2.8 A Social Marketing Approach To Hygiene Promotion and Sanitation Promotion
2.8 A Social Marketing Approach To Hygiene Promotion and Sanitation Promotion
2.8 A Social Marketing Approach To Hygiene Promotion and Sanitation Promotion
Solution: Hygiene promotion uses repeated, coherent, and simple
messages. These are disseminated through a mix of communication
channels designed to reach target audiences for the greatest effect and
the least cost.
Hew knowledge does not equal new practice
Even if the target audience of the hygiene education programme accepts
the germ theory of disease, this does not guarantee they will change their
hygiene behaviour. Fear is not a good motivation for change. A fear that
germs may make a child ill is unlikely, by itself, to prompt people to
adopt new domestic practices (see first box on page 212).
There are other reasons why new behaviours are not adopted as a
direct result of new learning: the suggested safe practices may be too
expensive or time consuming, appropriate facilities may not be
available, and there may be no support, or even discouragement, from
other members of society. In other words change may be too difficult.
Solution: Hygiene promotion is based on what people can do and
what people want to do. It works to find solutions and not problems.
t is not feasible to expect people to change a whole variety of
hygiene practices
It is likely that only a small number of practices are responsible for
the majority of diarrhoeal episodes (WHO, 1993b). However, hygiene
education programmes rarely identify and target particular risk
practices (see second box on page 212). Getting people to change the
habits of a lifetime is extremely difficult. The more practices that are
targeted the more efforts are diluted.
Folk taxonomies of diarrhoeal diseases in Burkina Faso
Fo|k taxonomy o d|arrhoea| d|seases |n Burk|na Faso the |east |mportant o
wh|ch |s that descr|bed by hea|th educators, o|a|||ee oes o|a|cs or 'wh|te
peop|e's d|arrhoea'
Green, rothy, requent stoo|s
\om|t|ng, We|ght |oss
Sma||, muco|d stoo|s,
lrr|tated anus
Wh|t|sh, ||qu|d stoo|s sme|||ng
o rotten eggs
Sunken ontane||e
Th|ck, wh|t|sh, bad-sme|||ng
Oh||d th|n
L|qu|d stoo|s
Ba||ooned stomach
Oarry|ng the ch||d on the back
Oontact w|th damp ground
Breast-eed|ng mother steps
on an egg
Breast eed|ng ater hav|ng
sexua| re|at|ons or wh||e
|e. ||c.|eoe oces |c|
eq0a| |e. o|ac||ce
Promot|on must be to
pract|ca| eect,
encourag|ng changes
that are poss|b|e and are
wanted, not mere|y
re|at|ng ||sts o good
hyg|ene pract|ces that,
or the t|me be|ng at
|east, have ||tt|e chance
o be|ng |mp|emented.
|| |s |c| /eas|o|e |c eoec|
oeco|e |c c|a|e a
.|c|e /a||e|, c/ |,|e|e
Long 'w|sh ||sts' conuse
consumers and d||ute the
promot|ona| eort.
Attent|on must be
ocused on a ew
pract|ces that present the
greatest r|sk |n the target
Ories of resistance from a cholera programme
Government eorts to contro| a cho|era ep|dem|c |n north-eastern Braz|| caused
|nd|gnat|on. Fa/e|a res|dents were h|gh|y res|stant towards the mass med|a
campa|gns and o|c|a| cho|era contro| |ntervent|ons. They were react|ng aga|nst
the accusatory att|tudes and act|ons o the soc|a| e||te.
Oho|era |s popu|ar|y ca||ed 'The Dog's D|sease'. lt carr|es many connotat|ons
and must be understood as part o a h|story o dom|nat|on and soc|a| and
econom|c |nequ|ty |n north-eastern Braz||. The o|c|a| campa|gn, wh|ch used
two stereotypes, oessca |m0|oa (||thy, d|rty person) and /||a |a|a (stray mutt
dog), suered a back|ash as these seemed to equate the poor w|th cho|era
and poverty w|th d|rt. s|ng th|s d|sgrac|ng and d|sempower|ng |magery
b|amed, pun|shed, and st|gmat|zed the poor.
|a||c|s a|o Vc||e, '99
Solution: Hygiene promotion is built by providing simple, attractive
alternatives to a few common risk practices. The process is
systematically planned and monitored and the impact on the targeted
behaviour is measured.
2.8.8 Hygiene promotion in practice
Consumer-oriented, demand-led promotion is an iterative process
with the following stages:
Stage 1 Collaborative data collection
Stage 2 Feedback and discussion with all key stakeholders
Stage 3 Formulation of the hygiene promotion plan
Stage 4 Implementation, monitoring, revision, etc.
If resources and key personnel are available, data collection can be
completed within three months and the feedback and project design
can be completed in a further month. This investment of time and
resources in finding out what people know, do, and want will be
repaid many times over in enhanced programme effectiveness.
wash vegetab|es
||ter dr|nk|ng water w|th sand
p|ace bas|ns o water |n the sun
keep |nger-na||s cut short
wash hands w|th soap
do not wash hands w|th mud
spray |nsect|c|des
wash hands beore eat|ng
wash hands beore eed|ng a ch||d
wash hands ater deecat|on
wash d|rty d|shes ater mea|s
c|ean surrounds
burn rubb|sh
do not bott|e eed
wash |atr|ne s|abs
wash we||
use |y-screens or ood
bo|| dr|nk|ng water
do not sp|t |n pub||c
add d|s|nectants to dr|nk|ng water
ch|or|nate we|| water
bury aeces
construct water conta|ners w|th taps
wash hands beore prepar|ng ood
wash ch||dren's hands
wash hands ater contact w|th ch||d aeces
spr|nk|e ||me
bury rubb|sh
do not store ood
comb ha|r
d|s|nect |atr|ne s|abs
construct |atr|nes
Message overloading in hygiene education
A three month per|od o
data gather|ng w|th|n the
commun|ty prov|des a
sound base or programme
p|ann|ng and w||| br|ng |ts
own rewards. A short per|od
d|scuss|ng the co||ated
resu|ts w|th the commun|ty
w||| a||ow the ormu|at|on o
a promot|on programme
ounded on what
consumers know, do, and
want. Messages,
commun|cat|on channe|s,
target aud|ences, and
target pract|ces shou|d be
accurate|y de|ned to
ach|eve opt|mum resu|ts.
The table outlines the key questions and some of the quantitative and
qualitative data-gathering techniques that can be used (Curtis et al.,
The mix of techniques develops an understanding of the needs, desires,
and perceptions of the target audience, and helps to create like-
mindedness among the project team members and between the project
team and the community.
Different methods will be suitable for answering different questions. For
example, questionnaires are of little use in finding out about peoples
behaviour (Curtis et al., 1993), but may be useful in identifying existing
channels of communication. Setting clear objectives for the data
collection and a commitment to find out what people really know, do, and
think is more important than the choice of methods.
Consultation with key stakeholders is a crucial component of hygiene
promotion. A brief, attractive report presenting the recommendations for
hygiene promotion is widely disseminated. It is translated into local
languages, and made accessible to key stakeholders. A communication
plan listing the key objectives of the programme is then drawn up on the
basis of the findings (see Table 2.8.3).
mplementation of a hygiene promotion programme
The hygiene promotion programme should begin on a small scale.
Time must be allowed for testing and revising strategies in the light of
continued monitoring. Use structured observations to conduct an
initial survey of target behaviour and establish a baseline. Follow this
up at intervals to gauge the extent of behaviour change towards the
Table 2.8.2 Key steps |n a hyg|ene promot|on programme
Questions to answer Methods
ldent|y r|sk pract|ces
Se|ect pract|ces or |ntervent|on
De|ne target aud|ences
Determ|ne message pos|t|on|ng
Se|ect commun|cat|on channe|s
Wh|ch spec||c pract|ces a||ow
d|arrhoea| m|crobes to be
Wh|ch r|sk pract|ces are most
Wh|ch r|sk pract|ces are
Who emp|oys these pract|ces?
Who |n|uences the peop|e that
emp|oy these pract|ces?
What mot|vates those who
current|y use 'sae' pract|ces?
What are the advantages o the
'sae' pract|ces?
What channe|s are current|y used
or commun|cat|on?
What channe|s are trusted or
such messages?
Ep|dem|o|og|ca| common-
Env|ronmenta| wa|k
Oheck||st observat|on
Structured observat|on
Behav|our tr|a|s
Focus group d|scuss|ons
Structured observat|ons
Focus group d|scuss|ons
Focus group d|scuss|ons
lnterv|ews w|th sae
Behav|our tr|a|s
lnterv|ew representat|ve
samp|e o target
Focus group d|scuss|ons
Dur|ng |mp|ementat|on the
key requ|rements are to
start on a sma|| sca|e and to
be prepared to mod|y
programme deta||s as the
eects are cont|nuous|y
eva|uated. The eects are
measured |n terms o
behav|oura| change rather
than hea|th bene|ts.
projects objectives. Monitoring behaviour change is difficult, but
more practical and useful than conducting a health impact study. It is
difficult, and expensive, to separate the signal of the public health
intervention from the noise of parallel events such as epidemics,
economic, climatic, or social change.
2.8.9 Sanitation programmes and the social marketing
Social marketing can be a bridge between technology (hardware) and
behaviour change (software) for effective sanitation programmes. The
following tables take you through the process.
Table 2.8.S Oomponents o a commun|cat|on p|an
Behav|our change ob|ect|ves
Key messages
Target aud|ences
Mot|vat|on or behav|our change
Ohanne|s o commun|cat|on
Oommun|cat|ons mater|a|s
Methods o mon|tor|ng progress
Pro|ect management
Hand-wash|ng w|th soap ater c|ean|ng a ch||d's
bottom w||| go rom 5% o occas|ons to 35% |n
two years
The targeted hyg|ene pract|ces
Age, sex, number |n each group
Why do the target aud|ences want the new
Street theatre, house v|s|ts, rad|o, schoo|s
ln programme act|v|t|es
ln programme outputs
ln behav|our change
F|gure 2.8.1. The process o promot|on
Table 2.8.4 A soc|a| market|ng p|an or san|tat|on
1A Identify data coIIection needs
What are the causes?
What be||es, att|tudes, and current
pract|ces contr|bute to the prob|em
or poss|b|e so|ut|on?
Determ|ne and de|ne the
eva|uat|on |nd|cators (to |nc|ude or
base||ne data)
1B Define the intended audience
Who w||| be most respons|ve to the
|ntervent|on (pr|mary aud|ence)?
Who can support the pr|mary
aud|ence |n |ts new pract|ces?
1C Define feasibIe behaviour(s)
or appropriate products for
each audience
What |s the des|red |dea|
behav|our? Or |dea| product?
What |s the current behav|our? Or
products used?
What are the eas|b|e behav|ours to
be promoted? Or appropr|ate
1D DeveIop the research pIan
What do you need to know?
Who w||| do |t?
What type o research/t|m|ng?
Low |eve| o |atr|ne coverage |n two rura|
Oh||dren at h|gh r|sk o d|arrhoea| d|sease
Latr|nes are expens|ve
Mater|a|s are hard to |nd
Latr|nes are seen as urban structures
Latr|nes are 'too dangerous' or ch||dren to
Pregnant women must not use |atr|nes
Peop|e d|s||ke us|ng the bush at n|ght
F||es and bad sme||s are seen as a
umber o |atr|nes
umber o |atr|nes |n regu|ar use
Proport|on o ch||dren's stoo|s thrown |n
Fathers take the dec|s|on to buy a |atr|ne
Mothers encourage
Land|ords are constra|ned by |aw to
prov|de |atr|nes (not enorced)
A|||es such as
commun|ty |eaders
A |y- and sme||-ree, cheap |atr|ne wh|ch can
be used sae|y by a|| am||y members
Adu|ts go to the bush
Oh||dren deecate |n the yard
Pay|ng a mason to construct a |atr|ne
Buy|ng and us|ng a potty or sma||
ch||dren under three
Why do heads o am||y not buy |atr|nes now?
What wou|d mot|vate them to do so?
Why do mothers not buy pott|es now?
What wou|d mot|vate them to do so?
Pro|ect |e|d team
Pesearch spec|a||st and students
Exper|enced extens|on workers
Quant|tat|ve |atr|ne coverage survey 400
Focus group d|scuss|ons w|th mothers,
athers, |and|ords
Oonstruct|on o s|x mode| demonstrat|on
Observat|ons |n 200 househo|ds o ch||d
Tr|a| market|ng o pott|es |n two prov|nces
These cou| d be based on overa| |
programme/pro|ect ob|ect|ves
lnc|ud|ng eva|uat|on |nd|cators w|th data
co||ect|on he|ps measure |mpact at the
end o the programme/pro|ect |nputs
lt a|so means that |normat|on need not
be gathered separate|y and |t thus saves
t|me and resources
ldent|y consumers and the|r tra|ts
De|ne the 'Product' or behav|our
se research or consumer-based data to:
ldent|y 'Pr|ce' and 'P|ace'
PossibIe programme goaI or objective Research finding
ExampIes Steps
60% o respondents are aware o
proposed san|tat|on method
On|y 10% o respondents are
aware o d|str|but|on out|et or
san|tat|on product
30% o respondents rate the
san|tat|on product as eect|ve
15% o respondents current|y use
san|tat|on product
15 percentage po|nt |ncrease |n the |eve| o awareness o modern method o san|tat|on
rom 60 to 75% among respondents by two years
A 30 percentage po|nt |ncrease |n awareness o d|str|but|on out|et rom 10 to 40%
among respondents by two years
10 percentage po|nt |ncrease |n eect|veness rat|ng rom 30 to 40% (or mod||cat|on o
the product to ach|eve 40% rat|ng) among respondents by three years
A 5 percentage po|nt |ncrease |n use o san|tat|on product rom 15 to 20% among
respondents by three years
2. EstabIish programme goaIs and objectives
Use res0||s o/ S|ep 1.
Notes Steps
Pesearch resu|ts are very useu| |
the samp|e |s representat|ve o the
tota| popu|at|on to be served
Product Strategy:
What product(s) w||| best u||| the
needs o the |ntended aud|ence/
consumer groups
Price Strategy:
What does |ntended aud|ence
current|y spend |n th|s area?
What can they aord?
Distribution Strategy:
What are the d|str|but|on
channe|s wh|ch are most read||y
access|b|e to the |ntended
What out|ets do they use?
Where are they most ||ke|y to
|ook or the san|tat|on product?
Advertising and PromotionaI
Pesearch |nd|ngs can be used or
Sett|ng the commun|cat|on
ob|ect|ves or the programme or
each |ntended group
The med|a strategy to reach each
|ntended group
5% o househo|ds have a |atr|ne
Overa|| potent|a| market |s 200,000
25% wou|d bu||d a |atr|ne | |t cost |ess
than 50,000F
15% |ntend to bu||d a |atr|ne th|s year
Oonservat|ve est|mate o potent|a| market
|s 20,000 |atr|nes |n two years
A cho|ce o mode|s at d|erent pr|ces
Ourrent mode|s are \lPs constructed by a
prev|ous pro|ect. They were prov|ded ree.
\lPs are too expens|ve or most
Mason's shops |n |oca| market towns
\|||age mason
Masons promote |atr|nes on market days
Extens|on worker makes house-to-house
v|s|ts w|th brochures/|nv|tat|ons to v|s|t
demonstrat|on |atr|nes
The data can be pro|ected or the who|e
popu|at|on and the s|ze o the market (and
potent|a| demand) can be ca|cu|ated
sage data w||| prov|de est|mates o
the overa|| s|ze o the current market
'lntent|on to use' can pred|ct the
potent|a| market
Oost ca|cu|at|ons shou|d |nc|ude both
o||ec| eoe|o||0|es o money and
resources and
|nd|rect costs e.g.
embarrassment (d||cu|t to quant|y)
3. Estimate the potentiaI market for a given brand or product
4. DeveIop a marketing 'mix' strategy
Lse ||e ||/c|ma||c| /|cm S|eo ' /c| oe/e|co|| ma||e||| m|
Notes Steps
w|e| oe/e|co|| ||e ma||e||| s||a|e, ,c0 |eeo |c ||c. ...
Current usage
What methods and products are
consumers us|ng, | any?
What |s the compet|t|on?
What bene|ts are re|evant,
mean|ngu|, and persuas|ve?
What barr|ers w||| need to be
Product image
What |s the |mage o e|ther the
method or product or brand
among the |ntended aud|ence?
How can th|s be |mproved?
Consumer communication
What |normat|on does the
|ntended aud|ence want and
need to use?
What sources does the |ntended
aud|ence current|y use or
Wh|ch one(s) do they be||eve?
What other potent|a| med|a are
Some \lPs
Land|ords have prov|ded s|mp|e |atr|nes |n
some compounds
Advantages |nc|ude
pr|vacy, d|gn|ty, and conven|ence
Ma|n barr|ers
Prev|ous |atr|nes were subs|d|zed
\lPs seen as very grand, on|y or the
\lPs seen as to be kept or adu|ts and
v|s|tors on|y
Emphas|ze |ow-cost mode|s
Stress ch||d use
M|spercept|ons about cost and danger
to ch||dren need correct|ng
61% o ma|e heads o househo|d ||sten to
|oca| rad|o regu|ar|y
72% o women attend week|y market
Bapt|sms and wedd|ngs
Oons|der sources o |normat|on or
product eect|veness
product ava||ab|||ty
correct|ng any m|spercept|ons
Further reading
Almedom, A., Blumenthal, U., and Manderson, L. (1997) Hygiene
Evaluation Procedures: Approaches and methods for assessing water-
and sanitation-related hygiene practices, International Nutrition
Foundation for Developing Countries.
This book provides the non-expert with guidelines for evaluating
water- and sanitation-related hygiene practices. It focuses on the
practical concerns of field personnel and enables existing field staff to
carry out hygiene behaviour diagnoses. The book looks at how to
gather, review, and interpret qualitative information. It weighs the
pros and cons of a wide range of techniques and assumes no prior
knowledge of social sciences.
Ankur Yuva Chetna Shivir (1996) Diarrhoea and hygiene in Lucknow
slums. A document produced for the Gomti River Pollution Control
Project, Lucknow, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
An account of a hygiene promotion project in Lucknow which was
written for, and disseminated to, project stakeholders. Producing an
accessible report is integral to the process of increasing the
ownership of the project. This is attractive and easy to read and
shows how the project was designed and what lessons were learned.
Boot, M.T. (1991) Just Stir Gently: The way to mix hygiene education
with water and sanitation, IRC Technical Paper No.29, IRC
International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague.
As the title suggests the main concern of this book is hygiene
education, and it is based on the paradigm most prevalent in the USA.
The book considers issues in project design: for example, negotiations
with project stakeholders needed to introduce behavioural
components, and the timing of articulating behavioural components
with other project components. This is still a good source of
techniques for data collection and it stresses the importance of both
finding out, and working with, what people know.
Boot, M.T. and Cairncross, S. (1993) Actions Speak: The study of
hygiene behaviour in water and sanitation projects, IRC International
Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague and London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London.
A comprehensive analysis of ways of studying hygiene behaviour and
interpreting the results. The recommended approaches are
demonstrated with lots of practical examples and anecdotes. Planning
and pre-testing hygiene behaviour studies, involving community
members in study design and information gathering methods, the
types of behaviours most relevant to achieving health improvements,
and different interviewing techniques are all considered.
Cairncross, S. (1992) Sanitation and Water Supply: Practical lessons
from the Decade, UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Discussion
Paper No.9, UNDP-World Bank, Washington DC.
A personal perspective on the ten-year effort to provide low-cost
waste facilities. This is a concise explanation of how water-supply and
sanitation programmes are part of a wider picture which includes land
tenure, housing, drainage, and solid-waste disposal, etc. The main
lesson is that sustainable success depends on consumer demand and
that programmes should be designed and managed to sell a product,
e.g. water supply and sanitation, and not to provide a service.
Curtis, V. (1997) Hygienic, happy and healthy. A series of practical
manuals designed to help you set up a hygiene promotion programme.
Part 1. Planning a hygiene promotion programme. Draft manual
prepared for UNICEF.
This series of manuals describes how to carry out the data collection
vital for the design of an intervention. They are very readable and
have lots of graphics.
Curtis, V., Sinha, P. and Singh, S. (1997) Accentuate the positive:
Promoting behaviour change in Lucknows slums Waterlines, Vol.16
No.2. pp.5-7.
A brief article by the project team in Lucknow. It covers the
techniques used when planning a hygiene promotion intervention and
reminds readers of the need for good news, not doom and gloom.
WASH (1993) Lessons Learned in Water, Sanitation and Health:
Thirteen years of experience in developing countries, Water and
Sanitation for Health Project, USAID, Washington DC.
A review of the lessons WASH took from the Water Decade. The
book looks at technical assistance, at shared responsibility and
different stakeholders in partnerships, at all levels of programme
strategies, and at long-term sustainability and the importance of
enabling behaviour change through a range of initiatives.