The Ten Star Pharmacist

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The document discusses the different roles of a pharmacist such as a clinical pharmacist, researcher, manager, communicator, etc.

The different roles discussed are clinical pharmacist, researcher, manager, communicator, leader, life-long learner, decision maker, entrepreneur, teacher and agent of positive change.

A pharmacist must be patient-centered, have good communication skills, be a lifelong learner, make good decisions, follow laws and ethics, and support positive changes in healthcare.




Pharmacists are patient-centered, outcomes oriented. Pharmacist work in
concert with the patient and the patient's other healthcare providers to promote
health, to prevent disease, and to assess, monitor, initiate, and modify medication
use to assure that drug therapy regimens are safe and effective.
The pharmacist provides caring services of highest quality. He/she must be
comfortable interacting with individuals and populations. He/she must view his or her
practice as integrated and continuous with those of the health care system and other
pharmacists. Their goal is to optimize the patient's health-related quality of life, and
achieve positive clinical outcomes, within realistic economic expenditures.
Situation: As a Clinical Pharmacist who embraces the philosophy of Pharmaceutical
Care by providing patient care that optimizes medication therapy and promotes
health, wellness and disease prevention.

Pharmacists find new cures for untreated illnesses or medicines with fewer side
effects for the benefit of patients. They play various roles from designing or
implementing protocols to conducting of trials, to study or compare effectiveness and
safety of new medicines before its launch into markets. The altruistic motive to
discover of better drugs other than those available and a reduction of the cost of
existing drugs are all stimulating factors to keep research always on the go.
Situation: As a Clinical Researcher concern with formulation of new drug compound
into dosage form and improves existing formulation and production process directed
towards the discovery and search for application of new knowledge for the benefit of

Today's pharmacist works in a fast-paced and outcomes-oriented health care
environment. Pharmacists must foster leadership skills by delivering engaging and
evidence-based instruction in an efficient and accessible manner. The Pharmacist-
Manager controls of all keys to the pharmacy as well as the ultimate security of the
pharmacy. The pharmacist must effectively manage resources (human, physical and
fiscal) and information. He or she must also be comfortable being managed by
others, whether an employer or the manager/leader of a health care team.

Situation: As a Pharmacist-Manager who shares new information about medicines
and related products to his/her health care team.


Interaction between the pharmacist and the patient must occur to assure
that a relationship based upon caring, trust, open communication, cooperation,
and mutual decision making is established and maintained. In this relationship,
the pharmacist holds the patient's welfare paramount, maintains an appropriate
attitude of caring for the patient's welfare, and uses all his/her professional
knowledge and skills on the patient's behalf. In exchange, the patient agrees to
supply personal information and preferences, and participate in the therapeutic
plan. The pharmacist develops mechanisms to assure the patient has access to
pharmaceutical care at all times.
The pharmacist is in an ideal position between physician and patient. As
such, he or she must be knowledgeable and confident while interacting with other
health professionals and the public. Communication involves verbal, non-verbal,
listening and writing skills. Thus, An effective pharmacist-communicator must
possess strong verbal and written communication skills.
Situation: As a Community Pharmacists who does patient counselling to supply
personal information and preferences to encourage patient participation in the
therapeutic plan.

Pharmacists are in a unique position to provide strategic and valued leadership
organization-wide, with impact on both the blunt and sharp end of patient care. With
the growing cost and complexity of medication treatment alternatives, as well as
systems of administration and distribution and their effects, pharmacy has evolved to
a complex business component with the unique clinical, distributive and
administrative potential to materially impact the patient's and the organization's
bottom line. At every level, in every role, Pharmacists have the opportunity to exert
leadership to influence a culture of safety, efficiency/effectiveness and results.
Whether the pharmacist finds him/herself in multidisciplinary caring situations or in
areas where other health care providers are in short supply or non-existent, he/she
is obligated to assume a leadership position in the overall welfare of the community.
Leadership involves compassion and empathy as well as the ability to make
decisions, communicate, and manage effectively. Effective leadership is essential if
pharmacists are to provide high-quality patient service and deliver the concept of
pharmaceutical care.
Situation: As a Leader/Officer of an Organization who exerts a major influence in the
future of Pharmacy
It is no longer possible to learn all one must learn in school in order to practice a
career as a pharmacist. The concepts, principles and commitment to life-long
learning must begin while attending pharmacy school and must be supported
throughout the pharmacists career. Pharmacists shall continually improve their
levels of professional knowledge and skills. Pharmacists assume the responsibility of
continually evaluating and improving their professional competence to enhance their
ability to provide patient care. Being a pharmacist means undergoing a lifelong
process of active participation in learning activities that assists individuals in
developing and maintaining continuing competence, enhancing their professional
practice, and supporting achievement of their career goals. Pharmacists must serve
their educational needs and interests such as taking part in continuing education and
applying their learning to patient care, progress toward their goals is documented.
Situation: As a Pharmacist in any field who constantly practice his/her profession
and possess a great spirit of inquisitiveness to improve care for the patients.
The appropriate, efficacious and cost effective use of resources (e.g., personnel,
medicines, chemicals, equipment, procedures, practices) should be at the
foundation of the pharmacists work. Achieving this goal requires the ability to
evaluate, synthesize and decide upon the most appropriate course of action. A
pharmacist represents her profession, carries with her the reputation and the image
of the profession.
Situation: As a Professional who honestly obey Laws and Ethics of a Pharmacist to
prevent and eliminate unethical practices, as an important responsibility of the
The pharmacist introduces and educates healthcare providers on new treatment
options. He/she acts as an important channel of distribution from pharmaceutical
companies to the end-users. The pharmacist, whose professional ethics demand a
concern for the interest of patients, can make a contribution to proper marketing
practices related to health care and to the provision of appropriate information to
health professionals and the public.
Situation: As a Medication Distribution of a Drug Manufacturing Company who works
with prescribers and other health care professionals to ensure that the medications
prescribed are: eligible for coverage, of high quality, affordable and projected to do
no harm.
Participating as a teacher not only imparts knowledge to others, it offers an
opportunity for the practitioner to gain new knowledge and to fine-tune existing skills.
Pharmacists are responsible for the nature and quality of pharmaceutical education.
What they do, what and how they teach shapes the course of the profession.
Situation: As a Pharmacist in the Academe field who assists with the education and
training of future generations of pharmacists.
Pharmacists practicing their profession in whatever field they had chosen are
agents of positive change to our society. Pharmacists support positive changes in
the health care system by actively influencing and participating in health policy
development, review and revision. Pharmacists shall cooperate with colleagues and
other health care professionals and support the prudent use of health resources, so
that maximum benefits to patient care can be realized. Pharmacists respect the
professional relationship with the patient and act with honesty, integrity and
Situation: As a Pharmacist who devotes his/her services to provide health-related
quality of life to the society.

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