximab,
and plasmapheresis have all been proposed as additional
treatments [40-44] (Tabl. I).
Frequent bacterial, fungal and viral cultures of cutaneous
erosions, catheters, and serum cultures will allow detection of
secondary infections arising as a result of immunosuppressive
therapy. If positive results are found, appropriate therapy should
be quickly initiated.
650 Our Dermatol Online. Suppl. 3.2013
In Table I, we present a summary of the more common
immunosuppressive agents, their metabolites, their serum
half lives and common complications. Previous reports have
addressed morbidity and mortality in BP. In a private hospital
in Wisconsin, thirty-eight new patients were identifed and
complete follow-up data were obtained on 37 of the patients.
Patients were followed for a minimum of 1 year, or until the
time of death. The mean duration of follow-up was 20 months.
A Kaplan-Meier analysis of the population indicated a 1 year
survival rate of 88.96%, with a 95% confdence interval of
75.6% to 94.2%. The survival rate was considerably higher than
that recently reported in several studies from Europe (29%-
41% one year mortality). The authors reported that although the
age at onset and co-morbidities of our patients were similar to
those in the European studies, the rate of hospitalization of our
patients was much lower than that of patients from Europe (1.5
days per patient, vs. 11-25 days per patient). The study suggests
that differences in practice patterns may be an important factor
in the reduced mortality rate in US BP patients compared to
those in Europe [45].
Previously, BP has been associated with signifcant morbidity and
mortality rates. In one study, the authors retrospectively studied
94 patients with BP in a Chinese tertiary medical center between
2005 and 2010, to evaluate treatment and prognostic factors for
mortality. Cerebrovascular diseases (42.55%) and hypertension
(39.36%) represented the most common pre-existing conditions.
Cardiopathy, diabetes and psoriasis pre-existed in 24.47%,
22.34% and 5.32% of patients, respectively [46]. Eighty of 94
patients were treated by systemic corticosteroid, specifcally
prednisone 0.3 mg/kg to 1.5 mg/kg daily. Patients were
followed up for a minimum of 1 year or until the time of death.
The mean duration of follow-up was 32 months. Kaplan-Meier
analysis demonstrated a 1 year survival probability of 76.6%
(standard error 4.4%), with a 95% confdence interval (68.04%
to 85.16%). Multivariate analysis revealed that increased age,
bedridden condition, presence of cerebrovascular diseases at
diagnosis, pre-existing cardiopathy and low serum albumin
level were associated with an elevated 1 year mortality rate [47].
In a second study, authors in Latin America obtained similar
results as those previously described for developing countries
[48]. An association has been suggested between neurologic
disorders and BP, since Type XVII collagen (BPAGII; BP180)
is a component of hemidesmosomes, which connect epidermal
basal layer keratinocytes to the underlying basement membrane.
In addition, Type collagen XVII has been recently demonstrated
in human brain neurons by in situ hybridization.
Skin biopsies for hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining and
direct immunofuorescence (DIF) are needed to confrm a
BP diagnosis. Histopathologic fndings of early lesions show
subepidermal vesicles, with luminal infltrates of eosinophils and
subjacent, upper dermal, perivascular infltrates of eosinophils
and neutrophils with dilation of infltrate associated blood vessels
[1-3]. The cutaneous H&E biopsy should be placed in 10%
buffered formalin, and will produce excellent archival material;
however, formalin can form precipitates at high temperatures,
and freezing temperatures may produce tissue artifacts. Normal
skin adjacent to a BP urticarial plaque is ideal for a DIF biopsy.
Almost all biopsies reveal linear Complement/C3 deposition at
the basement membrane zone (BMZ), and 80% of biopsies will
also show linear immunoglobulin (IgG) deposition at the BMZ
[4-6] (Fig. 1). Biopsies for DIF should be placed in Michels
transport media for processing to avoid false negative results;
however, when Michels medium is not available the biopsy
may be sent in saline solution.
Several independent research studies have reported mixed
results in regards to increased sensitivity and specifcity of
ELISA testing, in comparison to other diagnostic techniques for
BP [49]. Occasionally, BP has been described to be induced by
medications such as furosemide, captopril, and penicillin.
Authors note: We recommend carefully differentiating BP from
with medication-induced blistering diseases; the medication-
induced bullous dermatoses represent a more common
presentation of bullae in elderly patients, especially in the USA.
In our own immunodermatology practice, blisters caused by
medications are much more common than BP
Mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP), or cicatrical
pemphigoid (CP)
CP represents a subepidermal blistering disease, that
characteristically presents in the sixth or seventh decade of life.
The female-to-male ratio is about 2: 1 [50]. The term cicatricial
pemphigoid (CP) has been used for more than 70 years, and
originated with pioneers in the study of cutaneous autoimmune
bullous diseases [50-60]. However, at the First International
Consensus on Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid in 2002 [57], the
name for the disease was recommended to be changed to MMP.
CP mainly involves oral mucosa, other mucous membranes,
and rarely the skin. Gingival involvement is frequent. In
a case of desquamative gingivitis, the clip sign suggests
the diagnosis of CP. CP is an autoimmune vesiculobullous
disease, distinguished clinically by its predilection for oral
and ocular mucous membranes and a tendency for the lesions
to scar. Considerable heterogeneity exists in terms of age at
presentation and the clinical pattern of disease. In rare cases,
CP may present in children and adolescents. The mouth is the
most frequent site of presentation, and is eventually involved
in 85% of cases. There are erosions, irregular ulcers, and
vesiculobullous lesions. Ocular involvement is also common,
and corneal and conjunctival scarring may lead to blindness.
A CP diagnosis is established by clinical, histological and DIF
examination. On DIF, linear deposition of IgG and/or IgA are
present along the BMZ of biopsies [50-60]. In some reports,
autoantibodies to plectin have also been identifed. CP differs
from BP in that individual lesions heal with scarring that can
be deforming, altering vision and/or genitourinary functionality.
As in pemphigus vulgaris, any mucosal site can be affected.
Involvement of the nasal mucosa can subsequently lead to
strictures in the oral and esophageal areas. If the patient is
coughing or has a rough voice on initial presentation, possible
blistering in the pharynx and larynx should be suspected. An
extensive workup should be performed, including consultation
with an ENT specialist and a voice therapist. Involvement of
the conjunctivae (which manifests clinically as conjunctivitis
and xerosis) may result in scarring causing symblepharon,
entropion, and later trichiasis [58-60]. Progressive scarring may
then lead to blindness. H&E studies show similar results to BP,
with subepidermal blisters containing edema fuid, fbrin and
infammatory cells. A dermal perivascular lymphohistiocytic
infltrate with occasional plasma cells and neutrophils can be
seen. In general, fewer eosinophils are appreciated than in BP.
Conjunctival squamous metaplasia with foci of hyperkeratosis
and parakeratosis, accompanied by goblet cell depletion and
conjunctival vesicles or bulla is rare. By IIF, the patients usually
have low titers of circulating antibodies; IIF on NaCl split skin
shows antibodies on the blister foor. By electron microscopy,
CP antibodies are located in the lamina lucida.
Our Dermatol Online. Suppl. 3.2013 651
An interesting recent study investigated the levels of matrix
metalloproteinases (MMPs), myeloperoxidase (MPO) and
tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in ocular
tears of patients with Stevens Johnson syndrome (SJS) and
ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP). The authors performed
a prospective, non-interventional cohort study with four SJS
patients (7 eyes), 19 OCP patients (37 eyes) and 20 healthy
controls who underwent phacoemulsifcation (40 eyes). The
authors evaluated tear washes collected from all patients; these
washes were analyzed for levels of MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-
7, MMP-8, MMP-9, MMP-12, MPO, and TIMP-1 using a
multianalyte bead-based ELISA test. Total MMP activity was
also determined, using a fuorometric assay. Correlation studies
were performed comparing specifc analytes within study groups.
The authors reported that MMP-8, MMP-9, and MPO levels
were signifcantly elevated in SJS and OCP tears (SJS>OCP)
in comparison to controls. MMP activity was highest in SJS
patients, whereas OCP patients and controls displayed lower
activities(which were similar to each other). The TIMP-1 levels
were decreased in SJS and OCP patients when compared to
controls, with levels in OCP patients attaining signifcance. The
MMP-8 to TIMP-1 and MMP-9 to TIMP-1 ratios were markedly
elevated in SJS and OCP tears (SJS>OCP) when compared
to controls. Across all study groups, MMP-9 levels correlated
strongly with MMP-8 and MPO levels, and MMP-8 correlated
with MPO, but did not reach signifcance in SJS patients. The
authors also reported that there was no signifcant relationship
between MMP-7 and MPO [61] (Tabl. I). In CP, involvement
of the genital and anal mucosa is common. Persistent blistering
and scarring of the vaginal mucosa can result in stenosis, which
may be discovered and also interfere with screening pelvic
examinations [50]. Anal involvement manifests as localized
pain and bleeding, which can lead to stenosis if left untreated.
Cutaneous tense blisters (similar to those seen in BP) occur in
only 20% of CP patients. Healing occurs with pink, atrophic
scarring. In CP, multiple manifestations of the disease exist
depending on which protein in the BMZ is the primary
antigen involved. Around 90% of patients with CP have been
described to have oral erosions. If the oral mucosa is the single
mucosal site involved in CP, the condition may be called oral
pemphigoid. If the conjuctival mucosa is the only site of CP
clinical presentation, the disorder is termed ocular pemphigoid
Anti-epiligrin subtype: Another type of CP, termed antiepiligrin
cicatricial pemphigoid, occurs when antibodies are formed
against laminins 5, 332 and 6 in the basement membrane. This
disease is uncommon, and primarily affects mucous membranes
but also the skin. The disease is associated with mortality from
treatment with systemic immunosuppressive drugs. In this
subset, there is an association with solid organ malignancies.
Biopsies for H&E staining and DIF should be performed
to confrm the diagnosis. Antiendomysial antibodies can be
documented, using monkey esophagus as the antigen source for
the IIF. Histologically, the fndings are almost identical to BP
[54,55]. A subepidermal vesicle is seen, with an infammatory
infltrate of neutrophils and eosinophils in the upper dermis
[50-53]. Scarring may be seen in the upper dermis. DIF of
perilesional mucosa reveals linear IgG and Complement/C3
deposition at the BMZ in 90 to 95% of patients. Because there
are low amounts of circulating antibodies, IIF testing is not
generally helpful. The diagnostic fndings of CP are summarized
in Table I.
Patients with localized oral involvement often respond to topical
clobetasol gel, or intralesional triamcinolone (5 to 10 mg/mL,
injected sublesionally every 3 weeks as needed). Patients with
multiple mucosal sites should be treated with systemic therapy
such as dapsone or prednisone. If the lesions are unresponsive, an
additional immunosupressor should be utilized in combination
with prednisone. In some patients, mycophenolate mofetil is less
myelosuppressive and hepatotoxic than corticosteroids. Due to a
superior safety profle, mycophenolate mofetil or enteric-coated
mycophenolate sodium may gradually replace azathioprine as
the frst-line adjuvant of choice in the treatment of moderate
to severe autoimmune CP. Cyclophosphamide still has a
place in the treatment of severe relapsing CP; continuous oral
cyclophosphamide provides optimal immunosuppression, but
it also produces the highest cumulative dose. Therefore, pulsed
cyclophosphamide regimens have been developed and are
useful in severe forms of CP. Because of the low incidence and
prevalence of these diseases, few randomized controlled studies
have compared the effcacy and safety of immunosuppressants
such cyclophosphamide with newer treatment options such as
rituximab and immunoapheresis. In addition, few studies have
been conducted to defne optimal dose ranges and optimal
durations of immunosuppressive treatments at different stages of
CP. We encourage the multidisciplinary collaboration necessary
for the diagnosis and proper treatment of diffcult cases of CP.
Systemic adjuvant immunosuppressive therapy is necessary
for patients with progressive disease. In spite of the advances
in available immunosuppressive medications and biologics,
scarring is a signifcant complication in many cases [59,62]
(Tabl. I). Surgical intervention in general does not cure the
disease, though in some occasions with severe sequels, it may
be necessary for restoring function and humanizing quality of
life. BP alone and bullous lupus rarely involve the oral mucosa.
Authors note: Early, strong immunosupressive treatment is
advised in CP patients, due to potential scarring damage to
the eyes, nasal mucosa and genito-urinary tract. Systemic
steroids in combination with immunosuppressive agents such
as methotrexate, mycophenalate mofetil, azathioprine or
cyclophosphamide are recommended in severe cases.
Localized cicatricial pemphigoid
Localized CP, also known as BrunstingPerry pemphigoid,
is characterized by the occurrence of one or more scarring,
plaque-like lesions, usually on the head and neck; the disease is
characterized by a lack of involvement of mucous membranes,
including on prolonged follow-up. The temple is the most
frequent site of presentation, lesions have occurred in tissue
transplanted to the site of a pre-existing lesion. The exact
relationship of this condition to CP is speculative, although
they are thought to be closely related diseases [63,64]. Rare
cases may progress to a generalized disease that heals with
scarring; however, although the second disorder that could be
CP, there is no mucous membrane involvement. In DIF and
IIF studies, the most commonly described fndings are linear
deposits of IgG(but not IgM or IgA) at the epidermal-dermal
junction. In few patients, linear Complement/C3 deposition at
the BMZ is noted; a few patients also exhibit circulating anti-
BMZ antibodies [65,66]. In some cases, DIF has been reported
as negative. In other cases the putative antigen(s) have been
described to be IgG autoantibodies to laminin-332, BP230
and desmoplakins I and II; and in further cases to a 290 kDa
molecule [67,68].
652 Our Dermatol Online. Suppl. 3.2013
Electron microscopy studies have been shown a subepidermal
separation below the basal lamina, and the basal lamina and
anchoring fbrils preserved and attached to the intact epidermis
along the blister roof [69]. Many authors in the 1980s and
90s considered Brunsting-Perry disease to be a variant of CP.
These fndings support the concept that localized CP, CP, and
disseminated CP are in fact closely related diseases, and may
explain the occurrence of scar formation in localized CP [70].
Due to the low incidence of Brunsting-Perry disease, has been
diffcult to defnitively categorize the disorder; in addition, early
BP may present with an individual blister, and may be thus
improperly categorized as Brunsting-Perry disease.
Pemphigoid vegetans
Pemphigoid vegetans is a rare disease exhibiting clinical
similarity to pemphigus vegetans, but with histological and
immunopathological features of BP. Only few cases have
been reported; the relationship of pemphigoid vegetans to BP
thus is not clear. Clinically, pemphigoid vegetans classically
presents with multiple, well-circumscribed, erythematous,
erosive and vegetating plaques in the axillae, inframammary
areas and neck [71-73]. Microscopic examination reveals
epidermal hyperplasia, dermal/epidermal junctional separation,
and prominent dermal eosinophilia [74]. By DIF, perilesional
skin demonstrates linear deposits of IgG at the BMZ, primarily
of the IgG4 subclass. On salt split skin IIF, these antibodies
are present on the blister roof of normal human skin [75,76].
By immunoblotting (IB) studies, the 230 kD BPAGI antigen
is one of the disease antigens in pemphigoid vegetans [76].
Some authors have suggested that pemphigoid vegetans is
best classifed as a BP variant, after describing a 57 year old
man with intertriginous vegetating plaques. The histologic
examination and DIF of a biopsy specimen were identical to
those of BP. IB studies and IIF of salt-split skin were negative
[75,76]. Direct immunoelectron microscopy was consistent with
BP [77]. Based on a limited experience, previous authors have
reported that pemphigoid vegetans patients seem to improve
with tetracycline and/or corticosteroids [78] (Tabl. I).
Pemphigoid gestationis (PG)
Pemphigoid gestationis (also known as herpes gestationis
(HG)) is a rare, pruritic, vesiculobullous dermatosis of the late
pregnancy and puerperium (post-delivery) periods [79-82]. The
most common age of presentation is between 20 and 40 years. It
accounts for less than 5% of the dermatoses of pregnancy. The
onset of the disease is usually in the second or third trimester
of pregnancy with the development of papules and urticarial
plaques, initially localized periumbilically and extending towards
the thighs and/or extremities. The presence of circinate plaques
is not unusual [79]. PG needs to be suspected in presentations
of vesicles on extensor surfaces of the elbows, knees or
buttocks. Clinically, PG is characterized by severe pruritus.
Mucosal lesions are uncommon; untreated lesions may persist
through the pregnancy, but classically break down following
delivery over several days or weeks [80]. DIF of perilesional
skin is helpful in the diagnosis, and the results are similar to
those described for BP. The electron microscopy fndings
seem to be present throughout the entire lamina lucida and the
basal cell plasma membrane appeared to be accentuated. The
most remarkable ultrastructural changes in normal-appearing
skin were the destruction of the basal cell membranes on the
dermal side, localized cytoplasmic dissolution, and intracellular
edema unaccompanied by infammatory cells (Tabl. I). Early,
nonvesicular lesions showed basal cell degeneration and dermal
infammatory cells. Necrosis and loss of basal cells occurred in
the next stage which resulted in microvesicles in which collagen
or a well-preserved basal lamina formed the vesicle base. In
the later blister stage, the basal lamina was usually lost. It is
suggested that damage of basal cell membranes on their dermal
side leads to the destruction of basal cells with the subsequent
protrusion of epidermal and junctional substances into the
dermis. This may result in infammatory cell infltration and
blister formation. A study in Finland during 2002 to 2011 tested
a group of 12 PG pregnancies, evaluating clinical outcome and
morphologic and functional placental data [82]. The authors
showed that the placental to birth weight ratio was abnormal in
half of the pregnancies. In the same study, the authors showed that
the PG placentas displayed detachment of basement membranes
and undeveloped hemidesmosomes [83]. The authors also
reported that ultrasound evaluations of placental function prior
to delivery were normal in all but one pregnancy. The authors
reported that three (25%) neonates were delivered preterm after
35 gestational weeks, and one pregnancy was complicated by
pre-eclampsia and severe fetal growth restriction. The authors
reported that the neonatal outcome was uneventful in every
PG case [82]. Overall, in pregnancies complicated by PG,
slight alterations in ultrastructural morphology of the placental
basement membrane have been detected, but umbilical artery
Doppler evaluation has indicated no functional placental
changes [83]. Thus, placental studies should be further pursued
in patients affected by PG. In regard to the autoantigens, it has
been shown that PG and BP autoantibodies react with common
epitope sites on the extracellular domain of the BP180/BPAGII
antigen [83,84]. In some cases, autoantibodies against placental
and dermal collagen Type XVII have been also reported (Tabl.
Therapeutically, in mild cases of PG topical corticosteroids
and antihistamines (to alleviate pruritus) may be suffcient.
However, PG treatment should ideally be coordinated between
a nurse, pediatric neonatologist, dermatologist and obstetrician
[85-86]. Topical corticosteroids are indicated for pregnant
women with skin conditions, but their safety in pregnancy is
not fully understood. A recent study reassuringly demonstrated
no association of maternal topical corticosteroid exposure with
orofacial clefting, preterm delivery, fetal death, low Apgar
scores or mode of delivery [86]. Given all available evidence,
risk of low birth weight seems to correlate with the total quantity
of topical corticosteroid exposure. Due to the possibility that
the mother of a baby in gestation may need systemic steroids,
risks of prematurity and fetal growth restriction should be
monitored. In severe prenatal PG cases and during postpartum
exacerbations, prednisone (20-40 mg/d) may be needed in
addition to topical steroids [85-86]. The main differential
diagnosis is pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy
(PUPPP), an illness that classically begins in abdominal striae
in late frst pregnancies, and may present negative fndings via
DIF and IIF.
Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH)
Dermatitis herpetiformis is an uncommon, chronic,
polymorphous pruritic skin disease with subepidermal blistering.
DH was frst described by Louis A. Duhring, M.D. in 1884 [87].
A male predilection exists; lesions generally present in the
fourth decade, although DH has been described in patients from
2 to 90 years of age [88]. DH is most common in Caucasians of
northern European descent [89].
Our Dermatol Online. Suppl. 3.2013 653
Cutaneous manifestations include grouped papulovesicles
on an erythematous base, sometimes with excoriations and
crusts [89,89]. A symmetric distribution, with lesions on the
extensor surfaces of the elbows and knees, back, scalp (often
posterior hairline) and buttocks is frequent; however, lesions
may sometimes be present on other parts of the body. DH is
commonly associated with other autoimmune diseases such
as vitiligo, primary biliary cirrhosis, Hashimotos thyroiditis,
Sjgrens syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, lupus
erythematosus, type I diabetes and pernicious anemia,
among others [90,91]. DH is also commonly associated with
celiac disease [92]. Gluten diet allergy typically presents as
celiac disease, a common, chronic small intestinal disease.
Although DH is highly associated with celiac disease, the
gastroenterological symptoms in DH patients are generally mild
or not present [92,93].
To confrm the diagnosis of DH, a skin biopsy should be
obtained for H&E examination. DIF studies are also indicated,
as are serum tests for anti-endomysial and transglutaminase
antibodies. Anti-tissue transglutaminase or transglutaminase
2 IgA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests are
reported to be of good specifcity and sensitivity [94]. The H &
E biopsy should be taken from an area near an active DH lesion;
the biopsy classically demonstrates a neutrophilic infltrate
within the dermal papillae, and small, punctate subepidermal
blisters with luminal neutrophils. Fibrin deposition and
leukocytoclasis in the dermal papillary tips are common in DH
[95]. DIF classically reveals granular immunoglobulin A (IgA)
deposits at the tops of the dermal papillary tips, likened to snow
on the mountain tops. The DH pattern is distinctly different
from the DIF pattern seen in linear IgA bullous dermatosis [96].
More complex patterns of immoreactivity have been described
via DIF, IIF and immunohistochemistry in DH patients [97]
(Tabl. I).
The autoantigen or autoantigens of DH remain obscure,
although some authors have suggested that these antigens are
transglutaminases [98-100], or part of the BP180/BPAGII
antigen. In regards to treatment, a gluten free diet may be helpful;
however only less than 30% of the patients with DH present
with celiac disease. Dapsone is the gold standard treatment for
patients with DH; glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase levels
should be reviewed before initiating dapsone treatment. Before
starting dapsone, it is also recommended to perform a baseline
complete blood count (CBC) with differential; renal and liver
function tests and urinalysis should be performed. Subsequent
monitoring of the CBC should be performed weekly for 1 month,
then every other week for 1 month and then every 3 to 4 months.
The blood studies are needed to rule out hemolytic anemia and
hypersensitivity reactions to dapsone. Other adverse side effects
of dapsone include leukopenia, agranulocytosis, cutaneous drug
reactions, liver abnormalities, peripheral neuropathy, nephrotic
syndrome and pulmonary abnormalities. Documented effective
dapsone dosages are from 25 to 400 mg per day, with an average
dose of 100 mg per day. Dapsone inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis.
Because hemolytic anemia and methemoglobinemia represent
well documented side effects, patients need to be educated to
recognize these complications. In case of these reactions, it is
important to stop the dapsone. The therapy should be stopped
if white blood cell count falls below 4000 cells/dl. Signs of
peripheral motor neuropathy should be assessed on physical
exam. Liver and renal function tests should be evaluated every
3 months, or if symptoms of dysfunction are noted [102-103].
Alternative treatments for DH in patients intolerant to dapsone
are sulfasalazine and sulfapyridine, although these agents
are not always available. Appropriate doses of 2 to 4 g/day
of sulfasalazine, or 1 to 2 g/day of sulfapyridine have been
documented [102].
If DH is not controlled suffciently by these agents, antihistamines
and oral steroids may be added (Tabl. I).
Linear IgA bullous dermatosis (LAD)
LAD disease has presented classifcation challenges. According
to some, LAD has two variants. The frst variant presents in
children as chronic bullous dermatosis of childhood (CBDC);
the second variant presents in adults, is either associated with
medication allergies or of idiopathic etiology and termed adult
linear IgA bullous dermatosis (LAD). Some researchers have
postulated these two variants since similar DIF linear deposits
of IgA at the BMZ are found in each variant. However, clinically
and epidemiologically they seem to be two discrete nosologic
entities. The variants demonstrate a bimodal age predilection,
with CBDC occurring in children between 6 months and 10
years of age, and rarely persisting after puberty. LAD mainly
affects adults over the age of 60 years. Implicated LAD
drugs include antibiotics, antihypertensives, and nonsteroidal
anti-infammatory agents (Tabl. I). Vancomycin is the most
commonly implicated drug [104-108]. In addition, LAD
associations with lymphoproliferative disorders, infections,
ulcerative colitis and systemic lupus erythematosus have been
described [109-111]. The majority of the reported cases have
been induced with medication intake. In addition to the skin,
mucosal surfaces with stratifed squamous epithelium may
also be affected. The incidence of LAD has varied in different
studies from 0.22 to 2.3 cases per million per year. Usually
LAD patients have bullous and erosive lesions on the trunk
and extremities, appearing after taking the medications. The
lesions appear as clear or hemorrhagic vesicles or bullae, with
an erythematous or urticarial base. The blisters are classically
tense, vary in size, and may form annular or circular patterns.
In children, CBDC lesions are often localized to the lower
abdomen, perineal area, and inner thighs. The face, hands,
and feet are not commonly affected. In adults, LAD mainly
affects the extensor surfaces, trunk, buttocks, and face. Mucous
membranes may be involved; in these cases, the mouth and eyes
are most commonly affected. CBDC has been known in the past
as juvenile dermatitis herpetiformis, juvenile pemphigoid, and
linear IgA disease of childhood. CBDC is characterized by an
abrupt onset in the frst decade of life and large bullae. CBDC
is frequently misdiagnosed as bullous impetigo [104-108].
CBDC lesions may present in characteristic crown of jewels
or string of pearls distributions.
Histologic H&E sections of LAD classically reveals a
subepithelial blister, with a predominance of luminal neutrophils.
Neutrophils are also present in the upper dermis; these may form
papillary dermal microabscesses and leukocytoclasis. The DIF
fndings feature linear deposits of IgA at the BMZ, and may also
include IgG and Complement/C3 in a linear pattern at the BMZ.
Note that the LAD DIF IgA deposition differs from DH, in that
the IgA deposits in DH are primarily granular and located at the
dermal papillary tips [104-108] (Tabl. I).
Interestingly, some researchers have postulated that LAD and
DH represent variable expressions of the same disease; both
variants would theoretically share an identical target antigen (a
97 kDa or 285 kDa antigen in the upper lamina lucida) [105].
However, such an antigen association has not been defnitively
654 Our Dermatol Online. Suppl. 3.2013
The LAD antigen was originally identifed as a 97 kDa peptide;
however, some studies have also shown LAD reactivity to
BP180. Anti-laminin 5 mAbs also localize to the blister foor
in LAD. Some authors have also tried to describe a nosologic
association of LAD and BP. Specifcally, the hypothesis cites
DIF results in each disease showing deposits of IgG and IgA
to multiple similar molecules; in addition, immunoblotting
results show IgG and IgA antibodies to subunits of laminin-332,
Type VII collagen, laminin-1, BP230/BPAGI and BP180/
BPAGII recombinant proteins. However, these reports require
careful analysis, and further confrmation [112,113]. CBDC
is often a self-limited disease; most patients enter remission
within 2 years. However, full treatment of CBDC and LAD
require identifcation of any offending drug(s) or agent(s), and
immediate withdrawal. Especially in LAD, such actions alone
may result in resolution of skin lesions within days to weeks.
Finally, both LAD and DH are usually responsive to dapsone;
alternatively, sulfapyridine or sulfamethoxypyridazine are also
effective (Tabl. I). In LAD, severe cases may also require oral
steroids [114-115].
Subepidermal autoimmune bullous diseases with antibodies
to 105- or 200-kDa BMZ proteins
In recent years, two new pemphigoid-like diseases have
been postulated. Specifcally, the frst disorder would exhibit
autoantibodies to a 105-kDa lamina lucida protein, and be
known as deep lamina lucida pemphigoid; the second disorder
would exhibit autoantibodies to a BMZ protein of 200 kDa [116-
117]. According to the authors, patients with these conditions
responded well to systemic corticosteroids. We further describe
these entities in the next two paragraphs.
Deep lamina lucida (anti-p105) pemphigoid
Anti-p200 pemphigoid: Anti-p200 pemphigoid represents a
unique subepidermal blistering disease. The disease presents
with clinical similarity to BP, but without scarring. In DIF, the
disease resembles DH or LAD, with additional linear deposits
of IgG and complement/C3 along the BMZ [117]. Disseminated
small blisters and erosions are often present. Palmoplantar
involvement has been also described. Large, tense bullae may
also be the dominant lesion [118]. Anti-p200 pemphigoid is
associated with psoriasis in some patients. The antibodies are
usually of the IgG4 subclass, and directed against a 200 kDa
protein in the lower lamina lucida which is distinct from either
laminin 5 or Type VII collagen. A recent study found that the
autoantigen in this condition is a non-collagenous glycoprotein,
and is synthesized by keratinocytes and fbroblasts; the
autoantigen is distinct from nidogen-2 (Tabl. I). Another report
described a subepidermal bullous disease with clinical features
of BP and erythema multiforme, and non-scarring mucous
membrane involvement. The immune response was directed
against a 200 kDa protein at the BMZ, and the disease was
responsive to both tetracycline and niacinamide [117-119].
Because few cases have been described of these anti-p105 and
anti-p200 pemphigoid diseases, caution is recommended when
interpreting these results (Tabl. I).
Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA)
EBA is a chronic, autoimmune, subepidermal bullous disease
with clinical features similar to the genetic form of dystrophic
epidermolysis bullosa [120-123]. EBA has been differentiated
from other bullous diseases on the basis of distinctive clinical
and histologic and immunodermatologic features, establishing
diagnostic criteria for the disease. Specifcally, these include 1)
clinical lesions resembling dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa,
2) adult onset of the disease, 3) a negative family history of
dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, and 4) exclusion of other
bullous diseases [124]. EBA is characterized by subepidermal
blisters and autoantibodies to Type VII collagen, the major
component of BMZ anchoring fbrils. Indeed, additional evidence
from mouse models supports a pathogenic role of autoantibodies
against Type VII collagen in EBA. Type VII collagen is unique
to stratifed squamous epithelium; it consists of 3 identical
chains, each with a molecular weight of 290 kDa. The amino
terminus of Type VII collagen contains a large, globular non-
collagenous domain termed NC1; a small noncollagenous
domain termed NC2 lies at the carboxyl terminus. Anchoring
fbrils are formed as a consequence of an antiparallel alignment
of individual Type VII collagen molecules, that subsequently
unite via disulfde bonds within the NC2 tails. Once a tail-to-
tail dimer is formed, the NC2 domain is proteolytically cleaved,
leaving a long, thread-like macromolecule characterized by
a central rod with large, globular NC1 head domains at each
end. Type VII collagen dimers then aggregate laterally to form
anchoring fbrils. Once considered a diagnosis of exclusion
from a group of heterogeneous blistering disorders, EBA is
now recognized as a polymorphic, yet distinct, subepidermal
blistering disease [125,126]. Ocular involvement in EBA should
not be confused with drug induced pemphigoid (pseudoocular
cicatricial pemphigoid), which is self-limiting, and usually
develops after long term use of glaucoma medication. Of several
proposed subclassifcations, one includes 3 different skin
manifestations of the disease: 1) a non-infammatory form of
EBA, affecting trauma-prone areas of the skin, 2) a generalized
infammatory blistering eruption, and 3) a CP-like disease,
mainly affecting mucous membranes. A second subclassifcation
divides EBA into two main clinical types: 1) mechanobullous
and 2) infammatory EBA. Mechanobullous EBA, referred
to as classic EBA, presents with skin fragility, blisters and
dystrophic changes on trauma-prone areas. Infammatory
EBA resembles other autoimmune subepidermal bullous
diseases. Further subclassifcations of EBA include patients
with the dermolytic, or noninfammatory variant of EBA; these
patients have trauma induced blisters and erosions on none
infamed skin, atrophic scars, milia, nail dystrophy, and/or oral
erosions. Other infammatory EBA patients have widespread
infammatory blisters that mimic those seen in patients with
BP. Some patients may transition from the infammatory to
the dermolytic form of the disease [127-129]. All forms of
EBA are diffcult to treat, and treatment is often unsatisfactory.
EBA is typically chronic; many patients also have underlying
infammatory bowel disease Systemic corticosteroids alone, or
in combination with azathioprine or cyclophosphamide may
not be effective in controlling the disease. Some intractable
cases of EBA have successfully been treated with intravenous
immunoglobulin or rituximab. Some patients may respond to
dapsone or cyclosporine; a small number of patients have also
been successfully treated with colchicine or extracorporeal
photopheresis [124] (Tabl. I).
Direct immunofuorescence of perilesional skin revealed linear
BMZ deposition of IgG and Complement/C3. ELISA testing
detects anti-COL7 autoantibodies, confrming the diagnosis
of EBA [130] (Fig. 1). An ELISA for EBA has correlated
disease activity with positivity [131]. Extracutaneous EBA
manifestations include ocular, oral mucosal, esophageal, anal,
vaginal, tracheal and laryngeal lesions.
Our Dermatol Online. Suppl. 3.2013 655
Ocular involvement in EBA predominantly presents with
scaring, and resembles lesions observed in patients with MMP.
Rarely, laryngeal involvement may cause hoarseness, impaired
phonation, loss of voice, and may lead to irreversible respiratory
distress with esophageal strictures. Patients may not be able to
swallow food and thus require endoscopic esophageal dilations,
which may have to be repeated if disease activity cannot be
controlled [132-134].
In multiple cases, EBA has also been associated other diseases
such subacute cutaneous systemic lupus erythematosus,
diabetes mellitus, cryoglobulinemia, ulcerative colitis, Crohns
disease and psoriasis. Interestingly, regarding the association
of EBA with psoriasis, in the 4 patients described so far, EBA
presented subsequent to psoriasis [132-134]. However, most of
these fndings are anecdotal reports, establishing no defnitive
pathogenic interaction of psoriasis and EBA.
The main differential diagnosis of EBA is the dystrophic
epidermolysis bullosa (DEB) and other genetic forms of DEB.
DEB is due to a genetic defect in the gene encoding Type
VII collagen; as previously noted, this molecule represents
a primary component of anchoring fbrils, structures that
attach the epidermis and its underlying BMZ to the papillary
dermis. Thus, DEB patients have decreased normal functioning
anchoring fbrils, due to structural defects [135-136]. EBA
patients have a similar functional problem; however, their
decrease in functionality is due to an abnormality in their
immune system, in which they produce anti-Type VII collagen
antibodies that attack the anchoring fbrils.
Bullous systemic lupus erythematosus (BSLE)
BSLE represents a rare blistering disease, presenting in patients
who 1) meet American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria
for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and 2) displaying
clinical lesional blisters. In addition, BSLE may present in
patients with a vesiculobullous eruption, who do not fulfll
complete ACR SLE clinical diagnostic criteria for SLE [137-
138]. BSLE displays a clinical spectrum including herpetiform
vesicles, large hemorrhagic bullae, and a disseminated
urticarial, erythematous eruption associated with tense blisters,
erosions, and crusting. Sometimes the lesions are limited to sun-
exposed areas of the body, and can be triggered by sun exposure
[139]. BSLE may also present with renal and or other clinical
abnormalities [138]. BSLE skin biopsies typically demonstrate
subepidermal blistering with a prominent neutrophilic luminal
infltrate. By DIF, BSLE usually presents with linear BMZ
deposits of IgG; however, other immunoreactants such as IgA,
IgM, and Complement/C3 may be also seen at the BMZ and
accentuated on the blister foor [140]. The best antigen most
clearly associated with this disease is Type VII Collagen; by
electron microscopy, the antibodies are located under the
BMZ lamina densa. In the limited cases found in the literature,
patients responded better to dapsone than corticosteroids [141].
The differential diagnosis includes lichen planus pemphigoides
(LPP), and bullous allergic drug eruptions (Tabl. I).
Lichen planus pemphigoides (LPP)
LPP, a rare skin disorder, has been generally considered
to represent a mixture of the clinical, histopathologic and
immunologic patterns of lichen planus (LP) and BP [142-144].
LPP is characterized by the development of tense blisters, often
located on the extremities, in a patient with lichen planus. LPP
is predominantly idiopathic; however, in rare cases it has been
associated with drug administration. One pertinent example was
development of the disease after the use of captopril [145].
Histologic changes include a mild, perivascular infltrate of
lymphocytes; sometimes, there are a few eosinophils and
neutrophils beneath the blister and a lichenoid, lymphohistiocytic
infltrate at the BMZ. Occasionally, Civatte bodies are present in
the basalilar epidermis at the margins of the blister. LPP needs
to be distinguished from vesiculobullous dermatomyositis, in
which a subepidermal blister occurs with a weak infltrate of
lymphocytes in the upper dermis. Interface changes are usually
very mild in this condition, in contrast to LPP [142-144]. If the
bullae develop in papules of lichen planus in contradistinction
to uninvolved skin, there is usually a much heavier dermal and
lichenoid infltrate (Tabl. I).
One study represented a clinicopathological study of nine
cases of LPP, including immunofuorescence, ultrastructural
and immuno-electronmicroscopic observations. In LPP, DIF
classically demonstrates IgG and Complement/C3 along the
BMZ and on the Civatte bodies [145]. In this study, DIF did
indeed reveal immunologic characteristics of LP in skin and
mucosal lesions, with deposits of IgG and Complement/C3,
usually on blister roofs; an ELISA to BP180/BPAGII was
also positive. The main differential diagnosis of LPP is LP.
LPP serum has further been documented to react with a novel
epitope within the C-terminal NC16A domain of BP180/
BPAGII [146]. In cases of LPP resistant to steroid treatment,
other immunosupressors may be added.
Conclusions and personal notes
In ABDs, the blisters are produced via a variety of pathologic
mechanisms; the most common mechanism involves the presence
of autoantibodies that activate complement, proteases and other
secondary cell signaling processes. The clinical presentation of
each disease seems to depend on the level within the skin that
the blister cleavage occurs. The proper diagnosis of autoimmune
blistering diseases requires skin biopsy for H&E review, as well
as specialized testing techniques including direct and indirect
immunofuorescence, salt split skin, immunoblotting, ELISA,
immunoprecipitation and electron microscopy. In patients with
signifcant skin involvement, morbidity and mortality is often
associated with inadequate therapy, lack of electrolytic balance
control and secondary infections with bacteria, parasites and
viruses. Treatment should include family support and education
regarding chronic disease care.
In addition, we recommend caution when interpreting pertinent
medical literature. Specifcally, recently suggested subvariants
of an ABD may not be validated over time. Further, only a few
laboratories provide full expertise for the workup of ABDs.
ABDs should at least be investigated at the clinical, histologic
and immunopathologic levels. In addition, advanced studies
may be needed in molecular biology and electron microscopy,
and should be performed when clinically indicated.
Bullous Pemphigoid
Usually elderly patients (over 70 years).
Most commonly affected areas are the trunk and extremities; head and mucous membranes are seldom affected.
Blisters present on erythematous skin; sometimes chronic urticaria-like lesions are present without blistering.
Pruritus is common, and lesions heal without scars.
H&E: Subepidermal bullae are present. Vacuolar degeneration of the epidermal basaloid layer may be noted. Eosinophils are present within
the blister lumens, and also present within a superfcial dermal infltrate. The base of the blister re-epithelializes quickly and the blister may
then appear intraepidermal.
DIF: Normal skin adjacent to a lesion is ideal for DIF. Classic fndings include linear IgG and Complement/C3 at the BMZ. However, recent
studies have also shown positive staining of dermal blood vessels, neurovascular packages and eccrine sweat glands.
Salt split skin/IIF: Positive staining is usually present along the blister roof; however, in some cases positive staining may be noted on both
the blister roof and foor.
Antigens via immunoblotting: BP230/BPAGI, BP180/BPAGII, desmoplakins.
ELISA: Commercially available against BP180 NC16A, and BP230
Electron microscopy: Ultrastructural alterations of superfcial epidermal keratinocytes have been described using scanning electron
Treatment: In localized lesions such as the Brusting-Perry variant, topical corticosteroids are the treatment of choice, supplemented by
antihistamines. If the lesions progress, addition of systemic corticosteroids usually provides fast and effective control. Initial doses of oral
prednisone are recommended at 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg per day. The dose of prednisone can be tapered gradually over a period of months to a
maintenance dose between 5 and 10 mg/day. If lesions are intractable to prednisone at 10 mg/day, an immunosuppressive agent such as
azathioprine or mycophenolate is warranted. If lesions are refractory to conventional therapy, try intravenous immunoglobulin or rituximab
are recommended. For moist cutaneous erosions, topical soaks with aluminum acetate (Domeboro) for 10 minutes three times a day are
often helpful.
Differential diagnosis: Bullous amyloidosis, dermatitis herpetiformis, EBA, disease lineal by IgA, chronic bullous disease of childhood,
erythema multiforme and pemphigus, cicatricial pemphigoid, toxic epidermal necrolysis, allergic contact dermatitis.
Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid
Commonly affects mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, conjuctiva, genital areas and anus; skin involvement is
less frequent.
Disease has a tendency to scar and form strictures; conjunctival involvement may lead to blindness.
Initial lesions may be blisters on the skin, and erosions on the mucous membranes. Erosions are more common than vesicles on mucous
H&E: Subepidermal bullae and vesicles with a chronic dermal infammatory infltrate. Dermal proliferation of capillaries and associated
granulation tissue, with subsequent fbrosis and scarring. The dermal infltrate contains neutrophils; later eosinophils appear. Sometimes
vacuolar changes can be seen along the BMZ.
DIF: Linear IgG and Complement/C3 deposition at the BMZ. IIF on NaCl salt split skin shows antibodies on the blister foor.
Antigens via immunoblotting: BP-180 kDa carboxyl domain, laminin-5, laminin 332, 64-integrin.
ELISAs: BP180 NC16A, BP230.
Electron microscopy: The antibodies are localized in the lamina lucida.
Treatment: Topical steroids and intralesional steroids injected soon after diagnosis may prevent scarring. Patients with localized oral,
ocular or genital involvement often respond to topical Clobetasol gel or intralesional triamcinolone(at a dose of 5 to 10 mg/ml, injected
sublesionally every 3 weeks as required). If these treatments are not successful, systemic steroid therapy may be of value. If then refractory
to prednisone at 10 mg/day, an immunosuppressive agent such as azathioprine or mycophenolate is recommended. If lesions are refractory
to conventional therapy, IVIg or rituximab may be helpful. To aid in healing moist cutaneous erosions, topical soaks with aluminum acetate
(Domeboro) for 10 minutes three times a day are often helpful.
Differential diagnosis: Candidiasis, lichen planus, Behcets disease.
Pemphigoid Gestationis
A rare disease, usually occurring in the third trimester of pregnancy or postpartum period.
Commonly, lesions are located in the periumbilical region, on extremities and on the trunk.
The lesions are primarily vesicles, with some elevated erythematous plaques that resemble urticarial lesions.
Pruritus is common.
H&E: Pemphigoid gestationis resembles BP, with additional necrotic keratinocytes and prominent edema of the dermal papillae.
DIF: Linear BMZ deposition of IgG and Complement/C3 may be found, as well as the HG factor (indirect IIF/Complement).
Antigens via immunoblotting: BP 180 kDa (posible).
ELISAs: BP180 NC16A, BP230.
Table I. Summary of subepidermal autoimmune blistering diseases.
656 Our Dermatol Online. Suppl. 3.2013
Electron microscopy: Immuno-electron microscopy using a multistep peroxidase antiperoxidase method revealed the in vivo deposition of
IgG at the basal plasma cell membrane that extended into the lamina lucida. It also showed the marked degenerative and necrotic changes of
the basal cells in the involved areas of skin. It appears that at the histological as well as at the ultrastructural level, the blister of HG results
from degenerative changes in the basal cells and is initially located in the epidermis.
Treatment: Topical steroid creams can be used in mild cases if only a limited area of skin is affected. Even if the rash is quite extensive using
a strong steroid cream may be worthwhile before steroid tablets are given. Oral antihistamines (only those suitable for use during pregnancy)
can be used to relieve itching. Treatment for more severe disease (with blistering) is usually with high doses of steroid tablets to get the disease
under control rapidly. This needs careful monitoring and should involve the obstetricians and paediatricians as well as the dermatologists, to
look after the health of both mother and baby.
Dermatitis Herpetiformis
Usually affects extensor surfaces, with predilection for elbows, knees, sacral region, buttocks, chest, scalp and around the hair line. In rare
cases, generalized lesions are seen.
The primary lesions consist of small papules, vesicles and excoriations; the excoriations are often secondary to scratching of lesions.
Signifcant lesional pruritus is present.
H&E: Neutrophils below the epidermal basement membrane, and papillary dermal edema; subepidermal small, punctate clefts or vesicles
containing primarily neutrophils.
DIF: Usually granular deposits of IgA, present at tips of the dermal papillae along the BMZ. Recently, deposits of other immunoglobulins and
complement have been documented in the dermal papillary tips as well as around dermal papillary blood vessels.
Antigens: Possible transglutaminases.
ELISA: BP 180.
Electron microscopy: Abnormal collagen fbers in the dermis; specifcally, many misshapen fbrils are noted with frayed ends and associated
amorphous material. The BMZ basal lamina shows considerable alterations. In some regions, it may be completely obliterated. When present,
it has demonstrated breaks, thickening, and increases in electron density.
Treatment: In patients that have associated celiac disease and/or gluten intolerance, a gluten free diet is suggested. However, due to the
diffculty of maintaining the diet, well documented gastrointestinal pathologic alterations are encouraged before prescribing this diet. Dapsone
is the treatment of choice; if an alternate therapy is needed, sulfapyridin is recommended.
Differential diagnosis: Eczema, atopic dermatitis, papular urticaria, neurotoxic excoriations, bullous pemphigoid and pemphigoid
Lesions appear as clear or hemorrhagic vesicles or bullae, with an erythematous or urticarial base. The blisters are usually tense, vary in size,
and may form annular or circular patterns. In children, lesions are often localized to the lower abdomen, perineal area, and inner thighs.
H&E: Classically, a subepidermal bulla with neutrophils. In addition, neutrophils are present in the upper dermis; these neutrophils may form
papillary microabscesses, associated with fbrin and leukocytoclasis.
DIF: Mainly linear deposits of IgA at the BMZ.
Antigens via immunoblotting: A possible 97 kDa (BP 180-like) antigen. Also, possible soluble ectodomain of BP180 (LAD-1).
ELISA: Tissue transglutaminase ELISA has been partially successful.
Treatment: Removal of any eliciting medication; additional dapsone of sulfapyridin. Some patients require low-dose prednisolone therapy
to suppress blister formation.
Differential diagnosis: Dermatitis herpetirformis, bullous pemphigoid, epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, cicatricial pemphigoid, bullous lupus
erythematosus, lichen planus, toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita
Blisters often form following pressure, rubbing or trauma.
H&E: A subepidermal blister, with a clean separation between the epidermis and dermis.
DIF: Mainly linear deposits of IgG and Complement/C3 at the BMZ. On salt split skin/IIF, immunreactants are located on blister foor.
Antigens via immunoblotting: 290 kDa (Type VII collagen).
Differential diagnosis: Dermatitis herpetirformis, bullous pemphigoid, cicatricial pemphigoid, bullous lupus erythematosus, lichen planus,
toxic epidermal necrolysis.
ELISA: Anti-COL7 autoantibodies NC1.
Electron microscopy: Localization of immune deposits by inmunoelectron microscopy is the gold standard for diagnosis. Immune
deposits are found within the sub-lamina densa zone of the cutaneous BMZ.
Treatment: Proper nutrition, avoiding trauma and Domeboro for macerated lesions. Antibiotic baths, steroids, and other immunosupressors
as needed. Good dental hygiene.
Table I. Summary of subepidermal autoimmune blistering diseases (continued).
Our Dermatol Online. Suppl. 3.2013 657
Bullous Lupus Erythematosus
Lesions vary in appearance from herpetiform vesicles to large hemorrhagic bullae. A spectrum of lesions may be present simultaneously,
featuring an urticarial, erythematous eruption associated with tense blisters, erosions and crusting
H&E: Subepidermal blistering with a prominent neutrophilic infltrate.
DIF: Linear BMZ IgG antibodies are most common, present on the blister foor on salt split skin/IIF. In addition, similar deposits of IgA,
IgM and Complement/C3 can be found.
Antigens via immunoblotting: Disease is often associated with Type VII collagen.
ELISA: Positive in some cases to BP180.
Electron microscopy: It has been shown that the basement membrane split is below the BMZ lamina densa.
Treatment: Patients respond better to dapsone than to corticosteroids.
Differential diagnosis: Bullous pemphigoid, cicatricial pemphigoid, LAD/CBDC, lichen planus pemphigoid, epidermolysis bullosa
acquisita, bullous drug eruptions.
Lichen Planus Pemphigoid
Characterized by development of tense blisters, often located on the extremities, in a patient with lichen planus.
H&E: Subepidermal blistering. Dermal histologic changes include a mild perivascular infltrate of lymphocytes and histiocytes; sometimes,
there may be a few eosinophils and neutrophils beneath the blister, and a lichenoid infltrate under the BMZ.
DIF: Immunological characteristics of lichen planus, with deposits of IgG and Complement/C3 along the BMZ and Civatte bodies.
Antigens via immunoblotting: BP180, and additional 200 and 220 kDa antigens.
ELISAs: BP180 NC16A, BP230
Treatment: Corticosteroids; if unsuccessful, other immunosuppressors may be added.
Electron microscopy: The LPP antigen seems to localize similarly to BP antigens, but is different from the EBA antigen.
Differential diagnosis: Lichen planus, bullous lichen planus, bullous lupus erythematosus.
Table I. Summary of subepidermal autoimmune blistering diseases (continued).
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