Real-Time Power System Frequency and Phasors Estimation Using Recursive Wavelet Transform

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Real-Time Power System Frequency and Phasors

Estimation Using Recursive Wavelet Transform
Jinfeng Ren, Student Member, IEEE, and Mladen Kezunovic, Fellow, IEEE

AbstractPhasor frequency, magnitude, and angle describing a

sinusoidal signal are widely used as critical variables in algorithms
and performance indices in many power system applications,
such as the protection relaying and state monitoring. This paper
proposes a novel approach for estimating the phasor parameters,
namely frequency, magnitude, and angle in real time based on a
newly constructed recursive wavelet transform. This algorithm is
capable of estimating the phasor parameters in a quarter cycle
of an input signal. It features fast response and achieves high
accuracy over a wide range of frequency deviations. The signal
sampling rate and data window size can be selected to meet
desirable applications requirements, such as fast response, high
accuracy, and low computational burden. Besides, an approach
for eliminating a decaying dc component, which has a significant
impact on estimating phasors, is proposed by using a recursive
wavelet transform. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed methods achieve good performance.
Index TermsDecaying dc component, frequency, phasor,
phasor parameter estimation, recursive wavelet transform
(RWT), sinusoidal signal, total vector error (TVE).


N POWER systems, many applications need real-time

measurements of frequency and other phasor parameters of
voltage and current signals for the purpose of monitoring, control, and protection. Power system frequency as a key property
of a phasor can be indicative of system abnormal conditions
and disturbances. The phasor frequency, amplitude, and phase
angle are critical variables used by many algorithms. How to
rapidly and accurately estimate frequency and other phasor
parameters is still a contemporary topic of research interest.
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is widely used as a filtering
algorithm for estimating fundamental frequency phasors [1],
[2]. The conventional DFT algorithm achieves excellent performance when the signals contain only fundamental frequency
and integer harmonic frequency components. Since, in most
cases, the currents contain decaying dc components may introduce fairly large errors in the phasor estimation [3], [4].
A variety of techniques for the real-time estimation of power
system frequency has been developed and evaluated in past two
decades. As an example, DFT has been extensively applied to

Manuscript received October 05, 2009; revised March 19, 2010; accepted
March 23, 2011. Date of publication May 05, 2011; date of current version June
24, 2011. Paper no. TPWRD-00749-2009.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3128 USA
(e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2011.2135385

extract frequency due to its low computation requirement. However, the implicit data window in the DFT approach causes errors when frequency deviates from the nominal value [5]. To
improve the performance of DFT-based approaches, some adaptive methods based on the feedback loop by tuning the sampling
interval [6], adjusting the data window length [7], changing the
nominal frequency used in DFT iteratively [5], correcting the
gains of orthogonal filters [8], and tuning the weighted factor
[9] recursively are proposed. Due to the inherent limitation in
DFT, at least one cycle of analyzed signal is required, which
hardly meets the demand of high-speed response for protection
schemes. A method using three consecutive samples of the instantaneous input signal is discussed in [10]. The noise and zero
crossing issue may bring large errors to this method. On the
basis of the stationary signal model, some nonlinear curve fitting
techniques, including extended Kalman filter [11] and recursive
least-squares algorithm [12], are adopted to estimate the fundamental frequency. The accuracy is only reached in a narrow
range around the nominal frequency due to the truncation of
Taylor series expansions of nonlinear terms. Some artificial-intelligence techniques, such as genetic algorithm [13] and neural
networks [14], have been used to achieve precise frequency estimation over a wide range with fast response. Although better
performance can be achieved by these optimization techniques,
the implementation algorithm is more complex and intense in
Many techniques have been proposed to eliminate the impact of decaying dc components in phasor estimation. A digital mimic filter-based method was proposed in [15]. This filter
features high-pass frequency response which results in bringing
high-frequency noise to the outcome. It performs well when its
time constant matches the time constant of the exponentially decaying component. Theoretically, the decaying component can
be completely removed from the original waveform once its parameters can be obtained. Based on this idea, [16] and [17] utilize additional samples to calculate the parameters of the decaying component. Reference [18] uses the simultaneous equations derived from the harmonics. The effect of dc components
by DFT is eliminated by using the outputs of even-sample-set
and odd-sample-set [19]. Reference [20] hybridizes the partial
sum-based method and least-squares-based method to estimate
the dc offsets parameters. A new Fourier algorithm and three
simplified algorithms based on Taylor expansion were proposed
to eliminate the decaying component in [21]. In [22], the author
estimates the parameters of the decaying component by using
the phase-angle difference between voltage and current. This
method requires both voltage and current inputs. As a result, it
is not applicable to the current-based protection schemes.

0885-8977/$26.00 2011 IEEE


The recursive wavelet approach was introduced in protective

relaying for a long time [23][25]. The improved model with
single-direction recursive equations is more suitable for the application to real-time signal processing [24]. The band energy of
any center frequency can be extracted through recursive wavelet
transform (RWT) with moderately low computation burden.
A new mother wavelet with recursive formula is constructed
in our paper. The RWT-based real-time frequency and phasor
estimation and decaying dc component elimination scheme is
proposed. The algorithm can produce accurate phasor outputs
in a quarter cycle of an input signal. It responds quite fast although the time delay brought by prefiltering may be prominent.
The convergence analysis indicates that the higher sampling rate
one uses, the shorter the data window size that the computation
needs, and vice-versa. The sampling rate has barely had an effect
on the accuracy once it reaches 50 samples per cycle (i.e., 3 kHz
for a 60-Hz power system) or higher. Besides, a method for removing the decaying dc component, which affects the performance of extracting the fundamental frequency component, is
proposed by using the RWT. Analysis indicates that the computational burden is moderate. Performance test results including
static, dynamic, transient, and noise tests demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method.
The mother wavelet function is defined as a function
which satisfies the admissibility condition

is the Fourier transform of
A set of wavelet functions can be derived from
by dilating and shifting the mother wavelet, as will be given

where and are the scaling (dilation) factor and time shifting
(translation) factor, respectively.
A good wavelet is such a function that meets the admissibility condition and has a small timefrequency window area
[26]. We construct a mother wavelet function as expressed as

And we designate function

Its frequency-domain expression obtained by Fourier transform

is given in the following expression:


Fig. 1. Time-domain waveforms of

( ).

Fig. 2. Frequency-domain waveforms of 9(! ).

makes the wavelet function
admissible (i.e.,.
One can see that the newly constructed wavelet is a complex
function whose time- and frequency-domain expressions contain real and imaginary parts. Figs. 1 and 2 give the time- and
, respectively.
frequency-domain waveforms of
Some performance parameters can be calculated to specify a
wavelet function [26]. The time-domain center and window
of wavelet function
are 0.99 s and 0.40 s, reradius
spectively. As one can see in Fig. 2, it features a band-pass filter
and band radius
with the frequency-domain center
rad and 1.38 rad. One advantage of the wavelet transform
is that the quality factor , defined as the ratio of frequency
and bandwidth
, stays constant as the observacenter
2.27. The complex
tion scale varies. For
wavelet exhibits good time-frequency localization characteristics. Its time-frequency window area , defined as a product of
and frequency bandwidth
, is 2.23
time window width
To obtain the center frequency
of the band-pass filter,
which is defined as the frequency in which the function reaches
the maximum magnitude, we have the Fourier transform for the
dilated wavelet function

reaches the maximum value when

, that
. Thus, we have
. That is, the scale
factor is reciprocal to the center frequency of the band-pass
is anticausal, which has zeros
Since the wavelet function
for all positive time, the wavelet transform coefficient in scale
for a given causal signal
can be expressed as




According to the properties of inversion of the -transform, we

obtain the recursive expression for discretely computing wavelet
transform coefficients

be the sampling period, and and be integers. Then,

. With the observing frequency
(1) can be expressed discretely

The formula just shown can be expressed by using convolution


Taking the -transform on both sides, we have

, and
are -transforms of dis,
, and
crete sequences
, we derive
Based on the expression of wavelet function
its discrete form in terms of observing frequency

In (4), represents the observing center frequency which is

reciprocal to the scale factor . To extract the frequency band
energy centered in 60 Hz, for instance, simply apply
to (4). One can notice that wavelet transform coefficients can
be calculated recursively with the historical data. This type of
wavelet transform is so-called the recursive wavelet transform
(RWT). Compared with the RWT in [23] and [24], the proposed
RWT requires the historical data and less computation; thus, it
can be used in real-time applications.
As discussed in Section II, the recursive wavelet (RW) features a complex wavelet whose wavelet transform coefficients
(real part and imaginary part) contain both phase and magnitude information of the input signal, based on which the algorithm for estimating the power system frequency and phasor is
derived as follows.

Its -transform is expressed as follows:


, we obtain the expression for

A. RWT-Based Frequency and Phasor Estimation

Let us consider a discrete input signal that contains
harmonics with a sampling period

th order

where ,
, and
represent the frequency, amplitude, and
phase angle of the th order harmonic, respectively. Denoting
the absolute phase angle of the th order harmonic at sample
, one can see that frequency
represents the rate of change of . For simplicity, the sampling
is neglected when expressing variables for the rest
of this paper.
in the timefrequency doTo represent the input signal
main, apply RWT in scale using (4). As derived in the Appendix we have the following expression:
From (2) and (3), we obtain



From (6), one can see that the wavelet transform coefficient
contains information on the input signal in both cosine
in (7a) and (7b)
form and sine form, denoted as
(given in the Appendix), respectively, multiplied by weighting
in (8a) and (8b) (given in the
factors, denoted as
Appendix), respectively.
represent the initial estimate of frequency variable,
and rewrite (8a) using the first-order Taylor series expansion.
That is



can be calculated by
In (10b), the wavelet coefficient
, it can be calcuusing recursive (4). For weighting factor
using (8a) and (8b) and (9a)
lated with estimated frequency
and (9b). Solving (10b), we obtain vector variable
. Then,
we can derive the following formula for
After we estimate the frequency adjustment, update the freand iterate the aforementioned approxquency with
imation procedures until either the frequency change reaches
0.001 Hz, or a maximum
the cutoff valuel; for example,
number of iterations denoted as is performed. As a result, the
real frequency can be estimated at the last iteration. Then, the
and phase angle
can be estimated by the folamplitude
lowing equations:

For simplicity, denote
, respectively. Then, we rewrite the equation as follows:

Following the same procedures, we can rewrite (8b) as follows:

Then, (6) can be expressed as follows:

in a series of scales
Applying RWT to
that can be
we obtain a series of coefficients
expressed in (10a). Rewrite those equations in matrix form as
shown in the equation at the bottom of the page. For simplicity,
we represent the previous matrix in vector form. At sample ,
we have the following equation:





The flowchart as given in Fig. 3 illustrates the implementation procedures for the proposed frequency, magnitude, and
phase estimation algorithm. In practice, a low-pass filter with
appropriate cutoff frequency is applied for eliminating high-frequency components in voltage and current measurements. As a
result, the order of harmonic components can be limited within
the range of cutoff frequency. For example, if a third-order Butterworth low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 320 Hz is
used to prefilter input signals, in this case, the maximum order
5). Generally,
of harmonics will be limited to five (i.e.,
multiples of the nominal frequency (i.e.,
we select
60 Hz,
represents the order of harmonics asan initial estimate to start iterations. To achieve high accuracy, scale facare required to cover all of the frequency
components of the signal being analyzed. Therefore, we select
. Extensive simulations show
that the proposed algorithm can converge to the real value within
three iterations. It should be noted that if only the fundamental
is taken into
frequency component is of interest (i.e., only
the iteration loop), the dimension of scale factors and weighting
. Obviously, if the input signal
matrix will be reduced to
only contains the fundamental frequency component, the solved
will be some numbers
close to zero, and then the parameters of those harmonics are







Fig. 4. Convergence analysis results.

Fig. 5. Estimate frequency error for f

Fig. 3. Flowchart of the frequency, magnitude, and phase estimation.

B. Analysis of the Convergence Characteristics

The sampling rate and window length may affect the convergence characteristics because of two factors. One is that these
formulae are derived based on the assumption that the error resulting from the discrete computation is negligible. Another is
the error introduced by an inherent settling process in recursive equations. Besides, inappropriately selecting window size
and sampling rate may cause the weighting factor matrix
To analyze the convergence characteristics, we define the
window length as the cycle of the nominal frequency, which
defined as
is independent of the signal sampling frequency
times nominal frequency
in Hertz. The variable and
determine the number of samples
within a data window
). The total vector error (TVE) is
used to measure the phasor accuracy [27]. Once the amplitude
(in percentage of the real value) and the phase
(in degrees) are available, the expression for TVE
, where
is given by
0.573 is the arcsine of 1% in degrees.
The signal model in (5) is used for the algorithm convergence
60 Hz and
5; that is, the funanalysis. In (5), we let
damental frequency component contained in the signal is 60 Hz
and the frequency of harmonic noise is up to 300 Hz. Analysis
results are given in Fig. 4, in which the dot represents the convergence while stands for divergence. The results indicate

Fig. 6. Estimate T V E for f

= 65 Hz.

= 65 Hz.

that the window length can be shortened to 0.2 cycles if the sampling rate is 70 samples per cycle (i.e., 4.2 kHz) or higher.
Let us consider a case when the fundamental frequency deviates to 65 Hz and performs the algorithm to estimate frequency,
magnitude, and phase. Relationships between frequency error,
TVE, and two variables and , are shown in Figs. 5 and 6,
respectively, in which the signal sampling rate is simulated from
50 to 150 samples per cycle while the window length changes
from 0.25 to 1 cycle. One can see that the proposed algorithm
achieves high accuracy and fast convergence. Simulations performed in Section V also show that for a broad range of frequency deviation, such as 55 Hz65 Hz, the algorithm can converge to the real value within three iterations. Besides, the sampling rate has barely any effect on the accuracy once it reaches
50 samples per cycle (i.e., 3 kHz for the 60-Hz power system)
or higher. Compared to the conventional DFT-based methods,
this algorithm can shorten the window length to a quarter cycle.
Let us now consider the computation burden of the proposed
algorithm. If we use 3 kHz sampling frequency and 0.25 cycle
data window as the case performed in convergence analysis and
performance tests, it approximately requires 6000 multiplicamultitions and 5796 summations. Only
summations are used for
plications and
5), and
computing RWT coefficients
5184 multiplications and summations for matrix inverse computation when three iterations are performed.


Weighting matrix
with various scales and frequencies can
be calculated and stored in advance and can be accessed very
fast by using a table lookup method. Some mathematical techniques, such as Chelosky and LU factorization methods, can be
adopted to simplify the matrix computation [28], [29]. The computation burden can then be noticeably reduced to
multiplications and
summations. Besides, increasing
the window length has a very small effect on the total computation burden because it only increases the computation burden
of RWT coefficients while the matrix dimension stays the same.
Based on the analysis, one can see the total computation burden
is fairly low. It can satisfy the time response requirement of
time-critical applications.
Similar derivation procedures can be used to develop the algorithm for eliminating the effect of decaying dc offset. Let us
consider the following signal model that contains the exponentially decaying component


For simplicity, denote
, respectively, and rewrite the above formula



Then, (12) can be expressed as follows:


RWT to
in a series of scales
, we obtain a series of coefficients
that can be expressed as the matrix,
shown at the bottom of the page. For simplicity, we represent
the above matrix in vector form. At sample , we have the
following equation:

is the signal model defined in (5),
, and represents the amplitude and time constant of dc offset, respectively.
in the timeApplying RWT in scale to represent signal
frequency domain as derived in the Appendix, we have

can be calculated
In (15b), the wavelet coefficient
, it can be
by using recursive (4). For weighting factor
and time constant
calculated with approximate frequency
by using (8a)(8b), (9a)(9b), and (14a)(14b), respectively.
Solving matrix (15b), we obtain the vector variable
Then, we can derive the formula to estimate

From (12), one can see that the wavelet coefficient
conand the weighted decaying
tains the coefficient for signal
dc component. Since the time constant is unknown to , iterations are required to approximate it.
Let represent the initial estimate and rewrite (14a) (in the
Appendix) by using the first-order Taylor series expansion, and
we have

And (11a) can be used to estimate

. After we obtain the
time constant and frequency adjustments, update those two variand
, and iterate the above approxiables with
mation procedures until either the changes of variables reach the
cutoff value or a maximum number of iterations is performed.
As a result, the real frequency and time constant can be estiand phase
mated at the last iteration. Then, the amplitude
can be estimated by using(11b) and (11c), respecangle
tively. If we approximate the exponential function by using the
second-order Taylor expansion, we obtain












The formula for estimating the magnitude of the decaying dc

component is
The initial estimate of the time constant can be selected
from a wide range: a half cycle to five cycles [15]. Generally,
we select two cycles as the initial estimate. The expression for
is given in (13). Given the sampling rate and window size
1/4 cycle, the (13) can be rewritten as
(the window size is 1
cycle). Considering a typical range for the time constant variable
would take on
of the decaying dc component


( is the amplithe range

tude of the decaying dc component), respectively. One can see
that the value of has the same level as its amplitude. Thus, the
issues of noise and division by zero due to the small value can
be avoided. The flowchart for performing the algorithm is similar to the one shown in Fig. 3 except for modifying the wavelet
coefficients and weighting matrix and introducing time constant
variables into the iteration loop.

Fig. 7. Static test results using a quarter cycle data window.


In this section, the performance of the proposed estimation algorithm is fully evaluated with various test conditions covering
static state, dynamic state, and transient state, and the results
are compared with conventional DFT methods, improved DFTbased methods in [5][7], and the latest published techniques in
[9], [10], [20], and [21]. In the static test, a signal model containing harmonics and noise is used and the performance is verified in a wide range of frequency deviations. The dynamic test
uses the scenarios that may occur in the real power system. The
scenarios including the frequency ramp, short-circuit fault, and
power swing are simulated using appropriate signal models. In
the transient test, three-phase current outputs from the Alternative Transients Program/Electromagnetic Transients Program
(ATP/EMTP) [30] are used to verify the performance of eliminating the dc offset. All tests are performed with the sampling
50 samples per cycle, (i.e.,
3 kHz, and data
0.25 cycle (12 samples).
window size
A. Static Test
A signal model containing harmonics and 0.1% (signal-to60 dB) white noise is assumed, where
noise ratio
represents the zero-mean Gaussian noise. Let
1.0 p.u.,
. The fundamental frequency varies over a wide range
from 55 to 65 Hz in 0.2 Hz steps. Frequency error and total
vector error (TVE) of the fundamental frequency component are
estimated. Comparing to the DFT-based methods in [5][7], the
algorithm can output the frequency and phasor parameters in
about 4 ms. The method using three consecutive samples of the
instantaneous signal in [9] and [10], denoted as MV, achieves
the uncertainty of 10 million Hz. But they require a higher sampling frequency (6.4 kHz and higher) and the additional time
delay (approximately two cycles) introduced by the band-pass
filtering. The results are shown in Fig. 7. The output accuracy
can be improved by extending the data window. Simulation results show that the maximum frequency error and TVE can be

reduced to 0.05 Hz and 0.17%, respectively, when

to a half cycle

is extended

B. Noise Test
The inherent noise rejection capability of the algorithm is investigated by the noise test. The signal model for the static test is
used. Let the fundamental frequency take the nominal value (60
Hz). For each level of the Gaussian noise, three data windows
(quarter cycle, half cycle, and one cycle) were applied. The test
was conducted by using the method MV except applying the
variable data windows because the MV has a fixed size of data
window. Each case was performed 10 times and the maximum
value of the frequency estimate error for both RWT and MV,
and TVE for RWT are shown in Table I. As one can expect,
the better noise rejection can be obtained by slowing down the
output response (i.e., prolonging the window span). The accuracy of RWT with one cycle window is in the same level with
that of MV. The MV requires extra delay caused by filtering.
C. Dynamic Test
1) Frequency Ramp: The following synthesized sinusoidal
signal with a frequency ramp is used to perform the frequency
ramp tests

is the frequency ramp rate. The signal frequency starts from

Hz/s starting at 0.1 s
59 Hz followed by a positive ramp


Fig. 8. Frequency ramp test results.


Fig. 11. Dynamic response for the frequency step.

Fig. 9. Dynamic response for the amplitude step.

Fig. 12. Dynamic response for the amplitude step with prefiltering.

Fig. 10. Dynamic response for the phase-angle step.

and ending at 0.3 s, and then stays at 61 Hz for another 0.1 s.

Fig. 8 shows the estimated frequencies and the true values. The
transient behavior at the signal start and each discontinuity are
shown as well. One can see that the outputs follow the inputs
very closely and fast. The algorithm is able to output in about
4 ms with a quarter cycle window. The maximum error during
ramp is 0.012 Hz. As discussed in the noise test, using more
data can improve the tracking accuracy but results in the lower
response as a tradeoff.
2) Step Change: To evaluate the dynamic response when exposed to an abrupt signal change, a positive step followed by
a reverse step back to the starting value under various conditions is applied to the amplitude, phase angle, and frequency of
a sinusoidal signal, respectively. Studies indicate that under all
three types of steps that the algorithm shows similar dynamic behavior. The results of the amplitude step (10% of normal value),
18 rad), and frequency step (1 Hz) are presented
phase step
by Figs. 911, respectively. The steps occur at 0.02 and 0.06
s. One can observe that the outputs track the changes in inputs
very fast.

To investigate the effect of prefiltering on the algorithm dynamic performance, a third-order Butterworth low-pass filter
with a cutoff frequency of 320 Hz is used to process the input
signals. Fig. 12 shows the result of the amplitude step test. Compared to Fig. 9, which shows the transient behavior without
signal prefiltering, one can see that the low-pass filter enlarges
the overshoot and undershoot, and slows the response from 4
to 10 ms though it is still faster than the DFT-based methods
[5][7] and instantaneous sample-based methods [9], [10].
3) Modulation: A sinusoidal modulation signal model is
used to simulate the transient progress of voltage and current
signals during the power swing. Its amplitude and phase angle
are applied with simultaneous modulation as shown in the
following expression:

where is the modulation frequency, is the amplitude-modulation factor, and

is the phase-angle modulation factor.
Equations (17a)(17c) in the Appendix provide the true value
of frequency, amplitude, and phase angle for the modulated
signal model at output sample .
0.1 radian and modulation frequency vary
from 0.1 Hz to 2 Hz in a 0.1-Hz step. The results are compared
to the instantaneous sample-based method MV. The mean of
obtained by RWT and MV, and the
frequency deviation
and standard deviation of the TVE by RWT in one
second are calculated. Due to the limited space, only parts of
test results are presented. As shown in Table II, the algorithm
achieves good dynamic performance when exposed to signal




Fig. 13. Phase-A current waveform.

This paper proposes a new wavelet function and its recursive
wavelet transform. The method allowing real-time estimating
of power system frequency, magnitude and phase while eliminating the impact of decaying dc component based on RWT
is proposed. The algorithm features rapid response and accurate results over a wide range of frequency deviations. It uses
only a quarter cycle of input signals for outputting frequency,
and magnitude and phase results for a signal contaminated with
harmonics. The sampling rate and observation window size can
be chosen to meet selected applications requirements. The analysis of the algorithm convergence characteristics indicates that
the higher the sampling rate, the shorter the computation data
window and the faster the rate the method outputs phasor, and
vice-versa. The decaying dc component can be completely removed by estimating its parameters using RWT. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated under a variety
of conditions including static state, dynamic state, and transient
state. Comparing other techniques results demonstrates the advantages. Computation burden analysis indicates that the computation requirement is moderate. Thus, this approach can satisfy the time-critical demand of the real-time applications in
power systems.


The RWT coefficient of a given signal

is expressed as

D. Transient Test
A 230 kV power network is modeled in EMTP to generate
waveforms for testing the performance when eliminating
decaying dc offset. A three-phase fault is applied and the
three-phase currents are used as input signals. Fig. 13 shows
the phase-A current waveform. One can see that the signal is
contaminated with decaying dc component and high frequency
noise during the beginning of postfault. The third-order Butterworth low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 320 Hz is
used to attenuate the high-frequency components. Parameters
estimation for the steady state (twenty cycles after the fault
occurs) is used as a reference to measure the TVEs.
As shown in Table III, the results are compared with the conventional full-cycle DFT (FCDFT), half-cycle DFT (HCDFT)
methods, least error square method (LES), simplified algorithm
(SIM3) in [21], and hybrid method (HM) in [20]. In Table III,
is the time (in cycles) when the TVEs are measured. For the high
accuracy, the algorithm was adjusted to a three-quarter cycle
window span. The results show that the accuracy is comparable
to those of LES, SIM3, and HM methods while the proposed algorithm requires a shorter data window, which results in faster


, we have

Expanding the cosine part and rearranging the equation, we




Similarly, for signal


, we have the expression for the RWT

, we have

The true value of frequency, amplitude, and phase angle at the
output sample for the modulated signal model can be computed as

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Jinfeng Ren (S07) received the B.S. degree from Xian Jiaotong University,
Xian, China, in 2004, and is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at Texas A&M
University, College Station, TX.
His research interests are new algorithms and test methodology for synchrophasor measurements and their applications in power system protection
and control as well as new digital signal-processing techniques for power
system measurement and instrumentation, and automated simulation methods
for multifunctional intelligent electronic devices testing.


Mladen Kezunovic (S77M80SM85F99) received the Dipl. Ing.,

M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering in 1974, 1977, and 1980,
Currently, he is the Eugene E. Webb Professor and Site Director of the
Power Engineering Research Center (PSerc), a National Science Foundation
I/ Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. He was with Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, PA, from 1979 to 1980 and the Energoinvest
Company, Europe, from 1980 to 1986, and spent a sabbatical at EdF, Clamart,
France, from 1999 to 2000. He was also a Visiting Professor at Washington
State University, Pullman, from 1986 to 1987 and The University of Hong
Kong in 2007. His main research interests are digital simulators and simulation
methods for intelligent electronic device testing as well as the application of
intelligent methods to power system monitoring, control, and protection.
Dr. Kezunovic is a member of CIGRE and a Registered Professional Engineer
in Texas.

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