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Getting Started in

Cavern Diving
Harry Averill


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. Cavern Diving Safety and Training Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Accident Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Cavern Diver Training Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2. The Cave Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Landowner Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Cavern and Cave Conservation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Cave Type and Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
The Hazards of the Cave Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3. Cavern Diving Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Equipment Goals and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Configuration Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Mask and Fin Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Gas Delivery Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Guidelines and Reels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Lights for Cavern Diving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Attachment Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Knives and Cutting Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Proper Weighting for Cavern Diving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4. Cavern Diving Techniques/Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Propulsion Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Guideline and Reel Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Dive Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
When to Call the Dive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5. Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Command Signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Light Signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Hand Signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Touch-Contact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6. Stress Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
7. Emergency Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


THIS BOOK covers the key academic information you need to master as part
of your NSS-CDS Cavern Diver course. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the Cavern Diver Course Study Guide workbook. Together,
these two items will help prepare you to successfully complete the Cavern
Diver Course Final exam. To use them, you should:

by reading this book in its entirety.


this book as a reference, go through the Study Guide, filling in the

blanks you will find there with the word or words that best complete the
statements it contains. This book and the Study Guide cover the same
information, in the same order. In most instances, there is a word-forword match between the statements you will find in the Study Guide, and
information you will find in this book.

If, while reading this book or completing the Study Guide, you have questions or come across information you do not understand, make a note of it.
Ask your Cavern Diver Instructor to clarify this information at the start of
the course.

Cavern and cave diving are extremely hazardous activities

requiring specialized training and equipment. Although having the right equipment, obtaining the necessary training and
following the proper procedures cannot eliminate the risk of
equipment loss or damage, serious personal injury or
death, not having these items increases your risk factors
exponentially. Do not attempt to cave or cavern dive without the proper training or equipment. This book, by
itself, is not adequate substitute for these items.


1. Cavern Diver Safety

and Training Limits
TO START, lets examine the closely related issues of safety and the limits of
Cavern Diver training.

Accident Analysis
Cavern Diver training is, to a large degree, designed to help you avoid the
mistakes that cause divers to die in caverns and caves. One way in which
we do this is to identify what these mistakes are, as well as the actions that
help divers avoid them.

Figure 1: The desire to prevent fatalities underlies much of what we teach

in Cavern and Cave Diver training.
A careful analysis of the more than 350 diver fatalities occurring in North
and Central American caverns and caves over the past 50 years reveals that
virtually every such fatality is attributable to three direct causes. These are:

to run a continuous guideline to open waterUnderwater caverns and caves are generally not comprised of a single, easy-to-follow
conduit. Instead, they are often a maze of interconnecting tunnels (see
Figure 1). Seldom does the way out resemble the way in. Additionally,
the presence of an easily disturbed layer of silt canin just a matter of
secondsobliterate the visibility that might otherwise make it easy to see
which way leads to the exit. Having a continuous guideline to the cavern
or cave entrance helps ensure that divers will be able to find their way
out, regardless of the complexity of the cavern or cave, or loss of visibili-


ty. In many underwater cavern and cave fatalities, the victims had sufficient breathing gas to exit from their maximum point of penetration;
however, lack of a continuous guideline prevented them from finding that
exit before their gas supply ran out.

Figure 2: The maze-like configuration of most underwater caverns and

caves makes having a continuous guideline essential.

to keep at least two thirds of each divers starting gas supply in

reserve to exit the cavern or caveIn several instances in which the victims may have otherwise been able to find their way out of the cavern or
cave, they ran out of breathing gas before doing so. Open-water diving
often conditions divers to not think about surfacing until their pressure
gauges reach 1,000 psi or less. Obviously, if divers consume 2,000 psi (or
more) while reaching a certain point in a cavern or cave, the 1,000 psi (or
less) remaining will not be sufficient to get them out. Even when divers
save fully half their breathing gas to exit, they may discover that factors
such as loss of visibility or momentary disorientation causes them to use
more gas while exiting that while entering. Experience shows us that, to
have sufficient breathing gas to exit a cavern or cave without running out,
divers must keep at least two thirds of their starting gas supply in reserve.


Figure 3: A significant difference between cave and open-water diving


the safe operational limits of the breathing media usedThis

chiefly involves diving below 130 feet on air, where factors such as nitrogen narcosis, carbon dioxide build-up, oxygen toxicity and rapid breathing gas consumption can all contribute to diver fatalities. Additional cave
diver fatalities are attributable to oxygen toxicity resulting from exceeding a particular Nitrox mixtures Maximum Operating Depth (MOD), and
hypoxia resulting from exceeding a particular Trimix mixtures safe operating ceiling.

While virtually every cavern or cave diving fatality results from one or
more of these three direct causes, there are also two contributing causes
worth noting. These are factors thatwhile not immediately responsible for
diver deathsplay such a large role in so many cavern and cave diving
fatalities, they deserve mention. These two contributing causes are:

of necessary Cave or Cavern Diver training or exceeding the limits

of trainingBelieve it or not, over 90 percent of the divers who perish in
underwater caverns or caves have no formal training in cave or cavern
diving. Obviously, divers who lack this training may not possess the
knowledge, experience and skills necessary to avoid the three direct causes of cavern and cave diver fatalities. In instances where fatalities involve
certified Cavern or Cave Divers, a contributing factor has often been that
divers exceeded the limits level of training they possessed (i.e., Cavern
Divers venturing beyond the light zone, Intro-to-Cave Divers making
dives involving complex navigation, etc.).


to carry or use at least three sources of lightDive lights are

among the most failure-prone of all dive equipment. Loss of light means
loss of visibility. A contributing factor in the death of many divers who
lack formal Cavern or Cave Diver training has been failure to carry an
adequate number or lights. Trained Cavern and Cave Divers know that, to


prepare adequately for potential light failure, they must have at least three
sources of light per person. Cave divers carry at least on primary and two
back-up lights; Cavern Divers carry at least one primary one back-up
light (because Cavern Divers remain within sight of daylight, the sun
counts as the third source of light).
By restating the three direct and two contributing causes of cavern and cave
diver fatalities as procedures to be followed, we have what are called the
Five Rules of Accident Analysis. There are:
1. Be trained and certified for cavern or cave diving, and remain well
within the limits of your training and experience.
2. Maintain a continuous guideline leading to the cavern or cave entrance.
3. Remain within the safe operational (depth) limits of your breathing
4. Keep at least two-thirds of your starting gas supply (air) in reserve to exit
the cave.
5. Have at least three sources of light per diver.
Here is one way many divers remember the five rules:

Figure 4: Acronym for remembering the five Rules of Accident Analysis

While neither cavern nor cave diving can ever be made perfectly safe
(such diving will always present substantially more risk than is present
when diving in open water), it is interesting to note that, for all intents and
purposes, no diver who has remained well within the Five Rules of Accident
Analysis has ever perished in a cavern or cave.

Cavern Diver Training Limits

The Cavern Diver course does not, by itself, comprise a complete course in
how to explore underwater caverns and caves. It is, in fact, the first step in
a four-part process leading for full Cave Diver certification. The additional
steps in this process are:

to Cave DiverThe next step past Cavern Diver, this course focuses on the skills required to explore caves beyond sight of the entrance,
while remaining within fairly restrictive limits. These limits include stay-


ing within the no-decompression limits and linear navigation along a single, continuous guideline. Intro-to-Cave Divers who are not under direct
instructor supervision are also limited to diving single tanks.

Cave DiverHere we introduce divers to skills such as: the

use of double cylinders (if this did not take place during Intro to Cave
Diver training); more complex cave navigation, including jumps and
gaps; and, if students choose to do so, decompression diving.


Cave DiverThe final step in beginning Cave Diver training, this

is where divers acquire any knowledge and skills not previously covered
in the Apprentice Cave Diver course.

Each of these steps requires at least two days of training and four dives.

Figure 5: The steps leading to full NSS-CDS Cave Diver certification

Some divers choose to limit their training solely to the Cavern Diver level,
in as much as they have no desire to ever explore underwater caves beyond
direct site of the entrance. Other divers enroll in Cavern Diver as a means
of qualifying to take part in higher levels of Cave Diver training. Still others who take the Cavern Diver course have little intention of diving actively
in caverns or caves; they are simply in search of beneficial knowledge and
skills they can apply to other diving activities.
Whatever your goals and objectives in taking the Cavern Diver course,
or other levels of NSS-CDS diver training, it is important that you be aware
of and remain within the limits of that training. Remember that failure to
remain within the limits of training and experience has been a contributing
cause in several diver fatalities. The limits of NSS-CDS Cavern Diver training include:


Remaining within direct sight of the entrance.

Penetration of no more than 130 feet/40m from
A maximum depth of 70 feet/21m.
Minimum starting visibility of 40 feet/13m.
Not passing through restrictions.
Not exceeding the no-decompression limits.

the surface.

These limits will appear on your NSS-CDS Cavern Diver certification card.

Figure 7: The limits of Cavern Diver training include remaining within

direct sight of the cavern entrance and never venturing more than 130
feet/40m from the surface

In addition to remaining within the limits of your own training and experience, you must also remember that the limits of any cavern or cave dive are
determined by the training and experience level of the least qualified team
member. This means that, just because you are a certified Cavern Diver, you
should not take friends who lack this training into a cavern with you. Similarly, you should not accompany divers trained to the Intro-to-Cave level, or
above, on dives that exceed the Cavern Diver limits outlined earlier.


2. The Cave Environment

Here we address:
Landowner Relations
Cavern and Cave Conservation
Cave Type and Formation
The Hazards of the Cave Environment

Landowner Relations
In terms of your relationship with the individuals, organizations and government entities that either own the land on which the caverns and caves
you dive are located, or own the land that provides access to these sites,
there are two important points to bear in mind. These are:

is no un-owned land; never dive a site without permissionThere

is an understandable temptation to assume that land which is undeveloped, unfenced and unposted doesnt really belong to anyone. It
doesand regardless of whether the owner is an individual, business or
organization, or a government agency, it is the owner that has the right to
determine who has access to the property and what may occur there.
Before diving any cavern or cave site, determine who the owner is and
whether you need express permission to dive there.


is important cavern and cave divers always follow whatever rules are
in effect at any siteMost popular underwater caverns and caves are
located in government controlled or privately operated parks and recreation sites. Such sites typically have and enforce various sets of rules
applying to divers of different training and experience levels. For example: Divers certified to the Apprentice Cave Diver level and above may
use double cylinders; divers certified to the Intro-to-Cave Diver level and
below may not. It is important you learn what rules are in effect at the
sites you dive and follow them. Your willingness to follow such rules will
not only affect whether you may return to the site in the future, but
whether other cavern and cave divers may do so as well.

A rule you will find in effect at Floridas state parks and recreation areas, as
well as at many privately operated sites, is the No Lights Rule. Designed to
help prevent fatalities among open-water divers, it prevents those who lack
Cavern or Cave Diver training and certification from entering the water
with dive lights. Without lights, such divers have difficulty penetrating caverns and caves far enough to get into trouble.


Circumstances my require you to explain the reason behind the No

Lights Rule to open-water divers, who will naturally be curious as to why
you are able to take lights with you into the water while they may not. Be
sure to do so as diplomatically as possible.

Figure 8: The No Lights rules is enforced at Floridas state parks and

many privately operated cavern diving sites

Cavern and Cave Conservation

Underwater caverns and caves are fragile environments in which careless
divers can all too easily cause irreparable damage. To avoid being the cause
of such damage:

sure whatever site you choose to cavern dive matches your ability
to dive it in as environmentally sound a manner as possibleLets say,
for example, that several months have passed since your last cavern dive.
You realize that, as a result, your buoyancy-control skills may not be up
to par. Therefore, before diving a potentially silty cavern with fragile rock
formations, such as Peacock I, you decide to spend practice time in a relatively silt-free and damage-proof cavern, such as the one at Ginnie
Spring. In so doing, you are taking an important step in protecting
Peacock I from further harm.


best propulsion technique to use in any cavern or cave is generally

the one that has the least potential to cause damageIn a large, lowflow cavern with many delicate formations, the best propulsion technique
will likely be a modified flutter or frog kick. However, in a high-flow
cavern with well-established hand holds, such as Devils Ear, it is most
likely better to pull yourself along, rather than flailing your way in with
your fins and, in the process, risk kicking rock formations you cant see.




all intents and purposes, any damage you cause to the fragile cavern/cave environment will be visible foreverFragile stone formations
and speleothems (the stalactites, stalagmites and columns found in
Mexican and Bahamian caverns and caves) take tens of thousands of
years to form. They cannot grow back once damaged. Even something as
seemingly innocuous as a hand or fin print in a bed of clay can remain
visible beyond our lifetimes. They only possible way to deal with such
damage is to prevent it.

Cave Type and Formation

There are four basic types of underwater caverns and caves. These are:

cavesThese typically form with the tops of adjacent coral reefs

grow together, forming tunnels and arches. They are common along the
edges of walls and drop-offs. Coral caves generally admit sunlight
through multiple openings and are not particularly extensive. It is unusual
for one to pose a substantial threat to diver safety.


cavesFormed by wave action eroding limestone or other soft rock,

sea caves generally tend to penetrate the cliffs in which they form only a
short distance. During all but the highest tides, most sea caves are open to
air at the top.


tubesA by-product of volcanic eruptions, lava tubes form when

the outside of a lava flow cools and hardens, while the interior remains
molten. If the lava flow abruptly terminates, the molten core may empty
out, leaving a hollow conduit. Divers are most likely to find underwater
lava tubes in Hawaii and, to a lesser degree, the Pacific northwest.


cavesThese form when the carbonic acid present in

groundwater dissolves soft rock, such as limestone or dolomite.
Dissolution caves often form a series of complex, maze-like passageways.

The most widely used term used to describe the type of terrain most conducive to the formation of caverns and caves is karst. This is where dissolution caves form.
Dissolution cave systems, such as those found in north-central Florida,
Mexicos Yucatan Peninsula and the Bahamas, are also the type most frequently visited by divers. Unfortunately, due to factors such as the complex,
maze-like passageway configuration of many such systems, this is the type
of cave most likely to be the site of diver fatalities. For these reasons, we
will spend most of this section focusing on dissolution cave formation



particularly as it applies to the popular cavern and cave diving region of

north-central Florida.
Dissolution Cave FormationBeneath a thin layer of sand and clay,
most of north-central Florida is nothing but layer upon layer of limestone
(calcium carbonate). Limestone is a highly porous rock in general; the limestone underlying north-central Florida is especially porous. Water moves
easily between the loosely compacted particles and shells that comprise
most of this rock.
When rain falls on the farms and woodlands of north-central Florida,
the ground absorbs it almost immediately. (This is why you see so few culverts, ditches and streams in the area.) Before disappearing under ground,
however, the rainwater absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2) from the decaying
organic matter it passes through. When combined with the hydrogen and
oxygen in water (H2O), the carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid (H2CO3).
The carbonic acid present in the north-central Floridas ground water
is very dilute. It has no impact on divers or their equipment. (North-central
Floridas groundwater quality, in fact, vastly eclipses that of tap water nearly anywhere else on the planet.) Nevertheless, given a time frame of several
thousand years, the carbonic can dissolve considerable limestone.
One example of this dissolution process is what we call spongework.
This occurs when carbonic acid dissolves pockets of softer limestone, leaving rock that resembles swiss cheese.



Figure 9: The pockmarked surface of the much of north-central Floridas

underwater caves (spongework) is one example of how the carbonic acid
present in ground water can dissolve the regions soft limestone substrate.
Figures 10-13 show how, on a larger scale, this dissolution process results
in the formation of extensive underwater cave systems.

Figure 10: When rain falls on north-central Floridas highly porous karst
terrain, it immediately disappears under ground, saturating the limestone



Figure 11: Rivers passing through the region often have water levels that
are lower than the surrounding water table. Gravity creates a tendency for
water to move sideways through the rock, in a effort to run downhill.

Figure 12: In its movement toward the regions rivers, ground water seeks
the path of least resistance. This can include bedding planes (the boundary
between limestone layers), fractures in the rock and even interconnecting
spongework. As this takes place, the carbonic acid works to further dissolve
these conduits. When passage diameter exceeds nine centimeters, the rate of
dissolution accelerates. Thus, the biggest conduits for water flow tend to
become even bigger over time. Eventually, these can form an interconnecting maze of cave passageways.



Figure 13: Mature cave systems may surface in a spring basin, away from
the river, and connected to the river by a spring run.
Cavern and Cave Entrance TypesCavern and cave entrances may
be either springs or siphons. The primary difference between the two is
Springs exist where water flows out of the ground.
Siphons exist where water flows into the ground.

You already know what causes the springs to form. Siphons, on the other
hand, form in one of two ways:
A temporary

reversal of spring flow caused by high water levels in adjacent rivers can create siphons.

Figure 14: If the level of adjacent rivers rise above that of the water table,
karst openings that are normally springs may temporarily siphon.




development of sinkholes over underground rivers often creates

openings with a spring on one side and a siphon on the other.

Figure 15: The downstream side of sinkholes are also siphons.

Diving springs is almost always safer than diving siphons because divers
will require less time, effort and breathing gas to exit a spring than they
needed to enter (the opposite is true for siphons). Additionally, divers entering siphons may experience substantially less visibility than divers entering
Many of north-central Floridas most popular cave and cavern diving
sites siphon at least once a year. When this happens may vary; however, it
is most likely to occur during the late winter and early spring. For this reason, it is always wise to check conditions before you begin a cavern diving
trip. Current spring condition reports are available from many area dive
operations, as well as from The Cave Diving Website
Siphons on the downstream side of sinkholes generally exist yearround. The only north-central Florida siphon regularly visited by cavern
divers is the downstream side of the NSS-CDS owned Cow Spring.

The Hazards of the Cave Environment

The chief reason cavern and cave diving poses such a great threat to divers
is the fact it places them under water, with a limited breathing gas supply,
unable to make a direct ascent to the surface and facing the potential loss of
light and/or visibility.
One reason cavern and cave divers may lose visibility is the disturbance of sediment.




all the various sediments divers may encounter in caverns and caves,
sand is most easily disturbed; once disturbed, however, clay remains in
suspension longest.

Figure 16: The relationships between various sediment types found in

underwater caverns and caves

presence or absence of current provides divers with the best clue as

to whether or not they will encounter substantial quantities of silt in a
particular cavern or cave.

Two additional hazards cavern and cave divers face are restrictions and line

are a passage or opening too narrow for divers to pass

through side by sideUnless equipped with extra-long second stage
hoses and trained in doing so, divers cannot pass through restrictions
while sharing breathing gas. This is why passing through restrictions is
not within the limits of Cavern Diver training.


traps are openings into which divers may accidentally pull the
guideline, but which is too narrow for the divers to pass through themselvesThe danger associated with allowing the guideline to pass
through a potential line trap is that, should divers need to exit in limited
visibility, they will not be able to follow the guideline to do so.



Figure 17: Cross section of a typical line trap; the guideline has been
allowed to pass through an opening that does not enable divers to maintain
contact with it (and, given that the total opening size is not sufficient for
divers to pass through side by side, it further qualifies as a restriction)

3. Cavern Diving Equipment

In this section, we discuss:
Equipment Goals and Objectives
Configuration Overview
Mask and Fin Modifications
Gas Delivery Equipment
Guidelines and Reels
Lights for Cavern Diving
Attachment Hardware
Knives and Cutting Tools
Proper Weighting for Cavern Diving

Equipment Goals and Objectives

Cavern diving equipment is largely the same as that used for open-water
divingalbeit with a few, very important modifications. In contrast, cave
diving equipment differs substantially from open-water dive equipment.



Despite the substantial difference in appearance between cavern and cave

diving equipment, both must meet several common objectives, including:

of any dangling equipment that could become entangled in

the guideline, disturb silt/sediment or damage fragile cave formations.


of any unnecessary equipment items whose presence creates

more problems than benefits.


critical equipment items instantly accessible by feel.


divers more streamlined by reducing drag and helping them

achieve better body position.

Configuration Overview
Figure 18 is an illustration I created for a SOUTHERN DIVING magazine article on cavern diving. The illustration and the explanation of each numbered
item provide a good overview of a typical cavern diving equipment configuration. Following this are more detailed explanations of each area of
equipment modification for cavern diving.



1. Loose, floppy fin straps easily become entangled

in guidelines. Secure them with duct tape or
electricians tape.
2. Tuck your mask strap inside your hood. This
helps reduce the possibility of line entanglement
and ensures a better fit.
3. Snorkels serve no function whatsoever in cavern
diving and are a major potential source of entanglement. Make them go away.
4. Seventy-two degree water can be a lot colder
than it sounds. A quarter-inch (6.5mm-7.0mm)
farmer-john wetsuit with boots and hood helps
ensure maximum comfort year round.
5. DIN fittings do a better job of protecting regulator-to-tank connections than yoke-style fittings
6. Alternate-air-source second stages must be
secured with suitable attachment hardware and
mounted as close to the BC as possible. They
should not hang down more than a hands width
from your chest.
7. Long, dangling BC inflator hoses increase the
risk of entanglement. Make certain yours are
secured in some fashion to your BC shoulder
strap. Consider having your local dive center
replace needlessly long inflator hoses with
shorter ones.
8. Your pressure gauge or console should have an
easy-to-use snap or clip attached as close to its
end as possible. Use this to fasten the gauge or
console to a D-ring on or near one of your BCs
shoulder straps. As with alternate-air-source
second stages, it should not hang down more
than a hands width below your body.

9. Never, never allow a console, second stage or

other equipment to dangle like this. Doing so
not only increases the risk of entanglement in
guidelines, it also increases the likelihood the
equipment will contact the bottom, causing
equipment damage, damage to the environment
andquite possiblya deadly siltout.
10. Do not attach items to the D-rings located at the
end of shoulder-adjustment straps. If you do,
they will dangle too far below your body.
11. If possible, secure your backup light tightly to
one of your BC shoulder straps, in a manner that
does not allow it to dangle. This will make it
readily accessible and easier to check for proper
12. Carry a razor-sharp line cutter where you can
easily get to it, and where it will not cause entanglement in guidelines.
13. Your primary dive light should be of a size and
shape that enables you to carry it in the same
hand as the primary reel.
14. Carry one primary reel per buddy team. Use only
reels designed specifically for cavern and cave
15. Carry one safety reel per diver. Remove excess
line from all reels to help minimize the possibility of reels jamming.
16. If your BC lacks suitable D-rings for carrying
reels and other items, mount a D-ring on each
side of the base of your tank, using a cam strap
or large-diameter, stainless hose clamp. Items
clipped to these rings will not tend to dangle
below you.

17. Do not use the D-rings located at the bottom

edge of most BCs to clip off reels or other items.
If you do, the item will hang down several inches
below you and greatly increase your risk of
18. Use the least amount of lead possible. Weightintegrated BCs generally provide better balance
and trim than divers can achieve using conventional weight belts.
19. If you need lead, configure the first five pounds
as a drop weight. Leave this clipped to the
guideline at the cavern entrance and retrieve it as
you exit. (Doing so can greatly reduce the need
for buoyancy adjustments inside the cavern.)
20. Large, leg-mounted dive knives generally do a
poor job of cutting line and greatly increase the
risk of entanglement. Do not use them for cavern diving.
21. Gloves are utterly unnecessary in north-central
Floridas caverns and interfere with the ability to
feel and control items such as guidelines and
reels. Leave yours at home.
22. Bulky dive lights with pistol grips do not work
well with reels and are, thus, unsuitable for cavern diving.
23. Dive light lanyards quickly become entangled in
guidelines. Do not use them for cavern diving.

Figure 18: Anatomy of a cavern diver



Mask and Fin Modifications


chief difference between a mask used for cavern diving and one
intended for open water diving is the absence of a snorkelSnorkels
serve no purpose in cavern diving and pose a significant entanglement


at all possible, divers should tape down the loose end of fin straps to
help prevent their becoming entangled in the guidelineGiven the complex buckle assemblies found on many modern adjustable fins, this is not
always possible. Your instructor will make specific recommendations
regarding what you may be able to do to help prevent your fins straps and
buckle assemblies from becoming entangled in the guideline.

Gas Delivery Equipment

Unlike cave divers, cavern divers can use the same type of regulator system
as they do in open water. Such a system should include at least one first
stage, primary and alternate-air-source second stages, a BC low-pressure
inflation hose and a high-pressure hose with either a submersible pressure
gauge and instrument console. Addition points to consider include:

cavern divers should always be within the Emergency

Swimming Ascent (ESA) zone, it is not necessary for them to have the
additional regulator first stage and valve orifice that experts consider
essential for both single- and double-tank cave diving.


cavern divers should not be putting themselves in a position

where they would have to share air while passing through a restriction, it
is not absolutely necessary for them to have a seven-foot/two-meter second-stage hose on one of their first stages, as it is when cave diving.

More on Alternate Air SourcesAs one can imagine, the potential

need for two divers to share a single breathing gas supplies is an important
consideration in cavern and cave diving. Passing a single second stage back
and forth between two divers (buddy breathing) is simply not a realistic
option when in overhead environments.
For cavern diving, each divers alternate air source must be readily
accessible and not allowed to dangle in such a manner as to cause entanglement or damagein other words, cavern divers must do what every openwater diver should do to keep his or her octopus under control. What follows is an excerpt from the book Ten Things Everyone can Learn from
Cave Divers. It addresses this topic in greater detail.



ALTERNATE-AIR-SOURCE (octopus) second stages can literally be a lifesaver when another diver runs low on or out of air. An octopus is of little
value, however, if you or your buddy cant find it quickly, or if it has been
damaged through contact with the bottom (dangling octopuses are equally
capable of causing damage to the bottom). This is why the major training
agencies recommend that, instead of being allowed to dangle freely, alternate-air-source second stages be fastened securely to each diver, somewhere
in the region between the divers mouth and the lower corners of his or her
rib cage. Divers can accomplish this in one of two ways:

divers are using BC inflators that integrate an alternate-air-source second stage, doing so automatically meets the training agencies recommendations. This is because the second stage these divers will donate to a distressed buddy is already located in their mouths. These divers alternatesource-second stage, which is what they will breathe from after donating
their primary second stage to the out-of-air/low-on-air diver, should be as
easy to find as their BC inflator mechanism is, and also tend to fall within
the triangular region recommended by the training organizations.


using conventional alternate-air-source (octopus) second stages

should secure these to their BC harness somewhere within the triangular
area the training agencies recommend, using a suitable attachment
device. Such a device should hold the second stage securely enough to
guard against accidental release, yet yield the second stage to a firm tug.
The device should be easy to use, so that divers do not have to fight to
connect their alternate-air-source second stage to it. It also helps if the
attachment device comes with some form of snap or clip, to make it easy
to attach to or remove from D-rings or attachment points on the BC harness.
The potential need to share breathing gas is a significant concern to cave
divers. Should the need arise, cave divers might have to share air over
distances of hundreds or thousands of feet, though poor visibility and
restrictive passageways. As you would expect, the cave diving community
has elevated sharing breathing gas to an art form.
Today, most cave divers are taught to donate their primary second
stage (the one they normally breathe from). This will have a seven-foot
low-pressure hose attached to it, to facilitate gas-sharing with another diver
while passing single-file through a restricted passageway.
The extra-long low-pressure hose can be managed in a variety of
ways. One increasingly popular method is to simply bring the hose down
the right side of the tank(s), route it underneath the divers waist-strapmounted light system battery pack, bring it up across the chest, back around



the back of the divers neck and, finally, to his or her mouth. In this manner,
a single arm motion can pass a distressed diver not only a functioning second stage, but three to four feet of hose to go with it. A second arm motion,
to unhook the hose from underneath the battery canister, makes all seven
feet of hose available.
After donating the primary second stage, a cave diver so equipped
then switches to his or her backup second stage, which is secured with a
loop of surgical tubing or shock cord around the neck. This second stage
will have a normal-length (or shorter) hose.
There are a number of reasons why an increasing number of cave
divers prefer this method. Among them:

donor can locate and pass a second stage from his or her mouth
faster than he or she can a second stage that is mounted elsewhere.


distressed diver gets a second stage that both divers know is functioning.


the donor is most likely not the one under the most stress, he or she
can better afford to momentarily be without a second stage. The out-ofgas diver, on the other hand, may need to get a functioning second stage
right nownot when the potential donor can manage to find one to pass.
Besides, in so far as the donor has a backup second stage located only
inches from his or her mouth, he or she will not be without breathing gas
for long.
You sometimes hear divers state that, the out-of-air diver will always go
for the regulator in your mouth. There is no statistical data proving this to
be true all the time; however, we know it happens frequently. Divers whose
normal gas sharing equipment configuration assumes passing the primary
second stage (this includes cave divers breathing the long hose and openwater divers with integrated alternate-air-source inflators) are likely better
prepared for another diver ripping a second stage from their mouths than
divers configured otherwise.
However you choose to configure your equipment for air sharing,
make certain that:

alternate-air-source second stage is under control and not allowed to

dangle freely.


second stage a distressed diver ends up with, you are able to

breathe from the one remaining.
Some open-water instructors teach students to mount a normal, right-handed second stage on their left-hand side. The logic in doing so is that students will be able to pass a distressed diver a second stage that is right side



up. What these instructors forget is that, should the distressed diver simply
take the second stage from the donors mouth, the donor will be left with a
second stage that is now upside down, and may be unusable. (If you dont
believe this happens in real life, just ask a cave diver.)

Guidelines and Reels

Cavern divers should carry one primary reel per team and one safety reel
per diver.

Figure 19: Common primary and safety reels, showing relative size.
Primary ReelDeployed and retrieved by the team leader, the primary
reel and its guideline help ensure that every team member always has a
continuous guideline in place. In the event of a loss of visibility, each team
member should be able to quickly make contact with this line and follow it
to the cavern exit.
Although any reel carrying at least 100 feet/30m of line can function
as a primary reel, most cavern divers prefer to use the same size primary
reel as cave divers do. They should, however, place a mark on the line at
between 100 feet/30m and no more than 130 feet/40m from its end. This
will ensure the team remains within the maximum cavern diving penetration distance limit.
Safety ReelIn addition to the primary reel and guideline, which is
shared by all team members, each team memberincluding the team
leadermust carry a personal safety reel. Should any team member
become separated from the primary guideline and not be able to see his/her
teammates and/or the exit clearly, that team member can deploy his or her
personal safety reel to conduct a search for the exit.
Even if the lost diver does not find the exit on the first attempt, having
a safety reel helps ensure that he or she can return to the point at which the
lost diver started the search, and try again in a different direction. By carry-



ing and using a safety reel, team members help guarantee they will not
become more lost than they are when they first deploy their safety reels.

Lights for Cavern Diving

Cavern divers carry one primary light and one backup light; the sun counts
as an additional light source, bringing the total number of lights to the
required minimum of three.
Important primary dive light features include:

and shape facilitates use with reelCavern divers must be able to

hold their primary dive light and a reel in the same hand, while using
both effectively. This rules out use of dive lights with pistol grips and
many other larger dive lights.


shape and intensity comparable with lights belonging to other team

members to facilitate signalingIf one team member has a light that is
substantially more powerful than those of other team members, it will be
difficult for these other team members to get the first divers attention.


burn time equals or exceeds that of dive(This should be

rather obviousright?)

Important backup light features include:


size for ease of storage and ready accessibilityIdeally, a

backup light should be compact enough to be attached to a BC shoulder
strap without dangling.


highly focused beam for signalling other team membersIn so

far as a backup lights total output is likely to be less than that of other
team members primary dive lights, its beam must be more tightly
focused to help facilitate gaining the other team members attention.


batteries for dependability and long burn time

Nonrechargeable batteries last longer and can withstand receiving less
maintenance than rechargeable batteries. These are both benefits in that
backup lights tend to receive less attention and care than primary lights,
and may come on accidentally during dives.

Wrist lanyards are a significant entanglement hazard and have no place on

any light used for cavern or cave diving.

Attachment Hardware
When selecting attachment hardware, consider:

to accidental opening or breakage.

Ease of operation by touch or feel.




of accidentally trapping line.

The two types of clips most commonly used by cavern and cave divers are
the sliding bolt (dog leash or gate) snap and pivoting latch (boat or
suicide) snap.
Sliding Bolt SnapThe is the preferred snap for most situations. It is
less prone to becoming stuck in the open position (a failure that can result
in loss of equipment). It is also less prone to accidentally entrapping line.
Its sole drawback is that it is not as easy to use as pivoting latch snaps. If a
single snap will be all that attaches a particular item (such as reels) to you,
this is the better choice. Many divers prefer to use only this type of snap.
Pivoting Latch SnapThis snaps latch is more likely to fail by becoming stuck in the open position. It is also easier for this type of snap to
function as its own line trap. Many divers, however, find it easier to use
than sliding bolt snaps. The best application for snaps of this type is to use
them to attach items such as instrument consoles, which divers must detach
and reattach frequently (and which cannot become lost should the snap
fail). Because of the potential for line entanglement, many cavern and cave
divers prefer not to use pivoting latch snaps for any application. Those
divers who do use such snaps should keep the open part turned inward, to
minimize the possibility of line entrapment.

Figure 20: Sliding bolt snaps are more reliable and less prone to guideline
entanglement. Many consider this type of snap to be the best choice when a
single piece of hardware is all that attaches an item to you. Pivoting latch
snaps are among the easiest to use, and may be a good choice for items
such as consoles, which you must detach and reattach frequently (and
which will not be lost if a single snap fails).



Knives and Cutting Tools

Important considerations when selecting a knife or cutting tool for cavern
diving include:
Compact size.
Razor sharp cutting edge.
Ease of storage in a readily

accessible place.

The vast majority of dive knives simply do not meet these qualifications.
They are overly large, prone to entanglement and do not really do a good
job of cutting line quickly or well. Consequently, many cavern and cave
divers prefer to use an inexpensive parachute line cutter or similar cutting
tool instead.

Figure 21: Simple, inexpensive cutting tools, such as this Z-Knife, are generally better suited for cavern diving than costly dive knives that dont
cut line particularly well

Minimum instrumentation for cavern diving includes:
A submersible

pressure gauge, preferably calibrated in 100 psi or 5-10

bar increments.

A means

of monitoring depth and time, such as a dive computer or depth

gauge and timer.

Instruments such as thermometers and compasses have limited value in

cavern diving. As is true of alternate air source second stages, instrument
consoles should be attached securely to the divers BC or harness, and not
allowed to dangle freely (see Figure 22).



Figure 22: As is true of alternate air source second stages, instrument

consoles should be attached securely to the divers BC or harness, and not
allowed to dangle freely.

Proper Weighting for Cavern Diving

Just as precise buoyancy control to help avoid silting and entanglement is
an important component of cavern diving, proper weighting is an essential
component of buoyancy control. It is difficult to practice precise, cavediver-style buoyancy control unless one is wearing the least lead ballast
Most recreational divers grossly overweight themselves. Given that
most open-water diving accident victims make it to the surface at least
onceonly to sink permanently below the wavesyoud think recreational
divers would be doing everything in their power to prevent this by not
wearing unnecessary lead.
Wearing more lead than is necessary has additional drawbacks that
apply equally to cavern and open-water divers. These drawbacks include:

compensate for the weight of their unnecessary lead, overweighted

divers must add additional air to their BCs. This can substantially
increase the overall drag they experience when moving through the
water, resulting in increased gas consumption and exertion.


divers must not only compensate for buoyancy loss due to

exposure suit compression, but also for buoyancy loss due to the compression of the unnecessary air their carry in their BC to offset the weight
of the unneeded lead. This means they must use their BCs to make buoyancy adjustments far more frequently than properly weighted divers. Not
only does this waste precious breathing gas, it helps increase the likelihood that overweighted divers will not have their buoyancy under control
at all times.




overweighted divers tend carry unneeded weight below their

bodies natural balance pointand compensate for this weight by adding
air to a BC worn above this pointthese divers tend to assume a headup/fins-down position, as shown in Figure 22. This not only increases the
resistance to movement (drag) they experience, the downward-directed
thrust from their fins can have a devastating effect on visibility.

Figure 22: Overweighting does not facilitate achieving proper body position (trim) for cavern and cave diving.
Before one can even consider becoming a cavern diver, he or she must be
able to properly weight himself or herself for diving in open water. This
entails knowing when, where and how to conduct a weight check. (Hint: It
is not when, where and how major training organizations suggest it is.)
The most effective time and place for doing a weight check for openwater divingregardless of the type of exposure suit wornis:
At the end of the dive.
At safety stop depth.
With 500-1,000 psi/35-75

bar remaining.



Under these conditions, a properly weighted diver should be able to hover

with no air in his or her BC.
Cavern divers have the further advantage of being able to use drop
weights (see Figure 18) to compensate for the exposure suit compression
usually experienced between the surface and cavern entrance. Upon entering the cavern, these weights should be clipped to the line for retrieval upon
exiting. The benefits of using such weights are that doing so minimizes the
need for buoyancy-control adjustments and helps divers achieve better body
Cavern divers have little, if any, need to wear weights in the normal
quick-release configuration used by open-water divers; if weight is needed,
it is best mounted where it will help divers achieve the best overall body
position. The method of wearing weight that is most likely to result in poor
body position is, ironically, a conventional weight belt.

4. Cavern Diving
In this section, we discuss:
Propulsion Techniques.
Guideline and Reel Use.
Dive Planning.
When to Call the Dive.

Propulsion Techniques
Cavern and cave divers use three primary propulsion techniques. These are:
Modified flutter
Frog kick.


(Pull and Glide).

Of these three propulsion techniques, pulling (pull and glide) has the
greatest potential to cause environmental damage if not used correctly. Your
instructor will demonstrate (and you will practice) all three techniques.

Guideline and Reel Use

Cavern divers generally make a primary tie-off in open water and a secondary tie-off just inside the cavern entrance. From this point until the
divers tie off at the back of the cavern zone, the preferred method for controlling the guideline is to make placements instead of tie-offs.



Among the keys to successful guideline and reel use is to always

maintain tension on the line. Also, when running a reel:

not use tie-offs or placements occupied by other teams lines.


not cross another teams guideline.


not lay your line in such a way as to interfere with another teams
ability to exit.

Your instructor will demonstrate and have you practice all aspects of guideline and reel use, first on dry land and, later, in the water. This is the best
way to fully understand the basic points just discussed.

Dive Planning
The six elements a dive plan for cavern diving may include are:

will lead? Who will follow? Who (if anyone) will

remain in the middle? Cavern and cave divers must be clear on this ahead
of time, to avoid leaving team members behind. Also be aware that, when
time comes to call the dive, the first diver in with be the last to exit; the
last diver in will be the first to exit.


turnaround points will help ensure each team member

remains well within the Rule of Thirds? (More on this shortly.)


are the anticipated and maximum depth limits for the dive?
(Not to exceed 70 feet/21m in any event.)


anticipated and maximum turnaround and total dive

times will keep the team well within the no-decompression limits?


there any landmarks, other than the edge of the light

zone, that help demarcate the maximum allowable penetration limit of
130 feet/40m?


entering the cavern, which way will the team go? Right
to left? Left to right? Straight back? Each team member must be clear on
this, as well as clear on every other aspect of the dive plan.

A critical part of planning cavern and cave dives is determining the safest
possible turnaround points, based on each team members starting gas volumes. Here are some of the terms we will use in explaining this process:
Penetration GasThat portion of a divers total breathing gas supply
used to enter a cavern or cave. This should never exceed one third of the
divers total starting gas volume (and, as we shall see, in situations in
which team members have substantially different starting volumes, it



should never exceed the penetration gas volume of the team member
identified as the controlling diver).
Exit GasThis is the portion of a divers total breathing gas supply that
he or she keeps in reserve to use while exiting the cave. It is determined
by subtracting the divers penetration gas volume from his or her total
starting gas volume. Exit gas volume must always exceed penetration gas
volume by a factor of at least two to one. Thus, it should (hopefully) provide sufficient reserve to deal with the unforeseen.
Turnaround PointThe dividing point between penetration gas and exit
Controlling DiverThe diver with the least actual starting gas volume.
Note that this is not necessarily the same as having the lowest starting gas
pressure, when using cylinders of different capacities.
When team members use identical cylinders, determining a gas turnaround
point is relatively easy. This is due, in part, to the fact that when team members use cylinders of identical capacity, identical pressure gauge readings
also represent identical volumes.
Here are the basic steps that team members using identical cylinders
would follow to determine the safest possible turnaround points. Note that
this procedure is the same, regardless of whether team members have identical, or different starting pressures.
Identify the controlling diver(s)This is the team member (or members)
with the lowest actual starting gas pressure. If all team members have the
same starting pressure, they are allin essencethe controlling divers.
Determine the penetration gas volumeIf the controlling divers (or
divers) actual starting gas pressure is not a number easily divisible by
three, round down to the next lowest number that is. One third of this
number will represent the penetration gas volume for each team member.
Determine the turnaround point for each team memberEach team
member should deduct the controlling divers penetration gas value from
his or her actual starting pressure. (The controlling diver must remember
to also deduct this number from his or her actual starting pressure and not
the number he or she rounded down to.)



Here is an example that shows how this process works:

Divers A, B and C have identical cylinders. Diver As starting pressure is 3,400 psi; Diver Bs is 3,100; and Diver C
has 2,900.
Diver C is the controlling diver. In so far as 2,900 is
not easily divisible by three, Diver C rounds down to the
next closest number that is, 2,700. The penetration gas volume is represented by one third of this number or 900 psi.
All team members therefore deduct 900 psi from their
actual starting pressures. Thus, Diver As turnaround point
becomes 2,500 psi; Diver Bs is 2,200; and Diver Cs is

When to Call the Dive

The so-called Golden Rule of cavern and cave diving is that any diver
may call any dive at any time, for any reason.

5. Communication
In this section, we will touch on the key points pertaining to:
Command Signals.
Light Signals.
Hand Signals.

Command Signals
Command signals are ones that every member of the team must respond to
in a certain way. These signals include:

as in open water, this signal can be both a question and an

answer. Once any team member uses this signal to pose the question,
every other team member must confirm that he or she either is okay, or
explain why he or she is not (any response other than okay generally
means it is time to call the dive).


team member can use this signal (a closed fist) to have other
team members stop and hold in place. Once a team member gives this
signal, the other team members must give the hold signal in response to
indicate they understand clearly they are not to move. When the situation
that first caused a team member to initiate the hold signal is resolved,



that team member signals okay. At this point, the other team members
respond with okay signals, and the dive continues.

(call the dive)This signal (an upward pointing thumb, as in

open water), means that the dive is over, and all team members are to exit
in sequence. As with all command signal, the other team members must
give the surface signal in response to the team member who initiated it,
to indicate they clearly understand the dive is over.

Figure 23: Command signals.

The Okay signal may be a light or hand signal; the Hold and Surface signals may only be given and responded to using hand signals.

Light Signals
Light signals are among the easiest and most efficient to use. Commonly
used light signals include:

move your lights beam around that of fellow team members in a circular motion.
AttentionA slow, wide sweeping light motion.
EmergencyA short, rapid sweeping motion (this signal would most
likely be used only in instances in which the signalling diver was suddenly without a breathing gas supply).



Figure 24: Light signals.

Hand Signals
Hand signals involving the use of crossed fingers pertain to the use of
guidelines and reels. As shown in Figure 25, this signal can indicate messages such as reel out, tie off, entanglement and cut the line.
Other common hand signals include:

by rubbing the thumb and fingers together. This signal is

most often used to tell another team member that he or she is causing a
silt out.


by curving the index finger like a question mark

and followed by other signals to explain the nature of the question. For
example, Question: Am I bubbling?


by bouncing the index finger off the tip of the thumb.

This signal is most often used to ask a fellow team member whether your
regulator or valve(s) are leaking, or to tell a fellow team member that his
or her regulator or valve(s) is/are leaking.


Light OnBackup lights often come on accidentally during a

dive (your instructor can tell you how to avoid this). The backup light
signal (fingers flashing like rays of light) can be used to tell a fellow team
member that his or her backup light has come on.

Which Way?Indicated

by pointing the thumb from side to side, this signal asks, Which way do we go?


DownTo tell fellow team members to slow down, move your

forearm up and down, with your palm spread flat and pointing



Figure 25: Common hand signals.

In situations involving loss of visibility, cavern and cave divers rely on
touch-contact communication when exiting along the guideline. This is
something you will practice extensively on land and in the water. The
instructor will explain further.



6. Stress Management
Important things to keep in mind regarding the roll of stress in cavern and
cave diving:

pressure, peer pressure and self doubt are all potential causes of
psychological stress.


exertion and equipment problems are all potential causes of physiological stress.

A certain

level of stress is actually beneficial, as it helps keep divers alert

and focused.


accumulation of psychological and/or physiological stress is often

referred to as task loading.


is a sudden, unreasoning response to high levels of stress.

Among the best responses to exceptionally stressful situations is to simply

do the following, in order:

7. Emergency Procedures
Your instructor will discuss emergency procedures as part of the many field
exercises taking place during the course. Among the points he or she will

situations involving primary light failure, it is not okay to continue the

dive after switching to your backup light.


situations involving loss of visibility, among the first things divers

should do is to establish physical contact with the guideline, as well as
with one another. They should maintain contact with the guideline and
with each other until visibility either improves, or they successfully exit
the cavern.


an emergency situation, such as loss of breathing gas, the distressed

diver(s) should be positioned where other team members can watch him
or her closely while exiting.


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