The Hindu Religion Exposed

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Brahmins always criticize, condemn and mock at other religions Their criticism and mocking is
unreasonable and unacceptable.
In his autobiography, Dr Charles , an American scholar says that it is Very simple to define a Hindu. He
says a Hindu means "one who believes in anything and everything if said in the name of god and shall
never question its authenticity".
The Brahmins claim that Lord Rama is incarnated (came in human form) to study and understand the
difficulties of mankind. Is it really necessary for a god to incarnate Himself?? Can he not understand the
creation? Why should God become a donkey or a cockroach in order to understand the sufferings of
these creatures?
Lord Rama is the central character to the Epic RAMAYAN (whose author was Valmiki) Rama is the son of
Dasharath, the king of Banaras. Dasharath had three wives, kaushalya, kaikeyi and Smitra besides
several hundreds concubines.
According to the Ramayana, Rama spent most of his life trying to save
His wife, Sita from the clutches of Ravan At the same time Rama was enjoying life to the full at every
When god Rama was exiled to the forest together with his wife, sukrievan appeared as deer and fooled
god Rama. Although Rama was a "god", he was not able to see through Sukreivans disguise!
To retrieve his wife from Devil Ravan, god Rama sought the help of Hanuman, a monkey god. Hanuman
agreed to help Rama bring his wife back on condition that god Rama in turn help him (Hanuman) to kill
his twin brother prior to undertaking the mission. I took more than twelve years for Hanuman to build a
bridge and accomplish the task while Ravan just took Sita and flew to Sri lanka in just one days time
Where is the bridge that Rama built?? Who is more powerful - God Rama or Devil Ravan ? Would a god
seek the help of another god to murder a third god? If Hanuman could fly carrying big mountains, he
should have in the first instance carried and flown god Rama to Sri Lanka, which would have resulted in
early rescue of Sita. Who knows what Ravan might have done to Sita during this period of twelve years?
Definitely a devil would have done only "devilish" things! Before helping god Rama, Hanuman made
Rama shoot his own twin brother in the back and only then did Hanuman help god Rama How can a
"god" indulge in such a criminal act for personal gain?
When God Rama was told to go to forest, he mournfully revealed to is mother: "if has been ordained that I
have to lose the kingdom, forego the princely comforts and the tasty, MEAT DISHES. (Ayodha Kandam,
20, 26, 94
Mr. C.R. Sreenivasa lyengars translation of Valmiki Ramayana says: "Though Rama had married Sita to
be the queen, he married many other wives for sexual pleasure in accordance with the royal customs.
(Ayodha Kandam 8
Chapter, page 28). (The term "Ramas wives" as been used in many places in
Rama called his father " A FOOL, AN IDIOT" (Ayodhya Kandam, 53
Ramas brother Laxmanon orders of Rama disfigured and mutilated many women by cutting off her
noses, breasts, ears etc., and tortured them (Soorpanaki, Ayomuki). Rama said, "Women should not be
trusted" and that "Secrets should not be confided to the wife" (Ayodhya kandam, Chapter 100). Sambuka
was slain (by Rama) because he was making penance which was forbidden to hime by Vedas as he was
a "Shudra" (Uttara kanadam, Chapter 76). Looking at is hand Rama said the Sanskirt slogan "O right
hand, you kill this Asche Shudra unhesitatingly as killing this Shudra is the only way to get back the life of
the deceased Brahmin boy." Are you not one of the limbs of Rama? (Valmiki Ramayana)
Note: This Rama, who mercilessly took away the life of Sambuka for no other fault than that of making
penance, is held as the Avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu (God)! If there were kings like Rama alive now,
alas! what would be the plight of those who are called "Shudras?".
Laxman ,brother of Rama like an ordinary man, fell down into the river and was DROWNED. (Uttara
Kandam, Chapter 106).
Sita told Rama "You are no better than a woman-monger who lets his wife for hire and makes is
livelihood. You want to be profited by my prostitution". Sita also told Rama "You lack in POTENCE,
manners and charm" & "She called her husband a simpleton". As soon as Sita stepped into Ravans
palace her love towards Ravan grew more. (Aranya Kandam, Chapter 54). When at length Rama asked
Sita to swear about her chastity, she declined and died. (Uttara kandam, Chapter 97).
Kukuvavathy, sister-in-law of Rama, said to him - "Oh Elder! How you love Sita more than you love
yourself! come with me and see what really is in your lovely wifes heart. Still she could not forget that
fellow Ravan. Drawing a picture of Ravan on hand-fan and pressing it closed to her bosom She is lying
on your bed with eyes closed thinking on and rejoicing at Ravans glories. Rama sighed and went out to
Sitas house. There she was found sleeping pressing to her breast the hand-fan on which Ravans picture
was drawn (This is found in pages 199, 200 of the Bengali Ramayana written by Mrs. Chandravathi). If
Rama loved Sita so much and Sita is held as an ideal Hindu wife, can Hindu women tolerate their
husbands leaving them in forest for the years? Rama left Sita in forest after she became pregnant and
she delivered her two kids in forest. (DR. B. R. Ambedkar : Riddles in Hinduism Maharashtra Govt.
Publication, 1987).
"My Rama (god Rama) is not the Rama of Ramayana". Mahatma Gandhi "The Ramayana and
Mahabaratha are nothing but another Arabian Nights Story". Jawaharlal Nehru
"Rama is not a God; but he is a fantasy hero" Rajagopalachari, First Governor-General of India and a
great Brahmin leader.
"Ramayan is not a divine story; it is only a literature" (Kaliyuga Kamban, T.K. Chidambaranatha Mudaliar).
Babri Masjid was demolished by Rama Bhatkas claiming that it was his birth place.
Lord krishna was very fond of looking at naked young girls. Once upon a time Krishna, in order to get a
full view of some bathing virgin girls, went to the extent of hiding their clothes on the tree top just to get a
panoramic view. Does he have divine immunity from looking at naked women? He later paraded them
naked similar to Indias Hindus parading the female missionaries in public. The Gita, a Holy book of the
Hindus, quotes that when these bathing low caste girls begged for the return of their clothes, Lord Krishna
demanded that they come out of the water with their hands raised instead of covering their bodies. Oh my
innocent Hindu brethren! Can this action be attributed to God? Is this God capable of indulging in such
ungodly acts? Will Hindu mothers tolerate their son imitating god Krishna??
The "Times of India" reported on 12-11-87 that the Education Department, Government of Maharashtra,
had published a book called "The Riddles of Hinduism" by Dr. Ambedkar.
The report said that various statements contained in the book aroused the ire of some Brahmins,
particularly the authors observation on Rama & Dasharths many wives and also Krishnas moral
character. (The Riddles of Rama and Krishna is available from Dalit Saithya Academy, Bangalore-3).
According to Hinduism, god Shivas head is the source of the river Ganges and his head is also the place
where the moon is located (if this was really a fact then why should America send astronaut Neil
Armstrong 240,000 miles away to the moon) According to Puranas, goddess Parvathi, wife of God Shiva,
sought Shivass permission to have a baby When Shiva refused, Paravathi took dirt from her body and
created Lord Ganesh. (The late E.V.R. Preiyar used to call this god a "bundle of dirt"). Later God Shiva
mistakenly chopped off his own sons head. How could a God make such a foolish mistake? Would such
a god solve your problems or make them more complicated? To rectify his error God Shiva severed the
head of baby elephant and transplanted in onto his son who then become known as the Elephant headed
god. His statues are usually found near river-sides where he is said to be looking for a bride resembling
his mother! (There is a different version to this story which, for decencys sake, cannot be printed here).
A recent report by the press trust of India stated that during the past three years more than 2,500 young
boys and girls were sacrificed to goddess kali in India An AFPs recent reports say: Hundreds of young
boys and virgin girls are sacrificed every month for the deity Kali. In one case Rama Sewak hacked his
eight year old son to death in broad daylight in Delhi becuase Godess Kali had told him he woudl come
back to life and bring him good fortune. Bloot-thirsy kali is worshipped opnely in te length and breadth of
India. Kalis statue stands naked aside the inanimate body of the Hindu deity Siva, tongue stuck out with
blood dripping from fang-like teeth. She holds a noose, a skull-topped staff, a blood-encrusted sword and
a severed head. She is also known as Durga, Devi, Shaktima, Uma and Parvathi in manifestations.
Dr. Charles claims that Ramayana contains much pornographic materials and cannot be read in public.
He gives the following examples.
Ramas description of Sitas beauty which is lewdly detailed (refer to C.R Srinivasa lyengars translation of
Aranya Kandam - Chapter 46). In Kiskind Kandam, Rama explains to Lakshmana of his sexual
experience with Sita.
According to the Ramayana, the Aryans (Brahmins) used to drink liquor (nine different kinds), eat beef,
marry many wives and prostitution was an accepted way of life amongst the priests and gods. "Sura"
means alcoholic drink. All the Aryan gods drink "sura" and hence they are called suras as against a suras
wo dont drink. Ravana was an asura.
Periyar E.V.Ramaswamy, a great Hindu leader of Tamil Nadu, was a worshipper of Ravan because
Ravana was a Dravidian.
Ramanaya also recounts the story of king Dasaratha who, in order to have a baby son, made a big
sacrifice (yagam) of sheep, cattle, horses, birds and snakes. He then delivered his three wives
Kaushaliya, Sumatirai and Kaikeyi to three priests. These holy men, having fully satisfied their carnal
desire, returned the ladies to the king. By this means, the king was able to have three sons-Ram,
Lakshman and Bharat (Bala Kandam, Chapter 14. For more details on yagam, refer to the book "Gnana
Surian", published by the kudi Arasu Press.) Does it mean Rama was born to a Brahmin?
The Ramayana tells us much about the unlawful relationship of incest but we do not feel it appropriate or
decent for it to go in details (Please refer to Aranya Kandam, chapter 45 verses 122, 123, 124, & 125).
The following Aryan practices will reveal how immorality and indecency are sanctified in the name of
Lingam and Yoni in Sanskrit means the male and female sexual organs respectively. Hindus are allowed
to worship anything - including sexual organs. It is not unknown for them to name their children as Shiva
Lingam (God Shivas sexual organ) or Rama Lingam (God Ramas sexual organ), (in some places in
Karnataka, the gods demand both male and females to pray naked together).
The Devadasi system was set up, according to a Times of India report (10-11-87), as a result of
conspiracy between the feudal class and the priests (Brahmins). The latter, with their ideological and
religious hold over the peasants and craftsmen, devised a means that gave prostitution their religious
sanction. Poor low-caste Hindu girls, initially sold at private auctions, were later "dedicated" to the
temples. They were then initiated in to prostitution Even to this day this religious prostitution blessed by
Hindu religion is still alive in Karnataka and Maharashtra.
The Bharat Natyam is a dance performance which, because of the Brahmin media, has gained much
recognition as a form of art. The celebrated Bharat Natya expert, Rukmini Devi, admits in National
Geographic video program, that the Barahta Natayam was really the art of Devadasis (temple prostitutes)
to please their audience,priests,wandering Gurus and admirers. This is the reason why you might have
seen various Baratha Natyam postures in Hindu temples. May be like the art of KARATE of the
Japanese, the BHARAT NATYAM is a national art to the Brahmins and very much part of their hindu
Devadasi culture.
Brahmins has also created Kamasutra - a set of instructions on how to
Have sexual intercourse. Some of the postures detailed in Kamasutra are so complex that they can only
be performed with the help of one or more ASSISTANTS! Some Hindu temples have stone carvings of
Kamasutra sexual poses and Hindus worship them.
Nov 1987: confirms that the practice of
Dedication young Harijan (Hindu) girls (Mahars, Mangs, Dowris and Chambhar) at childhood to a
goddess, and their initiation into prostitution when they attain puberty continues to thrive in Karnataka,
Andhra Pradesh and other parts of South India. This is largely due to social backwardness, poverty and
illiteracy, according to a study by two doctors of the India Health Organization.
The report clearly indicates that the Devadasi system was the result of a conspiracy between the hindu
feudal class and the priests (Brahmins) who with their hindu ideological and religious hold over the
peasants and craftsmen, devised a hindu way of practice which acquired religious sanctions. They noted
in their study on - "Devadasis" - "the link between hindu religious culture and child prostitution".
The study revealed that girls from poor Hindu families were sold after puberty at private auctions to a
master who initially paid a sum of money to the families ranging from 500 to Rs. 5,000. The study, made
during health camps organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the Devadasi populated
areas, revealed that the dedicated girls formed 15 percent of the total women involved in prostitution in
the country, and as much as 70 percent of the prostitutes in the border districts of Karnataka and

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