English Assignments For Class IX

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English 1. Chapter wise synopsis- Chapter 1- 9 (book- three men in a
2. magazine making
3. to find out about the figure of speech. Definition with pictures-
(one picture of each)
a) alliteration
c) simile
e) metonym
f) homonym

English Assignments for Class IX
1. Have you ever been on a trip to any place in India, where
you didnt know the language spoken locally? How did you
feel? How did you manage to communicate?

2. The brook appears to be a symbol of life. Pick out
examples of parallelise between life and the brook.

3. List common dilemmas that teenagers face involving the
choice of one or more roads (e.g, facing peer pressure,
choosing friends, observing rules laid down by school and
parents, acting on your own values)

4. Did you lead a team for a competition? Were you
successful? Did you exhibit any qualities? If so, to what
extent were these qualities exhibited and how did it lead
to your success? Through an email, share your experiences
with a friend.

5. Complete the web chart showing choices and decisions
you may have to make in the next few years and the
factors that affect these choices.

Science Make a working model or an indigenous design of a machine
/device on any one of the following topic
Also submit a brief write-up in 300 words stating
Scientific principle
Method/procedure followed
Unique features
Applications in different domains of life
Further scope of the project

T The topics are as follows-

1. Industry
2. Natural resources and their conservation
3. Transport and communication
4. Information and education technology
5. Community health and environment
6. Mathematical modeling

Assignment :-
1. Why genes are called hereditary unit?
2. What changes takes place in chromatin network during cell division?
3. Name the largest and the smallest cell.
4. Name the organelle in which membrane is absent.
5. Why there is difference between plant tissue and animal tissue?

Assignment Physics
1. What do you understand by uniform circular motion?
2. Draw two graphs which show uniform velocity.
3. A circular path of radius 20m is covered in one minute. With what average speed the
track can be covered?
4. What is the maximum height attained by a ball thrown up with speed 20m/s
(acceleration towards earth=10m/s
5. What is the speed of the tip of the minute hand whose length is 10 cm.

Assignment Chemistry

Q1) Define the term Condensation and freezing?
Q2) How does perspiration help keep our body colon a hot day?
Q3)Why does temperature remain constant during the boiling of water even though heat is supplied
Q4) Why is solid carbon dioxide known as Dry ice?
Q5) A student takes some water in a beaker and heats it over a flame for determining its boiling point.
He keeps on taking temperature readings. He would observe that the temperature of water
I)keeps on increasing regularly.
ii)keeps on increasing irregularly
iii)first increases slowly then decreases rapidly and eventually becomes constant.
iv) first increases gradually and then becomes constant.

Social Science Make a project of Disaster management .Take any one topic of
disaster management and make a project report of at least twenty
pages as per C B S E guidelines.

Compare the symbols of French Revolution with that of any other
revolution of the world.

Compare the division of society of any two countries Then and


Que1 The years following 1789 saw many changes in the lives of men
,women and children. Justify the statement giving suitable examples.
Que2 Explain the role of Mirabeau and Abe Sieyes in the French
Que 3 Large sections of the population were convinced that the
revolution had to be carried further. Why? Give reasons.
Que 4 What was the impact of the French Revolution on France?
Que 5 What measures were taken by Robespierre government?

Maths Project:-

PPT on number system/ polynomials/ lines and angles.

Hard and soft copy both.


Computer 1. prepare 1 minute Ad using windows movie maker software on
the following topics:


Health and beauty

Safety measures

Prepare a report on Artificial Intelligence in Ms. Word with
proper formatting and pictures.

Hindi/ Sanskrit

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