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Vehicular Parapet Design

Chapter 9
Vehi c ul ar Par apet Desi gn
9.1 After the incident on 10 July, concern was expressed about the design of the
vehicular parapet at the incident spot and other locations with similar characteristics.
For this reason, the Panel has devoted much effort in reviewing the issue of parapet
design and will set out its findings in detail in this chapter.
9.2 Although this chapter is not intended to be a technical report, the Panel
considers it essential and beneficial for the fundamental concepts behind parapet
design to be explained and understood. The engineering principles involved are
complex and technical. Therefore, an attempt has been made to put these principles
in layman terms to help the public better understand the matter.
9.3 Parapets are protective devices that are designed to reduce the severity
of an accident when an errant vehicle leaves the roadway. They provide a passive
line of defence. As such, they cannot be the cause of, or a contributory factor in, an
accident. Properly designed, they can reduce the severity of the consequence of
an accident. At the same time, these vehicle parapets are also obstacles which
means that a vehicle hitting a parapet can result in injury to the occupants as well
as vehicle damage.
What happens when a vehicle collides with a parapet
9.4 To aid understanding, some of the physical principles involved in a collision
between a vehicle and a parapet are explained below.
9.5 When a vehicle collides with a parapet, there are several possible outcomes
that depend on a number of factors, including the strength and rigidity of the parapet,
Chapter 9
the speed of the collision, the angle of incidence, vehicle weight and the centre of
gravity of the vehicle relative to parapets height. The result is that
the vehicle is retained and may either be stopped by, or rebound from,
the parapet; or
the vehicle may penetrate the barrier if it is not strong enough to withstand
the impact; or
the vehicle may roll over the parapet if the parapet is not high enough.
9.6 Where parapet retains the vehicle, the collision process may be broken
down into four phases, as shown in Figure 9.1
collision of vehicles front corner;
lateral scrapping against the parapet;
collision of vehicles rear corner; and
re-entry of vehicle onto the carriageway.
Figure 9.1 The four phases of collision against a parapet
Vehicular Parapet Design
9.7 The angle of incidence can be influenced by many factors such as site
geometry, vehicle speed and friction on the road surface. The larger the angle of
incidence, the more severe the collision. The likelihood of a vehicle penetrating the
parapet will also be correspondingly higher.
9.8 The degree of the exit angle depends on the amount of energy released
in the collision. The more energy released (by deforming the parapet and/or the
vehicle) the smaller the exit angle. The less energy released, the larger the exit
angle. This will also increase the likelihood of secondary collisions by the errant
vehicle running onto other vehicles on the roadway.
9.9 To analyse whether a vehicle will roll over a parapet is a complex process. It
depends on the centre of gravity (CG) of the vehicle relative to the contact point with the
parapet, the weight and speed of the errant vehicle, and the magnitude and duration of
the reaction force the parapet exerts on the vehicle. If the vehicles CG is above the
point of contact between the vehicle and the parapet, the more flexible the parapet and
the vehicle are, then the less likely will the vehicle roll over the parapet.
Containment levels
9.10 It is international practice that safety features are developed and tested
for selected normalised situations that are intended to encompass a large majority,
but not all, of the possible in-service collisions. The Panel notes that lighter vehicles
account for a much higher proportion of vehicle numbers, and are therefore more
likely to be involved in a collision than other types of vehicles. Past accident records
confirm that most crashes on vehicular parapets involved light vehicles.
9.11 Containment capacity refers to the ability of the parapet to contain the
impact of an errant vehicle and to deflect it away in a controlled manner. A
containment level is normally expressed in terms of the angle of incidence, the
weight and speed of the vehicle which represent the magnitude of the impact that
the parapet is designed to sustain.
Chapter 9
9.12 Parapets are designed to satisfy a selected containment level. For any
particular containment level, there can be a variety of designs.
9.13 A strong parapet designed to a higher containment level may stop a heavy
vehicle in the desired manner, but may cause considerable damage to a smaller
vehicle. Occupants of a small vehicle may also be subject to severe acceleration
force and injury. Conversely, a parapet with a lower containment level designed for
light vehicles would not perform as equally well for larger vehicles which, in case of
a severe impact, may even penetrate the parapet. It is therefore important to seek
a balance between risk and the level of containment.
Crash testing
9.14 Because crash dynamics are complex, the most effective means to verify
the performance of a parapet design is to conduct a full scale crash test. These
tests can be very expensive especially when heavy vehicles are involved. Testing
facilities are not available in Hong Kong.
Testing standards
9.15 To ensure that parapet designs meet balanced requirements across all
vehicle types and numbers, and to provide a unified standard for verifying parapet
design, test levels have been defined in more recent international standards. A
test level may include more than one containment level. In other words, for a
particular test level to be satisfied, parapet designs could be subject to multiple
tests each representing a different containment level. Different international
standards have slightly different test levels defined. The range of test levels also
varies. Acceptance criteria for the tests are also different, but are normally expressed
in terms of structural adequacy, vehicle occupant risk, vehicle damage and exit
path requirements.
Vehicular Parapet Design
Computer simulation
9.16 Given that physical tests are expensive, and that it is not feasible to
duplicate every possible impact scenario and have it tested, computer simulation
provides a viable and more economical alternative. Once a computer model of a
particular combination of vehicle and parapet type is developed and calibrated, the
model can be used to simulate different collision scenarios.
Design objectives
9.17 The design objectives of all vehicular parapets are similar. The three
main requirements are structural adequacy, reduction of occupant risk, and controlled
post-impact vehicular response to avoid secondary accidents and to minimize undue
risk to the errant vehicle and other road users.
9.18 Structural adequacy is a measure of the ability of the parapet being able
to stop an errant vehicle from penetrating, under-riding or overriding the parapet, or
to redirect the vehicle in a controlled manner. The parapet may undergo an
acceptable sideway deflection.
9.19 Risk to occupant is based on the acceleration and deceleration
experienced by the occupant during impact, and the hazard posed by detached
elements. Consideration should be given to the risks posed to other road users by
the detached fragments of the parapet after impact.
9.20 The third design objective is to control the exit angle and the post-impact
vehicle direction to reduce the likelihood of subsequent multi-vehicle accidents
involving the crash vehicle re-entering traffic after bouncing off the parapet.
Chapter 9
9.21 The Panel has examined the history of parapet design in Hong Kong.
The Panel notes that constant review and improvement on protection requirements
are carried out by the Highways Department (HyD) having regard to the latest
international practices and local experience. Reference is made in particular to the
requirements of British standards. Parapets are generally designed to prevailing
standards at the time when new projects or major renovations are implemented. It
is the opinion of the Panel that, since parapets only reduce the severity of an accident,
and do not contribute directly to accidents, old designs should not be viewed as
unsafe. It is also not a recognised international engineering practice to replace all
existing parapets whenever a new standard emerges. A risk assessment and cost
benefit analysis, taking into account the likely hazard, type and volume of vehicles,
speed, road geometry, accident statistics and the surrounding environment etc,
should be carried out before any enhancement programme is implemented.
9.22 Guidelines for the design of parapets are given in Chapter 15 of the
Structures Design Manual (SDM) published by HyD. Parapets are classified for
design purposes into five groups, namely P1 to P5. Only P1, P2 and P4 are designed
for vehicle impact at different containment levels, viz. normal, low and high
respectively. P3 and P5 are pedestrian and bicycle parapets not designed for vehicle
impact. The section of parapet involved in the incident belongs to the P1 group.
9.23 The following summarises the history of parapet design development in
Hong Kong and highlights the special features and properties of each type adopted.
The design requirements on P1, P2 and P4 are reproduced from the SDM in the
following table. As P2 only applies to low speed roads, the following discussion
only focuses on P1 and P4. There are about 248.5 km of P1 parapet and 1.2 km of
P4 parapet installed in the territory.
Vehicular Parapet Design
9.24 In the 1970s, parapets in Hong Kong were designed to meet the P1
standard following the requirements of the document BE5 published by the
Department of Transport,
Uni ted Ki ngdom (UK). A
three-rail steel parapet (called
t he 1
gener at i on) was
adopt ed as t he desi gn
(Figure 9.2). This type of
parapet is light and attracts
less wind load. It is designed
to absorb part of the impact
energy through deflection of
the parapet components so
that vehicles rebound back at
a smaller angle and a relatively
lower speed.
Group Containment level Usage
P1 To restrain vehicles up to 1.5 tonnes On expressways and limited
travelling at 113 kph and a 20

angle access roads

of incidence
P2 To restrain vehicles up to 1.5 tonnes On low speed roads
travelling at 80 kph and a 20

of incidence
P4 To restrain vehicles up to 24 tonnes At bridges over railways and
travelling at 50 kph and a 20

angle other high risk locations

of incidence
Figure 9.2 First generation P1 three-rail steel parapet
Chapter 9
9.25 In 1975, a three-rail
aluminium P1 parapet was
introduced (Figure 9.3). The
performance of this type of
parapet is basically the same as
its steel counterpart. However,
t he mai nt enance cost of
aluminium is lower as it does not
rust. The material is also lighter
and can be moulded into more
aesthetically pleasing designs.
9.26 I n 1 9 8 1 , Hy D
devel oped a concrete P1
parapet with a metal top rail
(Figure 9.4). The ultimate
contai nment capabi l i ty i s
sl i ght l y hi gher , but t he
operation mode is different. An
errant vehicle is lifted up by the
prof i l e of t he parapet t o
di ssi pate a porti on of the
impact energy before being
r edi r ect ed back t o t he
9.27 This type of parapet suffers less damage on impact, is easy to maintain, and
has the advantage of preventing debris and splash from reaching the area beneath the
elevated structure. However, this type of parapet absorbs less impact energy. Vehicles
tend to rebound at a larger angle and a higher speed. There is also the risk of a vehicle
overturning or overriding the parapet.
Figure 9.3 First generation P1 3-rail aluminium parapet
Figure 9.4 Concrete P1 parapet with a metal railing
Vehicular Parapet Design
9.28 In 1979, Hong Kong
considered it necessary to
introduce a higher containment
level for railway overpass
parapets. The parapets were
designed to contain a 24 tonne
concrete mixer truck at 50 kph
with an impact angle of no less
than 20. A ful l y l oaded
concrete mixer truck was the
most common heavy vehicle at
the time. This containment
level was subsequently included in the SDM as the design requirement for the P4
Group parapet. A standard concrete design has been developed as shown in
Figure 9.5.
9.29 Apart from the standard parapet designs, the Panel notes new parapet
designs have been developed to meet special needs for individual projects. These
designs may each offer a slightly different containment level.
9.30 For example, a special type of P4 was developed for the Tsing Ma Bridge,
Kap Shui Mun Bridge and Ting Kau Bridge. This type of parapet consists of five
high tension steel strands
anchored on strong metal
posts (Figure 9.6). It has the
advant age of at t r act i ng
minimal wind loads, is light,
and is particularly suitable for
long span bridges. However,
they can only be applied on
straight spans and cannot be
applied over bridge expansion
Figure 9.5 High containment P4 concrete parapet
Figure 9.6 Tensioned Steel-strand P4 parapet
of the Tsing Ma Bridge
Chapter 9
9.31 For the Ting Kau
Bridge approaches, due to the
relatively tight radius involved,
and to maintain a gradual
transition with the P4 parapet
on the bridge, another special
d e s i g n wa s a d o p t e d
(Figure 9.7). Two top rails
instead of one on a concrete
base have been used.
9.32 Between 1999 and 2000, HyD continued to refine the design of the P1
parapet. A new generation of the three-rail P1 parapet was developed. Major
modifications consisted of re-orienting the top rail, strengthening the post-to-rail
and post-to-base plate connections, and bolting the splicing between the rails.
Example of a modified P1 steel parapet is shown in Figure 9.8, and an aluminium
one in Figure 9.9.
Computer simulations for P1 parapet
9.33 To verify the field performance of the parapet designs adopted in Hong
Kong, HyD commissioned a consultancy in August 2000 to assess the performance
of the two generations of P1 parapet using computer simulation technique. The
computer model was calibrated using full-scale field tests conducted in a testing
laboratory in the USA (Figures 9.10 and 9.11).
Figure 9.7 Ting Kau viaduct
Figure 9.8 Modified P1 steel parapet
Figure 9.9 Modified P1 aluminium
Vehicular Parapet Design
9.34 The study covered the following five types of P1 vehicular parapets
three-rail steel vehicular parapet (1
three-rail aluminium vehicular parapet (1
concrete vehicular parapet with aluminium top rail;
three-rail steel vehicular parapet (2
generation); and
three-rail aluminium vehicular parapet (2
9.35 The test found that all five types of P1 vehicle parapet met the designed
level of containment as required by the SDM. The computer simulation showed
that the 2
generation three-rail P1 parapet had a higher containment capability
than the 1
generation. The 2
generation three-rail P1 was capable of arresting a
1.5 tonne errant vehicle at 113 kph but at a higher impact angle of 40.
9.36 HyD then proceeded to schedule replacement of all 1
generation three-rail
P1 parapet in Hong Kong. Of 90 km of the 1
generation three-rail P1 parapet in
Hong Kong, about 42 km have been replaced.
9.37 The Panel recommends that the replacement programme be
expedited, taking into account other recommendations in this report.
Figure 9.10 Impact process
overhead view
Figure 9.11 Impact process
upstream view
Chapter 9
Computer simulation for bus collision
9.38 As a double-decked bus was involved in the incident, the Panel has made
some effort, but was unable to obtain any documented technical information in Hong
Kong or abroad, on the containment capability of common parapet types in respect
of a double-decked bus collision. On request of the Panel, HyD conducted computer
simulations during the period of this review to determine the crashing capacities of
P1 parapets for different scenarios of bus impact. The preliminary results show that
the P1 parapets are capable of retaining a double-decked bus striking at a low
angle of incidence.
9.39 The Panel recommends HyD to conduct further computer simulations
to establish the ultimate capacity of all P1 vehicle parapets relating to an impact
by a double-decked bus. In view of the particular situation in Hong Kong where
double-decked buses are used on almost every part of the road network, the
Panel further recommends that when new parapet designs are developed,
double-decked bus should be included as one type of heavy vehicle for design
Parapet Angle of Impact Speed Simulation Case Result
Generation P1 10 50 kph double-decked bus
Steel Parapet retained
Generation P1 10 60 kph double-decked bus
Steel Parapet retained
Concrete P1 Parapet 20 50 kph double-decked bus
with Top Rail retained
Vehicular Parapet Design
9.40 Owing to limited research activities in Hong Kong, and the lack of testing
facilities, the Panel notes that HyDs work in parapet design relied heavily on
international standards, in particular the British Standard BS6779 (Highway Parapets
for Bridges and Other Structures), based on which the current SDM was developed.
The Panel notes that the European Standard EN1317 (Road Restraint Systems),
which is being developed, would ultimately replace BS6779. The design approach
adopted in Report 350 of the National Cooperative Highway Research Programme
(Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway
Features) of the USA is very similar to EN1317. The Panel has therefore made a
detailed examination of these standards to identify rooms for improvement in the
design process in Hong Kong.
British Standard BS 6779
9.41 Three levels of containment are specified for metal parapets in BS6779
with the following minimum parapet height and vehicle impact characteristics
9.42 The standard sets out guidance on the choice of level of containment.
For instance, the low level of containment is used in urban situations where speed
restrictions up to 80 kph apply.
Level of Minimum height Vehicle Height of Angle of Speed
containment of parapet (m) Mass (kg) CG (mm) impact (kph)
Normal 1.0 1 500 480 to 580 20 113
Low 1.0 1 500 480 to 580 20 80
High 1.5 30 000 1 650 20 64
Chapter 9
9.43 The high level containment was introduced in the early 1980s, largely as
a requirement of British Rail for certain railway lines, where a vehicle falling onto a
track would almost certainly result in multi-casualty accident. However, high
containment parapets are necessarily strong and hence less yielding. This means
they are likely to cause additional damage to light vehicles that strike them and may
result in vehicles being deflected at a greater angle than desirable, thereby increasing
the risk of injury and secondary accident. It is therefore stated in the standard that
the use of high level containment should be largely restricted to cases such as
bridges over railways.
European Standard EN 1317
9.44 EN 1317 contains five parts altogether and is still being developed.
Currently, only three parts are available. This standard is set to replace the
corresponding British Standard.
9.45 EN1317 is more sophisticated and comprehensive than BS6779. For
vehicular parapets, in addition to containment capacity, the standard also includes
requirements on vehicle deformation, parapet deflection and occupant risk. Occupant
risk is expressed in terms of impact severity level, which is determined by the total
acceleration and deceleration experienced by vehicle occupants during impact with the
9.46 For parapet design, the major differences between BS6779 and EN1317
are that
the containment level specification is more refined in EN1317;
impact tests are required for both heavy and light vehicles in most cases
for any particular design in EN1317; and
the coverage of the impact test report in EN1317 is more comprehensive
than BS6779, in particular on impact severity.
Vehicular Parapet Design
9.47 EN 1317 has taken a slightly different approach in defining containment
level. Four containment levels are defined. Each containment level consists of a
number of sub-levels. Each sub-level represents an impact scenario equivalent to
a test level.
9.48 Instead of the two types of vehicle specified in BS 6779, eight types of
vehicles of mass ranging from 900 kg to 38 000 kg (that is, car, rigid heavy goods
vehicle, bus and articulated heavy goods vehicles of different sizes) are specified
for acceptance testing. A set of 11 different tests is specified. The tests differ in
terms of the impact speed (65 kph to 110 kph), impact angle (8 to 20), weight and
type of vehicles.
9.49 The extent to which a parapet is deformed on impact is characterised by the
dynamic deflection and the working width. The working width is the distance between
the parapet face on the traffic
side before impact and the
maximum dynamic lateral
position of any major part of the
parapet (Figure 9.12). The
dynamic deflection and the
working width can be used to
define the conditions under
which the parapet can be
installed and the distance to be
provided in front of obstacles.
9.50 Except for parapets specifically designed to contain light vehicles, the
evaluation of containment levels will require the carrying out of two tests, one based
on a heavier vehicle, and another using a lighter vehicle. This will ensure that while
the heavy vehicle is contained (without excessively deforming the parapet), the
light vehicle is not excessively damaged (or causes injury to the occupant).
Figure 9.12 Illustration of the concept of working width
Chapter 9
Report 350
9.51 In Report 350, six test levels for different applications are specified. Test
level 1 is the lowest and 6 the highest. The higher the test level, the more it
applies to a road carrying a larger number of heavy vehicles.
9.52 For these tests, six types of vehicles ranging from 700 kg to 36 000 kg are
specified for impact testing (the vehicle types range from car, pickup truck, van
truck, tractor with van trailer or tanker trailer). For each test level, three to four tests
are specified. Each test is based on a different size of a particular test vehicle
impacting on the parapet at a certain speed (50 kph to 100 kph), and a certain angle
(15 to 25). The test criteria include the three major aspects of structural adequacy,
occupant risk, and vehicle trajectory. The objective of all tests is generally to ensure
that heavy vehicles are contained and damages to light vehicles are acceptable. In
other words, the parapet design is expected to perform for both heavy and light
9.53 Parapet design is evaluated using the dynamic performance criteria on
the basis of real impact tests.
Application of international standards to Hong Kong
9.54 The Panel notes that, when compared with EN1317 and Report 350, the
current SDM, which is based on BS 6779, is more restrictive in terms of the coverage
of containment levels specified in the standard.
9.55 The Panel accepts that design standards are never static, but are
constantly evolving based on local experience and sentiment, tradition, practice,
technological level and economy of a particular country, or by borrowing from
experience from other countries. What may be suitable for one country may not be
entirely suitable for another. The Panel considers that adoption of standards
from other countries should be done judiciously.
Vehicular Parapet Design
9.56 The Panel notes that HyD has constantly kept abreast of the latest
international design standards, particularly in advanced countries and regions. The
Panel accepts that the British Standard is still the mainstay for historical
reasons, but expects HyD to adopt new unified standards where possible,
besides evolving its own standards in new works and major renovations.
9.57 The Panel recommends that as the UK is also transiting from BS6779
to EN1317, HyD should follow closely the development of EN1317 and other
international standards, and bring the SDM in line with the new internationally
recognised standards in due course.
Development of new designs
9.58 Having examined the local and international standards, the Panel notes that
there are very limited design choices for vehicular parapets in particular for the P4 high
containment level. The standard P4 concrete wall configuration, though capable of
containing double-decked buses, is not suitable for many forms of bridge design.
9.59 The Panel also notes that foreign standards do not make reference to
double-decked bus. The extensive use of double-decked buses is a distinct feature
of Hong Kongs transport system, but the containment capacity of the various types
of parapets for this type of vehicle has not been fully evaluated.
9.60 The maximum legislated weight for a vehicle in Hong Kong is 44 tonnes.
The Panel considers that there is a need to review whether a higher
containment level than P4 should be introduced for a certain combination of
topographic and traffic conditions.
9.61 There is at present a technical dilemma in preparing a parapet design
that can satisfy different containment levels at the same time. However, as
technology develops, provisions have been made in more recent international
standards, in particular in EN1317, for parapets to be designed to meet more than
one containment level. This is to ensure that parapet designs will perform within
acceptable limits for selected categories of heavy and light vehicles.
Chapter 9
9.62 The Panel recommends that HyD expand the range of containment
levels, in particular at the high end, having due regard to the extensive use of
double-decked buses in Hong Kong, and the maximum legislated vehicle
weight permitted on the road system. The Panel also recommends that HyD
continue to monitor the development of multiple containment parapet in the
international scene, and develop workable parapet designs for the Hong Kong
9.63 The Panel is pleased to note that HyD has already taken forward this
recommendation at the time of preparing this report. In line with the Panels
recommendation, a comprehensive review of the design requirements for vehicular
parapets will be carried out jointly with the Transport Department.
9.64 After the incident, there was public concern that parapets in Hong Kong
are not high enough. A parapet may be strong enough to prevent penetration by a
vehicle, but unless it is also high enough, an impacting vehicle or its cargo hitting a
parapet may roll over the railing. The Panel has therefore examined the mechanism
behind roll-over scenarios using a simple static approach.
9.65 The following table shows the parapet height currently specified in the
HyD Standard Drawings for parapet group P1, P2 and P4
Group Application Height (mm)
P1 Normal vehicular parapets 1 100
P2 Normal vehicular parapets 1 100
P4 High containment vehicular parapets for railway 1 500
overpasses and other high risk situations
Vehicular Parapet Design
9.66 The likelihood of a vehicle
rolling over a parapet of a given
height may be estimated using a
simple static method by balancing the
rol l -over moment agai nst t he
stablising moment (Figure 9.13). The
roll-over moment is the product of the
lateral impact force exerted by the
vehicle onto the parapet and the
difference in height between the
vehicle CG and the effective parapet
height. The balancing moment is the
product of the vehicle weight and
half the width of the vehicle.
9.67 A double-decked bus has
a large stabilising moment due to its
typical weight, passenger loading and vehicle width. To roll over the parapet, the
roll-over moment must be larger than this stabilising moment.
9.68 In a study conducted by HyD on a 1.1 m high post and rail type parapet,
the roll-over moment during impact is envisaged to be much smaller than the
stabilising moment. This is because the deflection of the parapet components and
the deformation of the bus will lessen the impact force, and the corresponding
roll-over moment.
9.69 Computer simulations on existing P1 parapets so far show that a 1.1 m
parapet would be adequate to prevent a double-decked bus travelling at 50 km/h
from rolling over if the impact angle is small.
9.70 Based on this analysis, the Panel does not at this stage consider a 2 m
high parapet, as suggested by some members of the public, is necessary for the
safety of double-decked buses.
Figure 9.13 The roll over and stabilising
moments acting on a vehicle
Chapter 9
9.71 The Panel recommends that HyD generate more simulation results
involving other impact scenarios in order to fully evaluate the adequacy of
the standard height adopted for the P1 parapets.
9.72 International standards do not normally provide guidelines to determine
where a safety feature, satisfying a given test level and with specific performance
characteristics, would have applications. That decision rests with the highway agency
responsible for the implementation of the safety feature.
9.73 The Panel agrees with Report 350 on its recommendation that highway
agencies should develop objective guidelines for the choice of safety features and
the appropriate test levels, taking into account factors such as traffic conditions,
traffic volume and heavy vehicle composition, site characteristics, the consequence
of vehicle penetration and the cost effectiveness of other safety alternatives.
9.74 The current guidance provided in the SDM is relatively crude. A P1 parapet
is suitable for general application, while a P4 parapet is used for bridges over railways
and high risk locations. There is limited guidance as to what constitutes high risk.
Professional experience is relied upon when deciding whether a new design has to
be developed for certain site specific conditions.
9.75 The Panel recommends that, in anticipation of an expansion of the
parapet hierarchy, and the possibility of introducing more height variations,
detailed guidelines and analysis procedures be given to designers on the
choice of containment level and parapet height with particular attention to
the congested environment in Hong Kong and the unique situation of having
a large fleet of double-decked buses operating on the road network.
Vehicular Parapet Design
9.76 Chapter 15 of the SDM specifies the design requirements of metal
parapets. It incorporates by reference the requirements from BS 6779, and qualifies
by stating that where Hong Kong specifications or conditions differ from the
requirements or conditions described in the British Standards, adjustments
appropriate to Hong Kong shall be made.
9.77 For reinforced concrete parapets, a separate standard in the form of a
table is set out in the SDM specifying the required strength.
9.78 BS 6779 specified in great detail quality control requirements. It contains
strict specifications on workmanship control particularly on metals. Reference is
made to other relevant British Standards for quality control on steel and aluminium
alloys. Welding and testing requirements including non-destructive testing are also
clearly specified.
9.79 Part 3, Section 20 of the General Specification for Civil Engineering Works
(GS) published by the then Hong Kong Government in 1992 covers the material
standard for Vehicular Parapets.
9.80 The GS specifically provides that steel for vehicular parapets, including
welding, should comply with the requirements of Section 18 on structural steelwork,
but testing requirements are exempted.
9.81 The Panel understands that such an exemption does not mean the
steelwork will not be tested. Particular specification on testing requirements may
be included by the designer of individual construction contracts.
Chapter 9
9.82 Taking into account the structural significance of the parapet, the
Panel recommends that the GS be revised to include suitable testing
requirements for fabricating the steel components used in vehicular parapets.
9.83 For aluminium, reference is made in the GS to other British Standards for
welding and testing requirements.
9.84 The Panel has received public suggestions on new parapet designs and
materials. A design by the University of Wisconsin involves a parapet made of
reinforced glass fibre shaped into multiple rectangular sections in different sizes.
Research work has indicated that the design is suitable for restraining both large
and small vehicles. Other designs suggested include the use of rubber tubes
containing rice husks and wood bran. A student has also made an innovative
suggestion of using magnetic parapets.
9.85 The Panel does not rule out the potential of any particular design but
notes that research work to properly evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness will
be required. The Panel understands that HyD is also following closely the
technological developments in the international scene, and is prepared to introduce
new designs into Hong Kong for trial if they can be adapted to local conditions.
9.86 The Panel recommends that HyD could carry out some research work
in collaboration with local tertiary institutions.
9.87 There is a suggestion to enclose a section of Tuen Mun Road with steel
nets. The Panel has reservations about the technical viability of such a proposal, in
particular the feasibility of such a retrofitting programme.
Vehicular Parapet Design
9.88 The Panel notes that vehicular parapets are designed and tested to
selected containment levels. However, testing cannot duplicate every roadside
condition or vehicle impact situation. The evaluation process should not therefore
stop with successful completion of crash tests.
9.89 The Panel recommends that HyD carry out in-service evaluation of
the parapet designs on the basis of the damage information collected after
traffic accidents so that various types of parapet design can be refined and
improved on an on-going basis.
Collision statistics
9.90 In conjunction with the HyD, the Panel conducted a desk-top study on
traffic accident records in the past five years in which a vehicle ran into a vehicular
parapet or a roadside safety barrier. Of the 2 000 cases identified, it was found that
94.3% involved light vehicles, 4.4% involved medium and heavy goods vehicles
and 1.3% involved buses.
9.91 The records indicated that most of the errant vehicles were successfully
retained by the vehicular parapets. Of all the recorded accidents, only four involved
vehicles penetrating or rolling over a vehicular parapet.
Chapter 9
9.92 Having examined the issues relating to parapet designs in great details
and past collision statistics, the Panel considers that the existing standards adopted
by the HyD for parapet design are generally in line with international practices.
Taking into account the standards adopted for road design, and the measures in
place to control various types of vehicles and drivers, the Panel is of the view that
the various types of P1 parapet are suitable for general application and on elevated
structures in terms of containment capacity and height protection. However, in
view of the July incident, and the limited knowledge about bus collisions, the Panel
considers that there is room for enhancement at critical locations where
penetration of the vehicular parapet would result in catastrophic
consequences. A proper risk assessment procedure should be developed
for such situations.
Priority locations for road safety enhancement
9.93 Before a systematic procedure is fully developed for the selection of
containment level and the assessment of parapet height, the Panel worked closely
with HyD to identify a list of high priority locations having similar characteristics as
the incident site where road safety enhancement, including where appropriate higher
containment parapets, would have a significant effect in reducing the severity of an
9.94 The July incident spot is identified as having the following characteristics
high posted speed limit;
high traffic volume;
high bus usage;
high percentage of commercial vehicles;
located near expressway entrance with weaving traffic;
high level above ground; and
having residents underneath the road structure.
Vehicular Parapet Design
9.95 A scoring system was then developed to rank bridges and elevated road
sections against the above characteristics. Based on results made in the analysis,
a preliminary list of road sections has been drawn up for which consideration should
be given to providing some road safety enhancement work.
Item No. District Location
1 NT Tuen Mun Road (7 locations)
2 NT Tolo Highway (4 locations)
3 NT Tsuen Wan Road (3 locations)
4 NT Sha Tin Road (3 locations)
5 NT Shing Mun Tunnel Road (3 locations)
6 NT Tseung Kwan O Tunnel Road (2 locations)
7 NT Yuen Long Highway (3 locations)
8 NT Cheung Tsing Highway (3 locations)
9 NT Lion Rock Tunnel Road, section between Kak Tin and
Fung Shing Court
10 NT North Lantau Highway (2 locations)
11 K Ching Cheung Road (2 locations)
12 K Kwun Tong Bypass, slip road connecting Lei Yue Mun
13 K Kwai Chung Road, section fronting Mei Foo Shun
14 K Lung Cheung Road near Tai Wo Ping Interchange
15 HK Shek Pai Wan Road (2 locations)
16 HK Island Eastern Corridor, section between Victoria Park
Road and Healthy Street West
Chapter 9
9.96 The Panel considers that the incident on 10 July was a rare occurrence,
the cause of which has yet to be established. Neither the incident site nor the list of
road sections identified in paragraph 9.97 above are accident black spots. In
considering measures that could enhance safety, expert world-wide will ask : does
it make economic sense or is it appropriate to spend large sums to prevent accidents
of very low probability (albeit entailing severe consequences), or is it better to spend
resources on a package of known measures by which more lives could be saved
and injuries prevented in general?
9.97 The Panel advocates a total safety management approach. A risk
assessment should be conducted when road safety enhancement schemes are
formulated. Strengthening the parapets is but one enhancement measure. It would
not be the only measure and may not be the most cost effective option. In certain
cases, a good traffic management scheme to accommodate driver behaviour may
be more effective.
9.98 The Panel recommends that a detailed study be conducted
immediately to formulate a package of road safety enhancement measures
for these road sections.

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