Class 7 Citation

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Dr. Rohit Vishal Kumar

Reader, Department of Marketing
Xavier Institute of Social Service
PO Box No 7, Dr. Camil Bulckle Path
Ranchi – 834001, Jharkhand, India
Email: [email protected]

What is Citation?
 Citation is the process of telling the readers of your report that certain
materials of your report came from another source
 Citation gives enough information to the reader to find the source again

 Why Should I Cite?

 To give credit to the original author
 Allows others to find out more about the ideas and where they came from
 It gives strength to your arguments
 It shows the amount of research work you have done
 Helps distinguish your original ideas from established ideas

The Rationale for Citation
 Ideas or knowledge develops first in fundamental research

 Applied Researcher borrow the ideas for problem solution

 Effectively, Applied Researchers copy ideas developed elsewhere

 We need to acknowledge the Original Work

 We do this using Citation

When Do I need to Cite?

 Golden Rule of Citation:
Always Cite Whenever you borrow Idea or Knowledge from Someone Else

 We need to Cite when:

 We use a Quote
 We paraphrase
 We use an idea that someone else has already expressed
 We make specific reference to the work of others
 When someone else’s idea is critical to development of our own Idea

What if I don’t Cite?


What if I don’t Cite?

 You are indulging in Plagiarism
 Effectively it means:
 Copying Someone else’s Ideas and Passing it off as your own

 What is considered as Plagiarism:

 Submitting someone else’s Ideas as your own
 Copying Words / Ideas without giving credit
 Failing to put quotation marks (“…”) in a quotation
 Giving incorrect information about the source of idea

 Is Plagiarism enforceable by Law?

 The Simple Answer is YES
 Laws related to Plagiarism vary from country to country

Considering Citation
 Consider the following lines which has been taken from an article:
“Colors have been used successfully for marketing purpose the world over. Coca-Cola owns
a huge part of its success to it’s visual identity. A flash of red and a curved white line is
enough to get people thinking about their favorite cold drink”

 The following are the details about the lines:

 Main Author : Rohit Vishal Kumar
 Second Author : Radhika Joshi
 Article Title : Colors, Colors Everywhere… In Marketing Too
 Journal Published : SCMS Journal of Indian Management
 Volume : 3
 Issue : IV
 Date of Publication : October-December 2006
 Page Numbers : 40 to 46

If I use the above line in my work,

then how do I give details about from where have I taken the material?

Citation Styles
 Two broad styles of citation styles are available:

 Numeric Citation Style

 Uses Numbers to refer to the Citation
 More prominently followed in Natural Sciences
 Flow of text claimed to be more natural
 Easier for a reader to quickly identify the citation because it is normally
arranged in the order in which the citation is used

 In-line Citation Style

 Uses the Author-Date Method of Citation
 More prominently followed in Social Sciences
 Propagates the use of passive voice (Third Person Style)
 More difficult to follow than the numbered style because it is alphabetically
APA is an In-line Citation Style
Developed by the American Psychological Association

Example in Both the Style
 Numeric Citation Style:
 Consider the Following:
It has been argued that colors have been used successfully for marketing purpose the world
over. For example, a red and a curved white line is enough identify coca-cola. [1]

1. Kumar, R.V. and R. Joshi, Color Color Everywhere: In Marketing Too. SCMS Journal of
Management, 2006. III(IV) pp. 40-46.

 In-line Citation Style:

 Consider the Following:
It has been argued that colors have been used successfully for marketing purpose the world
over. For example, a red and a curved white line is enough identify coca-cola. (Kumar &
Joshi, 2006)

Kumar, R. V., & Joshi, R. (2006). Color Color Everywhere: In Marketing Too. SCMS Journal of
Management, III(IV) pp. 40-46.

The Various Parts

 Is done in the body of the text

 The exact details of the work used, which will help others to locate the original
work again
 Each Reference has a 1:1 correspondence with each and every citation
used in the text

 The collection of all the “references” used in the text
 Confusingly, the term “Reference” is also applied to Bibliography

APA Style of Citation

Citing Journals & Articles

 No or Anonymous Author:
 Citation : (“Annual Smoking”, 2002)
 Reference :
Annual Smoking attributable mortality, United States 1995-1999. (2002), Morbidity and
Mortality Weekly Report, 51, 300-303
 Reference Skeleton:
Full Name of the Report, (Year of Publication), Who Published the Report, Vol.
Issue No, Page No
 Single Author:
 Citation : (Abelson, 1997)
 Reference :
Abelson, R.P.(1997), On the Longevity of Flogged Horses as compared to
Domesticated Horses, Psycological Sciences, 8, 12-15
 Reference Skeleton:
Last Name, Initials (Year of Publication), Title of the Article, Journal in Which
Published, Vol. Issue No, Page No

Citing Journals & Articles
 Two Authors:
 Citation : (Kumar & Joshi, 2006)
 Reference :
Kumar, R. V., & Joshi, R. (2006). Color Color Everywhere: In Marketing Too. SCMS
Journal of Management, III(IV) pp. 40-46
 Reference Skeleton:
Last Name, Initials & Last Name, Initials, (Year of Publication), Title of the Article,
Journal in Which Published, Vol. No (Issue No.), Page Nos.
 Three to Five Author:
 First Citation: (Miller, Emanuel, Rosenstein, & Straus, 2004)
 Next Citation (Miller et. al. 2004)
 Reference :
Miller, F. G., Emanuel, E. J., Rosenstein, D. L., & Straus, S. E. (2004). Ethical
issues concerning research in complementary and alternative medicine,
Journal of American Medical Association, 291, 599-604
 Reference Skeleton:
Last Name, Initials [For all the Authors] (Year of Publication), Title of the Article,
Journal in Which Published, Vol. No, Page No

Citing Journals & Articles

 Six or More Authors:
 Citation : (Mokdad et al., 2001)
 Reference :
Mokdad, A. H., Bowman, B. A., Ford, E. S., Vinicor, F., Marks, J. S., & Koplan, J. P.
(2001). The continuing epidemics of obesity and diabetes in the U.S. JAMA, 286, 1195-
 Reference Skeleton:
Last Name, Initials [For First Six Authors] [et. al from the Seventh Author], (Year
of Publication), Title of the Article, Journal in Which Published, Vol. No (Issue
No.), Page Nos.

 pp. : pages
 et al. : “et alia” (and other people)
 If the Journal is well established journal, the Acronym of the Journal Name
can be written in the reference. For example JAMA instead of Journal of
American Medical Association

Citing Unusual Sources
 Citation : (Wilson, 1998)
 Reference :
Wilson, E.O. (1998, March), Back From Chaos, Atalantic Monthly, 281, 41-62
 Reference Skeleton:
Last Name, Initials, (Year of Publication, Issue of Publication), Title of the Article,
Magazine Name, Vol. No (Issue No.), Page Nos.

 Computer Software:
 Citation : (Kumar, 2007)
 Reference :
Kumar, A., (2007), Zimzim Statistical Software (Version 2.00) [Computer Software],
Available From
 Reference Skeleton:
Last Name, Initials, (Year of Release), Title of the Software, (Version), [Computer
Software], Available from Website URL

Citing Unusual Sources

 Website :
 Citation : (Dewey, 2002)
 Reference :
Dewey, R. A., (2002), Psych Web, Retreived February 18, 2002 from
 Reference Skeleton:
Last Name, Initials, (Year of Publication), Title of the Webpage, Retreival Date,
From Website (Full URL).

Some Common Abbreviations
Abbreviation Full Meaning
chap. Chapter
No. Number
Pt. Part
Trans. Translator
ed. Edition
Rev. ed. Revised Edition
Suppl. Supplement
Vol. Volume
Eds. Editors
para. Paragraph
Tech. Rep. Technical Report
p. Single Page
pp. Page Range

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