Kinematics Video Analysis Worksheet

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Kinematics: Real life video analysis using Logger Pro 3

Name: ___________________________ Class: 14S_________ Date: ______________


In this exercise, we will be using the software Logger Pro to investigate the motion of an
object in the following scenarios.
1. An object sliding down an inclined slope.
2. A balloon dropped vertically.
3. A ball projected at an angle (projectile motion).

There are two worksheets which you need to complete for this exercise.
Worksheet A to be completed as homework before lab session
Worksheet B to be completed during the lab session
You will have to hand in both worksheets after the lab session.

Before the lab session:
1. Complete Worksheet A

During the lab session:
You will carry out the lab session in groups of 3 5.
Individually, you need to bring:
1. Completed Worksheet A
2. Worksheet B

As a group, you will need to have with you:
1. A school laptop issued to you.
2. At least one smartphone with video recording function. The format of the video file must
be playable using QuickTime (example, .mov or .mp4).
3. A data transfer cable to transfer the video file from the smartphone to the laptop. You
may want to try transferring a test video to see if it works for your phone.

Worksheet A (to be completed as homework prior to lab session)

Scenario 1

An object slides down an inclined slope from rest. The slope is at an angle of to the

Based on what you have learnt, answer the following questions. Take upward and rightward
as positive.

1. Sketch a graph to show how the horizontal velocity (v
) varies with time (t).

2. Sketch a graph to show how the vertical velocity (v
) varies with time (t).





3. State an expression for the acceleration of the object along the slope.

Scenario 2

A balloon, inflated to about 15 cm in length, is released from rest at a certain height h.

Based on what you have learnt, answer the following questions. Take upward as positive.

1. Sketch a graph to show how the vertical velocity (v

varies with time (t)

metre rule

2. Describe the motion of the balloon during the fall.



Scenario 3

A ball is projected at an angle and allowed to bounce on the floor several times.

Based on what you have learnt, answer the following questions. Take upward and rightward
as positive.

1. Horizontal motion (x-direction)

a. Sketch a graph to show how the horizontal velocity (v
) varies with time (t).

b. What is the value of the horizontal acceleration? State your assumption(s).



2. Vertical motion (y-direction)

a. Sketch a graph to show how the vertical velocity (v
) varies with time (t).

b. What is the value of the vertical acceleration when the ball is in mid-air?



Worksheet B (to be completed during lab session)

Section A Video recording of scenarios 1 and 2

Before carrying out the video analysis using Logger Pro, you first need to video record the
motion of the objects according to scenarios 1 and 2. The video for scenario 3 will be
provided to you via LMS.

Scenario 1

1. Place a half metre rule in the background close to where the slope is. The half metre rule
is used as a distance calibration object for the Logger Pro software.
2. Get your friend to release the object provided at the top of the slope, while you video
record the motion of the ball.
3. As you record, make sure that you are able to capture the motion from top to bottom of
the slope. Ensure that the camera does not move while it is recording, and that the
camera is not slanted.


Scenario 2

1. Inflate the given balloon to the size of approximately 12 cm 15 cm.
2. Cut a small piece of paper (about 1.0 cm by 1.0 cm) and use a tape to attach it to the
end of the balloon where it is tied. You are advised to colour the paper black or dark
blue so that you can track it easily.
3. Place a metre rule in the background close to where you are going to release the
balloon. The metre rule is used as a distance calibration object for the Logger Pro
4. Get your friend to release the balloon with the paper at the bottom from
approximately the top of his/her head. This height h is approximately the height of
your friend which you will verify later.
5. As you record, make sure that you are able to capture the motion of the balloon from
the point of release to the point of impact with the floor. Ensure that the camera
does not move while it is recording, and that the camera is not slanted.

metre rule

Section B Video analysis of the motion using Logger Pro

Now that you have finished the video recording of the two scenarios, you are ready to use
Logger Pro to analyse the motion.

1. Import the recorded videos to your laptop. Save them to a location easily accessible by
2. Open the Logger Pro 3 software.
3. Click on Insert Movie. Select the movie which you wish to import.

4. Once the video is imported, click on the Enable/Disable Video Analysis button to show
the analysis toolbar.

Video Analysis
Insert Movie

5. You first need to calibrate the distance using the metre rule in your video. Click on the
button Set Scale. Bring the mouse cursor to one end of the metre rule click and hold
the cursor to bring it to the other end enter the appropriate distance in the dialog box
that appears.

Set Scale


6. Next set the origin of the motion. You will set it at the point where the object is released.
Adjust the time-scale of the video to the point where the object is released. Use the Click
on the button Set Origin. Bring the mouse cursor to the starting point of the motion and
left click.

7. You are now ready to "track" the motion of the object frame by frame. Click on the button
Add Point. Bring the mouse cursor to the starting point of the motion and left click. After
each click, the movie will automatically proceed to the next frame. Bring the mouse
cursor to the next point of the motion and left click. Repeat this until you have "tracked"
the entire motion. It is important that you track the same corresponding point on the ball.

1. Adjust the time-scale to
the point when the object
is released.
2. Set Origin
3. Set origin at the point where
the object is released.
2. Add Point
1. Track the motion by
following the object


8. After completing the tracking, there should be a graph of dotted points showing how the
x- and y- displacements vary with time.

9. To add a new graph, click on Insert Graph. A new graph should appear.

1. Insert Graph


Now click on Options Graph Options. Choose the Axes Options tab. Under Video
Analysis you can check on the quantity which you wish to plot a graph of. You can use
this function to view the v
and v

2. Graph Options
3. You can check both boxes
to view both v
and v



10. Now explore the software to find out how to obtain the acceleration and displacement of
the objects.
To find the acceleration, we can use the Linear Fit function. First highlight the portion of
the graph which you wish to analyse. Then click the Linear Fit button. A box will appear
showing the gradient of the velocity-time graph.

1. Highlight the portion of the
graph to be analysed.
Simply left click and drag.
2. Click on Linear Fit


To find the change in displacement of the object in motion, we can use the Integral
function. First highlight the portion of the velocity-time graph which you wish to analyse.
Then click the Integral button. A box will appear showing the area under the selected
velocity-time graph.

1. Highlight the portion of the
graph to be analysed.
Simply left click and drag.
2. Click on Integral


Summary Checklist Video Analysis using Logger Pro

Step 1. Click Insert > Movie
Step 2. Click Enable/Disable Video Analysis button
Step 3. Click Set Scale to calibrate appropriate scale
Step 4. Click Set Origin to add in axis
Step 5. Scroll through the video using the >>and <<buttons to find suitable starting frame
Step 6. Click Add Point to start tracking
Step 7. Click Insert > Graph, and Options > Graph Options to customise graph
Step 8. Explore the Analyse menu options Linear Fit and Integral


Section C Analysing the graphs

Scenario 1

An object slides down an inclined slope from rest. The slope is at an angle of to the

Based on what you have learnt, answer the following questions. Take upward and rightward
as positive.

1. On the axes below, sketch the v
-t graph obtained in Logger Pro.

2. On the axes below, sketch the v
-t graph obtained in Logger Pro.






3. Measure the angle of the inclined slope using the protractor given. Hence calculate the
theoretical value of the acceleration along the slope.


4. Based on the velocity-time graphs obtained in Logger Pro, estimate the horizontal and
vertical accelerations.



5. Hence, calculate the acceleration along the slope using your answers in part 4
(hint: Pythagoras' theorem).
Compare this value to the theoretical value in part 3. Explain any difference if any.






Scenario 2

A balloon is released from rest at a certain height h.

Based on what you have learnt, answer the following questions. Take upward as positive.

1. Sketch the v
-t graph obtained in Logger Pro

2. Does the shape of the graph in Logger Pro agree with your graph in page 3? Suggest a
reason for your answer.




metre rule


3. Base on your v
-t graph in Logger Pro, estimate the initial acceleration of the cube.
Comment on this acceleration value.




4. Using your vy-t graph in Logger Pro, estimate the height h of your friend who released
the balloon during video recording. Verify with your friend.


Scenario 3

A ball is projected at an angle and allowed to bounce on the floor several times.

Based on the video analysis in Logger Pro, answer the following questions. Take upward
and rightward as positive.

1. Horizontal motion (x-direction)

a. On the axes below, sketch the v
-t graph obtained in Logger Pro.

b. Now compare the graph obtained in Logger Pro with the graph you have
sketched in Worksheet A. Are there any differences?
If yes, list and explain the differences between the two graphs.





c. Estimate the horizontal acceleration using the velocity-time graph obtained in
Logger Pro.





2. Vertical motion (y-direction)

a. On the axes below, sketch the v
-t graph obtained in Logger Pro.

b. Now compare the graph obtained in Logger Pro with the graph you have
sketched in Worksheet A. Are there any differences?
If yes, list and explain the differences between the two graphs.







c. Estimate the vertical acceleration of the ball in mid-air using the velocity-time
graph obtained in Logger Pro. Is the value close to the theoretical value?






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